diff --git a/alink.asm b/alink.asm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33005ec --- /dev/null +++ b/alink.asm @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +; =====> ALINK.ASM +;*************************************** +;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support * +;* Misc Utilities * +;* * +;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas * +;* Instruments Incorporated. * +;* All rights reserved. * +;* * +;* Date Written: 23 June 1985 * +;* Last Modification: 29 May 1986 * +;*************************************** + page 60,132 + +MSDOS equ 021h + +DGROUP group data +data segment word public 'DATA' + assume DS:DGROUP + extrn _psp:dword +ret_area db 20 dup (0) ; filename return area +dir_fnd db '
+env_str db "#",0
+clos_str db "#
+ call ssetadr ; set port address
+ mov SP,BP
+;fix for random i/o - note a write has taken place
+ lea SI,port_r
+ mov BX,[SI].C_page
+ LoadPage ES,BX
+ mov SI,port_d
+ or word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS],DIRTY
+ pushm <[BP].dis, [BP].pg>
+ call subsprin ; print it
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov AX,ccount ; return number of characters
+ pop BP
+ ret
+sprint endp
+ extrn take_cdr:near
+ extrn restart:near
+ extrn stkspc:near
+ extrn get_sym:near
+ extrn givechar:near
+ extrn gvchars:near
+ extrn copybig:near
+ extrn fix2big:near
+ extrn big2asc:near
+ extrn get_flo:near
+ extrn isspace:near
+ extrn abort:near
+subp_arg struc
+tmp_reg1 dw ?
+tmp_reg2 dw ?
+tmp_reg3 dw ?
+tmp_pg dw ?
+tmp_SI dw ?
+ch_buf db 14 dup (0) ; character buffer
+subp_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's ES
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+spg dw ? ; page number
+sdis dw ? ; displacement
+subp_arg ends
+subsprin proc near
+ push ES
+ push BP
+ sub SP,offset subp_BP ; allocate local storage
+ mov BP,SP
+ cmp s_break,0 ; check for SHIFT-BREAK
+ je subp_10
+kill_out: mov AX,RETURN ; carriage return
+ push AX
+ call givechar
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov AX,41 ; length of message
+ lea BX,ab_write
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; display message
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp show,0
+ je kill_01
+ xor AX,AX
+ jmp kill_02
+kill_01: mov AX,2
+kill_02: push AX ; instruction length
+ C_call restart ; link to scheme debugger
+ ; control does not return to here
+subp_10: call stkspc ; check stack space
+ cmp AX,64 ; stack low?
+ jge subp_20 ; no, jump
+ mov AX,8
+ lea BX,deep_str
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print no deeper
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; act on object type
+subp_20: shl [BP].spg,1 ; adjust page number
+ mov BX,[BP].spg
+ mov DI,ptype+[BX] ; get port type
+ jmp branchtab+[DI]
+;; the individual type handlers
+; handle for list
+sp_list: test BX,BX ; null page?
+ jnz sp_l01 ; no, jump
+ mov AX,2
+ lea BX,parens
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print "()"
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+sp_l01: mov DX,28h ; '('
+ push DX
+ call printcha
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].spg ; Get page
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; Get paragraph address of page
+ mov SI,[BP].sdis ; dispacement
+sp_l02: mov [BP].tmp_pg,BX ; Save page
+ mov [BP].tmp_SI,SI ; and displacement
+ xor DH,DH
+ mov DL,byte ptr ES:[SI] ; Get car's page
+ shr DX,1 ; Change to number for subsprin
+ mov CX,word ptr ES:[SI+1] ; Get car's displacement
+ pushm
+ call subsprin ; Go print it
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_pg ; Restore page
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; Its para address
+ mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI ; and displacement
+ mov BL,byte ptr ES:[SI+3] ; Get cdr's page offset
+ mov SI,word ptr ES:[SI+4] ; and displacement
+ test BX,BX ; more items in list?
+ jz sp_l04 ; no, jump
+ mov [BP].tmp_SI,SI ; save registers
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg1,BX
+ mov DX,SPACE ; print ' '
+ push DX
+ call printcha
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_reg1 ; restore registers
+ mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; Get paragraph address of page
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],LISTTYPE*2 ; check port type
+ je sp_l02
+; last cdr not nil
+ mov [BP].tmp_SI,SI ; save registers
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg1,BX
+ mov DX,2Eh ; print '.'
+ push DX
+ call printcha
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov DX,SPACE ; print ' '
+ push DX
+ call printcha
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_reg1 ; restore registers
+ mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI
+ shr BX,1 ; corrected page number
+ pushm
+ call subsprin
+ mov SP,BP
+sp_l04: mov DX,29h ; print ')'
+ push DX
+ call printcha
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for fixnum
+sp_fix: mov AX,5
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg2,AX
+ push AX
+ C_call getmem
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp AX,0
+ je mem_err
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg1,AX ; address of divider
+ mov SI,[BP].sdis ; get the value
+ shl SI,1
+ sar SI,1
+ pushm
+ mov AX,DS
+ mov ES,AX ; get the right ES segment
+ call fix2big ; change to bignum
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp printint
+mem_err: mov AX,HEAPERR ; memory not available
+ push AX
+ call abort
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret ; return
+; handle for flonum
+sp_flo: mov SI,[BP].sdis ; displacement
+ shr BX,1 ; corrected page number
+ pushm
+ call get_flo ; get a floating point value
+ pushm ; in AX:BX:CX:DX
+ C_call printflo,,Load_ES
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for array
+sp_ary: mov AX,2
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; page segment
+ lea BX,ary_str ; print "#("
+ pushm
+ call printstr
+ mov SP,BP
+ LoadPage ES,[BP].spg ; Get page address of array
+;;; mov ES,word ptr pagetabl+[BX]
+ mov SI,[BP].sdis ; and segment
+ mov CX,word ptr ES:[SI+1]
+ sub CX,BLK_OVHD ; length of array
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg1,CX
+ cmp BX,[BP].tmp_reg1
+ jle sp_a04
+ jmp sp_l04
+sp_a04: mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI+BX] ; AX <= page of array element
+ mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+BX+1] ; DX <= disp. of array element
+ xor AH,AH
+ shr AX,1 ; Page number for subsprin
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg2,BX ; Save registers
+ mov [BP].tmp_SI,SI
+ pushm
+ call subsprin ; print element
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_reg2 ; restore BX
+ cmp BX,[BP].tmp_reg1 ; last element?
+ jge sp_a02
+ mov DX,SPACE ; print ' '
+ push DX
+ call printcha
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_reg2 ; restore registers
+sp_a02: mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI
+ LoadPage ES,[BP].spg ; Reload page address of array
+ jmp sp_a01
+; handle for continuation
+sp_cont: mov AX,15
+ lea BX,cont_str
+ pushm
+ call printstr
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for closure
+sp_clos: mov AX,11
+ lea BX,clos_str
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print "# ; [tmp_reg1] = disp
+ call get_sym ; get the symbol name
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov DX,SPACE
+ push DX
+ call printcha ; print ' '
+ mov SP,BP
+ pushm <[BP].tmp_reg3, [BP].tmp_reg2>
+ call printstr ; print the symbol name
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_reg3
+ inc BX
+ pushm
+ C_call rlsmem
+ mov SP,BP
+sp_c04: mov DX,3Eh
+ push DX
+ call printcha ; print '>'
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for free
+sp_free: mov AX,7
+ lea BX,free_str
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print #
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for code block
+sp_code: mov AX,7
+ lea BX,code_str
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print #
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for environment
+sp_env: mov AX,14
+ lea BX,env_str
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print #
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for symbol
+sp_sym: mov AX,7Ch
+ mov SI,[BP].sdis
+ shr BX,1 ; corrected page number
+ pushm
+ C_call printatm,,Load_ES ; print the symbol
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for string
+sp_str: LoadPage ES,BX ; Get address of page
+ mov SI,[BP].sdis ; and displacement
+ mov CX,word ptr ES:[SI+1]
+ cmp CX,0 ; check for small string
+ jge sp_s01
+sp_s01: sub CX,BLK_OVHD ; get the string length
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg1,CX ; save the string length
+ mov DX,ccount
+ add DX,CX
+ mov ccount,DX
+ cmp show,0
+ jne sp_s02
+ jmp subp_ret
+sp_s02: add SI,BLK_OVHD ; advance pointer to string
+ mov [BP].tmp_SI,SI
+ cmp display,0
+ jne sp_s02a
+ jmp sp_sdis
+; write, need to print double quotes, escape characters
+sp_s02a: xor BX,BX
+ mov DX,2 ; strange = 2
+sp_s001: cmp BX,CX
+ jge sp_s05
+ mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI+BX]
+ cmp AL,5Ch ; check for \
+ je sp_s03
+ cmp AL,22h ; check for "
+ jne sp_s04
+sp_s03: inc DX
+sp_s04: inc BX
+ jmp sp_s001
+sp_s05: add DX,CX ; strange + len
+ push DX
+ call wrap
+ mov AX,22h
+ push AX
+ call givechar ; print " for string
+ mov SP,BP
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI
+sp_s06: cmp BX,[BP].tmp_reg1 ; finish the string?
+ jge sp_s10
+ cmp s_break,0 ; check for SHIFT-BREAK
+ je sp_s07
+ jmp kill_out ; yes, jump
+ LoadPage ES,[BP].spg ; Ensure string page loaded
+ mov DL,byte ptr ES:[SI+BX] ; Get one character
+ xor DH,DH
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg2,BX ; save registers
+ cmp DL,5Ch ; \?
+ je sp_s08
+ cmp DL,22h ; "?
+ jne sp_s09
+sp_s08: mov AX,5Ch
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg3,DX ; save the character
+ push AX
+ call givechar ; print the \ for special
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov DX,[BP].tmp_reg3
+sp_s09: push DX
+ call givechar ; print the character
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI ; restore registers
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_reg2
+ inc BX
+ jmp sp_s06
+sp_s10: mov AX,22h
+ push AX
+ call givechar ; print "
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; display, just print the string
+sp_sdis: push CX
+ call wrap
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI
+sp_s11: cmp BX,[BP].tmp_reg1 ; finish the string?
+ jl sp_s12
+ jmp subp_ret ; yes, return
+sp_s12: cmp s_break,0 ; check for SHIFT-BREAK
+ je sp_s13
+ jmp kill_out ; yes, jump
+sp_s13: xor AH,AH
+ LoadPage ES,[BP].spg ; Ensure string page loaded
+ mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI+BX] ; get the character
+ push AX
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg2,BX ; save registers
+ call givechar ; print the character
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,[BP].tmp_reg2 ; restore registers
+ mov SI,[BP].tmp_SI
+ inc BX ; increment the index
+ jmp sp_s11
+; handle for character
+sp_char: mov SI,[BP].sdis
+ and SI,00FFh ; get the low byte for character
+ cmp display,0
+ je sp_c10
+ mov AX,SI ; AL = character
+ lea SI,[BP].ch_buf
+ mov byte ptr [SI],23h ; #
+ mov byte ptr [SI+1],5Ch ; \
+ mov byte ptr [SI+2],AL ; character
+ mov byte ptr [SI+3],0 ; end of string
+; check for a special multi-character character constant
+ xor BX,BX
+ lea DI,test_ch
+sp_ch01: cmp BX,TEST_NUM ; end of comparison?
+ jl sp_ch02
+ mov BX,3 ; yes
+ jmp sp_ch12
+sp_ch02: cmp AL,byte ptr [DI+BX] ; compare with special char
+ je sp_ch05
+ inc BX
+ jmp sp_ch01
+sp_ch05: lea DI,t_array
+ shl BX,1 ; get the word offset
+ mov DI,word ptr [DI+BX] ; pointer to special char string
+ mov BX,2
+sp_ch03: cmp byte ptr [DI],0 ; end of string?
+ je sp_ch04 ; yes, jump
+ mov AL,byte ptr [DI]
+ mov byte ptr [SI+BX],AL ; move character by character
+ inc BX
+ inc DI
+ jmp sp_ch03
+sp_ch04: mov byte ptr [SI+BX],0 ; end of string
+sp_ch12: pushm ; BX = length of buffer
+ call printstr
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; print character without escapes
+sp_c10: push SI
+ call printcha
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for bignum
+sp_big: LoadPage ES,BX
+ mov SI,[BP].sdis
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+1] ; get object size
+ dec AX
+ mov [BP].tmp_reg2,AX
+ push AX
+ C_call getmem ; allocate memory for divider
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp AX,0 ; memory available?
+ jne sp_big1
+ jmp mem_err ; no, error
+sp_big1: mov [BP].tmp_reg1,AX ; address of divider
+ mov BX,[BP].spg
+ shr BX,1
+ pushm
+ mov AX,DS
+ mov ES,AX ; get the right ES segment
+ call copybig ; copy bignum to buffer
+ mov AX,[BP].tmp_reg2
+ mov BX,3
+ mul BX
+ sub AX,5
+ mov [BP].tmp_SI,AX
+ push AX
+ C_call getmem ; allocate memory for char buffer
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp AX,0 ; memory available?
+ jne sp_big2
+ jmp mem_err ; no, error
+sp_big2: mov [BP].tmp_reg3,AX ; address of bigchars
+ pushm
+ call big2asc ; convert bignum to char string
+ mov SP,BP ; AX = characters count
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print the bignum
+ mov SP,BP
+ pushm <[BP].tmp_reg2, [BP].tmp_reg1>
+ C_call rlsmem
+ pushm <[BP].tmp_SI, [BP].tmp_reg3>
+ C_call rlsmem
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp subp_ret
+; handle for port
+sp_port: mov AX,7
+ lea BX,port_str
+ pushm
+ call printstr ; print #
+ mov SP,BP
+subp_ret: add SP,offset subp_BP ; release local storage
+ pop BP
+ pop ES
+ ret
+subsprin endp
+; Print a single character to the file, and send a newline
+; if necessary.
+pch_arg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+cha dw ? ; character
+pch_arg ends
+printcha proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ inc ccount ; ccount++
+ cmp show,0 ; show?
+ je prch_ret ; no, return
+ call currspc ; check spaces remaining
+ cmp AX,0
+ jle prch_01
+prch_001: push [BP].cha
+ call givechar
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp prch_ret ; return to caller
+prch_01: test direct,BINARY
+ jnz prch_001
+ push AX
+ call givechar ; newline
+ mov SP,BP
+ push [BP].cha
+ call isspace ; after newline, print nonspaces
+ test AX,AX
+ jnz prch_ret ; space, return
+ jmp prch_001
+prch_ret: pop BP
+ ret ; return to caller
+printcha endp
+; Print the string with length LEN, first sending a newline
+; if necessary.
+str_arg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+str dw ? ; string pointer
+len dw ? ; string length
+str_arg ends
+ public printstr
+printstr proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ push [BP].len
+ call wrap ; check available spaces
+ mov AX,ccount
+ add AX,[BP].len ; ccount += len
+ mov ccount,AX
+ cmp show,0 ; show?
+ je pstr_ret ; no, return
+ pushm <[BP].len, [BP].str>
+ call gvchars ; display all characters
+pstr_ret: pop BP
+ ret
+printstr endp
+; Return number of spaces remaining on current line
+currspc proc near
+ pop DI ; get the return address
+ push ES
+ push SI
+ lea SI,port_r
+ mov SI,[SI].C_page
+ LoadPage ES,SI
+;;; LoadPage ES,port_seg ; Get port para address
+ mov SI,port_d
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS] ; line length
+ test AX,AX ; line length defined?
+ jnz curr_01
+ mov AX,-1 ; no, return negative value
+ jmp curr_02
+curr_01: sub AX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_COL]
+curr_02: pop SI
+ pop ES
+ jmp DI ; return to caller
+currspc endp
+; Return current column
+curr_col proc near
+ pop DI ; get the return address
+ push ES
+ push SI
+ lea SI,port_r
+ mov SI,[SI].C_page
+ LoadPage ES,SI
+;;; LoadPage ES,port_seg ; Get port para address
+ mov SI,port_d
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS] ; Get Number of columns
+ or AX,AX ; Maintaining column?
+ jz ccol_ret ; No, just return 0
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_COL] ; Yes, get column and return
+ccol_ret: pop SI
+ pop ES
+ jmp DI ; return to caller
+curr_col endp
+; Wrap issues a newline if there are less than LEN spaces
+; left on the current output line.
+; Note: DX = LEN
+ public wrap
+wrap proc near
+ pop DI ; get the return address
+ pop DX ; get the length
+ cmp show,0
+ jz wrap_ret
+ push DI ; save return address
+ call curr_col ; get the current column number
+ pop DI ; restore return address
+ cmp AX,1
+ jle wrap_ret
+ push DI ; save return address
+ call currspc ; get the available spaces
+ pop DI ; restore return address
+ cmp AX,DX
+ jge wrap_ret
+ mov AX,RETURN ; issue a newline
+ push AX
+ call givechar
+ mov SP,BP
+wrap_ret: jmp DI ; return to caller
+wrap endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cread.asm b/cread.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8623835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cread.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+; =====> CREAD.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
+;* S-Expression reading *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 24 March 1986 *
+;* Last Modification: 10 Feb 1987 *
+;* *
+;* tc 2/10/87 fix to convert first *
+;* char after # to upper case *
+;* tc 2/10/87 added support to do *
+;* readline *
+ page 60,132
+ include scheme.equ
+ include sinterp.arg
+SPACE equ 20h
+CTRL_Z equ 1Ah
+RETURN equ 0Dh
+COM equ 3Bh
+BK_SLASH equ 5Ch
+BUFSIZE equ 256
+TEST_NUM equ 8
+EOFERR equ 1
+PORTERR equ -2
+HEAPERR equ -3
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+ public test_ch, t_array
+ extrn locases:word
+ extrn hicases:word
+ extrn CXFERR_s:word
+ extrn port_r:word
+srd_str db "READ-ATOM",0
+sln_str db "READ-LINE",0
+inv_char db "Invalid character constant",0
+limit dw ? ; current size of atom buffer
+main_reg dw ? ; main register
+flg_eof dw ? ; whether to flag end-of-file
+atomb dw ? ; atom buffer
+test_ch db 0Ah,20h,7Fh,0Ch,09h,08h,0Dh,1Bh ; special characters
+char db 20h ; most recently received char
+t_str1 db "NEWLINE",0
+t_str2 db "SPACE",0
+t_str3 db "RUBOUT",0
+t_str4 db "PAGE",0
+t_str5 db "TAB",0
+t_str6 db "BACKSPACE",0
+t_str7 db "RETURN",0
+t_str8 db "ESCAPE",0
+t_array dw t_str1
+ dw t_str2
+ dw t_str3
+ dw t_str4
+ dw t_str5
+ dw t_str6
+ dw t_str7
+ dw t_str8
+data ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+;;; Support for read-line
+rln_proc proc
+ extrn next_SP:near
+ extrn src_err:near
+ public srd_line
+srd_line: lods byte ptr ES:[SI]
+ save
+ add AX,offset reg0 ; compute register address
+ mov main_reg,AX
+ xor BX,BX
+ push BX
+ push AX
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get the port object
+ mov SP,BP ; get the return status
+ test AX,AX ; error returned?
+ jnz srd_lerr
+ pushm
+ call sread_ln ; get a line
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
+srd_lerr: lea BX,sln_str
+ jmp src_err ; link to error handler
+rln_proc endp
+;;; Set up for the operation of reading a single line from the given port.
+ extrn setabort:near
+ extrn abort:near
+ extrn ssetadr:near
+srdlnarg struc
+temp_r dw ? ; temporary storage
+srdln_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+rp_reg dw ? ; port register
+rpg dw ? ; adjusted page number
+rdisp dw ? ; displacement
+srdlnarg ends
+ public sread_at
+sread_ln proc near
+ push BP
+ sub SP, offset srdln_BP ; allocate local storage
+ mov BP,SP
+ call setabort ; save stack pointer
+ pushm <[BP].rdisp,[BP].rpg>
+ call ssetadr ; set port address
+ mov SP,BP
+ test AX,AX ; check return status
+ jz srdl_010
+ mov AX,PORTERR ; port error
+ push AX
+ call abort
+ mov flg_eof,1 ; flag eof
+ call rcvchar ; get char, eof won't return here
+ cmp AL,LINEFEED ; is char linefeed?
+ je srdl_010 ; if so, ignore
+ mov [BP].temp_r,AX ; save character read
+ mov AX,BUFSIZE ; Get buffer size
+ mov limit,AX
+ push AX
+ C_call getmem ; allocate buffer
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp AX,0 ; memory available?
+ jne srdl_020
+;error allocate C heap space
+ mov AX,HEAPERR ; no, error
+ push AX
+ call abortrea
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp srdln_ret
+srdl_020: mov SI,AX
+ mov atomb,AX ; address of buffer
+ mov flg_eof,0 ; don't flag error on EOF
+ xor BX,BX ; index into buffer
+ mov AX,[BP].temp_r ; restore saved character
+; read characters
+ cmp AL,RETURN ; Return character?
+ je srdln_ret ; yes, return
+ cmp AL,CTRL_Z ; EOF character?
+ je srdln_ret ; yes, return
+ cmp AL,LINEFEED ; Linefeed character?
+ je srdln_ret ; yes, don't put in atomb
+ pushm
+ call addchar ; Add character to buffer
+ mov SP,BP
+ inc BX
+ call rcvchar ; Get next character
+ jmp srdln_cha ; Go get next character
+ mov CX,STRTYPE ; Allocate string data type
+ mov [BP].temp_r,BX
+ pushm
+ c_call alloc_bl,,Load_ES
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov CX,3 ; Copy buffer to Scheme string
+ mov SI,atomb
+ pushm <[BP].temp_r,SI,CX,main_reg>
+ call toblock
+ mov AX,limit ; Release buffer
+ pushm
+ C_call rlsmem
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov flg_eof,1 ; Reset flags
+ mov limit,0
+ add SP,offset srdln_BP ; Deallocate local storage
+ pop BP
+ ret ; Return
+sread_ln endp
+;;; Support for read-atom
+rds_proc proc
+ extrn next_SP:near
+ extrn src_err:near
+ public srd_atom
+srd_atom: lods byte ptr ES:[SI]
+ save
+ add AX,offset reg0 ; compute register address
+ mov main_reg,AX
+ xor BX,BX
+ push BX
+ push AX
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get the port object
+ mov SP,BP ; get the return status
+ test AX,AX ; error returned?
+ jnz srd_err
+ pushm
+ call sread_at ; sread_atom()
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
+srd_err: lea BX,srd_str
+ jmp src_err ; link to error handler
+rds_proc endp
+;;; Set up for the operation of reading a single atom from the given port.
+;;; Special characters such as ')' are parsed as lists(!) to tell them from
+;;; ordianry atoms.
+ extrn setabort:near
+ extrn abort:near
+ extrn ssetadr:near
+sreadarg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+p_reg dw ? ; port register
+pg dw ? ; adjusted page number
+disp dw ? ; displacement
+sreadarg ends
+ public sread_at
+sread_at proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ call setabort ; save stack pointer
+ pushm <[BP].disp,[BP].pg>
+ call ssetadr ; set port address
+ mov SP,BP
+ test AX,AX ; check return status
+ jz srd_010
+ mov AX,PORTERR ; port error
+ push AX
+ call abort
+srd_010: mov flg_eof,1 ; initialization
+ mov limit,0
+; skip spaces
+srd_spa: call rcvchar
+ call ck_space ; check for space
+ test CX,CX
+ jz srd_spa ; yes, skip
+; skip comments
+srd_com: cmp AL,COM ; check for comment
+ jne srd_at
+srd_c10: call rcvchar
+ jne srd_c10 ; yes, ignore the whole line
+ jmp srd_spa
+srd_at: test AL,AL ; null character?
+ jz srd_spa
+ call read_ato
+ pop BP
+ ret
+sread_at endp
+;;; Fetch one character from the input stream
+ extrn take_ch:near
+rcvchar proc near
+ pop DX ; fetch return address
+ push DX ; save registers
+ push SI
+ push DI
+ push CX
+ push BX
+ call take_ch ; takechar()
+ pop BX ; restore registers
+ pop CX
+ pop DI
+ pop SI
+ pop DX
+; Check the character
+ cmp AX,256
+ jge rcv_10
+ cmp AL,CTRL_Z ; EOF character?
+ je rcv_10 ; yes, jump
+ mov char,AL
+ jmp DX ; return to caller
+; EOF character is fetched
+rcv_10: cmp flg_eof,0 ; EOF flag set?
+ jne rcv_20 ; yes, error
+ mov AX,CTRL_Z
+ mov char,AL
+ jmp DX ; return to caller
+rcv_20: mov AX,EOFERR
+ push AX
+ call abortrea ; abortread(EOFERR)
+rcvchar endp
+;;; Read in an atom (symbol, string, number)
+;;; Store the pointer to the atom in REG.
+;;; Special characters such as ')' or ',' are read as atoms themselves.
+;;; Normal atoms will end in a whitespace or a terminating macro character;
+;;; strings end with the closing '"'.
+;;; Numbers in the requested base are interpreted as such.
+;;; On exit, the next character in the buffer is the one following the last
+;;; character of the atom.
+ extrn toblock:near
+ extrn cons:near
+ extrn buildint:near
+ extrn alloc_st:near
+ extrn scannum:near
+ extrn pushchar:near
+readarg struc
+num_base dw ? ; base of number
+tmpreg dw ?
+inputch dw ? ; whether the #\ macro is in effect
+escaped dw ? ; whether an escape char is used
+inflo dq ? ; for floating point value
+bignum dw ?
+biglimit dw ?
+read_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's ES
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+readarg ends
+read_ato proc near
+ push ES
+ push BP
+ sub SP,offset read_BP ; allocate local storage
+ mov BP,SP
+ xor CX,CX
+ mov [BP].tmpreg,AX
+;;; cmp AL,SPACE ; check for space?
+;;; jne read_at
+;;; mov [DI].C_page,CX ; yes, form NIL and return
+;;; mov [DI].C_disp,CX
+;;; jmp read_end
+read_at: mov flg_eof,CX ; initialization
+ mov [BP].inputch,CX
+ mov [BP].escaped,CX
+ mov CXFERR_s,CX
+ mov limit,AX
+ mov [BP].num_base,10
+ push AX
+ C_call getmem ; allocate memory
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp AX,0 ; memory available?
+ jne read_01
+memerr: mov AX,HEAPERR ; no, error
+ push AX
+ call abortrea
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp read_ret
+read_01: mov SI,AX
+ mov atomb,AX ; save the address of atom buffer
+ mov DI,main_reg
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov AX,[BP].tmpreg
+; check for the special character first
+ cmp AL,5Bh ; [
+ je read_10
+ cmp AL,5Dh ; ]
+ je read_10
+ cmp AL,7Bh ; {
+ je read_10
+ cmp AL,7Dh ; }
+ je read_10
+ cmp AL,28h ; (
+ je read_10
+ cmp AL,29h ; )
+ je read_10
+ cmp AL,27h ; '
+ je read_10
+ cmp AL,60h ; `
+ jne read_st
+; special character case
+read_10: mov [SI],AL ; *atomb = ch
+ inc BX
+ jmp read_sp
+read_st: cmp AL,22h ; "
+ jne read_co
+; string case
+ push AX
+ call delimby ; get the string
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov [BP].tmpreg,BX ; save BX register
+ pushm
+ C_call alloc_bl,,Load_ES ; allocate string object
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov CX,3
+ mov SI,atomb
+ pushm <[BP].tmpreg,SI,CX,main_reg>
+ call toblock ; copy string to string object
+ jmp read_bye
+read_co: cmp AL,2Ch ; ,
+ jne read_mac
+; comma case
+ mov [SI],AL
+ inc BX
+ call rcvchar ; get the next character
+ cmp AL,40h ; check for @
+ je read_20
+ cmp AL,2Eh ; check for .
+ je read_20
+ jmp read_nor
+read_20: mov [SI+BX],AL
+ inc BX
+ jmp read_sp
+read_mac: cmp AL,23h ; #
+ je read_25
+ jmp read_sym
+; macro case
+read_25: mov flg_eof,1
+read_30: test BX,BX ; first character?
+ jz read_34
+read_32: jmp read_200 ; no, jump
+read_34: cmp AL,23h ; #
+ jne read_32 ; no, jump
+ call rcvchar ; get the next character
+ call ck_space ; check for space
+ test CX,CX
+ jnz read_40
+read_35: mov AX,SHARPERR ; yes, error
+ push AX
+ call abortrea
+read_40: mov byte ptr [SI+1],AL ; save the character
+ push BX
+ mov BX,offset locases ; address of lower-case characters
+ xlat
+ pop BX ; restore registers
+ cmp AL,62h ; b?
+ jne read_d
+ mov [BP].num_base,2
+ jmp read_100
+read_d: cmp AL,64h ; d?
+ jne read_x
+ mov [BP].num_base,10
+ jmp read_100
+read_x: cmp AL,78h ; x?
+ je read_50
+ cmp AL,68h ; h?
+ jne read_o
+read_50: mov [BP].num_base,16
+ jmp read_100
+read_o: cmp AL,6Fh ; o?
+ jne read_ba
+ mov [BP].num_base,8
+ jmp read_100
+read_ba: cmp AL,BK_SLASH ; \?
+ jne read_i
+ call rcvchar
+ pushm
+ call addchar
+ mov SP,BP
+ inc BX
+ mov [BP].inputch,1
+ mov [BP].escaped,1
+ jmp read_100
+read_i: cmp AL,69h ; i?
+ je read_100
+ cmp AL,65h ; e?
+ je read_100
+ cmp AL,73h ; s?
+ je read_100
+ cmp AL,6Ch ; l?
+ je read_100
+ cmp AL,3Ch ;
+ je read_60 ; yes, error
+ cmp AL,29h ; )?
+ jne read_70
+read_60: jmp read_35 ; yes, error
+read_70: mov byte ptr [SI],23h ; default
+ mov BX,offset hicases ; address of higher-case characters
+ xlat
+ mov byte ptr [SI+1],AL ; Change letter past # to upper case
+ mov BX,2
+ cmp AL,28h ; check for (
+ jne read_100
+ jmp read_sp ; yes, special case
+read_100: call rcvchar ; get the next character
+ jmp read_30
+read_200: mov flg_eof,0
+; handle for symbol
+read_sym: ; default
+ call ck_space ; check for space
+ test CX,CX
+ jz read_en ; yes, jump
+ cmp AL,CTRL_Z ; eof character?
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,28h ; (
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,29h ; )
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,27h ; '
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,60h ; `
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,COM ; comment?
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,2Ch ; ,
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,22h ; "
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,5Bh ; [
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,5Dh ; ]
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,7Bh ; {
+ je read_en
+ cmp AL,7Dh ; }
+ je read_en
+ push BX
+ mov BX,offset hicases ; address of higher-case characters
+ xlat
+ pop BX
+ cmp AL,7Ch ; |?
+ jne read_210
+ mov [BP].escaped,1
+ push AX
+ call delimby ; read the whole symbol
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp read_250
+read_210: cmp AL,BK_SLASH ; \?
+ jne read_220
+ mov [BP].escaped,1
+ mov flg_eof,1
+ call rcvchar
+ mov flg_eof,0
+read_220: pushm
+ call addchar
+ mov SP,BP
+ inc BX
+read_250: call rcvchar ; get the next character
+ jmp read_sym
+read_en: xor AL,AL ; put null at end of token
+ pushm
+ call addchar
+ mov SP,BP
+; Check for single, unescaped dot
+ cmp BX,1
+ jne read_num
+ cmp byte ptr [SI],2Eh ; check for .
+ jne read_num
+ cmp [BP].escaped,1
+ je read_num
+ jmp read_nor
+; At this point a token has been accumulated, check for number
+read_num: mov [BP].tmpreg,BX ; save BX register
+ push [BP].num_base
+ push SI
+ call scannum ; scan number
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov SI,atomb ; restore SI register
+ mov BX,[BP].tmpreg ; restore BX register
+ test AX,AX ; number or not?
+ jnz read_n05
+ jmp read_500
+read_n05: cmp [BP].escaped,1
+ jne read_n07
+ jmp read_500
+read_n07: cmp AX,0
+ jle read_300 ; negative for floating point number
+; integer of some size
+ add AX,9 ; (AX + 9) / 2
+ shr AX,1 ; AX = bytes needed for integer
+ mov [BP].biglimit,AX ; save for later
+ push AX
+ C_call getmem ; allocate memory for bignum
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp AX,0 ; memory available?
+ jne read_n10
+ jmp memerr ; no, error
+read_n10: mov BX,AX
+ mov [BP].bignum,AX
+ mov byte ptr [BX+3],0
+ mov byte ptr [BX+4],0
+ pushm <[BP].num_base, atomb, BX>
+ call buildint ; form integer
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov DI,main_reg
+ mov BX,[BP].bignum
+ pushm
+ C_call alloc_in,,Load_ES ; alloc_int
+ mov SP,BP
+ pushm <[BP].biglimit,[BP].bignum>
+ C_call rlsmem ; release memory for bignum
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp read_rls
+; Floating point number
+read_300: lea DX,[BP].inflo
+ pushm <[BP].num_base, DX, SI>
+ C_call scanflo,,Load_ES ; scan the flonum
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov DI,main_reg
+ lea BX,[BP].inflo
+ pushm <[BX+6],[BX+4],[BX+2],[BX]> ; push flonum value
+ push DI
+ C_call alloc_fl,,Load_ES ; alloc_flonum
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp read_rls
+; Allocate character or interned symbol
+read_500: cmp [BP].inputch,0 ; #\ macro?
+ mov DI,main_reg
+ jne read_510
+ jmp read_600 ; no, symbol
+read_510: mov [DI].C_page,SPECCHAR*2
+ cmp BX,1 ; only one character?
+ jne read_mul ; no, jump
+ xor AH,AH
+ mov AL,byte ptr [SI]
+ mov [DI].C_disp,AX ; return the character
+ jmp read_rls
+; Check for a multichar character constant
+read_mul: mov AL,byte ptr [SI]
+ mov BX,offset hicases ; address of higher-case characters
+ xlat
+ mov byte ptr [SI],AL
+ xor BX,BX
+read_515: cmp BL,TEST_NUM ; finish the comparison?
+ je read_580 ; yes, jump
+ lea DI,t_array ; save BX register
+ mov CX,BX
+ shl BX,1 ; get the word offset
+ mov DI,word ptr [DI+BX] ; address of special string
+ xor BX,BX
+read_520: mov AL,byte ptr [DI+BX] ; get the character in string
+ cmp AL,0 ; end of string
+ je read_530 ; match
+ cmp byte ptr [SI+BX],AL
+ jne read_540
+ inc BX
+ jmp read_520
+read_530: mov BX,CX
+ lea SI,test_ch ; address of special characters
+ mov AL,byte ptr [SI+BX]
+ mov DI,main_reg
+ mov [DI].C_disp,AX ; return the special character
+ jmp read_rls
+read_540: mov BX,CX
+ inc BX
+ jmp read_515
+; For the unrecognized multi-char character constant, return #\?
+read_580: mov DI,main_reg
+ mov [DI].C_disp,3Fh ; return '?' character
+;;; push SI
+;;; lea BX,tmp_reg
+;;; push BX
+;;; C_call alloc_st,,Load_ES ; alloc_string for error message
+;;; mov SP,BP
+;;; lea BX,tmp_reg
+;;; push BX
+;;; lea BX,inv_char
+;;; push BX
+;;; xor BX,BX
+;;; push BX
+;;; C_call set_erro,,Load_ES ; set_error
+;;; mov SP,BP
+ mov CXFERR_s,-1 ; error status
+ jmp read_rls
+; Not a character, but a symbol
+read_600: push BX ; length of symbol
+ push SI ; address of symbol
+ push DI ; register
+ C_call intern,,Load_ES ; intern the symbol
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp read_rls
+read_sp: pushm
+ C_call intern,,Load_ES ; intern the symbol
+ mov SP,BP
+ lea BX,nil_reg
+ mov DI,main_reg
+ pushm
+ call cons ; encase in a list
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp read_bye
+read_nor: pushm
+ C_call intern,,Load_ES ; intern the symbol
+ mov SP,BP
+ lea BX,nil_reg
+ mov DI,main_reg
+ pushm
+ call cons ; encase in a list
+ mov SP,BP
+read_rls: cmp char,CTRL_Z ; EOF character?
+ je read_bye
+ call pushchar ; put post-atom char back to buffer
+read_bye: mov AX,limit
+ pushm
+ C_call rlsmem ; release memory
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov flg_eof,1 ; reset flags
+ mov limit,0
+read_end: mov AX,CXFERR_s ; return status
+read_ret: add SP,offset read_BP ; release local storage
+ pop BP
+ pop ES
+ ret
+read_ato endp
+;;; DELIMBY(c)
+;;; DELIMBY takes characters from the input stream and places them
+;;; in the buffer ATOMB, starting at offset stored in BX register, and
+;;; ending when the delimiting character C is reached.
+;;; Note: SI = address of atomb
+;;; BX = number of characters in atomb
+deliarg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+cha dw ? ; character
+deliarg ends
+delimby proc near
+ push BP ; get the return address
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov flg_eof,1 ; signal the EOF error
+ call rcvchar
+deli_10: mov CX,[BP].cha
+ cmp AL,CL ; reach the end?
+ je deli_50 ; yes, return
+ cmp AL,RETURN ; carriage return?
+ je deli_40 ; yes, ignore
+ cmp AL,BK_SLASH ; check for \
+ jne deli_30
+ call rcvchar ; yes, ignore
+deli_30: pushm
+ call addchar
+ mov SP,BP
+ inc BX
+deli_40: call rcvchar ; get the next character
+ jmp deli_10
+deli_50: mov flg_eof,0
+ pop BP
+ ret
+delimby endp
+;;; ADDCHAR (i, c)
+;;; ADDCHAR takes the character c and places it in the dynamic
+;;; atom buffer atomb, at offset i. If the buffer can not contain
+;;; any more characters, additional space is allocated, and limit
+;;; is adjusted accordingly.
+addarg struc
+add_tmp dw ?
+add_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+index dw ?
+chara dw ?
+addarg ends
+addchar proc near
+ push BP
+ sub SP,offset add_BP ; allocate local storage
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov BX,[BP].index
+ cmp BX,limit ; room for character?
+ jge add_10 ; no, jump
+add_01: mov AX,[BP].chara
+ mov byte ptr [SI+BX],AL
+add_ret: add SP,offset add_BP
+ pop BP
+ ret
+add_10: mov AX,limit
+ push AX
+ C_call getmem ; allocate memory
+ mov SP,BP
+ cmp AX,0 ; memory available?
+ jne add_20
+ mov AX,HEAPERR ; no, error
+ push AX
+ call abortrea
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp add_ret
+add_20: mov DI,AX ; address of new buffer
+ mov SI,atomb
+ mov CX,limit
+rep movsb ; copy characters
+ mov [BP].add_tmp,AX ; save buffer pointer
+ pushm
+ C_call rlsmem ; discard the old buffer
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov SI,[BP].add_tmp
+ mov atomb,SI
+ mov CX,limit
+ add CX,BUFSIZE ; increase the limit
+ mov limit,CX
+ mov BX,[BP].index
+ jmp add_01
+addchar endp
+;;; ABORTREAD(code)
+;;; Cancels the entire read operation via ABORT, after
+;;; resetting some vital registers.
+;;; Note: DI = address of main register
+abortarg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+errcode dw ? ; error code
+abortarg ends
+abortrea proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov DI,main_reg ; main register
+ cmp [BP].errcode,EOFERR ; EOF error?
+ jne ab_010
+ mov [DI].C_page,EOF_PAGE*2 ; return eof indicator
+ mov [DI].C_disp,EOF_DISP
+ jmp ab_020
+ab_010: xor AX,AX
+ mov [DI].C_page,AX ; NUL main register
+ mov [DI].C_disp,AX
+ab_020: push [BP].errcode
+ call abort
+ pop BP
+ ret
+abortrea endp
+;;; Local support to check the character in AX is space or not
+;;; Note: CX = 0 iff the character is whitespace
+ck_space proc near
+ pop DX ; get the return address
+ xor CX,CX
+ cmp AL,SPACE ; space?
+ je is
+ cmp AL,9
+ jb isnot
+ cmp AL,0Dh
+ jbe is
+isnot: inc CX
+is: jmp DX ; return to caller
+ck_space endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cwindow.asm b/cwindow.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaea722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cwindow.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+; =====> CWINDOW.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
+;* Window I/O support *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 24 March 1986 *
+;* Last Modification: 24 March 1986 *
+;* 7 Jan 1987 - dbs *
+;* added random I/O *
+ page 60,132
+ include scheme.equ
+ include sinterp.arg
+BUFFSIZE equ 256 ; input/output buffer
+PORTATTR equ 62
+LABEL equ 32+BUFFSIZE ; window label field
+P_FLAGS equ 6
+W_FLAGS equ 26
+WINDOW equ 4
+B_ATTR equ 22
+T_ATTR equ 24
+CUR_LINE equ 10
+CUR_COL equ 12
+UL_LINE equ 14
+UL_COL equ 16
+N_LINES equ 18
+N_COLS equ 20
+NUM_FLDS equ 12
+CHUNK equ 14
+STR_PTR equ 3
+OPEN equ 8
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+; from ????
+ extrn port_r:word
+bad_port db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] Bad port for window output",CR,LF,0
+mk_win_st db "%MAKE_WINDOW",0
+sv_win_st db "WINDOW-SAVE-CONTENTS",0
+gt_win_st db "%REIFY-PORT",0
+cl_win_st db "WINDOW_CLEAR",0
+defaults dw 0,0,0,0 ; default values of window object
+max_rows db 25,0
+max_cols db 80,0
+ dw -1,15,1,0,0
+wnlines dw 0 ; number of lines
+wncols dw 0 ; number of columns
+wulline dw 0 ; upper-left line number
+wulcol dw 0 ; upper-left column number
+branchtab dw setw_20 ; [0] : cursor line
+ dw setw_20 ; [1] : cursor column
+ dw setw_30 ; [2] : upper left corner line
+ dw setw_40 ; [3] : upper left corner column
+ dw setw_50 ; [4] : number of lines
+ dw setw_60 ; [5] : number of columns
+ dw setw_100 ; [6] : border attribute
+ dw setw_100 ; [7] : text attribute
+ dw setw_100 ; [8] : flags
+ dw setw_100 ; [9] : buffer position
+ dw setw_100 ; [10] : buffer end
+ dw setw_100 ; [11] : port flag
+ dw setw_70 ; [12] : # of chunks
+data ends
+XGROUP group progx
+progx segment word public 'progx'
+ extrn rest%scr:far
+ extrn save%scr:far
+progx ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+win_proc proc near
+;;; Allocate a window object
+ extrn zero_blk:near
+ extrn next_SP:near
+ extrn src_err:near
+ extrn adj4bord:near
+ public make_win
+make_win: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load the operand register
+ save
+ add AX,offset reg0 ; compute register address
+ mov BX,AX
+ mov SI,[BX].C_disp ; get displacement
+ mov BX,[BX].C_page ; get page number
+ mov tmp_disp,SI ; save window label pointer
+ mov tmp_page,BX
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],STRTYPE*2 ; check string type
+ jne make_err
+ jmp short make_020
+make_err: test BX,BX
+ jz make_020 ; null window label
+ lea BX,mk_win_st ; load address of text
+ jmp src_err ; display error message
+make_020: mov BX,BUFFSIZE+WINDSIZE ; get object length
+ mov CX,PORTTYPE ; port type
+ pushm
+ C_call alloc_bl,,Load_ES ; allocate block for window object
+ pop BX
+ mov DI,[BX].C_disp ; get displacement
+ save
+ mov BX,[BX].C_page ; get page numbe of window object
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
+ shr BX,1
+ pushm
+ call zero_blk ; zero window object
+ restore
+ mov word ptr ES:[DI+6],PORTATTR ; store port attribute
+ mov AX,DI
+ add DI,10 ; position to move default values
+ lea SI,defaults ; address of default values
+ mov CX,NUM_FLDS-1 ; length of defaults
+rep movsw ; move defaults into object
+ mov DI,AX
+ mov AX,tmp_page
+ mov BX,tmp_disp
+ mov byte ptr ES:[DI+STR_PTR],AL ; store window label pointer
+ mov word ptr ES:[DI+STR_PTR+1],BX
+ jmp next_SP
+;;; Get Window Attributes
+;;; Get Window Attributes was translated from C. The following C comments
+;;; show the mappings of the arguments to get-window-attributes to their
+;;; actual locations within the port object.
+;;;#define NUM_FIELDS 12
+;;;static int defaults[NUM_FIELDS] = {0, /* cursor line number */
+;;; 0, /* cursor column number */
+;;; 0, /* upper left corner line number */
+;;; 0, /* upper left corner column number */
+;;; 25, /* number of lines */
+;;; 80, /* number of columns */
+;;; -1, /* no border */
+;;; 15, /* text high intensity, enable */
+;;; 1, /* wrap enabled */
+;;; 0, /* current buffer position */
+;;; 0, /* current buffer end */
+;;;static int map_attr[NUM_FIELDS] = {10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,6};
+ public get_wind
+get_wind: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
+ save ; save the location pointer
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov BL,AH
+ add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
+ xor AH,AH
+ add AX,offset reg0
+ save ; save registers
+ save
+ mov CX,1
+ pushm
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get the port object
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov SI,tmp_page
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],PORTTYPE*2
+ jne get_err
+ restore
+ cmp [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2
+ jne get_err
+ mov BX,word ptr [BX].C_disp ; get the value
+ shl BX,1
+ sar BX,1
+ cmp BX,0
+ jl get_err
+ jg get_err ; used to be jge - dbs
+ LoadPage ES,SI ; get page address
+ mov SI,tmp_disp
+ restore
+ mov DI,AX
+ mov word ptr [DI].C_page,SPECFIX*2
+ cmp BX,12
+ jne get_05
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK]; get chunk number
+ jmp get_20
+get_05: cmp BX,11
+ jne get_10
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+6]
+ jmp get_20
+get_10: shl BX,1 ; get the word offset
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+10+BX]
+ test word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS],WINDOW ; Port a window?
+ jz get_25 ; No, jump
+ and AX,07FFFh ; Yes, return integer
+ mov word ptr [DI].C_disp,AX
+ jmp next_SP ; Return to interpreter
+ xor BX,BX
+ push BX ; push long integer value
+ push AX
+ push DI ; register to store value
+ C_call long2int,,Load_ES ; convert to scheme integer
+ mov SP,BP
+ jmp next_SP
+get_err: lea BX,gt_win_st
+ jmp src_err ; link to error handler
+;;; Modify Transcript File Status
+ public trns_chg
+trns_chg: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
+ save
+ add AX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
+ mov BX,AX
+ mov SI,[BX].C_disp
+ mov BX,[BX].C_page
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check type
+ jne trns_10
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS]
+ mov CX,AX
+ and AX,OPEN ; open?
+ jz trns_10
+ and CX,3 ; read and write?
+ jz trns_10
+ mov TRNS_pag,BX
+ mov TRNS_dis,SI
+ jmp next_SP
+trns_10: xor AX,AX
+ mov TRNS_pag,AX
+ mov TRNS_dis,AX
+ jmp next_SP
+;;; Save Window Contents
+ public save_win
+save_win: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
+ save
+ add AX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
+ xor BX,BX
+ pushm
+ save
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get port object
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,tmp_page
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check port type
+ je save_01
+save_err: lea BX,sv_win_st
+ jmp src_err ; link to error handler
+save_01: LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
+ mov DI,tmp_disp
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+P_FLAGS]
+ and AX,WINDOW ; window object?
+ jz save_err
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_LINE]
+ mov BX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_COL]
+ mov CX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_LINES]
+ mov DX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_COLS]
+ mov wulline,AX
+ mov wulcol,BX
+ mov wnlines,CX
+ mov wncols,DX
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+B_ATTR] ; border attribute
+ cmp AX,-1 ; bordered?
+ je save_10 ; no, jump
+ lea AX,wulline
+ lea BX,wulcol
+ lea CX,wnlines
+ lea DX,wncols
+ pushm
+ call adj4bord ; adjust window region
+save_10: mov AX,wnlines
+ mov BX,wncols
+; compute the length of string to save window contents
+ mul BL
+ shl AX,1 ; * 2
+ add AX,2 ; + 2
+ push AX
+ restore
+ mov CX,STRTYPE ; string type
+ pushm
+ C_call alloc_bl,,Load_ES ; alloc_block
+ mov SP,BP
+ pushm
+ restore
+ push AX
+ call save%scr ; save screen
+ jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
+;;; Restore Window Contents
+ public rest_win
+rest_win: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
+ save ; save the location pointer
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov BL,AH
+ add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
+ xor AH,AH
+ add AX,offset reg0
+ save
+ xor CX,CX
+ pushm
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get the port object
+ mov SP,BP
+ restore ; BX = data to be restored
+ mov SI,[BX].C_page
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; check type
+ jne rest_err
+ mov DI,tmp_page
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[DI],PORTTYPE*2 ; check type
+ jne rest_err
+ LoadPage ES,DI ; get page address
+ mov DI,tmp_disp
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+P_FLAGS]
+ and AX,WINDOW ; window object?
+ jz rest_err
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_LINE]
+ mov BX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_COL]
+ mov CX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_LINES]
+ mov DX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_COLS]
+ mov wulline,AX
+ mov wulcol,BX
+ mov wnlines,CX
+ mov wncols,DX
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+B_ATTR] ; border attribute
+ cmp AX,-1
+ je rest_10
+ lea AX,wulline
+ lea BX,wulcol
+ lea CX,wnlines
+ lea DX,wncols
+ pushm
+ call adj4bord ; adjust window region
+rest_10: pushm
+ restore
+ push BX
+ call rest%scr ; restore screen
+ jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
+rest_err: lea BX,rt_win_st
+ jmp src_err ; link to error handler
+win_proc endp
+;;; Set Window Attribute
+setw_arg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's ES
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+setw_reg dw ?
+setw_att dw ?
+setw_val dw ?
+setw_arg ends
+ public set_wind
+set_wind proc near
+ push ES
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AX,1
+ pushm
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get port address
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov BX,tmp_page
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check type
+ jne setw_err
+ mov SI,[BP].setw_att
+ cmp word ptr [SI].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; check attribute type
+ jne setw_err
+ mov AX,[SI].C_disp ; get attribute value
+ shl AX,1
+ sar AX,1
+ cmp AX,0 ; check attribute value
+ jl setw_err
+ jge setw_err
+ mov SI,[BP].setw_val ; get the value pointer
+ cmp word ptr [SI].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; check type
+ je setw_10
+setw_err: lea BX,gt_win_st ; address of error message
+ pushm <[BP].setw_val, [BP].setw_att, [BP].setw_reg>
+ mov AX,3
+ pushm
+ C_call set_src_,,Load_ES ; set_src_err
+ mov SP,BP
+ mov AX,-1 ; return error status
+ jmp setw_ret
+setw_10: mov CX,[SI].C_disp ; get the value
+ shl CX,1
+ sar CX,1
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address of port
+ mov SI,tmp_disp ; displacement of port object
+ mov BX,AX
+ shl BX,1 ; get the word offset
+ jmp branchtab+[BX]
+; cursor line/cursor column
+setw_20: cmp CX,0
+ jl setw_err ; negative value, error
+ jmp setw_100
+; upper left hand corner line number
+setw_30: xor AX,AX
+ xor DH,DH
+ dec DX ; MAX_ROWS - 1
+ call fit_in_r
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_LINES]
+ inc DX
+ sub DX,CX ; MAX_ROWS - value
+ cmp AX,DX
+ jle setw_35
+ mov word ptr ES:[SI+N_LINES],DX
+setw_35: jmp setw_100
+; upper left hand corner column number
+setw_40: xor AX,AX
+ xor DH,DH
+ dec DX ; MAX_COLUMNS - 1
+ call fit_in_r
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS]
+ inc DX
+ sub DX,CX ; MAX_COLUMNS - value
+ cmp AX,DX
+ jle setw_35
+ mov word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS],DX
+ jmp setw_35
+; number of lines
+setw_50: mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_LINE]
+ xor DH,DH
+ mov AX,1
+ call fit_in_r
+ jmp setw_100
+; number of columns
+setw_60: mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS]
+ and AX,WINDOW ; window?
+ jz setw_100 ; no, jump
+ mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_COL]
+ xor DH,DH
+ mov AX,1
+ call fit_in_r
+ jmp setw_100
+; chunk#
+setw_70: mov BX,CHUNK
+ jmp setw_120
+; store the value
+setw_100: sar BX,1
+ cmp BX,11
+ jne setw_110
+ mov BX,6
+ jmp setw_120
+setw_110: shl BX,1 ; word offset
+ add BX,10
+setw_120: mov word ptr ES:[SI+BX],CX ; store the value
+ xor AX,AX
+setw_ret: pop BP
+ pop ES
+ ret
+set_wind endp
+;;; Force Value into Range
+;;; Purpose: To test a value (in CX) to determine if it falls within a
+;;; range of values, as specified by an lower (in AX) and
+;;; upper (in DX) bounds. If the value is within the range,
+;;; the value is returned (in CX) unchanged. If it is outside
+;;; the range, the value of the endpoint nearest its value
+;;; is returned (in CX).
+fit_in_r proc near
+ pop DI ; get the return address
+ cmp CX,AX ; value < lower?
+ jge fit_10
+ mov CX,AX ; yes, return lower
+fit_01: jmp DI ; return to caller
+fit_10: cmp CX,DX ; value > upper?
+ jle fit_01 ; no, return
+ mov CX,DX ; yes, return upper
+ jmp DI ; return to caller
+fit_in_r endp
+;;; Write message to the who-line
+who_arg struc
+pg dw ?
+dis dw ?
+who_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's ES
+ dw ? ; caller's return address
+str dw ? ; pointer to message string
+who_arg ends
+ extrn ssetadr:near
+ extrn printstr:near
+ public who_writ
+who_writ proc near
+ push ES
+ push BP
+ sub SP,offset who_BP ; allocate local storage
+ mov BP,SP
+ lea SI,port_r
+ mov AX,[SI].C_page
+ mov [BP].pg,AX
+ mov AX,[SI].C_disp
+ mov [BP].dis,AX
+ mov BX,WHO_PAGE*2
+ pushm
+ call ssetadr ; get port address
+ mov SP,BP
+; compute the length of message string
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov SI,[BP].str
+who_010: cmp byte ptr [SI+BX],0 ; end of string?
+ je who_020
+ inc BX
+ jmp who_010
+; Write message to the who line
+who_020: push BX ; BX = strlen(str)
+ push SI
+ call printstr
+ mov SP,BP
+; Restore the port which was in effect when started
+ mov BX,[BP].pg
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check port type
+ jne who_ret
+ LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
+ mov SI,[BP].dis
+ cmp byte ptr ES:[SI],PORTTYPE ; check port type
+ jne who_ret
+ pushm
+ call ssetadr ; get port address
+ mov SP,BP
+who_ret: add SP,offset who_BP ; release local storage
+ pop BP
+ pop ES
+ ret
+who_writ endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/expsmmu.asm b/expsmmu.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0296d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/expsmmu.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+ name EXPSMMU
+ title Scheme Memory Management Utilities for Expanded Memory
+ page 62,132
+; =====> EXPSMMU.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme '84 Memory Management Utilities *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Author: Terry Caudill *
+;* Date written: 18 March 1986 *
+;* Modifications: *
+;* tc 3/16/87 Better error handling for mapping errors and *
+;* fix to requiring page frame on 64k boundary *
+;* rb 4/5/87 "getbase" modified to return a page's swap *
+;* status in the carry bit *
+ include schemed.equ
+ include schemed.ref
+ include schemed.mac
+DOS equ 021h
+EMM_DSR equ 67h ;; EMM DSR Interrupt
+;; EMM DSR Function Requests
+EMM_Status equ 40h ;; Get status of EMM
+EMM_FrameAddr equ 41h ;; Get segment of page frame
+EMM_PageCount equ 42h ;; How many pages available
+EMM_Allocate equ 43h ;; Allocate pages
+EMM_MapPage equ 44h ;; Map page into page frame
+EMM_Dealloc equ 45h ;; Deallocate PCS'S expanded mem pages
+DGROUP group data
+PGROUP group prog
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume ds:DGROUP
+ extrn page0:byte, page4:byte, page5:byte, page6:byte
+ extrn page7:byte, page8:byte
+ extrn _top:word, _paras:word,first_pa:word,first_dos:word
+Emm_Handle dw 0 ;; Handle returned by EMM
+PageFrame dw 0 ;; Segment address for EMM Mapping
+EmmAvail db 0 ;; Emm available
+ public FirstEmmPage
+FirstEmmPage db 0 ;; First page number of Expanded Memory
+ public EmmPageNum,EmmPage,CodeIn
+EmmPageNum db 2 ;; Emm Physical page number to map
+EmmPage equ $
+EmmPage0 db 0 ;; Table to map Emm Physical page
+EmmPage1 db 0 ;; to actual pagetable offset
+EmmPage2 db 0
+CodeIn db 0 ;; Code block currently mapped
+ public GC_ING
+GC_ING dw 0
+EmmDeviceName db "EMMXXXX0"
+m_ems_er db "[VM FATAL ERROR] Expanded Memory Manager error "
+ db 38h
+p_errnum db 30h
+ db 0Ah,0
+data ends
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume cs:PGROUP
+ public _MMU,_%MMU
+ public _%MMU0,_%MMU1,_MMUCB
+ public gcclean
+ public getbase
+ public InitMem
+ public rlsexp
+ extrn print_an:near ;; print_and_exit (truncated to 8 chars)
+;; _MMU - Take page passed on stack, and return its paragraph address
+;; on the stack. If page in conventional memory, just get its
+;; paragraph address from pagetabl. If in expanded memory and
+;; already mapped in, return the PageFrame, otherwise request
+;; the EMM to map the page into the PageFrame.
+;; NOTE: If an expanded memory page is requested which is greater
+;; than the normal page size, Emm Pages 0 and 1 are loaded
+;; automatically and address of page 0 returned.
+; *
+; W A R N I N G *
+; Any references to data normally addressed by the data segment register *
+; should be prefixed with SS: (segment override) because the DS register *
+; may not contain the address of the current data segment. *
+; *
+_MMU proc near ;; Normal Entry from PROG segment
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP ;; Make stack accessable
+ push BX
+ mov BX,word ptr [bp+4] ;; BX <= Page number
+ cmp BL,SS:FirstEmmPage ;; Page in real memory?
+ jb _MMUPageRet0 ;; Yes..return
+ push AX ;; Save caller's regs
+ mov AX,2 ;; DX <= Emm Physical page #
+ cmp BL,SS:EmmPage2 ;; Mapped in Emm page 2?
+ je _MMU$00 ;; Yes ...jump
+ dec AX
+ cmp BL,SS:EmmPage1 ;; Mapped in Emm page 1?
+ je _MMU$00 ;; Yes ...jump
+ dec AX
+ cmp BL,SS:EmmPage0 ;; Mapped in Emm page 0?
+ jne _MMU$01 ;; Yes ...jump
+ mov SS:EmmPageNum,AL ;; Mark as last page mapped
+ jmp _MMUP$10
+; If large page object, load 2 consecutive pages
+ cmp [SS:psize+BX],MIN_PAGESIZE ;; Normal sized page?
+ je _MMU$1 ;; Yes...jump
+ pop AX ;; Restore AX register
+ mov SS:EmmPageNum,0 ;; Map Page 0 with 1st page
+ push BX ;; Push Page number
+ call _MMUPage ;; Go map it
+ inc SS:EmmPageNum ;; Map Page 1 with 2nd page
+ add BX,2 ;; Get next page number
+ push BX ;; Push as argument
+ call _MMUPage ;; Go map it
+ pop BX ;; Ignore Para address of 2nd page
+ pop BX ;; Return Para address of 1st page
+ jmp _MMUPageRet
+; Page not currently mapped - Lets map it
+ mov AL,SS:EmmPageNum ;; Last Emm physical page mapped
+ inc AL ;; Get next
+ cmp AL,3 ;;
+ jl _MMU$2 ;; If code block page
+ xor AL,AL ;; then wrap to zero
+ mov SS:EmmPageNum,AL ;; Update Emm Page last mapped
+ jmp _MMUP$1
+_MMU endp
+;; _MMUPage - Load Expanded page number specified in EmmPageNum.
+;; Emm Page 3 should only be used for the currently
+;; executing code block (via LoadCode macro).
+;; NOTE: EmmPageNum must be set before this routine is called.
+_MMUPage proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ push BX
+ mov BX,word ptr [bp+4] ;; Get page to map
+ cmp BL,SS:FirstEmmPage ;; Page in real memory?
+ jae _MMUP$0 ;; No...go map it
+ cmp SS:EmmPageNum,3 ;; Loading a code block?
+ jne _MMUPageRet0 ;; No...return page
+ mov SS:CodeIn,BL ;; Note code block
+ mov BX,word ptr [BX+SS:pagetabl]
+ mov word ptr [bp+4],BX ;; return it
+ pop BX
+ pop BP
+ ret
+ push AX
+ xor AH,AH
+ mov AL,SS:EmmPageNum ;; Get page number to map
+ xchg AX,BX ;; Note page number in table
+ mov byte ptr [SS:EmmPage+BX],AL
+ xchg AX,BX
+;; Map Page from Expanded memory
+ push AX ;; Save accross call
+ push DX
+ mov AH,EMM_MapPage ;; Map Page Function
+ sub BL,SS:FirstEmmPage ;; Convert page to map
+ shr BX,1 ;; to EMM Logical Page
+ mov DX,SS:Emm_Handle ;; EMM Handle
+ int EMM_DSR
+ pop DX ;; Restore saved regs
+ pop BX
+ or AH,AH ;; Error doing map page?
+ jnz Emm_Fatal_Map ;; Yes, fatal
+ mov AX,BX ;; restore AX
+ mov BX,SS:PageFrame ;; Get current page frame
+ shl AL,1 ;; Convert to offset
+ shl AL,1
+ add BH,AL ;; and add to page frame
+ pop AX
+ jmp _MMUPageRet
+ jmp Emm_Fatal_Error
+_MMUPage endp
+;; Alternate Entry points
+;; Return Paragraph address of page number
+_%MMU proc far ;; Entry from PROGX segment
+ push AX
+ call _MMU
+ pop AX
+ ret
+_%MMU endp
+;; Load Emm Page 0 - Called from garbage compactor
+_%MMU0 proc far ;; Entry from PROGX segment
+ push AX
+ mov SS:EmmPageNum,0
+ call _MMUPAGE
+ pop AX
+ ret
+_%MMU0 endp
+;; Load Emm Page 1 - Called from garbage compactor
+_%MMU1 proc far ;; Entry from PROGX segment
+ push AX
+ mov SS:EmmPageNum,1
+ call _MMUPAGE
+ pop AX
+ ret
+_%MMU1 endp
+;; Load Code Block into Emm Page 3 - Entry from PROG segment
+_MMUCB proc near
+ mov SS:EmmPageNum,3
+ jmp _MMUPage
+_MMUCB endp
+; *
+; W A R N I N G *
+; Any above references to data normally addressed by the data segment *
+; register should be prefixed with SS: (segment override) because the *
+; DS register may not contain the address of the current data segment. *
+; *
+;; Get page base address without forcing a page fault.
+;; For debugging purposes only (SDUMP.C)....
+;; On exit, carry set if page is swapped out, else it's clear (used by XLI).
+getbase proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ push BX
+ mov BX,word ptr [BP+4]
+ cmp BL,SS:FirstEmmPage
+ jae gc_00
+ mov AX,word ptr [BX+SS:pagetabl] ;; Get paragraph address
+ clc
+ jmp gb_quit
+ mov AX,2
+ cmp BL,SS:EmmPage0
+ je gb_5
+ dec AX
+ cmp BL,SS:EmmPage1
+ je gb_5
+ dec AX
+ cmp BL,SS:EmmPage2
+ je gb_5
+ dec AX
+ cmp BL,SS:CodeIn
+ stc
+ jne gb_quit
+ mov AX,3
+ shl AL,1
+ shl AL,1
+ or AL,byte ptr [SS:PageFrame+1]
+ xchg AL,AH
+ clc
+ pop BX
+ pop BP
+ ret
+getbase endp
+;; exppage()
+;; This routine returns the first emm page number
+ public exppage
+exppage proc near
+ xor AH,AH
+ mov AL,FirstEmmPage
+ shr AL,1
+ ret
+exppage endp
+;; gcclean()
+;; This routine must be called after garbage collection and
+;; compaction to clean up the pagetabl and EmmPage table.
+gcclean proc near
+ mov byte ptr EmmPageNum,0 ;; Reset EmmPage indicator
+ mov word ptr EmmPage,0
+ mov byte ptr EmmPage2,0
+ ret
+gcclean endp
+;; InitMem()
+;; Check to see if expanded memory manager is present and set up
+;; the memory tables. Return the total number of pages (excluding
+;; the dedicated ones) we've been able to allocate.
+Lcl_DS_Save dw data ;; Local copy of data segment
+InitMem proc near
+ mov BX,DS
+ mov CS:Lcl_DS_Save,DS ;; Save DS for manager above
+ mov ES,BX ;; Ensure ES = DS
+;; Convert offset within pagetabl[0] into paragraph address
+ mov DI,offset pagetabl
+ mov AX,word ptr [DI]
+ mov CX,4
+ shr AX,CL
+ add AX,BX
+ mov word ptr [DI],AX
+;; Same for pagetabl[4] through pagetabl[8]
+ mov DX,5
+ mov DI,offset pagetabl[8]
+ mov AX,word ptr [DI]
+ shr AX,CL
+ add AX,BX
+ mov word ptr [DI],AX
+ add DI,2
+ dec DX
+ jnz EmmP$0
+;; Compute first page paragraph address
+;; (In the process, allocate all the memory that DOS will give us.)
+ mov BX,0FFFFh ;; first ask for too much
+ mov AH,048h
+ int DOS ;; DOS gets an error, but tells us
+ ;; in BX how much we CAN get
+ mov AH,048h
+ int DOS ;; reissue allocation request
+ mov first_dos,AX ;; save address for returning it to DOS
+ add AX,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) - 1 ;; Move to page boundary
+ and AX,not ((MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) - 1)
+ mov first_pa,AX ;; first page paragraph address
+;; Initialize page management table with pages available in real memory
+ mov DX,nextpage
+ mov freepage,DX ;; freepage = nextpage
+ mov DI,_paras ;; Get maximum number of paragraphs
+ sub DI,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) ;; Get address of last paragraph
+ xor CX,CX ;; Keep number of pages in CX
+ cmp DI,AX ;; Did we reach it
+ jb EmmP$2 ;; Yes...no more
+ cmp DX,NUMPAGES ;; See if we have filled the table
+ jae EmmP$2
+ mov BX,DX
+ shl BX,1
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagetabl],AX
+ and word ptr [BX+attrib],not NOMEMORY
+ inc DX
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagelink],DX
+ mov word ptr [BX+nextcell],0
+ inc CX ;; page_count++
+ add AX,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4)
+ jmp EmmP$1
+ push CX ;; Save # real memory pages
+ shl DX,1
+ mov FirstEmmPage,DL ;; Save first exp mem page number
+ mov AH,35H ;; Get Interrupt Vector
+ mov AL,67H ;; "Vector"
+ int 21H
+ mov DI,000AH ;; ES:DI points to device name field
+ lea SI,EmmDeviceName ;; DS:SI points to device name
+ mov CX,8
+ cld
+ repe CMPSB ;; Compare the two strings
+ je EmmPres ;; Jump if EMM present
+ mov ES,CS:Lcl_DS_Save ;; Restore ES
+ xor BX,BX ;; No EMM pages available
+ jmp EmmP$2A ;; Skip talking to Emm Manager
+ mov ES,CS:Lcl_DS_Save ;; Restore ES
+ mov AH,EMM_FrameAddr ;; Get Page Frame Address
+ int EMM_DSR
+ or AH,AH
+ jnz Emm_Fatal_Error
+ mov PageFrame,BX ;; Save page frame address
+ mov AH,EMM_PageCount ;; Get Unallocated Pages Count
+ int EMM_DSR ;; (returned in BX)
+ or AH,AH
+ jnz EMM_Fatal_Error
+ cmp BX,0 ;; Are there any pages available?
+ je EmmP$2B ;; No, jump
+ mov EmmAvail,1 ;; Yes, note pages available
+ mov AX,BX ;; Number exp mem pages available
+ xor DX,DX
+ mov DL,FirstEmmPage ;; Restore first exp mem page
+ shr DX,1 ;; Convert to number
+ xor CX,CX ;; Page count
+;; Why was this here? mov SI,PageFrame
+ cmp CX,AX ;; Last expanded memory page?
+ je EmmP$4 ;; Yes...no more
+ cmp DX,NUMPAGES ;; Filled the table?
+ jae EmmP$4 ;; Yes...no more
+ mov BX,DX
+ shl BX,1
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagetabl],0
+ and word ptr [BX+attrib],not NOMEMORY
+ inc DX
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagelink],DX
+ mov word ptr [BX+nextcell],0
+ inc CX
+ jmp EmmP$3
+ mov nextpage,DX ;; nextpage = lastpage
+ mov lastpage,DX ;;
+ jcxz EmmP$Ret ;; Return if no pages allocated
+ mov AH,EMM_Allocate ;; Allocate Pages
+ mov BX,CX ;; Number of pages
+ int EMM_DSR
+ or AH,AH
+ jnz Emm_Fatal_Error
+ mov emm_handle,DX ;; Save Handle returned
+ mov AX,CX ;; Get extended memory count
+ pop CX ;; Retrieve real memory count
+ add AX,CX ;; and return combination
+ ret
+ mov BX,DS ;; Lattice needs ES=DS
+ mov ES,BX
+ and AH,0Fh ;; isolate low order nibble of error
+ add AH,'0' ;; convert to ascii
+ cmp AH,'9' ;; is it 0-9?
+ jbe Emm_Fat01 ;; yes, jump
+ add AH,'A'-'9'-1 ;; add fudge factor for A-F
+ mov byte ptr ss:p_errnum,AH ;; Set error indicator
+ lea BX,ss:m_ems_er ;; Fatal Error Message
+ push BX
+ C_call print_an
+InitMem endp
+;; rlsexp - Release Expanded Memory Pages
+rlsexp proc near
+ cmp EmmAvail,0 ;; Emm being used?
+ je rlsret ;; No, Return
+ mov AH,EMM_Dealloc ;; Yes, Deallocate pages
+ mov DX,EMM_Handle
+ int EMM_DSR
+ ret
+rlsexp endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extsmmu.asm b/extsmmu.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dd8737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extsmmu.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+ name SMMU
+ title Scheme Memory Management Utilities
+ page 62,132
+; =====> SMMU.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme '84 Memory Management Utilities *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985, 1987 by Texas Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Author: Herman Schuurman *
+;* Date written: 26 August 1985 *
+;* Last change: 17 September 1985 *
+;* History: *
+;* rb 4/ 5/87 "getbase" returns in carry flag a page's *
+;* swap state *
+ .286c ;; Utilize the expanded 80286 instruction set
+ include pcmake.equ
+ include schemed.equ
+ include schemed.ref
+ include schemed.mac
+DOS equ 021h
+ExtAlloc equ 99 ;; # extended mem pages to allocate initially
+ ;; (99 effectively removes barrier)
+DGROUP group data
+PGROUP group prog
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume ds:DGROUP
+ extrn page0:byte, page4:byte, page5:byte, page6:byte
+ extrn page7:byte, page8:byte
+ extrn _top:word, _paras:word,first_pa:word,first_dos:word
+;; Age table
+agetable label word
+ dw NUMPAGES dup (0)
+AllocPag dw 0 ;; Allocated number of pages
+;; The following EQUates give the special bits within the page table,
+;; mainly used for the CLOCK algorithm. Note that these equates are
+;; also defined in SBIGEXT.C if modified.
+SWAPPED equ 00000001b ;; Page is currently in extended memory
+FIXED equ 10000000b ;; Fixed in memory (long pages)
+PageBuf dw SWAPPED ;; Current available swap page (default 0)
+ public VMCycle
+VMCycle dw 0 ;; Current VM cycle (modulo 65536)
+;; public FAULTS
+;;FAULTS dw 0 ;; Number of page faults
+ public GC_ING
+GC_ING dw 0 ;; Indicate whether garbage collecting
+m_lck_er db "[VM FATAL ERROR] Memory lock error - no page to swap",0Ah,0
+m_pag_er db "[VM FATAL ERROR] Memory paging error number "
+p_errnum db 30h
+ db 0Ah,0
+;; Extended memory support structures....
+DESC struc ;; Data segment descriptor
+DESCLimit dw MIN_PAGESIZE ;; Segment limit (length)
+DESCBaseL db 0 ;; Physical address - bits 7..0
+DESCBaseM dw 0 ;; Physical address - bits 23..8
+ db 0 ;; Access rights byte
+ dw 0 ;; Intel reserved....
+DESC ends
+;; The GDT passed to INT 15h function 87h, is organized as follows :
+;; .-----------.
+;; V |
+;; [ES:SI] --> +00 .---------------. |
+;; | Dummy | |
+;; +08 |---------------| |
+;; | GDT Loc |---'
+;; +10 |---------------|
+;; | Source GDT |
+;; +18 |---------------|
+;; | Target GDT |
+;; +20 |---------------|
+;; | BIOS code seg |
+;; +28 |---------------|
+;; | Stack segment |
+;; `---------------'
+GDT label byte ;; Begin of global descriptor table
+ DESC <> ;; Dummy descriptor
+ DESC <> ;; GDT descriptor
+Source DESC <,,,93h,> ;; Source area descriptor
+Target DESC <,,,93h,> ;; Target area descriptor
+ DESC <> ;; BIOS code segment descriptor
+ DESC <> ;; Stack segment descriptor
+data ends
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume cs:PGROUP
+ public _MMU,_%MMU
+;; The following are here so link edit won't find urevolved refs
+ public _%MMU0,_%MMU1,_MMUCB
+ public getbase
+ public InitMem
+ extrn print_an:near ;; print_and_exit (truncated to 8 chars)
+;; _MMU - Get page indicated on stack into real memory,
+;; and return the paragraph address of it on the stack...
+Lcl_DS_Save dw data ;; Saved Data Segment
+_%MMU proc far ;; Entry from PROGX segment
+ push AX
+ call _MMU
+ pop AX
+ ret
+_%MMU endp
+_MMU proc near ;; Normal Entry from PROG segment
+ push BP ;; Make stack accessable
+ mov BP,SP
+ push DS ;; Save Caller's DS
+ mov DS,CS:Lcl_DS_Save ;; and make our's available
+ push AX
+ push BX
+ mov BX,word ptr [bp+4] ;; Get pagetabl offset
+ mov AX,word ptr pagetabl+[BX] ;; Get (new) table indicator
+ cmp BX,PreAlloc*2 ;; If one of dedicated pages
+ jb M_RetPage ;; then jump
+ test byte ptr [pagetabl+BX],SWAPPED ;; If in extended memory
+ jne M_Swap ;; then go swap it in
+;; Update age and return para address
+ inc VMCycle ;; Time stamp
+ jnz M_Ret01 ;; On overflow
+ call PgSweep ;; Go sweep entire pagetabl
+ mov AX,VMCycle ;; Get time stamp
+ mov word ptr agetable+[BX],AX ;; Place in ageing table
+ mov AX,word ptr pagetabl+[BX] ;; Get paragraph address
+ xor AL,AL
+ mov word ptr [BP+4],AX ;; Set return value
+ pop BX
+ pop AX
+ pop DS
+ pop BP
+ ret
+;; Retrieve page from extended memory
+ pusha ;; Save all registers
+ push ES ;; including ES
+ push AX ;; Save page number on stack
+ push BX ;; Save the page table entry
+ call FndPage ;; Find a page for swapping
+ pop DI ;; Retrieve final destination
+ mov AX,PageBuf ;; Set swapped page address
+ xchg pagetabl+[BX],AX ;; Get the current page contents
+ xor AL,AL ;; Remove attribute bits
+ mov pagetabl+[DI],AX
+ mov BX,PageBuf ;; Get the page buffer address
+ shr BX,2 ;; Adjust the page base address
+ add BH,10h ;; and raise above 1MByte
+ shr AX,4 ;; Create a correct address
+ push AX ;; Save source as next destination
+ call MovePage ;; Swap old page out
+ pop BX ;; Set next destination
+ pop AX ;; and old source
+ mov PageBuf,AX ;; Set new swap page
+ shr AX,2
+ add AH,10h
+ call MovePage ;; Swap new page in
+ pop ES ;; Restore all registers
+ popa ;; including ES
+;; inc FAULTS ;; update page fault count
+ jmp M_Ret
+_MMU endp
+;; PgSweep - page table clocked sweep routine.
+;; This routine cleans up the current page table after a full
+;; reference cycle (253 counts).
+ public PgSweep
+PgSweep proc near
+ push AX
+ push BX
+ push CX
+ mov BX,offset agetable[PreAlloc*2] ;; Don't bother with the
+ mov CX,AllocPag ;; dedicated pages in the table
+ xor AX,AX ;; Clear AX register
+ mov AL,byte ptr [BX+1] ;; Get the current high byte
+ mov word ptr [BX],AX
+ add BX,2
+ loop PgSwp$0 ;; Continue with next sweep
+ mov VMCycle,100h ;; Set next cycle
+ pop CX
+ pop BX
+ pop AX
+ ret
+PgSweep endp
+;; FndPage - Find a swappable page in the page table.
+;; This routine scans the page table (non-dedicated pages only),
+;; for swappable pages. The least recently used page NOT USED
+;; As an added bonus, the current code page can not be swapped
+;; either.....
+FndPage proc near
+ mov BX,cb_pag ;; Get entry into current code page
+ cmp BX,PreAlloc*2 ;; Check against permanent pages
+ jb FndPag$1 ;; Don't worry...it'll stay around
+ cmp pagetabl+[BX],FIXED ;; Check for fixed page
+ jbe FndPag$1 ;; which will stay too
+ mov AX,VMCycle ;; Set to current cycle
+ mov agetable+[BX],AX ;; Try to keep page in memory
+ mov BX,PreAlloc*2 ;; Don't bother with the
+ mov CX,AllocPag ;; dedicated pages in the table
+ xor DX,DX ;; Set initial distance
+ test byte ptr [BX+pagetabl],FIXED+SWAPPED
+ jne FndPag$3 ;; Fixed,Swapped,Noswap pages are exempt
+ mov AX,VMCycle ;; Check against current cycle
+ sub AX,agetable+[BX]
+ cmp DX,AX
+ jae FndPag$3 ;; Already found a better page
+ mov SI,BX ;; Save the page address
+ mov DX,AX ;; and its value
+ add BX,2
+ loop FndPag$2 ;; Continue with next sweep
+;; Completed the sweep..the most desirable page should
+;; be in SI now, unless DX is still 0....
+ cmp DX,0 ;; See if we found a page
+ je FndPag$4 ;; No...error
+ mov BX,SI ;; Return its number
+ ret
+ public FndPag$4
+ lea BX,m_lck_er ;; Indicate a lock error
+ push BX ;; Save the error message
+ mov AX,DS
+ mov ES,AX ;; Make sure ES is Ok...
+ C_call print_an ;; Print the message and quit
+FndPage endp
+;; Get page base address without forcing a page fault.
+;; For debugging purposes only (SDUMP.C)....
+;; On exit, set carry if page is swapped out, else clear carry (used by XLI)
+getbase proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov BX,word ptr [BP+4]
+ mov AX,word ptr [BX+pagetabl] ;; Get table indicator
+ test AX,SWAPPED ; is page swapped out?
+ jz getb_10 ; no, jump
+ stc ; page is swapped out, set carry
+ jmp short getb_20
+getb_10: clc ; page is in memory, clear carry
+getb_20: pop BP
+ ret
+getbase endp
+;; Swap page to extended memory
+ public move_pag
+move_pag proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ pusha ;; Save all registers
+ push ES ;; including ES
+ mov DI,[BP+6] ;; Extended memory page to swap
+ mov AX,word ptr pagetabl+[DI] ;; AX <= Extended memory address
+ mov BX,[BP+4] ;; Real memory page to swap
+ xchg pagetabl+[BX],AX ;; Update its pagetabl entry
+ xor AL,AL ;; AX <= para address of page to swap
+ push DI
+ push AX
+ mov BX,word ptr [BX+pagetabl] ;; Extended page address (destination)
+ shr BX,2 ;; Adjust page base address
+ add BH,10h ;; and raise above 1mb address
+ shr AX,4 ;; Real page address (source)
+ call MovePage ;; Move it
+ pop AX ;; Reload paragraph address
+ or AL,FIXED ;; Fixed attribute
+ pop DI ;; Reload page number
+ mov word ptr pagetabl+[DI],AX ;; Update pagetabl entry
+ pop ES ;; Restore all regs
+ popa ;; including ES
+ pop BP ;; restore base ptr
+ ret
+move_pag endp
+ subttl Extended memory support
+ page
+;; Extended memory I/O routine
+;; Source address is in AX, destination in BX.
+;; The high byte of each register contains the upper 8 bits of
+;; the real address (bits 16..23). The low byte contains the
+;; next 8 bits of the real address (bits 8..15)...
+MovePage proc near
+ mov SI,SS
+ mov CX,SP ; Save the original stack in SI:CX
+ cli
+ mov DX,CS
+ mov SS,DX
+ mov SP,offset PGROUP:ExtMemStack
+ sti
+ push SI
+ push CX ; Save old stack info
+ mov Source.DESCBaseM,AX
+ mov Target.DESCBaseM,BX
+ mov CX,MIN_PAGESIZE/2 ;; Reduce pagesize to word count
+ push DS
+ pop ES
+ mov SI,offset DGROUP:GDT
+ mov AH,87h ; Perform a block move
+ int 15h
+ ; kludge to fix hanging keyboard
+ mov AL,0AEh ; ensure keyboard enabled
+ out 64h,AL ; output to 8042 controller
+ pop CX
+ pop BX
+ cli
+ mov ss,BX ; Restore the original stack
+ mov sp,CX
+ sti
+ jz MovRet ; If successful, return
+ or AH,AH ; Return status non-zero?
+ jnz MovePage$1 ; Yes...error
+ ret
+;; Error detected durin paging ....as fatal as can be....
+ or p_errnum,AH ; Set error indicator
+ lea BX,m_pag_er ; Load up Error message
+ jmp FatalError ; Abort
+MovePage endp
+;; InitMem()
+;; Initialize all the memory tables correctly. Return the
+;; total number of pages (excluding the dedicated ones) we've
+;; been able to allocate.
+InitMem proc near
+ mov BX,DS
+ mov CS:Lcl_DS_Save,BX ;; Save DS for manager above
+ mov ES,BX ;; Ensure ES = DS
+;; Convert offset within pagetabl[0] into paragraph address
+ mov DI,offset pagetabl
+ mov AX,word ptr [DI]
+ mov CX,4
+ shr AX,CL
+ add AX,BX
+ mov word ptr [DI],AX
+;; Same for pagetabl[4] through pagetabl[8]
+ mov DX,5
+ mov DI,offset pagetabl[8]
+ mov AX,word ptr [DI]
+ shr AX,CL
+ add AX,BX
+ mov word ptr [DI],AX
+ add DI,2
+ dec DX
+ jnz EmmP$0
+;; Compute first page paragraph address
+;; (In the process, allocate all the memory that DOS will give us.)
+ mov BX,0FFFFh ;; first ask for too much
+ mov AH,048h
+ int DOS ;; DOS gets an error, but tells us
+ ;; in BX how much we CAN get
+ mov AH,048h
+ int DOS ;; reissue allocation request
+ mov first_dos,AX ;; save address for returning it to DOS
+ add AX,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) - 1 ;; Move to page boundary
+ and AX,not ((MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) - 1)
+ mov first_pa,AX ;; first page paragraph address
+;; Initialize page management table with pages available in real memory
+ mov DX,nextpage
+ mov freepage,DX ;; freepage = nextpage
+ mov DI,_paras ;; Get maximum number of paragraphs
+ sub DI,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) ;; Get address of last paragraph
+ xor CX,CX ;; Keep number of pages in CX
+ cmp DI,AX ;; Did we reach it
+ jb InitM$2 ;; Yes...no more
+ cmp DX,NUMPAGES ;; See if we have filled the table
+ jae InitM$2
+ mov BX,DX
+ shl BX,1
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagetabl],AX
+ and word ptr [BX+attrib],not NOMEMORY
+ inc DX
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagelink],DX
+ mov word ptr [BX+nextcell],0
+ inc CX ;; page_count++
+ add AX,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4)
+ jmp InitM$1
+;; At this time, DX <= next avail page number, CX <= current page count
+;; Now Lets see if this is a 286 machine
+ mov nextpage,DX ;; Save next available page
+ xor AX,AX
+ mov BX,PC_MAKE ;; Get pc type
+ cmp BX,1 ;; Is it TIPC?
+ jne InitM$20 ;; No, go check for 286/386
+ push DS ;; Yes,lets check for a Bus Pro
+ mov DS,AX ;; DS <= 0 for addressing low mem
+ mov BX,DS:word ptr [01A2h] ;; Checkout vector 68 bytes 2 & 3
+ pop DS
+ add BL,BH
+ cmp BL,0F0h ;; If AL==F0 then TIPC=Business Pro
+ je InitM$21
+ jne InitM$Ret
+ cmp BX,IBMAT ;; Is it IBM AT?
+ ;; (includes XT/286, PS/2-50,-60)
+ je InitM$21 ;; yes, jump
+ cmp BX,IBM80 ;; Is it IBM PS/2 Model 80?
+ jne InitM$Ret ;; no, jump
+;; Fill out rest of page table with extended memory pages. Only allocate
+;; the first 512kb of extended memory; the rest is allocated but marked
+;; marked as unallocated in the page tables (ie, ATTRIB and PAGELINK). This
+;; will force the memory allocation to work (at least initially) in real
+;; memory and the first 512k of extended memory until an "out of memory".
+;; At that time, NEXTPAGE will be updated, and some more pages in extended
+;; memory will then be marked as allocated (ie, ATTRIB and PAGELINK). This
+;; scenario will be repeated until all of extended memory is actually used.
+;; The upper limit will be help in LASTPAGE. Also see out_of_memory in
+;; This should help performance for those applications which generate a
+;; lot of garbage, but don't have to use the full extent of the extended
+;; memory.
+ push CX ;; Save current count
+ mov AH,88h ;; Get number of contiguous 1k
+ int 15h ;; blocks starting at 1MByte
+ add ax,((MIN_PAGESIZE shr 10) - 1)
+ and ax,not ((MIN_PAGESIZE shr 10) - 1)
+ xor DX,DX
+ mov CX,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 10);; Number 1K blocks per page
+ idiv CX ;; Reduce to # of pages
+ mov DX,nextpage ;; Retrieve next available page number
+ mov CX,0101h ;; Count the extended pages
+ xor DI,DI
+ dec AX ;; Check for last extended memory page
+ jle InitM$4 ;; Yes...no more
+ cmp DX,NUMPAGES ;; See if we have filled the table
+ jae InitM$4
+ mov BX,DX ;; DX = page number
+ shl BX,1 ;; BX = page table offset
+ inc DX ;; DX = next page number
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagetabl],CX ;; Page's address
+ mov word ptr [BX+nextcell],0 ;; Nextcell in page = 0
+ cmp CH,ExtAlloc ;; 512kb allocated?
+ jb InitM$33 ;; below, mark as allocated
+ ja InitM$35 ;; above, skip allocation
+ mov DI,DX ;; equal, EXT MEM LIMIT
+ and word ptr [BX+attrib],not NOMEMORY
+ mov word ptr [BX+pagelink],DX ;; No, update pagelink info
+ inc CH ;; Next extended memory page
+ jmp InitM$3 ;; Go allocate next page
+;; At this time, DX <= last page number, CH <= # extended memory pages
+ mov lastpage,DX ; last page number
+ mov nextpage,DX ; default nextpage to lastpage
+ or DI,DI ; Did we get our extended mem limit?
+ jz InitM$45 ; no, lastpage=nextpage, jump
+ mov nextpage,DI ; yes, lets use that limit
+ xor AH,AH
+ mov AL,CH ; Get extended memory count
+ dec AX ; Don't count the swapping page
+ pop CX ; Retrieve real memory count
+ add AX,CX ; Total Page count
+ mov AllocPag,AX ; Save allocated pages for later
+ ret
+InitMem endp
+;; Temporary stack during extended memory operations...
+ db 10 dup ("ExtStack")
+ExtMemStack label word ;; Extended memory support stack
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/flo2hex.asm b/flo2hex.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a110f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flo2hex.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ name flo2hex
+ title Convert Floating Point Number to Hex Ascii
+ page 62,132
+; =====> FLO2HEX.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1987 by Texas Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Author: Terry Caudill *
+;* Date written: 10 March 1987 *
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+hexbuf db 030h,031h,032h,033h,034h,035h,036h,037h,038h,039h
+ db 041h,042h,043h,044h,045h,046h
+data ends
+PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
+;* *
+;* Routine Name: FLO2HEX *
+;* *
+;* Description: FLO2HEX is a %escape routine provided for PC+ and *
+;* is used to return the Hex Ascii value of a floating *
+;* point number when outputting kb's in fsl format. *
+;* *
+;* Calling Sequence: (FLO2HEX float string #words) *
+;* where: float = the floating point number *
+;* string = a return string to place result *
+;* #words = size of the float to be converted *
+;* will be 4 for floating point *
+;* *
+;* Note: Actually, this routine can be called with integers, etc. *
+;* *
+INARGS struc
+FRETN DD ? ; Far return to 'prog' segment
+NRETN DW ? ; Return from flo2hex
+%flo2hex proc far
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov si,[bp]._FLOAT ; floating point value
+ mov di,[bp]._STRING ; string for result
+ mov dx,[bp]._WORDS ; #words to convert
+ mov bx,offset hexbuf
+ mov cl,4 ; shift count
+ cld
+ lodsw ; get word to convert
+ push ax ; save word
+ shr ax,cl ; work on high byte
+ shr ax,cl
+ call cvthex ; convert lower byte
+ stosw ; store into string
+ pop ax ; restore word
+ xor ah,ah ; now work lower byte
+ call cvthex ; convert it
+ stosw ; store into string
+ dec dx ; any more words?
+ jne movdigits ; yes, jump
+ xor al,al ; 0 terminate the string
+ stosb
+ mov ax,[bp]._STRING ; return string
+ pop BP
+ ret ; return to caller.
+%flo2hex endp
+cvthex proc near
+ shl ax,cl ; seperate digits
+ shr al,cl ; work on lower nibble
+ xlat ; convert to hex
+ xchg ah,al ; work on upper nibble
+ xlat ; convert to hex
+ ret ; return with hex ascii value
+cvthex endp
+PROGX ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+ public flo2hex
+flo2hex proc near
+ call %flo2hex
+ ret
+flo2hex endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/get_path.asm b/get_path.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f3cade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get_path.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+; =====> GET_PATH.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
+;* Get PATH= String From Environment *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 8 July 1985 *
+;* Last Modification: 6 November 1985 *
+ include scheme.equ
+DGROUP group data
+PGROUP group prog
+MSDOS equ 021h
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+ extrn _psp:dword
+path_ db "PATH="
+path_1 equ $
+ret_sav1 dw 0 ; return address save area
+ret_sav2 dw 0 ; return address save area
+data ends
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+;* Far Linkage to "getmem" Routine *
+%getmem proc far
+ pop ret_sav1 ; save far return address
+ pop ret_sav2
+ push DS ; update ES to point to the current
+ pop ES ; data segment
+ extrn getmem:near
+ call getmem ; allocate memory
+ push ret_sav2 ; push the far return address back
+ push ret_sav1 ; on the TIPC's stack
+ ret ; return
+%getmem endp
+prog ends
+PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
+ assume CS:XGROUP
+;* Get PATH= String From Environment *
+get_args struc
+get_base dw ? ; paragraph address of environment
+get_strt dw ? ; starting offset of string
+get_len dw ? ; length of PATH= string + 1
+str_end dw ? ; ending offset of directory pathname
+indx_sav dw ? ; PATH= index save area
+buffer db 128 dup (?) ; local character buffer
+get_BP dw ? ; caller's BP register
+ dw ? ; callle's DS register
+ dw ? ; caller's ES register
+ dd ? ; return address (far call)
+ dw ? ; return address (near call)
+filespec dw ? ; file specification (ASCIZ string pointer)
+get_args ends
+%getpath proc far
+ push ES ; save the caller's ES register
+ push DS ; save the caller's DS register
+ push BP ; save the caller's BP register
+ sub SP,offset get_BP ; allocate local storage
+ mov BP,SP ; establish local addressability
+; Test to see if file is in the default directory
+ mov DX,[BP].filespec ; load pointer to the filespec
+ xor CX,CX ; zero the search attributes
+ mov AH,04Eh ; load the function code (Find File)
+ int MSDOS ; service call
+ jc not_curr ; if not in default directory, jump
+ mov AH,19h ; else get current pathname
+ int MSDOS ; Get current disk drive
+ inc AL ; adjust for further calls
+ mov AH,AL ; make an upper case letter out of it
+ add AH,40h ; 40h => '@', 41h => 'A', etc
+ mov byte ptr [BP].buffer,AH ; Put drive letter into pathname
+ mov byte ptr [BP].buffer+1,':'
+ mov byte ptr [BP].buffer+2,'\'
+ lea SI,[BP].buffer+3 ; offset just below E:\ or similar
+ mov DL,AL ; drive letter
+ mov AH,47h ; Get current directory path
+ int MSDOS
+ mov DI,SI ; SI shouldn't have changed
+ mov CX,64 ; max length of pathname
+ xor AL,AL ; search for a NUL char
+ repne scasb ; Find end of string DS:[DI]
+ mov [BP].str_end,DI ; copy offset of end of pathname
+ jmp foundit ; return directory name to caller in a string
+; Load a pointer to the current environment (offset 02C in PSP)
+not_curr: mov ES,word ptr _psp+2
+ mov ES,ES:02Ch
+ mov [BP].get_base,ES ; save paragraph address of environment
+ xor DI,DI ; initialize environment offset to zero
+; Test for end of environment
+get_plop: cmp byte ptr ES:[DI],0 ; last entry in environment?
+ je error ; if so, PATH= not found
+ mov SI,offset path_ ; load address of comparison string
+ mov CX,path_1-path_ ; and length of same
+repe cmps path_,ES:[DI] ; does this entry begin "PATH="?
+ je found ; if so, found it! (jump)
+ xor AX,AX ; clear AX for search
+ mov CX,-1 ; set CX for maximum length
+repne scas byte ptr ES:[DI] ; find \0 which terminates string
+ jmp get_plop ; loop
+; PATH= found!-- begin searching its directories
+found: mov SI,DI ; copy address of PATH= string
+next_one: lea DI,[BP].buffer ; load address of output buffer
+ mov DX,DS ; save current DS value in DX
+ mov ES,DX ; ES <- current data segment
+ mov DS,[BP].get_base ; DS <- environment object base
+ lodsb ; load 1st char from path directory string
+ cmp AL,0 ; end of PATH list?
+ je error ; if so we didn't find filespec in path
+here: cmp AL,';' ; semicolon?
+ je end_semi ; if semicolon, jump
+ cmp AL,0 ; zero? (superfluous test 1st time in loop)
+ je end_0 ; if zero, jump
+ stosb ; store character into output buffer
+ lodsb ; load next char from PATH string
+ jmp short here ; loop 'til end of string
+; Error-- PATH= not found, getmem failed, or filespec not found
+error: xor AX,AX ; prepare to return a null pointer
+ jmp short get_ret ; return
+; Directory path copied-- append filespec to directory pathname
+end_0: dec SI ; back up pointer for end of string condition
+end_semi: mov [BP].str_end,DI ; save ending offset of directory pathname
+ mov DS,DX ; reset DS to point to data segment
+ mov AL,'\'
+ cmp AL,[DI]-1
+ je b_slash
+ stosb
+b_slash: mov [BP].indx_sav,SI ; save pointer to next character in PATH=
+ mov SI,[BP].filespec ; load address of input filespec
+fs_loop: lodsb ; load next character in filespec
+ stosb ; and move it to the output buffer
+ cmp AL,0 ; end of string?
+ jne fs_loop ; if not end of string, loop (jump)
+; Search directory for file
+ lea DX,[BP].buffer ; load address of the complete file
+ mov AH,04Eh ; load function code
+ int MSDOS ; search for the file
+ jnc foundit ; if file found, jump
+; File not found-- search next directory
+ mov SI,[BP].indx_sav ; load offset of next character in PATH=
+ jmp next_one ; search next directory
+; File found in this directory-- return directory name in string
+foundit: mov DI,[BP].str_end ; load ending offset of directory path
+ xor AX,AX ; put a zero end-of-string terminator
+ stosb ; at end of directory path
+ lea BX,[BP].buffer ; load beginning offset of buffer
+ sub DI,BX ; compute string length + 1
+ push DI ; and push as argument to getmem
+ call %getmem ; allocate a string
+ cmp AX,0 ; getmem successful?
+ je error ; if getmem failed, error (jump)
+ pop CX ; reload string length
+ mov DX,DS ; ES <- current data segment
+ mov ES,DX
+ mov DI,AX ; DI <- address of newly allocated string
+ lea SI,[BP].buffer ; SI <- address of local buffer
+rep movsb ; copy string from local buffer
+; Return to calling program
+get_ret: mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off TIPC's stack
+ add SP,offset get_BP ; deallocate local storage
+ pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ pop DS ; restore caller's DS
+ pop ES ; restore caller's ES
+ ret ; return
+%getpath endp
+PROGX ends
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+;* Linkage to %getpath *
+ public get_path
+get_path proc near
+ call %getpath
+ ret
+get_path endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glue.asm b/glue.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa522e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glue.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ page 84,120
+dgroup group data
+pgroup group prog
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+data ends
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume cs:pgroup,ds:dgroup
+ extrn _psp:word,_tsize:word
+ extrn xwait:dword,xbye:dword
+ public xli_wait,xli_bye
+xli_wait proc near
+ push _psp+2
+ push _tsize
+ call dword ptr [xwait]
+ pop ax
+ pop ax
+ ret
+xli_wait endp
+xli_bye proc near
+ call dword ptr [xbye]
+xli_bye endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphcmd.asm b/graphcmd.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c65286d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphcmd.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1992 @@
+ name graphics
+ title PC Scheme Graphics
+ page 60,132
+; TITLE: PC Scheme Graphics
+; AUTHOR: Medford W. Haddock II (Rusty)
+; DATE: October 20, 1983
+; COMPUTER: Texas Instruments Professional Computer with 3-plane graphics
+; IBM PC with Color, Enhanced, or Professional Graphics Adapters
+; ABSTRACT: These routines are designed to interface between PC Scheme
+; and the color graphics board for both the IBM and TI PCs.
+; REVISIONS: ds - 9/25/86 - added support for the IBM EGA modes 14 and 16
+; rb 11/7/86 - added point, line, box clipping (both TI and IBM)
+; rb 11/24/86 - fix line drawn from p1 to p2 not same as
+; line drawn from p2 to p1
+; mrm 4/15/87 - modified set-mode! to run w/o screen flicker
+; modified set-palette! to save EGA colors
+; rb 6/13/87 - use CR for EGA mode 16 for illegal mode values
+ include pcmake.equ
+ page
+; The "intersect" macro. in: none
+; out: AX=intersect value
+; destroys: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI
+; usage: intersect L,y2,x2,x1,y1 (be careful of the funny ordering)
+; Given a line that crosses a clipping edge, determine the point of
+; intersection: one of the coordinates is that of the clipping edge,
+; and this macro calculates the other coordinate.
+; The equation pattern is: new-y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (L - x1) / (x2 - x1).
+intersect macro L,y2,x2,x1,y1
+ mov AX,L
+ mov BX,y2
+ mov CX,x2
+ mov DX,x1
+ mov SI,y1
+ sub BX,SI ;; y2 - y1
+ sub CX,DX ;; x2 - x1
+ sub AX,DX ;; L - x1
+ imul BX ;; (y2 - y1) * (L - x1) = q
+ idiv CX ;; q / (x2 - x1)
+ add AX,SI ;; y1 + q / (x2 - x1)
+ endm
+; The "overlap" macro. in: none
+; out: none (look at Z flag)
+; destroys AX,BX,CX
+; usage: overlap contained,disjoint
+; Compares the two rectangles:
+; (Curr_X,Curr_Y) - (Stop_X,Stop_Y) and
+; (Clip_left,Clip-top) - (Clip_right,Clip-bottom)
+; and returns status on their intersection.
+; If the Curr/Stop rectangle is totally contained in the clipping rectangle,
+; jump to label "contained" with the Z flag on. If they are disjoint, jump
+; to label "disjoint" with the Z flag off. Otherwise, they intersect, so
+; fall through. Both jumps are short relative jumps.
+overlap macro contained,disjoint
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call Encode_XY
+ mov CH,CL
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ call Encode_XY
+ cmp CX,0
+ jz contained ;;jump if Curr/Stop totally contained in CR
+ test CH,CL
+ jnz disjoint ;;jump if they're disjoint
+ endm
+ page
+TI_CRT equ 49h
+IBM_CRT equ 10h
+DOS_FUN equ 21h
+ page
+DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+ public VID_MODE
+ extrn PC_MAKE:word
+ extrn char_hgt:word
+; Some TIPC system constants.
+X_MAX equ 720 ; Horizontal resolution
+Y_MAX equ 300 ; Vertical resolution
+Num_Colors equ 8 ; Number of colors displayable by TIPC
+Bytes_per_Line equ 92 ; (720-displayed + extra word)/ 8-bits/byte
+; These are the default values of the palette & misc. output latches.
+DEF_RED equ 0AAh
+DEF_GRN equ 0CCh
+DEF_BLU equ 0F0h
+TEXT_ON equ 040h ; This value is needed for bit-twiddling
+TEXT_OFF equ 00h
+YES_GRPH equ 0FFh
+NO_GRAPH equ 00h
+TRUE equ 0FFh
+FALSE equ 00h
+; Local variable storage.
+Curr_X dw ? ; Current x-coordinate
+Curr_Y dw ? ; Current y-coordinate
+Stop_X dw ? ; Second endpoint x-coordinate for drawing
+Stop_Y dw ? ; Second endpoint y-coordinate for drawing
+clip_left dw ? ; Clipping rectangle (in screen coordinates)
+clip_top dw ?
+clip_right dw ?
+clip_bottom dw ?
+px dw ? ; Points to the independent variable
+py dw ? ; Points to the dependent variable
+Delta_X dw ? ; = Stop_X - Start_X
+Delta_Y dw ? ; = Stop_Y - Start_Y
+X_Dir dw ? ; -1,0,+1 : step of independent variable
+Y_Dir dw ? ; -1,0,+1 : step of dependent variable
+Xend dw ? ; End value of independent variable
+Incr1 dw ? ; Step for using pnt below desired value
+Incr2 dw ? ; Step for using pnt above desired value
+GRAFIX_ON dw YES_GRPH ; TI Graphics are initially enabled
+VID_MODE dw 3 ; Current video mode for TI (text & grafx on)
+Box_Hite dw ? ; Box is this number of pixels high
+Box_Width dw ? ; Number of bytes the box's width occupies
+Left_Offset dw ? ; Byte offset into graphx planes of upper left box
+Left_End dw ? ; Bit pattern of left end of solid box
+Left_Side dw ? ; Bit pattern of left side of hollow box
+Right_End dw ? ; Bit pattern of right end of solid box
+Right_Side dw ? ; Bit pattern of right side of hollow box
+Fill_Fig db ? ; True if box is to be filled
+func db ? ; EGA function 0 or 18h
+f_code db 7 ; and or xor function
+st_word dw ? ; start sceen offset
+st_bit dw ? ; start bit offset
+ed_word dw ? ; ending word offset
+ed_bit dw ? ; ending bit offset
+w_p_row dw 40 ; # of words per row
+b_p_wrds db 16 ; 16 bits per word
+two dw 2 ; two
+pix_c dw ? ; pixel color
+gra_ram dw 0a000h ; EGA graphics ram address
+y_val dw ?
+; Local constants storage.
+X_Resolution dw X_MAX
+Y_Resolution dw Y_MAX
+Bits_per_Byte dw 8
+Color_Cycle db 8
+; Stored here will be the current values for the latches should
+; the (ab)user decide to change them later with (set-palette!).
+RED_Latch db DEF_RED
+GRN_Latch db DEF_GRN
+BLU_Latch db DEF_BLU
+; A table of zeroes for clearing the palettes before a mode change on
+; the EGA.
+; A table of current values for the EGA colors. The table will be
+; modified by each set-palette! command for the EGA. These values
+; will be used to restore the colors after a mode change on the EGA.
+clear_pal db 17 dup(0)
+save_pal db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,38h,39h,3ah,3bh,3ch,3dh,3eh,3fh,0
+; These are the segments for the three graphics bit-planes
+; in the TIPC color graphics board. The order below is
+; important - see XPCINIT
+Bank_A dw 0C000h
+Bank_B dw 0C800h
+Bank_C dw 0D000h
+Misc_Latch dw 0DF82h
+; These are the segments of the Red, Green, Blue palette latches.
+RED_Palette dw 0DF01h
+GRN_Palette dw 0DF02h
+BLU_Palette dw 0DF03h
+; Color to palette bits translation
+Palette_Trans label byte
+ db 00000001b
+ db 00000010b
+ db 00010000b
+ db 00100000b
+ db 00000100b
+ db 00001000b
+ db 01000000b
+ db 10000000b
+; Single-bit-on words for setting individual pixels
+Bit_Table label byte
+; 01234567 (Pixel numbering - not bit numbering)
+ db 10000000b
+ db 01000000b
+ db 00100000b
+ db 00010000b
+ db 00001000b
+ db 00000100b
+ db 00000010b
+ db 00000001b
+; Gradual bit filled bytes for the "left-side" of horizontal lines
+Start_Line label byte
+; 01234567 (Pixel numbering - not bit numbering)
+ db 11111111b
+ db 01111111b
+ db 00111111b
+ db 00011111b
+ db 00001111b
+ db 00000111b
+ db 00000011b
+ db 00000001b
+; Gradual bit filled bytes for the "right-side" of horizontal lines
+End_Line label byte
+; 01234567 (Pixel numbering - not bit numbering)
+ db 10000000b
+ db 11000000b
+ db 11100000b
+ db 11110000b
+ db 11111000b
+ db 11111100b
+ db 11111110b
+ db 11111111b
+; Clipping masks
+; LTRB (left, top, right, bottom)
+left_mask db 00001000b
+top_mask db 00000100b
+right_mask db 00000010b
+bottom_mask db 00000001b
+; Screen resolution table (for the different IBM video modes)
+; The table contains the maximum *plottable* X,Y value for the mode.
+Res_Table_IBM label word
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 0 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 1 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 2 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 3 not a graphics mode
+ dw 319,199 ;mode 4 is a graphics mode
+ dw 319,199 ;mode 5 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,199 ;mode 6 is a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 7 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 8 PCjr only
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 9 PCjr only
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 10 PCjr only
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 11 EGA internal mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 12 EGA internal mode
+ dw 319,199 ;mode 13 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,199 ;mode 14 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,349 ;mode 15 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,349 ;mode 16 is a graphics mode
+; Jump table for graphit() based on op_code
+ dw SETP
+ dw SET_PAL ; This used to be RESETP
+ dw LINE
+ dw GETP
+ dw BOX
+table_len equ $ - OP_CODE
+DATA ends
+ page
+PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
+; name GRAPHIT -- Scheme interface to Rusty's graphics routines
+; synopsis graphit(op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
+; description call the appropriate graphics routine based on the "op"
+; argument:
+; 0 - (set-video-mode! mode)
+; 1 - (setp x y color)
+; 2 - (set-palette! curr-color-id new-color-id)
+; 3 - (line x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+; 4 - (point x y)
+; 5 - (get-video-mode)
+; 6 - (box x-ul y-ul x-len y-len color)
+; 7 - (filled_box x-ul y-ul x-len y-len color xor)
+; 8 - (set-clipping-rectangle! left top right bottom)
+gr_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; return address
+arg6 dw ? ; argument 6 -- dbs 10/10/86
+arg5 dw ? ; argument 5
+arg4 dw ? ; argument 4
+arg3 dw ? ; argument 3
+arg2 dw ? ; argument 2
+arg1 dw ? ; argument 1
+opcode dw ? ; sub operation code
+gr_args ends
+ public graphit
+graphit proc far
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+; Load sub opcode
+ mov BX,[BP].opcode ; load sub operation code
+ add BX,BX ; adjust for index into jump table
+ cmp BX,table_len ; bad op_code?
+ jae bad_op
+; cmp BX,0 ; "jae" serves as well
+; jl bad_op
+; Call desired graphics function
+ call OP_CODE[BX]
+ jmp short gr_end
+bad_op: mov AX,-1
+; Return to caller
+gr_end: mov SP,BP ; dump arguments off TIPC's stack
+ pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return to caller
+graphit endp
+ page
+; name SET_MODE - graphics initialize
+; synopsis (set-video-mode! mode_number)
+; description TIPC | IBM-PC
+; --------------------------+---------------------------
+; 0 Clear graphics | 0 40x25 BW 4 320x200 Col
+; 1 Text Enable | 1 40x25 Color 5 320x200 BW
+; 2 Graphics Enable | 2 80x25 BW 6 640x200 BW
+; 3 Text & Graphics Ena | 3 80x25 Color
+; +---------------------------
+; | extra EGA modes:
+; | 13 320x200 16col 40x25 8x8cbox
+; | 14 640x200 16col 80x25 8x8cbox
+; | 15 640x350 4col 80x25 8x14cbox
+; | 16 640x350 16col 80x25 8x14cbox
+; returns nothing
+SET_MODE proc near
+ push BP
+ push ES
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get mode-number
+ push AX ; Save mode number for later
+ cmp PC_MAKE,TIPC ; set IBM mode?
+ je ti_mode
+ibm_mode label near
+comment % ;;; Protected Mode
+ Commented out 8/3/87 by TC
+ mov AH,12H ; Test for presence of EGA
+ mov BX,10H
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ cmp CX,0 ; Is there an EGA here ?
+ je ibm_cga ; Apparently not; assume CGA
+ push DS
+ pop ES
+ mov DX,offset clear_pal
+ mov AX,1002H ; Set EGA palettes to black for mode
+ int IBM_CRT ; change without screen flicker
+ pop AX
+ push AX
+ xor AH,AH ; Set video I/O mode (AH=0) (AL=MODE)
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ call Reset_CR_IBM ; reset clipping rectangle to full screen
+ Initialize a delay loop
+ mov AH,2CH ; Get time
+ int DOS_FUN ; DOS function request
+ inc DH ; Add 1 second delay to start time
+ mov BX,DX ; Save the ending time
+ cmp BH,59 ; Test for 59 seconds (impossible limit)
+ jl tm_loop ; OK
+ mov BH,0 ; Set it = 0 to avoid a long delay
+tm_loop: mov AH,2CH ; Get time
+ int DOS_FUN ; DOS function request
+ cmp DX,BX ; Enough time yet ?
+ jle tm_loop ; No, loop again
+ mov DX,offset save_pal
+ mov AX,1002H ; Set EGA palettes to saved colors
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ jmp short mode_end
+ibm_cga label near
+ pop AX
+ push AX
+ xor AH,AH ; Set video I/O mode (AH=0) (AL=MODE)
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ call Reset_CR_IBM ; reset clipping rectangle to full screen
+ jmp short mode_end
+ti_mode: call Reset_CR_TI ; reset clipping rectangle to full screen
+ cmp AL,0 ; Clear TI graphics and re-init palette
+ je clr_grfx
+ cmp AL,1 ; Turn off Graphics and Text on
+ je textonly
+ cmp AL,2 ; Turn on Graphics and Text off
+ je grfxonly
+ cmp AL,3 ; Turn on both Graphics and Text
+ jne ti_err
+ jmp all_on
+ pop AX
+ xor AX,AX ; Bad op-code
+ not AX ; AX = -1
+ jmp short err_ret
+mode_end: pop AX
+ mov VID_MODE,AX ; Save VID-MODE for (get-video-mode)[TI-only]
+ xor AX,AX ; Return something nice(?)
