(define-library (scheme base) (import (picrin base) (picrin macro) (picrin record) (picrin syntax-rules)) ;; 4.1.2. Literal expressions (export quote) ;; 4.1.4. Procedures (export lambda) ;; 4.1.5. Conditionals (export if) ;; 4.1.6. Assignments (export set!) ;; 4.1.7. Inclusion (export include) ;; 4.2.1. Conditionals (export cond case else => and or when unless) ;; 4.2.2. Binding constructs (export let let* letrec letrec* let-values let*-values) ;; 4.2.3. Sequencing (export begin) ;; 4.2.4. Iteration (export do) ;; 4.2.6. Dynamic bindings (define-syntax parameterize (ir-macro-transformer (lambda (form inject compare) (let ((formal (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form)))) (let ((vars (map car formal)) (vals (map cadr formal))) `(begin ,@(map (lambda (var val) `(parameter-push! ,var ,val)) vars vals) (let ((result (begin ,@body))) ,@(map (lambda (var) `(parameter-pop! ,var)) vars) result))))))) (export make-parameter parameterize) ;; 4.2.7. Exception handling (define-syntax guard-aux (syntax-rules (else =>) ((guard-aux reraise (else result1 result2 ...)) (begin result1 result2 ...)) ((guard-aux reraise (test => result)) (let ((temp test)) (if temp (result temp) reraise))) ((guard-aux reraise (test => result) clause1 clause2 ...) (let ((temp test)) (if temp (result temp) (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))) ((guard-aux reraise (test)) (or test reraise)) ((guard-aux reraise (test) clause1 clause2 ...) (let ((temp test)) (if temp temp (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))) ((guard-aux reraise (test result1 result2 ...)) (if test (begin result1 result2 ...) reraise)) ((guard-aux reraise (test result1 result2 ...) clause1 clause2 ...) (if test (begin result1 result2 ...) (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...))))) (define-syntax guard (syntax-rules () ((guard (var clause ...) e1 e2 ...) ((call/cc (lambda (guard-k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (condition) ((call/cc (lambda (handler-k) (guard-k (lambda () (let ((var condition)) (guard-aux (handler-k (lambda () (raise-continuable condition))) clause ...)))))))) (lambda () (call-with-values (lambda () e1 e2 ...) (lambda args (guard-k (lambda () (apply values args))))))))))))) (export guard) ;; 4.2.8. Quasiquotation (export quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) ;; 4.3.1. Binding constructs for syntactic keywords (export let-syntax letrec-syntax) ;; 4.3.2 Pattern language (export syntax-rules _ ...) ;; 4.3.3. Signaling errors in macro transformers (export syntax-error) ;; 5.3. Variable definitions (export define) ;; 5.3.3. Multiple-value definitions (export define-values) ;; 5.4. Syntax definitions (export define-syntax) ;; 5.5 Recored-type definitions (export define-record-type) ;; 6.1. Equivalence predicates (export eq? eqv? equal?) ;; 6.2. Numbers (define (exact-integer? x) (and (exact? x) (integer? x))) (define (zero? x) (= x 0)) (define (positive? x) (> x 0)) (define (negative? x) (< x 0)) (define (even? x) (= x (* (exact (floor (/ x 2))) 2))) (define (odd? x) (not (even? x))) (define (min . args) (define (min a b) (if (< a b) a b)) (let loop ((args args) (acc +inf.0)) (if (null? args) acc (loop (cdr args) (min (car args) acc))))) (define (max . args) (define (max a b) (if (> a b) a b)) (let loop ((args args) (acc -inf.0)) (if (null? args) acc (loop (cdr args) (max (car args) acc))))) (define (floor-quotient i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (floor/ i j)) (lambda (q r) q))) (define (floor-remainder i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (floor/ i j)) (lambda (q r) r))) (define (truncate-quotient i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (truncate/ i j)) (lambda (q r) q))) (define (truncate-remainder i j) (call-with-values (lambda () (truncate/ i j)) (lambda (q r) r))) (define (gcd . args) (define (gcd i j) (cond ((> i j) (gcd j i)) ((< i 0) (gcd (- i) j)) ((> i 0) (gcd (truncate-remainder j i) i)) (else j))) (let loop ((args args) (acc 0)) (if (null? args) acc (loop (cdr args) (gcd acc (car args)))))) (define (lcm . args) (define (lcm i j) (/ (abs (* i j)) (gcd i j))) (let loop ((args args) (acc 1)) (if (null? args) acc (loop (cdr args) (lcm acc (car args)))))) (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (exact-integer-sqrt k) (let ((s (exact (sqrt k)))) (values s (- k (square s))))) (export number? complex? real? rational? integer? exact? inexact? exact-integer? exact