/** * See Copyright Notice in picrin.h */ #include "picrin.h" /** * macro expander */ static pic_sym * lookup(pic_state PIC_UNUSED(*pic), pic_value var, struct pic_env *env) { khiter_t it; assert(pic_var_p(var)); while (env != NULL) { it = kh_get(env, &env->map, pic_ptr(var)); if (it != kh_end(&env->map)) { return kh_val(&env->map, it); } env = env->up; } return NULL; } pic_sym * pic_resolve(pic_state *pic, pic_value var, struct pic_env *env) { pic_sym *uid; assert(pic_var_p(var)); assert(env != NULL); while ((uid = lookup(pic, var, env)) == NULL) { if (pic_sym_p(var)) { break; } env = pic_id_ptr(var)->env; var = pic_id_ptr(var)->var; } if (uid == NULL) { while (env->up != NULL) { env = env->up; } uid = pic_add_variable(pic, env, var); } return uid; } static void define_macro(pic_state *pic, pic_sym *uid, struct pic_proc *mac) { if (pic_dict_has(pic, pic->macros, uid)) { pic_warnf(pic, "redefining syntax variable: ~s", pic_obj_value(uid)); } pic_dict_set(pic, pic->macros, uid, pic_obj_value(mac)); } static struct pic_proc * find_macro(pic_state *pic, pic_sym *uid) { if (! pic_dict_has(pic, pic->macros, uid)) { return NULL; } return pic_proc_ptr(pic_dict_ref(pic, pic->macros, uid)); } static void shadow_macro(pic_state *pic, pic_sym *uid) { if (pic_dict_has(pic, pic->macros, uid)) { pic_dict_del(pic, pic->macros, uid); } } static pic_value expand(pic_state *, pic_value, struct pic_env *, pic_value); static pic_value expand_lambda(pic_state *, pic_value, struct pic_env *); static pic_value expand_var(pic_state *pic, pic_value var, struct pic_env *env) { return pic_obj_value(pic_resolve(pic, var, env)); } static pic_value expand_quote(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr) { return pic_cons(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uQUOTE), pic_cdr(pic, expr)); } static pic_value expand_list(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj, struct pic_env *env, pic_value deferred) { size_t ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic); pic_value x, head, tail; if (pic_pair_p(obj)) { head = expand(pic, pic_car(pic, obj), env, deferred); tail = expand_list(pic, pic_cdr(pic, obj), env, deferred); x = pic_cons(pic, head, tail); } else { x = expand(pic, obj, env, deferred); } pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai); pic_gc_protect(pic, x); return x; } static pic_value expand_defer(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, pic_value deferred) { pic_value skel = pic_list1(pic, pic_invalid_value()); /* (#) */ pic_set_car(pic, deferred, pic_acons(pic, expr, skel, pic_car(pic, deferred))); return skel; } static void expand_deferred(pic_state *pic, pic_value deferred, struct pic_env *env) { pic_value defer, val, src, dst, it; deferred = pic_car(pic, deferred); pic_for_each (defer, pic_reverse(pic, deferred), it) { src = pic_car(pic, defer); dst = pic_cdr(pic, defer); val = expand_lambda(pic, src, env); /* copy */ pic_set_car(pic, dst, pic_car(pic, val)); pic_set_cdr(pic, dst, pic_cdr(pic, val)); } } static pic_value expand_lambda(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env) { pic_value formal, body; struct pic_env *in; pic_value a, deferred; if (pic_length(pic, expr) < 2) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } in = pic_make_env(pic, env); for (a = pic_cadr(pic, expr); pic_pair_p(a); a = pic_cdr(pic, a)) { pic_value var = pic_car(pic, a); if (! pic_var_p(var)) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } pic_add_variable(pic, in, var); } if (pic_var_p(a)) { pic_add_variable(pic, in, a); } else if (! pic_nil_p(a)) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } deferred = pic_list1(pic, pic_nil_value()); formal = expand_list(pic, pic_cadr(pic, expr), in, deferred); body = expand_list(pic, pic_cddr(pic, expr), in, deferred); expand_deferred(pic, deferred, in); return pic_cons(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uLAMBDA), pic_cons(pic, formal, body)); } static pic_value expand_define(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env, pic_value deferred) { pic_sym *uid; pic_value var, val; while (pic_length(pic, expr) >= 2 && pic_pair_p(pic_cadr(pic, expr))) { var = pic_car(pic, pic_cadr(pic, expr)); val = pic_cdr(pic, pic_cadr(pic, expr)); expr = pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uDEFINE), var, pic_cons(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sLAMBDA), pic_cons(pic, val, pic_cddr(pic, expr)))); } if (pic_length(pic, expr) != 3) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } var = pic_cadr(pic, expr); if (! pic_var_p(var)) { pic_errorf(pic, "binding to non-variable object"); } if ((uid = pic_find_variable(pic, env, var)) == NULL) { uid = pic_add_variable(pic, env, var); } else { shadow_macro(pic, uid); } val = expand(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, expr, 2), env, deferred); return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uDEFINE), pic_obj_value(uid), val); } static pic_value expand_defmacro(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env) { pic_value