466 lines
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466 lines
15 KiB
;;; Tests for R6RS get-datum.
;;; Uses R6RS exception handlers to recover from lexical errors.
(import (rnrs base)
(rnrs unicode)
(rnrs bytevectors)
(rnrs lists)
(rnrs control)
(rnrs exceptions)
(rnrs conditions)
(rnrs io ports)
(rnrs io simple))
; Test framework.
; Change to #t if you want to test extensions.
(define *test-extensions* #f)
; Implementation-specific flag that enables extensions.
(define *extensions-enabler* "#!larceny")
; Help procedures (mainly for using a non-R6RS reader to construct test cases)
(define (teststring . args)
(define (loop revargs chars)
(if (null? revargs)
(list->string chars)
(let ((x (car revargs))
(revargs (cdr revargs)))
(cond ((char? x)
(loop revargs (cons x chars)))
((string? x)
(loop revargs (append (string->list x) chars)))
((integer? x)
(loop revargs (cons (integer->char x) chars)))
(assert #f))))))
(loop (reverse args) '()))
; Given a string, returns the list of results parsed from the string.
(define (testparse s)
(let ((in (open-string-input-port s)))
(do ((x (get-datum in) (get-datum in))
(results '() (cons x results)))
((eof-object? x)
(reverse results)))))
; The failed inputs and their expected outcomes are recorded here
; as an aid to debugging.
(define test-input)
(define failed-inputs '())
(define failed-expected '())
; Given an input string and a description of the expected results,
; calls testparse on the input string and compares with the expected.
; The description of the expected results is one of:
; a list of expected results that can be compared using equal?
; a unary predicate that is true of the expected results
; the symbol error (meaning get-datum should raise an exception)
; Tests that should fail are preceded by #!r6rs, in an attempt
; to disable implementation-specific extensions to the lexical
; syntax that might otherwise be allowed by default.
(define (dotest s expected)
(set! test-input s)
(cond ((eq? 'error expected)
(let ((s (string-append "#!r6rs " s)))
(mustfail s testparse s)))
((procedure? expected)
(let ((results (safely (lambda () (testparse s))
'(this should not happen))))
(if (expected results)
(failure s expected))))
(let ((results (safely (lambda () (testparse s))
'(this should not happen))))
(if (equal? results expected)
(failure s expected))))))
(define (dotest-extension s expected)
(if *test-extensions*
(dotest (string-append *extensions-enabler* s) expected)))
(define (failure s expected)
(set! failed-inputs (cons s failed-inputs))
(set! failed-expected (cons expected failed-expected))
(display "***** test failed *****")
(write s)
; R6RS error handling.
(define (safely thunk token)
(lambda (k)
(lambda args
(k token))
(define (mustfail name f s)
(if (call-with-current-continuation
(lambda (return)
(lambda args (return #f))
(lambda ()
(f s)
(failure s 'error)
; Testing the test framework.
(dotest "()" list?)
(dotest "()" '(()))
(dotest ")(" 'error)
(dotest "#!r6rs" '())
; Sanity and regression tests.
(dotest (teststring #\\ #\x #\3 #\b #\b #\;)
(list (string->symbol (teststring #x3bb))))
(dotest (teststring #\( #\x3bb #\space #\( #\) #\space #\4 #\2 #\))
(list (list (string->symbol (teststring #x3bb)) '() 42)))
(dotest (string #\( #\x3bb #\space #\( #\) #\space #\4 #\2 #\) #\linefeed)
(list (list (string->symbol (teststring #x3bb)) '() 42)))
(dotest "abc;def" '(abc))
; Beginnings of a more systematic test suite.
