(define-library (scheme base) (import (except (picrin base) compile) (only (picrin math) abs expt floor/ truncate/ floor ceiling truncate round sqrt nan? infinite?) (picrin macro)) ;; 4.1.2. Literal expressions (export quote) ;; 4.1.4. Procedures (export lambda) ;; 4.1.5. Conditionals (export if) ;; 4.1.6. Assignments (export set!) ;; 4.1.7. Inclusion (export include) ;; 4.2.1. Conditionals (export cond case else => and or when unless) ;; 4.2.2. Binding constructs (export let let* letrec letrec* let-values let*-values) ;; 4.2.3. Sequencing (export begin) ;; 4.2.4. Iteration (export do) ;; 4.2.6. Dynamic bindings (export make-parameter parameterize) ;; 4.2.7. Exception handling (export guard) ;; 4.2.8. Quasiquotation (export quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) ;; 4.3.1. Binding constructs for syntactic keywords (export let-syntax letrec-syntax) ;; 4.3.2 Pattern language (export syntax-rules _ ...) ;; 4.3.3. Signaling errors in macro transformers (export syntax-error) ;; 5.3. Variable definitions (export define) ;; 5.3.3. Multiple-value definitions (export define-values) ;; 5.4. Syntax definitions (export define-syntax) ;; 5.5 Record-type definitions (export define-record-type) ;; 6.1. Equivalence predicates (export eq? eqv? equal?) ;; 6.2. Numbers (export number? complex? real? rational? integer? exact? inexact? exact-integer? exact inexact = < > <= >= zero? positive? negative? odd? even? min max + - * / abs floor-quotient floor-remainder floor/ truncate-quotient truncate-remainder truncate/ (rename truncate-quotient quotient) (rename truncate-remainder remainder) (rename floor-remainder modulo) gcd lcm floor ceiling truncate round exact-integer-sqrt square expt number->string string->number) ;; 6.3. Booleans (export boolean? boolean=? not) ;; 6.4 Pairs and lists (export pair? cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr! null? caar cadr cdar cddr list? make-list list length append reverse list-tail list-ref list-set! list-copy memq memv member assq assv assoc) ;; 6.5. Symbols (export symbol? symbol=? symbol->string string->symbol) ;; 6.6. Characters (export char? char->integer integer->char char=? char<? char>? char<=? char>=?) ;; 6.7. Strings (export string? string make-string string-length string-ref string-set! string-copy string-copy! string-append (rename string-copy substring) string-fill! string->list list->string string=? string<? string>? string<=? string>=?) ;; 6.8. Vectors (export vector? vector make-vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector-copy! vector-copy vector-append vector-fill! list->vector vector->list string->vector vector->string) ;; 6.9. Bytevectors (export bytevector? bytevector make-bytevector bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-copy bytevector-copy! bytevector-append bytevector->list list->bytevector utf8->string string->utf8) ;; 6.10. Control features (export procedure? apply map for-each string-map string-for-each vector-map vector-for-each call-with-current-continuation call/cc dynamic-wind values call-with-values) ;; 6.11. Exceptions (export with-exception-handler raise raise-continuable error error-object? error-object-message error-object-irritants read-error? file-error?) ;; 6.13. Input and output (export current-input-port current-output-port current-error-port call-with-port port? input-port? output-port? (rename port? textual-port?) (rename port? binary-port?) input-port-open? output-port-open? close-port (rename close-port close-input-port) (rename close-port close-output-port) open-input-string