move simple macros to (picrin macro)
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,12 +13,13 @@
;; simple macro
(export define-syntax
let-syntax letrec-syntax
;; misc transformers
;; other transformers
(export call-with-current-environment
@ -30,11 +31,173 @@
;; environment extraction
(define-macro call-with-current-environment
(lambda (form env)
`(,(cadr form) ',env)))
;; simple macro
(define-macro define-auxiliary-syntax
(lambda (form _)
`(define-macro ,(cadr form)
(lambda _
(error "invalid use of auxiliary syntax" ',(cadr form))))))
(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote)
(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote-splicing)
(define (transformer f)
(lambda (form env)
(let ((ephemeron1 (make-ephemeron-table))
(ephemeron2 (make-ephemeron-table)))
((wrap (lambda (var1)
(or (ephemeron1 var1)
(let ((var2 (make-identifier var1 env)))
(ephemeron1 var1 var2)
(ephemeron2 var2 var1)
(unwrap (lambda (var2)
(or (ephemeron2 var2)
(walk (lambda (f form)
((identifier? form)
(f form))
((pair? form)
(cons (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))
(let ((form (cdr form)))
(walk unwrap (apply f (walk wrap form))))))))
(define (the var)
(lambda (env)
(make-identifier var env))))
(define-macro syntax-quote
(lambda (form env)
(let ((renames '()))
((rename (lambda (var)
(let ((x (assq var renames)))
(if x
(cadr x)
(set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))
(rename var))))))
(walk (lambda (f form)
((identifier? form)
(f form))
((pair? form)
`(,(the 'cons) (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))
`(,(the 'quote) ,form))))))
(let ((form (walk rename (cadr form))))
`(,(the 'let)
,(map cdr renames)
(define-macro syntax-quasiquote
(lambda (form env)
(let ((renames '()))
((rename (lambda (var)
(let ((x (assq var renames)))
(if x
(cadr x)
(set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))
(rename var)))))))
(define (syntax-quasiquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (syntax-unquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-unquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (syntax-unquote-splicing? form)
(and (pair? form)
(pair? (car form))
(identifier? (caar form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env))))
(define (qq depth expr)
;; syntax-unquote
((syntax-unquote? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(car (cdr expr))
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))
;; syntax-unquote-splicing
((syntax-unquote-splicing? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(list (the 'append)
(car (cdr (car expr)))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))
(list (the 'cons)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))))
;; syntax-quasiquote
((syntax-quasiquote? expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))
(qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))
;; list
((pair? expr)
(list (the 'cons)
(qq depth (car expr))
(qq depth (cdr expr))))
;; identifier
((identifier? expr)
(rename expr))
;; simple datum
(list (the 'quote) expr))))
(let ((body (qq 1 (cadr form))))
`(,(the 'let)
,(map cdr renames)
(define-macro define-syntax
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (pair? formal)
`(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car formal) (,(the 'lambda) ,(cdr formal) ,@body))
`(,(the 'define-macro) ,formal (,(the 'transformer) (,(the 'begin) ,@body)))))))
(define-macro letrec-syntax
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(let ()
,@(map (lambda (x)
`(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car x) ,(cadr x)))
(define-macro let-syntax
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'letrec-syntax) ,@(cdr form))))
;; syntactic closure
@ -392,6 +392,10 @@
;; 4.3.3. Signaling errors in macro transformers
(define-macro syntax-error
(lambda (form _)
(apply error (cdr form))))
(export syntax-error)
;; 5.3. Variable definitions
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(define-library (scheme eval)
(import (picrin base))
(import (picrin base)
(picrin macro))
(define counter 0)
@ -2,489 +2,389 @@
#include "picrin/extra.h"
static const char boot_rom[][80] = {
"(core#begin (core#define transformer (core#lambda (.f.2252) (core#lambda (.form.",
"2253 .env.2254) ((core#lambda (.ephemeron1.2255 .ephemeron2.2256) ((core#lambda ",
"(.wrap.2257 .unwrap.2258 .walk.2259) (core#begin (core#set! .wrap.2257 (core#lam",
"bda (.var1.2260) ((core#lambda (.it.2261) (core#if .it.2261 .it.2261 ((core#lamb",
"da (.it.2262) (core#if .it.2262 .it.2262 #f)) ((core#lambda (.var2.2263) (core#b",
"egin (.ephemeron1.2255 .var1.2260 .var2.2263) (core#begin (.ephemeron2.2256 .var",
"2.2263 .var1.2260) .var2.2263))) (make-identifier .var1.2260 .env.2254))))) (.ep",
"hemeron1.2255 .var1.2260)))) (core#begin (core#set! .unwrap.2258 (core#lambda (.",
"var2.2264) ((core#lambda (.it.2265) (core#if .it.2265 .it.2265 ((core#lambda (.i",
"t.2266) (core#if .it.2266 .it.2266 #f)) .var2.2264))) (.ephemeron2.2256 .var2.22",
"64)))) (core#begin (core#set! .walk.2259 (core#lambda (.f.2267 .form.2268) (core",
"#if (identifier? .form.2268) (.f.2267 .form.2268) (core#if (pair? .form.2268) (c",
"ons (.walk.2259 .f.2267 (car .form.2268)) (.walk.2259 .f.2267 (cdr .form.2268)))",
" .form.2268)))) ((core#lambda (.form.2269) (.walk.2259 .unwrap.2258 (apply .f.22",
"52 (.walk.2259 .wrap.2257 .form.2269)))) (cdr .form.2253)))))) #undefined #undef",
"ined #undefined)) (make-ephemeron-table) (make-ephemeron-table))))) ((core#lambd",
"a () (core#begin (core#define .define-transformer.2270 (core#lambda (.name.2290 ",
".transformer.2291) (add-macro! .name.2290 .transformer.2291))) (core#begin (core",
"#define .the.2271 (core#lambda (.var.2292) (make-identifier .var.2292 default-en",
"vironment))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-define.2272 (.the.2271 (core#quo",
"te core#define))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-lambda.2273 (.the.2271 (cor",
"e#quote core#lambda))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-begin.2274 (.the.2271 ",
"(core#quote core#begin))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-quote.2275 (.the.22",
"71 (core#quote core#quote))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-set!.2276 (.the.",
"2271 (core#quote core#set!))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-if.2277 (.the.2",
"271 (core#quote core#if))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-define-macro.2278 ",
"(.the.2271 (core#quote core#define-macro))) (core#begin (core#define .the-define",
".2279 (.the.2271 (core#quote define))) (core#begin (core#define .the-lambda.2280",
" (.the.2271 (core#quote lambda))) (core#begin (core#define .the-begin.2281 (.the",
".2271 (core#quote begin))) (core#begin (core#define .the-quote.2282 (.the.2271 (",
"core#quote quote))) (core#begin (core#define .the-set!.2283 (.the.2271 (core#quo",
"te set!))) (core#begin (core#define .the-if.2284 (.the.2271 (core#quote if))) (c",
"ore#begin (core#define .the-define-macro.2285 (.the.2271 (core#quote define-macr",
"o))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote quote) (core#lambda (.for",
"m.2293 .env.2294) (core#if (= (length .form.2293) 2) (cons .the-core-quote.2275 ",
"(cons (cadr .form.2293) (core#quote ()))) (error \"malformed quote\" .form.2293)))",
") (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote if) (core#lambda (.form.2295",
" .env.2296) ((core#lambda (.len.2297) (core#if (= .len.2297 3) (append .form.229",
"5 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ()))) (core#if (= .len.2297 4) (cons",
" .the-core-if.2277 (cdr .form.2295)) (error \"malformed if\" .form.2295)))) (lengt",
"h .form.2295)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote begin) (core#",
"lambda (.form.2298 .env.2299) ((core#lambda (.len.2300) (core#if (= .len.2300 1)",
" #undefined (core#if (= .len.2300 2) (cadr .form.2298) (core#if (= .len.2300 3) ",
"(cons .the-core-begin.2274 (cdr .form.2298)) (cons .the-core-begin.2274 (cons (c",
"adr .form.2298) (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 (cddr .form.2298)) (core#quote ())))",
"))))) (length .form.2298)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote s",
"et!) (core#lambda (.form.2301 .env.2302) (core#if (core#if (= (length .form.2301",
") 3) (identifier? (cadr .form.2301)) #f) (cons .the-core-set!.2276 (cdr .form.23",
"01)) (error \"malformed set!\" .form.2301)))) (core#begin (core#define .check-form",
"al.2286 (core#lambda (.formal.2303) ((core#lambda (.it.2304) (core#if .it.2304 .",
"it.2304 ((core#lambda (.it.2305) (core#if .it.2305 .it.2305 ((core#lambda (.it.2",
"306) (core#if .it.2306 .it.2306 #f)) (core#if (pair? .formal.2303) (core#if (ide",
"ntifier? (car .formal.2303)) (.check-formal.2286 (cdr .formal.2303)) #f) #f)))) ",
"(identifier? .formal.2303)))) (null? .formal.2303)))) (core#begin (.define-trans",
"former.2270 (core#quote lambda) (core#lambda (.form.2307 .env.2308) (core#if (= ",
"(length .form.2307) 1) (error \"malformed lambda\" .form.2307) (core#if (.check-fo",
"rmal.2286 (cadr .form.2307)) (cons .the-core-lambda.2273 (cons (cadr .form.2307)",
" (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 (cddr .form.2307)) (core#quote ())))) (error \"malfo",
"rmed lambda\" .form.2307))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote d",
"efine) (core#lambda (.form.2309 .env.2310) ((core#lambda (.len.2311) (core#if (=",
" .len.2311 1) (error \"malformed define\" .form.2309) ((core#lambda (.formal.2312)",
" (core#if (identifier? .formal.2312) (core#if (= .len.2311 3) (cons .the-core-de",
"fine.2272 (cdr .form.2309)) (error \"malformed define\" .form.2309)) (core#if (pai",
"r? .formal.2312) (cons .the-define.2279 (cons (car .formal.2312) (cons (cons .th",
"e-lambda.2280 (cons (cdr .formal.2312) (cddr .form.2309))) (core#quote ())))) (e",
"rror \"define: binding to non-varaible object\" .form.2309)))) (cadr .form.2309)))",
") (length .form.2309)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote defin",
"e-macro) (core#lambda (.form.2313 .env.2314) (core#if (= (length .form.2313) 3) ",
"(core#if (identifier? (cadr .form.2313)) (cons .the-core-define-macro.2278 (cdr ",
".form.2313)) (error \"define-macro: binding to non-variable object\" .form.2313)) ",
"(error \"malformed define-macro\" .form.2313)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.",
"2270 (core#quote syntax-error) (core#lambda (.form.2315 ._.2316) (apply error (c",
"dr .form.2315)))) (core#begin #undefined (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (",
"core#quote else) (core#lambda ._.2317 (error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (",
"core#quote else)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote =>) (core#",
"lambda ._.2318 (error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote =>)))) (core",
"#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote unquote) (core#lambda ._.2319 (erro",
"r \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote unquote)))) (core#begin (.define",
"-transformer.2270 (core#quote unquote-splicing) (core#lambda ._.2320 (error \"inv",
"alid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote unquote-splicing)))) (core#begin (.def",
"ine-transformer.2270 (core#quote syntax-unquote) (core#lambda ._.2321 (error \"in",
"valid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote syntax-unquote)))) (core#begin (.defi",
"ne-transformer.2270 (core#quote syntax-unquote-splicing) (core#lambda ._.2322 (e",
"rror \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote syntax-unquote-splicing)))) (",
"core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote let) (core#lambda (.form.2323 .",
"env.2324) (core#if (identifier? (cadr .form.2323)) ((core#lambda (.name.2325 .fo",
"rmal.2326 .body.2327) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2280 (cons (core#quote ()) (cons (",
"cons .the-define.2279 (cons (cons .name.2325 (map car .formal.2326)) .body.2327)",
") (cons (cons .name.2325 (map cadr .formal.2326)) (core#quote ()))))) (core#quot",
"e ()))) (car (cdr .form.2323)) (car (cdr (cdr .form.2323))) (cdr (cdr (cdr .form",
".2323)))) ((core#lambda (.formal.2328 .body.2329) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2280 (",