; <datum> --> <lexeme datum> | <compound datum>
; <lexeme datum> --> <boolean> | <number> | <character>
; | <string> | <symbol>
(dotest "#t" '(#t))
(dotest "#T" '(#t))
(dotest "#f" '(#f))
(dotest "#F" '(#f))
; <number> --> <num 2> | <num 8> | <num 10> | <num 16>
; <num R> --> <prefix R> <complex R>
; <prefix R> --> <radix R> <exactness> | <exactness> <radix R>
; <exactness> --> <empty> | #i | #I | #e | #E
; <radix 2> --> #b | #B
; <radix 8> --> #o | #O
; <radix 10> --> <empty> | #d | #D
; <radix 16> --> #x | #X
; <complex R> --> <real R> | <real R> @ <real R>
; | <real R> + <ureal R> i | <real R> - <ureal R> i
; | <real R> + <naninf> i | <real R> - <naninf> i
; | <real R> + i | <real R> - i
; | + <ureal R> i | - <ureal R> i
; | + <naninf> i | - <naninf> i
; | + i | - i
; <real R> --> <sign> <ureal R> | + <naninf> | - <naninf>
; <sign> --> <empty> | + | -
; <naninf> --> nan.0 | inf.0
; <ureal R> --> <uinteger R>
; | <uinteger R> / <uinteger R>
; | <decimal R> <mantissa width>
; <uinteger R> --> <digit R>+ #*
; <decimal 10> --> <uinteger 10>
; | . <digit 10>+ #* <suffix>
; | <digit 10>+ . <digit10>* #* <suffix>
; | <digit 10>+ #* . #* <suffix>
; <suffix> --> <empty> | <exponent marker> <sign> <digit 10>+
; <exponent marker> --> e | E | s | S | f | F | d | D | l | L
; <mantissa width> --> <empty> | <vbar> <digit 10>+
; <digit 2> --> 0 | 1
; <digit 8> --> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
; <digit 10> --> <digit>
; <digit> --> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
; <digit 16> --> <hex digit>
; <hex digit> --> <digit> | a | b | c | d | e | f | A | B | C | D | E | F
; <character> --> #\<any character>
; | #\<character name>
; | #\x<hex scalar value>
(dotest "#\\a#\\b#\\c" '(#\a #\b #\c))
(dotest "#\\a #\\b #\\c" '(#\a #\b #\c))
(dotest (teststring #\# #\\ #x3bb #\space
#\# #\\ #x65535 #\space
#\# #\\ #x100000)
'(#\x3bb #\x65535 #\x100000))
(dotest (teststring #\# #\\ #x3bb #\space
#\# #\\ #xffff #\space
#\# #\\ #x10ffff)
'(#\x3bb #\xffff #\x10ffff))
(dotest "#\\nul #\\alarm #\\backspace #\\tab #\\linefeed"
'(#\nul #\alarm #\backspace #\tab #\linefeed))
(dotest "#\\vtab #\\page #\\return #\\esc #\\space #\\delete"
'(#\vtab #\page #\return #\esc #\space #\delete))
(dotest "#\\x61 #\\x3bb #\\xffff #\\x10ffff"
'(#\a #\x3bb #\xffff #\x10ffff))
(dotest "#\\newline #\\newline" '(#\linefeed #\linefeed))
; <string> --> " <string element>* "
; <string element> --> <any character other than " or \ or line ending>
; | <line ending>
; | \a | \b | \t | \n | \v | \f | \r
; | \" | \\
; | \<intraline whitespace>\<line ending>
; <intraline whitespace>
; | <inline hex escape>
; <intraline whitespace> --> <character tabulation>
; | <any character whose category is Zs>
; <line ending> --> <linefeed>
; | <carriage return>
; | <carriage return> <linefeed>
; | <next line>
; | <carriage return> <next line>
; | <line separator>
; <inline hex escape> --> \x <hex scalar value>;
(dotest "\"abc\"\"def\"" '("abc" "def"))
(dotest (teststring #\" #\linefeed #\return #\return #\linefeed
#\x85 #\return #\x85 #\x2028 #\")
(list (teststring #\linefeed #\linefeed #\linefeed
#\linefeed #\linefeed #\linefeed)))
(dotest (teststring #\" #\linefeed #\space #\return #\space
#\return #\linefeed #\space
#\x85 #\space #\return #\x85 #\space #\x2028 #\")
(list (teststring #\linefeed #\space #\linefeed #\space
#\linefeed #\space #\linefeed #\space
#\linefeed #\space #\linefeed)))
(dotest (teststring #\" #\\ #\a #\\ #\b #\\ #\t #\\ #\n
#\\ #\v #\\ #\f #\\ #\r #\")
(list (teststring #\alarm #\backspace #\tab #\linefeed
#\vtab #\page #\return)))
(dotest (teststring #\" #\\ #\" #\\ #\\ #\")
(list (teststring #\" #\\)))
(dotest (teststring #\" #\\ #\linefeed #\\ #\return #\\ #\return #\linefeed
#\\ #\x85 #\\ #\return #\x85 #\\ #\x2028 #\")
(list ""))
