WIP: precompile macros

This commit is contained in:
Yuichi Nishiwaki 2017-04-03 23:39:30 +09:00
parent 92bbf28621
commit bba2abffde
7 changed files with 893 additions and 232 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(define-library (scheme base)
(import (picrin base)
(import (except (picrin base) compile)
(only (picrin math)

View File

@ -2,169 +2,310 @@
#include "picrin/extra.h"
static const char boot_rom[][80] = {
"(core#define-macro call-with-current-environment (core#lambda (form env) (list (",
"cadr form) env))) (core#define here (call-with-current-environment (core#lambda ",
"(env) env))) (core#define the (core#lambda (var) (make-identifier var here))) (c",
"ore#define the-builtin-define (the (core#quote core#define))) (core#define the-b",
"uiltin-lambda (the (core#quote core#lambda))) (core#define the-builtin-begin (th",
"e (core#quote core#begin))) (core#define the-builtin-quote (the (core#quote core",
"#quote))) (core#define the-builtin-set! (the (core#quote core#set!))) (core#defi",
"ne the-builtin-if (the (core#quote core#if))) (core#define the-builtin-define-ma",
"cro (the (core#quote core#define-macro))) (core#define the-define (the (core#quo",
"te define))) (core#define the-lambda (the (core#quote lambda))) (core#define the",
"-begin (the (core#quote begin))) (core#define the-quote (the (core#quote quote))",
") (core#define the-set! (the (core#quote set!))) (core#define the-if (the (core#",
"quote if))) (core#define the-define-macro (the (core#quote define-macro))) (core",
"#define-macro quote (core#lambda (form env) (core#if (= (length form) 2) (list t",
"he-builtin-quote (cadr form)) (error \"illegal quote form\" form)))) (core#define-",
"macro if (core#lambda (form env) ((core#lambda (len) (core#if (= len 4) (cons th",
"e-builtin-if (cdr form)) (core#if (= len 3) (list the-builtin-if (list-ref form ",
"1) (list-ref form 2) #undefined) (error \"illegal if form\" form)))) (length form)",
"))) (core#define-macro begin (core#lambda (form env) ((core#lambda (len) (if (= ",
"len 1) #undefined (if (= len 2) (cadr form) (if (= len 3) (cons the-builtin-begi",
"n (cdr form)) (list the-builtin-begin (cadr form) (cons the-begin (cddr form))))",
"))) (length form)))) (core#define-macro set! (core#lambda (form env) (if (= (len",
"gth form) 3) (if (identifier? (cadr form)) (cons the-builtin-set! (cdr form)) (e",
"rror \"illegal set! form\" form)) (error \"illegal set! form\" form)))) (core#define",
" check-formal (core#lambda (formal) (if (null? formal) #t (if (identifier? forma",
"l) #t (if (pair? formal) (if (identifier? (car formal)) (check-formal (cdr forma",
"l)) #f) #f))))) (core#define-macro lambda (core#lambda (form env) (if (= (length",
" form) 1) (error \"illegal lambda form\" form) (if (check-formal (cadr form)) (lis",
"t the-builtin-lambda (cadr form) (cons the-begin (cddr form))) (error \"illegal l",
"ambda form\" form))))) (core#define-macro define (lambda (form env) ((lambda (len",
") (if (= len 1) (error \"illegal define form\" form) (if (identifier? (cadr form))",
" (if (= len 3) (cons the-builtin-define (cdr form)) (error \"illegal define form\"",
" form)) (if (pair? (cadr form)) (list the-define (car (cadr form)) (cons the-lam",
"bda (cons (cdr (cadr form)) (cddr form)))) (error \"define: binding to non-varaib",
"le object\" form))))) (length form)))) (core#define-macro define-macro (lambda (f",
"orm env) (if (= (length form) 3) (if (identifier? (cadr form)) (cons the-builtin",
"-define-macro (cdr form)) (error \"define-macro: binding to non-variable object\" ",
"form)) (error \"illegal define-macro form\" form)))) (define-macro syntax-error (l",
"ambda (form _) (apply error (cdr form)))) (define-macro define-auxiliary-syntax ",
"(lambda (form _) (define message (string-append \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax",
": '\" (symbol->string (cadr form)) \"'\")) (list the-define-macro (cadr form) (list",
" the-lambda '_ (list (the 'error) message))))) (define-auxiliary-syntax else) (d",
"efine-auxiliary-syntax =>) (define-auxiliary-syntax unquote) (define-auxiliary-s",
"yntax unquote-splicing) (define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote) (define-auxilia",
"ry-syntax syntax-unquote-splicing) (define-macro let (lambda (form env) (if (ide",
"ntifier? (cadr form)) (list (list the-lambda '() (list the-define (cadr form) (c",
"ons the-lambda (cons (map car (car (cddr form))) (cdr (cddr form))))) (cons (cad",
"r form) (map cadr (car (cddr form)))))) (cons (cons the-lambda (cons (map car (c",
"adr form)) (cddr form))) (map cadr (cadr form)))))) (define-macro and (lambda (f",
"orm env) (if (null? (cdr form)) #t (if (null? (cddr form)) (cadr form) (list the",
"-if (cadr form) (cons (the 'and) (cddr form)) #f))))) (define-macro or (lambda (",
"form env) (if (null? (cdr form)) #f (let ((tmp (make-identifier 'it env))) (list",
" (the 'let) (list (list tmp (cadr form))) (list the-if tmp tmp (cons (the 'or) (",
"cddr form)))))))) (define-macro cond (lambda (form env) (let ((clauses (cdr form",
"))) (if (null? clauses) #undefined (let ((clause (car clauses))) (if (and (ident",
"ifier? (car clause)) (identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env",
"))) (cons the-begin (cdr clause)) (if (null? (cdr clause)) (let ((tmp (make-iden",
"tifier 'tmp here))) (list (the 'let) (list (list tmp (car clause))) (list the-if",
" tmp tmp (cons (the 'cond) (cdr clauses))))) (if (and (identifier? (cadr clause)",
") (identifier=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env))) (let ((tmp (make",
"-identifier 'tmp here))) (list (the 'let) (list (list tmp (car clause))) (list t",
"he-if tmp (list (car (cddr clause)) tmp) (cons (the 'cond) (cdr clauses))))) (li",
"st the-if (car clause) (cons the-begin (cdr clause)) (cons (the 'cond) (cdr clau",
"ses))))))))))) (define-macro quasiquote (lambda (form env) (define (quasiquote? ",
"form) (and (pair? form) (identifier? (car form)) (identifier=? (the 'quasiquote)",
" (make-identifier (car form) env)))) (define (unquote? form) (and (pair? form) (",
"identifier? (car form)) (identifier=? (the 'unquote) (make-identifier (car form)",
" env)))) (define (unquote-splicing? form) (and (pair? form) (pair? (car form)) (",
"identifier? (caar form)) (identifier=? (the 'unquote-splicing) (make-identifier ",
"(caar form) env)))) (define (qq depth expr) (cond ((unquote? expr) (if (= depth ",
"1) (car (cdr expr)) (list (the 'list) (list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote)) (qq (- ",
"depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))) ((unquote-splicing? expr) (if (= depth 1) (list (t",
"he 'append) (car (cdr (car expr))) (qq depth (cdr expr))) (list (the 'cons) (lis",
"t (the 'list) (list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote-splicing)) (qq (- depth 1) (car (",
"cdr (car expr))))) (qq depth (cdr expr))))) ((quasiquote? expr) (list (the 'list",
") (list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote)) (qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))) ((pa",
"ir? expr) (list (the 'cons) (qq depth (car expr)) (qq depth (cdr expr)))) ((vect",
"or? expr) (list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr)))) (else (list",
" (the 'quote) expr)))) (let ((x (cadr form))) (qq 1 x)))) (define-macro let* (la",
"mbda (form env) (let ((bindings (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form)))) (if (",
"null? bindings) `(,(the 'let) () ,@body) `(,(the 'let) ((,(car (car bindings)) ,",
"@(cdr (car bindings)))) (,(the 'let*) (,@(cdr bindings)) ,@body)))))) (define-ma",
"cro letrec (lambda (form env) `(,(the 'letrec*) ,@(cdr form)))) (define-macro le",
"trec* (lambda (form env) (let ((bindings (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form)",
"))) (let ((variables (map (lambda (v) `(,v #f)) (map car bindings))) (initials (",
"map (lambda (v) `(,(the 'set!) ,@v)) bindings))) `(,(the 'let) (,@variables) ,@i",
"nitials ,@body))))) (define-macro let-values (lambda (form env) `(,(the 'let*-va",
"lues) ,@(cdr form)))) (define-macro let*-values (lambda (form env) (let ((formal",
" (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form)))) (if (null? formal) `(,(the 'let) () ",
",@body) `(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@(cdr (car formal))) (,(the ",
"'lambda) (,@(car (car formal))) (,(the 'let*-values) (,@(cdr formal)) ,@body))))",
"))) (define-macro define-values (lambda (form env) (let ((formal (car (cdr form)",
