Merge branch 'core-syntaxes-in-scheme'
This commit is contained in:
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ pic_callcc_full(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *proc)
struct pic_proc *c;
struct pic_data *dat;
c = pic_make_proc(pic, cont_call, "<continuation-procedure>");
c = pic_make_proc(pic, cont_call);
dat = pic_data_alloc(pic, &cont_type, cont);
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ pic_callcc_full_trampoline(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *proc)
struct pic_proc *c;
struct pic_data *dat;
c = pic_make_proc(pic, cont_call, "<continuation-procedure>");
c = pic_make_proc(pic, cont_call);
dat = pic_data_alloc(pic, &cont_type, cont);
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ pic_callcc_callcc(pic_state *pic)
#define pic_redefun(pic, lib, name, func) \
pic_set(pic, lib, name, pic_obj_value(pic_make_proc(pic, func, name)))
pic_set(pic, lib, name, pic_obj_value(pic_make_proc(pic, func)))
pic_init_callcc(pic_state *pic)
@ -8,25 +8,118 @@ use strict;
my $src = <<'EOL';
(define-macro call-with-current-environment
(lambda (form env)
(builtin:define-macro call-with-current-environment
(builtin:lambda (form env)
(list (cadr form) env)))
(define here
(builtin:define here
(lambda (env)
(builtin:lambda (env)
(define (the var) ; synonym for #'var
(make-identifier var here))
(builtin:define the ; synonym for #'var
(builtin:lambda (var)
(make-identifier var here)))
(builtin:define the-builtin-define (the (builtin:quote builtin:define)))
(builtin:define the-builtin-lambda (the (builtin:quote builtin:lambda)))
(builtin:define the-builtin-begin (the (builtin:quote builtin:begin)))
(builtin:define the-builtin-quote (the (builtin:quote builtin:quote)))
(builtin:define the-builtin-set! (the (builtin:quote builtin:set!)))
(builtin:define the-builtin-if (the (builtin:quote builtin:if)))
(builtin:define the-builtin-define-macro (the (builtin:quote builtin:define-macro)))
(builtin:define the-define (the (builtin:quote define)))
(builtin:define the-lambda (the (builtin:quote lambda)))
(builtin:define the-begin (the (builtin:quote begin)))
(builtin:define the-quote (the (builtin:quote quote)))
(builtin:define the-set! (the (builtin:quote set!)))
(builtin:define the-if (the (builtin:quote if)))
(builtin:define the-define-macro (the (builtin:quote define-macro)))
(builtin:define-macro quote
(builtin:lambda (form env)
(builtin:if (= (length form) 2)
(list the-builtin-quote (cadr form))
(error "illegal quote form" form))))
(builtin:define-macro if
(builtin:lambda (form env)
((builtin:lambda (len)
(builtin:if (= len 4)
(cons the-builtin-if (cdr form))
(builtin:if (= len 3)
(list the-builtin-if (list-ref form 1) (list-ref form 2) #undefined)
(error "illegal if form" form))))
(length form))))
(builtin:define-macro begin
(builtin:lambda (form env)
((builtin:lambda (len)
(if (= len 1)
(if (= len 2)
(cadr form)
(if (= len 3)
(cons the-builtin-begin (cdr form))
(list the-builtin-begin
(cadr form)
(cons the-begin (cddr form)))))))
(length form))))
(builtin:define-macro set!
(builtin:lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 3)
(if (variable? (cadr form))
(cons the-builtin-set! (cdr form))
(error "illegal set! form" form))
(error "illegal set! form" form))))
(builtin:define check-formal
(builtin:lambda (formal)
(if (null? formal)
(if (variable? formal)
(if (pair? formal)
(if (variable? (car formal))
(check-formal (cdr formal))
(builtin:define-macro lambda
(builtin:lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 1)
(error "illegal lambda form" form)
(if (check-formal (cadr form))
(list the-builtin-lambda (cadr form) (cons the-begin (cddr form)))
(error "illegal lambda form" form)))))
(builtin:define-macro define
(lambda (form env)
((lambda (len)
(if (= len 1)
(error "illegal define form" form)
(if (variable? (cadr form))
(if (= len 3)
(cons the-builtin-define (cdr form))
(error "illegal define form" form))
(if (pair? (cadr form))
(list the-define
(car (cadr form))
(cons the-lambda (cons (cdr (cadr form)) (cddr form))))
(error "define: binding to non-varaible object" form)))))
(length form))))
(builtin:define-macro define-macro
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 3)
(if (variable? (cadr form))
(cons the-builtin-define-macro (cdr form))
(error "define-macro: binding to non-variable object" form))
(error "illegal define-macro form" form))))
(define the-define (the 'define))
(define the-lambda (the 'lambda))
(define the-begin (the 'begin))
(define the-quote (the 'quote))
(define the-set! (the 'set!))
(define the-if (the 'if))
(define the-define-macro (the 'define-macro))
(define-macro syntax-error
(lambda (form _)
@ -623,251 +716,294 @@ EOL
const char pic_boot[][80] = {
"\n(define-macro call-with-current-environment\n (lambda (form env)\n (list (cad",
"r form) env)))\n\n(define here\n (call-with-current-environment\n (lambda (env)\n ",
" env)))\n\n(define (the var) ; synonym for #'var\n (make-id",
"entifier var here))\n\n(define the-define (the 'define))\n(define the-lambda (the '",
"lambda))\n(define the-begin (the 'begin))\n(define the-quote (the 'quote))\n(define",
" the-set! (the 'set!))\n(define the-if (the 'if))\n(define the-define-macro (the '",
"define-macro))\n\n(define-macro syntax-error\n (lambda (form _)\n (apply error (",
"cdr form))))\n\n(define-macro define-auxiliary-syntax\n (lambda (form _)\n (defi",
"ne message\n (string-append\n \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax: '\" (sym",
"bol->string (cadr form)) \"'\"))\n (list\n the-define-macro\n (cadr form)\n",
" (list the-lambda '_\n (list (the 'error) message)))))\n\n(define-aux",
"iliary-syntax else)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax =>)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax unquot",
"e)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote-splicing)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-un",
"quote)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote-splicing)\n\n(define-macro let\n (l",
"ambda (form env)\n (if (variable? (cadr form))\n (list\n (list th",
"e-lambda '()\n (list the-define (cadr form)\n (c",
"ons the-lambda\n (cons (map car (car (cddr form)))\n ",
" (cdr (cddr form)))))\n (cons (cadr for",
"m) (map cadr (car (cddr form))))))\n (cons\n (cons\n the-la",
"mbda\n (cons (map car (cadr form))\n (cddr form)))\n ",
" (map cadr (cadr form))))))\n\n(define-macro and\n (lambda (form env)\n (if (nu",
"ll? (cdr form))\n #t\n (if (null? (cddr form))\n (cadr for",
"m)\n (list the-if\n (cadr form)\n (con",
"s (the 'and) (cddr form))\n #f)))))\n\n(define-macro or\n (lambda ",
"(form env)\n (if (null? (cdr form))\n #f\n (let ((tmp (make-identi",
"fier 'it env)))\n (list (the 'let)\n (list (list tmp (cadr",
" form)))\n (list the-if\n tmp\n ",
" tmp\n (cons (the 'or) (cddr form))))))))\n\n(define-macr",
"o cond\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((clauses (cdr form)))\n (if (null? cla",
"uses)\n #undefined\n (let ((clause (car clauses)))\n (",
"if (and (variable? (car clause))\n (variable=? (the 'else) (m",
"ake-identifier (car clause) env)))\n (cons the-begin (cdr clause))",
"\n (if (and (variable? (cadr clause))\n (va",
"riable=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))\n (le",
"t ((tmp (make-identifier 'tmp here)))\n (list (the 'let) (li",
"st (list tmp (car clause)))\n (list the-if tmp\n ",
" (list (car (cddr clause)) tmp)\n ",
" (cons (the 'cond) (cdr clauses)))))\n (list the-if",
" (car clause)\n (cons the-begin (cdr clause))\n ",
" (cons (the 'cond) (cdr clauses))))))))))\n\n(define-macro quasiquo",
"te\n (lambda (form env)\n\n (define (quasiquote? form)\n (and (pair? form)\n",
" (variable? (car form))\n (variable=? (the 'quasiquote) (make",
"-identifier (car form) env))))\n\n (define (unquote? form)\n (and (pair? fo",
"rm)\n (variable? (car form))\n (variable=? (the 'unquote) (mak",
"e-identifier (car form) env))))\n\n (define (unquote-splicing? form)\n (and",
" (pair? form)\n (pair? (car form))\n (variable? (caar form))\n ",
" (variable=? (the 'unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env))",
"))\n\n (define (qq depth expr)\n (cond\n ;; unquote\n ((unquote? ",
"expr)\n (if (= depth 1)\n (car (cdr expr))\n (list (th",
"e 'list)\n (list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote))\n ",
"(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))\n ;; unquote-splicing\n ((unquote",
"-splicing? expr)\n (if (= depth 1)\n (list (the 'append)\n ",
" (car (cdr (car expr)))\n (qq depth (cdr expr)))\n ",
" (list (the 'cons)\n (list (the 'list)\n ",