"cons (map car .formal.2328) .body.2329)) (map cadr .formal.2328))) (car (cdr .fo",
"rm.2323)) (cdr (cdr .form.2323)))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core",
"#quote and) (core#lambda (.form.2330 .env.2331) (core#if (null? (cdr .form.2330)",
") #t (core#if (null? (cddr .form.2330)) (cadr .form.2330) (cons .the-if.2284 (co",
"ns (cadr .form.2330) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote and)) (cddr .form.2330))",
" (cons (core#quote #f) (core#quote ()))))))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.",
"2270 (core#quote or) (core#lambda (.form.2332 .env.2333) (core#if (null? (cdr .f",
"orm.2332)) #f ((core#lambda (.tmp.2334) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote let)) (cons",
" (cons (cons .tmp.2334 (cons (cadr .form.2332) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())",
") (cons (cons .the-if.2284 (cons .tmp.2334 (cons .tmp.2334 (cons (cons (.the.227",
"1 (core#quote or)) (cddr .form.2332)) (core#quote ()))))) (core#quote ()))))) (m",
"ake-identifier (core#quote it) .env.2333))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2",
"270 (core#quote cond) (core#lambda (.form.2335 .env.2336) ((core#lambda (.clause",
"s.2337) (core#if (null? .clauses.2337) #undefined ((core#lambda (.clause.2338) (",
"core#if (core#if (identifier? (car .clause.2338)) (identifier=? (.the.2271 (core",
"#quote else)) (make-identifier (car .clause.2338) .env.2336)) #f) (cons .the-beg",
"in.2281 (cdr .clause.2338)) (core#if (null? (cdr .clause.2338)) (cons (.the.2271",
" (core#quote or)) (cons (car .clause.2338) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote co",
"nd)) (cdr .clauses.2337)) (core#quote ())))) (core#if (core#if (identifier? (cad",
"r .clause.2338)) (identifier=? (.the.2271 (core#quote =>)) (make-identifier (cad",
"r .clause.2338) .env.2336)) #f) ((core#lambda (.tmp.2339) (cons (.the.2271 (core",
"#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons .tmp.2339 (cons (car .clause.2338) (core#quote ()",
"))) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons .the-if.2284 (cons .tmp.2339 (cons (cons (cadr ",
"(cdr .clause.2338)) (cons .tmp.2339 (core#quote ()))) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (co",
"re#quote cond)) (cddr .form.2335)) (core#quote ()))))) (core#quote ()))))) (make",
"-identifier (core#quote tmp) .env.2336)) (cons .the-if.2284 (cons (car .clause.2",
"338) (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 (cdr .clause.2338)) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (cor",
"e#quote cond)) (cdr .clauses.2337)) (core#quote ()))))))))) (car .clauses.2337))",
")) (cdr .form.2335)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote quasiqu",
"ote) (core#lambda (.form.2340 .env.2341) (core#begin (core#define .quasiquote?.2",
"342 (core#lambda (.form.2346) (core#if (pair? .form.2346) (core#if (identifier? ",
"(car .form.2346)) (identifier=? (.the.2271 (core#quote quasiquote)) (make-identi",
"fier (car .form.2346) .env.2341)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .unquote?.2",
"343 (core#lambda (.form.2347) (core#if (pair? .form.2347) (core#if (identifier? ",
"(car .form.2347)) (identifier=? (.the.2271 (core#quote unquote)) (make-identifie",
"r (car .form.2347) .env.2341)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .unquote-splic",
"ing?.2344 (core#lambda (.form.2348) (core#if (pair? .form.2348) (core#if (pair? ",
"(car .form.2348)) (core#if (identifier? (caar .form.2348)) (identifier=? (.the.2",
"271 (core#quote unquote-splicing)) (make-identifier (caar .form.2348) .env.2341)",
") #f) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .qq.2345 (core#lambda (.depth.2349 .exp",
"r.2350) (core#if (.unquote?.2343 .expr.2350) (core#if (= .depth.2349 1) (cadr .e",
"xpr.2350) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote quote",
")) (.the.2271 (core#quote unquote))) (.qq.2345 (- .depth.2349 1) (car (cdr .expr",
".2350))))) (core#if (.unquote-splicing?.2344 .expr.2350) (core#if (= .depth.2349",
" 1) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote append)) (car (cdr (car .expr.2350))) (.qq.2345",
" .depth.2349 (cdr .expr.2350))) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote cons)) (list (.the.",
"2271 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote quote)) (.the.2271 (core#qu",
"ote unquote-splicing))) (.qq.2345 (- .depth.2349 1) (car (cdr (car .expr.2350)))",
")) (.qq.2345 .depth.2349 (cdr .expr.2350)))) (core#if (.quasiquote?.2342 .expr.2",
"350) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote quote)) (.",
"the.2271 (core#quote quasiquote))) (.qq.2345 (+ .depth.2349 1) (car (cdr .expr.2",
"350)))) (core#if (pair? .expr.2350) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote cons)) (.qq.234",
"5 .depth.2349 (car .expr.2350)) (.qq.2345 .depth.2349 (cdr .expr.2350))) (core#i",
"f (vector? .expr.2350) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote list->vector)) (.qq.2345 .de",
"pth.2349 (vector->list .expr.2350))) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote quote)) .expr.",
"2350)))))))) ((core#lambda (.x.2351) (.qq.2345 1 .x.2351)) (cadr .form.2340)))))",
"))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote let*) (core#lambda (.form.",
"2352 .env.2353) ((core#lambda (.bindings.2354 .body.2355) (core#if (null? .bindi",
"ngs.2354) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote let)) (cons (core#quote ()) .body.2355)) ",
"(cons (.the.2271 (core#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons (car (car .bindings.2354)) ",
"(cdr (car .bindings.2354))) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote ",
"let*)) (cons (cdr .bindings.2354) .body.2355)) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .f",
"orm.2352)) (cdr (cdr .form.2352))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core",
"#quote letrec) (core#lambda (.form.2356 .env.2357) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote ",
"letrec*)) (cdr .form.2356)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote ",
"letrec*) (core#lambda (.form.2358 .env.2359) ((core#lambda (.bindings.2360 .body",
".2361) ((core#lambda (.variables.2362 .initials.2363) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quo",
"te let)) (cons .variables.2362 (append .initials.2363 (append .body.2361 (core#q",
"uote ())))))) (map (core#lambda (.v.2364) (cons .v.2364 (cons (core#quote #undef",
"ined) (core#quote ())))) (map car .bindings.2360)) (map (core#lambda (.v.2365) (",
"cons (.the.2271 (core#quote set!)) (append .v.2365 (core#quote ())))) .bindings.",
"2360))) (car (cdr .form.2358)) (cdr (cdr .form.2358))))) (core#begin (.define-tr",
"ansformer.2270 (core#quote let-values) (core#lambda (.form.2366 .env.2367) (cons",
" (.the.2271 (core#quote let*-values)) (append (cdr .form.2366) (core#quote ())))",
")) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote let*-values) (core#lambda (",
".form.2368 .env.2369) ((core#lambda (.formal.2370 .body.2371) (core#if (null? .f",
"ormal.2370) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote let)) (cons (core#quote ()) (append .bo",
"dy.2371 (core#quote ())))) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote call-with-values)) (cons",
" (cons .the-lambda.2280 (cons (core#quote ()) (append (cdr (car .formal.2370)) (",
"core#quote ())))) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote lambda)) (cons (append (car",
" (car .formal.2370)) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote let*-va",
"lues)) (cons (append (cdr .formal.2370) (core#quote ())) (append .body.2371 (cor",
"e#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .form.2368)) (c",
"dr (cdr .form.2368))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote define",
"-values) (core#lambda (.form.2372 .env.2373) ((core#lambda (.formal.2374 .body.2",
"375) ((core#lambda (.arguments.2376) (cons .the-begin.2281 (append ((core#lambda",
" () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2377 (core#lambda (.formal.2378) (core#if (pa",
"ir? .formal.2378) (cons (cons .the-define.2279 (cons (car .formal.2378) (cons (c",
"ore#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))) (append (.loop.2377 (cdr .formal.2378))",
" (core#quote ()))) (core#if (identifier? .formal.2378) (cons (cons .the-define.2",
"279 (cons .formal.2378 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))) (core#qu",
"ote ())) (core#quote ()))))) (.loop.2377 .formal.2374)))) (cons (cons (.the.2271",
" (core#quote call-with-values)) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2280 (cons (core#quote (",
")) (append .body.2375 (core#quote ())))) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2280 (cons .arg",
"uments.2376 (append ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2379 (core#l",
"ambda (.formal.2380 .args.2381) (core#if (pair? .formal.2380) (cons (cons .the-s",
"et!.2283 (cons (car .formal.2380) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote car)) (cons",
" .args.2381 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (append (.loop.2379 (cdr .forma",
"l.2380) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote cdr)) (cons .args.2381 (core#quote ())))) (",
"core#quote ()))) (core#if (identifier? .formal.2380) (cons (cons .the-set!.2283 ",
"(cons .formal.2380 (cons .args.2381 (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())) (core#qu",
"ote ()))))) (.loop.2379 .formal.2374 .arguments.2376)))) (core#quote ())))) (cor",
"e#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))))) (make-identifier (core#quote arguments) .env.",
"2373))) (car (cdr .form.2372)) (cdr (cdr .form.2372))))) (core#begin (.define-tr",
"ansformer.2270 (core#quote do) (core#lambda (.form.2382 .env.2383) ((core#lambda",
" (.bindings.2384 .test.2385 .cleanup.2386 .body.2387) ((core#lambda (.loop.2388)",
" (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote let)) (cons .loop.2388 (cons (map (core#lambda (.x",
".2389) (cons (car .x.2389) (cons (cadr .x.2389) (core#quote ())))) .bindings.238",
"4) (cons (cons .the-if.2284 (cons .test.2385 (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 .cleanu",
"p.2386) (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 (append .body.2387 (cons (cons .loop.2388 (m",
"ap (core#lambda (.x.2390) (core#if (null? (cdr (cdr .x.2390))) (car .x.2390) (ca",
"r (cdr (cdr .x.2390))))) .bindings.2384)) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))))",
" (core#quote ())))))) (make-identifier (core#quote loop) .env.2383))) (car (cdr ",
".form.2382)) (car (car (cdr (cdr .form.2382)))) (cdr (car (cdr (cdr .form.2382))",
")) (cdr (cdr (cdr .form.2382)))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#q",
"uote when) (core#lambda (.form.2391 .env.2392) ((core#lambda (.test.2393 .body.2",
"394) (cons .the-if.2284 (cons .test.2393 (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 (append .bo",
"dy.2394 (core#quote ()))) (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))))) (ca",
"r (cdr .form.2391)) (cdr (cdr .form.2391))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2",
"270 (core#quote unless) (core#lambda (.form.2395 .env.2396) ((core#lambda (.test",
".2397 .body.2398) (cons .the-if.2284 (cons .test.2397 (cons (core#quote #undefin",
"ed) (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 (append .body.2398 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote",
" ())))))) (car (cdr .form.2395)) (cdr (cdr .form.2395))))) (core#begin (.define-",
"transformer.2270 (core#quote case) (core#lambda (.form.2399 .env.2400) ((core#la",
"mbda (.key.2401 .clauses.2402) ((core#lambda (.the-key.2403) (cons (.the.2271 (c",
"ore#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons .the-key.2403 (cons .key.2401 (core#quote ()))",
") (core#quote ())) (cons ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2404 (c",
"ore#lambda (.clauses.2405) (core#if (null? .clauses.2405) #undefined ((core#lamb",
"da (.clause.2406) (cons .the-if.2284 (cons (core#if (core#if (identifier? (car .",
"clause.2406)) (identifier=? (.the.2271 (core#quote else)) (make-identifier (car ",
".clause.2406) .env.2400)) #f) #t (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote or)) (append (map ",