")) (body (cdr (cdr form)))) (let ((arguments (make-identifier 'arguments here)))",
" `(,the-begin ,@(let loop ((formal formal)) (if (pair? formal) `((,the-define ,(",
"car formal) #undefined) ,@(loop (cdr formal))) (if (identifier? formal) `((,the-",
"define ,formal #undefined)) '()))) (,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@b",
"ody) (,the-lambda ,arguments ,@(let loop ((formal formal) (args arguments)) (if ",
"(pair? formal) `((,the-set! ,(car formal) (,(the 'car) ,args)) ,@(loop (cdr form",
"al) `(,(the 'cdr) ,args))) (if (identifier? formal) `((,the-set! ,formal ,args))",
" '())))))))))) (define-macro do (lambda (form env) (let ((bindings (car (cdr for",
"m))) (test (car (car (cdr (cdr form))))) (cleanup (cdr (car (cdr (cdr form))))) ",
"(body (cdr (cdr (cdr form))))) (let ((loop (make-identifier 'loop here))) `(,(th",
"e 'let) ,loop ,(map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ,(cadr x))) bindings) (,the-if ,test ",
"(,the-begin ,@cleanup) (,the-begin ,@body (,loop ,@(map (lambda (x) (if (null? (",
"cdr (cdr x))) (car x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))) bindings))))))))) (define-macro when",
" (lambda (form env) (let ((test (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form)))) `(,th",
"e-if ,test (,the-begin ,@body) #undefined)))) (define-macro unless (lambda (form",
" env) (let ((test (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form)))) `(,the-if ,test #un",
"defined (,the-begin ,@body))))) (define-macro case (lambda (form env) (let ((key",
" (car (cdr form))) (clauses (cdr (cdr form)))) (let ((the-key (make-identifier '",
"key here))) `(,(the 'let) ((,the-key ,key)) ,(let loop ((clauses clauses)) (if (",
"null? clauses) #undefined (let ((clause (car clauses))) `(,the-if ,(if (and (ide",
"ntifier? (car clause)) (identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) e",
"nv))) #t `(,(the 'or) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'eqv?) ,the-key (,the-quote ,x)",
")) (car clause)))) ,(if (and (identifier? (cadr clause)) (identifier=? (the '=>)",
" (make-identifier (cadr clause) env))) `(,(car (cdr (cdr clause))) ,the-key) `(,",
"the-begin ,@(cdr clause))) ,(loop (cdr clauses))))))))))) (define-macro paramete",
"rize (lambda (form env) (let ((formal (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form))))",
" `(,(the 'with-dynamic-environment) (,(the 'list) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'co",
"ns) ,(car x) ,(cadr x))) formal)) (,the-lambda () ,@body))))) (define-macro synt",
"ax-quote (lambda (form env) (let ((renames '())) (letrec ((rename (lambda (var) ",
"(let ((x (assq var renames))) (if x (cadr x) (begin (set! renames `((,var ,(make",
"-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) unquote renames)) (r",
"ename var)))))) (walk (lambda (f form) (cond ((identifier? form) (f form)) ((pai",
"r? form) `(,(the 'cons) (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form)))) ((vector? form",
") `(,(the 'list->vector) (walk f (vector->list form)))) (else `(,(the 'quote) ,f",
"orm)))))) (let ((form (walk rename (cadr form)))) `(,(the 'let) ,(map cdr rename",
"s) ,form)))))) (define-macro syntax-quasiquote (lambda (form env) (let ((renames",
" '())) (letrec ((rename (lambda (var) (let ((x (assq var renames))) (if x (cadr ",
"x) (begin (set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifi",
"er) ',var ',env)) unquote renames)) (rename var))))))) (define (syntax-quasiquot",
"e? form) (and (pair? form) (identifier? (car form)) (identifier=? (the 'syntax-q",
"uasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env)))) (define (syntax-unquote? form) (a",
"nd (pair? form) (identifier? (car form)) (identifier=? (the 'syntax-unquote) (ma",
"ke-identifier (car form) env)))) (define (syntax-unquote-splicing? form) (and (p",
"air? form) (pair? (car form)) (identifier? (caar form)) (identifier=? (the 'synt",
"ax-unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env)))) (define (qq depth expr",
") (cond ((syntax-unquote? expr) (if (= depth 1) (car (cdr expr)) (list (the 'lis",
"t) (list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote)) (qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))",
") ((syntax-unquote-splicing? expr) (if (= depth 1) (list (the 'append) (car (cdr",
" (car expr))) (qq depth (cdr expr))) (list (the 'cons) (list (the 'list) (list (",
"the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing)) (qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)",
")))) (qq depth (cdr expr))))) ((syntax-quasiquote? expr) (list (the 'list) (list",
" (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote)) (qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))) ((pair? exp",
"r) (list (the 'cons) (qq depth (car expr)) (qq depth (cdr expr)))) ((vector? exp",
"r) (list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr)))) ((identifier? expr",
") (rename expr)) (else (list (the 'quote) expr)))) (let ((body (qq 1 (cadr form)",
"))) `(,(the 'let) ,(map cdr renames) ,body)))))) (define (transformer f) (lambda",
" (form env) (let ((ephemeron1 (make-ephemeron-table)) (ephemeron2 (make-ephemero",
"n-table))) (letrec ((wrap (lambda (var1) (let ((var2 (ephemeron1 var1))) (if var",
"2 (cdr var2) (let ((var2 (make-identifier var1 env))) (ephemeron1 var1 var2) (ep",
"hemeron2 var2 var1) var2))))) (unwrap (lambda (var2) (let ((var1 (ephemeron2 var",
"2))) (if var1 (cdr var1) var2)))) (walk (lambda (f form) (cond ((identifier? for",
"m) (f form)) ((pair? form) (cons (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form)))) ((vec",
"tor? form) (list->vector (walk f (vector->list form)))) (else form))))) (let ((f",
"orm (cdr form))) (walk unwrap (apply f (walk wrap form)))))))) (define-macro def",
"ine-syntax (lambda (form env) (let ((formal (car (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr fo",
"rm)))) (if (pair? formal) `(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(c",
"dr formal) ,@body)) `(,the-define-macro ,formal (,(the 'transformer) (,the-begin",
" ,@body))))))) (define-macro letrec-syntax (lambda (form env) (let ((formal (car",
" (cdr form))) (body (cdr (cdr form)))) `(let () ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'defi",
"ne-syntax) ,(car x) ,(cadr x))) formal) ,@body)))) (define-macro let-syntax (lam",
"bda (form env) `(,(the 'letrec-syntax) ,@(cdr form)))) ",
"(core#begin (core#define transformer (core#lambda (.f.172) (core#lambda (.form.1",
"73 .env.174) ((core#lambda (.ephemeron1.175 .ephemeron2.176) ((core#lambda (.wra",
"p.177 .unwrap.178 .walk.179) (core#begin (core#set! .wrap.177 (core#lambda (.var",
"1.180) ((core#lambda (.var2.181) (core#if .var2.181 (cdr .var2.181) ((core#lambd",
"a (.var2.182) (core#begin (.ephemeron1.175 .var1.180 .var2.182) (core#begin (.ep",
"hemeron2.176 .var2.182 .var1.180) .var2.182))) (make-identifier .var1.180 .env.1",
"74)))) (.ephemeron1.175 .var1.180)))) (core#begin (core#set! .unwrap.178 (core#l",
"ambda (.var2.183) ((core#lambda (.var1.184) (core#if .var1.184 (cdr .var1.184) .",
"var2.183)) (.ephemeron2.176 .var2.183)))) (core#begin (core#set! .walk.179 (core",
"#lambda (.f.185 .form.186) (core#if (identifier? .form.186) (.f.185 .form.186) (",
"core#if (pair? .form.186) (cons (.walk.179 .f.185 (car .form.186)) (.walk.179 .f",
".185 (cdr .form.186))) (core#if (vector? .form.186) (list->vector (.walk.179 .f.",
"185 (vector->list .form.186))) .form.186))))) ((core#lambda (.form.187) (.walk.1",
"79 .unwrap.178 (apply .f.172 (.walk.179 .wrap.177 .form.187)))) (cdr .form.173))",
")))) #f #f #f)) (make-ephemeron-table) (make-ephemeron-table))))) ((core#lambda ",
"() (core#begin (core#define .define-transformer.188 (core#lambda (.name.208 .tra",
"nsformer.209) (add-macro! .name.208 .transformer.209))) (core#begin (core#define",
" .the.189 (core#lambda (.var.210) (make-identifier .var.210 default-environment)",
")) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-define.190 (.the.189 (core#quote core#defi",
"ne))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-lambda.191 (.the.189 (core#quote core#l",
"ambda))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-begin.192 (.the.189 (core#quote core",
"#begin))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-quote.193 (.the.189 (core#quote cor",
"e#quote))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-set!.194 (.the.189 (core#quote cor",
"e#set!))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-if.195 (.the.189 (core#quote core#i",
