/** * See Copyright Notice in picrin.h */ #include "picrin.h" KHASH_DEFINE(read, int, pic_value, kh_int_hash_func, kh_int_hash_equal) static pic_value read(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c); static pic_value read_nullable(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c); PIC_NORETURN static void read_error(pic_state *pic, const char *msg, pic_value irritant) { struct pic_error *e; e = pic_make_error(pic, pic_intern_lit(pic, "read"), msg, irritant); pic_raise(pic, pic_obj_value(e)); } static int skip(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { while (isspace(c)) { c = xfgetc(pic, port->file); } return c; } static int next(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port) { return xfgetc(pic, port->file); } static int peek(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port) { int c; xungetc((c = xfgetc(pic, port->file)), port->file); return c; } static bool expect(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, const char *str) { int c; while ((c = (int)*str++) != 0) { if (c != peek(pic, port)) return false; next(pic, port); } return true; } static bool isdelim(int c) { return c == EOF || strchr("();,|\" \t\n\r", c) != NULL; /* ignores "#", "'" */ } static bool strcaseeq(const char *s1, const char *s2) { char a, b; while ((a = *s1++) * (b = *s2++)) { if (tolower(a) != tolower(b)) return false; } return a == b; } static int case_fold(pic_state *pic, int c) { if (pic->reader.typecase == PIC_CASE_FOLD) { c = tolower(c); } return c; } static pic_value read_comment(pic_state PIC_UNUSED(*pic), struct pic_port *port, int c) { do { c = next(pic, port); } while (! (c == EOF || c == '\n')); return pic_invalid_value(); } static pic_value read_block_comment(pic_state PIC_UNUSED(*pic), struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { int x, y; int i = 1; y = next(pic, port); while (y != EOF && i > 0) { x = y; y = next(pic, port); if (x == '|' && y == '#') { i--; } if (x == '#' && y == '|') { i++; } } return pic_invalid_value(); } static pic_value read_datum_comment(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { read(pic, port, next(pic, port)); return pic_invalid_value(); } static pic_value read_directive(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { switch (peek(pic, port)) { case 'n': if (expect(pic, port, "no-fold-case")) { pic->reader.typecase = PIC_CASE_DEFAULT; return pic_invalid_value(); } break; case 'f': if (expect(pic, port, "fold-case")) { pic->reader.typecase = PIC_CASE_FOLD; return pic_invalid_value(); } break; } return read_comment(pic, port, c); } static pic_value read_quote(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sQUOTE), read(pic, port, next(pic, port))); } static pic_value read_quasiquote(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sQUASIQUOTE), read(pic, port, next(pic, port))); } static pic_value read_unquote(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { pic_sym *tag = pic->sUNQUOTE; if (peek(pic, port) == '@') { tag = pic->sUNQUOTE_SPLICING; next(pic, port); } return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(tag), read(pic, port, next(pic, port))); } static pic_value read_syntax_quote(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sSYNTAX_QUOTE), read(pic, port, next(pic, port))); } static pic_value read_syntax_quasiquote(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sSYNTAX_QUASIQUOTE), read(pic, port, next(pic, port))); } static pic_value read_syntax_unquote(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { pic_sym *tag = pic->sSYNTAX_UNQUOTE; if (peek(pic, port) == '@') { tag = pic->sSYNTAX_UNQUOTE_SPLICING; next(pic, port); } return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(tag), read(pic, port, next(pic, port))); } static pic_value read_symbol(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { int len; char *buf; pic_sym *sym; len = 1; buf = pic_malloc(pic, len + 1); buf[0] = case_fold(pic, c); buf[1] = 0; while (! isdelim(peek(pic, port))) { c = next(pic, port); len += 1; buf = pic_realloc(pic, buf, len + 1); buf[len - 1] = case_fold(pic, c); buf[len] = 0; } sym = pic_intern_cstr(pic, buf); pic_free(pic, buf); return pic_obj_value(sym); } static unsigned read_uinteger(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { unsigned u = 0; if (! isdigit(c)) { read_error(pic, "expected one or more digits", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } u = c - '0'; while (isdigit(c = peek(pic, port))) { u = u * 10 + next(pic, port) - '0'; } return u; } static pic_value read_unsigned(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { #define ATOF_BUF_SIZE (64) char