+ mov char_hgt,8
+ cmp vid_mode,14
+ jle err_ret
+ mov char_hgt,14
+err_ret: pop ES ; Get the heck outta here
+ pop BP
+ ret
+ IFDEF PROMEM ;;; Protected Mode
+reg_block struc ; register block
+ dw ? ; AX
+ dw ? ; BX
+ dw ? ; CX
+ dw ? ; DX
+reg_block ends
+ push AX
+ push BX
+ push CX
+ push DX
+ mov DX,SP
+ mov AH,0C4h ; Issue Real Interrupt
+ mov AL,TI_CRT ; TI CRT interrupt number
+ int DOS_FUN ; (extended dos function for protected mode)
+ mov AH,14h ; Clear graphics planes
+ int TI_CRT ; Send command to CRT device driver
+ mov RED_Latch,DEF_RED ; Reset palettes to default values
+ mov GRN_Latch,DEF_GRN
+ mov BLU_Latch,DEF_BLU
+ cmp byte ptr GRAFIX_ON,YES_GRPH
+ jne short mode_end
+ mov AL,RED_Latch ; if graphics are enabled reset the palettes
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ jmp short mode_end
+grfxonly label near
+ mov AL,RED_Latch
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ call txt_set ; Turn text off
+ jmp short mode_end
+textonly label near
+ xor AL,AL
+ mov BL,AL
+ mov CL,AL
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes off
+ mov AL,TEXT_ON
+ call txt_set ; Turn text on
+ jmp short mode_end
+all_on label near
+ mov AL,RED_Latch
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ mov AL,TEXT_ON
+ call txt_set ; Turn text on
+ jmp mode_end
+pal_set label near
+ xor BP,BP ; Zero offset from palette segments
+ mov ES,RED_Palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP],AL ; Set red palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP]+16,BL ; Set green palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP]+32,CL ; Set blue palette
+ mov byte ptr GRAFIX_ON,DL ; if graphics are on or not
+ ret
+txt_set label near
+ xor BP,BP
+ mov ES,Misc_Latch
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP],AL
+ ret
+SET_MODE endp
+ page
+; name SETP -- turn on a pixel at the given coordinates with
+; the specified color.
+; synopsis (setp x y color)
+; description Turn on the pixel at (x,y) [origin at upper left] with
+; one of 8 colors specified by 'color'.
+; Point clipping is done; ignore the ";;" comments.
+;; The arguments
+;; need not be in their proper range (i.e. a MOD of x, y,
+;; and color will be done with their proper values to get
+;; them into the correct range. [0 <= x <= 719, 0 <= y <= 299,
+;; 0 <= color <= 7]). This will give a "wrap-around" effect.
+;; On the IBM-PC with graphics adapter no range checking is done
+;; on either the (x,y) coordinates or the color.
+; returns nothing
+SETP proc near
+ push BP
+ push DI
+ push ES
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get `x'
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get `y'
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x and y into their proper ranges
+ call Encode_XY ; Encode point's visibility
+ cmp CL,0 ; is it visible?
+ jnz Set_exit ; no, jump
+ mov CX,[BP].arg6 ; xor code
+ mov f_code,CL
+ mov CX,[BP].arg3 ; Get `color'
+ call LCL_SETP ; Display pixel
+Set_exit: xor AX,AX ; Return code of zero
+ pop ES
+ pop DI
+ pop BP
+ ret
+SETP endp ; End of SETP(,,)
+ page
+; name SET_PAL -- Modify the current palette according to PC_MAKE
+; synopsis (set-palette! curr-color-id new-color-id)
+; description If PC_MAKE == TIPC then set-palette twiddles the TIPC
+; graphics palette latches according to the colors specified.
+; If PC_MAKE == [PC,XT,jr,AT] then use the IBM video I/O
+; interrupt (10h), function 11, set color palette;
+; or function 16, set palette registers if EGA is present.
+; returns nothing
+SET_PAL proc near
+ push BP
+ push ES
+ mov BX,[BP].arg1 ; Get current-color-id
+ mov CX,[BP].arg2 ; Get new-color-id
+; **** WARNING **** Fix the IBM side of this swapping of A,BX <=> B,CX
+ jne ibm_pal
+ and BX,7 ; use only lower three bits
+ mov AL,Palette_Trans[BX] ; convert BL to 1-in-8 bits
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AH ; AH = 7-in-8 mask
+ mov BL,RED_Latch
+ call twiddle
+ mov RED_Latch,BL
+ mov BL,BLU_Latch
+ call twiddle
+ mov BLU_Latch,BL
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ call twiddle
+ mov GRN_Latch,BL
+ cmp byte ptr GRAFIX_ON,YES_GRPH ; are graphics enabled?
+ jne pal_ret
+ mov AL,RED_Latch ; if yes, then update display palettes
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ jmp short pal_ret
+twiddle label near
+ sar CL,1 ; Do we turn the bit on or off
+ jnc turn_off
+ or BL,AL ; Turn it on
+ ret
+turn_off: and BL,AH ; Turn it off
+ ret
+ibm_pal: mov AH,15 ; Get current video mode
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM video I/O interrupt
+ cmp AL,4 ; Is mode = 4 ?
+ jne pal_ega ; No, jump
+ ; CGA palette
+ mov BH,BL ; BH = palette color id being set
+ mov BL,CL ; BL = color value
+ mov AH,11 ; Set CGA color palette
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM video I/O interrupt
+ jmp short pal_ret
+ ; EGA palette
+pal_ega: mov BH,CL ; BL = palette color id being set
+ ; BH = color value
+ cmp BL,16 ; Is color id reasonable ?
+ jge pal_ret ; No, forget it
+ mov AX,1000H ; Set EGA color palette
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM video I/O interrupt
+ mov BH,0 ; Use palette color id (BL) as index
+ mov DS:save_pal[BX],CL ; Save color value in palette table
+pal_ret: xor AX,AX ; Return code of zero
+ pop ES
+ pop BP
+ ret
+SET_PAL endp ; End of (set-palette!...)
+ page
+; name VIDEO_MODE - return the current video mode
+; synopsis (get-video-mode)
+; description Returns the video mode number for the appropriate PC.
+; returns video mode number
+ public VIDEO_MODE
+VIDEO_MODE proc near
+ je get_ti_m
+ mov AH,15 ; IBM's get current video state
+ int IBM_CRT
+ cbw ; Convert to full word.
+ ret
+get_ti_m: mov AX,VID_MODE ; This was squirreled away by SET_MODE (TI)
+ ret
+ page
+; name LINE -- draw a line between the two sets of coordinates
+; given with the specified color.
+; synopsis (line x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+; description Draw a line between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with one of the 8
+; colors specified by 'color'. The line is clipped.
+; This routine is based upon Bresenham's Line Algorithm
+; from page 435 in "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer
+; Graphics" by Foley and Van Dam.
+; The clipping algorithm is Cohen and Sutherland's.
+; See pages 65-67, "Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics"
+; (2nd edition) by Newman and Sproull.
+; returns nothing
+LINE proc near
+ push DI
+ push SI
+ push ES
+; Clip line
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get x1
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get y1
+ mov CX,[BP].arg3 ; Get x2
+ mov DX,[BP].arg4 ; Get y2
+ cmp AX,CX ; is x1 <= x2?
+ jle x1_first ; yes, jump
+ ; always draw from p1 to p2; otherwise the same line drawn
+ ; in the opposite direction may not exactly overlay it
+ xchg AX,CX ; no, interchange the two points
+ xchg BX,DX
+x1_first: mov Curr_X,AX
+ mov Curr_Y,BX
+ mov Stop_X,CX
+ mov Stop_Y,DX
+ call Clip_line
+ jz Do_line ; jump if line is visible
+ jmp Line_exit ; jump if line is invisible
+; Line drawing proper
+Do_line: mov px,offset Curr_X ; px = address of Curr_X
+ mov py,offset Curr_y ; py = address of Curr_Y
+ mov BX,[BP].arg6 ; get xored or not
+ mov f_code,BL
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ mov Xend,AX ; Independent var's end-value unless swapped
+ sub BX,Curr_Y ; Delta_Y = y2 - y1
+ mov Delta_Y,BX
+ sub AX,Curr_X ; Delta_X = x2 - x1
+ mov Delta_X,AX
+ xchg AX,BX ; Put Delta_Y into ax; Delta_X into bx
+ jz Swap_Things ; Is Delta_X == 0 ?
+ cwd ; Ready dx for division
+ idiv BX
+ neg AX
+ jge Test_Slope
+ neg AX ; slope = ax = ABS(INT(dy/dx))
+Test_Slope label near
+ cmp AX,1 ; IF slope >= 1 THEN
+ jl Get_X_Increment
+Swap_Things label near
+ xchg Delta_Y,BX
+ mov Delta_X,BX ; swap(dx,dy)
+ mov CX,px
+ xchg py,CX
+ mov px,CX ; swap(px,py)
+ mov CX,Stop_Y
+ mov Xend,CX ; Xend = Stop_Y since variables'
+ ; dependence was swapped.
+Get_X_Increment label near
+ or BX,BX ; X_Dir = sgn(Delta_X)
+ jz Save_X_Dir ; IF it's zero THEN we're done
+ mov BX,1 ; ELSE force bx = 1
+ jg Save_X_Dir ; IF Delta_X was < zero THEN
+ neg BX ; bx = -1
+Save_X_Dir label near
+ mov X_Dir,BX
+ mov BX,Delta_Y
+ or BX,BX ; Y_Dir = sgn(Delta_Y)
+ jz Save_Y_Dir ; IF it's zero THEN we're done
+ mov BX,1 ; ELSE force bx = 1
+ jg Save_Y_Dir ; IF Delta_X was < zero THEN
+ neg BX ; bx = -1
+Save_Y_Dir label near
+ mov Y_Dir,BX
+ mov AX,Delta_X ; Delta_X = ABS(Delta_X)
+ neg AX
+ jge Save_ABS_Dx
+ neg AX
+Save_ABS_Dx label near
+ mov Delta_X,AX
+ mov BX,Delta_Y ; Delta_Y = ABS(Delta_Y)
+ neg BX
+ jge Save_ABS_Dy
+ neg BX
+Save_ABS_Dy label near
+ mov Delta_Y,BX
+ shl BX,1
+ mov Incr1,BX ; Incr1 = Delta_Y * 2
+ sub BX,AX
+ push BX ; d = Delta_Y * 2 - Delta_X
+ sub BX,AX
+ mov incr2,BX ; Incr2 = (Delta_Y - Delta_X) * 2
+ mov CX,[BP].arg5 ; Push `color' for call to SETP
+ mov BX,Curr_Y ; Push `y'
+ mov AX,Curr_X ; Push `x'
+ call LCL_SETP ; Plot beginning point
+ mov DI,px ; Get pointer to independent variable
+ mov SI,py ; Get pointer to dependent variable
+ mov AX,X_Dir
+ mov BX,Y_Dir
+ mov CX,Xend
+ pop DX ; get D from stack
+While label near
+ cmp CX,DS:[DI] ; While (px->start != xend) {
+ je While_End
+ add DS:[DI],AX ; Px->start += X_Dir
+ or DX,DX ; IF (D < 0) THEN
+ jge Inc_Dependent
+ add DX,Incr1 ; D += Incr1
+ jmp short End_If
+Inc_Dependent label near ; ELSE
+ add [SI],BX ; Py->start += Y_Dir
+ add DX,Incr2 ; D += Incr2
+End_If label near ; ENDIF
+ push AX ; Save X_Dir
+ push BX ; Save Y_Dir
+ push CX ; Save Xend
+ push DX ; Save D
+ push DI
+ mov CX,[BP].arg5 ; Push `color' for call to SETP
+ mov BX,Curr_Y ; Push `y'
+ mov AX,Curr_X ; Push `x'
+ call LCL_SETP ; Plot beginning point
+ pop DI
+ pop DX
+ pop CX
+ pop BX
+ pop AX
+ jmp short While
+While_End label near
+Line_exit label near
+ xor AX,AX ; Return code of zero
+ pop ES
+ pop SI
+ pop DI
+ ret
+LINE endp ; End of LINE(,,,,)
+ page
+; name GETP -- return the attribute (color) at the specified
+; coordinates.
+; synopsis (getp x y)
+; description Return the pixel value (0 - 7) at the coordinates given
+; as arguments. The coordinates are clipped.
+; returns An unsigned integer in the range 0 to 7 , inclusive,
+; if the pixel lies inside the clipping rectangle.
+; The first bit-plane starting at 0C0000h will have its
+; bit represented by the lsb of the returned word. The
+; last bit-plane starting at 0D0000h will have its bit
+; represented by bit number 2 (lsb = bit 0) of the returned
+; word.
+; If the pixel lies outside the clipping rectangle, return -1.
+GETP proc near
+ push BP
+ push DI
+ push ES
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get `x'
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get `y'
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x and y into their proper ranges
+ call Encode_XY ; Encode point's visibility in the CR
+ cmp CL,0 ; is point visible in the CR?
+ mov AX,-1
+ jne IBM_Ret_Clr ; no, jump (return -1 in AX)
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; restore AX to 'x'
+ je ti_getp
+ mov dx,bx ; Do it the IBM way (ugh!)
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov ah,13
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM Video BIOS
+ xor ah,ah ; Color is in AL
+ mov dx,ax
+ jmp short IBM_Ret_Clr
+ti_getp label near
+ call GM_Offset ; Convert (x,y) to linear offset
+; Read the specified bit in each of the graphics memory banks.
+ xor DX,DX ; Clear value to be returned
+ mov ES,Bank_C ; Get segment of 3rd bank
+ mov BH,ES:[DI] ; Copy the selected byte in graphics memory
+ and BH,AH ; Was the bit on ?
+ jz short Test_Bank_B
+ inc DX
+Test_Bank_B label near
+ shl DX,1
+ mov ES,Bank_B ; Get segment of 2nd bank
+ mov BH,ES:[DI] ; Copy the selected byte in graphics memory
+ and BH,AH ; Was the bit on ?
+ jz short Test_Bank_A
+ inc DX
+Test_Bank_A label near
+ shl DX,1
+ mov ES,Bank_A ; Get segment of 1st bank
+ mov BH,ES:[DI] ; Copy the selected byte in graphics memory
+ and BH,AH ; Was the bit on ?
+ jz short Return_Color
+ inc DX
+Return_Color label near
+ mov AX,DX ; Put returning value into ax
+IBM_Ret_Clr label near
+ pop ES
+ pop DI
+ pop BP
+ ret
+GETP endp ; End of GETP(,)
+ page
+; Encode_XY in: AX=X, BX=Y
+; out: CL=code
+; destroyed: CL
+; Encode X,Y into a 4-bit code indicating its visibility in the clipping rectangle.
+; The code is returned in CL: CL =0: point is visible
+; CL<>0: point is invisible.
+Encode_XY proc near
+ mov CL,0 ; clear CL; code is constructed here
+ cmp AX,clip_left ; x >= clip_left?
+ jge Enc_1 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,left_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_1: cmp BX,clip_top ; y >= clip_top?
+ jge Enc_2 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,top_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_2: cmp AX,clip_right ; x <= clip_right?
+ jle Enc_3 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,right_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_3: cmp BX,clip_bottom ; y <= clip_bottom?
+ jle Enc_4 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,bottom_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_4: ret
+Encode_XY endp
+ page
+; Clip_line in: none
+; out: none (Z flag)
+; destroyed: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI
+; The line between (Curr_X, Curr_Y) and (Stop_X, Stop_Y) is clipped.
+; The two points' coordinates are possibly modified during the process.
+; On exit: Z=0 if line is visible (onscreen); the final coordinates
+; are in the Curr and Stop memory locations
+; Z=1 if line is invisible (offscreen)
+Clip_line proc
+ mov DI,offset Stop_X
+ overlap Cli_exit,Cli_exit ; if line's extents rectangle lies wholly
+ ; inside or wholly outside clipping rectangle,
+ ; exit immediately
+ jmp short Cli_loop ; else start clipping
+; At this point AX=new X and BX=new Y.
+; (Note this is executed *after* the loop. It's rearranged to
+; get all the relative branches within range.)
+ mov [DI],AX ; store X back into memory
+ mov [DI+2],BX ; ditto for Y
+ pop CX ; restore codes
+ call Encode_XY ; get code for new X and Y
+ cmp CX,0 ; is combined code zero?
+ jz Cli_exit ; yes, jump; line totally visible at last
+ test CH,CL ; do any encoded bits line up?
+ jz Cli_loop ; no, jump; some part of line is visible.
+ ; if fall thru, line was invisible after all
+Cli_exit: ret
+; We have to clip the line.
+Cli_loop: cmp CL,0 ; is this point visible?
+ jnz Cli_1 ; no, jump
+ xchg CH,CL ; yes, go work on other point
+ sub DI,4 ; set pointer to other point
+Cli_1: push CX ; tempsave the codes
+ test CL,left_mask ; is point off left side?
+ jz Cli_2 ; no, jump
+ ; The endpoint is to the left of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_left,Stop_Y,Stop_X,Curr_X,Curr_Y
+ mov BX,AX ; new Y
+ mov AX,clip_left ; new X
+ jmp Cli_join
+Cli_2: test CL,top_mask ; is point off top side?
+ jz Cli_3 ; no, jump
+ ; The endpoint is above the top of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_top,Stop_X,Stop_Y,Curr_Y,Curr_X
+ ; AX contains new X already
+ mov BX,clip_top ; new Y
+ jmp Cli_join
+Cli_3: test CL,right_mask ; is point off right side?
+ jz Cli_4 ; no, jump
+ ; The endpoint is to the right of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_right,Stop_Y,Stop_X,Curr_X,Curr_Y
+ mov BX,AX ; new Y
+ mov AX,clip_right ; new X
+ jmp Cli_join
+Cli_4: ; no need for more tests
+ ; The endpoint is below the bottom of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_bottom,Stop_X,Stop_Y,Curr_Y,Curr_X
+ ; AX contains new X already
+ mov BX,clip_bottom ; new Y
+ jmp Cli_join
+Clip_line endp
+ page
+; Clip_box in: none
+; out: none
+; destroyed: AX
+; The box with corners (Curr_X, Curr_Y) and (Stop_X, Stop_Y) is clipped.
+; (The corners should be (left,top) and (right,bottom) respectively.)
+; The two points' coordinates are possibly modified during the process.
+Clip_box proc
+ mov AX,clip_left
+ cmp Curr_X,AX
+ jge CB_1
+ mov Curr_X,AX
+CB_1: mov AX,clip_top
+ cmp Curr_Y,AX
+ jge CB_2
+ mov Curr_Y,AX
+CB_2: mov AX,clip_right
+ cmp Stop_X,AX
+ jle CB_3
+ mov Stop_X,AX
+CB_3: mov AX,clip_bottom
+ cmp Stop_Y,AX
+ jle CB_4
+ mov Stop_Y,AX
+CB_4: ret
+Clip_box endp
+ page
+ comment ~
+; NOTE: This routine is no longer called. Clipping is done instead. - rb
+Fix_XY proc near ; Force x and y into their proper values
+ jne ibm_dsnt ; IBM doesn't do range checking, Y should I?
+ ; On IBM, the ranges will vary with the mode
+ ; On entry ax = `x', bx = `y'
+ ; On exit ax = ax MOD 720, bx = bx MOD 300
+ ; cx & dx =
+ ; Get `x';fix to proper range (already in ax)
+ xor DX,DX ; Clear DX - unsigned dbl-word
+ div X_Resolution ; ax = INT(x / 720), dx = (x MOD 720)
+ mov CX,DX ; I want the MOD function....
+ ;
+ mov AX,BX ; Get `y' and fix to proper range
+ xor DX,DX ; Clear DX - unsigned dbl-word
+ div Y_Resolution ; ax = INT(y / 300), dx = (y MOD 300)
+ ; I want the MOD function....
+ mov BX,DX
+ mov AX,CX ; Put `x' back
+ibm_dsnt: ret
+Fix_XY endp
+ ~ ;end comment
+ page
+GM_Offset proc near
+; Determine which word needs modifying and which bit to set.
+; byte_offset = (Curr_Y * 736-bits/y_pixel * 1-byte/8-bits)
+; + INT(Curr_X * 1-byte/8-x_pixels)
+; bit-in-byte = Curr_X MOD 8 [0-msb, 8-lsb in byte]
+ ; On entry ax = `x', bx = `y'
+ ; On exit
+ ; ah = bit-in-byte, bx =
+ ; cx = , dx =
+ ; di = byte-addr into graphics memory
+ xchg AX,BX ; now ax = `y' & bx = `x'
+; neg AX ; Translate y=0 to bottom of screen
+; add AX,Y_MAX-1 ; y_new = 299 - (y_old MOD 300)
+; mul Bytes_per_Line ; Curr_Y * 736/8-bytes/y_pixel
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ mov DX,AX ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ add AX,DX ; 3-clocks
+ neg DX ; 3-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ add AX,DX ; 3-clocks
+ ; TOTAL = 23-clocks
+ ; MUL = (128-143)+EA
+ xchg AX,BX ; ........save partial sum
+ ; and get `x' into accumulator
+; xor DX,DX ; Clear DX - unsigned dbl-word
+; div Bits_per_Byte ; ax = word offset from beginning of line
+ ; dx = bit-in-byte (x MOD 8)
+ mov DX,7 ; mask all bits 'cept lower 3
+ ; 4-clocks
+ and DX,AX ; 3-clocks
+ shr AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shr AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shr AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ ; TOTAL = 13-clocks
+ ; DIV = (154-172)+EA
+ add AX,BX ; Ax = byte # offset into graphics bank
+ xor AL,1 ; fix byte offset address to jive with
+ ; Intel's screwy byte ordering!!!
+ mov DI,AX ; move for addressing graphics memory
+ mov BX,DX ; Saves on number of memory accesses
+ mov AH,Bit_Table[bx] ; Ax = bit-pattern
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL ; al = NOT ah - for turning bits off
+ ret
+GM_Offset endp
+ public LCL_SETP
+LCL_SETP proc near
+ je ti_setp
+ cmp VID_MODE,14
+ jl ibm_setp
+ cmp f_code,1
+ jne ibm_setp
+ or CL,080h ; set xor flag on
+ibm_setp: mov DX,BX ; Move arguments around for IBM
+ xchg CX,AX
+ xor BH,BH ; video plane
+ mov AH,12 ; write dot
+ int IBM_CRT
+ ret
+ti_setp label near
+ call GM_Offset ; Convert (x,y) to byte offset
+; Determine which graphics memory banks get their bits twiddled.
+Set_Byte: mov ES,Bank_A ; Get segment of 1st bank
+ call set_pixel
+ mov ES,Bank_B
+ call set_pixel ; Turn on the proper bit
+ mov ES,Bank_C
+ call set_pixel ; Turn on the proper bit
+Quit_n_Quit label near ; Save the current X & Y and return
+ ret
+LCL_SETP endp
+set_pixel proc near
+ shr CL,1 ; Do we turn on/off bit in this bank?
+ jnc short this_bank ; If bit was on (one) then
+ cmp f_code,1 ; is the bit xored?
+ jne set_01
+ mov BL,ES:[DI] ; get current value
+ xor BL,AH ; xor with mask
+ mov ES:[DI],BL ; replace value
+ ret
+set_01: or ES:[DI],AH
+ ret
+this_bank label near
+ cmp f_code,1 ; xored?
+ je set_02
+ and ES:[DI],AL ; Turn off the proper bit
+set_02: ret
+set_pixel endp
+ page
+; name BOX -- Draw a box in the graphics plane with the
+; specified color.
+; synopsis (box x-ul y-ul x-lr y-lr color)
+; description Draw a box with graphics (not text characters). The
+; upper left-hand corner is specified by (x-ul,y-ul)
+; and the lower right-hand is specified by (x-lr,y-lr).
+; Color indicates the pixel values that will make up the
+; box. The interior will not be filled nor modified
+; in any way. The box is clipped.
+; Edges that are clipped are "shrunk inwards" to fit
+; snug against the corresponding edges of the clipping
+; rectangle. The result is another box and not just
+; some line segments as you'd might expect.
+; returns nothing
+BOX proc near
+ mov Fill_Fig,FALSE ; This box ain't getting filled
+BOX_2ND label near ; A secondary entry point for FILLED_BOX
+ push SI
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get x upper-left
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get y upper-left
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x-ul and y-ul into correct ranges
+ mov Curr_X,AX
+ mov Curr_Y,BX
+ mov AX,[BP].arg3 ; Get x lower-right
+ mov BX,[BP].arg4 ; Get y lower-right
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x-lr and y-lr into correct ranges
+ cmp AX,Curr_X
+ jg check_y ; Swap if x-lr < x-ul
+ xchg AX,Curr_X
+check_y: cmp BX,Curr_Y
+ jg goodargs ; Swap if y-lr < y-ul (origin at top-left)
+ xchg BX,Curr_Y
+goodargs: mov Stop_X,AX ; (var. Stop used during clipping only)
+ mov Stop_Y,BX
+ overlap box_1,box_done_1 ; if box totally inside CR, no need to clip
+ ; if box totally outside, skip it
+ call Clip_box ; else clip box to the clipping rectangle
+box_1: mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ sub BX,Curr_Y
+ inc BX ; BX = the height of the box (min=1-pixel)
+ mov Box_Hite,BX
+ mov BX,[BP].arg6 ; get function code
+ mov f_code,BL
+ mov BX,[BP].arg5 ; get the color
+ mov pix_c,BX
+ cmp PC_MAKE,TIPC ; All the "common" material taken care of
+ je BOX_TI
+ jmp BOX_IBM
+box_done_1: jmp Box_done ; rel. branch not long enough
+BOX_TI: mov BX,Curr_Y ; find upper right-hand corner address
+ mov y_val,BX
+ call GM_Offset
+ push DI ; save offset into graphics mem
+ push BX ; save bit-number
+ mov AX,Curr_X ; find upper left-hand corner address
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call GM_Offset
+ mov Left_Offset,DI ; Offset into graphics plane of upper-left
+ xor DI,1 ; This craziness is due to *^&$%! Intel
+ mov AH,Start_Line[BX] ; Get left-end bit pattern
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL ; Need (0ffh - AH) for Set_Byte()
+ mov DH,Bit_Table[BX] ; Get left-siding bit pattern
+ mov DL,DH
+ not DL ; Need (0ffh - DH) for Set_Byte()
+ mov Left_End,AX
+ mov Left_Side,DX
+ pop BX
+ mov AH,End_Line[BX] ; Get right-end bit pattern
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL ; Need (0ffh - AH) for Set_Byte()
+ mov DH,Bit_Table[BX] ; Get right-siding bit pattern
+ mov DL,DH
+ not DL ; Need (0ffh - DH) for Set_Byte()
+ mov Right_End,AX
+ mov Right_Side,DX
+ pop CX
+ xor CL,1 ; This craziness due to #$%&! Intel
+ sub CX,DI
+ inc CL
+ mov Box_Width,CX ; CX = Number of bytes in box's width
+ cmp CL,1 ; are bits in the same byte? (narrow box)
+ jg wide_box ; jump if not
+ ; We need to combine the "ends" and "sides"
+ ; for a byte-wide box.
+ and AH,byte ptr Left_End+1 ; combine left-end and right-end
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL
+ or DH,byte ptr Left_Side+1 ; combine left-side and right-side
+ mov DL,DH
+ not DL
+ mov Left_End,AX
+ mov Left_Side,DX
+wide_box label near
+ mov DL,CL ; CL = width in bytes
+ mov DH,byte ptr [BP].arg5 ; get color of box
+ xor DI,1 ; This squirreliness is due to $%^&*! Intel
+ call Solid_Line ; Draw top of BOX
+ dec Box_Hite
+Box_Loop: jz Box_Done
+ add Left_Offset,Bytes_per_Line ; goto next scan line
+ mov DI,Left_Offset
+ mov DL,byte ptr Box_Width ; just get the lower byte
+ cmp Box_Hite,1
+ je Bottom_Line
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE ; Do we draw a filled or hollow box?
+ jne Do_Hollow
+ call Solid_Line ; Draw a solid horizontal line
+ jmp short BLoop_End
+Do_Hollow: call Just_Ends ; Draw just the side points
+BLoop_End: dec Box_Hite
+ jmp short Box_Loop
+Bottom_Line: mov AX,stop_y
+ mov y_val,AX
+ call Solid_Line ; Draw the bottom of the box (if >1 high)
+Box_Done: xor AX,AX ; Return a value of zero
+ pop SI
+ ret
+Solid_Line label near
+ cmp f_code,1
+ jne S_Line_1
+ push DX
+ call ti_xxset
+ pop DX
+ ret
+S_Line_1: mov AX,Left_End ; Get the bit pattern for left-most byte
+ mov CL,DH ; Get the color
+ call Set_Byte
+ xor DI,1 ; This craziness is due to %$&*@! INTEL!
+ dec DL
+ jz SLine_Done
+S_Loop: cmp DL,1
+ je Last_Byte ; Jump if we need the right side
+ mov AX,0FF00h ; Get the solid (FFh) pattern
+ mov CL,DH
+ inc DI ; Point to next byte in graphics memory
+ xor DI,1 ; This craziness is due to %$&*@! INTEL!
+ call Set_byte
+ xor DI,1 ; This craziness is due to %$&*@! INTEL!
+ dec DL
+ jmp S_Loop
+Last_Byte: mov AX,Right_End ; Get the bit pattern for right-most byte
+ inc DI
+ mov CL,DH ; Get color
+ xor DI,1 ; This craziness is due to %$&*@! INTEL!
+ call Set_Byte
+SLine_Done: ret
+Just_Ends label near
+ mov AX,Left_Side
+ mov CL,DH
+ call Set_Byte
+ xor DI,1 ; This craziness is due to %$&*@! INTEL!
+ dec DL
+ jz Hollow_End
+ add DI,Box_Width
+ dec DI ; Went one too far with addition
+ mov AX,Right_Side
+ mov CL,DH
+ xor DI,1 ; This craziness is due to %$&*@! INTEL!
+ call Set_Byte
+Hollow_End: ret
+; IBM (ugh!) version of draw box (sorry, but to maintain compatability
+; among all the IBM video modes I've used the write-dot function (slow).
+; modified - 10/10/86 for EGA
+BOX_IBM label near
+ sub AX,Curr_X
+ inc AX ; Box_Width (number of pixels to draw line)
+ mov Box_Width,AX
+ call IBM_Solid ; Draw the top line of box
+ inc Curr_Y
+ dec Box_Hite
+ jz Box_Done
+IBM_while: cmp Box_Hite,1
+ je IBM_botm ; Go draw bottom line
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE ; Is box to be filled or not?
+ jne IBM_nofill
+ call IBM_Solid
+ jmp short IBM_fi
+IBM_nofill: call IBM_epts ; Draw the side points for current scan line
+IBM_fi: inc Curr_Y ; end of "if"
+ dec Box_Hite
+ jmp IBM_while
+IBM_botm: call IBM_Solid ; Draw bottom line (needs to be solid)
+ jmp Box_Done
+IBM_Solid label near ; Draw a solid horizontal line
+ mov DI,Box_Width ; sounds more like a room freshener :-)
+ mov DX,Curr_Y
+ mov CX,Curr_X
+ cmp vid_mode,14
+ jge ega_box
+ mov BL,byte ptr [BP].arg5 ; Get the color
+I_Sloop: mov AH,0Ch ; write-dot function
+ mov AL,BL ; copy the color
+ int IBM_CRT ; WRITE-DOT(x,y,color)
+ inc CX
+ dec DI
+ jnz I_Sloop
+ ret
+IBM_epts label near ; Draw the end points of a horizontal line
+ mov DX,Curr_Y
+ mov CX,Curr_X
+ mov BL,byte ptr [BP].arg5 ; Get the color
+ call epts
+ cmp Box_Width,1 ; Do we need to do the other end?
+ je I_eend
+ add CX,Box_Width
+ dec CX ; We added 1 too many
+ call epts
+I_eend: ret
+epts proc near
+ mov AH,0Ch ; write-dot function
+ mov AL,BL
+ cmp f_code,1
+ jne epts_01
+ or AL,080h ; set xor bit
+epts_01: int IBM_CRT ; Write Left dot
+ ret
+epts endp
+;* *
+;* EGA_BOX will draw a solid line on the EGA screen. This method *
+;* is used in preference to write dot since write dot is so slow.*
+;* *
+;* DX = start row *
+;* CX = start col *
+;* DI = length *
+;* *
+ega_box: mov AX,CX ; put start col into AX
+ add AX,DI ; AX is not the ending column
+ dec AX ; added one too many
+ call xxset
+ ret
+BOX endp
+ public xxset
+ CMP F_CODE,0 ; IS THIS An xor'ed box?
+; Now to set up the addresses and masks and write to the planes
+ MOV AL,-1
+END_OFF: ; End of offset processing
+ MOV CX,7
+ ; Latch up the current mask
+ MOV AL,8 ; BIT MASK = on
+; Set to XOR function
+ INC DX ; to or everything on to the planes
+; Write the one to the planes that are set
+ MOV AL,2 ;
+; Now write to the planes that are ONESes
+ MOV AL,2 ;
+; Now ready to update the pointers and continue
+ MOV AL,2 ;
+ MOV AL,3 ;
+ MOV AL,8 ;
+get_offset proc near
+; AX has the pixel column number
+; BX has the pixel row number
+ div b_p_wrds ; divide by bits per word
+ push AX ; save the bit offset
+ mov AX,BX ; get the pixel row
+ mul w_p_row ; row * 46 words per row
+ pop BX ; get words and bit within row
+ push BX ; save it again
+ xor BH,BH ; get rid of bit
+ add AX,BX ; bump to absolute offset
+ mul two ; byte offset!
+ pop BX
+ mov BL,BH ; shift bit count to bl
+ xor BH,BH
+ ret
+ ; return - ax=word offset ; bx=bit offset
+get_offset endp
+ page
+ public ti_xxset
+ti_xxset proc near
+ push ES
+ mov AX,curr_x
+ mov BX,y_val
+ mov CX,stop_x
+ push BX ; save the start row
+ call get_offset ; convert row/col to word/bit offset
+ mov st_word,AX ; save the start row offset
+ mov st_bit,BX ; save the start bit offset
+ pop BX ; restore the start row
+ mov AX,CX ; get the ending col
+ call get_offset ; convert to word/bit offset
+ mov ed_word,AX ; save the ending word offset
+ mov ed_bit,BX ; save the ending bit offset
+; Determine the starting word mask
+ mov BX,st_word ; get the starting word offset
+ mov DX,-1
+ cmp BX,st_word
+ jne ti_endoff
+ mov CX,st_bit ; starting bit offset
+ shr DX,CL ; shift off one bits until mask gotten
+ cmp BX,ed_word ; last byte to process?
+ jne ti_xor ; no. then xor and update
+ push DX ; save mask
+ mov DX,-1 ; initialize mask
+ mov CX,0fh
+ sub CX,ed_bit ;subtract the # of ending offset
+ shl DX,CL ; want to save allbut bits past end
+ pop AX ; and off all useless bits
+ and DX,AX
+ti_xor: mov CX,pix_c ; get the color
+ call ti_xor_word
+ cmp BX,ed_word
+ je ti_exit
+ add BX,2 ; bump the offset to next word
+ jmp ti_xloop ; do next word
+ pop ES
+ inc y_val
+ ret
+ti_xxset endp
+ page
+ti_xor_word proc near
+ test CX,01h ; xor this plane only if bit set
+ jz xor_b ; no, then go to b plane
+ mov ES,bank_a ; get the seg addr of the a plane
+ call doit
+ test CX,02h ; xor this plane only if bit set
+ jz xor_c ; no, then go to c plane
+ mov ES,bank_b ; get the seg addr of the b plane
+ call doit
+ test CX,04h ; xor this plane only if bit set
+ jz xor_end ; no, then go bump the offset
+ mov ES,bank_c ; get the seg addr of the c plane
+ call doit
+ ret
+ti_xor_word endp
+doit proc near
+ mov AX,ES:[BX] ; get the word from a plane
+ xor AX,DX ; xor the word
+ mov ES:[BX],AX ; put it back
+ ret
+doit endp
+ page
+; name FILLED_BX -- Draw a solid box in the graphics plane with the
+; specified color.
+; synopsis (filled_box x-ul y-ul x-lr y-lr color)
+; description Draw a filled box with graphics (not text characters).
+; The upper left-hand corner is specified by (x-ul,y-ul)
+; and the lower right-hand is specified by (x-lr,y-lr).
+; Color indicates the pixel values that will make up the
+; box. The interior will be filled with the same color
+; as the box. The box is clipped.
+; returns nothing
+FILLD_BX proc near
+ mov Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ call BOX_2ND ; Call BOX at a second entry point
+ ret
+FILLD_BX endp
+ page
+; name SET_CLIP_RECT - Set the clipping rectangle.
+; synopsis (set-clipping-rectangle! left top right bottom)
+; description This routine sets the clipping rectangle for the screen.
+; The coordinate values can be any signed integer. The
+; intersection of the clipping rectangle and the screen is
+; used as the final clipping rectangle. If this would be nil,
+; the clipping rectangle is set to the full screen; we never
+; let it become invisible.
+; returns nothing
+; in: no registers
+; out: no registers
+; destroyed: AX,BX,CX,DX
+SET_CLIP_RECT proc near
+ je SCR_TI
+ call Reset_CR_IBM ; set CR to screen's full size
+ jmp short SCR_join
+SCR_TI: call Reset_CR_TI ; set CR to screen's full size
+SCR_join: mov AX,[BP].arg1
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2
+ mov CX,[BP].arg3
+ mov DX,[BP].arg4
+ ; rearrange coordinates so first point is upper left hand corner
+ cmp CX,AX ; swap if x-lr < x-ul
+ jg SCR_1
+ xchg CX,AX
+SCR_1: cmp DX,BX ; swap if y-lr < y-ul (origin at top left)
+ jg SCR_2
+ xchg DX,BX
+ ; now we can continue
+SCR_2: mov Curr_X,AX ; store for the overlap check
+ mov Curr_Y,BX
+ mov Stop_X,CX
+ mov Stop_Y,DX
+ overlap SCR_3,SCR_4 ; check how screen and CR overlap
+ call Clip_box ; they overlap, clip
+SCR_3: mov AX,Curr_X ; move new coords to be final CR
+ mov clip_left,AX
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ mov clip_top,BX
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov clip_right,AX
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ mov clip_bottom,BX
+SCR_4: ret
+ page
+; Reset the clipping rectangle to the full size of the screen for IBM modes.
+; Destroys AX and BX.
+Reset_CR_IBM proc near
+ mov AH,15 ; get the current video mode
+ int IBM_CRT
+ cmp al,16 ; cmp with max video mode (EGA 16)
+ jbe RCI_1
+ mov al,16 ; map out-of-range values to EGA 16
+RCI_1: cbw
+ shl AX,1 ; multiply by 4
+ shl AX,1
+ mov BX,AX
+ mov clip_left,0 ; set the clipping rectangle accordingly
+ mov clip_top,0
+ mov AX,Res_Table_IBM[BX]
+ mov clip_right,AX
+ mov AX,Res_Table_IBM+2[BX]
+ mov clip_bottom,AX
+ ret
+Reset_CR_IBM endp
+; Reset the clipping rectangle to the full size of the screen for TIPC.
+; No registers are affected.
+Reset_CR_TI proc near
+ mov clip_left,0
+ mov clip_top,0
+ mov clip_right,X_max-1
+ mov clip_bottom,Y_max-1
+ ret
+Reset_CR_TI endp
+ page
+; name XPCINIT - Any special initialization required for a
+; particular type PC (e.g. IBM)
+; synopsis call far xpcinit (from PGROUP)
+; description A C callable routine (well, almost) that should be used
+; internally to PCS for any special initialization that may
+; be needed for a particular PC.
+; returns nothing ('cept personal satisfaction)
+ public XPCINIT
+XPCINIT proc far
+ jne not_ti
+ IFDEF PROMEM ;;; Protected Mode
+ lea DI,Bank_A ; Segment Address of Bank A
+ mov SI,4
+ cld
+INISEG: mov BX,[DI] ; Get real mode segment address
+ xor CX,CX
+ mov DX,0FFFFh ; Length of segment
+ mov AH,0C0H ; Create Real Data Window
+ int DOS_FUN ; (extended Dos function for protected mode)
+ stosw ; Save Segment Selector to memory address
+ dec SI
+ jnz iniseg
+ mov w_p_row,46
+ mov AX,offset XGROUP:endinit ; THIS IS REALLY UGLY!!!
+ push AX ; push return address (return from all_on)
+ push BP
+ push ES
+ push VID_MODE
+ jmp all_on ; Turn on TEXT, init & clear graphics
+ IFDEF PROMEM ;;; Protected Mode
+ mov BX,GRA_RAM ; Segment Address of EGA GRAPHICS RAM
+ xor CX,CX
+ mov DX,0FFFFh ; Length of segment
+ mov AL,0C0H ; Create Real Data Window
+ int DOS_FUN ; Extended Dos function for protected mode
+ mov GRA_RAM,AX ; Save Segment Selector
+ cmp PC_MAKE,0FCh
+ jl not_ibm
+ mov AX,0500h ; Set active display page (for alpha modes)
+ int IBM_CRT ; should I check for graphics mode??? Nah!
+ mov AH,15 ; get current video mode
+ int IBM_CRT
+ xor AH,AH ; clear AH
+ mov VID_MODE,AX ; save videomode
+ mov w_p_row,40
+ cmp AX,16
+ jne short endinit
+ mov char_hgt,14
+ jmp short endinit
+not_ibm label near ; Could there be a Zenith Z-100 out there?
+ ; Not for now.
+endinit: ret
+PROGX ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics.asm b/graphics.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30569b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,3125 @@
+; =====> GRAPHICS.ASM
+ name graphics
+ title PC Scheme Graphics
+ page 60,132
+; TITLE: PC Scheme Graphics
+; AUTHOR: Medford W. Haddock II (Rusty)
+; DATE: October 20, 1983
+; COMPUTER: Texas Instruments Professional Computer with 3-plane graphics
+; IBM PC with Color, Enhanced, or Professional Graphics Adapters
+; ABSTRACT: These routines are designed to interface between PC Scheme
+; and the color graphics board for both the IBM and TI PCs.
+; REVISIONS: ds 9/25/86 - added support for the IBM EGA modes 14 and 16
+; rb 11/ 7/86 - added point, line, box clipping (both TI and IBM)
+; rb 11/24/86 - fix line drawn from p1 to p2 not same as
+; line drawn from p2 to p1
+; mrm 4/15/87 - modified set-mode! to run w/o screen flicker
+; modified set-palette! to save EGA colors
+; rb 6/13/87 - use CR for EGA mode 16 for illegal mode values
+; rb 9/ 4/87 - added Hercules support and rewrote TI box support
+; rb 10/20/87 - added conditionals for separate drivers;
+; new VGA entries; IBM illegal modes use CR for
+; last entry in resolution table
+; rb 10/30/87 - do screen writes instead of BIOS for faster EGA
+; rb 11/ 6/87 - removed delay loop from set-mode!
+ include screen.equ
+; To generate the different graphics drivers, use this table to determine
+; which symbols need to be defined with /D from the command line:
+; |
+; VM intrinsic: 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 | graphcmd
+; XLI inside VM: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 | xpcinit
+; XLI TI: 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 | graphti
+; XLI IBM: 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 | graphibm
+; XLI HER: 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 | graphher
+; XLI combined: 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 | graphics
+ include pcmake.equ
+;Protected Mode XLI driver needs all the following symbols defined
+COMBINED equ 'defined'
+XLICOMB equ 'defined'
+XLI equ 'defined'
+TI equ 'defined'
+IBM equ 'defined'
+ include pcmake.equ
+ page
+; The "intersect" macro. in: none
+; out: AX=intersect value
+; destroys: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI
+; usage: intersect L,y2,x2,x1,y1 (be careful of the funny ordering)
+; Given a line that crosses a clipping edge, determine the point of
+; intersection: one of the coordinates is that of the clipping edge,
+; and this macro calculates the other coordinate.
+; The equation pattern is: new-y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (L - x1) / (x2 - x1).
+intersect macro L,y2,x2,x1,y1
+ mov AX,L
+ mov BX,y2
+ mov CX,x2
+ mov DX,x1
+ mov SI,y1
+ sub BX,SI ;; y2 - y1
+ sub CX,DX ;; x2 - x1
+ sub AX,DX ;; L - x1
+ imul BX ;; (y2 - y1) * (L - x1) = q
+ idiv CX ;; q / (x2 - x1)
+ add AX,SI ;; y1 + q / (x2 - x1)
+ endm
+; The "overlap" macro. in: none
+; out: none (look at Z flag)
+; destroys AX,BX,CX
+; usage: overlap contained,disjoint
+; Compares the two rectangles:
+; (Curr_X,Curr_Y) - (Stop_X,Stop_Y) and
+; (Clip_left,Clip-top) - (Clip_right,Clip-bottom)
+; and returns status on their intersection.
+; If the Curr/Stop rectangle is totally contained in the clipping rectangle,
+; jump to label "contained" with the Z flag on. If they are disjoint, jump
+; to label "disjoint" with the Z flag off. Otherwise, they intersect, so
+; fall through. Both jumps are short relative jumps.
+overlap macro contained,disjoint
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call Encode_XY
+ mov CH,CL
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ call Encode_XY
+ cmp CX,0
+ jz contained ;;jump if Curr/Stop totally contained in CR
+ test CH,CL
+ jnz disjoint ;;jump if they're disjoint
+ endm
+; The "grafout" macro. in: none
+; out: none
+; destroys: AX,DX
+; usage: grafout index,value
+; For use in EGA mode. An EGA graphics-controller register is selected
+; by writing "index" to port 3CEh. Then "value" is put into the register
+; by writing it to port 3CFh.
+grafout macro index,value
+;; mov AL,index ;; select the register
+;; mov DX,3CEh
+;; out DX,AL
+;; mov AL,value ;; write value to register
+;; inc DX
+;; out DX,AL
+;; The above sequence of byte-width instructions can be
+;; condensed into the below word-width instructions.
+;; This gives roughly a 10% speed improvement.
+ mov AL,index
+ mov AH,value
+ mov DX,3CEh
+ out DX,AX
+ endm
+; The "seqout" macro. in: none
+; out: none
+; destroys: AX,DX
+; usage: grafout index,value
+; For use in EGA mode. An EGA sequencer register is selected
+; by writing "index" to port 3C4h. Then "value" is put into the register
+; by writing it to port 3C5h.
+seqout macro index,value
+;; This macro is similar to macro "grafout".
+ mov AL,index
+ mov AH,value
+ mov DX,3C4h
+ out DX,AX
+ endm
+; The "xy_lmap" macro. in: AX = X coordinate
+; BX = Y coordinate
+; out: AX = address of byte with pixel
+; destroys: BX,CX,DX
+; usage: xy_lmap nbytes
+; Given pixel x,y on a linear graphics space, calculate the byte address
+; offset that contains the pixel. AX,BX contain coordinates X,Y respectively.
+; "Nbytes" are the number of 8-bit bytes per row of pixels. AX will contain
+; the result address. The equation is:
+; address = (y * nbytes) + (x / 8)
+xy_lmap macro nbytes
+ xchg AX,BX
+ mov CX,nbytes
+ mul CX
+ shr BX,1
+ shr BX,1
+ shr BX,1
+ add AX,BX
+ endm
+ page
+TI_CRT equ 49h
+IBM_CRT equ 10h
+DOS_FUN equ 21h
+ page
+; This stack is used for the standard XLI interface. However, a different
+; stack (i.e. PCS's) is used during calls to a graphics driver.
+STACK segment word stack 'STACK'
+stackstart = $
+ dw 16 dup (?)
+stacksize = $ - stackstart
+STACK ends
+DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+datastart = $
+ public VID_MODE
+ extrn PC_MAKE:word
+ extrn char_hgt:word
+ extrn MAX_ROWS:byte
+ public VID_MODE
+ extrn PC_MAKE:word
+ extrn char_hgt:word
+ extrn MAX_ROWS:byte
+ extrn sysint_table:dword
+; Some TIPC system constants.
+X_MAX equ 720 ; Horizontal resolution
+Y_MAX equ 300 ; Vertical resolution
+Num_Colors equ 8 ; Number of colors displayable by TIPC
+Bytes_per_Line equ 92 ; (720-displayed + extra word)/ 8-bits/byte
+; Other constants
+PIXEL_ON equ 1 ; mask to get rightmost bit of pixel color
+; These are the default values of the palette & misc. output latches.
+DEF_RED equ 0AAh
+DEF_GRN equ 0CCh
+DEF_BLU equ 0F0h
+TEXT_ON equ 040h ; This value is needed for bit-twiddling
+TEXT_OFF equ 00h
+YES_GRPH equ 0FFh
+NO_GRAPH equ 00h
+TRUE equ 0FFh
+FALSE equ 00h
+; locations
+; (these equates corr. to DW's defined further below and exist
+; for use by XPCINIT during TI video mode initialization)
+RED_Pal equ 0DF01h
+Misc_Lat equ 0DF82h
+; Local variable storage.
+PC_MAKE dw 0 ; Make of PC
+CHAR_HGT dw 8 ; Character height
+VID_MODE dw 3,6 dup (0) ; Current video mode for TI (text & grafx on)
+ ; Also used for "exotic" video modes for IBM
+ ; when the MSBy is nonzero.
+ ; Current defined values for MSBy:
+ ; 1 = Hercules 720x348 mono graphics mode
+Curr_X dw ? ; Current x-coordinate
+Curr_Y dw ? ; Current y-coordinate
+Stop_X dw ? ; Second endpoint x-coordinate for drawing
+Stop_Y dw ? ; Second endpoint y-coordinate for drawing
+clip_left dw ? ; Clipping rectangle (in screen coordinates)
+clip_top dw ?
+clip_right dw ?
+clip_bottom dw ?
+px dw ? ; Points to the independent variable
+py dw ? ; Points to the dependent variable
+Delta_X dw ? ; = Stop_X - Start_X
+Delta_Y dw ? ; = Stop_Y - Start_Y
+X_Dir dw ? ; -1,0,+1 : step of independent variable
+Y_Dir dw ? ; -1,0,+1 : step of dependent variable
+Xend dw ? ; End value of independent variable
+Incr1 dw ? ; Step for using pnt below desired value
+Incr2 dw ? ; Step for using pnt above desired value
+GRAFIX_ON dw YES_GRPH ; TI Graphics are initially enabled
+Box_Hite dw ? ; Box is this number of pixels high
+Box_Width dw ? ; Number of bytes the box's width occupies
+Left_Offset dw ? ; Byte offset into graphx planes of upper left box
+Left_End dw ? ; Bit pattern of left end of solid box
+Left_Side dw ? ; Bit pattern of left side of hollow box
+Right_End dw ? ; Bit pattern of right end of solid box
+Right_Side dw ? ; Bit pattern of right side of hollow box
+Interior dw ? ; Bit pattern of interior of box
+Fill_Fig db ? ; True if box is to be filled
+func db ? ; EGA function 0 or 18h
+f_code db 7 ; and/or/xor function
+st_word dw ? ; start screen offset
+st_bit dw ? ; start bit offset
+ed_word dw ? ; ending word offset
+ed_bit dw ? ; ending bit offset
+w_p_row dw 40 ; # of words per row
+b_p_wrds db 16 ; 16 bits per word
+two dw 2 ; two
+pix_c dw ? ; pixel color
+gra_ram dw 0a000h ; EGA graphics ram address
+y_val dw ?
+; Local constants storage.
+X_Resolution dw X_MAX
+Y_Resolution dw Y_MAX
+Bits_per_Byte dw 8
+Color_Cycle db 8
+; Stored here will be the current values for the latches should
+; the (ab)user decide to change them later with (set-palette!).
+RED_Latch db DEF_RED
+GRN_Latch db DEF_GRN
+BLU_Latch db DEF_BLU
+; A table of zeroes for clearing the palettes before a mode change on
+; the EGA.
+; A table of current values for the EGA colors. The table will be
+; modified by each set-palette! command for the EGA. These values
+; will be used to restore the colors after a mode change on the EGA.
+clear_pal db 17 dup(0)
+save_pal db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,38h,39h,3ah,3bh,3ch,3dh,3eh,3fh,0
+; These are the segments for the three graphics bit-planes
+; in the TIPC color graphics board.
+Bank_A dw 0C000h
+Bank_B dw 0C800h
+Bank_C dw 0D000h
+Misc_Latch dw 0DF82h
+; These are the segments of the Red, Green, Blue palette latches.
+RED_Palette dw 0DF01h
+GRN_Palette dw 0DF02h
+BLU_Palette dw 0DF03h
+; Color to palette bits translation
+Palette_Trans label byte
+ db 00000001b
+ db 00000010b
+ db 00010000b
+ db 00100000b
+ db 00000100b
+ db 00001000b
+ db 01000000b
+ db 10000000b
+; Single-bit-on words for setting individual pixels
+Bit_Table label byte
+; 01234567 (Pixel numbering - not bit numbering)
+ db 10000000b
+ db 01000000b
+ db 00100000b
+ db 00010000b
+ db 00001000b
+ db 00000100b
+ db 00000010b
+ db 00000001b
+; Gradual bit filled bytes for the "left-side" of horizontal lines
+Start_Line label byte
+; 01234567 (Pixel numbering - not bit numbering)
+ db 11111111b
+ db 01111111b
+ db 00111111b
+ db 00011111b
+ db 00001111b
+ db 00000111b
+ db 00000011b
+ db 00000001b
+; Gradual bit filled bytes for the "right-side" of horizontal lines
+End_Line label byte
+; 01234567 (Pixel numbering - not bit numbering)
+ db 10000000b
+ db 11000000b
+ db 11100000b
+ db 11110000b
+ db 11111000b
+ db 11111100b
+ db 11111110b
+ db 11111111b
+; Clipping masks
+; LTRB (left, top, right, bottom)
+left_mask db 00001000b
+top_mask db 00000100b
+right_mask db 00000010b
+bottom_mask db 00000001b
+; Screen resolution table (for the different IBM video modes)
+; The table contains the maximum *plottable* X,Y value for the mode.
+Res_Table_IBM label word
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 0 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 1 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 2 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 3 not a graphics mode
+ dw 319,199 ;mode 4 is a graphics mode
+ dw 319,199 ;mode 5 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,199 ;mode 6 is a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 7 not a graphics mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 8 PCjr only
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 9 PCjr only
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 10 PCjr only
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 11 EGA internal mode
+ dw 0,0 ;mode 12 EGA internal mode
+ dw 319,199 ;mode 13 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,199 ;mode 14 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,349 ;mode 15 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,349 ;mode 16 is a graphics mode
+ dw 639,479 ;mode 17 VGA graphics mode
+ dw 639,479 ;mode 18 VGA graphics mode
+ dw 319,199 ;mode 19 VGA graphics mode
+ dw 1280,1280 ;---only for setting CR---
+Res_Table_IBM_Length equ ($-Res_Table_IBM)/4
+; Hercules
+;;; --- Equates ---
+her_mode_mask equ 00000010b ;mask to extract text/graphics bit
+her_scrn_mask equ 00001000b ;mask to extract screen off/on bit
+her_page_mask equ 10000000b ;mask to extract page0/page1 bit
+her_index equ 3b4h ;port# of 6845 Index Reg;
+ ;this port + 1 is 6845 Data Reg
+her_ctrl equ 3b8h ;port# of Display Mode Control Port
+gr_blank equ 0h ;zero out graphics memory with this value
+txt_blank equ 720h ;zero out text memory with this value
+gr_size equ 4000h ;zero out this many words of graphic memory
+txt_size equ 2000 ;zero out this many words of text memory
+her_page0 equ 0B000h ;seg address screen memory page 0
+her_page1 equ 0B800h ;seg address screen memory page 1
+her_xmax equ 720 ;horizontal resolution
+her_ymax equ 348 ;vertical resolution
+;;; --- Constant data ---
+; magic numbers for the 6845 CRT controller chip
+; refer to Appendix 3, p. 21 of the Hercules manual
+gtable db 35h,2dh,2eh,07h
+ db 5bh,02h,57h,57h
+ db 02h,03h,00h,00h
+ttable db 61h,50h,52h,0fh
+ db 19h,06h,19h,19h
+ db 02h,0dh,0bh,0ch
+;;; --- Variable data ---
+her_disp db 0 ;state of text/graphics bit
+her_page dw her_page0 ;address of active page
+; Jump table for graphit() based on op_code
+ dw SETP
+ dw SET_PAL ; This used to be RESETP
+ dw LINE
+ dw GETP
+ dw BOX
+table_len equ $ - OP_CODE
+; XLI
+;;; ----- Equates -----
+; offsets into the PSP
+term_addr equ 0Ah
+fb_addr equ 5Ch
+;;; ----- Data structures -----
+; file block
+file_block label word
+ dw 4252h
+ dw 10011b ;flags = sysint,0,0,16-bit,near
+ dw offset lookup_table, seg lookup_table
+ dw offset parm_block, seg parm_block
+; reserved area of file block
+ dw 100h ;sysint# (256=%graphics)
+ dw offset graphit, seg graphit ;ISR entry point
+ dw 0,0,0,0,0
+; parameter block
+parm_block label word ;not used
+ dw 0
+; lookup table
+lookup_table label word
+ db '//' ;not used
+; other needed values
+psp dw ? ;PSP segment address
+psize dw ? ;size of program in paragraphs
+xwait dw 2 dup (?) ;XLI wait address
+xbye dw 2 dup (?) ;XLI bye address
+datasize = $-datastart
+DATA ends
+ page
+PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
+progstart = $
+; name GRAPHIT -- Scheme interface to Rusty's graphics routines
+; synopsis graphit(op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
+; description call the appropriate graphics routine based on the "op"
+; argument:
+; 0 - (set-video-mode! mode)
+; 1 - (setp x y color)
+; 2 - (set-palette! curr-color-id new-color-id)
+; 3 - (line x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+; 4 - (point x y)
+; 5 - (get-video-mode)
+; 6 - (box x-ul y-ul x-len y-len color)
+; 7 - (filled_box x-ul y-ul x-len y-len color xor)
+; 8 - (set-clipping-rectangle! left top right bottom)
+; the following 2 structure definitions should be isomorphic to each other
+gr_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's DS
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; return address (far)
+arg6 dw ? ; 7 argument 6 -- dbs 10/10/86
+arg5 dw ? ; 6 argument 5
+arg4 dw ? ; 5 argument 4
+arg3 dw ? ; 4 argument 3
+arg2 dw ? ; 3 argument 2
+arg1 dw ? ; 2 argument 1
+opcode dw ? ; 1 sub operation code
+gr_args ends
+gr_values struc
+ dw ? ; caller's DS
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; return address (far)
+ dw ? ; 7
+ dw ? ; 6
+ dw ? ; 5
+gr_cols dw ? ; 4 # cols on physical screen
+gr_rows dw ? ; 3 # rows on physical screen
+gr_char_hgt dw ? ; 2 character-box height
+gr_vmode dw ? ; 1 video mode
+gr_values ends
+ public graphit
+graphit proc far
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ push DS ; save caller's DS
+ mov BX,data ; establish our data segment
+ mov DS,BX
+ mov BP,SP ; establish our stack frame;
+ ; NOTE: this frame always appears on
+ ; PCS's stack, no matter how this
+ ; file is assembled
+; Load sub opcode
+ mov BX,[BP].opcode ; load sub operation code
+ add BX,BX ; adjust for index into jump table
+ cmp BX,table_len ; bad op_code?
+ jae bad_op
+; Call desired graphics function
+ call OP_CODE[BX]
+ jmp short gr_end
+bad_op: mov AX,-1
+; Return to caller
+gr_end: mov SP,BP ; dump arguments off TIPC's stack
+ pop DS ; restore caller's data segment
+ pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return to caller
+graphit endp
+ page
+; name SET_MODE - graphics initialize
+; synopsis (set-video-mode! mode_number)
+; description TIPC | IBM-PC
+; --------------------------+---------------------------
+; 0 Clear graphics | 0 40x25 BW 4 320x200 Col
+; 1 Text Enable | 1 40x25 Color 5 320x200 BW
+; 2 Graphics Enable | 2 80x25 BW 6 640x200 BW
+; 3 Text & Graphics Ena | 3 80x25 Color
+; +---------------------------
+; | EGA modes:
+; | 13 320x200 16col 40x25 8x8cbox
+; | 14 640x200 16col 80x25 8x8cbox
+; | 15 640x350 4col 80x25 8x14cbox
+; | 16 640x350 16col 80x25 8x14cbox
+; +---------------------------
+; | VGA modes:
+; | 17 640x480 2col
+; | 18 640x480 16col
+; | 19 320x200 256col
+; returns nothing
+SET_MODE proc near
+ push BP
+ push ES
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; get mode-number
+ push AX ; save mode number for later
+ cmp ah,0 ; is high-order byte on?
+ jne spec_mode ; yes, jump; we have special cases
+ cmp PC_MAKE,TIPC ; are we in TI mode?
+ jne ibm_mode ; no, jump; IBM
+ jmp ti_mode ; else TI
+ jmp ti_mode
+ jmp ibm_mode
+spec_mode label near
+ cmp ah,1 ; Hercules?
+ je her_mode
+ pop ax
+ mov ax,-1 ; unknown mode value
+ jmp err_ret
+her_mode label near
+; On entry, AH = 1, AL = display-mode control port bits
+ call Reset_CR_Her ; reset clipping rectangle to full screen
+ mov ah,al
+ and ah,her_mode_mask
+ xor ah,her_disp ; did the mode change?
+ jz her_control ; no, jump
+ call reset_CRT_chip ; yes, reset 6845 CRT controller parameters
+ mov dx,her_ctrl ; write bits to control port
+ out dx,al
+ mov bx,her_page0 ; determine address of active graphics page
+ test al,her_page_mask
+ jz her_5
+ mov bx,her_page1
+her_5: mov her_page,bx ; save address of active graphics page
+ and al,her_mode_mask ; save state of text/graphics bit
+ mov her_disp,al
+ jnz her_10 ; if graphics mode, exit
+ pop dx ; reset MSBy vmode# on stack so get-video-mode
+ ; returns std IBM value rather than exotic vmode
+ xor dh,dh
+ push dx
+her_10: jmp mode_end
+ibm_mode label near
+ mov AH,12H ; Test for presence of EGA
+ mov BX,10H
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ cmp CX,0 ; Is there an EGA here ?
+ je ibm_cga ; Apparently not; assume CGA
+ push DS
+ pop ES
+ mov DX,offset clear_pal
+ mov AX,1002H ; Set EGA palettes to black for mode
+ int IBM_CRT ; change without screen flicker
+ pop AX
+ push AX
+ xor AH,AH ; Set video I/O mode (AH=0) (AL=MODE)
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ call Reset_CR_IBM ; reset clipping rectangle to full screen
+ comment ~ ; commented out 11/6/87 - rb
+; Initialize a delay loop
+ mov AH,2CH ; Get time
+ int DOS_FUN ; DOS function request
+ inc DH ; Add 1 second delay to start time
+ mov BX,DX ; Save the ending time
+ cmp BH,59 ; Test for 59 seconds (impossible limit)
+ jl tm_loop ; OK
+ mov BH,0 ; Set it = 0 to avoid a long delay
+tm_loop: mov AH,2CH ; Get time
+ int DOS_FUN ; DOS function request
+ cmp DX,BX ; Enough time yet ?
+ jle tm_loop ; No, loop again
+ ~ ;end commented-out code
+ mov DX,offset save_pal
+ mov AX,1002H ; Set EGA palettes to saved colors
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ cmp [BP].arg1,18 ; Switching to mode 18 (VGA)?
+ jne i005 ; jump if not
+ mov MAX_ROWS,DEFAULT_VGA_ROWS ; reset number rows for ega
+ jmp i010
+ mov MAX_ROWS,DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS ; reset default number rows
+ jmp short mode_end
+ibm_cga label near
+ pop AX
+ push AX
+ xor AH,AH ; Set video I/O mode (AH=0) (AL=MODE)
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's video BIOS interrupt
+ call Reset_CR_IBM ; reset clipping rectangle to full screen
+ jmp short mode_end
+ti_mode: call Reset_CR_TI ; reset clipping rectangle to full screen
+ cmp AL,0 ; Clear TI graphics and re-init palette
+ je clr_grfx1
+ cmp AL,1 ; Turn off Graphics and Text on
+ je textonly1
+ cmp AL,2 ; Turn on Graphics and Text off
+ je grfxonly1
+ cmp AL,3 ; Turn on both Graphics and Text
+ je all_on1
+ pop AX
+ xor AX,AX ; Bad op-code
+ not AX ; AX = -1
+ jmp short err_ret
+mode_end: pop AX
+ mov VID_MODE,AX ; Save VID-MODE for (get-video-mode)[TI-only]
+; for the individual drivers, build up return values on stack
+ int 3
+ mov [BP].gr_vmode,AX ; video mode
+ mov [BP].gr_char_hgt,8 ; character height
+ cmp AX,14
+ jle mode_10 ; CGA, jump
+ mov [BP].gr_char_hgt,14
+ cmp AX,18 ; VGA mode 18?
+ jne mode_12 ; no, jump
+ mov [BP].gr_char_hgt,16 ;vga mode 18 character height
+ mov [BP].gr_rows,DEFAULT_VGA_ROWS ;#rows on screen (used for pro)
+ mov [BP].gr_cols,DEFAULT_NUM_COLS ;#cols on screen
+ jmp mode_13
+ mov [BP].gr_rows,DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS ;#rows on screen
+ mov [BP].gr_cols,DEFAULT_NUM_COLS ;#cols on screen
+; else return values directly inside VM
+ mov char_hgt,8 ;default char height = 8
+ cmp vid_mode,14 ;mode 14 or less?
+ jle err_ret ; yes, return
+ mov char_hgt,14 ;default char height = 14
+ cmp vid_mode,18 ;mode 18?
+ jl err_ret ; no, return
+ mov char_hgt,16 ; yes, char height = 16
+ xor AX,AX ; Return something nice
+err_ret: pop ES ; Get the heck outta here
+ pop BP
+ ret
+clr_grfx1: jmp short clr_grfx ; relative jumps not long enough
+grfxonly1: jmp short grfxonly
+textonly1: jmp short textonly
+all_on1: jmp short all_on
+clr_grfx: mov AH,14h ; Clear graphics planes
+ int TI_CRT ; Send command to CRT device driver
+ mov RED_Latch,DEF_RED ; Reset palettes to default values
+ mov GRN_Latch,DEF_GRN
+ mov BLU_Latch,DEF_BLU
+ cmp byte ptr GRAFIX_ON,YES_GRPH
+ jne short mode_end
+ mov AL,RED_Latch ; if graphics are enabled reset the palettes
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ jmp mode_end
+grfxonly label near
+ mov AL,RED_Latch
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ call txt_set ; Turn text off
+ jmp mode_end
+textonly label near
+ xor AL,AL
+ mov BL,AL
+ mov CL,AL
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes off
+ mov AL,TEXT_ON
+ call txt_set ; Turn text on
+ jmp mode_end
+all_on label near
+ mov AL,RED_Latch
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ mov AL,TEXT_ON
+ call txt_set ; Turn text on
+ jmp mode_end
+pal_set label near
+ push BP
+ xor BP,BP ; Zero offset from palette segments
+ mov ES,RED_Palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP],AL ; Set red palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP]+16,BL ; Set green palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP]+32,CL ; Set blue palette
+ mov byte ptr GRAFIX_ON,DL ; if graphics are on or not
+ pop BP
+ ret
+txt_set label near
+ push BP
+ xor BP,BP
+ mov ES,Misc_Latch
+ mov byte ptr ES:[BP],AL
+ pop BP
+ ret
+SET_MODE endp
+reset_CRT_chip proc near
+; This routine resets the Hercules 6845 CRT controller whenever
+; switching between text and graphics modes.
+; The screen memory is also cleared.
+; On entry: AL is the display mode control word.
+; Destroys: AH,BX..DI
+; On exit: AL is unaltered
+; ES is address of active screen page
+ test al,her_mode_mask ;turn on graphics mode?
+ jz rcc_txt_mode ;no, jump
+; turn on graphics mode
+ mov si,offset gtable
+ mov bx,gr_blank
+ mov cx,gr_size
+ jmp rcc_init
+; turn on text mode
+ mov si,offset ttable
+ mov bx,txt_blank
+ mov cx,txt_size
+; at this point:
+; AL = control byte
+; BX = blank value
+; CX = # 16-bit words to blank out
+; SI = @ parameter table
+ push ax ;tempsave ctrl word
+ push ax
+ push cx ;tempsave #words to clear
+ mov ah,al
+ and ah,her_page_mask+her_mode_mask ;turn off screen
+ ;leave mode, page alone
+ xchg ah,al
+ mov dx,her_ctrl
+ out dx,al ;output it
+ mov ax,ds
+ mov es,ax ;ES:SI points to parameter table
+ mov dx,her_index ;set port# to 6845 Index Register
+ mov cx,12 ;we're going to output 12 parameters
+ xor ah,ah ;starting from register zero
+rcc_parms: mov al,ah ;AL is register#
+ out dx,al ;output it
+ inc dx ;inc port# to 6845 Data Register
+ lodsb ;get next parameter value
+ out dx,al ;and output it
+ inc ah ;inc to next register
+ dec dx ;dec port# back to Index Register
+ loop rcc_parms
+ pop cx ;restore blank count
+ pop ax ;restore ctrl word
+ test ax,her_page_mask ;clear page 1?
+ jnz rcc_pg1 ;yes, jump
+ mov ax,her_page0 ;get address of screen page 0
+ jmp short rcc_clr
+rcc_pg1: mov ax,her_page1 ;get address of screen page 1
+rcc_clr: cld
+ mov es,ax
+ xor di,di ;ES:DI points into screen memory
+ mov ax,bx ;AX is blank value
+ rep stosw ;clear screen memory
+ pop ax ;restore ctrl word
+ ret
+reset_CRT_chip endp
+ page
+; name SETP -- turn on a pixel at the given coordinates with
+; the specified color.
+; synopsis (setp x y color)
+; description Turn on the pixel at (x,y) [origin at upper left] with
+; one of the colors specified by 'color'.
+; Point clipping is done.
+; returns nothing
+SETP proc near
+ push BP
+ push DI
+ push ES
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get `x'
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get `y'
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x and y into their proper ranges
+ call Encode_XY ; Encode point's visibility
+ cmp CL,0 ; is it visible?
+ jnz Set_exit ; no, jump
+ mov CX,[BP].arg6 ; xor code
+ mov f_code,CL
+ mov CX,[BP].arg3 ; Get `color'
+ call LCL_SETP ; Display pixel
+Set_exit: xor AX,AX ; Return code of zero
+ pop ES
+ pop DI
+ pop BP
+ ret
+SETP endp ; End of SETP(,,)
+ page
+; name SET_PAL -- Modify the current palette according to PC_MAKE
+; synopsis (set-palette! curr-color-id new-color-id)
+; description If PC_MAKE == TIPC then set-palette twiddles the TIPC
+; graphics palette latches according to the colors specified.
+; If PC_MAKE == [PC,XT,jr,AT] then use the IBM video I/O
+; interrupt (10h), function 11, set color palette;
+; or function 16, set palette registers if EGA is present.
+; returns nothing
+SET_PAL proc near
+ push BP
+ push ES
+ mov BX,[BP].arg1 ; Get current-color-id
+ mov CX,[BP].arg2 ; Get new-color-id
+; **** WARNING **** Fix the IBM side of this swapping of A,BX <=> B,CX
+ jne ibm_pal
+ and BX,7 ; use only lower three bits
+ mov AL,Palette_Trans[BX] ; convert BL to 1-in-8 bits
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AH ; AH = 7-in-8 mask
+ mov BL,RED_Latch
+ call twiddle
+ mov RED_Latch,BL
+ mov BL,BLU_Latch
+ call twiddle
+ mov BLU_Latch,BL
+ mov BL,GRN_Latch
+ call twiddle
+ mov GRN_Latch,BL
+ cmp byte ptr GRAFIX_ON,YES_GRPH ; are graphics enabled?
+ jne pal_ret
+ mov AL,RED_Latch ; if yes, then update display palettes
+ mov CL,BLU_Latch
+ call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+ jmp short pal_ret
+twiddle label near
+ sar CL,1 ; Do we turn the bit on or off
+ jnc turn_off
+ or BL,AL ; Turn it on
+ ret
+turn_off: and BL,AH ; Turn it off
+ ret
+ibm_pal: mov AH,15 ; Get current video mode
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM video I/O interrupt
+ cmp AL,4 ; Is mode = 4 ?
+ jne pal_ega ; No, jump
+ ; CGA palette
+ mov BH,BL ; BH = palette color id being set
+ mov BL,CL ; BL = color value
+ mov AH,11 ; Set CGA color palette
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM video I/O interrupt
+ jmp short pal_ret
+ ; EGA palette
+pal_ega: mov BH,CL ; BL = palette color id being set
+ ; BH = color value
+ cmp BL,16 ; Is color id reasonable ?
+ jge pal_ret ; No, forget it
+ mov AX,1000H ; Set EGA color palette
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM video I/O interrupt
+ mov BH,0 ; Use palette color id (BL) as index
+ mov DS:save_pal[BX],CL ; Save color value in palette table
+pal_ret: xor AX,AX ; Return code of zero
+ pop ES
+ pop BP
+ ret
+SET_PAL endp ; End of (set-palette!...)
+ page
+; name VIDEO_MODE - return the current video mode
+; synopsis (get-video-mode)
+; description Returns the video mode number for the appropriate PC.
+; returns video mode number
+ public VIDEO_MODE
+VIDEO_MODE proc near
+ cmp byte ptr VID_MODE+1,0 ;is high-order byte zero?
+ jne get_ti_m ;no, exotic video mode, return that instead
+; at this point, high-order byte of video mode is zero
+ je get_ti_m
+ mov AH,15 ; IBM's get current video state
+ int IBM_CRT
+ cbw ; Convert to full word.
+ ret
+; used by TI or "exotic" video modes for IBM
+get_ti_m: mov AX,VID_MODE ; This was squirreled away by SET_MODE (TI)
+ ret
+ page
+; name LINE -- draw a line between the two sets of coordinates
+; given with the specified color.
+; synopsis (line x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+; description Draw a line between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with one of the 8
+; colors specified by 'color'. The line is clipped.
+; This routine is based upon Bresenham's Line Algorithm
+; from page 435 in "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer
+; Graphics" by Foley and Van Dam.
+; The clipping algorithm is Cohen and Sutherland's.
+; See pages 65-67, "Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics"
+; (2nd edition) by Newman and Sproull.
+; returns nothing
+LINE proc near
+; Look for horizontal or vertical lines first. If so, we can use BOX
+; to output them a byte of pixels at a time rather than just one pixel
+; at a time, with a significant speedup (even clipping is faster).
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; is line horizontal?
+ cmp AX,[BP].arg3
+ jne line_10 ; no, jump
+ jmp BOX ; yes, use BOX, it's faster
+line_10: mov AX,[BP].arg2 ; is line vertical?
+ cmp AX,[BP].arg4
+ jne line_20 ; no, jump
+ jmp BOX ; yes, use BOX, it's faster
+line_20: push DI
+ push SI
+ push ES
+; Clip line
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get x1
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get y1
+ mov CX,[BP].arg3 ; Get x2
+ mov DX,[BP].arg4 ; Get y2
+ cmp AX,CX ; is x1 <= x2?
+ jle x1_first ; yes, jump
+ ; always draw from p1 to p2; otherwise the same line drawn
+ ; in the opposite direction may not exactly overlay it
+ xchg AX,CX ; no, interchange the two points
+ xchg BX,DX
+x1_first: mov Curr_X,AX
+ mov Curr_Y,BX
+ mov Stop_X,CX
+ mov Stop_Y,DX
+ call Clip_line
+ jz Do_line ; jump if line is visible
+ jmp Line_exit ; jump if line is invisible
+; Line drawing proper
+Do_line: mov px,offset Curr_X ; px = address of Curr_X
+ mov py,offset Curr_y ; py = address of Curr_Y
+ mov BX,[BP].arg6 ; get xored or not
+ mov f_code,BL
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ mov Xend,AX ; Independent var's end-value unless swapped
+ sub BX,Curr_Y ; Delta_Y = y2 - y1
+ mov Delta_Y,BX
+ sub AX,Curr_X ; Delta_X = x2 - x1
+ mov Delta_X,AX
+ xchg AX,BX ; Put Delta_Y into ax; Delta_X into bx
+ jz Swap_Things ; Is Delta_X == 0 ?
+ cwd ; Ready dx for division
+ idiv BX
+ neg AX
+ jge Test_Slope
+ neg AX ; slope = ax = ABS(INT(dy/dx))
+Test_Slope label near
+ cmp AX,1 ; IF slope >= 1 THEN
+ jl Get_X_Increment
+Swap_Things label near
+ xchg Delta_Y,BX
+ mov Delta_X,BX ; swap(dx,dy)
+ mov CX,px
+ xchg py,CX
+ mov px,CX ; swap(px,py)
+ mov CX,Stop_Y
+ mov Xend,CX ; Xend = Stop_Y since variables'
+ ; dependence was swapped.
+Get_X_Increment label near
+ or BX,BX ; X_Dir = sgn(Delta_X)
+ jz Save_X_Dir ; IF it's zero THEN we're done
+ mov BX,1 ; ELSE force bx = 1
+ jg Save_X_Dir ; IF Delta_X was < zero THEN
+ neg BX ; bx = -1
+Save_X_Dir label near
+ mov X_Dir,BX
+ mov BX,Delta_Y
+ or BX,BX ; Y_Dir = sgn(Delta_Y)
+ jz Save_Y_Dir ; IF it's zero THEN we're done
+ mov BX,1 ; ELSE force bx = 1
+ jg Save_Y_Dir ; IF Delta_X was < zero THEN
+ neg BX ; bx = -1
+Save_Y_Dir label near
+ mov Y_Dir,BX
+ mov AX,Delta_X ; Delta_X = ABS(Delta_X)
+ neg AX
+ jge Save_ABS_Dx
+ neg AX
+Save_ABS_Dx label near
+ mov Delta_X,AX
+ mov BX,Delta_Y ; Delta_Y = ABS(Delta_Y)
+ neg BX
+ jge Save_ABS_Dy
+ neg BX
+Save_ABS_Dy label near
+ mov Delta_Y,BX
+ shl BX,1
+ mov Incr1,BX ; Incr1 = Delta_Y * 2
+ sub BX,AX
+ push BX ; d = Delta_Y * 2 - Delta_X
+ sub BX,AX
+ mov incr2,BX ; Incr2 = (Delta_Y - Delta_X) * 2
+ mov CX,[BP].arg5 ; Push `color' for call to SETP
+ mov BX,Curr_Y ; Push `y'
+ mov AX,Curr_X ; Push `x'
+ call LCL_SETP ; Plot beginning point
+ mov DI,px ; Get pointer to independent variable
+ mov SI,py ; Get pointer to dependent variable
+ mov AX,X_Dir
+ mov BX,Y_Dir
+ mov CX,Xend
+ pop DX ; get D from stack
+While label near
+ cmp CX,DS:[DI] ; While (px->start != xend) {
+ je While_End
+ add DS:[DI],AX ; Px->start += X_Dir
+ or DX,DX ; IF (D < 0) THEN
+ jge Inc_Dependent
+ add DX,Incr1 ; D += Incr1
+ jmp short End_If
+Inc_Dependent label near ; ELSE
+ add [SI],BX ; Py->start += Y_Dir
+ add DX,Incr2 ; D += Incr2
+End_If label near ; ENDIF
+ push AX ; Save X_Dir
+ push BX ; Save Y_Dir
+ push CX ; Save Xend
+ push DX ; Save D
+ push SI
+ push DI
+ mov CX,[BP].arg5 ; Push `color' for call to SETP
+ mov BX,Curr_Y ; Push `y'
+ mov AX,Curr_X ; Push `x'
+ call LCL_SETP ; Plot beginning point
+ pop DI
+ pop SI
+ pop DX
+ pop CX
+ pop BX
+ pop AX
+ jmp short While
+While_End label near
+Line_exit label near
+ xor AX,AX ; Return code of zero
+ pop ES
+ pop SI
+ pop DI
+ ret
+LINE endp ; End of LINE(,,,,)
+ page
+; name GETP -- return the attribute (color) at the specified
+; coordinates.
+; synopsis (getp x y)
+; description Return the pixel value (0 - 7) at the coordinates given
+; as arguments. The coordinates are clipped.
+; returns An unsigned integer in the range 0 to 7 , inclusive,
+; if the pixel lies inside the clipping rectangle.
+; The first bit-plane starting at 0C0000h will have its
+; bit represented by the lsb of the returned word. The
+; last bit-plane starting at 0D0000h will have its bit
+; represented by bit number 2 (lsb = bit 0) of the returned
+; word.
+; If the pixel lies outside the clipping rectangle, return -1.
+GETP proc near
+ push BP
+ push DI
+ push ES
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get `x'
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get `y'
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x and y into their proper ranges
+ call Encode_XY ; Encode point's visibility in the CR
+ cmp CL,0 ; is point visible in the CR?
+ mov AX,-1
+ jne IBM_Ret_Clr ; no, jump (return -1 in AX)
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; restore AX to 'x'
+ cmp byte ptr VID_MODE+1,1 ;Hercules?
+ je her_getp
+ je ti_getp
+ mov dx,bx ; Do it the IBM way (ugh!)
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov ah,13
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM Video BIOS
+ xor ah,ah ; Color is in AL
+ mov dx,ax
+ jmp short IBM_Ret_Clr
+ti_getp label near
+ call GM_Offset ; Convert (x,y) to linear offset
+; Read the specified bit in each of the graphics memory banks.
+ xor DX,DX ; Clear value to be returned
+ mov ES,Bank_C ; Get segment of 3rd bank
+ mov BH,ES:[DI] ; Copy the selected byte in graphics memory
+ and BH,AH ; Was the bit on ?
+ jz short Test_Bank_B
+ inc DX
+Test_Bank_B label near
+ shl DX,1
+ mov BX,ES
+ sub BH,08h
+ mov ES,BX
+ mov BH,ES:[DI] ; Copy the selected byte in graphics memory
+ and BH,AH ; Was the bit on ?
+ jz short Test_Bank_A
+ inc DX
+Test_Bank_A label near
+ shl DX,1
+ mov BX,ES
+ sub BH,08h
+ mov ES,BX
+ mov BH,ES:[DI] ; Copy the selected byte in graphics memory
+ and BH,AH ; Was the bit on ?
+ jz short Return_Color
+ inc DX
+Return_Color label near
+ mov AX,DX ; Put returning value into ax
+IBM_Ret_Clr label near
+ pop ES
+ pop DI
+ pop BP
+ ret
+her_getp: call Her_GM_Offset
+ mov BL,Bit_Table[BX]
+ mov ES,her_page
+ xor AX,AX
+ test BL,ES:[DI]
+ jz IBM_Ret_Clr ; return 0 in AX if pixel off
+ inc AX
+ jmp IBM_Ret_Clr ; else return 1
+GETP endp ; End of GETP(,)
+ page
+; Encode_XY in: AX=X, BX=Y
+; out: CL=code
+; destroyed: CL
+; Encode X,Y into a 4-bit code indicating its visibility in the clipping rectangle.
+; The code is returned in CL: CL =0: point is visible
+; CL<>0: point is invisible.
+Encode_XY proc near
+ mov CL,0 ; clear CL; code is constructed here
+ cmp AX,clip_left ; x >= clip_left?
+ jge Enc_1 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,left_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_1: cmp BX,clip_top ; y >= clip_top?
+ jge Enc_2 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,top_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_2: cmp AX,clip_right ; x <= clip_right?
+ jle Enc_3 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,right_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_3: cmp BX,clip_bottom ; y <= clip_bottom?
+ jle Enc_4 ; yes, jump
+ or CL,bottom_mask ; no, set bit
+Enc_4: ret
+Encode_XY endp
+ page
+; Clip_line in: none
+; out: none (Z flag)
+; destroyed: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI
+; The line between (Curr_X, Curr_Y) and (Stop_X, Stop_Y) is clipped.
+; The two points' coordinates are possibly modified during the process.
+; On exit: Z=0 if line is visible (onscreen); the final coordinates
+; are in the Curr and Stop memory locations
+; Z=1 if line is invisible (offscreen)
+Clip_line proc
+ mov DI,offset Stop_X
+ overlap Cli_exit,Cli_exit ; if line's extents rectangle lies wholly
+ ; inside or wholly outside clipping rectangle,
+ ; exit immediately
+ jmp short Cli_loop ; else start clipping
+; At this point AX=new X and BX=new Y.
+; (Note this is executed *after* the loop. It's rearranged to
+; get all the relative branches within range.)
+ mov [DI],AX ; store X back into memory
+ mov [DI+2],BX ; ditto for Y
+ pop CX ; restore codes
+ call Encode_XY ; get code for new X and Y
+ cmp CX,0 ; is combined code zero?
+ jz Cli_exit ; yes, jump; line totally visible at last
+ test CH,CL ; do any encoded bits line up?
+ jz Cli_loop ; no, jump; some part of line is visible.
+ ; if fall thru, line was invisible after all
+Cli_exit: ret
+; We have to clip the line.
+Cli_loop: cmp CL,0 ; is this point visible?
+ jnz Cli_1 ; no, jump
+ xchg CH,CL ; yes, go work on other point
+ sub DI,4 ; set pointer to other point
+Cli_1: push CX ; tempsave the codes
+ test CL,left_mask ; is point off left side?
+ jz Cli_2 ; no, jump
+ ; The endpoint is to the left of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_left,Stop_Y,Stop_X,Curr_X,Curr_Y
+ mov BX,AX ; new Y
+ mov AX,clip_left ; new X
+ jmp Cli_join
+Cli_2: test CL,top_mask ; is point off top side?
+ jz Cli_3 ; no, jump
+ ; The endpoint is above the top of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_top,Stop_X,Stop_Y,Curr_Y,Curr_X
+ ; AX contains new X already
+ mov BX,clip_top ; new Y
+ jmp Cli_join
+Cli_3: test CL,right_mask ; is point off right side?
+ jz Cli_4 ; no, jump
+ ; The endpoint is to the right of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_right,Stop_Y,Stop_X,Curr_X,Curr_Y
+ mov BX,AX ; new Y
+ mov AX,clip_right ; new X
+ jmp Cli_join
+Cli_4: ; no need for more tests
+ ; The endpoint is below the bottom of the clipping rectangle.
+ intersect clip_bottom,Stop_X,Stop_Y,Curr_Y,Curr_X
+ ; AX contains new X already
+ mov BX,clip_bottom ; new Y
+ jmp Cli_join
+Clip_line endp
+ page
+; Clip_box in: none
+; out: none
+; destroyed: AX
+; The box with corners (Curr_X, Curr_Y) and (Stop_X, Stop_Y) is clipped.
+; (The corners should be (left,top) and (right,bottom) respectively.)
+; The two points' coordinates are possibly modified during the process.
+Clip_box proc
+ mov AX,clip_left
+ cmp Curr_X,AX
+ jge CB_1
+ mov Curr_X,AX
+CB_1: mov AX,clip_top
+ cmp Curr_Y,AX
+ jge CB_2
+ mov Curr_Y,AX
+CB_2: mov AX,clip_right
+ cmp Stop_X,AX
+ jle CB_3
+ mov Stop_X,AX
+CB_3: mov AX,clip_bottom
+ cmp Stop_Y,AX
+ jle CB_4
+ mov Stop_Y,AX
+CB_4: ret
+Clip_box endp
+ page
+ comment ~
+; NOTE: This routine is no longer called. Clipping is done instead. - rb
+Fix_XY proc near ; Force x and y into their proper values
+ jne ibm_dsnt ; IBM doesn't do range checking, Y should I?
+ ; On IBM, the ranges will vary with the mode
+ ; On entry ax = `x', bx = `y'
+ ; On exit ax = ax MOD 720, bx = bx MOD 300
+ ; cx & dx =
+ ; Get `x';fix to proper range (already in ax)
+ xor DX,DX ; Clear DX - unsigned dbl-word
+ div X_Resolution ; ax = INT(x / 720), dx = (x MOD 720)
+ mov CX,DX ; I want the MOD function....
+ ;
+ mov AX,BX ; Get `y' and fix to proper range
+ xor DX,DX ; Clear DX - unsigned dbl-word
+ div Y_Resolution ; ax = INT(y / 300), dx = (y MOD 300)
+ ; I want the MOD function....
+ mov BX,DX
+ mov AX,CX ; Put `x' back
+ibm_dsnt: ret
+Fix_XY endp
+ ~ ;end comment
+ page
+GM_Offset proc near
+; Determine which word needs modifying and which bit to set.
+; byte_offset = (Curr_Y * 736-bits/y_pixel * 1-byte/8-bits)
+; + INT(Curr_X * 1-byte/8-x_pixels)
+; bit-in-byte = Curr_X MOD 8 [0-msb, 8-lsb in byte]
+ ; On entry ax = `x', bx = `y'
+ ; On exit
+ ; ah = bit-in-byte, bx =
+ ; cx = , dx =
+ ; di = byte-addr into graphics memory
+ ; ** NOTE: this address is
+ ; byte-swapped, e.g. pixel 0 is
+ ; in byte 1 and pixel 8 is in
+ ; byte 0. To do address arithmetic,
+ ; the byte-swapping must first
+ ; be removed. **
+ xchg AX,BX ; now ax = `y' & bx = `x'
+; neg AX ; Translate y=0 to bottom of screen
+; add AX,Y_MAX-1 ; y_new = 299 - (y_old MOD 300)
+; mul Bytes_per_Line ; Curr_Y * 736/8-bytes/y_pixel
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ mov DX,AX ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ add AX,DX ; 3-clocks
+ neg DX ; 3-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shl AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ add AX,DX ; 3-clocks
+ ; TOTAL = 23-clocks
+ ; MUL = (128-143)+EA
+ xchg AX,BX ; ........save partial sum
+ ; and get `x' into accumulator
+; xor DX,DX ; Clear DX - unsigned dbl-word
+; div Bits_per_Byte ; ax = word offset from beginning of line
+ ; dx = bit-in-byte (x MOD 8)
+ mov DX,7 ; mask all bits 'cept lower 3
+ ; 4-clocks
+ and DX,AX ; 3-clocks
+ shr AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shr AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ shr AX,1 ; 2-clocks
+ ; TOTAL = 13-clocks
+ ; DIV = (154-172)+EA
+ add AX,BX ; Ax = byte # offset into graphics bank
+ xor AL,1 ; fix byte offset address to jive with
+ ; backward byte ordering
+ mov DI,AX ; move for addressing graphics memory
+ mov BX,DX ; Saves on number of memory accesses
+ mov AH,Bit_Table[bx] ; Ax = bit-pattern
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL ; al = NOT ah - for turning bits off
+ ret
+GM_Offset endp
+Her_GM_Offset proc near
+; Determine the byte address and bit-in-byte of pixel to be altered.
+; For the Hercules mono graphics card, the equations are:
+; byte address = (2000h * (y mod 4)) + (90 * int(y/4)) + int(x/8)
+; bit-in-byte = 7 - (x mod 8)
+; Therefore, pixel 0,0 appears in bit 7, and
+; pixels are stored left to right in a byte.
+; On entry: AX = X coordinate
+; BX = Y coordinate
+; Destroyed: DX,SI
+; On exit: DI = byte address
+; AH = bit mask corr. to bit-in-byte
+; AL = NOT AH
+; BX = bit-in-byte
+; CX = (preserved)
+ push CX ; tempsave CX
+ mov CX,AX
+ and CX,00000111b ; get bit-in-byte
+ mov SI,CX
+ mov DI,CX
+ mov CL,Bit_Table[DI] ; get bit mask
+ mov DI,CX ; and stow it away in DI
+ mov CX,AX
+ shr CX,1
+ shr CX,1
+ shr CX,1 ; CX = int(x/8) = qc
+ mov ax,bx
+ and ax,00000011b ; AX = y mod 4
+; 3 ROR's is same as multiplying by 2000h.
+; mov dx,2000h
+; mul dx ; AX = 2000h * (y mod 4) = qa
+ ror ax,1
+ ror ax,1
+ ror ax,1
+ xchg ax,bx ; BX = qa
+ shr ax,1
+ shr ax,1 ; AX = int(y/4)
+ mov dx,90
+ mul dx ; AX = 90 * int(y/4) = qb
+ add ax,bx ; AX = qa + qb
+ add ax,cx ; AX = qa + qb + qc = byte addr
+ xchg ax,di ; DI is byte addr
+ mov ah,al ; AH is bit mask
+ not al ; AL is NOT AH
+ mov bx,si ; BX is bit-in-byte
+ pop cx ; restore CX
+ ret
+Her_GM_Offset endp
+EGA_GM_Offset proc near
+; Determine the byte address and bit-in-byte of pixel to be altered.
+; The IBM EGA graphics memory is linear.
+; On entry: AX = X coordinate
+; BX = Y coordinate
+; Destroyed: DX
+; On exit: DI = byte address
+; AH = bit mask corr. to bit-in-byte
+; AL = NOT AH
+; BX = bit-in-byte
+; CX = (preserved)
+ push CX ; tempsave CX
+ push AX ; tempsave X coordinate
+ xy_lmap 80 ; Get addr of byte containing x,y
+ mov DI,AX ; DI is byte address
+ pop BX ; restore X coordinate
+ and BX,7 ; BX is bit-in-byte
+ mov AL,Bit_Table[BX]
+ mov AH,AL ; AH is bit mask
+ not AL ; AL is NOT AH
+ pop CX ; restore CX
+ ret
+EGA_GM_Offset endp
+ public LCL_SETP
+LCL_SETP proc near
+; On entry:
+; AX = X coordinate
+; BX = Y coordinate
+; CX = color
+; Destroys: AX..DI,ES
+; Returns: nothing
+ cmp byte ptr VID_MODE+1,1 ;Hercules?
+ je her_setp ;yes, jump
+ je ti_setp
+ jmp ibm_setp
+her_setp label near
+ call Her_GM_Offset ; convert (x,y) to byte offset
+ mov ES,her_page ; get address of active page
+ call set_pixel2 ; and tell that bit whose boss
+ ret
+ti_setp label near
+ call GM_Offset ; Convert (x,y) to byte offset
+; Determine which graphics memory banks get their bits twiddled.
+Set_Byte label near
+ mov ES,Bank_A ; Get segment of 1st bank
+ call set_pixel2
+ shr CX,1
+ mov ES,Bank_B
+ call set_pixel2 ; Turn on the proper bit
+ shr CX,1
+ mov ES,Bank_C
+ call set_pixel2 ; Turn on the proper bit
+ ret
+;Quit_n_Quit label near ; Save the current X & Y and return
+; ret
+ cmp VID_MODE,14
+ jge ibm_egap
+; CGA point plot
+ cmp f_code,1
+ jne ibm_set1
+ or CL,080h ; set xor flag on
+ibm_set1: mov DX,BX ; Move arguments around for IBM
+ xchg CX,AX
+ xor BH,BH ; video plane
+ mov AH,12 ; write dot
+ int IBM_CRT
+ ret
+; EGA point plot
+ push AX ; tempsave X coordinate
+ seqout 2,0Fh ; enable sequencer Map Mask register
+ mov CH,f_code
+ or CH,CH ; do xor?
+ jz ibm_ega1 ; no, jump
+ mov CH,18h ; yes
+ibm_ega1: grafout 3,CH ; (Function Register)
+ mov AX,0A000h ; EGA screen memory starts at A000:0
+ mov ES,AX ; ES:DI will be pointer into screen memory
+ grafout 0,CL ; (Set/Reset Register)
+ grafout 1,0Fh ; (Enable Set/Reset Register)
+ pop AX ; restore X coordinate
+ push AX
+ xy_lmap 80 ; Get addr of byte containing x,y
+ mov DI,AX ; DI is address of byte in screen memory
+ ; that contains the pixel
+ pop BX ; restore X coordinate
+ and BX,07h ; do X mod 8
+ mov BL,Bit_Table[BX] ; BL is mask for the pixel to change
+ grafout 8,BL ; (Bit Mask Register)
+ mov AH,ES:[DI] ; latch screen memory byte: in
+ mov ES:[DI],AH ; and out
+ grafout 0,0 ; get EGA registers back to normal
+ grafout 1,0
+ grafout 3,0
+ grafout 8,0FFh
+ ret
+LCL_SETP endp
+ page
+; name BOX -- Draw a box in the graphics plane with the
+; specified color.
+; synopsis (box x-ul y-ul x-lr y-lr color)
+; description Draw a box with graphics (not text characters). The
+; upper left-hand corner is specified by (x-ul,y-ul)
+; and the lower right-hand is specified by (x-lr,y-lr).
+; Color indicates the pixel values that will make up the
+; box. The interior will not be filled nor modified
+; in any way. The box is clipped.
+; Edges that are clipped are "shrunk inwards" to fit
+; snug against the corresponding edges of the clipping
+; rectangle. The result is another box and not just
+; some line segments as you'd might expect.
+; returns nothing
+BOX proc near
+ mov Fill_Fig,FALSE ; This box ain't getting filled
+BOX_2ND label near ; A secondary entry point for FILLED_BOX
+ push SI
+ mov AX,[BP].arg1 ; Get x upper-left
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; Get y upper-left
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x-ul and y-ul into correct ranges
+ mov Curr_X,AX
+ mov Curr_Y,BX
+ mov AX,[BP].arg3 ; Get x lower-right
+ mov BX,[BP].arg4 ; Get y lower-right
+; call Fix_XY ; Force x-lr and y-lr into correct ranges
+ cmp AX,Curr_X
+ jg check_y ; Swap if x-lr < x-ul
+ xchg AX,Curr_X
+check_y: cmp BX,Curr_Y
+ jg goodargs ; Swap if y-lr < y-ul (origin at top-left)
+ xchg BX,Curr_Y
+goodargs: mov Stop_X,AX ; (var. Stop used during clipping only)
+ mov Stop_Y,BX
+ overlap box_1,box_done_1 ; if box totally inside CR, no need to clip
+ ; if box totally outside, skip it
+ call Clip_box ; else clip box to the clipping rectangle
+box_1: mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ sub BX,Curr_Y
+ inc BX ; BX = the height of the box (min=1 pixel)
+ mov Box_Hite,BX
+ mov BX,[BP].arg6 ; get function code
+ mov f_code,BL
+ mov BX,[BP].arg5 ; get the color
+ mov pix_c,BX
+; All the "common" material taken care of
+ cmp byte ptr VID_MODE+1,1 ;Hercules mono graphics active?
+ je box_j1
+ je BOX_TI
+ jmp BOX_IBM
+box_j1: jmp BOX_HER
+ jmp BOX_TI
+box_done_1: jmp Box_done ; rel. branch not long enough
+BOX_TI label near
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call GM_Offset ;get byte address top L corner in DI
+ mov Left_Offset,DI ;starting address in graphics memory
+ ;** this address is byte-swapped **
+ mov CX,DI
+ xor CX,1 ;flip addr; TI gfx mem is byte-swapped
+ mov Left_Side,AX ;get left side of box
+ mov AL,Start_Line[BX] ;get left corners of box
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AL
+ mov Left_End,AX
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call GM_Offset ;get byte address top R corner in DI
+ mov Right_Side,AX ;get right side of box
+ mov AL,End_Line[BX] ;get right corners of box
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AL
+ mov Right_End,AX
+ mov Interior,0FF00h ;get interior of box
+ xor DI,1 ;flip addr; TI gfx mem is byte-swapped
+ sub DI,CX
+ inc DI
+ mov Box_Width,DI ;box occupies this number of bytes
+ dec DI
+ jnz tbox_wide
+; box fits in 1 byte
+ mov AX,Right_End ;top/bottom edge
+ and AX,Left_End
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL
+ mov Left_End,AX ;left/right sides
+ mov AX,Right_Side
+ or AX,Left_Side
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL
+ mov Left_Side,AX
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ jne tinit
+ mov AX,Left_End
+ mov Left_Side,AX ;if filled, left/right same as top/bottom
+ jmp short tinit
+; box fits in >1 byte
+tbox_wide: cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ jne tinit
+ mov AX,Left_End ;if filled ...
+ mov Left_Side,AX ; left edge same as left top
+ mov AX,Right_End
+ mov Right_Side,AX ; right edge same as right top
+; initialize
+tinit label near
+ mov DH,byte ptr pix_c ;get color
+ mov DL,byte ptr Box_Width ;and width
+ mov DI,Left_Offset
+ call TI_Solid ;draw top line of box
+; take care of vertical dimension
+tvloop: dec Box_Hite ;dec height remaining
+ jz Box_Done ;Box_Hite = 0, done with box
+ inc Curr_Y ;move to next scan line
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+; this operation is expensive
+; instead, calculate the next line's starting address directly
+; call GM_Offset ;get offset into graphics page in DI
+ ;note this address is byte-swapped
+ add Left_Offset,Bytes_Per_Line ;get offset into graphics page
+ mov DI,Left_Offset
+ cmp Box_Hite,1 ;Box_Hite = 1, on bottom line
+ je tvend
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE ;filled box?
+ jne TI_Hollow
+tvend: call TI_Solid
+ jmp tvloop
+Box_Done: xor AX,AX ; Return a value of zero
+ pop SI
+ ret
+; the next 2 LABEL's take care of the horizontal dimension
+TI_Hollow label near
+ mov AX,Left_Side ;get left side
+ mov CL,DH ;get color
+ call set_byte ;and draw it
+ cmp DL,1 ;does the box fit in 1 byte?
+ je tvloop ;yes, jump
+ xor DI,1 ;remove byte-swap for ADD
+ add DI,Box_Width ;skip over interior of box
+ dec DI
+ xor DI,1 ;put byte-swap back in
+ mov AX,Right_Side ;get right side
+ mov CL,DH ;get color
+ call set_byte ;and draw it
+ jmp tvloop
+TI_Solid label near ;this is a sbr
+ mov AX,Left_End ;get left side
+ mov DL,byte ptr Box_Width ;init width remaining
+thloop: mov CL,DH ;get color
+ call set_byte ;draw it
+ xor DI,1 ;remove byte-swap for INC
+ inc DI ;advance to next screen byte
+ xor DI,1 ;put byte-swap back in
+ dec DL ;dec width remaining
+ jz tsexit ;DL = 0, done with horiz scan
+ cmp DL,1 ;DL = 1, do right edge
+ je ts_10
+ mov AX,Interior
+ jmp thloop
+ts_10: mov AX,Right_End ;get right side
+ jmp thloop
+tsexit: ret
+; IBM (ugh!) version of draw box (sorry, but to maintain compatability
+; among all the IBM video modes I've used the write-dot function (slow).
+; modified - 10/10/86 for EGA
+; modified - 10/30/87 for faster EGA
+BOX_IBM label near
+ cmp vid_mode,14 ; is it EGA?
+ jl IBM_10 ; no, skip
+ jmp Box_EGA ; yes
+; CGA boxes
+IBM_10: sub AX,Curr_X
+ inc AX ; Box_Width (number of pixels to draw line)
+ mov Box_Width,AX
+ call IBM_Solid ; Draw the top line of box
+ inc Curr_Y
+ dec Box_Hite
+ jz Box_Done
+IBM_while: cmp Box_Hite,1
+ je IBM_botm ; Go draw bottom line
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE ; Is box to be filled or not?
+ jne IBM_nofill
+ call IBM_Solid
+ jmp short IBM_fi
+IBM_nofill: call IBM_epts ; Draw the side points for current scan line
+IBM_fi: inc Curr_Y ; end of "if"
+ dec Box_Hite
+ jmp IBM_while
+IBM_botm: call IBM_Solid ; Draw bottom line (needs to be solid)
+ jmp Box_Done
+IBM_Solid label near ; Draw a solid horizontal line
+ mov DI,Box_Width ; sounds more like a room freshener :-)
+ mov DX,Curr_Y
+ mov CX,Curr_X
+; cmp vid_mode,14 ;commented out 10/30/87 - rb
+; jge ega_box
+ mov BL,byte ptr [BP].arg5 ; Get the color
+ cmp f_code,1 ; is xor flag set?
+ jne I_Sloop ; no
+ or BL,080h ; set xor flag on
+I_Sloop: mov AH,0Ch ; write-dot function
+ mov AL,BL ; copy the color
+ int IBM_CRT ; WRITE-DOT(x,y,color)
+ inc CX
+ dec DI
+ jnz I_Sloop
+ ret
+IBM_epts label near ; Draw the end points of a horizontal line
+ mov DX,Curr_Y
+ mov CX,Curr_X
+ mov BL,byte ptr [BP].arg5 ; Get the color
+ call epts
+ cmp Box_Width,1 ; Do we need to do the other end?
+ je I_eend
+ add CX,Box_Width
+ dec CX ; We added 1 too many
+ call epts
+I_eend: ret
+epts proc near
+ mov AH,0Ch ; write-dot function
+ mov AL,BL
+ cmp f_code,1
+ jne epts_01
+ or AL,080h ; set xor bit
+epts_01: int IBM_CRT ; Write Left dot
+ ret
+epts endp
+ comment ~ ; commented out 10/30/87 - rb
+;* *
+;* EGA_BOX will draw a solid line on the EGA screen. This method *
+;* is used in preference to write dot since write dot is so slow.*
+;* *
+;* DX = start row *
+;* CX = start col *
+;* DI = length *
+;* *
+ega_box: mov AX,CX ; put start col into AX
+ add AX,DI ; AX is not the ending column
+ dec AX ; added one too many
+ call xxset
+ ret
+ ~ ;end commented-out code
+BOX_EGA label near
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call EGA_GM_Offset ;get byte address top L corner in DI
+ mov Left_Offset,DI ;starting address in graphics memory
+ mov Left_Side,AX ;get left side of box
+ mov AL,Start_Line[BX] ;get left corners of box
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AL
+ mov Left_End,AX
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call EGA_GM_Offset ;get byte address top R corner in DI
+ mov Right_Side,AX ;get right side of box
+ mov AL,End_Line[BX] ;get right corners of box
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AL
+ mov Right_End,AX
+ mov Interior,0FF00h ;get interior of box
+ sub DI,Left_Offset
+ inc DI
+ mov Box_Width,DI ;box occupies this number of bytes
+ dec DI
+ jnz ebox_wide
+; box fits in 1 byte
+ mov AX,Right_End ;top/bottom edge
+ and AX,Left_End
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL
+ mov Left_End,AX ;left/right sides
+ mov AX,Right_Side
+ or AX,Left_Side
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL
+ mov Left_Side,AX
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ jne einit
+ mov AX,Left_End
+ mov Left_Side,AX ;if filled, left/right same as top/bottom
+ jmp short einit
+; box fits in >1 byte
+ebox_wide: cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ jne einit
+ mov AX,Left_End ;if filled ...
+ mov Left_Side,AX ; left edge same as left top
+ mov AX,Right_End
+ mov Right_Side,AX ; right edge same as right top
+; initialize EGA registers
+einit: seqout 2,0Fh ;enable sequencer Map Mask register
+ mov CH,f_code
+ or CH,CH
+ jz no_xor
+ mov CH,18h
+no_xor: grafout 3,CH ;xor state
+ grafout 0, ;color
+ grafout 1,0Fh ;enable all color planes
+; other initialization
+ mov AX,0A000h ;EGA screen memory starts at A000:0
+ mov ES,AX
+ mov DI,Left_Offset
+ call EGA_Solid ;draw top line of box
+; take care of vertical dimension
+evloop: dec Box_Hite ;dec height remaining
+ jz evexit ;Box_Hite = 0, done with box
+ inc Curr_Y ;move to next scan line
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ mov CX,pix_c
+ call EGA_GM_Offset ;get offset into graphics page in DI
+ cmp Box_Hite,1 ;Box_Hite = 1, on bottom line
+ je evend
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE ;filled box?
+ jne EGA_Hollow ;no, jump
+evend: call EGA_Solid ;yes
+ jmp evloop
+; reset EGA registers
+evexit: grafout 0,0
+ grafout 1,0
+ grafout 3,0
+ grafout 8,0FFh
+ jmp Box_Done
+; the next 2 LABEL's take care of the horizontal dimension
+EGA_Hollow label near
+ mov BX,Left_Side ;get left side
+ call set_pixel3 ;and draw it
+ cmp Box_Width,1 ;does the box fit in 1 byte?
+ je evloop ;yes, jump
+ add DI,Box_Width ;skip over interior of box
+ dec DI
+ mov BX,Right_Side ;get right side
+ call set_pixel3 ;and draw it
+ jmp evloop
+EGA_Solid label near ;; ** this is a sbr **
+ mov BX,Left_End ;get left side
+ mov CX,Box_Width ;init width remaining
+; push CX ;tempsave it
+; mov CX,pix_c
+ call set_pixel3 ;draw it
+ inc DI ;advance to next screen byte
+; pop CX ;restore width remaining
+ dec CX ;dec width remaining
+ jcxz esexit ;CX = 0, done with horiz scan
+ cmp CX,1 ;CX = 1, do right edge
+ je es_10
+ mov BX,Interior
+ jmp ehloop
+es_10: mov BX,Right_End ;get right side
+ jmp ehloop
+esexit: ret
+BOX_HER label near
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call Her_GM_Offset ;get byte address top L corner in DI
+ mov Left_Offset,DI ;starting address in graphics memory
+ mov Left_Side,AX ;get left side of box
+ mov AL,Start_Line[BX] ;get left corners of box
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AL
+ mov Left_End,AX
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ call Her_GM_Offset ;get byte address top R corner in DI
+ mov Right_Side,AX ;get right side of box
+ mov AL,End_Line[BX] ;get right corners of box
+ mov AH,AL
+ not AL
+ mov Right_End,AX
+ mov Interior,0FF00h ;get interior of box
+ sub DI,Left_Offset
+ inc DI
+ mov Box_Width,DI ;box occupies this number of bytes
+ dec DI
+ jnz hbox_wide
+; box fits in 1 byte
+ mov AX,Right_End ;top/bottom edge
+ and AX,Left_End
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL
+ mov Left_End,AX ;left/right sides
+ mov AX,Right_Side
+ or AX,Left_Side
+ mov AL,AH
+ not AL
+ mov Left_Side,AX
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ jne hinit
+ mov AX,Left_End
+ mov Left_Side,AX ;if filled, left/right same as top/bottom
+ jmp short hinit
+; box fits in >1 byte
+hbox_wide: cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ jne hinit
+ mov AX,Left_End ;if filled ...
+ mov Left_Side,AX ; left edge same as left top
+ mov AX,Right_End
+ mov Right_Side,AX ; right edge same as right top
+; initialize
+hinit: mov ES,her_page ;seg addr of active graphics page
+ mov DI,Left_Offset
+ call Her_Solid ;draw top line of box
+; take care of vertical dimension
+vloop: dec Box_Hite ;dec height remaining
+ jz vexit ;Box_Hite = 0, done with box
+ inc Curr_Y ;move to next scan line
+ mov AX,Curr_X
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ mov CX,pix_c
+ call Her_GM_Offset ;get offset into graphics page in DI
+ cmp Box_Hite,1 ;Box_Hite = 1, on bottom line
+ je vend
+ cmp Fill_Fig,TRUE ;filled box?
+ jne Her_Hollow ;no, jump
+vend: call Her_Solid ;yes
+ jmp vloop
+vexit: jmp Box_Done
+; the next 2 LABEL's take care of the horizontal dimension
+Her_Hollow label near
+ mov AX,Left_Side ;get left side
+ call set_pixel2 ;and draw it
+ cmp Box_Width,1 ;does the box fit in 1 byte?
+ je vloop ;yes, jump
+ add DI,Box_Width ;skip over interior of box
+ dec DI
+ mov AX,Right_Side ;get right side
+ call set_pixel2 ;and draw it
+ jmp vloop
+Her_Solid label near ;; ** this is a sbr **
+ mov AX,Left_End ;get left side
+ mov CX,Box_Width ;init width remaining
+hloop: push CX ;tempsave it
+ mov CX,pix_c
+ call set_pixel2 ;draw it
+ inc DI ;advance to next screen byte
+ pop CX ;restore width remaining
+ dec CX ;dec width remaining
+ jcxz hsexit ;CX = 0, done with horiz scan
+ cmp CX,1 ;CX = 1, do right edge
+ je hs_10
+ mov AX,Interior
+ jmp hloop
+hs_10: mov AX,Right_End ;get right side
+ jmp hloop
+hsexit: ret
+BOX endp
+set_pixel2 proc near
+; on entry:
+; AH = byte to be written to screen memory
+; AL = NOT AH
+; CL = color
+; ES:DI = address in screen memory
+; on exit:
+; the same registers are unchanged
+ cmp f_code,0 ;xor?
+ jnz zero_xor ;yes, jump
+; overwrite
+ test CL,PIXEL_ON ;turn on pixel?
+ jz zero_over ;no, jump
+; overwrite with 1
+ or ES:[DI],AH
+ ret
+; overwrite with 0
+zero_over: and ES:[DI],AL
+ ret
+; xor
+zero_xor: test CL,PIXEL_ON ;turn on pixel?
+; xor with 0
+ jz zexit ;no; 0 xor any = any, so nothing changes
+; xor with 1
+ xor ES:[DI],AH
+zexit: ret
+set_pixel2 endp
+set_pixel3 proc near
+; on entry:
+; BH = byte to be written to screen memory
+; BL = NOT AH
+; ES:DI = address in screen memory
+; It's assumed that other EGA Graphics registers have been set up already
+; and that only the Graphics Bit Mask register needs to be changed.