"f))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-define-macro.196 (.the.189 (core#quote c",
"ore#define-macro))) (core#begin (core#define .the-define.197 (.the.189 (core#quo",
"te define))) (core#begin (core#define .the-lambda.198 (.the.189 (core#quote lamb",
"da))) (core#begin (core#define .the-begin.199 (.the.189 (core#quote begin))) (co",
"re#begin (core#define .the-quote.200 (.the.189 (core#quote quote))) (core#begin ",
"(core#define .the-set!.201 (.the.189 (core#quote set!))) (core#begin (core#defin",
"e .the-if.202 (.the.189 (core#quote if))) (core#begin (core#define .the-define-m",
"acro.203 (.the.189 (core#quote define-macro))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.",
"188 (core#quote quote) (core#lambda (.form.211 .env.212) (core#if (= (length .fo",
"rm.211) 2) (cons .the-core-quote.193 (cons (cadr .form.211) (core#quote ()))) (e",
"rror \"malformed quote\" .form.211)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#",
"quote if) (core#lambda (.form.213 .env.214) ((core#lambda (.len.215) (core#if (=",
" .len.215 3) (append .form.213 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ()))) (",
"core#if (= .len.215 4) (cons .the-core-if.195 (cdr .form.213)) (error \"malformed",
" if\" .form.213)))) (length .form.213)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (c",
"ore#quote begin) (core#lambda (.form.216 .env.217) ((core#lambda (.len.218) (cor",
"e#if (= .len.218 1) #undefined (core#if (= .len.218 2) (cadr .form.216) (core#if",
" (= .len.218 3) (cons .the-core-begin.192 (cdr .form.216)) (cons .the-core-begin",
".192 (cons (cadr .form.216) (cons (cons .the-begin.199 (cddr .form.216)) (core#q",
"uote ())))))))) (length .form.216)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core",
"#quote set!) (core#lambda (.form.219 .env.220) (core#if (core#if (= (length .for",
"m.219) 3) (identifier? (cadr .form.219)) #f) (cons .the-core-set!.194 (cdr .form",
".219)) (error \"malformed set!\" .form.219)))) (core#begin (core#define .check-for",
"mal.204 (core#lambda (.formal.221) ((core#lambda (.it.222) (core#if .it.222 .it.",
"222 ((core#lambda (.it.223) (core#if .it.223 .it.223 ((core#lambda (.it.224) (co",
"re#if .it.224 .it.224 #f)) (core#if (pair? .formal.221) (core#if (identifier? (c",
"ar .formal.221)) (.check-formal.204 (cdr .formal.221)) #f) #f)))) (identifier? .",
"formal.221)))) (null? .formal.221)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core",
"#quote lambda) (core#lambda (.form.225 .env.226) (core#if (= (length .form.225) ",
"1) (error \"malformed lambda\" .form.225) (core#if (.check-formal.204 (cadr .form.",
"225)) (cons .the-core-lambda.191 (cons (cadr .form.225) (cons (cons .the-begin.1",
"99 (cddr .form.225)) (core#quote ())))) (error \"malformed lambda\" .form.225)))))",
" (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote define) (core#lambda (.form.22",
"7 .env.228) ((core#lambda (.len.229) (core#if (= .len.229 1) (error \"malformed d",
"efine\" .form.227) ((core#lambda (.formal.230) (core#if (identifier? .formal.230)",
" (core#if (= .len.229 3) (cons .the-core-define.190 (cdr .form.227)) (error \"mal",
"formed define\" .form.227)) (core#if (pair? .formal.230) (cons .the-define.197 (c",
"ons (car .formal.230) (cons (cons .the-lambda.198 (cons (cdr .formal.230) (cddr ",
".form.227))) (core#quote ())))) (error \"define: binding to non-varaible object\" ",
".form.227)))) (cadr .form.227)))) (length .form.227)))) (core#begin (.define-tra",
"nsformer.188 (core#quote define-macro) (core#lambda (.form.231 .env.232) (core#i",
"f (= (length .form.231) 3) (core#if (identifier? (cadr .form.231)) (cons .the-co",
"re-define-macro.196 (cdr .form.231)) (error \"define-macro: binding to non-variab",
"le object\" .form.231)) (error \"malformed define-macro\" .form.231)))) (core#begin",
" (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote syntax-error) (core#lambda (.form.233 ._.2",
"34) (apply error (cdr .form.233)))) (core#begin #undefined (core#begin (.define-",
"transformer.188 (core#quote else) (core#lambda ._.235 (error \"invalid use of aux",
"iliary syntax\" (core#quote else)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#q",
"uote =>) (core#lambda ._.236 (error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quot",
"e =>)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote unquote) (core#lambda ",
"._.237 (error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote unquote)))) (core#be",
"gin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote unquote-splicing) (core#lambda ._.238 (",
"error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote unquote-splicing)))) (core#b",
"egin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote syntax-unquote) (core#lambda ._.239 (e",
"rror \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote syntax-unquote)))) (core#begi",
"n (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote syntax-unquote-splicing) (core#lambda ._.",
"240 (error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote syntax-unquote-splicing",
")))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote let) (core#lambda (.form.2",
"41 .env.242) (core#if (identifier? (cadr .form.241)) ((core#lambda (.name.243 .f",
"ormal.244 .body.245) (cons (cons .the-lambda.198 (cons (core#quote ()) (cons (co",
"ns .the-define.197 (cons (cons .name.243 (map car .formal.244)) .body.245)) (con",
"s (cons .name.243 (map cadr .formal.244)) (core#quote ()))))) (core#quote ()))) ",
"(car (cdr .form.241)) (car (cdr (cdr .form.241))) (cdr (cdr (cdr .form.241)))) (",
"(core#lambda (.formal.246 .body.247) (cons (cons .the-lambda.198 (cons (map car ",
".formal.246) .body.247)) (map cadr .formal.246))) (car (cdr .form.241)) (cdr (cd",
"r .form.241)))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote and) (core#la",
"mbda (.form.248 .env.249) (core#if (null? (cdr .form.248)) #t (core#if (null? (c",
"ddr .form.248)) (cadr .form.248) (cons .the-if.202 (cons (cadr .form.248) (cons ",
"(cons (.the.189 (core#quote and)) (cddr .form.248)) (cons (core#quote #f) (core#",
"quote ()))))))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote or) (core#lam",
"bda (.form.250 .env.251) (core#if (null? (cdr .form.250)) #f ((core#lambda (.tmp",
".252) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons .tmp.252 (cons (cadr .",
"form.250) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons .the-if.202 (cons .tmp.",
"252 (cons .tmp.252 (cons (cons (.the.189 (core#quote or)) (cddr .form.250)) (cor",
"e#quote ()))))) (core#quote ()))))) (make-identifier (core#quote it) .env.251)))",
")) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote cond) (core#lambda (.form.25",
"3 .env.254) ((core#lambda (.clauses.255) (core#if (null? .clauses.255) #undefine",
"d ((core#lambda (.clause.256) (core#if (core#if (identifier? (car .clause.256)) ",
"(identifier=? (.the.189 (core#quote else)) (make-identifier (car .clause.256) .e",
"nv.254)) #f) (cons .the-begin.199 (cdr .clause.256)) (core#if (null? (cdr .claus",
"e.256)) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote or)) (cons (car .clause.256) (cons (cons (.t",
"he.189 (core#quote cond)) (cdr .clauses.255)) (core#quote ())))) (core#if (core#",
"if (identifier? (cadr .clause.256)) (identifier=? (.the.189 (core#quote =>)) (ma",
"ke-identifier (cadr .clause.256) .env.254)) #f) ((core#lambda (.tmp.257) (cons (",
".the.189 (core#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons .tmp.257 (cons (car .clause.256) (c",
"ore#quote ()))) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons .the-if.202 (cons .tmp.257 (cons (c",
"ons (cadr (cdr .clause.256)) (cons .tmp.257 (core#quote ()))) (cons (cons (.the.",
"189 (core#quote cond)) (cddr .form.253)) (core#quote ()))))) (core#quote ())))))",
" (make-identifier (core#quote tmp) .env.254)) (cons .the-if.202 (cons (car .clau",
"se.256) (cons (cons .the-begin.199 (cdr .clause.256)) (cons (cons (.the.189 (cor",
"e#quote cond)) (cdr .clauses.255)) (core#quote ()))))))))) (car .clauses.255))))",
" (cdr .form.253)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote quasiquote)",
" (core#lambda (.form.258 .env.259) (core#begin (core#define .quasiquote?.260 (co",
"re#lambda (.form.264) (core#if (pair? .form.264) (core#if (identifier? (car .for",
"m.264)) (identifier=? (.the.189 (core#quote quasiquote)) (make-identifier (car .",
"form.264) .env.259)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .unquote?.261 (core#lamb",
