/** * See Copyright Notice in picrin.h */ #include #include "value.h" #include "object.h" pic_value pic_str_value(pic_state *pic, const char *str, int len) { char *buf; struct rope_leaf *leaf; struct string *s; assert(str != NULL); buf = pic_malloc(pic, len + 1); buf[len] = 0; memcpy(buf, str, len); leaf = (struct rope_leaf *) pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_ROPE_LEAF); leaf->len = len; leaf->str = buf; s = (struct string *) pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_STRING); s->rope = (struct rope *) leaf; return obj_value(pic, s); } pic_value pic_cstr_value(pic_state *pic, const char *cstr) { return pic_str_value(pic, cstr, strlen(cstr)); } pic_value pic_strf_value(pic_state *pic, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; pic_value str; va_start(ap, fmt); str = pic_vstrf_value(pic, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return str; } pic_value pic_vstrf_value(pic_state *pic, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { pic_value str, str2; const char *p; for (p = fmt; *p; p++) { if (*p == '%') break; } str = pic_str_value(pic, fmt, p - fmt); if (*p == 0) { return str; } p++; /* skip '%' */ switch (*p++) { case '\0': return pic_str_value(pic, fmt, p - fmt - 1); case 'd': case 'i': { int i = va_arg(ap, int); str2 = pic_funcall(pic, "number->string", 1, pic_int_value(pic, i)); break; } case 'f': { double f = va_arg(ap, double); str2 = pic_funcall(pic, "number->string", 1, pic_float_value(pic, f)); break; } case 'c': { char c = (char) va_arg(ap, int); str2 = pic_str_value(pic, &c, 1); break; } case 's': { char *sval = va_arg(ap, char*); str2 = pic_cstr_value(pic, sval); break; } case 'p': { static const char digits[] = "0123456789abcdef"; #define MAXLEN (sizeof(long) * CHAR_BIT / 4) unsigned long vp = (unsigned long) va_arg(ap, void*); char buf[2 + MAXLEN + 1] = "0x", *p = buf + 2; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAXLEN; ++i) { p[MAXLEN - i - 2] = digits[vp % 16]; vp /= 16; } p[i] = '\0'; str2 = pic_cstr_value(pic, buf); break; } case '%': str2 = pic_str_value(pic, &p[-1], 1); break; } return pic_str_cat(pic, str, pic_str_cat(pic, str2, pic_vstrf_value(pic, p, ap))); } int pic_str_len(pic_state *pic, pic_value str) { return str_ptr(pic, str)->rope->len; } pic_value pic_str_cat(pic_state *pic, pic_value a, pic_value b) { struct rope *s1 = str_ptr(pic, a)->rope, *s2 = str_ptr(pic, b)->rope; struct rope_node *node; struct string *s; node = (struct rope_node *) pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_ROPE_NODE); node->len = s1->len + s2->len; node->s1 = s1; node->s2 = s2; s = (struct string *) pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_STRING); s->rope = (struct rope *) node; return obj_value(pic, s); } static pic_value str_sub(pic_state *pic, struct rope *rope, int i, int j) { int lweight; pic_value s1, s2; if (i == 0 && rope->len == j) { return obj_value(pic, rope); } if (obj_type(rope) == PIC_TYPE_ROPE_LEAF) { return pic_str_value(pic, ((struct rope_leaf *) rope)->str + i, j - i); } lweight = ((struct rope_node *) rope)->s1->len; if (j <= lweight) { return str_sub(pic, ((struct rope_node *) rope)->s1, i, j); } if (lweight <= i) { return str_sub(pic, ((struct rope_node *) rope)->s2, i - lweight, j - lweight); } s1 = str_sub(pic, ((struct rope_node *) rope)->s1, i, lweight); s2 = str_sub(pic, ((struct rope_node *) rope)->s2, 0, j - lweight); return pic_str_cat(pic, s1, s2); } pic_value pic_str_sub(pic_state *pic, pic_value str, int s, int e) { return str_sub(pic, str_ptr(pic, str)->rope, s, e); } int pic_str_hash(pic_state *pic, pic_value str) { int len, h = 0; const char *s; s = pic_str(pic, str, &len); while (len-- > 0) { h = (h << 5) - h + *s++; } return h; } int pic_str_cmp(pic_state *pic, pic_value str1, pic_value str2) { int len1, len2, r; const char *buf1, *buf2; buf1 = pic_str(pic, str1, &len1); buf2 = pic_str(pic, str2, &len2); if (len1 == len2) { return memcmp(buf1, buf2, len1); } r = memcmp(buf1, buf2, (len1 < len2 ? len1 : len2)); if (r != 0) { return r; } return len1 - len2; } static void str_cstr(pic_state *pic, struct rope *rope, char *buf) { if (obj_type(rope) == PIC_TYPE_ROPE_LEAF) { memcpy(buf, ((struct rope_leaf *) rope)->str, rope->len); } else { struct rope_node *r = (struct rope_node *) rope; str_cstr(pic, r->s1, buf); str_cstr(pic, r->s2, buf + r->s1->len); } } const char * pic_str(pic_state *pic, pic_value str, int *len) { struct rope *rope = str_ptr(pic, str)->rope; char *buf; struct rope_leaf *leaf; if (len) { *len = rope->len; } if (obj_type(rope) == PIC_TYPE_ROPE_LEAF) { return ((struct rope_leaf *) rope)->str; } buf = pic_malloc(pic, rope->len + 1); buf[rope->len] = 0; str_cstr(pic, rope, buf); leaf = (struct rope_leaf *) pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_ROPE_LEAF); leaf->len = rope->len; leaf->str = buf; /* cache the result */ str_ptr(pic, str)->rope = (struct rope *) leaf; return buf; } const char * pic_cstr(pic_state *pic, pic_value str, int *len) { const char *buf; int l; buf = pic_str(pic, str, &l); if (strchr(buf, '\0') != buf + l) { pic_error(pic, "casting scheme string containing null character to c string", 1, str); } if (len) { *len = l; } return buf; } static pic_value pic_str_string_p(pic_state *pic) { pic_value v; pic_get_args(pic, "o", &v); return pic_bool_value(pic, pic_str_p(pic, v)); } static pic_value pic_str_string(pic_state *pic) { int argc, i; pic_value *argv; char *buf; pic_get_args(pic, "*", &argc, &argv); buf = pic_alloca(pic, argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { TYPE_CHECK(pic, argv[i], char); buf[i] = pic_char(pic, argv[i]); } return pic_str_value(pic, buf, argc); } static pic_value pic_str_make_string(pic_state *pic) { int len; char c = ' '; char *buf; pic_get_args(pic, "i|c", &len, &c); if (len < 0) { pic_error(pic, "make-string: negative length given", 1, pic_int_value(pic, len)); } buf = pic_alloca(pic, len); memset(buf, c, len); return pic_str_value(pic, buf, len); } static pic_value pic_str_string_length(pic_state *pic) { pic_value str; pic_get_args(pic, "s", &str); return pic_int_value(pic, pic_str_len(pic, str)); } static pic_value pic_str_string_ref(pic_state *pic) { pic_value str; int k; pic_get_args(pic, "si", &str, &k); VALID_INDEX(pic, pic_str_len(pic, str), k); return pic_char_value(pic, pic_str(pic, str, 0)[k]); } static pic_value pic_str_string_set(pic_state *pic) { pic_value str, x, y, z, w; char c; int k, len; pic_get_args(pic, "sic", &str, &k, &c); len = pic_str_len(pic, str); VALID_INDEX(pic, len, k); x = pic_str_sub(pic, str, 0, k); y = pic_str_value(pic, &c, 1); z = pic_str_sub(pic, str, k + 1, len); w = pic_str_cat(pic, x, pic_str_cat(pic, y, z)); str_ptr(pic, str)->rope = str_ptr(pic, w)->rope; return pic_undef_value(pic); } #define DEFINE_STRING_CMP(name, op) \ static pic_value \ pic_str_string_##name(pic_state *pic) \ { \ int argc, i; \ pic_value *argv; \ \ pic_get_args(pic, "*", &argc, &argv); \ \ if (argc < 1 || ! pic_str_p(pic, argv[0])) { \ return pic_false_value(pic); \ } \ \ for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { \ if (! pic_str_p(pic, argv[i])) { \ return pic_false_value(pic); \ } \ if (! (pic_str_cmp(pic, argv[i-1], argv[i]) op 0)) { \ return pic_false_value(pic); \ } \ } \ return pic_true_value(pic); \ } DEFINE_STRING_CMP(eq, ==) DEFINE_STRING_CMP(lt, <) DEFINE_STRING_CMP(gt, >) DEFINE_STRING_CMP(le, <=) DEFINE_STRING_CMP(ge, >=) static pic_value pic_str_string_copy(pic_state *pic) { pic_value str; int n, start, end, len; n = pic_get_args(pic, "s|ii", &str, &start, &end); len = pic_str_len(pic, str); switch (n) { case 1: start = 0; case 2: end = len; } VALID_RANGE(pic, len, start, end); return pic_str_sub(pic, str, start, end); } static pic_value pic_str_string_copy_ip(pic_state *pic) { pic_value to, from, x, y, z, w; int n, at, start, end, tolen, fromlen; n = pic_get_args(pic, "sis|ii", &to, &at, &from, &start, &end); tolen = pic_str_len(pic, to); fromlen = pic_str_len(pic, from); switch (n) { case 3: start = 0; case 4: end = fromlen; } VALID_ATRANGE(pic, tolen, at, fromlen, start, end); x = pic_str_sub(pic, to, 0, at); y = pic_str_sub(pic, from, start, end); z = pic_str_sub(pic, to, at + end - start, tolen); w = pic_str_cat(pic, x, pic_str_cat(pic, y, z)); str_ptr(pic, to)->rope = str_ptr(pic, w)->rope; return