" (list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote-splicing))\n (qq (- ",
"depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))\n (qq depth (cdr expr)))))\n ",
" ;; quasiquote\n ((quasiquote? expr)\n (list (the 'list)\n ",
" (list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))\n (qq (+ depth 1) (car (c",
"dr expr)))))\n ;; list\n ((pair? expr)\n (list (the 'cons)\n ",
" (qq depth (car expr))\n (qq depth (cdr expr))))\n ;; v",
"ector\n ((vector? expr)\n (list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector",
"->list expr))))\n ;; simple datum\n (else\n (list (the 'quote) e",
"xpr))))\n\n (let ((x (cadr form)))\n (qq 1 x))))\n\n(define-macro let*\n (lam",
"bda (form env)\n (let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (c",
"dr form))))\n (if (null? bindings)\n `(,(the 'let) () ,@body)\n ",
" `(,(the 'let) ((,(car (car bindings)) ,@(cdr (car bindings))))\n (",
",(the 'let*) (,@(cdr bindings))\n ,@body))))))\n\n(define-macro letrec\n",
" (lambda (form env)\n `(,(the 'letrec*) ,@(cdr form))))\n\n(define-macro letrec",
"*\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))\n (body ",
" (cdr (cdr form))))\n (let ((variables (map (lambda (v) `(,v #f)) (map car b",
"indings)))\n (initials (map (lambda (v) `(,(the 'set!) ,@v)) bindings",
")))\n `(,(the 'let) (,@variables)\n ,@initials\n ,@body)))",
"))\n\n(define-macro let-values\n (lambda (form env)\n `(,(the 'let*-values) ,@(c",
"dr form))))\n\n(define-macro let*-values\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((formal (c",
"ar (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n (if (null? formal)\n ",
" `(,(the 'let) () ,@body)\n `(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lamb",
"da () ,@(cdr (car formal)))\n (,(the 'lambda) (,@(car (car formal)))\n ",
" (,(the 'let*-values) (,@(cdr formal))\n ,@body)))))))\n\n(",
"define-macro define-values\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((formal (car (cdr form",
")))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n (let ((arguments (make-identifier",
" 'arguments here)))\n `(,the-begin\n ,@(let loop ((formal formal))",
"\n (if (pair? formal)\n `((,the-define ,(car formal)",
" #undefined) ,@(loop (cdr formal)))\n (if (variable? formal)\n ",
" `((,the-define ,formal #undefined))\n '()",
")))\n (,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@body)\n (,the",
"-lambda\n ,arguments\n ,@(let loop ((formal formal) (args ar",
"guments))\n (if (pair? formal)\n `((,the-set! ,(",
"car formal) (,(the 'car) ,args)) ,@(loop (cdr formal) `(,(the 'cdr) ,args)))\n ",
" (if (variable? formal)\n `((,the-set! ,fo",
"rmal ,args))\n '()))))))))))\n\n(define-macro do\n (lambda (",
"form env)\n (let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))\n (test (car (car (c",
"dr (cdr form)))))\n (cleanup (cdr (car (cdr (cdr form)))))\n (b",
"ody (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))\n (let ((loop (make-identifier 'loop here))",
")\n `(,(the 'let) ,loop ,(map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ,(cadr x))) bindings)",
"\n (,the-if ,test\n (,the-begin\n ,@c",
"leanup)\n (,the-begin\n ,@body\n ",
" (,loop ,@(map (lambda (x) (if (null? (cdr (cdr x))) (car x) (car (cdr (cdr",
" x))))) bindings)))))))))\n\n(define-macro when\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((te",
"st (car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n `(,the-if ,test\n ",
" (,the-begin ,@body)\n #undefined))))\n\n(define-macro ",
"unless\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((test (car (cdr form)))\n (body (c",
"dr (cdr form))))\n `(,the-if ,test\n #undefined\n ",
" (,the-begin ,@body)))))\n\n(define-macro case\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((ke",
"y (car (cdr form)))\n (clauses (cdr (cdr form))))\n (let ((the-k",
"ey (make-identifier 'key here)))\n `(,(the 'let) ((,the-key ,key))\n ",
" ,(let loop ((clauses clauses))\n (if (null? clauses)\n ",
" #undefined\n (let ((clause (car clauses)))\n ",
" `(,the-if ,(if (and (variable? (car clause))\n ",
" (variable=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))\n ",
" #t\n `(,(the 'or) ,@(map (la",
"mbda (x) `(,(the 'eqv?) ,the-key (,the-quote ,x))) (car clause))))\n ",
" ,(if (and (variable? (cadr clause))\n ",
" (variable=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))\n ",
" `(,(car (cdr (cdr clause))) ,the-key)\n ",
" `(,the-begin ,@(cdr clause)))\n ,(lo",
"op (cdr clauses)))))))))))\n\n(define-macro parameterize\n (lambda (form env)\n ",
"(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n `(,(t",
"he 'with-parameter)\n (,(the 'lambda) ()\n ,@formal\n ,@body",
")))))\n\n(define-macro syntax-quote\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((renames '()))\n",
" (letrec\n ((rename (lambda (var)\n (let ((x (as",
"sq var renames)))\n (if x\n (cadr ",
"x)\n (begin\n (set! renames ",
"`((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,ren",
"ames))\n (rename var))))))\n (walk (lambda (",
"f form)\n (cond\n ((variable? form)\n ",
" (f form))\n ((pair? form)\n `(,",
"(the 'cons) (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))\n ((vect",
"or? form)\n `(,(the 'list->vector) (walk f (vector->list form",
"))))\n (else\n `(,(the 'quote) ,form))))))\n",
" (let ((form (walk rename (cadr form))))\n `(,(the 'let)\n ",
" ,(map cdr renames)\n ,form))))))\n\n(define-macro syntax-quasiquote\n",
" (lambda (form env)\n (let ((renames '()))\n (letrec\n ((rename (",
"lambda (var)\n (let ((x (assq var renames)))\n ",
" (if x\n (cadr x)\n (beg",
"in\n (set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env)",
" (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))\n ",
" (rename var)))))))\n\n (define (syntax-quasiquote? form)\n (and (",
"pair? form)\n (variable? (car form))\n (variable=? (th",
"e 'syntax-quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))\n\n (define (synt",
"ax-unquote? form)\n (and (pair? form)\n (variable? (car for",
"m))\n (variable=? (the 'syntax-unquote) (make-identifier (car form)",
" env))))\n\n (define (syntax-unquote-splicing? form)\n (and (pair? ",
"form)\n (pair? (car form))\n (variable? (caar form))\n ",
" (variable=? (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar ",
"form) env))))\n\n (define (qq depth expr)\n (cond\n ;; syn",
"tax-unquote\n ((syntax-unquote? expr)\n (if (= depth 1)\n ",
" (car (cdr expr))\n (list (the 'list)\n ",
" (list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote))\n (qq (- depth",
" 1) (car (cdr expr))))))\n ;; syntax-unquote-splicing\n ((synt",
"ax-unquote-splicing? expr)\n (if (= depth 1)\n (list (th",
"e 'append)\n (car (cdr (car expr)))\n (q",
"q depth (cdr expr)))\n (list (the 'cons)\n (li",
"st (the 'list)\n (list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquo",
"te-splicing))\n (qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))",
"))\n (qq depth (cdr expr)))))\n ;; syntax-quasiquot",
"e\n ((syntax-quasiquote? expr)\n (list (the 'list)\n ",
" (list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))\n (qq (+ depth 1) ",
"(car (cdr expr)))))\n ;; list\n ((pair? expr)\n (lis",
"t (the 'cons)\n (qq depth (car expr))\n (qq dept",
"h (cdr expr))))\n ;; vector\n ((vector? expr)\n (lis",
"t (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))\n ;; variable\n ",
" ((variable? expr)\n (rename expr))\n ;; simple datum",
"\n (else\n (list (the 'quote) expr))))\n\n (let ((body (",
"qq 1 (cadr form))))\n `(,(the 'let)\n ,(map cdr renames)\n ",
" ,body))))))\n\n(define (transformer f)\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((regi",
"ster1 (make-register))\n (register2 (make-register)))\n (letrec\n ",
" ((wrap (lambda (var1)\n (let ((var2 (register1 var1)))\n ",
" (if (undefined? var2)\n (let ((var2 (m",
"ake-identifier var1 env)))\n (register1 var1 var2)\n ",
" (register2 var2 var1)\n var2)\n ",
" var2))))\n (unwrap (lambda (var2)\n ",
" (let ((var1 (register2 var2)))\n (if (undefined? var",
"1)\n var2\n var1))))\n ",
" (walk (lambda (f form)\n (cond\n ((variable",
"? form)\n (f form))\n ((pair? form)\n ",
" (cons (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))\n ",
" ((vector? form)\n (list->vector (walk f (vector->list form)",
")))\n (else\n form)))))\n (let ((form",
" (cdr form)))\n (walk unwrap (apply f (walk wrap form))))))))\n\n(define-m",
"acro define-syntax\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((formal (car (cdr form)))\n ",
" (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n (if (pair? formal)\n `(,(the 'def",
"ine-syntax) ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(cdr formal) ,@body))\n `(,the-d",