"da (.form.265) (core#if (pair? .form.265) (core#if (identifier? (car .form.265))",
" (identifier=? (.the.189 (core#quote unquote)) (make-identifier (car .form.265) ",
".env.259)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .unquote-splicing?.262 (core#lambd",
"a (.form.266) (core#if (pair? .form.266) (core#if (pair? (car .form.266)) (core#",
"if (identifier? (caar .form.266)) (identifier=? (.the.189 (core#quote unquote-sp",
"licing)) (make-identifier (caar .form.266) .env.259)) #f) #f) #f))) (core#begin ",
"(core#define .qq.263 (core#lambda (.depth.267 .expr.268) (core#if (.unquote?.261",
" .expr.268) (core#if (= .depth.267 1) (cadr .expr.268) (list (.the.189 (core#quo",
"te list)) (list (.the.189 (core#quote quote)) (.the.189 (core#quote unquote))) (",
".qq.263 (- .depth.267 1) (car (cdr .expr.268))))) (core#if (.unquote-splicing?.2",
"62 .expr.268) (core#if (= .depth.267 1) (list (.the.189 (core#quote append)) (ca",
"r (cdr (car .expr.268))) (.qq.263 .depth.267 (cdr .expr.268))) (list (.the.189 (",
"core#quote cons)) (list (.the.189 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.189 (core#quote",
" quote)) (.the.189 (core#quote unquote-splicing))) (.qq.263 (- .depth.267 1) (ca",
"r (cdr (car .expr.268))))) (.qq.263 .depth.267 (cdr .expr.268)))) (core#if (.qua",
"siquote?.260 .expr.268) (list (.the.189 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.189 (core",
"#quote quote)) (.the.189 (core#quote quasiquote))) (.qq.263 (+ .depth.267 1) (ca",
"r (cdr .expr.268)))) (core#if (pair? .expr.268) (list (.the.189 (core#quote cons",
")) (.qq.263 .depth.267 (car .expr.268)) (.qq.263 .depth.267 (cdr .expr.268))) (c",
"ore#if (vector? .expr.268) (list (.the.189 (core#quote list->vector)) (.qq.263 .",
"depth.267 (vector->list .expr.268))) (list (.the.189 (core#quote quote)) .expr.2",
"68)))))))) ((core#lambda (.x.269) (.qq.263 1 .x.269)) (cadr .form.258)))))))) (c",
"ore#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote let*) (core#lambda (.form.270 .en",
"v.271) ((core#lambda (.bindings.272 .body.273) (core#if (null? .bindings.272) (c",
"ons (.the.189 (core#quote let)) (cons (core#quote ()) .body.273)) (cons (.the.18",
"9 (core#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons (car (car .bindings.272)) (cdr (car .bindi",
"ngs.272))) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons (.the.189 (core#quote let*)) (cons (cdr ",
".bindings.272) .body.273)) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .form.270)) (cdr (cdr ",
".form.270))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote letrec) (core#la",
"mbda (.form.274 .env.275) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote letrec*)) (cdr .form.274))",
")) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote letrec*) (core#lambda (.form",
".276 .env.277) ((core#lambda (.bindings.278 .body.279) ((core#lambda (.variables",
".280 .initials.281) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote let)) (cons .variables.280 (appe",
"nd .initials.281 (append .body.279 (core#quote ())))))) (map (core#lambda (.v.28",
"2) (cons .v.282 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))) (map car .bindi",
"ngs.278)) (map (core#lambda (.v.283) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote set!)) (append ",
".v.283 (core#quote ())))) .bindings.278))) (car (cdr .form.276)) (cdr (cdr .form",
".276))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote let-values) (core#lam",
"bda (.form.284 .env.285) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote let*-values)) (append (cdr ",
".form.284) (core#quote ()))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote ",
"let*-values) (core#lambda (.form.286 .env.287) ((core#lambda (.formal.288 .body.",
"289) (core#if (null? .formal.288) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote let)) (cons (core#",
"quote ()) (append .body.289 (core#quote ())))) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote call-",
"with-values)) (cons (cons .the-lambda.198 (cons (core#quote ()) (append (cdr (ca",
"r .formal.288)) (core#quote ())))) (cons (cons (.the.189 (core#quote lambda)) (c",
"ons (append (car (car .formal.288)) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons (.the.189 (core",
"#quote let*-values)) (cons (append (cdr .formal.288) (core#quote ())) (append .b",
"ody.289 (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .fo",
"rm.286)) (cdr (cdr .form.286))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quo",
"te define-values) (core#lambda (.form.290 .env.291) ((core#lambda (.formal.292 .",
"body.293) ((core#lambda (.arguments.294) (cons .the-begin.199 (append ((core#lam",
"bda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.295 (core#lambda (.formal.296) (core#if (p",
"air? .formal.296) (cons (cons .the-define.197 (cons (car .formal.296) (cons (cor",
"e#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))) (append (.loop.295 (cdr .formal.296)) (co",
"re#quote ()))) (core#if (identifier? .formal.296) (cons (cons .the-define.197 (c",
"ons .formal.296 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())",
") (core#quote ()))))) (.loop.295 .formal.292)))) (cons (cons (.the.189 (core#quo",
"te call-with-values)) (cons (cons .the-lambda.198 (cons (core#quote ()) (append ",
".body.293 (core#quote ())))) (cons (cons .the-lambda.198 (cons .arguments.294 (a",
"ppend ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.297 (core#lambda (.formal.",
"298 .args.299) (core#if (pair? .formal.298) (cons (cons .the-set!.201 (cons (car",
" .formal.298) (cons (cons (.the.189 (core#quote car)) (cons .args.299 (core#quot",
"e ()))) (core#quote ())))) (append (.loop.297 (cdr .formal.298) (cons (.the.189 ",
"(core#quote cdr)) (cons .args.299 (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))) (core#if ",
"(identifier? .formal.298) (cons (cons .the-set!.201 (cons .formal.298 (cons .arg",
"s.299 (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())) (core#quote ()))))) (.loop.297 .formal",
".292 .arguments.294)))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))))",
") (make-identifier (core#quote arguments) .env.291))) (car (cdr .form.290)) (cdr",
" (cdr .form.290))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote do) (core#",
"lambda (.form.300 .env.301) ((core#lambda (.bindings.302 .test.303 .cleanup.304 ",
".body.305) ((core#lambda (.loop.306) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote let)) (cons .lo",
"op.306 (cons (map (core#lambda (.x.307) (cons (car .x.307) (cons (cadr .x.307) (",
"core#quote ())))) .bindings.302) (cons (cons .the-if.202 (cons .test.303 (cons (",
"cons .the-begin.199 .cleanup.304) (cons (cons .the-begin.199 (append .body.305 (",
"cons (cons .loop.306 (map (core#lambda (.x.308) (core#if (null? (cdr (cdr .x.308",
"))) (car .x.308) (car (cdr (cdr .x.308))))) .bindings.302)) (core#quote ())))) (",
"core#quote ()))))) (core#quote ())))))) (make-identifier (core#quote loop) .env.",
"301))) (car (cdr .form.300)) (car (car (cdr (cdr .form.300)))) (cdr (car (cdr (c",
"dr .form.300)))) (cdr (cdr (cdr .form.300)))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer",
".188 (core#quote when) (core#lambda (.form.309 .env.310) ((core#lambda (.test.31",
"1 .body.312) (cons .the-if.202 (cons .test.311 (cons (cons .the-begin.199 (appen",
"d .body.312 (core#quote ()))) (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ()))))))",
" (car (cdr .form.309)) (cdr (cdr .form.309))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer",
".188 (core#quote unless) (core#lambda (.form.313 .env.314) ((core#lambda (.test.",
"315 .body.316) (cons .the-if.202 (cons .test.315 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (",
"cons (cons .the-begin.199 (append .body.316 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ()))))",
")) (car (cdr .form.313)) (cdr (cdr .form.313))))) (core#begin (.define-transform",
"er.188 (core#quote case) (core#lambda (.form.317 .env.318) ((core#lambda (.key.3",
"19 .clauses.320) ((core#lambda (.the-key.321) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote let)) ",
"(cons (cons (cons .the-key.321 (cons .key.319 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ()))",
" (cons ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.322 (core#lambda (.clause",
"s.323) (core#if (null? .clauses.323) #undefined ((core#lambda (.clause.324) (con",
"s .the-if.202 (cons (core#if (core#if (identifier? (car .clause.324)) (identifie",