"(core#lambda (.x.2407) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote eqv?)) (cons .the-key.2403 (",
"cons (cons .the-quote.2282 (cons .x.2407 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ()))))) (",
"car .clause.2406)) (core#quote ())))) (cons (core#if (core#if (identifier? (cadr",
" .clause.2406)) (identifier=? (.the.2271 (core#quote =>)) (make-identifier (cadr",
" .clause.2406) .env.2400)) #f) (cons (car (cdr (cdr .clause.2406))) (cons .the-k",
"ey.2403 (core#quote ()))) (cons .the-begin.2281 (append (cdr .clause.2406) (core",
"#quote ())))) (cons (.loop.2404 (cdr .clauses.2405)) (core#quote ())))))) (car .",
"clauses.2405))))) (.loop.2404 .clauses.2402)))) (core#quote ()))))) (make-identi",
"fier (core#quote key) .env.2400))) (car (cdr .form.2399)) (cdr (cdr .form.2399))",
"))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote parameterize) (core#lambda",
" (.form.2408 .env.2409) ((core#lambda (.formal.2410 .body.2411) (cons (.the.2271",
" (core#quote with-dynamic-environment)) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote list)",
") (append (map (core#lambda (.x.2412) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote cons)) (cons ",
"(car .x.2412) (cons (cadr .x.2412) (core#quote ()))))) .formal.2410) (core#quote",
" ()))) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2280 (cons (core#quote ()) (append .body.2411 (co",
"re#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))))) (car (cdr .form.2408)) (cdr (cdr .form.2408)",
")))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote syntax-quote) (core#lambd",
"a (.form.2413 .env.2414) ((core#lambda (.renames.2415) ((core#lambda (.rename.24",
"16 .walk.2417) (core#begin (core#set! .rename.2416 (core#lambda (.var.2418) ((co",
"re#lambda (.x.2419) (core#if .x.2419 (cadr .x.2419) (core#begin (core#set! .rena",
"mes.2415 (cons (cons .var.2418 (cons (make-identifier .var.2418 .env.2414) (cons",
" (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote make-identifier)) (cons (cons (core#quote quote) (",
"cons .var.2418 (core#quote ()))) (cons (cons (core#quote quote) (cons .env.2414 ",
"(core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))) .renames.2415)) (.rename",
".2416 .var.2418)))) (assq .var.2418 .renames.2415)))) (core#begin (core#set! .wa",
"lk.2417 (core#lambda (.f.2420 .form.2421) (core#if (identifier? .form.2421) (.f.",
"2420 .form.2421) (core#if (pair? .form.2421) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote cons))",
" (cons (cons (core#quote walk) (cons (core#quote f) (cons (cons (core#quote car)",
" (cons (core#quote form) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (cons (cons (core#",
"quote walk) (cons (core#quote f) (cons (cons (core#quote cdr) (cons (core#quote ",
"form) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))) (core#if (vector? ",
".form.2421) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote list->vector)) (cons (cons (core#quote ",
"walk) (cons (core#quote f) (cons (cons (core#quote vector->list) (cons (core#quo",
"te form) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))) (cons (.the.2271",
" (core#quote quote)) (cons .form.2421 (core#quote ())))))))) ((core#lambda (.for",
"m.2422) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote let)) (cons (map cdr .renames.2415) (cons .",
"form.2422 (core#quote ()))))) (.walk.2417 .rename.2416 (cadr .form.2413)))))) #u",
"ndefined #undefined)) (core#quote ())))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (",
"core#quote syntax-quasiquote) (core#lambda (.form.2423 .env.2424) ((core#lambda ",
"(.renames.2425) ((core#lambda (.rename.2426) (core#begin (core#set! .rename.2426",
" (core#lambda (.var.2431) ((core#lambda (.x.2432) (core#if .x.2432 (cadr .x.2432",
") (core#begin (core#set! .renames.2425 (cons (cons .var.2431 (cons (make-identif",
"ier .var.2431 .env.2424) (cons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote make-identifier)) (c",
"ons (cons (core#quote quote) (cons .var.2431 (core#quote ()))) (cons (cons (core",
"#quote quote) (cons .env.2424 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote (",
"))))) .renames.2425)) (.rename.2426 .var.2431)))) (assq .var.2431 .renames.2425)",
"))) (core#begin (core#define .syntax-quasiquote?.2427 (core#lambda (.form.2433) ",
"(core#if (pair? .form.2433) (core#if (identifier? (car .form.2433)) (identifier=",
"? (.the.2271 (core#quote syntax-quasiquote)) (make-identifier (car .form.2433) .",
"env.2424)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .syntax-unquote?.2428 (core#lambda",
" (.form.2434) (core#if (pair? .form.2434) (core#if (identifier? (car .form.2434)",
") (identifier=? (.the.2271 (core#quote syntax-unquote)) (make-identifier (car .f",
"orm.2434) .env.2424)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .syntax-unquote-splicin",
"g?.2429 (core#lambda (.form.2435) (core#if (pair? .form.2435) (core#if (pair? (c",
"ar .form.2435)) (core#if (identifier? (caar .form.2435)) (identifier=? (.the.227",
"1 (core#quote syntax-unquote-splicing)) (make-identifier (caar .form.2435) .env.",
"2424)) #f) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .qq.2430 (core#lambda (.depth.2436",
" .expr.2437) (core#if (.syntax-unquote?.2428 .expr.2437) (core#if (= .depth.2436",
" 1) (car (cdr .expr.2437)) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.2271 ",
"(core#quote quote)) (.the.2271 (core#quote syntax-unquote))) (.qq.2430 (- .depth",
".2436 1) (car (cdr .expr.2437))))) (core#if (.syntax-unquote-splicing?.2429 .exp",
"r.2437) (core#if (= .depth.2436 1) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote append)) (car (c",
"dr (car .expr.2437))) (.qq.2430 .depth.2436 (cdr .expr.2437))) (list (.the.2271 ",
"(core#quote cons)) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.2271 (core#qu",
"ote quote)) (.the.2271 (core#quote syntax-unquote-splicing))) (.qq.2430 (- .dept",
"h.2436 1) (car (cdr (car .expr.2437))))) (.qq.2430 .depth.2436 (cdr .expr.2437))",
")) (core#if (.syntax-quasiquote?.2427 .expr.2437) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote l",
"ist)) (list (.the.2271 (core#quote quote)) (.the.2271 (core#quote quasiquote))) ",
"(.qq.2430 (+ .depth.2436 1) (car (cdr .expr.2437)))) (core#if (pair? .expr.2437)",
" (list (.the.2271 (core#quote cons)) (.qq.2430 .depth.2436 (car .expr.2437)) (.q",
"q.2430 .depth.2436 (cdr .expr.2437))) (core#if (vector? .expr.2437) (list (.the.",
"2271 (core#quote list->vector)) (.qq.2430 .depth.2436 (vector->list .expr.2437))",
") (core#if (identifier? .expr.2437) (.rename.2426 .expr.2437) (list (.the.2271 (",
"core#quote quote)) .expr.2437))))))))) ((core#lambda (.body.2438) (cons (.the.22",
"71 (core#quote let)) (cons (map cdr .renames.2425) (cons .body.2438 (core#quote ",
"()))))) (.qq.2430 1 (cadr .form.2423))))))))) #undefined)) (core#quote ())))) (c",
"ore#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (core#quote define-syntax) (core#lambda (.fo",
"rm.2439 .env.2440) ((core#lambda (.formal.2441 .body.2442) (core#if (pair? .form",
"al.2441) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote define-syntax)) (cons (car .formal.2441) (",
"cons (cons .the-lambda.2280 (cons (cdr .formal.2441) (append .body.2442 (core#qu",
"ote ())))) (core#quote ())))) (cons .the-define-macro.2285 (cons .formal.2441 (c",
"ons (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote transformer)) (cons (cons .the-begin.2281 (appe",
"nd .body.2442 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr",
" .form.2439)) (cdr (cdr .form.2439))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2270 (c",
"ore#quote letrec-syntax) (core#lambda (.form.2443 .env.2444) ((core#lambda (.for",
"mal.2445 .body.2446) (cons (core#quote let) (cons (core#quote ()) (append (map (",
"core#lambda (.x.2447) (cons (.the.2271 (core#quote define-syntax)) (cons (car .x",
".2447) (cons (cadr .x.2447) (core#quote ()))))) .formal.2445) (append .body.2446",
" (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .form.2443)) (cdr (cdr .form.2443))))) (.define-",
"transformer.2270 (core#quote let-syntax) (core#lambda (.form.2448 .env.2449) (co",
"ns (.the.2271 (core#quote letrec-syntax)) (append (cdr .form.2448) (core#quote (",
"((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .define-transformer.2252 (core#lambda ",
"(.name.2272 .transformer.2273) (add-macro! .name.2272 .transformer.2273))) (core",
"#begin (core#define .the.2253 (core#lambda (.var.2274) (make-identifier .var.227",
"4 default-environment))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-define.2254 (.the.22",
"53 (core#quote core#define))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-lambda.2255 (.t",
"he.2253 (core#quote core#lambda))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-begin.2256",
" (.the.2253 (core#quote core#begin))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-quote.2",
"257 (.the.2253 (core#quote core#quote))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-set!",
".2258 (.the.2253 (core#quote core#set!))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-if.",
"2259 (.the.2253 (core#quote core#if))) (core#begin (core#define .the-core-define",
"-macro.2260 (.the.2253 (core#quote core#define-macro))) (core#begin (core#define",
" .the-define.2261 (.the.2253 (core#quote define))) (core#begin (core#define .the",
"-lambda.2262 (.the.2253 (core#quote lambda))) (core#begin (core#define .the-begi",
"n.2263 (.the.2253 (core#quote begin))) (core#begin (core#define .the-quote.2264 ",
"(.the.2253 (core#quote quote))) (core#begin (core#define .the-set!.2265 (.the.22",
"53 (core#quote set!))) (core#begin (core#define .the-if.2266 (.the.2253 (core#qu",
"ote if))) (core#begin (core#define .the-define-macro.2267 (.the.2253 (core#quote",
" define-macro))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote quote) (core#",
"lambda (.form.2275 .env.2276) (core#if (= (length .form.2275) 2) (cons .the-core",
"-quote.2257 (cons (cadr .form.2275) (core#quote ()))) (error \"malformed quote\" .",
"form.2275)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote if) (core#lambda",
" (.form.2277 .env.2278) ((core#lambda (.len.2279) (core#if (= .len.2279 3) (appe",
"nd .form.2277 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ()))) (core#if (= .len.2",
"279 4) (cons .the-core-if.2259 (cdr .form.2277)) (error \"malformed if\" .form.227",
"7)))) (length .form.2277)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote b",
"egin) (core#lambda (.form.2280 .env.2281) ((core#lambda (.len.2282) (core#if (= ",
".len.2282 1) #undefined (core#if (= .len.2282 2) (cadr .form.2280) (core#if (= .",
"len.2282 3) (cons .the-core-begin.2256 (cdr .form.2280)) (cons .the-core-begin.2",
"256 (cons (cadr .form.2280) (cons (cons .the-begin.2263 (cddr .form.2280)) (core",
"#quote ())))))))) (length .form.2280)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (",
"core#quote set!) (core#lambda (.form.2283 .env.2284) (core#if (core#if (= (lengt",
"h .form.2283) 3) (identifier? (cadr .form.2283)) #f) (cons .the-core-set!.2258 (",
"cdr .form.2283)) (error \"malformed set!\" .form.2283)))) (core#begin (core#define",
" .check-formal.2268 (core#lambda (.formal.2285) ((core#lambda (.it.2286) (core#i",
"f .it.2286 .it.2286 ((core#lambda (.it.2287) (core#if .it.2287 .it.2287 ((core#l",
"ambda (.it.2288) (core#if .it.2288 .it.2288 #f)) (core#if (pair? .formal.2285) (",
"core#if (identifier? (car .formal.2285)) (.check-formal.2268 (cdr .formal.2285))",
" #f) #f)))) (identifier? .formal.2285)))) (null? .formal.2285)))) (core#begin (.",
"define-transformer.2252 (core#quote lambda) (core#lambda (.form.2289 .env.2290) ",
"(core#if (= (length .form.2289) 1) (error \"malformed lambda\" .form.2289) (core#i",
"f (.check-formal.2268 (cadr .form.2289)) (cons .the-core-lambda.2255 (cons (cadr",
" .form.2289) (cons (cons .the-begin.2263 (cddr .form.2289)) (core#quote ())))) (",
"error \"malformed lambda\" .form.2289))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (",
"core#quote define) (core#lambda (.form.2291 .env.2292) ((core#lambda (.len.2293)",
" (core#if (= .len.2293 1) (error \"malformed define\" .form.2291) ((core#lambda (.",