buf[ATOF_BUF_SIZE]; double flt; int idx = 0; /* index into buffer */ int dpe = 0; /* the number of '.' or 'e' characters seen */ if (! isdigit(c)) { read_error(pic, "expected one or more digits", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } buf[idx++] = (char )c; while (isdigit(c = peek(pic, port)) && idx < ATOF_BUF_SIZE) { buf[idx++] = (char )next(pic, port); } if ('.' == peek(pic, port) && idx < ATOF_BUF_SIZE) { dpe++; buf[idx++] = (char )next(pic, port); while (isdigit(c = peek(pic, port)) && idx < ATOF_BUF_SIZE) { buf[idx++] = (char )next(pic, port); } } c = peek(pic, port); if ((c == 'e' || c == 'E') && idx < (ATOF_BUF_SIZE - 2)) { dpe++; buf[idx++] = (char )next(pic, port); switch ((c = peek(pic, port))) { case '-': case '+': buf[idx++] = (char )next(pic, port); break; default: break; } if (! isdigit(peek(pic, port))) { read_error(pic, "expected one or more digits", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } while (isdigit(c = peek(pic, port)) && idx < ATOF_BUF_SIZE) { buf[idx++] = (char )next(pic, port); } } if (idx >= ATOF_BUF_SIZE) read_error(pic, "number too large", pic_obj_value(pic_str_value(pic, (const char *)buf, ATOF_BUF_SIZE))); if (! isdelim(c)) read_error(pic, "non-delimiter character given after number", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); buf[idx] = 0; flt = PIC_CSTRING_TO_DOUBLE(buf); if (dpe == 0 && pic_valid_int(flt)) return pic_int_value(pic, (int )flt); return pic_float_value(pic, flt); } static pic_value read_number(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { return read_unsigned(pic, port, c); } static pic_value negate(pic_state *pic, pic_value n) { if (pic_int_p(pic, n) && (INT_MIN != pic_int(pic, n))) { return pic_int_value(pic, -pic_int(pic, n)); } else { return pic_float_value(pic, -pic_float(pic, n)); } } static pic_value read_minus(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { pic_value sym; if (isdigit(peek(pic, port))) { return negate(pic, read_unsigned(pic, port, next(pic, port))); } else { sym = read_symbol(pic, port, c); if (strcaseeq(pic_str(pic, pic_sym_name(pic, pic_sym_ptr(sym))), "-inf.0")) { return pic_float_value(pic, -(1.0 / 0.0)); } if (strcaseeq(pic_str(pic, pic_sym_name(pic, pic_sym_ptr(sym))), "-nan.0")) { return pic_float_value(pic, -(0.0 / 0.0)); } return sym; } } static pic_value read_plus(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { pic_value sym; if (isdigit(peek(pic, port))) { return read_unsigned(pic, port, next(pic, port)); } else { sym = read_symbol(pic, port, c); if (strcaseeq(pic_str(pic, pic_sym_name(pic, pic_sym_ptr(sym))), "+inf.0")) { return pic_float_value(pic, 1.0 / 0.0); } if (strcaseeq(pic_str(pic, pic_sym_name(pic, pic_sym_ptr(sym))), "+nan.0")) { return pic_float_value(pic, 0.0 / 0.0); } return sym; } } static pic_value read_true(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { if ((c = peek(pic, port)) == 'r') { if (! expect(pic, port, "rue")) { read_error(pic, "unexpected character while reading #true", pic_nil_value(pic)); } } else if (! isdelim(c)) { read_error(pic, "non-delimiter character given after #t", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } return pic_true_value(pic); } static pic_value read_false(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { if ((c = peek(pic, port)) == 'a') { if (! expect(pic, port, "alse")) { read_error(pic, "unexpected character while reading #false", pic_nil_value(pic)); } } else if (! isdelim(c)) { read_error(pic, "non-delimiter character given after #f", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } return pic_false_value(pic); } static pic_value read_char(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { c = next(pic, port); if (! isdelim(peek(pic, port))) { switch (c) { default: read_error(pic, "unexpected character after char literal", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); case 'a': c = '\a'; if (! expect(pic, port, "larm")) goto fail; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; if (! expect(pic, port, "ackspace")) goto fail; break; case 'd': c = 0x7F; if (! expect(pic, port, "elete")) goto fail; break; case 'e': c = 0x1B; if (! expect(pic, port, "scape")) goto fail; break; case 'n': if ((c = peek(pic, port)) == 'e') { c = '\n'; if (! expect(pic, port, "ewline")) goto fail; } else { c = '\0'; if (! expect(pic, port, "ull")) goto fail; } break; case 'r': c = '\r'; if (! expect(pic, port, "eturn")) goto fail; break; case 's': c = ' '; if (! expect(pic, port, "pace")) goto fail; break; case 't': c = '\t'; if (! expect(pic, port, "ab")) goto fail; break; } } return pic_char_value(pic, (char)c); fail: read_error(pic, "unexpected character while reading character literal", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } static pic_value read_string(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { char *buf; int size, cnt; struct pic_string *str; size = 256; buf = pic_malloc(pic, size); cnt = 0; /* TODO: intraline whitespaces */ while ((c = next(pic, port)) != '"') { if (c == '\\') { switch (c = next(pic, port)) { case 'a': c = '\a'; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; } } buf[cnt++] = (char)c; if (cnt >= size) { buf = pic_realloc(pic, buf, size *= 2); } } buf[cnt] = '\0'; str = pic_str_value(pic, buf, cnt); pic_free(pic, buf); return pic_obj_value(str); } static pic_value read_pipe(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { char *buf; int size, cnt; pic_sym *sym; /* Currently supports only ascii chars */ char HEX_BUF[3]; size_t i = 0; size = 256; buf = pic_malloc(pic, size); cnt = 0; while ((c = next(pic, port)) != '|') { if (c == '\\') { switch ((c = next(pic, port))) { case 'a': c = '\a'; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 'x': i = 0; while ((HEX_BUF[i++] = (char)next(pic, port)) != ';') { if (i >= sizeof HEX_BUF) read_error(pic, "expected ';'", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, HEX_BUF[sizeof(HEX_BUF) - 1]))); } c = (char)strtol(HEX_BUF, NULL, 16); break; } } buf[cnt++] = (char)c; if (cnt >= size) { buf = pic_realloc(pic, buf, size *= 2); } } buf[cnt] = '\0'; sym = pic_intern_cstr(pic, buf); pic_free(pic, buf); return pic_obj_value(sym); } static pic_value read_blob(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { int nbits, n; int len, i; unsigned char *dat; struct pic_blob *blob; nbits = 0; while (isdigit(c = next(pic, port))) { nbits = 10 * nbits + c - '0'; } if (nbits != 8) { read_error(pic, "unsupported bytevector bit width", pic_list1(pic, pic_int_value(pic, nbits))); } if (c != '(') { read_error(pic, "expected '(' character", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } len = 0; dat = NULL; c = next(pic, port); while ((c = skip(pic, port, c)) != ')') { n = read_uinteger(pic, port, c); if (n < 0 || (1 << nbits) <= n) { read_error(pic, "invalid element in bytevector literal", pic_list1(pic, pic_int_value(pic, n))); } len += 1; dat = pic_realloc(pic, dat, len); dat[len - 1] = (unsigned char)n; c = next(pic, port); } blob = pic_make_blob(pic, len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { blob->data[i] = dat[i]; } pic_free(pic, dat); return pic_obj_value(blob); } static pic_value read_undef_or_blob(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { if ((c = peek(pic, port)) == 'n') { if (! expect(pic, port, "ndefined")) { read_error(pic, "unexpected character while reading #undefined", pic_nil_value(pic)); } return pic_undef_value(pic); } if (! isdigit(c)) { read_error(pic, "expect #undefined or #u8(...), but illegal character given", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } return read_blob(pic, port, 'u'); } static pic_value read_pair(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { static const int tCLOSE = ')'; pic_value car, cdr; retry: c = skip(pic, port, ' '); if (c == tCLOSE) { return pic_nil_value(pic); } if (c == '.' && isdelim(peek(pic, port))) { cdr = read(pic, port, next(pic, port)); closing: if ((c = skip(pic, port, ' ')) != tCLOSE) { if (pic_invalid_p(pic, read_nullable(pic, port, c))) { goto closing; } read_error(pic, "unmatched parenthesis", pic_nil_value(pic)); } return cdr; } else { car = read_nullable(pic, port, c); if (pic_invalid_p(pic, car)) { goto retry; } cdr = read_pair(pic, port, '('); return pic_cons(pic, car, cdr); } } static pic_value read_vector(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { pic_value list, it, elem; pic_vec *vec; int i = 0; list = read(pic, port, c); vec = pic_make_vec(pic, pic_length(pic, list)); pic_for_each (elem, list, it) { vec->data[i++] = elem; } return pic_obj_value(vec); } static pic_value read_label_set(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int i) { khash_t(read) *h = &pic->reader.labels; pic_value val; int c, ret; khiter_t it; it = kh_put(read, h, i, &ret); switch ((c = skip(pic, port, ' '))) { case '(': { pic_value tmp; kh_val(h, it) = val = pic_cons(pic, pic_undef_value(pic), pic_undef_value(pic)); tmp = read(pic, port, c); pic_pair_ptr(val)->car = pic_car(pic, tmp); pic_pair_ptr(val)->cdr = pic_cdr(pic, tmp); return val; } case '#': { bool vect; if (peek(pic, port) == '(') { vect = true; } else { vect = false; } if (vect) { pic_vec *tmp; kh_val(h, it) = val = pic_obj_value(pic_make_vec(pic, 0)); tmp = pic_vec_ptr(read(pic, port, c)); PIC_SWAP(pic_value *, tmp->data, pic_vec_ptr(val)->data); PIC_SWAP(int, tmp->len, pic_vec_ptr(val)->len); return val; } PIC_FALLTHROUGH; } default: { kh_val(h, it) = val = read(pic, port, c); return val; } } } static pic_value read_label_ref(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port PIC_UNUSED(*port), int i) { khash_t(read) *h = &pic->reader.labels; khiter_t it; it = kh_get(read, h, i); if (it == kh_end(h)) { read_error(pic, "label of given index not defined", pic_list1(pic, pic_int_value(pic, i))); } return kh_val(h, it); } static pic_value read_label(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { int i; i = 0; do { i = i * 10 + c - '0'; } while (isdigit(c = next(pic, port))); if (c == '=') { return read_label_set(pic, port, i); } if (c == '#') { return read_label_ref(pic, port, i); } read_error(pic, "broken label expression", pic_nil_value(pic)); } static pic_value read_unmatch(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port PIC_UNUSED(*port), int PIC_UNUSED(c)) { read_error(pic, "unmatched parenthesis", pic_nil_value(pic)); } static pic_value read_dispatch(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { c = next(pic, port); if (c == EOF) { read_error(pic, "unexpected EOF", pic_nil_value(pic)); } if (pic->reader.dispatch[c] == NULL) { read_error(pic, "invalid character at the seeker head", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } return pic->reader.dispatch[c](pic, port, c); } static pic_value read_nullable(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { c = skip(pic, port, c); if (c == EOF) { read_error(pic, "unexpected EOF", pic_nil_value(pic)); } if (pic->reader.table[c] == NULL) { read_error(pic, "invalid character at the seeker head", pic_list1(pic, pic_char_value(pic, c))); } return pic->reader.table[c](pic, port, c); } static pic_value read(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port, int c) { pic_value val; retry: val = read_nullable(pic, port, c); if (pic_invalid_p(pic, val)) { c = next(pic, port); goto retry; } return val; } static void reader_table_init(pic_reader *reader) { int c; reader->table[0] = NULL; /* default reader */ for (c = 1; c < 256; ++c) { reader->table[c] = read_symbol; } reader->table[')'] = read_unmatch; reader->table[';'] = read_comment; reader->table['\''] = read_quote; reader->table['`'] = read_quasiquote; reader->table[','] = read_unquote; reader->table['"'] = read_string; reader->table['|'] = read_pipe; reader->table['+'] = read_plus; reader->table['-'] = read_minus; reader->table['('] = read_pair; reader->table['#'] = read_dispatch; /* read number */ for (c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c) { reader->table[c] = read_number; } reader->dispatch['!'] = read_directive; reader->dispatch['|'] = read_block_comment; reader->dispatch[';'] = read_datum_comment; reader->dispatch['t'] = read_true; reader->dispatch['f'] = read_false; reader->dispatch['\''] = read_syntax_quote; reader->dispatch['`'] = read_syntax_quasiquote; reader->dispatch[','] = read_syntax_unquote; reader->dispatch['\\'] = read_char; reader->dispatch['('] = read_vector; reader->dispatch['u'] = read_undef_or_blob; /* read labels */ for (c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c) { reader->dispatch[c] = read_label; } } void pic_reader_init(pic_state *pic) { int c; pic->reader.typecase = PIC_CASE_DEFAULT; kh_init(read, &pic->reader.labels); for (c = 0; c < 256; ++c) { pic->reader.table[c] = NULL; } for (c = 0; c < 256; ++c) { pic->reader.dispatch[c] = NULL; } reader_table_init(&pic->reader); } void pic_reader_destroy(pic_state *pic) { kh_destroy(read, &pic->reader.labels); } pic_value pic_read(pic_state *pic, struct pic_port *port) { size_t ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic); pic_value val; int c; while ((c = skip(pic, port, next(pic, port))) != EOF) { val = read_nullable(pic, port, c); if (! pic_invalid_p(pic, val)) { break; } pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai); } if (c == EOF) { return pic_eof_object(pic); } pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai); return pic_gc_protect(pic, val); } pic_value pic_read_cstr(pic_state *pic, const char *str) { struct pic_port *port = pic_open_input_string(pic, str); pic_value form; pic_try { form = pic_read(pic, port); } pic_catch { pic_close_port(pic, port); pic_raise(pic, pic->err); } pic_close_port(pic, port); return form; } static pic_value pic_read_read(pic_state *pic) { struct pic_port *port = pic_stdin(pic); pic_get_args(pic, "|p", &port); return pic_read(pic, port); } void pic_init_read(pic_state *pic) { pic_defun(pic, "read", pic_read_read); }