"r=? (.the.189 (core#quote else)) (make-identifier (car .clause.324) .env.318)) #",
"f) #t (cons (.the.189 (core#quote or)) (append (map (core#lambda (.x.325) (cons ",
"(.the.189 (core#quote eqv?)) (cons .the-key.321 (cons (cons .the-quote.200 (cons",
" .x.325 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ()))))) (car .clause.324)) (core#quote ())",
"))) (cons (core#if (core#if (identifier? (cadr .clause.324)) (identifier=? (.the",
".189 (core#quote =>)) (make-identifier (cadr .clause.324) .env.318)) #f) (cons (",
"car (cdr (cdr .clause.324))) (cons .the-key.321 (core#quote ()))) (cons .the-beg",
"in.199 (append (cdr .clause.324) (core#quote ())))) (cons (.loop.322 (cdr .claus",
"es.323)) (core#quote ())))))) (car .clauses.323))))) (.loop.322 .clauses.320))))",
" (core#quote ()))))) (make-identifier (core#quote key) .env.318))) (car (cdr .fo",
"rm.317)) (cdr (cdr .form.317))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quo",
"te parameterize) (core#lambda (.form.326 .env.327) ((core#lambda (.formal.328 .b",
"ody.329) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote with-dynamic-environment)) (cons (cons (.th",
"e.189 (core#quote list)) (append (map (core#lambda (.x.330) (cons (.the.189 (cor",
"e#quote cons)) (cons (car .x.330) (cons (cadr .x.330) (core#quote ()))))) .forma",
"l.328) (core#quote ()))) (cons (cons .the-lambda.198 (cons (core#quote ()) (appe",
"nd .body.329 (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))))) (car (cdr .form.326)) (cdr (",
"cdr .form.326))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote syntax-quote",
") (core#lambda (.form.331 .env.332) ((core#lambda (.renames.333) ((core#lambda (",
".rename.334 .walk.335) (core#begin (core#set! .rename.334 (core#lambda (.var.336",
") ((core#lambda (.x.337) (core#if .x.337 (cadr .x.337) (core#begin (core#set! .r",
"enames.333 (cons (cons .var.336 (cons (make-identifier .var.336 .env.332) (cons ",
"(cons (.the.189 (core#quote make-identifier)) (cons (cons (core#quote quote) (co",
"ns .var.336 (core#quote ()))) (cons (cons (core#quote quote) (cons .env.332 (cor",
"e#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))) .renames.333)) (.rename.334 ",
".var.336)))) (assq .var.336 .renames.333)))) (core#begin (core#set! .walk.335 (c",
"ore#lambda (.f.338 .form.339) (core#if (identifier? .form.339) (.f.338 .form.339",
") (core#if (pair? .form.339) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote cons)) (cons (cons (cor",
"e#quote walk) (cons (core#quote f) (cons (cons (core#quote car) (cons (core#quot",
"e form) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (cons (cons (core#quote walk) (cons",
" (core#quote f) (cons (cons (core#quote cdr) (cons (core#quote form) (core#quote",
" ()))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))) (core#if (vector? .form.339) (cons ",
"(.the.189 (core#quote list->vector)) (cons (cons (core#quote walk) (cons (core#q",
"uote f) (cons (cons (core#quote vector->list) (cons (core#quote form) (core#quot",
"e ()))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote quote))",
" (cons .form.339 (core#quote ())))))))) ((core#lambda (.form.340) (cons (.the.18",
"9 (core#quote let)) (cons (map cdr .renames.333) (cons .form.340 (core#quote ())",
")))) (.walk.335 .rename.334 (cadr .form.331)))))) #f #f)) (core#quote ())))) (co",
"re#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote syntax-quasiquote) (core#lambda (.",
"form.341 .env.342) ((core#lambda (.renames.343) ((core#lambda (.rename.344) (cor",
"e#begin (core#set! .rename.344 (core#lambda (.var.349) ((core#lambda (.x.350) (c",
"ore#if .x.350 (cadr .x.350) (core#begin (core#set! .renames.343 (cons (cons .var",
".349 (cons (make-identifier .var.349 .env.342) (cons (cons (.the.189 (core#quote",
" make-identifier)) (cons (cons (core#quote quote) (cons .var.349 (core#quote ())",
")) (cons (cons (core#quote quote) (cons .env.342 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote (",
"))))) (core#quote ())))) .renames.343)) (.rename.344 .var.349)))) (assq .var.349",
" .renames.343)))) (core#begin (core#define .syntax-quasiquote?.345 (core#lambda ",
"(.form.351) (core#if (pair? .form.351) (core#if (identifier? (car .form.351)) (i",
"dentifier=? (.the.189 (core#quote syntax-quasiquote)) (make-identifier (car .for",
"m.351) .env.342)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .syntax-unquote?.346 (core#",
"lambda (.form.352) (core#if (pair? .form.352) (core#if (identifier? (car .form.3",
"52)) (identifier=? (.the.189 (core#quote syntax-unquote)) (make-identifier (car ",
".form.352) .env.342)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .syntax-unquote-splicin",
"g?.347 (core#lambda (.form.353) (core#if (pair? .form.353) (core#if (pair? (car ",
".form.353)) (core#if (identifier? (caar .form.353)) (identifier=? (.the.189 (cor",
"e#quote syntax-unquote-splicing)) (make-identifier (caar .form.353) .env.342)) #",
"f) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .qq.348 (core#lambda (.depth.354 .expr.355",
") (core#if (.syntax-unquote?.346 .expr.355) (core#if (= .depth.354 1) (car (cdr ",
".expr.355)) (list (.the.189 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.189 (core#quote quote",
")) (.the.189 (core#quote syntax-unquote))) (.qq.348 (- .depth.354 1) (car (cdr .",
"expr.355))))) (core#if (.syntax-unquote-splicing?.347 .expr.355) (core#if (= .de",
"pth.354 1) (list (.the.189 (core#quote append)) (car (cdr (car .expr.355))) (.qq",
".348 .depth.354 (cdr .expr.355))) (list (.the.189 (core#quote cons)) (list (.the",
".189 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.189 (core#quote quote)) (.the.189 (core#quot",
"e syntax-unquote-splicing))) (.qq.348 (- .depth.354 1) (car (cdr (car .expr.355)",
")))) (.qq.348 .depth.354 (cdr .expr.355)))) (core#if (.syntax-quasiquote?.345 .e",
"xpr.355) (list (.the.189 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.189 (core#quote quote)) ",
"(.the.189 (core#quote quasiquote))) (.qq.348 (+ .depth.354 1) (car (cdr .expr.35",
"5)))) (core#if (pair? .expr.355) (list (.the.189 (core#quote cons)) (.qq.348 .de",
"pth.354 (car .expr.355)) (.qq.348 .depth.354 (cdr .expr.355))) (core#if (vector?",
" .expr.355) (list (.the.189 (core#quote list->vector)) (.qq.348 .depth.354 (vect",
"or->list .expr.355))) (core#if (identifier? .expr.355) (.rename.344 .expr.355) (",
"list (.the.189 (core#quote quote)) .expr.355))))))))) ((core#lambda (.body.356) ",
"(cons (.the.189 (core#quote let)) (cons (map cdr .renames.343) (cons .body.356 (",
"core#quote ()))))) (.qq.348 1 (cadr .form.341))))))))) #f)) (core#quote ())))) (",
"core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote define-syntax) (core#lambda (.fo",
"rm.357 .env.358) ((core#lambda (.formal.359 .body.360) (core#if (pair? .formal.3",
"59) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote define-syntax)) (cons (car .formal.359) (cons (c",
"ons .the-lambda.198 (cons (cdr .formal.359) (append .body.360 (core#quote ()))))",
" (core#quote ())))) (cons .the-define-macro.203 (cons .formal.359 (cons (cons (.",
"the.189 (core#quote transformer)) (cons (cons .the-begin.199 (append .body.360 (",
"core#quote ()))) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .form.357)) (c",
"dr (cdr .form.357))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote letrec-s",
"yntax) (core#lambda (.form.361 .env.362) ((core#lambda (.formal.363 .body.364) (",
"cons (core#quote let) (cons (core#quote ()) (append (map (core#lambda (.x.365) (",
"cons (.the.189 (core#quote define-syntax)) (cons (car .x.365) (cons (cadr .x.365",
") (core#quote ()))))) .formal.363) (append .body.364 (core#quote ())))))) (car (",
"cdr .form.361)) (cdr (cdr .form.361))))) (.define-transformer.188 (core#quote le",
"t-syntax) (core#lambda (.form.366 .env.367) (cons (.the.189 (core#quote letrec-s",
"yntax)) (append (cdr .form.366) (core#quote ()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))",
")))))))))))))))))))))))))) ",
@ -202,67 +343,68 @@ static const char boot_library_rom[][80] = {
"m))) (or (null? form) (and (test (car form)) (loop (cdr form)))))) ((or) (let lo",
"op ((form (cdr form))) (and (pair? form) (or (test (car form)) (loop (cdr form))",
")))) (else #f))))))) (let loop ((clauses (cdr form))) (if (null? clauses) #undef",
"ined (if (test (caar clauses)) `(,the-begin ,@(cdar clauses)) (loop (cdr clauses",
")))))))) (define-macro import (lambda (form _) (let ((caddr (lambda (x) (car (cd",
"r (cdr x))))) (prefix (lambda (prefix symbol) (string->symbol (string-append (sy",