"formal.2294) (core#if (identifier? .formal.2294) (core#if (= .len.2293 3) (cons ",
".the-core-define.2254 (cdr .form.2291)) (error \"malformed define\" .form.2291)) (",
"core#if (pair? .formal.2294) (cons .the-define.2261 (cons (car .formal.2294) (co",
"ns (cons .the-lambda.2262 (cons (cdr .formal.2294) (cddr .form.2291))) (core#quo",
"te ())))) (error \"define: binding to non-varaible object\" .form.2291)))) (cadr .",
"form.2291)))) (length .form.2291)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core",
"#quote define-macro) (core#lambda (.form.2295 .env.2296) (core#if (= (length .fo",
"rm.2295) 3) (core#if (identifier? (cadr .form.2295)) (cons .the-core-define-macr",
"o.2260 (cdr .form.2295)) (error \"define-macro: binding to non-variable object\" .",
"form.2295)) (error \"malformed define-macro\" .form.2295)))) (core#begin #undefine",
"d (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote else) (core#lambda ._.2297 (",
"error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quote else)))) (core#begin (.defin",
"e-transformer.2252 (core#quote =>) (core#lambda ._.2298 (error \"invalid use of a",
"uxiliary syntax\" (core#quote =>)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#",
"quote unquote) (core#lambda ._.2299 (error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (co",
"re#quote unquote)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote unquote-s",
"plicing) (core#lambda ._.2300 (error \"invalid use of auxiliary syntax\" (core#quo",
"te unquote-splicing)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote let) (",
"core#lambda (.form.2301 .env.2302) (core#if (identifier? (cadr .form.2301)) ((co",
"re#lambda (.name.2303 .formal.2304 .body.2305) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2262 (con",
"s (core#quote ()) (cons (cons .the-define.2261 (cons (cons .name.2303 (map car .",
"formal.2304)) .body.2305)) (cons (cons .name.2303 (map cadr .formal.2304)) (core",
"#quote ()))))) (core#quote ()))) (car (cdr .form.2301)) (car (cdr (cdr .form.230",
"1))) (cdr (cdr (cdr .form.2301)))) ((core#lambda (.formal.2306 .body.2307) (cons",
" (cons .the-lambda.2262 (cons (map car .formal.2306) .body.2307)) (map cadr .for",
"mal.2306))) (car (cdr .form.2301)) (cdr (cdr .form.2301)))))) (core#begin (.defi",
"ne-transformer.2252 (core#quote and) (core#lambda (.form.2308 .env.2309) (core#i",
"f (null? (cdr .form.2308)) #t (core#if (null? (cddr .form.2308)) (cadr .form.230",
"8) (cons .the-if.2266 (cons (cadr .form.2308) (cons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote",
" and)) (cddr .form.2308)) (cons (core#quote #f) (core#quote ()))))))))) (core#be",
"gin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote or) (core#lambda (.form.2310 .env.2311",
") (core#if (null? (cdr .form.2310)) #f ((core#lambda (.tmp.2312) (cons (.the.225",
"3 (core#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons .tmp.2312 (cons (cadr .form.2310) (core#qu",
"ote ()))) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons .the-if.2266 (cons .tmp.2312 (cons .tmp.2",
"312 (cons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote or)) (cddr .form.2310)) (core#quote ())))",
")) (core#quote ()))))) (make-identifier (core#quote it) .env.2311))))) (core#beg",
"in (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote cond) (core#lambda (.form.2313 .env.231",
"4) ((core#lambda (.clauses.2315) (core#if (null? .clauses.2315) #undefined ((cor",
"e#lambda (.clause.2316) (core#if (core#if (identifier? (car .clause.2316)) (iden",
"tifier=? (.the.2253 (core#quote else)) (make-identifier (car .clause.2316) .env.",
"2314)) #f) (cons .the-begin.2263 (cdr .clause.2316)) (core#if (null? (cdr .claus",
"e.2316)) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote or)) (cons (car .clause.2316) (cons (cons ",
"(.the.2253 (core#quote cond)) (cdr .clauses.2315)) (core#quote ())))) (core#if (",
"core#if (identifier? (cadr .clause.2316)) (identifier=? (.the.2253 (core#quote =",
">)) (make-identifier (cadr .clause.2316) .env.2314)) #f) ((core#lambda (.tmp.231",
"7) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons .tmp.2317 (cons (car .cl",
"ause.2316) (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())) (cons (cons .the-if.2266 (cons .tm",
"p.2317 (cons (cons (cadr (cdr .clause.2316)) (cons .tmp.2317 (core#quote ()))) (",
"cons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote cond)) (cddr .form.2313)) (core#quote ()))))) ",
"(core#quote ()))))) (make-identifier (core#quote tmp) .env.2314)) (cons .the-if.",
"2266 (cons (car .clause.2316) (cons (cons .the-begin.2263 (cdr .clause.2316)) (c",
"ons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote cond)) (cdr .clauses.2315)) (core#quote ())))))",
")))) (car .clauses.2315)))) (cdr .form.2313)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer",
".2252 (core#quote quasiquote) (core#lambda (.form.2318 .env.2319) (core#begin (c",
"ore#define .quasiquote?.2320 (core#lambda (.form.2324) (core#if (pair? .form.232",
"4) (core#if (identifier? (car .form.2324)) (identifier=? (.the.2253 (core#quote ",
"quasiquote)) (make-identifier (car .form.2324) .env.2319)) #f) #f))) (core#begin",
" (core#define .unquote?.2321 (core#lambda (.form.2325) (core#if (pair? .form.232",
"5) (core#if (identifier? (car .form.2325)) (identifier=? (.the.2253 (core#quote ",
"unquote)) (make-identifier (car .form.2325) .env.2319)) #f) #f))) (core#begin (c",
"ore#define .unquote-splicing?.2322 (core#lambda (.form.2326) (core#if (pair? .fo",
"rm.2326) (core#if (pair? (car .form.2326)) (core#if (identifier? (caar .form.232",
"6)) (identifier=? (.the.2253 (core#quote unquote-splicing)) (make-identifier (ca",
"ar .form.2326) .env.2319)) #f) #f) #f))) (core#begin (core#define .qq.2323 (core",
"#lambda (.depth.2327 .expr.2328) (core#if (.unquote?.2321 .expr.2328) (core#if (",
"= .depth.2327 1) (cadr .expr.2328) (list (.the.2253 (core#quote list)) (list (.t",
"he.2253 (core#quote quote)) (.the.2253 (core#quote unquote))) (.qq.2323 (- .dept",
"h.2327 1) (car (cdr .expr.2328))))) (core#if (.unquote-splicing?.2322 .expr.2328",
") (core#if (= .depth.2327 1) (list (.the.2253 (core#quote append)) (car (cdr (ca",
"r .expr.2328))) (.qq.2323 .depth.2327 (cdr .expr.2328))) (list (.the.2253 (core#",
"quote cons)) (list (.the.2253 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.2253 (core#quote qu",
"ote)) (.the.2253 (core#quote unquote-splicing))) (.qq.2323 (- .depth.2327 1) (ca",
"r (cdr (car .expr.2328))))) (.qq.2323 .depth.2327 (cdr .expr.2328)))) (core#if (",
".quasiquote?.2320 .expr.2328) (list (.the.2253 (core#quote list)) (list (.the.22",
"53 (core#quote quote)) (.the.2253 (core#quote quasiquote))) (.qq.2323 (+ .depth.",
"2327 1) (car (cdr .expr.2328)))) (core#if (pair? .expr.2328) (list (.the.2253 (c",
"ore#quote cons)) (.qq.2323 .depth.2327 (car .expr.2328)) (.qq.2323 .depth.2327 (",
"cdr .expr.2328))) (core#if (vector? .expr.2328) (list (.the.2253 (core#quote lis",
"t->vector)) (.qq.2323 .depth.2327 (vector->list .expr.2328))) (list (.the.2253 (",
"core#quote quote)) .expr.2328)))))))) ((core#lambda (.x.2329) (.qq.2323 1 .x.232",
"9)) (cadr .form.2318)))))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote l",
"et*) (core#lambda (.form.2330 .env.2331) ((core#lambda (.bindings.2332 .body.233",
"3) (core#if (null? .bindings.2332) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let)) (cons (cor",
"e#quote ()) .body.2333)) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let)) (cons (cons (cons (c",
"ar (car .bindings.2332)) (cdr (car .bindings.2332))) (core#quote ())) (cons (con",
"s (.the.2253 (core#quote let*)) (cons (cdr .bindings.2332) .body.2333)) (core#qu",
"ote ())))))) (car (cdr .form.2330)) (cdr (cdr .form.2330))))) (core#begin (.defi",
"ne-transformer.2252 (core#quote letrec) (core#lambda (.form.2334 .env.2335) (con",
"s (.the.2253 (core#quote letrec*)) (cdr .form.2334)))) (core#begin (.define-tran",
"sformer.2252 (core#quote letrec*) (core#lambda (.form.2336 .env.2337) ((core#lam",
"bda (.bindings.2338 .body.2339) ((core#lambda (.variables.2340 .initials.2341) (",
"cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let)) (cons .variables.2340 (append .initials.2341 (",
"append .body.2339 (core#quote ())))))) (map (core#lambda (.v.2342) (cons .v.2342",
" (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))) (map car .bindings.2338)) (map",
" (core#lambda (.v.2343) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote set!)) (append .v.2343 (cor",
"e#quote ())))) .bindings.2338))) (car (cdr .form.2336)) (cdr (cdr .form.2336))))",
") (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote let-values) (core#lambda (.f",
"orm.2344 .env.2345) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let*-values)) (append (cdr .for",
"m.2344) (core#quote ()))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote le",
"t*-values) (core#lambda (.form.2346 .env.2347) ((core#lambda (.formals.2348 .bod",
"y.2349) (core#if (null? .formals.2348) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let)) (cons ",
"(core#quote ()) (append .body.2349 (core#quote ())))) ((core#lambda (.formal.235",
"0) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote call-with-values)) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2262 ",
"(cons (core#quote ()) (cdr .formal.2350))) (cons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote la",
"mbda)) (cons (car .formal.2350) (cons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let*-values))",
" (cons (cdr .formals.2348) .body.2349)) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))))) (",
"car .formals.2348)))) (cadr .form.2346) (cddr .form.2346)))) (core#begin (.defin",
"e-transformer.2252 (core#quote define-values) (core#lambda (.form.2351 .env.2352",
") ((core#lambda (.formal.2353 .body.2354) ((core#lambda (.arguments.2355) (cons ",
".the-begin.2263 (append ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2356 (co",
"re#lambda (.formal.2357) (core#if (pair? .formal.2357) (cons (cons .the-define.2",
"261 (cons (car .formal.2357) (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))) (.",
"loop.2356 (cdr .formal.2357))) (core#if (identifier? .formal.2357) (cons (cons .",
"the-define.2261 (cons .formal.2357 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())",
"))) (core#quote ())) (core#quote ()))))) (.loop.2356 .formal.2353)))) (cons (con",
"s (.the.2253 (core#quote call-with-values)) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2262 (cons (",
"core#quote ()) (append .body.2354 (core#quote ())))) (cons (cons .the-lambda.226",
"2 (cons .arguments.2355 (append ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.",
"2358 (core#lambda (.formal.2359 .args.2360) (core#if (pair? .formal.2359) (cons ",
"(cons .the-set!.2265 (cons (car .formal.2359) (cons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote",
" car)) (cons .args.2360 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))) (.loop.2358 (cdr .f",
"ormal.2359) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote cdr)) (cons .args.2360 (core#quote ()))",
"))) (core#if (identifier? .formal.2359) (cons (cons .the-set!.2265 (cons .formal",
".2359 (cons .args.2360 (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())) (core#quote ()))))) (",
".loop.2358 .formal.2353 .arguments.2355)))) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))",
") (core#quote ()))))) (make-identifier (core#quote arguments) .env.2352))) (cadr",
" .form.2351) (cddr .form.2351)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#qu",
"ote do) (core#lambda (.form.2361 .env.2362) ((core#lambda (.bindings.2363 .test.",
"2364 .cleanup.2365 .body.2366) ((core#lambda (.loop.2367) (cons (.the.2253 (core",
"#quote let)) (cons .loop.2367 (cons (map (core#lambda (.x.2368) (cons (car .x.23",
"68) (cons (cadr .x.2368) (core#quote ())))) .bindings.2363) (cons (cons .the-if.",
"2266 (cons .test.2364 (cons (cons .the-begin.2263 .cleanup.2365) (cons (cons .th",
"e-begin.2263 (append .body.2366 (cons (cons .loop.2367 (map (core#lambda (.x.236",
"9) (core#if (null? (cdr (cdr .x.2369))) (car .x.2369) (car (cdr (cdr .x.2369))))",
") .bindings.2363)) (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ()))))) (core#quote ())))))) (",