var, val; pic_sym *uid; if (pic_length(pic, expr) != 3) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } var = pic_cadr(pic, expr); if (! pic_var_p(var)) { pic_errorf(pic, "binding to non-variable object"); } if ((uid = pic_find_variable(pic, env, var)) == NULL) { uid = pic_add_variable(pic, env, var); } val = pic_eval(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, expr, 2), env); if (! pic_proc_p(val)) { pic_errorf(pic, "macro definition \"~s\" evaluates to non-procedure object", var); } define_macro(pic, uid, pic_proc_ptr(val)); return pic_undef_value(); } static pic_value expand_macro(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *mac, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env) { return pic_apply2(pic, mac, expr, pic_obj_value(env)); } static pic_value expand_node(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env, pic_value deferred) { switch (pic_type(expr)) { case PIC_TT_ID: case PIC_TT_SYMBOL: { return expand_var(pic, expr, env); } case PIC_TT_PAIR: { struct pic_proc *mac; if (! pic_list_p(expr)) { pic_errorf(pic, "cannot expand improper list: ~s", expr); } if (pic_var_p(pic_car(pic, expr))) { pic_sym *functor; functor = pic_resolve(pic, pic_car(pic, expr), env); if (functor == pic->uDEFINE_MACRO) { return expand_defmacro(pic, expr, env); } else if (functor == pic->uLAMBDA) { return expand_defer(pic, expr, deferred); } else if (functor == pic->uDEFINE) { return expand_define(pic, expr, env, deferred); } else if (functor == pic->uQUOTE) { return expand_quote(pic, expr); } if ((mac = find_macro(pic, functor)) != NULL) { return expand_node(pic, expand_macro(pic, mac, expr, env), env, deferred); } } return expand_list(pic, expr, env, deferred); } default: return expr; } } static pic_value expand(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env, pic_value deferred) { size_t ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic); pic_value v; #if DEBUG printf("[expand] expanding... "); pic_debug(pic, expr); puts(""); #endif v = expand_node(pic, expr, env, deferred); pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai); pic_gc_protect(pic, v); return v; } pic_value pic_expand(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env) { pic_value v, deferred; #if DEBUG puts("before expand:"); pic_debug(pic, expr); puts(""); #endif deferred = pic_list1(pic, pic_nil_value()); v = expand(pic, expr, env, deferred); expand_deferred(pic, deferred, env); #if DEBUG puts("after expand:"); pic_debug(pic, v); puts(""); #endif return v; } KHASH_DECLARE(a, pic_sym *, int) KHASH_DEFINE2(a, pic_sym *, int, 0, kh_ptr_hash_func, kh_ptr_hash_equal) typedef struct analyze_scope { int depth; pic_sym *rest; /* Nullable */ khash_t(a) args, locals, captures; /* rest args variable is counted as a local */ pic_value defer; struct analyze_scope *up; } analyze_scope; static bool analyze_args(pic_state *, pic_value, analyze_scope *); static bool analyzer_scope_init(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value formals, analyze_scope *up) { kh_init(a, &scope->args); kh_init(a, &scope->locals); kh_init(a, &scope->captures); if (analyze_args(pic, formals, scope)) { scope->up = up; scope->depth = up ? up->depth + 1 : 0; scope->defer = pic_nil_value(); return true; } else { kh_destroy(a, &scope->args); kh_destroy(a, &scope->locals); kh_destroy(a, &scope->captures); return false; } } static void analyzer_scope_destroy(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope) { kh_destroy(a, &scope->args); kh_destroy(a, &scope->locals); kh_destroy(a, &scope->captures); } static bool analyze_args(pic_state *pic, pic_value formals, analyze_scope *scope) { pic_value v, t; int ret; for (v = formals; pic_pair_p(v); v = pic_cdr(pic, v)) { t = pic_car(pic, v); if (! pic_sym_p(t)) { return false; } kh_put(a, &scope->args, pic_sym_ptr(t), &ret); } if (pic_nil_p(v)) { scope->rest = NULL; } else if (pic_sym_p(v)) { scope->rest = pic_sym_ptr(v); kh_put(a, &scope->locals, pic_sym_ptr(v), &ret); } else { return false; } return true; } static bool search_scope(analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym) { return kh_get(a, &scope->args, sym) != kh_end(&scope->args) || kh_get(a, &scope->locals, sym) != kh_end(&scope->locals) || scope->depth == 0; } static void capture_var(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym) { int ret; kh_put(a, &scope->captures, sym, &ret); } static int find_var(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym) { int depth = 0; while (scope) { if (search_scope(scope, sym)) { if (depth > 0) { capture_var(pic, scope, sym); } return depth; } depth++; scope = scope->up; } PIC_UNREACHABLE(); } static void define_var(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym) { int ret; if (search_scope(scope, sym)) { if (scope->depth > 0 || pic_dict_has(pic, pic->globals, sym)) { pic_warnf(pic, "redefining variable: ~s", pic_obj_value(sym)); } return; } kh_put(a, &scope->locals, sym, &ret); } static pic_value analyze_node(pic_state *, analyze_scope *, pic_value, bool); static