open-output-string get-output-string open-input-bytevector open-output-bytevector get-output-bytevector eof-object? eof-object read-char peek-char char-ready? read-line read-string read-u8 peek-u8 u8-ready? read-bytevector read-bytevector! newline write-char write-string write-u8 write-bytevector flush-output-port) (export features) (begin (define-syntax (guard-aux reraise . clauses) (letrec ((else? (lambda (clause) (and (list? clause) (equal? #'else (car clause))))) (=>? (lambda (clause) (and (list? clause) (= (length clause) 3) (equal? #'=> (list-ref clause 1)))))) (if (null? clauses) reraise (let ((clause (car clauses)) (rest (cdr clauses))) (cond ((else? clause) #`(begin #,@(cdr clause))) ((=>? clause) #`(let ((tmp #,(list-ref clause 0))) (if tmp (#,(list-ref clause 2) tmp) (guard-aux #,reraise #,@rest)))) ((= (length clause) 1) #`(or #,(car clause) (guard-aux #,reraise #,@rest))) (else #`(if #,(car clause) (begin #,@(cdr clause)) (guard-aux #,reraise #,@rest)))))))) (define-syntax (guard formal . body) (let ((var (car formal)) (clauses (cdr formal))) #`((call/cc (lambda (guard-k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (condition) ((call/cc (lambda (handler-k) (guard-k (lambda () (let ((#,var condition)) (guard-aux (handler-k (lambda () (raise-continuable condition))) #,@clauses)))))))) (lambda () (call-with-values (lambda () #,@body) (lambda args (guard-k (lambda () (apply values args)))))))))))) (define (succ n) (+ n 1)) (define (pred n) (if (= n 0) 0 (- n 1))) (define (every? args) (if (null? args) #t (if (car args) (every? (cdr args)) #f))) (define (filter f list) (if (null? list) '() (if (f (car list)) (cons (car list) (filter f (cdr list))) (filter f (cdr list))))) (define (take-tail n list) (let drop ((n (- (length list) n)) (list list)) (if (= n 0) list (drop (- n 1) (cdr list))))) (define (drop-tail n list) (let take ((n (- (length list) n)) (list list)) (if (= n 0) '() (cons (car list) (take (- n 1) (cdr list)))))) (define (map-keys f assoc) (map (lambda (s) `(,(f (car s)) . ,(cdr s))) assoc)) (define (map-values f assoc) (map (lambda (s) `(,(car s) . ,(f (cdr s)))) assoc)) ;; TODO ;; - placeholder ;; - vector ;; - (... template) pattern ;; p ::= constant ;; | var ;; | (p ... . p) (in input pattern, tail p should be a proper list) ;; | (p . p) (define (compile ellipsis literals rules) (define (constant? obj) (and (not (pair? obj)) (not (identifier? obj)))) (define (literal? obj) (and (identifier? obj) (memq obj literals))) (define (many? pat) (and (pair? pat) (pair? (cdr pat)) (identifier? (cadr pat)) (identifier=? (cadr pat) ellipsis))) (define (pattern-validator pat) ; pattern -> validator (letrec ((pattern-validator (lambda (pat form) (cond ((constant? pat) #`(equal? '#,pat #,form)) ((literal? pat) #`(and (identifier? #,form) (identifier=? #'#,pat #,form))) ((identifier? pat) #t) ((many? pat) (let ((head #`(drop-tail #,(length (cddr pat)) #,form)) (tail #`(take-tail #,(length (cddr pat)) #,form))) #`(and (list? #,form) (>= (length #,form) #,(length (cddr pat))) (every? (map (lambda (#,'it) #,(pattern-validator (car pat) 'it)) #,head)) #,(pattern-validator (cddr pat) tail)))) ((pair? pat) #`(and (pair? #,form) #,(pattern-validator (car pat) #`(car #,form)) #,(pattern-validator (cdr pat) #`(cdr #,form)))) (else #f))))) (pattern-validator pat 'it))) (define (pattern-variables pat) ; pattern -> (freevar) (cond ((constant? pat) '()) ((literal? pat) '()) ((identifier? pat) `(,pat)) ((many? pat) (append (pattern-variables (car pat)) (pattern-variables (cddr pat)))) ((pair? pat) (append (pattern-variables (car pat)) (pattern-variables (cdr pat)))))) (define (pattern-levels pat) ; pattern -> ((var * int)) (cond ((constant? pat) '()) ((literal? pat) '()) ((identifier? pat) `((,pat . 