"make-identifier (core#quote loop) .env.2362))) (car (cdr .form.2361)) (car (car ",
"(cdr (cdr .form.2361)))) (cdr (car (cdr (cdr .form.2361)))) (cdr (cdr (cdr .form",
".2361)))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote when) (core#lambda",
" (.form.2370 .env.2371) ((core#lambda (.test.2372 .body.2373) (cons .the-if.2266",
" (cons .test.2372 (cons (cons .the-begin.2263 (append .body.2373 (core#quote ())",
")) (cons (core#quote #undefined) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .form.2370)) (cd",
"r (cdr .form.2370))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#quote unless)",
" (core#lambda (.form.2374 .env.2375) ((core#lambda (.test.2376 .body.2377) (cons",
" .the-if.2266 (cons .test.2376 (cons (core#quote #undefined) (cons (cons .the-be",
"gin.2263 (append .body.2377 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())))))) (car (cdr .fo",
"rm.2374)) (cdr (cdr .form.2374))))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2252 (core#",
"quote case) (core#lambda (.form.2378 .env.2379) ((core#lambda (.key.2380 .clause",
"s.2381) ((core#lambda (.the-key.2382) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote let)) (cons (",
"cons (cons .the-key.2382 (cons .key.2380 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ())) (con",
"s ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2383 (core#lambda (.clauses.23",
"84) (core#if (null? .clauses.2384) #undefined ((core#lambda (.clause.2385) (cons",
" .the-if.2266 (cons (core#if (core#if (identifier? (car .clause.2385)) (identifi",
"er=? (.the.2253 (core#quote else)) (make-identifier (car .clause.2385) .env.2379",
")) #f) #t (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote or)) (append (map (core#lambda (.x.2386) ",
"(cons (.the.2253 (core#quote eqv?)) (cons .the-key.2382 (cons (cons .the-quote.2",
"264 (cons .x.2386 (core#quote ()))) (core#quote ()))))) (car .clause.2385)) (cor",
"e#quote ())))) (cons (core#if (core#if (identifier? (cadr .clause.2385)) (identi",
"fier=? (.the.2253 (core#quote =>)) (make-identifier (cadr .clause.2385) .env.237",
"9)) #f) (cons (car (cdr (cdr .clause.2385))) (cons .the-key.2382 (core#quote ())",
")) (cons .the-begin.2263 (append (cdr .clause.2385) (core#quote ())))) (cons (.l",
"oop.2383 (cdr .clauses.2384)) (core#quote ())))))) (car .clauses.2384))))) (.loo",
"p.2383 .clauses.2381)))) (core#quote ()))))) (make-identifier (core#quote key) .",
"env.2379))) (car (cdr .form.2378)) (cdr (cdr .form.2378))))) (.define-transforme",
"r.2252 (core#quote parameterize) (core#lambda (.form.2387 .env.2388) ((core#lamb",
"da (.formal.2389 .body.2390) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote with-dynamic-environme",
"nt)) (cons (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote list)) (append (map (core#lambda (.x.239",
"1) (cons (.the.2253 (core#quote cons)) (cons (car .x.2391) (cons (cadr .x.2391) ",
"(core#quote ()))))) .formal.2389) (core#quote ()))) (cons (cons .the-lambda.2262",
" (cons (core#quote ()) (append .body.2390 (core#quote ())))) (core#quote ())))))",
" (car (cdr .form.2387)) (cdr (cdr .form.2387))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))",
static const char boot_library_rom[][80] = {
"(core#begin (core#define mangle (core#lambda (.name.2450) (core#begin (core#if (",
"null? .name.2450) (error \"library name should be a list of at least one symbols\"",
" .name.2450) #undefined) (core#begin (core#define .->string.2451 (core#lambda (.",
"n.2453) (core#if (symbol? .n.2453) ((core#lambda (.str.2454) (core#begin (string",
"-for-each (core#lambda (.c.2455) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2456) (core#if .it.",
"2456 .it.2456 ((core#lambda (.it.2457) (core#if .it.2457 .it.2457 #f)) (char=? .",
"c.2455 #\\:)))) (char=? .c.2455 #\\.)) (error \"elements of library name may not co",
"ntain '.' or ':'\" .n.2453) #undefined)) .str.2454) .str.2454)) (symbol->string .",
"n.2453)) (core#if (core#if (number? .n.2453) (core#if (exact? .n.2453) (<= 0 .n.",
"2453) #f) #f) (number->string .n.2453) (error \"symbol or non-negative integer is",
" required\" .n.2453))))) (core#begin (core#define .join.2452 (core#lambda (.strs.",
"2458 .delim.2459) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2460 (core#lam",
"bda (.res.2461 .strs.2462) (core#if (null? .strs.2462) .res.2461 (.loop.2460 (st",
"ring-append .res.2461 .delim.2459 (car .strs.2462)) (cdr .strs.2462))))) (.loop.",
"2460 (car .strs.2458) (cdr .strs.2458))))))) (core#if (symbol? .name.2450) .name",
".2450 (string->symbol (.join.2452 (map .->string.2451 .name.2450) \".\")))))))) (c",
"(core#begin (core#define mangle (core#lambda (.name.2392) (core#begin (core#if (",
"null? .name.2392) (error \"library name should be a list of at least one symbols\"",
" .name.2392) #undefined) (core#begin (core#define .->string.2393 (core#lambda (.",
"n.2395) (core#if (symbol? .n.2395) ((core#lambda (.str.2396) (core#begin (string",
"-for-each (core#lambda (.c.2397) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2398) (core#if .it.",
"2398 .it.2398 ((core#lambda (.it.2399) (core#if .it.2399 .it.2399 #f)) (char=? .",
"c.2397 #\\:)))) (char=? .c.2397 #\\.)) (error \"elements of library name may not co",
"ntain '.' or ':'\" .n.2395) #undefined)) .str.2396) .str.2396)) (symbol->string .",
"n.2395)) (core#if (core#if (number? .n.2395) (core#if (exact? .n.2395) (<= 0 .n.",
"2395) #f) #f) (number->string .n.2395) (error \"symbol or non-negative integer is",
" required\" .n.2395))))) (core#begin (core#define .join.2394 (core#lambda (.strs.",
"2400 .delim.2401) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2402 (core#lam",
"bda (.res.2403 .strs.2404) (core#if (null? .strs.2404) .res.2403 (.loop.2402 (st",
"ring-append .res.2403 .delim.2401 (car .strs.2404)) (cdr .strs.2404))))) (.loop.",
"2402 (car .strs.2400) (cdr .strs.2400))))))) (core#if (symbol? .name.2392) .name",
".2392 (string->symbol (.join.2394 (map .->string.2393 .name.2392) \".\")))))))) (c",
"ore#begin (core#define current-library (make-parameter (core#quote (picrin user)",
") mangle)) (core#begin (core#define *libraries* (make-dictionary)) (core#begin (",
"core#define find-library (core#lambda (.name.2463) (dictionary-has? *libraries* ",
"(mangle .name.2463)))) (core#begin (core#define make-library (core#lambda (.name",
".2464) ((core#lambda (.name.2465) ((core#lambda (.env.2466 .exports.2467) (core#",
"core#define find-library (core#lambda (.name.2405) (dictionary-has? *libraries* ",
"(mangle .name.2405)))) (core#begin (core#define make-library (core#lambda (.name",
".2406) ((core#lambda (.name.2407) ((core#lambda (.env.2408 .exports.2409) (core#",
"begin (set-identifier! (core#quote define-library) (core#quote define-library) .",
"env.2466) (core#begin (set-identifier! (core#quote import) (core#quote import) .",
"env.2466) (core#begin (set-identifier! (core#quote export) (core#quote export) .",
"env.2466) (core#begin (set-identifier! (core#quote cond-expand) (core#quote cond",
"-expand) .env.2466) (dictionary-set! *libraries* .name.2465 (cons .env.2466 .exp",
"orts.2467))))))) (make-environment (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->strin",
"g .name.2465) \":\"))) (make-dictionary))) (mangle .name.2464)))) (core#begin (cor",
"e#define library-environment (core#lambda (.name.2468) (car (dictionary-ref *lib",
"raries* (mangle .name.2468))))) (core#begin (core#define library-exports (core#l",
"ambda (.name.2469) (cdr (dictionary-ref *libraries* (mangle .name.2469))))) (cor",
"e#begin (core#define library-import (core#lambda (.name.2470 .sym.2471 .alias.24",
"72) ((core#lambda (.uid.2473) ((core#lambda (.env.2474) (set-identifier! .alias.",
"2472 .uid.2473 .env.2474)) (library-environment (current-library)))) (dictionary",
"-ref (library-exports .name.2470) .sym.2471)))) (core#begin (core#define library",
"-export (core#lambda (.sym.2475 .alias.2476) ((core#lambda (.env.2477 .exports.2",
"478) (dictionary-set! .exports.2478 .alias.2476 (find-identifier .sym.2475 .env.",
"2477))) (library-environment (current-library)) (library-exports (current-librar",
"y))))) (core#begin ((core#lambda (.define-transformer.2479) (core#begin (.define",
"-transformer.2479 (core#quote define-library) (core#lambda (.form.2480 ._.2481) ",
"((core#lambda (.name.2482 .body.2483) (core#begin ((core#lambda (.it.2484) (core",
"#if .it.2484 .it.2484 ((core#lambda (.it.2485) (core#if .it.2485 .it.2485 #f)) (",
"make-library .name.2482)))) (find-library .name.2482)) (with-dynamic-environment",
" (list (cons current-library .name.2482)) (core#lambda () (for-each (core#lambda",
" (.expr.2486) (eval .expr.2486 .name.2482)) .body.2483))))) (cadr .form.2480) (c",
"ddr .form.2480)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2479 (core#quote cond-expand",
") (core#lambda (.form.2487 ._.2488) ((core#lambda (.test.2489) (core#begin (core",
"#set! .test.2489 (core#lambda (.form.2490) ((core#lambda (.it.2491) (core#if .it",
".2491 .it.2491 ((core#lambda (.it.2492) (core#if .it.2492 .it.2492 ((core#lambda",
" (.it.2493) (core#if .it.2493 .it.2493 #f)) (core#if (pair? .form.2490) ((core#l",
"ambda (.key.2494) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2495) (core#if .it.2495 .it.2495 #",
"f)) (eqv? .key.2494 (core#quote library))) (find-library (cadr .form.2490)) (cor",
"e#if ((core#lambda (.it.2496) (core#if .it.2496 .it.2496 #f)) (eqv? .key.2494 (c",
"ore#quote not))) (not (.test.2489 (cadr .form.2490))) (core#if ((core#lambda (.i",
"t.2497) (core#if .it.2497 .it.2497 #f)) (eqv? .key.2494 (core#quote and))) ((cor",
"e#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2498 (core#lambda (.form.2499) ((core",
"#lambda (.it.2500) (core#if .it.2500 .it.2500 ((core#lambda (.it.2501) (core#if ",
".it.2501 .it.2501 #f)) (core#if (.test.2489 (car .form.2499)) (.loop.2498 (cdr .",
"form.2499)) #f)))) (null? .form.2499)))) (.loop.2498 (cdr .form.2490))))) (core#",
"if ((core#lambda (.it.2502) (core#if .it.2502 .it.2502 #f)) (eqv? .key.2494 (cor",
"e#quote or))) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2503 (core#lambda ",
"(.form.2504) (core#if (pair? .form.2504) ((core#lambda (.it.2505) (core#if .it.2",
"505 .it.2505 ((core#lambda (.it.2506) (core#if .it.2506 .it.2506 #f)) (.loop.250",
"3 (cdr .form.2504))))) (.test.2489 (car .form.2504))) #f))) (.loop.2503 (cdr .fo",
"rm.2490))))) (core#if #t #f #undefined)))))) (car .form.2490)) #f)))) (core#if (",
"symbol? .form.2490) (memq .form.2490 (features)) #f)))) (eq? .form.2490 (core#qu",
"ote else))))) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2507 (core#lambda ",
"(.clauses.2508) (core#if (null? .clauses.2508) #undefined (core#if (.test.2489 (",
"caar .clauses.2508)) (cons (make-identifier (core#quote begin) default-environme",
"nt) (append (cdar .clauses.2508) (core#quote ()))) (.loop.2507 (cdr .clauses.250",
"8)))))) (.loop.2507 (cdr .form.2487))))))) #undefined))) (core#begin (.define-tr",
"ansformer.2479 (core#quote import) (core#lambda (.form.2509 ._.2510) ((core#lamb",
"da (.caddr.2511 .prefix.2512 .getlib.2513) ((core#lambda (.extract.2514 .collect",
".2515) (core#begin (core#set! .extract.2514 (core#lambda (.spec.2516) ((core#lam",
"bda (.key.2517) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2518) (core#if .it.2518 .it.2518 ((c",
"ore#lambda (.it.2519) (core#if .it.2519 .it.2519 ((core#lambda (.it.2520) (core#",
"if .it.2520 .it.2520 ((core#lambda (.it.2521) (core#if .it.2521 .it.2521 #f)) (e",
"qv? .key.2517 (core#quote except))))) (eqv? .key.2517 (core#quote prefix))))) (e",
"qv? .key.2517 (core#quote rename))))) (eqv? .key.2517 (core#quote only))) (.extr",
"act.2514 (cadr .spec.2516)) (core#if #t (.getlib.2513 .spec.2516) #undefined))) ",
"(car .spec.2516)))) (core#begin (core#set! .collect.2515 (core#lambda (.spec.252",
"2) ((core#lambda (.key.2523) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2524) (core#if .it.2524",
" .it.2524 #f)) (eqv? .key.2523 (core#quote only))) ((core#lambda (.alist.2525) (",
"map (core#lambda (.var.2526) (assq .var.2526 .alist.2525)) (cddr .spec.2522))) (",
".collect.2515 (cadr .spec.2522))) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2527) (core#if .it",
".2527 .it.2527 #f)) (eqv? .key.2523 (core#quote rename))) ((core#lambda (.alist.",