"efine-macro ,formal (,(the 'transformer) (,the-begin ,@body)))))))\n\n(define-macr",
"o letrec-syntax\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((formal (car (cdr form)))\n ",
" (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n `(let ()\n ,@(map (lambda (x)\n ",
" `(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car x) ,(cadr x)))\n formal)\n",
" ,@body))))\n\n(define-macro let-syntax\n (lambda (form env)\n `(,(the '",
"letrec-syntax) ,@(cdr form))))\n\n\n;;; library primitives\n\n(define-macro define-li",
"brary\n (lambda (form _)\n (let ((name (cadr form))\n (body (cddr form",
")))\n (let ((old-library (current-library))\n (new-library (or (fi",
"nd-library name) (make-library name))))\n (let ((env (library-environment ",
"new-library)))\n (current-library new-library)\n (for-each (lamb",
"da (expr) (eval expr env)) body)\n (current-library old-library))))))\n\n(",
"define-macro cond-expand\n (lambda (form _)\n (letrec\n ((test (lambda (",
"form)\n (or\n (eq? form 'else)\n ",
"(and (symbol? form)\n (memq form (features)))\n ",
" (and (pair? form)\n (case (car form)\n ",
" ((library) (find-library (cadr form)))\n ((not) (",
"not (test (cadr form))))\n ((and) (let loop ((form (cdr f",
"orm)))\n (or (null? form)\n ",
" (and (test (car form)) (loop (cdr form))))))\n ",
" ((or) (let loop ((form (cdr form)))\n (and ",
"(pair? form)\n (or (test (car form)) (loop (",
"cdr form))))))\n (else #f)))))))\n (let loop ((clause",
"s (cdr form)))\n (if (null? clauses)\n #undefined\n (i",
"f (test (caar clauses))\n `(,the-begin ,@(cdar clauses))\n ",
" (loop (cdr clauses))))))))\n\n(define-macro import\n (lambda (form _)\n (",
"let ((caddr\n (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))))\n (prefix\n ",
" (lambda (prefix symbol)\n (string->symbol\n (string",
"-append\n (symbol->string prefix)\n (symbol->string sy",
"mbol))))))\n (letrec\n ((extract\n (lambda (spec)\n ",
" (case (car spec)\n ((only rename prefix except)\n ",
" (extract (cadr spec)))\n (else\n (or (find-lib",
"rary spec) (error \"library not found\" spec))))))\n (collect\n ",
" (lambda (spec)\n (case (car spec)\n ((only)\n ",
" (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n (map (lambda (va",
"r) (assq var alist)) (cddr spec))))\n ((rename)\n (",
"let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n (map (lambda (s) (or (ass",
"q (car s) (cddr spec)) s)) alist)))\n ((prefix)\n (",
"let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n (map (lambda (s) (cons (p",
"refix (caddr spec) (car s)) (cdr s))) alist)))\n ((except)\n ",
" (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n (let loop ((al",
"ist alist))\n (if (null? alist)\n '()\n",
" (if (memq (caar alist) (cddr spec))\n ",
" (loop (cdr alist))\n (cons (car alist) (loo",
"p (cdr alist))))))))\n (else\n (let ((lib (or (find",
"-library spec) (error \"library not found\" spec))))\n (map (lamb",
"da (x) (cons x x)) (library-exports lib))))))))\n (letrec\n ((im",
"port\n (lambda (spec)\n (let ((lib (extract spec))\n ",
" (alist (collect spec)))\n (for-each\n ",
" (lambda (slot)\n (library-import lib (cdr slo",
"t) (car slot)))\n alist)))))\n (for-each import (cdr f",
"orm)))))))\n\n(define-macro export\n (lambda (form _)\n (letrec\n ((collec",
"t\n (lambda (spec)\n (cond\n ((symbol? spec)\n ",
" `(,spec . ,spec))\n ((and (list? spec) (= (length spec) 3) (e",
"q? (car spec) 'rename))\n `(,(list-ref spec 1) . ,(list-ref spec 2))",
")\n (else\n (error \"malformed export\")))))\n (expo",
"rt\n (lambda (spec)\n (let ((slot (collect spec)))\n ",
" (library-export (car slot) (cdr slot))))))\n (for-each export (cdr for",
"m)))))\n\n(export define-library\n cond-expand\n import\n export",
")\n\n(export let let* letrec letrec*\n let-values let*-values define-values\n",
" quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing\n and or\n cond case els",
"e =>\n do when unless\n parameterize\n define-syntax\n s",
"yntax-quote syntax-unquote\n syntax-quasiquote syntax-unquote-splicing\n ",
" let-syntax letrec-syntax\n syntax-error)\n\n\n",
"\n(builtin:define-macro call-with-current-environment\n (builtin:lambda (form env",
")\n (list (cadr form) env)))\n\n(builtin:define here\n (call-with-current-enviro",
"nment\n (builtin:lambda (env)\n env)))\n\n(builtin:define the ",
" ; synonym for #'var\n (builtin:lambda (var)\n (make-identifier var here)))",
"\n\n\n(builtin:define the-builtin-define (the (builtin:quote builtin:define)))\n(bui",
"ltin:define the-builtin-lambda (the (builtin:quote builtin:lambda)))\n(builtin:de",
"fine the-builtin-begin (the (builtin:quote builtin:begin)))\n(builtin:define the-",
"builtin-quote (the (builtin:quote builtin:quote)))\n(builtin:define the-builtin-s",
"et! (the (builtin:quote builtin:set!)))\n(builtin:define the-builtin-if (the (bui",
"ltin:quote builtin:if)))\n(builtin:define the-builtin-define-macro (the (builtin:",
"quote builtin:define-macro)))\n\n(builtin:define the-define (the (builtin:quote de",
"fine)))\n(builtin:define the-lambda (the (builtin:quote lambda)))\n(builtin:define",
" the-begin (the (builtin:quote begin)))\n(builtin:define the-quote (the (builtin:",
"quote quote)))\n(builtin:define the-set! (the (builtin:quote set!)))\n(builtin:def",
"ine the-if (the (builtin:quote if)))\n(builtin:define the-define-macro (the (buil",
"tin:quote define-macro)))\n\n(builtin:define-macro quote\n (builtin:lambda (form e",
"nv)\n (builtin:if (= (length form) 2)\n (list the-builtin-quote (cadr form",
"))\n (error \"illegal quote form\" form))))\n\n(builtin:define-macro if\n (built",
"in:lambda (form env)\n ((builtin:lambda (len)\n (builtin:if (= len 4)\n ",
" (cons the-builtin-if (cdr form))\n (builtin:if (= len 3)\n ",
" (list the-builtin-if (list-ref form 1) (list-ref form 2) #undefined)\n ",
" (error \"illegal if form\" form))))\n (length form))))\n\n(builtin:d",
"efine-macro begin\n (builtin:lambda (form env)\n ((builtin:lambda (len)\n ",
" (if (= len 1)\n #undefined\n (if (= len 2)\n (ca",
"dr form)\n (if (= len 3)\n (cons the-builtin-begin",
" (cdr form))\n (list the-builtin-begin\n ",
" (cadr form)\n (cons the-begin (cddr form)))))))\n (le",
"ngth form))))\n\n(builtin:define-macro set!\n (builtin:lambda (form env)\n (if (",
"= (length form) 3)\n (if (variable? (cadr form))\n (cons the-bui",
"ltin-set! (cdr form))\n (error \"illegal set! form\" form))\n (err",
"or \"illegal set! form\" form))))\n\n(builtin:define check-formal\n (builtin:lambda ",
"(formal)\n (if (null? formal)\n #t\n (if (variable? formal)\n ",
" #t\n (if (pair? formal)\n (if (variable? (car form",
"al))\n (check-formal (cdr formal))\n #f)\n ",
" #f)))))\n\n(builtin:define-macro lambda\n (builtin:lambda (form env)\n",
" (if (= (length form) 1)\n (error \"illegal lambda form\" form)\n (",
"if (check-formal (cadr form))\n (list the-builtin-lambda (cadr form) (",
"cons the-begin (cddr form)))\n (error \"illegal lambda form\" form)))))\n",
"\n(builtin:define-macro define\n (lambda (form env)\n ((lambda (len)\n (if",
" (= len 1)\n (error \"illegal define form\" form)\n (if (variabl",
"e? (cadr form))\n (if (= len 3)\n (cons the-builti",
"n-define (cdr form))\n (error \"illegal define form\" form))\n ",
" (if (pair? (cadr form))\n (list the-define\n ",
" (car (cadr form))\n (cons the-lambda (con",
"s (cdr (cadr form)) (cddr form))))\n (error \"define: binding to",
" non-varaible object\" form)))))\n (length form))))\n\n(builtin:define-macro def",
"ine-macro\n (lambda (form env)\n (if (= (length form) 3)\n (if (variable",
"? (cadr form))\n (cons the-builtin-define-macro (cdr form))\n ",
" (error \"define-macro: binding to non-variable object\" form))\n (error \"i",
"llegal define-macro form\" form))))\n\n\n(define-macro syntax-error\n (lambda (form ",
"_)\n (apply error (cdr form))))\n\n(define-macro define-auxiliary-syntax\n (lamb",
"da (form _)\n (define message\n (string-append\n \"invalid use of auxi",
"liary syntax: '\" (symbol->string (cadr form)) \"'\"))\n (list\n the-define-ma",
"cro\n (cadr form)\n (list the-lambda '_\n (list (the 'error) mess",
"age)))))\n\n(define-auxiliary-syntax else)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax =>)\n(define-au",
"xiliary-syntax unquote)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote-splicing)\n(define-auxil",
"iary-syntax syntax-unquote)\n(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote-splicing)\n\n(",
"define-macro let\n (lambda (form env)\n (if (variable? (cadr form))\n (l",
"ist\n (list the-lambda '()\n (list the-define (cadr form)\n ",
" (cons the-lambda\n (cons (map car (c",
"ar (cddr form)))\n (cdr (cddr form)))))\n ",