pic_value analyze_procedure(pic_state *, analyze_scope *, pic_value, pic_value, pic_value); static pic_value analyze(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { size_t ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic); pic_value res; pic_sym *tag; res = analyze_node(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); tag = pic_sym_ptr(pic_car(pic, res)); if (tailpos) { if (tag == pic->sIF || tag == pic->sBEGIN || tag == pic->sTAILCALL || tag == pic->sTAILCALL_WITH_VALUES || tag == pic->sRETURN) { /* pass through */ } else { res = pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sRETURN), res); } } pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai); pic_gc_protect(pic, res); pic_gc_protect(pic, scope->defer); return res; } static pic_value analyze_var(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym) { int depth; depth = find_var(pic, scope, sym); if (depth == scope->depth) { return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sGREF), pic_obj_value(sym)); } else if (depth == 0) { return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sLREF), pic_obj_value(sym)); } else { return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sCREF), pic_int_value(depth), pic_obj_value(sym)); } } static pic_value analyze_defer(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value name, pic_value formal, pic_value body) { pic_sym *sNOWHERE = pic_intern_cstr(pic, "<>"); pic_value skel; skel = pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sGREF), pic_obj_value(sNOWHERE)); pic_push(pic, pic_list4(pic, name, formal, body, skel), scope->defer); return skel; } static void analyze_deferred(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope) { pic_value defer, val, name, formal, body, dst, it; pic_for_each (defer, pic_reverse(pic, scope->defer), it) { name = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 0); formal = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 1); body = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 2); dst = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 3); val = analyze_procedure(pic, scope, name, formal, body); /* copy */ pic_pair_ptr(dst)->car = pic_car(pic, val); pic_pair_ptr(dst)->cdr = pic_cdr(pic, val); } scope->defer = pic_nil_value(); } static pic_value analyze_procedure(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *up, pic_value name, pic_value formals, pic_value body_exprs) { analyze_scope s, *scope = &s; pic_value rest = pic_undef_value(), body; pic_vec *args, *locals, *captures; assert(pic_sym_p(name) || pic_false_p(name)); if (analyzer_scope_init(pic, scope, formals, up)) { size_t i, j; /* analyze body */ body = analyze(pic, scope, pic_cons(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uBEGIN), body_exprs), true); analyze_deferred(pic, scope); args = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->args)); for (i = 0; pic_pair_p(formals); formals = pic_cdr(pic, formals), i++) { args->data[i] = pic_car(pic, formals); } if (scope->rest != NULL) { rest = pic_obj_value(scope->rest); } locals = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->locals)); for (i = kh_begin(&scope->locals), j = 0; i < kh_end(&scope->locals); ++i) { if (kh_exist(&scope->locals, i)) { locals->data[j++] = pic_obj_value(kh_key(&scope->locals, i)); } } captures = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->captures)); for (i = kh_begin(&scope->captures), j = 0; i < kh_end(&scope->captures); ++i) { if (kh_exist(&scope->captures, i)) { captures->data[j++] = pic_obj_value(kh_key(&scope->captures, i)); } } analyzer_scope_destroy(pic, scope); } else { pic_errorf(pic, "invalid formal syntax: ~s", formals); } return pic_list7(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sLAMBDA), name, rest, pic_obj_value(args), pic_obj_value(locals), pic_obj_value(captures), body); } static pic_value analyze_lambda(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj) { pic_value formals, body_exprs; if (pic_length(pic, obj) < 2) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } formals = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1); body_exprs = pic_list_tail(pic, obj, 2); return analyze_defer(pic, scope, pic_false_value(), formals, body_exprs); } static pic_value analyze_declare(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *var) { define_var(pic, scope, var); return analyze_var(pic, scope, var); } static pic_value analyze_define(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj) { pic_value var, val; pic_sym *sym; if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 3) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } var = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1); if (! pic_sym_p(var)) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } else { sym = pic_sym_ptr(var); } var = analyze_declare(pic, scope, sym); if (pic_pair_p(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)) && pic_sym_p(pic_list_ref(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 0)) && pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 