: =====> DO_PCS.BAT : : command dir: \TOOLS,\PCS (assumed in path) : source dir : \NEWPCS (the current directory) : output dir : \EXEC CD \BUILD\NEWPCS PATH = \TOOLS;\PCS;\ rem rem rem Compile the Scheme compiler rem rem : make certain we don't accidentally use any COMPILER.APP in current directory del compiler.app PCS COMPILE.ALL /SRC rem rem rem Fasl (create the fast-load format of) the compiler rem rem copy pmacros.so+pme.so+psimp.so+pca.so+pgencode.so+ppeep.so+pasm.so+pcomp.so c1.so /v copy pstd.so+pstd2.so+pio.so+popcodes.so+pdebug.so+pchreq.so+pauto_c.so+pauto_r.so+pstl.so c2.so /v copy c1.so+c2.so compiler.so /v MAKE_FSL COMPILER.SO COMPILER.APP /copyright copy compiler.app \exec : make same precaution on COMPILER.APP as before del compiler.app rem rem rem Compile the Scheme runtime compiler rem rem PCS COMPILE.ALL /RT rem rem rem Fasl the runtime compiler rem rem del runtime.app copy pstd.rto+pstd2.rto+pio.rto+pdebug.so+pchreq.rto+primops.rto rt1.so /v copy rt1.so+pauto_r.so+autoprim.rto+pstl.so rt.so /v MAKE_FSL RT.SO RUNTIME.APP /copyright copy runtime.app \exec rem rem Build the autoloadable compiler rem rem copy pmacros.so+pme.so+psimp.so+pca.so+pgencode.so+ppeep.so+pasm.so+pcomp.so c3.so /v copy c3.so+pauto_c.so+popcodes.so compiler.so MAKE_FSL COMPILER.SO COMPILER.FSL /copyright MAKE_FSL PRIMOPS.RTO PRIMOPS.FSL /copyright MAKE_FSL AUTOCOMP.SO AUTOCOMP.FSL /copyright MAKE_FSL AUTOPRIM.RTO AUTOPRIM.FSL /copyright copy compiler.fsl \exec\misc copy primops.fsl \exec\misc copy autocomp.fsl \exec\misc copy autoprim.fsl \exec\misc del *.so del *.app del *.fsl