" (cons (cadr form) (map cadr (car (cddr form))))))\n (cons\n (",
"cons\n the-lambda\n (cons (map car (cadr form))\n ",
"(cddr form)))\n (map cadr (cadr form))))))\n\n(define-macro and\n (lambda (",
"form env)\n (if (null? (cdr form))\n #t\n (if (null? (cddr form))\n",
" (cadr form)\n (list the-if\n (cadr form)\n ",
" (cons (the 'and) (cddr form))\n #f)))))\n\n(defin",
"e-macro or\n (lambda (form env)\n (if (null? (cdr form))\n #f\n (l",
"et ((tmp (make-identifier 'it env)))\n (list (the 'let)\n ",
"(list (list tmp (cadr form)))\n (list the-if\n ",
" tmp\n tmp\n (cons (the 'or) (cddr form)",
")))))))\n\n(define-macro cond\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((clauses (cdr form)))",
"\n (if (null? clauses)\n #undefined\n (let ((clause (car cla",
"uses)))\n (if (and (variable? (car clause))\n (vari",
"able=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))\n (cons th",
"e-begin (cdr clause))\n (if (and (variable? (cadr clause))\n ",
" (variable=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))\n ",
" (let ((tmp (make-identifier 'tmp here)))\n ",
" (list (the 'let) (list (list tmp (car clause)))\n (li",
"st the-if tmp\n (list (car (cddr clause)) tmp)\n ",
" (cons (the 'cond) (cdr clauses)))))\n ",
" (list the-if (car clause)\n (cons the-begin (cd",
"r clause))\n (cons (the 'cond) (cdr clauses))))))))))\n\n(",
"define-macro quasiquote\n (lambda (form env)\n\n (define (quasiquote? form)\n ",
" (and (pair? form)\n (variable? (car form))\n (variable=? (t",
"he 'quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))\n\n (define (unquote? form)",
"\n (and (pair? form)\n (variable? (car form))\n (variable=",
"? (the 'unquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))\n\n (define (unquote-splic",
"ing? form)\n (and (pair? form)\n (pair? (car form))\n (var",
"iable? (caar form))\n (variable=? (the 'unquote-splicing) (make-identif",
"ier (caar form) env))))\n\n (define (qq depth expr)\n (cond\n ;; unquo",
"te\n ((unquote? expr)\n (if (= depth 1)\n (car (cdr expr))\n",
" (list (the 'list)\n (list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote",
"))\n (qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))\n ;; unquote-spli",
"cing\n ((unquote-splicing? expr)\n (if (= depth 1)\n (list ",
"(the 'append)\n (car (cdr (car expr)))\n (qq dep",
"th (cdr expr)))\n (list (the 'cons)\n (list (the 'list",
")\n (list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote-splicing))\n ",
" (qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))\n (qq dep",
"th (cdr expr)))))\n ;; quasiquote\n ((quasiquote? expr)\n (list ",
"(the 'list)\n (list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))\n (q",
"q (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))\n ;; list\n ((pair? expr)\n (l",
"ist (the 'cons)\n (qq depth (car expr))\n (qq depth (cdr",
" expr))))\n ;; vector\n ((vector? expr)\n (list (the 'list->vect",
"or) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))\n ;; simple datum\n (else\n ",
" (list (the 'quote) expr))))\n\n (let ((x (cadr form)))\n (qq 1 x))))\n\n(def",
"ine-macro let*\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))\n ",
" (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n (if (null? bindings)\n `(,(the 'l",
"et) () ,@body)\n `(,(the 'let) ((,(car (car bindings)) ,@(cdr (car bindi",
"ngs))))\n (,(the 'let*) (,@(cdr bindings))\n ,@body))))))\n\n",
"(define-macro letrec\n (lambda (form env)\n `(,(the 'letrec*) ,@(cdr form))))\n",
"\n(define-macro letrec*\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((bindings (car (cdr form))",
")\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n (let ((variables (map (lambda (v)",
" `(,v #f)) (map car bindings)))\n (initials (map (lambda (v) `(,(the ",
"'set!) ,@v)) bindings)))\n `(,(the 'let) (,@variables)\n ,@initial",
"s\n ,@body)))))\n\n(define-macro let-values\n (lambda (form env)\n `(,(t",
"he 'let*-values) ,@(cdr form))))\n\n(define-macro let*-values\n (lambda (form env)",
"\n (let ((formal (car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n ",
"(if (null? formal)\n `(,(the 'let) () ,@body)\n `(,(the 'call-wi",
"th-values) (,the-lambda () ,@(cdr (car formal)))\n (,(the 'lambda) (,@",
"(car (car formal)))\n (,(the 'let*-values) (,@(cdr formal))\n ",
" ,@body)))))))\n\n(define-macro define-values\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((",
"formal (car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n (let ((argum",
"ents (make-identifier 'arguments here)))\n `(,the-begin\n ,@(let l",
"oop ((formal formal))\n (if (pair? formal)\n `((,the",
"-define ,(car formal) #undefined) ,@(loop (cdr formal)))\n (if (",
"variable? formal)\n `((,the-define ,formal #undefined))\n ",
" '())))\n (,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@b",
"ody)\n (,the-lambda\n ,arguments\n ,@(let loop ((fo",
"rmal formal) (args arguments))\n (if (pair? formal)\n ",
" `((,the-set! ,(car formal) (,(the 'car) ,args)) ,@(loop (cdr formal) `(,(t",
"he 'cdr) ,args)))\n (if (variable? formal)\n ",
" `((,the-set! ,formal ,args))\n '()))))))))))\n\n(define",
"-macro do\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))\n (",
"test (car (car (cdr (cdr form)))))\n (cleanup (cdr (car (cdr (cdr f",
"orm)))))\n (body (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))\n (let ((loop (make-id",
"entifier 'loop here)))\n `(,(the 'let) ,loop ,(map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ",
",(cadr x))) bindings)\n (,the-if ,test\n (,the-begin\n ",
" ,@cleanup)\n (,the-begin\n ",
",@body\n (,loop ,@(map (lambda (x) (if (null? (cdr (cdr x))) (",
"car x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))) bindings)))))))))\n\n(define-macro when\n (lambda (fo",
"rm env)\n (let ((test (car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n ",
" `(,the-if ,test\n (,the-begin ,@body)\n #undefine",
"d))))\n\n(define-macro unless\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((test (car (cdr form)",
"))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n `(,the-if ,test\n #und",
"efined\n (,the-begin ,@body)))))\n\n(define-macro case\n (lambda (fo",
"rm env)\n (let ((key (car (cdr form)))\n (clauses (cdr (cdr form))",
"))\n (let ((the-key (make-identifier 'key here)))\n `(,(the 'let) ((,t",
"he-key ,key))\n ,(let loop ((clauses clauses))\n (if (null? c",
"lauses)\n #undefined\n (let ((clause (car clauses)",
"))\n `(,the-if ,(if (and (variable? (car clause))\n ",
" (variable=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) ",
"env)))\n #t\n `(",
",(the 'or) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'eqv?) ,the-key (,the-quote ,x))) (car cla",
"use))))\n ,(if (and (variable? (cadr clause))\n ",
" (variable=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr cla",
"use) env)))\n `(,(car (cdr (cdr clause))) ,the-k",
"ey)\n `(,the-begin ,@(cdr clause)))\n ",
" ,(loop (cdr clauses)))))))))))\n\n(define-macro parameterize\n (l",
"ambda (form env)\n (let ((formal (car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr",
" form))))\n `(,(the 'with-parameter)\n (,(the 'lambda) ()\n ,@f",
"ormal\n ,@body)))))\n\n(define-macro syntax-quote\n (lambda (form env)\n ",
"(let ((renames '()))\n (letrec\n ((rename (lambda (var)\n ",
" (let ((x (assq var renames)))\n (if x\n ",
" (cadr x)\n (begin\n ",
" (set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier)",
" ',var ',env)) . ,renames))\n (rename var))))))\n ",
" (walk (lambda (f form)\n (cond\n ((vari",
"able? form)\n (f form))\n ((pair? form)\n ",
" `(,(the 'cons) (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))\n ",
" ((vector? form)\n `(,(the 'list->vector) (walk",
" f (vector->list form))))\n (else\n `(,(the",
" 'quote) ,form))))))\n (let ((form (walk rename (cadr form))))\n `",
"(,(the 'let)\n ,(map cdr renames)\n ,form))))))\n\n(define-mac",
"ro syntax-quasiquote\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((renames '()))\n (letrec",
"\n ((rename (lambda (var)\n (let ((x (assq var rename",
"s)))\n (if x\n (cadr x)\n ",
" (begin\n (set! renames `((,var ,(mak",
"e-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))\n ",
" (rename var)))))))\n\n (define (syntax-quasiquote? f",
"orm)\n (and (pair? form)\n (variable? (car form))\n ",
" (variable=? (the 'syntax-quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))\n\n",
" (define (syntax-unquote? form)\n (and (pair? form)\n ",
" (variable? (car form))\n (variable=? (the 'syntax-unquote) (make-",
"identifier (car form) env))))\n\n (define (syntax-unquote-splicing? form)\n ",
" (and (pair? form)\n (pair? (car form))\n (var",