"2528 .renames.2529) (map (core#lambda (.s.2530) ((core#lambda (.it.2531) (core#i",
"f .it.2531 .it.2531 ((core#lambda (.it.2532) (core#if .it.2532 .it.2532 #f)) .s.",
"2530))) (assq (car .s.2530) .renames.2529))) .alist.2528)) (.collect.2515 (cadr ",
".spec.2522)) (map (core#lambda (.x.2533) (cons (car .x.2533) (cadr .x.2533))) (c",
"ddr .spec.2522))) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2534) (core#if .it.2534 .it.2534 #",
"f)) (eqv? .key.2523 (core#quote prefix))) ((core#lambda (.alist.2535) (map (core",
"#lambda (.s.2536) (cons (.prefix.2512 (.caddr.2511 .spec.2522) (car .s.2536)) (c",
"dr .s.2536))) .alist.2535)) (.collect.2515 (cadr .spec.2522))) (core#if ((core#l",
"ambda (.it.2537) (core#if .it.2537 .it.2537 #f)) (eqv? .key.2523 (core#quote exc",
"ept))) ((core#lambda (.alist.2538) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .lo",
"op.2539 (core#lambda (.alist.2540) (core#if (null? .alist.2540) (core#quote ()) ",
"(core#if (memq (caar .alist.2540) (cddr .spec.2522)) (.loop.2539 (cdr .alist.254",
"0)) (cons (car .alist.2540) (.loop.2539 (cdr .alist.2540))))))) (.loop.2539 .ali",
"st.2538))))) (.collect.2515 (cadr .spec.2522))) (core#if #t (dictionary-map (cor",
"e#lambda (.x.2541) (cons .x.2541 .x.2541)) (library-exports (.getlib.2513 .spec.",
"2522))) #undefined)))))) (car .spec.2522)))) ((core#lambda (.import.2542) (core#",
"begin (core#set! .import.2542 (core#lambda (.spec.2543) ((core#lambda (.lib.2544",
" .alist.2545) (for-each (core#lambda (.slot.2546) (library-import .lib.2544 (cdr",
" .slot.2546) (car .slot.2546))) .alist.2545)) (.extract.2514 .spec.2543) (.colle",
"ct.2515 .spec.2543)))) (for-each .import.2542 (cdr .form.2509)))) #undefined))))",
" #undefined #undefined)) (core#lambda (.x.2547) (car (cdr (cdr .x.2547)))) (core",
"#lambda (.prefix.2548 .symbol.2549) (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->stri",
"ng .prefix.2548) (symbol->string .symbol.2549)))) (core#lambda (.name.2550) (cor",
"e#if (find-library .name.2550) .name.2550 (error \"library not found\" .name.2550)",
"))))) (.define-transformer.2479 (core#quote export) (core#lambda (.form.2551 ._.",
"2552) ((core#lambda (.collect.2553 .export.2554) (core#begin (core#set! .collect",
".2553 (core#lambda (.spec.2555) (core#if (symbol? .spec.2555) (cons .spec.2555 .",
"spec.2555) (core#if (core#if (list? .spec.2555) (core#if (= (length .spec.2555) ",
"3) (eq? (car .spec.2555) (core#quote rename)) #f) #f) (cons (list-ref .spec.2555",
" 1) (list-ref .spec.2555 2)) (error \"malformed export\"))))) (core#begin (core#se",
"t! .export.2554 (core#lambda (.spec.2556) ((core#lambda (.slot.2557) (library-ex",
"port (car .slot.2557) (cdr .slot.2557))) (.collect.2553 .spec.2556)))) (for-each",
" .export.2554 (cdr .form.2551))))) #undefined #undefined))))))) (core#lambda (.n",
"ame.2558 .macro.2559) (add-macro! .name.2558 .macro.2559))) ((core#lambda () (co",
"env.2408) (core#begin (set-identifier! (core#quote import) (core#quote import) .",
"env.2408) (core#begin (set-identifier! (core#quote export) (core#quote export) .",
"env.2408) (core#begin (set-identifier! (core#quote cond-expand) (core#quote cond",
"-expand) .env.2408) (dictionary-set! *libraries* .name.2407 (cons .env.2408 .exp",
"orts.2409))))))) (make-environment (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->strin",
"g .name.2407) \":\"))) (make-dictionary))) (mangle .name.2406)))) (core#begin (cor",
"e#define library-environment (core#lambda (.name.2410) (car (dictionary-ref *lib",
"raries* (mangle .name.2410))))) (core#begin (core#define library-exports (core#l",
"ambda (.name.2411) (cdr (dictionary-ref *libraries* (mangle .name.2411))))) (cor",
"e#begin (core#define library-import (core#lambda (.name.2412 .sym.2413 .alias.24",
"14) ((core#lambda (.uid.2415) ((core#lambda (.env.2416) (set-identifier! .alias.",
"2414 .uid.2415 .env.2416)) (library-environment (current-library)))) (dictionary",
"-ref (library-exports .name.2412) .sym.2413)))) (core#begin (core#define library",
"-export (core#lambda (.sym.2417 .alias.2418) ((core#lambda (.env.2419 .exports.2",
"420) (dictionary-set! .exports.2420 .alias.2418 (find-identifier .sym.2417 .env.",
"2419))) (library-environment (current-library)) (library-exports (current-librar",
"y))))) (core#begin ((core#lambda (.define-transformer.2421) (core#begin (.define",
"-transformer.2421 (core#quote define-library) (core#lambda (.form.2422 ._.2423) ",
"((core#lambda (.name.2424 .body.2425) (core#begin ((core#lambda (.it.2426) (core",
"#if .it.2426 .it.2426 ((core#lambda (.it.2427) (core#if .it.2427 .it.2427 #f)) (",
"make-library .name.2424)))) (find-library .name.2424)) (with-dynamic-environment",
" (list (cons current-library .name.2424)) (core#lambda () (for-each (core#lambda",
" (.expr.2428) (eval .expr.2428 .name.2424)) .body.2425))))) (cadr .form.2422) (c",
"ddr .form.2422)))) (core#begin (.define-transformer.2421 (core#quote cond-expand",
") (core#lambda (.form.2429 ._.2430) ((core#lambda (.test.2431) (core#begin (core",
"#set! .test.2431 (core#lambda (.form.2432) ((core#lambda (.it.2433) (core#if .it",
".2433 .it.2433 ((core#lambda (.it.2434) (core#if .it.2434 .it.2434 ((core#lambda",
" (.it.2435) (core#if .it.2435 .it.2435 #f)) (core#if (pair? .form.2432) ((core#l",
"ambda (.key.2436) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2437) (core#if .it.2437 .it.2437 #",
"f)) (eqv? .key.2436 (core#quote library))) (find-library (cadr .form.2432)) (cor",
"e#if ((core#lambda (.it.2438) (core#if .it.2438 .it.2438 #f)) (eqv? .key.2436 (c",
"ore#quote not))) (not (.test.2431 (cadr .form.2432))) (core#if ((core#lambda (.i",
"t.2439) (core#if .it.2439 .it.2439 #f)) (eqv? .key.2436 (core#quote and))) ((cor",
"e#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2440 (core#lambda (.form.2441) ((core",
"#lambda (.it.2442) (core#if .it.2442 .it.2442 ((core#lambda (.it.2443) (core#if ",
".it.2443 .it.2443 #f)) (core#if (.test.2431 (car .form.2441)) (.loop.2440 (cdr .",
"form.2441)) #f)))) (null? .form.2441)))) (.loop.2440 (cdr .form.2432))))) (core#",
"if ((core#lambda (.it.2444) (core#if .it.2444 .it.2444 #f)) (eqv? .key.2436 (cor",
"e#quote or))) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2445 (core#lambda ",
"(.form.2446) (core#if (pair? .form.2446) ((core#lambda (.it.2447) (core#if .it.2",
"447 .it.2447 ((core#lambda (.it.2448) (core#if .it.2448 .it.2448 #f)) (.loop.244",
"5 (cdr .form.2446))))) (.test.2431 (car .form.2446))) #f))) (.loop.2445 (cdr .fo",
"rm.2432))))) (core#if #t #f #undefined)))))) (car .form.2432)) #f)))) (core#if (",
"symbol? .form.2432) (memq .form.2432 (features)) #f)))) (eq? .form.2432 (core#qu",
"ote else))))) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .loop.2449 (core#lambda ",
"(.clauses.2450) (core#if (null? .clauses.2450) #undefined (core#if (.test.2431 (",
"caar .clauses.2450)) (cons (make-identifier (core#quote begin) default-environme",
"nt) (append (cdar .clauses.2450) (core#quote ()))) (.loop.2449 (cdr .clauses.245",
"0)))))) (.loop.2449 (cdr .form.2429))))))) #undefined))) (core#begin (.define-tr",
"ansformer.2421 (core#quote import) (core#lambda (.form.2451 ._.2452) ((core#lamb",
"da (.caddr.2453 .prefix.2454 .getlib.2455) ((core#lambda (.extract.2456 .collect",
".2457) (core#begin (core#set! .extract.2456 (core#lambda (.spec.2458) ((core#lam",
"bda (.key.2459) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2460) (core#if .it.2460 .it.2460 ((c",
"ore#lambda (.it.2461) (core#if .it.2461 .it.2461 ((core#lambda (.it.2462) (core#",
"if .it.2462 .it.2462 ((core#lambda (.it.2463) (core#if .it.2463 .it.2463 #f)) (e",
"qv? .key.2459 (core#quote except))))) (eqv? .key.2459 (core#quote prefix))))) (e",
"qv? .key.2459 (core#quote rename))))) (eqv? .key.2459 (core#quote only))) (.extr",
"act.2456 (cadr .spec.2458)) (core#if #t (.getlib.2455 .spec.2458) #undefined))) ",
"(car .spec.2458)))) (core#begin (core#set! .collect.2457 (core#lambda (.spec.246",
"4) ((core#lambda (.key.2465) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2466) (core#if .it.2466",
" .it.2466 #f)) (eqv? .key.2465 (core#quote only))) ((core#lambda (.alist.2467) (",
"map (core#lambda (.var.2468) (assq .var.2468 .alist.2467)) (cddr .spec.2464))) (",
".collect.2457 (cadr .spec.2464))) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2469) (core#if .it",
".2469 .it.2469 #f)) (eqv? .key.2465 (core#quote rename))) ((core#lambda (.alist.",
"2470 .renames.2471) (map (core#lambda (.s.2472) ((core#lambda (.it.2473) (core#i",
"f .it.2473 .it.2473 ((core#lambda (.it.2474) (core#if .it.2474 .it.2474 #f)) .s.",
"2472))) (assq (car .s.2472) .renames.2471))) .alist.2470)) (.collect.2457 (cadr ",
".spec.2464)) (map (core#lambda (.x.2475) (cons (car .x.2475) (cadr .x.2475))) (c",
"ddr .spec.2464))) (core#if ((core#lambda (.it.2476) (core#if .it.2476 .it.2476 #",
"f)) (eqv? .key.2465 (core#quote prefix))) ((core#lambda (.alist.2477) (map (core",
"#lambda (.s.2478) (cons (.prefix.2454 (.caddr.2453 .spec.2464) (car .s.2478)) (c",
"dr .s.2478))) .alist.2477)) (.collect.2457 (cadr .spec.2464))) (core#if ((core#l",
"ambda (.it.2479) (core#if .it.2479 .it.2479 #f)) (eqv? .key.2465 (core#quote exc",
"ept))) ((core#lambda (.alist.2480) ((core#lambda () (core#begin (core#define .lo",
"op.2481 (core#lambda (.alist.2482) (core#if (null? .alist.2482) (core#quote ()) ",
"(core#if (memq (caar .alist.2482) (cddr .spec.2464)) (.loop.2481 (cdr .alist.248",
"2)) (cons (car .alist.2482) (.loop.2481 (cdr .alist.2482))))))) (.loop.2481 .ali",
"st.2480))))) (.collect.2457 (cadr .spec.2464))) (core#if #t (dictionary-map (cor",
"e#lambda (.x.2483) (cons .x.2483 .x.2483)) (library-exports (.getlib.2455 .spec.",
"2464))) #undefined)))))) (car .spec.2464)))) ((core#lambda (.import.2484) (core#",
"begin (core#set! .import.2484 (core#lambda (.spec.2485) ((core#lambda (.lib.2486",
" .alist.2487) (for-each (core#lambda (.slot.2488) (library-import .lib.2486 (cdr",
" .slot.2488) (car .slot.2488))) .alist.2487)) (.extract.2456 .spec.2485) (.colle",
"ct.2457 .spec.2485)))) (for-each .import.2484 (cdr .form.2451)))) #undefined))))",
" #undefined #undefined)) (core#lambda (.x.2489) (car (cdr (cdr .x.2489)))) (core",
"#lambda (.prefix.2490 .symbol.2491) (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->stri",
"ng .prefix.2490) (symbol->string .symbol.2491)))) (core#lambda (.name.2492) (cor",
"e#if (find-library .name.2492) .name.2492 (error \"library not found\" .name.2492)",
"))))) (.define-transformer.2421 (core#quote export) (core#lambda (.form.2493 ._.",
"2494) ((core#lambda (.collect.2495 .export.2496) (core#begin (core#set! .collect",
".2495 (core#lambda (.spec.2497) (core#if (symbol? .spec.2497) (cons .spec.2497 .",
"spec.2497) (core#if (core#if (list? .spec.2497) (core#if (= (length .spec.2497) ",
"3) (eq? (car .spec.2497) (core#quote rename)) #f) #f) (cons (list-ref .spec.2497",
" 1) (list-ref .spec.2497 2)) (error \"malformed export\"))))) (core#begin (core#se",
"t! .export.2496 (core#lambda (.spec.2498) ((core#lambda (.slot.2499) (library-ex",
"port (car .slot.2499) (cdr .slot.2499))) (.collect.2495 .spec.2498)))) (for-each",
" .export.2496 (cdr .form.2493))))) #undefined #undefined))))))) (core#lambda (.n",
"ame.2500 .macro.2501) (add-macro! .name.2500 .macro.2501))) ((core#lambda () (co",
"re#begin (make-library (core#quote (picrin base))) (core#begin (set-car! (dictio",
"nary-ref *libraries* (mangle (core#quote (picrin base)))) default-environment) (",
"core#begin ((core#lambda (.export-keywords.2560) (core#begin (.export-keywords.2",
"560 (core#quote (define lambda quote set! if begin define-macro let let* letrec ",
"core#begin ((core#lambda (.export-keywords.2502) (core#begin (.export-keywords.2",
"502 (core#quote (define lambda quote set! if begin define-macro let let* letrec ",
"letrec* let-values let*-values define-values quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing",
" and or cond case else => do when unless parameterize define-syntax syntax-quote",
" syntax-unquote syntax-quasiquote syntax-unquote-splicing let-syntax letrec-synt",
"ax syntax-error))) (core#begin (.export-keywords.2560 (core#quote (features eq? ",
