change ast format

This commit is contained in:
Yuichi Nishiwaki 2014-01-23 18:57:18 +09:00
parent 66a7e653ba
commit b2c5f5cb6d
1 changed files with 57 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -98,10 +98,9 @@ typedef struct analyze_scope {
/* rest args variable is counted by localc */
bool varg;
size_t argc, localc;
/* local variables are 1-indexed, 0 is reserved for the callee */
struct xhash *local_tbl;
/* if local var i is captured, then dirty_flags[i] == 1 */
struct xhash *dirty_flags;
/* if variable v is captured, then xh_get(var_tbl, v) == 1 */
struct xhash *var_tbl;
pic_sym *vars;
struct analyze_scope *up;
} analyze_scope;
@ -112,7 +111,8 @@ typedef struct analyze_state {
pic_sym rCONS, rCAR, rCDR, rNILP;
pic_sym rADD, rSUB, rMUL, rDIV;
pic_sym rEQ, rLT, rLE, rGT, rGE;
pic_sym sCALL, sTAILCALL, sREF;
pic_sym sCALL, sTAILCALL;
pic_sym sDECLARE, sCLOSE, sREF;
pic_sym sGREF, sLREF, sCREF;
} analyze_state;
@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ new_analyze_state(pic_state *pic)
register_symbol(pic, state, sCALL, "call");
register_symbol(pic, state, sTAILCALL, "tail-call");
register_symbol(pic, state, sDECLARE, "declare");
register_symbol(pic, state, sCLOSE, "close");
register_symbol(pic, state, sREF, "ref");
register_symbol(pic, state, sGREF, "gref");
register_symbol(pic, state, sLREF, "lref");
@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ new_analyze_state(pic_state *pic)
global_tbl = pic->global_tbl;
for (it = xh_begin(global_tbl); ! xh_isend(&it); xh_next(global_tbl, &it)) {
xh_put(state->scope->local_tbl, it.e->key, 0);
xh_put(state->scope->var_tbl, it.e->key, 0);
return state;
@ -189,23 +191,21 @@ push_scope(analyze_state *state, pic_value args)
pic_state *pic = state->pic;
analyze_scope *scope;
struct xhash *x;
struct xh_iter it;
int i;
scope = (analyze_scope *)pic_alloc(pic, sizeof(analyze_scope));
scope->up = state->scope;
scope->depth = state->scope ? state->scope->depth + 1 : 0;
scope->local_tbl = x = xh_new();
scope->dirty_flags = xh_new();
scope->var_tbl = xh_new();
scope->varg = false;
scope->vars = analyze_args(pic, args, &scope->varg, &scope->argc, &scope->localc);
if (! analyze_args(pic, args, x, &scope->varg, &scope->argc, &scope->localc)) {
if (scope->vars == NULL) {
pic_error(pic, "logic flaw");
/* set dirty flags */
for (it = xh_begin(x); ! xh_isend(&it); xh_next(x, &it)) {
xh_put(scope->dirty_flags, it.e->key, 0);
for (i = 1; i < scope->argc + scope->localc; ++i) {
xh_put(scope->var_tbl, pic_symbol_name(pic, scope->vars[i]), 0);
state->scope = scope;
@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ pop_scope(analyze_state *state)
analyze_scope *scope;
scope = state->scope;
pic_free(state->pic, scope->vars);
scope = scope->up;
pic_free(state->pic, state->scope);
@ -226,18 +226,19 @@ pop_scope(analyze_state *state)
static int
lookup_var(analyze_state *state, const char *key)
lookup_var(analyze_state *state, pic_sym sym)
analyze_scope *scope = state->scope;
struct xh_entry *e;
int depth = 0;
const char *key = pic_symbol_name(state->pic, sym);
e = xh_get(scope->local_tbl, key);
if (e && e->val >= 0) {
e = xh_get(scope->var_tbl, key);
if (e) {
if (depth > 0) { /* mark dirty */
xh_put(scope->dirty_flags, key, 1);
xh_put(scope->var_tbl, key, 1);
return depth;
@ -250,16 +251,17 @@ lookup_var(analyze_state *state, const char *key)
static void
define_var(analyze_state *state, const char *name)
define_var(analyze_state *state, pic_sym sym)
struct xh_entry *e;
pic_state *pic = state->pic;
analyze_scope *scope = state->scope;