"iable? (caar form))\n (variable=? (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing) (m",
"ake-identifier (caar form) env))))\n\n (define (qq depth expr)\n (c",
"ond\n ;; syntax-unquote\n ((syntax-unquote? expr)\n ",
"(if (= depth 1)\n (car (cdr expr))\n (list (the 'lis",
"t)\n (list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote))\n ",
" (qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))\n ;; syntax-unquote-splic",
"ing\n ((syntax-unquote-splicing? expr)\n (if (= depth 1)\n ",
" (list (the 'append)\n (car (cdr (car expr)))\n ",
" (qq depth (cdr expr)))\n (list (the 'cons)\n ",
" (list (the 'list)\n (list (the 'quot",
"e) (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing))\n (qq (- depth 1) (",
"car (cdr (car expr)))))\n (qq depth (cdr expr)))))\n ",
" ;; syntax-quasiquote\n ((syntax-quasiquote? expr)\n (list (",
"the 'list)\n (list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))\n ",
" (qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))\n ;; list\n ((pair? e",
"xpr)\n (list (the 'cons)\n (qq depth (car expr))\n ",
" (qq depth (cdr expr))))\n ;; vector\n ((vector? e",
"xpr)\n (list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))\n ",
" ;; variable\n ((variable? expr)\n (rename expr))\n ",
" ;; simple datum\n (else\n (list (the 'quote) expr))))\n\n",
" (let ((body (qq 1 (cadr form))))\n `(,(the 'let)\n ,(m",
"ap cdr renames)\n ,body))))))\n\n(define (transformer f)\n (lambda (form",
" env)\n (let ((register1 (make-register))\n (register2 (make-register)",
"))\n (letrec\n ((wrap (lambda (var1)\n (let ((var2 ",
"(register1 var1)))\n (if (undefined? var2)\n ",
" (let ((var2 (make-identifier var1 env)))\n (regi",
"ster1 var1 var2)\n (register2 var2 var1)\n ",
" var2)\n var2))))\n (unwrap (lambda ",
"(var2)\n (let ((var1 (register2 var2)))\n ",
" (if (undefined? var1)\n var2\n ",
" var1))))\n (walk (lambda (f form)\n (cond\n ",
" ((variable? form)\n (f form))\n ",
"((pair? form)\n (cons (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))",
"))\n ((vector? form)\n (list->vector (walk ",
"f (vector->list form))))\n (else\n form))))",
")\n (let ((form (cdr form)))\n (walk unwrap (apply f (walk wrap fo",
"rm))))))))\n\n(define-macro define-syntax\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((formal (",
"car (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n (if (pair? formal)\n ",
" `(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(cdr formal) ,@body",
"))\n `(,the-define-macro ,formal (,(the 'transformer) (,the-begin ,@body",
")))))))\n\n(define-macro letrec-syntax\n (lambda (form env)\n (let ((formal (car",
" (cdr form)))\n (body (cdr (cdr form))))\n `(let ()\n ,@(ma",
"p (lambda (x)\n `(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car x) ,(cadr x)))\n ",
" formal)\n ,@body))))\n\n(define-macro let-syntax\n (lambda (fo",
"rm env)\n `(,(the 'letrec-syntax) ,@(cdr form))))\n\n\n;;; library primitives\n\n(d",
"efine-macro define-library\n (lambda (form _)\n (let ((name (cadr form))\n ",
" (body (cddr form)))\n (let ((old-library (current-library))\n ",
" (new-library (or (find-library name) (make-library name))))\n (let ((env ",
"(library-environment new-library)))\n (current-library new-library)\n ",
" (for-each (lambda (expr) (eval expr env)) body)\n (current-library",
" old-library))))))\n\n(define-macro cond-expand\n (lambda (form _)\n (letrec\n ",
" ((test (lambda (form)\n (or\n (eq? form 'els",
"e)\n (and (symbol? form)\n (memq form (feat",
"ures)))\n (and (pair? form)\n (case (car fo",
"rm)\n ((library) (find-library (cadr form)))\n ",
" ((not) (not (test (cadr form))))\n ((and) (l",
"et loop ((form (cdr form)))\n (or (null? form)\n ",
" (and (test (car form)) (loop (cdr form)))))",
")\n ((or) (let loop ((form (cdr form)))\n ",
" (and (pair? form)\n (or (tes",
"t (car form)) (loop (cdr form))))))\n (else #f)))))))\n ",
" (let loop ((clauses (cdr form)))\n (if (null? clauses)\n #und",
"efined\n (if (test (caar clauses))\n `(,the-begin ,@(cda",
"r clauses))\n (loop (cdr clauses))))))))\n\n(define-macro import\n (",
"lambda (form _)\n (let ((caddr\n (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))))\n ",
" (prefix\n (lambda (prefix symbol)\n (string->symbol\n",
" (string-append\n (symbol->string prefix)\n ",
" (symbol->string symbol))))))\n (letrec\n ((extract\n (l",
"ambda (spec)\n (case (car spec)\n ((only rename prefix",
" except)\n (extract (cadr spec)))\n (else\n ",
" (or (find-library spec) (error \"library not found\" spec))))))\n ",
" (collect\n (lambda (spec)\n (case (car spec)\n ",
" ((only)\n (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n ",
" (map (lambda (var) (assq var alist)) (cddr spec))))\n ((renam",
"e)\n (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n (map",
" (lambda (s) (or (assq (car s) (cddr spec)) s)) alist)))\n ((prefi",
"x)\n (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n (map",
" (lambda (s) (cons (prefix (caddr spec) (car s)) (cdr s))) alist)))\n ",
" ((except)\n (let ((alist (collect (cadr spec))))\n ",
" (let loop ((alist alist))\n (if (null? alist)\n ",
" '()\n (if (memq (caar alist) (cddr spec)",
")\n (loop (cdr alist))\n (",
"cons (car alist) (loop (cdr alist))))))))\n (else\n ",
" (let ((lib (or (find-library spec) (error \"library not found\" spec))))\n ",
" (map (lambda (x) (cons x x)) (library-exports lib))))))))\n (le",
"trec\n ((import\n (lambda (spec)\n (let ((",
"lib (extract spec))\n (alist (collect spec)))\n ",
" (for-each\n (lambda (slot)\n (librar",
"y-import lib (cdr slot) (car slot)))\n alist)))))\n (f",
"or-each import (cdr form)))))))\n\n(define-macro export\n (lambda (form _)\n (le",
"trec\n ((collect\n (lambda (spec)\n (cond\n (",
"(symbol? spec)\n `(,spec . ,spec))\n ((and (list? spec) (",
"= (length spec) 3) (eq? (car spec) 'rename))\n `(,(list-ref spec 1) ",
". ,(list-ref spec 2)))\n (else\n (error \"malformed export",
"\")))))\n (export\n (lambda (spec)\n (let ((slot (coll",
"ect spec)))\n (library-export (car slot) (cdr slot))))))\n (for",
"-each export (cdr form)))))\n\n(export define-library\n cond-expand\n ",
"import\n export)\n\n(export let let* letrec letrec*\n let-values let*-",
"values define-values\n quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing\n and or\n",
" cond case else =>\n do when unless\n parameterize\n de",
"fine-syntax\n syntax-quote syntax-unquote\n syntax-quasiquote syntax",
"-unquote-splicing\n let-syntax letrec-syntax\n syntax-error)\n\n\n",
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ lookup(pic_state PIC_UNUSED(*pic), pic_value var, struct pic_env *env)
khiter_t it;
pic_assert_type(pic, var, var);
while (env != NULL) {
it = kh_get(env, &env->map, pic_ptr(var));
@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ pic_resolve(pic_state *pic, pic_value var, struct pic_env *env)
pic_sym *uid;
assert(env != NULL);
pic_assert_type(pic, var, var);
while ((uid = lookup(pic, var, env)) == NULL) {
if (pic_sym_p(var)) {
@ -145,35 +146,23 @@ expand_lambda(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env)
struct pic_env *in;
pic_value a, deferred;
if (pic_length(pic, expr) < 2) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
in = pic_make_env(pic, env);
for (a = pic_cadr(pic, expr); pic_pair_p(a); a = pic_cdr(pic, a)) {
pic_value var = pic_car(pic, a);
if (! pic_var_p(var)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
pic_add_variable(pic, in, var);
pic_add_variable(pic, in, pic_car(pic, a));
if (pic_var_p(a)) {
pic_add_variable(pic, in, a);
else if (! pic_nil_p(a)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
deferred = pic_list1(pic, pic_nil_value());
formal = expand_list(pic, pic_cadr(pic, expr), in, deferred);
body = expand_list(pic, pic_cddr(pic, expr), in, deferred);
formal = expand_list(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, expr, 1), in, deferred);
body = expand(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, expr, 2), in, deferred);
expand_deferred(pic, deferred, in);
return pic_cons(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uLAMBDA), pic_cons(pic, formal, body));
return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uLAMBDA), formal, body);
static pic_value
@ -182,21 +171,7 @@ expand_define(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env, pic_value def
pic_sym *uid;
pic_value var, val;
while (pic_length(pic, expr) >= 2 && pic_pair_p(pic_cadr(pic, expr))) {
var = pic_car(pic, pic_cadr(pic, expr));
val = pic_cdr(pic, pic_cadr(pic, expr));
expr = pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uDEFINE), var, pic_cons(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sLAMBDA), pic_cons(pic, val, pic_cddr(pic, expr))));