"mbol->string prefix) (symbol->string symbol))))) (getlib (lambda (name) (if (fin",
"d-library name) name (error \"library not found\" name))))) (letrec ((extract (lam",
"bda (spec) (case (car spec) ((only rename prefix except) (extract (cadr spec))) ",
"(else (getlib spec))))) (collect (lambda (spec) (case (car spec) ((only) (let ((",
"alist (collect (cadr spec)))) (map (lambda (var) (assq var alist)) (cddr spec)))",
") ((rename) (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))) (renames (map (lambda (x) `(,(ca",
"r x) unquote (cadr x))) (cddr spec)))) (map (lambda (s) (or (assq (car s) rename",
"s) s)) alist))) ((prefix) (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec)))) (map (lambda (s) ",
"(cons (prefix (caddr spec) (car s)) (cdr s))) alist))) ((except) (let ((alist (c",
"ollect (cadr spec)))) (let loop ((alist alist)) (if (null? alist) '() (if (memq ",
"(caar alist) (cddr spec)) (loop (cdr alist)) (cons (car alist) (loop (cdr alist)",
"))))))) (else (dictionary-map (lambda (x) (cons x x)) (library-exports (getlib s",
"pec)))))))) (letrec ((import (lambda (spec) (let ((lib (extract spec)) (alist (c",
"ollect spec))) (for-each (lambda (slot) (library-import lib (cdr slot) (car slot",
"))) alist))))) (for-each import (cdr form))))))) (define-macro export (lambda (f",
"orm _) (letrec ((collect (lambda (spec) (cond ((symbol? spec) `(,spec unquote sp",
"ec)) ((and (list? spec) (= (length spec) 3) (eq? (car spec) 'rename)) `(,(list-r",
"ef spec 1) unquote (list-ref spec 2))) (else (error \"malformed export\"))))) (exp",
"ort (lambda (spec) (let ((slot (collect spec))) (library-export (car slot) (cdr ",
"slot)))))) (for-each export (cdr form))))) (let () (make-library '(picrin base))",
" (set-car! (dictionary-ref *libraries* (mangle '(picrin base))) default-environm",
"ent) (let ((export-keywords (lambda (keywords) (let ((env (library-environment '",
"(picrin base))) (exports (library-exports '(picrin base)))) (for-each (lambda (k",
"eyword) (dictionary-set! exports keyword keyword)) keywords))))) (export-keyword",
"s '(define lambda quote set! if begin define-macro let let* letrec letrec* let-v",
"alues let*-values define-values quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing and or cond ",
"case else => do when unless parameterize define-syntax syntax-quote syntax-unquo",
"te syntax-quasiquote syntax-unquote-splicing let-syntax letrec-syntax syntax-err",
"or)) (export-keywords '(features eq? eqv? equal? not boolean? boolean=? pair? co",
"ns car cdr null? set-car! set-cdr! caar cadr cdar cddr list? make-list list leng",
"th append reverse list-tail list-ref list-set! list-copy map for-each memq memv ",
"member assq assv assoc current-input-port current-output-port current-error-port",
" port? input-port? output-port? port-open? close-port eof-object? eof-object rea",
"d-u8 peek-u8 read-bytevector! write-u8 write-bytevector flush-output-port open-i",
"nput-bytevector open-output-bytevector get-output-bytevector number? exact? inex",
"act? inexact exact = < > <= >= + - * / number->string string->number procedure? ",
"apply symbol? symbol=? symbol->string string->symbol make-identifier identifier?",
" identifier=? identifier-base identifier-environment vector? vector make-vector ",
"vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector-copy! vector-copy vector-append vect",
"or-fill! vector-map vector-for-each list->vector vector->list string->vector vec",
"tor->string bytevector? bytevector make-bytevector bytevector-length bytevector-",
"u8-ref bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-copy! bytevector-copy bytevector-append byt",
"evector->list list->bytevector call-with-current-continuation call/cc values cal",
"l-with-values char? char->integer integer->char char=? char<? char>? char<=? cha",
"r>=? current-exception-handlers with-exception-handler raise raise-continuable e",
"rror error-object? error-object-message error-object-irritants error-object-type",
" string? string make-string string-length string-ref string-set! string-copy str",
"ing-copy! string-fill! string-append string-map string-for-each list->string str",
"ing->list string=? string<? string>? string<=? string>=? make-parameter with-dyn",
"amic-environment read make-dictionary dictionary? dictionary dictionary-has? dic",
"tionary-ref dictionary-set! dictionary-delete! dictionary-size dictionary-map di",
"ctionary-for-each dictionary->alist alist->dictionary dictionary->plist plist->d",
"ictionary make-record record? record-type record-datum default-environment make-",
"environment find-identifier set-identifier! eval make-ephemeron-table write writ",
"e-simple write-shared display)) (export-keywords '(find-library make-library cur",
"rent-library))) (set! eval (let ((e eval)) (lambda (expr . lib) (let ((lib (if (",
"null? lib) (current-library) (car lib)))) (e expr (library-environment lib))))))",
" (make-library '(picrin user)) (current-library '(picrin user))) ",
"ined (if (test (caar clauses)) `(,(make-identifier 'begin default-environment) ,",
"@(cdar clauses)) (loop (cdr clauses)))))))) (define-macro import (lambda (form _",
") (let ((caddr (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))) (prefix (lambda (prefix symbol)",
" (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string prefix) (symbol->string symbol))",
"))) (getlib (lambda (name) (if (find-library name) name (error \"library not foun",
"d\" name))))) (letrec ((extract (lambda (spec) (case (car spec) ((only rename pre",
"fix except) (extract (cadr spec))) (else (getlib spec))))) (collect (lambda (spe",
"c) (case (car spec) ((only) (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec)))) (map (lambda (v",
"ar) (assq var alist)) (cddr spec)))) ((rename) (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec)",
")) (renames (map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) unquote (cadr x))) (cddr spec)))) (map (",
"lambda (s) (or (assq (car s) renames) s)) alist))) ((prefix) (let ((alist (colle",
"ct (cadr spec)))) (map (lambda (s) (cons (prefix (caddr spec) (car s)) (cdr s)))",
" alist))) ((except) (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec)))) (let loop ((alist alist",
")) (if (null? alist) '() (if (memq (caar alist) (cddr spec)) (loop (cdr alist)) ",
"(cons (car alist) (loop (cdr alist)))))))) (else (dictionary-map (lambda (x) (co",
"ns x x)) (library-exports (getlib spec)))))))) (letrec ((import (lambda (spec) (",
"let ((lib (extract spec)) (alist (collect spec))) (for-each (lambda (slot) (libr",
"ary-import lib (cdr slot) (car slot))) alist))))) (for-each import (cdr form))))",
"))) (define-macro export (lambda (form _) (letrec ((collect (lambda (spec) (cond",
" ((symbol? spec) `(,spec unquote spec)) ((and (list? spec) (= (length spec) 3) (",
"eq? (car spec) 'rename)) `(,(list-ref spec 1) unquote (list-ref spec 2))) (else ",
"(error \"malformed export\"))))) (export (lambda (spec) (let ((slot (collect spec)",
")) (library-export (car slot) (cdr slot)))))) (for-each export (cdr form))))) (l",
"et () (make-library '(picrin base)) (set-car! (dictionary-ref *libraries* (mangl",
"e '(picrin base))) default-environment) (let ((export-keywords (lambda (keywords",
") (let ((env (library-environment '(picrin base))) (exports (library-exports '(p",
"icrin base)))) (for-each (lambda (keyword) (dictionary-set! exports keyword keyw",
"ord)) keywords))))) (export-keywords '(define lambda quote set! if begin define-",
"macro let let* letrec letrec* let-values let*-values define-values quasiquote un",
"quote unquote-splicing and or cond case else => do when unless parameterize defi",
"ne-syntax syntax-quote syntax-unquote syntax-quasiquote syntax-unquote-splicing ",
"let-syntax letrec-syntax syntax-error)) (export-keywords '(features eq? eqv? equ",
"al? not boolean? boolean=? pair? cons car cdr null? set-car! set-cdr! caar cadr ",
"cdar cddr list? make-list list length append reverse list-tail list-ref list-set",
"! list-copy map for-each memq memv member assq assv assoc current-input-port cur",
"rent-output-port current-error-port port? input-port? output-port? port-open? cl",
"ose-port eof-object? eof-object read-u8 peek-u8 read-bytevector! write-u8 write-",
"bytevector flush-output-port open-input-bytevector open-output-bytevector get-ou",
"tput-bytevector number? exact? inexact? inexact exact = < > <= >= + - * / number",
"->string string->number procedure? apply symbol? symbol=? symbol->string string-",
