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; File: perm9.sch
; Description: memory system benchmark using Zaks's permutation generator
; Author: Lars Hansen, Will Clinger, and Gene Luks
; Created: 18-Mar-94
; Language: Scheme
; Status: Public Domain
; 940720 / lth Added some more benchmarks for the thesis paper.
; 970215 / wdc Increased problem size from 8 to 9; improved tenperm9-benchmark.
; 970531 / wdc Cleaned up for public release.
; 000820 / wdc Added the MpermNKL benchmark; revised for new run-benchmark.
; 071127 / wdc Simplified and ported for R6RS.
(import (scheme base)
(scheme read)
(scheme write))
; This benchmark is in three parts. Each tests a different aspect of
; the memory system.
; storage allocation (while generating no garbage)
; storage allocation and garbage collection at equilibrium
; traversal of a large, linked, self-sharing structure
; The perm9 benchmark generates a list of all 362880 permutations of
; the first 9 integers, allocating 1349288 pairs (typically 10,794,304
; bytes), all of which goes into the generated list. (That is, the
; perm9 benchmark generates absolutely no garbage.) This represents
; a savings of about 63% over the storage that would be required by
; an unshared list of permutations. The generated permutations are
; in order of a grey code that bears no obvious relationship to a
; lexicographic order.
; The tenperm9 benchmark repeats the perm9 benchmark 10 times, so it
; allocates and reclaims 13492880 pairs (typically 107,943,040 bytes).
; The live storage peaks at twice the storage that is allocated by the
; perm9 benchmark. At the end of each iteration, the oldest half of
; the live storage becomes garbage. Object lifetimes are distributed
; uniformly between 10.3 and 20.6 megabytes.
; The tenperm9 benchmark is the perm10:9:2:1 special case of the
; MpermNKL benchmark, which allocates a queue of size K and then
; performs M iterations of the following operation: Fill the queue
; with individually computed copies of all permutations of a list of
; size N, and then remove the oldest L copies from the queue. At the
; end of each iteration, the oldest L/K of the live storage becomes
; garbage, and object lifetimes are distributed uniformly between two
; volumes that depend upon N, K, and L.
; As a check on the result, and to preclude overly sophisticated
; compiler optimizations, we compute the sum of the permuted
; integers over all permutations.
; The benchmarks are run by calling the following procedure:
; (MpermNKL-benchmark M N K L)
; This benchmark assumes that
; (RUN-BENCHMARK <string> <count> <thunk> <predicate>)
; reports the time required to call <thunk> the number of times
; specified by <count>, and uses <predicate> to test whether the
; result returned by <thunk> is correct.
; Date: Thu, 17 Mar 94 19:43:32 -0800
; From: luks@sisters.cs.uoregon.edu
; To: will
; Subject: Pancake flips
; Procedure P_n generates a grey code of all perms of n elements
; on top of stack ending with reversal of starting sequence
; F_n is flip of top n elements.
; procedure P_n
; if n>1 then
; begin
; repeat P_{n-1},F_n n-1 times;
; P_{n-1}
; end
(define (permutations x)
(let ((x x)
(perms (list x)))
(define (P n)
(if (> n 1)
(do ((j (- n 1) (- j 1)))
((zero? j)
(P (- n 1)))
(P (- n 1))
(F n))))
(define (F n)
(set! x (revloop x n (list-tail x n)))
(set! perms (cons x perms)))
(define (revloop x n y)
(if (zero? n)
(revloop (cdr x)
(- n 1)
(cons (car x) y))))
(define (list-tail x n)
(if (zero? n)
(list-tail (cdr x) (- n 1))))
(P (length x))
; Given a list of lists of numbers, returns the sum of the sums
; of those lists.
; for (; x != NULL; x = x->rest)
; for (y = x->first; y != NULL; y = y->rest)
; sum = sum + y->first;
(define (sumlists x)
(do ((x x (cdr x))
(sum 0 (do ((y (car x) (cdr y))
(sum sum (+ sum (car y))))
((null? y) sum))))
((null? x) sum)))
(define (one..n n)
(do ((n n (- n 1))
(p '() (cons n p)))
((zero? n) p)))
(define (tenperm . rest)
(let ((n (if (null? rest) 9 (car rest))))
(MpermNKL-benchmark 10 n 2 1)))
(define (MpermNKL-benchmark m n k ell)
(if (and (<= 0 m)
(positive? n)
(positive? k)
(<= 0 ell k))
(let ((id (string-append "perm"
(number->string m)
(number->string n)
(number->string k)
(number->string ell)))
(queue (make-vector k '())))
; Fills queue positions [i, j).
(define (fill-queue i j)
(if (< i j)
(begin (vector-set! queue i (permutations (one..n n)))
(fill-queue (+ i 1) j))))
; Removes ell elements from queue.
(define (flush-queue)
(let loop ((i 0))
(if (< i k)
(begin (vector-set! queue
(let ((j (+ i ell)))
(if (< j k)
(vector-ref queue j)
(loop (+ i 1))))))
(fill-queue 0 (- k ell))
(run-benchmark id
(lambda ()
(fill-queue (- k ell) k)
(lambda (q)
(define (factorial n)
(if (= n 0)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(let ((q0 (vector-ref q 0))
(qi (vector-ref q (max 0 (- k ell 1)))))
(and (or (and (null? q0) (null? qi))
(and (pair? q0)
(pair? qi)
(equal? (car q0) (car qi))))
(= (sumlists q0)
(/ (* n (+ n 1) (factorial n)) 2)))))))
(begin (display "Incorrect arguments to MpermNKL-benchmark")
(define (run-benchmark . args)
(apply run-r7rs-benchmark args))
(define (main)
(let* ((input1 (read))
(input2 (read))
(input3 (read))
(input4 (read))
(output (read))
(s4 (number->string input4))
(s3 (number->string input3))
(s2 (number->string input2))
(s1 (number->string input1))
(name "perm"))
(MpermNKL-benchmark (hide input1 input1)
(hide input1 input2)
(hide input1 input3)
(hide input1 input4))))
(include "src/common.sch")