0)) == pic->uLAMBDA) { pic_value formals, body_exprs; formals = pic_list_ref(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 1); body_exprs = pic_list_tail(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 2); val = analyze_defer(pic, scope, pic_obj_value(sym), formals, body_exprs); } else { if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 3) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } val = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), false); } return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sSETBANG), var, val); } static pic_value analyze_if(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { pic_value cond, if_true, if_false; if_false = pic_undef_value(); switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) { default: pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); case 4: if_false = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 3); PIC_FALLTHROUGH; case 3: if_true = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2); } /* analyze in order */ cond = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), false); if_true = analyze(pic, scope, if_true, tailpos); if_false = analyze(pic, scope, if_false, tailpos); return pic_list4(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sIF), cond, if_true, if_false); } static pic_value analyze_begin(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { pic_value seq; bool tail; switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) { case 1: return analyze(pic, scope, pic_undef_value(), tailpos); case 2: return analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), tailpos); default: seq = pic_list1(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sBEGIN)); for (obj = pic_cdr(pic, obj); ! pic_nil_p(obj); obj = pic_cdr(pic, obj)) { if (pic_nil_p(pic_cdr(pic, obj))) { tail = tailpos; } else { tail = false; } seq = pic_cons(pic, analyze(pic, scope, pic_car(pic, obj), tail), seq); } return pic_reverse(pic, seq); } } static pic_value analyze_set(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj) { pic_value var, val; if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 3) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } var = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1); if (! pic_sym_p(var)) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } val = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2); var = analyze(pic, scope, var, false); val = analyze(pic, scope, val, false); return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sSETBANG), var, val); } static pic_value analyze_quote(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj) { if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 2) { pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error"); } return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sQUOTE), pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); } #define ARGC_ASSERT_GE(n, name) do { \ if (pic_length(pic, obj) < (n) + 1) { \ pic_errorf(pic, \ #name ": wrong number of arguments (%d for at least %d)", \ pic_length(pic, obj) - 1, \ n); \ } \ } while (0) #define FOLD_ARGS(sym) do { \ obj = analyze(pic, scope, pic_car(pic, args), false); \ pic_for_each (arg, pic_cdr(pic, args), it) { \ obj = pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(sym), obj, \ analyze(pic, scope, arg, false)); \ } \ } while (0) static pic_value analyze_add(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { pic_value args, arg, it; ARGC_ASSERT_GE(0, "+"); switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) { case 1: return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sQUOTE), pic_int_value(0)); case 2: return analyze(pic, scope, pic_car(pic, pic_cdr(pic, obj)), tailpos); default: args = pic_cdr(pic, obj); FOLD_ARGS(pic->sADD); return obj; } } static pic_value analyze_sub(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj) { pic_value args, arg, it; ARGC_ASSERT_GE(1, "-"); switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) { case 2: return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sMINUS), analyze(pic, scope, pic_car(pic, pic_cdr(pic, obj)), false)); default: args = pic_cdr(pic, obj); FOLD_ARGS(pic->sSUB); return obj; } } static pic_value analyze_mul(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { pic_value args, arg, it; ARGC_ASSERT_GE(0, "*"); switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) { case 1: return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sQUOTE), pic_int_value(1)); case 2: return analyze(pic, scope, pic_car(pic, pic_cdr(pic, obj)), tailpos); default: args = pic_cdr(pic, obj); FOLD_ARGS(pic->sMUL); return obj; } } static pic_value analyze_div(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj) { pic_value args, arg, it; ARGC_ASSERT_GE(1, "/"); switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) { case 2: args = pic_cdr(pic, obj); #if PIC_ENABLE_FLOAT obj = pic_list3(pic, pic_car(pic, obj), pic_float_value(1), pic_car(pic, args)); #else obj = pic_list3(pic, pic_car(pic, obj), pic_int_value(1), pic_car(pic, args)); #endif return analyze(pic, scope, obj, false); default: args = pic_cdr(pic, obj); FOLD_ARGS(pic->sDIV); return obj; } } static pic_value analyze_call(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { pic_value seq, elt, it; pic_sym *call; if (! tailpos) { call = pic->sCALL; } else { call = pic->sTAILCALL; } seq = pic_list1(pic, pic_obj_value(call)); pic_for_each (elt, obj, it) { seq = pic_cons(pic, analyze(pic, scope, elt, false), seq); } return pic_reverse(pic, seq); } static pic_value analyze_values(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { pic_value v, seq, it; if (! tailpos) { return analyze_call(pic, scope, obj, false); } seq = pic_list1(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sRETURN)); pic_for_each (v, pic_cdr(pic, obj), it) { seq = pic_cons(pic, analyze(pic, scope, v, false), seq); } return pic_reverse(pic, seq); } static pic_value analyze_call_with_values(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { pic_value prod, cnsm; pic_sym *call; if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 3) { pic_errorf(pic, "call-with-values: wrong number of arguments (%d for 2)", pic_length(pic, obj) - 1); } if (! tailpos) { call = pic->sCALL_WITH_VALUES; } else { call = pic->sTAILCALL_WITH_VALUES; } prod = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), false); cnsm = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), false); return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(call), prod, cnsm); } #define ARGC_ASSERT(n, name) do { \ if (pic_length(pic, obj) != (n) + 1) { \ pic_errorf(pic, #name ": wrong number of arguments (%d for %d)", \ pic_length(pic, obj) - 1, n); \ } \ } while (0) #define ARGC_ASSERT_WITH_FALLBACK(n) do { \ if (pic_length(pic, obj) != (n) + 1) { \ goto fallback; \ } \ } while (0) #define CONSTRUCT_OP1(op) \ pic_list2(pic, \ pic_obj_value(op), \ analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), false)) #define CONSTRUCT_OP2(op) \ pic_list3(pic, \ pic_obj_value(op), \ analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), false), \ analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), false)) static pic_value analyze_node(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos) { switch (pic_type(obj)) { case PIC_TT_SYMBOL: { return analyze_var(pic, scope, pic_sym_ptr(obj)); } case PIC_TT_PAIR: { pic_value proc; if (! pic_list_p(obj)) { pic_errorf(pic, "invalid expression given: ~s", obj); } proc = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 0); if (pic_sym_p(proc)) { pic_sym *sym = pic_sym_ptr(proc); if (sym == pic->uDEFINE) { return analyze_define(pic, scope, obj); } else if (sym == pic->uLAMBDA) { return analyze_lambda(pic, scope, obj); } else if (sym == pic->uIF) { return analyze_if(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); } else if (sym == pic->uBEGIN) { return analyze_begin(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); } else if (sym == pic->uSETBANG) { return analyze_set(pic, scope, obj); } else if (sym == pic->uQUOTE) { return analyze_quote(pic, obj); } else if (sym == pic->uCONS) { ARGC_ASSERT(2, "cons"); return CONSTRUCT_OP2(pic->sCONS); } else if (sym == pic->uCAR) { ARGC_ASSERT(1, "car"); return CONSTRUCT_OP1(pic->sCAR); } else if (sym == pic->uCDR) { ARGC_ASSERT(1, "cdr"); return CONSTRUCT_OP1(pic->sCDR); } else if (sym == pic->uNILP) { ARGC_ASSERT(1, "nil?"); return CONSTRUCT_OP1(pic->sNILP); } else if (sym == pic->uSYMBOLP) { ARGC_ASSERT(1, "symbol?"); return CONSTRUCT_OP1(pic->sSYMBOLP); } else if (sym == pic->uPAIRP) { ARGC_ASSERT(1, "pair?"); return CONSTRUCT_OP1(pic->sPAIRP); } else if (sym == pic->uADD) { return analyze_add(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); } else if (sym == pic->uSUB) { return analyze_sub(pic, scope, obj); } else if (sym == pic->uMUL) { return analyze_mul(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); } else if (sym == pic->uDIV) { return analyze_div(pic, scope, obj); } else if (sym == pic->uEQ) { ARGC_ASSERT_WITH_FALLBACK(2); return CONSTRUCT_OP2(pic->sEQ); } else if (sym == pic->uLT) { ARGC_ASSERT_WITH_FALLBACK(2); return CONSTRUCT_OP2(pic->sLT); } else if (sym == pic->uLE) { ARGC_ASSERT_WITH_FALLBACK(2); return CONSTRUCT_OP2(pic->sLE); } else if (sym == pic->uGT) { ARGC_ASSERT_WITH_FALLBACK(2); return CONSTRUCT_OP2(pic->sGT); } else if (sym == pic->uGE) { ARGC_ASSERT_WITH_FALLBACK(2); return CONSTRUCT_OP2(pic->sGE); } else if (sym == pic->uNOT) { ARGC_ASSERT(1, "not"); return CONSTRUCT_OP1(pic->sNOT); } else if (sym == pic->uVALUES) { return analyze_values(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); } else if (sym == pic->uCALL_WITH_VALUES) { return analyze_call_with_values(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); } } fallback: return analyze_call(pic, scope, obj, tailpos); } default: return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sQUOTE), obj); } } pic_value pic_analyze(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj) { analyze_scope s, *scope = &s; analyzer_scope_init(pic, scope, pic_nil_value(), NULL); obj = analyze(pic, scope, obj, true); analyze_deferred(pic, scope); analyzer_scope_destroy(pic, scope); return obj; } typedef struct codegen_context { pic_sym *name; /* rest args variable is counted as a local */ pic_sym *rest; pic_vec *args, *locals, *captures; /* actual bit code sequence */ pic_code *code; size_t clen, ccapa; /* child ireps */ struct pic_irep **irep; size_t ilen, icapa; /* constant object pool */ pic_value *pool; size_t plen, pcapa; /* symbol pool */ pic_sym **syms; size_t slen, scapa; struct codegen_context *up; } codegen_context; static void create_activation(pic_state *, codegen_context *); static void codegen_context_init(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, codegen_context *up, pic_value name, pic_sym *rest, pic_vec *args, pic_vec *locals, pic_vec *captures) { assert(pic_sym_p(name) || pic_false_p(name)); cxt->up = up; cxt->name = pic_false_p(name) ? pic_intern_cstr(pic, "(anonymous lambda)") : pic_sym_ptr(name); cxt->rest = rest; cxt->args = args; cxt->locals = locals; cxt->captures = captures; cxt->code = pic_calloc(pic, PIC_ISEQ_SIZE, sizeof(pic_code)); cxt->clen = 0; cxt->ccapa = PIC_ISEQ_SIZE; cxt->irep = pic_calloc(pic, PIC_IREP_SIZE, sizeof(struct pic_irep *)); cxt->ilen = 0; cxt->icapa = PIC_IREP_SIZE; cxt->pool = pic_calloc(pic, PIC_POOL_SIZE, sizeof(pic_value)); cxt->plen = 0; cxt->pcapa = PIC_POOL_SIZE; cxt->syms = pic_calloc(pic, PIC_SYMS_SIZE, sizeof(pic_sym *)); cxt->slen = 0; cxt->scapa = PIC_SYMS_SIZE; create_activation(pic, cxt); } static struct pic_irep * codegen_context_destroy(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt) { struct pic_irep *irep; /* create irep */ irep = (struct pic_irep *)pic_obj_alloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_irep), PIC_TT_IREP); irep->name = cxt->name; irep->varg = cxt->rest != NULL; irep->argc = (int)cxt->args->len + 1; irep->localc = (int)cxt->locals->len; irep->capturec = (int)cxt->captures->len; irep->code = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->code, sizeof(pic_code) * cxt->clen); irep->clen = cxt->clen; irep->irep = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->irep, sizeof(struct pic_irep *) * cxt->ilen); irep->ilen = cxt->ilen; irep->pool = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->pool, sizeof(pic_value) * cxt->plen); irep->plen = cxt->plen; irep->syms = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->syms, sizeof(pic_sym *) * cxt->slen); irep->slen = cxt->slen; return irep; } static void emit_n(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, enum pic_opcode insn) { if (cxt->clen >= cxt->ccapa) { cxt->ccapa *= 2; cxt->code = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->code, sizeof(pic_code) * cxt->ccapa); } cxt->code[cxt->clen].insn = insn; cxt->clen++; } static void emit_i(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, enum pic_opcode insn, int i) { if (cxt->clen >= cxt->ccapa) { cxt->ccapa *= 2; cxt->code = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->code, sizeof(pic_code) * cxt->ccapa); } cxt->code[cxt->clen].insn = insn; cxt->code[cxt->clen].u.i = i; cxt->clen++; } static void emit_c(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, enum pic_opcode insn, char c) { if (cxt->clen >= cxt->ccapa) { cxt->ccapa *= 2; cxt->code = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->code, sizeof(pic_code) * cxt->ccapa); } cxt->code[cxt->clen].insn = insn; cxt->code[cxt->clen].u.c = c; cxt->clen++; } static void emit_r(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, enum pic_opcode insn, int d, int i) { if (cxt->clen >= cxt->ccapa) { cxt->ccapa *= 2; cxt->code = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->code, sizeof(pic_code) * cxt->ccapa); } cxt->code[cxt->clen].insn = insn; cxt->code[cxt->clen].u.r.depth = d; cxt->code[cxt->clen].u.r.idx = i; cxt->clen++; } static void create_activation(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt) { size_t i, n; size_t offset; struct pic_reg *regs; regs = pic_make_reg(pic); offset = 1; for (i = 0; i < cxt->args->len; ++i) { n = i + offset; pic_reg_set(pic, regs, pic_sym_ptr(cxt->args->data[i]), pic_size_value(n)); } offset += i; for (i = 0; i < cxt->locals->len; ++i) { n = i + offset; pic_reg_set(pic, regs, pic_sym_ptr(cxt->locals->data[i]), pic_size_value(n)); } for (i = 0; i < cxt->captures->len; ++i) { n = (size_t)pic_int(pic_reg_ref(pic, regs, pic_sym_ptr(cxt->captures->data[i]))); if (n <= cxt->args->len || cxt->rest == pic_sym_ptr(cxt->captures->data[i])) { /* copy arguments to capture variable area */ emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_LREF, (int)n); } else { /* otherwise, just extend the stack */ emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHUNDEF); } } } static int index_capture(codegen_context *cxt, pic_sym *sym, int depth) { size_t i; while (depth-- > 0) { cxt = cxt->up; } for (i = 0; i < cxt->captures->len; ++i) { if (pic_sym_ptr(cxt->captures->data[i]) == sym) return (int)i; } return -1; } static int index_local(codegen_context *cxt, pic_sym *sym) { size_t i, offset; offset = 1; for (i = 0; i < cxt->args->len; ++i) { if (pic_sym_ptr(cxt->args->data[i]) == sym) return (int)(i + offset); } offset += i; for (i = 0; i < cxt->locals->len; ++i) { if (pic_sym_ptr(cxt->locals->data[i]) == sym) return (int)(i + offset); } return -1; } static int index_symbol(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, pic_sym *sym) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cxt->slen; ++i) { if (cxt->syms[i] == sym) { return i; } } if (cxt->slen >= cxt->scapa) { cxt->scapa *= 2; cxt->syms = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->syms, sizeof(pic_sym *) * cxt->scapa); } cxt->syms[cxt->slen++] = sym; return i; } static struct pic_irep *codegen_lambda(pic_state *, codegen_context *, pic_value); static void codegen(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, pic_value obj) { pic_sym *sym; sym = pic_sym_ptr(pic_car(pic, obj)); if (sym == pic->sGREF) { emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_GREF, index_symbol(pic, cxt, pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)))); return; } else if (sym == pic->sCREF) { pic_sym *name; int depth; depth = pic_int(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); name = pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_r(pic, cxt, OP_CREF, depth, index_capture(cxt, name, depth)); return; } else if (sym == pic->sLREF) { pic_sym *name; int i; name = pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); if ((i = index_capture(cxt, name, 0)) != -1) { emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_LREF, i + (int)cxt->args->len + (int)cxt->locals->len + 1); return; } emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_LREF, index_local(cxt, name)); return; } else if (sym == pic->sSETBANG) { pic_value var, val; pic_sym *type; val = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2); codegen(pic, cxt, val); var = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1); type = pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, var, 0)); if (type == pic->sGREF) { emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_GSET, index_symbol(pic, cxt, pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, var, 1)))); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHUNDEF); return; } else if (type == pic->sCREF) { pic_sym *name; int depth; depth = pic_int(pic_list_ref(pic, var, 1)); name = pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, var, 2)); emit_r(pic, cxt, OP_CSET, depth, index_capture(cxt, name, depth)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHUNDEF); return; } else if (type == pic->sLREF) { pic_sym *name; int i; name = pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, var, 1)); if ((i = index_capture(cxt, name, 0)) != -1) { emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_LSET, i + (int)cxt->args->len + (int)cxt->locals->len + 1); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHUNDEF); return; } emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_LSET, index_local(cxt, name)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHUNDEF); return; } } else if (sym == pic->sLAMBDA) { int k; if (cxt->ilen >= cxt->icapa) { cxt->icapa *= 2; cxt->irep = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->irep, sizeof(struct pic_irep *) * cxt->icapa); } k = (int)cxt->ilen++; emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_LAMBDA, k); cxt->irep[k] = codegen_lambda(pic, cxt, obj); return; } else if (sym == pic->sIF) { int s, t; codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); s = (int)cxt->clen; emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_JMPIF); /* if false branch */ codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 3)); t = (int)cxt->clen; emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_JMP); cxt->code[s].u.i = (int)cxt->clen - s; /* if true branch */ codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); cxt->code[t].u.i = (int)cxt->clen - t; return; } else if (sym == pic->sBEGIN) { pic_value elt, it; int i = 0; pic_for_each (elt, pic_cdr(pic, obj), it) { if (i++ != 0) { emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_POP); } codegen(pic, cxt, elt); } return; } else if (sym == pic->sQUOTE) { int pidx; obj = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1); switch (pic_type(obj)) { case PIC_TT_BOOL: emit_n(pic, cxt, (pic_true_p(obj) ? OP_PUSHTRUE : OP_PUSHFALSE)); return; case PIC_TT_INT: emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHINT, pic_int(obj)); return; case PIC_TT_NIL: emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHNIL); return; case PIC_TT_CHAR: emit_c(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHCHAR, pic_char(obj)); return; default: if (cxt->plen >= cxt->pcapa) { cxt->pcapa *= 2; cxt->pool = pic_realloc(pic, cxt->pool, sizeof(pic_value) * cxt->pcapa); } pidx = (int)cxt->plen++; cxt->pool[pidx] = obj; emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_PUSHCONST, pidx); return; } } else