124 lines
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124 lines
3.7 KiB
(library (ikarus vectors)
(export make-vector vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set!
vector->list list->vector)
(except (ikarus) make-vector vector
vector-length vector-ref vector-set!
vector->list list->vector)
(ikarus system $fx)
(ikarus system $pairs)
(ikarus system $vectors))
(define vector-length
(lambda (x)
(unless (vector? x)
(error 'vector-length "~s is not a vector" x))
($vector-length x)))
(module (make-vector)
(define fill!
(lambda (v i n fill)
[($fx= i n) v]
($vector-set! v i fill)
(fill! v ($fx+ i 1) n fill)])))
(define make-vector
[(n) (make-vector n (void))]
[(n fill)
(unless (and (fixnum? n) ($fx>= n 0))
(error 'make-vector "~s is not a valid length" n))
(fill! ($make-vector n) 0 n fill)])))
(define vector
;;; FIXME: add case-lambda
(letrec ([length
(lambda (ls n)
[(null? ls) n]
[else (length ($cdr ls) ($fx+ n 1))]))]
(lambda (v ls i n)
[($fx= i n) v]
($vector-set! v i ($car ls))
(loop v ($cdr ls) ($fx+ i 1) n)]))])
(lambda ls
(let ([n (length ls 0)])
(let ([v (make-vector n)])
(loop v ls 0 n))))))
(define vector-ref
(lambda (v i)
(unless (vector? v)
(error 'vector-ref "~s is not a vector" v))
(unless (fixnum? i)
(error 'vector-ref "~s is not a valid index" i))
(unless (and ($fx< i ($vector-length v))
($fx<= 0 i))
(error 'vector-ref "index ~s is out of range for ~s" i v))
($vector-ref v i)))
(define vector-set!
(lambda (v i c)
(unless (vector? v)
(error 'vector-set! "~s is not a vector" v))
(unless (fixnum? i)
(error 'vector-set! "~s is not a valid index" i))
(unless (and ($fx< i ($vector-length v))
($fx<= 0 i))
(error 'vector-set! "index ~s is out of range for ~s" i v))
($vector-set! v i c)))
(define vector->list
(lambda (v)
(define f
(lambda (v i ls)
[($fx< i 0) ls]
(f v ($fxsub1 i) (cons ($vector-ref v i) ls))])))
(if (vector? v)
(let ([n ($vector-length v)])
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f v ($fxsub1 n) '())))
(error 'vector->list "~s is not a vector" v))))
(define list->vector
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls ($fx+ n 2))
(error 'list->vector "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
($fx+ n 1)
(error 'list->vector "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'list->vector "~s is not a proper list" ls))))]
(lambda (v i ls)
[(null? ls) v]
(let ([c ($car ls)])
($vector-set! v i c)
(fill v ($fxadd1 i) (cdr ls)))]))])
(lambda (ls)
(let ([n (race ls ls ls 0)])
(let ([v (make-vector n)])
(fill v 0 ls))))))