+; on exit:
+; the same registers are unchanged
+; destroyed:
+; AX,DX (by "grafout" macro)
+ grafout 8,BH
+ mov AH,ES:[DI] ;set EGA latches
+ mov ES:[DI],AH ;then write EGA registers out
+ ret
+set_pixel3 endp
+ comment ~ ;commented out 10/30/87 - rb
+ public xxset
+ CMP F_CODE,0 ; IS THIS An xor'ed box?
+; Now to set up the addresses and masks and write to the planes
+ MOV AL,-1
+END_OFF: ; End of offset processing
+ MOV CX,7
+ ; Latch up the current mask
+ MOV AL,8 ; BIT MASK = on
+; Set to XOR function
+ INC DX ; to or everything on to the planes
+; Write the one to the planes that are set
+ MOV AL,2 ;
+; Now write to the planes that are ONESes
+ MOV AL,2 ;
+; Now ready to update the pointers and continue
+ MOV AL,2 ;
+ MOV AL,3 ;
+ MOV AL,8 ;
+get_offset proc near
+; AX has the pixel column number
+; BX has the pixel row number
+ div b_p_wrds ; divide by bits per word
+ push AX ; save the bit offset
+ mov AX,BX ; get the pixel row
+ mul w_p_row ; row * 46 words per row
+ pop BX ; get words and bit within row
+ push BX ; save it again
+ xor BH,BH ; get rid of bit
+ add AX,BX ; bump to absolute offset
+ mul two ; byte offset!
+ pop BX
+ mov BL,BH ; shift bit count to bl
+ xor BH,BH
+ ret
+ ; return - ax=word offset ; bx=bit offset
+get_offset endp
+ ~ ;end commented-out code
+ page
+ comment ~ ;this code commented out 9/8/87 - rb
+ public ti_xxset
+ti_xxset proc near
+ push ES
+ mov AX,curr_x
+ mov BX,y_val
+ mov CX,stop_x
+ push BX ; save the start row
+ call get_offset ; convert row/col to word/bit offset
+ mov st_word,AX ; save the start row offset
+ mov st_bit,BX ; save the start bit offset
+ pop BX ; restore the start row
+ mov AX,CX ; get the ending col
+ call get_offset ; convert to word/bit offset
+ mov ed_word,AX ; save the ending word offset
+ mov ed_bit,BX ; save the ending bit offset
+; Determine the starting word mask
+ mov BX,st_word ; get the starting word offset
+ mov DX,-1
+ cmp BX,st_word
+ jne ti_endoff
+ mov CX,st_bit ; starting bit offset
+ shr DX,CL ; shift off one bits until mask gotten
+ cmp BX,ed_word ; last byte to process?
+ jne ti_xor ; no. then xor and update
+ push DX ; save mask
+ mov DX,-1 ; initialize mask
+ mov CX,0fh
+ sub CX,ed_bit ;subtract the # of ending offset
+ shl DX,CL ; want to save allbut bits past end
+ pop AX ; and off all useless bits
+ and DX,AX
+ti_xor: mov CX,pix_c ; get the color
+ call ti_xor_word
+ cmp BX,ed_word
+ je ti_exit
+ add BX,2 ; bump the offset to next word
+ jmp ti_xloop ; do next word
+ pop ES
+ inc y_val
+ ret
+ti_xxset endp
+ page
+ti_xor_word proc near
+ test CX,01h ; xor this plane only if bit set
+ jz xor_b ; no, then go to b plane
+ mov ES,bank_a ; get the seg addr of the a plane
+ call doit
+ test CX,02h ; xor this plane only if bit set
+ jz xor_c ; no, then go to c plane
+ mov ES,bank_b ; get the seg addr of the b plane
+ call doit
+ test CX,04h ; xor this plane only if bit set
+ jz xor_end ; no, then go bump the offset
+ mov ES,bank_c ; get the seg addr of the c plane
+ call doit
+ ret
+ti_xor_word endp
+doit proc near
+ mov AX,ES:[BX] ; get the word from a plane
+ xor AX,DX ; xor the word
+ mov ES:[BX],AX ; put it back
+ ret
+doit endp
+ ~ ;end commented-out code
+ page
+; name FILLED_BX -- Draw a solid box in the graphics plane with the
+; specified color.
+; synopsis (filled_box x-ul y-ul x-lr y-lr color)
+; description Draw a filled box with graphics (not text characters).
+; The upper left-hand corner is specified by (x-ul,y-ul)
+; and the lower right-hand is specified by (x-lr,y-lr).
+; Color indicates the pixel values that will make up the
+; box. The interior will be filled with the same color
+; as the box. The box is clipped.
+; returns nothing
+FILLD_BX proc near
+ mov Fill_Fig,TRUE
+ call BOX_2ND ; Call BOX at a second entry point
+ ret
+FILLD_BX endp
+ page
+; name SET_CLIP_RECT - Set the clipping rectangle.
+; synopsis (set-clipping-rectangle! left top right bottom)
+; description This routine sets the clipping rectangle for the screen.
+; The coordinate values can be any signed integer. The
+; intersection of the clipping rectangle and the screen is
+; used as the final clipping rectangle. If this would be nil,
+; the clipping rectangle is set to the full screen; we never
+; let it become invisible.
+; returns nothing
+; in: no registers
+; out: no registers
+; destroyed: AX,BX,CX,DX
+SET_CLIP_RECT proc near
+ cmp byte ptr VID_MODE+1,1
+ je SCR_Her
+ je SCR_TI
+ call Reset_CR_IBM ; set CR to screen's full size
+ jmp short SCR_join
+SCR_Her: call Reset_CR_Her ; set CR to screen's full size
+ jmp short SCR_join
+SCR_TI: call Reset_CR_TI ; set CR to screen's full size
+SCR_join: mov AX,[BP].arg1
+ mov BX,[BP].arg2
+ mov CX,[BP].arg3
+ mov DX,[BP].arg4
+ ; rearrange coordinates so first point is upper left hand corner
+ cmp CX,AX ; swap if x-lr < x-ul
+ jg SCR_1
+ xchg CX,AX
+SCR_1: cmp DX,BX ; swap if y-lr < y-ul (origin at top left)
+ jg SCR_2
+ xchg DX,BX
+ ; now we can continue
+SCR_2: mov Curr_X,AX ; store for the overlap check
+ mov Curr_Y,BX
+ mov Stop_X,CX
+ mov Stop_Y,DX
+ overlap SCR_3,SCR_4 ; check how screen and CR overlap
+ call Clip_box ; they overlap, clip
+SCR_3: mov AX,Curr_X ; move new coords to be final CR
+ mov clip_left,AX
+ mov BX,Curr_Y
+ mov clip_top,BX
+ mov AX,Stop_X
+ mov clip_right,AX
+ mov BX,Stop_Y
+ mov clip_bottom,BX
+SCR_4: ret
+ page
+; Reset the clipping rectangle to the full size of the screen for IBM modes.
+; Destroys AX and BX.
+Reset_CR_IBM proc near
+ mov AH,15 ; get the current video mode
+ int IBM_CRT
+ cmp al,Res_Table_IBM_Length-1 ; cmp with max video mode
+ jb RCI_1
+ mov al,Res_Table_IBM_Length-1 ; map out-of-range values to
+ ; last entry in table
+RCI_1: cbw
+ shl AX,1 ; multiply by 4
+ shl AX,1
+ mov BX,AX
+ mov clip_left,0 ; set the clipping rectangle accordingly
+ mov clip_top,0
+ mov AX,Res_Table_IBM[BX]
+ mov clip_right,AX
+ mov AX,Res_Table_IBM+2[BX]
+ mov clip_bottom,AX
+ ret
+Reset_CR_IBM endp
+; Reset the clipping rectangle to the full size of the screen for TIPC.
+; No registers are affected.
+Reset_CR_TI proc near
+ mov clip_left,0
+ mov clip_top,0
+ mov clip_right,X_max-1
+ mov clip_bottom,Y_max-1
+ ret
+Reset_CR_TI endp
+; Reset the clipping rectangle to the full size of the screen for Hercules.
+; No registers are affected.
+Reset_CR_Her proc near
+ mov clip_left,0
+ mov clip_top,0
+ mov clip_right,her_xmax-1
+ mov clip_bottom,her_ymax-1
+ ret
+Reset_CR_Her endp
+ ENDIF ;VMXLI (matches IFNDEF at beginning of PROGX segment)
+ page
+; name XPCINIT - Any special initialization required for a
+; particular type PC (e.g. IBM)
+; synopsis call far xpcinit (from PGROUP)
+; description A C callable routine (well, almost) that should be used
+; internally to PCS for any special initialization that may
+; be needed for a particular PC.
+; returns nothing ('cept personal satisfaction)
+ public XPCINIT
+; For TIPC's we actively set "mode 3".
+; For IBM's we just note whatever mode is currently in effect.
+XPCINIT proc far
+ jne not_ti
+ mov w_p_row,46
+ mov AX,offset XGROUP:endinit ; THIS IS REALLY UGLY!!!
+ push AX ; push return address (return from all_on)
+ push BP
+ push ES
+ push VID_MODE
+ jmp all_on ; Turn on TEXT, init & clear graphics
+not_ti: cmp PC_MAKE,0FCh
+ jl not_ibm
+ mov AX,0500h ; Set active display page (for alpha modes)
+ int IBM_CRT ; should I check for graphics mode??? Nah!
+ mov AH,15 ; get current video mode
+ int IBM_CRT
+ xor AH,AH ; clear AH
+ mov VID_MODE,AX ; save video mode
+ mov w_p_row,40
+ cmp AX,16
+ jne short endinit
+ mov char_hgt,14
+ jmp short endinit
+not_ibm label near ; Could there be a Zenith Z-100 out there?
+ ; Not for now.
+endinit: ret
+ jne not_ti
+ comment ~
+ mov w_p_row,46
+ mov AX,offset XGROUP:endinit ; THIS IS REALLY UGLY!!!
+ push AX ; push return address (return from all_on)
+ push BP
+ push ES
+ push VID_MODE
+ jmp all_on ; Turn on TEXT, init & clear graphics
+ ~ ;end comment
+; Do equivalent of (%graphics 0 3 ...) for TI mode.
+; This is inline because "xpcinit" executes before XLI does.
+; Therefore no XLI graphics drivers are present yet.
+; mov AL,DEF_RED
+; mov BL,DEF_GRN
+; mov CL,DEF_BLU
+; mov DL,YES_GRPH
+; call pal_set ; Set the graphics palettes on
+; mov ES,RED_Palette
+ push ES ; tempsave ES
+ mov DI,RED_Pal
+ mov ES,DI
+ xor DI,DI ; Zero offset from palette segments
+ mov byte ptr ES:[DI],DEF_RED ; Set red palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[DI]+16,DEF_GRN ; Set green palette
+ mov byte ptr ES:[DI]+32,DEF_BLU ; Set blue palette
+; mov byte ptr GRAFIX_ON,DL ; if graphics are on or not
+; mov AL,TEXT_ON
+; call txt_set ; Turn text on
+; mov ES,Misc_Latch
+ mov DI,Misc_Lat
+ mov ES,DI
+ xor DI,DI
+ mov byte ptr ES:[DI],TEXT_ON
+ pop ES ; restore ES
+ jmp short endinit
+not_ti: cmp PC_MAKE,0F8h
+ jl not_ibm
+ mov AX,0500h ; Set active display page (for alpha modes)
+ int IBM_CRT ; should I check for graphics mode??? Nah!
+ mov AH,15 ; get current video mode
+ int IBM_CRT
+ xor AH,AH ; clear AH
+ mov VID_MODE,AX ; save video mode
+; mov w_p_row,40
+ cmp AX,16
+ jne short endinit
+ mov char_hgt,14
+not_ibm label near ; Could there be a Zenith Z-100 out there?
+ ; Not for now.
+endinit: ret
+; Determine type of PC we are running on and initialize screen.
+; Returns upon exit:
+; Machine Type
+; 1 for TIPC or Business Pro in TI mode
+; FF for IBM-PC
+; FE for IBM-PC/XT
+; FD for IBM-PC/jr
+; FC for IBM-PC/AT or B-P in IBM mode
+; F8 for PS2 Model 80
+; 0 for undeterminable
+; Video Mode
+; Character Height
+pctype proc near
+ push es ; preserve regs for later
+ push ds
+ mov ax,0FC00h ; move paragraph address of copyright
+pc_002: mov es,ax ; notice into ES
+ xor di,di ; Clear DI; 0 is lowest address in ROM @ES:
+ xor bx,bx ; Flag for "PC_MAKE"
+ mov cx,40h ; This'll be as far as I go...
+ mov al,'T' ; look for beginning of "Texas Instruments"
+ cli ; Stop interrupts - bug in old 8088's
+ repne scas byte ptr es:[di] ; SEARCH
+ or cx,cx ; Reach my limit?
+ jz short pc_005 ; quit if we've exhausted search
+ cmp byte ptr es:[di],'e' ; make sure this is it
+ jne again ; use defaults if not found
+ cmp byte ptr es:[di]+1,'x' ; really make sure this is it
+ jne again
+ push ds
+ mov ds,bx ; 0->DS for addressing low mem.
+ inc bx ; BX==1 => TIPC
+ mov ax,ds:word ptr [01A2h] ; If TIPC then what kind?
+ pop ds ; get DS back
+ add al,ah ; checkout vector 68 bytes 2 & 3
+ cmp al,0F0h ; if AL==F0 then TIPC=Business Pro
+ jne pc_010 ; jump if not a B-P
+ in al,068h ; Read from port
+ push ax ; Save for later
+ and al,0FBh ; Enable CMOS
+ out 068h,al ; Write back out
+ mov dx,8296h ; I/O address for B-P's mode byte
+ in al,dx ; TI or IBM Mode on the B-P?
+ cmp al,0 ; if not zero then B-P emulates a TIPC
+ pop ax ; Restore original port value
+ out 068h,al ; and write back out
+ jne pc_010 ; jump if TIPC else IBM machine code is
+ ; where it should be.
+ jmp short pc_007
+pc_005: mov ax,es
+ cmp ah,0FEh ; test for segment offset FE00
+ jae pc_007 ; two checks made? if so, jump
+ add ah,2 ; go back and check segment offset
+ jmp pc_002 ; FE00
+pc_007: mov ax,0F000h
+ mov es,ax
+ mov al,byte ptr es:0FFFEh ; IBM's machine code is @F000:FFFE
+ cmp al,0f0h ; Is this suckah an IBM?
+ jb pc_010 ; Jump if AL is below F0 (BX will be 0)
+ mov bl,al
+ sti ; Turn interrups back on
+ cmp bx,1 ; TIPC?
+ jne pc_015 ; no, jump
+; tipc, initialize graphics
+ mov di,0DF01h
+ mov es,di ; clear graphics planes
+ xor di,di
+ mov byte ptr es:[di],0AAh ; set red palette
+ mov byte ptr es:[di]+16,0CCh ; set green palette
+ mov byte ptr es:[di]+32,0F0h ; set blue palette
+ mov ax,0DF82h
+ mov es,ax
+ mov byte ptr es:[di],040h ; turn text on
+ mov ax,3 ; ax = video mode
+ ; bx = pc type code
+ mov cx,8 ; cx = character height
+ jmp pc_020
+; ibm, (assumed) get current video mode
+ push bx ; save pc type code around bios calls
+ mov ax,0500h ; set active display page (for alpha modes)
+ int 10h ; bios int
+ mov ah,15 ; get current video mode
+ int 10h ; bios int
+ xor ah,ah ; ax = video mode
+ pop bx ; bx = pc type code
+ mov cx,8 ; cx = character height
+ cmp ax,16 ; if video mode = 16
+ jle pc_020 ; then
+ mov cx,14 ; reset character height
+ pop ds ; restore local data seg
+ pop es ; es:di addresses transaction buffer
+ xor di,di
+ mov PC_MAKE,bx ; put PC_MAKE in transaction buffer
+ mov VID_MODE,ax ; ditto video mode
+ mov CHAR_HGT,cx ; ditto char height
+ ret
+pctype endp
+; The XLI interface.
+main proc far ;this file's initial entry point
+ mov AX,data
+ mov DS,AX
+; mov AX,stack ;establish local stack
+; mov SS,AX
+ call pctype ;initialize type/monitor info
+ mov psp,ES ;save PSP@
+ mov word ptr ES:fb_addr,offset file_block ;poke file block@
+ mov word ptr ES:fb_addr+2,seg file_block ;into PSP
+ mov AX,ES:term_addr ;calc ptrs in PCS to jump to
+ add AX,3
+ mov xwait,AX
+ add AX,3
+ mov xbye,AX
+ mov AX,ES:term_addr+2
+ mov xwait+2,AX
+ mov xbye+2,AX
+ mov psize,plen ;calc program size
+ push psp
+ push psize
+ call dword ptr [xwait] ;connect with PCS
+; Since this is a XLI SYSINT routine, no XCALL's ever cause a return.
+; The only time we return is to terminate.
+ pop AX
+ pop AX
+ call dword ptr [xbye] ;disconnect from PCS
+main endp
+progsize = $-progstart
+plen equ (progsize+datasize+stacksize+100h+10h)/16
+PROGX ends
+; Now get this assembly terminated with no errors.
+; The subterfuge is required since the straightforward approach of
+; wrapping a conditional around the END statement doesn't work,
+; because the END immediately stops further assembly, including
+; seeing the end of the conditional that we started, so the assembler
+; detects a "severe error" and won't generate any output.
+endit macro
+ end main
+ endm
+endit macro
+ end
+ endm
+ endit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intrup.asm b/intrup.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c888cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intrup.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+; =====> INTRUP.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
+;* Special Keyboard Handlers *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: March 1985 *
+;* Last Modification: *
+;* 16 Mar 87 - tc *
+;* Changed int24 fatal error int *
+;* handler to pass extended error *
+;* code back to originator. *
+; A not-so-ingenius patch to keep PC Scheme from prematurely
+; exitting to MS-DOS. CTRL-C now just echos ^C trio
+; and this should disappear once the READER is re-written.
+ page 66,132
+ include dos.mac
+ include pcmake.equ
+DOS equ 21h
+SHIFT equ 04h ; SHIFT in mode keys
+META equ 02h ; ALT " " "
+CNTRL equ 01h ; CTRL " " "
+C_KEY equ 54h ; Scan code for 'C' key (84 decimal)
+BROKEY equ 64h ; Scan code for 'PAUS/BRK' key (100 decimal)
+ERR_INT equ 24h ; Fatal error abort address
+EXT_ERR equ 59h ; Get Extended Error Code
+TI_KMI equ 5Bh ; TIPC Keyboard Mapping Interrupt
+IBM_PBI equ 1Bh ; IBM Program Break Interrupt
+BIOS_BRK equ 0071h ; If CTRL-BREAK is pressed on IBM then
+BRK_BIT equ 80h ; this bit is set at BIOS_BRK in BIOS data
+CARY_FLG equ 01h ; Carry flag
+ extrn PC_MAKE:word ; =1 for TIPC, > 0F0h for IBM-PC, =0 for ???
+get_vec dw 3500h+TI_KMI
+set_vec dw 2500h+TI_KMI
+ extrn shft%brk:far
+PROG ends
+ ; Sorry guys, but this has gotta be in CS:
+kbmi_off dw ? ; Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (offset)
+kbmi_seg dw ? ; Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (segment)
+ferr_off dw ? ; Fatal Error Interrupt (offset)
+ferr_seg dw ? ; Fatal Error Interrupt (segment)
+TI_BRK proc far ; BREAK pressed by (ab)user
+ cmp AL,BROKEY ; PAUS/BRK key pressed?
+ jne TI_020
+ test AH,SHIFT ; SHIFT pressed with PAUS/BRK?
+ jz TI_020 ; if no then SHIFT-BRK not possible
+ test AH,META+CNTRL ; CTRL or ALT pressed with PAUS/BRK?
+ jnz TI_020 ; if yes then ALT or CTRL has priority
+; jmp short TI_010
+IBM_BRK label far ; Entry point for IBM's Keyboard Break Int.
+TI_010 label near
+ push AX ; Save AX across call
+ call PGROUP:shft%brk ; Flag to force debugger on next VM instruct
+ pop AX ; Restore AX
+ mov AL,0FFh ; Ignore this keystroke (IBM'll ignore this)
+TI_020 label near ; Jump here & return like nothing happened
+ stc ; Tell TI keyboard DSR that no key was pressd
+ ; again, IBM BIOS won't care about this.
+ jmp dword ptr CS:kbmi_off ; Go off and perform task that
+ ; may have had control of Int 5Bh before
+ ; we did (e.g. RDClock, etc.).
+TI_BRK endp
+CTLC_INT proc far ; Handle detection of CTRL-C (INT 23H)
+ iret ; Just return like nothing happened 'cept
+ ; that a ^C trio is displayed.
+CTLC_INT endp
+ public FAT_ERR
+FAT_ERR proc far ; Handle for fatal error interrupt (24H)
+ ; remove ip,cs, and flags of system regs from int 24h
+ pop AX
+ pop AX
+ pop AX
+ ; get extended error codes
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov AH,EXT_ERR
+ int DOS ; Extended Error Code returned in AX
+ ; restore user registers at time of original function request 21h
+ pop BX ; Ignore old AX
+ pop BX
+ pop CX
+ pop DX
+ pop SI
+ pop DI
+ pop BP
+ pop DS
+ pop ES
+ ; Set the carry bit in the caller's flags and return
+ ; The original dos requestor should see that carry is set and
+ ; that ax contains the error code
+ or byte ptr [BP-02], CARY_FLG
+ iret
+FAT_ERR endp
+fix%intr proc far ; Re-assign Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (5BH)
+ push ES ; and "fix" DOS's CTRL-C Exit Interrupt (23H)
+ push DX
+ push BX
+ push AX
+ cmp PC_MAKE,TIPC ; We running on a TIPC or (yuck) IBM?
+ je short fix_010 ; Jump as already setup for TIPC
+ mov al,IBM_PBI
+ mov byte ptr set_vec,al ; LSB of word in first byte
+ mov byte ptr get_vec,al
+fix_010 label near ; NO CHANGES if you jumped to here
+ mov AX,get_vec ; get the interrupt vector
+ int DOS
+ mov word ptr CS:kbmi_seg,ES ; save it
+ mov word ptr CS:kbmi_off,BX
+ mov AX,set_vec ; Load AX with DOS func # and INT #
+ mov DX,offset TI_BRK ; for replacing vector with my own
+ je short fix_020 ; Jump if we're running on a TIPC
+ mov DX,offset IBM_BRK ; Use different entry point for IBM
+fix_020 label near
+ push DS
+ mov CX,CS ; Do this now as I needed the DS
+ mov DS,CX ; register back at "cmp PC_MAKE,0"
+ int DOS
+ mov DX,offset CTLC_INT ; CTRL-C Handler Interrupt (23H)
+ mov AX,2523h ; This one doesn't need to be restored
+ int DOS ; and is the same for ALL MS-DOS machines
+;* Install the handler for fatal error interrupt
+ pop DS
+ mov al,ERR_INT
+ mov AH,35H ; get the original entry
+ int DOS
+ mov word ptr CS:ferr_seg,ES ; save it
+ mov word ptr CS:ferr_off,BX
+ mov AH,25H ; set the new entry point
+ mov AL,ERR_INT
+ mov DX,offset FAT_ERR ; new address of handler
+ push DS
+ mov CX,CS
+ mov DS,CX
+ int DOS
+ pop DS
+ pop AX
+ pop BX
+ pop DX
+ pop ES
+ ret ; Get the heck outta here
+fix%intr endp
+unfix% proc far ; Restore Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (5BH)
+ ; (DOS should take care of 23H)
+ push DS
+ push DX
+ mov AX,set_vec
+ lds DX,dword ptr CS:kbmi_off ; get old interrupt vector
+ int DOS
+ ; Restore fatal error interrupt (24H)
+ mov AH,25H
+ mov AL,ERR_INT
+ lds DX,dword ptr CS:ferr_off
+ int DOS
+ pop DX
+ pop DS
+ ret ; Get the heck outta here
+unfix% endp
+PROGX ends
+;* Link routines *
+ Public fix_intr, unfixint
+fix_intr proc near
+ call fix%intr
+ ret
+fix_intr endp
+unfixint proc near
+ call unfix%
+ ret
+unfixint endp
+prog ends
+ end
+; **NOTE**
+; Let it be known to the world that this programmer
+; believes that IBM stands for Immense Bowel Movement!!!
+; Or possibly a law firm named Idiots, Bumblers, & Morons.
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/machtype.asm b/machtype.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc6a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machtype.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ page 60,132
+ .286c ;; Utilize the expanded 80286 instruction set
+; This routine determines the type of machine we are running on by using the
+; System Services Bios call (INT 15h), Return System Configuration Parms
+; function (AH = C0h). A return code which specifies the machine will be
+; returned via the DOS Terminate function (INT 21h, Func 4ch) as follows:
+; return type machine bios Date
+; ----------- ------- ---------
+; -1 Not a 286/386 machine ----
+; 0 Unknown machine ----
+; 1 IBM PC AT 1/10/84
+; 2 IBM PC AT > 6/10/85
+; 3 IBM PS2 ----
+; The information is used to determine shutdown parameters when switching
+; between protected and real mode by AI Architects OS286 operating environ-
+; ment.
+CODE segment byte public
+ assume CS:CODE
+ org 100h
+ jmp start
+ push CS
+ pop DS ;; Set up data segment
+ mov DX,-1 ;; Default to error condition
+;; See if this is a 286 machine
+ mov BX,SP ;; Set up BX with current stack pointer
+ pusha ;; 286 instruction, ignored on 808x
+ nop ;; Must be after pusha
+ cmp BX,SP ;; Were regs pushed?
+ je MEMRET ;; No...return with error
+ popa ;; Restore regs
+;; Determine machine
+ mov dx,0 ;; Default to unknown
+ mov ah,0C0h ;; Return system config parameters
+ int 15h ;; System services call
+ jnc CHK286 ;; jump if carry not set
+ mov dx,1 ;; indicate older AT, bios dated 1/10/84
+ jmp MEMRET ;; return
+ cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+2],0FCh ;; AT or PS2 model 50 or 60?
+ jne CHK386 ;; no, jump
+ cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+3],04h ;; Regular AT or PC XT model 286?
+ jge GOTPS2 ;; no, see if PS2 Model 80
+ mov dx,2 ;; Indicate newer AT, bios dated > 6/10/85
+ jmp MEMRET ;; and return
+GOTPS2: mov dx,3 ;; Indicate PS2 model 50 or 60
+ jmp MEMRET ;; and return
+ cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+2],0F8h ;; PS2 Model 80?
+ jne MEMRET ;; No, return
+ mov dx,3 ;; Indicate PS2 model 80
+ mov AX,DX ;; Return return code
+ mov AH,4ch
+ int 21h
+ END begin
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/memtype.asm b/memtype.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b7a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/memtype.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ page 60,132
+ .286c ;; Utilize the expanded 80286 instruction set
+CODE segment byte public
+ assume CS:CODE
+ org 100h
+ jmp start
+EmmName db "EMMXXXX0"
+ push CS
+ pop DS ;; Set up data segment
+ mov DX,0 ;; Default to conventional memory
+;; See if this is a 286 machine
+ mov BX,SP ;; Set up BX with current stack pointer
+ pusha ;; 286 instruction, ignored on 808x
+ nop ;; Must be after pusha
+ cmp BX,SP ;; Were regs pushed?
+ je CHECKEXP ;; No...return
+ popa ;; Restore regs
+ mov AH,88h ;; Get number of contiguous 1k
+ int 15h ;; blocks starting at 1MByte
+ cmp AX,0 ;; If none available
+ je CHECKEXP ;; then jump
+ inc DX ;; else note extended memory available
+;; Check to see if expanded memory available
+ mov AH,35H ;; Get Interrupt Vector
+ mov AL,67H ;; "Vector"
+ int 21H
+ mov DI,000AH ;; ES:DI points to device name field
+ lea SI,EmmName ;; DS:SI points to device name
+ mov CX,8
+ cld
+ repe CMPSB ;; Compare the two strings
+ jne MEMRET ;; If not equal jump
+ or DX,0002h ;; Note EMM Present
+ mov AX,DX
+ mov AH,4ch
+ int 21h
+ END begin
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msdos.asm b/msdos.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc4f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msdos.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+;* MS-DOS Utilities *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 21 June 1984 *
+;* Last Modification: 9 June 1986 *
+MSDOS equ 021h ; MS-DOS interrupt number
+GETTIME equ 02Ch ; "get_time" function request id
+READ equ 0
+WRITE equ 1
+SELDISK equ 0EH ; select disk
+CURDISK equ 019H ; get the current disk
+SETADDR equ 01AH ; set disk transfer address
+CHNGDIR equ 03BH ; change the current directory
+CRFILE equ 03CH ; create a file
+OPENFILE equ 03DH ; open a file
+CLFILE equ 03EH ; close a file
+RFILE equ 03FH ; read from a file
+WFILE equ 040H ; write to a file
+DELFILE equ 041H ; delete a file function request id
+MOVPTR equ 042H ; move file pointer
+CURRDIR equ 047H ; return text of current directory
+FINDFILE equ 04EH ; find match file
+FINDNEXT equ 04FH ; step through a directory, matching files
+CHGNAME equ 056H ; move a directory entry
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+curdrv db 0
+ db 3AH ; ':'
+ db 5CH ; '\'
+curdir db 64 dup (0)
+dta db 43 dup (0)
+filespec db 13 dup (0)
+data ends
+XGROUP group progx
+progx segment byte public 'PROGX'
+;;; Delete a file
+del_arg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; return address (long)
+ dw ? ; original return address (short)
+filename dw ? ; file name
+del_arg ends
+dos%del proc far
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov DX,[BP].filename ; DX points to ASCIZ pathname
+ mov AH,DELFILE ; delete a file
+ int MSDOS
+ jc del_ret
+ xor AX,AX ; carry not set, return zero
+del_ret: pop BP
+ ret
+dos%del endp
+;;; Copy a file
+copy_arg struc
+handle1 dw ? ; source file handle
+handle2 dw ? ; destination file handle
+copy_buf db 128 dup (0) ; temporary buffer for copy
+copy_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; return address
+ dw ? ; original return address
+file1 dw ? ; source file name
+file2 dw ? ; destination file name
+copy_arg ends
+dos%copy proc far
+ push BP
+ sub SP,offset copy_BP ; allocate local storage
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov DX,[BP].file1
+ mov AH,OPENFILE ; open a file (source)
+ mov AL,READ ; access mode: read
+ int MSDOS
+ jc copy_ret ; carry set, return
+ mov [BP].handle1,AX
+ mov DX,[BP].file2
+ mov CX,0 ; file attribute
+ mov AH,CRFILE ; create a file (destination)
+ int MSDOS
+ jc copy_ret
+ mov [BP].handle2,AX
+; copy bytes from source file to destination file
+copy_01: lea DX,[BP].copy_buf
+ mov CX,128
+ mov BX,[BP].handle1
+ mov AH,RFILE ; read from file
+ int MSDOS
+ cmp AX,0 ; end of file?
+ je copy_10 ; yes, jump
+ mov CX,AX ; number of bytes to move
+ lea DX,[BP].copy_buf
+ mov BX,[BP].handle2
+ mov AH,WFILE ; write to a file
+ int MSDOS
+ jmp copy_01
+; close source file and destination file
+copy_10: mov BX,[BP].handle1
+ mov AH,CLFILE ; close a file
+ int MSDOS
+ mov BX,[BP].handle2
+ mov AH,CLFILE ; close a file
+ int MSDOS
+ xor AX,AX
+copy_ret: add SP,offset copy_BP ; release local storage
+ pop BP
+ ret
+dos%copy endp
+;;; Rename files under current directory
+ren%mov proc near
+ cmp byte ptr [DI],2ah ; an '*'
+ je renmv1
+ cmp byte ptr [DI],3fh ; a '?'
+ je renmv1
+ mov AL,byte ptr [DI] ; otherwise move in the new file char
+renmv1: mov byte ptr [BX],AL
+ ret
+ren%mov endp
+ren_arg struc
+ren_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; return address
+ dw ? ; original return address
+oldfile dw ? ; old file name
+newfile dw ? ; new file name
+ren_arg ends
+dos%ren proc far
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov DX,offset DGROUP:dta
+ mov AH,SETADDR ; set disk transfer address
+ int MSDOS
+ mov DX,[BP].oldfile
+ mov CX,0 ; search attribute
+ mov AH,FINDFILE ; find match file
+ int MSDOS
+ jc ren_ret
+ren_01: mov SI,offset DGROUP:dta
+ add SI,29 ; points to filespec
+ mov DI,[BP].newfile
+ mov BX,offset DGROUP:filespec
+ren_02: inc SI
+ cmp byte ptr ES:[SI],00h ; end of the string
+ je ren_03
+ cmp byte ptr ES:[SI],2eh ; an '.'?
+ je ren_03
+ mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI]
+ call ren%mov
+ inc DI
+ inc BX
+ cmp byte ptr [DI-1],2ah
+ jne ren_02
+ cmp byte ptr [SI+1],2eh ;next char a '.'?
+ je ren_02
+ dec DI
+ jmp ren_02
+ cmp byte ptr [DI],00h ; end of the string
+ je ren_04
+ cmp byte ptr [DI],3fh ; a '?'
+ je ren_04
+ cmp byte ptr [DI],2ah ; an '*'
+ je ren_04
+ cmp byte ptr [DI-1],2eh ; previous character a '.'?
+ je ren_02
+ mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI-1]
+ call ren%mov
+ inc DI
+ inc BX
+ jmp ren_03
+; rename the file
+ren_04: mov byte ptr [BX],0
+ mov DI,offset DGROUP:filespec
+ mov DX,offset DGROUP:dta
+ add DX,30
+ mov AH,CHGNAME ; move a directory entry
+ int MSDOS
+ mov AH,FINDNEXT ; find next match file
+ int MSDOS
+ jnc ren_01 ; carry not set, do next file
+ren_100: xor AX,AX
+ren_ret: pop BP
+ ret
+dos%ren endp
+;;; Get the file size
+size_arg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; caller's return address
+ dw ?
+file dw ?
+size_arg ends
+dos%size proc far
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov DX,offset DGROUP:dta
+ mov AH,SETADDR ; set disk transfer address
+ int MSDOS
+ mov DX,[BP].file
+ mov CX,0 ; search attribute
+ mov AH,FINDFILE ; find match file
+ int MSDOS
+ jnc size_01
+ xor BX,BX ; return 0 for invalid access
+ xor AX,AX
+ jmp size_ret
+size_01: mov DI,offset DGROUP:dta
+ mov AX,word ptr [DI+28] ; high word of file size
+ mov BX,word ptr [DI+26] ; low word of file size
+size_ret: pop BP
+ ret
+dos%size endp
+;;; Change the current directory
+cd_arg struc
+cd_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; caller's return address
+ dw ?
+dir dw ?
+cd_arg ends
+dos%cd proc far
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AH,CURDISK ; current disk
+ int MSDOS
+ inc AL
+ mov DL,AL ; drive number
+ add AL,40H ; drive character
+ mov curdrv,AL
+ mov SI,offset DGROUP:curdir
+ mov AH,CURRDIR ; return current directory
+ int MSDOS
+ mov DX,[BP].dir
+ mov AH,CHNGDIR ; change the current directory
+ int MSDOS
+ mov AX,offset DGROUP:curdrv
+cd_ret: pop BP
+ ret
+dos%cd endp
+;;; Change the current drive
+drv_arg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; caller's return address
+ dw ?
+drive db ?
+drv_arg ends
+dos%drv proc far
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov DL,[BP].drive
+ mov AH,CURDISK ; current disk
+ int MSDOS
+ mov [BP].drive,AL
+ sub DL,41H ; get the drive number
+ cmp DL,0
+ jl drv_ret
+ cmp DL,10 ; maximum nuber of drive?
+ jg drv_ret
+ mov AH,SELDISK ; select disk
+ int MSDOS
+ cmp DL,AL ; AL = number of drives
+ jl drv_01
+ mov DL,[BP].drive ; get the current disk
+ mov AH,SELDISK ; select disk
+ int MSDOS
+ jmp drv_ret
+drv_01: xor AX,AX
+ jmp drv_ret1
+drv_ret: mov AX,-1 ; error
+drv_ret1: pop BP
+ ret
+dos%drv endp
+;;; Move the file pointer right before EOF character and overwrite it
+;;; to fix the bug in open-extend-file
+mov_arg struc
+m_buffer dw 0
+mov_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dd ? ; caller's return address
+ dw ?
+fhandle dw ? ; file handle
+mov_arg ends
+mov%fptr proc far
+ push BP
+ sub SP,offset mov_BP ; allocate for local variable
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AL,2 ; move the pointer to end of file
+ mov DX,-128 ; and with offset (one record size)
+ mov CX,-1
+ mov BX,[BP].fhandle ; file handle
+ int MSDOS
+ jc mov_ret
+ cmp DX,0 ; small file?
+ jge mov_001
+ mov AL,0
+ xor CX,CX
+ xor DX,DX
+ int MSDOS
+ jc mov_ret
+mov_001: lea DX,[BP].m_buffer ; address of buffer
+mov_01: mov CX,1 ; read one character at a time
+ mov AH,RFILE ; read it
+ int MSDOS
+ jc mov_ret
+ mov CL,byte ptr [BP].m_buffer
+ cmp CL,1AH ; reach eof character?
+ je mov_05 ; yes, go overwrite it
+ cmp AX,0 ; at eof, but no eof char?
+ je mov_ret ; Yes, return
+ jmp short mov_01 ; No, loop
+; file pointer right after the EOF character
+mov_05: mov AL,1 ; move the pointer to the current
+ mov DX,-1 ; location plus offset
+ mov CX,-1
+ int MSDOS
+ jc mov_ret
+; file pointer points to EOF character
+ mov CX,1 ; write one byte
+ mov BX,[BP].fhandle ; file handle
+ mov [BP].m_buffer,0
+ lea DX,[BP].m_buffer ; address of buffer
+ mov AH,WFILE ; write it
+ int MSDOS
+ jc mov_ret
+ mov AL,1 ; move the pointer to the current
+ mov DX,-1 ; location plus offset
+ mov CX,DX
+ mov BX,[BP].fhandle ; file handle
+ int MSDOS
+ jc mov_ret
+ xor AX,AX
+mov_ret: add SP,offset mov_BP ; release local storage
+ pop BP
+ ret
+mov%fptr endp
+progx ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+get_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+get_ary dw ? ; pointer to result array
+get_args ends
+time_fmt struc ; format of data returned by get_time()
+tim_hour dw ? ; hour
+tim_min dw ? ; minute
+tim_sec dw ? ; seconds
+tim_hnds dw ? ; hundredths
+time_fmt ends
+ public get_time
+get_time proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP ; establish operand addressability
+ mov AH,GETTIME ; load "get_time" service call id
+ int MSDOS ; request service from MS-DOS
+ mov BX,[BP].get_ary ; load pointer to result array
+ xor AX,AX ; clear AX
+ mov AL,CH ; copy hours
+ mov [BX].tim_hour,AX ; and store into result array
+ mov AL,CL ; copy minutes
+ mov [BX].tim_min,AX ; and store into result array
+ mov AL,DH ; copy seconds
+ mov [BX].tim_sec,AX ; and store into result array
+ mov AL,DL ; copy hundredths
+ mov [BX].tim_hnds,AX ; and store into result array
+ pop BP
+ ret
+get_time endp
+; Link to Delete a file support
+ public delete
+delete proc near
+ call dos%del
+ ret
+delete endp
+; Link to Copy a file support
+ public copy_fil
+copy_fil proc near
+ call dos%copy
+ ret
+copy_fil endp
+; Link to Rename a file support
+ public rename
+rename proc near
+ call dos%ren
+ ret
+rename endp
+; Link to file size support
+ public filesize
+filesize proc near
+ call dos%size
+ ret
+filesize endp
+; Link to Change directory support
+ public chgdir
+chgdir proc near
+ call dos%cd
+ ret
+chgdir endp
+; Link to Change drive support
+ public chgdrv
+chgdrv proc near
+ call dos%drv
+ ret
+chgdrv endp
+ public mov_fptr
+mov_fptr proc near
+ call mov%fptr
+ ret
+mov_fptr endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msdos1.asm b/msdos1.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35e429b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msdos1.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+;* MS-DOS Utilities *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1984 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 21 June 1984 *
+;* Last Modification: 21 June 1984 *
+MSDOS equ 021h ; MS-DOS interrupt number
+GETDATE equ 02Ah ; "get_date" function request id
+GETTIME equ 02Ch ; "get_time" function request id
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+data ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+get_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+get_ary dw ? ; pointer to result array
+get_args ends
+date_fmt struc ; format of data returned by get_date()
+dat_mon dw ? ; month
+dat_day dw ? ; day
+dat_year dw ? ; year
+date_fmt ends
+time_fmt struc ; format of data returned by get_time()
+tim_hour dw ? ; hour
+tim_min dw ? ; minute
+tim_sec dw ? ; seconds
+tim_hnds dw ? ; hundredths
+time_fmt ends
+ public get_date
+get_date proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP ; establish operand addressability
+ mov AH,GETDATE ; load "get_date" service call id
+ int MSDOS ; request service from MS-DOS
+ mov BX,[BP].get_ary ; load pointer to result array
+ xor AX,AX ; clear AX
+ mov AL,DH ; copy month, and
+ mov [BX].dat_mon,AX ; store into result array
+ xor DH,DH ; clear high order byte of DX
+ mov [BX].dat_day,DX ; store day into result array
+ mov [BX].dat_year,CX ; store year into result array
+ pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret
+get_date endp
+ public get_time
+get_time proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP ; establish operand addressability
+ mov AH,GETTIME ; load "get_time" service call id
+ int MSDOS ; request service from MS-DOS
+ mov BX,[BP].get_ary ; load pointer to result array
+ xor AX,AX ; clear AX
+ mov AL,CH ; copy hours
+ mov [BX].tim_hour,AX ; and store into result array
+ mov AL,CL ; copy minutes
+ mov [BX].tim_min,AX ; and store into result array
+ mov AL,DH ; copy seconds
+ mov [BX].tim_sec,AX ; and store into result array
+ mov AL,DL ; copy hundredths
+ mov [BX].tim_hnds,AX ; and store into result array
+ pop BP
+ ret
+get_time endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/autocomp.s b/newpcs/autocomp.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed3a0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/autocomp.s
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/autoprim.s b/newpcs/autoprim.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d57a1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/autoprim.s
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ '(< <= <=? <> <>? = =? > >= >=? >? ABS ASSOC ASSQ ASSV ATOM? CAAAR
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/compile.all b/newpcs/compile.all
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd01083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/compile.all
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Compile the compiler 6/12/87 COMPILE.ALL
+;;; This file compiles all components of the PCS system which are written
+;;; in Scheme except SCOOPS and EDWIN, which are managed separately.
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(set! pcs-debug-mode '())
+(fast-load (%system-file-name "pboot.fsl"))
+(fast-load (%system-file-name "pp.fsl"))
+; The following files make up the compiler and are used to build the
+; compiler.fsl and compiler.app files.
+(define *source-compiler-autoload-files*
+; The following files make up the required "kernal" of scheme.
+(define *source-kernal-files*
+; The following is a combination of the compiler and kernal used to
+; build the compiler.app file.
+(define *source-compiler-files*
+ (append *source-compiler-autoload-files* *source-kernal-files*))
+; The following files must be re-compiled for the runtime only system.
+; Basically all but PRIMOPS contain code with integrables which must be
+; recompiled to run in a compiler-less environment. PRIMOPS must be
+; created from POPCODES to create closure definitions for all the scheme
+; primitives.
+(define *runtime-compiler-files*
+; The following files are the autoload files which can be used for
+; either the compiler or runtime system.
+(define *autoload-files*
+; Take input file containing primitive definitions and produce
+; output file of procedures
+(define build-primops
+ (lambda (input-file output-file)
+ (letrec
+ ((infile (open-input-file input-file))
+ (outfile (open-output-file output-file))
+ (vars '(a b c d e f g h i j))
+ (build-primop
+ (lambda (op numrands)
+ (if (and (number? numrands)
+ (not (char=? (string-ref (symbol->string op) 0) #\%)))
+ (let ((bvl (list-tail vars (- (length vars) numrands))))
+ (princ " " 'console)
+ (display op)
+ (newline outfile)
+ (pp `(define ,op (lambda ,bvl (,op . ,bvl))) outfile)
+ (newline outfile)))))
+ (build-prims
+ (lambda (lst)
+ (if (null? lst)
+ 'ok
+ (if (eq? (caar lst) 'pcs-define-primop)
+ (begin
+ (build-primop (cadr (cadar lst)) (caddar lst))
+ (build-prims (cdr lst)))))))
+ (read-rec
+ (lambda (r)
+ (cond ((eof-object? r)
+ 'OK)
+ ((and (pair? r)
+ (eq? (car r) 'begin)
+ (eq? (car (cadr r)) 'pcs-define-primop))
+ (build-prims (cdr r))
+ (read-rec (read infile)))
+ (else
+ (read-rec (read infile)))))))
+ (newline 'console)
+ (princ "[Building " 'console)
+ (princ output-file 'console)
+ (princ " from " 'console)
+ (princ input-file 'console)
+ (princ "]" 'console)
+ (newline 'console)
+ (read-rec (read infile))
+ (close-input-port infile)
+ (close-output-port outfile))))
+; Take list of files, extract all procedure definition names, and build an
+; autoload list. Place the autoload definitions in fileout; the autoload
+; reference file (which is also placed in the autoload definition) is
+; autoref
+(define build-auto
+ (lambda (filelist fileout autoref)
+ (letrec
+ ((inport '())
+ (autolist '())
+ (inspect-begin
+ (lambda (lst)
+ (if (null? lst)
+ 'ok
+ (if (and (pair? (car lst))
+ (eq? (caar lst) 'define))
+ (begin
+ (set! autolist (cons (if (atom? (cadar lst))
+ (cadar lst)
+ (car (cadar lst)))
+ autolist))
+ (display (car autolist)) (display " ")
+ (inspect-begin (cdr lst)))))))
+ (read-rec
+ (lambda (record)
+ (cond ((eof-object? record)
+ 'OK)
+ ((pair? record)
+ (if (eq? (car record) 'define)
+ (begin
+ (set! autolist
+ (cons (if (atom? (cadr record))
+ (cadr record)
+ (car (cadr record)))
+ autolist))
+ (display (car autolist)) (display " "))
+ ;else
+ (if (eq? (car record) 'begin)
+ (inspect-begin (cdr record))))
+ (read-rec (read inport)))
+ (else
+ (read-rec (read inport))))))
+ (read-files
+ (lambda (list)
+ (if (null? list)
+ 'ok
+ (begin
+ (set! inport (open-input-file
+ (string-append (car list) ".s")))
+ (newline)
+ (display (car list)) (display ": ")
+ (read-rec (read inport))
+ (close-input-port inport)
+ (read-files (cdr list))))))
+ )
+ (display "building autoload list in file : ")
+ (write (string-append fileout ".s"))
+ (newline)
+ (read-files filelist)
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append fileout ".s")
+ (lambda ()
+ (pp `(autoload-from-file
+ (%system-file-name ,autoref)
+ ',(reverse autolist)
+ user-global-environment))))
+ *the-non-printing-object*)))
+; compile the given file, writing to appropriate object file
+(define godoit
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((src (string-append (filename-sans-extension file)
+ (if (not (string-null?
+ (extension-sans-filename file)))
+ (extension-sans-filename file)
+ ".S")))
+ (obj (string-append (filename-sans-extension file)
+ (case compiling-compiler?
+ (#!false ".RTO")
+ (else ".SO")))))
+ (newline 'console)
+ (princ "[Compiling " 'console)
+ (princ src 'console)
+ (princ " to " 'console)
+ (princ obj 'console)
+ (princ "]" 'console)
+ (newline 'console)
+ (if (file-exists? src)
+ (begin
+ (gc)
+ (pcs-compile-file src obj)
+ (set! files-compiled (cons src files-compiled)))
+ (begin
+ (writeln "File not found!")
+ (set! files-not-compiled (cons src files-not-compiled))))
+ )))
+(define *this-file* "COMPILE.ALL")
+(define *do-files* nil) ;files that get compiled this time round
+(define compiling-compiler?) ;if true, compiling the runtime only
+(for-each (lambda (string) ; Make PCS-INITIAL-ARGUMENTS uppercase
+ (let loop ((n 0))
+ (when ( n (string-length string))
+ (string-set! string n (char-upcase (string-ref string n)))
+ (loop (1+ n)))))
+ pcs-initial-arguments)
+(if (or (unbound? pcs-initial-arguments) ; executing from PCS command line
+ (atom? pcs-initial-arguments)
+ (not (string-ci=?
+ (filename-sans-extension (car pcs-initial-arguments))
+ (filename-sans-extension *this-file*))))
+ (begin
+ (newline)
+ (writeln (integer->char 7) ;beep
+ "The file COMPILE.ALL is meant to be invoked ")
+ (writeln "from the PCS command line only.")
+ (reset)))
+(set! pcs-initial-arguments ; remove invocation file
+ (cdr pcs-initial-arguments))
+(let ((request ; classify request
+ (string->symbol
+ (car pcs-initial-arguments)))
+ (print (lambda x
+ (newline)
+ (for-each display x))))
+ (set! compiling-compiler? request)
+ (case request
+ (?
+ (print "To compile the compiler, invoke with:")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " ? - this display")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /src - all of source compiler")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /src file ... - compile given src files")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /rt - all of runtime compiler")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /rt file ... - compile given runtime files")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /auto - all autoload files")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /auto file ... - compile given autoload files")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /stl - compile STL.S file")
+ (print " pcs " *this-file* " /noload file ... - compile without incremental load")
+ (newline)
+ (reset))
+ (/src
+ (print "Compiling source compiler.")
+ (newline)
+ (if (cdr pcs-initial-arguments)
+ (set! *do-files* (cdr pcs-initial-arguments))
+ (set! *do-files* *source-compiler-files*)))
+ (/rt
+ (set! compiling-compiler? #!false)
+ (print "Compiling runtime compiler.")
+ (newline)
+ (if (cdr pcs-initial-arguments)
+ (set! *do-files* (cdr pcs-initial-arguments))
+ (set! *do-files* *runtime-compiler-files*)))
+ (/auto
+ (print "Compiling autoload files.")
+ (newline)
+ (if (cdr pcs-initial-arguments)
+ (set! *do-files* (cdr pcs-initial-arguments))
+ (set! *do-files* *autoload-files*)))
+ (/noload
+ (print "Compiling arbitrary files without executing them.")
+ (newline)
+ (set! *do-files* (cdr pcs-initial-arguments)))
+ (else
+ (error (string-append "Bad request to " *this-file*) request))))
+(if (not compiling-compiler?) ; if runtime, treat define-integrable
+ (begin ; as if it were define
+ (remprop 'define-integrable 'pcs*macro)
+ (macro define-integrable
+ (lambda (e)
+ `(define ,@(cdr e))))))
+(define files-compiled '())
+(define files-not-compiled '())
+;;; Compile each file supplied by *do-files*.
+;;; If PRIMOPS is encountered, it must be built from POPCODES, and
+;;; an autoload definition created for AUTOPRIM.FSL.
+;;; If AUTOCOMP is encountered, create autoload definition in
+ (lambda (file)
+ (cond
+ ((string-ci=? (filename-sans-extension file) "PRIMOPS")
+ (build-primops "POPCODES.S" "PRIMOPS.S") ;create PRIMOPS.S
+ (build-auto (list "PRIMOPS") "AUTOPRIM" "PRIMOPS.FSL") ;create AUTOPRIM.S
+ (godoit "AUTOPRIM")) ; and compile it
+ ((string-ci=? (filename-sans-extension file) "AUTOCOMP")
+ (build-auto ;create AUTOCOMP.S
+ *source-compiler-autoload-files* file "COMPILER.FSL"))
+ )
+ (godoit file)) ;compile file
+ *do-files*)
+(writeln "Files compiled: " (reverse! files-compiled))
+(writeln "Files not compiled: " (reverse! files-not-compiled))
+; it would be nicer if PCS could set the DOS exit code
+(if (not files-not-compiled)
+ (exit))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/edit.s b/newpcs/edit.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ea16e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/edit.s
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: edit.s
+; Last Revision: 13-Sep-85 1230ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; Paul Kristoff ;
+; ;
+; The Scheme Structure Editor ;
+; ;
+(define edit
+ (letrec ((read-eval-print-loop
+ (letrec ((read-command
+ (lambda ()
+ (print 'EDIT->)
+ (set! buffer (read))
+ (if (atom? buffer)
+ (set! buffer (list (list buffer)))
+ (if (atom? (car buffer))
+ (set! buffer (list buffer))))))
+ (do-command
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (or (number? (car command))
+ (eq? (car command) '*))
+ (move (car command))
+ (case (car command)
+ ((?) (print
+ (print-depth-length fp 2 10)))
+ ((P) (print fp))
+ ((??) (pp
+ (print-depth-length fp 2 10)))
+ ((PP) (pp fp))
+ ((N) (next))
+ ((PR) (previous))
+ ((B) (beginning))
+ ((T) (top))
+ ((F) (find (cadr command)))
+ ((IB) (insert-before
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((IA) (insert-after
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((SB) (splice-before
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((SA) (splice-after
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((D) (delete (cadr command)))
+ ((DP) (delete-parentheses
+ (cadr command)))
+ ((AP) (add-parentheses
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((S) (substitute
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((R) (replace
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((PS) (ps))
+ ((MAC?) (mac? (cadr command)))
+ ((MAC) (create-ed-macro
+ (cadr command)
+ (caddr command)))
+ ((Q) (set! done? t))
+ (else (if (ed-macro? (car command))
+ (expand-mac command)
+ (begin
+ (newline)
+ (set! buffer nil)
+ (writeln
+ " ? Unknown command: "
+ command))))
+ ))))
+ (mac?
+ (lambda (name)
+ (let ((temp (ed-macro? name)))
+ (if (null? temp)
+ (begin (writeln name " is not a macro.")
+ nil)
+ (pp (list 'mac (list name (car temp))
+ (cdr temp)))))))
+ (ed-macro?
+ (lambda (name)
+ (and (symbol? name)
+ (getprop name 'ed*macro))))
+ (expand-mac
+ (lambda (com)
+ (let* ((x (getprop (car com) 'ed*macro))
+ (eem (expand-ed-macro
+ (cdr com)
+ (car x)
+ (cdr x))))
+ (if (eq? eem 'error)
+ (begin (set! buffer nil)
+ (writeln " ? Error with macro"
+ command))
+ (set! buffer
+ (append eem buffer))))))
+ (create-ed-macro
+ (lambda (name&nargs expan)
+ (putprop (car name&nargs)
+ (cons (cadr name&nargs)
+ expan)
+ 'ed*macro)))
+ (expand-ed-macro
+ (lambda (args nargs expan)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (expan)
+ (cond ((null? expan) nil)
+ ((atom? expan)
+ (let ((n (arg? expan)))
+ (if n
+ (list-ref args (-1+ n))
+ expan)))
+ ((atom? (car expan))
+ (let ((n (arg? (car expan))))
+ (cons (if n
+ (list-ref args
+ (-1+ n))
+ (car expan))
+ (loop (cdr expan)))))
+ (t (cons (loop (car expan))
+ (loop (cdr expan)))))))
+ )
+ (if (= (length args) nargs)
+ (loop expan)
+ 'error))))
+ )
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not (memq (car command) '(P ? PP ??)))
+ (print (print-depth-length fp 2 10)))
+ (if (not done?)
+ (begin (read-command)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? buffer))
+ (set! command (car buffer))
+ (when (atom? command)
+ (set! command (list command)))
+ (set! buffer (cdr buffer))
+ (do-command))
+ (read-eval-print-loop))
+ (begin (top) fp)))))
+; MOVE ;
+; Argument: integer or * ;
+; Move repositions the fp to be the nth element of the current ;
+; fp. If an integer is positive the nth element will be from ;
+; the left. If the number is too large then the fp is moved to ;
+; last element from the left. If negative the nth element will ;
+; be from the right. If the absolute value of the number is ;
+; larger than the number of elements in the fp, then the fp is ;
+; repositioned to the 1st element from the left. If the the ;
+; argument is *, the fp is repositioned to be the cdr of the ;
+; cons cell of the fp. ;
+ (move
+ (let ((stop (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Cannot do a Move on an atom."))))
+ (lambda (n)
+ (cond ((atom? fp) (stop))
+ ((eq? n '*)
+ (begin (push fp '*)
+ (set! fp (cdr (last-pair fp)))
+ fp))
+ (t (let ((num (correct-position n)))
+ (cond ((null? n) (circular num))
+ ((<= num 0) (push fp 1)
+ (set! fp (car fp)))
+ (t (let ((smart-list
+ (smart-list-ref
+ fp (-1+ num))))
+ (push fp
+ (- num (cdr smart-list)))
+ (set! fp (car smart-list))
+ fp)))))))))
+; No arguments ;
+; Repositions the fp to be the parent of the current fp ;
+ (beginning
+ (let ((stop (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Already at top level."))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (at-top-level?)
+ (stop)
+ (let ((stack-frame (pop)))
+ (set! fp (fp-part stack-frame))
+ fp)))))
+; NEXT ;
+; No Arguments ;
+; Moves the fp to be the next element to the right of the parent ;
+; of the current fp. If the fp is pointing to the last element, ;
+; the fp remains the same. ;
+ (next
+ (let ((stop (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? There is no Next from this position")))
+ (stop1
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? Can't execute Next command at top level"))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (at-top-level?)
+ (stop1)
+ (let ((stack-frame (pop)))
+ (set! fp (fp-part stack-frame))
+ (move (if (eq? (element-part stack-frame) '*)
+ (begin (stop) '*)
+ (1+ (element-part stack-frame))))
+ fp)))))
+; No Arguments ;
+; Repositions the fp to be the previous element of the parent of ;
+; the current fp. If already at the first element of the fp, then ;
+; the fp remains the same. ;
+ (previous
+ (let ((stop (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? There is no Previous from this position")))
+ (stop1 (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? Can't execute Previous at top level"))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (at-top-level?)
+ (stop1)
+ (let ((stack-frame (pop)))
+ (set! fp (fp-part stack-frame))
+ (move (cond ((eq? (element-part stack-frame) '*)
+ (begin (stop) '*))
+ ((= (element-part stack-frame) 1) (stop) 1)
+ (t (-1+ (element-part stack-frame)))))
+ fp)))))
+; TOP ;
+; No arguments ;
+; Sets the fp to point to the car of very-top. Resets the stack. ;
+ (top
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! fp (car very-top))
+ (set! stack initial-stack)
+ ))
+; FIND ;
+; Can take an argument ;
+; Searches beginning with the FP (not including the FP) until the ;
+; it either finds the pfv (using equal?) or the whole stack is ;
+; popped. If it is found the FP is moved to that point. If is ;
+; it is not the FP and STACK remain the same. The value maybe ;
+; inside the FP. ;
+ (find
+ (letrec ((find-next
+ (lambda ()
+ (cond ((equal? fp pfv) (set! found? t))
+ ((atom? fp) (get-next-element))
+ (t (move 1)
+ (find-next)))))
+ (get-next-element
+ (let ((stop (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Did not find "
+ pfv))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (at-top-level?)
+ (stop)
+ (let ((stack-frame (pop)))
+ (let ((tfp (fp-part stack-frame))
+ (tel (element-part
+ stack-frame)))
+ (if (eq? tel '*)
+ (get-next-element)
+ (let ((next-element
+ (list-ref-* tfp tel)))
+ (push tfp
+ (if (eq? (cdr next-element)
+ '*)
+ '*
+ (1+ tel)))
+ (set! fp
+ (car next-element))
+ (find-next)))
+ ))))))
+ (temp-stack nil)
+ (temp-fp nil)
+ (found? nil)
+ (pfv '**unbound**)
+ )
+ (lambda v
+ (if (not (null? (car v)))
+ (set! pfv (car v)))
+ (set! found? nil)
+ (set! temp-stack stack)
+ (set! temp-fp fp)
+ (if (atom? fp) ; allows find next if fp is
+ (get-next-element) ; equal to the pfv
+ (begin (move 1) (find-next)))
+ (if (not found?)
+ (let ((par (parent stack)))
+ (set! stack temp-stack)
+ (set! fp temp-fp)))
+ fp)))
+; arguments n: The element being replaced (nth element of the FP). ;
+; v: The value the nth element will replace. ;
+; Replace will replace the nth element of the FP with v. n can be ;
+; either negative or positive. If too large an error is indicated. ;
+ (replace
+ (lambda (n v)
+ (cond ((eq? n '*) (set-cdr! (last-pair fp) v))
+ ((not (number? n))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Non-number or non-* to Replace: " n))
+ ((= n 0) (correct-stack v)
+ (set! fp v))
+ (t (let ((num (correct-position n)))
+ (if (null? num)
+ (circular-error n)
+ (let ((sc (smart-list-tail
+ fp
+ (-1+ num))))
+ (if (atom? sc)
+ (not-enough-elements-error n)
+ (set-car! sc v)))))))))
+; arguments for : The value searched for. ;
+; this: The value that replaces the value searched for ;
+; Searches the FP for 'for'. It replaces all occurrences of 'for' ;
+; with 'this'. If none are found it will indicate that. ;
+ (substitute
+ (lambda (for this)
+ (letrec ((found? nil)
+ (subst
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond ((null? l) nil)
+ ((equal? for l) (set! found? t) this)
+ ((atom? l) l)
+ (t (cons (subst (car l))
+ (subst (cdr l)))))))
+ )
+ (set! fp (subst fp))
+ (if (not found?)
+ (begin (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Can't find " for))
+ (correct-stack fp))
+ fp)))
+ (delete
+ (lambda (n)
+ (cond ((eq? n '*) (set-cdr! (last-pair fp) nil))
+ ((not (number? n))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Non-number or non-* to Delete: " n))
+ ((zero? n) (set! fp nil) (correct-stack fp))
+ (t (let ((num (correct-position n)))
+ (cond ((null? num) (circular-error n))
+ ((atom? fp)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is an atom, can't delete "
+ n " element"))
+ ((= num 1)
+ (set! fp (cdr fp))
+ (correct-stack fp))
+ (t (let ((sc (smart-list-tail fp (- num 2)))
+ (scc (smart-list-tail fp num)))
+ (if (and (atom? scc)
+ (not (null? scc))) ;PRK 53085
+ (not-enough-elements-error n)
+ (set-cdr! sc scc))))))))))
+; argument n: The nth element of the FP ;
+; Deletes the parentheses from around the nth element of the FP. ;
+; The nth element must be a list otherwise an error will occur. n ;
+; maybe either negative or positive. ;
+ (delete-parentheses
+ (lambda (n)
+ (letrec ((stop1
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? Can't delete parentheses for this position "
+ n)))
+ (stop2 (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Element is not a list")))
+ )
+ (if (and (number? n) (not (zero? n)))
+ (let* ((num (correct-position n)))
+ (if (null? num)
+ (circular-error n)
+ (let ((elem (smart-list-ref fp (-1+ num)))
+ (next-elem (smart-list-tail fp num))
+ )
+ (when (eq? next-elem '*atom-returned*)
+ (set! next-elem '()))
+ (cond ((atom? fp)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is an atom, can't delete "
+ n " element."))
+ ((not (zero? (cdr elem)))
+ (not-enough-elements-error n))
+ ((not (list? (car elem)))
+ (stop2))
+ ((= num 1)
+ (set! fp (append! (car elem) next-elem))
+ (correct-stack fp))
+ (t (set-cdr! (list-tail fp (- num 2))
+ (append! (car elem) next-elem)))))))
+ (stop1))
+ )))
+; arguments x: One or two arguments ;
+; Will add parentheses from the first argument to the second ;
+; argument (left to right). The first argument must be to the left ;
+; or the same as the second argument. If the first argument is * or;
+; 0 (zero) the second argument is ignored. ;
+ (add-parentheses
+ (lambda x
+ (let ((m (car x))(n (cadr x)))
+ (cond ((atom? fp)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is an atom, can't Add Parentheses"))
+ ((eq? m '*)
+ (let ((lp (last-pair fp)))
+ (set-cdr! lp (list (cdr lp)))))
+ ((not (number? m))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? Non-number or non-* to Add Parentheses: "
+ m))
+ ((= m 0) (set! fp (cons fp nil))
+ (correct-stack fp))
+ ((eq? n '*)
+ (let ((cm (correct-position m)))
+ (cond ((null? cm)(circular-error m))
+ ((= cm 1) (set! fp (cons fp nil))
+ (correct-stack fp))
+ (t (let ((slt1
+ (smart-list-tail fp (- cm 2)))
+ (slt2
+ (smart-list-tail fp (-1+ cm))))
+ (if (atom? slt2)
+ (not-enough-elements-error m)
+ (set-cdr! slt1
+ (cons slt2 nil))))))))
+ ((not (number? n))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? Non-number or non-* to Add Parentheses: "
+ n))
+ (t (let ((cm (correct-position m))
+ (cn (correct-position n)))
+ (cond ((null? cm) (circular-error m))
+ ((null? cn) (circular-error n))
+ ((<= cm 0) (not-enough-elements-error m))
+ ((<= cn 0) (not-enough-elements-error n))
+ ((> cm cn)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? First argument, " m
+ " is positioned to the right of the 2nd, " n))
+ (t (let ((end-fp (list-tail fp cn))
+ (last-arg-tail
+ (smart-list-tail fp (-1+ cn))))
+ (if (atom? last-arg-tail)
+ (not-enough-elements-error n)
+ (begin (set-cdr! last-arg-tail nil)
+ (if (= cm 1)
+ (begin
+ (set! fp
+ (cons fp end-fp))
+ (correct-stack fp))
+ (set-cdr!
+ (list-tail fp (- cm 2))
+ (cons
+ (list-tail fp (-1+ cm))
+ end-fp))))))))))
+ ))))
+; arguments n: The nth element of the FP ;
+; v: The list of values to be spliced before the nth ;
+; element. ;
+; Splices before the nth element of the FP, the elements in v. If ;
+; v is not a list an error is indicated. ;
+ (splice-before
+ (lambda (n v)
+ (cond ((atom? fp)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is an atom, can't splice before "
+ n " element"))
+ ((or (not (number? n)) (zero? n))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? First argument must be a non-zero integer: "
+ n))
+ ((not (list? v))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Second argument must be a list: " v))
+ (t (let ((num (correct-position n)))
+ (cond ((null? num)
+ (circular-error n))
+ ((= num 1)
+ (set! fp (append! v fp))
+ (correct-stack fp))
+ (t (let ((slt1
+ (smart-list-tail fp (- num 2)))
+ (slt2
+ (smart-list-tail fp (-1+ num))))
+ (if (atom? slt2)
+ (not-enough-elements-error n)
+ (set-cdr! slt1
+ (append! v slt2))))))))
+ )))
+; arguments n: The nth element of the FP. ;
+; v: The list of elements that are splice after the nth ;
+; element. ;
+; The elements of v are placed after the nth element of the FP. If ;
+; v is not a list an error is indicated. ;
+ (splice-after
+ (lambda (n v)
+ (cond ((atom? fp)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is an atom, can't splice after "
+ n " element"))
+ ((or (not (number? n)) (zero? n))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? First argument must be a non-zero integer: "
+ n))
+ ((not (list? v))
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? Second argument must be a list: " v))
+ (t (let ((num (correct-position n)))
+ (if (null? num)
+ (circular-error n)
+ (let ((slt1 (smart-list-tail fp (-1+ num)))
+ (slt2 (smart-list-tail fp num)))
+ (if (atom? slt1)
+ (not-enough-elements-error n)
+ (set-cdr! slt1
+ (append! v slt2)))))))
+ )))
+; arguments num: The nth element of the FP ;
+; v : The value being placed before the nth element ;
+; Makes sure that the v can be inserted the calls splice-before ;
+; with num and (list v). ;
+ (insert-before
+ (lambda (num v)
+ (cond ((atom? fp)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is an atom, can't insert before "
+ n " element"))
+ (t (splice-before num (cons v nil))))))
+; arguments num: The nth element of the FP ;
+; v : The value being placed after the nth element ;
+; Makes sure that the v can be inserted the calls splice-after ;
+; with num and (list v). ;
+ (insert-after
+ (lambda (num v)
+ (cond ((atom? fp)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is an atom, can't insert after "
+ n " element"))
+ (t (splice-after num (cons v nil))))))
+; ;
+; Help Functions ;
+; ;
+ (push
+ (lambda (l pos)
+ (set! stack (cons (list* l pos) stack))))
+ (pop
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (null? (cdr stack))
+ 'cannot-pop-stack
+ (begin0 (car stack)
+ (set! stack (cdr stack))))))
+ (fp-part car)
+ (element-part cdr)
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ ; Print depth length ;
+ ; It will return a list with depth of print-level and ;
+ ; length of print-length. It will replace all levels ;
+ ; lower than print-level with # and all elements further ;
+ ; than print-length with ... ;
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ (print-depth-length
+ (letrec ((p1 0)
+ (loop
+ (lambda (l lev len)
+ (cond ((<= len 0) '(...))
+ ((atom? l) l)
+ ((<= lev 0) '#\#)
+ ((atom? (car l))
+ (cons (car l)
+ (loop (cdr l) lev (-1+ len))))
+ (t (cons (loop (car l) (-1+ lev) p1)
+ (loop (cdr l) lev (-1+ len)))))))
+ )
+ (lambda (l print-level print-length)
+ (set! p1 print-length)
+ (loop l print-level print-length) )))
+ (list-length ; Gives list-length while checking for
+ (lambda (l) ; circular lists. Returns nil
+ (letrec ((loop (lambda () ; if circular list is found
+ (cond ((atom? fast) n)
+ ((atom? (cdr fast)) (+ n 1))
+ ((and (eq? fast slow) (> n 0)) nil)
+ (t (set! fast (cddr fast))
+ (set! slow (cdr slow))
+ (set! n (+ n 2))
+ (loop)))))
+ (n 0)
+ (fast l)
+ (slow l))
+ (loop))))
+ (correct-position ; If number is negative, translates it
+ (lambda (n) ; the equivalent positive number.
+ (if (< n 0)
+ (+ (list-length fp) (1+ n))
+ n)))
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ ; Smart-list-ref ;
+ ; Returns a pair. The first of which is the list-ref of ;
+ ; l. The second is the number left over. This number ;
+ ; will be zero unless the number is larger than the number;
+ ; of elements in the list. Then it will show the number ;
+ ; left and return the last element. ;
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ (smart-list-ref
+ (lambda (l n)
+ (cond ((atom? l) nil)
+ ((atom? (cdr l)) (cons (car l) n))
+ ((zero? n) (cons (car l) 0))
+ (t (smart-list-ref (cdr l) (-1+ n))))))
+ (at-top-level?
+ (lambda () (null? (cdr stack))))
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ ; Correct-stack ;
+ ; Corrects the parent of the FP when the FP is changed ;
+ ; with a set! instead of set-car! or set-cdr! ;
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ (correct-stack
+ (lambda (l)
+ (let ((par (parent stack)))
+ (if (eq? (element-part par) '*)
+ (if (atom? l)
+ (set-cdr! (last-pair (fp-part par)) l)
+ (let ((stack-frame (pop)))
+ (set! fp (fp-part stack-frame))
+ (set-cdr! (last-pair fp) l)))
+ (set-car! (if (= (element-part par) 1)
+ (fp-part par)
+ (list-tail (fp-part par)
+ (-1+ (element-part par))))
+ l)))))
+ (list?
+ (lambda (l)
+ (and (pair? l)
+ (null? (cdr (last-pair l))))))
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ ; List-ref-* ;
+ ; Used in Find. It is set up to know about the *th ;
+ ; position. It counts the * as another element. Other ;
+ ; than this, it is just like smart-list-ref. ;
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ (list-ref-*
+ (lambda (l n)
+ (cond ((atom? l) (cons l '*))
+ ((zero? n) (cons (car l) 0))
+ (t (list-ref-* (cdr l) (-1+ n))))))
+ (parent car)
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ ; Smart-list-tail ;
+ ; This is used in the modifying commands. It allows the ;
+ ; calling function to figure out if there is an nth ;
+ ; element. An atom is returned if it there are not n ;
+ ; elements. The value of this command is used in set-car!;
+ ; and set-cdr!. Thus it cannot be an atom. ;
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------;
+ (smart-list-tail
+ (letrec ((loop
+ (lambda (l n)
+ (cond ((zero? n) l)
+ ((atom? l) '**atom-returned**) ;PRK 53085
+ (t (loop (cdr l) (-1+ n)))))))
+ (lambda (l n)
+ (if (< n 0)
+ '**atom-returned**
+ (loop l n)))))
+ (not-enough-elements-error
+ (lambda (n)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln " ? There are not " n " elements")))
+ (circular-error
+ (lambda (n)
+ (newline)
+ (writeln
+ " ? FP is a circular list, can't use negative numbers: "
+ n)))
+ (arg?
+ (lambda (a)
+ (let ((x (explode a)))
+ (if (eq? (car x) '#\#)
+ (if (number-range? (cdr x))
+ (symbols->number (cdr x) 10 0)
+ #!false)
+ #!false))))
+ (number-range?
+ (lambda (l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ #!true
+ (let ((a (symbol->ascii (car l))))
+ (if (and (> a 47) (< a 58))
+ (number-range? (cdr l))
+ #!false)))))
+ (symbols->number
+ (lambda (l b n)
+ (if (null? l)
+ 0
+ (+ (symbols->number (cdr l) b (1+ n))
+ (* (expt b n)
+ (- (symbol->ascii (car l)) 48))))))
+; ;
+; Variables ;
+; ;
+ (very-top nil)
+ (initial-stack nil)
+ (fp nil)
+ (stack nil)
+ (command nil)
+ (done? nil)
+ (buffer nil)
+; ;
+; Debugging Functions ;
+; ;
+ (ps (lambda () (print (print-depth-length stack 4 10))))
+ )
+ (lambda (l)
+ (set! done? nil)
+ (set! fp l)
+ (set! very-top (list fp))
+ (set! initial-stack (list (list* very-top 1)))
+ (set! stack initial-stack)
+ (read-eval-print-loop))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/edwin.ini b/newpcs/edwin.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b42fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/edwin.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+;;; This is a sample EDWIN.INI file to demonstrate how to customize EDWIN for
+;;; both keyboard input and display output. When placed in the same directory
+;;; as PC Scheme, it will be loaded automatically the first time EDWIN is
+;;; entered
+;;; The following code is an example of customizing the color of Edwin's
+;;; three windows; the editing buffer, the mode line, and the echo area.
+;;; In the example, the text attribute of each window is set to a color
+;;; that is different from the other windows. I'm not suggesting that you
+;;; will like the colors, just that they are different.
+;;; In order to write a general example (that will work for either TI or
+;;; IBM machines), the PC Scheme variable PCS-MACHINE-TYPE is examined and
+;;; the colors set according to the type of machine. TI is type 1 and the
+;;; character-enable bit must be set by adding 8 to the color. Feel free to
+;;; experiment with the code to determine a configuration that you are
+;;; comfortable with
+;;;(let ((type (if (eq? 1 pcs-machine-type) 8 0)))
+;;; (window-set-attribute! buffer-screen 'text-attributes (+ type 7))
+;;; (window-set-attribute! modeline-screen 'text-attributes (+ type 6))
+;;; (window-set-attribute! typein-screen 'text-attributes (+ type 3)))
+;;; The following code is used to customize your keyboard for use with EDWIN.
+;;; It allows you to define new key sequences in terms of existing EDWIN key
+;;; sequences. REMAP-EDWIN-KEY is a macro which takes two arguments, the new
+;;; key sequence you wish to define, and the existing EDWIN key sequence. The
+;;; arguments may be either a character or a list of characters representing
+;;; the key codes for your particular machine. The key codes for your machine
+;;; can be found in the technical reference manual for your machine, or by
+;;; executing the function GET-KEYCODE. GET-KEYCODE allows you to enter any
+;;; single key sequence, and returns the corresponding code to use with
+;;; Remember that EDWIN commands (represented by certain key sequences) are of
+;;; 5 basic types; simple, control, meta, meta-control, and control-x. SIMPLE
+;;; commands are single character commands (normally just insert into the
+;;; buffer), CONTROL commands are entered by typing the ctrl key while pressing
+;;; another character, META commands are entered by pressing either the escape
+;;; or ctrl-z keys and then typing another character, META-CONTROL commands are
+;;; entered by typing the meta prefix and then a ctrl key sequence, and
+;;; CONTROL-X commands are entered by typing ctrl-x followed by another key
+;;; sequence.
+;;; The key codes for CTRL key sequences varies depending on the control key
+;;; sequence entered. Some codes returned from the keyboard are extended key
+;;; codes, or an extended code of 0 followed by the key code. For example, the
+;;; key code returned from pressing CTRL-@ is a two key code of the extended
+;;; key code (0) followed by the integer 3; this is represented in the following
+;;; code as the list (extended-char (integer->char 3)). Use GET-KEYCODE to
+;;; obtain the key codes necessary to remap keys via EDWIN-REMAP-KEY.
+(define meta-char (integer->char 27)) ; Key code for Edwin META key
+(define ctrl-x (integer->char 24)) ; Key code for Edwin CTRL-X
+(define extended-char (integer->char 0)) ; Denotes an extended key code
+; This is a helper function which returns the key codes for any single
+; key sequence. It is useful in determining the key codes returned from
+; your particular machine and can be used to determine the arguments for
+(define (get-keycode)
+ (let ((code (read-char)))
+ (if (char=? code (integer->char 0))
+ `(list extended-char (integer->char ,(char->integer (read-char))))
+ `(integer->char ,(char->integer code)))))
+; Redefine keys. The following will work for either TI or IBM machines.
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 59)) ;New Key = F1
+ (integer->char 22)) ;Old Key = CNTRL-V (Scroll Up)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 60)) ;New Key = F2
+ (list meta-char #\V)) ;Old key = Meta-V (Scroll Down)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 61)) ;New Key = F3
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 3))) ;Old Key = CNTRL-@ (Set Mark)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 62)) ;New Key = F4
+ (list (integer->char 24) ;Old key = CNTRL-X CNTRL-X
+ (integer->char 24))) ; (Xchg mark and point)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 63)) ;New key = F5
+ (integer->char 23)) ;Old Key = CNTRL-W (Kill Region)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 64)) ;New key = F6
+ (integer->char 25)) ;Old key = CNTRL-Y (Unkill)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 67)) ;New key = F9
+ (list meta-char (integer->char 60))) ;Old key = META < (Go buffer top)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 68)) ;New key = F10
+ (list meta-char (integer->char 62))) ;Old key = META > (buffer bottom)
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 83)) ;New Key = DEL
+ (integer->char 04)) ;Old Key = CNTRL-D
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 115)) ;New key = CNTRL <-
+ (list meta-char (integer->char 02))) ;Old key = META-CNTRL-B
+ ;Move forward over s-exp
+ (list extended-char (integer->char 116)) ;New Key = CNTRL ->
+ (list meta-char (integer->char 06))) ;Old key = META-CNTRL-F
+ ;Move backward over s-exp
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/filepos.s b/newpcs/filepos.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..469e581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/filepos.s
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+;* SET-FILE-POSITION will move the file pointer to a new position *
+;* and update a pointer in the buffer to point to a new location. *
+;* The offset variable can be: *
+;* 0 for positioning from the start of the file *
+;* 1 for positioning relative to the current position *
+;* 2 for positioning from the end of the file *
+(define set-file-position! ; ==> filepos.s
+ (lambda (port #-of-bytes offset)
+ (let ((current-pos (%reify-port port 9))
+ (end-of-buffer (%reify-port port 10))
+ (new-pos '())
+ (current-chunk (max 0 (-1+ (%reify-port port 12))))
+ (new-chunk '())
+ (messages '())
+ (file-size (+ (* (%reify-port port 4) 65536) (%reify-port port 6)))
+ (port-flags (%reify-port port 11)))
+ (if (and (port? port)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags 4) 0))
+ (case offset
+ ((0) ; offset from the start of the file
+ (set! #-of-bytes (abs #-of-bytes))
+ (if (=? (%logand port-flags 3) 0)
+ (set! #-of-bytes (min #-of-bytes file-size)))
+ (set! new-chunk (truncate (/ #-of-bytes 256)))
+ (set! new-pos (- #-of-bytes (* new-chunk 256)))
+ (if (and ( new-pos end-of-buffer)
+ (>=? new-pos 0)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags 3) 0) ; open for reading
+ (=? new-chunk current-chunk))
+ (%reify-port! port 9 new-pos)
+ (%sfpos port new-chunk new-pos)))
+ ((1) ; offset from the current position
+ (set! new-pos (+ current-pos #-of-bytes))
+ (if (and ( new-pos end-of-buffer)
+ (>=? new-pos 0)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags 3) 0)) ; open for reading
+ (%reify-port! port 9 new-pos)
+ (begin
+ (set! new-pos (+ (+ current-pos (* 256 current-chunk))
+ #-of-bytes)) ; offset from the begining of the file
+ (if (and (>? new-pos file-size)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags 3) 0))
+ (set! new-pos file-size))
+ (if ( new-pos 0)
+ (set! new-pos 0))
+ (set! new-chunk (truncate (/ new-pos 256)))
+ (%sfpos port new-chunk (- new-pos (* new-chunk 256))))))
+ ((2) ; offset from the end of the file
+ (set! #-of-bytes (min (abs #-of-bytes) file-size))
+ (set! new-pos (- file-size (abs #-of-bytes))) ; absolute position
+ (set! new-chunk (truncate (/ new-pos 256)))
+ (set! new-pos (- newpos (* new-chunk 256))) ; buffer position
+ (if (=? (%logand port-flags 3) 0)
+ (if (and ( new-pos end-of-buffer)
+ (>=? new-pos 0)
+ (=? new-chunk current-chunk))
+ (%reify-port! port 9 new-pos)
+ (%sfpos port new-chunk new-pos))
+ (display "Offset from the end of the file can only be used with files open for reading!")
+ ))
+ (else (display "Offset must be 0, 1 or 2!")))
+ (display "First parameter must be a file!")))))
+;* get-file-position will return the current file position in the *
+;* number of bytes from the beginning of the file. *
+(define get-file-position
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let (( result '())
+ (chunk (max 1 (%reify-port port 12))))
+ (if (and (port? port)
+ (=? (%logand (%reify-port port 11) 4) 0))
+ (set! result (+ (* 256 (-1+ chunk)) ; chunk#
+ (%reify-port port 9))) ; current position
+ (set! result "Needs to be a port/file object!"))
+ result)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/graphics.s b/newpcs/graphics.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e953ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/graphics.s
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(define-integrable setp
+ (lambda (x y color xor)
+ (%graphics 1 x y color 0 0 xor)))
+(define-integrable resetp
+ (lambda (cc nc)
+ (%graphics 2 cc nc 0 0 0 0)))
+(define-integrable line
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2 color xor)
+ (%graphics 3 x1 y1 x2 y2 color xor)))
+(define-integrable point
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (%graphics 4 x y 0 0 0 0)))
+(define-integrable draw-box
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2 color xor)
+ (%graphics 6 x1 y1 x2 y2 color xor)))
+(define-integrable draw-filled-box
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2 color xor)
+ (%graphics 7 x1 y1 x2 y2 color xor)))
+(define-integrable clipping-rectangle
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2)
+ (%graphics 8 x1 y1 x2 y2 0 0)))
+; x and y are coordinates of upper left corner of picture
+; a and b are coordinates of upper left corner of clipping rectangle
+; c and d are coordinates of lower right corner of clipping rectangle
+(define cga-example
+ (lambda (x y a b c d)
+ ; set video mode to graphics
+ (set-video-mode! 4)
+ (ti-example x y a b c d)
+ (display "Type a key to return to mode 3")
+ (read-char 'console)
+ ; return to text mode
+ (set-video-mode! 3)))
+(define ega-example
+ (lambda (x y a b c d)
+ ; set video mode to graphics
+ (set-video-mode! 16)
+ (ti-example x y a b c d)))
+(define ti-example
+ (lambda (x y a b c d)
+ (clear-graphics)
+ ; set clipping rectangle
+ (clipping-rectangle a b c d)
+ ; draw box (replace)
+ (draw-box (+ x 10) (+ y 20) (+ x 50) (+ y 50) 3 0)
+ ; draw filled box (exclusive or)
+ (draw-filled-box (+ x 30) (+ y 30) (+ x 90) (+ y 120) 2 1)
+ ; draw line (exclusive or)
+ (line (+ x 10) (+ y 20) (+ x 90) (+ y 120) 1 1)
+ ; set point
+ (setp (+ x 20) (+ y 20) 2 0)
+ ; set palette
+ (resetp 2 6)
+ ; read color of point
+ (point (+ x 20) (+ y 20))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/help.s b/newpcs/help.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e79dc44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/help.s
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+;;;; A Help facility for PC Scheme
+;;;; Precis of instructions:
+;;;; 1. Load this file, i.e., type (load "help.s")
+;;;; 2. To extract information on the definitions
+;;;; in a file of Scheme source code, type
+;;;; (extract-help "filename").
+;;;; 3. To extract the help information and
+;;;; at the same time load the file, type
+;;;; (load-with-help "filename").
+;;;; 4. Type (help 'ident) for information on the
+;;;; name ident.
+;;;; 5. Type (help), without arguments, for a list
+;;;; of all identifiers for which extended
+;;;; help is available.
+(define help
+ (lambda subject
+ (if (null? subject)
+ (show-help-topics)
+ (fetch-help (car subject)))
+ *the-non-printing-object*))
+(define fetch-help
+ (lambda (item)
+ (report-help item
+ (get-internal-help item)
+ (get-archival-help item))))
+(define get-internal-help
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let ((item-class (classify item)))
+ (if (and (symbol? item) (bound? item))
+ (let* ((value (eval item))
+ (value-class (classify value)))
+ (list item-class value value-class))
+ (list item-class)))))
+(define classify
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((pair? x) 'pair)
+ ((procedure? x) (cond ((closure? x) 'procedure)
+ ((continuation? x) 'continuation)
+ (else 'engine)))
+ ((boolean? x) 'boolean)
+ ((symbol? x) 'symbol)
+ ((environment? x) 'environment)
+ ((stream? x) 'stream)
+ ((port? x) 'port)
+ ((number? x) 'number)
+ ((char? x) 'character)
+ ((string? x) 'string)
+ ((vector? x) 'vector)
+ (else 'unknown))))
+(define bound?
+ (lambda (ident)
+ (not (eval `(unbound? ,ident)))))
+(define archive
+ (let ((a-list '() ))
+ (lambda (msg . args)
+ (case msg
+ ((get) (cadr (assq (car args) a-list)))
+ ((put) (archive 'remove (car args))
+ (set! a-list (cons args a-list)))
+ ((keys) (map car a-list))
+ ((remove) (set! a-list (delq! (assq (car args) a-list) a-list)))
+ (else (error "Unrecognized message to archive:" msg))))))
+(define get-archival-help
+ (lambda (item)
+ (archive 'get item)))
+(define show-help-topics
+ (lambda ()
+ (writeln "Topics for which extended help is available:")
+ (for-each writeln (archive 'keys))))
+(define extract-help
+ (lambda (filename)
+ (with-input-from-file filename
+ (lambda ()
+ (do ((next (read) (read)))
+ ((eof-object? next) 'OK)
+ (let ((info (parse next)))
+ (when info (put-archival-help filename info))))))))
+(define parse
+ (lambda (expr)
+ (if (and (pair? expr) (eq? (car expr) 'define))
+ (if (pair? (cadr expr))
+ (parse-mit (cadr expr))
+ (parse-iu (cdr expr)))
+ '() )))
+(define parse-mit
+ (lambda (expr)
+ (if (pair? (car expr))
+ (parse-mit (car expr))
+ (parse-params (car expr) (cdr expr)))))
+(define parse-iu
+ (lambda (expr)
+ (let ((lambda-form (get-lambda (cadr expr))))
+ (if lambda-form
+ (parse-params (car expr) (cadr lambda-form))
+ '() ))))
+(define get-lambda
+ (lambda (e)
+ (if (or (null? e) (atom? e))
+ '()
+ (case (car e)
+ ((lambda) e)
+ ((let let* letrec) (get-lambda (car (last-pair e))))
+ (else '() )))))
+(define parse-params
+ (lambda (name paramlist)
+ (let loop ((params paramlist) (count 0))
+ (cond ((null? params) (list name count 0 paramlist))
+ ((atom? params) (list name count 1 paramlist))
+ (else (loop (cdr params) (+ 1 count)))))))
+(define put-archival-help
+ (lambda (filename info)
+ (archive 'put (car info) (append (list filename)
+ (cdr info)))))
+(define load-with-help
+ (lambda (filename)
+ (extract-help filename)
+ (load filename)))
+(define report-help
+ (lambda (item internal-info archival-info)
+ (let ((item-class (car internal-info))
+ (value (cadr internal-info))
+ (value-class (caddr internal-info)))
+ (newline)
+ (cond ((not (symbol? item)) (report-literal item item-class))
+ ((null? value-class) (report-unbound item))
+ (else (report-binding item value value-class)))
+ (when archival-info (report-archival item archival-info)))))
+(define report-literal
+ (lambda (item class)
+ (writeln item " is an object of type " class ".")
+ (newline)))
+(define report-unbound
+ (lambda (item)
+ (writeln "The identifier " item " is unbound.")
+ (newline)))
+(define report-binding
+ (lambda (item value class)
+ (writeln "The identifier " item
+ " is bound to an object of type " class ".")
+ (when (denotable? class)
+ (writeln "The value of " item " is " value "."))
+ (newline)))
+(define denotable?
+ (lambda (class)
+ (memq class '(boolean number character string vector pair symbol))))
+(define report-archival
+ (lambda (item info)
+ (let* ((filename (car info))
+ (req-args (cadr info))
+ (opt-args (caddr info))
+ (params (cadddr info))
+ (argstr (if (= 1 req-args) "argument" "arguments"))
+ (optstr (if (zero? opt-args) "no" "any number of")))
+ (writeln item " is defined in file " filename)
+ (writeln "as a procedure of " req-args " required " argstr)
+ (writeln "and " optstr " optional arguments.")
+ (writeln "The parameters to " item " are declared as follows:")
+ (writeln params)
+ (newline))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/kldscope.s b/newpcs/kldscope.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cad81cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/kldscope.s
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+;;; Sample graphics routines using the %GRAPHICS primitive.
+;;; Note that %GRAPHICS may change in meaning in future versions of the system,
+;;; as it has between versions 2.0 and 3.0.
+;;; Using macros or define-integrables to protect your code
+;;; from explicit uses of %GRAPHICS is highly recommended.
+;;; Determine what type of video adapter we have.
+(define video-type
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (= pcs-machine-type 1)
+ ;; it's TI
+ 'ti
+ ;; it's IBM
+ (let ((mode (%graphics 5 0 0 0 0 0 0))) ;; get video mode
+ (case mode
+ (3 'cga)
+ ((14 16) 'ega)
+ (else 'cga))))))
+;;; Initialize Graphics (sets palette registers; clears graphics planes)
+(define grinit
+ (lambda ()
+ (case (video-type)
+ (ti (%graphics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) ;; clear graphics
+ (window-clear (make-window "" '())))
+ (cga (%graphics 0 4 0 0 0 0 0) ;; 4-color graphics mode
+ (%graphics 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) ;; set background to black
+ (%graphics 2 1 0 0 0 0 0)) ;; use black,red,green,brown
+ (ega (%graphics 0 16 0 0 0 0 0) ;; 16-color graphics mode
+ (%graphics 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) ;; not necessary here
+ (%graphics 2 1 0 0 0 0 0))
+ )))
+; Set point
+(define-integrable setp
+ (lambda (x y color) (%graphics 1 x y color 0 0 0)))
+; Reset point (turns it off)
+(define-integrable resetp
+ (lambda (x y) (%graphics 2 x y 0 0 0 0)))
+; Draw Line
+(define-integrable line
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+ (%graphics 3 x1 y1 x2 y2 color 0)))
+; Read Point (returns its color)
+(define-integrable point
+ (lambda (x y) (%graphics 4 x y 0 0 0 0)))
+; %graphics 5 is identical to get-video-mode
+; Draw box
+(define-integrable draw-box
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+ (%graphics 6 x1 y1 x2 y2 color 0)))
+; Draw Filled Box
+(define-integrable draw-filled-box
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+ (%graphics 7 x1 y1 x2 y2 color 0)))
+; Kaleidoscope Program [Translated from Basic]
+; Note: To stop this program, press the "q" key. To start a new pattern
+; going, press any other key.
+(alias kldscope kald)
+(alias kaleidosope kald)
+(define kald
+ (lambda ()
+ (let* ((old-video-mode (%graphics 5 0 0 0 0 0 0))
+ (vmode (video-type))
+ (accel-range (case vmode (ti 12) (cga 6) (ega 12)))
+ (accel-adj (case vmode (ti 5) (cga 3) (ega 5)))
+ (usable-colors (case vmode (ti 7) (cga 3) (ega 15)))
+ (wh (case vmode (ti 360) (cga 160) (ega 320)))
+ (mi (case vmode (ti 145) (cga 75) (ega 150)))
+ (ycenter-offset (case vmode (ti 5) (cga 25) (ega 25)))
+ ;; Add 5/25/25 (TI/CGA/EGA) to y-coordinates 'cause we said that the
+ ;; screens are only 290/150/300-pixels high when, in actuality,
+ ;; they're 300/200/350.
+ (m1 (+ mi 1))
+ (xv1 nil)
+ (xv2 nil)
+ (yv1 nil)
+ (yv2 nil)
+ )
+ (letrec
+ (
+ (quit-kald
+ (lambda ()
+ (grinit)
+ (%graphics 0 old-video-mode 0 0 0 0 0)
+ (window-set-cursor! 'console 0 0)
+ (gc)
+ *the-non-printing-object*
+ ))
+ (loop
+ (lambda (a n color x1 y1 x2 y2)
+ (cond ((positive? a)
+ (let ((2x1 (+ x1 x1))
+ (2y1 (+ y1 y1))
+ (2x2 (+ x2 x2))
+ (2y2 (+ y2 y2))
+ (w wh)
+ (m (+ mi ycenter-offset)))
+ (line (+ w 2x1) (- m y1) (+ w 2x2) (- m y2) color) ; 1
+ (line (- w 2y1) (+ m x1) (- w 2y2) (+ m x2) color) ; 2
+ (line (- w 2x1) (- m y1) (- w 2x2) (- m y2) color) ; 3
+ (line (- w 2y1) (- m x1) (- w 2y2) (- m x2) color) ; 4
+ (line (- w 2x1) (+ m y1) (- w 2x2) (+ m y2) color) ; 5
+ (line (+ w 2y1) (- m x1) (+ w 2y2) (- m x2) color) ; 6
+ (line (+ w 2x1) (+ m y1) (+ w 2x2) (+ m y2) color) ; 7
+ (line (+ w 2y1) (+ m x1) (+ w 2y2) (+ m x2) color) ; 8
+ (if (positive? n)
+ (loop (- a 1)
+ (- n 1)
+ color
+ (remainder (+ x1 xv1) m1)
+ (remainder (+ y1 yv1) m1)
+ (remainder (+ x2 xv2) m1)
+ (remainder (+ y2 yv2) m1))
+ (restart))))
+ ((not (char-ready?))
+ (set! xv1 (- (random accel-range) accel-adj))
+ (set! yv1 (- (random accel-range) accel-adj))
+ (set! xv2 (- (random accel-range) accel-adj))
+ (set! yv2 (- (random accel-range) accel-adj))
+ (loop (random 10) n (+ (random usable-colors) 1) x1 y1 x2 y2))
+ ((eq? (char-upcase (read-char)) '#\Q)
+ (quit-kald))
+ (else
+ (restart)))))
+ (restart
+ (lambda ()
+ (grinit)
+ (randomize 0)
+ (loop 0 (+ 50 (random 200)) 0
+ (+ (random mi) 1)
+ (+ (random mi) 1)
+ (+ (random mi) 1)
+ (+ (random mi) 1)))))
+ (begin
+ (flush-input)
+ (restart))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/oldpmath.s b/newpcs/oldpmath.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deecfd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/oldpmath.s
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pmath.s
+; Last Revision: 12-Sep-85 1930ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; Clyde R. Camp, David Bartley, ;
+; Mark Meyer, John Gateley ;
+; ;
+; Extended Arithmetic Routines ;
+; ;
+(define exact? ; EXACT?
+ (lambda (n)
+ #!false))
+(define inexact? ; INEXACT?
+ (lambda (n)
+ #!true))
+ (define acos)
+ (define asin)
+ (define atan)
+ (define cos)
+ (define exp)
+ (define expt)
+ (define log)
+ (define sin)
+ (define sqrt)
+ (define tan)
+ (define pi)
+ )
+ (( *pi* 3.141592653589793) ; pi
+ ( *pi/2* (/ *pi* 2)) ; pi/2
+ ( *2pi* (+ *pi* *pi*)) ; 2pi
+ ( *e* 2.718281828459045) ; e
+ (%bad-argument
+ (lambda (name arg)
+ (%error-invalid-operand name arg)))
+ (signum
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((negative? x) -1)
+ ((positive? x) 1)
+ (else 0))))
+ (power-loop
+ (lambda (x n a) ; A is initially 1, N is non-negative
+ (if (zero? n)
+ a
+ (power-loop (* x x)
+ (quotient n 2)
+ (if (odd? n) (* a x) a)))))
+ (pcs-series
+ (lambda (x y z)
+ (if (null? y)
+ z
+ (pcs-series x (cdr y) (- 1.0 (* (/ x (car y)) z))))))
+ (fact-series
+ (lambda (x n result)
+ (if (zero? n)
+ result
+ (fact-series x (- n 1) (+ 1 (* (/ x n) result))))))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (set! sqrt
+ (letrec ((loop (lambda (x gx)
+ (let ((ngx (* 0.5 (+ gx (/ x gx)))))
+ (if (>? (/ (abs (- ngx gx)) gx) 5e-15)
+ (loop x ngx)
+ ngx)))))
+ (named-lambda (sqrt x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x)) (negative? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'SQRT x)
+ (let ((x (float x)))
+ (if (zero? x)
+ x
+ (cond ((>? x 1.0e10)(* 1.0e5 (sqrt (* x 1.0e-10))))
+ (( x 1.0e-10)(* 1.0e-5 (sqrt (* x 1.0e10))))
+ (else (loop x 1.0)))))))))
+ (set! sin
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'SIN x)
+ (begin
+ (set! x (/ x *2pi*))
+ (set! x (* *2pi* (- x (truncate x))))
+ (when (>? x *pi*)
+ (set! x (- x *2pi*)))
+ (if (>? x *pi/2*)
+ (set! x (- *pi* x))
+ (when ( x (- *pi/2*))
+ (set! x (- (+ *pi* x)))))
+ ; Now X lies in the interval [-pi/2, pi/2]
+ (let ((term x)
+ (x2 (* x x))
+ (lim (ceiling (+ 12 (abs (* x 8))))))
+ (let ((ssum (do ((sum x (+ sum term))
+ (n 2 (+ n 2)))
+ ((>=? n lim) (+ sum term))
+ (set! term (- (/ (* term x2)
+ (* n (+ n 1)))))) ))
+ ; The following limits (sin x) to +/- 1
+ ; without it result can be 1.0 + 1e-18
+ ; which blows up ASIN
+ (cond ((>? ssum 1.0) 1.0)
+ (( ssum -1.0) -1.0)
+ (else ssum)) ) )))))
+ (set! cos
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'COS x)
+ (sin (+ x *pi/2*)))))
+ (set! tan
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'TAN x)
+ (let ((y (sin x))
+ (z (cos x)))
+ (if (zero? z)
+ (%bad-argument 'TAN x)
+ (/ y z))))))
+ (set! atan
+ (named-lambda (atan y . z)
+ (if (not (number? y))
+ (%bad-argument 'ATAN y)
+ (letrec ((loop (lambda (y k)
+ (if (=? k 10)
+ 0.0
+ (/ (* y k k)
+ (+ 1 k k (loop y (+ k 1)) ))))) )
+ (if (null? z)
+ (cond ((negative? y)
+ (minus (atan (minus y))))
+ ((>? y 1.0)
+ (- *pi/2* (atan (/ 1.0 y))))
+ (else
+ (/ y (+ 1 (loop (* y y) 1)))))
+ (let ((x (car z)))
+ (cond ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'ATAN x))
+ ((zero? x)
+ (cond ((zero? y)
+ (%bad-argument 'ATAN
+ x))
+ ((negative? y)
+ (minus *pi/2*))
+ (else *pi/2*)))
+ ((zero? y)
+ (if (positive? x) 0.0 *pi*))
+ ((positive? y)
+ (if (>? x 0)
+ (atan (/ y x))
+ (- *pi/2* (atan (/ x y)))))
+ ((and ( x 0)
+ ( y 0))
+ (minus (- *pi* (atan (/ y x)))))
+ (else
+ (minus (+ *pi/2* (atan (/ x y)))))) )
+ )))))
+ (set! acos
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x))
+ (>? (abs x) 1.0))
+ (%bad-argument 'ACOS x)
+ (atan (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x))) x))))
+ (set! pi *pi*)
+ (set! asin
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x))
+ (>? (abs x) 1.0))
+ (%bad-argument 'ASIN x)
+ (atan x (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x)))))))
+ (set! log
+ (named-lambda (log x . base)
+ (letrec
+ ((ln (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((=? x 1) 0)
+ (( x 1.0) (minus (ln (/ x))))
+ ((>? x *e*) (1+ (ln (/ x *e*))))
+ (else (let ((y (/ (-1+ x) (1+ x))))
+ (* (pcs-series (* y y)
+ '(-1.0952380952381
+ -1.10526315789474
+ -1.11764705882353
+ -1.33333333333333
+ -1.15384615384615
+ -1.18181818181818
+ -1.22222222222222
+ -1.28571428571429
+ -1.4
+ -1.66666666666667
+ -3.0)
+ 1.0)
+ (+ y y)))) ))))
+ (if (or (not (number? x)) (<=? x 0))
+ (%bad-argument 'LOG x)
+ (let ((lnx (ln x)))
+ (if (null? base)
+ lnx
+ (let ((non-e-base (car base)))
+ (if (or (not (number? non-e-base))
+ (not (positive? non-e-base)))
+ (%bad-argument 'LOG non-e-base)
+ (/ lnx (log non-e-base))))))))))
+ (set! exp
+ (named-lambda (exp x)
+ (cond ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXP x))
+ ((zero? x) 1.0)
+ ((negative? x) (/ (exp (- x))))
+ ((integer? x) (power-loop *e* x 1))
+ (else
+ (let* ((q (truncate x))
+ (p (- x q)))
+ (* (power-loop *e* q 1)
+ (fact-series p 12 1)))))))
+ (set! expt
+ (named-lambda (expt a x)
+ (cond ((not (number? a))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT a))
+ ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT x))
+ ((and (zero? a) (zero? x) (not (integer? x)))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT x))
+ ((zero? x) (if (integer? a) 1 1.0))
+ ((negative? x) (/ (expt a (minus x))))
+ ((integer? x) (power-loop a x 1))
+ (else
+ (let* ((z (* x (log (abs a))))
+ (q (truncate z))
+ (p (- z q)))
+ (* (if (negative? q)
+ (/ (power-loop *e* (minus q) 1))
+ (power-loop *e* q 1))
+ (signum a)
+ (fact-series p 12 1))))) ))
+ ))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/padvise.s b/newpcs/padvise.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..315e27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/padvise.s
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: padvise.s
+; Last Revision: 1-Oct-85 1400ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; MIT Scheme Advisory Procedures ;
+; ;
+ (define *args*)
+ (define *proc*)
+ (define *result*)
+ (define advise-entry)
+ (define advise-exit)
+ (define break)
+ (define break-both)
+ (define break-entry)
+ (define break-exit)
+ (define trace)
+ (define trace-both)
+ (define trace-entry)
+ (define trace-exit)
+ (define unadvise)
+ (define unadvise-entry)
+ (define unadvise-exit)
+ (define unbreak)
+ (define unbreak-entry)
+ (define unbreak-exit)
+ (define untrace)
+ (define untrace-entry)
+ (define untrace-exit)
+ (define %advise-info-vector-list)
+ )
+;;; info-vector format:
+;;; 0 : LINK next info-vector / () ** NOT USED **
+;;; 1 : WRAPPER orig closure object with new contents
+;;; 2 : WRAPPEE new closure object with old contents
+;;; 3 : ENTRY-ADVICE list of entry procedures / ()
+;;; 4 : EXIT-ADVICE list of exit procedures / ()
+;;; closure object format:
+;;; -1 : LENGTH (indices are for use with %REIFY)
+;;; 0 : DEBUG-INFO source, name, etc
+;;; 1 : ENVIRONMENT environment object
+;;; 2 : CB displacement VM address
+;;; 3 : CB offset to entry VM fixnum
+;;; 4 : NARGS fixnum
+ (
+ (*args*value '()) ; *ARGS*VALUE
+ (*proc*value '()) ; *PROC*VALUE
+ (*result*value '()) ; *RESULT*VALUE
+ (info-vector-list '()) ; INFO-VECTOR-LIST
+ (add-advice ; ADD-ADVICE
+ (lambda (proc advice index)
+ (if (and (closure? proc)(closure? advice))
+ (let* ((info (get-info-vector proc info-vector-list))
+ (advl (vector-ref info index)))
+ (when (not (memq advice advl))
+ (vector-set! info index
+ (cons advice advl)))
+ 'OK)
+ (%error-invalid-operand-list 'ADVISE proc advice))))
+ (get-info-vector ; GET-INFO-VECTOR
+ (lambda (wrappee iv-list)
+ (cond ((null? iv-list)
+ (let* ((info (make-vector 5 '()))
+ (wrapper (make-wrapper info)))
+ (set! info-vector-list
+ (cons info info-vector-list))
+ (swap-closure-contents
+ wrapper wrappee 4)
+ (vector-set! info 1 ; 1=WRAPPER
+ wrappee) ; swap!
+ (vector-set! info 2 ; 2=WRAPPEE
+ wrapper) ; swap!
+ info))
+ ((eq? wrappee
+ (vector-ref (car iv-list) 1)) ; 1=WRAPPER (not WRAPPEE)
+ (car iv-list))
+ (else
+ (get-info-vector wrappee (cdr iv-list))))))
+ (swap-closure-contents ; SWAP-CLOSURE-CONTENTS
+ (lambda (wrapper wrappee index)
+ (if (zero? index)
+ (%reify! wrapper index ; copy the debug info
+ (%reify wrappee index))
+ (let ((value (%reify wrapper index)))
+ (%reify! wrapper index (%reify wrappee index))
+ (%reify! wrappee index value)
+ (swap-closure-contents wrapper wrappee (- index 1))))))
+ (rem-advice ; REM-ADVICE
+ (lambda (args ; (proc) -or- () ==> all
+ advice ; advice-proc -or- () ==> all
+ index) ; 3 -or- 4, entry/exit
+ (let ((proc (car args)))
+ (when (and proc (not (closure? proc)))
+ (apply %error-invalid-operand-list
+ (cons 'UNADVISE args)))
+ (remove-advice proc advice index
+ info-vector-list '())
+ 'OK)))
+ (remove-advice ; REMOVE-ADVICE
+ (lambda (proc advice index iv-list new-iv-list)
+ (if (null? iv-list)
+ (set! info-vector-list new-iv-list)
+ (let ((info (car iv-list)))
+ (cond ((null? proc)
+ (vector-set! info index '()))
+ ((eq? proc (vector-ref info 1))
+ (vector-set! info index
+ (if (null? advice)
+ '()
+ (delq! advice
+ (vector-ref info index))))))
+ (if (or (vector-ref info 3)
+ (vector-ref info 4))
+ (remove-advice proc advice index
+ (cdr iv-list)
+ (cons info new-iv-list))
+ (begin
+ (swap-closure-contents
+ (vector-ref info 1) ; 1=WRAPPER
+ (vector-ref info 2) ; 2=WRAPPEE
+ 4)
+ (remove-advice proc advice index
+ (cdr iv-list)
+ new-iv-list)))))))
+ (make-wrapper ; MAKE-WRAPPER
+ (lambda (info-vector)
+ (lambda args
+ (call/cc
+ (fluid-lambda (%*BREAK*continuation)
+ (let* ((info info-vector) ; cache INFO-VECTOR
+ (proc (vector-ref info 2)) ; 2=WRAPPEE
+ (env (procedure-environment proc)))
+ (do ((advice (vector-ref info 3) ; 3=ENTRY-ADVICE
+ (cdr advice)))
+ ((null? advice))
+ ((car advice) proc args env))
+ (do ((result (apply proc args)
+ ((car advice) proc args result env))
+ (advice (vector-ref info 4) ; 4=EXIT-ADVICE
+ (cdr advice)))
+ ((null? advice)
+ result))))))))
+ (print-arg-list ; PRINT-ARG-LIST
+ (lambda (num args)
+ (newline)
+ (when args
+ (princ " Argument ") (princ num) (princ ": ")
+ (prin1 (car args))
+ (print-arg-list (+ num 1) (cdr args)))))
+ (std-break-entry ; STD-BREAK-ENTRY
+ (lambda (proc args env)
+ (set! *proc*value proc)
+ (set! *args*value args)
+ (set! *result*value '())
+ (breakpoint-procedure 'BREAK-ENTRY
+ (cons proc args)
+ env
+ (%reify-stack
+ (+ (%reify-stack
+ (+ (%reify-stack -1) 6)) 6)))
+ *args*value))
+ (std-break-exit ; STD-BREAK-EXIT
+ (lambda (proc args result env)
+ (set! *proc*value proc)
+ (set! *args*value args)
+ (set! *result*value result)
+ (breakpoint-procedure 'BREAK-EXIT
+ (list (cons proc args)
+ '|-->|
+ result)
+ env
+ (%reify-stack
+ (+ (%reify-stack
+ (+ (%reify-stack -1) 6)) 6)))
+ *result*value))
+ (std-trace-entry ; STD-TRACE-ENTRY
+ (lambda (proc args env)
+ (fresh-line)
+ (princ " >>> Entering ")
+ (prin1 proc)
+ (print-arg-list 1 args)
+ args))
+ (std-trace-exit ; STD-TRACE-EXIT
+ (lambda (proc args result env)
+ (fresh-line)
+ (princ " <<< Leaving ")
+ (prin1 proc)
+ (princ " with value ")
+ (prin1 result)
+ (print-arg-list 1 args)
+ result))
+ ) ; --------------------------------------------------------------
+ (begin
+ (set! *args* ; *ARGS*
+ (lambda () *args*value))
+ (set! *proc* ; *PROC*
+ (lambda () *proc*value))
+ (set! *result* ; *RESULT*
+ (lambda () *result*value))
+ (set! advise-entry ; ADVISE-ENTRY
+ (lambda (proc advice)
+ (add-advice proc advice 3)))
+ (set! advise-exit ; ADVISE-EXIT
+ (lambda (proc advice)
+ (add-advice proc advice 4)))
+ (set! break ; BREAK
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (add-advice proc std-break-entry 3)))
+ (set! break-both ; BREAK-BOTH
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (break-entry proc)
+ (break-exit proc)))
+ (set! break-entry ; BREAK-ENTRY
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (add-advice proc std-break-entry 3)))
+ (set! break-exit ; BREAK-EXIT
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (add-advice proc std-break-exit 4)))
+ (set! trace ; TRACE
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (add-advice proc std-trace-entry 3)))
+ (set! trace-both ; TRACE-BOTH
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (trace-entry proc)
+ (trace-exit proc)))
+ (set! trace-entry ; TRACE-ENTRY
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (add-advice proc std-trace-entry 3)))
+ (set! trace-exit ; TRACE-EXIT
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (add-advice proc std-trace-exit 4)))
+ (set! unadvise ; UNADVISE
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args '() 3)
+ (rem-advice args '() 4)))
+ (set! unadvise-entry ; UNADVISE-ENTRY
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args '() 3)))
+ (set! unadvise-exit ; UNADVISE-EXIT
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args '() 4)))
+ (set! unbreak ; UNBREAK
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args std-break-entry 3)
+ (rem-advice args std-break-exit 4)))
+ (set! unbreak-entry ; UNBREAK-ENTRY
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args std-break-entry 3)))
+ (set! unbreak-exit ; UNBREAK-EXIT
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args std-break-exit 4)))
+ (set! untrace ; UNTRACE
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args std-trace-entry 3)
+ (rem-advice args std-trace-exit 4)))
+ (set! untrace-entry ; UNTRACE-ENTRY
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args std-trace-entry 3)))
+ (set! untrace-exit ; UNTRACE-EXIT
+ (lambda args
+ (rem-advice args std-trace-exit 4)))
+ (set! %advise-info-vector-list ; for debugging ADVISE
+ (lambda () info-vector-list))
+ ) ; --------------------------------------------------------------
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pasm.s b/newpcs/pasm.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c825e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pasm.s
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pasm.s
+; Last Revision: 3-Sep-85 1600ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985, 1987 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; The PCS Assembler ;
+; ;
+; rb 3/16/87 - added assembling variable-length instructions ;
+; (the XLI %xesc instruction is such) ;
+; ;
+; Input:
+; AL is a list of assembly language instructions and labels.