if (pic_length(pic, expr) != 3) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
var = pic_cadr(pic, expr);
if (! pic_var_p(var)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "binding to non-variable object");
if ((uid = pic_find_variable(pic, env, var)) == NULL) {
uid = pic_add_variable(pic, env, var);
} else {
@ -213,20 +188,12 @@ expand_defmacro(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env)
pic_value var, val;
pic_sym *uid;
if (pic_length(pic, expr) != 3) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
var = pic_cadr(pic, expr);
if (! pic_var_p(var)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "binding to non-variable object");
if ((uid = pic_find_variable(pic, env, var)) == NULL) {
uid = pic_add_variable(pic, env, var);
val = pic_eval(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, expr, 2), env);
if (! pic_proc_p(val)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "macro definition \"~s\" evaluates to non-procedure object", var);
@ -236,12 +203,6 @@ expand_defmacro(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env)
return pic_undef_value();
static pic_value
expand_macro(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *mac, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env)
return pic_apply2(pic, mac, expr, pic_obj_value(env));
static pic_value
expand_node(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env, pic_value deferred)
@ -276,7 +237,7 @@ expand_node(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env, pic_value defer
if ((mac = find_macro(pic, functor)) != NULL) {
return expand_node(pic, expand_macro(pic, mac, expr, env), env, deferred);
return expand_node(pic, pic_apply2(pic, mac, expr, pic_obj_value(env)), env, deferred);
return expand_list(pic, expr, env, deferred);
@ -292,12 +253,6 @@ expand(pic_state *pic, pic_value expr, struct pic_env *env, pic_value deferred)
size_t ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic);
pic_value v;
printf("[expand] expanding... ");
pic_debug(pic, expr);
v = expand_node(pic, expr, env, deferred);
pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai);
@ -342,28 +297,30 @@ typedef struct analyze_scope {
struct analyze_scope *up;
} analyze_scope;
static bool analyze_args(pic_state *, pic_value, analyze_scope *);
static bool
analyzer_scope_init(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value formals, analyze_scope *up)
static void
analyzer_scope_init(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value formal, analyze_scope *up)
int ret;
kh_init(a, &scope->args);
kh_init(a, &scope->locals);
kh_init(a, &scope->captures);
if (analyze_args(pic, formals, scope)) {
scope->up = up;
scope->depth = up ? up->depth + 1 : 0;
scope->defer = pic_nil_value();
return true;
/* analyze formal */
for (; pic_pair_p(formal); formal = pic_cdr(pic, formal)) {
kh_put(a, &scope->args, pic_sym_ptr(pic_car(pic, formal)), &ret);
if (pic_nil_p(formal)) {
scope->rest = NULL;
else {
kh_destroy(a, &scope->args);
kh_destroy(a, &scope->locals);
kh_destroy(a, &scope->captures);
return false;
scope->rest = pic_sym_ptr(formal);
kh_put(a, &scope->locals, pic_sym_ptr(formal), &ret);
scope->up = up;
scope->depth = up ? up->depth + 1 : 0;
scope->defer = pic_nil_value();
static void
@ -374,33 +331,6 @@ analyzer_scope_destroy(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope)
kh_destroy(a, &scope->captures);
static bool
analyze_args(pic_state *pic, pic_value formals, analyze_scope *scope)
pic_value v, t;
int ret;
for (v = formals; pic_pair_p(v); v = pic_cdr(pic, v)) {
t = pic_car(pic, v);
if (! pic_sym_p(t)) {
return false;
kh_put(a, &scope->args, pic_sym_ptr(t), &ret);
if (pic_nil_p(v)) {
scope->rest = NULL;
else if (pic_sym_p(v)) {
scope->rest = pic_sym_ptr(v);
kh_put(a, &scope->locals, pic_sym_ptr(v), &ret);
else {
return false;
return true;
static bool
search_scope(analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym)
@ -449,7 +379,7 @@ define_var(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym)
static pic_value analyze_node(pic_state *, analyze_scope *, pic_value, bool);
static pic_value analyze_procedure(pic_state *, analyze_scope *, pic_value, pic_value, pic_value);
static pic_value analyze_procedure(pic_state *, analyze_scope *, pic_value);
static pic_value
analyze(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos)
@ -493,14 +423,14 @@ analyze_var(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *sym)
static pic_value
analyze_defer(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value name, pic_value formal, pic_value body)
analyze_defer(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value form)
pic_sym *sNOWHERE = pic_intern_cstr(pic, "<<nowhere>>");
pic_value skel;
skel = pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sGREF), pic_obj_value(sNOWHERE));
pic_push(pic, pic_list4(pic, name, formal, body, skel), scope->defer);
pic_push(pic, pic_cons(pic, skel, form), scope->defer);
return skel;
@ -508,128 +438,77 @@ analyze_defer(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value name, pic_value fo
static void
analyze_deferred(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope)
pic_value defer, val, name, formal, body, dst, it;
pic_value defer, it, skel, form, val;
pic_for_each (defer, pic_reverse(pic, scope->defer), it) {
name = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 0);
formal = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 1);
body = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 2);
dst = pic_list_ref(pic, defer, 3);
skel = pic_car(pic, defer);
form = pic_cdr(pic, defer);
val = analyze_procedure(pic, scope, name, formal, body);
val = analyze_procedure(pic, scope, form);
/* copy */
pic_pair_ptr(dst)->car = pic_car(pic, val);
pic_pair_ptr(dst)->cdr = pic_cdr(pic, val);
pic_pair_ptr(skel)->car = pic_car(pic, val);
pic_pair_ptr(skel)->cdr = pic_cdr(pic, val);
scope->defer = pic_nil_value();
static pic_value
analyze_procedure(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *up, pic_value name, pic_value formals, pic_value body_exprs)
analyze_procedure(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *up, pic_value form)
analyze_scope s, *scope = &s;
pic_value rest = pic_undef_value(), body;
pic_value formals, body;
pic_value rest = pic_undef_value();
pic_vec *args, *locals, *captures;
size_t i, j;
assert(pic_sym_p(name) || pic_false_p(name));
formals = pic_list_ref(pic, form, 1);
body = pic_list_ref(pic, form, 2);
if (analyzer_scope_init(pic, scope, formals, up)) {
size_t i, j;
analyzer_scope_init(pic, scope, formals, up);
/* analyze body */
body = analyze(pic, scope, pic_cons(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->uBEGIN), body_exprs), true);
analyze_deferred(pic, scope);
/* analyze body */
body = analyze(pic, scope, body, true);
analyze_deferred(pic, scope);
args = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->args));
for (i = 0; pic_pair_p(formals); formals = pic_cdr(pic, formals), i++) {
args->data[i] = pic_car(pic, formals);
if (scope->rest != NULL) {
rest = pic_obj_value(scope->rest);
locals = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->locals));
for (i = kh_begin(&scope->locals), j = 0; i < kh_end(&scope->locals); ++i) {
if (kh_exist(&scope->locals, i)) {
locals->data[j++] = pic_obj_value(kh_key(&scope->locals, i));
captures = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->captures));
for (i = kh_begin(&scope->captures), j = 0; i < kh_end(&scope->captures); ++i) {
if (kh_exist(&scope->captures, i)) {
captures->data[j++] = pic_obj_value(kh_key(&scope->captures, i));
analyzer_scope_destroy(pic, scope);
else {
pic_errorf(pic, "invalid formal syntax: ~s", formals);
args = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->args));
for (i = 0; pic_pair_p(formals); formals = pic_cdr(pic, formals), i++) {
args->data[i] = pic_car(pic, formals);
return pic_list7(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sLAMBDA), name, rest, pic_obj_value(args), pic_obj_value(locals), pic_obj_value(captures), body);
static pic_value
analyze_lambda(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj)
pic_value formals, body_exprs;
if (pic_length(pic, obj) < 2) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
if (scope->rest != NULL) {
rest = pic_obj_value(scope->rest);
formals = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1);
body_exprs = pic_list_tail(pic, obj, 2);
locals = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->locals));
for (i = kh_begin(&scope->locals), j = 0; i < kh_end(&scope->locals); ++i) {