pic_undef_value(pic); } static pic_value pic_str_string_fill_ip(pic_state *pic) { pic_value str, x, y, z, w; char c, *buf; int n, start, end, len; n = pic_get_args(pic, "sc|ii", &str, &c, &start, &end); len = pic_str_len(pic, str); switch (n) { case 2: start = 0; case 3: end = len; } VALID_RANGE(pic, len, start, end); buf = pic_alloca(pic, end - start); memset(buf, c, end - start); x = pic_str_sub(pic, str, 0, start); y = pic_str_value(pic, buf, end - start); z = pic_str_sub(pic, str, end, len); w = pic_str_cat(pic, x, pic_str_cat(pic, y, z)); str_ptr(pic, str)->rope = str_ptr(pic, w)->rope; return pic_undef_value(pic); } static pic_value pic_str_string_append(pic_state *pic) { int argc, i; pic_value *argv; pic_value str = pic_lit_value(pic, ""); pic_get_args(pic, "*", &argc, &argv); for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { TYPE_CHECK(pic, argv[i], str); str = pic_str_cat(pic, str, argv[i]); } return str; } static pic_value pic_str_string_map(pic_state *pic) { pic_value proc, *argv, vals, val; int argc, i, len, j; char *buf; pic_get_args(pic, "l*", &proc, &argc, &argv); if (argc == 0) { pic_error(pic, "string-map: one or more strings expected, but got zero", 0); } len = INT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { int l; TYPE_CHECK(pic, argv[i], str); l = pic_str_len(pic, argv[i]); len = len < l ? len : l; } buf = pic_alloca(pic, len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { vals = pic_nil_value(pic); for (j = 0; j < argc; ++j) { pic_push(pic, pic_char_value(pic, pic_str(pic, argv[j], 0)[i]), vals); } vals = pic_reverse(pic, vals); val = pic_funcall(pic, "apply", 2, proc, vals); TYPE_CHECK(pic, val, char); buf[i] = pic_char(pic, val); } return pic_str_value(pic, buf, len); } static pic_value pic_str_string_for_each(pic_state *pic) { pic_value proc, *argv, vals; int argc, i, len, j; pic_get_args(pic, "l*", &proc, &argc, &argv); if (argc == 0) { pic_error(pic, "string-map: one or more strings expected, but got zero", 0); } len = INT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { int l; TYPE_CHECK(pic, argv[i], str); l = pic_str_len(pic, argv[i]); len = len < l ? len : l; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { vals = pic_nil_value(pic); for (j = 0; j < argc; ++j) { pic_push(pic, pic_char_value(pic, pic_str(pic, argv[j], 0)[i]), vals); } vals = pic_reverse(pic, vals); pic_funcall(pic, "apply", 2, proc, vals); } return pic_undef_value(pic); } static pic_value pic_str_list_to_string(pic_state *pic) { pic_value list, e, it; int i; char *buf; pic_get_args(pic, "o", &list); buf = pic_alloca(pic, pic_length(pic, list)); i = 0; pic_for_each (e, list, it) { TYPE_CHECK(pic, e, char); buf[i++] = pic_char(pic, e); } return pic_str_value(pic, buf, i); } static pic_value pic_str_string_to_list(pic_state *pic) { pic_value str, list; int n, start, end, len, i; n = pic_get_args(pic, "s|ii", &str, &start, &end); len = pic_str_len(pic, str); switch (n) { case 1: start = 0; case 2: end = len; } VALID_RANGE(pic, len, start, end); list = pic_nil_value(pic); for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { pic_push(pic, pic_char_value(pic, pic_str(pic, str, 0)[i]), list); } return pic_reverse(pic, list); } void pic_init_str(pic_state *pic) { pic_defun(pic, "string?", pic_str_string_p); pic_defun(pic, "string", pic_str_string); pic_defun(pic, "make-string", pic_str_make_string); pic_defun(pic, "string-length", pic_str_string_length); pic_defun(pic, "string-ref", pic_str_string_ref); pic_defun(pic, "string-set!", pic_str_string_set); pic_defun(pic, "string-copy", pic_str_string_copy); pic_defun(pic, "string-copy!", pic_str_string_copy_ip); pic_defun(pic, "string-fill!", pic_str_string_fill_ip); pic_defun(pic, "string-append", pic_str_string_append); pic_defun(pic, "string-map", pic_str_string_map); pic_defun(pic, "string-for-each", pic_str_string_for_each); pic_defun(pic, "list->string", pic_str_list_to_string); pic_defun(pic, "string->list", pic_str_string_to_list); pic_defun(pic, "string=?", pic_str_string_eq); pic_defun(pic, "string?", pic_str_string_gt); pic_defun(pic, "string<=?", pic_str_string_le); pic_defun(pic, "string>=?", pic_str_string_ge); }