+; Output:
+; The output is a list of the following components:
+; (PCS-CODE-BLOCK num-constants
+; len-code
+; (constant ...)
+; (code-byte ...))
+; NUM-CONSTANTS is the number of constants.
+; The list of constants contains all constants and names of globals
+; and fluids which are referenced by the code. They are indexed from
+; 0 to 255 from left to right.
+; The code is represented as a series of integers in the range
+; -255 .. 255 of length LEN-CODE.
+; Pass 1:
+; determine the "worst case" size of each instruction
+; assign tentative locations to labels based on "worst case" sizes
+; Pass 2:
+; identify instructions which can use short-form addressing
+; assign "final" locations to labels
+; Pass 3:
+; extract constants from the instructions and collect them
+; translate the instruction stream into an encoded byte stream
+(define pcs-assembler
+ (lambda (al)
+ (letrec
+ (
+ (max-constants 255) ; constants are indexed 0..255
+ (max-immediate 127) ; largest signed immediate value
+ (min-immediate -128) ; smallest signed immediate value
+ (max-delta-pc 127) ; maximum jump displacement (short form)
+ (labels '()) ; ((label . locn) ...)
+ (constants '()) ; (constant ...)
+ (code '()) ; (codebyte ...)
+ (pc 0) ; current simulated program counter
+ (p1
+ (lambda (al)
+ (when al
+ (let ((x (car al)))
+ (if (or (atom? x) ; label?
+ (number? (car x)))
+ (set! labels (cons (cons x pc) labels))
+ (set! pc (+ pc (span x pc))))
+ (p1 (cdr al))))))
+ (p2
+ (lambda (al)
+ (when al
+ (let ((x (car al)))
+ (if (or (atom? x) ; label?
+ (number? (car x)))
+ (let ((entry (assq x labels)))
+ (set-cdr! entry pc))
+ (set! pc (+ pc (span x pc))))
+ (p2 (cdr al))))))
+ (p3
+ (lambda (al)
+ (when al
+ (let ((x (car al)))
+ (if (or (atom? x) ; label?
+ (number? (car x)))
+ (let ((entry (assq x labels)))
+ (when (not (=? pc (cdr entry)))
+ (writeln " *** ERROR in PCS-ASSEMBLER: " x)
+ (set! pc (cdr entry))))
+ (asm x))
+ (p3 (cdr al))))))
+ (span
+ (lambda (x old-pc)
+ (let ((op (car x)))
+ (case op
+ (LOAD (if (and (not (atom? (caddr x)))
+ (eq? (car (caddr x)) 'STACK)
+ (not (zero? (caddr (caddr x)))))
+ 4 3))
+ (STORE (if (and (not (atom? (cadr x)))
+ (eq? (car (cadr x)) 'STACK)
+ (not (zero? (caddr (cadr x)))))
+ 4 3))
+ (JUMP (let ((long (length x))
+ (entry (assoc (cadr x) labels)))
+ (if (null? entry)
+ long
+ (let* ((new-pc (+ old-pc long))
+ (delta (- (cdr entry) new-pc)))
+ (if (<=? (abs delta) max-delta-pc)
+ (begin
+ (set-car! x 'HOP) ; short jump
+ (sub1 long))
+ long)))))
+ (HOP (length (cdr x)))
+ (CALL (let ((kind (cadr x)))
+ (cond ((not (atom? kind)) 5)
+ ((eq? kind 'EXIT) 1)
+ ((eq? (caddr x) 'CC) 2)
+ (else 3))))
+ (cons 4)
+ (CLOSE 5)
+ (LIVE 0)
+ (%XESC (let ((length (cadr (caddr x))))
+ (add1 length)))
+ (else
+ 2)
+ ((memq op '(car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr
+ cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr cadddr
+ %%car %%cdr BIND-FLUID))
+ 3)
+ (else
+ (if (null? (cddr x)) ; no source operands
+ (if (getprop op 'pcs*nilargop)
+ 1 ; no source or dest
+ 2) ; dest only
+ (length (cdr x)))))
+ )))))
+ (asm
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((op (car x)))
+ (case op
+ (LOAD (asm-load (reg (cadr x)) (caddr x)))
+ (STORE (asm-store (cadr x) (reg (caddr x))))
+ (JUMP (asm-jump x))
+ (HOP (asm-hop x))
+ (CALL (asm-call x))
+ (cons (emit4 op (reg (cadr x)) (reg (caddr x)) (reg (cadddr x))))
+ (POP (emit2 op (reg (cadr x))))
+ (PUSH (emit2 op (reg (caddr x))))
+ (DROP (emit2 op (car (cadr x))))
+ (emit2 op (car (cadr x))))
+ (emit2 op (const (cadr x))))
+ (emit2 op (length (cadr x))))
+ (emit3 op (const (cadr x)) (reg (caddr x))))
+ (%XESC ;format: (%xesc dest (quote len) r1 r2 ...)
+ ;discard redundant 'dest' in (cadr x)
+ (emitv-regs op (cadr (caddr x)) (cdddr x)))
+ (CLOSE (let* ((label (car (cadddr x)))
+ (target (cdr (assoc label labels)))
+ (delta (- target (+ pc 5)))
+ (dest (reg (cadr x)))
+ (nargs (cadr (cadddr x))))
+ (emit5 op dest (lo-byte delta) (hi-byte delta) nargs)))
+ (LIVE '())
+ (else
+ (cond ((memq op '(%%car %%cdr car cdr caar cadr cdar
+ cddr caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar
+ cdadr cddar cdddr cadddr))
+ (emit3 op (reg (cadr x)) (reg (caddr x))))
+ ((memq op '(%+imm %*imm %/imm))
+ (emit3 op (reg (caddr x)) (cadr (cadddr x))))
+ (t (emit1 op)
+ (if (null? (cddr x)) ; no source operands
+ (if (getprop op 'pcs*nilargop)
+ '() ; no source or dest
+ (emit-regs (cdr x))) ; dest only
+ (emit-regs (cddr x))))) ; discard redundant 'dest'
+ )))))
+ (asm-load
+ (lambda (reg-dest src)
+ (if (number? src)
+ (emit3 'LOAD reg-dest (reg src))
+ (case (car src)
+ (quote (let ((exp (cadr src)))
+ (if (and (integer? exp)
+ (<=? exp max-immediate)
+ (>=? exp min-immediate))
+ reg-dest
+ exp)
+ reg-dest
+ (const exp)))))
+ (STACK (let ((offset (cadr src))
+ (delta-level (caddr src)))
+ (if (zero? delta-level)
+ (emit3 'LOAD-LOCAL
+ reg-dest
+ offset)
+ (emit4 'LOAD-LEX
+ reg-dest
+ offset
+ delta-level))))
+ (HEAP (emit3 'LOAD-ENV
+ reg-dest
+ (const (cadr src))))
+ reg-dest
+ (const (cadr src))))
+ reg-dest
+ (const (cadr src))))))))
+ (asm-store
+ (lambda (dest reg-src)
+ (case (car dest)
+ (STACK (let ((offset (cadr dest))
+ (delta-level (caddr dest)))
+ (if (zero? delta-level)
+ (emit3 'STORE-LOCAL
+ reg-src
+ offset)
+ (emit4 'STORE-LEX
+ reg-src
+ offset
+ delta-level))))
+ (HEAP (emit3 'STORE-ENV
+ reg-src
+ (const (cadr dest))))
+ reg-src
+ (const (cadr dest))))
+ reg-src
+ (const (cadr dest))))
+ reg-src
+ (const (cadr dest)))))))
+ (asm-jump
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let* ((target (cdr (assoc (cadr x) labels)))
+ (len (length x))
+ (delta (- target (+ pc len)))
+ (regs (cdddr x)))
+ (emit1
+ (cdr (assq (caddr x)
+ '((ALWAYS . J_L) (NULL? . JN_L) (T? . JNN_L)
+ (ATOM? . JA_L) (NATOM? . JNA_L)(EQ? . JE_L)
+ (NEQ? . JNE_L)))))
+ (emit-regs regs)
+ (emit-byte (lo-byte delta))
+ (emit-byte (hi-byte delta))
+ )))
+ (asm-hop
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let* ((target (cdr (assoc (cadr x) labels)))
+ (len (length (cdr x)))
+ (delta (- target (+ pc len)))
+ (regs (cdddr x)))
+ (emit1
+ (cdr (assq (caddr x)
+ '((ALWAYS . J_S) (NULL? . JN_S) (T? . JNN_S)
+ (ATOM? . JA_S) (NATOM? . JNA_S)(EQ? . JE_S)
+ (NEQ? . JNE_S)))))
+ (emit-regs regs)
+ (emit-byte delta)
+ )))
+ (asm-call
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((kind (cadr x)))
+ (cond ((not (atom? kind))
+ (let* ((target (cdr (assoc (cadr kind) labels)))
+ (delta-level (caddr kind))
+ (delta-heap (cadddr kind))
+ (delta (- target (+ pc 5))))
+ (emit5 (cdr (assq (car kind)
+ (if (and (cddr x)(eq? (caddr x) 'CC))
+ '((OPEN . CCC) (OPEN-TR . CCC-TR))
+ '((OPEN . CALL)(OPEN-TR . CALL-TR)))))
+ (lo-byte delta) (hi-byte delta)
+ delta-level delta-heap))
+ )
+ (else
+ (case kind
+ (EXIT (emit1 kind))
+ (CLOSED (let ((fun-reg (reg (cadddr x))))
+ (if (eq? (caddr x) 'CC)
+ (emit2 'CCC-CLOSED fun-reg)
+ (emit3 'CALL-CLOSURE
+ fun-reg
+ (car (caddr x)))))) ; nargs
+ (CLOSED-TR (let ((fun-reg (reg (cadddr x))))
+ (if (eq? (caddr x) 'CC)
+ (emit2 'CCC-CLOSED-TR fun-reg)
+ fun-reg
+ (car (caddr x)))))) ; nargs
+ (reg (caddr x)) ; funreg
+ (reg (cadddr x)))) ; argreg
+ (reg (caddr x)) ; funreg
+ (reg (cadddr x)))) ; argreg
+ ))))))
+ (const
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (let ((entry (memv exp constants)))
+ (length (cdr (or entry
+ (begin
+ (set! constants (cons exp constants))
+ (if (>? (length constants) max-constants)
+ (error "Constants table overflow in compiler")
+ constants))))))))
+ (reg
+ (lambda (index)
+ (* 4 index)))
+ (hi-byte
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((hi (quotient (abs n) 256)))
+ (if (negative? n)
+ (if (zero? (remainder (abs n) 256))
+ (- 256 hi)
+ (- 255 hi))
+ hi))))
+ (lo-byte
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((lo (remainder (abs n) 256)))
+ (if (negative? n)
+ (if (zero? lo)
+ lo
+ (- 256 lo))
+ lo))))
+ (emit-byte
+ (lambda (byte)
+ (set! code (cons byte code))
+ (set! pc (add1 pc))))
+ (emit-regs
+ (lambda (x)
+ (when x
+ (set! code (cons (reg (car x)) code))
+ (set! pc (add1 pc))
+ (emit-regs (cdr x)))))
+ (emit-count
+ (lambda (len)
+ (set! code (cons len code))
+ (set! pc (add1 pc))))
+ (emit1
+ (lambda (op)
+ (let ((opcode (if pcs-binary-output
+ (abs (or (getprop op 'pcs*opcode)
+ (error "++ undefined opcode" op)))
+ op)))
+ (set! code (cons opcode code))
+ (set! pc (+ pc 1)))))
+ (emit2
+ (lambda (op a)
+ (emit1 op)
+ (set! code (cons a code))
+ (set! pc (+ pc 1))))
+ (emit3
+ (lambda (op a b)
+ (emit1 op)
+ (set! code (cons b (cons a code)))
+ (set! pc (+ pc 2))))
+ (emit4
+ (lambda (op a b c)
+ (emit1 op)
+ (set! code (cons c (cons b (cons a code))))
+ (set! pc (+ pc 3))))
+ (emit5
+ (lambda (op a b c d)
+ (emit1 op)
+ (set! code (cons d (cons c (cons b (cons a code)))))
+ (set! pc (+ pc 4))))
+ (emitv-regs
+ (lambda (op len l)
+ (emit1 op)
+ (emit-count len)
+ (emit-regs l)))
+ )
+ (begin ;; body of pcs-assembler
+ (p1 al)
+ (when labels
+ (set! pc 0)
+ (p2 al))
+ (set! pc 0)
+ (p3 al)
+ (set! constants (reverse! constants))
+ (list 'PCS-CODE-BLOCK (length constants) pc
+ constants (reverse! code))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pauto_c.s b/newpcs/pauto_c.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6fc3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pauto_c.s
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: compauto.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; Terry Caudill ;
+; ;
+; Autoload definitions for COMPILER.APP ;
+; ;
+; Revision history:
+; 6/02/87 tc - Removed from PSTL.S so that compiler and runtime versions
+; can more easily be built.
+;;; Set up the standard autoload files. RUNAUTO.S also has autoload
+;;; definitions for runtime version. Both COMPAUTO.S and RUNAUTO.S
+;;; should be included in COMPILER.APP.
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "SCOOPS.FSL") ; SCOOPS
+ '(load-scoops)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PINSPECT.FSL") ; INSPECTOR
+ '(%inspect %inspector)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PDEFSTR.FSL") ; DEFINE-STRUCTURE
+ '(%define-structure %make-structure %structure-predicate)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "EDIT.FSL") ; STRUCTURE EDITOR
+ '(edit)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PADVISE.FSL") ; PADVISE
+ '(advise-entry advise-exit break break-both break-entry break-exit
+ trace trace-both trace-entry trace-exit unadvise unadvise-entry
+ unadvise-exit unbreak unbreak-entry unbreak-exit untrace untrace-entry
+ untrace-exit *args* *proc* *result*)
+ user-global-environment)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pauto_r.s b/newpcs/pauto_r.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..281eb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pauto_r.s
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: runauto.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; Terry Caudill ;
+; ;
+; Autoload definitions for Runtime version ;
+; ;
+; Revision history:
+; 6/02/87 tc - Removed from PSTL.S so that runtime version can more
+; easily be built.
+;;; Set up the standard autoload files. COMPAUTO.S also has autoload
+;;; definitions for compiler version. Both COMPAUTO.S and RUNAUTO.S
+;;; should be included in COMPILER.APP.
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PWINDOWS.FSL") ; windows
+ '(make-window window-clear window-delete
+ window-get-position window-set-position!
+ window-get-size window-set-size! window-get-cursor
+ window-set-cursor! window-popup window-popup-delete
+ window-get-attribute window-set-attribute!)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PMATH.FSL") ; real arithmetic
+ '(acos asin atan cos exact? exp expt inexact?
+ log pi sin sqrt tan)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PP.FSL") ; pretty printer
+ '(pp %pretty-printer %pp-me)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PDOS.FSL") ; DOS facilities
+ '(dos-dir dos-call sw-int dos-delete dos-file-copy
+ dos-rename dos-file-size dos-chdir
+ dos-change-drive)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PSORT.FSL") ; Sort package
+ '(sort! %sort-less?)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PNUM2S.FSL") ; Number->String
+ '(number->string integer->string string->number)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PFUNARG.FSL")
+ '(* + - / append append! char-ready? display list list* make-vector
+ make-string max min newline prin1 princ print read-line read-atom read-char
+ vector write write-char %xesc)
+ user-global-environment)
+(autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "PGR.FSL")
+ '(clear-graphics draw-point clear-point is-point-on? position-pen
+ draw-line-to set-pen-color! *graphics-colors*
+ set-video-mode! get-video-mode set-palette!
+ draw-box-to draw-filled-box-to
+ get-pen-color get-pen-position point-color set-clipping-rectangle!
+ ;; the following are experimental in PCS 3.0
+ graphics-window current-graphics-window *character-boxes*)
+ user-global-environment)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pboot.s b/newpcs/pboot.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8fea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pboot.s
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pboot.s
+; Last Revision: 3-Sep-85 1500ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Bootstrap Driver ;
+; ;
+; ;
+; This routine contains compiler-specific code which should be used ;
+; when compiling the compiler itself. It is generally loaded by the ;
+; file "COMPILE.ALL" which handles compilation of the compiler and ;
+; runtime routines. ;
+; ;
+; The file contains compiler-type definitions and macro definitions ;
+; which must be included when compiling the compiler files. ;
+; ;
+ ;
+ ; Define aliases for the major parts of the compiler
+ ;
+ (alias pme pcs-macro-expand)
+ (alias psimp pcs-simplify)
+ (alias pca pcs-closure-analysis)
+ (alias pmr pcs-make-readable)
+ (alias pcg pcs-gencode)
+ (alias ppeep pcs-postgen)
+ (alias pal pcs-princode)
+ (alias pasm pcs-assembler)
+ ;
+ ; Initialize compile-time variable definitions
+ ;
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count 0)
+ (set! pcs-verbose-flag #!true)
+ (set! pcs-permit-peep-1 #!true)
+ (set! pcs-permit-peep-2 #!true)
+ (set! pcs-error-flag #!false)
+ (set! pcs-binary-output #!false)
+ ;
+ ; Set up variables to hold compiler-intermediate data and timing info
+ ;
+ (define pme= '())
+ (define psimp= '())
+ (define pca= '())
+ (define pcg= '())
+ (define ppeep= '())
+ (define pasm= '())
+ (define problem)
+ (define t-0)
+ (define t-pme)
+ (define t-psimp)
+ (define t-pca)
+ (define t-pcg)
+ (define t-ppeep)
+ (define t-pasm)
+ )
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; "Type definitions"
+;;; The following macros are used by the compiler itself and must
+;;; be defined when compiling the compiler. By keeping them here,
+;;; the macro definitions will not be around in the object files
+;;; of the compiler
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(macro pcs-make-id ; PCS-MAKE-ID
+ (lambda (form)
+ (let ((name (cadr form)))
+ `(begin
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count (+ pcs-local-var-count 1))
+ (list 'T ; the symbol T, not #!TRUE !!
+ (cons ,name
+ pcs-local-var-count)
+ '() '() '())))))
+;;; ---- (t (original-name . unique-number)
+;;; funargsees? freeref? set!? . init) ----
+ (syntax (id-name id) (caadr id))
+ (syntax (id-number id) (cdadr id))
+ (syntax (id-funargsees? id) (car (cddr id)))
+ (syntax (id-freeref? id) (car (cdddr id)))
+ (syntax (id-set!? id) (cadr (cdddr id)))
+ (syntax (id-init id) (cddr (cdddr id)))
+ (syntax (id-rtv? id)
+ (or (id-set!? id)
+ (null? (id-init id))
+ (lambda-closed? (id-init id))))
+ (syntax (id-heap? id)
+ (and (id-funargsees? id)
+ (id-freeref? id)
+ (id-rtv? id)))
+ (syntax (set-id-funargsees? id val) (set-car! (cddr id) val))
+ (syntax (set-id-freeref? id val) (set-car! (cdddr id) val))
+ (syntax (set-id-set!? id val) (set-car! (cdr (cdddr id)) val))
+ (syntax (set-id-init id val) (set-cdr! (cdr (cdddr id)) val))
+ )
+;;; ------ (lambda bvl body . (nargs label . closed)) ------
+ (syntax (lambda-bvl x) (car (cdr x)))
+ (syntax (lambda-body x) (car (cddr x)))
+ (syntax (lambda-body-list x) (cddr x))
+ (syntax (lambda-nargs x) (car (cdddr x)))
+ (syntax (lambda-label x) (car (cdr (cdddr x))))
+ (syntax (lambda-debug x) (car (cddr (cdddr x))))
+ (syntax (lambda-closed? x) (car (cdddr (cdddr x))))
+ (syntax (set-lambda-body x val) (set-car! (cddr x) val))
+ (syntax (set-lambda-nargs x val) (set-car! (cdddr x) val))
+ (syntax (set-lambda-label x val) (set-car! (cdr (cdddr x)) val))
+ (syntax (set-lambda-debug x val) (set-car! (cddr (cdddr x)) val))
+ (syntax (set-lambda-closed? x val) (set-car! (cdddr (cdddr x)) val))
+ (macro pcs-extend-lambda
+ (lambda (form)
+ `(let ((x ,(cadr form)))
+ (set-cdr! (cdddr x) ; X = ('lambda bvl body nargs)
+ (list '() ; label
+ '() ; debug info
+ '())) ; closed?
+ x)))
+ )
+;;; ------ (letrec pairs body) ------
+ (syntax (letrec-pairs x) (car (cdr x)))
+ (syntax (letrec-body x) (car (cddr x)))
+ (syntax (letrec-body-list x) (cddr x))
+ (syntax (set-letrec-body x val) (set-car! (cddr x) val))
+ )
+;;; ------ (if pred then else) ------
+ (syntax (if-pred x) (car (cdr x)))
+ (syntax (if-then x) (car (cddr x)))
+ (syntax (if-else x) (car (cdddr x)))
+ (syntax (set-if-pred x val) (set-car! (cdr x) val))
+ (syntax (set-if-then x val) (set-car! (cddr x) val))
+ (syntax (set-if-else x val) (set-car! (cdddr x) val))
+ )
+;;; ------ (set! id exp) ------
+ (syntax (set!-id x) (car (cdr x)))
+ (syntax (set!-exp x) (car (cddr x)))
+ (syntax (set-set!-id x val) (set-car! (cdr x) val))
+ (syntax (set-set!-exp x val) (set-car! (cddr x) val))
+ )
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define pcs-make-readable ; PCS-MAKE-READABLE
+ (lambda (x)
+ (letrec
+ ((pmr-exp
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ x
+ (case (car x)
+ (quote x)
+ (t (pmr-id x))
+ (lambda (pmr-lambda x))
+ (letrec (pmr-letrec x))
+ (else (mapcar pmr-exp x))))))
+ (pmr-id
+ (lambda (x)(cadr x)))
+ (pmr-full-id
+ (lambda (x)
+ `(t (,(id-name x) . ,(id-number x))
+ (funargsees?= ,(id-funargsees? x))
+ (freeref?= ,(id-freeref? x))
+ (set!?= ,(id-set!? x))
+ (init= ,(if (id-init x) 'lambda '())))))
+ (pmr-lambda
+ (lambda (x)
+ `(lambda
+ ,(mapcar pmr-full-id (lambda-bvl x))
+ ,(pmr-exp (lambda-body x))
+ (label= ,(lambda-label x))
+ (closed?= ,(lambda-closed? x)))))
+ (pmr-letrec
+ (lambda (x)
+ `(letrec
+ ,(pmr-pairs (letrec-pairs x) '())
+ ,(pmr-exp (letrec-body x)))))
+ (pmr-pairs
+ (lambda (old new)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (reverse! new)
+ (pmr-pairs (cdr old)
+ (cons (list (pmr-full-id (caar old))
+ (pmr-exp (cadar old)))
+ new)))))
+ )
+ (pmr-exp x))))
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+; filename-manipulating functions
+(define filename-sans-extension
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((period (substring-find-next-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) ".")))
+ (if period
+ (substring file 0 period)
+ file))))
+(define extension-sans-filename
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((period (substring-find-next-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) ".")))
+ (if period
+ (substring file period (string-length file))
+ ""))))
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Routine to compile a form, setting timing info and intermediate (between
+; compiler phases) data.
+(define pcs
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (begin
+ (set! pme= '())
+ (set! psimp= '())
+ (set! pca= '())
+ (set! pcg= '())
+ (set! pasm= '())
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count 0)
+ (set! problem exp)
+ (set! pcs-error-flag #!false)
+ (set! t-0 (car (ptime)))
+ (set! pme= (pme exp ))
+ (set! t-pme (car (ptime)))
+ (if pcs-error-flag
+ (error "[Compilation terminated because of errors]")
+ (begin
+ (set! psimp= (psimp pme=))
+ (set! t-psimp (car (ptime)))
+ (pca psimp=)
+ (set! t-pca (car (ptime)))
+ (set! pcg= (pcg psimp=))
+ (set! t-pcg (car (ptime)))
+ (set! ppeep= (ppeep pcg=))
+ (set! t-ppeep (car (ptime)))
+ (set! pasm= (pasm ppeep=))
+ (set! t-pasm (car (ptime)))
+ ))
+ `(Times- Total= ,(- t-pasm t-0)
+ pme= ,(- t-pme t-0)
+ psimp= ,(- t-psimp t-pme)
+ pca= ,(- t-pca t-psimp)
+ pcg= ,(- t-pcg t-pca)
+ ppeep= ,(- t-ppeep t-pcg)
+ pasm= ,(- t-pasm t-ppeep))
+ )))
+; Compiles a given expression without executing the result
+(define pcs-compile
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (set! pcs-verbose-flag #!false)
+ (set! pcs-binary-output #!true)
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count 0)
+ (set! pcs-error-flag #!false)
+ (let ((t1 (pme exp)))
+ (if pcs-error-flag
+ (error "[Compilation terminated because of errors.]")
+ (let ((t2 (psimp t1)))
+ (pca t2)
+ (pasm (ppeep (pcg t2))))))))
+; Set up compile-time aliases. When encountered in a source file,
+; anything assigned via compile-time-alias will be defined as
+; an alias, but will not be written to the object file.
+; See pcs-compile-file in this file !!!
+(alias compile-time-alias alias)
+; Compiles a given file without executing (unless form is a macro, alias,
+; syntax, or define-integrable) the result. Also report compilation info.
+(define pcs-compile-file
+ (lambda (filename1 filename2)
+ (if (or (not (string? filename1))
+ (not (string? filename2))
+ (equal? filename1 filename2))
+ (error "PCS-COMPILE-FILE arguments must be distinct file names"
+ filename1
+ filename2)
+ (fluid-let ((input-port (open-input-file filename1)))
+ (let ((o-port (open-output-file filename2)))
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (form)
+ (if (eof-object? form)
+ (begin (close-input-port (fluid input-port))
+ (close-output-port o-port)
+ 'ok)
+ (begin (compile-to-file form)
+ (set! form '()) ; for GC
+ (loop (read))))))
+ (compile-to-file
+ (lambda (form)
+ (let* ((cform (pcs-compile form))
+ (nconstants (cadr cform))
+ (nbytes (caddr cform))
+ (name?? (car (cadddr cform))))
+ (if (pair? form)
+ (if (eq? (car form) 'COMPILE-TIME-ALIAS)
+ (%execute cform)
+ ;else
+ (begin
+ (when (and (pair? form)
+ (memq (car form)
+ (%execute cform))
+ (writeln " " name?? ": ("
+ nconstants "," nbytes ")")
+ (fluid-let ((output-port o-port))
+ (set-line-length! 74) ; was 120 !!
+ (prin1 `(%execute (quote ,cform)))
+ (newline)))))))))
+ (loop (read))))))))
+; Compile object code to file. The code generated by ppeep (the peephole
+; optimizer is written to the specified file.
+(define %compile-file
+ (lambda (filename1 filename2)
+ (if (or (not (string? filename1))
+ (not (string? filename2))
+ (equal? filename1 filename2))
+ (error "%COMPILE-FILE arguments must be distinct file names"
+ filename1
+ filename2)
+ (fluid-let ((input-port (open-input-file filename1)))
+ (let ((o-port (open-output-file filename2)))
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (form)
+ (if (eof-object? form)
+ (begin (close-input-port (fluid input-port))
+ (close-output-port o-port)
+ 'ok)
+ (begin (compile-to-file form)
+ (set! form '()) ; for GC
+ (loop (read))))))
+ (compile-to-file
+ (lambda (form)
+ (let ((t1 (pme form)))
+ (if pcs-error-flag
+ (writeln "[Compilation terminated because of errors.]")
+ (let ((t2 (psimp t1)))
+ (pca t2)
+ (set! ppeep= (ppeep (pcg t2))))))
+ (fluid-let ((output-port o-port))
+ (set-line-length! 74) ; was 120 !!
+ (newline)
+ (pp form)
+ (newline)
+ (pcs-princode ppeep=)
+ (newline)))))
+ (loop (read))))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pca.s b/newpcs/pca.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4708b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pca.s
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pca.s
+; Last Revision: 1-Oct-85 1700ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Closure Analysis and Heap Allocation ;
+; ;
+; Pass 1
+; Mark lambda expressions to be closed (LAMBDA-CLOSED?=T) at the point
+; of definition whenever any of the following occur:
+; -- the identifier bound to the lambda expression is used as a
+; funarg [p1-id]
+; -- the lambda expression is itself used as a funarg
+; [p1-lambda]
+; -- the identifier bound to the lambda expression is modified
+; by SET! [p1-set!]
+; -- the expression is a MULAMBDA [p1-lambda]
+; Mark all identifiers which are bound to closures by LETREC:
+; -- ID-INIT: the lambda expression the ID was bound to
+; (else it is NIL) [p1-lambda]
+; Pass 2
+; Determine which variables must be heap-allocated by gathering the
+; following facts used later:
+; -- ID-SET!?: it is modified by a SET! [p2-set!]
+; -- ID-FREEREF?: it is freely referenced by some function
+; -- ID-FUNARGSEES?: it is "visible" to a closed function
+; We do not compute the transitive closure of functions reachable from
+; closed functions. Instead, we consider an ID to be funargref'd if
+; (1) ID is freely referenced from SOME function AND (2) ID is visible,
+; though not necessarily referenced, from a closed function.
+; An ID will be heap-allocated if it is potentially referenced from a
+; funarg (both ID-FREEREF? and ID-FUNARGSEES? set non-nil) and must
+; exist at runtime. It exists at runtime if it is modified (ID-SET!?),
+; or is initialized to some value other than a lambda expression
+; (ID-INIT=NIL), or the lambda expression it is bound to is closed.
+(define pcs-closure-analysis
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (letrec
+ (
+ (p1-exp
+ (lambda (x)
+ (case (car x)
+ (quote '())
+ (T (p1-id x))
+ (lambda (p1-lambda x))
+ (set! (p1-set! x))
+ ;; (if (p1-args (cdr x))) treat as a primop
+ ;; (begin (p1-args (cdr x))) treat as a primop
+ (letrec (p1-letrec x))
+ (else (p1-application x))
+ )))
+ (p1-id
+ (lambda (id)
+ (close-funarg (id-init id))))
+ (p1-set!
+ (lambda (x)
+ (p1-id (set!-id x))
+ (p1-exp (set!-exp x))))
+ (p1-lambda
+ (lambda (x)
+ (create-lambda-label x '())
+ (close-funarg x)
+ (p1-exp (lambda-body x))))
+ (p1-letrec
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((pairs (letrec-pairs x)))
+ (p1-pairs-1 pairs) ; link up lambda's and id's
+ (p1-pairs-2 pairs) ; find funargref's to id's
+ (p1-exp (letrec-body x)))))
+ (p1-pairs-1
+ (lambda (pairs)
+ (when pairs
+ (let* ((pr (car pairs))
+ (id (car pr))
+ (exp (cadr pr)))
+ (when (eq? (car exp) 'lambda)
+ (create-lambda-label exp id)
+ (set-id-init id exp)
+ (when (negative? (lambda-nargs exp))
+ (close-funarg exp)))
+ (p1-pairs-1 (cdr pairs))))))
+ (p1-pairs-2
+ (lambda (pairs)
+ (when pairs
+ (let* ((pr (car pairs))
+ (id (car pr))
+ (exp (cadr pr)))
+ (if (eq? (car exp) 'lambda)
+ (p1-exp (lambda-body exp))
+ (p1-exp exp))
+ (p1-pairs-2 (cdr pairs))))))
+ (p1-application
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((fn (car x))
+ (args (cdr x)))
+ (p1-args args)
+ (cond ((or (atom? fn)
+ (eq? (car fn) 'T))
+ '())
+ ((eq? (car fn) 'LAMBDA)
+ (p1-exp (lambda-body fn)))
+ (else
+ (p1-exp fn))))))
+ (p1-args
+ (lambda (args)
+ (when args
+ (p1-exp (car args))
+ (p1-args (cdr args)))))
+ (close-funarg
+ (lambda (fn)
+ (when fn
+ (set-lambda-closed? fn #!true))))
+ (create-lambda-label
+ (lambda (fn id)
+ (set-lambda-label fn
+ (if (null? id)
+ (pcs-make-label 'lambda)
+ (cons (id-number id)(id-name id))))))
+ ;; ------ pass 2 -------
+ (p2-exp
+ (lambda (x env locals)
+ (case (car x)
+ (quote '())
+ (T (p2-id x env locals))
+ (lambda (p2-lambda x env locals))
+ (set! (p2-set! x env locals))
+ ;; (if (p2-args (cdr x) env locals)) treat as a primop
+ ;; (begin (p2-args (cdr x) env locals)) treat as a primop
+ (letrec (p2-letrec x env locals))
+ (else (p2-application x env locals))
+ )))
+ (p2-id
+ (lambda (id env locals)
+ (when (not (memq id locals))
+ (set-id-freeref? id #!true))))
+ (p2-set!
+ (lambda (x env locals)
+ (let ((id (set!-id x))
+ (val (set!-exp x)))
+ (set-id-set!? id #!true)
+ (p2-id id env locals)
+ (p2-exp val env locals))))
+ (p2-lambda
+ (lambda (x env locals)
+ (let ((bvl (lambda-bvl x)))
+ (when (lambda-closed? x)
+ (do ((env env (cdr env)))
+ ((null? env))
+ (do ((rib (car env)(cdr rib)))
+ ((null? rib))
+ (set-id-funargsees? (car rib) #!true))))
+ (p2-exp (lambda-body x)
+ (cons bvl env)
+ bvl))))
+ (p2-letrec
+ (lambda (x env locals)
+ (let* ((pairs (letrec-pairs x))
+ (bvl (mapcar car pairs))
+ (body (letrec-body x))
+ (env (cons bvl env))
+ (locals (append bvl locals)))
+ (p2-pairs pairs env locals)
+ (p2-exp body env locals))))
+ (p2-pairs
+ (lambda (pairs env locals)
+ (when pairs
+ (p2-exp (cadr (car pairs)) env locals)
+ (p2-pairs (cdr pairs) env locals))))
+ ;; p2-application must process IDs in function position
+ ;; because they may need to be heap allocated; e.g:
+ ;; (lambda (f)
+ ;; (lambda (x) ; 'f' must be heap allocated
+ ;; (f x))) ; 'f' appears only in function position
+ (p2-application
+ (lambda (x env locals)
+ (let ((fn (car x)))
+ (if (or (eq? fn 'THE-ENVIRONMENT)
+ (smash-the-environment #!true env)
+ (let ((args (cdr x)))
+ (when (eq? fn '%CALL/CC)
+ (smash-the-environment #!false env))
+ (p2-args args env locals)
+ (when (pair? fn)
+ (if (eq? (car fn) 'LAMBDA)
+ (p2-exp (lambda-body fn)
+ (cons (lambda-bvl fn) env)
+ (lambda-bvl fn))
+ (p2-exp fn env locals))))))))
+ ;; (THE-ENVIRONMENT) requires all visible lexical variables
+ ;; to be heap-allocated
+ (smash-the-environment
+ (lambda (smash-all? env)
+ (when env
+ (do ((rib (car env) ; CDR down this rib
+ (cdr rib)))
+ ((null? rib))
+ (let ((id (car rib))
+ (yes #!true))
+ (set-id-funargsees? id yes)
+ (set-id-freeref? id yes)
+ (when smash-all?
+ (set-id-set!? id yes)
+ (close-funarg (id-init id)))))
+ (smash-the-environment smash-all? (cdr env))))) ; get the next rib
+ (p2-args
+ (lambda (args env locals)
+ (when args
+ (p2-exp (car args) env locals)
+ (p2-args (cdr args) env locals))))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (p1-exp exp)
+ (p2-exp exp '() '())
+ '())))) ; executed for effect only
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pchreq.s b/newpcs/pchreq.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50aa432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pchreq.s
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pchreq.s
+; Last Revision: 3-Sep-85 1500ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Character and String Operations ;
+; ;
+;;;; The operations defined here are those proposed by Chris Hanson on
+;;;; 14 Jan 1985 and in a revision on 20 Mar 85.
+;;;; ------------------- Basic Character Operations --------------------
+;;; CHAR? PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; CHAR=? PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; CHAR-CI=? PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; CHAR PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; CHAR-CI PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; CHAR-UPCASE PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; CHAR-DOWNCASE PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; CHAR->INTEGER PCS primitive (opcode)
+(define-integrable char<=?
+ (lambda (ch1 ch2)
+ (or (char ch1 ch2)
+ (char=? ch1 ch2))))
+(define-integrable char>=?
+ (lambda (ch1 ch2)
+ (not (char ch1 ch2))))
+(define-integrable char>?
+ (lambda (ch1 ch2)
+ (not (or (char ch1 ch2)
+ (char=? ch1 ch2)))))
+(define-integrable char-ci<=?
+ (lambda (ch1 ch2)
+ (or (char-ci ch1 ch2)
+ (char-ci=? ch1 ch2))))
+(define-integrable char-ci>=?
+ (lambda (ch1 ch2)
+ (not (char-ci ch1 ch2))))
+(define-integrable char-ci>?
+ (lambda (ch1 ch2)
+ (not (or (char-ci ch1 ch2)
+ (char-ci=? ch1 ch2)))))
+;;;; --------------------- Basic String Operations ---------------------
+;;; STRING? PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; STRING-LENGTH PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; STRING-REF PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; STRING-SET! PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; STRING->SYMBOL PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; STRING->UNINTERNED-SYMBOL PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; SYMBOL->STRING PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;;; ----------------------- Standard Operations -----------------------
+;;; MAKE-STRING PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; STRING-FILL! PCS primitive (opcode)
+;;; SUBSTRING PCS primitive (opcode)
+(define (string-null? string) ; STRING-NULL?
+ (and (string? string)
+ (zero? (string-length string))))
+(define string-append ; STRING-APPEND
+ (letrec
+ ((sa*
+ (lambda (s1 s2 rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (sa3 s1 '() s2)
+ (let ((s3 (car rest))
+ (rest (cdr rest)))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (sa3 s1 s2 s3)
+ (sa3 s1 s2 (sa* s3 (car rest)(cdr rest))))))))
+ (sa3
+ (lambda (s1 s2 s3)
+ (%string-append s1 0 (string-length s1)
+ s2
+ s3 0 (string-length s3)))))
+ (lambda args
+ (cond ((null? args) "")
+ ((null? (cdr args)) (car args))
+ (else (sa* (car args)(cadr args)(cddr args)))))))
+(define string-copy ; STRING-COPY
+ (lambda (string)
+ (%string-append string 0 (string-length string)
+ '()
+ "" 0 0)))
+(define string->list ; STRING->LIST
+ (lambda (string)
+ (do ((string string
+ string)
+ (index 0
+ (add1 index))
+ (end (string-length string)
+ end)
+ (result '()
+ (cons (string-ref string index) result)))
+ ((= index end)
+ (reverse! result)))))
+(define (list->string chars) ; LIST->STRING
+ (do ((chars chars
+ (cdr chars))
+ (index 0
+ (add1 index))
+ (result (make-string (length chars) '())
+ result))
+ ((null? chars) result)
+ (string-set! result index (car chars))))
+;;;; ------------------------ Motion Primitives ------------------------
+(define (substring-fill! string start end char) ; SUBSTRING-FILL!
+ (when (< start end)
+ (string-set! string start char)
+ (substring-fill! string (1+ start) end char)))
+ (substring-move-left! string1 start1 end1 string2 start2)
+ (when (< start1 end1)
+ (string-set! string2 start2
+ (string-ref string1 start1))
+ (substring-move-left!
+ string1 (1+ start1) end1 string2 (1+ start2))))
+(define substring-move-right! ; SUBSTRING-MOVE-RIGHT!
+ (lambda (string1 start1 end1 string2 start2)
+ (letrec ((loop
+ (lambda (count1 count2)
+ (when (<= start1 count1)
+ (string-set! string2 count2
+ (string-ref string1 count1))
+ (loop (-1+ count1) (-1+ count2)))))
+ (end2 (+ start2 (- end1 start1)))
+ )
+ (loop (-1+ end1) (-1+ end2)))))
+;;;; ---------------------- Comparison Primitives ----------------------
+(define string=? ; STRING=?
+ (lambda (s1 s2)
+ (and (string? s1)(string? s2)(eqv? s1 s2))))
+(define string ; STRING
+ (lambda (s1 s2)
+ (let loop ((s1 s1)
+ (s2 s2)
+ (i1 0)
+ (i2 0)
+ (e1 (string-length s1))
+ (e2 (string-length s2)))
+ (cond ((= i1 e1) (< e1 e2))
+ ((= i2 e2) #!false)
+ (t
+ (let ((c1 (string-ref s1 i1))
+ (c2 (string-ref s2 i2)))
+ (if (char=? c1 c2)
+ (loop s1 s2 (add1 i1)(add1 i2) e1 e2)
+ (char c1 c2))))))))
+(define string<=? ; STRING<=?
+ (lambda (s1 s2)
+ (let loop ((s1 s1)
+ (s2 s2)
+ (i1 0)
+ (i2 0)
+ (e1 (string-length s1))
+ (e2 (string-length s2)))
+ (cond ((= i1 e1) (<= e1 e2))
+ ((= i2 e2) #!false)
+ (t
+ (let ((c1 (string-ref s1 i1))
+ (c2 (string-ref s2 i2)))
+ (if (char=? c1 c2)
+ (loop s1 s2 (add1 i1)(add1 i2) e1 e2)
+ (char c1 c2))))))))
+(define string>=? ; STRING>=?
+ (lambda (s1 s2)
+ (not (string s1 s2))))
+(define string>? ; STRING>?
+ (lambda (s1 s2)
+ (not (string<=? s1 s2))))
+(define substring=?) ; SUBSTRING=?
+(define substring-ci=?) ; SUBSTRING-CI=?
+ ((make-substring=
+ (lambda (char-test)
+ (lambda (string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)
+ (define (loop index1 index2)
+ (or (= index1 end1)
+ (and (char-test (string-ref string1 index1)
+ (string-ref string2 index2))
+ (loop (1+ index1) (1+ index2)))))
+ (and (string? string1)
+ (string? string2)
+ (= (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2))
+ (loop start1 start2))))))
+ (begin
+ (set! substring=? ; SUBSTRING=?
+ (make-substring= (lambda (a b)(char=? a b))))
+ (set! substring-ci=? ; SUBSTRING-CI=?
+ (make-substring= (lambda (a b)(char-ci=? a b))))))
+(define substring) ; SUBSTRING
+(define substring-ci) ; SUBSTRING-CI
+ ((make-substring<
+ (lambda (char=test charnumber as autoload from PNUM2S
+; 6/01/87 tc - make compiler re-entrant
+; 6/01/87 rb - added more PGR functions to autoload;
+; toplevel reworked so RESET doesn't affect the fluids
+; INPUT-PORT and OUTPUT-PORT (this allows the system toplevel
+; to run in windows other than 'CONSOLE);
+; revamped PCS-INITIAL-ARGUMENTS per 3.0 changes to cmd line
+; 6/01/87 tc - added MAKE-STRING as autoload for PFUNARG
+;;; The following functions are related in that they all envoke the
+;;; compiler in some form or fashion
+(define load ; LOAD
+ (lambda (filename)
+ (let ((i-port (open-input-file filename)))
+ (if (null? i-port)
+ (error "Unable to load file" filename)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (form)
+ (cond ((eof-object? form)
+ (close-input-port i-port)
+ 'ok)
+ (else
+ (eval form)
+ (loop (read i-port)))))))
+ (let ((form (read i-port)))
+ (if (eq? form '#!fast-load)
+ (begin
+ (close-input-port i-port)
+ (fast-load filename))
+ (loop form))))))))
+(define compile-file ; COMPILE-FILE
+ (lambda (filename1 filename2)
+ (if (or (not (string? filename1))
+ (not (string? filename2))
+ (equal? filename1 filename2))
+ (%error-invalid-operand-list 'COMPILE-FILE
+ filename1
+ filename2)
+ (let ((i-port (open-input-file filename1)))
+ (let ((o-port (open-output-file filename2)))
+ (set-line-length! 74 o-port)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (form)
+ (if (eof-object? form)
+ (begin (close-input-port i-port)
+ (close-output-port o-port)
+ 'ok)
+ (begin ; no COMPILE-FORMS
+ (compile-to-file form)
+ (set! form '()) ; for GC
+ (loop (read i-port))))))
+ (compile-to-file
+ (lambda (form)
+ (let ((cform (compile form)))
+ (write (list '%execute (list 'quote cform))
+ o-port)
+ (newline o-port)
+ (%execute cform)))))
+ (loop (read i-port))))))))
+(define %compile-timings '())
+(define %compile ; %COMPILE
+ (lambda (exp . time?)
+ (when time? (gc))
+ (let ((time '())
+ (t0 (runtime)))
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count 0)
+ (set! pcs-error-flag #!false)
+ (set! pcs-verbose-flag (not time?))
+ (set! pcs-binary-output #!false)
+ (set! pme= (pcs-macro-expand exp))
+ (if pcs-error-flag
+ (error "[Compilation terminated because of errors]")
+ (begin
+ (set! time (cons (- (runtime) t0) time))
+ (set! psimp= (pcs-simplify pme=))
+ (set! time (cons (- (runtime) t0) time))
+ (pcs-closure-analysis psimp=)
+ (set! time (cons (- (runtime) t0) time))
+ (set! pcg= (pcs-gencode psimp=))
+ (set! time (cons (- (runtime) t0) time))
+ (set! ppeep= (pcs-postgen pcg=))
+ (set! time (cons (- (runtime) t0) time))
+ (set! pasm= (pcs-assembler ppeep=))
+ (set! time (cons (- (runtime) t0) time))
+ (set! pcs-verbose-flag #!false)
+ (when time?
+ (set! %compile-timings
+ (cons (reverse! time) %compile-timings)))
+ pasm=)))))
+; Make compiler re-entrant (or more so, at any rate). The problem arises
+; when a macro evokes EVAL and thus COMPILE during macro expansion i9n PME
+(define compile '()) ; COMPILE
+(let ((ge (%set-global-environment user-global-environment)))
+ (set! compile
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (let* ((vc pcs-local-var-count) ; save
+ (vf pcs-verbose-flag)
+ (ef pcs-error-flag)
+ (bo pcs-binary-output)
+ (gensym-string (access string (procedure-environment gensym)))
+ (gensym-counter (access counter (procedure-environment gensym)))
+ (result (pcs-assembler (pcs-compile-to-AL exp))))
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count vc) ; restore
+ (set! pcs-verbose-flag vf)
+ (set! pcs-error-flag ef)
+ (set! pcs-binary-output bo)
+ (set! (access string (procedure-environment gensym)) gensym-string)
+ (set! (access counter (procedure-environment gensym)) gensym-counter)
+ (pcs-clear-registers)
+ result)))
+ (%set-global-environment ge))
+(define pcs-compile-to-AL ; PCS-COMPILE-TO-AL
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count 0)
+ (set! pcs-error-flag #!false)
+ (set! pcs-binary-output #!true)
+ (set! pcs-verbose-flag #!false)
+ (let ((t1 (pcs-macro-expand exp)))
+ (if pcs-error-flag
+ (error "[Compilation terminated because of errors]")
+ (begin
+ (set! exp '()) ; for GC
+ (pcs-clear-registers)
+ (let ((t2 (pcs-simplify t1)))
+ (pcs-closure-analysis t2)
+ (let ((t3 (pcs-gencode t2)))
+ (set! t2 '()) ; for GC
+ (pcs-clear-registers)
+ (let ((t4 (pcs-postgen t3)))
+ (pcs-clear-registers)
+ t4))))))))
+(define pcs-execute-AL ; PCS-EXECUTE-AL
+ (lambda (al)
+ (let ((t1 (pcs-assembler al)))
+ (pcs-clear-registers)
+ (%execute t1))))
+(define optimize! ; OPTIMIZE!
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((flag (or (null? args)(car args))))
+ (set! pcs-permit-peep-1 flag)
+ (set! pcs-permit-peep-2 flag))))
+;;;; Syntax Checking Functions
+;;; These functions may be used by macros and other syntax transformers
+;;; to help find violations of Scheme syntax rules. Note that these
+;;; check only the syntax, not semantics, of the program fragments they
+;;; are defined for. It is the caller's responsibility, for example, to
+;;; verify that all of the identifiers bound in a LETREC are distinct.
+;;; PCS-CHK-PAIRS can't do so, because it is called to verify pairs for
+;;; both LETREC and LET*.
+(define pcs-chk-id ; PCS-CHK-ID
+ (lambda (e y)
+ (when (not (symbol? y))
+ (syntax-error "Invalid identifier in expression" y e))))
+(define (pcs-chk-length= e y n) ; PCS-CHK-LENGTH=
+ (cond ((and (null? y)(zero? n))
+ '())
+ ((null? y)
+ (syntax-error "Expression has too few subexpressions" e))
+ ((atom? y)
+ (syntax-error (if (atom? e)
+ "List expected"
+ "Expression ends with `dotted' atom")
+ e))
+ ((zero? n)
+ (syntax-error "Expression has too many subexpressions" e))
+ (else
+ (pcs-chk-length= e (cdr y) (sub1 n)))))
+(define (pcs-chk-length>= e y n) ; PCS-CHK-LENGTH>=
+ (cond ((and (null? y)( < n 1))
+ '())
+ ((atom? y)
+ (pcs-chk-length= e y -1))
+ (else
+ (pcs-chk-length>= e (cdr y) (sub1 n)))))
+(define (pcs-chk-bvl e bvl dot-ok?) ; PCS-CHK-BVL
+ (letrec ((oops
+ (lambda () (syntax-error "Invalid identifier list" e))))
+ (cond ((atom? bvl)
+ (or (null? bvl)(and dot-ok? (pcs-chk-bvar bvl))
+ (oops)))
+ ((pcs-chk-bvar (car bvl))
+ (pcs-chk-bvl e (cdr bvl) dot-ok?))
+ (else
+ (oops)))))
+(define (pcs-chk-pairs e pairs) ; PCS-CHK-PAIRS
+ (letrec ((oops
+ (lambda () (syntax-error "Invalid pair binding list" e))))
+ (if (atom? pairs)
+ (or (null? pairs)
+ (oops))
+ (let ((pr (car pairs)))
+ (if (or (atom? pr)
+ (not (pcs-chk-bvar (car pr)))
+ (atom? (cdr pr))
+ (not (null? (cddr pr))))
+ (oops)
+ (pcs-chk-pairs e (cdr pairs)))))))
+(define pcs-chk-bvar ; PCS-CHK-BVAR
+ (lambda (id)
+ (if (or (not (symbol? id))
+ (getprop id 'PCS*MACRO)
+ (memq id '(QUOTE LAMBDA IF SET!
+ (and (memq id '(T NIL))
+ pcs-integrate-t-and-nil))
+ (syntax-error "Invalid bound variable name" id)
+ #!true)))
+;;; and EXPAND-MACRO-1 only expand the outer-level form and leave sub-forms
+;;; alone. EXPAND-MACRO-1 does so only once, while EXPAND-MACRO does so
+;;; repeatedly until there is no change. EXPAND expands form and all subforms
+;;; completely.
+(define expand-macro ; EXPAND-MACRO
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (let ((expansion (expand-macro-1 exp)))
+ (if (or (atom? exp) (equal? expansion exp))
+ expansion
+ (expand-macro expansion)))))
+(define expand-macro-1 ; EXPAND-MACRO-1
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((symbol? x)
+ (let ((entry (getprop x 'PCS*MACRO)))
+ (if (null? entry)
+ x
+ (if (pair? entry)
+ (if (eq? (car entry) 'ALIAS)
+ (cdr entry))
+ (syntax-error "Macro or special form name used as a variable"
+ x)))))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (let* ((f (car x))
+ (ef (if (pair? f) (expand-macro f) f))
+ (a (cdr x)))
+ (if (symbol? ef)
+ (let ((macfun (getprop ef 'PCS*MACRO)))
+ (cond ((null? macfun)
+ (cons ef a))
+ ((pair? macfun)
+ (cons (cdr macfun) a))
+ (else
+ (macfun (cons ef a)))))
+ (cons ef a))))
+ (else x))))
+(define expand ; EXPAND
+ (letrec ((expand-item
+ (lambda (item)
+ (if (pair? item) (expand item) item))))
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (let ((expansion (expand-macro exp)))
+ (map expand-item expansion)))))
+;;; Set up EDWIN so that it may be loaded into its own environment
+(define initiate-edwin ; INITIATE-EDWIN
+ (lambda ()
+ (unbind 'edwin user-global-environment)
+ (set! (access edwin-environment user-global-environment)
+ (make-hashed-environment))
+ (%reify! edwin-environment 0 user-initial-environment)
+ (autoload-from-file (%system-file-name "edwin0.fsl")
+ '(edwin)
+ edwin-environment)
+ (edwin)))
+(define edwin initiate-edwin) ; EDWIN
+;;; Set up compiler-related global variables
+ (define %pcs-stl-debug-flag #!false)
+ (define %pcs-stl-history '(%PCS-STL-HISTORY)) ; getprop tag
+ (define pcs-local-var-count 0)
+ (define pcs-integrate-integrables #!true)
+ (define pcs-integrate-primitives #!true)
+ (define pcs-integrate-T-and-NIL #!true)
+ (define pcs-integrate-define #!true)
+ (define pcs-debug-mode #!false) ; debug mode OFF
+ (define pcs-permit-peep-1 #!true) ; optimization ON
+ (define pcs-permit-peep-2 #!true)
+ (define pcs-verbose-flag #!false)
+ (define pcs-display-warnings #!true)
+ (define pme= '())
+ (define psimp= '())
+ (define pcg= '())
+ (define ppeep= '())
+ (define pasm= '())
+;;; Evaluation
+;;; EVAL is part interpreter, but calls the compiler for complicated
+;;; expressions. In particular, it does not do any bindings
+;;; interpretively, since they would have to be first-class
+;;; environments and the compiler might be able to do better.
+(define eval
+ (letrec
+ ((eval-exp
+ (lambda (xx env)
+ (let ((x (expand-macro xx)))
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (case (car x)
+ ((QUOTE) (eval-quote x env))
+ ((IF) (eval-if x env))
+ ((SET!) (eval-set! x env))
+ ((DEFINE) (eval-define x env))
+ ((BEGIN) (eval-begin x env))
+ ((LET
+ LET*
+ LAMBDA ) (eval-compile x env))
+ ((%%GET-FLUID%%) (eval-fluid x env))
+ ((%%SET-FLUID%%) (eval-set-fluid! x env))
+ ((PCS-CODE-BLOCK) (eval-execute x env))
+ (else (eval-application x env)))
+ (eval-atom x env)))))
+ (lookup-binding ; LOOKUP-BINDING
+ (lambda (sym)
+ ; The following is the object code to lookup/fetch
+ ; the binding of sym. It must be passed to %execute with
+ ; the desired environment.
+ (list 'pcs-code-block 1 4 (list sym)
+ '( 7 4 0 ; Ld-global r1,sym
+ 59)))) ; exit
+ (eval-atom ; EVAL-ATOM
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (cond ((not (symbol? x)) x)
+ ((memq x '(#!TRUE #!FALSE #!UNASSIGNED)) x)
+ (else
+ (let ((entry (and PCS-INTEGRATE-T-AND-NIL
+ (assq x '((T #T) (NIL #F))))))
+ (if entry
+ (cadr entry)
+ ;else
+ (or (lookup-integrable x env)
+ (eval-execute (lookup-binding x) env))))))))
+ (lookup-integrable
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (let ((info (getprop x 'PCS*PRIMOP-HANDLER)))
+ (and info
+ (pair? info)
+ (eval-exp (cdr info) env)))))
+ (eval-quote ; EVAL-QUOTE
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (pcs-chk-length= x x 2)
+ (cadr x)))
+ (eval-id-error
+ (lambda (err caller env)
+ (syntax-error
+ (string-append "Invalid identifier for " caller ": ") err)))
+ (eval-if ; EVAL-IF
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (if (or (atom? (cdr x)) ; No Pred
+ (atom? (cddr x)) ; No Then
+ (pair? (cdddr x))) ; has ELSE
+ (pcs-chk-length= x x 4)
+ (pcs-chk-length= x x 3))
+ (cond ((eval-exp (cadr x) env)
+ (eval-exp (caddr x) env))
+ ((pair? (cdddr x))
+ (eval-exp (cadddr x) env))
+ (else
+ #!FALSE))))
+ (set-var-value ; SET-VAR-VALUE
+ (lambda (sym value)
+ ; The following is the object code code to set the value
+ ; of a variable. It must be passed to %execute with the
+ ; desired environment.
+ (list 'pcs-code-block 2 7 (list sym value)
+ '( 1 4 1 ; Load r1, value
+ 15 4 0 ; St-glob-env r1,sym
+ 59)))) ; exit
+ (eval-set! ; EVAL-SET!
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (pcs-chk-length= x x 3)
+ (let* ((id (cadr x))
+ (var (expand-macro id))
+ (value (eval-exp (caddr x) env)))
+ (cond ((not (pair? var))
+ (cond ((or (not (symbol? var))
+ (not (eq? var (expand-macro var))))
+ (eval-id-error var "SET!" env))
+ ((getprop var 'PCS*PRIMOP-HANDLER)
+ ; this is for primitives and define-integrables
+ (eval-compile x env))
+ (else
+ (eval-execute (SET-VAR-VALUE var value) env))))
+ (else
+ (eval-id-error var "SET!" env))))))
+ (def-var ; DEF-VAR
+ (lambda (sym value)
+ ; The following is the object code code to define a variable
+ ; in a given environment. It must be passed to %execute with the
+ ; desired environment.
+ (list 'pcs-code-block 2 7 (list sym value)
+ '( 1 4 1 ; Load r1, value
+ 31 4 0 ; define! value,sym
+ 59)))) ; exit
+ (eval-define ; EVAL-DEFINE
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= x x 3)
+ (if (and (pair? (caddr x))
+ (memq (caaddr x) '(LAMBDA NAMED-LAMBDA)))
+ (eval-compile x env)
+ ;else
+ (let* ((id (cadr x))
+ (var (expand-macro id))
+ (value (eval-exp (caddr x) env)))
+ (cond ((not (pair? var))
+ (cond ((or (not (symbol? var))
+ (not (eq? var (expand-macro var))))
+ (eval-id-error var "DEFINE" env))
+ ((getprop var 'PCS*PRIMOP-HANDLER)
+ ; this is for primitives and define-integrables
+ (eval-compile x env))
+ (else
+ (eval-execute (DEF-VAR var value) env)
+ id)))
+ (else
+ (eval-id-error var "DEFINE" env)))))))
+ (eval-begin ; EVAL-BEGIN
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= x x 1)
+ (let loop ((x (cdr x)))
+ (if (null? (cdr x))
+ (eval-exp (car x) env)
+ (begin
+ (eval-exp (car x) env)
+ (loop (cdr x)))))))
+ (lookup-fluid ; LOOKUP-FLUID
+ (lambda (sym)
+ ; The following is the object code to lookup/fetch the
+ ; fluid binding of sym. It must be passed to %execute with
+ ; the desired environment.
+ (list 'pcs-code-block 1 4 (list sym)
+ '( 8 4 0 ; Ld_fl r1,sym
+ 59)))) ; exit
+ (eval-fluid ; EVAL-FLUID
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (pcs-chk-length= x x 2)
+ (eval-execute (lookup-fluid (eval-exp (cadr x) env)) env)))
+ (set-fluid-var ; SET-FLUID-VAR
+ (lambda (sym value)
+ ; The following is the object code to set the value of a
+ ; fluid variable. It must be passed to %execute with the
+ ; desired environment.
+ (list 'pcs-code-block 2 7 (list sym value)
+ '( 1 4 1 ; Load r1, value
+ 16 4 0 ; St-fl r1,sym
+ 59)))) ; exit
+ (eval-set-fluid! ; EVAL-SET-FLUID!
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= x x 2)
+ (let ((sym (eval-exp (cadr x) env))
+ (val (eval-exp (caddr x) env)))
+ (pcs-chk-id x sym)
+ (eval-execute (set-fluid-var sym val) env))))
+ (eval-application ; EVAL-APPLICATION
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= x x 1)
+ (let ((proc (eval-exp (car x) env)))
+ (when (not (or (procedure? proc)
+ (and (pair? proc)
+ (eq? (car proc) 'LAMBDA))))
+ (error-procedure "Attempt to call a non-procedural object"
+ (cons proc (cdr x))
+ env))
+ (let ((args (eval-args (cdr x) env)))
+ (let* ((saved-env (%set-global-environment env))
+ (result (apply proc args)))
+ (%set-global-environment saved-env)
+ result)))))
+ (eval-args ; EVAL-ARGS
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (if (null? x)
+ '()
+ (cons (eval-exp (car x) env)
+ (eval-args (cdr x) env)))))
+ (eval-compile ; EVAL-COMPILE
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (eval-execute (compile x) env)))
+ (eval-execute ; EVAL-EXECUTE
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (let* ((saved-env (%set-global-environment env))
+ (result (%execute x)))
+ (%set-global-environment saved-env)
+ result)))
+ ) ; letrec vars
+ (lambda (exp . rest)
+ (let* ((env (cond ((null? rest)
+ (let ((e (%set-global-environment
+ user-initial-environment)))
+ (%set-global-environment e)
+ e))
+ ((not (environment? (car rest)))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'EVAL (car rest)))
+ (else
+ (car rest))))
+ (result (eval-exp exp env)))
+ result))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pdebug.s b/newpcs/pdebug.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfe6032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pdebug.s
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pdebug.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; System Debugger and Error Handlers ;
+; ;
+; Revision history:
+; db 10/18/85 - ??
+; tc 03/13/87 - Extended errors for DOS I/O errors
+; The following definitions are used only at compile time for readability
+; and understanding. They will not be written out to the .so file.
+; See pboot.s and compile.all.
+(compile-time-alias IO-ERRORS-START 21)
+(compile-time-alias IO-ERRORS-END 108)
+(compile-time-alias DOS-IO-ERROR 21)
+(compile-time-alias FILE-NOT-FOUND 22)
+(compile-time-alias PATH-NOT-FOUND 23)
+(compile-time-alias TOO-MANY-FILES 24)
+(define assert-procedure)
+(define breakpoint-procedure)
+(define error-procedure)
+(define *error-handler*)
+ ((uv-msg
+ '(1 2 3 4))
+ (msg-codes
+ '((0 . "Unspecified VM error")
+ (1 . "Variable not defined in current environment")
+ (2 . "SET! of an unbound variable")
+ (3 . "Variable not defined in lexical environment")
+ (4 . "SET! of an unbound lexical variable")
+ (5 . "Variable not defined in fluid environment")
+ (6 . "SET-FLUID! of an unbound fluid variable")
+ (7 . "Vector index out of range")
+ (8 . "String index out of range")
+ (9 . "Invalid substring range") ; not generated
+ (10 . "Invalid operand to VM instruction")
+ (11 . "User keyboard interrupt")
+ (12 . "Attempt to call a non-procedural object")
+ ;; (13 . "Engine Timer Interrupt")
+ (14 . "I/O attempted to a de-exposed window")
+ ;; 14 is a trap for a window handler, not a real error
+ (15 . "FLONUM overflow or underflow")
+ (16 . "Divide by zero")
+ (17 . "Non-numeric operand to arithmetic operation")
+ (18 . "Register overflow--Too many arguments to closure")
+ (19 . "MAKE-VECTOR size limit exceeded")
+ (20 . "MAKE-STRING size limit exceeded")
+ (21 . "DOS I/O error number ")
+ (22 . "DOS I/O error - File not found")
+ (23 . "DOS I/O error - Path not found")
+ (24 . "DOS I/O error - Too many open files")
+ (25 . "DOS I/O error - Access denied")
+ (32 . "DOS I/O error - Invalid access")
+ (36 . "DOS I/O error - Invalid disk drive")
+ (39 . "DOS I/O error - Disk write protected")
+ (41 . "DOS I/O error - Drive not ready")
+ (48 . "DOS I/O error - Printer out of paper")
+ (200 . "DOS I/O error - Disk Full")
+ ))
+ (oops
+ (lambda (msg irritant env stk-index kind error-code)
+ (fluid-let ((input-port standard-input)
+ (output-port standard-output))
+ (let* ((si (if (negative? stk-index)
+ (%reify-stack (+ (%reify-stack -1) 6))
+ stk-index))
+ (env (if (null? env)
+ (%reify-stack (+ si 9))
+ env)))
+ (newline)
+ (display kind)
+ (when msg (display msg))
+ (newline)
+ (write irritant)
+ (newline)
+ (pcs-kill-engine)
+ (if (unbound? compile)
+ ;; see if compiler auto-loadable
+ (when (not (pcs-autoload-binding 'compile))
+ ;; Cant find compiler, punt
+ (display (integer->char 7)) ;beep
+ (display "Press a key to return to toplevel, escape to exit to DOS")
+ (let ((ch (read-char)))
+ (if (char=? ch #\escape)
+ (exit)
+ (scheme-reset))))
+ ;else
+ (if (null? (%env-lu '%inspector user-initial-environment))
+ ;; check to see if we can load the inspector
+ (when (or (eqv? *error-message* TOO-MANY-FILES)
+ (null? (pcs-autoload-binding '%inspector)))
+ (display "Unable to autoload the inspector - file PINSPECT.FSL")
+ (reset))))
+ (%inspector msg kind irritant env si error-code)
+ ))))
+ (envoke-handler
+ (lambda (number msg irritant stk-index err-code)
+ (let ((handler (lambda ()
+ (oops msg
+ irritant
+ '()
+ stk-index
+ "[VM ERROR encountered!] "
+ err-code))))
+ (if (closure? *user-error-handler*)
+ (*user-error-handler* number
+ msg
+ irritant
+ handler)
+ (handler)))))
+ (decipher-error
+ (lambda (stk-index)
+ (let ((err-code *error-code*)
+ (irritant *irritant*)
+ (err-num (and (number? *error-message*) *error-message*))
+ (msg (apply-if (assv *error-message* msg-codes)
+ cdr
+ *error-message*)))
+ (cond ((eqv? err-num 11) ; Shift Break
+ (set! err-num 100))
+ ((and err-num ; I/O Errors
+ (>= err-num IO-ERRORS-START)
+ (<= err-num IO-ERRORS-END))
+ (if (and (or (=? err-num FILE-NOT-FOUND)
+ (=? err-num PATH-NOT-FOUND))
+ (fluid-bound? *file-exists-open*))
+ ((fluid *file-exists-open*) #!false)) ; error continuation
+ (set! err-num (- err-num (-1+ DOS-IO-ERROR)))
+ (if (number? msg)
+ (set! msg (string-append (cdr (assv DOS-IO-ERROR msg-codes))
+ (integer->string err-num 10))))))
+ (envoke-handler err-num msg irritant stk-index err-code))))
+ ) ; letrec vars
+ (begin
+ (set! assert-procedure ; ASSERT-PROCEDURE
+ (lambda (msgs env)
+ (oops '() (cons 'ASSERT (cons '() msgs)) env -1 "[ASSERT failure!] " 0)))
+ (set! breakpoint-procedure ; BREAKPOINT-PROCEDURE
+ (lambda (msg irritant env . rest)
+ (let* ((stk-index (if (or (null? rest)
+ (not (integer? (car rest))))
+ -1
+ (car rest))))
+ (oops msg irritant env stk-index "[BKPT encountered!] " 0))))
+ (set! error-procedure ; ERROR-PROCEDURE
+ (lambda (msg irritant env)
+ (let ((system-error-handler
+ (lambda ()
+ (oops msg irritant env -1 "[ERROR encountered!] " 0))))
+ (if (closure? *user-error-handler*)
+ (begin
+ (*user-error-handler* '() msg irritant system-error-handler))
+ ;else
+ (system-error-handler)))))
+ (set! *error-handler* ; *ERROR-HANDLER*
+ (lambda ()
+ (cond ((and (zero? *error-code*) ; resumable
+ (memv *error-message* uv-msg)) ; unbound symbol
+ (if (pcs-autoload-binding *irritant*)
+ '() ; autoload worked!
+ ;else
+ (let ((info (getprop *irritant* 'PCS*PRIMOP-HANDLER))
+ (compiler-present (or (not (unbound? compile))
+ (pcs-autoload-binding 'compile))))
+ (cond ((and compiler-present
+ (integer? info)
+ (getprop *irritant* 'PCS*OPCODE))
+ (let* ((vars '(J I H G F E D C B A))
+ (bvl (list-tail vars (- (length vars) info)))
+ (form `(define ,*irritant*
+ (lambda ,bvl
+ (,*irritant* . ,bvl))))
+ (dw pcs-display-warnings)
+ (ip pcs-integrate-primitives))
+ (set! pcs-display-warnings #!false)
+ (set! pcs-integrate-primitives #!true)
+ (eval form user-global-environment)
+ (set! pcs-display-warnings dw)
+ (set! pcs-integrate-primitives ip)
+ '()))
+ ((and compiler-present
+ (pair? info)
+ (eq? (car info) 'DEFINE-INTEGRABLE))
+ (let ((form `(define ,*irritant* ,(cdr info)))
+ (dw pcs-display-warnings)
+ (ip pcs-integrate-primitives))
+ (set! pcs-display-warnings #!false)
+ (set! pcs-integrate-primitives #!true)
+ (eval form user-initial-environment)
+ (set! pcs-display-warnings dw)
+ (set! pcs-integrate-primitives ip)
+ '()))
+ (else
+ (set! *error-message*
+ (cdr (assv *error-message* msg-codes)))
+ (*error-handler*))))))
+ ((eqv? *error-message* 13)
+ (pcs-engine-timeout)) ; Engine Timeout
+ (else
+ (decipher-error (%reify-stack
+ (+ (%reify-stack
+ (+ (%reify-stack -1) 6)) 6)))))
+ ) ;lambda
+ ) ;set!
+ ) ;begin
+) ;letrec
+(define autoload-from-file ; AUTOLOAD-FROM-FILE
+ (lambda (file names . rest)
+ (let ((env (if rest (car rest) user-initial-environment)))
+ (cons (list file names env)
+ '())))
+(define pcs-autoload-binding '()) ; PCS-AUTOLOAD-BINDING
+(define remove-autoload-info '()) ; REMOVE-AUTOLOAD-INFO
+ ((find-entry
+ (lambda (name info)
+ (and info
+ (or (symbol? name) (string? name))
+ (find-item name (caar info)(cadar info) info))))
+ (find-item
+ (lambda (name file symbols info)
+ (cond ((string? name)
+ (if (string-ci=? name file)
+ (car info)
+ (find-entry name (cdr info))))
+ ((null? symbols)
+ (find-entry name (cdr info)))
+ ((eq? name (car symbols))
+ (car info))
+ (else
+ (find-item name file (cdr symbols) info))))))
+ (set! pcs-autoload-binding
+ (lambda (name)
+ (let* ((info (getprop 'PCS-AUTOLOAD-INFO 'PCS-AUTOLOAD-INFO))
+ (entry (find-entry name info)))
+ (and entry
+ (let ((file (car entry))
+ (env (caddr entry)))
+ (and (string? file)
+ (file-exists? file)
+ (let ((saved-env (%set-global-environment env)))
+ (load file)
+ (%set-global-environment saved-env)
+ (not (null? (%env-lu name env)))
+ )))))))
+ (set! remove-autoload-info
+ (lambda (filename)
+ (let* ((info (getprop 'PCS-AUTOLOAD-INFO 'PCS-AUTOLOAD-INFO))
+ (entry (find-entry (%system-file-name filename) info)))
+ (and entry
+ (delq! entry
+(define environment-bindings ; ENVIRONMENT-BINDINGS
+ (letrec
+ ((linked-bindings
+ (lambda (a-list names values)
+ (if (null? names)
+ (reverse! a-list)
+ (linked-bindings (cons (cons (car names)(cdr values))
+ a-list)
+ (cdr names)
+ (car values)))))
+ (hashed-bindings
+ (lambda (a-list index env)
+ (if (zero? index)
+ a-list
+ (let ((bucket (%reify env index)))
+ (hashed-bindings (if (null? bucket)
+ a-list
+ (bucket-bindings a-list bucket))
+ (- index 1)
+ env)))))
+ (bucket-bindings
+ (lambda (a-list bucket)
+ (if (null? bucket)
+ a-list
+ (bucket-bindings (cons (car bucket) a-list)
+ (cdr bucket))))))
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (if (null? obj)
+ obj
+ (let* ((env (cond ((environment? obj) ; environment?
+ obj)
+ ((or (closure? obj) ; closure?
+ (delayed-object? obj)) ; delayed object?
+ (procedure-environment obj))
+ (else
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'ENVIRONMENT-BINDINGS
+ obj))))
+ (size (%reify env -1)))
+ (if (= size 12)
+ (linked-bindings '() (%reify env 1) (%reify env 2))
+ (hashed-bindings '() (- (quotient size 3) 2) env)))))))
+;;; UNBIND is a function which will remove a variable's binding from a given
+;;; environment. It will work for either of the 2 global environments
+;;; heap allocated environments. Removing the binding from the environment
+;;; will allow the garbage collector to reclaim that space. Also, once
+;;; unbound, the autoloader may reload the variable whenever that variable
+;;; is referenced again.
+(define unbind
+ (letrec
+ ((remove-hashed-binding!
+ (lambda (key alist)
+ (cond ((null? (cadr alist))
+ '())
+ ((eq? key (caadr alist))
+ (set-cdr! alist (cddr alist)))
+ (else
+ (remove-hashed-binding! key (cdr alist))))))
+ (modify-hashed-env!
+ (lambda (symbol env)
+ (let* ((hash-val (1+ (%esc2 9 (symbol->string symbol))))
+ (sym-list (%reify env hash-val)))
+ (if (null? sym-list)
+ '()
+ ;else
+ (begin
+ (if (eq? symbol (caar sym-list))
+ (set! sym-list (cdr sym-list))
+ ;else
+ (remove-hashed-binding! symbol sym-list))
+ (%reify! env hash-val sym-list)
+ env)))))
+ (remove-linked-binding!
+ (lambda (key names values)
+ (cond ((null? (cadr names))
+ '())
+ ((eq? key (cadr names))
+ (set-cdr! names (cddr names))
+ (set-car! values (caar values)))
+ (else
+ (remove-linked-binding! key (cdr names) (car values))))))
+ (modify-linked-env!
+ (lambda (symbol env names values)
+ (if (eq? symbol (car names))
+ (begin
+ (set! names (cdr names))
+ (set! values (car values)))
+ ;else
+ (remove-linked-binding! symbol names values))
+ (%reify! env 1 names)
+ (%reify! env 2 values)))
+ )
+ (lambda (symbol env)
+ (cond ((not (symbol? symbol))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'UNBIND symbol))
+ ((not (environment? env))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'UNBIND env))
+ (else
+ (if (= (%reify env -1) 12)
+ (modify-linked-env! symbol env (%reify env 1) (%reify env 2))
+ ;
+ (modify-hashed-env! symbol env)))))))
+(define (procedure-environment obj) ; PROCEDURE-ENVIRONMENT
+ (cond ((closure? obj)
+ (%reify obj 1))
+ ((delayed-object? obj)
+ (procedure-environment (vector-ref obj 1)))
+ (else
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'PROCEDURE-ENVIRONMENT obj))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pdefstr.s b/newpcs/pdefstr.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b133a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pdefstr.s
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pdefstr.s
+; Last Revision: 30-Aug-85 1900ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; Amitabh Srivastava ;
+; ;
+; DEFINE-STRUCTURE and Related Routines ;
+; ;
+;;; - syntax is similar to DEFSTRUCT in Common Lisp
+;;; Syntax : (DEFINE-STRUCTURE name slot1 slot2 ...)
+;;; slots may be given default values by (slot1 init-val)
+;;; objects of this structure can be generated by using
+;;; MAKE-SHIP -
+;;; (MAKE-SHIP 'X-VEL 10)
+;;; the predicate SHIP? can be used to check if an object is an
+;;; instance of ship.
+;;; (SHIP-X-VEL object) can be used to get the `x-vel' of the object,
+;;; which is an instance of `ship'
+;;; (SET! (SHIP-X-VEL object) 11) can be used to set the `x-vel' of the
+;;; object.
+;;; single-inheritance : structures can inherit from other objects by
+;;; using the INCLUDE option (similar to Common Lisp DEFSTRUCT)
+;;; Implementation Note
+;;; The Common Lisp definition requires that the slot initialization
+;;; expressions be re-evaluated each time a MAKE-name operation is
+;;; performed. For consistency with the spirit of Scheme, these
+;;; expressions should be evaluated in the lexical environment surrounding
+;;; the DEFINE-STRUCTURE itself. Thus, DEFINE-STRUCTURE must expand into
+;;; at least one LAMBDA that `freezes' the initialization expressions.
+;;; This is why %DEFINE-STRUCTURE expands into a BEGIN with an embedded
+;;; closure for MAKE-name. (This is important only if an initialization
+;;; expression involves lexical references.)
+;;; Global function used to generate predicates for all structures
+(define %structure-predicate ; %STRUCTURE-PREDICATE
+ (lambda (object tag)
+ (and (vector? object)
+ (positive? (vector-length object))
+ (member tag (vector-ref object 0))
+ #!true)))
+;;; %MAKE-STRUCTURE is used by all structures to create an instance
+(define %make-structure ; %MAKE-STRUCTURE
+ (lambda (name constructor-name structure init-list)
+ (letrec ((slot-number
+ (lambda (slot slot-values)
+ (apply-if (assq slot slot-values)
+ cadr
+ (error (string-append
+ "Structure component unknown to "
+ (symbol->string constructor-name))
+ slot)))))
+ (let ((slots (getprop name '%SLOT-VALUES)))
+ (do ((structure structure)
+ (init-msg init-list (cddr init-msg)))
+ ((null? init-msg) structure)
+ (vector-set! structure
+ (slot-number (car init-msg) slots)
+ (cadr init-msg)))))))
+;;; %DEFINE-STRUCTURE defines a structure with specified attributes. This
+;;; is the procedure that expands the macro DEFINE-STRUCTURE.
+(define %define-structure ; %DEFINE-STRUCTURE
+ (lambda (e)
+ (letrec
+ ((make-symbol ; MAKE-SYMBOL
+ (lambda args
+ (string->symbol (apply string-append args))))
+ (generate-slots-loop ; GENERATE-SLOTS-LOOP
+ (lambda (tail slots n)
+ (if (null? slots)
+ tail ;;; 2/14/86
+ (generate-slots-loop
+ (cons (if (atom? (car slots))
+ (cons (car slots) (cons n '()))
+ (cons (caar slots) (cons n (cadar slots))))
+ tail)
+ (cdr slots)
+ (1+ n)))))
+ (generate-slots ; GENERATE-SLOTS
+ (lambda (include-struct slots)
+ (if include-struct
+ (let ((include-slots (getprop include-struct '%SLOT-VALUES)))
+ (generate-slots-loop include-slots
+ slots
+ (1+ (length include-slots))))
+ (generate-slots-loop '() slots 1))))
+ (init-slots ; INIT-SLOTS
+ (lambda (slots)
+ (let loop ((tail '())
+ (slots slots))
+ (if (null? slots)
+ tail
+ (loop (if (member (cddar slots) '(() '()))
+ tail
+ (cons `(vector-set! %DS0001% ,(cadar slots)
+ ,(cddar slots))
+ tail))
+ (cdr slots))))))
+ (access-macros-loop ; ACCESS-MACROS-LOOP
+ (lambda (name-string slots tail)
+ (if (null? slots)
+ (reverse! tail)
+ (access-macros-loop
+ name-string
+ (cdr slots)
+ (let ((name (make-symbol name-string "-"
+ (symbol->string (caar slots))))
+ (index (cadar slots)))
+ (cons `(define-integrable ,name
+ (lambda (obj) (vector-ref obj ,index)))
+ tail))))))
+ (gen-access-macros ; GEN-ACCESS-MACROS
+ (lambda (name-string slot-names-pos)
+ (access-macros-loop name-string slot-names-pos '())))
+ (gen-make-proc ; GEN-MAKE-PROC
+ (lambda (name constructor-name slot-names-pos)
+ `(define ,constructor-name
+ (lambda %DS0002%
+ (let ((%DS0001% (make-vector ,(1+ (length slot-names-pos))
+ '())))
+ (vector-set! %DS0001% 0 (getprop ',name '%TAG))
+ ,@(init-slots slot-names-pos)
+ (if (null? %DS0002%)
+ %DS0001%
+ (%make-structure ',name ',constructor-name
+ %DS0001% %DS0002%)))))))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (pcs-chk-length>= e e 2)
+ (let* ((name-options (cadr e))
+ (name (let ((n (if (atom? name-options)
+ name-options
+ (car name-options))))
+ (pcs-chk-id e n)
+ n))
+ (name-string (symbol->string name))
+ (constructor-name (make-symbol "MAKE-" name-string))
+ (predicate-name (make-symbol name-string "?"))
+ (include-struct
+ (cond ((atom? name-options)
+ '())
+ ((and (pair? (cdr name-options))
+ (pair? (cadr name-options))
+ (eq? (car (cadr name-options)) 'INCLUDE)
+ (pair? (cdr (cadr name-options))))
+ (let ((is (cadr (cadr name-options))))
+ (pcs-chk-id e is)
+ is))
+ (else
+ (syntax-error "Invalid option list" e))))
+ (slots (cddr e))
+ (slot-names-pos (generate-slots include-struct slots))
+ (tag (cons '#!STRUCTURE name))
+ (complex-tag (if include-struct
+ (cons tag (getprop include-struct '%TAG))
+ (list tag))))
+ `(begin
+ (putprop ',name ',complex-tag '%TAG)
+ (putprop ',name ',slot-names-pos '%SLOT-VALUES)
+ ,@(gen-access-macros name-string slot-names-pos)
+ (define ,predicate-name
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (%structure-predicate obj ',tag)))
+ ,(gen-make-proc name constructor-name slot-names-pos)
+ ',name))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pdos.s b/newpcs/pdos.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2615b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pdos.s
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pdos.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; DOS Interface Routines ;
+; ;
+;;; Revision history:
+;;; ds 6/ 5/86 - added new file and directory functions
+;;; rb 7/16/86 - DOS-CALL checks for .COM and .EXE files
+;;; ds 12/08/86 - fixed a problem with dos-rename not correctly reseting the
+;;; destination drive correctly.
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a directory listing
+;;; capability. DOS-DIR is called with an MS-DOS filename specifier
+;;; which may contain wildcard characters, and returns a list of
+;;; the filenames which match the filespec. For example,
+;;; (DOS-DIR "\\pcs\\*.exe")
+;;; might return the list:
+;;; Remember that Scheme requires the backslash character "\" to be
+;;; escaped, so you must specify two "\\"'s in a character string if
+;;; you want to see one "\".
+(define dos-dir
+ (lambda (filespec)
+ (letrec ((dir1 (lambda ()
+ (let ((next (%esc1 1)))
+ (if next
+ (cons next (dir1))
+ '())))))
+ (if (string? filespec)
+ (let ((next (%esc2 0 filespec)))
+ (if next
+ (cons next (dir1))
+ '() ))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'DOS-DIR filespec) ))))
+;;; The DOS-CALL function permits a user to issue any MS-DOS command from
+;;; Scheme and return when the function has completed. The format for
+;;; the DOS-CALL function is:
+;;; (dos-call "filename" "parameters"
+;;; {memory} {protect display})
+;;; where "filename" is the name of an .EXE or .COM file which is to
+;;; be executed. If "filename" is a null (zero length)
+;;; string (i.e., ""), the "parameters" string is
+;;; passed to a new copy of COMMAND.COM.
+;;; "parameters" is the parameter string to be passed to the
+;;; application or COMMAND.COM.
+;;; If both "filename" and "parameters" are null
+;;; strings, DOS-CALL exits to MS-DOS COMMAND.COM and
+;;; stays there until the command EXIT is entered, at
+;;; which time PCS execution resumes.
+;;; "memory" is an optional argument which specifies the number
+;;; of paragraphs (16 byte units of memory) which are
+;;; to be freed up to run the requested task. If this
+;;; argument is omitted, all available Scheme user
+;;; memory is made available to the task. Note:
+;;; 4096 paragraphs is equivalent to 64K bytes of
+;;; memory.
+;;; "protect display" is an optional argument which allows the current
+;;; screen to be left undisturbed when the external program
+;;; is being executed. Note: this will only inhibit text
+;;; from being displayed to the screen for programs doing
+;;; screen i/o that doesn't bypass the BIOS (Lotus 1-2-3
+;;; does).
+;;; Scheme memory is freed up by copying it to disk in 4095 paragraph
+;;; (65,520 byte) blocks. Specifying 4095 paragraphs instead of 4096 (to
+;;; make it an even 64K bytes) saves a slight bit of disk I/O overhead.
+;;; The value returned by DOS-CALL is an integer error code. Zero
+;;; indicates no error; -1 indicates an argument error; positive values
+;;; are those returned by DOS itself.
+(define dos-call
+ (lambda args
+ (define extension-sans-filename
+ ;given filename of form "file.ext" (leading directories are allowed)
+ ;return extension ".ext" or empty string if none
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((period (substring-find-next-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) ".")))
+ (if period
+ (substring file period (string-length file))
+ ""))))
+ (let ((filename (if args (car args) ""))
+ (parameters (if (and args (cadr args)) (cadr args) ""))
+ (mem_req (if (cddr args) (car (cddr args)) 0))
+ (protect (if (= (length (cddr args)) 2) (cadr (cddr args)) 0))
+ (temp-window (%make-window '()))
+ (window-contents '()))
+ ;body of DOS-CALL
+ (if (and (string? filename)
+ (string? parameters)
+ (cond ((string-null? filename)) ;null name means just go to DOS
+ ((string-ci=? (extension-sans-filename filename) ".COM"))
+ ((string-ci=? (extension-sans-filename filename) ".EXE"))
+ (t nil))) ;any other extension illegal
+ (begin
+ (if (eqv? protect 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! window-contents (%save-window temp-window))
+ (%clear-window temp-window)))
+ (begin0
+ (%esc5
+ 2
+ filename
+ (if (eqv? filename "")
+ (if (eqv? parameters "")
+ (list->string (list (integer->char 0)
+ (integer->char 13)))
+ (string-set!
+ (string-append
+ (string-append "x/c " parameters)
+ (make-string 1 #\return))
+ 0
+ (integer->char (+ (string-length parameters) 3))))
+ (string-set!
+ (string-append
+ (string-append "x" parameters)
+ (make-string 1 #\return))
+ 0
+ (integer->char (string-length parameters))))
+ (truncate mem_req)
+ protect)
+ (if (eqv? protect 0)
+ (begin
+ (let ((cur_pos (window-get-cursor 'console)))
+ (%clear-window 'console)
+ (window-set-cursor! 'console (car cur_pos) (cdr cur_pos))
+ (%restore-window temp-window window-contents))))
+ ))
+ -1)))) ; error
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a software interrupt
+;;; capability. SW-INT is called with an interrupt number between
+;;; 0 and 255, a return result value, and up to four values which
+;;; will be stuffed into the registers ax,bc,cx,and dx.
+;;; Possible values for the return result are:
+;;; 0 - INTEGER
+;;; 1 - T OR NIL
+;;; 2 - STRING
+;;; (SW-INT 112 0 100 "hello") -
+;;; Invokes interrupt 112 (or 70 hex). Register ax will be loaded
+;;; with a pointer to 100, bx will be loaded with a pointer to
+;;; the string "hello" and registers cx and dx are not used. The
+;;; return value is expected to be an integer. (return values are
+;;; handled the same way that Lattice C expects results from assembly
+;;; language programs.)
+(define sw-int
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((int_num (car args))
+ (return_type (cadr args))
+ (ax (if (null? (cddr args)) "" (caddr args)))
+ (bx (if (null? (cdddr args)) "" (cadddr args)))
+ (cx (if (null? (cddddr args)) "" (car (cddddr args))))
+ (dx (if (null? (cdr(cddddr args))) "" (cadr(cddddr args)))))
+ (if (> (length args) 6)
+ (apply %error-invalid-operand-list (cons 'SW-INT args))
+ ;else
+ (if (or (< int_num 0) (> int_num 255))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'SW-INT int_num)
+ ;else
+ (if (> return_type 3)
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'SW-INT return_type)
+ ;else
+ (%esc7 7 int_num return_type ax bx cx dx)))))))
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a file deletion
+;;; capability. DOS-DELETE is called with an MS-DOS filename
+;;; specifier which may NOT contain wildcard characters. The file
+;;; specification can conatin drive and path specifications. An
+;;; integer is returned indicating if the result was successful or not.
+;;; A successful call will return 0, anything else indicates an error.
+;;; For example:
+;;; (DOS-DELETE "temp.exe")
+(define dos-delete
+ (lambda (filespec)
+ (if (string? filespec)
+ (if (file-exists? filespec)
+ (%esc2 10 filespec)
+ (error "DOS-DELETE: File does not exist!"))
+ (error "DOS-DELETE: Must specify a string!"))))
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a capability to copy
+;;; DOS files. DOS-FILE-COPY is called with two MS-DOS filename
+;;; specifiers. The first file must exist in the current directory,
+;;; the second will be over written over if it does exist or created
+;;; if it doesn't. The file specifications may NOT contain wildcard
+;;; characters. The source file can contain a path specification.
+;;; A drive designator may be specified as the destination
+;;; but the destination may not be blank. If just a drive designation
+;;; is entered then the source file name is appended to the destination.
+;;; An integer is returned indicating if the call was successful or not.
+;;; A zero indicates a successfull call, anything else indicates an error.
+;;; For example:
+;;; (DOS-FILE-COPY "temp.exe" "temp.xxx")
+;;; Remember that Scheme requires the backslash character "\" to be
+;;; escaped, so you must specify two "\\"'s in a character string if
+;;; you want to see one "\".
+;;; compare-spec will return a number that is the first occurence of
+;;; either a backslash or a colon that is not part of the file name.
+(define compare-spec
+ (lambda (len filespec)
+ (if (and (>? len 0)
+ (not (char-ci=? (string-ref filespec (-1+ len)) #\\))
+ (not (char-ci=? (string-ref filespec (-1+ len)) #\:)))
+ (compare-spec (-1+ len) filespec)
+ len)))
+;;; strip-path will take a filespec as input and return just the file
+;;; name without the path specification.
+(define strip-path
+ (lambda (filespec)
+ (substring filespec (compare-spec (string-length filespec) filespec)
+ (string-length filespec))))
+(define dos-file-copy
+ (lambda (filespec1 filespec2)
+ (if (and (string? filespec1) (string? filespec2))
+ (if (file-exists? filespec1)
+ (begin
+; if filespec2 is two characters where the second character is a colon
+; and the first is a letter between A and J then append the filespec1
+ (if (and (equal? (string-length filespec2) 2)
+ (equal? (string-ref filespec2 1) #\:)
+ (char-ci>=? (string-ref filespec2 0) #\a)
+ (char-ci<=? (string-ref filespec2 0) #\j))
+; now if filespec1 contains a pathname then only append the file name
+; portion
+ (set! filespec2 (string-append filespec2
+ (strip-path filespec1))))
+ (%esc3 11 filespec1 filespec2))
+ (error "DOS-FILE-COPY: File does not exist!"))
+ (error "DOS-FILE-COPY: Must specify a string!"))))
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a capability to rename
+;;; files in the current directory. DOS-RENAME is called with two
+;;; MS-DOS filename specifiers. The first must exist and the second
+;;; cannot exist. The filename specifiers may NOT contain wildcard
+;;; characters. The first file name can include drive and path
+;;; specifications, the second cannot. An integer is returned
+;;; indicating if the call was successful or not. For example:
+;;; (DOS-RENAME "temp.exe" "temp.xxx")
+;;; Remember that Scheme requires the backslash character "\" to be
+;;; escaped, so you must specify two "\\"'s in a character string if
+;;; you want to see one "\".
+;;; get-dir will change directories and if neccessary drives and
+;;; return the previous path specification.
+(define get-dir
+ (lambda (filespec p-len)
+ (let ((old-drive '())
+ (old-dir '())
+ (path-spec (substring filespec 0 p-len )))
+;;; p-len will be zero if there is no path or drive specification
+;;; first use dos-chdir to change directories and then if necessary
+;;; change drives
+ (when (<>? p-len 0)
+ (set! old-drive (substring (dos-chdir " ") 0 2))
+ (if (and (>? p-len 1)
+ (equal? (string-ref path-spec 1) #\:))
+ (dos-change-drive (substring path-spec 0 2)))
+ (if (and (>? p-len 1)
+ (equal? (string-ref path-spec (-1+ p-len)) #\\)
+ (not (equal? (string-ref path-spec (- p-len 2))
+ #\:)))
+ (string-set! path-spec (-1+ p-len) #\ ))
+ (set! old-dir (dos-chdir path-spec)))
+ (list old-dir old-drive))))
+;;; reset-dir will change back to the original drive and path
+;;; specification, if necessary.
+(define reset-dir
+ (lambda (old-specs)
+ (when (not (equal? old-specs '(() ()) ))
+ (dos-chdir (car old-specs))
+ (dos-change-drive (cadr old-specs))
+ )))
+(define dos-rename
+ (lambda (filespec1 filespec2)
+ (if (and (string? filespec1) (string? filespec2))
+ (if (file-exists? filespec1)
+ (let ((path-spec (get-dir filespec1
+ (compare-spec (string-length filespec1)
+ filespec1)))
+ (return 0))
+ ; if there is a drive or path to change to that has been done.
+ ; now check if the destination file exists
+ (if (not (file-exists? filespec2))
+ (set! return (%esc3 12 (strip-path filespec1) filespec2))
+ (error "DOS-RENAME: Destination file exists!"))
+ (reset-dir path-spec)
+ return)
+ (error "DOS-RENAME: Source file does not exist!"))
+ (error "DOS-RENAME: Must specify a string!"))))
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a file size capability
+;;; DOS-FILE-SIZE is called with an MS-DOS filename specifier
+;;; which may NOT contain wildcard characters, and returns
+;;; an integer indicating the size of the file. For example:
+;;; (DOS-FILE-SIZE "temp.exe")
+(define dos-file-size
+ (lambda (filespec)
+ (if (string? filespec)
+ (if (file-exists? filespec)
+ (%esc2 15 filespec)
+ (error "DOS-FILE-SIZE: File does not exist!"))
+ (error "DOS-FILE-SIZE: Must specify a string!"))))
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a capability to change
+;;; the current directory. DOS-CHDIR is called with a string
+;;; containing the directory which will become the current directory.
+;;; A string is returned which contains the previous directory.
+;;; For example:
+;;; (DOS-CHDIR "a:\\source")
+;;; Remember that Scheme requires the backslash character "\" to be
+;;; escaped, so you must specify two "\\"'s in a character string if
+;;; you want to see one "\".
+(define dos-chdir
+ (lambda directory
+ (if (null? directory)
+ (%esc2 16 "")
+ ;else
+ (if (string? (car directory))
+ (%esc2 16 (car directory))
+ (error "DOS-CHDIR: Argument must be a string!")))))
+; I personally like the following better, but above will ship for
+; compatibility sake.
+;(define dos-chdir
+; (lambda dir
+; (if (not (null? dir))
+; (if (string? (car dir))
+; (let* ((old-dir (%esc2 16 (car dir))) ; change directory
+; (new-dir (%esc2 16 ""))) ; get new directory
+; (if (string-ci=? old-dir new-dir) ; if new = old?
+; '() ; return failure
+; old-dir)) ; else return old dir
+; (error "DOS-CHDIR: Argument must be a string"))
+; ;else
+; (%esc2 16 ""))))
+;;; The following Scheme function implements a capability to change
+;;; the current drive. DOS-CHANGE-DRIVE is called with a string
+;;; containing the drive which is to become the current drive.
+;;; #!TRUE is returned if the call was successful or not.
+;;; For example:
+;;; (DOS-CHANGE-DRIVE "a:")
+(define dos-change-drive
+ (lambda (filespec)
+ (if (string? filespec)
+ (%esc2 17 filespec)
+ (error "DOS-CHANGE-DRIVE: Must specify a string!"))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pfunarg.s b/newpcs/pfunarg.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d44ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pfunarg.s
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pfunarg.s
+; Last Revision: 12-Nov-85 1100ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; "Funarg" Backups for PCS Primitives ;
+; ;
+; NOTE: ;
+; ;
+; Most of these routines are defined in terms of primitive ;
+; operations with the same name. Thus, they must be compiled ;
+; with PCS-INTEGRATE-PRIMITIVES set true. Also, be sure not to ;
+; use DEFREC!, LETREC, REC, etc., incorrectly. ;
+; ;
+; 4/13/87 TC - Funarg handler for make-string ;
+(define * ; *
+ (lambda args ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ 1)
+ (t (do ((a (car args) (* a (car x)))
+ (x (cdr args) (cdr x)))
+ ((null? x) a))))))
+(define + ; +
+ (lambda args ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ 0)
+ (t (do ((a (car args) (+ a (car x)))
+ (x (cdr args) (cdr x)))
+ ((null? x) a))))))
+(define - ; -
+ (lambda args ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ 0)
+ ((null? (cdr args))
+ (- (car args)))
+ (t (do ((a (car args) (- a (car x)))
+ (x (cdr args) (cdr x)))
+ ((null? x) a))))))
+(define / ; /
+ (lambda args ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ 1)
+ ((null? (cdr args))
+ (/ 1 (car args)))
+ (t (do ((a (car args) (/ a (car x)))
+ (x (cdr args) (cdr x)))
+ ((null? x) a))))))
+(define append ; APPEND
+ (letrec ; for funarg use
+ ((append*
+ (lambda (args)
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ '())
+ ((null? (cdr args))
+ (car args))
+ ((null? (cddr args))
+ (%append (car args)(cadr args)))
+ (else
+ (%append (car args) (append* (cdr args))))))))
+ (lambda args
+ (append* args))))
+(define append! ; APPEND!
+ (letrec ; for funarg use
+ ((append!* ; don't use DEFREC!
+ (lambda (args)
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ '())
+ ((null? (cdr args))
+ (car args))
+ ((null? (cddr args))
+ (append! (car args) (cadr args)))
+ (else
+ (append! (car args) (append!* (cdr args))))))))
+ (lambda args
+ (append!* args))))
+(define char-ready? ; CHAR-READY?
+ (lambda args ; for funarg uses
+ (char-ready? (car args)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define display ; DISPLAY
+ (lambda (exp . rest) ; for funarg uses
+ (display exp ; don't define with defrec!
+ (car rest))))
+(define list ; LIST
+ (lambda x x)) ; (for funarg use)
+(define list* ; LIST*
+ (lambda x ; (for funarg use)
+ (let loop ((x x))
+ (cond ((atom? x) x)
+ ((atom? (cdr x)) (car x))
+ (else (cons (car x) (loop (cdr x))))))))
+(define make-vector ; MAKE-VECTOR
+ (lambda (size . rest) ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (let ((v (make-vector size)))
+ (when rest
+ (vector-fill! v (car rest)))
+ v)))
+(define make-string ; MAKE-STRING
+ (lambda (size . rest) ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (make-string size ; don't define with defrec!
+ (car rest))))
+(define max ; MAX
+ (lambda args ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (if (null? args)
+ 0
+ (do ((a (car args) (max a (car x)))
+ (x (cdr args) (cdr x)))
+ ((null? x) a)))))
+(define min ; MIN
+ (lambda args ; for funarg use, don't use DEFREC!
+ (if (null? args)
+ 0
+ (do ((a (car args) (min a (car x)))
+ (x (cdr args) (cdr x)))
+ ((null? x) a)))))
+(define newline ; NEWLINE
+ (lambda args ; for funarg uses
+ (newline (car args)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define prin1 ; PRIN1
+ (lambda (exp . rest) ; for funarg uses
+ (prin1 exp (car rest)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define princ ; PRINC
+ (lambda (exp . rest) ; for funarg uses
+ (princ exp (car rest)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define print ; PRINT
+ (lambda (exp . rest) ; for funarg uses
+ (print exp (car rest)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define read-line ; READ-LINE
+ (lambda args ; for funarg uses
+ (read-line (car args)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define read-atom ; READ-ATOM
+ (lambda args ; for funarg uses
+ (read-atom (car args)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define read-char ; READ-CHAR
+ (lambda args ; for funarg uses
+ (read-char (car args)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+;; STRING-APPEND should be moved here from PCHREQ.S
+;; (for funarg definition) for consistency
+(define vector ; VECTOR
+ (lambda L
+ (list->vector L)))
+(define write ; WRITE
+ (lambda (exp . rest) ; for funarg uses
+ (write exp (car rest)))) ; don't define with defrec!
+(define write-char ; WRITE-CHAR
+ (lambda (exp . rest) ; for funarg uses
+ (write-char exp (car rest)))) ; don't define with defrec
+(define %xesc ; %XESC (XLI)
+ (lambda (length name . rest)
+ (%execute (compile `(%xesc ,length ,name ,@rest)))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pgencode.s b/newpcs/pgencode.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256d49f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pgencode.s
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pgencode.s
+; Last Revision: 1-Oct-85 1630ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Code Generation ;
+; ;
+; Note: The current implementation never changes REG-BASE, so the
+; registers may be sparsely used. Consider using fewer registers
+; and implementing a wrap-around algorithm.
+; Note: There is currently no check to ensure that DEST never exceeds
+; MAX-REGNUM. Somebody ought to do something about that!
+; (Implementing wrap-around would fix this, too.)
+(define pcs-gencode
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (letrec
+ ((debug-mode pcs-debug-mode)
+ (max-regnum 62) ; highest available register number
+ ; r0 reserved for '()
+ ; r63 used by ppeep
+ (compiled-lambda-list '()) ; code for previously compiled closures
+ (gen-code
+ (lambda (entry-name ; label for the code block
+ body ; expression to be compiled
+ bvl ; bound variable list
+ lex-level ; lambda nesting level
+ senv ; stack component of the lexical environment
+ henv ; heap component of the lexical environment
+ cenv) ; compile-time component of the lex env
+ (letrec
+ (
+ (code '()) ; list of generated instructions and labels
+ (tos -1) ; stack level (size of current frame)
+ (reg-base -1) ; stack offset equivalent to register 0
+ (last-label '()) ; last code entry label referenced
+ (gen
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (cond ((atom? (car x))
+ (case (car x)
+ (quote (gen-quote x dest tr?))
+ (T (gen-id x dest tr?))
+ (lambda (gen-closure x dest tr?))
+ (if (gen-if x dest tr?))
+ (set! (gen-set! x dest tr?))
+ (%call/cc (gen-ccc x dest tr?))
+ (begin (gen-begin (cdr x) dest tr?))
+ (%apply (gen-apply x dest tr?))
+ (letrec (gen-letrec x dest tr?))
+ (else (gen-primitive x dest tr?))))
+ ((eq? (caar x) 'LAMBDA)
+ (gen-let x dest tr?))
+ (else
+ (gen-application x dest tr?)))))
+ (gen-quote
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (emit-load dest
+ (if (null? (cadr x)) 0 x)) ; use R0 for '()
+ (continue dest tr?)))
+ (gen-id
+ (lambda (id dest tr?)
+ (let ((name (id-name id))
+ (info (assq id senv)))
+ (if info
+ (let ((dlevel (- lex-level (cddr info)))
+ (offset (cadr info)))
+ (if (and (zero? dlevel) ( > offset tos))
+ (emit-load dest (- offset reg-base) name)
+ (emit-load dest `(STACK ,offset ,dlevel) name)))
+ (emit-load dest (list 'HEAP name)))
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (gen-set!
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let* ((id (cadr x))
+ (value (caddr x))
+ (name (id-name id))
+ (info (assq id senv)))
+ (gen value dest #!false)
+ (if info
+ (let ((dlevel (- lex-level (cddr info)))
+ (offset (cadr info)))
+ (if (and (zero? dlevel) ( > offset tos))
+ (emit-load (- offset reg-base) dest (cons 'SET name))
+ (emit 'STORE `(STACK ,offset ,dlevel) dest name)))
+ (emit 'STORE (list 'HEAP name) dest))
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (gen-closure
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((label (lambda-label x))
+ (bvl (lambda-bvl x)))
+ (gen-code label
+ (lambda-body x)
+ bvl
+ (add1 lex-level)
+ senv
+ henv
+ cenv)
+ (when (or debug-mode (lambda-closed? x))
+ (emit-load dest ; set up closure name
+ (if (null? (lambda-debug x))
+ 0 ; use R0 for '()
+ (list 'QUOTE (lambda-debug x))))
+ (emit 'CLOSE dest
+ dest
+ (list label (lambda-nargs x)))
+ (set! last-label label)
+ (continue dest tr?)))))
+ (gen-if
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((pred (if-pred x))
+ (then (if-then x))
+ (else (if-else x)))
+ (gen pred dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (let* ((tos0 tos)
+ (out (gensym 'I)))
+ (cond ; (if a b '())
+ ((equal? else ''())
+ (emit-live dest)
+ (emit 'JUMP out 'NULL? dest)
+ (gen then dest tr?)
+ (restore-tos tos0 tr?)
+ (emit-label out)
+ (continue dest tr?)
+ ) ; (if a '() c)
+ ((equal? then ''())
+ (emit 'NOT dest dest)
+ (emit-live dest)
+ (emit 'JUMP out 'NULL? dest)
+ (gen else dest tr?)
+ (restore-tos tos0 tr?)
+ (emit-label out)
+ (continue dest tr?)
+ ) ; (if a a c)
+ ((or (eq? pred then)
+ (and (memq (car pred) ; no side effects?
+ '(%%get-global%%
+ %%get-scoops%%
+ %%get-fluid%%))
+ (equal? pred then)))
+ (emit-live dest)
+ (emit 'JUMP out 'T? dest)
+ (gen else dest tr?)
+ (restore-tos tos0 tr?)
+ (emit-label out)
+ (continue dest tr?)
+ ) ; (if a b c)
+ (else
+ (let ((lelse (gensym 'L)))
+ (emit-live dest)
+ (emit 'JUMP lelse 'NULL? dest)
+ (gen then dest tr?)
+ (restore-tos tos0 tr?)
+ (when (not tr?)
+ (emit-live dest)
+ (emit-jump out))
+ (emit-label lelse)
+ (gen else dest tr?)
+ (restore-tos tos0 tr?)
+ (when (not tr?)
+ (emit-label out)))))
+ ))))
+ (gen-ccc
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let* ((fun (cadr x))
+ (info (assq fun cenv))) ; CENV = () in debug mode
+ (if info
+ (let* ((label (cadr info)) ; open call
+ (delta-level (- lex-level
+ (caddr info)))
+ (delta-heap (- (length henv)
+ (length (cadddr info)))))
+ (set! last-label label)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (if (and tr? ( >= delta-level 0))
+ (emit 'CALL
+ `(OPEN-TR ,label ,delta-level ,delta-heap)
+ 'CC)
+ (begin
+ (save-regs dest)
+ (emit 'CALL
+ `(OPEN ,label ,delta-level ,delta-heap)
+ 'CC)
+ (emit-copy dest 1)
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (begin ; closed call
+ (gen fun dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (if tr?
+ (emit 'CALL 'CLOSED-TR 'CC dest)
+ (begin
+ (save-regs dest)
+ (emit 'CALL 'CLOSED 'CC dest)
+ (emit-copy dest 1))))))))
+ (gen-begin
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (if (null? (cdr x))
+ (gen (car x) dest tr?)
+ (begin
+ (gen (car x) dest #!false)
+ (gen-begin (cdr x) dest tr?)))))
+ (gen-apply
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((fun (cadr x))
+ (arg (caddr x))
+ (dest1 (add1 dest)))
+ (gen arg dest #!false)
+ (gen fun dest1 #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (if tr?
+ (emit 'CALL 'CLOSED-APPLY-TR dest1 dest)
+ (begin
+ (save-regs dest)
+ (emit 'CALL 'CLOSED-APPLY dest1 dest)
+ (emit-copy dest 1))))))
+ (gen-let
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((fun (car x))
+ (args (cdr x)))
+ (gen-args args dest)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (let ((save-henv henv)
+ (save-senv senv)
+ (save-cenv cenv))
+ (set! henv (cons '() henv))
+ (let ((newdest (extend-bvl (lambda-bvl fun) dest)))
+ (gen (lambda-body fun) newdest tr?)
+ (when (not tr?)
+ (restore-regs newdest)
+ (drop dest)
+ (drop-env (- (length henv) ; normally 1 or 0
+ (length save-henv)))
+ (emit-copy dest newdest))
+ (set! henv save-henv)
+ (set! senv save-senv)
+ (set! cenv save-cenv))))))
+ ;;
+ ;; LETREC pairs must be handled VERY carefully! We pass over them three
+ ;; times in order to get CENV, SENV, and (especially) HENV correct when
+ ;; referenced from within the pair expressions.
+ ;;
+ ;; Pass 1 - Determine which runtime variables must be heap allocated
+ ;; and reserve space for them on the heap-allocated stack.
+ ;; When done, HENV and SENV reflect the proper lexical
+ ;; environment for generating the code for the body AND the
+ ;; pairs themselves.
+ ;;
+ ;; Pass 2 - Add all compile-time only variables and "well-behaved"
+ ;; runtime variables to CENV. Note that CENV entries include
+ ;; the HENV in effect at the time of CLOSURE, which is AFTER all
+ ;; pair IDs have been allocated homes (in the first pass).
+ ;;
+ ;; Pass 3 - Generate code to assign pair expression values to pair IDs.
+ ;; Note that Passes 1 and 3 must have exactly the same behavior
+ ;; with respect to maintaining DEST. Thus, they have the same
+ ;; general structure.
+ (gen-letrec
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((save-henv henv)
+ (save-senv senv)
+ (save-cenv cenv))
+ (set! henv (cons '() henv)) ; add a rib
+ (let ((newdest (gen-pairs (letrec-pairs x) dest))
+ (body (letrec-body x)))
+ (gen body newdest tr?)
+ (when (not tr?)
+ (restore-regs newdest)
+ (drop dest)
+ (drop-env (- (length henv) ; normally 1 or 0
+ (length save-henv)))
+ (emit-copy dest newdest))
+ (set! henv save-henv)
+ (set! senv save-senv)
+ (set! cenv save-cenv)))))
+ (gen-pairs
+ (lambda (pairs dest)
+ (gen-pairs-1 pairs dest)
+ (when (not debug-mode)
+ (gen-pairs-2 pairs))
+ (gen-pairs-3 pairs dest)))
+ (gen-pairs-1
+ (lambda (pairs dest)
+ (if (null? pairs)
+ (if (null? (car henv))
+ (set! henv (cdr henv))
+ (begin
+ (set-car! henv (reverse! (car henv)))
+ (emit 'PUSH-ENV (car henv))))
+ (let ((id (caar pairs))
+ (exp (cadar pairs)))
+ (gen-pairs-1
+ (cdr pairs)
+ (if (or debug-mode (id-rtv? id))
+ (if (or debug-mode (id-heap? id))
+ (begin ; heap-alloc lex var
+ (set-car! henv
+ (cons (id-name id) (car henv)))
+ dest)
+ (begin ; stack/reg-alloc lex var
+ (set! senv
+ (cons (cons id
+ (cons (+ reg-base dest)
+ lex-level))
+ senv))
+ (add1 dest))) ; reserve a register
+ dest))))))
+ (gen-pairs-2
+ (lambda (pairs)
+ (when pairs ; not called in debug mode
+ (let ((id (caar pairs))
+ (exp (cadar pairs)))
+ (when (or (not (id-rtv? id))
+ (and (not (id-set!? id))
+ (eq? (car exp) 'lambda)
+ (not (negative? (lambda-nargs exp)))))
+ (set! cenv
+ (cons (list id (lambda-label exp)
+ (add1 lex-level) henv)
+ cenv))))
+ (gen-pairs-2 (cdr pairs)))))
+ (gen-pairs-3
+ (lambda (pairs dest)
+ (if (null? pairs)
+ dest
+ (let ((id (caar pairs))
+ (exp (cadar pairs)))
+ (gen exp dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (gen-pairs-3
+ (cdr pairs)
+ (if (or debug-mode (id-rtv? id))
+ (if (or debug-mode (id-heap? id))
+ (begin
+ (when (not (equal? exp '(quote ())))
+ (emit 'STORE (list 'HEAP (id-name id))
+ dest))
+ dest)
+ (add1 dest))
+ dest))))))
+ ;; Bound variable lists are similar to LETREC pairs, but much easier to
+ ;; deal with, since they are always runtime variables. Thus, EXTEND-BVL
+ ;; is a simplified combination of GEN-PAIRS-1 (setting up HENV and SENV)
+ ;; and GEN-PAIRS-3 (emitting PUSH-ENV instructions when needed).