int c;
const char *name = pic_symbol_name(pic, sym);
c = scope->argc + scope->localc++;
e = xh_put(state->scope->local_tbl, name, c);
xh_put(state->scope->var_tbl, name, 0);
xh_put(scope->dirty_flags, name, 0);
scope->vars = pic_realloc(pic, scope->vars, sizeof(pic_sym) * scope->argc + scope->localc);
scope->vars[scope->argc + scope->localc - 1] = sym;
static pic_value
@ -295,15 +297,15 @@ analyze_node(analyze_state *state, pic_value obj, bool tailpos)
switch (pic_type(obj)) {
const char *name = pic_symbol_name(pic, pic_sym(obj));
pic_sym sym = pic_sym(obj);
int depth;
depth = lookup_var(state, name);
depth = lookup_var(state, sym);
if (depth == -1) {
pic_error(pic, "symbol: unbound variable");
/* at this stage, lref/cref/gref are not distinguished */
return new_ref(state, depth, pic_sym(obj));
return new_ref(state, depth, sym);
case PIC_TT_PAIR: {
pic_value proc;
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ analyze_node(analyze_state *state, pic_value obj, bool tailpos)
pic_error(pic, "syntax error");
define_var(state, pic_symbol_name(pic, pic_sym(var)));
define_var(state, pic_sym(var));
return pic_list(pic, 3,
analyze(state, var, false),
@ -601,7 +603,7 @@ analyze_lambda(analyze_state *state, pic_value obj)
pic_state *pic = state->pic;
int ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic);
pic_value args, body, defs;
pic_value args, body, decls;
if (pic_length(pic, obj) < 2) {
pic_error(pic, "syntax error");
@ -615,35 +617,36 @@ analyze_lambda(analyze_state *state, pic_value obj)
push_scope(state, args);
struct xhash *dirty_flags;
struct xh_iter it;
analyze_scope *scope = state->scope;
int i;
/* analyze body in inner environment */
body = pic_cdr(pic, pic_cdr(pic, obj));
body = pic_cons(pic, pic_symbol_value(pic->sBEGIN), body);
body = analyze(state, body, true);
dirty_flags = state->scope->dirty_flags;
/* declare local variables */
defs = pic_list(pic, 1, pic_symbol_value(pic->sBEGIN));
for (it = xh_begin(dirty_flags); ! xh_isend(&it); xh_next(dirty_flags, &it)) {
pic_value close, def;
if (it.e->val == 1) {
close = pic_true_value();
} else {
close = pic_false_value();
decls = pic_list(pic, 1, pic_symbol_value(pic->sBEGIN));
for (i = scope->varg ? 1 : 0; i < scope->localc; ++i) {
pic_value decl = pic_list(pic, 2,
pic_symbol_value(scope->vars[scope->argc + i]));
decls = pic_cons(pic, decl, decls);
def = pic_list(pic, 3, pic_symbol_value(pic->sDEFINE),
pic_symbol_value(pic_intern_cstr(pic, it.e->key)),
defs = pic_cons(pic, def, defs);
for (i = 1; i < scope->argc + scope->localc; ++i) {
pic_sym var = scope->vars[i];
if (xh_get(scope->var_tbl, pic_symbol_name(pic, var))) {
pic_value close = pic_list(pic, 2,
decls = pic_cons(pic, close, decls);
defs = pic_reverse(pic, defs);
decls = pic_reverse(pic, decls);
obj = pic_list(pic, 4, pic_symbol_value(pic->sLAMBDA), args, defs, body);
obj = pic_list(pic, 4, pic_symbol_value(pic->sLAMBDA), args, decls, body);
pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai);
pic_gc_protect(pic, obj);
return obj;
@ -737,12 +740,16 @@ push_codegen_context(codegen_state *state, pic_value args, pic_value defs)
pic_state *pic = state->pic;
codegen_context *cxt;
pic_sym *syms;
cxt = (codegen_context *)pic_alloc(pic, sizeof(codegen_context));
cxt->up = state->cxt;
if (! analyze_args(pic, args, NULL, &cxt->varg, &cxt->argc, &cxt->localc)) {
syms = analyze_args(pic, args, &cxt->varg, &cxt->argc, &cxt->localc);
if (! syms) {
pic_error(pic, "logic flaw");
} else {
pic_free(pic, syms);
cxt->localc += pic_length(pic, defs);