reorder and cleanup built-in libraries
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,174 @@
(walk (lambda (x) (if (symbol? x) (inject x) x)) expr))
(make-syntactic-closure mac-env '() (f renamed inject compare))))
;;; Core syntaxes
(define (list . args)
(define (caar p)
(car (car p)))
(define (cadr p)
(car (cdr p)))
(define (cdar p)
(cdr (car p)))
(define (cddr p)
(cdr (cdr p)))
(define (any pred list)
(if (null? list)
((lambda (it)
(if it
(any pred (cdr list))))
(pred (car list)))))
(define (map f list . lists)
(define (single-map f list)
(if (null? list)
(cons (f (car list))
(map f (cdr list)))))
(define (multiple-map f lists)
(if (any null? lists)
(cons (apply f (single-map car lists))
(multiple-map f (single-map cdr lists)))))
(if (null? lists)
(single-map f list)
(multiple-map f (cons list lists))))
(define-macro (let bindings . body)
(if (symbol? bindings)
(define name bindings)
(set! bindings (car body))
(set! body (cdr body))
;; expanded form should be like below:
;; `(let ()
;; (define ,loop
;; (lambda (,@vars)
;; ,@body))
;; (,loop ,@vals))
(list 'let '()
(list 'define name
(cons 'lambda (cons (map car bindings) body)))
(cons name (map cadr bindings))))
(cons (cons 'lambda (cons (map car bindings) body))
(map cadr bindings))))
(define-macro (cond . clauses)
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((c (car clauses)))
(let ((test (car c))
(if-true (cons 'begin (cdr c)))
(if-false (cons 'cond (cdr clauses))))
(list 'if test if-true if-false)))))
(define-macro (and . exprs)
(if (null? exprs)
(let ((test (car exprs))
(if-true (cons 'and (cdr exprs))))
(list 'if test if-true #f))))
(define-macro (or . exprs)
(if (null? exprs)
(let ((test (car exprs))
(if-false (cons 'or (cdr exprs))))
(list 'let (list (list 'it test))
(list 'if 'it 'it if-false)))))
(define (append xs ys)
(if (null? xs)
(cons (car xs)
(append (cdr xs) ys))))
(define-macro (quasiquote x)
((symbol? x) (list 'quote x))
((pair? x)
((eq? 'unquote (car x)) (cadr x))
((and (pair? (car x))
(eq? 'unquote-splicing (caar x)))
(list 'append (cadr (car x)) (list 'quasiquote (cdr x))))
(#t (list 'cons
(list 'quasiquote (car x))
(list 'quasiquote (cdr x))))))
(#t x)))
(define-macro (let* bindings . body)
(if (null? bindings)
`(let () ,@body)
`(let ((,(caar bindings)
,@(cdar bindings)))
(let* (,@(cdr bindings))
(define-macro (letrec bindings . body)
(let ((vars (map (lambda (v) `(,v #f)) (map car bindings)))
(initials (map (lambda (v) `(set! ,@v)) bindings)))
`(let (,@vars)
(begin ,@initials)
(define-macro (letrec* . args)
`(letrec ,@args))
(define-macro (do bindings finish . body)
`(let loop ,(map (lambda (x)
(list (car x) (cadr x)))
(if ,(car finish)
(begin ,@body
(loop ,@(map (lambda (x)
(if (null? (cddr x))
(car x)
(car (cddr x))))
(begin ,@(cdr finish)))))
(define-macro (when test . exprs)
(list 'if test (cons 'begin exprs) #f))
(define-macro (unless test . exprs)
(list 'if test #f (cons 'begin exprs)))
(define (every pred list)
(if (null? list)
(if (pred (car list))
(every pred (cdr list))
(define (fold f s xs)
(if (null? xs)
(fold f (f (car xs) s) (cdr xs))))
(define (values . args)
(if (and (pair? args)
(null? (cdr args)))
(car args)
(cons '*values-tag* args)))
(define (call-with-values producer consumer)
(let ((res (producer)))
(if (and (pair? res)
(eq? '*values-tag* (car res)))
(apply consumer (cdr res))
(consumer res))))
;;; 6.2. Numbers
(define (zero? n)
(= n 0))
@ -47,6 +215,30 @@
(define (even? n)
(= 1 (floor-remainder n 2)))
(define (min x . args)
(let loop ((pivot x) (rest args))
(if (null? rest)
(loop (if (< x (car rest)) x (car rest)) (cdr rest)))))
(define (max x . args)
(let loop ((pivot x) (rest args))
(if (null? rest)
(loop (if (> x (car rest)) x (car rest)) (cdr rest)))))
(define (floor/ n m)
(values (floor-quotient n m)
(floor-remainder n m)))
(define (truncate/ n m)
(values (truncate-quotient n m)
(truncate-remainder n m)))
(define (exact-integer-sqrt k)
(let ((n (exact (sqrt k))))
(values n (- k (square n)))))
(define (gcd n m)
(if (negative? n)
(set! n (- n)))
@ -64,20 +256,13 @@
(define (lcm n m)
(/ (* n m) (gcd n m)))
(define (caar p)
(car (car p)))
;;; 6.3 Booleans
(define (cadr p)
(car (cdr p)))
(define (boolean=? . objs)
(or (every (lambda (x) (eq? x #t)) objs)
(every (lambda (x) (eq? x #f)) objs)))
(define (cdar p)
(cdr (car p)))
(define (cddr p)
(cdr (cdr p)))
(define (list . args)
;;; 6.4 Pairs and lists
(define (list? obj)
(if (null? obj)
@ -99,12 +284,6 @@
(+ 1 (length (cdr list)))))
(define (append xs ys)
(if (null? xs)
(cons (car xs)
(append (cdr xs) ys))))
(define (reverse list . args)
(if (null? args)
(reverse list '())
@ -158,140 +337,6 @@
(cons (car obj)