+ (extend-bvl
+ (lambda (bvl dest)
+ (extend-bvl-1 bvl dest)
+ (extend-bvl-2 bvl dest)))
+ (extend-bvl-1
+ (lambda (bvl dest)
+ (if (null? bvl)
+ (if (and (not debug-mode)
+ (null? (car henv)))
+ (set! henv (cdr henv)) ; null env frame
+ (begin
+ (set-car! henv (reverse! (car henv)))
+ (emit 'PUSH-ENV (car henv))))
+ (let ((id (car bvl)))
+ (if (or debug-mode (id-heap? id))
+ (set-car! henv (cons (id-name id) (car henv)))
+ (set! senv
+ (cons (cons id
+ (cons (+ reg-base dest)
+ lex-level))
+ senv)))
+ (extend-bvl-1 (cdr bvl) (add1 dest))))))
+ (extend-bvl-2
+ (lambda (bvl dest)
+ (if (null? bvl)
+ dest
+ (let ((id (car bvl)))
+ (when (or debug-mode (id-heap? id))
+ (emit 'STORE (list 'HEAP (id-name id)) dest))
+ (extend-bvl-2 (cdr bvl) (add1 dest))))))
+ (gen-application
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((fun (car x)))
+ (let ((nargs (length (cdr x))))
+ (when (not (zero? nargs))
+ (gen-args (cdr x) dest))
+ (let ((info (assq fun cenv))) ; CENV = () in debug mode
+ (if info
+ ;; open call
+ (let* ((label (cadr info))
+ (delta-level (- lex-level
+ (caddr info)))
+ (delta-heap (- (length henv)
+ (length (cadddr info)))))
+ (when (not (= nargs (lambda-nargs (id-init fun))))
+ (syntax-error "Wrong number of arguments in call"
+ (id-name fun)))
+ (set! last-label label)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (if (and tr? ; tail recursive
+ ( >= delta-level 0)) ; frame not needed
+ (begin
+ (move-regs dest 1 nargs)
+ (if (zero? delta-level)
+ (begin
+ (drop-all)
+ (drop-env delta-heap)
+ (emit-live nargs)
+ (emit-jump label))
+ (emit 'CALL
+ `(OPEN-TR ,label ,delta-level
+ ,delta-heap)
+ (list nargs))))
+ (begin
+ (save-regs dest)
+ (move-regs dest 1 nargs)
+ (emit 'CALL
+ `(OPEN ,label ,delta-level ,delta-heap)
+ (list nargs))
+ (emit-copy dest 1)
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ ;; closed call
+ (let ((funreg (+ dest nargs)) ; compute function here
+ (nargs1 (+ nargs 1))) ; then move it here
+ ;; must compute function before moving regs down
+ (gen fun funreg #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (if tr?
+ (begin
+ (move-regs dest 1 nargs1)
+ (emit 'CALL
+ 'CLOSED-TR (list nargs) nargs1))
+ (begin
+ (save-regs dest)
+ (move-regs dest 1 nargs1)
+ (emit 'CALL
+ `CLOSED (list nargs) nargs1)
+ (emit-copy dest 1))))))))))
+ (out-of-registers!
+ (lambda ()
+ (error " *** Compiler ran out of registers ***")))
+ (gen-args
+ (lambda (args dest)
+ (when args
+ (when (> dest max-regnum)
+ (out-of-registers!))
+ (gen (car args) dest #!false)
+ (gen-args (cdr args)(add1 dest)))))
+ (gen-primitive
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((primop (car x)))
+ ;; (when (null? primop)
+ ;; (set! **null-primop** x)
+ ;; (writeln "++ Null primop found, saved in **NULL-PRIMOP**"))
+ (cond (( >= (+ dest (length (cdr x))) max-regnum)
+ (out-of-registers!))
+ ((memq primop '(%%get-global%% %%set-global%%
+ %%get-scoops%% %%set-scoops%%
+ %%def-global%% %%get-fluid%%
+ %%set-fluid%% %%bind-fluid%%
+ %%unbind-fluid%%))
+ (case primop
+ (%%get-global%% (gen-global-ref x dest tr? 'HEAP))
+ (%%set-global%% (gen-global-set x dest tr? 'HEAP))
+ (%%get-scoops%% (gen-global-ref x dest tr? 'GLOBAL))
+ (%%set-scoops%% (gen-global-set x dest tr? 'GLOBAL))
+ (%%def-global%% (gen-global-def x dest tr?))
+ (%%get-fluid%% (gen-fluid-ref x dest tr?))
+ (%%set-fluid%% (gen-fluid-set x dest tr?))
+ (%%bind-fluid%% (gen-fluid-bind x dest tr?))
+ (else (gen-fluid-unbind x dest tr?))))
+ ((memq primop '(%xesc)) ;variable-length instructions
+ (let* ((inst-length (cadr x))
+ (src-regs (gen-prim-args (cddr x) dest))
+ (newdest (if (null? src-regs)
+ dest
+ (car src-regs)))
+ (instr `(,primop ,newdest ,inst-length ,@src-regs)))
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (emit* instr)
+ (emit-copy dest newdest)
+ (continue dest tr?)))
+ ((and (memq primop '(+ - * / ))
+ (eq? (car (caddr x)) 'quote)
+ (integer? (cadr (caddr x)))
+ (< (abs (cadr (caddr x))) 128))
+ (gen (cadr x) dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (emit (cdr (assq primop
+ '((+ . %+imm)(- . %+imm)
+ (* . %*imm)(/ . %/imm))))
+ dest
+ dest
+ (if (eq? primop '-)
+ `(quote ,(minus (cadr (caddr x))))
+ (caddr x)))
+ (continue dest tr?))
+ (else
+ (let* ((src-regs (gen-prim-args (cdr x) dest))
+ (newdest (if (null? src-regs)
+ dest
+ (car src-regs)))
+ (instr (cons primop (cons newdest src-regs))))
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (emit* instr)
+ (emit-copy dest newdest)
+ (continue dest tr?)))))))
+ (gen-prim-args
+ (lambda (args dest)
+ (cond ((null? args) ; 0 args
+ '())
+ ((null? (cdr args)) ; 1 arg
+ (gen (car args) dest #!false)
+ (list dest))
+ (else
+ (let ((arg1 (car args))
+ (arg2 (cadr args))
+ (dest1 (+ dest 1)))
+ (if (and (memq (car arg1) '(t quote %%get-global%%))
+ (not (memq (car arg2) '(t quote %%get-global%%))))
+ (begin
+ (gen arg2 dest #!false)
+ (gen arg1 dest1 #!false) ; lex var or constant
+ (cons dest1
+ (cons dest
+ (gen-prim-args (cddr args)(+ dest 2)))))
+ (begin
+ (gen arg1 dest #!false)
+ (cons dest (gen-prim-args (cdr args) dest1)))))))))
+ (gen-global-ref
+ (lambda (x dest tr? kind)
+ (emit-load dest (list kind (cadr (cadr x))))
+ (continue dest tr?)))
+ (gen-global-set
+ (lambda (x dest tr? kind)
+ (let ((symbol (cadr (cadr x)))
+ (value (caddr x)))
+ (gen value dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (emit 'STORE (list kind symbol) dest)
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (gen-global-def
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((symbol (cadr (cadr x)))
+ (value (caddr x)))
+ (gen value dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (emit 'STORE (list 'GLOBAL-DEF symbol) dest)
+ (emit-load dest (cadr x))
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (gen-fluid-ref
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (emit-load dest (list 'FLUID (cadr (cadr x))))
+ (continue dest tr?)))
+ (gen-fluid-set
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((symbol (cadr (cadr x)))
+ (value (caddr x)))
+ (gen value dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (emit 'STORE (list 'FLUID symbol) dest)
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (gen-fluid-bind
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((symbol (cadr (cadr x)))
+ (value (caddr x)))
+ (gen value dest #!false)
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (emit 'BIND-FLUID symbol dest)
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (gen-fluid-unbind
+ (lambda (x dest tr?)
+ (let ((symlist (cadr (cadr x))))
+ (emit 'UNBIND-FLUIDS symlist)
+ (continue dest tr?))))
+ (continue
+ (lambda (dest tr?)
+ (when tr? ; tail recursive
+ (restore-regs dest)
+ (if (not (= dest 1))
+ (emit-copy 1 dest))
+ (emit 'CALL 'EXIT 1))))
+ (emit
+ (lambda instr
+ (set! code (cons instr code))))
+ (emit*
+ (lambda (instr)
+ (set! code (cons instr code))))
+ (emit-label
+ (lambda (tag)
+ (set! code (cons tag code))))
+ (emit-load
+ (lambda args
+ (set! code (cons (cons 'LOAD args) code))))
+ (emit-copy
+ (lambda (dest src)
+ (if (not (= dest src))
+ (emit 'LOAD dest src))))
+ (emit-live
+ (lambda (reg)
+ (emit 'LIVE
+ (if (zero? reg)
+ '()
+ (cons 1 reg)))))
+ (emit-jump
+ (lambda (label)
+ (set! code (cons (cons 'JUMP (cons label '(ALWAYS)))
+ code))))
+ (emit-push
+ (lambda (reg)
+ (letrec
+ ((pushback
+ (lambda (reg prev curr)
+ (cond ((or (null? curr) ; start
+ (atom? (car curr)) ; label
+ (memq (caar curr)
+ (and (not (atom? (cdar curr)))
+ (equal? reg (cadar curr))
+ (or (not (eq? (caar curr) 'LOAD))
+ (not (number? (caddr (car curr)))))))
+ (let ((tail (cons `(PUSH () ,reg) curr)))
+ (if (null? prev)
+ (set! code tail)
+ (set-cdr! prev tail))))
+ ((and (eq? (caar curr) 'LOAD)
+ (= reg (cadar curr))
+ (number? (caddr (car curr))))
+ (pushback (caddr (car curr)) curr (cdr curr)))
+ (t (pushback reg curr (cdr curr)))))))
+ (begin
+ (pushback reg '() code)
+ (set! tos (add1 tos))
+ (if (not (= tos (+ reg reg-base)))
+ (error " *** EMIT-PUSH error: " reg reg-base tos))))))
+ (emit-pop
+ (lambda (reg)
+ (if (not (= tos (+ reg reg-base)))
+ (error " *** EMIT-POP error: " reg reg-base tos))
+ (emit 'POP reg)
+ (set! tos (sub1 tos))))
+ (save-regs
+ (lambda (reg)
+ (let ((reg-to-push (add1 (- tos reg-base))))
+ (when ( < reg-to-push reg)
+ (emit-push reg-to-push)
+ (save-regs reg)))))
+ (restore-regs
+ (lambda (reg)
+ (let ((reg-to-pop (- tos reg-base)))
+ (when ( >= reg-to-pop reg)
+ (emit-pop reg-to-pop)
+ (restore-regs reg)))))
+ (restore-tos
+ (lambda (tos0 tr?)
+ (cond (tr? (set! tos tos0))
+ (( > tos tos0) (emit-pop (- tos reg-base))
+ (restore-tos tos0 tr?))
+ (( < tos tos0) (emit-push (add1 (- tos reg-base)))
+ (restore-tos tos0 tr?)))))
+ (drop-all
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((count (add1 tos)))
+ (when ( > count 0)
+ (emit 'DROP (list count))
+ (set! tos -1)))))
+ (drop ; drop down to and including REG
+ (lambda (reg)
+ (let* ((newtos (sub1 (+ reg reg-base)))
+ (count (- tos newtos)))
+ (when ( > count 0)
+ (emit 'DROP (list count))
+ (set! tos newtos)))))
+ (drop-env
+ (lambda (count)
+ (when (> count 0)
+ (emit 'DROP-ENV (list count)))))
+ (move-regs
+ (lambda (from to count)
+ (if ( > from to)
+ (when ( > count 0)
+ (emit-copy to from)
+ (move-regs (add1 from)(add1 to)(sub1 count))))))
+ ) ;; body of gen-code
+ (let ((save-henv henv)
+ (save-senv senv)
+ (save-cenv cenv))
+ (set! henv (cons '() henv)) ; add a rib
+ (let ((newdest (if (eq? entry-name '==main==)
+ 1
+ (extend-bvl bvl 1))))
+ (gen body newdest #!true)
+ (set! compiled-lambda-list
+ (cons (cons entry-name
+ (cons last-label (reverse! code)))
+ compiled-lambda-list))
+ (set! henv save-henv)
+ (set! senv save-senv)
+ (set! cenv save-cenv)
+ )))))
+ (flatten
+ (lambda (cl)
+ (if (null? cl)
+ cl
+ (let* ((first (car cl))
+ (label (car first))
+ (last-label (cadr first))
+ (oplist (cddr first))
+ (rest (flat** last-label (cdr cl) '())))
+ (cons label
+ (append! oplist
+ (flatten rest)))))))
+ (flat**
+ (lambda (label a b)
+ (cond ((null? label) a)
+ ((null? a) b)
+ ((eq? label (caar a)) (append! a b))
+ (t (flat** label (cdr a) (cons (car a) b))))))
+ )
+ (begin ;; body of pcs-gencode
+ (gen-code '==main== exp '() 1 '() '() '())
+ (flatten compiled-lambda-list)
+ ))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pgr.s b/newpcs/pgr.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ddc9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pgr.s
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pgr.s
+; Last Revision: 7-May-87
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985, 1986 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley, Rusty Haddock ;
+; ;
+; MIT-Compatible Graphics Routines ;
+; ;
+; Revisions:
+; ds - added support for EGA modes 14, 16
+; rb 11/5/86 - modified for clipping
+; rb 11/17/86 - graphics windows (they don't remember their state, though)
+; mrm 5/07/87 - special handling for setting mode 3
+; ttc 3/11/88 - added support for VGA mode 18
+ (define clear-graphics)
+ (define clear-point)
+ (define draw-point)
+ (define draw-line-to)
+ (define is-point-on?)
+ (define position-pen)
+ (define set-pen-color!)
+ (define set-video-mode!)
+ (define get-video-mode)
+ (define draw-box-to)
+ (define draw-filled-box-to)
+ (define set-palette!)
+ (define point-color) ;new with 3.0
+ (define set-clipping-rectangle!) ; "
+ (define graphics-window) ; "
+ (define get-pen-position) ; "
+ (define get-pen-color) ; "
+ (define current-graphics-window) ; "
+ (define reset-graphics) ;not documented
+ )
+;;; A small note about the global variable PCS-MACHINE-TYPE:
+;;; PCS-MACHINE-TYPE = 0 Machine type unknown
+;;; = 1 TIPC -or- TI Bus-Pro in TIPC mode
+;;; = 252 IBM-PC/AT
+;;; = 253 IBM-PC/jr
+;;; = 254 IBM-PC/XT
+;;; = 255 IBM-PC -or- TI Bus-Pro in PC/AT mode
+;;; No variable CURRENTLY indicates whether or not the PC has
+;;; bit-mapped graphics capabilities. (This would be nice though.)
+(define *graphics-colors* ; *GRAPHICS-COLORS*
+ (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1)
+ '((black . 0) (blue . 1) (red . 2) (magenta . 3)
+ (green . 4) (cyan . 5) (yellow . 6) (white . 7))
+ '((black . 0) (cyan . 1) (magenta . 2) (white . 3)))) ; IBM mode #4
+(define *character-boxes* ; horiz x vert by graphics mode
+ '((TI 9 . 12) (4 8 . 8) (14 8 . 8) (16 8 . 14) (18 8 . 16)))
+;;; extended MIT Graphics Procedures
+;;; TI User coordinates: -360 <= X <= +359
+;;; -150 <= Y <= +149
+;;; IBM User coordinates: -160 <= X <= +159 For 320x200/4-color mode (#4)
+;;; -100 <= Y <= +99
+;;; IBM User coordinates: -320 <= X <= +319 For 640x200/16-color mode (#14)
+;;; -100 <= Y <= +99
+;;; IBM User coordinates: -320 <= X <= +319 For 640x350/16-color mode (#16)
+;;; -175 <= Y <= +174
+;;; IBM User coordinates: -320 <= X <= +319 For 640x480/16-color mode (#18)
+;;; -240 <= Y <= +239
+;;; for IBM, mode 4 values are the default.
+(let ((cur-x '()) ; X,Y should be in fixnum range, else get
+ (cur-y '()) ; "invalid operand" error when %GRAPHICS executes
+ (cur-w 'screen) ; use 'screen for screen, else have window here
+ ; note 'screen and 'console are *not* synonyms
+ (cur-color '())
+ (max-x (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1) 719 319))
+ (max-y (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1) 299 199))
+ (mid-x (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1) 360 160))
+ (mid-y (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1) 149 99))
+ (min-x 0)
+ (min-y 0)
+ (num-clrs (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1) 8 4)))
+ (begin
+ (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1)
+ (set! clear-graphics ; CLEAR-GRAPHICS (TIPC)
+ (lambda ()
+ (reset-graphics)
+ (if (not (eq? cur-w 'screen))
+ (begin
+ (graphics-window cur-w)
+ (position-pen 0 0)
+ (%graphics 7 0 0 1024 1024 0 0)) ; clear window to black
+ (begin
+ (%graphics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) ; Clear the graphics planes
+ (%graphics 0 3 0 0 0 0 0))) ; Enable both text & graphics planes
+ '()))
+ (set! clear-graphics ; CLEAR-GRAPHICS (IBM)
+ (lambda ()
+ (reset-graphics)
+ (if (not (eq? cur-w 'screen))
+ (begin
+ (graphics-window cur-w)
+ (position-pen 0 0)
+ (%graphics 7 0 0 1024 1024 0 0)) ; clear window to black
+ (%graphics 0 (get-video-mode)
+ 0 0 0 0 0)) ; IBM graphics and text are on same
+ ; plane and will SCROLL together!!!
+ (%graphics 2 1 1 0 0 0 0) ; Ensure proper colors are used - CGA
+ '())))
+ (set! reset-graphics
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1)
+ (begin ;TI
+ (set! max-x 719)
+ (set! max-y 299)
+ (set! mid-x 359)
+ (set! mid-y 149)
+ (set! min-x 0)
+ (set! min-y 0)
+ (set! cur-color 7)
+ (position-pen 0 0))
+ (case (get-video-mode) ;IBM
+ (4
+ (set! max-x 319)
+ (set! max-y 199)
+ (set! mid-x 160)
+ (set! mid-y 99)
+ (set! min-x 0)
+ (set! min-y 0)
+ (set! num-clrs 4)
+ (set! *graphics-colors*
+ '((black . 0) (cyan . 1) (magenta . 2) (white . 3)))
+ (set! cur-color (sub1 num-clrs))
+ (position-pen 0 0))
+ ((14 16 18)
+ (set! max-x 639)
+ (set! mid-x 320)
+ (set! min-x 0)
+ (set! min-y 0)
+ (set! num-clrs 16)
+ (set! *graphics-colors*
+ '((black . 0) (blue . 1) (green . 2) (cyan . 3)
+ (red . 4) (magenta . 5) (brown . 6) (white . 7)
+ (gray . 8) (light-blue . 9)
+ (light-green . 10) (light-cyan . 11)
+ (light-red . 12) (light-magenta . 13)
+ (yellow . 14) (intense-white . 15)))
+ (set! cur-color (sub1 num-clrs))
+ (case (get-video-mode)
+ (14
+ (set! max-y 199)
+ (set! mid-y 99))
+ (16
+ (set! max-y 349)
+ (set! mid-y 174))
+ (18
+ (set! max-y 479)
+ (set! mid-y 238)))
+ (position-pen 0 0))
+ (else
+ '())) ; for other modes, do nothing
+ )))
+ (set! draw-point ; DRAW-POINT
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (%graphics 1 (+ x mid-x) (- mid-y y) cur-color 0 0 0)
+ '()))
+ (set! clear-point ; CLEAR-POINT
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (%graphics 1 (+ x mid-x) (- mid-y y) 0 0 0 0)
+ '()))
+ (set! is-point-on? ; IS-POINT-ON?
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (positive? (%graphics 4 (+ x mid-x) (- mid-y y) 0 0 0 0))))
+ (set! point-color ; POINT-COLOR
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (%graphics 4 (+ x mid-x) (- mid-y y) 0 0 0 0)))
+ (set! position-pen ; POSITION-PEN
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (set! cur-x (+ x mid-x))
+ (set! cur-y (- mid-y y))
+ '()))
+ (set! get-pen-position ; GET-PEN-POSITION
+ (lambda ()
+ (cons (- cur-x mid-x) (- mid-y cur-y))))
+ (set! draw-line-to ; DRAW-LINE-TO
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (let ((old-x cur-x)
+ (old-y cur-y))
+ (position-pen x y)
+ (%graphics 3 old-x old-y cur-x cur-y cur-color 0)
+ '())))
+ (set! set-pen-color! ; SET-PEN-COLOR!
+ (lambda (color)
+ (set! cur-color
+ (if (integer? color)
+ (remainder (abs color) num-clrs)
+ (let ((entry (assq color *graphics-colors*)))
+ (if entry
+ (remainder (abs (cdr entry)) num-clrs)
+ (-1+ num-clrs)))))))
+ (set! get-pen-color ; GET-PEN-COLOR
+ (lambda () cur-color))
+ (set! set-video-mode! ; SET-VIDEO-MODE!
+ (lambda (mode)
+ (%graphics 0 mode 0 0 0 0 0)
+ (case pcs-machine-type
+ (1 ;TI mode - do nothing special
+ '())
+ (else ;default to IBM
+ (case mode
+ (3 ;IBM CGA
+ (window-set-attribute! pcs-status-window
+ 'text-attributes #x70))
+ ((14 16 18) ;IBM EGA or VGA
+ (window-set-attribute! pcs-status-window
+ 'text-attributes #x87)))
+ (set! cur-w 'screen)
+ (if (<> mode 3)
+ (reset-graphics)))) ;if you're switching modes in IBM,
+ ;it makes sense to do this too
+ '()))
+ (set! get-video-mode ; GET-VIDEO-MODE
+ (lambda ()
+ (%graphics 5 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
+ (set! draw-box-to ; DRAW-BOX-TO
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (let ((old-x cur-x)
+ (old-y cur-y))
+ (set! cur-x (+ x mid-x))
+ (set! cur-y (- mid-y y))
+ (%graphics 6 old-x old-y cur-x cur-y cur-color 0)
+ '())))
+ (set! draw-filled-box-to ; DRAW-FILLED-BOX-TO
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (let ((old-x cur-x)
+ (old-y cur-y))
+ (set! cur-x (+ x mid-x))
+ (set! cur-y (- mid-y y))
+ (%graphics 7 old-x old-y cur-x cur-y cur-color 0)
+ '())))
+ (set! set-palette! ; SET-PALETTE!
+ (lambda (arg1 arg2)
+ (when (not (and (integer? arg1)
+ (integer? arg2)))
+ (%error-invalid-operand-list 'SET-PALETTE! arg1 arg2))
+ (when (and (>=? pcs-machine-type #xFC) ; IBM
+ (=? arg1 1)
+ (=? (get-video-mode) 4))
+ (set! *graphics-colors*
+ (if (odd? arg2)
+ '((black . 0)(cyan . 1)(magenta . 2)(white . 3))
+ '((black . 0)(green . 1)(red . 2)(yellow . 3)))))
+ (%graphics 2 arg1 arg2 0 0 0 0)
+ '()))
+ (set! set-clipping-rectangle! ; SET-CLIPPING-RECTANGLE!
+ (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2) ;left, top, right, bottom
+ (%graphics 8 (min max-x (max min-x (+ x1 mid-x)))
+ (min max-y (max min-y (- mid-y y1)))
+ (max min-x (min max-x (+ x2 mid-x)))
+ (max min-y (min max-y (- mid-y y2))) 0 0)
+ '()))
+ (set! current-graphics-window ; CURRENT-GRAPHICS-WINDOW
+ (lambda () cur-w))
+ (set! graphics-window ; GRAPHICS-WINDOW
+ (lambda (window)
+ (let ((w (if (eq? window 'screen) 'console window)))
+ (let ((size (window-get-size w))
+ (pos (window-get-position w))
+ (cbox (cdr (assv (cond ((= pcs-machine-type 1) 'TI)
+ ((>= pcs-machine-type #xFC) (get-video-mode))
+ (else pcs-machine-type))
+ *character-boxes*))))
+ (if (null? cbox) (error "Current video mode is not a graphics mode." (get-video-mode)))
+ (let* ((left (* (cdr pos) (car cbox)))
+ (top (* (car pos) (cdr cbox)))
+ (right (sub1 (+ left (* (cdr size) (car cbox)))))
+ (bottom (sub1 (+ top (* (car size) (cdr cbox))))))
+ (%graphics 8 left top right bottom 0 0)
+ (set! mid-x (quotient (+ left right) 2))
+ (set! mid-y (quotient (+ top bottom) 2))
+ (set! min-x left)
+ (set! min-y top)
+ (set! max-x right)
+ (set! max-y bottom)
+ (set! cur-w window)
+ (list (list (- min-x mid-x) (- mid-y min-y)
+ (- max-x mid-x) (- mid-y max-y))
+ (list left top right bottom)))))))
+ '#!false))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pinspect.s b/newpcs/pinspect.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5678bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pinspect.s
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pinspect.s
+; Last Revision: 12-Nov-85 1400ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; The Inspector and %PCS-EDIT-BINDING ;
+; ;
+(define %inspect ; %INSPECT
+ (lambda (cur-env)
+ (cond ((environment? cur-env)
+ (%inspector '() '() '()
+ cur-env
+ (%reify-stack (+ (%reify-stack -1) 6))
+ 0))
+ ((closure? cur-env)
+ (%inspect (procedure-environment cur-env)))
+ (else
+ (display "Invalid operand to INSPECT: ")
+ (display cur-env)))))
+(define %inspector ; %inspector
+ (letrec
+ ((table
+ '((1 . "All") ; ctrl-A
+ (2 . "Backtrace calls") ; ctrl-B
+ (3 . "Current environment frame") ; ctrl-C
+ (4 . "Down to callee") ; ctrl-D
+ (5 . "Edit: ") ; ctrl-E
+ (7 . "Go") ; ctrl-G
+ (9 . "Inspect: ") ; ctrl-I
+ (12 . "List Procedure") ; ctrl-L
+ (13 . "Repeat Breakpoint Message") ; ctrl-M
+ (16 . "`Parent' environment frame") ; ctrl-P
+ (17 . "Quit") ; ctrl-Q
+ (18 . "Return with the value: ") ; ctrl-R
+ (19 . "`Son' environment frame") ; ctrl-S
+ (21 . "Up to caller") ; ctrl-U
+ (22 . "Value of: ") ; ctrl-V
+ (23 . "Where am I?") ; ctrl-W
+ (#\SPACE . "Value of: ")
+ (#\! . "Reinitialize INSPECT!")
+ (#\? . "?")))
+ (repl
+ (lambda ()
+ (pcs-clear-registers)
+ (fresh-line)
+ (newline)
+ (display "[Inspect] ")
+ (flush-input)
+ (let* ((ch (read-char))
+ (key (if (memv ch '(#\SPACE #\! #\?))
+ ch
+ (char->integer ch)))
+ (entry (assv key table)))
+ (when entry
+ (display (cdr entry)))
+ (case key
+ (1 (all cur-env 0)(repl)) ; ctrl-A
+ (2 (newline)(where stk-index) ; ctrl-B
+ (backtrace stk-index)(repl))
+ (3 (newline) ; ctrl-C
+ (current cur-env 0 #!true)
+ (repl))
+ (4 (newline) ; ctrl-D
+ (down)(repl))
+ (5 (let ((ans ; ctrl-E
+ (%pcs-edit-binding '() (read) cur-env)))
+ (when (string? ans)(display ans))
+ (repl)))
+ ((7 18) ; ctrl-G, ctrl-R
+ (leave key))
+ (12 (newline) ; ctrl-L
+ (pp (%reify-stack (+ stk-index 15)))
+ (repl))
+ (13 (newline) ; ctrl-M
+ (display kind)
+ (when kind
+ (when msg (display msg))
+ (newline)
+ (write irritant))
+ (repl))
+ (16 (newline) ; ctrl-P
+ (parent cur-env)(repl))
+ (17 (reset)) ; ctrl-Q
+ (19 (newline) ; ctrl-S
+ (son)(repl))
+ (21 (newline) ; ctrl-U
+ (up)(repl))
+ ((22 #\SPACE)
+ (pp (eval (read) cur-env)) ; ctrl-V, SPACE
+ (repl))
+ (23 (newline) ; ctrl-W
+ (where stk-index)(repl))
+ (#\! (newline)(init)(repl)) ; !
+ (#\? (newline) ; ?
+ (help)(repl))
+ (else
+ (if (eqv? key 9) ; ctrl-I
+ (let ((env (eval (read) cur-env)))
+ (cond ((or (environment? env)
+ (closure? env)
+ (delayed-object? env))
+ (set! (fluid %inspector-continuation) '())
+ (%inspect env))
+ (else
+ (display (integer->char 7)) ; beep
+ (display " ? Not an environment: ")
+ (write env)))
+ (repl))
+ (begin
+ (display (integer->char 7)) ; beep
+ (display " ? Invalid response... Type `?' for help")
+ (repl))))))
+ ))
+ (All
+ (lambda (env depth)
+ (fresh-line)
+ (when (and env (not (eq? env user-global-environment)))
+ (current env depth #!true)
+ (all (environment-parent env) (+ depth 1)))))
+ (Backtrace
+ (lambda (stk-index)
+ (let ((si (%reify-stack (+ stk-index 6))))
+ (fresh-line)
+ (when (positive? si)
+ (display " called from ")
+ (display (%reify-stack (+ si 15)))
+ (backtrace si)))))
+ (Current
+ (lambda (env depth verbose?)
+ (when verbose?
+ (display "Environment frame bindings at level ")
+ (display (+ depth (length son-stk)))
+ (cond ((eq? env user-initial-environment)
+ ((eq? env user-global-environment)
+ (display " (USER-GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT)"))))
+ (when (or verbose?
+ (=? (%reify env -1) 12)) ; not a global environment
+ (let ((frame (environment-bindings env)))
+ (if (null? frame)
+ (begin
+ (newline)
+ (display " --no variables--"))
+ (let loop ((pairs frame))
+ (when pairs
+ (newline)
+ (display " ")
+ (if (char-ready?)
+ (display "[aborted]")
+ (let ((val (cdar pairs)))
+ (display (caar pairs)) ; var
+ (display " ")
+ (tab27 (current-column))
+ (cond ((pair? val)
+ (display "-- list --"))
+ ((vector? val)
+ (display "-- vector --"))
+ (else (write val)))
+ (loop (cdr pairs))))))
+ )))))
+ (Down
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (null? down-stk)
+ (display " ? Can't move Down")
+ (let ((si (car down-stk)))
+ (set! down-stk (cdr down-stk))
+ (set! stk-index si)
+ (set! son-stk '())
+ (set! cur-env (%reify-stack (+ si 9)))
+ (where si)))))
+ (Leave
+ (lambda (key)
+ (cond ((not (zero? exit-code))
+ (newline)
+ (display " ? Sorry, the program is not resumable")
+ (repl))
+ ((eqv? key 7) ; ctrl-G
+ (newline)
+ '())
+ ((memq msg '(BREAK-ENTRY BREAK-EXIT))
+ ((fluid %*BREAK*continuation) (eval (read) cur-env)))
+ (else
+ (newline)
+ (display " ? Sorry, use `ctrl-R' only to return from BREAK")
+ (repl)))))
+ (Parent
+ (lambda (env)
+ (let ((penv (environment-parent env)))
+ (if (null? penv)
+ (display " ? No parent exists")
+ (begin
+ (set! son-stk (cons env son-stk))
+ (set! cur-env penv)
+ (current penv 0 #!true))))))
+ (Son
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (null? son-stk)
+ (display " ? No son exists")
+ (begin
+ (set! cur-env (car son-stk))
+ (set! son-stk (cdr son-stk))
+ (current cur-env 0 #!true)))))
+ (Up
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((si (%reify-stack (+ stk-index 6))))
+ (if (positive? si)
+ (begin
+ (set! down-stk (cons stk-index down-stk))
+ (set! son-stk '())
+ (set! cur-env (%reify-stack (+ si 9)))
+ (set! stk-index si)
+ (where si))
+ (display " ? Can't move Up")))))
+ (Where
+ (lambda (si)
+ (display "Stack frame for ")
+ (display (%reify-stack (+ si 15)))
+ (current cur-env 0 #!false) ))
+ (tab27
+ (lambda (cur)
+ (cond ((>? 24 cur) (display " ")(tab27 (+ cur 3)))
+ ((>? 27 cur) (display " ") (tab27 (+ cur 1)))
+ ((= 27 cur) cur)
+ (else (newline) (tab27 1)))))
+ (init
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! son-stk '())
+ (set! down-stk '())
+ (set! cur-env orig-env)
+ (set! stk-index orig-stk-index) ))
+ (help
+ (lambda ()
+ (mapc (lambda (x)(display x))
+ '(" ? -- display this command summary" #\newline
+ " ! -- reinitialize INSPECT" #\newline
+ " ctrl-A -- display All environment frame bindings" #\newline
+ " ctrl-B -- display procedure call Backtrace" #\newline
+ " ctrl-C -- display Current environment frame bindings" #\newline
+ " ctrl-D -- move Down to callee's stack frame" #\newline
+ " ctrl-E -- Edit variable binding" #\newline
+ " ctrl-G -- Go (resume execution)" #\newline
+ " ctrl-I -- evaluate one expression and Inspect the result"
+ #\newline
+ " ctrl-L -- List current procedure" #\newline
+ " ctrl-M -- repeat the breakpoint Message" #\newline
+ " ctrl-P -- move to Parent environment's frame" #\newline
+ " ctrl-Q -- Quit (RESET to top level)" #\newline
+ " ctrl-R -- Return from BREAK with a value" #\newline
+ " ctrl-S -- move to Son environment's frame" #\newline
+ " ctrl-U -- move Up to caller's stack frame" #\newline
+ " ctrl-V -- eValuate one expression in current environment"
+ #\newline
+ " ctrl-W -- (Where) Display current stack frame" #\newline
+ "To enter `ctrl-A', press both `CTRL' and `A'."
+ ))))
+ ;; data
+ (down-stk '())
+ (son-stk '())
+ (orig-env '())
+ (orig-stk-index '())
+ (msg '())
+ (kind '())
+ (irritant '())
+ (cur-env '())
+ (stk-index '())
+ (exit-code '())
+ )
+ (lambda (msg0 kind0 irritant0 cur-env0 stk-index0 exit-code0)
+ (if (and (fluid-bound? %inspector-continuation)
+ (not (null? (fluid %inspector-continuation))))
+ ((fluid %inspector-continuation) '())
+ (fluid-let ((%inspector-continuation '()))
+ (set! msg msg0)
+ (set! kind kind0)
+ (set! irritant irritant0)
+ (set! cur-env cur-env0)
+ (set! stk-index stk-index0)
+ (set! exit-code exit-code0)
+ (set! orig-env cur-env0)
+ (set! orig-stk-index stk-index0)
+ (init)
+ (call/cc
+ (lambda (k)
+ (set! (fluid %inspector-continuation) k)))
+ (repl)))
+ )))
+;;; argument OBJ: () or value to be edited
+;;; optional arg NAME: symbol
+;;; optional arg ENV: environment for name
+;;; When NAME and ENV are not supplied, %PCS-EDIT-BINDING calls the
+;;; editor to edit OBJ.
+;;; When NAME and ENV are supplied, %PCS-EDIT-BINDING calls the editor
+;;; to create a new binding for the name in the environment. If OBJ is
+;;; nil, the current binding of NAME in ENV is edited instead of OBJ.
+;;; returns either (1) an error message string or
+;;; (2) (LIST edited-value)
+(define %pcs-edit-binding
+ (letrec ((help
+ (lambda (obj name)
+ (if (closure? obj)
+ (let ((info (assq 'SOURCE (%reify obj 0))))
+ (if (null? info)
+ "[No source found for compiled procedure.]"
+ (let ((new (edit (cdr info))))
+ (if (and (pair? new)
+ (eq? (car new) 'LAMBDA))
+ (let ((mode pcs-debug-mode))
+ (set! pcs-debug-mode #!true)
+ (let ((value (eval new)))
+ (set! pcs-debug-mode mode)
+ (%reify! value 0
+ (cons (cons 'SOURCE new) name))
+ (list value)))
+ (list new)))))
+ (list (edit obj))))))
+ (lambda (obj . rebind)
+ (if (null? rebind)
+ (help obj rebind)
+ (let ((name (car rebind))
+ (env (cadr rebind)))
+ (if (and (symbol? name)(environment? env))
+ (let ((value-list (help (or obj (cdr (%env-lu name env)))
+ name)))
+ (if (atom? value-list)
+ value
+ (let ((value (car value-list))
+ (cell (%env-lu name env)))
+ (if (null? cell)
+ (%define name value env)
+ (set-cdr! cell value)))))
+ "[Invalid argument]"))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pio.s b/newpcs/pio.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db1825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pio.s
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pio.s
+; Last Revision: 10-Feb-87 0800ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Standard SCHEME Input/Output Routines ;
+; ;
+; READ modified for R^3 quasi-quote - TC ;
+; READ-STRING removed and coded in asm 2/10/87 - TC ;
+; Random I/O included from David Stevens 2/10/87 - TC ;
+; Fixed input-port? and output-port? 3/13/87 - TC ;
+; Open-binary-input-file,open-binary-output-file 3/13/87 - TC ;
+; compile, etc. removed and placed in PCOMP.S ;
+; for building of compiler-less system 6/02/87 - TC ;
+; LOAD is just defined in terms of FAST-LOAD ;
+; for compilerless systems. Its real definition ;
+; is in PCOMP.S. 6/15/87 - TC ;
+; Set line-length=0 for OPEN-BINARY-OUTPUT-FILE 1/21/88 - RB ;
+; ;
+; The following definitions are used only at compile time for readability
+; and understanding. They will not be written out to the .so file.
+; See pboot.s and compile.all.
+ (compile-time-alias %read-file-flag #b00000001) ; read flag
+ (compile-time-alias %write-file-flag #b00000011) ; write flag(s)
+ (compile-time-alias %window-flag #b00000100) ; window port
+ (compile-time-alias %open-file-flag #b00001000) ; open port
+ (compile-time-alias %binary-file-flag #b00100000) ; binary file
+ (compile-time-alias %string-flag #b01000000) ; string file
+(define call-with-input-file ; CALL-WITH-INPUT-FILE
+ (lambda (filename proc)
+ (let* ((port (open-input-file filename))
+ (answer (proc port)))
+ (close-input-port port)
+ answer)))
+(define call-with-output-file ; CALL-WITH-OUTPUT-FILE
+ (lambda (filename proc)
+ (let* ((port (open-output-file filename))
+ (answer (proc port)))
+ (close-output-port port)
+ answer)))
+(define current-column ; CURRENT-COLUMN
+ (lambda args
+ (+ 1 (%reify-port (car args) 1))))
+(define-integrable current-input-port ; CURRENT-INPUT-PORT
+ (lambda ()
+ (fluid input-port)))
+(define-integrable current-output-port ; CURRENT-OUTPUT-PORT
+ (lambda ()
+ (fluid output-port)))
+(define eof-object? ; EOF-OBJECT?
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (eqv? obj eof))) ; temporary ???
+;;; Compile functions are now in PCOMP.S, ; COMPILE
+;;; which reflects compiler-only functions
+(define fast-load ; FAST-LOAD
+ (lambda (file)
+ (letrec ((fasl
+ (lambda (name)
+ (let ((pgm (%%fasl name)))
+ (when (not (eof-object? pgm))
+ (%execute pgm)
+ (fasl '() ))))))
+ (if (string? file)
+ (if (file-exists? file)
+ (begin
+ (fasl file)
+ 'ok)
+ (error "FAST-LOAD file does not exist" file))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'FAST-LOAD file)))))
+(if (unbound? load)
+ (define load fast-load)) ; LOAD
+(define file-exists? ; FILE-EXISTS?
+ (lambda (name)
+ (and (string? name)
+ (not (string-null? name))
+ (call/cc
+ (fluid-lambda (*file-exists-open*)
+ (let ((port (%open-port name 'read)))
+ (if (port? port)
+ (begin
+ (close-input-port port)
+ #!true)
+ ;else
+ #!false)))))))
+(define flush-input ; FLUSH-INPUT
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((x '())
+ (port (car args)))
+ (if (and (not (zero? (%logand (%reify-port port 11) %open-file-flag)))
+ (zero? (%logand (%reify-port port 11) %read-file-flag))
+ (char-ready? port))
+ (do ((x (read-char port) (read-char port)) )
+ ((or (eq? x #\newline)
+ (eof-object? x)
+ (not (char-ready? port)))))))))
+(define fresh-line ; FRESH-LINE
+ (lambda p
+ (when p (set! p (car p)))
+ (when (positive? (%reify-port p 1))
+ (newline p))))
+(define input-port? ; INPUT-PORT?
+ (lambda (p)
+ (and (port? p)
+ (let ((pflags (%reify-port p 11)))
+ (and (not (zero? (%logand %open-file-flag pflags)))
+ (zero? (%logand %read-file-flag pflags)))))))
+(define line-length ; LINE-LENGTH
+ (lambda args
+ (%reify-port (car args) 5)))
+(define open-input-file ; OPEN-INPUT-FILE
+ (lambda (name) (%open-port name 'read)))
+(define open-binary-input-file ; OPEN-BINARY-INPUT-FILE
+ (lambda (name)
+ (let ((port (%open-port name 'read)))
+ (%reify-port!
+ port
+ 11
+ (%logior %binary-file-flag (%reify-port port 11)))
+ port)))
+(define open-output-file ; OPEN-OUTPUT-FILE
+ (lambda (name) (%open-port name 'write)))
+(define open-binary-output-file ; OPEN-BINARY-OUTPUT-FILE
+ (lambda (name)
+ (let ((port (%open-port name 'write)))
+ (%reify-port!
+ port
+ 11
+ (%logior %binary-file-flag (%reify-port port 11)))
+ (set-line-length! 0 port)
+ port)))
+(define open-extend-file ; OPEN-EXTEND-FILE
+ (lambda (name) (%open-port name 'append)))
+(define close-input-port ; CLOSE-INPUT-PORT
+ (lambda (port) (%close-port port)))
+(define close-output-port ; CLOSE-OUTPUT-PORT
+ (lambda (port) (%close-port port)))
+(define (open-input-string str) ; OPEN-INPUT-STRING
+ (if (string? str)
+ (let ((p (%make-window '())))
+ (%reify! p 0 str)
+ (%reify-port! p 2 3)
+ (%reify-port! p 11 (%logior %string-flag (%reify-port p 11)))
+ p)
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'OPEN-INPUT-STRING str)))
+(define output-port? ; OUTPUT-PORT?
+ (lambda (p)
+ (and (port? p)
+ (let ((pflags (%reify-port p 11)))
+ (and (not (zero? (%logand %open-file-flag pflags)))
+ (not (zero? (%logand %write-file-flag pflags))))))))
+(define read ; READ
+ (letrec
+ ((rd-object
+ (lambda (port qq?)
+ (let ((item (read-atom port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? item) item)
+ ((atom? item) item)
+ (else
+ (let ((item (car item)))
+ (case item
+ (|#(| (rd-vector-tail port qq?))
+ ( |(| (rd-list-tail port qq?))
+ ( |)| (error "Unexpected `)' encountered before `('"))
+ ( |.| (dot-warning)(rd-object port qq?))
+ ( |`| (rd-mac port #!true item #!false))
+ ( |'| (rd-mac port qq? item #!false))
+ ((|[| |]| |{| |}|)
+ item)
+ (else (rd-mac port qq? item #!true)))))))))
+ (rd-mac
+ (lambda (port qq? item qq-op?)
+ (if (and (not qq?) qq-op?)
+ (error "Invalid outside of QUASIQUOTE expression:" item)
+ (let ((obj (rd-object port qq?)))
+ (if (eof-object? obj)
+ (eof-warning)
+ (list (cdr (assq item qq-ops)) obj))))))
+ (rd-vector-tail
+ (lambda (port qq?)
+ (list->vector (rd-tail port qq? #!false '()))))
+ (rd-list-tail
+ (lambda (port qq?)
+ (rd-tail port qq? #!true '())))
+ (rd-tail
+ (lambda (port qq? dot-ok? result)
+ (let ((item (read-atom port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? item)
+ (eof-warning)
+ (reverse! result))
+ ((atom? item)
+ (if (eq? item 'quasiquote)
+ (rd-tail port #!true dot-ok? (cons item result))
+ ;else
+ (rd-tail port qq? dot-ok? (cons item result))))
+ (else
+ (let ((item (car item)))
+ (case item
+ ( |)| (reverse! result))
+ ( |.| (if (and dot-ok? (not (null? result)))
+ (rd-dotted-tail port qq? result)
+ (begin
+ (dot-warning)
+ (rd-tail port qq? dot-ok? result))))
+ (else
+ (let ((obj (case item
+ (|#(| (rd-vector-tail port qq?))
+ ( |(| (rd-list-tail port qq?))
+ ( |`| (rd-mac port #!true item #!false))
+ ( |'| (rd-mac port qq? item #!false))
+ ((|[| |]| |{| |}|)
+ item)
+ (else (rd-mac port qq? item #!true)))))
+ (rd-tail port qq? dot-ok? (cons obj result)))))))))))
+ (rd-dotted-tail
+ (lambda (port qq? result)
+ (let ((tail (rd-tail port qq? #!false '())))
+ (append! (reverse! result)
+ (cond ((and (pair? tail)
+ (null? (cdr tail)))
+ (car tail))
+ (else
+ (dot-warning)
+ tail))))))
+ (dot-warning
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (display "WARNING -- Invalid use of `.' encountered during READ")
+ (newline)))
+ (eof-warning
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (display "WARNING -- EOF encountered during READ")
+ (newline)
+ eof))
+ (qq-ops
+ '((|'| . QUOTE)
+ (|`| . QUASIQUOTE)
+ (|,| . UNQUOTE)
+ (|,.| . UNQUOTE-SPLICING!))))
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((port (car args)))
+ (rd-object port #!false)))))
+; READ-LINE re-coded in assembly language on 2-10-86 by TC
+;(define read-line ; READ-LINE
+; (lambda args
+; (define (readln-rec port n char char-list)
+; (cond ((eof-object? char)
+; (if (null? char-list)
+; char
+; (fill-string (trim char-list))))
+; ((eqv? char #\return)
+; (if (null? char-list)
+; ""
+; (fill-string (trim char-list))))
+; ((eqv? char #\newline)
+; (readln-rec port n (read-char port) char-list))
+; (else
+; (readln-rec port (+ n 1) (read-char port)
+; (cons char char-list)))))
+; (define (trim char-list)
+; (cond ((null? char-list)
+; '())
+; ((eqv? (car char-list) #\space)
+; (trim (cdr char-list)))
+; (else
+; char-list)))
+; (define (fill-string char-list)
+; (let ((size (length char-list)))
+; (fill-rec char-list (- size 1) (make-string size '()))))
+; (define (fill-rec char-list i string)
+; (if (null? char-list)
+; string
+; (begin
+; (string-set! string i (car char-list))
+; (fill-rec (cdr char-list) (- i 1) string))))
+; (let ((port (and args (car args))))
+; (readln-rec port 0 (read-char port) '()))))
+(define set-line-length! ; SET-LINE-LENGTH!
+ (lambda (value . rest)
+ (%reify-port! (car rest) 5 value)
+ '()))
+(define transcript-on)
+(define transcript-off)
+(let ((port '()))
+ (set! transcript-on ; TRANSCRIPT-ON
+ (lambda (file)
+ (when (not (null? port))
+ (transcript-off))
+ (cond ((string? file)
+ (set! port (open-extend-file file))
+ (if (port? port)
+ (begin
+ (%transcript port)
+ 'ok )
+ (begin
+ (set! port '())
+ (error "Unable to open transcript file" file))))
+ ((window? file)
+ (set! port file)
+ (%transcript file)
+ 'ok)
+ (else
+ (error "Invalid argument to transcript-on" file)))))
+ (set! transcript-off ; TRANSCRIPT-OFF
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (not (null? port))
+ (%transcript '())
+ (close-output-port port)
+ (set! port '()))
+ 'ok)))
+;;; WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE and WITH-OUTPUT-TO-FILE need to be rewritten
+;;; to use DYNAMIC-WIND, or its equivalent.
+(define with-input-from-file ; WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE
+ (lambda (filename thunk)
+ (let ((port (open-input-file filename)))
+ (if (port? port)
+ (let ((ans (fluid-let ((input-port port)) (thunk))))
+ (close-input-port port)
+ ans)
+ port))))
+(define with-output-to-file ; WITH-OUTPUT-TO-FILE
+ (lambda (filename thunk)
+ (let ((port (open-output-file filename)))
+ (if (port? port)
+ (let ((ans (fluid-let ((output-port port)) (thunk))))
+ (close-output-port port)
+ ans)
+ port))))
+(define window? ; WINDOW?
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (and (port? obj)
+ (positive? (%logand (%reify-port obj 11) %window-flag)))))
+(define writeln ; WRITELN
+ (lambda args
+ (do ((args args (cdr args)))
+ ((null? args)
+ (newline))
+ (display (car args)))))
+;* SET-FILE-POSITION will move the file pointer to a new position *
+;* and update a pointer in the buffer to point to a new location. *
+;* The offset variable can be: *
+;* 0 for positioning from the start of the file *
+;* 1 for positioning relative to the current position *
+;* 2 for positioning from the end of the file *
+(define set-file-position! ; SET-FILE-POSITION!
+ (lambda (port #-of-bytes offset)
+ (let ((current-pos (%reify-port port 9))
+ (end-of-buffer (%reify-port port 10))
+ (new-pos '())
+ (current-chunk (max 0 (-1+ (%reify-port port 12))))
+ (new-chunk '())
+ (messages '())
+ (file-size (+ (* (%reify-port port 4) 65536) (%reify-port port 6)))
+ (port-flags (%reify-port port 11)))
+ (if (and (port? port)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags %window-flag) 0))
+ (case offset
+ ((0) ; offset from the start of the file
+ (set! #-of-bytes (abs #-of-bytes))
+ (if (=? (%logand port-flags %write-file-flag) 0)
+ (set! #-of-bytes (min #-of-bytes file-size)))
+ (set! new-chunk (truncate (/ #-of-bytes 256)))
+ (set! new-pos (- #-of-bytes (* new-chunk 256)))
+ (if (and ( new-pos end-of-buffer)
+ (>=? new-pos 0)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags %write-file-flag) 0) ; open for reading
+ (=? new-chunk current-chunk))
+ (%reify-port! port 9 new-pos)
+ (%sfpos port new-chunk new-pos)))
+ ((1) ; offset from the current position
+ (set! new-pos (+ current-pos #-of-bytes))
+ (if (and ( new-pos end-of-buffer)
+ (>=? new-pos 0)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags %write-file-flag) 0)) ; open for reading
+ (%reify-port! port 9 new-pos)
+ (begin
+ (set! new-pos (+ (+ current-pos (* 256 current-chunk))
+ #-of-bytes)) ; offset from the begining of the file
+ (if (and (>? new-pos file-size)
+ (=? (%logand port-flags %write-file-flag) 0))
+ (set! new-pos file-size))
+ (if ( new-pos 0)
+ (set! new-pos 0))
+ (set! new-chunk (truncate (/ new-pos 256)))
+ (%sfpos port new-chunk (- new-pos (* new-chunk 256))))))
+ ((2) ; offset from the end of the file
+ (set! #-of-bytes (min (abs #-of-bytes) file-size))
+ (set! new-pos (- file-size (abs #-of-bytes))) ; absolute position
+ (set! new-chunk (truncate (/ new-pos 256)))
+ (set! new-pos (- new-pos (* new-chunk 256))) ; buffer position
+ (if (=? (%logand port-flags %write-file-flag) 0)
+ (if (and ( new-pos end-of-buffer)
+ (>=? new-pos 0)
+ (=? new-chunk current-chunk))
+ (%reify-port! port 9 new-pos)
+ (%sfpos port new-chunk new-pos))
+ (error
+ "SET-FILE-POSITION! - offset from EOF only valid for input files")
+ ))
+ (else (%error-invalid-operand 'SET-FILE-POSITION! offset)))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'SET-FILE-POSITION! port)))))
+;* get-file-position will return the current file position in the *
+;* number of bytes from the beginning of the file. *
+;(define get-file-position
+; (lambda (port)
+; (let (( result '())
+; (chunk (max 1 (%reify-port port 12))))
+; (if (and (port? port)
+; (=? (%logand (%reify-port port 11) %window-flag) 0))
+; (set! result (+ (* 256 (-1+ chunk)) ; chunk#
+; (%reify-port port 9))) ; current position
+; (set! result "Needs to be a port/file object!"))
+; result)))
+(define get-file-position ; GET-FILE-POSITION
+ (lambda (port)
+ (if (and (port? port)
+ (=? (%logand (%reify-port port 11) %window-flag) 0))
+ (+ (* 256 (-1+ (max 1 (%reify-port port 12)))) ; chunk#
+ (%reify-port port 9)) ; offset within chunk
+ (error "Invalid argument to GET-FILE-POSITION. Port object must represent a file." port))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pmacros.s b/newpcs/pmacros.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586f05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pmacros.s
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pmacros.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985, 1987 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Standard Macro Definitions ;
+; ;
+; Revision history:
+; db 10/04/85 - original
+; rb 05/23/86 - treat (define var form1 ...) illegal--when "var" is a symbol,
+; there can be at most 1 form in the body
+; tc 1/27/87 - Included new quasiquote expand.
+; tc 2/10/87 - changed unfold-define so that MIT style define is not expanded
+; into named-lambda unless pcs-integrate-define is #T. This is
+; required for the R^3 Report.
+; rb 4/ 5/87 - included XCALL macro for XLI
+; runtime version of CREATE-SCHEME-MACRO is in PSTL.S
+; (because this file isn't used when making runtime system)
+(define create-scheme-macro ; CREATE-SCHEME-MACRO
+ (lambda (name handler)
+ (putprop name handler 'PCS*MACRO)
+ name))
+(define %expand-syntax-form ; %EXPAND-SYNTAX-FORM
+ (lambda (form pat exp)
+ (letrec
+ ((compare
+ (lambda (f p)
+ (cond ((atom? p)
+ (cond ((symbol? p)
+ (list (cons p f)))
+ ((and (null? p) (null? f))
+ '())
+ (else (oops))))
+ ((atom? f)
+ (oops))
+ ((atom? (car p))
+ (cons (cons (car p)(car f))
+ (compare (cdr f)(cdr p))))
+ (else
+ (append! (compare (car f)(car p))
+ (compare (cdr f)(cdr p)))))))
+ (substitute
+ (lambda (id-list exp)
+ (cond ((pair? exp)
+ (cons (substitute id-list (car exp))
+ (substitute id-list (cdr exp))))
+ ((symbol? exp)
+ (let ((x (assq exp id-list)))
+ (if (null? x)
+ exp
+ (cdr x))))
+ (else exp))))
+ (oops
+ (lambda ()
+ (syntax-error "Invalid special form" form))))
+ (substitute (compare (cdr form) pat) exp))))
+ ((csm
+ (lambda (name handler)
+ (putprop name handler 'PCS*MACRO)))
+ (make-begin
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (cdr x) (cons 'BEGIN x) (car x))))
+ (unfold-define
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((op (car form)) ; DEFINE or DEFINE-INTEGRABLE
+ (spec (cadr form)) ; ID or (spec . bvl)
+ (body (cddr form))) ; rest after removing first 2 elts
+ (cond ((null? body)
+ (unfold-define `(,op ,spec '#!UNASSIGNED)))
+ ((pair? spec)
+ (let ((name (car spec))
+ (bvl (cdr spec)))
+ (pcs-chk-bvl form bvl #!true)
+ (unfold-define
+ (if (pair? name)
+ `(,op ,name (LAMBDA ,bvl . ,body))
+ (if pcs-integrate-define
+ `(,op ,name (NAMED-LAMBDA ,spec . ,body))
+ `(,op ,name (LAMBDA ,bvl . ,body))) ))))
+ (else
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ form)))))
+ ;; EXPAND-QUASIQUOTE is adapted from an algorithm placed in
+ ;; the public domain (the RRRS-Authors mailing list) on
+ ;; 22-Dec-86 by Jonathan Rees of MIT.
+ (expand-quasiquote
+ (lambda (x level)
+ (descend-quasiquote x level finalize-quasiquote)))
+ (finalize-quasiquote
+ (lambda (mode arg)
+ (cond ((eq? mode 'QUOTE) `',arg)
+ ((eq? mode 'UNQUOTE) arg)
+ ((eq? mode 'UNQUOTE-SPLICING)
+ (syntax-error ",@ in illegal context" arg))
+ ((eq? mode 'UNQUOTE-SPLICING!)
+ (syntax-error ",. in illegal context" arg))
+ (else `(,mode ,@arg)))))
+ (descend-quasiquote
+ (lambda (x level return)
+ (cond ((vector? x)
+ (descend-quasiquote-vector x level return))
+ ((not (pair? x))
+ (return 'QUOTE x))
+ ((eq? (car x) 'QUASIQUOTE)
+ (descend-quasiquote-pair x (+ level 1) return))
+ (if (zero? level)
+ (return (car x) (cadr x))
+ (descend-quasiquote-pair x (- level 1) return)))
+ (else
+ (descend-quasiquote-pair x level return)))))
+ (descend-quasiquote-pair
+ (lambda (x level return)
+ (descend-quasiquote (car x) level ; process (car x)
+ (lambda (car-mode car-arg)
+ (descend-quasiquote (cdr x) level ; process (cdr x)
+ (lambda (cdr-mode cdr-arg)
+ (cond ((and (eq? car-mode 'QUOTE)
+ (eq? cdr-mode 'QUOTE))
+ (return 'QUOTE x))
+ ((eq? car-mode 'UNQUOTE-SPLICING) ; (,@foo ...)
+ (if (and (eq? cdr-mode 'QUOTE)
+ (null? cdr-arg))
+ (return 'UNQUOTE car-arg)
+ (return 'APPEND
+ (list car-arg
+ (finalize-quasiquote
+ cdr-mode cdr-arg)))))
+ ((eq? car-mode 'UNQUOTE-SPLICING!) ; (,.foo ...)
+ (if (and (eq? cdr-mode 'QUOTE)
+ (null? cdr-arg))
+ (return 'UNQUOTE car-arg)
+ (return 'APPEND!
+ (list car-arg
+ (finalize-quasiquote
+ cdr-mode cdr-arg)))))
+ (else
+ (return 'CONS
+ (list (finalize-quasiquote car-mode car-arg)
+ (finalize-quasiquote cdr-mode cdr-arg)
+ )))
+ )))))))
+ (descend-quasiquote-vector
+ (lambda (x level return)
+ (descend-quasiquote (vector->list x) level
+ (lambda (mode arg)
+ (if (eq? mode 'QUOTE)
+ (return 'QUOTE x)
+ (return 'LIST->VECTOR
+ (list (finalize-quasiquote mode arg))))))))
+ )
+;---- begin LETREC body ----
+(csm 'access ; ACCESS
+ (lambda (form)
+ (letrec ((help
+ (lambda (form L)
+ (let ((sym (car L))
+ (env (if (null? (cddr L)) ; (access sym env)
+ (cadr L)
+ (list 'CDR (help form (cdr L))))))
+ (pcs-chk-id form sym)
+ `(%ENV-LU (QUOTE ,sym) ,env)))))
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((id (cadr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-id form id)
+ (if (null? (cddr form))
+ id ; (access id)
+ (list '%CDR
+ (help form (cdr form))))))))
+(csm 'alias ; ALIAS
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ (let ((id (cadr form))
+ (exp (caddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-id form id)
+ ',id
+ (CONS 'ALIAS ',exp)))))
+(csm 'and ; AND
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ (cond ((null? (cdr form)) #!true)
+ ((null? (cddr form)) (cadr form))
+ (else `(IF ,(cadr form)
+ (AND . ,(cddr form))
+ #!FALSE)))))
+(csm 'apply-if ; APPLY-IF
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 4)
+ (let ((pred (cadr form))
+ (fn (caddr form))
+ (body (cadddr form)))
+ `(LET ((%00000 ,pred))
+ (IF %00000 (,fn %00000)
+ ,body)))))
+(csm 'assert ; ASSERT
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((pred (cadr form))
+ (msg (cons 'LIST (cddr form)))
+ (env (if pcs-debug-mode '(THE-ENVIRONMENT) '())))
+ `(IF ,pred
+ '()
+ '()))))) ; make call non-tail-recursive
+(csm 'begin0 ; BEGIN0
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((first (cadr form))
+ (rest (cddr form)))
+ `(LET ((%00000 ,first))
+ (BEGIN ,@rest %00000)))))
+(csm 'bkpt ; BKPT
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ ,(caddr form)
+ '()))) ; make call non-tail-recursive
+(csm 'case ; CASE
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((tag (cadr form))
+ (pairs (cddr form)))
+ `(LET ((%00000 ,tag))
+ ,(let loop ((p pairs))
+ (if (null? p)
+ p
+ (let ((clause (car p)))
+ (pcs-chk-length>= clause clause 2)
+ (let ((match (if (and (pair? (car clause))
+ (atom? (caar clause))
+ (null? (cdar clause)))
+ (caar clause)
+ (car clause)))
+ (result `(BEGIN . ,(cdr clause))))
+ (if (and (null? (cdr p))
+ (eq? match 'ELSE))
+ result
+ (let ((test (if (pair? match) 'MEMV 'EQV?)))
+ `(IF (,test %00000 ',match)
+ ,result
+ ,(loop (cdr p)))))))))))))
+(csm 'cond ; COND
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ (let ((e (cdr form)))
+ (if (null? e)
+ e
+ (let ((clause (car e)))
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form clause 1)
+ (if (and (null? (cdr e))
+ (eq? (car clause) 'ELSE)) ; T handled by PME/PSIMP
+ (if (null? (cdr clause))
+ #!true
+ (make-begin (cdr clause))) ; exp
+ (let ((test (car clause)) ; a
+ (then (cdr clause))) ; b
+ (if (null? (cdr e)) ; (... (a b))
+ (if (null? then)
+ test
+ `(IF ,test ,(make-begin then) #!FALSE))
+ (if (null? then)
+ `(OR ,test
+ (COND . ,(cdr e)))
+ `(IF ,test ,(make-begin then)
+ (COND . ,(cdr e))))))))))))
+(csm 'cons-stream ; CONS-STREAM
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ ,(cadr form)
+ (%DELAY (LAMBDA () ,(caddr form))))))
+(csm 'define ; DEFINE
+ (lambda (form)
+ (unfold-define form)))
+(csm 'define-integrable ; DEFINE-INTEGRABLE
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ (let* ((form (unfold-define form))
+ (id (cadr form))
+ (exp (caddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-id form id)
+ (PUTPROP ',id
+ (QUOTE ,id)))))
+(csm 'define-structure ; DEFINE-STRUCTURE
+ (lambda (form)
+ (%define-structure form)))
+(csm 'delay ; DELAY
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 2)
+ (%DELAY (LAMBDA () ,(cadr form))))))
+(csm 'do ; DO
+ (lambda (form)
+ (letrec ((triplify
+ (lambda (old new)
+ (if (atom? old)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (reverse! new)
+ (syntax-error "Invalid DO triples list: " form))
+ (let* ((x (car old))
+ (y (cond ((atom? x)
+ (list x '() x))
+ ((atom? (cdr x))
+ (list (car x) '() (car x)))
+ ((atom? (cddr x))
+ (list (car x)(cadr x)(car x)))
+ ((null? (cdddr x))
+ x)
+ (else (syntax-error
+ "Invalid DO list item: "
+ x)))))
+ (pcs-chk-id x (car y))
+ (triplify (cdr old)(cons y new)))))))
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 3)
+ (let* ((triples (triplify (cadr form) '()))
+ (vars (mapcar car triples))
+ (inits (mapcar cadr triples))
+ (steps (mapcar caddr triples))
+ (term (caddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form term 1)
+ (let* ((test (car term))
+ (body `(BEGIN ,@(cdddr form) (%00000 . ,steps)))
+ (loop (if (null? (cdr term))
+ `(LET ((%00001 ,test))
+ (IF %00001 %00001 ,body))
+ `(IF ,test (BEGIN . ,(cdr term)) ,body))))
+ `((REC %00000
+ (LAMBDA ,vars ,loop))
+ . ,inits))))))
+(csm 'error ; ERROR
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((msg (cadr form))
+ (irr (cond ((null? (cddr form))
+ '())
+ ((null? (cdddr form))
+ (caddr form))
+ (else
+ (cons 'LIST (cddr form)))))
+ (env (if pcs-debug-mode '(THE-ENVIRONMENT) '())))
+ `(BEGIN (ERROR-PROCEDURE ,msg ,irr ,env)
+ '())))) ; make call non-tail-recursive
+(csm 'fluid ; FLUID
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 2)
+ (pcs-chk-id form (cadr form))
+ `(%%GET-FLUID%% (QUOTE ,(cadr form)))))
+(csm 'fluid-bound? ; FLUID-BOUND?
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 2)
+ (pcs-chk-id form (cadr form))
+ `(%%FLUID-BOUND?%% (QUOTE ,(cadr form)))))
+(csm 'fluid-lambda ; FLUID-LAMBDA
+ (lambda (form)
+ (letrec
+ ((add-bindings
+ (lambda (bvl fvl body-list)
+ (if (null? bvl)
+ (cons 'BEGIN body-list)
+ (add-bindings (cdr bvl) (cdr fvl)
+ `((%%BIND-FLUID%%
+ (QUOTE ,(car fvl))
+ ,(car bvl))
+ . ,body-list))))))
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 3)
+ (pcs-chk-bvl form (cadr form) #!false)
+ (if (null? (cadr form))
+ (cons 'LAMBDA (cdr form))
+ (let* ((fvl (cadr form))
+ (bvl (mapcar (lambda (fv)(gensym '*))
+ fvl))
+ (ans (gensym '*))
+ (body (cons 'BEGIN (cddr form))))
+ (list 'LAMBDA
+ bvl
+ (add-bindings
+ (reverse bvl) ; don't use REVERSE!
+ (reverse fvl)
+ `((LET ((,ans ,body))
+ (%%UNBIND-FLUID%% ',fvl)
+ ,ans))))))))))
+(csm 'fluid-let ; FLUID-LET
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 3)
+ (let ((pairs (cadr form))
+ (body (cddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-pairs form pairs)
+ `((FLUID-LAMBDA ,(mapcar car pairs)
+ (BEGIN . ,body))
+ . ,(mapcar cadr pairs)))))
+(csm 'freeze ; FREEZE
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((body (cdr form)))
+ `(LAMBDA () . ,body))))
+(csm 'inspect ; INSPECT
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ (let ((env (if (cdr form)
+ (begin
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 2)
+ (cadr form))
+ `(begin
+ (%inspect ,env)
+ *the-non-printing-object*))))
+(csm 'let ; LET
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 3)
+ (if (and (symbol? (cadr form)) ; named LET
+ (not (null? (cadr form))))
+ (begin
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 4)
+ (let ((name (cadr form))
+ (pairs (caddr form))
+ (body (cdddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-pairs form pairs)
+ `((REC ,name (LAMBDA ,(mapcar car pairs) . ,body))
+ . ,(mapcar cadr pairs))))
+ (let ((pairs (cadr form)) ; unnamed LET
+ (body (cddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-pairs form pairs)
+ `((LAMBDA ,(mapcar car pairs)
+ . ,body)
+ . ,(mapcar cadr pairs))))))
+(csm 'let* ; LET*
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 3)
+ (let ((pairs (cadr form))
+ (body (cddr form)))
+ (if (null? pairs)
+ `(BEGIN . ,body)
+ (begin
+ (pcs-chk-pairs form pairs)
+ (let ((id (caar pairs))
+ (exp (cadar pairs)))
+ `((LAMBDA (,id)
+ (LET* ,(cdr pairs) . ,body))
+ ,exp)))))))
+(csm 'macro ; MACRO
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ (let ((id (cadr form))
+ (fn (caddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-id form id)
+(csm 'make-environment ; MAKE-ENVIRONMENT
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ `(LET ()
+ ,@(cdr form)
+(csm 'make-hashed-environment ; MAKE-HASHED-ENVIRONMENT
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ `(LET ()
+ (%make-hashed-environment))))
+(csm 'named-lambda ; NAMED-LAMBDA
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 3)
+ (let ((bvl+ (cadr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-bvl form bvl+ (not (atom? bvl+)))
+ (let ((name (car bvl+))
+ (bvl (cdr bvl+))
+ (body (cddr form)))
+ `(REC ,name (LAMBDA ,bvl . ,body))))))
+(csm 'or ; OR
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ (cond ((null? (cdr form)) #!false)
+ ((null? (cddr form)) (cadr form))
+ ((or (atom? (cadr form))
+ (eq? (car (cadr form)) 'QUOTE))
+ `(IF ,(cadr form) ,(cadr form)
+ (OR . ,(cddr form))))
+ (else
+ `(LET ((%00000 ,(cadr form)))
+ (IF %00000 %00000
+ (OR . ,(cddr form))))))))
+(csm 'quasiquote ; QUASIQUOTE
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 2)
+ (expand-quasiquote (cadr form) 0)))
+(csm 'rec ; REC
+ (letrec ((nice-bvl?
+ (lambda (bvl)
+ (cond ((null? bvl) #!true)
+ ((atom? bvl) #!false)
+ ((eq? (car bvl) '#!OPTIONAL) #!false)
+ (else (nice-bvl? (cdr bvl)))))))
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ (let ((id (cadr form))
+ (exp (caddr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-id form id)
+ (if (and (not pcs-debug-mode)
+ (pair? exp)
+ (eq? (car exp) 'LAMBDA)
+ (pair? (cdr exp))
+ (nice-bvl? (cadr exp)))
+ (let ((bvl (cadr exp)))
+ `(LETREC ((,id ,exp))
+ (LAMBDA ,bvl (,id . ,bvl))))
+ `(LETREC ((,id ,exp)) ,id))))))
+(csm 'sequence ; SEQUENCE
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ (cons 'BEGIN (cdr form))))
+(csm 'set-fluid! ; SET-FLUID!
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ (pcs-chk-id form (cadr form))
+ `(%%SET-FLUID%% (QUOTE ,(cadr form))
+ ,(caddr form))))
+(csm 'set! ; SET!
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ (let ((spec (cadr form))
+ (value (caddr form)))
+ (if (pair? spec)
+ (let ((op (car spec)))
+ (case op
+ (pcs-chk-length>= spec spec 2)
+ (let ((sym (cadr spec))
+ (env (cond ((null? (cddr spec))
+ ((null? (cdddr spec))
+ (caddr spec))
+ (else
+ `(ACCESS . ,(cddr spec))))))
+ (pcs-chk-id spec sym)
+ `(LET ((%00000 ,env))
+ (%DEFINE ',sym ,value %00000)
+ '())
+;;; `(LET* ((%00000 ; do this first, since it
+;;; ,env) ; may be (THE-ENVIRONMENT)
+;;; (%00001 ,value)
+;;; (%00002 (%SET-GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT %00000)))
+;;; (%%DEF-GLOBAL%% ',sym %00001)
+;;; '())
+ ))
+ ((FLUID)
+ (pcs-chk-length= spec spec 2)
+ (pcs-chk-id spec (cadr spec))
+ `(SET-FLUID! ,(cadr spec) ,value))
+ (pcs-chk-length= spec spec 3)
+ `(VECTOR-SET! ,(cadr spec) ,(caddr spec) ,value))
+ (else
+ (let ((mac (getprop op 'PCS*MACRO)))
+ (if (null? mac)
+ (let ((g (getprop op 'PCS*PRIMOP-HANDLER)))
+ (if (and (pair? g)
+ (eq? (car g) 'DEFINE-INTEGRABLE)
+ (pair? (cdr g))
+ (eq? (cadr g) 'LAMBDA)
+ (pair? (cddr g))
+ (pair? (cdddr g))
+ (null? (cddddr g)))
+ (let ((args (caddr g))
+ (body (cadddr g)))
+ `((LAMBDA ,args (SET! ,body ,value))
+ ,@(cdr spec)))
+ form))
+ `(SET! ,(if (pair? mac)
+ (cons (cdr mac)(cdr spec)) ; alias
+ (mac spec)) ; macro
+ ,value))))))
+ form))))
+(csm 'syntax ; SYNTAX
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)
+ (let ((pat (cadr form))
+ (exp (caddr form)))
+ (if (and (pair? pat)(symbol? (car pat)))
+ ',(car pat) ; macro name
+ (%EXPAND-SYNTAX-FORM FORM ',(cdr pat) ',exp)))
+ (syntax-error "Invalid SYNTAX form: " form)))))
+(csm 'unassigned? ; UNASSIGNED?
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 2)
+ (let ((sym (cadr form)))
+ (pcs-chk-id form sym)
+ `(EQ? ,sym '#!UNASSIGNED))))
+(csm 'unbound? ; UNBOUND?
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (let ((sym (cadr form))
+ (env (cond ((null? (cddr form))
+ ((null? (cdddr form))
+ (caddr form))
+ (else
+ (cons 'ACCESS (cddr form))))))
+ (pcs-chk-id form sym)
+ `(NULL? (%ENV-LU (QUOTE ,sym) ,env)))))
+(csm 'xcall ; XCALL (for XLI)
+ (lambda (e)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= e e 2)
+ (let ((fn (cadr e))
+ (args (cddr e)))
+ `(%xesc ,(+ (length args) 2) ,fn ,@args))))
+(csm 'when ; WHEN
+ (lambda (form)
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 3)
+ (let ((pred (cadr form))
+ (body (cons 'BEGIN (cddr form))))
+ `(IF ,pred ,body '()))))
+) ;---- end LETREC body ----
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pmath.s b/newpcs/pmath.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a9ea03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pmath.s
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pmath.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1987 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; All Rights Reserved ;
+; ;
+; Extended Arithmetic Routines using XLI/Lattice C 8087/80287 NDP support ;
+; ;
+; Bob Beal ;
+; ;
+(define exact? (lambda (n) #f))
+(define inexact? (lambda (n) #t))
+ (define acos)
+ (define asin)
+ (define atan)
+ (define cos)
+ (define exp)
+ (define expt)
+ (define log)
+ (define sin)
+ (define sqrt)
+ (define tan)
+ (define pi)
+ )
+ (
+; ( *pi* 3.141592653589793) ; pi
+; ( *pi/2* (/ *pi* 2)) ; pi/2
+; ( *2pi* (+ *pi* *pi*)) ; 2pi
+ ( *e* 2.718281828459045) ; e
+ (%bad-argument
+ (lambda (name arg)
+ (%error-invalid-operand name arg)))
+ (power-loop
+ (lambda (x n a) ; A is initially 1, N is non-negative
+ (if (zero? n)
+ a
+ (power-loop (* x x)
+ (quotient n 2)
+ (if (odd? n) (* a x) a)))))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (set! sqrt
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x)) (negative? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'sqrt x)
+ (let ((x (float x)))
+ (if (zero? x)
+ x
+ (xcall "sqrt" (float x)))))))
+ (set! sin
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'sin x)
+ (xcall "sin" (float x)))))
+ (set! cos
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'cos x)
+ (xcall "cos" (float x)))))
+ (set! tan
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'tan x)
+ (xcall "tan" (float x)))))
+ (set! atan
+ (lambda (x . z)
+ (cond ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'atan x))
+ ((null? z)
+ (xcall "atan" (float x)))
+ ((not (number? (car z)))
+ (%bad-argument 'atan z))
+ (else
+ (xcall "atan2" (float x) (float (car z)))))))
+ (set! acos
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x))
+ (>? (abs x) 1.0))
+ (%bad-argument 'ACOS x)
+ (xcall "acos" (float x)))))
+ (set! pi (acos -1)) ;it'd be easier to set pi to a constant but make_fsl
+ ;is not quite up to 8087 long-real precision on
+ ;literal constants (e.g. (tan (/ pi 4)) is +/- 2
+ ;in the last digit via make_fsl, but +/- 0 if typed
+ ;in at toplevel or computed as here)
+ (set! asin
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x))
+ (>? (abs x) 1.0))
+ (%bad-argument 'ASIN x)
+ (xcall "asin" (float x)))))
+ (set! log
+ (lambda (x . base)
+ (cond ((or (not (number? x)) (<= x 0))
+ (%bad-argument 'log x))
+ ((null? base)
+ (xcall "ln" (float x)))
+ ((eq? (car base) 10) ;the eq? is deliberate
+ (xcall "log10" (float x)))
+ ((= (car base) 1.0)
+ (error "Divide by zero" 'log x (car base)))
+ (else
+ (let ((non-e-base (car base)))
+ (if (or (not (number? non-e-base))
+ (not (positive? non-e-base)))
+ (%bad-argument 'log non-e-base)
+ (xcall "log" (float x) (float non-e-base))))))))
+ (set! exp
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXP x))
+ ((zero? x) 1.0)
+ ((negative? x) (/ (xcall "exp" (- (float x)))))
+ ((integer? x) (power-loop *e* x 1))
+ (else
+ (xcall "exp" (float x))))))
+ (set! expt
+ (lambda (a x)
+ (cond ((not (number? a))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT a))
+ ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT x))
+ ((and (zero? a) (zero? x) (not (integer? x)))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT x))
+ ((zero? x) (if (integer? a) 1 1.0))
+ ((negative? x) (/ (xcall "expt" (float a) (- (float x)))))
+ ((integer? x) (power-loop a x 1))
+ (else
+ (xcall "expt" (float a) (float x))))))
+ ))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pme.s b/newpcs/pme.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8515a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pme.s
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pme.s
+; Last Revision: 1-Oct-85 1400ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Macro Expansion and Alpha Conversion ;
+; ;
+; Alpha conversion technique:
+; All lexical identifiers (not global or fluid variables) are changed
+; to "id records" organized as shown:
+; (T (original-name . unique-number) . )
+; The tag "T" is used because it does not conflict with any valid
+; names for primitive operations. The "unique-number" is for human
+; consumption but may also be used to create an assembler label.
+; Global and fluid variables are not considered in the "core". The
+; following primitive functions are used to manipulate them:
+; (%%get-global%% (quote symbol))
+; (%%set-global%% (quote symbol) exp)
+; (%%def-global%% (quote symbol) exp)
+; (%%get-fluid%% (quote symbol))
+; (%%set-fluid%% (quote symbol) exp)
+; (%%bind-fluid%% (quote symbol) exp)
+; (%%unbind-fluid%% (quote (symbol ...)))
+; (%%fluid-bound?%% (quote symbol))
+; Names of official SCHEME 84 primitive functions are not considered
+; to be global variables. When used in the function position of a
+; combination, they are left as atoms. Funarg uses of such
+; primitives are changed to dummy closures:
+; (foo eq?) ==> (foo (lambda (a b) (eq? a b)))
+; Node annotation:
+; Lambda and mulambda nodes are extended with extra "slots" for use
+; during closure analysis as follows. Mulambda's are represented by
+; a negative argument count and a "normalized" argument list.
+; (lambda bvl body nargs label debug closed?)
+(define pcs-macro-expand ; PCS-MACRO-EXPAND
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (letrec
+ (
+ (chk-id (lambda (e y) (pcs-chk-id e y))) ; syntax checkers
+ (chk-length= (lambda (e y n) (pcs-chk-length= e y n)))
+ (chk-length>= (lambda (e y n) (pcs-chk-length>= e y n)))
+ (chk-bvl (lambda (a b c) (pcs-chk-bvl a b c)))
+ (chk-pairs (lambda (a b) (pcs-chk-pairs a b)))
+ (expand
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (cond ((atom? x)
+ (exp-atom x env))
+ ((macro? (car x))
+ (exp-macro x env))
+ (else
+ (expand2 x env)))))
+ (exp-macro
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (let ((y (if (pair? macfun)
+ (cons (cdr macfun)(cdr x)) ; alias
+ (macfun x)))) ; macro
+ (if (or (atom? y)
+ (equal? x y))
+ (expand2 y env)
+ (expand y env)))))
+ (macfun '())
+ (macro?
+ (lambda (id)
+ (set! macfun
+ (and (symbol? id)
+ (or (getprop id 'PCS*MACRO))))
+ macfun))
+ (expand2
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (exp-atom x env)
+ (case (car x)
+ (quote (exp-quote x))
+ (lambda (exp-lambda x env))
+ (if (exp-if x env))
+ (set! (exp-set! x env))
+ (define (exp-define x env))
+ (begin (exp-begin x env))
+ (letrec (exp-letrec x env))
+ (not (exp-not x env))
+ (else (exp-application x env))
+ ))))
+ (exp-quote
+ (lambda (x)
+ (chk-length= x x 2)
+ x))
+ (exp-atom
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (let ((info (assq x '((T . '#!TRUE)(NIL . '())))))
+ (cond (info
+ (if integrate-T-and-NIL?
+ (cdr info)
+ (lookup x env)))
+ ((or (null? x)
+ (not (symbol? x))
+ (memq x '(#!TRUE #!FALSE #!UNASSIGNED)))
+ (list 'QUOTE x))
+ (else
+ (lookup x env))))))
+ (exp-lambda
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (chk-length>= x x 3)
+ (let ((bvl (lambda-bvl x)))
+ (chk-bvl x bvl #!true)
+ (let ((node (help-lambda bvl
+ (make-contour (lambda-body-list x) env '())
+ '() 0 env)))
+ (let ((name (fluid name))) ; guess at closure name
+ (set-lambda-debug node
+ (if pcs-debug-mode
+ (cons (cons 'SOURCE x) name)
+ name)))
+ node))))
+ (make-contour
+ (lambda (sl env pairs)
+ (if (or (null? sl)
+ (atom? (car sl)))
+ (make-letrec sl env pairs)
+ (let* ((s (car sl))
+ (op (car s)))
+ (if (macro? op)
+ (let* ((y (if (pair? macfun)
+ (cons (cdr macfun)(cdr s)) ; alias
+ (macfun s))) ; macro
+ (sl (cons y (cdr sl))))
+ (if (equal? s y)
+ (help-contour sl env pairs) ; exit loop
+ (make-contour sl env pairs))) ; repeat loop
+ (help-contour sl env pairs))))))
+ (help-contour
+ (lambda (sl env pairs)
+ (let ((s (car sl)))
+ (case (car s)
+ (let* ((name (cadr s))
+ (exp (caddr s))
+ (pair (if (and (symbol? name)
+ (pair? exp)
+ (eq? (car exp) 'NAMED-LAMBDA)
+ (pair? (cdr exp))
+ (pair? (cadr exp))
+ (eq? (car (cadr exp)) name))
+ (let ((bvl (cdr (cadr exp)))
+ (bdy (cddr exp)))
+ `(,name (LAMBDA ,bvl . ,bdy)))
+ (cdr s))))
+ (make-contour (cdr sl) env (cons pair pairs))))
+ (make-contour (append (cdr s)(cdr sl)) env pairs))
+ (else
+ (make-letrec sl env pairs))))))
+ (make-letrec
+ (lambda (sl env pairs)
+ (if (null? pairs)
+ (make-body sl)
+ `(LETREC ,(reverse! pairs) . ,sl))))
+ (help-lambda
+ (lambda (old-bvl body new-bvl nargs env)
+ (cond ((null? old-bvl)
+ (let* ((bvl (reverse! new-bvl))
+ (env (extend env bvl)))
+ (pcs-extend-lambda
+ (list 'LAMBDA
+ (mapcar (lambda (id) (cdr (assq id env)))
+ bvl)
+ (expand body env)
+ nargs))))
+ ((atom? old-bvl) ; mulambda
+ (help-lambda '()
+ body
+ (cons old-bvl new-bvl)
+ (minus (add1 nargs))
+ env))
+ (else
+ (help-lambda (cdr old-bvl)
+ body
+ (cons (car old-bvl) new-bvl)
+ (add1 nargs)
+ env)))))
+; Below, perform the optimization
+; (if (or a b) x y) ===> (if (and (not a)(not b)) y x)
+; which allows the AND macro to generate better code.
+ (exp-if
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (if (or (atom? (cdr x))(atom? (cddr x))(atom? (cdddr x)))
+ (chk-length= x x 3)
+ (chk-length= x x 4))
+ (let ((pred (if-pred x))
+ (then (if-then x))
+ (else (if (null? (cdddr x))
+ ''()
+ (if-else x))))
+ (if (and (not (atom? pred))
+ (eq? (car pred) 'OR))
+ (list 'IF
+ (expand (cons 'AND
+ (mapcar (lambda (arg) (list 'NOT arg))
+ (cdr pred)))
+ env)
+ (expand else env)
+ (expand then env))
+ (list 'IF
+ (expand pred env)
+ (expand then env)
+ (expand else env))))))
+; Below, perform the optimization
+; (not (or a b)) ===> (and (not a)(not b))
+; which allows the AND macro to generate better code.
+ (exp-not
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (chk-length= x x 2)
+ (if (and (primitive? 'NOT env)
+ (pair? (cadr x))
+ (eq? (car (cadr x)) 'OR))
+ (expand
+ (cons 'AND (mapcar (lambda (opd) (list 'NOT opd))
+ (cdr (cadr x))))
+ env)
+ (exp-application x env))))
+ (exp-set!
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (chk-length= x x 3)
+ (let* ((id (set!-id x))
+ (var (lookup-LHS id "SET!" env))
+ (val (fluid-let ((name id))
+ (expand (set!-exp x) env))))
+ (if (atom? var)
+ `(%%SET-GLOBAL%% (QUOTE ,var) ,val)
+ `(SET! ,var ,val)))))
+ (exp-define
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (chk-length>= x x 3)
+ (let* ((id (set!-id x))
+ (var (lookup-LHS id "DEFINE" env))
+ (val (fluid-let ((name id))
+ (expand (set!-exp x) env))))
+ (when (not (null? env))
+ (syntax-error "Incorrectly placed DEFINE" x))
+ (if (atom? var)
+ `(%%DEF-GLOBAL%% (QUOTE ,id) ,val) ; global
+ `(BEGIN (SET! ,var ,val) ; lexical
+ (QUOTE ,id))))))
+ (exp-begin
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (chk-length>= x x 1)
+ (make-body (mapcar (lambda (s) (expand s env))
+ (help-begin (cdr x) '())))))
+; Below, perform the optimization
+; (begin ... (or a ...) ...) ==> (begin ... (and (not a)...) ...)
+; which allows the AND macro to generate better code.
+ (help-begin
+ (lambda (old new)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (reverse! new)
+ (help-begin
+ (cdr old)
+ (cons
+ (let ((s (car old)))
+ (if (and (cdr old) ; leave last stmt alone
+ (not (atom? s))
+ (eq? (car s) 'OR))
+ (cons 'AND
+ (mapcar (lambda (a) (list 'NOT a))
+ (cdr s)))
+ s))
+ new)))))
+ (exp-letrec
+ (lambda (x env)
+ (chk-length>= x x 3)
+ (chk-pairs x (letrec-pairs x))
+ (let ((env (extend env (mapcar car (letrec-pairs x))))
+ (body (make-contour (letrec-body-list x) env '())))
+ (list 'LETREC
+ (exp-pairs (letrec-pairs x) '() env)
+ (expand body env)))))
+ (exp-pairs
+ (lambda (old new env)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (reverse! new)
+ (let ((id (cdr (assq (caar old) env)))
+ (exp (fluid-let ((name (caar old)))
+ (expand (cadar old) env))))
+ (exp-pairs (cdr old)
+ (cons (list id exp) new)
+ env)))))
+ (exp-application
+ (lambda (form env)
+ (chk-length>= form form 1)
+ (let ((fn (car form))
+ (args (cdr form)))
+ (cond ((pair? fn)
+ (let* ((exp (exp-args form '() env))
+ (xfn (car exp)))
+ (cond ((or (atom? xfn)
+ (not (eq? (car xfn) 'LAMBDA)))
+ exp)
+ ((negative? (lambda-nargs xfn))
+ (let ((id (pcs-make-id 'MULAMBDA))) ; must guarantee
+ `(LETREC ((,id ,xfn)) ; no "mulambda" in
+ (,id . ,(cdr exp))))) ; "function position"
+ ((=? (length args)(lambda-nargs xfn))
+ exp)
+ (else
+ (syntax-error "Wrong number of arguments" form)))))
+ ((symbol? fn)
+ (let ((lex (assq fn env)))
+ (if lex
+ (cons (cdr lex)(exp-args args '() env))
+ (apply-if
+ (lookup-primop fn integrate-global?
+ integrate-primitive?)
+ (lambda (info)
+ (cond ((integer? info)
+ (chk-length= form (cdr form) info)
+ (cons fn (exp-args (cdr form) '() env)))
+ ((pair? info)
+ ;; integrable definition
+ (exp-integrable form (cdr info) (cdr form)
+ env))
+ (else
+ ;; VM primitive
+ (let ((form2 (info form)))
+ (if (equal? form form2)
+ (cons (car form)
+ (exp-args
+ (cdr form) '() env))
+ (expand form2 env))))))
+ (cons (make-global fn)
+ (exp-args args '() env))))))
+ (else
+ (syntax-error "Invalid function name" fn))))))
+ (exp-args
+ (lambda (old new env)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (reverse! new)
+ (exp-args (cdr old)
+ (cons (expand (car old) env) new)
+ env))))
+ (exp-integrable
+ (lambda (form fn args env)
+ (letrec ((mismatch
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (cond ((null? x) (not (null? y)))
+ ((atom? x) #!false)
+ ((atom? y) #!true)
+ (else (mismatch (cdr x)(cdr y)))))))
+ (if (and (pair? fn)
+ (eq? (car fn) 'LAMBDA)
+ (pair? (cdr fn))
+ (mismatch (cadr fn) args))
+ (syntax-error "Wrong number of arguments" form)
+ (expand (cons fn args) env)))))
+ (make-body
+ (lambda (lst)
+ (cond ((null? lst) ''())
+ ((null? (cdr lst)) (car lst))
+ (else (cons 'BEGIN lst)))))
+ (extend
+ (lambda (env bvl)
+ ;; note: error checking done earlier
+ (cond (bvl
+ (let* ((var (car bvl))
+ (new (pcs-make-id var))
+ (rib (cons var new)))
+ (extend (cons rib env)
+ (cdr bvl))))
+ (env
+ env)
+ (else ; distinguish `empty env' from `no env'
+ '((()))))))
+ (lookup
+ (lambda (id env)
+ (apply-if (getprop id 'PCS*MACRO)
+ (lambda (mac)
+ (if (pair? mac)
+ (expand (cdr mac) env) ; alias
+ (syntax-error ; macro
+ "Macro name used as variable" id)))
+ (apply-if (assq id env)
+ (lambda (lex) (cdr lex)) ; lexical var
+ (let ((info (lookup-primop id
+ integrate-global?
+ integrate-primitive?)))
+ (cond ((or (null? info)
+ (integer? info))
+ (make-global id))
+ ((pair? info)
+ (expand (cdr info) env))
+ (else
+ (expand (info id) env))))))))
+ (lookup-LHS
+ (lambda (id caller env)
+ (if (or (null? id)
+ (not (symbol? id))
+ (getprop id 'PCS*MACRO)) ; macro or alias
+ (syntax-error (string-append "Invalid identifier for " caller ": ") id)
+ (let ((lex (assq id env)))
+ (cond (lex (cdr lex))
+ ((and display-warnings?
+ (lookup-primop id integrate-global?
+ integrate-primitive?))
+ (writeln
+ "[WARNING: modifying an `integrable' variable: "
+ id "]")
+ id)
+ (else id))))))
+ (lookup-primop
+ (lambda (id integrate-global? integrate-primitive?)
+ (and (symbol? id)
+ (let ((info (getprop id 'PCS*PRIMOP-HANDLER)))
+ (and info
+ (if (pair? info) integrate-global? integrate-primitive?)
+ info)))))
+ (primitive?
+ (lambda (id env)
+ (and (not (getprop id 'PCS*MACRO))
+ (not (assq id env))
+ (let ((info (lookup-primop id #!false integrate-primitive?)))
+ (or (integer? info)
+ (closure? info))))))
+ (make-global
+ (lambda (id)
+ `(%%GET-GLOBAL%% (QUOTE ,id))))
+ ;;; data
+ (integrate-global? pcs-integrate-integrables)
+ (integrate-primitive? pcs-integrate-primitives)
+ (integrate-T-and-NIL? pcs-integrate-T-and-NIL)
+ (display-warnings? pcs-display-warnings)
+ )
+ (fluid-let ((name '())) ; default lambda "name"
+ (expand exp '())))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pnum2s.s b/newpcs/pnum2s.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5045e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pnum2s.s
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pnum2s.s
+; Last Revision: 10-Feb-87 0900ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; NUMBER->STRING and INTEGER->STRING Routines (Mark Meyer) ;
+; STRING->NUMBER (Terry Caudill) ;
+; ;
+; Revision History:
+; tc 02/10/87 included string->number routine
+(define string->number
+ (lambda (string exactness radix)
+ (if (not (or (eq? exactness 'E) (eq? exactness 'I)))
+ (error "STRING->NUMBER: Invalid exactness specifier " exactness)
+ (let ((s-radix '())
+ (port '())
+ (num '()))
+ (set! s-radix (apply-if (memq radix '(B O D X))
+ (lambda (val) (symbol->string (car val)))
+ (error "STRING->NUMBER: Invalid radix " radix)))
+ (set! port (open-input-string (string-append "#" s-radix string)))
+ (set! num (read port))
+ (if (not (number? num))
+ (error "STRING->NUMBER: Can't convert string"
+ (string-append "#" s-radix string)))
+ (close-input-port port)
+ num))))
+(define number->string)
+(define integer->string)
+ ((form-%%squares%%
+ (lambda ()
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (let ((base (float (car x)))
+ (vec (cadr x)))
+ (do ((i (-1+ (vector-length vec)) (-1+ i)))
+ ((negative? i) 'OK)
+ (vector-set! vec i base)
+ (if (positive? i) (set! base (* base base))))))
+ %%squares%%)))
+ (%%squares%%
+ `((2 ,(make-vector 10)) (8 ,(make-vector 9))
+ (10 ,(make-vector 9)) (16 ,(make-vector 8))))
+ (scale
+ (lambda (flo base)
+ (if (null? (vector-ref (cadar %%squares%%) 0))
+ (form-%%squares%%))
+ (if (zero? flo)
+ (cons flo 0)
+ (let ((small (< flo 1.))
+ (sqrvec (cadr (assq base %%squares%%))))
+ (let ((scale 0)
+ (local (if small (/ flo) flo))
+ (lim (vector-length sqrvec)))
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((= i lim) '())
+ (set! scale (* 2 scale))
+ (let ((sqr (vector-ref sqrvec i)))
+ (when (>= local sqr)
+ (set! scale (1+ scale))
+ (set! local (/ local sqr)))))
+ (when small
+ (set! scale (- scale))
+ (set! local (/ local))
+ (when (< local 1.)
+ (set! scale (-1+ scale))
+ (set! local (* local base))))
+ (cons local scale))))))
+ (int->str
+ (lambda (n base)
+ (letrec
+ ((i->s
+ (lambda (n)
+ (if (zero? n)
+ ""
+ (let ((dig (remainder n base))
+ (rest (quotient n base)))
+ (string-append
+ (i->s rest)
+ (make-string 1 (integer->char
+ (+ dig (if (> dig 9) 55 48))))))))))
+ (cond ((negative? n)
+ (string-append "-" (int->str (- n) base)))
+ ((zero? n) (make-string 1 #\0))
+ (else (i->s n))))))
+ (num->str
+ (lambda (num format)
+ (define bad-format
+ (lambda ()
+ (error "NUMBER->STRING: Invalid format specification" format)))
+ (if (not (number? num))
+ (error "NUMBER->STRING: Invalid argument" num))
+ (if (atom? format) (bad-format))
+ (letrec
+ ((absnum (abs num))
+ (sign (if (negative? num) "-" ""))
+ (base 10)
+ (radix "")
+ (exact (integer? num))
+ (exactness "")
+ (result "")
+ (sigfigs ())
+ (factor ())
+ (half-digit ())
+ (highest-digit ())
+ (numtype (car format))
+ (formargs (cdr format))
+ (numscale ())
+ (numnorm ())
+ (n ())
+ (m ())
+ (result-len ())
+ (set-mods
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond ((null? l) #!true)
+ ((atom? l) ())
+ ((not (set-mods (cdr l))) ())
+ (else
+ (let ((mod (car l)))
+ (if (pair? mod)
+ (case (car mod)
+ (radix
+ (if (null? (cdr mod))
+ ()
+ (begin
+ (set! base
+ (cadr (assq (cadr mod)
+ '((B 2) (O 8)
+ (D 10) (X 16)))))
+ (if base
+ (set! radix
+ (let ((express
+ (caddr mod)))
+ (cond ((or (eq? express 'E)
+ (null? express))
+ (cadr (assq base
+ '((2 "#b")
+ (8 "#o")
+ (10 "#d")
+ (16 "#x")
+ ))))
+ ((eq? express 'S)
+ "")
+ (else ())))))
+ (and base radix))))
+ (exactness
+ (case (cadr mod)
+ (e (set! exactness (if exact "#E" "#I")))
+ (s (set! exactness ""))
+ (else ())))
+ (else ()))
+ ()))))))
+ (argcheck
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (or (number? arg) (eq? arg 'H)))) ; `Heuristic'
+ (check-args
+ (lambda (num-of-args)
+ (if (case num-of-args
+ (0 (set-mods formargs))
+ (1
+ (set-mods
+ (if (argcheck (car formargs))
+ (begin
+ (set! n (car formargs))
+ (cdr formargs))
+ formargs)))
+ (2
+ (set-mods
+ (if (argcheck (car formargs))
+ (begin
+ (set! n (car formargs))
+ (if (argcheck (cadr formargs))
+ (begin
+ (set! m (cadr formargs))
+ (cddr formargs))
+ (cdr formargs)))
+ formargs))))
+ (begin
+ (set! sigfigs
+ (cadr (assq base
+ '((2 53) (8 17) (10 15) (16 13)))))
+ (set! factor (float (expt base (-1+ sigfigs))))
+ (set! half-digit
+ (integer->char (+ 48 (quotient base 2))))
+ (set! highest-digit
+ (if (= base 16)
+ #\f
+ (integer->char (+ 48 (-1+ base)))))
+ #!true)
+ (bad-format))))
+ (string-round
+ (lambda (s place)
+ (cond ((< place 1) s)
+ ((<= (string-length s) place) s)
+ ((char (string-ref s place) half-digit) s)
+ (else
+ (do ((i (-1+ place) (-1+ i)))
+ ((or (negative? i)
+ (not (char=? (string-ref s i) highest-digit)))
+ (if (negative? i)
+ ()
+ (let ((c (string-ref s i)))
+ (string-set! s i
+ (if (char=? c #\9)
+ #\a
+ (integer->char
+ (1+ (char->integer c))))))))
+ (string-set! s i #\0))
+ (when (char=? (string-ref s 0) #\0)
+ (if (number? numscale)
+ (set! numscale (1+ numscale)))
+ (substring-move-right!
+ s 0 (-1+ (string-length s)) s 1)
+ (string-set! s 0 #\1))
+ s))))
+ (flag-insignificants
+ (lambda (s places c)
+ (let ((len (string-length s)))
+ (if (> len places)
+ (substring-fill! s places len c))
+ s)))
+ (form-result
+ (lambda (flo)
+ (if (not (number? flo))
+ (error "NUMBER->STRING: number too large for format" num))
+ (set! flo (round flo))
+ (when (and (member numtype '(FLO SCI))
+ (>= flo
+ (if (number? n)
+ (expt base n)
+ (* factor base))))
+ (set! numscale (1+ numscale))
+ (set! flo (quotient flo base)))
+ (set! result (int->str flo base))
+ (set! result (string-round result sigfigs))
+ (flag-insignificants
+ result
+ sigfigs
+ (if (integer? num) #\0 #\#))))
+ (set-result-len
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! result-len (string-length result))))
+ (add-leading-zeros
+ (lambda (n)
+ (set-result-len)
+ (set! result
+ (cond ((string=? result "0") (make-string n #\0))
+ ((>= n result-len)
+ (string-append
+ (make-string (- n result-len) #\0)
+ result))
+ (else result)))))
+ (insert-point
+ (lambda (place)
+ (set! result
+ (string-append
+ (substring result 0 place)
+ "."
+ (if (and (float? num)
+ (= place result-len))
+ "0"
+ (substring result place result-len))))))
+ (scale-absnum
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((x (scale absnum base)))
+ (set! numscale (cdr x))
+ (set! numnorm (car x)))))
+ (kill-trailing-zeros
+ (lambda (lim)
+ (do ((i (-1+ (string-length result)) (-1+ i)))
+ ((or (< i lim)
+ (not (char=? (string-ref result i) #\0)))
+ (set! result (substring result 0 (1+ i))))
+ '())))
+ (float-integer
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (integer? absnum)
+ (set! absnum (float absnum)))
+ (if (not (number? absnum))
+ (error
+ "NUMBER->STRING: integer too large for float conversion"
+ num))))
+ (return-result
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (string=? result ".") (set! result "0."))
+ (string-append radix exactness sign result))))
+ (case numtype
+ (int
+ (check-args 0)
+ (if (integer? absnum)
+ (set! result (int->str absnum base))
+ (form-result absnum))
+ (return-result))
+ (fix
+ (check-args 1)
+ (if (null? n) (set! n sigfigs))
+ (if (or (eq? n 'H) (negative? n))
+ (bad-format))
+ (float-integer)
+ (form-result (* absnum (expt base n)))
+ (add-leading-zeros n)
+ (set-result-len)
+ (insert-point (- result-len n))
+ (return-result))
+ (flo
+ (check-args 1)
+ (if (null? n) (set! n sigfigs))
+ (if (and (not (eq? n 'H)) (not (positive? n)))
+ (bad-format))
+ (float-integer)
+ (scale-absnum)
+ (if (or (>= numscale sigfigs) (< numscale -1))
+ (num->str num (cons 'SCI formargs))
+ (begin
+ (if (number? n)
+ (form-result (* numnorm (expt base (-1+ n))))
+ (begin
+ (form-result (* numnorm factor))
+ (kill-trailing-zeros (1+ numscale))))
+ (set-result-len)
+ (when (<= result-len numscale)
+ (set! result
+ (string-append result
+ (make-string
+ (- (1+ numscale) result-len) #\0)))
+ (set-result-len))
+ (insert-point (1+ numscale))
+ (return-result))))
+ (sci
+ (check-args 2)
+ (if (or (eq? m 'H)
+ (and (number? m) (eq? n 'H)))
+ (bad-format))
+ (if (null? n) (set! n sigfigs))
+ (if (and (number? n) (null? m)) (set! m (-1+ n)))
+ (if (and (number? n)
+ (or (not (positive? n)) (negative? m) (< n m)))
+ (bad-format))
+ (float-integer)
+ (scale-absnum)
+ (if (number? n)
+ (begin
+ (form-result (* numnorm (expt base (-1+ n))))
+ (set! m (- n m)))
+ (begin
+ (form-result (* numnorm factor))
+ (set! m 1)
+ (kill-trailing-zeros m)))
+ (set-result-len)
+ (if (< m result-len) (insert-point m))
+ (set! result
+ (string-append
+ result
+ (if (= base 16) "L" "E")
+ (int->str (1+ (- numscale m)) 10)))
+ (return-result))
+ (heur
+ (check-args 0)
+ (if (integer? absnum)
+ (num->str num (cons 'INT formargs))
+ (num->str num
+ (list* (if (or (= absnum 0.0)
+ (and (>= absnum 1.0e-3)
+ (< absnum 1.0e7)))
+ 'FLO
+ 'SCI)
+ 'H
+ formargs))))
+ (else (bad-format)))))))
+ (set! number->string ; number->string
+ (lambda (n f)
+ (num->str n f)))
+ (set! integer->string ; integer->string
+ (lambda (n base)
+ (int->str n base))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/popcodes.s b/newpcs/popcodes.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f24a0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/popcodes.s
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: popcodes.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985, 1987 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Primitive Functions and Opcodes ;
+; ;
+; tc 2/10/87 READ-STRING opcode added ;
+; rb 3/20/87 %XESC opcode added ;
+; rb 4/ 1/87 pcs-primop-+, -* modified; no error was being signalled ;
+; for a single non-numeric argument to either + or * since ;
+; pcs-primop-std-n2 assumes a unary arg is the operator's ;
+; identity element and removes the operator; so, the ;
+; arg was never type-checked since the operator's handler ;
+; never got called; now force unarys to binarys to keep ;
+; the operator ;
+; tc 4/13/87 make-string primop handler changed to handle optional ;
+; 2nd argument ;
+; ;
+(define pcs-define-primop
+ (lambda (op handler)
+ (putprop op handler 'pcs*primop-handler)))
+(define (pcs-primop-std-n2 form) ; n-ary to binary, left associative
+ (if (atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote ,form)) ; funarg use
+ (begin
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 2)
+ (cond ((null? (cddr form)) ; unary?
+ (cadr form)) ; --> identity
+ ((null? (cdddr form))
+ form) ; binary
+ (else
+ (let ((op (car form))
+ (a (cadr form))
+ (b (caddr form))
+ (rest (cdddr form)))
+ (pcs-primop-std-n2
+ `(,op (,op ,a ,b) . ,rest))))))))
+(define (pcs-primop-append* form) ; for append, append!, string-append
+ (if (atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote ,form)) ; funarg use
+ (let ((op (car form)))
+ (pcs-chk-length>= form form 1)
+ (cond ((null? (cdr form)) ; no args?
+ (if (eq? op 'STRING-APPEND)
+ ''""
+ ''()))
+ ((null? (cddr form)) ; one arg?
+ (if (eq? op 'STRING-APPEND)
+ `(STRING-APPEND ,(cadr form) '"")
+ (cadr form)))
+ ((null? (cdddr form)) ; two args?
+ (case op
+ ((APPEND) `(%APPEND . ,(cdr form)))
+ ((APPEND!) form)
+ (else
+ `(let ((%00000 ,(cadr form))
+ (%00001 ,(caddr form)))
+ (%STRING-APPEND %00000 0 (STRING-LENGTH %00000)
+ '()
+ %00001 0 (STRING-LENGTH %00001))))))
+ ((and (null? (cddddr form))
+ (eq? op 'STRING-APPEND)) ; 3 args
+ `(let ((%00000 ,(cadr form))
+ (%00001 ,(caddr form))
+ (%00002 ,(cadddr form)))
+ (%STRING-APPEND %00000 0 (STRING-LENGTH %00000)
+ %00001
+ %00002 0 (STRING-LENGTH %00002))))
+ (else
+ (let ((a (cadr form))
+ (b (caddr form))
+ (rest (cdddr form)))
+ (pcs-primop-append*
+ `(,op ,a (,op ,b . ,rest)))))))))
+(define pcs-primop-+ ; "+" handler
+ (lambda (form)
+ (if (and (not (atom? form))
+ (null? (cdr form)))
+ 0
+ (if (and (not (atom? form))
+ (null? (cddr form)))
+ `(+ 0 ,(cadr form))
+ (pcs-primop-std-n2 form)))))
+(define pcs-primop-- ; "-" handler
+ (lambda (form)
+ (cond ((and (not (atom? form))
+ (not (atom? (cdr form)))
+ (null? (cddr form)))
+ `(minus ,(cadr form)))
+ (t (pcs-primop-std-n2 form)))))
+(define pcs-primop-* ; "*" handler
+ (lambda (form)
+ (if (and (not (atom? form))
+ (null? (cdr form)))
+ 1
+ (if (and (not (atom? form))
+ (null? (cddr form)))
+ `(* 1 ,(cadr form))
+ (pcs-primop-std-n2 form)))))
+(define pcs-primop-/ ; "/" handler
+ (lambda (form)
+ (cond ((and (not (atom? form))
+ (not (atom? (cdr form)))
+ (null? (cddr form)))
+ `(/ '1 ,(cadr form)))
+ (t (pcs-primop-std-n2 form)))))
+(define (pcs-primop-vector form) ; "vector" handler
+ (cond ((atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote vector)))
+ (else
+ `(list->vector (list . ,(cdr form))))))
+(define (pcs-primop-list form) ; "list" handler
+ (cond ((atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote list)))
+ ((atom? (cdr form)) ; (list)
+ ''())
+ ((atom? (cddr form)) ; (list a)
+ form)
+ ((atom? (cdddr form))
+ (cons '%list2 (cdr form)))
+ (else
+ (let ((rest (pcs-primop-list (cons 'list (cddr form)))))
+ `(cons ,(cadr form) ,rest)))))
+(define (pcs-primop-list* form) ; "list*" handler
+ (cond ((atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote list*)))
+ ((atom? (cdr form)) ; (list*)
+ ''())
+ ((atom? (cddr form)) ; (list* a)
+ (cadr form))
+ (else
+ (let ((rest (pcs-primop-list* (cons 'list* (cddr form)))))
+ `(cons ,(cadr form) ,rest)))))
+(define pcs-primop-make-vector ; "make-vector" handler
+ (lambda (form)
+ (cond ((atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote ,form))) ; funarg use
+ ((and (not (atom? (cdr form))) ; unary?
+ (null? (cddr form)))
+ form)
+ ((and (not (atom? (cdr form))) ; binary?
+ (not (atom? (cddr form)))
+ (null? (cdddr form)))
+ `(let ((%00000 (make-vector ,(cadr form))))
+ (begin (vector-fill! %00000 ,(caddr form))
+ %00000)))
+ (else
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)))))
+(define pcs-primop-io-1 ; optional PORT arg
+ (lambda (form)
+ (cond ((atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote ,form))) ; funarg use
+ ((null? (cdr form))
+ `(,(car form) '())) ; add null port
+ ((and (not (atom? (cdr form)))
+ (null? (cddr form)))
+ form) ; PORT supplied
+ (else
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 2)))))
+; Note that make-string uses the following primop definition to take
+; care of its optional second argument.
+(define pcs-primop-io-2 ; optional 2nd PORT arg
+ (lambda (form)
+ (cond ((atom? form)
+ `(%%get-global%% (quote ,form))) ; funarg use
+ ((and (not (atom? (cdr form)))
+ (null? (cddr form))) ; add null port
+ `(,(car form) ,(cadr form) '()))
+ ((and (not (atom? (cdr form)))
+ (not (atom? (cddr form)))
+ (null? (cdddr form)))
+ form) ; PORT supplied
+ (else
+ (pcs-chk-length= form form 3)))))
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; !! NOTE !!
+;;; Each primitive operation defined with PCS-DEFINE-PRIMOP must also
+;;; be represented at runtime as a closure object in case the name is
+;;; used as a "funarg." The error handler can auto-create such
+;;; closures when both PCS*PRIMOP-HANDLER and PCS*OPCODE properties are
+;;; integers. Others must have such closures defined explicitly. Many
+;;; of them are defined in the PCS source file PFUNARG.S.
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%bind-fluid%% 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%car 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%cdr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%def-global%% 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%execute 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%fasl 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%fluid-bound?%% 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%get-fluid%% 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%get-global%% 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%get-scoops%% 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%set-fluid%% 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%set-global%% 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%set-scoops%% 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%%unbind-fluid%% 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%append 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%apply 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%begin-debug 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%call/cc 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%car 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%cdr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%clear-registers 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%clear-window 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%close-port 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%compact-memory 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%define 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%env-lu 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%esc1 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%esc2 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%esc3 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%esc4 4)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%esc5 5)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%esc6 6)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%esc7 7)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%xesc (lambda (form) form))
+ (pcs-define-primop '%garbage-collect 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%graphics 7)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%halt 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%internal-time 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%list2 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%logxor 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%logand 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%logior 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%make-window 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%open-port 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%random 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%reify 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%reify! 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%reify-port 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%reify-port! 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%reify-stack 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%reify-stack! 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%restore-window 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%save-window 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%set-global-environment 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%sfpos 3) ; set-file-position!