">symbol make-identifier identifier? identifier=? identifier-base identifier-envi",
"ronment vector? vector make-vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector-c",
"opy! vector-copy vector-append vector-fill! vector-map vector-for-each list->vec",
"tor vector->list string->vector vector->string bytevector? bytevector make-bytev",
"ector bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-copy! by",
"tevector-copy bytevector-append bytevector->list list->bytevector call-with-curr",
"ent-continuation call/cc values call-with-values char? char->integer integer->ch",
"ar char=? char<? char>? char<=? char>=? current-exception-handlers with-exceptio",
"n-handler raise raise-continuable error error-object? error-object-message error",
"-object-irritants error-object-type string? string make-string string-length str",
"ing-ref string-set! string-copy string-copy! string-fill! string-append string-m",
"ap string-for-each list->string string->list string=? string<? string>? string<=",
"? string>=? make-parameter with-dynamic-environment read make-dictionary diction",
"ary? dictionary dictionary-has? dictionary-ref dictionary-set! dictionary-delete",
"! dictionary-size dictionary-map dictionary-for-each dictionary->alist alist->di",
"ctionary dictionary->plist plist->dictionary make-record record? record-type rec",
"ord-datum default-environment make-environment find-identifier set-identifier! e",
"val compile add-macro! make-ephemeron-table write write-simple write-shared disp",
"lay)) (export-keywords '(find-library make-library current-library))) (set! eval",
" (let ((e eval)) (lambda (expr . lib) (let ((lib (if (null? lib) (current-librar",
"y) (car lib)))) (e expr (library-environment lib)))))) (make-library '(picrin us",
"er)) (current-library '(picrin user))) ",
@ -270,7 +412,7 @@ static const char boot_library_rom[][80] = {
pic_boot(pic_state *pic)
pic_load_cstr(pic, &boot_rom[0][0]);
pic_call(pic, pic_compile(pic, pic_read_cstr(pic, &boot_rom[0][0])), 0);
pic_load_cstr(pic, &boot_library_rom[0][0]);

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ pic_set_identifier(pic_state *pic, pic_value id, pic_value uid, pic_value env)
kh_val(&pic_env_ptr(pic, env)->map, it) = pic_sym_ptr(pic, uid);
static pic_value pic_compile(pic_state *, pic_value);
pic_value pic_compile(pic_state *, pic_value);
#define EQ(sym, lit) (strcmp(pic_sym(pic, sym), lit) == 0)
#define S(lit) (pic_intern_lit(pic, lit))
@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ pic_codegen(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj)
#define SAVE(pic, ai, obj) pic_leave(pic, ai); pic_protect(pic, obj)
static pic_value
pic_compile(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj)
struct irep *irep;
@ -1256,6 +1256,32 @@ pic_eval_find_identifier(pic_state *pic)
return pic_find_identifier(pic, id, env);
static pic_value
pic_eval_add_macro(pic_state *pic)
pic_value id, mac, uid;
pic_get_args(pic, "ol", &id, &mac);
TYPE_CHECK(pic, id, id);
uid = pic_find_identifier(pic, id, default_env(pic));
define_macro(pic, uid, mac);
return pic_undef_value(pic);
static pic_value
pic_eval_compile(pic_state *pic)
pic_value program, env = default_env(pic);
pic_get_args(pic, "o|o", &program, &env);
TYPE_CHECK(pic, env, env);
return pic_expand(pic, program, env);
static pic_value
pic_eval_eval(pic_state *pic)
@ -1293,5 +1319,7 @@ pic_init_eval(pic_state *pic)
pic_defun(pic, "make-environment", pic_eval_make_environment);
pic_defun(pic, "find-identifier", pic_eval_find_identifier);
pic_defun(pic, "set-identifier!", pic_eval_set_identifier);
pic_defun(pic, "add-macro!", pic_eval_add_macro);
pic_defun(pic, "compile", pic_eval_compile);
pic_defun(pic, "eval", pic_eval_eval);

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ void pic_load_cstr(pic_state *, const char *);
pic_value pic_fopen(pic_state *, FILE *, const char *mode);
pic_value pic_compile(pic_state *, pic_value);
* library

piclib/boot2.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
(define (transformer f)
(lambda (form env)
(let ((ephemeron1 (make-ephemeron-table))
(ephemeron2 (make-ephemeron-table)))
((wrap (lambda (var1)
(let ((var2 (ephemeron1 var1)))
(if var2
(cdr var2)
(let ((var2 (make-identifier var1 env)))
(ephemeron1 var1 var2)
(ephemeron2 var2 var1)
(unwrap (lambda (var2)
(let ((var1 (ephemeron2 var2)))
(if var1
(cdr var1)
(walk (lambda (f form)
((identifier? form)
(f form))
((pair? form)
(cons (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))
((vector? form)
(list->vector (walk f (vector->list form))))
(let ((form (cdr form)))
(walk unwrap (apply f (walk wrap form))))))))
(let ()
(define (define-transformer name transformer)
(add-macro! name transformer))
(define (the var) ; synonym for #'var
(make-identifier var default-environment))
(define the-core-define (the 'core#define))
(define the-core-lambda (the 'core#lambda))
(define the-core-begin (the 'core#begin))
(define the-core-quote (the 'core#quote))
(define the-core-set! (the 'core#set!))
(define the-core-if (the 'core#if))
(define the-core-define-macro (the 'core#define-macro))
(define the-define (the 'define))
(define the-lambda (the 'lambda))
(define the-begin (the 'begin))
(define the-quote (the 'quote))
(define the-set! (the 'set!))
(define the-if (the 'if))
(define the-define-macro (the 'define-macro))
(define-transformer 'quote
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 2)
`(,the-core-quote ,(cadr form))
(error "malformed quote" form))))
(define-transformer 'if
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
((= len 3) `(,@form #undefined))
((= len 4) `(,the-core-if . ,(cdr form)))
(else (error "malformed if" form))))))
(define-transformer 'begin
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
((= len 1) #undefined)
((= len 2) (cadr form))
((= len 3) `(,the-core-begin . ,(cdr form)))
(else `(,the-core-begin ,(cadr form) (,the-begin . ,(cddr form))))))))
(define-transformer 'set!
(lambda (form env)
(if (and (= (length form) 3) (identifier? (cadr form)))
`(,the-core-set! . ,(cdr form))
(error "malformed set!" form))))
(define (check-formal formal)
(or (null? formal)
(identifier? formal)
(and (pair? formal)
(identifier? (car formal))
(check-formal (cdr formal)))))
(define-transformer 'lambda
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 1)
(error "malformed lambda" form)
(if (check-formal (cadr form))
`(,the-core-lambda ,(cadr form) (,the-begin . ,(cddr form)))
(error "malformed lambda" form)))))
(define-transformer 'define
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
(if (= len 1)
(error "malformed define" form)
(let ((formal (cadr form)))
(if (identifier? formal)
(if (= len 3)
`(,the-core-define . ,(cdr form))
(error "malformed define" form))
(if (pair? formal)
`(,the-define ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(cdr formal) . ,(cddr form)))
(error "define: binding to non-varaible object" form))))))))
(define-transformer 'define-macro
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 3)
(if (identifier? (cadr form))
`(,the-core-define-macro . ,(cdr form))
(error "define-macro: binding to non-variable object" form))
(error "malformed define-macro" form))))
(define-transformer 'syntax-error
(lambda (form _)
(apply error (cdr form))))
(define-macro define-auxiliary-syntax
(lambda (form _)
`(define-transformer ',(cadr form)
(lambda _
(error "invalid use of auxiliary syntax" ',(cadr form))))))
(define-auxiliary-syntax else)
(define-auxiliary-syntax =>)
(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote)
(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote-splicing)
(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote)
(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote-splicing)
(define-transformer 'let
(lambda (form env)
(if (identifier? (cadr form))
(let ((name (car (cdr form)))
(formal (car (cdr (cdr form))))
(body (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))
`((,the-lambda ()
(,the-define (,name . ,(map car formal)) . ,body)
(,name . ,(map cadr formal)))))
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`((,the-lambda ,(map car formal) . ,body) . ,(map cadr formal))))))
(define-transformer 'and
(lambda (form env)
(if (null? (cdr form))
(if (null? (cddr form))
(cadr form)
`(,the-if ,(cadr form) (,(the 'and) . ,(cddr form)) #f)))))
(define-transformer 'or
(lambda (form env)
(if (null? (cdr form))
(let ((tmp (make-identifier 'it env))) ; should we use #f as the env for tmp?