(list-copy (cdr obj)))))
(define (every pred list)
(if (null? list)
(if (pred (car list))
(every pred (cdr list))
(define (any pred list)
(if (null? list)
((lambda (it)
(if it
(any pred (cdr list))))
(pred (car list)))))
(define (fold f s xs)
(if (null? xs)
(fold f (f (car xs) s) (cdr xs))))
(define (map f list . lists)
(define (single-map f list)
(if (null? list)
(cons (f (car list))
(map f (cdr list)))))
(define (multiple-map f lists)
(if (any null? lists)
(cons (apply f (single-map car lists))
(multiple-map f (single-map cdr lists)))))
(if (null? lists)
(single-map f list)
(multiple-map f (cons list lists))))
(define (for-each f list . lists)
(define (single-for-each f list)
(if (null? list)
(f (car list))
(single-for-each f (cdr list)))))
(define (multiple-for-each f lists)
(if (any null? lists)
(apply f (map car lists))
(multiple-for-each f (map cdr lists)))))
(if (null? lists)
(single-for-each f list)
(multiple-for-each f (cons list lists))))
(define-macro (let bindings . body)
(if (symbol? bindings)
(define name bindings)
(set! bindings (car body))
(set! body (cdr body))
;; expanded form should be like below:
;; `(let ()
;; (define ,loop
;; (lambda (,@vars)
;; ,@body))
;; (,loop ,@vals))
(list 'let '()
(list 'define name
(cons 'lambda (cons (map car bindings) body)))
(cons name (map cadr bindings))))
(cons (cons 'lambda (cons (map car bindings) body))
(map cadr bindings))))
(define-macro (cond . clauses)
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((c (car clauses)))
(let ((test (car c))
(if-true (cons 'begin (cdr c)))
(if-false (cons 'cond (cdr clauses))))
(list 'if test if-true if-false)))))
(define-macro (and . exprs)
(if (null? exprs)
(let ((test (car exprs))
(if-true (cons 'and (cdr exprs))))
(list 'if test if-true #f))))
(define-macro (or . exprs)
(if (null? exprs)
(let ((test (car exprs))
(if-false (cons 'or (cdr exprs))))
(list 'let (list (list 'it test))
(list 'if 'it 'it if-false)))))
(define-macro (quasiquote x)
((symbol? x) (list 'quote x))
((pair? x)
((eq? 'unquote (car x)) (cadr x))
((and (pair? (car x))
(eq? 'unquote-splicing (caar x)))
(list 'append (cadr (car x)) (list 'quasiquote (cdr x))))
(#t (list 'cons
(list 'quasiquote (car x))
(list 'quasiquote (cdr x))))))
(#t x)))
(define-macro (let* bindings . body)
(if (null? bindings)
`(let () ,@body)
`(let ((,(caar bindings)
,@(cdar bindings)))
(let* (,@(cdr bindings))
(define-macro (letrec bindings . body)
(let ((vars (map (lambda (v) `(,v #f)) (map car bindings)))
(initials (map (lambda (v) `(set! ,@v)) bindings)))
`(let (,@vars)
(begin ,@initials)
(define-macro (letrec* . args)
`(letrec ,@args))
(define-macro (when test . exprs)
(list 'if test (cons 'begin exprs) #f))
(define-macro (unless test . exprs)
(list 'if test #f (cons 'begin exprs)))
(define (member obj list . opts)
(let ((compare (if (null? opts) equal? (car opts))))
(if (null? list)
@ -308,64 +353,6 @@
(car list)
(assoc obj (cdr list) compare)))))
(define (values . args)
(if (and (pair? args)
(null? (cdr args)))
(car args)
(cons '*values-tag* args)))
(define (call-with-values producer consumer)
(let ((res (producer)))
(if (and (pair? res)
(eq? '*values-tag* (car res)))
(apply consumer (cdr res))
(consumer res))))
(define-macro (do bindings finish . body)
`(let loop ,(map (lambda (x)
(list (car x) (cadr x)))
(if ,(car finish)
(begin ,@body
(loop ,@(map (lambda (x)
(if (null? (cddr x))
(car x)
(car (cddr x))))
(begin ,@(cdr finish)))))
;;; 6.2. Numbers
(define (min x . args)
(let loop ((pivot x) (rest args))
(if (null? rest)
(loop (if (< x (car rest)) x (car rest)) (cdr rest)))))
(define (max x . args)
(let loop ((pivot x) (rest args))
(if (null? rest)
(loop (if (> x (car rest)) x (car rest)) (cdr rest)))))
(define (floor/ n m)
(values (floor-quotient n m)
(floor-remainder n m)))
(define (truncate/ n m)
(values (truncate-quotient n m)
(truncate-remainder n m)))
(define (exact-integer-sqrt k)
(let ((n (exact (sqrt k))))
(values n (- k (square n)))))
;;; 6.3 Booleans
(define (boolean=? . objs)
(or (every (lambda (x) (eq? x #t)) objs)
(every (lambda (x) (eq? x #f)) objs)))
;;; 6.5. Symbols
(define (symbol=? . objs)
@ -559,6 +546,23 @@
;;; 6.10 control features
(define (for-each f list . lists)
(define (single-for-each f list)
(if (null? list)
(f (car list))
(single-for-each f (cdr list)))))
(define (multiple-for-each f lists)
(if (any null? lists)
(apply f (map car lists))
(multiple-for-each f (map cdr lists)))))
(if (null? lists)
(single-for-each f list)
(multiple-for-each f (cons list lists))))
(define (string-map f v . vs)
(let* ((len (fold min (string-length v) (map string-length vs)))
(vec (make-string len)))
Reference in New Issue