+ (pcs-define-primop '%start-timer 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%stop-timer 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%string-append 7)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%substring-display 5)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%transcript 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop '* pcs-primop-*)
+ (pcs-define-primop '+ pcs-primop-+)
+ (pcs-define-primop '- pcs-primop--)
+ (pcs-define-primop '/ pcs-primop-/ )
+ (pcs-define-primop '< 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '<= 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '<=? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '<> 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '<>? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop ' 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '= 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '=? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '> 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '>= 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '>=? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop '>? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'abs 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'append pcs-primop-append*)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'append! pcs-primop-append*)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'assoc 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'assq 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'assv 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'atom? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'caaar 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'caadr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'caar 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cadar 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cadddr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'caddr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cadr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'car 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cdaar 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cdadr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cdar 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cddar 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cdddr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cddr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cdr 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'ceiling 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char->integer 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char-ci 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char-ci=? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char-downcase 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char-ready? pcs-primop-io-1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char-upcase 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char=? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'char? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'closure? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'complex? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'cons 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'continuation? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'display pcs-primop-io-2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'environment-parent 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'environment? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'eq? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'equal? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'eqv? 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'even? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'float 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'float? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'floor 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'getprop 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'integer->char 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'integer? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'last-pair 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'length 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'list pcs-primop-list)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'list* pcs-primop-list*)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'list-tail 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'make-packed-vector 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'make-string pcs-primop-io-2) ; handle optional 2nd arg
+ (pcs-define-primop 'make-vector pcs-primop-make-vector)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'max pcs-primop-std-n2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'member 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'memq 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'memv 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'min pcs-primop-std-n2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'minus 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'negative? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'newline pcs-primop-io-1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'not 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'number? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'object-hash 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'object-unhash 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'odd? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'pair? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'port? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'positive? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'prin1 pcs-primop-io-2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'princ pcs-primop-io-2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'print pcs-primop-io-2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'print-length 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'proc? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'proplist 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'putprop 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'quotient 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'rational? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'read-line pcs-primop-io-1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'read-atom pcs-primop-io-1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'read-char pcs-primop-io-1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'real? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'remainder 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'remprop 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'reset 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'reverse! 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'round 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'scheme-reset 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'set-car! 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'set-cdr! 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string->symbol 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string->uninterned-symbol 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string-append pcs-primop-append*)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string-fill! 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string-length 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string-ref 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string-set! 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'string? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'substring 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'substring-find-next-char-in-set 4)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'substring-find-previous-char-in-set 4)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'symbol->string 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'symbol? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'the-environment 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop '%make-hashed-environment 0)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'truncate 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'vector pcs-primop-vector)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'vector-fill! 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'vector-length 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'vector-ref 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'vector-set! 3)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'vector? 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'window-save-contents 1)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'window-restore-contents 2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'write pcs-primop-io-2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'write-char pcs-primop-io-2)
+ (pcs-define-primop 'zero? 1)
+ )
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define pcs-define-opcode ; !! NOTE !!
+ (lambda (op opcode) ; negative values mark
+ (putprop op opcode 'pcs*opcode))) ; side-effecting operations
+;;; -- opcode assignments --
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%%car 064) ; (%%car nil) => nil
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%%cdr 065) ; (%%cdr nil) => nil
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%%fasl -191)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%*imm 084)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%+imm 081)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%/imm 086)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%append 113)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%apply -056)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%call/cc -054)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%car 089) ; (%car nil) => #!unbound
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%cdr 090) ; (%cdr nil) => #!unbound
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%clear-window -211)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%close-port -177)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%define -220)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%env-lu 219)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%esc1 -232)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%esc2 -233)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%esc3 -234)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%esc4 -235)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%esc5 -236)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%esc6 -237)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%esc7 -238)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%xesc -239)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%graphics -215)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%halt -248)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%list2 120)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%logxor 125)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%logand 126)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%logior 127)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%make-window -208)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%open-port -176)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%random -091)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%reify 216)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%reify! -226)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%reify-port 210)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%reify-port! -209)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%reify-stack 229)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%reify-stack! -230)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%restore-window -213)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%save-window -212)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%set-global-environment -225)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%sfpos -231) ; set-file-position!
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%start-timer -174)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%stop-timer -175)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%string-append 214)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%substring-display -172)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%transcript -189)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '* 083)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '+ 080)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '- 082)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '/ 085)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '< 092)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '<= 093)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '<=? 093)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '<> 097)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '<>? 097)
+ (pcs-define-opcode ' 092)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '= 094)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '=? 094)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '> 095)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '>= 096)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '>=? 096)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '>? 095)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'abs 149)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'append! -112)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'assoc 110)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'assq 108)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'assv 109)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'atom? 128)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'caaar 070)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'caadr 071)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'caar 066)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cadar 072)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cadddr 078)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'caddr 073)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cadr 067)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'car 064) ; same as %%car
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cdaar 074)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cdadr 075)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cdar 068)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cddar 076)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cdddr 077)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cddr 069)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cdr 065) ; same as %%cdr
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'ceiling 153)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char->integer 161)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char-ci 195)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char-ci=? 193)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char-downcase 197)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char-ready? 190)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char-upcase 196)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char 194)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char=? 192)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'char? 156)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'closure? 129)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'complex? 137) ; same as NUMBER?
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'cons 079)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'continuation? 131)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'display -179)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'environment-parent 218)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'environment? 157)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'eq? 100)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'equal? 102)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'eqv? 101)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'even? 132)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'float 150)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'float? 133)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'floor 152)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'getprop 116)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'integer->char 160)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'integer? 135)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'last-pair 166)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'length 165)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'list 111)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'list-tail 122)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'make-packed-vector 171)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'make-string 201)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'make-vector 168)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'max 098)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'member 105)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'memq 103)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'memv 104)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'min 099)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'minus 151)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'negative? 147)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'newline -181)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'not 136)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'number? 137)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'object-hash -227)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'object-unhash 228)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'odd? 138)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'pair? 139)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'port? 140)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'positive? 148)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'prin1 -178)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'princ -179)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'print -180)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'print-length 184)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'proc? 141)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'proplist 118)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'putprop -117)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'quotient 087)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'rational? 135) ; same as INTEGER?
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'read-line -186)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'read-atom -187)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'read-char -188)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'real? 137) ; same as NUMBER?
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'remainder 088)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'remprop -119)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'reset -251)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'reverse! -106)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'round 155)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'scheme-reset -252)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'set-car! -020)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'set-cdr! -021)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'string->symbol 203)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'string->uninterned-symbol 204)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'string-fill! -202)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'string-length 198)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'string-ref 199)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'string-set! -200)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'string? 143)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'substring 167)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'substring-find-next-char-in-set 206)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'substring-find-previous-char-in-set 207)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'symbol->string 205)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'symbol? 144)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'the-environment 217)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%make-hashed-environment 62)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'truncate 154)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'vector-fill! -170)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'vector-length 169)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'vector-ref 011)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'vector-set! -019)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'vector? 145)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'window-save-contents -212)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'window-restore-contents -213)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'write -178)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'write-char -179)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'zero? 146)
+ )
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD 000)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD-CONSTANT 001)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD-IMMEDIATE 002)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD-LOCAL 004)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD-LEX 005)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD-ENV 006)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD-GLOBAL 007)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'LOAD-FLUID 008)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'STORE-LOCAL -012)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'STORE-LEX -013)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'STORE-ENV -014)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'STORE-GLOBAL -015)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'STORE-GLOBAL-DEF -031)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'STORE-FLUID -016)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'POP -024)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'PUSH -025)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'DROP -026)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'DROP-ENV -061)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'PUSH-ENV -221)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'BIND-FLUID -029)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'UNBIND-FLUIDS -030)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%%fluid-bound?%% 134)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'J_S -032)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JN_S -034)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JNN_S -036)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JA_S -038)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JNA_S -040)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JE_S -042)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JNE_S -044)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'J_L -033)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JN_L -035)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JNN_L -037)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JA_L -039)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JNA_L -041)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JE_L -043)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'JNE_L -045)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CALL -048)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CALL-TR -049)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CCC -050)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CCC-TR -051)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CALL-CLOSURE -052)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CALL-CLOSURE-TR -053)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CCC-CLOSED -054)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CCC-CLOSED-TR -055)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'APPLY-CLOSURE -056)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'APPLY-CLOSURE-TR -057)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'EXIT -059)
+ (pcs-define-opcode 'CLOSE -060)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%begin-debug -255)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%clear-registers -253)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%compact-memory -247)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%%execute -058)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%garbage-collect -249)
+ (pcs-define-opcode '%internal-time 250)
+ )
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ (putprop '%begin-debug #!true 'pcs*nilargop) ; no source or dest
+ (putprop '%clear-registers #!true 'pcs*nilargop) ; no source or dest
+ (putprop '%compact-memory #!true 'pcs*nilargop) ; no source or dest
+ (putprop '%garbage-collect #!true 'pcs*nilargop) ; no source or dest
+ (putprop '%halt #!true 'pcs*nilargop) ; no source or dest
+ (putprop 'reset #!true 'pcs*nilargop) ; no source or dest
+ (putprop 'scheme-reset #!true 'pcs*nilargop) ; no source or dest
+ )
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(begin ; collect garbage
+ (%clear-registers)
+ (%compact-memory))
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pp.s b/newpcs/pp.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f44552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pp.s
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pp.s
+; Last Revision: 29-August-85 1600ct
+; ;
+; SCHEME 84 -- PCS Compiler -- July 1984 ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; PrettyPrinter ;
+; ;
+(define pp ; PP
+ (lambda (exp . args)
+ (let ((port (car args))
+ (margin (or (cadr args) 72)))
+ (fluid-let
+ ((output-port
+ (cond ((null? port) (fluid output-port))
+ ((port? port) port)
+ ((string? port)
+ (let ((p (open-output-file port)))
+ (set-line-length! (max margin (line-length p)) p)
+ p))
+ (else 'CONSOLE))))
+ (%pretty-printer exp
+ (min margin (line-length (fluid output-port))))
+ (when (string? port)
+ (close-output-port (fluid output-port)))
+ *the-non-printing-object*))))
+(define %pp-me ; %PP-ME
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((m (and (pair? e)
+ (getprop (car e) 'PCS*MACRO))))
+ (cond ((null? m)
+ e)
+ ((pair? m) ; alias
+ (cons (cdr m)(cdr e)))
+ (else ; macro
+ (pp (m e)))))))
+(syntax (%pp-set-pattern id pat) ; %PP-SET-PATTERN
+(syntax (%pp-get-pattern id) ; %PP-GET-PATTERN
+;;; Pretty Printer Pattern Definitions
+ (let ((pattern '(KEY . (2 . V-TAIL)))) ; BEGIN style
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'BEGIN pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'BEGIN0 pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'SEQUENCE pattern))
+ (let ((pattern '(NEAT (() . EXP) . (2 . V-TAIL)))) ; DEFINE style
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'ALIAS pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'ACCESS pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'APPLY-IF pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'DEFINE pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'DEFINE-INTEGRABLE
+ pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'MACRO pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'REC pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'SET-FLUID! pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'SYNTAX pattern))
+ (let ((pattern '(KEY (() . BVL) . (2 . V-TAIL)))) ; LAMBDA style
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'LAMBDA pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'FLUID-LAMBDA pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'NAMED-LAMBDA pattern))
+ (let ((pattern '(KEY (3 . TUPLES) . (2 . V-TAIL)))) ; LETREC style
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'LETREC pattern))
+ (let ((pattern '(0 . LET))) ; LET style
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'LET pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'LET* pattern)
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'FLUID-LET pattern))
+;;(let ((pattern '(NEAT . (() . V-TAIL)))) ; SET! style
+;; (%pp-set-pattern 'SET! pattern)
+;; (%pp-set-pattern 'IF pattern) ; use default (0 . call)
+;; (%pp-set-pattern 'WHEN pattern) ; for these short names
+;; (%pp-set-pattern 'AND pattern)
+;; (%pp-set-pattern 'OR pattern))
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'COND '(KEY . (() . COND-TAIL)))
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'CASE '(KEY (() . EXP) . (2 . CASE-TAIL)))
+ (%pp-set-pattern 'DO '(KEY (() . TUPLES)
+ (4 . COMB)
+ . (2 . V-TAIL)))
+ (%pp-set-pattern '%PP-FUN-CALL '(0 . CALL)) ; arbitrary function calls
+ (%pp-set-pattern '%PP-COMBINATION '(0 . COMB)) ; arbitrary combinations
+ '())
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define %pretty-printer
+ (lambda (expression margin)
+ (letrec
+ ((cp margin) ; current position
+ (miser-cp (max 20 (quotient margin 2)))
+ (nice-fit (max 50 (quotient margin 2)))
+ (call-pat (%pp-get-pattern '%PP-FUN-CALL))
+ (comb-pat (%pp-get-pattern '%PP-COMBINATION))
+ ;;
+ ;; PP-EXP pretty-prints expression X at the current position
+ ;;
+ (pp-exp
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((atom? x) ; X = atom ?
+ (pp-atom x))
+ ((atom? (cdr x)) ; X = (atom) or (atom . atom) ?
+ (pp-block x cp))
+ ((pair? (car x)) ; X = ((...)...) ?
+ (pp-by-pattern x cp comb-pat))
+ ((and (null? (cddr x)) ; X = (quote ...)
+ (memq (car x) '(QUOTE
+ %QQ-C %QQ-CA %QQ-CD)))
+ (pp-block x cp))
+ ((and (pair? (cddr x)) ; X = (... . ,value)
+ (null? (cdddr x))
+ (eq? (cadr x) '%QQ-C))
+ (pp-block x cp))
+ ((symbol? (car x)) ; X = (symbol . args) ?
+ (pp-by-pattern x cp
+ (or (%pp-get-pattern (car x))
+ call-pat)))
+ (else
+ (pp-block x cp))))) ; X = (?)
+ ;; PP-BY-PATTERN pretty-prints expression X at the current position
+ ;; (passed in IP) using the pattern PAT
+ ;;
+ ;; Assumptions:
+ ;; PAT is a valid pattern
+ ;; X is a pair and (cdr X) is a pair
+ ;; (car X) is an atom
+ ;; X might not be properly structured according to PAT
+ (pp-by-pattern
+ (lambda (x ip pat) ; ip = new base for -tabs
+ (cond
+ ((number? (car pat)) ; PAT = (tab . fun) ?
+ (move (- ip (car pat)))
+ (pp-by-function x (cdr pat)))
+ ((null? (car pat)) ; PAT = (() . fun) ?
+ (move (- cp 1))
+ (pp-by-function x (cdr pat)))
+ ((and (eq? (car pat) 'NEAT)
+ (all-fits-nicely? x)) ; X fits neatly on this line?
+ (pp-block x cp))
+ ;; ((and (eq? (car pat) 'ALL)
+ ;; (all-fits? x)) ; X fits on this line?
+ ;; (pp-block x cp))
+ (else ; PAT = (KEY ...)
+ (prin-op x) ; emit paren and keyword
+ (pp-by-pat-tail (cdr x)
+ ip ; emit the rest of X
+ (cdr pat)))
+ )))
+ (pp-by-pat-tail
+ (lambda (x ip pat)
+ (cond ((or (atom? x) ; X and PAT out of synch?
+ (null? pat))
+ (pp-v-tail x)) ; yes, use the default method
+ ((eq? (car x) '%QQ-C)
+ (pp-block-tail x ip))
+ (else
+ (let ((pat1 (car pat))
+ (pat* (cdr pat)))
+ (if (atom? pat1)
+ (begin ; PAT matches the tail
+ (move (if (null? pat1)
+ (- cp 1) ; PAT = (() . fun)
+ (- ip pat1))) ; PAT = (num . fun)
+ (pp-by-function x pat*))
+ (let ((tab1 (car pat1))
+ (fun1 (cdr pat1)))
+ (move (if (null? tab1)
+ (- cp 1) ; PAT = ((() . fun) ...)
+ (- ip tab1))) ; PAT = ((num . fun)...)
+ (pp-by-function
+ (car x) fun1) ; pp the car
+ (pp-by-pat-tail ; pp the cdr
+ (cdr x) ip pat*))))))))
+ (pp-by-function
+ (lambda (x fun)
+ (if (null? fun)
+ (pp-call x)
+ (case fun
+ (exp (pp-exp x))
+ (v-tail (pp-v-tail x))
+ (call (pp-call x))
+ (bvl (pp-block x cp))
+ (tuples (pp-tuples x))
+ (let (pp-let x))
+ (cond-tail (pp-cond-tail x))
+ (case-tail (pp-case-tail x))
+ (comb (pp-comb x))
+ (else (pp-call x))))))
+ (pp-let
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (pp-atom x)
+ (let ((p cp))
+ (prin-op x)
+ (move (- cp 1))
+ (when (and (cadr x) ; named LET ?
+ (atom? (cadr x)))
+ (set! x (cdr x))
+ (pp-atom (car x)) ; name
+ (move (- p 5)))
+ (if (pair? (cdr x))
+ (begin
+ (pp-tuples (cadr x)) ; pairs
+ (move (- p 2))
+ (pp-v-tail (cddr x))) ; body
+ (pp-atomic-tail (cdr x)))))))
+ (pp-call
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((or (atom? x)
+ (null? (cdr x)) ; no arguments
+ (all-fits-nicely? x))
+ (pp-block x cp))
+ ((and (symbol? (car x))
+ ( < (print-length (car x)) 5))
+ (pp-hang x))
+ (else
+ (let ((p cp))
+ (prin-op x)
+ (move (- p 3))
+ (pp-v-tail (cdr x)))))))
+ (pp-comb
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((or (atom? x)
+ (and (pair? (cdr x)) ; length = 2 ?
+ (null? (cddr x))
+ (all-fits-nicely? x)))
+ (pp-block x cp))
+ ((and (symbol? (car x))
+ ( < (print-length (car x)) 5))
+ (pp-hang x))
+ (else
+ (pp-v x)))))
+ (pp-case-tail
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (pp-atomic-tail x)
+ (let ((p cp)
+ (next (car x))
+ (rest (cdr x)))
+ (pp-case-item next)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (pp-atomic-tail rest)
+ (begin
+ (move p)
+ (pp-case-tail rest)))))))
+ (pp-case-item
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((atom? x)
+ (pp-atom x))
+ ((all-fits-nicely? x)
+ (pp-block x cp))
+ (else
+ (display "(")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1))
+ (let ((p cp))
+ (pp-block (car x) cp)
+ (move p)
+ (pp-v-tail (cdr x)))))))
+ (pp-cond-tail
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (pp-atomic-tail x)
+ (let ((p cp)
+ (next (car x))
+ (rest (cdr x)))
+ (pp-comb next)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (pp-atomic-tail rest)
+ (begin
+ (move p)
+ (pp-cond-tail rest)))))))
+ (pp-tuples
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (and x (atom? x))
+ (pp-atom x)
+ (begin
+ (display "(")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1))
+ (pp-tuples-tail x)))))
+ (pp-tuples-tail
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (pp-atomic-tail x)
+ (let ((p cp)
+ (next (car x))
+ (rest (cdr x)))
+ (if (or (atom? next)
+ (all-fits-nicely? next))
+ (pp-block next cp)
+ (pp-comb next))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (pp-atomic-tail rest)
+ (begin
+ (move p)
+ (pp-tuples-tail rest)))))))
+ (pp-hang
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (pp-atom x)
+ (begin
+ (prin-op x)
+ (move (- cp 1))
+ (pp-v-tail (cdr x))))))
+ (pp-v
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (and x (atom? x))
+ (pp-atom x)
+ (begin
+ (display "(")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1))
+ (pp-v-tail x)))))
+ (pp-v-tail
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((atom? x)
+ (pp-atomic-tail x))
+ ((eq? (car x) '%QQ-C)
+ (pp-block-tail x cp))
+ (else
+ (let ((p cp)
+ (next (car x))
+ (rest (cdr x)))
+ (pp-exp next)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (pp-atomic-tail rest)
+ (begin
+ (move p)
+ (pp-v-tail rest))))))))
+ (pp-block
+ (lambda (x ip)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (pp-atom x)
+ (let ((quasi (assq (car x)
+ '((QUOTE . "'")
+ (QUASIQUOTE . "`")
+ (%QQ-C . ",")
+ (%QQ-CA . ",@")
+ (%QQ-CD . ",.")))))
+ (cond ((and quasi
+ (pair? (cdr x))
+ (null? (cddr x)))
+ (let* ((prefix (cdr quasi))
+ (len (string-length prefix)))
+ (display prefix)
+ (set! cp (- cp len))
+ (pp-block (cadr x) (- ip len))))
+ (else
+ (display "(")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1))
+ (pp-block-tail x (- ip 1))) )))))
+ (pp-block-tail
+ (lambda (x ip)
+ (cond ((atom? x)
+ (pp-atomic-tail x))
+ ((and (eq? (car x) '%QQ-C)
+ (pair? (cdr x))
+ (null? (cddr x)))
+ (display " . ,")
+ (set! cp (- cp 4))
+ (pp-block (cadr x)(- ip 4))
+ (display ")")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1)))
+ (else
+ (let* ((carx (car x))
+ (fits (all-fits? carx)))
+ (cond ((and (not fits)
+ (>? ip cp))
+ (move ip)
+ (pp-block-tail x ip))
+ (else
+ (if fits ; print the CAR
+ (pp-block carx ip)
+ (begin
+ (pp-exp carx)
+ (move ip)))
+ (if (atom? (cdr x)) ; print the CDR
+ (pp-atomic-tail (cdr x))
+ (begin
+ (move (- cp 1))
+ (pp-block-tail (cdr x) ip))))))))))
+ (pp-atom
+ (lambda (x)
+ (write x)
+ (set! cp (- margin
+ (- (current-column) 1)))))
+ (pp-atomic-tail
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((null? x)
+ (display ")")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1)))
+ (else
+ (display " . ")
+ (set! cp (- cp 3))
+ (pp-atom x)
+ (display ")")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1))))))
+ (prin-op
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((op (car x))
+ (p cp))
+ (display "(")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1))
+ (pp-block op cp)
+ ;; (when ( < cp miser-cp) ;; causes a bug??
+ ;; (move (- p 2)))
+ )))
+ (move
+ (lambda (p)
+ (when ( < cp p)
+ (newline) ; move left
+ (set! cp margin))
+ (when ( > cp p)
+ (let ((cp4 (- cp 4))) ; move right
+ (if ( >= cp4 p)
+ (begin
+ (display " ")
+ (set! cp cp4))
+ (begin
+ (display " ")
+ (set! cp (- cp 1)))))
+ (move p))))
+ (all-fits?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (fits-in? x cp 0)))
+ (all-fits-nicely?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (fits-in? x (min cp nice-fit) 0)))
+ (fits-in? ; returns length[X] if <= SIZE
+ (lambda (x space acc) ; returns #!FALSE otherwise
+ (cond ((pair? x)
+ (fits-in-tail? x space acc))
+ ((or (symbol? x) (number? x) (string? x)
+ (char? x) (null? x))
+ (let ((len (print-length x))) ; broken
+ (and ( >= space len)
+ (+ acc len))))
+ (else #!false))))
+ (fits-in-tail?
+ (lambda (x space acc)
+ (cond ((null? acc) #!false)
+ (( < space 2) #!false)
+ ((null? x) (+ acc 1))
+ ((atom? x) (fits-in? x (- space 4)(+ acc 4)))
+ (else
+ (let ((len (fits-in? (car x) space 0)))
+ (and len
+ (fits-in-tail? (cdr x)
+ (- (- space len) 1)
+ (+ (+ acc len) 1))))))))
+ (make-printable
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (cond ((closure? obj)
+ (apply-if (assq 'SOURCE (%reify obj 0))
+ (lambda (entry)
+ (display obj)
+ (display " =")
+ (newline)
+ (cdr entry))
+ obj))
+ ;; other special cases ...
+ (else obj))))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (pp-exp (make-printable expression))
+ *the-non-printing-object*))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/ppeep.s b/newpcs/ppeep.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6385741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/ppeep.s
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: ppeep.s
+; Last Revision: 1-Oct-85 1630ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Post-Codegen Optimization ;
+; ;
+; ;
+; Note: The optimization TEST+JUMP-NULL? ==> JUMP-NOT-TEST has not been ;
+; implemented because peep2 can't reliably tell when TEST is dead. ;
+; ;
+; ;
+; Revisions : ;
+; 6/1/87 rb - Modified p2-substitute, so as not to monkey with %xesc ;
+; 6/3/87 tc - Modified p1 register substitution to understand %xesc ;
+; ;
+; ;
+(define pcs-postgen
+ (lambda (code)
+ (letrec
+ (
+ (peep1
+ (lambda (code)
+ (cond (pcs-permit-peep-1 (p1 code '()))
+ (pcs-permit-peep-2 (reverse! code))
+ (t code))))
+ (p1
+ (lambda (next acc)
+ (if (null? next)
+ (begin
+ (p1-forget-all)
+ acc)
+ (let ((rest (cdr next))
+ (instr (car next)))
+ (cond ((or (atom? instr) ; label
+ (number? (car instr))) ; label
+ (when (and acc
+ (cdr acc)
+ (not (atom? (car acc)))
+ (eq? (caar acc) 'JUMP)
+ (equal? (cadar acc) instr))
+ (set! acc (cdr acc))) ; delete "JUMP $+1"
+ (p1-forget-all))
+ ((memq (car instr) '(JUMP CALL LIVE))
+ (p1-forget-all))
+ ((eq? (car instr) 'LOAD)
+ (p1-propagate (cddr instr)) ; src reg
+ (p1-forget (cdr instr)) ; dest reg
+ (p1-remember (cadr instr) ; dest <== src
+ (caddr instr))
+ )
+ ((eq? (car instr) '%XESC)
+ ; %xesc assumes the dest reg will be equal tc - 6/3/87
+ ; to the third operand (cadddr instr)
+ (let ((dest (cadr instr)))
+ (p1-propagate-all (cdr instr))
+ (p1-forget (cdr instr)) ; dest reg
+ (p1-forget dest) ; old dest reg
+ (p1-remember (cadr instr) ; dest <== src
+ (cadddr instr))
+ (p1-remember dest ; old dest <== src
+ (cadddr instr))
+ )
+ )
+ ((not (atom? (cdr instr)))
+ (p1-propagate-all (cddr instr)) ; src regs
+ (p1-forget (cdr instr))) ; dest reg
+ (t '()))
+ (set-cdr! next acc)
+ (p1 rest next)))))
+ (p1-propagate
+ (lambda (s*) ; (src ...)
+ (when (not (atom? s*))
+ (let ((s (car s*)))
+ (when (number? s)
+ (let ((sub (vector-ref reg-table s)))
+ (when sub ; any sub
+ (set-car! s* sub))))))))
+ (p1-propagate-all
+ (lambda (s*) ; (src ...)
+ (when (not (atom? s*))
+ (let ((s (car s*)))
+ (when (number? s)
+ (let ((sub (vector-ref reg-table s)))
+ (when (number? sub) ; regs only
+ (set-car! s* sub)))))
+ (p1-propagate-all (cdr s*))))) ; cdr down
+ (p1-remember
+ (lambda (dest src)
+ (when (or (number? src) ; reg?
+ (and (not (atom? src)) ; constant
+ (eq? (car src) 'quote)))
+ (vector-set! reg-table dest src)
+ (set! reg-table-max
+ (max reg-table-max
+ (if (and (number? src)(> src dest))
+ src
+ dest))))))
+ (p1-forget
+ (lambda (d*) ; (dest ...)
+ (when (not (atom? d*))
+ (let ((d (car d*)))
+ (when (number? d) ; reg
+ (vector-set! reg-table d #!false)
+ (p1-forget-uses d))))))
+ (p1-forget-uses
+ (lambda (reg)
+ (letrec ((loop (lambda (v i reg)
+ (when (not (negative? i))
+ (if (equal? (vector-ref v i) reg)
+ (vector-set! v i #!false))
+ (loop v (sub1 i) reg)))))
+ (loop reg-table reg-table-max reg))))
+ (p1-forget-all
+ (lambda ()
+ (vector-fill! reg-table #!false)))
+;;; p2 -- peephole optimizer pass 2
+;;; Purposes:
+;;; 1. Destructively reverse the code list (previously reversed by the
+;;; first pass), returning it to forward order.
+;;; 2. Eliminate dead code
+;;; Delete instructions whenever the destination register is dead and
+;;; there are no side effects.
+;;; Maintain live/dead info: destination registers are dead prior to
+;;; assignment, source registers become live. LIVE directives and
+;;; arguments to CALLs also control liveness.
+;;; Assumption: every JUMP is immediately preceded by a LIVE.
+;;; 3. Target registers
+;;; Delay register moves (only), such as (LOAD A B). Mark register A
+;;; as dead, register B as live.
+;;; Force delayed loads whenever register A is used or a label, CALL,
+;;; or JUMP occurs.
+;;; Substitute register A for register B and remove the (LOAD A B)
+;;; from the delayed list whenever register B is the destination of
+;;; an instruction.
+;;; 4. Other optimizations
+;;; Eliminate no-ops: (LOAD A A)
+;;; Commute operands: (+ A B A) ==> (+ A A B)
+;;; Data Structures:
+;;; REG-TABLE [0..63]
+;;; Entry I is #!FALSE iff register I is "live"
+;;; "Delayed" register moves are maintained in the form:
+;;; ((LOAD Ai Bi) ...)
+;;; where each Ai and Bi is a register number, no Ai=Aj, no Ai=Bj,
+;;; and no Bi=Bj. The P2-DELAY routine decides whether to delay a
+;;; given (LOAD A B), based on the following considerations:
+;;; (= A B) : Can't happen, because P2 previously deletes these
+;;; no-ops [p2-dead].
+;;; (= A Ai) : Can't happen, because Ai is "dead" and P2 would have
+;;; deleted this operation [p2-dead].
+;;; (= A Bi) : Can't happen, because P2 would previously have
+;;; substituted the corresponding Ai for A [p2-substitute], making
+;;; this (LOAD Ai B), and no Ai=Bj. (???)
+;;; (= B Ai) : Can't happen, because P2 would have forced out any
+;;; delayed (LOAD Ai Bi) [p2-sources].
+;;; (= B Bi) : CAN happen. We modify the current instruction so we
+;;; can continue to delay the previous (LOAD Ai Bi), as follows.
+;;; Example: (load 3 5) ... (load 4 5)
+;;; When we see the (LOAD 3 5), we have already delayed the
+;;; (LOAD 4 5). Thus, we change (LOAD 3 5) into (LOAD 3 4),
+;;; make register 4 "live", and continue to delay (LOAD 4 5).
+;;; B is live : CAN happen. Don't delay the load, since the values
+;;; of both A and B are needed.
+;;; otherwise : delay the (LOAD A B).
+ (peep2
+ (lambda (code)
+ (cond (pcs-permit-peep-2 (p2 code '()))
+ (pcs-permit-peep-1 (reverse! code))
+ (t code))))
+ (p2
+ (lambda (next acc)
+ (if (null? next)
+ acc
+ (let ((rest (cdr next))
+ (instr (car next)))
+ (begin
+ (set-cdr! next acc) ; assume we will keep it
+ ;; don't use ACC past here
+ (if (or (atom? instr)
+ (number? (car instr)))
+ (p2 rest (p2-force-all next)) ; label
+ (let ((op (car instr)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq? op 'JUMP) ; JUMP
+ (p2-jump instr rest next))
+ ((eq? op 'CALL) ; CALL
+ (p2-call instr rest next))
+ ((eq? op 'LIVE) ; LIVE
+ (p2-live instr rest next))
+ ((p2-dead? instr) ; result not needed
+ (p2 rest (cdr next))) ; delete it
+ (t
+ (p2-substitute instr)
+ (if (eq? op 'LOAD)
+ (p2-load instr rest next)
+ (begin
+ (let ((dest (cadr instr)))
+ (when (number? dest)
+ (p2-force dest next delay-list '())
+ (p2-kill dest)))
+ (p2-sources ; make the src regs live
+ (cddr instr) next)
+ (p2-keep rest instr next))))))))))))
+;;; p2-jump -- Process JUMP instructions.
+ (p2-jump
+ (lambda (instr rest next)
+ (p2 rest
+ (p2-sources (cdddr instr)
+ (p2-force-all next)))))
+;;; p2-call -- Process CALL instructions.
+ (p2-call
+ (lambda (instr rest next)
+ (vector-fill! reg-table #!true) ; make all regs dead
+ (let ((next (p2-sources (cddr instr)
+ (p2-force-all next)))) ; make src regs live
+ (if (not (atom? (caddr instr)))
+ (p2-make-live 1 (car (caddr instr)))) ; number of args
+ (p2 rest next))))
+;;; p2-live -- Process LIVE directives.
+ (p2-live
+ (lambda (instr rest next)
+ (vector-fill! reg-table #!true) ; make all regs dead
+ (let ((range (cadr instr))) ; then make some live
+ (when (not (null? range))
+ (p2-make-live (car range)(cdr range))))
+ (p2 rest next)))
+ (p2-make-live
+ (lambda (lo hi)
+ (when ( >= hi lo)
+ (vector-set! reg-table hi #!false) ; make reg live
+ (p2-make-live lo (sub1 hi)))))
+;;; p2-load -- Process LOAD instructions.
+ (p2-load
+ (lambda (instr rest next)
+ (let ((dest (cadr instr))
+ (src (caddr instr)))
+ (if (equal? dest src) ; no-op?
+ (p2 rest (cdr next)) ; delete it
+ (let ((live-src? (and (number? src)
+ (null? (vector-ref reg-table src)))))
+ (p2-force dest next delay-list '())
+ (p2-kill dest)
+ (p2-sources (cddr instr) next)
+ (let ((acc (cdr next)))
+ (if (and (not live-src?)
+ (p2-delay next)) ; does (set-cdr! next ...)
+ (p2 rest acc)
+ (p2-keep rest instr next))))))))
+;;; p2-substitute -- Attempt to substitute a delayed register for the
+;;; destination of INSTR. If the destination of INSTR is B and a
+;;; (LOAD A B) instruction has been delayed, then the destination is
+;;; changed to A and the (LOAD A B) is forgotten.
+;;; This substitution cannot be performed on %XESC instructions because
+;;; %XESC assumes the destination is the same as the third operand
+ (p2-substitute
+ (lambda (instr)
+ (letrec ((loop
+ (lambda (reg old new)
+ (if (null? old)
+ new
+ (let ((next (cdr old))
+ (src (caddr (car old))))
+ (if (and (= reg src)
+ ; don't substitute for %xesc rb - 6/1/87
+ (not (eq? (car instr) '%xesc)))
+ (begin ; replace the dest opd
+ (p2-kill (cadr instr)) ; kill old dest reg
+ (set-car! (cdr instr) ; subst new dest reg
+ (cadr (car old)))
+ (append! next new)) ; forget it
+ (begin
+ (set-cdr! old new)
+ (loop reg next old))))))))
+ (if delay-list
+ (let ((dest (cadr instr)))
+ (if (number? dest)
+ (set! delay-list
+ (loop dest delay-list '()))))))))
+;;; p2-kill -- Mark the register DEST as "dead".
+ (p2-kill
+ (lambda (dest)
+ (if (number? dest)
+ (vector-set! reg-table dest #!true))))
+;;; p2-sources -- Process the source registers (SS) of an instruction:
+;;; 1. Mark each source register as "live".
+;;; 2. For each source operand OPD which is a register for which there is
+;;; a delayed assignment, force out the load, since this is the last
+;;; use of a previous value.
+;;; 3. Return the updated code list, NEXT.
+ (p2-sources
+ (lambda (ss next)
+ (if (null? ss)
+ next
+ (let ((opd (car ss)))
+ (if (number? opd) ; register
+ (begin
+ (vector-set! reg-table opd #!false) ; make it live
+ (p2-sources (cdr ss)
+ (p2-force opd next delay-list '())))
+ (p2-sources (cdr ss) next))))))
+;;; p2-force -- REG is a register which is being used as a source operand
+;;; of the instruction which is at the head of CODE-LIST. Thus, we must
+;;; force out any delayed load which defines or uses REG, since the source
+;;; operand must refer to the old value before reassignment (defines) and
+;;; we can't eliminate registers with multiple uses. Returns the updated
+ (p2-force
+ (lambda (reg code-list old new)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (begin
+ (set! delay-list new)
+ code-list)
+ (let ((this (cdr old))
+ (dest (cadr (car old)))
+ (src (caddr (car old))))
+ (if (or (= reg dest)
+ (= reg src))
+ (begin
+ (set-cdr! old (cdr code-list))
+ (set-cdr! code-list old)
+ (set! delay-list (append! this new))
+ code-list)
+ (begin
+ (set-cdr! old new)
+ (p2-force reg code-list this old)))))))
+;;; p2-force-all -- Force all delayed register assignments out. This is
+;;; necessary at all jumps, calls, labels, etc.
+ (p2-force-all
+ (lambda (code-list)
+ (when delay-list
+ (set-cdr! code-list
+ (append! delay-list (cdr code-list)))
+ (set! delay-list '()))
+ code-list))
+;;; p2-delay -- Delay instructions of the form (LOAD reg-A reg-B)
+ (p2-delay
+ (lambda (next)
+ (let ((instr (car next)))
+ (let ((dest (cadr instr))
+ (src (caddr instr)))
+ (if (number? src)
+ (let ((delayed-load (p2-lookup src delay-list)))
+ (if delayed-load
+ (let ((delayed-dest (cadr delayed-load)))
+ (set-car! (cddr instr)
+ delayed-dest) ; fix this one
+ (p2-make-live delayed-dest
+ delayed-dest) ; keep the other delayed
+ '())
+ (begin ; delay this one
+ (set-cdr! next delay-list)
+ (set! delay-list next)
+ 't)))
+ '()))))) ; not a reg-reg move
+ (p2-lookup
+ (lambda (src dl)
+ (cond ((null? dl) '())
+ ((= src (caddr (car dl))) (car dl))
+ (t (p2-lookup src (cdr dl))))))
+;;; p2-dead? -- Determine whether instruction INSTR may be considered
+;;; redundant and thus deleted. If the destination operand is "dead" and
+;;; the instruction has no side effects, then the instruction is "dead".
+ (p2-dead?
+ (lambda (instr)
+ (and (eq? (car instr) 'LOAD) ; no side effects
+ (number? (cadr instr)) ; dest reg
+ (or (equal? (cadr instr)(caddr instr))
+ (not (null? (vector-ref reg-table (cadr instr))))))))
+;;; p2-keep -- Keep the current instruction, INSTR (which is also the first
+;;; item in NEXT). If INSTR is a primitive that requires the first source
+;;; operand to be the same as the destination register, add an appropriate
+;;; LOAD in front and modify the instruction.
+ (p2-keep
+ (lambda (rest instr next)
+ (let ((dest (cadr instr))
+ (src (and (cddr instr)(caddr instr))))
+ (cond ((or (not (number? dest))
+ (not (number? src))
+ (= dest src)
+ (memq (car instr) funny-primitives))
+ (p2 rest next))
+ ((member dest (cdddr instr))
+ (if (and (memq (car instr) commutative-primops)
+ (equal? dest (cadddr instr)))
+ (begin ; swap source operands
+ (set-car! (cddr instr) dest)
+ (set-car! (cdddr instr) src)
+ (p2 rest next))
+ (begin
+ (set-cdr! next (cons (list 'LOAD dest 63)
+ (cdr next)))
+ (set-car! (cdr instr) 63)
+ (set-car! (cddr instr) 63)
+ (p2 rest (cons (list 'LOAD 63 src) next)))))
+ (t
+ (set-car! (cddr instr) dest)
+ (p2 rest (cons (list 'LOAD dest src) next)))))))
+;;; data
+ (funny-primitives '(LOAD cons car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr
+ cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr cadddr))
+ (commutative-primops '(+ * = eq? eqv? equal? max min))
+ (delay-list '())
+ (reg-table-max 0)
+ (reg-table (make-vector 64 #!false))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (when pcs-verbose-flag
+ (writeln "Codegen results:")
+ (pcs-princode code)
+ (newline))
+ (let ((code1 (peep1 code)))
+ (when pcs-verbose-flag
+ (writeln "Pass 1 optimization results:")
+ (set! code1 (reverse! code1))
+ (pcs-princode code1)
+ (set! code1 (reverse! code1))
+ (newline))
+ (let ((code2 (peep2 code1)))
+ (when pcs-verbose-flag
+ (writeln "Pass 2 optimization results:")
+ (pcs-princode code2)
+ (newline))
+ code2))))))
+(define pcs-princode ; PCS-PRINCODE
+ (lambda (code)
+ (letrec
+ (
+ (tab " ")
+ (tab2 " ")
+ (nlabels 0)
+ (ninstrs 0)
+ (nfields 0)
+ (pcl
+ (lambda (cl)
+ (newline)
+ (when cl
+ (let ((x (car cl)))
+ (if (or (atom? x) ; label?
+ (number? (car x)))
+ (begin
+ (set! nlabels (add1 nlabels))
+ (princ tab)
+ (princ x)) ; label
+ (begin
+ (set! ninstrs (add1 ninstrs))
+ (princ tab2)
+ (pc x tab))) ; instruction
+ (pcl (cdr cl))))))
+ (pc
+ (lambda (x spacer)
+ (set! nfields (add1 nfields))
+ (princ (car x))
+ (when (cdr x)
+ (princ spacer)
+ (pc (cdr x) ", "))))
+ )
+ (pcl code)
+ (writeln " There are " nlabels " labels, "
+ ninstrs " instructions, and "
+ nfields " fields.")
+ )))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/primops.s b/newpcs/primops.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da002c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/primops.s
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+(DEFINE < (LAMBDA (I J) (< I J)))
+(DEFINE <= (LAMBDA (I J) (<= I J)))
+(DEFINE <=? (LAMBDA (I J) (<=? I J)))
+(DEFINE <> (LAMBDA (I J) (<> I J)))
+(DEFINE <>? (LAMBDA (I J) (<>? I J)))
+(DEFINE = (LAMBDA (I J) (= I J)))
+(DEFINE =? (LAMBDA (I J) (=? I J)))
+(DEFINE > (LAMBDA (I J) (> I J)))
+(DEFINE >= (LAMBDA (I J) (>= I J)))
+(DEFINE >=? (LAMBDA (I J) (>=? I J)))
+(DEFINE >? (LAMBDA (I J) (>? I J)))
+ (LAMBDA ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/psimp.s b/newpcs/psimp.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8033c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/psimp.s
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: psimp.s
+; Last Revision: 1-Oct-85 1630ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Program Simplification ;
+; (for use only after alpha conversion) ;
+; ;
+(define pcs-simplify
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (letrec
+ ((simp
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ x
+ (case (car x)
+ (quote x)
+ (T x) ; ID record
+ (lambda (simp-lambda x))
+ (if (simp-if (simp (if-pred x))
+ (simp (if-then x))
+ (simp (if-else x))))
+ (set! (simp-set! (set!-id x)
+ (simp (set!-exp x))))
+ (begin (simp-begin (simp-args (cdr x) '())))
+ (letrec (simp-letrec
+ (simp-pairs (letrec-pairs x) '())
+ (simp (letrec-body x))))
+ (else (simp-application (simp-args x '())))
+ ))))
+ (simp-lambda
+ (lambda (x) ; note: preserve extra slots in the node
+ (begin ; This changes the apparent output of PME!!
+ (set-lambda-body x (simp (lambda-body x)))
+ x)))
+ (simp-if
+ (lambda (p th el)
+ (cond ;; --- (if p (if p a b) c) ==> (if p a c)
+ ((and (eq? (car th) 'if)
+ (dupe? p) ; no side effects
+ (equal? p (if-pred th)))
+ (simp-if p (if-then th) el))
+ ;; --- (if p a (if p b c)) ==> (if p a c)
+ ((and (eq? (car el) 'if)
+ (dupe? p) ; no side effects
+ (equal? p (if-pred el)))
+ (simp-if p th (if-else el)))
+ ;; --- (if #!false a b) ==> b
+ ;; --- (if '* a b) ==> a
+ ((eq? (car p) 'quote)
+ (if (cadr p) th el))
+ ;; --- (if (not a) b c) ==> (if a c b)
+ ((eq? (car p) 'not)
+ (simp-if (cadr p) el th))
+ ;; --- (if (begin ... p) a b)
+ ;; ==> (begin ... (if p a b))
+ ((eq? (car p) 'begin)
+ (let ((sl (reverse (cdr p))))
+ (simp-begin
+ (reverse! (cons (simp-if (car sl) th el)
+ (cdr sl))))))
+ ;; --- (if (if a b c) d e)
+ ;;
+ ;; ==> (if a (if b d e)
+ ;; (if c d e))
+ ((eq? (car p) 'if)
+ (cond ((dupe? th)
+ (let ((a (if-pred p))
+ (b (if-then p))
+ (c (if-else p)))
+ (cond
+ ;; --- (if (if a 't c) d e)
+ ;; ==> (if a d (if c d e))
+ ((and (pair? b)
+ (eq? (car b) 'QUOTE)
+ (cadr b))
+ (simp-if a th
+ (simp-if c th el)))
+ ;; --- (if (if a b 't) d e)
+ ;; ==> (if a (if b d e) d)
+ ((and (pair? c)
+ (eq? (car c) 'QUOTE)
+ (cadr c))
+ (simp-if a (simp-if b th el) th))
+ ;; --- (if (if a a c) d e)
+ ;; ==> (if a d (if c d e))
+ ((and (dupe? a)(equal? a b))
+ (simp-if a th (simp-if c th el)))
+ (else
+ (list 'if p th el)))))
+ ;; The following turns out to "pessimize" the code
+ ;; given the current code generator algorithms
+ ;; ((dupe? el)
+ ;; (let ((a (if-pred p))
+ ;; (b (if-then p))
+ ;; (c (if-else p)))
+ ;; (cond
+ ;; --- (if (if a #!false c) d e)
+ ;; ==> (if a e (if c d e))
+ ;; ((equal? b '(quote #!false))
+ ;; (simp-if a el (simp-if c th el)))
+ ;; --- (if (if a b #!false) d e)
+ ;; ==> (if a (if b d e) e)
+ ;; ((equal? c '(quote #!false))
+ ;; (simp-if a (simp-if b th el) el))
+ ;; (else
+ ;; (list 'if p th el)))))
+ (else
+ (list 'if p th el))))
+ (else
+ (list 'if p th el)))))
+ (dupe?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (or (atom? x)
+ (memq (car x)
+ '(T QUOTE %%get-global%% %%get-fluid%%)))))
+ (simp-set!
+ (lambda (id exp)
+ (cond
+ ;; --- (set! a a) ==> a
+ ((eq? id exp) id)
+ ;; --- (set! x (if a b c))
+ ;; ==> (if a (set! x b)(set! x c))
+ ((eq? (car exp) 'if)
+ (simp-if (if-pred exp)
+ (simp-set! id (if-then exp))
+ (simp-set! id (if-else exp))))
+ (else
+ (list 'set! id exp)))))
+ (simp-begin
+ (lambda (sl)
+ (let ((sl (s-begin (reverse! sl) '())))
+ (cond ((null? sl) '(quote ()))
+ ((null? (cdr sl)) (car sl))
+ (else
+ (cons 'begin sl))))))
+ (s-begin
+ (lambda (old new)
+ (if (null? old)
+ new
+ (let ((s (car old)))
+ (cond ((and new ; not last exp
+ (memq (car s)
+ %%get-global%%
+ %%get-fluid%%)))
+ (s-begin (cdr old) new)) ; delete s
+ ((or (eq? (car s) 'begin)
+ (and new (no-se-op (car s))))
+ (s-begin (append! (reverse! (cdr s))
+ (cdr old))
+ new))
+ (t (s-begin (cdr old)
+ (cons s new))))))))
+;;; (simp-apply
+;;; (lambda (fun arg)
+;;; (cond
+;;; ;; --- (apply (lambda (a ...) body) arg)
+;;; ;; ==> (let ((L arg))
+;;; ;; (let ((a (car L))...) body))
+;;; ((and (eq? (car fun) 'lambda)
+;;; (not (negative? (lambda-nargs fun))))
+;;; (simp-apply-letrec
+;;; (lambda-bvl fun) (lambda-body fun) arg #!false))
+;;; (t (list '%apply fun arg)))))
+;;;(lambda (bvl body arg dupe?)
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda () body) L)
+;;; ;; ==> (begin L body)
+;;; (if (null? bvl)
+;;; (simp-begin (list arg body))
+;;; (let ((a (car bvl)))
+;;; (cond
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda (a ...) body) (cons x y))
+;;; ;; ==> (let ((a x))
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda (...) body) y))
+;;; ((eq? (car arg) 'cons)
+;;; (simp-letrec
+;;; `((,a ,(cadr arg)))
+;;; (simp-apply-letrec
+;;; (cdr bvl) body (caddr arg) #!false)))
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda (a) body) L)
+;;; ;; ==> (let ((a (car L))) body)
+;;; ((null? (cdr bvl))
+;;; (simp-letrec
+;;; `((,a (car ,arg)))
+;;; body))
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda (a...) body) triv)
+;;; ;; ==> (let ((a (car triv)))
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda (...) body)
+;;; ;; (cdr triv)))
+;;; ((or dupe?
+;;; (memq (car arg) '(T QUOTE)))
+;;; (simp-letrec
+;;; `((,a (car ,arg)))
+;;; (simp-apply-letrec
+;;; (cdr bvl) body `(cdr ,arg) 't)))
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda (a...) body) L)
+;;; ;; ==> (let ((temp L))
+;;; ;; (let ((a (car L)))
+;;; ;; (apply (lambda (...) body)
+;;; ;; (cdr temp))))
+;;; (t
+;;; (let ((temp (pcs-make-id '())))
+;;; (simp-letrec
+;;; `((,temp ,arg))
+;;; (simp-letrec
+;;; `((,a (car ,temp)))
+;;; (simp-apply-letrec
+;;; (cdr bvl) body `(cdr ,temp) 't)))))
+;;; )))))
+ (simp-letrec
+ (lambda (pairs body)
+ (cond
+ ;; --- (letrec () body) ==> body
+ ((and (null? pairs)
+ (not debug-mode))
+ body)
+ ;; --- (letrec ((a '*)...)
+ ;; (begin (set! a value) ...))
+ ;; --- (letrec (...(a value))
+ ;; (begin ...))
+;;; omit: works, but not worth doing
+;;; ((and (eq? (car body) 'begin)
+;;; (eq? (car (cadr body)) 'set!)
+;;; (eq? (set!-id (cadr body)) (caar pairs))
+;;; (eq? (car (cadar pairs)) 'quote)
+;;; (memq (car (set!-exp (cadr body)))
+;;; '(quote lambda)))
+;;; (simp-letrec
+;;; (append (cdr pairs)
+;;; (list
+;;; (list (caar pairs)
+;;; (set!-exp (cadr body)))))
+;;; (simp-begin
+;;; (cddr body))))
+ ;; --- (letrec ((a '*)...)
+ ;; (set! a value))
+ ;; --- (letrec (...(a value))
+ ;; a)
+;;; omit: works, but not worth doing
+;;; ((and (eq? (car body) 'set!)
+;;; (eq? (set!-id body) (caar pairs))
+;;; (eq? (car (cadar pairs)) 'quote)
+;;; (memq (car (set!-exp body))
+;;; '(quote lambda)))
+;;; (simp-letrec
+;;; (append! (cdr pairs)
+;;; (list
+;;; (list (set!-id body)
+;;; (set!-exp body))))
+;;; (set!-id body)))
+ (t (list 'letrec pairs body)))))
+ (simp-pairs
+ (lambda (old new)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (reverse! new)
+ (simp-pairs (cdr old)
+ (cons (list (caar old)
+ (simp (cadar old)))
+ new)))))
+ (simp-car
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (list 'CAR x)
+ (let ((op (assq (car x) '((CAR . CAAR)(CADR . CAADR)
+ (CDDDR . CADDDR)))))
+ (if op
+ (cons (cdr op)(cdr x))
+ (list 'CAR x))))))
+ (simp-cdr
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (atom? x)
+ (list 'CDR x)
+ (let ((op (assq (car x) '((CAR . CDAR)(CADR . CDADR)
+ (CDR . CDDR)(CDDR . CDDDR)))))
+ (if op
+ (cons (cdr op)(cdr x))
+ (list 'CDR x))))))
+ (simp-=
+ (lambda (op x y)
+ (if (and (eq? (car y) 'QUOTE)
+ (number? (cadr y)))
+ (let ((rop (assq op '((= . =) (< . >) (> . <)
+ (<= . >=) (>= . <=) (<> . <>)))))
+ (if rop
+ (list (cdr rop) y x)
+ (list op x y)))
+ (list op x y))))
+ (simp-application
+ (lambda (comb) ; COMB is already simplified
+ (let ((f (car comb))
+ (args (cdr comb)))
+ (cond ((atom? f) ; primitive
+ (case f
+;;; ((%apply) (simp-apply (car args) (cadr args)))
+ ((car) (simp-car (car args)))
+ ((cdr) (simp-cdr (car args)))
+ ((= < > <= >= <>)
+ (simp-= f (car args) (cadr args)))
+ (else
+ comb)))
+ ;; --- ((lambda () body)) ==> body
+ ((and (not debug-mode)
+ (eq? (car f) 'lambda)
+ (null? args)
+ (null? (lambda-bvl f)))
+ (lambda-body f))
+ ;; --- ((lambda (a b)(foo a b))
+ ;; x y)
+ ;; ==> (foo x y)
+ ((and (not debug-mode)
+ (eq? (car f) 'lambda)
+ (let ((foo (car (lambda-body f))))
+ (cond ((atom? foo)
+ (getprop foo 'pcs*opcode))
+ ((eq? (car foo) 'T)
+ (not (memq foo (lambda-bvl f))))
+ (else
+ (eq? (car foo) '%%get-global%%))))
+ (equal? (cdr (lambda-body f)) ; (... a b)
+ (lambda-bvl f))) ; (a b)
+ (simp-application
+ (cons (car (lambda-body f))
+ args)))
+ ;; --- ((letrec pairs body) . args)
+ ;; ==> (letrec pairs (body . args))
+ ((eq? (car f) 'letrec)
+ (simp-letrec
+ (letrec-pairs f)
+ (simp-application
+ `(,(letrec-body f) . ,args))))
+ (t comb)))))
+ (simp-args
+ (lambda (old new)
+ (if (null? old)
+ (reverse! new)
+ (simp-args (cdr old)
+ (cons (simp (car old))
+ new)))))
+ (no-se-op
+ (lambda (op)
+ (and (symbol? op)
+ (getprop op 'pcs*primop-handler) ; not a 'magic' primop
+ (let ((opcode (getprop op 'pcs*opcode)))
+ (and (integer? opcode)
+ (positive? opcode))))))
+;;; data
+ (debug-mode pcs-debug-mode)
+ )
+ (simp exp))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/psort.s b/newpcs/psort.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0afb63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/psort.s
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+; -*- Mode: Scheme -*- Filename: psort.s
+; Last Revision: 15-Jan-87 0900ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Runtime ;
+; (c) Copyright 1987 by Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Destructive SORT! routines for Vectors and Lists ;
+; ;
+;; MERGE-SORT! is adapted from an algorithm contributed to TI by Dr
+;; Alexander Stepanov of Polytechnic Institute of New York CS Dept, 30
+;; October 1985. Tests show it to take 60% of the time of the old PC
+;; Scheme SORT! for lists. It is also faster than two different imple-
+;; mentations of Quicksort, so we use it to sort both vectors and lists.
+;; (Performance figures given above are based on timings using PC Scheme
+;; and should be remeasured for other implementations.)
+(define (sort! obj . rest)
+ (letrec
+ ((merge-sort! ; merge-sort! (for lists)
+ (lambda (L less?)
+ (listify! L)
+ (par-reduce less? L)))
+ (listify!
+ (lambda (L)
+ (when (pair? L)
+ (set-car! L (cons (car L) '()))
+ (listify! (cdr L)))))
+ (merge!
+ (lambda (less? L1 L2)
+ (if (less? (car L1) (car L2))
+ (merge-tail less? (cdr L1) L2 L1 L1)
+ (merge-tail less? L1 (cdr L2) L2 L2))))
+ (merge-tail
+ (lambda (less? L1 L2 result last)
+ (cond ((null? L1)
+ (set-cdr! last L2)
+ result)
+ ((null? L2)
+ (set-cdr! last L1)
+ result)
+ ((less? (car L1) (car L2))
+ (set-cdr! last L1)
+ (merge-tail less? (cdr L1) L2 result L1))
+ (else
+ (set-cdr! last L2)
+ (merge-tail less? L1 (cdr L2) result L2)))))
+ (par-reduce
+ (lambda (less? list)
+ (if (null? (cdr list))
+ (car list)
+ (par-reduce less? (step-reduce less? list list)))))
+ (step-reduce
+ (lambda (less? list L)
+ (if (null? (cdr L))
+ list
+ (let ((next (cddr L)))
+ (set-car! L (merge! less? (car L)(cadr L)))
+ (set-cdr! L next)
+ (step-reduce less? list next)))))
+ )
+ (let ((less? (or (and rest (car rest))
+ %sort-less?)))
+ (cond ((vector? obj) (list->vector (merge-sort! (vector->list obj) less?)))
+ ((null? obj) obj)
+ ((not (pair? obj)) (%error-invalid-operand 'SORT! obj))
+ ((null? (cdr obj)) obj)
+ (else (merge-sort! obj less?))))))
+;; number < char < string < symbol < list < vector
+(define %sort-less? ; %SORT-LESS?
+ (letrec
+ ((type-of
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (cond ((or (null? obj) (pair? obj)) 4)
+ ((symbol? obj) 3)
+ ((vector? obj) 5)
+ ((string? obj) 2)
+ ((char? obj) 1)
+ ((number? obj) 0)
+ (else 42))))
+ (symbol-less
+ (lambda (obj1 obj2)
+ (string (symbol->string obj1)(symbol->string obj2))))
+ (list-less
+ (lambda (obj1 obj2)
+ (cond ((null? obj2) #!false)
+ ((null? obj1) #!true)
+ ((less (car obj1)(car obj2)) #!true)
+ ((less (car obj2) (car obj1)) #!false)
+ (else (less (cdr obj1) (cdr obj2))))))
+ (vector-less
+ (lambda (v1 v2)
+ (let ((l1 (vector-length v1))
+ (l2 (vector-length v2)))
+ (let loop ((i1 0)(i2 0))
+ (cond ((= i2 l2) #!false)
+ ((= i1 l1) #!true)
+ ((less (vector-ref v1 i1) (vector-ref v2 i2))
+ #!true)
+ ((less (vector-ref v2 i2) (vector-ref v1 i1))
+ #!false)
+ (else
+ (loop (add1 i1) (add1 i2))))))))
+ (less
+ (lambda (obj1 obj2)
+ (let ((t1 (type-of obj1))
+ (t2 (type-of obj2)))
+ (cond ((< t1 t2) #!true)
+ ((> t1 t2) #!false)
+ (else (case t1
+ ((0) (< obj1 obj2))
+ ((1) (char obj1 obj2))
+ ((2) (string obj1 obj2))
+ ((3) (symbol-less obj1 obj2))
+ ((4) (list-less obj1 obj2))
+ ((5) (vector-less obj1 obj2))
+ (else #!true))))))))
+ (lambda (obj1 obj2)
+ (less obj1 obj2))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pstd.s b/newpcs/pstd.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95cb18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pstd.s
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pstd.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Standard SCHEME Routines ;
+; ;
+; Modification History:
+; tc 2/10/87 fixed implode for non-lists and lists with floats
+; tc 2/10/87 BOOLEAN? and PROCEDURE? added for R^3 Report
+; tc 6/01/87 seperated PSTD and PSTD2 for compiler-less system
+; tc 6/09/87 made list-tail a primitive operation
+(define-integrable 1+ ; 1+
+ (lambda (n)(+ n 1)))
+(define-integrable -1+ ; -1+
+ (lambda (n)(- n 1)))
+(define-integrable add1 ; ADD1
+ (lambda (n)(+ n 1)))
+(define-integrable apply ; APPLY
+ (lambda (fn args)
+ (%apply fn args)))
+(define-integrable caaaar (lambda (x) (caar (caar x)))) ; CAXXXR
+(define-integrable caaadr (lambda (x) (caar (cadr x))))
+(define-integrable caadar (lambda (x) (caar (cdar x))))
+(define-integrable caaddr (lambda (x) (caar (cddr x))))
+(define-integrable cadaar (lambda (x) (cadr (caar x))))
+(define-integrable cadadr (lambda (x) (cadr (cadr x))))
+(define-integrable caddar (lambda (x) (cadr (cdar x))))
+;(define-integrable cadddr (lambda (x) (cadr (cddr x))))
+(define-integrable call/cc ; CALL/CC
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (%call/cc exp)))
+(define-integrable call-with-current-continuation ; CALL-w-c-c
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (%call/cc exp)))
+(define-integrable cdaaar (lambda (x) (cdar (caar x)))) ; CDXXXR
+(define-integrable cdaadr (lambda (x) (cdar (cadr x))))
+(define-integrable cdadar (lambda (x) (cdar (cdar x))))
+(define-integrable cdaddr (lambda (x) (cdar (cddr x))))
+(define-integrable cddaar (lambda (x) (cddr (caar x))))
+(define-integrable cddadr (lambda (x) (cddr (cadr x))))
+(define-integrable cdddar (lambda (x) (cddr (cdar x))))
+(define-integrable cddddr (lambda (x) (cddr (cddr x))))
+(define-integrable empty-stream? ; EMPTY-STREAM?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (eq? x the-empty-stream)))
+(define-integrable modulo ; MODULO
+ (lambda (p q)
+ (let ((rem (remainder p q)))
+ (if (negative? (* p q))
+ (if (zero? rem)
+ rem
+ (+ rem q))
+ rem))))
+(define-integrable null? ; NULL?
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (not obj)))
+(define-integrable reverse ; REVERSE
+ (lambda (L)
+ (reverse! (%append L '()))))
+(define-integrable sub1 ; SUB1
+ (lambda (n)(- n 1)))
+(define-integrable procedure? ; PROCEDURE?
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (proc? obj)))
+); end begin
+(define ascii->symbol ; ASCII->SYMBOL
+ (lambda (n)
+ (string->symbol (make-string 1 (integer->char n)))))
+(define (copy x) ; COPY
+ (if (atom? x)
+ x
+ (cons (copy (car x))
+ (copy (cdr x)))))
+(define %delay ; %DELAY
+ (lambda (state)
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (closure? state) ; not yet memoized?
+ (set! state (list (state))))
+ (car state))))
+(define delayed-object? ; DELAYED-OBJECT?
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (and (vector? obj)
+ (positive? (vector-length obj))
+ (eq? (vector-ref obj 0) '#!DELAYED-OBJECT))))
+(define (delete! obj lst) ; DELETE!
+ (letrec ((loop (lambda (obj a b z)
+ (cond ((atom? b)
+ z)
+ ((equal? obj (car b))
+ (set-cdr! a (cdr b))
+ (loop obj a (cdr b) z))
+ (else
+ (loop obj b (cdr b) z))))))
+ (cond ((atom? lst)
+ '())
+ ((equal? obj (car lst))
+ (delete! obj (cdr lst)))
+ (else
+ (loop obj lst (cdr lst) lst)))))
+(define (delq! obj lst) ; DELQ!
+ (letrec ((loop (lambda (obj a b z)
+ (cond ((atom? b)
+ z)
+ ((eq? obj (car b))
+ (set-cdr! a (cdr b))
+ (loop obj a (cdr b) z))
+ (else
+ (loop obj b (cdr b) z))))))
+ (cond ((atom? lst)
+ '())
+ ((eq? obj (car lst))
+ (delq! obj (cdr lst)))
+ (else
+ (loop obj lst (cdr lst) lst)))))
+(define %execute ; %EXECUTE
+ (lambda (compiled-object)
+ (%%execute compiled-object))) ; dangerous primitive!
+(define exit ; EXIT
+ (lambda ()
+ (transcript-off)
+ (%halt)
+ (reset)))
+(define explode ; EXPLODE
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (let ((x (if (symbol? obj)
+ (symbol->string obj)
+ obj)))
+ (cond ((string? x)
+ (do ((x x x)
+ (index 0
+ (add1 index))
+ (end (string-length x)
+ end)
+ (result '()
+ (cons (string->symbol
+ (substring x index (+ index 1)))
+ result)))
+ ((= index end)
+ (reverse! result))))
+ ((integer? x)
+ (do ((n (abs x)
+ (quotient n 10))
+ (result '()
+ (cons (ascii->symbol (+ (remainder n 10) 48))
+ result)))
+ ((< n 10)
+ (let ((result (cons (ascii->symbol (+ n 48)) result)))
+ (if (negative? x) (cons '- result) result)))))
+ (else x)))))
+(define for-each ; FOR-EACH
+ (lambda (f l)
+ (do ((f f f)
+ (l l (cdr l)))
+ ((atom? l))
+ (f (car l)))))
+(define force ; FORCE
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (if (and (vector? obj)
+ (positive? (vector-length obj))
+ (eq? (vector-ref obj 0) '#!DELAYED-OBJECT))
+ ((vector-ref obj 1))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'FORCE obj))))
+(define gc ; GC
+ (lambda args
+ ;; do NOT define with define DEFINE-INTEGRABLE !!
+ ;; do NOT hoist the call to %CLEAR-REGISTERS
+ (cond ((or (null? args)
+ (null? (car args)))
+ (%clear-registers) ; unbind the VM registers
+ (%garbage-collect)) ; invoke the GC operation
+ (else
+ (%clear-registers) ; unbind the VM registers
+ (%compact-memory))))) ; GC and compaction both
+(define gcd ; GCD
+ (lambda args
+ (letrec ((gcd*
+ (lambda (args result)
+ (if (null? args)
+ result
+ (gcd* (cdr args)
+ (gcd2 (abs (car args)) result)))))
+ (gcd2
+ (lambda (p q)
+ (if (zero? q)
+ p
+ (gcd2 q (remainder p q))))))
+ (gcd* args 0))))
+(define gensym ; GENSYM
+ (letrec
+ ((counter->string
+ (lambda (c n)
+ (cond ((positive? c)
+ (let ((string (counter->string (quotient c 10)(+ n 1))))
+ (string-set! string
+ (- (string-length string) n 1)
+ (string-ref "0123456789" (remainder c 10)))
+ string))
+ ((zero? n)
+ "0")
+ (else
+ (make-string n '()))))))
+ (let ((string "G")
+ (counter -1))
+ (lambda args
+ (set! counter (+ counter 1))
+ (when (not (null? args))
+ (let ((arg (car args)))
+ (cond ((integer? arg)
+ (set! counter (abs arg)))
+ ((string? arg)
+ (set! string arg))
+ ((symbol? arg)
+ (set! string (symbol->string arg)))
+ (else '()))))
+ (string->uninterned-symbol
+ (string-append string
+ (counter->string counter 0)))))))
+(define head ; HEAD
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (if (and (vector? stream)
+ (positive? (vector-length stream))
+ (eq? (vector-ref stream 0) '#!STREAM))
+ (vector-ref stream 1)
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'HEAD stream))))
+(define implode ; IMPLODE
+ (lambda (L)
+ (cond ((null? L) '||)
+ ((atom? L)
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'implode L))
+ (else
+ (let ((n (length L)))
+ (do ((L L
+ (cdr L))
+ (string (make-string n '())
+ string)
+ (index 0
+ (add1 index)))
+ ((null? L)
+ (string->symbol string))
+ (let* ((x (car L)))
+ (string-set!
+ string
+ index
+ (cond ((symbol? x)
+ (string-ref (symbol->string x) 0))
+ ((string? x)
+ (string-ref x 0))
+ ((char? x)
+ x)
+ ((integer? x)
+ (integer->char x))
+ (else
+ (error "Invalid list element fot IMPLODE" x)) )))))))))
+(define lcm ; LCM
+ (letrec ((lcm*
+ (lambda (args result)
+ (if (null? args)
+ result
+ (let ((a (car args)))
+ (if (zero? a)
+ 0
+ (lcm* (cdr args)
+ (quotient (abs (* a result))
+ (gcd a result)))))))))
+ (lambda args
+ (lcm* args 1))))
+(define (list->stream L) ; LIST->STREAM
+ (if (null? L)
+ the-empty-stream
+ (let ((heapL L)) ; control heap allocation of L
+ (cons-stream (car L)
+ (list->stream (cdr heapL))))))
+(define list->vector ; LIST->VECTOR
+ (lambda (L)
+ (let ((n (length L)))
+ (do ((v (make-vector n) v)
+ (i 0 (1+ i))
+ (L L (cdr L)))
+ ((null? L) v)
+ (vector-set! v i (car L))))))
+(define list-ref ; LIST-REF
+ (lambda (x n)
+ (car (list-tail x n))))
+;;; List-tail was re-defined as a primitive on 6-9-87
+;;;(define (list-tail x n) ; LIST-TAIL
+;;; (if (positive? n)
+;;; (list-tail (cdr x)(sub1 n))
+;;; x))
+(define map ; MAP
+ (lambda (f l)
+ (do ((f f f)
+ (l l (cdr l))
+ (acc '() (cons (f (car l)) acc)))
+ ((atom? l)
+ (reverse! acc)))))
+(define mapc ; MAPC
+ for-each)
+(define mapcar ; MAPCAR
+ map)
+(define random ; RANDOM
+ (letrec ((loop
+ (lambda (r m+ m)
+ (if (> r m+) ; enough precision?
+ (remainder r m)
+ (loop (+ (* r 8192)(%random)) m+ m)))))
+ (lambda (m)
+ (let ((r (%random))) ; 14 bits
+ (if (and (< m 10241) (< r (- 16383 (remainder 16383 m)))) ;10 bits scaled by 10, plus 1
+ (remainder r m)
+ (loop r (* m 1024) m))))))
+(define (randomize seed) ; RANDOMIZE
+ (let ((|2^32-1| (sub1 (* 65536 65536))))
+ (if (and (<= (minus |2^32-1|) seed)
+ (<= seed |2^32-1|))
+ (%esc2 20 seed) ;seed with the given number
+ (%esc2 20 0)))) ;seed derived from time of day
+(define runtime ; RUNTIME
+ (lambda ()
+ (let* ((t1 (%internal-time))
+ (hours (car t1))
+ (minutes (cadr t1))
+ (seconds (caddr t1))
+ (hundreds (cadddr t1)))
+ (+ (* 100 (+ (* 60 (+ (* 60 hours)
+ minutes))
+ seconds))
+ hundreds))))
+(define stream? ; STREAM?
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (or (eq? obj the-empty-stream)
+ (and (vector? obj)
+ (positive? (vector-length obj))
+ (eq? (vector-ref obj 0) '#!STREAM)))))
+(define (stream->list stream) ; STREAM->LIST
+ (if (empty-stream? stream)
+ '()
+ (cons (head stream)
+ (stream->list (tail stream)))))
+(define symbol->ascii ; SYMBOL->ASCII
+ (lambda (s)
+ (char->integer (string-ref (symbol->string s) 0))))
+(define tail ; TAIL
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (if (and (vector? stream)
+ (positive? (vector-length stream))
+ (eq? (vector-ref stream 0) '#!STREAM))
+ ((vector-ref stream 2))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'TAIL stream))))
+(define thaw ; THAW
+ (lambda (thunk)
+ (thunk)))
+(define vector->list ; VECTOR->LIST
+ (lambda (v)
+ (do ((n (vector-length v) n)
+ (i 0 (1+ i))
+ (L '() (cons (vector-ref v i) L)))
+ ((>= i n)
+ (reverse! L)))))
+(define boolean? ; BOOLEAN?
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (or (eq? obj #T) (null? obj) #F)))
+); end begin
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pstd2.s b/newpcs/pstd2.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c738dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pstd2.s
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pstd2.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; Terry Caudill ;
+; ;
+; Scheme Standard Functions and Definitions ;
+; ;
+; Revision history:
+; 6/01/85 87 - Modified from former PSTL file
+; 6/01/87 rb - added %XLI-DEBUG
+;;; Scheme 84 ENGINES
+(define pcs-null-k
+ (lambda (ticks eng)
+ (error "Null continuation invoked")))
+(define pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
+(define pcs-fail-k '())
+(define pcs-engine-timeout
+ (lambda ()
+ (call/cc (lambda (k)
+ (let ((fail pcs-fail-k))
+ (set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
+ (set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help GC
+ (fail (make-engine (lambda () (k '())))))))))
+(define pcs-kill-engine
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (not (eq? pcs-success-k pcs-null-k))
+ (%stop-timer)
+ (set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
+ (set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help GC
+ (display "[Current engine has been killed]")
+ (newline))))
+;;; ``The solution to the engine tail recursion problem is to wrap the
+;;; CALL/CC application in MAKE-ENGINE in an application and pass thunks to
+;;; ENGINE-K. This is a very important trick to learn about CALL/CC.
+;;; Serious CALL/CC hackers should study it carefully.''
+;;; -- Chris Haynes, 10/2/85
+(define make-engine
+ (lambda (thunk)
+ (if (proc? thunk)
+ (lambda (ticks sk fk)
+ ((call/cc
+ (lambda (engine-k)
+ (when (not (eq? pcs-success-k pcs-null-k))
+ (error "Engine already running"))
+ (when (or (not (integer? ticks))
+ (not (proc? sk))
+ (not (proc? fk)))
+ (error "Invalid argument to " ticks sk fk))
+ (set! pcs-success-k
+ (lambda (v ticks) (engine-k (lambda () (sk v ticks)))))
+ (set! pcs-fail-k
+ (lambda (v) (engine-k (lambda () (fk v)))))
+ (%start-timer ticks)
+ (let* ((result (thunk))
+ (ticks (%stop-timer)))
+ (%stop-timer)
+ (set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
+ (set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help gc
+ (error "ENGINE-RETURN not invoked"))))))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'MAKE-ENGINE thunk))))
+(define engine-return
+ (lambda (value)
+ (let* ((ticks (%stop-timer))
+ (sk pcs-success-k))
+ (%stop-timer)
+ (set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
+ (set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help gc
+ (sk value ticks))))
+;;; Miscellaneous Functions
+(define freesp ; FREESP
+ (lambda ()
+ (%esc1 3)))
+(define %hash ; %HASH
+ (lambda (symbol)
+ (%esc2 9 (symbol->string symbol))))
+(define get-gc-compact-count ; GET-GC-COMPACT-COUNT
+ (lambda ()
+ (%esc1 21)))
+(define set-gc-compact-count! ; SET-GC-COMPACT-COUNT!
+ (lambda (value)
+ (if (not (integer? value))
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'set-gc-compact-count! value)
+ (%esc2 22 value))))
+; 0 = off; 1 = on
+(define %xli-debug ; %XLI-DEBUG
+ (lambda (x)
+ (%esc2 18 x)))
+(define %system-file-name ; %SYSTEM-FILE-NAME
+ (lambda (name)
+ (let* ((dir pcs-sysdir)
+ (len (string-length dir)))
+ (if (zero? len)
+ name
+ (string-append
+ (if (char=? (string-ref dir (- len 1)) #\\)
+ dir
+ (string-append dir "\\"))
+ name)))))
+;;; Miscellaneous Error type Functions
+(define %error-invalid-operand ; %ERROR-INVALID-OPERAND
+ (lambda (name opd)
+ (error (string-append "Invalid argument to "
+ (symbol->string name))
+ opd)))
+(define %error-invalid-operand-list ; %ERROR-INVALID-OPERAND-LIST
+ (lambda (name . opds)
+ (error (string-append "Invalid argument list for "
+ (symbol->string name))
+ (cons name opds))))
+(define syntax-error ; SYNTAX-ERROR
+ (letrec ((prin (lambda (x)
+ (newline)(write x))))
+ (lambda args
+ (newline)
+ (display "[Syntax Error] ")
+ (display (car args))
+ (mapc prin (cdr args))
+ (newline)
+ (display "[Returning to top level]")
+ (newline)
+ (reset))))
+(define pcs-clear-registers ; PCS-CLEAR-REGISTERS
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; do NOT define with DEFINE-INTEGRABLE !!
+ (%clear-registers) ; calling this routine saves
+ '())) ; needed registers first
+(define pcs-make-label ; PCS-MAKE-LABEL
+ (lambda (name)
+ (set! pcs-local-var-count (+ pcs-local-var-count 1))
+ (cons pcs-local-var-count name)))
+;;; Miscellaneous System Definitions
+ (define pcs-gc-message nil) ;nil says use system defaults
+ (define pcs-gc-reset nil)
+ (define standard-input 'CONSOLE)
+ (define standard-output 'CONSOLE)
+ (define false #!false)
+ (define true #!true)
+ (define the-empty-stream (vector 'THE-EMPTY-STREAM))
+ (define pcs-error-flag #!false)
+ (define pcs-binary-output #!true)
+ (define *error-code* 0) ; force these to be allocated
+ (define *error-message* '()) ; in USER-GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT
+ (define *irritant* 0)
+ (define *user-error-handler* '())
+) ;begin
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pstl.s b/newpcs/pstl.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405a954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pstl.s
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pstl.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; David Bartley ;
+; ;
+; Standard SCHEME-Top-Level Routines ;
+; ;
+; Revision history:
+; 6/01/87 tc - Modified original PSTL.S so that only top level functions
+; are now in this file.
+; 6/01/87 rb - modified runtime-system toplevel handling so it works
+; identically to the compiler version; this gets rid of
+; will get executed in the runtime system
+;define standard toplevel loop and support functions
+ (define reset-scheme-top-level ; SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL
+ (let ((saved-genv user-initial-environment))
+ (lambda ()
+ (letrec
+ ((==reset== '())
+ (==scheme-reset== ; here for SCHEME-RESET
+ (lambda ()
+ (%set-global-environment saved-genv)
+ (set! (fluid input-port) standard-input)
+ (set! (fluid output-port) standard-output)
+ (putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY (list '()) %pcs-stl-history)
+ (newline)
+ (display "[PCS-DEBUG-MODE is ")
+ (display (if pcs-debug-mode "ON]" "OFF]"))
+ (newline)
+ (call/cc (lambda (k)
+ (set! ==reset== (lambda ()(k '())))
+ (set! (fluid scheme-top-level)
+ ==reset==)))
+ ; here for RESET (if fluid
+ ; SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL hasn't been redefined;
+ ; if it has, restart that function)
+ (pcs-kill-engine)
+ (gc) ; restore WHO line (temporary)
+ (more)))
+ (more
+ (lambda ()
+ (pcs-clear-registers)
+ (fresh-line)
+ (display "[")
+ (display (length (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
+ (display "] ")
+ (let ((problem (read)))
+ (flush-input)
+ (if (eof-object? problem)
+ (display "[End of file read by SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL]")
+ (begin
+ (putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ (cons (list problem)
+ (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ %pcs-stl-history))
+ %pcs-stl-history)
+ (let* ((answer (eval (if %pcs-stl-debug-flag
+ (compile (list 'BEGIN
+ problem))
+ problem)))
+ (next (fluid scheme-top-level)))
+ (when (not (eq? answer *the-non-printing-object*))
+ (write answer))
+ (putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ (cons (cons problem answer)
+ (cdr (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ %pcs-stl-history)))
+ %pcs-stl-history)
+ (if (eq? next ==reset==)
+ (more)
+ (next)))))))))
+ (set! (fluid scheme-top-level) ==scheme-reset==)
+ *the-non-printing-object*))))
+ ;;; %C accesses the nth user command
+ ;;; %D accesses the result of the nth user command
+ (define %c ; %C
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((history (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
+ (and (positive? n)
+ (< n (length history))
+ (car (list-ref (reverse history) n))))))
+ (define %d ; %D
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((history (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
+ (and (positive? n)
+ (< n (length history))
+ (cdr (list-ref (reverse history) n))))))
+) ;begin
+(let ((file (%system-file-name "PATCH.PCS")))
+ (when (file-exists? file) ; system patches
+ (load file)))
+;; Pathnames read as text from a file will have single backslashes.
+;; This doubles them so a read-from-string type operation will work on them.
+;; It's used for the .INI processing following.
+(define (double-slashify string)
+ (let loop ((m 0)
+ (n 0)
+ (new (make-string (string-length string) nil)))
+ (if (= m (string-length string))
+ new
+ (begin
+ (string-set! new n (string-ref string m))
+ (if (char=? (string-ref string m) #\\)
+ (let ((newer (make-string (add1 (string-length new)) nil)))
+ (substring-move-left! new 0 (+ n 1) newer 0)
+ (string-set! newer (+ n 1) #\\)
+ (loop (+ m 1) (+ n 2) newer))
+ (loop (+ m 1) (+ n 1) new))))))
+(%set-global-environment user-initial-environment)
+;; Note: You can make your own toplevel function the system's toplevel by
+;; assigning it to the fluid variable SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL from the .INI file.
+;; Don't invoke it yourself. After loading the .INI file, this file's
+;; final SCHEME-RESET initializes the VM for toplevel recovery
+;; (in case of errors) and invokes the toplevel function automatically.
+(cond ((null? pcs-initial-arguments) ;no args at all, use scheme.ini
+ (when (file-exists? "scheme.ini")
+ (load "scheme.ini")))
+ (else
+ (let ((pia-files
+ (map symbol->string
+ (let ((x (read (open-input-string
+ (double-slashify (car pcs-initial-arguments))))))
+ (if (pair? x) x (list x)))))) ;handle nonlist file
+ (let loop ((rest pia-files) (ini-files '())) ;handle list files
+ (let ((f (car rest)))
+ (cond ((null? rest)
+ (when (null? ini-files) ;no ini's given, use scheme.ini
+ (set! ini-files '("scheme.ini")))
+ (for-each ;load several ini's
+ (lambda (f)
+ (when (file-exists? f) (load f)))
+ ini-files))
+ ((< (string-length f) 4) ;file sans extension--assumed ini
+ (loop (cdr rest) (cons f ini-files)))
+ ((substring-ci=? f (- (string-length f) 4) (string-length f)
+ ".app" 0 4)
+ (loop (cdr rest) ini-files)) ;don't reload compiler
+ ((substring-ci=? f (- (string-length f) 4) (string-length f)
+ ".xli" 0 4)
+ (loop (cdr rest) ini-files)) ;ignore XLI files
+ (else
+ (loop (cdr rest) (cons f ini-files))) ;assume fasl file
+ ))))))
+(scheme-reset) ; must be last operation!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/pwindows.s b/newpcs/pwindows.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..720a824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/pwindows.s
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pwindows.s
+; Last Revision: 10-Oct-85 1500ct
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; ;
+; John Jensen ;
+; ;
+; Window Manipulation Routines ;
+; ;
+;;; MAKE-WINDOW returns a "default" window object with the following
+;;; attributes:
+;;; Upper Left Hand Corner = 0,0
+;;; Size (Lines, Columns) = 25,80 or 30,80 (the entire screen)
+;;; Cursor Position = 0,0
+;;; Text Color = White (on IBM, high intensity white)
+;;; Border Color (if bordered) = Green (on IBM, low intensity green)
+;;; Transcript Recording = Enabled
+(define make-window ; MAKE-WINDOW
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((label (car args))
+ (bordered? (cadr args)))
+ (if (or (null? label) (string? label))
+ (let ((window (%make-window label)))
+ (when bordered?
+ (%reify-port! window 6 (if (eqv? pcs-machine-type 1)
+ #b00001100 ; TIPC green
+ #b00001010))) ; IBM green
+ window)
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'MAKE-WINDOW label)
+ '())))))
+;;; WINDOW-CLEAR erases the data portion of a window (writes blanks using
+;;; the current text attributes) and positions the cursor in position
+;;; 0,0 (the upper left hand corner of the window). If the window is
+;;; bordered, the border is re-drawn by this operation. This operation
+;;; more properly may be considered a "window-initialize" operation.
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (or (window? window) (null? window))
+ (%clear-window window)
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'WINDOW-CLEAR window)
+ '()))))
+;;; The "delete-window" function completely erases the area of the CRT which
+;;; is covered by a given window, including the borders. This function
+;;; accomplishes the erasing of the borders by expanding the dimensions
+;;; of the window (temporarily) so that the borders are included in the
+;;; data portion of the window; setting the border attribute to "no
+;;; border"; and issuing a "%clear-window" operation to clear the text
+;;; portion of the (temporarily) expanded window. After clearing the
+;;; window and border, the original attributes of the window are
+;;; restored.
+;;; Note: when expanding the size of the window to account for the
+;;; right and bottom borders, this routine takes advantage of the fact
+;;; that %reify-port will not allow a window's boundaries to be set
+;;; to be larger than the physical device size. Therefore, no check
+;;; is performed to see if the right and bottom borders are off the
+;;; screen.
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (or (window? window) (null? window))
+ (if (eqv? (%reify-port window 6) -1)
+ (%clear-window window) ; if not bordered, just do a %clear-window
+ (let ((ul-line (%reify-port window 2)) ; save current attributes
+ (ul-col (%reify-port window 3)) ; for later restoration
+ (n-lines (%reify-port window 4))
+ (n-cols (%reify-port window 5))
+ (b-attrib (%reify-port window 6))
+ (t-lines '())
+ (t-cols '()))
+ (begin
+ (when (> ul-line 0)
+ (begin ; increase window size to include top border
+ (%reify-port! window 2 (-1+ ul-line))
+ (%reify-port! window 4 (1+ n-lines))))
+ (when (> ul-col 0)
+ (begin ; increase window size to include left border
+ (%reify-port! window 3 (-1+ ul-col))
+ (%reify-port! window 5 (1+ n-cols))))
+ (set! t-lines (%reify-port window 4)) ; get new window size
+ (set! t-cols (%reify-port window 5))
+ (%reify-port! window 4 (1+ t-lines)) ; include bottom border
+ (%reify-port! window 5 (1+ t-cols)) ; include right border
+ (%reify-port! window 6 -1) ; indicate no border
+ (%clear-window window)
+ (%reify-port! window 2 ul-line) ; restore the original
+ (%reify-port! window 3 ul-col) ; attributes to the user's
+ (%reify-port! window 4 n-lines) ; window
+ (%reify-port! window 5 n-cols)
+ (%reify-port! window 6 b-attrib))))
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'WINDOW-DELETE window)
+ '()))))
+;;; WINDOW-GET-POSITION conses the coordinates of the upper left hand
+;;; position of a window into a pair as: (line . column)
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (or (window? window) (null? window))
+ (cons (%reify-port window 2) (%reify-port window 3))
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'WINDOW-GET-POSITION window)
+ '()))))
+;;; WINDOW-GET-SIZE conses the number of lines and columns in a window
+;;; (excluding the border columns, if any) into a pair as:
+;;; (lines . columns)
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (or (window? window) (null? window))
+ (cons (%reify-port window 4) (%reify-port window 5))
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'WINDOW-GET-SIZE window)
+ '()))))
+;;; WINDOW-GET-CURSOR conses the line and column number of the current
+;;; cursor position into a pair as: (line . column)
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (or (window? window) (null? window))
+ (cons (%reify-port window 0) (%reify-port window 1))
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'WINDOW-GET-CURSOR window)
+ '()))))
+;;; The following routines modify the position, size, and cursor position
+;;; of a window by side effecting the appropriate fields in a window
+;;; object. An argument value of '() indicates that a particular
+;;; field's value is to remain unchanged.
+(define WINDOW-SET-SIZE!)
+(letrec ((chk-and-set
+ (lambda (window line column instruction-name L C)
+ (cond
+ ((not (or (window? window) (null? window)))
+ (error (string-append "Invalid Window Argument to "
+ (symbol->string instruction-name))
+ window))
+ ((and line
+ (or (not (integer? line))
+ (negative? line)))
+ (error (string-append "Invalid Line Number to "
+ (symbol->string instruction-name))
+ line))
+ ((and column
+ (or (not (integer? column))
+ (negative? column)))
+ (error (string-append "Invalid Column Number to "
+ (symbol->string instruction-name))
+ column))
+ (else
+ (when line (%reify-port! window L line))
+ (when column (%reify-port! window C column))
+ window)))))
+ (lambda (window ul-line ul-col)
+ (chk-and-set window ul-line ul-col
+ (lambda (window n-lines n-cols)
+ (chk-and-set window n-lines n-cols
+ 'WINDOW-SET-SIZE! 4 5)))
+ (lambda (window cur-line cur-col)
+ (chk-and-set window cur-line cur-col
+;;; Pop-Up window manipulation.
+;;; "WINDOW-POPUP" preserves the data on the screen which will be
+;;; covered by the pop-up window, initializes the window, and
+;;; returns the pop-up window object to the caller.
+;;; "WINDOW-POPUP-DELETE" restores the region of the CRT covered by a
+;;; window created "WINDOW-POPUP" to its state prior to the
+;;; pop-up window's appearance.
+(define WINDOW-POPUP)
+(let ((pop-up-list '()))
+ (begin
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (or (window? window) (null? window))
+ (begin
+ (set! pop-up-list
+ (cons (cons window (window-save-contents window)) pop-up-list))
+ (window-delete window)
+ (%clear-window window)
+ window)
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand 'WINDOW-POPUP window)
+ '()))))
+ (lambda (window)
+ (let ((saved-data (assq window pop-up-list)))
+ (when (not (null? saved-data))
+ (window-restore-contents window (cdr saved-data))
+ (set! pop-up-list (delq! saved-data pop-up-list))
+ window)))) ))
+;;; The following routines get and set window attributes which are not
+;;; modifiable by any of the above routines. It is necessary to explicitly
+;;; name the attribute you wish to examine/modify.
+(letrec ((attr-list '((border-attributes . 6)
+ (text-attributes . 7)
+ (window-flags . 8)))
+ (check-and-map-args
+ (lambda (window attribute)
+ (if (or (window? window) (null? window))
+ (cdr (assq attribute attr-list))
+ #!FALSE))))
+ (lambda (window attribute)
+ (let ((mapped-attribute (check-and-map-args window attribute)))
+ (if mapped-attribute
+ (%reify-port window mapped-attribute)
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand-list 'WINDOW-GET-ATTRIBUTE
+ window attribute)
+ '())))))
+ (lambda (window attribute value)
+ (let ((mapped-attribute (check-and-map-args window attribute)))
+ (if (and mapped-attribute
+ (integer? value)
+ (< value #x3fff)
+ (> value #x-3fff))
+ (%reify-port! window mapped-attribute value)
+ (begin
+ (%error-invalid-operand-list 'WINDOW-SET-ATTRIBUTE!
+ window attribute value)
+ '()))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/newpcs/scpsdemo.s b/newpcs/scpsdemo.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d483ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newpcs/scpsdemo.s
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+; This is an example of using SCOOPS. Please refer to chapter 5 in the
+; Language Reference Manual for TI Scheme.
+; The first thing that needs to be done is to define classes for different
+; types. We will define three types, points, lines and rectangles.
+(load "scoops.fsl")
+;;; Point, Line and Rectangle
+;;; Class POINT
+(define-class point
+ (instvars (x (active 0 () move-x))
+ (y (active 0 () move-y))
+ (color (active 'yellow () change-color)))
+ (options settable-variables
+ inittable-variables))
+(compile-class point) ; see page 45 in the language reference manual
+;;; Class LINE
+(define-class line
+ (instvars (len (active 50 () change-length))
+ (dir (active 0 () change-direction)))
+ (mixins point) ; inherit x, y, and color from point class.
+ (options settable-variables))
+(compile-class line)
+;;; Class RECTANGLE
+(define-class rectangle
+ (instvars (height (active 60 () change-height)))
+ (mixins line) ; inherit color and width (len) from line
+ (options settable-variables))
+(compile-class rectangle)
+; In order to have an occurance of a class you will need to use the
+; MAKE-INSTANCE procedure. For example:
+; (define p1 (make-instance point))
+; Then to change parts of the class use the send function. For example
+; to change the color of the point previously defined:
+; (send p1 change "color" 'cyan)
+;;; Methods for POINT
+(define-method (point erase) ()
+ (set-pen-color! 'black)
+ (draw))
+(define-method (point draw) ()
+ (draw-point x y))
+; having both a draw and redraw function here may seem to be unnecessary.
+; you will see why both are needed as we continue
+(define-method (point redraw) ()
+ (set-pen-color! color)
+ (draw))
+(define-method (point move-x) (new-x)
+ (erase)
+ (set! x new-x)
+ (redraw)
+ new-x)
+(define-method (point move-y) (new-y)
+ (erase)
+ (set! y new-y)
+ (redraw)
+ new-y)
+(define-method (point change-color) (new-color)
+ (erase)
+ (set! color new-color)
+ (redraw)
+ new-color)
+;;; Methods for LINE
+; inherit erase, redraw, move-x, move-y and change-color from point.
+(define-method (line draw) ()
+ (position-pen x y)
+ (draw-line-to (truncate (+ x (* len (cos dir))))
+ (truncate (+ y (* len (sin dir))))))
+(define-method (line change-length) (new-length)
+ (erase)
+ (set! len new-length)
+ (redraw)
+ new-length)
+(define-method (line change-direction) (new-dir)
+ (erase)
+ (set! dir new-dir)
+ (redraw)
+ new-dir)
+;;; Methods for RECTANGLE
+; inherit erase, redraw, move-x, move-y and change-color from point.
+(define-method (rectangle draw) ()
+ (position-pen x y)
+ (draw-line-to (+ x len) y)
+ (draw-line-to (+ x len) (+ y height))
+ (draw-line-to x (+ y height))
+ (draw-line-to x y))
+(define-method (rectangle change-height) (new-height)
+ (erase)
+ (set! height new-height)
+ (redraw)
+ new-height)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pro2real.asm b/pro2real.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19c2295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pro2real.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1707 @@
+; =====> PRO2REAL.ASM
+; PC Scheme Protected Mode -> Real Mode Interface
+; (c) 1987 by Texas Instruments Incorporated -- all rights reserved
+; This Module contains code which interfaces to external programs via
+; either the External Language Interface (XLI), Software Interrupt,
+; or the Real Procedure Call (RPC). The RPC is specific to protected
+; mode scheme only, and is used to implement XLI.
+; Author: Terry Caudill (from Bob Beal's original source)
+; History:
+; rb 3/20/87 - original
+; tc 8/7/87 - to work in protected mode scheme
+; tc 10/13/87 - cleanup
+ page 84,120
+ name EXTPROG
+ title PC Scheme External Program Interface
+ .286c
+ subttl Includes and Local Equates
+ page
+ include scheme.equ
+ include sinterp.arg
+ include xli.equ
+ include xli_pro.mac
+ include rpc.equ
+; Dos function requests
+DOS equ 021h ; Dos Function Request
+DELETE_SEG equ 04900h ; Delete Segment
+REAL_INTRP equ 0E3h ; Issue Real Interrupt - from AIA
+BLOCK_XFER equ 0EC00h ; Block Transfer - from AIA
+ALLOC_REAL equ 0E802h ; Create Real Data Seg - from AIA
+CREATE_WIN equ 0E803h ; Create Real Window - from AIA
+ subttl Group and Constant definitions
+ page
+pgroup group prog
+xgroup group progx
+dgroup group data
+ subttl Data segment definitions
+ page
+data segment para public 'DATA'
+ assume ds:dgroup
+ public rpc_handle
+ public C_fn
+ public mem_entry,mem_table
+; external variables
+ extrn ctl_file:word,pcs_sysd:word
+ extrn regs:word
+ extrn vid_mode:word,char_hgt:word
+; The following data definitions are used in communication with real
+; mode procedures and the real procedure call (RPC) mechanism provided
+; in OS/286 by AI Architects.
+rpc_real db "realschm.exe",0 ; Name of RPC file to load
+rpc_real_len equ $-rpc_real
+rpc_handle db 0 ; Handle to real mode scheme routines
+rpc_loaded db 0 ; Flag to note if rpc load was successful
+rpc_saved_sp dw ? ; Saved stack pointer
+REAL_MODE_BUFFER equ $ ; selector and offset of real mode
+REAL_BUF_OFFSET dw 0 ; offset of real mode buffer
+REAL_BUF_SELECTOR dw 0 ; segment selector of real mode buffer
+REAL_BUF_PARA dw 0 ; segment address of real mode buffer
+REAL_BUF_TOP dw 0 ; note buffer top
+; The following are xli filenames which must be loaded and used by pcs
+io_exe db "realio.exe" ,0 ;EXE file providing I/O support
+io_exe_len equ $-io_exe
+graph_exe db "graphics.exe" ,0 ;EXE file providing graphics support
+graph_exe_len equ $-graph_exe
+trig_exe db "newtrig.exe" ,0 ;EXE file providing trig support
+trig_exe_len equ $-trig_exe
+; The following table is used to load the system files required by pcs. The
+; xli system files are order dependent.
+sys_files equ $
+;system xli files, order is dependent (see rpc.equ and realschm.asm)
+ dw io_exe,io_exe_len ;io support - xli system file
+ dw graph_exe,graph_exe_len ;graphics support - xli system file
+;normal xli files
+normal_files equ $
+ dw trig_exe,trig_exe_len ;trig file - normal xli file
+ dw 0
+; If the above files cannot be found, issue this message and abort scheme
+FILERR db 0Dh,0Ah,"Fatal Error - unable to load file "
+FILNAM db 20 dup (0)
+; The following table contains gateways from the prog segment to the
+; progx segment. The order is dependent on
+; Table of RPC functions currently defined. Calling any of these functions
+; requires synchronization with the real mode routine.
+FAR_RPC equ $
+frpc_bid equ $-FAR_RPC
+ dw init_rpc,progx ; bid real procedure
+frpc_init equ $-FAR_RPC
+ dw xpcinit,progx ; get machine type
+frpc_setcrt equ $-FAR_RPC
+ dw xsetcrt,progx ; set crt interrupt
+frpc_resetcrt equ $-FAR_RPC
+ dw xresetcrt,progx ; reset crt interrupt
+frpc_ldall equ $-FAR_RPC
+ dw load_all,progx ; load xli files
+frpc_unld equ $-FAR_RPC
+ dw unload_all,progx ; unload xli files
+frpc_xesc equ $-FAR_RPC
+ dw xesc,progx ; perform xesc call
+; The following hooks are used to call routines in the PROG segment
+; from the PROGX segment. See the far_C routine in this module.
+C_fn dw ?
+C_retadr dw ? ; Used to call C routines from PROGX
+ dw ?
+; Mem_table is used to hold selectors to real memory which must be allocated
+; over the life of an xli call. At present, the memory is allocated so that
+; xli routines may access far strings. See SSR within.
+mem_entry dw 0 ;entry into memory table
+mem_table dw N_ARGS dup (0) ;record memory allocated during xli call
+; The following structures allow xesc and sw-int to share code
+xesc_func db ? ;0 = sw-int, 1 = xesc
+error_return dw ? ;address of error handler
+which_func dw swi_txt,xli_txt ;will be indexed by xesc_func above
+swi_txt db 'SW-INT',0
+xli_txt db 'XCALL',0
+; Error return values for software interrupt
+SWI_ERR_ARGN_BAD_TYPE equ 1 ; Bad argument passed to sw-int
+SWI_ERR_VALUE_BAD_TYPE equ 2 ; Bad type passed to sw-int
+SWI_ERR_BIG_TO_32_BITS equ 3 ; Number to large for sw-int
+swi_errs dw swi_arg0,swi_arg1,swi_arg2
+; Software Interrupt error messages
+swi_arg0 db 'Invalid argument to SW-INT',0
+swi_arg1 db 'Invalid return value for SW-INT',0
+swi_arg2 db 'Argument to SW-INT too large to fit in 32 bits',0
+; Protected Mode Fatal type errors
+cr_win db 'CREATE WINDOW',0
+al_seg db 'ALLOCATE SEGMENT',0
+dl_seg db 'DELETE SEGMENT',0
+; Gate to abort code in sc.asm
+data ends
+ subttl Progx code segment definitions
+ page
+; external routines
+ extrn alloc_fl:near,int2long:near,long2int:near,alloc_bl:near
+ extrn getbase:near
+ extrn chg_vmode:near
+ extrn pro_erro:near
+progx segment para public 'PROGX'
+ assume cs:xgroup,ds:dgroup,es:dgroup,ss:dgroup
+ extrn xcabt:far
+ public init_rpc,xpcinit,xsetcrt,xresetcrt,xesc,load_all,unload_all
+ public ssr
+ public do_floarg,do_fixarg,do_bigarg,do_strarg
+ public do_floval,do_intval,do_TFval,do_strval
+ public softint,swi_strarg,swi_strval
+ subttl RPC interface routines
+ page
+; Load the real mode portion of scheme and save the handle in rpc_handle.
+; Then call the rpc routine to return the real address of a buffer which
+; will be used on subsequent rpc requests. This buffer is mapped to a
+; protected mode selector and stored in REAL_BUF_SELECTOR.
+; The transaction buffer for an rpc must be pointed to by DS:DX. Note that
+; we build this buffer up on the local stack.
+init_rpc proc far
+ push bp
+ sub sp,80 ;allocate transaction buffer
+ mov bp,sp ;should be large enough for filename
+ cld
+ mov di,pcs_sysd ;di => system directory pathname
+ mov cx,64 ;cx = max length
+ mov al,0
+ repne scasb ;scan pathname for eos character (=0)
+ jcxz ini_10 ;jump if none
+ dec di ;di => end of pathname
+ mov cx,di
+ sub cx,pcs_sysd ;cx = length of system directory
+ mov di,sp ;di => stack (transaction buffer)
+ mov si,pcs_sysd ;si => pcs-sysdir
+ rep movsb ;copy system directory into buffer
+ mov al,'\' ;follow directory name with \
+ stosb
+ mov si,offset rpc_real
+ mov cx,rpc_real_len
+ rep movsb ;follow directory w/real proc filename
+;Initialize real procedure call
+ mov dx,sp ;ds:dx => real procedure filename
+ mov ah,RPC_INIT ;load and init real procedure
+ int DOS ;extended Dos call for Protected mode
+ jnc ini_20 ;continue if no error encountered
+ mov ax, offset rpc_real ;ax => file that couldn't load
+ mov cx,rpc_real_len ;cx => length of filename
+ jmp fatal_file_err ;jump to fatal error handler
+ mov rpc_handle,al ;save handle to real procedure
+ inc rpc_loaded ;note real procedure loaded
+; Obtain communication buffer for subsequent RPC calls
+ mov dx,bp ;ds:dx => transaction buffer
+ mov word ptr [bp],RPCRETBUF ;return real buffer opcode
+ mov cx,8 ;pass 8 bytes
+ mov bx,cx ;expect 8 bytes returned
+ mov ah,RPC ;issue Real Procedure Call
+ int DOS ;extended Dos call for Protected mode
+ ;ignore return status
+ mov dx,[bp]+2 ;get length of buffer
+ sub dx,2 ;calc top of stack
+ mov REAL_BUF_TOP,dx ; and save
+ mov si,sp
+ add si,4 ;ds:si => real address of buffer
+ mov ax,[si]+2 ;get paragraph address
+ mov REAL_BUF_PARA,ax ; and save
+;ds:si=> offset,seg of real buffer, dx=length
+ call map_real_mem ;map real address to protected selector
+ mov REAL_BUF_SELECTOR,ax ; and save
+ add sp,80 ;now clean up the stack
+ pop bp
+ ret ;and return
+init_rpc endp
+; Determine the machine type and perform machine specific initialization.
+; Call the real mode routine to perform initialization functions via the
+; RPC mechanism.
+; Input: none
+; Output: return status, pc machine type, and video mode are returned
+; in the communications buffer accessed by REAL_MODE_SELECTOR.
+xpcinit proc far
+ push RPCTYPE ; Type code
+ mov dx,sp ; ds:dx => arg buffer
+ mov cx,2 ; cx = # arg bytes passed
+ mov bx,cx ; bx = # result bytes expected
+ mov al,rpc_handle ; Handle to real mode part
+ mov ah,RPC ; Real Procedure Call
+ int DOS ; Extended Dos call for Protected mode
+; Check for errors here
+ pop ax ; ignore return status
+; Get the return values from the real mode buffer
+ mov ax,ds
+ mov es,ax ; restore extra seg reg
+ ret ; and return
+xpcinit endp
+; Take over the real mode crt interrupt handler during a dos-call so that
+; display will not be written to.
+; Input: none
+; Output: screen output will be inhibited
+xsetcrt proc far
+ push RPCTAKCRT ; Take over crt interrupt handler
+ mov dx,sp ; ds:dx => arg buffer
+ mov cx,2 ; cx = # arg bytes passed
+ mov bx,cx ; bx = # result bytes expected
+ mov al,rpc_handle ; Handle to real mode part
+ mov ah,RPC ; Real Procedure Call
+ int DOS ; Extended Dos call for Protected mode
+ pop ax ; ignore return status
+ ret ; and return
+xsetcrt endp
+; Restore the original crt interrupt handler after a dos call so that the
+; display can once again be written to.
+; Input: none
+; Output: screen output will be restored
+xresetcrt proc far
+ push RPCRSTCRT ; Restore crt interrupt handler
+ mov dx,sp ; ds:dx => arg buffer
+ mov cx,2 ; cx = # arg bytes passed
+ mov bx,cx ; bx = # result bytes expected
+ mov al,rpc_handle ; Handle to real mode part
+ mov ah,RPC ; Real Procedure Call
+ int DOS ; Extended Dos call for Protected mode
+; Check for errors here
+ pop ax ; ignore return status
+ ret ; and return
+xresetcrt endp
+ subttl RPC interface routines to XLI
+ page
+; A portion of the XLI routines is in real mode and is communicated with
+; via the Real Procedure Call (RPC). Data must be passed to the real mode
+; routine via the real buffer REAL_MODE_BUFFER
+; Any errors encountered are currently ignored.
+l_save struc
+exe_name dw ? ;index to start of exe name
+handle dw ? ;file handle
+l_len db ? ;marker for size of local area
+l_save ends
+load_all proc far
+ push bp
+ sub sp,l_len ;allocate local storage
+ mov bp,sp
+; calc length of pathname
+ cld
+ mov di,pcs_sysd
+ mov cx,64 ;max length of pathname
+ mov al,0
+ repne scasb ;look for eos character (=0)
+ jcxz la_10 ;jump if none
+ dec di
+ mov cx,di
+ sub cx,pcs_sysd ;cx = length of pcs-sysdir
+; copy pcs-sysdir into transaction buffer
+ push cx ;tempsave length
+ RESET_REAL_BUFFER_OFFSET ;ensure start at buffer start
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF <1>,REAL_MODE_BUFFER,autoincr ;system file first
+ add di,2 ;save space for exe index
+ pop cx ;restore length
+ mov si,pcs_sysd ;ds:si addresses pcs-sysdir
+ MOVE_TO_REAL_BUF autoincr ;move to real memory buffer
+ mov al,'\' ;append \ onto pcs-sysdir name
+ MOVE_BYTE_TO_BUF al,,autoincr
+;save index to exe filename
+ mov [bp].exe_name,di ;save offset after pcs-sysdir
+ mov bx,di ;save offset after pcs-sysdir
+ mov di,2
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF ;save index to exe file
+ mov di,bx ;position offset for .EXE name
+;save control filename to transaction buffer
+ mov bx,ctl_file ;get address of ctl file
+ cmp byte ptr [bx],'-' ;user override normal xli files?
+ jne sysload ; no, jump
+ mov word ptr normal_files,0 ; Yes, don't load normal xli files
+ inc ctl_file ; bump ptr to name
+; load all system files - di should not be modified in following loop
+ mov si,offset sys_files
+ push si ;save offset into file table
+ mov cx,ds:[si+2] ;cx = length
+ mov si,ds:[si] ;si => filename
+ MOVE_TO_REAL_BUF ;copy filename to buffer
+ push RPCLDEXE ;RPC request code to load EXE
+ mov dx,sp ;ds:dx => rpc request code
+ mov cx,2 ;cx = # arg bytes passed
+ mov bx,cx ;bx = # arg bytes returned
+ mov al,rpc_handle ;al = handle
+ mov ah,RPC ;Issue Real Procedure Call
+ int DOS ;Issue extended dos funcall
+ pop ax ;ah = flags, al= return status
+ pop si ;restore index into file table
+ sahf ;load flags
+ jnc load_10 ;no carry, proceed
+ mov cx,ds:[si+2] ;cx = length
+ mov ax,ds:[si] ;si => filename
+ jmp fatal_file_err ;go report error
+ add si,4 ;address next entry
+ cmp word ptr ds:[si],0 ;any more entrys?
+ jne loadfile ; yes, loop
+ xor di,di ;address system flag
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF <0> ;indicate user defined xli
+ mov di,[bp].exe_name ;di = index to exe name
+; open XLI control file
+ mov dx,ctl_file ;dx = address of filename
+ mov ax,FR_OPEN ;dos function - open file
+ int DOS
+ mov [bp].handle,ax ;save handle
+ jnc next_file ;jump if no open errors
+ jmp close1 ;can't open file, exit
+; read in next filename off the control file and append it to
+; the pcs-sysdir name.
+ mov di,[bp].exe_name ;es:di => buffer after pathname
+ mov bx,[bp].handle ;bx = file handle
+ push 0 ;allocate place on stack
+ mov dx,sp ;dx = address of buffer
+ mov cx,1 ;read one character
+ mov ax,FR_READ ;dos function - read file
+ int DOS ;ignore errors
+ pop dx ;retrieve character
+ jnc la_20 ;jump if no error, else
+ ;suddenly can't read control
+ ;file, close it and exit
+ mov bx,[bp].handle ;bx = file handle
+ mov ax,FR_CLOSE ;dos functions - close file
+ int DOS ;ignore errors
+ add sp,l_len ;adjust stack
+ pop bp
+ ret ;return
+la_20: cmp ax,0 ;at eof?
+ jz close ;yes, jump
+; we've read a character
+ cmp dl,0Dh ;carriage return?
+ je got_file ;yes, jump
+ cmp dl,' ' ;blank or control char?
+ jle next_char ;yes, skip it
+ MOVE_BYTE_TO_BUF dl,,autoincr ;move character to buffer
+ jmp next_char
+; we've read a complete filename, go load it
+ MOVE_BYTE_TO_BUF 0 ;form ASCZII string
+ push RPCLDEXE ;RPC request code to load EXE
+ mov dx,sp ;ds:dx => rpc buffer
+ mov cx,2 ;cx = # arg bytes passed
+ mov bx,cx ;bx = # arg bytes returned
+ mov al,rpc_handle ;al = handle
+ mov ah,RPC ;Issue Real Procedure Call
+ int DOS ;Issue extended dos funcall
+ pop ax ;bump result arg from stack
+ sahf ;ah = flags
+ jnc next_file ;jump if no errors
+ xor ah,ah ;clear flags from result
+ cmp ax,0 ;any open slots?
+ je close ;no, jump
+ cmp ax,2 ;file found?
+ je next_file ;no, jump
+ cmp ax,8 ;ran out of memory?
+ jne next_file ;no, jump; ignorable error
+ jmp close ;yes
+load_all endp
+; Call the real mode routine to unload all exe files.
+; Upon exit:
+; All previously bid xli programs will be released from real memory.
+unload_all proc far
+ push RPCUNLDALL ; RPC request code to unload all exe's
+ mov dx,sp ; ds:dx => arg buffer
+ mov cx,2 ; cx = # arg bytes passed
+ mov bx,2 ; bx = # result bytes expected
+ mov al,rpc_handle ; Handle to real mode part
+ mov ah,RPC ; Real Procedure Call
+ int DOS ; Extended Dos call for Protected mode
+ pop ax ; ignore errors
+ ret
+unload_all endp
+; We are unable to load a system file in real mode, and cannot
+; continue with scheme. The routine XCABT (in sc.asm) will output
+; a message (via DOS function 9) to the console and abort. Our
+; io may not be available at the time of this error.
+; On entry:
+; ax => filename we are trying to load
+; cx = length of filename
+ public fatal_file_err
+fat_err proc near
+fatal_file_err label near
+ mov bx,ss
+ mov ds,bx
+ mov es,bx ;ds,es,ss = data segment
+ mov si,ax ;ds:si addresses filename
+ mov di,offset FILNAM ;es:di addresses message
+ rep movsb ;move filename into message
+ mov byte ptr es:[di],"$" ;terminate byte
+ cmp rpc_loaded,0 ;have we gotten past rpc load?
+ je fat_exit ; no, exit
+ call unload_all ; yes, ensure all xli's unloaded
+ mov dx,offset FILERR ;ds:dx => message
+ jmp pgroup:xcabt ;exit to DOS
+fat_err endp
+; A protected mode operation has failed. Call pro_error in serror.c to
+; output an error message and attempt a scheme-reset.
+; a scheme reset.
+; On entry:
+; ax = error number
+; bx => function call name
+; cx => operation being performed (sw-int, xcall, etc.)
+pro_err proc near
+fatal_pro_err label near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp ;set up stack for call
+ push ss
+ pop ds ;ensure ds = data segment
+ push ax ;error number
+ push bx ;function call
+ push cx ;routine
+ mov C_fn, offset pgroup:pro_erro
+ call far ptr far_C ;control will not return here
+pro_err endp
+; Handler for the "%xesc" opcode.
+; On entry:
+; AX = length of xesc call (= inst length - 1)
+; ES:SI = pointer to bytecode arguments of the %xesc opcode
+; On exit:
+; normal: the VM reg that contained the name string on entry will
+; contain the page:offset of the return value; there may
+; be side effects in strings that were arguments to %xesc
+; BX = 0 (no errors)
+; error: BX = error#
+; Description:
+; A buffer is built for an RPC call to the real mode handler for
+; an external subroutine call (XCALL). The buffer is built in a
+; buffer in the real mode routine as follows:
+; +----------------------------------------+
+; | Routine name length (1 word) |
+; | Routine name (above length) |
+; | |
+; | Number of XCALL Arguments (1 word) |
+; | |
+; | Type of Arg1 (1 word) |
+; | Arg1 (type dependent) |
+; | . |
+; | . |
+; | . |
+; | Type of Argn (1 word) |
+; | Argn (type dependent) |
+; +----------------------------------------+
+; After calling the real mode handler, the buffer will contain
+; result info and return values. See the structure "xesc_result"
+; for a description of the buffer upon return.