if (sym == pic->sCONS) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_CONS); return; } else if (sym == pic->sCAR) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_CAR); return; } else if (sym == pic->sCDR) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_CDR); return; } else if (sym == pic->sNILP) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_NILP); return; } else if (sym == pic->sSYMBOLP) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_SYMBOLP); return; } else if (sym == pic->sPAIRP) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_PAIRP); return; } else if (sym == pic->sADD) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_ADD); return; } else if (sym == pic->sSUB) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_SUB); return; } else if (sym == pic->sMUL) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_MUL); return; } else if (sym == pic->sDIV) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_DIV); return; } else if (sym == pic->sMINUS) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_MINUS); return; } else if (sym == pic->sEQ) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_EQ); return; } else if (sym == pic->sLT) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_LT); return; } else if (sym == pic->sLE) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_LE); return; } else if (sym == pic->sGT) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_LT); return; } else if (sym == pic->sGE) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_LE); return; } else if (sym == pic->sNOT) { codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); emit_n(pic, cxt, OP_NOT); return; } else if (sym == pic->sCALL || sym == pic->sTAILCALL) { int len = (int)pic_length(pic, obj); pic_value elt, it; pic_for_each (elt, pic_cdr(pic, obj), it) { codegen(pic, cxt, elt); } emit_i(pic, cxt, (sym == pic->sCALL ? OP_CALL : OP_TAILCALL), len - 1); return; } else if (sym == pic->sCALL_WITH_VALUES || sym == pic->sTAILCALL_WITH_VALUES) { /* stack consumer at first */ codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2)); codegen(pic, cxt, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)); /* call producer */ emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_CALL, 1); /* call consumer */ emit_i(pic, cxt, (sym == pic->sCALL_WITH_VALUES ? OP_CALL : OP_TAILCALL), -1); return; } else if (sym == pic->sRETURN) { int len = (int)pic_length(pic, obj); pic_value elt, it; pic_for_each (elt, pic_cdr(pic, obj), it) { codegen(pic, cxt, elt); } emit_i(pic, cxt, OP_RET, len - 1); return; } pic_errorf(pic, "codegen: unknown AST type ~s", obj); } static struct pic_irep * codegen_lambda(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *up, pic_value obj) { codegen_context c, *cxt = &c; pic_value name, rest_opt, body; pic_sym *rest = NULL; pic_vec *args, *locals, *captures; name = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1); rest_opt = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2); if (pic_sym_p(rest_opt)) { rest = pic_sym_ptr(rest_opt); } args = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 3)); locals = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 4)); captures = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 5)); body = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 6); /* inner environment */ codegen_context_init(pic, cxt, up, name, rest, args, locals, captures); { /* body */ codegen(pic, cxt, body); } return codegen_context_destroy(pic, cxt); } struct pic_irep * pic_codegen(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj) { pic_vec *empty = pic_make_vec(pic, 0); codegen_context c, *cxt = &c; codegen_context_init(pic, cxt, NULL, pic_false_value(), NULL, empty, empty, empty); codegen(pic, cxt, obj); return codegen_context_destroy(pic, cxt); } struct pic_proc * pic_compile(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj, struct pic_env *env) { struct pic_irep *irep; size_t ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic); #if DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic)); fprintf(stdout, "# input expression\n"); pic_write(pic, obj); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic)); #endif /* expand */ obj = pic_expand(pic, obj, env); #if DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "## expand completed\n"); pic_write(pic, obj); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic)); #endif /* analyze */ obj = pic_analyze(pic, obj); #if DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "## analyzer completed\n"); pic_write(pic, obj); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic)); #endif /* codegen */ irep = pic_codegen(pic, obj); #if DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "## codegen completed\n"); pic_dump_irep(irep); #endif #if DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "# compilation finished\n"); puts(""); #endif pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai); pic_gc_protect(pic, pic_obj_value(irep)); return pic_make_proc_irep(pic, irep, NULL); }