"eqv? equal? not boolean? boolean=? pair? cons car cdr null? set-car! set-cdr! ca",
"ar cadr cdar cddr list? make-list list length append reverse list-tail list-ref ",
"list-set! list-copy map for-each memq memv member assq assv assoc current-input-",
"port current-output-port current-error-port port? input-port? output-port? port-",
"open? close-port eof-object? eof-object read-u8 peek-u8 read-bytevector! write-u",
"8 write-bytevector flush-output-port open-input-bytevector open-output-bytevecto",
"r get-output-bytevector number? exact? inexact? inexact exact = < > <= >= + - * ",
"/ number->string string->number procedure? apply symbol? symbol=? symbol->string",
" string->symbol make-identifier identifier? identifier=? identifier-base identif",
"ier-environment vector? vector make-vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set! ",
"vector-copy! vector-copy vector-append vector-fill! vector-map vector-for-each l",
"ist->vector vector->list string->vector vector->string bytevector? bytevector ma",
"ke-bytevector bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-",
"copy! bytevector-copy bytevector-append bytevector->list list->bytevector call-w",
"ith-current-continuation call/cc values call-with-values char? char->integer int",
"eger->char char=? char<? char>? char<=? char>=? current-exception-handlers with-",
"exception-handler raise raise-continuable error error-object? error-object-messa",
"ge error-object-irritants error-object-type string? string make-string string-le",
"ngth string-ref string-set! string-copy string-copy! string-fill! string-append ",
"string-map string-for-each list->string string->list string=? string<? string>? ",
"string<=? string>=? make-parameter with-dynamic-environment read make-dictionary",
" dictionary? dictionary dictionary-has? dictionary-ref dictionary-set! dictionar",
"y-delete! dictionary-size dictionary-map dictionary-for-each dictionary->alist a",
"list->dictionary dictionary->plist plist->dictionary make-record record? record-",
"type record-datum default-environment make-environment find-identifier set-ident",
"ifier! eval compile add-macro! make-ephemeron-table write write-simple write-sha",
"red display))) (.export-keywords.2560 (core#quote (find-library make-library cur",
"rent-library)))))) (core#lambda (.keywords.2561) ((core#lambda (.env.2562 .expor",
"ts.2563) (for-each (core#lambda (.keyword.2564) (dictionary-set! .exports.2563 .",
"keyword.2564 .keyword.2564)) .keywords.2561)) (library-environment (core#quote (",
"picrin base))) (library-exports (core#quote (picrin base)))))) (core#begin (core",
"#set! eval ((core#lambda (.e.2565) (core#lambda (.expr.2566 . .lib.2567) ((core#",
"lambda (.lib.2568) (.e.2565 .expr.2566 (library-environment .lib.2568))) (core#i",
"f (null? .lib.2567) (current-library) (car .lib.2567))))) eval)) (core#begin (ma",
"ke-library (core#quote (picrin user))) (current-library (core#quote (picrin user",
" and or cond case else => do when unless parameterize))) (core#begin (.export-ke",
"ywords.2502 (core#quote (features eq? eqv? equal? not boolean? boolean=? pair? c",
"ons car cdr null? set-car! set-cdr! caar cadr cdar cddr list? make-list list len",
"gth append reverse list-tail list-ref list-set! list-copy map for-each memq memv",
" member assq assv assoc current-input-port current-output-port current-error-por",
"t port? input-port? output-port? port-open? close-port eof-object? eof-object re",
"ad-u8 peek-u8 read-bytevector! write-u8 write-bytevector flush-output-port open-",
"input-bytevector open-output-bytevector get-output-bytevector number? exact? ine",
"xact? inexact exact = < > <= >= + - * / number->string string->number procedure?",
" apply symbol? symbol=? symbol->string string->symbol make-identifier identifier",
"? identifier=? identifier-base identifier-environment vector? vector make-vector",
" vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector-copy! vector-copy vector-append vec",
"tor-fill! vector-map vector-for-each list->vector vector->list string->vector ve",
"ctor->string bytevector? bytevector make-bytevector bytevector-length bytevector",
"-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-copy! bytevector-copy bytevector-append by",
"tevector->list list->bytevector call-with-current-continuation call/cc values ca",
"ll-with-values char? char->integer integer->char char=? char<? char>? char<=? ch",
"ar>=? current-exception-handlers with-exception-handler raise raise-continuable ",
"error error-object? error-object-message error-object-irritants error-object-typ",
"e string? string make-string string-length string-ref string-set! string-copy st",
"ring-copy! string-fill! string-append string-map string-for-each list->string st",
"ring->list string=? string<? string>? string<=? string>=? make-parameter with-dy",
"namic-environment read make-dictionary dictionary? dictionary dictionary-has? di",
"ctionary-ref dictionary-set! dictionary-delete! dictionary-size dictionary-map d",
"ictionary-for-each dictionary->alist alist->dictionary dictionary->plist plist->",
"dictionary make-record record? record-type record-datum default-environment make",
"-environment find-identifier set-identifier! eval compile add-macro! make-epheme",
"ron-table write write-simple write-shared display))) (.export-keywords.2502 (cor",
"e#quote (find-library make-library current-library)))))) (core#lambda (.keywords",
".2503) ((core#lambda (.env.2504 .exports.2505) (for-each (core#lambda (.keyword.",
"2506) (dictionary-set! .exports.2505 .keyword.2506 .keyword.2506)) .keywords.250",
"3)) (library-environment (core#quote (picrin base))) (library-exports (core#quot",
"e (picrin base)))))) (core#begin (core#set! eval ((core#lambda (.e.2507) (core#l",
"ambda (.expr.2508 . .lib.2509) ((core#lambda (.lib.2510) (.e.2507 .expr.2508 (li",
"brary-environment .lib.2510))) (core#if (null? .lib.2509) (current-library) (car",
" .lib.2509))))) eval)) (core#begin (make-library (core#quote (picrin user))) (cu",
"rrent-library (core#quote (picrin user))))))))))))))))))))",
@ -1,483 +1,330 @@
(define (transformer f)
(let ()
(define (define-transformer name transformer)
(add-macro! name transformer))
(define (the var) ; synonym for #'var
(make-identifier var default-environment))
(define the-core-define (the 'core#define))
(define the-core-lambda (the 'core#lambda))
(define the-core-begin (the 'core#begin))
(define the-core-quote (the 'core#quote))
(define the-core-set! (the 'core#set!))
(define the-core-if (the 'core#if))
(define the-core-define-macro (the 'core#define-macro))
(define the-define (the 'define))
(define the-lambda (the 'lambda))
(define the-begin (the 'begin))
(define the-quote (the 'quote))
(define the-set! (the 'set!))
(define the-if (the 'if))
(define the-define-macro (the 'define-macro))
(define-transformer 'quote
(lambda (form env)
(let ((ephemeron1 (make-ephemeron-table))
(ephemeron2 (make-ephemeron-table)))
((wrap (lambda (var1)
(or (ephemeron1 var1)
(let ((var2 (make-identifier var1 env)))
(ephemeron1 var1 var2)
(ephemeron2 var2 var1)
(unwrap (lambda (var2)
(or (ephemeron2 var2)
(walk (lambda (f form)
((identifier? form)
(f form))
((pair? form)
(cons (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))
(let ((form (cdr form)))
(walk unwrap (apply f (walk wrap form))))))))
(let ()
(define (define-transformer name transformer)
(add-macro! name transformer))
(if (= (length form) 2)
`(,the-core-quote ,(cadr form))
(error "malformed quote" form))))
(define (the var) ; synonym for #'var
(make-identifier var default-environment))
(define-transformer 'if
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
((= len 3) `(,@form #undefined))
((= len 4) `(,the-core-if . ,(cdr form)))
(else (error "malformed if" form))))))
(define the-core-define (the 'core#define))
(define the-core-lambda (the 'core#lambda))
(define the-core-begin (the 'core#begin))
(define the-core-quote (the 'core#quote))
(define the-core-set! (the 'core#set!))
(define the-core-if (the 'core#if))
(define the-core-define-macro (the 'core#define-macro))
(define-transformer 'begin
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
((= len 1) #undefined)
((= len 2) (cadr form))
((= len 3) `(,the-core-begin . ,(cdr form)))
(else `(,the-core-begin ,(cadr form) (,the-begin . ,(cddr form))))))))
(define the-define (the 'define))
(define the-lambda (the 'lambda))
(define the-begin (the 'begin))
(define the-quote (the 'quote))
(define the-set! (the 'set!))
(define the-if (the 'if))
(define the-define-macro (the 'define-macro))
(define-transformer 'set!
(lambda (form env)
(if (and (= (length form) 3) (identifier? (cadr form)))
`(,the-core-set! . ,(cdr form))
(error "malformed set!" form))))
(define-transformer 'quote
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 2)
`(,the-core-quote ,(cadr form))
(error "malformed quote" form))))
(define (check-formal formal)
(or (null? formal)
(identifier? formal)
(and (pair? formal)
(identifier? (car formal))
(check-formal (cdr formal)))))
(define-transformer 'if
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
((= len 3) `(,@form #undefined))
((= len 4) `(,the-core-if . ,(cdr form)))
(else (error "malformed if" form))))))
(define-transformer 'lambda
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 1)
(error "malformed lambda" form)
(if (check-formal (cadr form))
`(,the-core-lambda ,(cadr form) (,the-begin . ,(cddr form)))
(error "malformed lambda" form)))))
(define-transformer 'begin
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
((= len 1) #undefined)
((= len 2) (cadr form))
((= len 3) `(,the-core-begin . ,(cdr form)))
(else `(,the-core-begin ,(cadr form) (,the-begin . ,(cddr form))))))))
(define-transformer 'set!
(lambda (form env)
(if (and (= (length form) 3) (identifier? (cadr form)))
`(,the-core-set! . ,(cdr form))
(error "malformed set!" form))))
(define (check-formal formal)
(or (null? formal)
(identifier? formal)
(and (pair? formal)
(identifier? (car formal))
(check-formal (cdr formal)))))
(define-transformer 'lambda
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 1)
(error "malformed lambda" form)
(if (check-formal (cadr form))
`(,the-core-lambda ,(cadr form) (,the-begin . ,(cddr form)))
(error "malformed lambda" form)))))
(define-transformer 'define
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
(if (= len 1)
(error "malformed define" form)
(let ((formal (cadr form)))
(if (identifier? formal)
(if (= len 3)
`(,the-core-define . ,(cdr form))
(error "malformed define" form))
(if (pair? formal)
`(,the-define ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(cdr formal) . ,(cddr form)))
(error "define: binding to non-varaible object" form))))))))
(define-transformer 'define-macro
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 3)
(if (identifier? (cadr form))
`(,the-core-define-macro . ,(cdr form))
(error "define-macro: binding to non-variable object" form))
(error "malformed define-macro" form))))
(define-transformer 'syntax-error
(lambda (form _)
(apply error (cdr form))))
(define-macro define-auxiliary-syntax
(lambda (form _)
`(define-transformer ',(cadr form)
(lambda _
(error "invalid use of auxiliary syntax" ',(cadr form))))))
(define-auxiliary-syntax else)
(define-auxiliary-syntax =>)
(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote)
(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote-splicing)
(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote)
(define-auxiliary-syntax syntax-unquote-splicing)
(define-transformer 'let
(lambda (form env)
(if (identifier? (cadr form))
(let ((name (car (cdr form)))
(formal (car (cdr (cdr form))))
(body (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))
`((,the-lambda ()
(,the-define (,name . ,(map car formal)) . ,body)
(,name . ,(map cadr formal)))))
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`((,the-lambda ,(map car formal) . ,body) . ,(map cadr formal))))))
(define-transformer 'and
(lambda (form env)
(if (null? (cdr form))
(if (null? (cddr form))
(cadr form)
`(,the-if ,(cadr form) (,(the 'and) . ,(cddr form)) #f)))))
(define-transformer 'or
(lambda (form env)
(if (null? (cdr form))
(let ((tmp (make-identifier 'it env))) ; should we use #f as the env for tmp?