`(,(the 'let) ((,tmp ,(cadr form)))
(,the-if ,tmp ,tmp (,(the 'or) . ,(cddr form))))))))
(define-transformer 'cond
(lambda (form env)
(let ((clauses (cdr form)))
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
(if (and (identifier? (car clause))
(identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))
`(,the-begin . ,(cdr clause))
(if (null? (cdr clause))
`(,(the 'or) ,(car clause) (,(the 'cond) . ,(cdr clauses)))
(if (and (identifier? (cadr clause))
(identifier=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))
(let ((tmp (make-identifier 'tmp env)))
`(,(the 'let) ((,tmp ,(car clause)))
(,the-if ,tmp (,(cadr (cdr clause)) ,tmp) (,(the 'cond) . ,(cddr form)))))
`(,the-if ,(car clause)
(,the-begin . ,(cdr clause))
(,(the 'cond) . ,(cdr clauses)))))))))))
(define-transformer 'quasiquote
(lambda (form env)
(define (quasiquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (unquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'unquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (unquote-splicing? form)
(and (pair? form)
(pair? (car form))
(identifier? (caar form))
(identifier=? (the 'unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env))))
(define (qq depth expr)
;; unquote
((unquote? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(cadr expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))
;; unquote-splicing
((unquote-splicing? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(list (the 'append)
(car (cdr (car expr)))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))
(list (the 'cons)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote-splicing))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))))
;; quasiquote
((quasiquote? expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))
(qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))
;; list
((pair? expr)
(list (the 'cons)
(qq depth (car expr))
(qq depth (cdr expr))))
;; vector
((vector? expr)
(list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))
;; simple datum
(list (the 'quote) expr))))
(let ((x (cadr form)))
(qq 1 x))))
(define-transformer 'let*
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (null? bindings)
`(,(the 'let) () . ,body)
`(,(the 'let) ((,(car (car bindings)) . ,(cdr (car bindings))))
(,(the 'let*) ,(cdr bindings) . ,body))))))
(define-transformer 'letrec
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'letrec*) . ,(cdr form))))
(define-transformer 'letrec*
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((variables (map (lambda (v) `(,v #undefined)) (map car bindings)))
(initials (map (lambda (v) `(,(the 'set!) ,@v)) bindings)))
`(,(the 'let) ,variables
(define-transformer 'let-values
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'let*-values) ,@(cdr form))))
(define-transformer 'let*-values
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (null? formal)
`(,(the 'let) () ,@body)
`(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@(cdr (car formal)))
(,(the 'lambda) (,@(car (car formal)))
(,(the 'let*-values) (,@(cdr formal))
(define-transformer 'define-values
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((arguments (make-identifier 'arguments env)))
,@(let loop ((formal formal))
(if (pair? formal)
`((,the-define ,(car formal) #undefined) ,@(loop (cdr formal)))
(if (identifier? formal)
`((,the-define ,formal #undefined))
(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@body)
,@(let loop ((formal formal) (args arguments))
(if (pair? formal)
`((,the-set! ,(car formal) (,(the 'car) ,args)) ,@(loop (cdr formal) `(,(the 'cdr) ,args)))
(if (identifier? formal)
`((,the-set! ,formal ,args))
(define-transformer 'do
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(test (car (car (cdr (cdr form)))))
(cleanup (cdr (car (cdr (cdr form)))))
(body (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))
(let ((loop (make-identifier 'loop env)))
`(,(the 'let) ,loop ,(map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ,(cadr x))) bindings)
(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin . ,cleanup)
(,loop . ,(map (lambda (x)
(if (null? (cdr (cdr x)))
(car x)
(car (cdr (cdr x)))))
(define-transformer 'when
(lambda (form env)
(let ((test (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin ,@body)
(define-transformer 'unless
(lambda (form env)
(let ((test (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin ,@body)))))
(define-transformer 'case
(lambda (form env)
(let ((key (car (cdr form)))
(clauses (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((the-key (make-identifier 'key env)))
`(,(the 'let) ((,the-key ,key))
,(let loop ((clauses clauses))
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
`(,the-if ,(if (and (identifier? (car clause))
(identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))
`(,(the 'or) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'eqv?) ,the-key (,the-quote ,x))) (car clause))))
,(if (and (identifier? (cadr clause))
(identifier=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))
`(,(car (cdr (cdr clause))) ,the-key)
`(,the-begin ,@(cdr clause)))
,(loop (cdr clauses)))))))))))
(define-transformer 'parameterize
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,(the 'with-dynamic-environment)
(,(the 'list) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'cons) ,(car x) ,(cadr x))) formal))
(,the-lambda () ,@body)))))
(define-transformer 'syntax-quote
(lambda (form env)
(let ((renames '()))
((rename (lambda (var)
(let ((x (assq var renames)))
(if x
(cadr x)
(set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))
(rename var))))))
(walk (lambda (f form)
((identifier? form)
(f form))
((pair? form)
`(,(the 'cons) (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))
((vector? form)
`(,(the 'list->vector) (walk f (vector->list form))))
`(,(the 'quote) ,form))))))
(let ((form (walk rename (cadr form))))
`(,(the 'let)
,(map cdr renames)
(define-transformer 'syntax-quasiquote
(lambda (form env)
(let ((renames '()))
((rename (lambda (var)
(let ((x (assq var renames)))
(if x
(cadr x)
(set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))
(rename var)))))))
(define (syntax-quasiquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (syntax-unquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-unquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (syntax-unquote-splicing? form)
(and (pair? form)
(pair? (car form))
(identifier? (caar form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env))))
(define (qq depth expr)
;; syntax-unquote
((syntax-unquote? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(car (cdr expr))
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))
;; syntax-unquote-splicing
((syntax-unquote-splicing? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(list (the 'append)
(car (cdr (car expr)))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))
(list (the 'cons)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))))
;; syntax-quasiquote
((syntax-quasiquote? expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))
(qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))
;; list
((pair? expr)
(list (the 'cons)
(qq depth (car expr))
(qq depth (cdr expr))))
;; vector
((vector? expr)
(list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))
;; identifier
((identifier? expr)
(rename expr))
;; simple datum
(list (the 'quote) expr))))
(let ((body (qq 1 (cadr form))))
`(,(the 'let)
,(map cdr renames)
(define-transformer 'define-syntax
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (pair? formal)
`(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(cdr formal) ,@body))
`(,the-define-macro ,formal (,(the 'transformer) (,the-begin ,@body)))))))
(define-transformer 'letrec-syntax
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(let ()
,@(map (lambda (x)
`(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car x) ,(cadr x)))
(define-transformer 'let-syntax
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'letrec-syntax) ,@(cdr form))))))

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
(if (null? clauses)
(if (test (caar clauses))
`(,the-begin ,@(cdar clauses))
`(,(make-identifier 'begin default-environment) ,@(cdar clauses))
(loop (cdr clauses))))))))
(define-macro import
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
dictionary->alist alist->dictionary dictionary->plist plist->dictionary
make-record record? record-type record-datum
default-environment make-environment find-identifier set-identifier!
eval compile add-macro!
write write-simple write-shared display))

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"#include \"picrin/extra.h\""
"static const char boot_rom[][80] = {"
,(generate-rom "piclib/boot.scm")
,(generate-rom "piclib/boot3.scm")
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"pic_boot(pic_state *pic)"
" pic_load_cstr(pic, &boot_rom[0][0]);"
" pic_call(pic, pic_compile(pic, pic_read_cstr(pic, &boot_rom[0][0])), 0);"
" pic_load_cstr(pic, &boot_library_rom[0][0]);"