inexact = < > <= >= zero? positive? negative? odd? even? min max + - * / abs floor-quotient floor-remainder floor/ truncate-quotient truncate-remainder truncate/ (rename truncate-quotient quotient) (rename truncate-remainder remainder) (rename floor-remainder modulo) gcd lcm floor ceiling truncate round exact-integer-sqrt square expt number->string string->number) ;; 6.3. Booleans (export boolean? boolean=? not) ;; 6.4 Pairs and lists (export pair? cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr! null? caar cadr cdar cddr list? make-list list length append reverse list-tail list-ref list-set! list-copy memq memv member assq assv assoc) ;; 6.5. Symbols (export symbol? symbol=? symbol->string string->symbol) ;; 6.6. Characters (export char? char->integer integer->char char=? char? char<=? char>=?) ;; 6.7. Strings (define (string->list string . opts) (let ((start (if (pair? opts) (car opts) 0)) (end (if (>= (length opts) 2) (cadr opts) (string-length string)))) (do ((i start (+ i 1)) (res '())) ((= i end) (reverse res)) (set! res (cons (string-ref string i) res))))) (define (list->string list) (let ((len (length list))) (let ((v (make-string len))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (l list (cdr l))) ((= i len) v) (string-set! v i (car l)))))) (define (string . objs) (list->string objs)) (export string? string make-string string-length string-ref string-set! string-copy string-copy! string-append string-fill! string=? string? string<=? string>=? string->list list->string (rename string-copy substring)) ;; 6.8. Vectors (define (vector . objs) (list->vector objs)) (define (vector->string . args) (list->string (apply vector->list args))) (define (string->vector . args) (list->vector (apply string->list args))) (export vector vector->string string->vector) (export vector? make-vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector-copy! vector-copy vector-append vector-fill! list->vector vector->list) ;; 6.9. bytevector (define (bytevector->list v start end) (do ((i start (+ i 1)) (res '())) ((= i end) (reverse res)) (set! res (cons (bytevector-u8-ref v i) res)))) (define (list->bytevector list) (let ((len (length list))) (let ((v (make-bytevector len))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (l list (cdr l))) ((= i len) v) (bytevector-u8-set! v i (car l)))))) (define (bytevector . objs) (list->bytevector objs)) (define (utf8->string v . opts) (let ((start (if (pair? opts) (car opts) 0)) (end (if (>= (length opts) 2) (cadr opts) (bytevector-length v)))) (list->string (map integer->char (bytevector->list v start end))))) (define (string->utf8 s . opts) (let ((start (if (pair? opts) (car opts) 0)) (end (if (>= (length opts) 2) (cadr opts) (string-length s)))) (list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list s start end))))) (export bytevector? bytevector make-bytevector bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-copy bytevector-copy! bytevector-append bytevector->list list->bytevector utf8->string string->utf8) ;; 6.10. Control features (define (string-map f . strings) (list->string (apply map f (map string->list strings)))) (define (string-for-each f . strings) (apply for-each f (map string->list strings))) (define (vector-map f . vectors) (list->vector (apply map f (map vector->list vectors)))) (define (vector-for-each f . vectors) (apply for-each f (map vector->list vectors))) (export procedure? apply map for-each string-map string-for-each vector-map vector-for-each call-with-current-continuation call/cc dynamic-wind values call-with-values) ;; 6.11. Exceptions (export with-exception-handler raise raise-continuable error error-object? error-object-message error-object-irritants read-error? file-error?) ;; 6.13. Input and output (export current-input-port current-output-port current-error-port call-with-port port? input-port? output-port? textual-port? binary-port? (rename port-open? input-port-open?) (rename port-open? output-port-open?) close-port (rename close-port close-input-port) (rename close-port close-output-port) open-input-string open-output-string get-output-string open-input-bytevector open-output-bytevector get-output-bytevector eof-object? eof-object read-char peek-char char-ready? read-line read-string read-u8 peek-u8 u8-ready? read-bytevector read-bytevector! newline write-char write-string write-u8 write-bytevector flush-output-port))