if (kh_exist(&scope->locals, i)) {
locals->data[j++] = pic_obj_value(kh_key(&scope->locals, i));
return analyze_defer(pic, scope, pic_false_value(), formals, body_exprs);
captures = pic_make_vec(pic, kh_size(&scope->captures));
for (i = kh_begin(&scope->captures), j = 0; i < kh_end(&scope->captures); ++i) {
if (kh_exist(&scope->captures, i)) {
captures->data[j++] = pic_obj_value(kh_key(&scope->captures, i));
static pic_value
analyze_declare(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_sym *var)
define_var(pic, scope, var);
analyzer_scope_destroy(pic, scope);
return analyze_var(pic, scope, var);
return pic_list6(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sLAMBDA), rest, pic_obj_value(args), pic_obj_value(locals), pic_obj_value(captures), body);
static pic_value
analyze_define(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj)
pic_value var, val;
pic_sym *sym;
if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 3) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
define_var(pic, scope, pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1)));
var = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1);
if (! pic_sym_p(var)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
} else {
sym = pic_sym_ptr(var);
var = analyze_declare(pic, scope, sym);
if (pic_pair_p(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2))
&& pic_sym_p(pic_list_ref(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 0))
&& pic_sym_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 0)) == pic->uLAMBDA) {
pic_value formals, body_exprs;
formals = pic_list_ref(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 1);
body_exprs = pic_list_tail(pic, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), 2);
val = analyze_defer(pic, scope, pic_obj_value(sym), formals, body_exprs);
} else {
if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 3) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
val = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), false);
var = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), false);
val = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2), false);
return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sSETBANG), var, val);
@ -639,18 +518,9 @@ analyze_if(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos)
pic_value cond, if_true, if_false;
if_false = pic_undef_value();
switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
case 4:
if_false = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 3);
case 3:
if_true = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2);
if_true = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2);
if_false = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 3);
/* analyze in order */
cond = analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), false);
if_true = analyze(pic, scope, if_true, tailpos);
if_false = analyze(pic, scope, if_false, tailpos);
@ -661,26 +531,15 @@ analyze_if(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos)
static pic_value
analyze_begin(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos)
pic_value seq;
bool tail;
pic_value beg1, beg2;
switch (pic_length(pic, obj)) {
case 1:
return analyze(pic, scope, pic_undef_value(), tailpos);
case 2:
return analyze(pic, scope, pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1), tailpos);
seq = pic_list1(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sBEGIN));
for (obj = pic_cdr(pic, obj); ! pic_nil_p(obj); obj = pic_cdr(pic, obj)) {
if (pic_nil_p(pic_cdr(pic, obj))) {
tail = tailpos;
} else {
tail = false;
seq = pic_cons(pic, analyze(pic, scope, pic_car(pic, obj), tail), seq);
return pic_reverse(pic, seq);
beg1 = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1);
beg2 = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2);
beg1 = analyze(pic, scope, beg1, false);
beg2 = analyze(pic, scope, beg2, tailpos);
return pic_list3(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sBEGIN), beg1, beg2);
static pic_value
@ -688,15 +547,7 @@ analyze_set(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj)
pic_value var, val;
if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 3) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
var = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1);
if (! pic_sym_p(var)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
val = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2);
var = analyze(pic, scope, var, false);
@ -708,9 +559,6 @@ analyze_set(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj)
static pic_value
analyze_quote(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj)
if (pic_length(pic, obj) != 2) {
pic_errorf(pic, "syntax error");
return pic_list2(pic, pic_obj_value(pic->sQUOTE), pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1));
@ -906,7 +754,7 @@ analyze_node(pic_state *pic, analyze_scope *scope, pic_value obj, bool tailpos)
return analyze_define(pic, scope, obj);
else if (sym == pic->uLAMBDA) {
return analyze_lambda(pic, scope, obj);
return analyze_defer(pic, scope, obj);
else if (sym == pic->uIF) {
return analyze_if(pic, scope, obj, tailpos);
@ -1012,7 +860,6 @@ pic_analyze(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj)
typedef struct codegen_context {
pic_sym *name;
/* rest args variable is counted as a local */
pic_sym *rest;
pic_vec *args, *locals, *captures;
@ -1035,14 +882,9 @@ typedef struct codegen_context {
static void create_activation(pic_state *, codegen_context *);
static void
codegen_context_init(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, codegen_context *up, pic_value name, pic_sym *rest, pic_vec *args, pic_vec *locals, pic_vec *captures)
codegen_context_init(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt, codegen_context *up, pic_sym *rest, pic_vec *args, pic_vec *locals, pic_vec *captures)
assert(pic_sym_p(name) || pic_false_p(name));
cxt->up = up;
cxt->name = pic_false_p(name)
? pic_intern_cstr(pic, "(anonymous lambda)")
: pic_sym_ptr(name);
cxt->rest = rest;
cxt->args = args;
@ -1075,7 +917,6 @@ codegen_context_destroy(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *cxt)
/* create irep */
irep = (struct pic_irep *)pic_obj_alloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_irep), PIC_TT_IREP);
irep->name = cxt->name;
irep->varg = cxt->rest != NULL;
irep->argc = (int)cxt->args->len + 1;
irep->localc = (int)cxt->locals->len;
@ -1501,22 +1342,21 @@ static struct pic_irep *
codegen_lambda(pic_state *pic, codegen_context *up, pic_value obj)
codegen_context c, *cxt = &c;
pic_value name, rest_opt, body;
pic_value rest_opt, body;
pic_sym *rest = NULL;
pic_vec *args, *locals, *captures;
name = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1);
rest_opt = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2);
rest_opt = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 1);
if (pic_sym_p(rest_opt)) {
rest = pic_sym_ptr(rest_opt);
args = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 3));
locals = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 4));
captures = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 5));
body = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 6);
args = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 2));
locals = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 3));
captures = pic_vec_ptr(pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 4));
body = pic_list_ref(pic, obj, 5);
/* inner environment */
codegen_context_init(pic, cxt, up, name, rest, args, locals, captures);
codegen_context_init(pic, cxt, up, rest, args, locals, captures);
/* body */
codegen(pic, cxt, body);
@ -1530,7 +1370,7 @@ pic_codegen(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj)
pic_vec *empty = pic_make_vec(pic, 0);
codegen_context c, *cxt = &c;
codegen_context_init(pic, cxt, NULL, pic_false_value(), NULL, empty, empty, empty);
codegen_context_init(pic, cxt, NULL, NULL, empty, empty, empty);
codegen(pic, cxt, obj);
@ -1547,7 +1387,7 @@ pic_compile(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj, struct pic_env *env)
fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic));
fprintf(stdout, "# input expression\n");
pic_debug(pic, obj);
pic_write(pic, obj);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic));
@ -1557,7 +1397,7 @@ pic_compile(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj, struct pic_env *env)
obj = pic_expand(pic, obj, env);
fprintf(stdout, "## expand completed\n");
pic_debug(pic, obj);
pic_write(pic, obj);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic));
@ -1566,7 +1406,7 @@ pic_compile(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj, struct pic_env *env)