(dotest (teststring #\" #\\ #\linefeed #\space #\\ #\return #\space
#\\ #\return #\linefeed #\space
#\\ #\x85 #\space #\\ #\return #\x85 #\space
#\\ #\x2028 #\")
(list ""))
(dotest "\"\\x61;\\x3bb;\\xffff;\\x10000;\\x10ffff;\""
(list (teststring #\a #\x3bb #\xffff #\x10000 #\x10ffff)))
; <symbol> --> <identifier>
; <identifier> --> <initial> <subsequent>*
; | <peculiar identifier>
; <initial> --> <constituent> | <special initial> | <inline hex escape>
; <constituent> --> <letter>
; | <any character whose Unicode scalar value is
; greater than 127, and whose category is
; Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Nl, No, Pd, Pc, Po,
; Sc, Sm, Sk, So, or Co>
; <letter> --> a | ... | z | A | ... | Z
; <special initial> --> ! | $ | % | & | * | / | : | < | = | > | ? | ^ | _ | ~
; <subsequent> --> <initial>
; | <digit>
; | <special subsequent>
; | <any character whose category is Nd, Mc, or Me>
; <special subsequent> --> + | - | . | @
; <peculiar identifier> --> + | - | ... | -> <subsequent>*
(dotest "a A z Z" (map string->symbol '("a" "A" "z" "Z")))
(dotest (teststring #\x3bb #\space #\x10000)
(map string->symbol (list (string #\x3bb) (string #\x10000))))
(dotest (teststring #\xffff) 'error)
(dotest (teststring #\x10ffff) 'error)
(dotest "! $ % & * / : < = > ? ^ _ ~"
(map string->symbol
'("!" "$" "%" "&" "*" "/" ":" "<" "=" ">" "?" "^" "_" "~")))
(dotest "." 'error)
(dotest "@" 'error)
(dotest ".a" 'error)
(dotest "@b" 'error)
(dotest "a|b" 'error)
(dotest "|aBc|" 'error)
(dotest "a\\Bc" 'error)
(dotest "(1 2 3 .c)" 'error)
(dotest "(1 2 3 . c)" '((1 2 3 . c)))
(dotest "\\x3bb; \\x10000;"
(map string->symbol (list (string #\x3bb) (string #\x10000))))
; Exhaustive tests on very short inputs.
; Tests all single-character inputs within the specified
; inclusive range of code points.
(define (test-single-characters lo hi)
(define (loop cp passed failed)
(if (> cp hi)
(list passed failed)
(if (<= #xd800 cp #xdfff)
(loop (+ cp 1) passed failed)
(let* ((c (integer->char cp))
(s (string c))
(cat (char-general-category c))
(cond ((< cp 128)
(cond ((and (char<=? #\0 c) (char<=? c #\9))
(list (- cp (char->integer #\0))))
((or (and (char<=? #\a c) (char<=? c #\z))
(and (char<=? #\A c) (char<=? c #\Z))
(memv c '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\:
#\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~
#\+ #\-)))
(list (string->symbol s)))
((or (char-whitespace? c)
(char=? c #\;))
(else 'error)))
((memq cat
'(Lu Ll Lt Lm Lo Mn Nl No Pd Pc Po
Sc Sm Sk So Co))
(list (string->symbol s)))
((or (char=? c #\x85)
(memq cat '(Zs Zl Zp)))
(else 'error)))
(result (dotest s expected)))
(if result
(loop (+ cp 1) (+ passed 1) failed)
(loop (+ cp 1) passed (+ failed 1)))))))
(loop lo 0 0))
; Tests get-datum against read on all two-character inputs with
; the specified first character and with the second character
; within the specified inclusive range of code points.
(define (test-two-characters c0 lo hi)
(define (loop cp passed failed)
(if (> cp hi)
(list passed failed)
(if (<= #xd800 cp #xdfff)
(loop (+ cp 1) passed failed)
(let* ((c (integer->char cp))
(s (string c0 c))
(safely (lambda () (read (open-string-input-port s)))
(safely (lambda () (get-datum (open-string-input-port s)))
(result (equal? expected actual)))
(if result
(loop (+ cp 1) (+ passed 1) failed)
(begin (failure s expected)
(loop (+ cp 1) passed (+ failed 1))))))))
(loop lo 0 0))
(define (main)
(let* ((count (read))
(input1 (read))
(input2 (read))
(output (read))
(s3 (number->string count))
(s2 (number->string input2))
(s1 (number->string input1))
(name "read0"))
(string-append name ":" s1 ":" s2 ":" s3)
(lambda ()
(test-single-characters (hide count input1) (hide count input2))
(test-two-characters #\a (hide count input1) (hide count input2)))
(lambda (result) (null? failed-inputs)))))