
120 lines
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Picrin's all built-in libraries are described below.
Scheme standard libraries
- (scheme write)
- (scheme cxr)
- (scheme file)
- (scheme inexact)
- (scheme time)
- (scheme process-context)
- (scheme load)
- (scheme lazy)
SRFI libraries
- (srfi 1)
List manipulation library.
- (srfi 26)
Cut/cute macros.
- (srfi 95)
Sorting and Marging.
(picrin macro)
Utility functions and syntaces for macro definition.
- define-macro
- gensym
- macroexpand expr
Old-fashioned macro.
- make-syntactic-closure
- identifier?
- identifier=?
Syntactic closures.
- er-macro-transformer
- ir-macro-transformer
Explicit renaming macro family.
(picrin regexp)
- **(regexp ptrn [flags])**
Compiles pattern string into a regexp object. A string flags may contain any of #\g, #\i, #\m.
- **(regexp? obj)**
Judges if obj is a regexp object or not.
- **(regexp-match re input)**
Returns two values: a list of match strings, and a list of match indeces.
- **(regexp-replace re input txt)**
- **(regexp-split re input)**
(picrin control)
Delimited control operators.
- **(reset h)**
- **(shift k)**
(picrin dictionary)
Symbol to Object table. Internally it is implemented on hash-table.
Note that dictionary is not a weak map; if you are going to make a highly memory-consuming program with dictionaries, you should know that dictionaries keep their bound objects and never let them free until you explicitly deletes bindings.
- **(dictionary)**
Returns a newly allocated empty dictionary. In the future, it is planned to extend this function to take optional arguments for initial key/values.
- **(dictionary? obj)**
Returns #t if obj is a dictionary.
- **(dictionary-ref dict key)**
Look up dictionary dict for a value associated with symbol key. If no object is associated with key, it will raise an error.
- **(dictionary-set! dict key obj)**
If there is no value already associated with key, this function newly creates a binding of key with obj. Otherwise, updates the existing binding with given obj.
- **(dictionary-delete dict key)**
Deletes the binding associated with key from dict. If no binding on dict is associated with key, an error will be raised.
- **(dictionary-size dict)**
Returns the number of registered elements in dict.
(picrin user)
When you start the REPL, you are dropped into here.