0))) ((many? pat) (append (map-values succ (pattern-levels (car pat))) (pattern-levels (cddr pat)))) ((pair? pat) (append (pattern-levels (car pat)) (pattern-levels (cdr pat)))))) (define (pattern-selectors pat) ; pattern -> ((var * selector)) (letrec ((pattern-selectors (lambda (pat form) (cond ((constant? pat) '()) ((literal? pat) '()) ((identifier? pat) `((,pat . ,form))) ((many? pat) (let ((head #`(drop-tail #,(length (cddr pat)) #,form)) (tail #`(take-tail #,(length (cddr pat)) #,form))) (let ((envs (pattern-selectors (car pat) 'it))) (append (map-values (lambda (s) #`(map (lambda (#,'it) #,s) #,head)) envs) (pattern-selectors (cddr pat) tail))))) ((pair? pat) (append (pattern-selectors (car pat) #`(car #,form)) (pattern-selectors (cdr pat) #`(cdr #,form)))))))) (pattern-selectors pat 'it))) (define (template-representation pat levels selectors) (cond ((constant? pat) pat) ((identifier? pat) (let ((it (assq pat levels))) (if it (if (= 0 (cdr it)) (cdr (assq pat selectors)) (error "unmatched pattern variable level" pat)) #`(#,'rename '#,pat)))) ((many? pat) (letrec* ((inner-pat (car pat)) (inner-levels (map (lambda (s) `(,(car s) . ,(pred (cdr s)))) levels)) (inner-freevars (filter (lambda (v) (assq v levels)) (pattern-variables inner-pat))) (inner-vars ;; select only vars declared with ellipsis (filter (lambda (v) (> (cdr (assq v levels)) 0)) inner-freevars)) (inner-tmps (map (lambda (v) #'it) inner-vars)) (inner-selectors ;; first env '(map cons ...)' shadows second env 'selectors' (append (map cons inner-vars inner-tmps) selectors)) (inner-rep (template-representation inner-pat inner-levels inner-selectors)) (sorted-selectors (map (lambda (v) (assq v selectors)) inner-vars)) (list-of-selectors ;; ((a . xs) (b . ys) (c . zs)) -> (xs ys zs) (map cdr sorted-selectors))) (let ((rep1 #`(map (lambda #,inner-tmps #,inner-rep) #,@list-of-selectors)) (rep2 (template-representation (cddr pat) levels selectors))) #`(append #,rep1 #,rep2)))) ((pair? pat) #`(cons #,(template-representation (car pat) levels selectors) #,(template-representation (cdr pat) levels selectors))))) (define (compile-rule pattern template) (let ((levels (pattern-levels pattern)) (selectors (pattern-selectors pattern))) (template-representation template levels selectors))) (define (compile-rules rules) (if (null? rules) #`(error "unmatch") (let ((pattern (car (car rules))) (template (cadr (car rules)))) #`(if #,(pattern-validator pattern) #,(compile-rule pattern template) #,(compile-rules (cdr rules)))))) (define (compile rules) #`(call-with-current-environment (lambda (env) (letrec ((#,'rename (let ((wm (make-attribute))) (lambda (x) (or (wm x) (let ((id (make-identifier x env))) (wm x id) id)))))) (lambda #,'it #,(compile-rules rules)))))) (let ((rules (map-keys cdr rules))) ; TODO: check pattern head is a variable (compile rules))) (define-syntax (syntax-rules . args) (if (list? (car args)) #`(syntax-rules ... #,@args) (let ((ellipsis (car args)) (literals (car (cdr args))) (rules (cdr (cdr args)))) (compile ellipsis literals rules)))) (define-syntax (define-auxiliary-syntax var) #`(define-macro #,var (lambda _ (error "invalid use of auxiliary syntax" '#,var)))) (define-auxiliary-syntax _) (define-auxiliary-syntax ...) (define-macro syntax-error (lambda (form _) (apply error (cdr form)))) (define