obj = pic_analyze(pic, obj);
fprintf(stdout, "## analyzer completed\n");
pic_debug(pic, obj);
pic_write(pic, obj);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fprintf(stdout, "ai = %zu\n", pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic));
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ pic_make_cont(pic_state *pic, struct pic_cont *cont)
struct pic_proc *c;
struct pic_data *e;
c = pic_make_proc(pic, cont_call, "<cont-procedure>");
c = pic_make_proc(pic, cont_call);
e = pic_data_alloc(pic, &cont_type, cont);
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pic_get_backtrace(pic_state *pic)
struct pic_proc *proc = pic_proc_ptr(ci->fp[0]);
trace = pic_str_cat(pic, trace, pic_make_str_cstr(pic, " at "));
trace = pic_str_cat(pic, trace, pic_make_str_cstr(pic, pic_symbol_name(pic, pic_proc_name(proc))));
trace = pic_str_cat(pic, trace, pic_make_str_cstr(pic, "(anonymous lambda)"));
if (pic_proc_func_p(proc)) {
trace = pic_str_cat(pic, trace, pic_make_str_cstr(pic, " (native function)\n"));
@ -366,7 +366,6 @@ gc_mark_object(pic_state *pic, struct pic_object *obj)
gc_mark_object(pic, (struct pic_object *)proc->u.i.cxt);
} else {
gc_mark_object(pic, (struct pic_object *)proc->;
if (proc->u.f.env) {
gc_mark_object(pic, (struct pic_object *)proc->u.f.env);
@ -430,8 +429,6 @@ gc_mark_object(pic_state *pic, struct pic_object *obj)
struct pic_irep *irep = (struct pic_irep *)obj;
size_t i;
gc_mark_object(pic, (struct pic_object *)irep->name);
for (i = 0; i < irep->ilen; ++i) {
gc_mark_object(pic, (struct pic_object *)irep->irep[i]);
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ struct pic_error *pic_make_error(pic_state *, pic_sym *, const char *, pic_list)
if (PIC_SETJMP(pic, == 0) { \
extern pic_value pic_native_exception_handler(pic_state *); \
struct pic_proc *handler; \
handler = pic_make_proc(pic, pic_native_exception_handler, "(native-exception-handler)"); \
handler = pic_make_proc(pic, pic_native_exception_handler); \
pic_proc_env_set(pic, handler, "cont", pic_obj_value(pic_make_cont(pic, &cont))); \
do { \
pic_push_handler(pic, handler);
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ typedef struct {
struct pic_irep {
pic_sym *name;
pic_code *code;
int argc, localc, capturec;
bool varg;
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ struct pic_proc {
union {
struct {
pic_func_t func;
pic_sym *name;
struct pic_dict *env;
} f;
struct {
@ -45,10 +44,9 @@ struct pic_proc {
#define pic_context_p(o) (pic_type(o) == PIC_TT_CXT)
#define pic_context_ptr(o) ((struct pic_context *)pic_ptr(o))
struct pic_proc *pic_make_proc(pic_state *, pic_func_t, const char *);
struct pic_proc *pic_make_proc(pic_state *, pic_func_t);
struct pic_proc *pic_make_proc_irep(pic_state *, struct pic_irep *, struct pic_context *);
pic_sym *pic_proc_name(struct pic_proc *);
struct pic_dict *pic_proc_env(pic_state *, struct pic_proc *);
bool pic_proc_env_has(pic_state *, struct pic_proc *, const char *);
pic_value pic_proc_env_ref(pic_state *, struct pic_proc *, const char *);
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ pic_define_standard_port(pic_state *pic, const char *name, xFILE *file, int dir)
port->file = file;
port->flags = dir | PIC_PORT_TEXT | PIC_PORT_OPEN;
pic_defvar(pic, name, pic_obj_value(port), pic_make_proc(pic, pic_assert_port, "pic_assert_port"));
pic_defvar(pic, name, pic_obj_value(port), pic_make_proc(pic, pic_assert_port));
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@
#include "picrin.h"
struct pic_proc *
pic_make_proc(pic_state *pic, pic_func_t func, const char *name)
pic_make_proc(pic_state *pic, pic_func_t func)
struct pic_proc *proc;
pic_sym *sym;
assert(name != NULL);
sym = pic_intern_cstr(pic, name);
proc = (struct pic_proc *)pic_obj_alloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_proc), PIC_TT_PROC);
proc->tag = PIC_PROC_TAG_FUNC;
proc->u.f.func = func;
proc-> = sym;
proc->u.f.env = NULL;
return proc;
@ -34,18 +28,6 @@ pic_make_proc_irep(pic_state *pic, struct pic_irep *irep, struct pic_context *cx
return proc;
pic_sym *
pic_proc_name(struct pic_proc *proc)
switch (proc->tag) {
return proc->;
return proc->u.i.irep->name;
struct pic_dict *
pic_proc_env(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *proc)
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ pic_reg_make_register(pic_state *pic)
reg = pic_make_reg(pic);
proc = pic_make_proc(pic, reg_call, "<reg-call>");
proc = pic_make_proc(pic, reg_call);
pic_proc_env_set(pic, proc, "reg", pic_obj_value(reg));
@ -109,23 +109,26 @@ pic_features(pic_state *pic)
#define DONE pic_gc_arena_restore(pic, ai);
#define define_builtin_syntax(uid, name) \
pic_define_syntactic_keyword_(pic, pic->lib->env, pic_intern_cstr(pic, name), uid)
static void
pic_init_core(pic_state *pic)
void pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic_state *, struct pic_env *, pic_sym *, pic_sym *);
void pic_define_syntactic_keyword_(pic_state *, struct pic_env *, pic_sym *, pic_sym *);
pic_deflibrary (pic, "(picrin base)") {
size_t ai = pic_gc_arena_preserve(pic);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic, pic->lib->env, pic->sDEFINE, pic->uDEFINE);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic, pic->lib->env, pic->sSETBANG, pic->uSETBANG);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic, pic->lib->env, pic->sQUOTE, pic->uQUOTE);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic, pic->lib->env, pic->sLAMBDA, pic->uLAMBDA);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic, pic->lib->env, pic->sIF, pic->uIF);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic, pic->lib->env, pic->sBEGIN, pic->uBEGIN);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic, pic->lib->env, pic->sDEFINE_MACRO, pic->uDEFINE_MACRO);
define_builtin_syntax(pic->uDEFINE, "builtin:define");
define_builtin_syntax(pic->uSETBANG, "builtin:set!");
define_builtin_syntax(pic->uQUOTE, "builtin:quote");
define_builtin_syntax(pic->uLAMBDA, "builtin:lambda");
define_builtin_syntax(pic->uIF, "builtin:if");
define_builtin_syntax(pic->uBEGIN, "builtin:begin");
define_builtin_syntax(pic->uDEFINE_MACRO, "builtin:define-macro");
pic_defun(pic, "features", pic_features);
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ pic_make_var(pic_state *pic, pic_value init, struct pic_proc *conv)
struct pic_proc *var;
var = pic_make_proc(pic, var_call, "<var-call>");
var = pic_make_proc(pic, var_call);
if (conv != NULL) {
pic_proc_env_set(pic, var, "conv", pic_obj_value(conv));
@ -82,11 +82,7 @@ pic_get_args(pic_state *pic, const char *format, ...)
/* check argc. */
if (argc < paramc || (paramc + optc < argc && ! rest)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "%s: wrong number of arguments (%d for %s%d)",
pic_symbol_name(pic, pic_proc_name(pic_proc_ptr(GET_OPERAND(pic, 0)))) ,
rest? "at least " : "",
pic_errorf(pic, "pic_get_args: wrong number of arguments (%d for %s%d)", argc, rest? "at least " : "", paramc);
/* start dispatching */
@ -633,7 +629,7 @@ pic_apply(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *proc, pic_value args)
sym = irep->syms[c.u.i];
if (! pic_dict_has(pic, pic->globals, sym)) {
pic_errorf(pic, "logic flaw; reference to uninitialized global variable: %s", pic_symbol_name(pic, sym));
pic_errorf(pic, "uninitialized global variable: %s", pic_symbol_name(pic, sym));
PUSH(pic_dict_ref(pic, pic->globals, sym));
@ -1110,9 +1106,15 @@ pic_apply5(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *proc, pic_value arg1, pic_value arg2
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic_state *pic, struct pic_env *env, pic_sym *sym, pic_sym *uid)
pic_define_syntactic_keyword_(pic_state *pic, struct pic_env *env, pic_sym *sym, pic_sym *uid)
pic_put_variable(pic, env, pic_obj_value(sym), uid);
pic_define_syntactic_keyword(pic_state *pic, struct pic_env *env, pic_sym *sym, pic_sym *uid)
pic_define_syntactic_keyword_(pic, env, sym, uid);
if (pic->lib && pic->lib->env == env) {
pic_export(pic, sym);
@ -1125,7 +1127,7 @@ pic_defun_vm(pic_state *pic, const char *name, pic_sym *uid, pic_func_t func)
struct pic_proc *proc;
pic_sym *sym;
proc = pic_make_proc(pic, func, name);
proc = pic_make_proc(pic, func);
sym = pic_intern_cstr(pic, name);
@ -1162,7 +1164,7 @@ pic_define(pic_state *pic, const char *name, pic_value val)
pic_defun_(pic_state *pic, const char *name, pic_func_t cfunc)
pic_define_(pic, name, pic_obj_value(pic_make_proc(pic, cfunc, name)));
pic_define_(pic, name, pic_obj_value(pic_make_proc(pic, cfunc)));
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