`(,(the 'let) ((,tmp ,(cadr form)))
(,the-if ,tmp ,tmp (,(the 'or) . ,(cddr form))))))))
(define-transformer 'cond
(lambda (form env)
(let ((clauses (cdr form)))
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
(if (and (identifier? (car clause))
(identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))
`(,the-begin . ,(cdr clause))
(if (null? (cdr clause))
`(,(the 'or) ,(car clause) (,(the 'cond) . ,(cdr clauses)))
(if (and (identifier? (cadr clause))
(identifier=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))
(let ((tmp (make-identifier 'tmp env)))
`(,(the 'let) ((,tmp ,(car clause)))
(,the-if ,tmp (,(cadr (cdr clause)) ,tmp) (,(the 'cond) . ,(cddr form)))))
`(,the-if ,(car clause)
(,the-begin . ,(cdr clause))
(,(the 'cond) . ,(cdr clauses)))))))))))
(define-transformer 'quasiquote
(lambda (form env)
(define (quasiquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (unquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'unquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (unquote-splicing? form)
(and (pair? form)
(pair? (car form))
(identifier? (caar form))
(identifier=? (the 'unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env))))
(define (qq depth expr)
;; unquote
((unquote? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(cadr expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))
;; unquote-splicing
((unquote-splicing? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(list (the 'append)
(car (cdr (car expr)))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))
(list (the 'cons)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote-splicing))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))))
;; quasiquote
((quasiquote? expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))
(qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))
;; list
((pair? expr)
(list (the 'cons)
(qq depth (car expr))
(qq depth (cdr expr))))
;; vector
((vector? expr)
(list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))
;; simple datum
(list (the 'quote) expr))))
(let ((x (cadr form)))
(qq 1 x))))
(define-transformer 'let*
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (null? bindings)
`(,(the 'let) () . ,body)
`(,(the 'let) ((,(car (car bindings)) . ,(cdr (car bindings))))
(,(the 'let*) ,(cdr bindings) . ,body))))))
(define-transformer 'letrec
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'letrec*) . ,(cdr form))))
(define-transformer 'letrec*
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((variables (map (lambda (v) `(,v #undefined)) (map car bindings)))
(initials (map (lambda (v) `(,(the 'set!) ,@v)) bindings)))
`(,(the 'let) ,variables
(define-transformer 'let-values
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'let*-values) ,@(cdr form))))
(define-transformer 'let*-values
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (null? formal)
`(,(the 'let) () ,@body)
`(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@(cdr (car formal)))
(,(the 'lambda) (,@(car (car formal)))
(,(the 'let*-values) (,@(cdr formal))
(define-transformer 'define-values
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((arguments (make-identifier 'arguments env)))
,@(let loop ((formal formal))
(define-transformer 'define
(lambda (form env)
(let ((len (length form)))
(if (= len 1)
(error "malformed define" form)
(let ((formal (cadr form)))
(if (identifier? formal)
(if (= len 3)
`(,the-core-define . ,(cdr form))
(error "malformed define" form))
(if (pair? formal)
`((,the-define ,(car formal) #undefined) ,@(loop (cdr formal)))
(if (identifier? formal)
`((,the-define ,formal #undefined))
(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@body)
,@(let loop ((formal formal) (args arguments))
(if (pair? formal)
`((,the-set! ,(car formal) (,(the 'car) ,args)) ,@(loop (cdr formal) `(,(the 'cdr) ,args)))
(if (identifier? formal)
`((,the-set! ,formal ,args))
`(,the-define ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(cdr formal) . ,(cddr form)))
(error "define: binding to non-varaible object" form))))))))
(define-transformer 'do
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(test (car (car (cdr (cdr form)))))
(cleanup (cdr (car (cdr (cdr form)))))
(body (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))
(let ((loop (make-identifier 'loop env)))
`(,(the 'let) ,loop ,(map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ,(cadr x))) bindings)
(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin . ,cleanup)
(,loop . ,(map (lambda (x)
(if (null? (cdr (cdr x)))
(car x)
(car (cdr (cdr x)))))
(define-transformer 'define-macro
(lambda (form env)
(if (= (length form) 3)
(if (identifier? (cadr form))
`(,the-core-define-macro . ,(cdr form))
(error "define-macro: binding to non-variable object" form))
(error "malformed define-macro" form))))
(define-transformer 'when
(lambda (form env)
(let ((test (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin ,@body)
(define-transformer 'unless
(lambda (form env)
(let ((test (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin ,@body)))))
(define-macro define-auxiliary-syntax
(lambda (form _)
`(define-transformer ',(cadr form)
(lambda _
(error "invalid use of auxiliary syntax" ',(cadr form))))))
(define-transformer 'case
(lambda (form env)
(let ((key (car (cdr form)))
(clauses (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((the-key (make-identifier 'key env)))
`(,(the 'let) ((,the-key ,key))
,(let loop ((clauses clauses))
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
`(,the-if ,(if (and (identifier? (car clause))
(identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))
`(,(the 'or) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'eqv?) ,the-key (,the-quote ,x))) (car clause))))
,(if (and (identifier? (cadr clause))
(identifier=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))
`(,(car (cdr (cdr clause))) ,the-key)
`(,the-begin ,@(cdr clause)))
,(loop (cdr clauses)))))))))))
(define-auxiliary-syntax else)
(define-auxiliary-syntax =>)
(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote)
(define-auxiliary-syntax unquote-splicing)
(define-transformer 'parameterize
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,(the 'with-dynamic-environment)
(,(the 'list) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'cons) ,(car x) ,(cadr x))) formal))
(,the-lambda () ,@body)))))
(define-transformer 'let
(lambda (form env)
(if (identifier? (cadr form))
(let ((name (car (cdr form)))
(formal (car (cdr (cdr form))))
(body (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))
`((,the-lambda ()
(,the-define (,name . ,(map car formal)) . ,body)
(,name . ,(map cadr formal)))))
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`((,the-lambda ,(map car formal) . ,body) . ,(map cadr formal))))))
(define-transformer 'syntax-quote
(lambda (form env)
(let ((renames '()))
((rename (lambda (var)
(let ((x (assq var renames)))
(if x
(cadr x)
(set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))
(rename var))))))
(walk (lambda (f form)
((identifier? form)
(f form))
((pair? form)
`(,(the 'cons) (walk f (car form)) (walk f (cdr form))))
((vector? form)
`(,(the 'list->vector) (walk f (vector->list form))))
`(,(the 'quote) ,form))))))
(let ((form (walk rename (cadr form))))
`(,(the 'let)
,(map cdr renames)
(define-transformer 'and
(lambda (form env)
(if (null? (cdr form))
(if (null? (cddr form))
(cadr form)
`(,the-if ,(cadr form) (,(the 'and) . ,(cddr form)) #f)))))
(define-transformer 'syntax-quasiquote
(lambda (form env)
(let ((renames '()))
((rename (lambda (var)
(let ((x (assq var renames)))
(if x
(cadr x)
(set! renames `((,var ,(make-identifier var env) (,(the 'make-identifier) ',var ',env)) . ,renames))
(rename var)))))))
(define-transformer 'or
(lambda (form env)
(if (null? (cdr form))
(let ((tmp (make-identifier 'it env))) ; should we use #f as the env for tmp?
`(,(the 'let) ((,tmp ,(cadr form)))
(,the-if ,tmp ,tmp (,(the 'or) . ,(cddr form))))))))
(define (syntax-quasiquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define-transformer 'cond
(lambda (form env)
(let ((clauses (cdr form)))
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
(if (and (identifier? (car clause))
(identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))
`(,the-begin . ,(cdr clause))
(if (null? (cdr clause))
`(,(the 'or) ,(car clause) (,(the 'cond) . ,(cdr clauses)))
(if (and (identifier? (cadr clause))
(identifier=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))
(let ((tmp (make-identifier 'tmp env)))
`(,(the 'let) ((,tmp ,(car clause)))
(,the-if ,tmp (,(cadr (cdr clause)) ,tmp) (,(the 'cond) . ,(cddr form)))))
`(,the-if ,(car clause)
(,the-begin . ,(cdr clause))
(,(the 'cond) . ,(cdr clauses)))))))))))
(define (syntax-unquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-unquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define-transformer 'quasiquote
(lambda (form env)
(define (syntax-unquote-splicing? form)
(and (pair? form)
(pair? (car form))
(identifier? (caar form))
(identifier=? (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env))))
(define (quasiquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'quasiquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (qq depth expr)
;; syntax-unquote
((syntax-unquote? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(car (cdr expr))
(define (unquote? form)
(and (pair? form)
(identifier? (car form))
(identifier=? (the 'unquote) (make-identifier (car form) env))))
(define (unquote-splicing? form)
(and (pair? form)
(pair? (car form))
(identifier? (caar form))
(identifier=? (the 'unquote-splicing) (make-identifier (caar form) env))))
(define (qq depth expr)
;; unquote
((unquote? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(cadr expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))
;; unquote-splicing
((unquote-splicing? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(list (the 'append)
(car (cdr (car expr)))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))
(list (the 'cons)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr expr))))))
;; syntax-unquote-splicing
((syntax-unquote-splicing? expr)
(if (= depth 1)
(list (the 'append)
(car (cdr (car expr)))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))
(list (the 'cons)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'syntax-unquote-splicing))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))))
;; syntax-quasiquote
((syntax-quasiquote? expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))
(qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))
;; list
((pair? expr)
(list (the 'cons)
(qq depth (car expr))
(qq depth (cdr expr))))
;; vector
((vector? expr)
(list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))
;; identifier
((identifier? expr)
(rename expr))
;; simple datum
(list (the 'quote) expr))))
(list (the 'quote) (the 'unquote-splicing))
(qq (- depth 1) (car (cdr (car expr)))))
(qq depth (cdr expr)))))
;; quasiquote
((quasiquote? expr)
(list (the 'list)
(list (the 'quote) (the 'quasiquote))
(qq (+ depth 1) (car (cdr expr)))))
;; list
((pair? expr)
(list (the 'cons)
(qq depth (car expr))
(qq depth (cdr expr))))
;; vector
((vector? expr)
(list (the 'list->vector) (qq depth (vector->list expr))))
;; simple datum
(list (the 'quote) expr))))
(let ((body (qq 1 (cadr form))))
`(,(the 'let)
,(map cdr renames)
(let ((x (cadr form)))
(qq 1 x))))
(define-transformer 'define-syntax
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (pair? formal)
`(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car formal) (,the-lambda ,(cdr formal) ,@body))
`(,the-define-macro ,formal (,(the 'transformer) (,the-begin ,@body)))))))
(define-transformer 'let*
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(if (null? bindings)
`(,(the 'let) () . ,body)
`(,(the 'let) ((,(car (car bindings)) . ,(cdr (car bindings))))
(,(the 'let*) ,(cdr bindings) . ,body))))))
(define-transformer 'letrec-syntax
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(let ()
,@(map (lambda (x)
`(,(the 'define-syntax) ,(car x) ,(cadr x)))
(define-transformer 'letrec
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'letrec*) . ,(cdr form))))
(define-transformer 'let-syntax
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'letrec-syntax) ,@(cdr form))))))
(define-transformer 'letrec*
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((variables (map (lambda (v) `(,v #undefined)) (map car bindings)))
(initials (map (lambda (v) `(,(the 'set!) ,@v)) bindings)))
`(,(the 'let) ,variables
(define-transformer 'let-values
(lambda (form env)
`(,(the 'let*-values) ,@(cdr form))))
(define-transformer 'let*-values
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formals (cadr form))
(body (cddr form)))
(if (null? formals)
`(,(the 'let) () ,@body)
(let ((formal (car formals)))
`(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () . ,(cdr formal))
(,(the 'lambda) ,(car formal)
(,(the 'let*-values) ,(cdr formals) . ,body))))))))
(define-transformer 'define-values
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (cadr form))
(body (cddr form)))
(let ((arguments (make-identifier 'arguments env)))
,@(let loop ((formal formal))
(if (pair? formal)
`((,the-define ,(car formal) #undefined) . ,(loop (cdr formal)))
(if (identifier? formal)
`((,the-define ,formal #undefined))
(,(the 'call-with-values) (,the-lambda () ,@body)
,@(let loop ((formal formal) (args arguments))
(if (pair? formal)
`((,the-set! ,(car formal) (,(the 'car) ,args)) . ,(loop (cdr formal) `(,(the 'cdr) ,args)))
(if (identifier? formal)
`((,the-set! ,formal ,args))
(define-transformer 'do
(lambda (form env)
(let ((bindings (car (cdr form)))
(test (car (car (cdr (cdr form)))))
(cleanup (cdr (car (cdr (cdr form)))))
(body (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))
(let ((loop (make-identifier 'loop env)))
`(,(the 'let) ,loop ,(map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ,(cadr x))) bindings)
(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin . ,cleanup)
(,loop . ,(map (lambda (x)
(if (null? (cdr (cdr x)))
(car x)
(car (cdr (cdr x)))))
(define-transformer 'when
(lambda (form env)
(let ((test (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin ,@body)
(define-transformer 'unless
(lambda (form env)
(let ((test (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,the-if ,test
(,the-begin ,@body)))))
(define-transformer 'case
(lambda (form env)
(let ((key (car (cdr form)))
(clauses (cdr (cdr form))))
(let ((the-key (make-identifier 'key env)))
`(,(the 'let) ((,the-key ,key))
,(let loop ((clauses clauses))
(if (null? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
`(,the-if ,(if (and (identifier? (car clause))
(identifier=? (the 'else) (make-identifier (car clause) env)))
`(,(the 'or) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'eqv?) ,the-key (,the-quote ,x))) (car clause))))
,(if (and (identifier? (cadr clause))
(identifier=? (the '=>) (make-identifier (cadr clause) env)))
`(,(car (cdr (cdr clause))) ,the-key)
`(,the-begin ,@(cdr clause)))
,(loop (cdr clauses)))))))))))
(define-transformer 'parameterize
(lambda (form env)
(let ((formal (car (cdr form)))
(body (cdr (cdr form))))
`(,(the 'with-dynamic-environment)
(,(the 'list) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,(the 'cons) ,(car x) ,(cadr x))) formal))
(,the-lambda () ,@body))))))
@ -210,12 +210,7 @@
and or
cond case else =>
do when unless
syntax-quote syntax-unquote
syntax-quasiquote syntax-unquote-splicing
let-syntax letrec-syntax
eq? eqv? equal? not boolean? boolean=?
Reference in New Issue