+; This following data will be allocated locally within xesc
+local_save struc
+; following is used to store return data from xli routines
+xesc_status dw ? ; return status
+xesc_vtype dw ? ; type of value being returned
+xesc_value dw 4 dup (?) ; return value
+; following is local data used in building xli call
+saved_si dw ? ; segment offset of vm bytecode
+saved_es dw ? ; segment address of vm bytecode
+first_arg dw ? ; first actual argument
+arg_count dw ? ; number of args (len,name are not args)
+rvreg dw ? ; vm register to hold return value
+local_save ends
+arg_ptr equ saved_si ; alias for current argument pointer
+ssr_status equ xesc_status ; ssr return status (will be -1)
+ssr_argnum equ xesc_vtype ; argument requested (zero based) by ssr
+ssr_len equ xesc_value ; length requested
+ssr_offset equ xesc_value+2 ; real mode offset to store arg
+ssr_seg equ xesc_value+4 ; real mode segment to store arg
+result_buf_len equ saved_si-xesc_status ; length of result buffer
+xesc proc far
+ push bp ;save callers bp
+ sub sp,rvreg+2 ;reserve for local storage
+ mov rpc_saved_sp,sp ;save off stack pointer
+ mov bp,sp ; and update BP
+ mov xesc_func,1
+ lea bx,xesc_err_exit ; Set up error handler for xesc
+ mov error_return,bx
+ mov [bp].saved_es,es ;save segaddr of arguments
+ inc si ;bump past name to first arg
+ mov [bp].saved_si,si ; and save
+ mov [bp].first_arg,si
+ dec si
+ sub ax,2 ;calc # args (not incl. name)
+ mov [bp].arg_count,ax ; and save
+ RESET_REAL_BUFFER_OFFSET ;ensure start at zero
+; Move the string name to the real mode buffer
+ xor bh,bh
+ mov bl,byte ptr es:[si] ;BX is reg# of name string
+ lea bx,regs[bx] ;VM reg @
+ mov [bp].rvreg,bx ; save as return register
+ mov si,[bx].C_page
+ cmp ptype[si],STRTYPE*2 ;is it a string?
+ je xesc_15 ;yes, jump
+ cmp ptype[si],SYMTYPE*2 ;is it a symbol?
+ je xesc_10 ;yes, jump
+ mov ax,XLI_ERR_NAME_BAD_TYPE ;error: name not string, symbol
+ jmp xesc_err_exit
+; Warning : DS is not used for the local data segment in the following code
+ %LoadPage ds,si ;page# in SI -> para# in DS
+ mov si,ss:[bx].C_disp ;DS:SI is symbol object @
+ mov cx,[si].sym_len ;get symbol object length
+ sub cx,sym_ovhd ;subtract symbol's overhead
+ add si,sym_ovhd ;skip past overhead
+ jmp short xesc_25
+xesc_15: %LoadPage ds,si ;page# in SI -> para# in DS
+ mov si,ss:[bx].C_disp ;DS:DI is string object @
+ mov cx,[si].str_len ;get string object length
+ cmp cx,0 ;is it positive?
+ jge xesc_20 ;yes, jump; normal string
+ add cx,str_ovhd*2 ;no, assume short string
+ ;rather than really long string
+ ;and make positive
+xesc_20: sub cx,str_ovhd ;subtract string's overhead
+ add si,str_ovhd ;skip past overhead
+ push ds
+ push si ;temp save string ptr
+ push cx ;and length
+ mov ax,ss ;get local data seg
+ mov ds,ax
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF cx,REAL_MODE_BUFFER,autoincr ;move length to buf
+ pop cx
+ pop si
+ pop ds ;ds:si => string ptr
+ MOVE_TO_REAL_BUF autoincr ;move string to buf
+; Warning : DS is not used for the local data segment in the above code
+ mov ax,ss
+ mov ds,ax ;restore data segment
+; Move argument count to real mode buffer
+ mov bx,[bp].arg_count
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF bx,,autoincr,save ;move #args to buffer
+; Move the xesc arguments to the real mode buffer.
+ cmp bx,0 ;any arguments?
+ je xloop_done ; no, jump
+ les si,dword ptr [bp].arg_ptr ;es:si => argument
+ inc [bp].saved_si ;bump for next time thru
+ xor bh,bh
+ mov bl,byte ptr es:[si] ;pick up arg
+ lea bx,regs[bx] ;BX is VM reg @
+ mov si,[bx].C_page ;get its page#
+ mov si,ptype[si] ; and type
+ push si ;save around following
+;move type info to buffer
+; Dispatch on argument type
+ pop si ;restore type #
+ call cs:word ptr do_arg[si] ;process argument (by type)
+ dec [bp].arg_count ;any more args left
+ jnz xesc_loop ; yes, loop
+ RESET_REAL_BUFFER_OFFSET ;reset buffer ptr for later
+; Now issue the RPC call, real routine knows where the buffer is
+ push 0 ;dummy word
+ mov dx,sp ;DS:DX = transaction buffer
+ mov cx,4
+ mov bx,cx ;DX = length of result
+ mov al,rpc_handle
+ mov ah,RPC ;Issue RPC
+ int DOS ;Extended Dos func
+ pop ax ;get return status
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
+ or ax,ax ;error during xesc call?
+ je normal ; no, continue
+ cmp ax,XLI_ERR_NO_SUCH_NAME ;calling an unknown xli func?
+ jne xesc_null_err_exit ; no, return error
+ mov bx,[bp].rvreg ;load bx with name requested
+ jmp xesc_err_exit ;and return with error
+; We're back with a return value--unless it's a special service call.
+; At this point, ES:DI should point to buffer.
+normal: cld
+ mov si,sp ;store data on stack (ds:si)
+ les di,dword ptr REAL_MODE_BUFFER ;address real buffer (es:di)
+ mov cx,result_buf_len ;cx = length
+ MOVE_FROM_REAL_BUF ;move return data to local stack
+ mov ax,[bp].xesc_status ;get return status
+ or ax,ax ;Check status
+ jl ssr ; <0 = SSR
+ ; 0 = normal return
+ mov di,[bp].xesc_vtype ;get return value type
+ cmp di,N_RV*2 ;out of range?
+ jb xesc_70 ; no, jump
+ cmp di,RV_ERR*2 ;xli program error?
+ jne xesc_65 ; no, jump
+ mov si,bp ;
+ add si,xesc_value ;DS:SI => return value
+ mov bx,[bp].rvreg ;bx = return reg address
+ call do_strval ;go get the error message
+ mov ax,XLI_ERR_EXTERNAL_ERROR ;ax=error indication
+ mov bx,[bp].rvreg ;bx = return reg address
+ jmp xesc_err_exit ;bx=message
+ mov ax,XLI_ERR_VALUE_BAD_TYPE ;unkown return type
+ jmp xesc_null_err_exit ;return error
+ mov si,bp
+ add si,xesc_value ;DS:SI => return value
+ mov bx,[bp].rvreg ;bx = return reg address
+ call cs:word ptr do_val[di] ;process return value
+ mov ax,0 ;AX=0 says no errors
+ lea bx,nil_reg ;"nil irritant" for some errors
+; ax = error indicator (0 = no error), bx=irritant
+xesc_err_exit label near
+ mov cx,mem_entry ;any entries in mem_table?
+ jcxz xesc_ex10 ;no, jump
+ push ax ;tempsave error indicators
+ push bx
+ xor bx,bx
+ mov mem_entry,bx ;see if any real mode segments
+ mov es,mem_table[bx] ;get entry in mem_table
+ mov ax,DELETE_SEG ;delete the real mode segment
+ int dos
+ jnc xesc_ex07
+ mov bx,offset dl_seg
+ mov cx,offset xli_txt
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+ inc bx
+ inc bx ;address next entry
+ loop xesc_ex05 ;go release next one
+ pop bx ;restore error indicators
+ pop ax
+; at this point, ax = error number, bx = irritant (if error)
+ mov sp,rpc_saved_sp ;clean up stack
+ add sp,rvreg+2
+ pop bp ;restore callers bp
+ ret ;return
+; SSR
+; A real procedure has issued a System Service Request (SSR). Currently,
+; this means to pass a string to the real procedure. The result buffer
+; indicates the argument from the %xesc call requested (0 based), the
+; length of the string, and the real mode segment/offset to place the
+; string. This routine copies the data into the real routine's address
+; space, and returns.
+ssr label near
+ mov si,[bp].first_arg ;arg list pointer
+ add si,[bp].ssr_argnum ;now address arg desired
+ mov es,[bp].saved_es ;ES:SI addresses the arg
+ mov bl,byte ptr es:[si] ;get reg #
+ xor bh,bh
+ lea bx,regs[bx] ;BX is reg@
+ mov si,[bx].C_disp ;si = string object offset
+ mov bx,[bx].C_page ;bx = string object page #
+ %LoadPage es,bx ;es:si => string object
+ inc si ;skip over tag
+ cld
+ lods word ptr es:[si] ;get string's length
+ cmp ax,0 ;a short string?
+ jge ss_5 ;no, jump
+ add ax,str_ovhd*2 ;yes
+ss_5: sub ax,str_ovhd ;subtract off overhead
+; es:si => string, ax = length
+ mov dx,[bp].ssr_len ;get length of dest string
+ or dx,dx ;if non-zero
+ jnz ss_10 ; then jump
+; A length of zero indicates that the xli routine wants to address far
+; strings. Allocate real memory and put the real segment address into
+; the transaction buffer. PRO2REAL will move the string to real memory.
+; The real memory selector is saved in mem_table, and released when we
+; exit this xesc call.
+ push ax ;save length
+ push si
+ push es ;save ptr to string
+ xor cx,cx
+ mov dx,ax ;cx:dx = string length
+ mov ax,ALLOC_REAL ;Allocate real segment
+ int dos ;Allocate real segment
+ jnc ss_07
+ mov bx,offset al_seg
+ mov cx,offset xli_txt
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+; ax=selector, bx=para address
+ push ax ;tempsave selector
+ les di,dword ptr REAL_MODE_BUFFER
+ add di,ssr_seg ;address of real buffer (es:di)
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF bx ;save segment to real mode
+ mov dx,cx ;dx = length
+ pop ax ;restore selector
+; save real memory selector in table
+ mov bx,mem_entry ;get entry number
+ inc mem_entry ;bump number of entries
+ shl bx,1 ;index into memory table
+ mov mem_table[bx],ax ;save selector there
+ pop es
+ pop di ;es:di => string to copy
+ pop dx ;restore length
+ jmp ss_25
+; We have a string length here, set ds:si to point to the real memory
+; address. PRO2REAL will create a real window over this area, and copy
+; the string to it.
+ cmp ax,dx ;string len >= buffer len?
+ jae ss_20 ;yes, jump
+ mov dx,ax ;dx = #chars to copy
+ mov di,si ;es:di = string to copy
+ mov si,bp
+ add si,ssr_offset ;ds:si => real memory address
+ xor ax,ax ;use ds:si to map address
+ call pro2real ;copy to real memory
+ push cx
+ jmp xesc_57
+xesc endp
+; Handler for the "software interrupt"
+; Use:
+; call SOFTINT 7,op,intnum,return-type,ax,bx,cx,dx
+; where all arguments are pcs registers
+; On exit:
+; The first register will contain the returned value
+; Description:
+; All args are interrogated to determine the length of a buffer
+; required to hold the args. A buffer is allocated in real mode
+; (via function E8), the args are then copied into the buffer,
+; and the software interrupt is issued. Upon return, the return
+; value is processed, the buffer is deallocated, and the first
+; register is set with the return value.
+; This following data will be allocated locally within SWINT
+local_save struc
+; Following is the machine state block for Issue Real Interrupt request
+msb_ax dw ? ; ax register for interrupt
+msb_bx dw ? ; bx register for interrupt
+msb_cx dw ? ; cx register for interrupt
+msb_dx dw ? ; dx register for interrupt
+msb_si dw ? ; si register for interrupt
+msb_di dw ? ; di register for interrupt
+msb_flags dw ? ; flags register for interrupt
+msb_ds dw ? ; ds register for interrupt
+msb_es dw ? ; es register for interrupt
+; The following local data contains ptrs into the real segment
+selector dw ? ; selector for real segment
+buf_ptr dw ? ; local pointer into real segment
+msb_ptr dw ? ; local pointer into msb
+stop dw ? ; temp data
+work_spc dd ? ; temp working storage
+; Following definitions define the stack upon call
+caller_bp dw ? ; callers bp
+farret dd ? ; far return address
+dummy dw ? ; %esc first arg = # operands
+arg4 dw ? ; arg4 = dx
+arg3 dw ? ; arg4 = cx
+arg2 dw ? ; arg4 = bx
+arg1 dw ? ; arg4 = ax
+ret_type dw ? ; return type
+intnum dw ? ; interrupt number
+op dw ? ; op-code
+local_save ends
+softint proc far
+ push bp ;save callers bp
+ sub sp,caller_bp ;allocate local storage
+ mov bp,sp ;and update BP
+ and xesc_func,0 ;note sw-int
+ lea bx,swi_err_exit ;error handler for sw-int
+ mov error_return,bx
+; Sum up the space required to hold all the arguments
+ mov si,bp
+ add si,arg4-2 ;SI => args
+ mov [bp].stop,si ;save for later
+ mov di,bp
+ add di,msb_dx ;DI => regs in msb
+ mov cx,4 ;CX = number of args
+ xor dx,dx ;DX = space required
+ push di ;temp save di
+ add si,2 ;address arg
+ mov bx,[si] ;get vm reg
+ mov di,[bx].C_page ;get its page#
+ cmp ptype[di],STRTYPE*2 ;Is it a string?
+ jne sum_010 ; no, jump
+ %LoadPage es,di ; yes,
+ mov di,[bx].C_disp ; es:di => string
+ inc di ; skip tag
+ mov ax,es:[di] ; get string object length
+ cmp ax,0 ; is it positive?
+ jge sum_005 ; yes, jump; normal string
+ add ax,str_ovhd*2 ; no, short string
+sum_005: sub ax,str_ovhd ; subtract overhead
+ inc ax ; add 1 for null terminator
+ jmp short sum_020
+ mov ax,4 ;non-string at least 4 bytes
+ cmp ptype[di],FLOTYPE*2 ;floating point object?
+ jne sum_020 ; no, jump
+ add ax,4 ; yes, floats are 8 bytes
+ pop di ;msb register ptr
+ mov ds:[di],ax ; save length of object
+ sub di,2 ; next msb register ptr
+ add dx,ax ;sum space required
+ loop sum_spc ;and loop
+; CX:DX = space required to buffer the args, SI => arg 1 at this point
+ mov ax,ALLOC_REAL ;Create real segment
+ int DOS ;Extended Dos Function request
+ jnc swi_07
+ mov bx,offset al_seg
+ mov cx,offset swi_txt
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+ mov [bp].selector,ax ;save segment selector
+ mov es,ax ;es = real buffer selector
+ mov [bp].msb_ds,bx ;save para address in msb
+ mov [bp].msb_es,bx ;save para address in msb
+ mov [bp].buf_ptr,0 ;pointer within real segment
+ mov [bp].msb_ptr,bp ;pointer into msb regs
+; Move each arg into the buffer, SI => arg1 at this point
+ cmp si,[bp].stop ;all args processed?
+ je swi_025 ; yes, jump
+ std
+ lods word ptr [si] ;pick up arg
+ mov bx,ax ;save in BX
+ mov di,[bp].msb_ptr ;di = ptr to reg in msb
+ add [bp].msb_ptr,2 ; set for next time
+ mov cx,ds:[di] ;cx = length of object
+ mov ax,[bp].buf_ptr ;ax = ptr into buffer
+ add [bp].buf_ptr,cx ; set for next time
+ mov ds:[di],ax ;update msb reg with buf ptr
+ mov di,ax ;es:di => buffer
+; Dispatch on argument type
+ push si ;tempsave arg ptr
+ mov si,[bx].C_page ;get page#
+ mov si,ptype[si] ; and type
+; BX=page #, CX=length, ES:DI=>buffer
+ call cs:word ptr do_arg[si] ;Handle each object.
+ pop si ;restore arg ptr
+ jmp swi_020
+; At this time all args are in the buffer, Issue the sofware interrupt
+ cld
+ mov bx,[bp].intnum ;get reg holding int
+ mov ax,[bx].C_disp ;AL = interrupt number
+ mov dx,bp ;DS:DX => machine state block
+ mov bx,msb_es+2 ;# bytes which may change
+ mov ah,REAL_INTRP ;AH = Issue Real Interrupt
+ int DOS ;Extended Dos Function Request
+ jnc swi_27
+ mov bx,offset rl_int
+ mov cx,offset swi_txt
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+; We're back from software interrupt, lets get return value
+ mov bx,[bp].ret_type ;get vm reg
+ mov di,[bx].C_disp
+ shl di,1 ;make index into valu table
+ cmp di,N_RV*2 ;return value out of range?
+ jb swi_070
+ ;bx = reg holding return type
+ mov ax,SWI_ERR_VALUE_BAD_TYPE ;ax = error indicator
+ jmp swi_err_exit
+; now go convert the return values
+ mov si,bp ;ds:si => address of ret value
+ mov bx,[bp].op ;bx = return register
+ call cs:word ptr do_val[di] ;handle one type of return value
+ mov ax,0 ;AX=0 says no errors
+; ax= error indicator (if nonzero, bx = irritant)
+swi_err_exit label near
+ push ax ;push error number
+ push bx ;push irritant
+ mov es,[bp].selector
+ mov ax,DELETE_SEG ;Delete Real Segment
+ int DOS ;Extended Dos Function
+ jnc swi_077
+ mov bx,offset dl_seg
+ mov cx,offset swi_txt
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+ pop cx ;cx = irritant
+ pop ax ;ax = error indication
+ mov bx,ax ; move to bx
+ dec bx ; form index
+ js swi_ret ;negative - no error
+ shl bx,1 ;form index
+ mov bx,swi_errs[bx] ;bx => error message
+ mov ax,1 ;note non-restartable
+; ax= error indicator (if nonzero bx=message address, cx = irritant)
+ mov sp,bp
+ add sp,caller_bp
+ pop bp
+ ret
+softint endp
+ subttl Code segment: Copy arguments to xfer buffer
+ page
+;; Jump tables to handle arguments to the %xesc call
+; indexed by argument type (standard PCS type tag)
+do_arg dw do_lstarg ;0=list (#f only)
+ dw do_fixarg ;1=fixnum
+ dw do_floarg ;2=flonum
+ dw do_bigarg ;3=bignum
+ dw do_symarg ;4=symbol (#t only)
+ dw do_strarg ;5=string
+ dw do_errarg ;6 the rest we don't care about
+ dw do_errarg ;7
+ dw do_errarg ;8
+ dw do_errarg ;9
+ dw do_errarg ;10
+ dw do_errarg ;11
+ dw do_errarg ;12
+ dw do_errarg ;13
+ dw do_errarg ;14
+ dw do_errarg ;15
+; On entry to all the argument handler routines:
+; ES:DI = pointer to real mode buffer to store data
+; BX = address of VM reg with page:offset of Scheme object
+; SI = Type of operand code
+; On exit:
+; CX = number of bytes moved to the buffer pointed to by ES:DI
+; Process list argument
+do_lstarg label near ;looking for false only
+ cmp [bx].C_page,NIL_PAGE*2
+ je do_lst01
+ jmp do_errarg
+ xor ax,ax
+ jmp do_log
+; Process fixnum argument
+do_fixarg label near
+ mov ax,[bx].C_disp ;get the fixnum data
+ shl ax,1 ;deal with sign bit
+ sar ax,1 ;ax = 16-bit signed int
+; True and false are treated as the numbers 1 and 0, respectively.
+; Boolean-argument processing merges into integer processing at this point.
+do_log: cwd ;dx:ax is 32-bit signed int
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF ,,autoincr,save
+ ret ;and return
+; Process float argument
+do_floarg label near
+ push ds ;preserve data seg
+ mov si,[bx].C_page ;get float's page #
+ mov ax,[bx].C_disp ; and offset
+ %LoadPage ds,si
+ mov si,ax ;ds:si => float
+ inc si ;bump past header
+ mov cx,8 ;cx = length of float
+ MOVE_TO_REAL_BUF autoincr,save ;move float to buffer
+ pop ds ;restore data seg
+ ret ;and return
+; Process bignum argument
+do_bigarg label near
+; Stage the conversion to longint on the stack
+ sub sp,4 ;allocate stack space for long
+ mov ax,sp ;note its address
+; ok to add to stack here because we've reserved space above.
+ push es ;save regs around call
+ push di
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push bx ;push VM reg@
+ push ax ;push buffer@
+ mov C_fn,offset pgroup:int2long ;convert bignum to long
+ call far ptr far_C
+ pop bx ;dump buffer@
+ pop bx ;restore VM reg@
+ pop bp ;restore bp
+ pop di ; di
+ pop es ; es
+; above cleans stack up from calling C routine
+ cmp ax,0 ;did bignum convert OK?
+ je do_big5 ;yes, jump
+; there was an error in converting the number
+ mov ax,XLI_ERR_BIG_TO_32_BITS ;ax = error # (default xli)
+ cmp xesc_func,0 ;performing xli function?
+ jne do_bigerr ; yes, jump
+ mov ax,SWI_ERR_BIG_TO_32_BITS ;ax = error # (for sw-int)
+; ax=error number, bx=irritant
+ jmp error_return
+ mov si,sp ;ds:si => long int
+ mov cx,8 ;cx = length
+ MOVE_TO_REAL_BUF autoincr,save ;move float to buffer
+ add sp,4 ;clean up stack
+ ret ;and return
+; Process symbol argument
+do_symarg label near ;looking for true only
+ cmp [bx].C_page,T_PAGE*2
+ jne do_errarg
+ cmp [bx].C_disp,T_DISP
+ jne do_errarg
+ mov ax,1
+ jmp do_log
+; Process string arguments
+do_strarg label near
+ or xesc_func,0 ;doing xesc?
+ jz swi_strarg ; no, jump
+ MOVE_ARGS_TO_BUF <-1>,,autoincr,save ; yes, indicate string
+ ret
+swi_strarg: ;move string to swint buffer
+ push ds ;preserve regs
+ push si
+ mov ax,[bx].C_disp ;get offset
+ mov si,[bx].C_page ;get page #
+ %LoadPage ds,si
+ mov si,ax ;ds:si => string
+ inc si ;skip tag
+ cld
+ lods word ptr [si] ;get length
+ or ax,ax ;is it positive?
+ jge swi_str05 ;yes, jump; normal string
+ add ax,str_ovhd*2 ;no, short string
+ sub ax,str_ovhd ;subtract overhead
+ mov cx,ax ;CX = length of string
+ MOVE_TO_REAL_BUF autoincr ;move string across
+ mov ax,ss
+ mov ds,ax
+ push cx ;save # bytes just written
+ MOVE_BYTE_TO_BUF 0,,autoincr ;write out null terminator
+ pop cx
+ inc cx ;cx = total # bytes written
+ pop si ;restore preserved regs
+ pop ds
+ ret
+do_errarg label near
+ mov ax,XLI_ERR_ARGN_BAD_TYPE ;ax = error # (default xli)
+ cmp xesc_func,0 ;performing xli function?
+ jne do_errerr ; yes, jump
+ mov ax,SWI_ERR_ARGN_BAD_TYPE ;ax = error # (for sw-int)
+; ax = error number, bx=irritant
+ jmp error_return
+ subttl Code segment: Copy return value back into Scheme
+ page
+;; Jump tables to handle values returned from the real routine
+; indexed by value type (SW-INT return types)
+do_val dw do_intval ;0=integer
+ dw do_TFval ;1=true/false
+ dw do_strval ;2=string
+ dw do_floval ;3=flonum
+; On entry to all the value handler routines:
+; BX = result register address
+; DS:SI = pointer to return value
+; Process integer return value
+do_intval proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp ;get BP set for C call
+ or xesc_func,0 ;doing xesc?
+ jnz doint_05 ; yes, jump
+ push [si] ;si=> msb_ax on stack. remember
+ push [si]+2 ;lattice's return conventions
+ jmp doint_07
+doint_05: push [si]+2 ;push longint
+ push [si]
+doint_07: push bx ;push vm reg address
+ mov C_fn,offset pgroup:long2int ;allocate integer
+ call far ptr far_C ;C longint -> PCS integer
+ ;(bignum or fixnum)
+ mov sp,bp ;pop C args
+ pop bp ;restore callers bp
+ ret ; and return
+do_intval endp
+; Process true/false return value
+do_TFval proc near
+ mov cx,0
+ or xesc_func,0 ;doing xesc?
+ jnz dotf_05 ; yes, jump
+ mov ax,[si]+2 ;si=> msb_ax on stack. remember
+ jmp dotf_07 ;lattice's return convention
+dotf_05: mov ax,[si] ;get value
+dotf_07: or ax,ax ;zero?
+ jz do_TF10 ; yes (false object)
+ mov ax,T_DISP ; no (true object)
+ mov cx,T_PAGE*2
+ mov [bx].C_disp,ax
+ mov [bx].C_page,cx
+ ret
+do_TFval endp
+; Process float return value
+do_floval proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ or xesc_func,0 ;doing xesc?
+ jnz doflo_05 ; yes, jump
+ push [si] ;si=> msb_ax on stack. remember
+ push [si]+2 ;lattice's return conventions
+ push [si]+4 ;and push args appropriately.
+ push [si]+6
+ jmp doflo_07
+doflo_05: push [si]+6 ;push float values
+ push [si]+4
+ push [si]+2
+ push [si]
+doflo_07: push bx ;push vm return reg
+ mov C_fn,offset pgroup:alloc_fl ;allocate float
+ call far ptr far_C ;C double -> PCS flonum
+ mov sp,bp ;pop args from stack
+ pop bp
+ ret
+do_floval endp
+; Process string return values
+do_strval proc near
+ or xesc_func,0 ;doing xesc?
+ jz swi_strval ; no, jump
+; Do it for xli
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov cx,[si] ;get string length
+ cmp cx,16380 ;string length short enough?
+ jbe do_stv15 ;yes, jump
+ mov cx,16380 ;no, truncate at max
+; allocate the space for the return value string object
+ push cx ;save length for later
+ push si ; pointer to buffer
+ push bx ; return value VM reg
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp ;get BP set for C call
+ push cx ;push length
+ push STRTYPE ;push type
+ push bx ;push return value VM reg @
+ mov C_fn,offset pgroup:alloc_bl ;allocate block
+ call far ptr far_C ;go do it
+ mov sp,bp ;pop C args
+ pop bp
+ pop bx ;return VM reg
+ mov di,[bx].C_disp
+ mov bx,[bx].C_page
+ %LoadPage es,bx
+ add di,3 ;es:si => destination
+ pop si
+ add si,2 ;ds:si => real mode address
+ pop dx ;dx = length
+ call real2pro ;xfer from real mem to pro mem
+ mov sp,bp ;clean up stack
+ pop bp ;restore caller's bp
+ ret ;and return
+; Do it for software interrupt
+ push ds ;tempsave ds
+ mov si,[bp].msb_ax
+ mov ds,[bp].selector ;DS:SI points to string
+ push ss
+ pop es
+ mov di,bp
+ add di,work_spc ;ES:DI => destination
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER ;grab one byte and test zero
+ mov cx,1
+ mov dx,0FFFFh
+ inc dx ;# bytes read
+ int DOS ;xfer 1 byte
+ inc si ;next byte to read
+ cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;is it zero?
+ jne swi_str01 ;no, get next char
+ pop ds ;restore ds
+ push dx ;save length for later
+; allocate the space for the return value string object
+ mov ax,[bp].op ;get return vm reg
+ push bp ;tempsave around call
+ mov bp,sp ;get BP set for C call
+ push dx ;push length
+ push STRTYPE
+ push ax ;push vm reg
+ mov C_fn,offset pgroup:alloc_bl
+ call far ptr far_C ;allocate string object;
+ ;"alloc_block" takes care
+ ;of overhead matters
+ mov sp,bp ;pop C args
+ pop bp
+ mov bx,[bp].op ;return value VM reg
+ mov di,[bx].C_disp
+ mov bx,[bx].C_page
+ %LoadPage es,bx ;ES:DI is dest object @
+ add di,3 ;skip past string's overhead
+ mov si,[bp].msb_ax
+ mov ds,[bp].selector ;DS:SI is string in buffer
+ pop cx ;CX = length
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER ;copy into scheme heap
+ int DOS ;Extended Dos function call
+ mov ax,ss
+ mov ds,ax
+ ret
+do_strval endp
+do_errval proc near
+ jmp error_return
+do_errval endp
+ public pro2real,real2pro,map_real_mem
+; On entry:
+; DS:SI => address of real mode buffer
+; ES:DI => scheme heap
+; DX = length
+; On exit:
+; CX is number of chars xfered
+real2pro proc near
+ push ds ; save data segment
+ call map_real_mem ; create real window (selector in ax)
+; Error Checks here
+ mov cx,dx ; cx = length
+; WARNING: DS addresses real memory below
+ mov ds,ax ; real mode selector
+ xor si,si ; ds:si = source (real data)
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER ; do block xfer
+ int DOS
+ mov ax,ds
+ mov es,ax ; es = mapped selector
+ mov ax,DELETE_SEG ; Delete Segment
+ int DOS
+ jnc r2p_next
+ xor bx,bx
+ mov bl,ss:xesc_func
+ shl bx,1
+ mov cx,ss:which_func[bx]
+ mov bx,offset dl_seg
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+; WARNING: DS does not address scheme's data segment above
+ pop ds ; restore data segment
+ ret
+real2pro endp
+; Copy data from protected mode memory to real mode memory. If ax is
+; non-zero, then it already contains a real selector where we can move
+; the data - in this case we don't create a real window and delete the
+; segment selector after the copy.
+; On entry:
+; if AX = 0
+; then DX = length
+; DS:SI => address of real mode buffer
+; ES:DI => scheme heap
+; else
+; AX = selector to real mode buffer
+; DX = length
+; ES:DI => scheme heap
+; On exit:
+; CX is number of chars xfered
+pro2real proc near
+ push ds ; callers data segment
+ push ax ; indicator
+ push di ; offset to data
+ or ax,ax ; do we have a selector already?
+ jnz p2r_010 ; yes, don't create real window (jump)
+ call map_real_mem ; no, create real window
+ ; selector returned in ax
+; Error Checks here
+ mov cx,dx ; cx = length
+; WARNING: DS addresses scheme heap below
+ mov bx,es
+ mov ds,bx
+ pop si ; ds:si = source (in scheme heap)
+ mov es,ax ; real mode selector
+ xor di,di ; es:di = destination (in real mode)
+ mov dx,ax ; tempsave selector
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER ; do block xfer
+ int DOS
+ pop ax ; restore indicator
+ or ax,ax ; was a selector passed in?
+ jnz mode_xf01 ; yes, then don't delete it
+ mov es,dx ; es = mapped selector
+ mov ax,DELETE_SEG ; Delete Segment
+ int DOS
+ jnc mode_next
+ xor bx,bx
+ mov bl,ss:xesc_func
+ shl bx,1
+ mov cx,ss:which_func[bx]
+ mov bx,offset dl_seg
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+; WARNING: DS does not address scheme's data segment above
+ mov ax,ds
+ mov es,ax ; restore ptr to scheme heap
+ pop ds ; restore data segment
+ ret
+pro2real endp
+; Map a real memory address into a selector for use in protected memory.
+; DS:SI => address of real mode buffer
+; DX = length
+; On exit:
+; Carry flag set on error
+; AX = selector for real memory or error if carry flag set
+; Regs used: ax,bx,cx,si - all destroyed
+map_real_mem proc near
+ ; create real mode window
+ xor ax,ax
+ mov cx,4 ; shift count
+ mov bx,[si]+2 ; bx = real segment address
+ mov al,bh ; create 32 bit address in SI:BX
+ shr ax,cl
+ shl bx,cl ; shift for physical mem calc
+ add bx,[si] ; add effective memory address
+ jnc mr_25
+ inc ax ; SI:BX = real memory address
+ mov si,ax ; si:bx = real memory address
+ xor cx,cx ; CX:DX = length
+ mov ax,CREATE_WIN ; Create Window function request
+ int DOS ; Return selector in AX
+ jnc mr_ret
+ xor bx,bx
+ mov bl,ss:xesc_func
+ shl bx,1
+ mov cx,ss:which_func[bx]
+ mov bx,offset cr_win
+ jmp fatal_pro_err ;control will not return here
+ ret
+map_real_mem endp
+progx ends
+ subttl Prog segment code definitions
+ page
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume cs:pgroup
+ extrn next_SP:near,src_err:near
+ extrn fix_intr:near
+ public pcinit,set_crtint,reset_crtint,xli_ldall,xli_term,xli_xesc
+; Perform initializations, some of which are PC specific.
+pcinit proc near
+ call bid_rpc ;bid the real mode code
+ cmp pcs_sysd,0 ;have we found the system directory?
+ jz pcini_00 ; no, skip loading of xli
+ call xli_ldall ; yes, load xli stuff
+ call pc_init ;get specific pc info
+ call fix_intr ;take over interrupts
+ ret ;return to caller
+pcinit endp
+; The following routines are gateways to routines in the progx segment
+; for real procedure calls (RPC) and external language interface (XLI).
+; Note that the progx routines are jumped to via the FAR_RPC table, however
+; they return to the caller of this routine because we fix up the stack.
+bid_rpc proc near
+ mov bx,frpc_bid ;initialize real procedure
+ jmp rpc_call
+ mov bx,frpc_init ;get machine type
+ jmp rpc_call
+ mov bx,frpc_setcrt ;set crt interrupt
+ jmp rpc_call
+ mov bx,frpc_resetcrt ;reset crt interrupt
+ jmp rpc_call
+ mov bx,frpc_ldall ;load xli files
+ jmp rpc_call
+ mov bx,frpc_unld ;unload xli files
+ jmp rpc_call
+ mov bx,frpc_xesc ;perform xesc
+ jmp rpc_call
+ pop dx ;pop return address
+ push prog ;push segment return
+ push dx ;then offset
+ jmp dword ptr FAR_RPC+[bx] ;jump to progx routine
+ ret ;we'll never return here
+bid_rpc endp
+; Far linkage *from* XLI
+; (all the memory allocation routines are written in C).
+; The caller of this should have set BP from SP before pushing the C args,
+; then restore SP from BP afterwards to remove them from the stack.
+; We don't preserve ES across the call.
+ public far_C
+far_C proc far
+ push ds ;C likes ES=DS
+ pop es
+ pop C_retadr ;get far @ off stack so C sees its args
+ pop C_retadr+2
+ call [C_fn]
+ push C_retadr+2
+ push C_retadr
+ ret ;C returns with return value in AX..DX
+far_C endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/probid.asm b/probid.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef72162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/probid.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 5 June 1985 *
+;* Last Modification: 15 May 1986 *
+ page 60,132
+ .286c
+ include smmu.mac
+MSDOS equ 021h ; MS-DOS service call interrupt
+BIDTASK equ 04Bh ; Load/Execute program
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+ extrn _psp:dword ; program segment prefix paragraph address
+cmd_ db "COMSPEC="
+cmd_1 equ $
+ENVPTR dw 0 ; DOS EXEC parameter block
+CMDOFF dw 0 ; "
+CMDSEG dw 0 ; "
+FCB1OFF dw 5Ch ; "
+FCB1SEG dw 0 ; "
+FCB2OFF dw 6Ch ; "
+FCB2SEG dw 0 ; "
+INSTALLED dw 0 ; Whether crt interrupt is installed or not
+data ends
+PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
+ assume CS:XGROUP
+;* Bid another Task *
+; BP is set up by bid (the caller of this routine)
+bid_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address (caller of bid)
+bid_file dw ? ; program's file name
+bid_parm dw ? ; parameters
+free_req dw ? ; requested # of free paragraphs
+display dw ? ; Indicates if screen should be disturbed
+bid_args ends
+bid_task proc far
+ push ES
+; Set up parameter block
+ mov AX,[BP].bid_parm ; Set up dword pointer to command line
+ mov AX,word ptr _psp+2 ; Point to FCBs in program segment prefix
+ mov FCB1SEG,AX
+ mov FCB2SEG,AX
+ mov ES,AX
+ mov AX,ES:[02Ch] ; copy current environment ptr to
+ mov ENVPTR,AX ; parameter area
+; Set ES:BX to address of parameter block
+ mov AX,DS
+ mov ES,AX
+ mov BX,offset ENVPTR
+; Set DS:DX to address of ASCIZ pathname (of file to be loaded)
+ push DS ; save DS segment register
+ mov DX,[BP].bid_file
+ mov DI,DX
+ cmp byte ptr [di],0 ; check if pt'ed to string is empty
+ jne bid_it
+; No filename-- bid up a new command interpreter;
+; have to search environment for COMSPEC= string
+ mov ES,ENVPTR ; ES:DI points to 1st string in environment
+ xor DI,DI
+; Test for end of environment
+get_plop: cmp byte ptr ES:[DI],0 ; last entry in environment?
+ je cmd_err ; if so, COMSPEC= not found
+ mov SI,offset cmd_ ; load address of comparison string
+ mov CX,cmd_1-cmd_ ; and length of same
+ repe cmps cmd_,ES:[DI] ; does this entry begin "COMSPEC="?
+ je found ; if so, found it! (jump)
+ xor AX,AX ; clear AX for search
+ mov CX,-1 ; set CX for maximum length
+ repne scas byte ptr ES:[DI] ; find \0 which terminates string
+ jmp get_plop ; loop
+; No command interpreter found
+cmd_err: mov AX,10 ; treat as bad-environment error
+ stc
+ jmp short get_out
+; Found COMSPEC=
+found: mov DX,DI ; DS:DX is ptr to command interpreter
+ push DS ; (swap DS and ES)
+ push ES
+ pop DS
+ pop ES
+; issue load task function call
+ xor AL,AL ; load and execute condition
+ ; load "load and execute" ftn id
+ int MSDOS ; perform service call
+get_out: pop DS ; restore DS segment register
+ jc exit ; branch if error in bidding task
+ xor AX,AX ; indicate no error
+ pop ES ; restore ES segment register
+ ret ; return to caller
+bid_task endp
+PROGX ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+ extrn unfixint:near,fix_intr:near
+ extrn zcuron:near,zcuroff:near
+ extrn set_crtint:near,reset_crtint:near
+ public bid
+bid proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp ;address local arguments
+ call unfixint ;reset shift-break vector
+ call zcuron ;turn the cursor back on
+ cmp [bp].display,0 ;can we disturb the screen?
+ je no_install ; yes, jump
+ call set_crtint ; no, take over crt interrupt
+ call bid_task ;go bid the task
+ push AX ;save its error return code
+ cmp [bp].display,0 ;crt interrupt taken over
+ je no_uninstall ; no, jump
+ call reset_crtint ; yes, reset the crt interrupt
+ call zcuroff ;turn the cursor back off
+ call fix_intr ;set shift-break vector
+ pop AX ;restore error code
+ pop bp ;dump args from stack
+ ret ;return to caller
+bid endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prointrp.asm b/prointrp.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5429e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prointrp.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+; =====> PROINTRP.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
+;* Special Keyboard Handlers *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: Feb 1988 *
+;* *
+;* This file is basically INTRUP.ASM *
+;* modified to run in protected mode *
+;* under AI Architects OSx86. *
+;* *
+ .286c
+ page 66,132
+ include dos.mac
+ include pcmake.equ
+ include smmu.mac ; Protected mode Macros
+DOS equ 021h ; Dos function request
+EXT_ERR equ 059h ; Dos get extended error
+GET_VEC equ 035h ; Dos get interrupt vector
+SET_VEC equ 025h ; Dos set interrupt vector
+SET_AIA_VEC equ 0E4h ; AIA set interrupt vector
+TI_PBI equ 05Dh ; TI Program Break Interrupt
+IBM_PBI equ 01Bh ; IBM Program Break Interrupt
+ERR_INT equ 024h ; Fatal error abort address
+CTRLC_INT equ 023h ; Control C exit interrupt
+ extrn PC_MAKE:word
+ extrn shft%brk:far
+PROG ends
+ ; Sorry guys, but this has gotta be in CS:
+kbmi_off dw ? ; Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (offset)
+kbmi_seg dw ? ; Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (segment)
+ public PROG_BRK
+PROG_BRK proc far ; Handler for Keynoard Break Interrupt
+ push ax ; Save keystroke across call
+ call PGROUP:shft%brk ; Flag to force debugger on next VM inst
+ pop ax ; Restore keystroke
+ mov ax,0FFh ; Ignore keystroke (IBM'll ignore this)
+ stc ; Tell TI keyboard DSR no key was pressd
+ ; again, IBM BIOS won't care about this.
+ iret ; interrupt return
+PROG_BRK endp
+ public CTLC_INT
+CTLC_INT proc far ; Handle detection of CTRL-C (INT 23H)
+ iret ; Just return like nothing happened 'cept
+ ; that a ^C trio is displayed.
+CTLC_INT endp
+ public FAT_ERR
+FAT_ERR proc far ; Handle for fatal error interrupt (24H)
+ mov ax,di ;di = err number. add 19 to form err number
+ add ax,19 ;you would get from Get Extended Error (59h)
+ iret ;just return for now
+comment ~
+; First release of AI Architect's OSx86 didn't support fatal error
+; interrupts as specified by DOS. Also, couldn't issue Get Extended
+; Error (Dos function 59h) from within here. Above code will have
+; to suffice for now.
+ ; remove ip,cs, and flags of system regs from int 24h
+ pop AX
+ pop AX
+ pop AX
+ ; get extended error codes
+ xor BX,BX
+ mov AH,EXT_ERR
+ int DOS ; Extended Error Code returned in AX
+ ; restore user registers at time of original function request 21h
+ pop BX ; Ignore old AX
+ pop BX
+ pop CX
+ pop DX
+ pop SI
+ pop DI
+ pop BP
+ pop DS
+ pop ES
+ ; Set the carry bit in the caller's flags and return
+ ; The original dos requestor should see that carry is set and
+ ; that ax contains the error code
+ or byte ptr [BP-02], CARY_FLG
+ iret
+FAT_ERR endp
+; Reassign program break interrupt (5Dh=ti, 1Bh=ibm), and "fix" Dos's
+; CTRL-C Exit int (23h)
+ public fix%intr
+fix%intr proc far
+ push es ;tempsave off some regs
+ push dx
+ push bx
+ push ax
+; WARNING: DS does not point to the local data segment below
+ mov ax,cs
+ mov ds,ax ;set ds=cs for dos calls below
+; take over program break interrupt
+ ;no need to get interrupt vector
+ ;since AIA will clean up on exit
+ mov ah,SET_VEC ;ah = set interrupt vector
+ mov al,IBM_PBI ;al = ibm program break interrupt
+ cmp SS:PC_MAKE,TIPC ;if not running on a TIPC
+ jne short fix_010 ; then jump
+ mov al,TI_PBI ; else set TI program break interrupt
+ mov dx,offset PROG_BRK ;ds:ax => interrupt handler
+ int DOS ;take over the handler
+; take over ctl-c interrupt
+ mov ah,SET_VEC ;ah = set interrupt vector
+ mov al,CTRLC_INT ;al = CTRL-C Interrupt (23H)
+ mov dx,offset PROG_BRK ;ds:ax => interrupt handler
+ int DOS ;take over the handler
+; take over fatal error interrupt
+ mov ah,SET_VEC ;ah = set interrupt vector
+ mov al,ERR_INT ;al = Fatal error interrupt
+ mov dx,offset FAT_ERR ;ds:dx => interrupt handler
+ int DOS ;take over handler
+ mov ax,ss ;restore local data seg
+ mov ds,ax
+; WARNING: DS does not point to the local data segment above
+ pop ax ;restore saved regs
+ pop bx
+ pop dx
+ pop es
+ ret ;get the heck outta here
+fix%intr endp
+; Restore Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (5BH)
+; (DOS should take care of 23H)
+ public unfix%
+unfix% proc far
+; We don't do anything cuz AI Architects OSx86 will clean up upon exit.
+; However, we'll leave this dummy routine here in case something pops
+; up in the future
+ ret ; Get the heck outta here
+unfix% endp
+PROGX ends
+;* Link routines *
+ Public fix_intr, unfixint
+fix_intr proc near
+ call fix%intr
+ ret
+fix_intr endp
+unfixint proc near
+ call unfix%
+ ret
+unfixint endp
+prog ends
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proio.asm b/proio.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802fe96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proio.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
+; =====> PROIO.ASM
+;* Scheme Runtime Support *
+;* Low level I/O Support Routines *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 09 November 1987 *
+;* Last Modification: *
+ page 60,132
+ .286c
+ include sinterp.arg
+ include memtype.equ
+ include scheme.equ
+ include pcmake.equ
+ include rpc.equ
+ include realio.equ
+ include xli_pro.mac
+; local equates
+EXT_ERR equ 059h ;get extended error
+TI_CRT equ 049h ;ti video bios interrupt
+IBM_CRT equ 010h ;ibm video bios interrupt
+CURSMASK equ 10011111b ;zeros are the bits that disable cursor
+NOCURSOR equ 00100000b ;byte mask to disable cursor
+; Data Definitions
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+;from xli_pro.asm
+ extrn rpc_handle:byte
+ extrn REAL_MODE_BUFFER:dword
+;from ???
+ extrn port_pg:word,port_ds:word,port_r:dword
+;from proio.asm
+ extrn char_hgt:word,cur_off:word
+;from prowin.asm
+ extrn MAX_ROWS:byte,MAX_COLS:byte
+ public zapcurs
+zapcurs dw 0 ; for disabling cursor altogether
+curs_sav dw 400Ch ; Cache for cursor size
+local_pds dw 0 ; Local copy of port disp
+local_ppg dw 0 ; Local copy of port page
+ public pro_msb
+pro_msb dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Machine State Block for crt_dsr
+sfp_err db "SET-FILE-POSITION!",0
+; Graphics are implemented via the RPC mechanism, the following data
+; structures support the %graphics primitives.
+ public vid_mode
+vid_mode dw 3
+graphic_go db 3,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0 ; graphics functions which return vals
+m_graph db "%GRAPHICS",0
+data ends
+; Code Definitions
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+ extrn next_sp:near, src_err:near
+;* Generate a Bell Character *
+;* *
+;* Purpose: To generate a "bell character" (i.e., make a noise) to *
+;* simulate the effect of outputting a bell character *
+;* (control-G) in the output stream. *
+;* *
+;* Calling Sequence: zbell(); *
+;* *
+;* Input Parameters: None. *
+;* *
+;* Output Parameters: None. *
+;* *
+no_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+no_arg dw ? ; designates no args on stack
+no_args ends
+ public zbell
+zbell proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ REALIO REAL_BELL,no_arg,no_arg,continue
+ pop bp
+ ret
+zbell endp
+;* Clear a Window *
+zc_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+zc_row dw ? ; upper left hand corner row number
+zc_col dw ? ; upper left hand corner column number
+zc_nrows dw ? ; number of rows
+zc_len dw ? ; line length (number of characters)
+zc_attrib dw ? ; character attributes
+zc_args ends
+ public zclear
+zclear proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ pusha
+ REALIO REAL_CLEAR,zc_row,zc_attrib,continue
+ popa
+ pop bp
+ ret
+zclear endp
+;* Draw Border *
+zb_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+zb_line dw ? ; upper left corner line number
+zb_col dw ? ; upper left corner column number
+zb_nlines dw ? ; number of lines
+zb_ncols dw ? ; number of columns
+zb_battr dw ? ; border attributes
+zb_label dw ? ; pointer to label text
+zb_args ends
+ public zborder
+zborder proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov si,[bp].zb_label ;ds:si => label
+ cmp byte ptr [si],0 ;is it null?
+ jne zb_010 ; no, jump
+ mov [bp].zb_label,0 ; yes, note null
+ jmp zb_020 ; and skip
+ mov ax,REAL_BUF_PARA
+ mov [bp].zb_label,ax ;seg addr of real buffer
+;determine length of label
+ xor ax,ax
+ xor cx,cx ;hold count
+ inc cx
+ lodsb
+ cmp ah,al
+ jnz zb_loop
+ sub si,cx ;ds:si => label
+;move label to real mode buffer @ address 0
+ les di,REAL_MODE_BUFFER ;es:si => real buffer
+ xor di,di
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER
+ int DOS
+ push ds
+ pop es
+;now do the real mode I/O call
+ REALIO REAL_BORDER zb_line,zb_label,continue
+ pop bp
+ ret
+zborder endp
+;* Save Screen Contents *
+;* *
+;* Purpose: To save a rectangular region of the CRT in a string data *
+;* object. *
+;* *
+;* Calling Sequence: save_scr(str_reg, ul_row, ul_col, n_rows, ncols) *
+;* where str_reg - pointer to string data object *
+;* which is to receive the screen *
+;* contents *
+;* ul_row - row number of the upper left *
+;* corner of the region to be *
+;* saved *
+;* ul_col - column number of the upper left *
+;* corner of the region to be *
+;* saved *
+;* n_rows - number of rows in the region to *
+;* be saved *
+;* n_cols - number of columns in the region *
+;* to be saved *
+sv_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's ES
+ dw ? ; return address
+sv_str dw ? ; address of register pointing to string
+sv_ulrow dw ? ; upper left hand corner's row number
+sv_ulcol dw ? ; upper left hand corner's column number
+sv_nrow dw ? ; number of rows
+sv_ncol dw ? ; number of columns
+sv_args ends
+ public save_scr
+save_scr proc near
+ push es
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push [bp].sv_str ;save register for later
+ mov ax,REAL_BUF_PARA
+ mov [bp].sv_str,ax ;seg addr of real mode buffer
+ REALIO REAL_SAVESCR,sv_str,sv_ncol
+ pop bx ;restore register ptr
+ mov di,[bx].C_disp
+ mov bx,[bx].C_page
+ loadPage es,bx
+ add di,BLK_OVHD ;es:di => string
+ mov ax,[bp].sv_ncol ;determine # chars to copy
+ mul [bp].sv_nrow
+ mov cx,2
+ mul cx
+ add ax,2 ;add for row/col info
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ xor si,si ;ds:si => real mode buffer
+ mov AX,BLOCK_XFER ;move real string into heap
+ int dos
+ mov bx,ss ;restore local data seg
+ mov ds,bx
+ pop bp ;restore regs
+ pop es
+ ret ;return
+save_scr endp
+;* Restore Screen Contents *
+;* *
+;* Purpose: To restore a rectangular region of the CRT from a string *
+;* data object. *
+;* *
+;* Calling Sequence: rest_scr(str_reg, ul_row, ul_col) *
+;* where str_reg - pointer to string data object *
+;* which contains the screen *
+;* contents *
+;* ul_row - row number of the upper left *
+;* corner of the region to be *
+;* restored *
+;* ul_col - column number of the upper left *
+;* corner of the region to be *
+;* restored *
+rs_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; caller's ES
+ dw ? ; return address
+rs_str dw ? ; address of register pointing to string
+rs_ulrow dw ? ; upper left hand corner's row number
+rs_ulcol dw ? ; upper left hand corner's column number
+rs_mrow dw ? ; number of rows in new window
+rs_mcol dw ? ; number of columns in new window
+rs_args ends
+ public rest_scr
+rest_scr proc near
+ push es
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov bx,[bp].rs_str ;register holding string ptr
+ mov si,[bx].C_disp
+ mov bx,[bx].C_page
+ loadpage ds,bx
+ mov cx,word ptr ds:[si]+1 ;cx = string length
+ add si,BLK_OVHD ;ds:si => string object
+ xor di,di ;es:di => real mode buffer
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER
+ int dos
+ mov ax,ss
+ mov ds,ax ;restore data seg
+ mov ax,REAL_BUF_PARA ;replace string reg with addr
+ mov [bp].rs_str,ax ;of real mode buffer
+ REALIO REAL_RESTSCR,rs_str,rs_mcol,continue
+ pop bp
+ pop es
+ ret
+rest_scr endp
+;* Cursor On *
+ public zcuron
+zcuron proc near
+ cmp zapcurs,0 ; if cursor disabled
+ jne zcon_ret ; then return
+ mov cx,curs_sav ; attributes for cursor on
+ mov ah,01h ; load "set cursor type" code
+ call far ptr crt_dsr ; turn the cursor on
+ ret ; return to caller
+zcuron endp
+;* Cursor Off *
+ public zcuroff
+zcuroff proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ call ega_curs
+ mov ah,03
+ xor bh,bh ;IBM page number/must be 0 for graphics mode
+ call far ptr crt_dsr ;get the cursor position/mode
+ cmp zapcurs,0 ; if cursor disabled
+ jne zcoff_01 ; then jump
+ mov curs_sav,cx ;save it for restoration
+ and ch,CURSMASK ;mask off bits to select cursor type
+ or ch,NOCURSOR ;disables cursor (turns it off)
+ mov ah,01h ;load "set cursor type" code
+ call far ptr crt_dsr ;turn the cursor off
+ pop bp
+ ret ;return to caller
+zcuroff endp
+;* Put Cursor *
+zpc_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+zpc_row dw ? ; upper left hand corner row number
+zpc_col dw ? ; upper left hand corner column number
+zpc_args ends
+ public zputcur
+zputcur proc near
+ push bp ; save caller's BP
+ mov bp,sp
+; put cursor in desired location
+ mov dh,byte ptr [bp].zpc_col ;load column number
+ mov dl,byte ptr [bp].zpc_row ;load row number
+ xor bh,bh ;IBMism: page number (0 if in graphics mode)
+ mov ah,02H ;load "put cursor" code
+ call far ptr crt_dsr ;position the cursor (DSR swaps DH/DL)
+ call ega_curs ;display cursor for ega mode
+; Return to caller
+ pop bp ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return
+zputcur endp
+;* Output Character To Window *
+zp_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+zp_line dw ? ; cursor position - line number
+zp_col dw ? ; cursor position - column number
+zp_char dw ? ; character to write
+zp_attr dw ? ; character's attributes
+zp_args ends
+ public zputc
+zputc proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ pusha
+ REALIO REAL_PUTC,zp_line,zp_attr,continue
+ popa
+ pop BP
+ ret
+zputc endp
+;* Scroll a Window *
+zs_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+zs_line dw ? ; upper left hand corner line number
+zs_col dw ? ; upper left hand corner column number
+zs_nline dw ? ; number of lines
+zs_ncols dw ? ; number of columns
+zs_attr dw ? ; text attributes (used for blanking)
+zs_args ends
+ public zscroll
+zscroll proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ pusha
+ REALIO REAL_SCROLLUP,zs_line,zs_attr,continue
+ popa
+ pop BP
+ ret
+zscroll endp
+;* Scroll Window Down one line *
+s_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+s_line dw ? ; upper left hand corner line number
+s_col dw ? ; upper left hand corner column number
+s_nline dw ? ; number of lines
+s_ncols dw ? ; number of columns
+s_attr dw ? ; text attributes (used for blanking)
+s_args ends
+ public scroll_d
+scroll_d proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ pusha
+ REALIO REAL_SCROLLDN,s_line,s_attr,continue
+ popa
+ pop BP
+ ret
+scroll_d endp
+;* Emulate cursor in EGA mode *
+;* *
+;* On Entry: ES:SI points to port object *
+ public ega_curs
+ega_curs proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ cmp vid_mode,14 ; are we in in EGA mode?
+ jl ega_03 ; no, return
+ test cur_off,7fh ; cursor already off? (bit one zero)
+ jz ega_02 ; yes, jump
+ and cur_off,0feh ; turn off bit one
+ jmp ega_03
+ega_02: cmp es:[si].pt_text,0 ; black attribute?
+ je ega_03 ; forget it
+; set up BIOS call for ega cursor
+ mov AX,09DBh ; reverse-video block
+ mov BX,8Fh ; attr = xor,white
+ mov CX,1 ; repetition count = 1
+ int 10h
+ pop bp
+ ret
+ega_curs endp
+;* Note Changes to Video Mode *
+vm_chg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+vm_chgt dw ? ; new video mode
+vm_mode dw ? ; new character height
+vm_rows dw ? ; new # rows for screen
+vm_chg ends
+ public chg_vmode
+chg_vmode proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ REALIO REAL_CHGVMODE,vm_chgt,vm_rows,continue
+ pop bp
+ ret
+chg_vmode endp
+;GVCHARS - display characters
+; Upon Entry:
+; cx = number of characters
+; dx = wrap flag (0 = don't check for wrap, else check for wrap)
+; es:di => print buffer
+ public gvchars
+gvchars proc near
+ push cx ;character count
+ push REAL_BUF_PARA ;buffer segment
+ push di ;buffer offset
+ push dx ;wrap indicator
+ push REAL_WRTSTRNG ;op code
+; Warning: DS does not reference data segment in code below
+ mov cx,pt_bfend ;cx = number bytes to write
+ mov si,port_ds
+ LoadPage ds,port_pg ;ds:si => port object
+ mov ss:local_pds,si ;save port address locally
+ mov ss:local_ppg,ds
+ mov di,ss:REAL_BUF_TOP ;get top address of buffer
+ sub di,cx ;es:di => buffer area
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER ;xfer port object to real memory
+ int DOS
+ mov ax,ss ;restore local data segment
+ mov ds,ax
+; stack at this point contains opcode, wrap, buffer offset/seg and length
+ mov cx,10 ;move 10 bytes
+ sub di,cx ;es:di => real buffer
+ mov si,sp ;ds:si => args
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER ;xfer arg data to real memory
+ int DOS
+; issue call to real mode I/O handler
+ mov al,rpc_handle ;real procedure handle
+ mov ah,RPC ;rpc function call
+ push di ;stack pointer
+ push XLI_REALIO ;real i/o function designator
+ mov dx,sp ;ds:dx => rpc buffer
+ mov cx,4 ;cx = # bytes in rpc buffer
+ mov bx,2 ;bx = number return bytes
+ int DOS ;issue RPC - I/O request
+ pop ax ;ax = result status
+ add sp,2 ;dump other arg from stack
+ or ax,ax ;test result status
+ jnz disk_err ;go report error
+; update port object
+ mov cx,pt_bfend ;cx = number bytes to fetch
+ mov si,REAL_BUF_TOP
+ sub si,cx
+ mov bx,es
+ les di,dword ptr local_pds ;es:di => port object
+ mov ds,bx ;ds:si => updated port data
+ mov ax,BLOCK_XFER ;xfer block to scheme heap
+ int DOS
+; everything is written, is there a transcript file?
+ cmp ss:TRNS_pag,0 ;transcript file associated?
+ je gvch_ret ; no, return
+ test es:[di].pt_pflgs,TRANSCRI ;this port have bit set?
+ jz gvch_ret ; no, return
+ mov bx,ds
+ mov cx,pt_bfend ;cx = number bytes to write
+ mov es,bx ;es => real buffer
+ mov si,ss:TRNS_dis
+ LoadPage ds,ss:TRNS_pag ;ds:si => port object
+ jmp gv_again ;stack still contains orig argments
+; Warning: DS does not reference data segment in above code
+ mov bx,ss ;restore data segment
+ mov ds,bx
+ add sp,10 ;dump args off stack
+ xor ax,ax ;return status = 0
+ ret ;return to caller
+public disk_err
+; ax= dos error, or if negative - disk full
+ jns der_01
+ jmp der_02
+der_01: add ax,(IO_ERRORS_START - 1);make into scheme error
+der_02: mov bx,1 ;non-restartable
+ lea cx,port_r ;port object
+ pushm ;invoke scheme error handler
+ call dos_err ;control will not return
+gvchars endp
+MSDOS equ 021h
+TI_CRT equ 049h
+IBM_CRT equ 010h
+TI_KEYBD equ 04Ah
+IBM_KEYB equ 016h
+;* Character at Keyboard ? *
+;* *
+;* Our equivalent to Lattic C's kbhit function *
+;* *
+ public char_rdy
+char_rdy proc near
+ mov ah,01h ; load "check keyboard status" function code
+ cmp pc_make,TIPC ; TI or IBM flavored PC?
+ jne zch_IBM
+ int TI_KEYBD ; issue TI keyboard DSR service call
+ jz zch_no ; is character buffered? if not, jump
+ jmp zch_IBM
+zch_yes: xor AH,AH ; clear high order byte of AX
+ cmp AL,0 ; test next character to be read
+ jne zch_ret ; binary zero? if not, jump
+ mov AX,256 ; if character is 0, make it non-zero
+zch_ret: ret ; return (true)
+zch_IBM: int IBM_KEYB ; issue IBM keyboard DSR service call
+ jnz zch_yes ; is character buffered? if so, jump
+zch_no: xor AX,AX ; set result = false
+ ret ; return (false)
+char_rdy endp
+;* Buffered Keyboard Input *
+;* *
+;* Calling Sequence: ch = getch(); *
+;* where ch - the character read from the keyboard *
+ public getch
+getch proc near
+ push si
+ push di
+ mov AH,07h ; function code = Direct Console Input
+ int MSDOS ; do it
+ xor AH,AH ; clear the high order byte
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ ret ; return to caller
+getch endp
+;* Get Extended Error Information *
+;* *
+;* Use the Dos function to get extended error information when error *
+;* reported on DOS I/O. *
+;; public get_io_err
+;;get_io_err proc near
+;; mov AH,EXT_ERR ; function code = get extended error
+;; int MSDOS ; ax will contain error number
+;; stc ; set carry flag
+;; ret ; return to caller
+;;get_io_err endp
+;* Create a File *
+;* *
+;* Calling sequence: stat = zcreate(handle, pathname) *
+;* where: int *handle - location to store handle *
+;* returned by open request*
+;* char *pathname - zero terminated string *
+;* containing the file's *
+;* pathname *
+;* int stat - the completion code *
+;* 0=no errors *
+;* 3=path not found *
+;* 4=too many open files *
+;* 5=access denied *
+zop_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+zhandle dw ? ; address of handle
+zpathnam dw ? ; address of string containing file pathname
+zmode dw ? ; mode: 0=read, 1=write, 2=read/write
+zhigh dw ? ; address of high word of file size
+zlow dw ? ; address of low word of file size
+zop_args ends
+ public zcreate
+zcreate proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AH,03Ch ; load function request id
+ mov DX,[BP].zpathnam ; load pointer to pathname
+ mov CX,020h ; create with "archive" attribute
+ int MSDOS ; issue create request
+ jc zcr_ret ; if error, jump
+ mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load address of handle
+ mov [BX],AX ; and store returned handle value
+ xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
+zcr_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return
+zcreate endp
+;* Open a File *
+;* *
+;* Calling sequence: stat = zopen(handle, pathname, access_code) *
+;* where: int *handle - location to store handle *
+;* returned by open request*
+;* char *pathname - zero terminated string *
+;* containing the file's *
+;* pathname *
+;* int access_code - 0=read, 1=write, *
+;* 2=read and write *
+;* int stat - the completion code *
+;* 0=no errors *
+;* 2=file not found *
+;* 4=too many open files *
+;* 5=access denied *
+;* 12=invalid access *
+ public zopen
+zopen proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AH,03Dh ; load function request id
+ mov AL,byte ptr [BP].zmode ; load access code (mode)
+ mov DX,[BP].zpathnam ; load pointer to pathname
+ int MSDOS ; issue open request
+ jc zop_ret ; if error, jump
+ mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load address of handle
+ mov [BX],AX ; and store returned handle value
+ push AX ; save file handle
+ mov BX,AX ; set bx to file handle
+ xor CX,CX
+ xor DX,DX
+ mov AX,4202h ; poisition file pointer at eof
+ int MSDOS
+ jc zop_ret
+ mov BX,[BP].zhigh ; load address of hsize
+ mov [BX],DX ; and store returned hsize value
+ mov BX,[BP].zlow ; load address of lsize
+ mov [BX],AX ; and store returned lsize value
+ pop BX ; retrieve file handle
+ xor CX,CX
+ xor DX,DX
+ mov AX,4200h ; reset file pointer to begining of file
+ int MSDOS
+ jc zop_ret
+ xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
+zop_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return
+zopen endp
+;* Close a File *
+;* *
+;* Calling sequence: stat = zclose(handle) *
+;* where: int handle - handle returned by open *
+;* request *
+;* int stat - the completion code *
+;* 0=no errors *
+;* 6=invalid handle *
+ public zclose
+zclose proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AH,03Eh ; load function request id
+ mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load handle of file to close
+ int MSDOS ; issue close request
+ jc zcl_ret ; if error, jump
+ xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
+zcl_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return
+zclose endp
+;* Read From a File *
+;* *
+;* Calling sequence: stat = zread(handle, buffer, length) *
+;* where: int handle - handle returned by open *
+;* request *
+;* char *buffer - address of character *
+;* buffer into which data *
+;* is to be read *
+;* int *length - on input, the maximum *
+;* number of characters *
+;* which the buffer will *
+;* hold. On output, the *
+;* number of characters *
+;* actually read. Note: *
+;* a return value of zero *
+;* characters read *
+;* indicates end of file. *
+;* int stat - the completion code *
+;* 0=no errors *
+;* 5=access denied *
+;* 6=invalid handle *
+zrw_args struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+ dw ? ; zhandle (use previous equate)
+zbuffer dw ? ; input/output buffer
+zlength dw ? ; address of length value
+zrw_args ends
+ public zread
+zread proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AH,03Fh ; load function request id
+ mov DX,[BP].zbuffer ; load address of input buffer
+ mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length value
+ mov CX,[BX] ; then load length for read
+ mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load file's handle
+ int MSDOS ; issue create request
+ jc zrd_ret ; if error, jump
+ mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length parameter
+ mov [BX],AX ; and store number of characters read
+ xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
+zrd_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return
+zread endp
+;* Write to a File *
+;* *
+;* Calling sequence: stat = zwrite(handle, buffer, length) *
+;* where: int handle - handle returned by open *
+;* char *buffer - address of character *
+;* buffer from which data *
+;* is to be written *
+;* int *length - on input, the number of *
+;* characters to write. *
+;* The actual number of *
+;* characters which were *
+;* written is returned in *
+;* "length" *
+;* int stat - the completion code *
+;* 0=no errors *
+;* 5=access denied *
+;* 6=invalid handle *
+ public zwrite
+zwrite proc near
+ push BP ; save caller's BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov AH,040h ; load function request id
+ mov DX,[BP].zbuffer ; load address of input buffer
+ mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length value
+ mov CX,[BX] ; then load length for write
+ mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load file's handle
+ int MSDOS ; issue write request
+ jc zwr_ret ; if error, jump
+ mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length parameter
+ mov [BX],AX ; and store number of characters written
+ xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
+zwr_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
+ ret ; return
+zwrite endp
+;* Read characters from a string *
+;* *
+;* Calling Sequence: stringrd(page, disp, buffer, &length) *
+;* where page,disp: location of string-fed port *
+;* buffer and length are as in ZREAD (see above) *
+;* *
+;* Note: The passing parameter `page' is page # *
+strd struc
+ dw ? ;caller's BP
+ dw ? ;return address
+strdpg dw ? ;Page, displacement of port
+strdds dw ?
+strdbuf dw ? ;Buffer address
+strdlen dw ? ;Length address
+strd ends
+ public stringrd
+stringrd proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push ds ;save caller's ds
+ mov ax,es ;save caller's es (making ax nonzero as well)
+ mov bx,[bp].strdlen ;cx = number of chars to transfer
+ mov cx,[bx]
+ mov di,[bp].strdpg ;get port page
+ mov dx,di ; and save for later
+ LoadPage ds,di
+ mov di,[bp].strdds ;ds:di => port object
+ mov si,word ptr[di+car].pt_ptr ;point DS:SI to string
+ mov bl,[di+car_page].pt_ptr
+ xor bh,bh
+ LoadPage ds,bx
+ cmp byte ptr[si],STRTYPE ;is this a string?
+ jne nostr ; no, jump (error)
+ mov bx,[si].str_len ;fetch string length
+ cmp bX,0 ;check for small string
+ jge strn_01
+strn_01: LoadPage es,dx ;restore ptr to port
+ mov dx,es:[di].pt_ullin ;fetch position within string
+ sub bx,dx ;bx = #chars left
+ jns notpast ;if not negative, skip
+ xor bx,bx ; else #chars = 0
+notpast: cmp bx,cx
+ jae max ;set CX to # of chars left or max
+ mov cx,bx ;called for, whichever is smaller
+max: add si,dx ;adjust si into string
+ add dx,cx ;reset pointer into string
+ mov es:[di].pt_ullin,dx
+ mov es,ax ;restore for C
+ mov di,[bp].strdbuf ;point di to buffer
+ xor ax,ax ;prepare to return 0 (all's well)
+ jmp short storlen ;store # of chars
+nostr: xor cx,cx ;when not a string, move no chars
+storlen: mov bx,[bp].strdlen ;set length to # of chars read
+ mov es:[bx],cx
+ rep movsb ;transfer bytes
+ pop ds ;restore caller's ds
+ pop bp
+ ret
+stringrd endp
+;Set File Position *
+; *
+; set_pos will set the file position, determing which chunk *
+; of the file to read and then setting the file position to *
+; the appropriate place. A chunk is a multiple of 256 bytes. *
+; *
+set_arg struc
+ dw ? ;callers bp
+ dw ? ;callers es
+ dw ? ;return addres
+set_prt dw ? ;port
+set_amt dw ? ;chunk
+set_buf dw ? ;position within chunk
+set_arg ends
+ public set_pos
+set_pos proc near
+ push es
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp ;set up stack
+ mov ax,1
+ pushm
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ;get port object
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args
+ test ax,ax ;check return status
+ jz set_010 ;jump if we have a port
+ lea bx,sfp_err ;address of error message
+ pushm <[bp].set_buf, [bp].set_amt, [bp].set_prt>
+ mov ax,3
+ pushm
+ C_call set_src_,,Load_ES ;set_src_err
+ mov sp,bp
+ mov ax,-1
+ jmp set_don
+ mov bx,tmp_page
+ LoadPage es,bx ;get page address of port
+ mov si,tmp_disp
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,WINDOW ;window port?
+ jnz setferr
+;we have a file
+ mov di,[bp].set_amt
+ mov dx,[di] ;dx = chunk number
+ inc dx
+ mov word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk,dx ;update chunk # in port
+ dec dx
+ mov cl,8 ;make chunk number into # bytes
+ xor bx,bx
+ mov bl,dh
+ xor dh,dh
+ shl dx,cl ;multiply dx by 256
+ mov cx,bx ;cx:dx = # bytes (32bit int)
+ test byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs,READWRITE+WRITE_ONLY ;test port flags
+ pushf ;save flags for later
+ jz set_015 ;if input port, jump
+ or byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs,DIRTY ;else set dirty bit
+ mov bx,[bp].set_buf ; get chunk offset
+ add dx,[bx] ; and add to file position
+set_015: ;cx:dx = distance to move (bytes)
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_handl ;bx = file handle
+ mov ah,42h ;move file pointer
+ mov al,0 ;position from file start
+ int MSDOS ;move it
+ popf ;restore flags
+ jnz set_020 ;jump if output port
+ mov cx,256 ;cx = length of buffer
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_handl ;bx = file handle
+ mov dx,si
+ add dx,pt_buffr ;dx = start of buffer
+ push ds
+ push es
+ pop ds ;ds:dx => buffer
+ mov ah,3fh ;read from a file
+ int MSDOS
+ pop ds ;restore ds
+ jc set_don ;return on error
+ mov es:[si].pt_bfend,ax ;update number of bytes read
+ mov bx,[bp].set_buf
+ mov ax,[bx]
+ mov es:[si].pt_bfpos,ax ;update buffer position
+ pop bp
+ pop es
+ ret
+set_pos endp
+; Interface to Graphic Primitives (%graphics arg1 ... arg7) *
+; *
+ public sgraph
+BUFFER_IS_STACK ; denote emulate stack with real buffer
+sgraph: mov CX,7 ; load counter-- seven arguments
+ xor DX,DX ; set error flag = FALSE
+ lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load first argument
+ save ; and save as destination register
+ GET_REAL_BUFFER_STACK ; es:di => top of buffer
+ jmp short sgraph0
+; loop thru args, moving to real mode buffer
+sgraph1: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load next argument
+sgraph0: xor AH,AH ; be sure high byte is zero
+ mov BX,AX ; copy register number to BX
+ cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],SPECFIX*2 ; is arg a fixnum?
+ je sgraph2 ; if arg *is* a fixnum, o.k. (jump)
+ inc DX ; indicate an invalid argument
+sgraph2: mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; expand 15-bit signed int to 16-bit signed int
+ shl AX,1
+ sar AX,1
+ push ES
+ push SI
+ push CX ; save around following
+ pop CX ; restore count
+ pop SI
+ pop ES
+ loop sgraph1 ; continue 'til all arguments processed
+; all args moved to buffer
+ cmp DX,0 ; any argument errors?
+ je sg_005
+ jmp sgraph3 ; if errors encountered, jump
+ save ; save the location pointer
+ mov BX,[BP].save_AX ; restore first argument register (op-code)
+; use graphics op-code as index into graphics-go table to indicate whether
+; return values are expected; on hboard parallel processing can exist.
+ mov BX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; get value
+ shl BX,1 ; expand to 16 bit signed integer
+ sar BX,1
+ mov bl,[graphic_go+bx] ; index into return value table
+ push bx ; save # return values for later
+ or bl,bl ; does it return a value?
+ jz sg_010 ; no, jump
+ mov bx,2 ; bx = # bytes to return
+; build rpc buffer on the local stack and issue the rpc call
+ GET_REAL_BUFFER ; es:di => next loc in stack buffer
+ add di,2 ; make last loc top of stack
+ push di ; pass stack ptr
+ mov cx,4 ; cx = # bytes to pass
+ push XLI_GRAPH ; Type code - %graphics
+ mov dx,sp ; ds:dx => transaction buffer
+ mov al,rpc_handle
+ mov ah,RPC ;Issue RPC
+ int DOS
+ xor ax,ax ;default return result to zero
+ pop bx ;bx = return result
+ pop cx ;adjust stack
+; if return value not expected exit back to interpreter loop, otherwise
+; if set-video-mode op code get additional return values from transaction
+; buffer
+ pop cx ;if no result expected
+ jcxz sg_030 ; then return
+ mov ax,bx ;ax = return result
+ or ax,ax ;If negative result
+ jl sg_030 ; then some kind of error
+ cmp cx,1 ;Additional values expected?
+ je sg_030 ; no, jump
+ ; yes, must be set-video-mode
+ push ax ; save return result around call
+ add di,8 ; address buffer for 3 return
+ push AX
+ push vid_mode
+ push char_hgt
+ call chg_vmode ; tell real mode i/o code about changes
+ add sp,6 ; dump args off stack
+;The following must be done so that OS/386 recognizes mode change has been made.
+ cmp pc_make,1 ;tipc?
+ je sg_028 ; yes, jump
+ mov ax,VID_MODE
+ xor ah,ah
+ int 10h
+ pop ax ; restore return result
+; at this point, ax contains the return result
+ shl AX,1 ; clear high order bit of result
+ shr AX,1 ; (convert to immediate value)
+ mov BX,[BP].save_AX ; restore destination register number
+ mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX ; store returned result into destination reg
+not_pc: jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
+sgraph3: mov BX,offset m_graph ; load addr of "%graphics" text
+ jmp src_err ; link to Scheme debugger
+BUFFER_IS_BUFFER ;subsequent uses of buffer as buffer
+;* Link for routines in PROGX *
+ extrn shft_brk:near
+ extrn dos_err:near
+ public shft%brk
+ public dos%err
+shft%brk proc far
+ call shft_brk ;link to SHF BREAK process
+ ret
+shft%brk endp
+dos%err proc far
+ call dos_err ;link to DOS fatal error process
+ ret
+dos%err endp
+prog ends
+PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
+ assume CS:XGROUP
+;* Perform appropriate VIDEO I/O interrupt *
+;* Any difference in register definition should be handled by *
+;* the caller except where DH,DL contain row,col information. *
+ public crt_dsr
+crt_dsr proc far
+ jne ibm_dsr
+ mov pro_msb,ax ;Save Machine State Block
+ mov pro_msb+2,bx
+ mov pro_msb+4,cx
+ mov pro_msb+6,dx
+ lea dx,pro_msb ;;; Do real mode interrupt
+ xor bx,bx
+ cmp ah,3 ;;; Read Cursor position
+ je crt_d02
+ cmp ah,8 ;;; Read Char and Attribute
+ jne crt_d04
+crt_d02: mov bx,8 ;;; Wait for return value
+ mov ax,0E349h
+ int 21h
+ mov ax,pro_msb ;;; restore ax
+ mov bx,pro_msb+2 ;;; restore bx
+ mov cx,pro_msb+4 ;;; restore cx
+ ret
+ int TI_CRT
+ ret
+ibm_dsr: xchg DH,DL ; Do this now instead of making special checks
+ int IBM_CRT ; IBM's row,col is diff'rnt from TI's col,row
+ ret
+crt_dsr endp
+PROGX ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proiosup.asm b/proiosup.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b21d215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proiosup.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+; =====> PROIOSUP.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
+;* I/O Utilities *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: June 1984 *
+;* Last Modification: 09 July 1985 *
+ include scheme.equ
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+ public port_r, port_pg, port_ds, port_seg
+;Current port data
+port_r equ $
+port_ds dw 0
+port_pg dw 0 ; port_reg
+port_seg dw 0 ; port segment address
+;error messages
+bad_set db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] setadr: bad port",CR,LF,0
+data ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+;For space and performance reasons, some procedures have been written in the
+; following style: the arguments are popped off the stack, and the
+; procedure ends in an indirect JMP instead of a RET. In this source file,
+; the following are such procedures:
+; isspace, copybig
+; Set Port Address
+; Calling sequence: ssetadr(page,disp)
+; Where ---- page: page number
+; disp: displacement within page of port object
+set_arg struc
+ dw ? ; caller's BP
+ dw ? ; return address
+pg dw ? ; adjusted page number
+dis dw ?
+set_arg ends
+ public ssetadr
+ssetadr proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov bx,[bp].pg ; adjusted page number
+ cmp byte ptr ptype+[bx],PORTTYPE*2 ; check port type
+ je sset_info ; jump if port
+; Display error message
+ lea si,bad_set ; address of error message
+ push si
+ C_call printf,,Load_ES ; print error message
+ mov sp,bp
+ C_call force_de ; force_debug
+ mov sp,bp
+ mov ax,1 ; return error status
+ jmp sset_ret
+; get port information
+ mov port_pg,bx
+ mov bx,[bp].dis
+ mov port_ds,bx
+ xor ax,ax ; return status
+ pop bp
+ ret
+ssetadr endp
+; Save stack pointer in case of abort
+; Calling sequence: setabort()
+; NOTE: Due to the program-sensitive nature of this routine, a call to
+; SETABORT MUST be the very first in a C routine, and there must be
+; NO preassigned local variables.
+ public setabort
+setabort proc near
+ mov BX,SP ;Fetch stack pointer
+ mov SI,SS:[BX] ;Fetch return address
+ mov CL,CS:[SI-6] ;Fetch byte just before MOV BP,SP
+ cmp CL,55h ;Compare with PUSH BP opcode
+ je nolocal ;Jump if no extra stack space allocated
+ xor CH,CH ;Clear CH
+ add BX,CX ;Discount extra stack space
+nolocal: add BX,2 ;Discount SETABORT's return address
+ mov DGROUP:abadr,BX ;Save pointer
+ ret
+setabort endp
+; Abort & set stack to saved pointer
+; Calling sequence: abort(code)
+; where: code ---- type of error message to print
+ public abort
+abort proc
+ pop AX ;Discard return address (leaving CODE)
+ C_call errmsg ;Print error message
+ pop AX ;Get "value"
+ mov SP,DGROUP:abadr ;Restore stack for abort
+ pop BP ;Restore BP
+ ret ;Return (from aborted operation)
+abort endp
+; Find approximate space left on stack
+; Caling sequence: stkspc()
+ extrn _base:word
+ public stkspc
+stkspc proc near
+ mov AX,SP
+ sub AX,DGROUP:_base
+ ret
+stkspc endp
+; Parse input integer
+; Calling sequence: buildint(work,buf,base)
+; Where ---- work: pointer to some workspace
+; buf: pointer to integer characters
+; base: numeric base
+int_args struc
+ dw ? ;Caller's BP
+ dw ? ;Return address
+bigptr dw ? ;Pointer to workspace
+atptr dw ? ;Pointer to integer characters
+bas dw ? ;Numeric base
+int_args ends
+ public buildint
+buildint proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ cld ;Direction forward
+ mov SI,[BP].atptr ;Point DS:SI to characters
+ lodsb ;Fetch first character
+ cmp AL,'-' ;Negative?
+ pushf ;Save ZF
+ je negint ;Jump if negative
+ cmp AL,'+' ; or if signed positive
+ je negint
+ dec SI ;Point SI back to first char
+negint: mov CX,1 ;At first, bignum is one word
+ add word ptr[BP].bigptr,3 ;Point BIGPTR to bignum proper
+skiplp: lodsb ;Get first number char
+ cmp AL,'#' ;We know the base - skip all #x's
+ jne skipped ;All #x's skipped - parse number
+ inc SI ;Otherwise check again
+ jmp skiplp
+biglp: lodsb ;Get next int character
+skipped: mov DI,[BP].bigptr ;Point ES:DI to workspace
+ sub AL,'0' ;Character -> number
+ js bigend ;Jump if number ended
+ cmp AL,9 ;Jump if ordinary digit
+ jbe orddig
+ and AL,7 ;Otherwise, parse extra hex digit
+ add AL,9
+orddig: xor AH,AH ;Clear AH
+ call bigx10 ;Multiply bignum by 10, adding digit
+ jmp biglp
+bigend: sub DI,3 ;Point DI back to start of buffer
+ mov AX,CX ;Save integer size
+ stosw
+ xor AL,AL ;Clear AX
+ popf ;Get number's sign
+ jne stosgn ;Store it
+ inc AL
+stosgn: mov [DI],AL
+ pop BP ;Restore BP
+ ret
+;BIGX10: Multiply bignum at ES:[DI], size=CX words, by BASE and add AX
+bigx10: push CX
+ mov DX,AX ;Transfer digit to add
+ cld
+x10lp: mov AX,[DI] ;Get word to multiply
+ call wordx10 ;Multiply word by 10
+ stosw ;Replace result
+ loop x10lp ;Loop 'til done
+ pop CX ;Restore CX
+ or DX,DX ;Does a carry remain?
+ jz samlen ;Jump if not
+ mov ES:[DI],DX ;Otherwise, enlarge bignum
+ inc CX
+samlen: ret
+;WORDX10: Multiply AX by BASE and add DX; product in AX, carry in DX
+wordx10: push CX ;Save value of CX
+ push DX ;Save carry in
+ mul word ptr[BP].bas ;Multiply by BASE
+ pop CX ;Restore carry to CX
+ add AX,CX ;Add carry
+ adc DX,0
+ pop CX ;Restore CX
+ ret
+buildint endp
+; Copy bignum data to a math buffer
+; Calling sequence: copybig(pg,ds,buf)
+; Where: pg,ds ---- page & displacement of bignum
+; buf ------ pointer to math buffer
+cb_args struc
+ dw ? ;Caller's BP
+ dw ? ;Return address
+cbpg dw ? ;Page
+cbds dw ? ;Displacement
+cbbuf dw ? ;Buffer pointer
+cb_args ends
+ public copybig
+copybig proc near
+ pop BX ;Pop return address to BX
+ mov DX,DS ;Save DS in DX
+ pop SI ;Fetch logical page number
+ sal SI,1 ;Convert
+ LoadPage DS,SI ;Get page segment
+;;; mov DS,DGROUP:pagetabl+[SI] ;Get page segment
+ pop SI ;Get displacement
+ mov AX,[SI]+1 ;Get size of bignum proper (words)
+ sub AX,4
+ shr AX,1
+ add SI,3 ;Point DS:SI to sign byte
+ pop DI ;Point ES:DI to math buffer
+ cld ;Direction forward
+ stosw ;Store bignum size in math buffer
+ movsb ;Copy sign byte
+ mov CX,AX ;Copy bignum proper
+ rep movsw
+ mov DS,DX ;Restore DS
+ jmp BX ;Return
+copybig endp
+; Convert buffered bignum to ASCII
+; Calling sequence: big2asc(mathbuf,charbuf)
+; Where: mathbuf --- pointer to buffered bignum
+; charbuf --- pointer to ASCII charcater array
+b2a struc
+ dw ? ;Caller's BP
+ dw ? ;Return address
+mbuf dw ? ;Math buffer
+cbuf dw ? ;Character buffer
+b2a ends
+ public big2asc
+big2asc proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov SI,[BP].mbuf ;Fetch math buffer pointer
+ mov DI,[BP].cbuf ;Fetch character buffer pointer
+ cld ;Direction forward
+ lodsw ;Fetch bignum size
+ mov CX,AX
+ lodsb ;Fetch sign
+ test AL,1 ;Skip on positive bignum
+ jz posbig
+ mov AL,'-' ;First character: minus
+ stosb
+posbig: mov BX,10 ;Set divisor to 10
+ and AX,1 ;Push 0 or 1 (1 if start with -)
+prtbglp: push AX
+ call divbig ;Divide bignum by 10
+ mov AL,DL ;Store digit
+ add AL,'0'
+ stosb
+ pop AX ;Increment character counter
+ inc AX
+ or CX,CX ;Loop until bignum is zeroed
+ jnz prtbglp
+ mov CX,AX ;Transfer & save character count
+ push AX
+ sub DI,CX ;Point DI to beginning of string
+ call reverse ;Reverse digits in ASCII bignum
+ pop AX ;Restore character count
+ pop BP
+ ret
+;Divide bignum at DS:SI, length CX words, by BX (ES=DS)
+divbig: push CX ;Save count
+ push DI ;Save DI
+ add SI,CX ;Point SI to last word (most signif.)
+ add SI,CX
+ sub SI,2
+ cmp [SI],BX ;Will working length be reduced?
+ pushf
+ mov DI,SI ;ES:DI = DS:SI
+ std ;Direction backward
+ xor DX,DX ;Clear carry in
+divlp: lodsw ;Fetch piece of dividend
+ div BX
+ stosw ;Store quotient (retain remainder)
+ loop divlp
+ add SI,2 ;Point SI again to first word
+ popf
+ pop DI
+ pop CX
+ jae divdone ;Jump if bignum length not reduced
+ dec CX
+divdone: ret ;Remainder left in DX
+;Reverse the string containing CX characters at ES:DI (ES=DS)
+reverse: cmp byte ptr[DI],'-' ;Start with minus?
+ jne revpos ;No, reverse whole string
+ inc DI ;Otherwise, don't include minus in reverse
+ dec CX
+revpos: mov SI,DI ;Point SI to last string char
+ add SI,CX
+ dec SI
+ shr CX,1 ;Number of switches
+ or CX,CX ;Jump if no switches to make
+ jz revend
+revlp: mov AL,[DI] ;Exchange outside bytes
+ xchg AL,[SI]
+ stosb
+ dec SI ;Move pointers inward
+ loop revlp
+revend: ret
+big2asc endp
+; Is character a whitespace?
+; Calling sequence: isspace(ch)
+; Where ch = character to check
+; Returns zero iff not a whitespace
+; NOTE: Before use, the C macro ISSPACE must not be defined
+isspargs struc
+ dw ? ;Return address
+issparg dw ? ;Argument
+isspargs ends
+ public isspace
+isspace proc near
+ pop DI ;Get return address
+ pop AX ;Get argument
+ cmp AL,' '
+ je issp
+ cmp AL,9
+ jb isntsp
+ cmp AL,13
+ jbe issp
+isntsp: xor AX,AX ;Set to zero
+issp: jmp DI ;Return
+isspace endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proread.asm b/proread.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..308e209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proread.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+; =====> PROREAD.ASM
+;* Lowlevel Read Support *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985, 1986 by Texas *
+;* Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Date Written: 24 March 1986 *
+;* Last Modification: *
+;* *
+;* 14 Apr 86 (tc) Change references to pagetabl to call *
+;* memory manager for use with ext/exp memory. *
+;* 9 Sep 86 (ds) EGA support. *
+;* 21 Nov 86 (rb) Detect disk full error correctly. *
+;* 7 Jan 87 (ds) Added support for random I/O. *
+;* 10 Feb 87 (tc) EOF-DISP modified to reflect other changes. *
+;* in Page 5 symbols. *
+;* 16 Mar 87 (tc) Added Binary I/O, Error handling, better *
+;* handling for Disk Full *
+ page 60,132
+ include scheme.equ
+ include sinterp.arg
+MSDOS equ 21h
+BACKSP equ 08
+TAB equ 09
+RETURN equ 0Dh
+LF equ 0Ah
+CTRL_Z equ 1Ah
+LEFT_AR equ 4Bh
+RIGHT_AR equ 4Dh
+F3 equ 3Dh
+F5 equ 3Fh
+INSERT equ 52h
+DELETE equ 53h
+ENTER equ 0Dh
+NULL_CH equ 0
+BELL_CH equ 07
+BLANK equ 0020h
+buf_len equ 253
+DGROUP group data
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DGROUP
+;from iosuport.asm
+ extrn port_r:word, port_pg:word, port_ds:word, port_seg:word
+;from ???
+ extrn vid_mode:word
+ public cur_off, char_hgt
+; Local error messages
+ch_rd db "CHAR-READY?",0
+rch_er db "READ-CHAR",0
+push_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] pushchar: failed",CR,LF,0
+rd_st_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] takechar: source not a string",CR,LF,0
+cur_off dw 0
+char_hgt dw 8
+; The following data is used to capture and restore data entered from
+; the console. All characters entered are saved in a shadow buffer
+; so that they may be recalled via the F3, and F5 keys
+insert_m dw 0 ;insert mode flag
+index dw 0 ;index into port buffer
+sh_ptr dw 0 ;pointer into shadow buffer
+sh_len dw 0 ;length of shadow buffer
+sh_bufer db 256 dup (0) ;shadow buffer for characters
+row dw 256 dup (0) ;row vector
+column dw 256 dup (0) ;column vector
+data ends
+PGROUP group prog
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PGROUP
+;from basicio.asm
+ extrn zbell:near,zscroll:near,zputcur:near
+ extrn zputc:near,zcuron:near,zcuroff:near
+ extrn zread:near,stringrd:near,char_rdy:near
+ extrn ega_curs:near
+;from ???
+ extrn getch:near,ssetadr:near
+ extrn toblock:near
+;from sprint.asm
+ extrn printtxt:near
+;from sinterp.asm
+ extrn next_SP:near,src_err:near,sch_err:near,dos_err:near
+;;; Input a Single Character
+take_buf_len equ 256
+take_arg struc
+tk_leng dw take_buf_len
+new_bpos dw 0
+tk_bp dw ? ;caller's BP
+ dw ? ;caller's ES
+ dw ? ;caller's return address
+take_arg ends
+ public take_ch
+take_ch proc near
+ push es
+ push bp
+ sub sp,offset tk_bp ;allocate local storage
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov [BP].new_bpos,0 ;buf position after refilling buf
+ LoadPage es,port_pg
+ mov si,port_ds ;es:si => port object
+; Fix for random I/O - read preceeded by a write
+ test byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs,READWRITE+WRITE_ONLY
+ jz take_c00 ;skip if input port
+ mov bl,byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs ;get port flags
+ and bl,DIRTY+STRIO+OPEN+WINDOW ;isolate appropriate flags
+ cmp bl,DIRTY+OPEN ;buffer modified?
+ jne take_c00 ; no, jump
+ and byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs,NOT DIRTY ;clear flag
+; this read was preceeded by at least one write, so reposition file pointer
+; so it rereads the buffer
+ mov bx,word ptr es:[si].pt_handl
+ dec word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk
+ mov cx,word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk
+ xor dl,dl
+ mov dh,cl
+ mov cl,ch
+ xor ch,ch
+ mov ax,4200h ; reposition file pointer
+ int MSDOS
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_bfpos ; after re-reading file, restore
+ mov [BP].new_bpos,bx ; current buffer position
+ jmp take_fill ; go re-read the file
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_bfpos
+ cmp bx,es:[si].pt_bfend ;have we exceeded port's buffer?
+ jge take_fill ; yes, go fill it again
+ xor ah,ah
+ mov al,byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+bx] ;get next char from buffer
+ inc bx ;bump buffer position pointer
+ mov es:[si].pt_bfpos,bx ; and update in port object
+ cmp al,CTRL_Z ;control-z?
+ jne take_ret ; no, return
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,BINARY ;binary file?
+ jnz take_ret ; no, return
+take_eof: mov AX,256 ;text file, send EOF
+take_ret: add sp,offset tk_bp ; release local storage
+ pop bp
+ pop es
+ ret
+; buffer empty -- fill it up
+ mov [BP].tk_leng,take_buf_len ;set up buffer length
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,WINDOW ;window port?
+ jz take_fil ; no, jump
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,STRIO ;string port?
+ jnz take_str ; yes, jump
+; read from window
+ call read_win ;read from window
+ mov BX,AX
+ jmp take_11
+; Read from file
+ public take_fil
+ cmp word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk,1 ; operating on first chunk?
+ jne take_f05 ; no, jump
+ cmp word ptr es:[si].pt_bfpos,0 ; Have we filled the buffer yet?
+ je take_f10 ; yes, jump
+ inc word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk ; bump the chunk number
+ push bp ;
+ lea ax,row
+ push ax ;address of input buffer
+ push es:[si].pt_handl ;file handle
+ call zread ;read from file
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args from stack
+ test ax,ax ;error?
+ jnz take_err ; yes, jump
+ jmp take_10
+; read character from string
+ mov ax,ds
+ mov es,ax ;es = ds
+ push bp ;
+ lea bx,row
+ push bx ;buffer for characters
+ push port_ds ;port displacement
+ push port_pg ;port page
+ call stringrd ;read from string
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
+ test ax,ax ;error encountered?
+ jz take_05 ; no, jump
+ lea bx,rd_st_er ;address of error message
+ push bx
+ C_call printf ;display error message
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args from stack
+ LoadPage es,port_pg ;restore port addressability
+ mov si,port_ds
+take_10: mov bx,[bp].tk_leng ;bx = length
+take_11: mov es:[si].pt_bfend,bx ;update buffer length
+ test bx,bx ;length = zero?
+ jnz take_20 ; no, jump
+ mov es:[si].pt_bfpos,bx ; yes, position = end
+ jmp take_eof ; note eof
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,WINDOW ;window port?
+ jz take_22 ; no, jump
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,STRIO ;string port?
+ jz take_25 ; no, jump
+; copy characters from buffer to file object
+ push si ;tempsave si
+ mov di,si
+ add di,pt_buffr ;es:di => port buffer
+ lea si,row ;ds:si => char buffer
+ mov cx,bx ;# characters to move
+ cld ;direction forward
+rep movsb ;do it
+ pop si ;restore si
+ mov bx,[bp].new_bpos ;BX = buffer position
+ jmp take_nxt
+; We will not return from call to dos_err
+ add ax,(IO_ERRORS_START - 1) ;make Dos I/O error number
+ mov bx,1 ;non-restartable
+ lea cx,port_r ;port object
+ pushm ;invoke scheme error handler
+ call dos_err ;control will not return here
+take_ch endp
+; Read a "record" from window
+; ES:SI points to the window object
+; Return AX = number of characters read
+read_arg struc
+ dw ? ;caller's bp
+ dw ? ;return address
+read_arg ends
+ public read_win
+read_win proc near
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov index,0 ;clear index into port buffer
+ mov sh_ptr,0 ;clear index into shadow buffer
+ mov insert_m,0 ;clear insert flag
+ call zcuron ;turn on the cursor
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_text ;get text attribute for window
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_cline ;bx = current line number
+ cmp bx,es:[si].pt_nline ;have we exceeded number of lines?
+ jl read_put ; no, jump
+ push es:[si].pt_text
+ push es:[si].pt_ncols
+ push es:[si].pt_nline
+ push es:[si].pt_ulcol
+ push es:[si].pt_ullin
+ call zscroll ;scroll up one line
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_nline
+ dec bx
+ mov es:[si].pt_cline,bx ;current line = #lines - 1
+ mov es:[si].pt_ccol,0 ;current column = 0
+ mov dx,es:[si].pt_ccol
+ add dx,es:[si].pt_ulcol
+ add bx,es:[si].pt_ullin
+ pushm
+ call zputcur ;show the cursor
+ mov sp,bp ;bump args off stack
+ call getch ;get character from console
+ test al,al ;extended character?
+ jz read_ex
+ jmp read_100 ; no, go process ascii character
+; Process extended key sequence
+ call getch ;get extended character from console
+ cmp al,LEFT_AR ;left arrow key?
+ jne read_ra ; no, jump
+ jmp read_bs ; yes, treat as backspace
+; Check for RIGHT ARROW key
+ cmp al,RIGHT_AR ;right arrow key?
+ jne read_f3 ; no, jump
+ mov insert_m,0 ;turn off insert mode
+ mov bx,sh_ptr ;bx => shadow buffer
+ cmp bx,sh_len ;if more chars in shadow buffer
+ jl read_030 ; then go fetch
+ jmp read_001 ; else go read next char from window
+ lea di,sh_bufer ;ds:di => shadow buffer
+ mov al,byte ptr [di+bx] ;fetch character from buffer
+ jmp read_one ;and go echo to screen
+; Check for F3 key
+ cmp AL,F3 ;F3 key?
+ jne read_f5 ; no, jump
+ mov insert_m,0 ;turn off insert mode
+read_041: mov cx,index
+ cmp cx,buf_len ;have we exceeded port buffer?
+ jl read_043 ; no, jump
+ jmp read_001 ;no room for more chars
+ mov bx,sh_ptr ;bx => shadow buffer
+ cmp bx,sh_len ;have we exceeded length of buffer?
+ jl read_045 ; no, jump
+ jmp read_001
+read_045: lea di,sh_bufer ;ds:di => shadow buffer
+ mov al,byte ptr [di+bx] ;get character from buffer
+ call echo_ch ;echo to screen
+ mov sp,bp ;bump args from stack
+ jmp read_041 ;go get next character
+; Check for F5 key
+read_f5: cmp AL,F5 ;F5 key?
+ jne read_ins ; no, jump
+ call ega_curs ;turn off the EGA cursor
+ mov insert_m,0 ;disable insert mode
+ cmp index,0
+ jne read_051
+ jmp read_001
+ call str_str ;copy from port buf to shadow buf
+ mov bx,index ;bx = index into port buffer
+ mov sh_len,bx ;update shadow buffer length
+ mov byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;note end of string
+ dec bx ;bx => last char in shadow buffer
+ lea di,row ;di => row vector
+ cmp bx,0 ;reached start of shadow buffer?
+ jl read_055 ; yes, exit loop
+ cmp byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;at top of screen?
+ jl read_055 ; yes, exit loop
+ mov ax,BLANK ;blank character for write
+ lea si,column ;si => column vector
+ xor ch,ch
+ mov cl,byte ptr [si+bx] ;cl = column for character
+ xor dh,dh
+ mov dl,byte ptr [di+bx] ;dl = row for character
+ mov si,port_ds ;si => port object
+ mov es:[si].pt_ccol,cx ;update column
+ mov es:[si].pt_cline,dx ; and row
+ add cx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;cx = column within window
+ add dx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;dx = row within window
+ push bx ;tempsave bx around call
+ push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
+ push ax ;blank character
+ push cx ;column
+ push dx ;row
+ call zputc ;clear character from window
+ add sp,8 ;dump args off stack
+ pop bx ;restore shadow buffer index
+ dec bx ;and decrement for next character
+ jmp read_053 ;go clear next character
+ mov index,0 ;clear index into port buffer
+ mov sh_ptr,0 ;clear index into shadow buffer
+ jmp read_001 ;go read the next character
+; Check for INSERT key
+read_ins: cmp al,INSERT ;insert key?
+ jne read_del
+ call ega_curs ;turn off the EGA cursor
+ mov insert_m,1 ;turn on insert mode
+ jmp read_001
+; Check for DELETE key
+read_del: cmp al,DELETE ;delete key?
+ jne read_EN
+ mov insert_m,0 ;turn off insert mode
+ mov bx,sh_ptr
+ cmp bx,sh_len ;ensure still within shadow buffer
+ jg read_d02
+read_d01: inc sh_ptr
+read_d02: jmp read_001
+; Check for ENTER key
+read_EN: cmp al,ENTER ;enter key?
+ je read_RT ; yes, treat as carriage return
+ jmp read_001 ;ignore all other extended keys
+; Process ascii character key
+; Check for BACKSPACE key
+ cmp al,BACKSP ;backspace?
+ jne read_200 ; no, try next
+read_bs: mov insert_m,0 ;disable insert mode
+ call ega_curs ;disable EGA cursor
+ mov bx,index ;bx = port buffer index
+ cmp bx,0 ;if already at buffer start
+ jle read_150 ; then jump
+ dec bx ;decrement port buffer index
+ lea di,row ;ds:di => row vector
+ cmp byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;if at screen start
+ jl read_150 ; then jump
+ mov index,bx ;save buffer index
+ cmp sh_ptr,0 ;if at start of shadow buffer
+ je read_120 ; then jump
+ dec sh_ptr ; else backspace one character
+read_120: lea di,column ;ds:di => column vector
+ xor ch,ch
+ mov cl,byte ptr [di+bx] ;get column of prior character
+ mov es:[si].pt_ccol,cx ; and update within port object
+ add cx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;cx = col within window
+ xor dh,dh
+ lea di,row
+ mov dl,byte ptr [di+bx] ;get line of prior character
+ mov es:[si].pt_cline,dx ; and update within port object
+ add dx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;dx = line within window
+ mov bx,BLANK
+ push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
+ push bx ;blank character
+ push cx ;column
+ push dx ;line
+ call zputc ;blank out char on screen
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
+ jmp read_001
+ call zbell ;beep
+ jmp read_001
+; Check for BACKSPACE key
+read_200: cmp al,RETURN ;carriage return?
+ je read_RT ; yes
+ jmp read_300 ; no, jump
+; Process return key
+ cmp vid_mode,14 ;if not in ega mode
+ jl read_rt1 ; then jump
+ call ega_curs ; else turn off the ega cursor
+ or cur_off,1 ; and note cursor off
+ mov bx,index ;bx = port buffer index
+ mov byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+bx],RETURN ;move CR to buffer
+ inc bx
+ mov byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+BX],LF ;move LF to buffer
+ inc bx
+ mov index,bx ;update port buffer pointer
+ mov es:[si].pt_ccol,0 ;clear current column
+ mov dx,es:[si].pt_cline ;get current line
+ inc dx ; and increment
+ cmp dx,es:[si].pt_nline ;if still on screen
+ jl read_220 ; then jump
+ push es:[si].pt_text
+ push es:[si].pt_ncols
+ push es:[si].pt_nline
+ push es:[si].pt_ulcol
+ push es:[si].pt_ullin
+ call zscroll ;scroll up one line
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
+ mov dx,es:[si].pt_nline
+ dec dx
+read_220: mov es:[si].pt_cline,dx ;update current line
+ call str_str ;copy shadow buffer into port buffer
+ cmp TRNS_pag,0
+ je read_250
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,TRANSCRI
+ jz read_250
+; transcript file "on", write buffer to transcript file
+ push si ;save current port disp
+ push port_pg ;save current port page number
+ pushm
+ call ssetadr ;set transcript file address
+ add sp,4 ;bump args off stack
+ mov ax,index
+ dec ax
+ push ax ;index into buffer
+ lea bx,sh_bufer
+ push bx ;buffer address
+ call printtxt ;output to transcript file
+ add sp,4 ;dump args off stack
+ ;use port args saved above
+ call ssetadr ;restore current port address
+ pop bx ;restore port page number
+ LoadPage es,bx ;es:si => port object
+ pop si ;restore port displacement
+ lea di,sh_bufer ;ds:di => shadow buffer
+ mov bx,index ;bx = index into port buffer
+ dec bx ;decrement
+ mov byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;note end of string in shadow buffer
+ dec bx
+ mov sh_len,bx ;update shadow length
+ jmp read_done
+; Check for LINEFEED key
+ cmp al,LF ;line feed?
+ jne read_one ; no, jump
+ jmp read_001 ; yes, ignore
+; Default character encountered
+ mov bx,index ;bx = port buffer index
+ cmp bx,buf_len ;have we exceeded buffer boundary?
+ jl read_420 ; no, jump
+ call zbell ; yes, sound beep
+ jmp read_001 ; and continue
+ call echo_ch ;echo character to display
+ jmp read_001 ;go handle next read
+; finished reading from window
+ call zcuroff ;turn off the cursor
+ mov ax,index ;return length
+ pop bp
+ ret
+read_win endp
+; Move the string in port object to buffer sh_bufer
+str_str proc near
+ lea di,sh_bufer ;di=address of shadow buffer
+; Move the characters
+ push si ;tempsave si
+ add si,pt_buffr ;port buffer address
+ mov cx,index ;cx = buffer length
+ mov AX,ES
+ mov BX,DS
+ mov ES,BX ;es:di => shadow buffer
+ mov DS,AX ;ds:si => port buffer
+rep movsb ;move 'em out
+ mov es,ax ;reset segment registers
+ mov ds,bx
+ lea di,sh_bufer ;di => shadow buffer
+ pop si ;si => port object
+ ret
+str_str endp
+; Echo single character
+; Entry : al = character to display
+; es:si => current port object
+echo_ch proc near
+ mov bx,index ;bx = index within port buffer
+ mov byte ptr es:[si+bx+pt_buffr],al ;store character
+ inc bx ;bump index
+ mov index,bx ; and update
+ cmp insert_m,0 ;insert mode?
+ jne echo_10 ; yes, jump
+ inc sh_ptr ;bump shadow buffer index
+ mov cx,es:[si].pt_cline ;cx = current column
+ mov dx,es:[si].pt_ccol ;dx = current line
+ cmp dx,es:[si].pt_ncols ;reached end of line?
+ jl echo_20 ; no, jump
+ inc cx ;bump current line
+ xor dx,dx ;clear current col
+ lea di,row ;ds:di => row vector
+ cmp cx,es:[si].pt_nline ;exceed number lines?
+ jl echo_50 ; no, jump
+ push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
+ push es:[si].pt_ncols ;number columns
+ push es:[si].pt_nline ;number lines
+ push es:[si].pt_ulcol ;upper left col
+ push es:[si].pt_ullin ;upper left line
+ call zscroll ;scroll up one line
+ add sp,10 ;dump args
+ mov cx,es:[si].pt_nline
+ dec cx ;update current line
+ xor dx,dx ;clear current column
+; Decrement the contents of row vector
+ push ax ;tempsave character
+ push bx ;tempsave buffer index
+ mov ax,bx ;ax = port buffer index
+ xor bx,bx ;bx = buffer start
+echo_30: cmp bx,ax ;have we reached buffer end
+ jge echo_40 ; yes, jump
+ dec byte ptr [di+bx] ;decrement row for character
+ inc bx ;index for next character
+ jmp echo_30 ;loop till done
+echo_40: pop bx ;restore buffer index
+ pop ax ;restore character
+;update row/col vector for this character
+ dec bx ;create index into row/col vectors
+ mov byte ptr [di+bx],cl ;update row
+ lea di,column
+ mov byte ptr [di+bx],dl ;update col
+ cmp al,TAB ;is character the tab key?
+ jne echo_100 ; no, jump
+; Process the TAB key
+ mov ax,dx ;ax = current column
+ mov bx,8 ;bx = tab spacing
+ div bl ;ah = remainder (cur_col % 8)
+ sub bl,ah ;bx = 8 - remainder
+ add dx,bx ;dx = (new) current column
+ cmp dx,es:[si].pt_ncols ;exceeded line length?
+ jle echo_60 ; no, jump
+ mov dx,es:[si].pt_ncols ; yes, current col = end of line
+ mov es:[si].pt_ccol,dx ;update current col
+ mov es:[si].pt_cline,cx ;update current line
+ mov bx,dx ;bx = current column
+ add bx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;bx = column within window
+ cmp bx,SCREEN_WIDTH ;off of screen?
+ jl echo_ret ; no, jump
+ mov bx,(SCREEN_WIDTH - 1) ; yes, current col = last col
+ pushm
+ call zputcur ;position cursor
+ add sp,4 ;dump args
+ jmp echo_ret ;return
+; Process the non-TAB key
+ mov es:[si].pt_cline,cx ;update current line
+ add cx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;cx = current lin relative to window
+ mov es:[si].pt_ccol,dx ;update current line
+ add dx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;dx = current col relative to window
+ push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
+ push ax ;character to display
+ push dx ;column
+ push cx ;line
+ call zputc ;display character
+ add sp,8 ;dump args
+ inc es:[si].pt_ccol ;update port's current column
+ ret
+echo_ch endp
+; Push a single character back into the input buffer
+ public pushchar
+pushchar proc near
+ push es
+ push si
+ LoadPage es,port_pg
+ mov si,port_ds ;es:si => port object
+ cmp es:[si].pt_bfpos,0 ;any chars in buffer?
+ jle push_err ; no, error
+ dec es:[si].pt_bfpos ;position to prio character
+ pop si
+ pop es
+ ret
+ lea bx,push_er ;bx = address of error msg
+ push bx ;pass to print routine
+ C_call printf,,Load_ES ;print error message
+ add sp,2 ;dump args
+ C_call force_de,,Load_ES ;envoke debugger
+ add sp,2 ;will we ever return here???
+ jmp push_ret
+pushchar endp
+rd_proc proc near
+; Support for read-char-ready?
+ public rd_ch_rd
+ public read_cha
+ lods byte ptr es:[si] ;get register
+ save ;save vm instruction pointer
+ add ax,offset reg0 ;compute register address
+ mov di,ax
+ save ;save register argument for later
+ xor cx,cx
+ push cx
+ push ax
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ;get port object
+ ;port returned in tmp_page:tmp_disp
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args
+ test ax,ax ;check return status
+ jz rd_010 ; no errors, continue
+ jmp rd_err ; else jump to error handler
+ restore ;restore register argument
+ mov [di].C_page,SPECCHAR*2 ;prepare to return a character
+ mov si,tmp_disp
+ LoadPage es,tmp_page ;get page address
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_bfpos ;bx = buffer index
+ cmp bx,es:[si].pt_bfend ;if at buffer end
+ jge rd_020 ; then go fill the buffer
+;get character from port object buffer
+ xor ah,ah
+ mov al,byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+bx] ;get the character
+ cmp al,CTRL_Z ;control-z character?
+ jne rd_015 ; no, continue
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,BINARY ;binary file?
+ jnz rd_015 ; yes, continue
+ jmp rd_eof ; no, return eof char
+rd_015: mov [di].C_disp,ax ;return the character
+ jmp next_SP
+; no character in input buffer
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,WINDOW ;window port?
+ jz rd_030 ; no, jump
+ jz rd_030
+ call char_rdy ;check for character at console
+ test ax,ax ;was one there?
+ jz rd_no ; no, jump
+ xor ah,ah
+ jmp rd_T ;go process
+; no character available -- return '()
+rd_no: xor ax,ax
+ mov [DI].C_page,ax
+ mov [DI].C_disp,ax
+ jmp next_SP
+; not a window
+ test es:[si].pt_pflgs,OPEN ;is the port open?
+ jz rd_no ; no, return '()
+ pushm
+ call ssetadr ;set up port address
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args
+ call take_ch ;get a character
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args
+ restore ;di => register for return
+ cmp ax,256 ;eof?
+ jne rd_033 ; no, continue
+ jmp rd_eof ; yes, go process it
+ call pushchar ; no, put it back
+ mov sp,bp
+ jmp rd_015
+; Wrong port object, display error message
+rd_err: lea BX,ch_rd
+ jmp src_err ; link to error handler
+;;; Support for read-char
+ lods byte ptr es:[si] ;get register
+ save ;save vm instruction pointer
+ add ax,offset reg0 ;compute register address
+ mov di,ax
+ save ;save register argument for later
+ xor cx,cx
+ push cx
+ push ax
+ C_call get_port,,Load_ES ;get port object
+ ;port returned in tmp_page:tmp_disp
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args
+ test ax,ax ;check return status
+ jz rc_010 ; no errors, continue
+ jmp rc_err ; else jump to error handler
+ restore
+ mov [di].C_page,SPECCHAR*2 ;prepare to return character
+ mov si,tmp_disp
+ LoadPage es,tmp_page ;es:si => port object
+ mov bx,es:[si].pt_pflgs ;get port flags
+ test bx,WINDOW ;window port?
+ jz rc_050 ; no, jump
+ test bx,STRIO ;string port?
+ jnz rc_050 ; yes, jump
+;read from window
+ mov cx,es:[si].pt_bfpos ;cx = port buffer index
+ cmp cx,es:[si].pt_bfend ;any character in buffer?