complex? number?) (define real? number?) (define rational? number?) (define (integer? o) (or (exact? o) (and (inexact? o) (not (nan? o)) (not (infinite? o)) (= o (floor o))))) (define (exact-integer? x) (and (exact? x) (integer? x))) (define (zero? x) (= x 0)) (define (positive? x) (> x 0)) (define (negative? x) (< x 0)) (define (even? x) (= x (* (exact (floor (/ x 2))) 2))) (define (odd? x) (not (even? x))) (define (min . args) (define (min a b) (if (< a b) a b)) (let loop ((args args) (acc +inf.0) (exactp #t)) (if (null? args) (if exactp acc (inexact acc)) (loop (cdr args) (min (car args) acc) (and (exact? (car args)) exactp))))) (define (max . args) (define (max a b) (if (> a b) a b)) (let loop ((args args) (acc -inf.0) (exactp #t)) (if (null? args) (if exactp acc (inexact acc)) (loop (cdr args) (max (car args) acc) (and (exact? (car args)) exactp))))) (define (floor-quotient i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (floor/ i j)) (lambda (q r) q))) (define (floor-remainder i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (floor/ i j)) (lambda (q r) r))) (define (truncate-quotient i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (truncate/ i j)) (lambda (q r) q))) (define (truncate-remainder i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (truncate/ i j)) (lambda (q r) r))) (define (gcd . args) (define (gcd i j) (cond ((> i j) (gcd j i)) ((< i 0) (gcd (- i) j)) ((> i 0) (gcd (truncate-remainder j i) i)) (else j))) (let loop ((args args) (acc 0)) (if (null? args) acc (loop (cdr args) (gcd acc (car args)))))) (define (lcm . args) (define (lcm i j) (/ (abs (* i j)) (gcd i j))) (let loop ((args args) (acc 1)) (if (null? args) acc (loop (cdr args) (lcm acc (car args)))))) (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (exact-integer-sqrt k) (let ((s (exact (floor (sqrt k))))) (values s (- k (square s))))) (define (utf8->string v . opts) (let ((start (if (pair? opts) (car opts) 0)) (end (if (>= (length opts) 2) (cadr opts) (bytevector-length v)))) (list->string (map integer->char (bytevector->list v start end))))) (define (string->utf8 s . opts) (let ((start (if (pair? opts) (car opts) 0)) (end (if (>= (length opts) 2) (cadr opts) (string-length s)))) (list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list s start end))))) (define checkpoints '((0 #f . #f))) (define (dynamic-wind in thunk out) (in) (set! checkpoints `((,(+ 1 (caar checkpoints)) ,in . ,out) . ,checkpoints)) (let ((ans (thunk))) (set! checkpoints (cdr checkpoints)) (out) ans)) (define (do-wind here there) (unless (eq? here there) (if (< (caar here) (caar there)) (begin (do-wind here (cdr there)) ((cadr (car there)))) (begin ((cddr (car here))) (do-wind (cdr here) there))))) (define scheme:call/cc (let ((c call/cc)) (lambda (f) (c (lambda (k) (f (let ((save checkpoints)) (lambda args (do-wind checkpoints save) (set! checkpoints save) (apply k args))))))))) ;; call/cc and scheme:call/cc cannot coincide, so overwrite them (set! call/cc scheme:call/cc) (set! call-with-current-continuation scheme:call/cc) (define (read-error? obj) (and (error-object? obj) (eq? (error-object-type obj) 'read))) (define (file-error? obj) (and (error-object? obj) (eq? (error-object-type obj) 'file))) (define (input-port-open? port) (and (input-port? port) (port-open? port))) (define (output-port-open? port) (and (output-port? port) (port-open? port))) (define (call-with-port port handler) (let ((res (handler port))) (close-port port) res)) (define (u8-ready? . opt) #t) (define (char-ready? . opt) #t)))