+ jl rc_050 ; no, jump
+ mov cx,es:[si].pt_cline
+ add cx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;cx = line
+ mov dx,es:[si].pt_ccol
+ add dx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;dx = column
+ pushm
+ call zputcur ;position cursor
+ mov sp,bp ;dump args
+ call zcuron ;enable cursor
+ call getch ;get character from console
+ mov [di].C_disp,ax ;return character in reg
+ mov byte ptr es:[si].pt_buffr,al ;store also in port object
+ call zcuroff ;disable cursor
+ mov bx,1
+ mov es:[si].pt_bfpos,bx ;update port position
+ mov es:[si].pt_bfend,bx
+ jmp next_SP
+;read from port object
+ pushm
+ call ssetadr ;set port address
+ mov sp,bp
+ call take_ch ;take one character
+ mov sp,bp
+ restore
+ cmp ax,256 ;eof character?
+ je rd_eof ; yes, jump
+ jmp rd_015 ; no, return the character
+rd_eof: mov [di].C_page,EOF_PAGE*2 ; no, return eof character
+ mov [di].C_disp,EOF_DISP
+ jmp next_SP
+rc_err: lea BX,rch_er ; address of error message
+ jmp src_err ; jump to error handler
+rd_proc endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prosmmu.asm b/prosmmu.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..569f4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prosmmu.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ name PROSMMU
+ title Scheme Memory Management Utilities for Protected Mode
+ page 62,132
+; =====> PROSMMU.ASM
+;* TIPC Scheme '84 Memory Management Utilities *
+;* *
+;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas Instruments Incorporated. *
+;* All rights reserved. *
+;* *
+;* Author: Terry Caudill *
+;* Date written: 17 Feb 1987 *
+ include schemed.equ
+ include schemed.ref
+ include schemed.mac
+DOS equ 021h
+DGROUP group data
+PGROUP group prog
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ assume ds:DGROUP
+ extrn page0:byte, page4:byte, page5:byte, page6:byte
+ extrn page7:byte, page8:byte
+ extrn _top:word, _paras:word,first_pa:word,first_dos:word
+ public scheme_heap,gc_ing
+scheme_heap dw 0 ;selector for entire scheme heapspace
+gc_ing dw 0 ;denotes when gc is taking place
+sub_segerr db "Error allocating data segment",0Ah,0
+alloc_err db "Unable to allocate memory for scheme heap",0Ah,0
+data ends
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume cs:PGROUP
+;; Get page base address of page
+ public getbase
+getbase proc near
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov BX,word ptr [BP+4]
+ mov AX,word ptr [BX+pagetabl] ;; Get table indicator
+ pop BP
+ ret
+getbase endp
+;; InitMem()
+;; Compute the best page size, but not smaller than MIN_PAGESIZE
+ public InitMem
+InitMem proc near
+ push BP
+ sub SP,2 ;; Allocate loacl storage
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov word ptr [bp+0],0 ;; number of pages allocated
+ mov bx,ds
+ mov es,bx ;; ensure ES = DS
+;; The first eight pagetable entries contain offsets to data within
+;; the local data segment. These offsets must be changed to to
+;; selectors so that they can be accessed as any other scheme object.
+;; Convert offset within pagetabl[0] into paragraph address
+ mov di,offset pagetabl
+ xor si,si
+ mov bx,word ptr [di] ;; si:bx = offset within DS
+ xor cx,cx
+ mov dx,16 ;; cx:dx = length
+ mov ax,0E801h ;; Create Data Window
+ int DOS
+ jc subsegerr
+ mov word ptr [di],ax ;; move selector into pagetabl
+;; Now convert pagetabl[4] through pagetabl[8]
+ mov dx,5 ;; dx = # entries to modify
+ mov di,offset pagetabl[8]
+ push dx
+ mov bx,word ptr [di] ;; si:bx = offset within ds
+ xor cx,cx ;; cx:dx = length
+ mov dx,0600h ;; (big enough for largest page)
+ mov ax,0E801h ;; Create Data Window
+ int DOS
+ pop dx ;; get # entries
+ jc subsegerr
+ mov word ptr [di],ax ;; move selector into pagetabl
+ add di,2 ;; address next pagetable entry
+ dec dx ;; any remaining?
+ jnz EmmP$0 ;; yes, loop
+ jmp around_error
+ lea bx,sub_segerr
+ jmp FatalError
+;; Now we must allocate the remaining memory (to approx. 4mb), and fill
+;; the remaining pagetabl entries with selectors to address each page.
+;; ask for too much memory, # bytes available will be returned in cx:dx
+ mov cx,0ffffh
+ mov dx,0ffffh ;; cx:dx = # bytes requested
+ mov ax,0E800h ;; create data segment
+ int 021h ;; extended dos function from AIA
+ mov ax,dx
+ mov dx,cx ;; dx:ax = # bytes available
+ push ax
+ push dx ;; save for later
+;; calculate #paragraphs available
+ mov cx,4 ;; cx = shift count
+ shr dx,1
+ rcr ax,1
+ loop make_para
+;; lets make the pagesize a multiple of 2000h bytes (this is so that when
+;; pages must be merged to hold large objects, there will be no wasted
+;; space).
+ mov cx,NUMPAGES-PreAlloc ;; cx = number pagetabl entrys available
+ idiv cx
+ mov bx,ax ;; bx = # paras per page
+ mov ax,200h
+ cmp ax,bx ;; if #paras/page < 200 paras
+ jge make_pagesize ;; round to 200, jump
+ mov ax,400h ;; if #paras/page < 400 paras
+ cmp ax,bx ;; round to 400, jump
+ jge make_pagesize
+ mov ax,7FFh ;; default pagesize to 7FF0 bytes
+;; change the paras used in calculations above to bytes
+ mov cx,4
+ shl ax,cl ;; dx = number bytes per page
+ mov pagesize,ax ;; save away in pagesize
+;; divide the # bytes available by the #bytes/page to see how many
+;; pages will be required. max = NUMPAGES-PreAlloc
+ mov cx,ax ;; cx = # bytes/page
+ pop dx
+ pop ax ;; dx:ax = # bytes available
+ idiv cx ;; ax = # pages required
+ cmp ax,NUMPAGES-PreAlloc ;; do we exceed number avail page?
+ jle Emmp$0a ;; no, jump
+ mov ax,NUMPAGES-PreAlloc ;; yes, just fill the table
+ xor dx,dx
+ mul cx ;; dx:ax = total memory rquirements
+;; Allocate only enough memory for the pagetable. Initially allocate just
+;; one segment large enough to hold all the scheme heap.
+ push cx ;;tempsave bytes/page
+ mov cx,dx
+ mov dx,ax ;; cx:dx = length
+ mov ax,0E800h ;; Create Data Segment
+ int DOS
+ pop bx ;;restore bytes/page
+ jnc Emmp$0b
+ lea bx,alloc_err
+ jmp FatalError
+ mov scheme_heap,ax ;; save selector to scheme heap
+;; Now allocate multiple "windows" within this larger segment. The pages
+;; may overlap so that we can merge pages to hold objects that are larger
+;; than a single page. In AI Archiects terminology, we will allocate
+;; "pages" of 8000h (large enough for our largest object) with a "stride"
+;; of our desired pagesize (this causes overlap every pagesize number of
+;; bytes. The call below will return a selector to the starting page,
+;; and the number of selectors necessary to cover the entire segment.
+;; Warning: ds register does not address our data segment below
+ mov ds,ax ;; ds = large segment
+ xor cx,cx
+ mov dx,08000h ;; cx:dx = size of each page
+ xor si,si ;; si:bx = stride
+ push bx ;; save page size
+ mov AX,0EA00h ;; Allocate Multiple Windows
+ int DOS ;; extended Dos func from AIA
+ pop si ;; restore page size
+ push ss
+ pop ds
+ jc allocerr ;; if error, exit
+;; Warning: ds register does not address our data segment above
+;; ax = first selector, bx = number of selectors, si=page size
+;; loop number of selector times, filling the pagetabl with
+;; selectors to the memory. selectors are 8 bytes in length
+;; so bump each selector by 8 to get to the next one.
+ mov dx,nextpage ;; Next page table entry
+ mov freepage,dx ;; is also next free page
+ mov first_pa,dx ;; save for rlsexp, sbid
+ mov cx,bx ;; cx = number of pages to fill
+ jcxz Emmp$2 ;; if no pages, jump
+ mov bx,dx
+ shl bx,1 ;; bx = page index
+ mov word ptr ss:pagetabl[BX],AX ;; Save selector in table
+ and word ptr ss:attrib[BX],not NOMEMORY ;; mark as allocated
+ mov word ptr ss:psize[BX],si ;; note its size
+ inc dx ;; and update for next page
+ mov word ptr ss:pagelink[BX],dx ;; update page link
+ mov word ptr ss:nextcell[BX],0 ;; clear free chain pointer
+ inc word ptr [bp+0] ;; page_count++
+ add ax,8 ;; next selector
+ loop EmmP$1 ;; get next selector
+ mov nextpage,dx ;; set up nextpage
+ mov lastpage,dx ;; lastpage = nextpage
+ pop ax ;; return number pages allocated
+ pop bp
+ ret
+ mov ax,ss ;; ensure ds=es=ss
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov es,ax
+ push bx ;; push error message
+ C_call print_an ;; print message and quit
+InitMem endp
+;; rlsexp - Release Dos Allocated Pages
+ public rlsexp
+rlsexp proc near
+ push ES
+ push BP
+ mov BP,SP
+ mov es,scheme_heap ;; es = slector for scheme heap
+ mov AX,4900h ;; free allocated memory
+ int DOS ;; do it
+ pop BP
+ pop ES
+ ret
+rlsexp endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/errhand.s b/sources/errhand.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6841e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/errhand.s
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+; The following code is an example of an error handler for I/O errors. The
+; function open-input-file attempts to open filename for input. Note that
+; a continuation is saved in the fluid variable my%ioerr before the call to
+; open-input-file. Upon return from the open, the variable port is
+; interrogated to determine the status- To retry the operation with the same
+; filename, retry the operation with a different filename, or return the port
+; object.
+(define (open-input-file filename)
+ (let ((port (call/cc
+ (fluid-lambda (my%ioerr)
+ ((access open-input-file user-global-environment)
+ filename)))))
+ (cond ((eq? port 'retry)
+ (open-input-file filename))
+ ((string? port)
+ (open-input-file port))
+ (else
+ port))))
+; *USER-ERROR-HANDLER* has been designed to trap on all I/O errors, pop up a
+; window to indicate the error, and illicit a response from the user. The
+; result is then returned via the continuation bound to the fluid variable
+; my%ioerr. The system error handler is called for all other errors.
+; See the User's Guide for a discussion on user error handling and a list of
+; all I/O errors.
+(set! (access *user-error-handler* user-global-environment)
+ (lambda (error-num error-msg irritant sys-error-handler)
+ (if (and (fluid-bound? my%ioerr)
+ (number? error-num)
+ (>= error-num 1)
+ (<= error-num 88))
+ (let ((win (make-window error-msg #t))
+ (result '()))
+ (window-set-position! win 10 10)
+ (window-set-size! win 6 50)
+ (window-set-cursor! win 2 5)
+ (window-popup win)
+ (case error-num
+ ((2 3) ;file/path not found
+ (display "File/Path not found : " win)
+ (display irritant win)
+ (newline win)
+ (display "Enter new pathname (or return to exit) - " win)
+ (set! result (read-line win))
+ (if (string=? result "")
+ (set! result '())))
+ ((21) ;drive not ready
+ (display "Drive not ready - Retry (y/n)?" win)
+ (set! result
+ (if (char=? (char-upcase (read-char win)) #\Y)
+ 'retry
+ '())))
+ (else
+ (display "Extended Dos I/O Error - " win)
+ (display irritant win)
+ (newline win)
+ (newline win)
+ (char-upcase (read-char win))
+ (set! result '())))
+ (window-popup-delete win)
+ ((fluid my%ioerr) result))
+ ;else
+ (sys-error-handler))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/extend.s b/sources/extend.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aab54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/extend.s
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+;;; extend.s
+;;; Copyright (c) 1986 R. Kent Dybvig
+;;; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
+;;; software for any lawful purpose, and to redistribute this software
+;;; is granted subject to the restriction that all copies made of this
+;;; software must include this copyright notice in full.
+;;; EXTEND-SYNTAX is a syntax extension facility based on pattern match-
+;;; ing. The extend-syntax code presented here was contributed by R. Kent
+;;; Dybvig, as implemented for Chez Scheme and described in his book,
+;;; The Scheme Programming Language. The code has been modified to run
+;;; under TI Scheme.
+;;; Methods similar to extend-syntax exist in most implementations of
+;;; Scheme, including TI Scheme's own SYNTAX special form. EXTEND-SYNTAX
+;;; however, is much more powerful in its capabilities than SYNTAX. A full
+;;; description of extend-syntax is beyond the scope of this documentation.
+;;; Other than some examples I will list here, I must refer you to Kent's
+;;; book or other documents for further information on EXTEND-SYNTAX. For
+;;; those of you already familiar with extend-syntax, its basic syntax is:
+;;; (extend-syntax (name key ...) (pattern optional-fender expansion) ...)
+;;; Examples:
+;;; (extend-syntax (when)
+;;; ((when test exp1 exp2 ...)
+;;; (if test (begin exp1 exp2 ...) #F)))
+;;; (extend-syntax (let)
+;;; ((let ((x v) ...) e1 e2 ...)
+;;; ((lambda (x ...) e1 e2 ...) v ...)))
+;;; NOTE - You may use EXPAND to see an expansion of an extend-syntax
+;;; definition. See the READ.ME file for explanation of EXPAND.
+(macro unless
+ (lambda (e)
+ (append (list 'when (list 'not (cadr e))) (cddr e))))
+(define-structure %%boxed-obj value)
+(define box (lambda (objct) (make-%%boxed-obj 'value objct)))
+(define unbox (lambda (box) (if (%%boxed-obj? box)
+ (%%boxed-obj-value box)
+ (error "Object referenced is not a BOX" box))))
+(define set-box! (lambda (box objct)
+ (if (%%boxed-obj? box)
+ (set! (%%boxed-obj-value box) objct)
+ (error "Object to be set is not a BOX" box))))
+(define %%map2
+ (lambda (f a1 a2)
+ (let loop ((result ())
+ (a1 a1)
+ (a2 a2))
+ (if (null? a1)
+ (reverse! result)
+ (loop (cons (f (car a1) (car a2)) result)
+ (cdr a1)
+ (cdr a2))))))
+(macro %%multi-mapper
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((syntax-match? '(%%multi-mapper) '(%%multi-mapper f a1 ...) x)
+ (let ((g10 (map (lambda (x) (gensym))
+ (cddr x))))
+ (quasiquote (let loop ((result ())
+ (unquote-splicing
+ (%%map2 (lambda (g9 g11)
+ (quasiquote ((unquote g11)
+ (unquote g9))))
+ (cddr X) g10)))
+ (if (or (unquote-splicing
+ (map (lambda (g11)
+ (quasiquote
+ (null? (car (unquote g11)))))
+ g10)))
+ (reverse! result)
+ (loop (cons ((unquote (cadr x))
+ (unquote-splicing
+ (map (lambda (g11)
+ (quasiquote
+ (car (unquote g11))))
+ g10)))
+ result)
+ (unquote-splicing
+ (map (lambda (g11)
+ (quasiquote (cdr (unquote g11))))
+ g10))))))))
+ (else (error "%%MULTI-MAPPER: invalid syntax " x)))))
+(define %%make-syntax
+ (letrec
+ ((id-name car)
+ (id (lambda (name accessor control) (list name accessor control)))
+ (id-accessor cadr)
+ (id-control caddr)
+ (loop (lambda () (box '())))
+ (loop-ids unbox)
+ (loop-ids! set-box!)
+ (c...rs
+ `((car caar . cdar)
+ (cdr cadr . cddr)
+ (caar caaar . cdaar)
+ (cadr caadr . cdadr)
+ (cdar cadar . cddar)
+ (cddr caddr . cdddr)
+ (caaar caaaar . cdaaar)
+ (caadr caaadr . cdaadr)
+ (cadar caadar . cdadar)
+ (caddr caaddr . cdaddr)
+ (cdaar cadaar . cddaar)
+ (cdadr cadadr . cddadr)
+ (cddar caddar . cdddar)
+ (cdddr cadddr . cddddr)))
+ (add-car
+ (lambda (accessor)
+ (let ((x (and (pair? accessor) (assq (car accessor) c...rs))))
+ (if (null? x)
+ `(car ,accessor)
+ `(,(cadr x) ,@(cdr accessor))))))
+ (add-cdr
+ (lambda (accessor)
+ (let ((x (and (pair? accessor) (assq (car accessor) c...rs))))
+ (if (null? x)
+ `(cdr ,accessor)
+ `(,(cddr x) ,@(cdr accessor))))))
+ (parse
+ (lambda (keys pat acc cntl)
+ (cond
+ ((symbol? pat)
+ (if (memq pat keys)
+ '()
+ (list (id pat acc cntl))))
+ ((pair? pat)
+ (if (equal? (cdr pat) '(...))
+ (let ((x (gensym)))
+ (parse keys (car pat) x (id x acc cntl)))
+ (append (parse keys (car pat) (add-car acc) cntl)
+ (parse keys (cdr pat) (add-cdr acc) cntl))))
+ (else '()))))
+ (gen
+ (lambda (exp ids loops)
+ (cond
+ ((symbol? exp)
+ (let ((id (lookup exp ids)))
+ (if (null? id)
+ exp
+ (begin
+ (add-control! (id-control id) loops)
+ (list 'unquote (id-accessor id))))))
+ ((pair? exp)
+ (cond
+ ((eq? (car exp) 'with)
+ (unless (syntax-match? '(with) '(with ((p x) ...) e ...) exp)
+ (error "EXTEND-SYNTAX: invalid 'with' form" exp))
+ (list 'unquote
+ (gen-with
+ (map car (cadr exp))
+ (map cadr (cadr exp))
+ (caddr exp)
+ ids
+ loops)))
+ ((and (pair? (cdr exp)) (eq? (cadr exp) '...))
+ (let ((x (loop)))
+ (make-loop
+ x
+ (gen (car exp) ids (cons x loops))
+ (gen (cddr exp) ids loops))))
+ (else
+ (let ((a (gen (car exp) ids loops))
+ (d (gen (cdr exp) ids loops)))
+ (if (and (pair? d) (eq? (car d) 'unquote))
+ (list a (list 'unquote-splicing (cadr d)))
+ (cons a d))))))
+ (else exp))))
+ (gen-with
+ (lambda (pats exps body ids loops)
+ (if (null? pats)
+ (make-quasi (gen body ids loops))
+ (let ((p (car pats)) (e (car exps)) (g (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,g ,(gen-quotes e ids loops)))
+ ,(gen-with
+ (cdr pats)
+ (cdr exps)
+ body
+ (append (parse '() p g '()) ids)
+ loops))))))
+ (gen-quotes
+ (lambda (exp ids loops)
+ (cond
+ ((syntax-match? '(quote) '(quote x) exp)
+ (make-quasi (gen (cadr exp) ids loops)))
+ ((pair? exp)
+ (cons (gen-quotes (car exp) ids loops)
+ (gen-quotes (cdr exp) ids loops)))
+ (else exp))))
+ (lookup
+ (lambda (sym ids)
+ (let ((x (mem (lambda (x) (eq? (id-name x) sym)) ids)))
+ (and x (car x)))))
+ (add-control!
+ (lambda (id loops)
+ (unless (null? id)
+ (when (null? loops)
+ (error "EXTEND-SYNTAX: missing ellipsis in expansion"))
+ (let ((x (loop-ids (car loops))))
+ (unless (memq id x)
+ (loop-ids! (car loops) (cons id x))))
+ (add-control! (id-control id) (cdr loops)))))
+ (make-loop
+ (lambda (loop body tail)
+ (let ((ids (loop-ids loop)))
+ (when (null? ids)
+ (error "EXTEND-SYNTAX: extra ellipsis in expansion"))
+ (cond
+ ((equal? body (list 'unquote (id-name (car ids))))
+ (if (null? tail)
+ (list 'unquote (id-accessor (car ids)))
+ (cons (list 'unquote-splicing (id-accessor (car ids)))
+ tail)))
+ ((and (null? (cdr ids))
+ (syntax-match? '(unquote) '(unquote (f x)) body)
+ (eq? (cadadr body) (id-name (car ids))))
+ (let ((x `(%%multi-mapper ,(caadr body) ,(id-accessor (car ids)))))
+ (if (null? tail)
+ (list 'unquote x)
+ (cons (list 'unquote-splicing x) tail))))
+ (else
+ (let ((x `(%%multi-mapper (lambda ,(map id-name ids) ,(make-quasi body))
+ ,@(map id-accessor ids))))
+ (if (null? tail)
+ (list 'unquote x)
+ (cons (list 'unquote-splicing x) tail))))))))
+ (make-quasi
+ (lambda (exp)
+ (if (and (pair? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'unquote))
+ (cadr exp)
+ (list 'quasiquote exp))))
+ (make-clause
+ (lambda (ks cl x)
+ (cond
+ ((syntax-match? '() '(pat fender exp) cl)
+ (let ((pat (car cl)) (fender (cadr cl)) (exp (caddr cl)))
+ (let ((ids (parse ks pat x '())))
+ `((and (syntax-match? ',ks ',pat ,x)
+ ,(gen-quotes fender ids '()))
+ ,(make-quasi (gen exp ids '()))))))
+ ((syntax-match? '() '(pat exp) cl)
+ (let ((pat (car cl)) (exp (cadr cl)))
+ (let ((ids (parse ks pat x '() )))
+ `((syntax-match? ',ks ',pat ,x)
+ ,(make-quasi (gen exp ids '()))))))
+ (else
+ (error "EXTEND-SYNTAX: invalid clause" cl)))))
+ (make-syntaxer
+ (let ((x (string->uninterned-symbol "x")))
+ (lambda (keys clauses)
+ `(lambda (,x)
+ (cond
+ ,@(map (lambda (cl)
+ (make-clause keys cl x)) clauses)
+ (else
+ (error (string-append (symbol->string ',(car keys))
+ ": invalid syntax") ,x))))))))
+ make-syntaxer))
+(define mem
+ (lambda (f alist)
+ (let loop ((l alist))
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (if (f (car l))
+ l
+ (loop (cdr l)))))))
+; (define-syntax-expander extend-syntax ;Original code in body of letrec
+; (lambda (x e)
+; (let ((keys (cadr x)) (clauses (cddr x)))
+; (e `(define-syntax-expander ,(car keys)
+; ,(make-syntax keys clauses))))))
+(macro extend-syntax
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((keys (cadr x))
+ (clauses (cddr x)))
+ `(macro ,(car keys) ,(%%make-syntax keys clauses)))))
+; (define-syntax-expander extend-syntax/code ;original code in body of letrec
+; (lambda (x e)
+; (let ((keys (cadr x)) (clauses (cddr x)))
+; `',(make-syntax keys clauses)))))
+(macro extend-syntax/code
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((keys (cadr x)) (clauses (cddr x)))
+ `',(%%make-syntax keys clauses))))
+;;; syntax-match? is used by extend-syntax to choose among clauses and
+;;; to check for syntactic errors. It is also available to the user.
+(define syntax-match?
+ (lambda (keys pat exp)
+ (cond
+ ((symbol? pat) (if (memq pat keys) (eq? exp pat) #!true))
+ ((pair? pat)
+ (if (equal? (cdr pat) '(...))
+ (let f ((lst exp))
+ (or (null? lst)
+ (and (pair? lst)
+ (syntax-match? keys (car pat) (car lst))
+ (f (cdr lst)))))
+ (and (pair? exp)
+ (syntax-match? keys (car pat) (car exp))
+ (syntax-match? keys (cdr pat) (cdr exp)))))
+ (else (equal? exp pat)))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/macros.s b/sources/macros.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..410f2b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/macros.s
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+; Following are a few macro definitions which implement constructs in other
+; LISPs. They are not intended to be fully compatible to COMMON LISP or any
+; other dialect, but are included as examples of how other constructs may
+; be implemented, and how Scheme itself can be extended. Note also that the
+; examples lack sufficient error checking - feel free to modify, extend,
+; and add to any or all of macros for your own purposes.
+; CATCH/THROW - A catch form evaluates some subforms in such a way that, if
+; a throw is executed during such evaluation, the evaluation is aborted at
+; that point and the catch form returns a value specified by the throw. The
+; catch/throw mechanism works even if the throw form is not within the lexical
+; scope of the catch.
+; The tags used for this implementation of catch/throw can be either symbols,
+; strings, or numbers. Note the use of fluids and continuations in this
+; implementation.
+(macro catch ;(catch tag expression)
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((tag (cadr e))
+ (form (caddr e)))
+ (cond ((string? tag)
+ (set! tag (string->symbol tag)))
+ ((number? tag)
+ (set! tag (implode (explode tag))))
+ ((and (pair? tag) (eq? (car tag) 'quote))
+ (set! tag (cadr tag))) )
+ `(call/cc (fluid-lambda (,tag) ,form)))))
+(macro throw ;(throw tag value)
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((tag (cadr e))
+ (value (caddr e)))
+ (cond ((string? tag)
+ (set! tag (string->symbol tag)))
+ ((number? tag)
+ (set! tag (implode (explode tag))))
+ ((and (pair? tag) (eq? (car tag) 'quote))
+ (set! tag (cadr tag))) )
+ `(if (and (fluid-bound? ,tag)
+ (continuation? (fluid ,tag)))
+ ((fluid ,tag) ,value)
+ (error "Bad tag on throw" ,tag)))))
+; PROG - The prog construct allows one to write in a statement-oriented style
+; (ala FORTRAN), using go statements that can refer to tags in the body of the
+; prog. Modern LISP programming tends to use prog infrequently, however the
+; following exercise is a good example of how Scheme may be extended to take
+; on characteristics of other LISPs.
+(macro go
+ (lambda (form)
+ (if (integer? (cadr form))
+ `(implode (explode ,(cadr form)))
+ ;else
+ (cdr form))))
+(macro prog
+ (lambda (form)
+ (letrec
+ ((tagstart '())
+ (buildvars
+ (lambda (proglist varlist)
+ (if (null? proglist)
+ varlist
+ ;else
+ (buildvars (cdr proglist)
+ (if (pair? (car proglist))
+ `(,(car proglist) ,@varlist)
+ ;else
+ `( (,(car proglist) '()) ,@varlist))))))
+ (buildtags
+ (lambda (tbodys)
+ (if (null? tagstart)
+ tbodys
+ ;else
+ (buildtags
+ `( ( ,(car tagstart)
+ (lambda () ,@(getbody (cdr tagstart) '())))
+ ,@tbodys)))))
+ (getbody
+ (lambda (exprs body)
+ (cond ((null? exprs)
+ (set! tagstart '())
+ (reverse! `((return ()) ,@body)))
+ ((or (symbol? (car exprs)) (integer? (car exprs)))
+ (set! tagstart
+ (if (integer? (car exprs))
+ `(,(implode (explode (car exprs))) ,@(cdr exprs))
+ ;else
+ exprs))
+ (reverse! `( (,(car tagstart)) ,@body)))
+ (else
+ (getbody (cdr exprs) `(,(car exprs) ,@body)))))))
+ (let ((letrec_body (getbody (cddr form) '()))
+ (letrec_vars (reverse! (buildtags (buildvars (cadr form) '())))))
+ `(call/cc (lambda (return)
+ (letrec ,letrec_vars ,@letrec_body)))) )))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/newwin.s b/sources/newwin.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82fa584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/newwin.s
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+; Window and attribute functions for PC Scheme
+; Copyright 1987,1988 (c) Texas Instruments
+;; NEW-WINDOW - new version for 3.02
+; NEW-WINDOW creates a window interactively. The cursor can be moved
+; around to mark the upper left hand and lower right hand corners of the
+; window. The window port object is returned.
+; This function demonstrates how to create a non-destructive cursor
+; in PC Scheme by using a popup window of size 1x1.
+; Example: (new-window "A Window") -> port object
+;; Create a new window using the cursor keys and return the port object.
+;; The cursor keys position the corner markers, return accepts the
+;; marker's position, and any other key exits with no change.
+;; "minrows" and "mincols" say that the window will be at least that big.
+;; The window is displayed immediately unless the symbol NO-DISPLAY is used.
+;; The new window always has a border.
+;; syntax: (NEW-WINDOW title [minrows] [mincols] ['NO-DISPLAY])
+(define (new-window title . rest)
+ (let ((minrows (or (car rest) 0))
+ (mincols (or (cadr rest) 0))
+ (no-display (memq 'no-display rest)))
+ (call/cc
+ (lambda (exit)
+ (letrec ((ulc (integer->char 218))
+ (rlc (integer->char 217))
+ (left #\K)
+ (up #\H)
+ (right #\M)
+ (down #\P)
+ (accept #\return)
+ (hold '())
+ (cursor
+ (let ((w (make-window "" #!false)))
+ (window-set-size! w 1 1)
+ w))
+ (read-char-1
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((char (read-char cursor)))
+ (if (char=? char (integer->char 0))
+ (read-char cursor) char))))
+ (mark-corner
+ (lambda (uly ulx lry lrx ch) ;note y,x means row,col
+ (let loop ((r uly)
+ (c ulx))
+ (window-set-position! cursor r c)
+ (window-popup cursor)
+ (display ch cursor)
+ (window-set-cursor! cursor 0 0)
+ (let ((char (read-char-1)))
+ (window-popup-delete cursor)
+ (cond ((eqv? char left)
+ (loop r (if (>= (-1+ c) ulx) (-1+ c) c)))
+ ((eqv? char up)
+ (loop (if (>= (-1+ r) uly) (-1+ r) r) c))
+ ((eqv? char right)
+ (loop r (if (< (1+ c) lrx) (1+ c) c)))
+ ((eqv? char down)
+ (loop (if (< (1+ r) lry) (1+ r) r) c))
+ ((eqv? char accept)
+ (window-set-cursor! cursor 0 0)
+ (set! hold
+ (list (window-save-contents cursor) r c))
+ (display ch cursor)
+ (cons r c))
+ (else
+ (and hold
+ (let ((char (car hold))
+ (r (cadr hold))
+ (c (caddr hold)))
+ (window-set-position! cursor r c)
+ (window-restore-contents cursor char)))
+ (exit #!false))))))))
+ (let* ((uly (car (window-get-position (current-output-port))))
+ (ulx (cdr (window-get-position (current-output-port))))
+ (lry (+ uly (car (window-get-size (current-output-port)))))
+ (lrx (+ ulx (cdr (window-get-size (current-output-port)))))
+ (ulc-position (mark-corner uly ulx
+ (- lry minrows) (- lrx mincols)
+ ulc))
+ (new-uly (car ulc-position))
+ (new-ulx (cdr ulc-position))
+ (rlc-position (mark-corner (+ new-uly minrows)
+ (+ new-ulx mincols) lry lrx rlc))
+ (new-lry (car rlc-position))
+ (new-lrx (cdr rlc-position))
+ (new-width (1+ (- new-lrx new-ulx)))
+ (new-height (1+ (- new-lry new-uly)))
+ (w (make-window title t)))
+ (window-set-position! w new-uly new-ulx)
+ (window-set-size! w new-height new-width)
+ (or no-display (window-clear w))
+ w))))))
+; ATTR takes a list of attribute names and converts them to the
+; equivalent attribute number suitable for PC Scheme's attribute
+; functions. It works with both TI and IBM (CGA only).
+; Examples: (attr) ;returns default value
+; (attr '(red blink)) ;returns number for blinking red text;
+; ;exact number depends on the machine type
+; (attr 'ti '(red blink)) ;ignore machine type, get attr# for TI
+; (attr 'ibm '(red blink)) ;ignore machine type, get attr# for IBM
+(define ATTR
+ (let ((attrs-ibm '((blink . 128) (bkg-white . 112)
+ (bkg-brown . 96) (bkg-magenta . 80) (bkg-cyan . 48)
+ (bkg-red . 64) (bkg-green . 32) (bkg-blue . 16)
+ (light-white . 15) (yellow . 14)
+ (light-magenta . 13) (light-red . 12)
+ (light-cyan . 11) (light-green . 10) (light-blue . 9)
+ (gray . 8) (white . 7) (brown . 6) (magenta . 5)
+ (red . 4) (cyan . 3) (green . 2) (blue . 1) (BLACK . 0)))
+ (attrs-ti '((ALTCHAR . 128) (BLINK . 64)
+ (UNDERLINE . 32) (REVERSE . 16) (NODSP . -8)
+ (WHITE . 7) (YELLOW . 6) (cyan . 5) (GREEN . 4)
+ (PURPLE . 3) (RED . 2) (blue . 1) (BLACK . 0)))
+ (default-attrs-ibm 15)
+ (default-attrs-ti 15)
+ (prime-ibm 0)
+ (prime-ti 8))
+ (lambda x
+ (let ((work-fn
+ (LAMBDA (attrs default acc)
+ ((NULL? X)
+ (SET! ACC default))
+ ((NUMBER? (CAR X))
+ (SET! ACC (CAR X)))
+ (else
+ (LAMBDA (x)
+ (let ((attr-value (assq x attrs)))
+ (and attr-value
+ (set! acc (+ acc (cdr attr-value))))))
+ x)))
+ (and (=? pcs-machine-type 1) ;keep text enabled in TI mode
+ (=? acc prime-ti)
+ (set! acc default))
+ acc)))
+ (case (car x)
+ (ti
+ (set! x (cdr x))
+ (work-fn attrs-ti default-attrs-ti prime-ti))
+ (ibm
+ (set! x (cdr x))
+ (work-fn attrs-ibm default-attrs-ibm prime-ibm))
+ (else
+ (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1)
+ (work-fn attrs-ti default-attrs-ti prime-ti)
+ (work-fn attrs-ibm default-attrs-ibm prime-ibm))))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/stl.s b/sources/stl.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b8915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/stl.s
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+;;; PC Scheme toplevel
+;;; Copyright 1987 (c) Texas Instruments
+;;; The following is the PC Scheme standard toplevel function.
+;;; This definition of it is suitable for loading via an .INI file.
+; When this is loaded, the fluid variable SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL is set
+; to the outer lambda expression. When PC Scheme finishes loading
+; the .INI file, it does an internal SCHEME-RESET. That activates
+; this function, and also snapshots the VM state; further SCHEME-RESET's
+; will always restore the state of PC Scheme to this initial snapshot.
+; The outer lambda expression's body calls the local function ==SCHEME-RESET==.
+; The fluid variables INPUT-PORT and OUTPUT-PORT are initialized to the
+; values of STANDARD-INPUT and STANDARD-OUTPUT, which in turn are always
+; bound to 'CONSOLE unless you explicitly set them otherwise.
+; The history list is set to nil. The debug-mode flag is examined and
+; an appropriate message is output. Then comes the most interesting
+; part--a continuation snapshots the context at this point of execution
+; in the function and is assigned to the variable ==RESET==. Then the
+; fluid variable SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL is rebound to this continuation.
+; Henceforth, further RESET's will start execution of the toplevel function
+; at this point, skipping the above initializations. A GC is done before
+; executing the local function MORE.
+; MORE is the read-eval-print section of the toplevel. The prompt is
+; displayed. Input is read, consed onto the history list, and evaluated,
+; with the result printed with WRITE and also consed onto the history list.
+; In the midst of this, the local variable NEXT is bound to SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL's
+; value. It is possible that the evaluation of the input form might have
+; changed SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL. If NEXT is still bound to ==RESET==, the
+; continuation derived above, then the current toplevel function is still
+; in control and we loop back to MORE, skipping the initializations that
+; RESET or SCHEME-RESET would perform. Otherwise, a new toplevel is
+; indicated, and we call it.
+; To summarize, the system's toplevel function has 3 entry points.
+; First, SCHEME-RESET restarts the outer lambda expression,
+; which invokes the local function ==SCHEME-RESET==, and that
+; resets the history list and input and output ports, among other things.
+; Second, RESET restarts the continuation marked by the CALL/CC,
+; and a GC occurs. Finally, the local function MORE takes care
+; of the read-eval-print loop. Once entered, MORE is never exited
+; unless a RESET or SCHEME-RESET are executed to redo their appropriate
+; levels of initialization.
+;;; define standard toplevel loop and support functions
+(set! (fluid scheme-top-level)
+ (lambda () ; outer lambda
+ (letrec
+ ((==reset== '())
+ (==scheme-reset== ; here for SCHEME-RESET
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! (fluid input-port) standard-input)
+ (set! (fluid output-port) standard-output)
+ (putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY (list '()) %pcs-stl-history)
+ (newline)
+ (display "[PCS-DEBUG-MODE is ")
+ (display (if pcs-debug-mode "ON]" "OFF]"))
+ (newline)
+ (call/cc
+ (lambda (k)
+ (set! ==reset== (lambda () (k '())))
+ (set! (fluid scheme-top-level)
+ ==reset==)))
+ ; here for RESET
+ (gc)
+ (more)))
+ (more ; read-eval-print loop
+ (lambda ()
+ (fresh-line)
+ (display "[")
+ (display (length (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
+ (display "]> ")
+ (let ((problem (read)))
+ (flush-input)
+ (if (eof-object? problem)
+ (display "[End of file read by SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL]")
+ (begin
+ (putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ (cons (list problem)
+ (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ %pcs-stl-history))
+ %pcs-stl-history)
+ (let* ((answer (eval problem))
+ (next (fluid scheme-top-level)))
+ (when (not (eq? answer *the-non-printing-object*))
+ (write answer))
+ (putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ (cons (cons problem answer)
+ (cdr (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
+ %pcs-stl-history)))
+ %pcs-stl-history)
+ (if (eq? next ==reset==)
+ (more)
+ (next))))))))) ;end of letrec vars
+ (==scheme-reset==) ;letrec body
+ )))
+ ;;; %C accesses the nth user command
+ ;;; %D accesses the result of the nth user command
+(define %c ; %C
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((history (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
+ (and (positive? n)
+ (< n (length history))
+ (car (list-ref (reverse history) n))))))
+(define %d ; %D
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((history (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
+ (and (positive? n)
+ (< n (length history))
+ (cdr (list-ref (reverse history) n))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/tutframe.s b/sources/tutframe.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b92ef9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/tutframe.s
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+;;; Tutorial Engine tutorial
+;;; Copyright 1987 (c) Texas Instruments
+;;; This is the tutorial text to the Tutorial Engine tutorial.
+; To run this tutorial, first compile and fasl the file "tutoreng.s".
+; Then do the following:
+; (load "tutoreng.fsl") ;load the Tutorial Engine program
+; (load "tutframe.s") ;load this tutorial
+; (start-tutorial) ;start it
+; If you prefer a paper tutorial to an online one, you can do the following:
+; (set! *auto-tutorial?* #t)
+; (transcript-on "")
+; (start-tutorial)
+; ; the tutorial runs by itself; when it finishes:
+; (transcript-off)
+; The tutorial has been captured on the transcript file.
+; *Auto-tutorial?* does not create output suitable for a book, but
+; the results are readable.
+; If you're wondering why the SCOOPS tutorial isn't run the
+; same way, it could have been, but it is packaged differently.
+; The Tutorial Engine program, tutorial text, and graphics demo
+; were combined together in one fasl file. Contrary to a statement
+; in one of the manuals, this is easy to do; just use DOS COPY to
+; concatenate the fasl files together, but be sure to specify
+; the /b (binary) option to avoid early truncation.
+(define extensions
+ (lambda (word window)
+ (let ((c (string-ref word 0)))
+ (case c
+ (#\/ (window-set-attribute! window 'text-attributes (attr 'yellow))
+ (display (substring word 1 (string-length word))))
+ (#\\ (window-set-attribute! window 'text-attributes (attr))
+ (display (substring word 1 (string-length word))))
+ (else (display word window))))))
+;;; the tutorial's frames ----------------------------------------
+(set! *tutorial*
+ (make-tutorial
+ 'name "The Tutorial Engine"
+ 'writeln-extensions extensions))
+ ()
+ ("The /Tutorial Engine \\is a program that"
+ "implements a simple model of tutorial interaction."
+ "This permits the interaction to be embodied in the program itself,"
+ "but the tutorial text is separate from the program, and many different"
+ "tutorial texts can be used with the program.")
+ ()
+ ("There are added advantages to the tutorial writer."
+ "Text is automatically formatted so you don't have to,"
+ "and examples are executed directly so you don't have to"
+ "capture input and output values and format them yourself."
+ "The current presentation format is admittedly biased towards"
+ "displaying Scheme code.")
+ ()
+ "Introduction")
+ ()
+ ("The model is one familiar to most people: the slide show."
+ "A /tutorial \\(slide show) consists of a series of /frames \\(slides)."
+ "Normally, you progress through the frames in a forward direction,"
+ "but you can skip around."
+ "A frame concentrates on one topic, or /example, \\with"
+ "explanatory text surrounding the example.")
+ ()
+ ("Unlike a slide show, you interact with the tutorial."
+ "Therefore, various kinds of assistance"
+ "are available. A /help \\window lists the single-keystroke commands and"
+ "what they do. The /table of contents \\displays the topics covered by"
+ "the tutorial, gives the frame number at which they start,"
+ "and permits you to move around randomly in the tutorial."
+ "The /index \\displays terms and phrases in alphabetical order,"
+ "lists their frame numbers,"
+ "and also allows you to skip around in the tutorial.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("tutorial" "example" "frame" "help" "table of contents" "index"))
+ initial
+ ("Your view of a frame, as a user, is one screen containing"
+ "text introducing the topic or example of the frame,")
+ (:eval (display "the topic itself, set off from the surrounding text")
+ :fresh-line
+ :eval (display "and highlighted in green,"))
+ ("and text afterwards explaining the example.")
+ ()
+ "Frames")
+ ()
+ ("From the Tutorial Engine's point of view,"
+ "a frame is conceptually a Scheme structure but is implemented as a list."
+ "Macros are used to hide this implementation from the rest of the program."
+ "The frame format looks like this:")
+ (:eval (display '(frame name before-text example after-text
+ dependencies tc-entry index-entries)))
+ ("The FRAME keyword starts each frame. 'name' is an optional symbol"
+ "that can be referenced by the dependency lists of other frames."
+ "'before-text' and 'after-text' are lists of strings of text."
+ "'tc-entry' consists of a string of text to be placed in the"
+ "tutorial's table of contents."
+ "'index-entries' is a list of strings; each string should be a word"
+ "or short phrase that would be appropriate to put into an index."
+ "Subsequent frames discuss the 'example' and 'dependencies' entries.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("frame"))
+ ()
+ ("The 'example' field is a list"
+ "of /keyword \\or /keyword/value pairs \\representing"
+ "Scheme expressions to be evaluated and displayed."
+ "A keyword begins with a colon."
+ "For example, the"
+ "following description in the first line below"
+ "generates the output in the second line:")
+ (:eval (display '(:data (+ 3 5) :data-eval :pp-data :yields :pp-evaled-data))
+ :eval (begin (fresh-line) (newline))
+ :data (+ 3 5) :data-eval :pp-data :yields :pp-evaled-data)
+ ("/:DATA \\records the text of the data. /:DATA-EVAL \\evaluates the data."
+ "/:PP-DATA \\pretty-prints the data itself while //:PP-EVALED-DATA"
+ "\\pretty-prints its result. /:YIELDS \\prints an arrow."
+ "/:EVAL \\(not shown above) evaluates an arbitrary Scheme expression,"
+ "and there are other keywords too."
+ "Note that with this feature, examples are active items and not"
+ "just passive pieces of text--the examples are actually executed"
+ "during the running of a tutorial.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("example"))
+ ()
+ ("The last field of a frame to be discussed are the 'dependencies.'"
+ "This is a list of frame names on which this frame depends."
+ "Since the examples are actually executed, and since the user"
+ "can go to any frame at will, any set-up for the examples"
+ "in that frame would likely be bypassed without this feature.")
+ ()
+ ("This approach, while flexible, has its limitations."
+ "The primary one is speed. Straight text examples take more work"
+ "to generate, but text displays are fast. Because dependencies"
+ "have to be evaluated, if there are many of them, or if they involve"
+ "time-consuming computations, it may take awhile to display the result."
+ "Also, it is tricky getting their ordering correct.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("dependencies"))
+ ()
+ ("A tutorial is not complete without two more things."
+ "The first is to define a /print function \\that prints individual words,"
+ "possibly changing screen attributes (color, reverse video, etc.)"
+ "along the way. The function takes 2 arguments: a word, which is"
+ "a string, and a window in which to print the string."
+ "Examining the source of this tutorial text should make its"
+ "structure clear.")
+ ()
+ ("The important thing to note is that this function is /not \\part"
+ "of the Tutorial Engine but belongs to the tutorial itself."
+ "Different tutorials can use different printing functions,"
+ "giving some variety in how frames are displayed,"
+ "while still working within the model used by the Tutorial Engine.")
+ ()
+ "Tutorial Structure"
+ ("print function"))
+ ()
+ ("The second is to create a /tutorial structure \\and assign"
+ "it to *TUTORIAL*."
+ "Unlike a frame, this is a true Scheme structure, and it has these fields:")
+ (:eval (display '(name write-extensions frame-list visited-list
+ frame-number name-list tc index)))
+ ("You should initialize 2 fields: 'name', to a string with the name"
+ "of the tutorial, and 'write-extensions', to the print function"
+ "discussed in the previous frame.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("tutorial structure"))
+ ()
+ ("The other fields are used during the running of a tutorial."
+ "When a tutorial is read from disk, the frames are consed into a list."
+ "Then the list is converted to an array and stored in 'frame-list'."
+ "The 'frame-number' is the number of the frame currently visible."
+ "When a frame is displayed, its position in 'visited-list'"
+ "(really an array again) is marked true."
+ "When you skip around in a tutorial, the visited list is used"
+ "to determine if the frames on which this one depends"
+ "have all been executed.")
+ ()
+ ("The 'name-list' is a list of pairs of individual frame names and"
+ "corresponding frame numbers and is for debug purposes."
+ "The 'tc' and 'index' are the values used in the table of contents"
+ "and index, respectively. The former has the format:"
+ "((frame# tc-entry) ...) arranged by increasing frame number,"
+ "and the latter has a format:"
+ "((index-entry frame# frame# ...)) sorted in alphabetical order."
+ "These are determined once, when a tutorial is started."))
+ ()
+ ("The Tutorial Engine has two exported functions, /START-TUTORIAL"
+ "\\and /RESUME-TUTORIAL. \\A LETREC encloses the Tutorial Engine's"
+ "local functions. A brief summary of the local functions follows.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ "Description of the Tutorial Engine Program"
+ ("exported functions"))
+ ()
+ "\\The banner screen is displayed by /BANNER \\if the tutorial hasn't"
+ "been run before in the current session."
+ "The routine /COLLECT-TC \\organizes the table of contents using"
+ "the TC fields of each frame,"
+ "/COLLECT-INDEX \\works similarly using each frame's INDEX field,"
+ "and /COLLECT-NAMES \\looks at each frame's NAME field."
+ "This last is for debugging and editing purposes."
+ "Part of the initialization includes saving two continuations:"
+ "/QUIT-K \\to exit the tutorial, and /USER-ERROR-HANDLER, \\which"
+ "gets assigned to the system hook *USER-ERROR-HANDLER*,"
+ "to recover from errors.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("initialization"))
+ ()
+ ("/DO-TUTORIAL \\implements looping over each tutorial frame."
+ "/FRAME-1 \\executes one frame of the tutorial."
+ "/DISPLAY-TITLE-WINDOW \\displays the frame number and any"
+ "table-of-contents title."
+ "Displaying the 3 zones of before-text, example, and after-text"
+ "is the job of the routines /TEXT-ZONE \\and /CALC-ZONE. \\")
+ ()
+ ("/CONTINUE \\handles all single-key input. It calls"
+ "/NEXT-FRAME \\and /PREVIOUS-FRAME \\to move between frames,"
+ "/HELP \\to display help information about single-key inputs,"
+ "/TABLE-OF-CONTENTS \\to handle table-of-contents processing,"
+ "ditto /INDEX \\for index processing, /QUIT \\to exit the tutorial"
+ "by invoking the QUIT-K continuation, and /ALERT \\to display an"
+ "error message in a pop-up window.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("main loop" "keystroke handling"))
+ ()
+ ("/TEXT-ZONE \\is passed the list of strings to print."
+ "/DEMO-WRITELN \\is called in turn with each string."
+ "It breaks the string into individual words and calls"
+ "the printing hook function of *TUTORIAL* to print each"
+ "word as it sees fit. Filling the line is done automatically by Scheme."
+ "The text zone widths are shrunk somewhat for esthetic reasons,"
+ "and also the somewhat limited space forces the tutorial writer"
+ "to be concise.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("zone handling"))
+ ()
+ ("/EXECUTE-FRAME-ITEM \\parses and executes the example expressions"
+ "in a frame. If the expressions depend on other expressions being"
+ "executed first, it recursively calls itself to handle those frames first"
+ "and puts up a /BUSY-WINDOW \\meanwhile. /FRAME-ITEM-PARSER \\is the"
+ "workhorse function.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("zone handling" "parsing"))
+ ()
+ ("/EDIT \\permits limited editing of a frame while a tutorial is running,"
+ "assuming the global variable /*DEBUG-TUTORIAL* \\has been properly"
+ "activated. The edit mode permits using Edwin to edit a frame and"
+ "then replacing the current frame with the edited one in order to"
+ "check on the appearance of the edited frame; this avoids having to"
+ "recompile the entire Edwin buffer just to test a new frame."
+ "Inserting or deleting frames is not implemented.")
+ ()
+ ("Evaluating a frame's example can be turned on and off from the edit"
+ "mode. Evaluation errors automatically turn off frame evaluation so"
+ "that the frame can be examined and edited. You can also go into"
+ "a new system toplevel temporarily to test-evaluate examples.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("edit mode"))
+ ()
+ ("Some of the LETREC variables are used for data. The tutorial's"
+ "/START-FRAME \\and /END-FRAME \\are part of the Tutorial Engine itself"
+ "and not in the tutorial text. /EVAL? \\controls executing a frame's"
+ "example and is used in edit mode.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ ("data values"))
+ ()
+ ("The Tutorial Engine is a complete Scheme program which demonstrates"
+ "several useful Scheme programming techniques. Among these are using"
+ "LETREC to /define local variables and functions \\which are hidden from"
+ "the outside unless they are explicitly exported, like START-TUTORIAL,"
+ "RESUME-TUTORIAL, and the rebinding of *USER-ERROR-HANDLER*."
+ "A Scheme /structure \\is used to represent the tutorial"
+ "and /macros \\hide the representation of a frame."
+ "Macros are also used to extend the Scheme language, such as in"
+ "WITH-POPUP-WINDOW, which defines a Common-Lisp-like form that"
+ "uses keywords as part of its syntax.")
+ ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ "Scheme Techniques")
+ ()
+ ("/Continuations \\are used to implement exit and recovery points."
+ "A named LET implements /looping \\in the local function CONTINUE."
+ "/Window manipulations \\are demonstrated in many different places."
+ "For example, ALERT pops up a small error message window, the BUSY-WINDOW"
+ "is borderless, and TABLE-OF-CONTENTS and INDEX popup windows"
+ "take over the entire screen."
+ "FRAME-ITEM-PARSER shows how an /interpreter for a new language \\is"
+ "build on top of Scheme through the use of EVAL."
+ "Finally, with /lexical scoping \\the PRINT routine"
+ "is redefined without affecting the system's PRINT routine."))
+ ()
+ ("A couple of tricks specific to PC Scheme are also demonstrated."
+ "One is the creation of a /new toplevel."
+ "\\The other is temporarily /redefining a frame's PCS*MACRO property \\so"
+ "that a frame recompiled from Edwin can be redisplayed by the"
+ "Tutorial Engine without requiring the recompilation of the entire"
+ "tutorial text, which takes considerably longer."
+ "Both of these occur inside EDIT."))
+ ()
+ ("This concludes our discussion of the Tutorial Engine."
+ "The conceptual model that it implements of tutorial interaction is simple"
+ "and can no doubt be expanded in many ways;"
+ "maybe you will do so. At the least, you should find this complete example"
+ "helpful in organizing your own Scheme programming.")
+ (:data "Happy Scheming!!" :pp-data)
+ ()
+ ()
+ "Conclusion")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/tutoreng.s b/sources/tutoreng.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6127417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/tutoreng.s
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+;;; =============================================
+;;; The Tutorial Engine
+;;; Bob Beal
+;;; Copyright 1986,1987 (c) Texas Instruments
+;;; =============================================
+;;; Auxiliary macros =========================
+;; these might be useful anywhere
+;; form: (push value var)
+;; push "value" onto list stored at "var"
+;; not a generalized-variable push
+(macro push
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((value (cadr e))
+ (var (caddr e)))
+ `(set! ,var (cons ,value ,var)))))
+;; form: (in-bounds? low value high)
+;; tests "low" <= "value" < "high"
+(macro in-bounds?
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((lo (cadr e))
+ (x (caddr e))
+ (hi (cadddr e)))
+ `(and (<=? ,lo ,x) ( ,x ,hi)))))
+;;; data structure definitions =========================
+(define-structure tutorial
+ (name "")
+ (writeln-extensions do-nothing)
+ (frame-list nil)
+ (visited-list nil)
+ (frame-number nil)
+ (name-list nil)
+ (tc nil)
+ (index nil)
+ )
+; arg is a "frame"
+(macro frame-name (lambda (e) `(list-ref ,(cadr e) 1)))
+(macro frame-lines-before (lambda (e) `(list-ref ,(cadr e) 2)))
+(macro frame-item (lambda (e) `(list-ref ,(cadr e) 3)))
+(macro frame-lines-after (lambda (e) `(list-ref ,(cadr e) 4)))
+(macro frame-dependencies (lambda (e) `(list-ref ,(cadr e) 5)))
+(macro frame-tc-entry (lambda (e) `(list-ref ,(cadr e) 6)))
+(macro frame-index-entry (lambda (e) `(list-ref ,(cadr e) 7)))
+(macro frame? (lambda (e) `(eq? (car ,(cadr e)) 'frame)))
+; A data-driven SET! would be preferable to the following.
+(macro set-frame-name! (lambda (e) `(set-car! (cdr ,(cadr e)) ,(caddr e))))
+;;; Shorthand expressions for common idioms =========================
+;; for arbitrary frames -------------------------
+;; form: (nth-frame number)
+(macro nth-frame
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((n (cadr e)))
+ `(vector-ref (tutorial-frame-list *tutorial*) ,n))))
+;; form: (frame-visited? frame)
+(macro frame-visited?
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((e (cadr e)))
+ `(vector-ref (tutorial-visited-list *tutorial*)
+ (frame->number ,e)))))
+;; form: (set-frame-visited! frame true-or-false)
+(macro set-frame-visited!
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((e (cadr e)) (value (caddr e)))
+ `(vector-set! (tutorial-visited-list *tutorial*)
+ (frame->number ,e)
+ ,value))))
+;; form: (frame->number frame)
+;; given a frame, return its number
+(macro frame->number
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((e (cadr e)))
+ `(cdr (assq (frame-name ,e) (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*))))))
+;; form: (name->frame name)
+;; given a frame name, return its frame
+(macro name->frame
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((name (cadr e)))
+ `(nth-frame (cdr (assq ,name (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*)))))))
+;; for the executing tutorial -------------------------
+;; form: (unstarted-tutorial?)
+;; has this tutorial been run since loading?
+(macro unstarted-tutorial?
+ (lambda (e)
+ '(not (vector? (tutorial-frame-list *tutorial*)))))
+;; form: (tutorial-length)
+;; returns the number of frames in the tutorial
+(macro tutorial-length
+ (lambda (e)
+ '(vector-length (tutorial-frame-list *tutorial*))))
+;; form: (frame-list)
+;; returns the tutorial's frame-list
+(macro frame-list
+ (lambda (e)
+ '(tutorial-frame-list *tutorial*)))
+;; form: (frame-number)
+;; returns the frame-number of the current frame
+(macro frame-number
+ (lambda (e)
+ '(tutorial-frame-number *tutorial*)))
+;; form: (current-frame)
+;; returns the current frame
+(macro current-frame
+ (lambda (e)
+ '(vector-ref (tutorial-frame-list *tutorial*)
+ (tutorial-frame-number *tutorial*))))
+;; form: (demo-writeln-extensions)
+;; returns the function that handles text in a text zone
+(macro demo-writeln-extensions
+ (lambda (e)
+ `(tutorial-writeln-extensions *tutorial*)))
+;; this macro defines one "frame" -------------------------
+(macro frame
+ (lambda (e)
+ `(push ',e (tutorial-frame-list *tutorial*))))
+(macro frame-during-edit
+ (lambda (e)
+ `(set! *frame* ',e)))
+;; for popup windows (menus, help screens) -------------------------
+;; form: (with-popup-window dummy-window-var
+;; TITLE string
+;; TEXT-ATTRIBUTES attributes
+;; BORDER-ATTRIBUTES attributes
+;; POSITION (row . column)
+;; SIZE (rows . columns)
+;; &BODY &body)
+;; The keywords aren't evaluated but the associated values are.
+(macro with-popup-window
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((w (cadr e))
+ (title (cadr (memq 'title e)))
+ (text-attributes (cadr (memq 'text-attributes e)))
+ (border-attributes (cadr (memq 'border-attributes e)))
+ (position (cadr (memq 'position e)))
+ (size (cadr (memq 'size e)))
+ (body (cdr (memq '&body e))))
+ `(let ((,w (make-window ,title #!true)))
+ ,(when text-attributes
+ `(window-set-attribute! ,w 'text-attributes ,text-attributes))
+ ,(when border-attributes
+ `(window-set-attribute! ,w 'border-attributes ,border-attributes))
+ ,(when position
+ `(window-set-position! ,w (car ,position) (cdr ,position)))
+ ,(when size
+ `(window-set-size! ,w (car ,size) (cdr ,size)))
+ (window-popup ,w)
+ (begin0
+ (begin ,@body)
+ (window-popup-delete ,w))))))
+;; other -------------------------
+;; form: (center-at msg)
+;; returns the column at which cursor must be positioned to
+;; center msg on console window
+(macro center-at
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((msg (cadr e)))
+ `(- 40 (floor (/ (string-length ,msg) 2))))))
+;;; Auxiliary functions =========================
+(define ATTR
+ (let ((attrs-ibm '((blink . 128) (bkg-white . 112)
+ (bkg-brown . 96) (bkg-magenta . 80) (bkg-cyan . 48)
+ (bkg-red . 64) (bkg-green . 32) (bkg-blue . 16)
+ (light-white . 15)
+ (yellow . 14) (light-magenta . 13) (light-red . 12)
+ (light-cyan . 11) (light-green . 10) (light-blue . 9)
+ (gray . 8) (white . 7) (brown . 6) (magenta . 5)
+ (red . 4) (cyan . 3) (green . 2) (blue . 1) (BLACK . 0)))
+ (attrs-ti '((ALTCHAR . 128) (BLINK . 64)
+ (UNDERLINE . 32) (REVERSE . 16) (NODSP . -8)
+ (WHITE . 7) (YELLOW . 6) (cyan . 5) (GREEN . 4)
+ (PURPLE . 3) (RED . 2) (blue . 1) (BLACK . 0)))
+ (default-attrs-ibm 15)
+ (default-attrs-ti 15)
+ (prime-ibm 0)
+ (prime-ti 8))
+ (lambda x
+ (let ((work-fn
+ (LAMBDA (attrs default acc)
+ ((NULL? X)
+ (SET! ACC default))
+ ((NUMBER? (CAR X))
+ (SET! ACC (CAR X)))
+ (else
+ (SET! ACC (+ ACC (CDR (ASSOC X ATTRS)))))) X)))
+ (and (=? pcs-machine-type 1) ;keep text enabled in TI mode
+ (=? acc prime-ti)
+ (set! acc default))
+ acc)))
+ (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1)
+ (work-fn attrs-ti default-attrs-ti prime-ti)
+ (work-fn attrs-ibm default-attrs-ibm prime-ibm))))))
+(define demo-writeln
+ (lambda (x w) ;x=string of >=1 words, w=window
+ (mapc (lambda (word)
+ (cond (((demo-writeln-extensions) word w))
+ (else (display word w))))
+ (let loop ((word-list nil) (s x))
+ (let ((n (substring-find-next-char-in-set s 0 (string-length s) " ")))
+ (cond (n (loop (cons (substring s 0 (1+ n)) word-list)
+ (substring s (1+ n) (string-length s))))
+ (else (reverse (cons (string-append s " ") word-list)))))))))
+;; a "filler" function
+(define (do-nothing . x) nil)
+;(define visited
+; (lambda ()
+; (vector->list (tutorial-visited-list *tutorial*))))
+;;; Advertised public interface =========================
+;; Global variables -------------------------
+(define *data-item*)
+(define *evaled-data-item*)
+(define *tutorial*)
+(define *auto-tutorial?* nil)
+(define *debug-tutorial* nil) ;not advertised
+(define *frame* nil) ; "
+;; Exported functions -------------------------
+(define start-tutorial)
+(define resume-tutorial)
+;;; the tutorial "engine" =========================
+ ((alert
+ (lambda (msg)
+ (with-popup-window w
+ title ""
+ size `(1 . ,(string-length msg))
+ position `(5 . ,(center-at msg))
+ border-attributes (attr 'red)
+ text-attributes (if (=? pcs-machine-type 1)
+ (attr 'red 'reverse)
+ (attr 'black 'bkg-red))
+ &body
+ (beep)
+ (display msg w)
+ (read-char))))
+ (banner
+ (lambda ()
+ (window-clear 'console)
+ (with-popup-window w
+ title ""
+ size '(22 . 78)
+ position '(1 . 1)
+ &body
+ (let ((clear-msg "Press any key to continue.")
+ (banner
+ `("Texas Instruments"
+ "proudly presents:"
+ ""
+ "A PC Scheme Tutorial"
+ "on"
+ ,@(cond ((string? (tutorial-name *tutorial*))
+ (list (tutorial-name *tutorial*)))
+ ((pair? (tutorial-name *tutorial*))
+ (tutorial-name *tutorial*))
+ (else
+ (list "The Reliance of Programming on Thaumaturgy"))))))
+ (window-set-cursor! w 3 1)
+ (for-each (lambda (s)
+ (window-set-cursor!
+ w
+ (car (window-get-cursor w))
+ (center-at s))
+ (print s w)
+ (newline w))
+ banner)
+ (window-set-cursor!
+ w
+ 21
+ (center-at clear-msg))
+ (display clear-msg w)
+ (tutorial-read-char)))))
+ (beep
+ (lambda ()
+ (display (integer->char 7))))
+ (busy-window
+ (let ((w (make-window nil nil)))
+ (window-set-size! w 1 20)
+ (window-set-attribute! w 'text-attributes (attr 'green 'blink))
+ w))
+ (calc-zone
+ (lambda (e)
+ (window-set-attribute! 'console 'text-attributes (attr 'green))
+ (clear-rest-of-visited-list (frame->number e)) ;force reanalysis of environment
+ (execute-frame-item e #!true eval?)
+ (fresh-line)
+ (newline)))
+ (clear-rest-of-visited-list
+ (lambda (n)
+ (cond ((>=? n (tutorial-length)))
+ (else
+ (vector-set! (tutorial-visited-list *tutorial*) n #!false)
+ (clear-rest-of-visited-list (1+ n))))))
+ (clear-visited-list
+ (lambda ()
+ (vector-fill! (tutorial-visited-list *tutorial*) nil)))
+ (collect-index
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! (tutorial-index *tutorial*)
+ (sort!
+ (let loop ((n 0) (acc nil))
+ (cond ((>=? n (tutorial-length)) acc)
+ (else
+ (for-each (lambda (string)
+ (let ((index-item (assoc string acc)))
+ (cond (index-item
+ (append! index-item (list n)))
+ (else
+ (push (list string n) acc)))))
+ (frame-index-entry (nth-frame n)))
+ (loop (1+ n) acc))))
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (string-ci (car x) (car y)))))))
+ (collect-names
+ (lambda ()
+ (let loop ((n 0) (acc nil))
+ (cond ((>=? n (tutorial-length))
+ (set! (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*) acc))
+ ((frame-name (nth-frame n))
+ (loop (1+ n) (cons (cons (frame-name (nth-frame n))
+ n)
+ acc)))
+ (else ;give it a name and try again
+ (set-frame-name! (nth-frame n) (gensym))
+ (loop n acc))))))
+ (collect-tc
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! (tutorial-tc *tutorial*)
+ (sort!
+ (let loop ((n 0) (acc nil))
+ (cond ((>=? n (tutorial-length))
+ acc)
+ ((frame-tc-entry (nth-frame n))
+ (loop (1+ n)
+ (cons (list n (frame-tc-entry (nth-frame n))) acc)))
+ (else
+ (loop (1+ n) acc))))))
+ (when (>=? (length (tutorial-tc *tutorial*)) 21)
+ (error "Only 20 entries are allowed in the tutorial table of contents."))))
+ (continue
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((bad-key-msg "Invalid key pressed. \"?\" provides help."))
+ (fresh-line)
+ (display (integer->char 2))
+ (let again ((ch (tutorial-read-char)))
+ (case ch
+ (#\? (again (help)))
+ (#\backspace nil)
+ ((#\e #\E) (again (if *debug-tutorial*
+ (edit)
+ (alert bad-key-msg))))
+ ((#\i #\I) (index))
+ ((#\p #\P) (again (previous-frame)))
+ ((#\q #\Q) (quit))
+ ((#\return #\space #\n #\N) (again (next-frame)))
+ ((#\t #\T) (table-of-contents))
+; (nil nil) ;this doesn't work for some reason
+ (#!true nil) ;so use this instead
+ (else (again (alert bad-key-msg))))))))
+ (display-title-window
+ (let ((blanks (make-string 15 #\space)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (window-clear title-window)
+ (display blanks title-window)
+ (print (frame-number) title-window)
+ (print blanks title-window)
+ (when (frame-tc-entry (current-frame))
+ (demo-writeln (frame-tc-entry (current-frame)) title-window)
+ (fresh-line title-window)
+ (newline title-window)))))
+ (do-tutorial
+ (named-lambda (loop)
+ (frame-1 (current-frame))
+ (loop)))
+ (edit
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((prev-defn (getprop 'frame 'pcs*macro)))
+ (putprop 'frame (getprop 'frame-during-edit 'pcs*macro) 'pcs*macro)
+ (begin0
+ (with-popup-window
+ w
+ title "Edit menu"
+ size '(12 . 34)
+ position '(3 . 45)
+ &body
+ (print (assq (frame-name (current-frame)) (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*)) w)
+ (print (string-append "Frame evaluation is: " (if eval? "ON" "OFF")) w)
+ (print "" w)
+ (print "E - call Edwin" w)
+ (print "R - replace" w)
+ (print "T - new toplevel" w)
+ (print "V - toggle frame evaluation" w)
+ (print "and all standard keys" w)
+ (print "" w)
+ (let again ((ch (read-char)))
+ (case ch
+ ((#\e #\E)
+ (edwin)
+ (again (read-char)))
+ ((#\r #\R)
+ (cond ((frame? *frame*)
+ (set-frame-name! *frame* (frame-name (current-frame)))
+ (set! (current-frame) *frame*)
+ #!true)
+ (else
+ (alert "Frame has bad format. Replace not done."))))
+ ((#\t #\T) ;will this work? YES!!
+ (beep)
+ (print "((fluid q)) quits new toplevel" w)
+ (let ((prev-history (getprop '%pcs-stl-history %pcs-stl-history)))
+ (call/cc
+ (lambda (k)
+ (fluid-let ((scheme-top-level nil)
+ (q (lambda () (k 'end-top-level))))
+; (set! pcs-gc-reset "((fluid q)) quits new toplevel")
+ (reset-scheme-top-level)
+ (reset))))
+ (set! pcs-gc-reset nil)
+ (putprop '%pcs-stl-history prev-history %pcs-stl-history)
+ #!true))
+ ((#\v #\V)
+ (set! eval? (not eval?))
+ #\E) ;force redisplay of edit menu
+ (else ch))))
+ (putprop 'frame prev-defn 'pcs*macro)))))
+ (end-frame
+ '(frame
+ ()
+ ("You have reached the end of the tutorial."
+ "Please press \"Q\" to exit.")))
+ (eval? #!true) ;var used in edit mode
+ (execute-frame-item
+ (lambda (e print? eval?)
+ (cond ((eq? (frame-visited? e) #!true))
+ ((null? (frame-dependencies e))
+ (frame-item-parser (frame-item e) print? eval?)
+ (set-frame-visited! e #!true))
+ (else
+ (when print?
+ (window-set-position! busy-window
+ (car (window-get-cursor 'console))
+ 0)
+ (window-popup busy-window) ;popdown when output occurs
+ (display "Evaluating..." busy-window))
+ (for-each (lambda (e)
+ (set! e (name->frame e))
+ (execute-frame-item e #!false eval?))
+ (frame-dependencies e))
+; (when print?
+; (window-popup-delete busy-window))
+ (frame-item-parser (frame-item e) print? eval?)
+ (set-frame-visited! e #!true)))))
+ (frame-1
+ (lambda (e)
+ (window-clear 'console)
+ (display-title-window)
+ (when (frame-lines-before e) (text-zone (frame-lines-before e)))
+ (when (frame-item e) (calc-zone e))
+ (when (frame-lines-after e) (text-zone (frame-lines-after e)))
+ (continue)))
+ (frame-item-parser
+ (lambda (cmds print? eval?)
+ (let loop ((cmds cmds))
+ (cond ((null? cmds))
+ (else
+ (case (car cmds)
+ (:data (set! *data-item* (cadr cmds))
+ (set! cmds (cdr cmds)))
+; (:read (set! *data-item* (read data-port)))
+ (:data-eval
+ (when eval? (set! *evaled-data-item* (eval *data-item*))))
+ (:eval
+ (when eval? (eval (cadr cmds)))
+ (set! cmds (cdr cmds)))
+; (:skip (read data-port))
+ ((:pp-data :pp-evaled-data :yields :fresh-line :output)
+ (when print?
+ (window-popup-delete busy-window) ;popdown busy msg
+ (case (car cmds)
+ (:output (when eval? (eval (cadr cmds)))
+ (set! cmds (cdr cmds)))
+ (:pp-data (pp *data-item*))
+ (:pp-evaled-data (pp *evaled-data-item*))
+ (:yields (display " ---> "))
+ (:fresh-line (fresh-line)))))
+ (else nil))
+ (loop (cdr cmds)))))))
+ (help
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-popup-window w
+ title "Help menu"
+ size '(12 . 34)
+ position '(3 . 45)
+ &body
+ (print "? - This menu" w)
+ (print "BACKSPACE - refresh screen" w)
+ (when *debug-tutorial*
+ (print "E - edit tutorial" w))
+ (print "I - index" w)
+ (print "N, RETURN, SPACE - next frame" w)
+ (print "P - previous frame" w)
+ (print "T - table of contents" w)
+ (print "Q - quit tutorial" w)
+ (read-char))))
+ (index
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((prompt-msg "Please type a frame number, nil, U, or D, then RETURN: "))
+ (with-popup-window
+ w
+ title "Index"
+ size '(22 . 78)
+ position '(1 . 1)
+ &body
+ (let show-one-page ((n 0))
+ (window-clear w)
+ (let vloop ((start (list-tail (tutorial-index *tutorial*) n))
+ (end (list-tail (tutorial-index *tutorial*) (+ n 20))))
+ (cond ((eq? start end))
+ (else
+ (display " " w)
+ (display (caar start) w)
+ (let hloop ((tab-to 27)
+ (frame-no-list (cdar start)))
+ (cond ((null? frame-no-list))
+ (else
+ (tab (current-column w) tab-to 4 w)
+ (display (car frame-no-list) w)
+ (display " " w)
+ (hloop (+ tab-to 4) (cdr frame-no-list)))))
+ (newline w)
+ (vloop (cdr start) end))))
+ (window-set-cursor! 'console 22 (center-at prompt-msg))
+ (display prompt-msg)
+ (let ((frame-no (read)))
+ (flush-input)
+ (cond ((and (number? frame-no)
+ (in-bounds? 0 frame-no (tutorial-length)))
+ (clear-visited-list)
+ (set! (frame-number) frame-no))
+ ((eq? frame-no 'U)
+ (show-one-page (if ( (- n 20) 0) 0 (- n 20))))
+ ((eq? frame-no 'D)
+ (show-one-page (if (>=? (+ n 20) (length (tutorial-index *tutorial*)))
+ n
+ (+ n 20))))
+ ((and *debug-tutorial*
+ (assq frame-no (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*)))
+ (clear-visited-list)
+ (set! (frame-number) (cdr (assq frame-no (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*))))))
+ #!true))))))
+ (init-tutorial
+ (lambda (tutorial resume)
+ (when (not (equal? *debug-tutorial* '(#\?))) ;make it harder to enter debug mode
+ (set! *debug-tutorial* nil))
+ (when tutorial
+ (set! *tutorial* tutorial))
+ (when (not (tutorial? *tutorial*))
+ (alert "There is no tutorial available.")
+ (quit))
+ (when (and (unstarted-tutorial?)
+ resume)
+ (alert "You cannot resume an unstarted tutorial. Use (START-TUTORIAL).")
+ (quit))
+ (when (unstarted-tutorial?)
+ (set! (frame-list)
+ (list->vector (cons start-frame
+ (reverse! (cons end-frame
+ (frame-list))))))
+ (set! (tutorial-visited-list *tutorial*)
+ (make-vector (vector-length (frame-list))))
+ (set! (frame-number) 0)
+ (set! eval? #!true)
+ (collect-names)
+ (collect-tc)
+ (collect-index))
+ (begin ;make sure entire screen gets erased
+ (window-set-position! 'console 0 0)
+ (window-set-size! 'console 24 80) ;leave status line
+ (window-set-attribute! 'console 'text-attributes (attr))
+ (window-clear 'console))
+ (when (not resume)
+ (banner)
+ (set! (frame-number) 0)
+ (clear-visited-list))
+ (call/cc
+ (lambda (k)
+ (set! quit-k (lambda ()
+ (k nil)))
+ (call/cc (lambda (k)
+ (set! *user-error-handler*
+ (lambda x (user-error-handler k)))))
+ (do-tutorial)))))
+ (next-frame
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (=? (frame-number)
+ (-1+ (tutorial-length)))
+ (if *auto-tutorial?*
+ #\q
+ (alert "You are on the last frame of the tutorial."))
+ (begin (set! (frame-number) (1+ (frame-number)))
+ #!true))))
+ (previous-frame
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (zero? (frame-number))
+ (alert "You are on the first frame of the tutorial.")
+ (begin (set! (frame-number) (-1+ (frame-number)))
+ #!true))))
+ (print
+ (lambda (x w)
+ (display x w)
+ (newline w)))
+ (quit
+ (lambda ()
+ (window-clear 'console)
+ (set! *user-error-handler* nil)
+ (quit-k)))
+ (quit-k reset) ;the quit continuation
+ ;reassigned by init-tutorial
+ (start-frame
+ '(frame
+ ()
+ ()
+ (:data "A PC Scheme Tutorial" :pp-data)
+ ("The \"?\" is the help key."
+ "It displays a menu which tells you"
+ "about other important keys which enable you"
+ "to move around in the tutorial or to leave it."
+ "\"?\" or other single-keystroke keys are available"
+ "anytime you see the \"happy-face\" character towards"
+ "the bottom of the screen."
+ "Occasionally, typed input is requested."
+ "Typed input is"
+ "usually a number, or the atom NIL, followed by"
+ "the RETURN key."
+ "If you exit the tutorial in the middle, you can"
+ "continue from where you left off"
+ "(in the same session)"
+ "by typing (RESUME-TUTORIAL)."
+ "An \"Evaluating...\" message may appear while the"
+ "tutorial establishes"
+ "the proper execution environment for the examples in that"
+ "frame.")
+ ()
+ "Directions for running the tutorial"
+ ("directions for running tutorial")))
+ (tab
+ (lambda (cur goal multiple w)
+ (cond (( cur goal)
+ (display " " w)
+ (tab (+ cur 1) goal multiple w))
+ ((=? cur goal)
+ cur)
+ (else
+ (tab cur (+ goal multiple) multiple w)))))
+ (table-of-contents
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((prompt-msg "Please type a frame number or nil then RETURN: "))
+ (with-popup-window
+ w
+ title "Table of Contents"
+ size '(22 . 78)
+ position '(1 . 1)
+ &body
+ (print " Frame# Subject" w)
+ (for-each (lambda (chapter-title)
+ (let ((n (car chapter-title))
+ (title (cadr chapter-title)))
+ (display " " w)
+ (display n w)
+ (display " " w)
+ (display title w)
+ (newline w)))
+ (tutorial-tc *tutorial*))
+ (window-set-cursor! 'console 22 (center-at prompt-msg))
+ (display prompt-msg)
+ (let ((frame-no (read)))
+ (flush-input)
+ (cond ((and (number? frame-no)
+ (in-bounds? 0 frame-no (tutorial-length)))
+ (clear-visited-list)
+ (set! (frame-number) frame-no))
+ ((and *debug-tutorial*
+ (assq frame-no (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*)))
+ (clear-visited-list)
+ (set! (frame-number) (cdr (assq frame-no (tutorial-name-list *tutorial*))))))
+ #\backspace)))))
+ (text-zone
+ (lambda (lines)
+ (window-set-attribute! 'console 'text-attributes (attr))
+ (set-line-length! 55 'console)
+ (for-each (lambda (line) (demo-writeln line 'console)) lines)
+ (set-line-length! 80 'console)
+ (fresh-line)
+ (newline)))
+ (title-window
+ (let ((w (make-window nil nil)))
+ (window-set-position! w 0 60)
+ (window-set-size! w 10 20)
+ (window-set-attribute! w 'text-attributes (attr 'cyan))
+ w))
+ (tutorial-read-char
+ (lambda ()
+ (if *auto-tutorial?* #\space (read-char))))
+ (user-error-handler
+ (lambda (k)
+ (alert "System error in this frame.")
+ (if *debug-tutorial*
+ (set! eval? #!false) ;debugging, stay on current frame
+ (next-frame)) ;else go on to next frame
+ (k nil)))
+ )
+ (set! (access frame-1 user-initial-environment) frame-1)
+ (set! start-tutorial
+ (lambda which
+ (init-tutorial (car which) nil)))
+ (set! resume-tutorial
+ (lambda which
+ (init-tutorial (car which) 'resume))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/utility.s b/sources/utility.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66ba58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/utility.s
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+; Utility procedures
+; Copyright 1987 (c) Texas Instruments
+; This file contains some general utility procedures which may be
+; useful in the development of Scheme programs.
+; FILENAME-SANS-EXTENSION - truncate any filename extension (ie ".xxx")
+; from a given filename
+; Example: (filename-sans-extension "e:\\dir\\file.ext") -> "e:\\dir\\file"
+(define filename-sans-extension
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((period (substring-find-next-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) ".")))
+ (if period
+ (substring file 0 period)
+ file))))
+; EXTENSION-SANS-FILENAME - truncate any filename prefix leaving only
+; ".xxx"
+; Example: (extension-sans-filename "e:\\dir\\file.ext") -> ".ext"
+(define extension-sans-filename
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((period (substring-find-next-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) ".")))
+ (if period
+ (substring file period (string-length file))
+ ""))))
+; DIRECTORY-SANS-FILENAME - truncate the filename, including any preceding
+; \, from a given pathname.
+; Example: (directory-sans-filename "e:\\dir\\file.ext") -> "e:\\dir"
+(define directory-sans-filename
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((slash (substring-find-previous-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) "\\")))
+ (if slash
+ (substring file 0 slash)
+ (error "Directory name missing a preceding slash." file)))))
+; FILENAME-SANS-DIRECTORY - truncate everything to the left of the last
+; \, including the \.
+; Example: (filename-sans-directory "e:\\dir\\file.ext") -> "file.ext"
+(define filename-sans-directory
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((slash (substring-find-previous-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) "\\")))
+ (if slash
+ (substring file (add1 slash) (string-length file))
+ file))))
+; DRIVE-NAME - repeatedly do directory-sans-filename until have name
+; with no \'s.
+; Example: (drive-name "e:\\dir\\file.ext") -> "e:"
+(define drive-name
+ (lambda (file)
+ (let ((slash (substring-find-previous-char-in-set
+ file 0 (string-length file) "\\")))
+ (if slash
+ (drive-name (directory-sans-filename file))
+ file))))
+; COMPILE-FASL - This utility compiles a Scheme source file to a fasl file.
+; Compile-fasl takes as input a source filename, and optional
+; object and fasl filenames. If the object and/or fasl filenames
+; are not specified, they will be created with .so and .fsl
+; extensions respectively.
+; Note the use of engines to display a period, "." , during compilation.
+; Example: (compile-fasl "file.s") ;generates file.so and file.fsl
+(define compile-fasl
+ (lambda (src . x)
+ (let ((src-nx (filename-sans-extension src)))
+ (let ((obj (if (car x) (car x) (string-append src-nx ".so")))
+ (fasl (if (cadr x) (cadr x) (string-append src-nx ".fsl"))) )
+ (let loop ((engine (make-engine
+ (lambda ()
+ (engine-return (compile-file src obj))))))
+ (engine 150
+ (lambda x nil)
+ (lambda (new-engine)
+ (display ".")
+ (loop new-engine))))
+ (dos-call (string-append pcs-sysdir "\\make_fsl.exe")
+ (string-append obj " " fasl)
+ 4095
+ 1)))))
+; COMPILE-ONLY - Compiles a given file without executing (unless form is a
+; macro, alias, syntax, or define-integrable) the result.
+; Compiles a given file without executing (unless form is a macro, alias,
+; syntax, or define-integrable) the result. Also report compilation info.
+; Example: (compile-only "file.s" "file.so") ;generates file.so
+(define compile-only
+ (lambda (filename1 filename2)
+ (if (or (not (string? filename1))
+ (not (string? filename2))
+ (equal? filename1 filename2))
+ (error "COMPILE-ONLY arguments must be distinct file names"
+ filename1
+ filename2)
+ ;else
+ (letrec
+ ((i-port (open-input-file filename1))
+ (o-port (open-output-file filename2))
+ (loop
+ (lambda (form)
+ (if (eof-object? form)
+ (begin (close-input-port i-port)
+ (close-output-port o-port)
+ 'ok)
+ (begin (compile-to-file form)
+ (set! form '()) ; for GC
+ (loop (read i-port))))))
+ (compile-to-file
+ (lambda (form)
+ (let ((cform (compile form)))
+ (when (and (pair? form)
+ (memq (car form)
+ (eval cform))
+ (prin1 `(%execute (quote ,cform)) o-port)
+ (newline o-port)))))
+ ; body of letrec
+ (set-line-length! 74 o-port)
+ (loop (read i-port))))))
+; PP-LOAD - Pretty prints each form of a source file to the console
+; as it loads that file.
+; Example: (pp-load "file.s")
+(define (pp-load filename)
+ (define (load-form port)
+ (let ((form (read port))
+ (result '()))
+ (if (not (eof-object? form))
+ (begin
+ (newline)
+ (newline)
+ (pp form)
+ (set! result (eval (compile form)))
+ (if (not (eq? result *the-non-printing-object*))
+ (begin (newline) (prin1 result)))
+ (load-form port)))))
+ (if (not (string? filename))
+ (error "Argument to PP-LOAD not a filename" filename)
+ ;else
+ (begin
+ (load-form (open-input-file filename))
+ (newline)
+ 'ok)))
+; TIMER - measures the execution speed of any arbitrary Scheme expression
+; The argument EXPR is the expression to be timed while ITER is
+; the number of times the expression should be invoked. TIMER also
+; takes into account the time spent in the control loop of the
+; TIMER function itself by subtracting this from the total time;
+; therefore, the value returned accurately reflects the time actually
+; spent executing the expression.
+; Example: (timer (fib 15) 10) ;report the time taken to execute
+; ;(fib 15) 10 times
+(syntax (timer expr iter)
+ (let* ((start-time (runtime))
+ (end-time (do ((counter 1 (+ counter 1)))
+ ((> counter iter) (runtime))
+ ((lambda () #F))))
+ (go (begin (gc #T) (runtime)))
+ (stop (do ((counter 1 (+ counter 1)))
+ ((> counter iter) (runtime))
+ ((lambda () expr))))
+ (overhead (- end-time start-time))
+ (net-time (- (- stop go) overhead)))
+ (/ net-time 100.0)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/exec.c b/xli/exec.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..188d27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/exec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ This program demonstrates how regular DOS executable files can be
+ run from XLI and represents an alternative to DOS-CALL. It also
+ provides an example that uses string arguments and the "swap"
+ special service call to access them.
+ User documentation is available under XLI\EXEC.DOC. EXEC.EXE is
+ already provided and can be used immediately by inserting its pathname
+ in your .XLI control file.
+ To generate EXEC.EXE yourself, do the following (substituting
+ directory names and setting the path as needed; Lattice C version 3.0
+ was used):
+ lc exec
+ masm glue_lc;
+ link \lc\s\c+exec+glue_lc,exec,,\lc\s\lc
+ When EXEC.EXE is loaded, it allocates a block of memory from DOS
+ before returning to PCS. Further external programs, and the Scheme
+ heap, are allocated with this block unavailable to them. On the
+ first (XCALL "exec" ...), the block is returned to DOS, and then
+ DOS can use it to run other programs in. In this approach, nothing
+ of Scheme needs to be saved or restored, so running another program
+ is quick. On the other hand, Scheme's heap is that much smaller,
+ meaning a smaller workspace and more garbage collections. When PCS
+ terminates, this program's termination code makes certain that the
+ block gets deallocated (in case it never got called in the first place).
+#include "dos.h"
+#define F_NEAR 0x0001
+#define F_INTEGER 0x0002
+#define F_PAD 0x0008
+#define RT_INTEGER 0
+#define CARRY_BIT 1
+typedef unsigned short WORD; /* 16-bit unsigned value */
+extern WORD _psp; /* Lattice C variables */
+extern WORD _tsize;
+extern WORD _oserr;
+/* Note xwait and xbye are the actual addresses we'll jump to when we
+ call XLI from the glue routine. C calls the glue routine at the
+ two entry points xli_wait and xli_bye. These 2 routines set
+ up the stack for calling xwait and xbye. */
+WORD xwait[2]; /* XLI entry points */
+WORD xbye[2];
+struct xli_file_struct {
+ WORD id;
+ WORD flags;
+ WORD table[2]; /* offset in 0, segment in 1 */
+ WORD parm_block[2];
+ WORD reserved[8];
+} file_block;
+struct xli_routine_struct {
+ WORD select;
+ WORD special_service;
+ WORD ss_args[8];
+ WORD reserved[8];
+ WORD return_type;
+ int return_value;
+ int dummy[3];
+ char *arg[16]; /* position 0 == filename */
+ /* positions 1..15 are for args */
+} parm_block;
+char table[] =
+/* 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 */
+ "exec//";
+void main(argc,argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ int i,flags,allocated;
+ WORD psp;
+/*WORD memsize; */
+ WORD buffer[2];
+ WORD block_ptr;
+ union REGS regs;
+ struct SREGS segregs;
+ int xli_wait();
+ void xli_bye();
+ char *getenv();
+ long atol();
+ char cmd[128];
+ char *local_argv[17]; /* use positions 1..16 */
+/* -------------------- XLI-specific initialization ----------------------- */
+ /* Note PSP@ is not necessarily directly accessible in any
+ Lattice C memory model. */
+ psp = *(&_psp+1); /* get seg addr of PSP */
+ /* init file block */
+ file_block.id = 0x4252;
+ file_block.flags = F_NEAR+F_INTEGER;
+ file_block.table[0] = (WORD) table;
+ file_block.parm_block[0] = (WORD) &parm_block;
+ segread(&segregs);
+ file_block.table[1] = segregs.ds;
+ file_block.parm_block[1] = segregs.ds;
+ /* determine link address */
+ buffer[0] = (WORD) &file_block;
+ buffer[1] = segregs.ds;
+ /* determine size to keep */
+/*memsize = _tsize; */ /* done in glue routine for S Lattice */
+ /* establish the link addresses between C and PCS */
+ poke((int) psp, 0x5c, (char *) buffer, 4); /* poke file block@ into PSP */
+ peek((int) psp, 0x0a, (char *) xwait, 4); /* get DOS ret@ */
+ xbye[0] = xwait[0];
+ xbye[1] = xwait[1];
+ xwait[0] += 3; /* incr by 3 for normal call */
+ xbye[0] += 6; /* incr by 6 for termination */
+/* ==================== start program-specific actions ==================== */
+/* ----------------------------- initialization --------------------------- */
+ /* allocate a block of memory */
+ regs.x.ax = 0x4800; /* alloc mem */
+ { /* Set size from "XLI" env variable if available; unit size is Kb.
+ If var doesn't exist, use 64 Kb. Convert to paragraphs. */
+ char *block_reserve;
+ block_reserve = getenv("XLI");
+ regs.x.bx = (block_reserve ? atol(block_reserve) * 1024 / 16
+ : 0x1000);
+ }
+ flags = intdos(®s,®s);
+ block_ptr = (flags & CARRY_BIT) ? 0 : regs.x.ax;
+ allocated = 1;
+ /* set all args to -1; since there are a variable # of args,
+ a -1 after them delimits them */
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) parm_block.arg[i] = (char *) -1;
+/* ----------------------------- handler loop --------------------------- */
+ while (xli_wait()) {
+ if (!block_ptr) continue; /* couldn't alloc, just skip */
+ /* deallocate the block to leave a hole in which we can bid programs */
+ if (allocated) {
+ regs.x.ax = 0x4900; /* dealloc mem */
+ segregs.es = block_ptr; /* @block we previously allocated */
+ flags = intdosx(®s,®s,&segregs);
+ allocated = 0;
+ } /* end if */
+ switch (parm_block.select) {
+ int i,error;
+ case 0: /* get name of executable file */
+ parm_block.special_service = 1;
+ parm_block.ss_args[0] = 0;
+ parm_block.ss_args[1] = 128;
+ parm_block.ss_args[2] = (WORD) cmd;
+ (void) xli_wait();
+ *(cmd + parm_block.ss_args[0]) = '\0';
+ /* get arguments to executable file */
+ for (i = 1; i < 17; i++) local_argv[i] = NULL;
+ for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) {
+ if ((int) parm_block.arg[i] == -1) break;
+ local_argv[i] = cmd + parm_block.ss_args[0] + 1;
+ parm_block.special_service = 1;
+ parm_block.ss_args[0] = i;
+ parm_block.ss_args[1] = cmd + 128 - local_argv[i];
+ parm_block.ss_args[2] = (WORD) local_argv[i];
+ (void) xli_wait();
+ *(local_argv[i] + parm_block.ss_args[0]) = '\0';
+ }
+ /* exec the file and return the termination code */
+ /* or -1 if the file doesn't exist */
+ error = forkvp(cmd,local_argv);
+ parm_block.return_value = (error == -1 ? -1 : wait());
+ break;
+ default: ;
+ } /* end switch */
+ parm_block.return_type = RT_INTEGER;
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) parm_block.arg[i] = (char *) -1;
+ } /* end while */
+/* ----------------------------- termination --------------------------- */
+ /* in case this program was never called, the block we reserved */
+ /* is still allocated, so deallocate it */
+ if (allocated) {
+ regs.x.ax = 0x4900; /* dealloc mem */
+ segregs.es = block_ptr; /* @block we previously allocated */
+ flags = intdosx(®s,®s,&segregs);
+ allocated = 0;
+ } /* end if */
+ xli_bye();
+} /* end main */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/exec.doc b/xli/exec.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6586cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/exec.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+"exec" runs an application program from PC Scheme.
+Format: (XCALL "exec" )
+Parameter: is a string containing the name of an executable
+ file; the file extension need not be supplied. The path
+ will be searched if the program does not reside in the
+ current directory.
+ is a string containing all the arguments to
+ .
+Explanation: "exec" runs an executable file from PC Scheme.
+ "exec" operates similarly to DOS-CALL, but when used
+ in the proper circumstances it can be much faster.
+ The following three expressions, the first using "exec",
+ the second using DOS-CALL, and the third as you
+ would type it from DOS, have equivalent effect:
+ (XCALL "exec" "prog" "arg1 arg2")
+ (DOS-CALL "prog.exe" "arg1 arg2")
+ prog arg1 arg2
+ By default "exec" allocates a 64K memory
+ block in which to run programs. The space allocated
+ can be changed through the DOS environment variable
+ "XLI"; its value is the number of kilobytes to reserve.
+ This must be done before entering PC Scheme. For
+ example, to reserve 32K, you would type in this
+ expression to DOS before invoking PC Scheme:
+ set XLI = 32
+ The space reserved by "exec" is unavailable for Scheme's
+ heap, thereby diminishing the "usual" heap size.
+ The return value from "exec" is the exit code
+ provided by the called program if it successfully
+ executed or -1 if the program could not be found
+ anywhere in the path.
+ "exec" is superior to DOS-CALL when you need quick
+ access to programs and you can give up heap space to do
+ so. "exec" also provides for path searching and returning
+ a program's exit code. DOS-CALL is preferable in those
+ cases where larger programs are run or you need maximal
+ heap space, and these considerations outweigh the loss
+ of speed that comes from having to move Scheme out of the
+ way to make room for the program.
+ (XCALL "exec" "edlin" "\\autoexec.bat")
+ ;edit the file \autoexec.bat with DOS EDLIN editor;
+ ;remember the double backslash inside Scheme strings
+ (XCALL "exec" "chkdsk")
+ ;runs the DOS CHKDSK program
+ (XCALL "exec" "command" "/c dir *.s")
+ ;this shows how to execute DOS intrinsic commands
+ ;such as the DOS directory command--this lists
+ ;all Scheme source files in the current directory;
+ ;control returns immediately to PC Scheme
+ (XCALL "exec" "command")
+ ;starts a secondary DOS command processor;
+ ;use DOS EXIT command to return to PC Scheme
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/exec.exe b/xli/exec.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44729af
Binary files /dev/null and b/xli/exec.exe differ
diff --git a/xli/glue_lc.asm b/xli/glue_lc.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa522e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/glue_lc.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ page 84,120
+dgroup group data
+pgroup group prog
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+data ends
+prog segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume cs:pgroup,ds:dgroup
+ extrn _psp:word,_tsize:word
+ extrn xwait:dword,xbye:dword
+ public xli_wait,xli_bye
+xli_wait proc near
+ push _psp+2
+ push _tsize
+ call dword ptr [xwait]
+ pop ax
+ pop ax
+ ret
+xli_wait endp
+xli_bye proc near
+ call dword ptr [xbye]
+xli_bye endp
+prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/glue_llc.asm b/xli/glue_llc.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2223de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/glue_llc.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ page 84,120
+dgroup group data
+pgroup group _prog
+data segment word public 'DATA'
+ extrn _psp:dword,_tsize:dword
+ extrn xwait:dword,xbye:dword
+data ends
+_prog segment byte public '_PROG'
+ assume cs:pgroup,ds:dgroup
+ public xli_wait,xli_bye
+xli_wait proc far
+ push word ptr _psp+2
+ push word ptr _tsize
+ call dword ptr [xwait]
+ pop ax
+ pop ax
+ ret
+xli_wait endp
+xli_bye proc far
+ call dword ptr [xbye]
+xli_bye endp
+_prog ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/glue_ms.asm b/xli/glue_ms.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59026a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/glue_ms.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ page 84,120
+dgroup group _DATA
+pgroup group _TEXT
+_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
+_DATA ends
+ extrn __psp:word,_tsize:word
+ extrn _xwait:dword,_xbye:dword
+_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+ assume cs:pgroup,ds:dgroup
+ public _xli_wait,_xli_bye
+_xli_wait proc near
+ push __psp
+ push _tsize
+ call dword ptr [_xwait]
+ pop ax
+ pop ax
+ ret
+_xli_wait endp
+_xli_bye proc near
+ call dword ptr [_xbye]
+_xli_bye endp
+_TEXT ends
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/pmath.s b/xli/pmath.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a9ea03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/pmath.s
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pmath.s
+; ;
+; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
+; Copyright 1987 (c) Texas Instruments ;
+; All Rights Reserved ;
+; ;
+; Extended Arithmetic Routines using XLI/Lattice C 8087/80287 NDP support ;
+; ;
+; Bob Beal ;
+; ;
+(define exact? (lambda (n) #f))
+(define inexact? (lambda (n) #t))
+ (define acos)
+ (define asin)
+ (define atan)
+ (define cos)
+ (define exp)
+ (define expt)
+ (define log)
+ (define sin)
+ (define sqrt)
+ (define tan)
+ (define pi)
+ )
+ (
+; ( *pi* 3.141592653589793) ; pi
+; ( *pi/2* (/ *pi* 2)) ; pi/2
+; ( *2pi* (+ *pi* *pi*)) ; 2pi
+ ( *e* 2.718281828459045) ; e
+ (%bad-argument
+ (lambda (name arg)
+ (%error-invalid-operand name arg)))
+ (power-loop
+ (lambda (x n a) ; A is initially 1, N is non-negative
+ (if (zero? n)
+ a
+ (power-loop (* x x)
+ (quotient n 2)
+ (if (odd? n) (* a x) a)))))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (set! sqrt
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x)) (negative? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'sqrt x)
+ (let ((x (float x)))
+ (if (zero? x)
+ x
+ (xcall "sqrt" (float x)))))))
+ (set! sin
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'sin x)
+ (xcall "sin" (float x)))))
+ (set! cos
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'cos x)
+ (xcall "cos" (float x)))))
+ (set! tan
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'tan x)
+ (xcall "tan" (float x)))))
+ (set! atan
+ (lambda (x . z)
+ (cond ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'atan x))
+ ((null? z)
+ (xcall "atan" (float x)))
+ ((not (number? (car z)))
+ (%bad-argument 'atan z))
+ (else
+ (xcall "atan2" (float x) (float (car z)))))))
+ (set! acos
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x))
+ (>? (abs x) 1.0))
+ (%bad-argument 'ACOS x)
+ (xcall "acos" (float x)))))
+ (set! pi (acos -1)) ;it'd be easier to set pi to a constant but make_fsl
+ ;is not quite up to 8087 long-real precision on
+ ;literal constants (e.g. (tan (/ pi 4)) is +/- 2
+ ;in the last digit via make_fsl, but +/- 0 if typed
+ ;in at toplevel or computed as here)
+ (set! asin
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (or (not (number? x))
+ (>? (abs x) 1.0))
+ (%bad-argument 'ASIN x)
+ (xcall "asin" (float x)))))
+ (set! log
+ (lambda (x . base)
+ (cond ((or (not (number? x)) (<= x 0))
+ (%bad-argument 'log x))
+ ((null? base)
+ (xcall "ln" (float x)))
+ ((eq? (car base) 10) ;the eq? is deliberate
+ (xcall "log10" (float x)))
+ ((= (car base) 1.0)
+ (error "Divide by zero" 'log x (car base)))
+ (else
+ (let ((non-e-base (car base)))
+ (if (or (not (number? non-e-base))
+ (not (positive? non-e-base)))
+ (%bad-argument 'log non-e-base)
+ (xcall "log" (float x) (float non-e-base))))))))
+ (set! exp
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXP x))
+ ((zero? x) 1.0)
+ ((negative? x) (/ (xcall "exp" (- (float x)))))
+ ((integer? x) (power-loop *e* x 1))
+ (else
+ (xcall "exp" (float x))))))
+ (set! expt
+ (lambda (a x)
+ (cond ((not (number? a))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT a))
+ ((not (number? x))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT x))
+ ((and (zero? a) (zero? x) (not (integer? x)))
+ (%bad-argument 'EXPT x))
+ ((zero? x) (if (integer? a) 1 1.0))
+ ((negative? x) (/ (xcall "expt" (float a) (- (float x)))))
+ ((integer? x) (power-loop a x 1))
+ (else
+ (xcall "expt" (float a) (float x))))))
+ ))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/read.me b/xli/read.me
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef401d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/read.me
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+READ.ME file for XLI examples
+----- Introduction
+The XLI directory contains source code examples of XLI interfaces
+implemented in the following languages:
+ Lattice C, version 3.0
+ Microsoft C, version 4.0
+ Turbo Pascal, version 3.0
+ Turbo C, version 1.0
+ Microsoft Macro Assembler, version 4.0
+Instructions for building each executable file are contained in the source
+file. The TRIG_xx files build functional duplicates of NEWTRIG.EXE, the
+file that implements the transcendental functions in PC Scheme 3.0. If
+you have the Lattice C compiler, the instructions given will build the
+exact duplicate of NEWTRIG.EXE.
+Two other files, EXEC.C and SOUND.ASM, are XLI programs, distinct from
+the above, that you may find useful in their own right. Corresponding
+.EXE's are provided so you can use them immediately just by inserting
+their pathnames in your .XLI control file.
+----- Description of files in XLI directory
+READ.ME this file
+TRIG_LC.C Lattice C source (small model)
+GLUE_LC.ASM asm routine to link with above; implements far calls to XLI
+ for small model program
+TRIG_LC.XLI XLI control file for above
+TRIG_MS.C Microsoft C source (small model)
+GLUE_MS.ASM asm routine to link with above; implements far calls to XLI
+ for small model program
+TRIG_MS.XLI XLI control file for above
+TRIG_TP.PAS Turbo Pascal source
+ Note: Due to floating point representation differences
+ between Turbo Pascal and PC Scheme, this file implements
+ simple add, subtract, and multiply of integers, so the
+ "trig" designation is a misnomer.
+TRIG_TP.XLI XLI control file for above
+TRIG_TC.PAS Turbo C source (small model)
+TRIG_TC.XLI XLI control file for above
+PMATH.S Scheme source file that interfaces with NEWTRIG.EXE.
+ Since XLI routine names inside XCALL's are independent
+ of the names of the underlying functions that implement
+ them, this one file should work with any of the executable
+ files generated from the different sources (except Turbo
+ Pascal, which implements a different set of examples).
+SOUND.ASM Microsoft Macro Assembler source for
+ generating sounds on the PC
+SOUND.DOC user documentation for SOUND.ASM
+SOUND.EXE executable version of SOUND.ASM
+EXEC.C Lattice C source (small model) for running executable
+ programs via XLI rather than DOS-CALL
+EXEC.DOC user documentation for EXEC.C
+EXEC.EXE executable version of EXEC.C
+----- Debugging XLI external routines - I
+During the first stages of developing an XLI interface there may be
+problems with connecting the external program to PC Scheme (PCS).
+This is awkward to debug because XLI bids an external program as a
+child task, and the child is not yet in memory where a machine
+breakpoint can be installed. The following may help to localize
+where such problems lie.
+First enter PC Scheme normally, specifying a non-existant .XLI file
+to prevent the non-functioning interface from loading. Then enter
+(%XLI-DEBUG 0) and remember the number that is returned. This will
+become the offset value we will use below. Exit PCS and reenter
+ R
+DEBUG's R command dumps the processor registers. Note the value of
+the ES register and add 10 (hex) to it; we will use this as a segment
+value. Now if you disassemble PC Scheme with the U command at the
+segment:offset, you will see a series of JMP instructions. The first
+one represents the completion of bidding the child and is for use
+only by XLI. The second and third JMP instructions are the "wait"
+and "bye" entry points into XLI for your program.
+Now you can put a breakpoint at the "wait" JMP, then proceed. If
+this address is never reached, it says that your program is not
+jumping to XLI at the correct spot, and not much else can be done
+from the Scheme side to help you. However, if you print the value of
+the DOS termination address in your initialization code, it should
+match the segment:address that we derived above for the U command.
+This provides a useful check that you are indeed peeking into the PSP
+at the proper place. Remember that this address is not itself used,
+but offsets 3 and 6 from it, to connect with the "wait" and "bye" JMP
+Once you can jump to the "wait" address, you can do other consistency
+checks. Dumping the stack at SS:SP, the top two words (4 bytes) are
+the far return address to your program. If you disassemble the
+instructions around this location, you should see the 2 pushes, the
+far call, and the 2 pops required to pass information to XLI. The
+next word down on the stack is the program's length as calculated by
+your program. Oftentimes this may be the hardest quantity to
+determine; you should find the examples included on the PC Scheme
+diskettes very helpful here, as the different languages listed each
+have different ways of determining this value. The next word down on
+the stack is the address of your PSP. At location PSP+5C (hex)
+should be the file block far pointer. That location, in turn, starts
+with the characters "RB" followed by the flags field and the lookup
+table and parameter block pointers. At this early stage the
+parameter block will probably contain garbage, but the lookup table
+should be reasonable, and don't forget the double slashes at its end.
+The code executed up to the point of jumping to the "wait" entry
+point will be the same for every XLI interface you write (except
+maybe for the file block flags). This makes it straightforward to
+use an existing interface as a template for the next one and feel
+certain that establishing the connection with XLI will go smoothly.
+Once you are past the initial call to "wait" and you have verified
+the above points, you can be certain that XLI has the proper
+information for talking with your program. Then you can move on to
+getting the individual XCALL's working. Some hints on this are given
+in the next section.
+----- Debugging XLI external routines - II
+To debug XCALL's, you can do the following:
+ G
+This takes you into PC Scheme. To test an XCALL, do (%XLI-DEBUG arg)
+where arg=0 says turn off debug, and arg=1 says turn on debug. Then
+do your XCALL. You'll enter the debugger positioned at an INT 3
+instruction. (If you just get the Scheme prompt, you forgot to run
+PC Scheme under DEBUG.) DEBUG won't let you proceed through this
+instruction correctly (P won't move and T steps into DEBUG itself),
+but note the IP register. Increment it by 1 to get past the INT 3.
+Then step past the RETF. Immediately after the RETF, you are back in
+your own code. Segment and base registers are correct, but remember
+XCALL doesn't preserve AX through DI registers. The stack should
+contain your program length (on top) and PSP segment address. From
+your PSP you should be able to find all your other data structures
+and verify their contents.
+Don't use DEBUG's Q command to stop PCS and return to DOS. This
+aborts PCS and prevents XLI from clearing the external routines from
+memory, which reduces the amount of usable memory considerably.
+Return instead to Scheme and use (EXIT).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xli/sound.asm b/xli/sound.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53bd3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/sound.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ name sound
+ title PC Scheme XLI interface to sound
+ page 84,120
+ comment ~
+ This program provides access to the PC's sound-generating devices.
+ It demonstrates an XLI interface written in assembly language.
+ User documentation is available under XLI\SOUND.DOC. SOUND.EXE is
+ already provided and can be used immediately by inserting its pathname
+ in your .XLI control file.
+ To generate SOUND.EXE yourself, do the following (substituting
+ directory names and setting the path as needed; Microsoft's
+ Macro Assembler version 4.0 was used):
+ masm sound;
+ link sound;
+ ~
+DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
+ assume DS:DATA
+datastart = $
+; Equates
+ppi_port equ 61h ;Programmable Peripheral Interface port#
+timer_port equ 42h ;timer chip port#
+ ;reset timer is port# + 1
+timer_mask equ 00000001b ;mask to extract timer bit 1=on
+spkr_mask equ 00000010b ;mask to extract speaker bit 1=on
+; XLI
+;;; ----- Equates -----
+; offsets into the PSP
+term_addr equ 0Ah
+fb_addr equ 5Ch
+;;; ----- Data structures -----
+; file block
+file_block label word
+ dw 4252h
+ dw 0011b ;flags = 0,0,16-bit,near
+ dw offset lookup_table, seg lookup_table
+ dw offset parm_block, seg parm_block
+ dw 8 dup (0) ;reserved
+; parameter block
+parm_block label word
+ dw 0 ;selector
+ dw 0 ;ssr
+ dw 8 dup (0) ;ssr args
+ dw 8 dup (0) ;reserved
+ dw 0 ;return value type
+ dw 4 dup (0) ;return value
+ ; begin arguments
+over dw ? ;overlay the 2 sound sources? (you and timer)
+ ; 0 - enable/disable sound commands
+ ; 1 - timer only
+ ; (processor-speed independent)
+ ; 2 - manual control only
+ ; (processor-speed dependent)
+ ; 3 - overlay manual control with timer
+ ; (processor-speed dependent)
+ ; 4 - speaker off
+freq dw ? ;timer chip set to this frequency
+dura dw ? ;duration
+pitch dw ? ;pitch (silent section)
+pitch2 dw ? ;pitch (voiced section)
+; lookup table
+lookup_table label word
+ db 'sound//'
+; other needed values
+psp dw ? ;PSP segment address
+psize dw ? ;size of program in paragraphs
+xwait dw 2 dup (?) ;XLI wait address
+xbye dw 2 dup (?) ;XLI bye address
+; Local data
+;;; ----- Constants -----
+clock dd 1193180 ;main clock frequency (Hz)
+;;; ----- Variables -----
+tmask db ? ;reflects state of timer mask
+enable dw 1 ;enabled flag; 0=no, 1=yes
+datasize = $-datastart
+DATA ends
+STACK segment word stack 'STACK'
+stackstart = $
+ dw 16 dup (?)
+stacksize = $ - stackstart
+STACK ends
+PROG segment byte public 'PROG'
+ assume CS:PROG,DS:DATA
+progstart = $
+; The XLI interface.
+main proc far ;this file's initial entry point
+; Initialization
+ mov AX,data
+ mov DS,AX
+ mov psp,ES ;save PSP@
+ mov word ptr ES:fb_addr,offset file_block ;poke file block@
+ mov word ptr ES:fb_addr+2,seg file_block ;into PSP
+ mov AX,ES:term_addr ;calc ptrs in PCS to jump to
+ add AX,3
+ mov xwait,AX
+ add AX,3
+ mov xbye,AX
+ mov AX,ES:term_addr+2
+ mov xwait+2,AX
+ mov xbye+2,AX
+ mov psize,plen ;calc program size
+; Suspend this program until an XCALL comes in, or until PCS terminates.
+hloop: push psp
+ push psize
+ call dword ptr [xwait] ;connect to PCS
+ pop ax
+ pop ax
+ cmp ax,0
+ jnz case0
+ call dword ptr [xbye] ;disconnect from PCS
+; The individual cases (just one, here).
+ cmp over,0 ;enable/disable sound?
+ jnz check ;no, jump
+ mov ax,freq ;set flag appropriately
+ mov enable,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ jmp short exit ;turn off sound before exiting
+check: cmp enable,0 ;is sound enabled?
+ jz hloop ;no, exit
+ cmp over,4 ;silence?
+ jnz s1 ;no, jump
+ mov dx,freq
+exit: in al,ppi_port ;turn off speaker bit
+ and al,not spkr_mask
+ out ppi_port,al
+ cmp dx,0 ;delay before returning?
+ jne timed ;yes, jump
+ jmp hloop ;no, return immediately to PC Scheme
+s1: cmp over,1 ;timer only?
+ jnz s2 ;no, jump
+ call init_timer
+ in al,ppi_port
+ or al,spkr_mask OR timer_mask
+ out ppi_port,al
+ cmp dura,0 ;if duration=0,
+ jz hloop ;exit without turning sound off
+timed: mov tmask,0 ;x (time filler)
+ mov bx,dura
+again1: mov cx,pitch
+ nop ;x
+ nop ;x
+ nop ;x
+here1a: loop here1a
+ nop ;x
+ nop ;x
+ nop ;x
+ or al,tmask ;x
+ mov cx,pitch2
+here1b: loop here1b
+ dec bx
+ jnz again1
+ xor dx,dx ;clear DX for exiting
+ jmp exit
+s2: cmp over,2 ;manual control only?
+ jnz s3 ;no, jump
+ mov tmask,0 ;reset timer-bit mask
+merge: mov bx,dura ;BX is duration
+ in al,ppi_port
+again2: and al,not (spkr_mask OR timer_mask) ;turn off speaker
+ out ppi_port,al
+ mov cx,pitch ;CX is first half of pitch half-cycle
+here2a: loop here2a
+ or al,spkr_mask ;turn on speaker
+ or al,tmask ;include timer bit state
+ out ppi_port,al
+ mov cx,pitch2 ;CX is second half of pitch half-cycle
+here2b: loop here2b
+ dec bx
+ jnz again2
+ xor dx,dx ;clear DX for exiting
+ jmp exit
+s3: cmp over,3 ;both?
+ jnz error ;no, jump; error
+ call init_timer
+ mov tmask,timer_mask ;set timer-bit mask
+ jmp merge
+error: jmp exit
+main endp
+init_timer proc
+ mov al,182 ;reset timer chip
+ out timer_port+1,al
+ mov ax,word ptr clock ;calc number to give to timer chip
+ mov dx,word ptr clock+2 ; = 1193180 / freq
+ mov bx,freq
+ mov cx,20 ;avoid underflow
+ cmp bx,cx ;(occurs for divisors <= 18)
+ jge it_10
+ mov bx,cx
+it_10: div bx
+ out timer_port,al ;send number to timer chip
+ mov al,ah
+ out timer_port,al
+ ret
+init_timer endp
+progsize = $-progstart
+plen equ (progsize+datasize+stacksize+100h+20h)/16
+PROG ends
+ end main
diff --git a/xli/sound.doc b/xli/sound.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcedafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xli/sound.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+"sound" activates the speaker.
+Format: (XCALL "sound"