
498 lines
16 KiB

(let ()
;;; only file-based ports are supported at this point
;;; an output port is a vector with the following fields:
;;; 0. id
;;; 1. file-name
;;; 2. file-descriptor
;;; 3. open?
;;; 4. buffer
;;; 5. buffer-size
;;; 6. index
;;; 7. flush-proc
;;; 8. close-proc
(define output-port-id (gensym "output-port"))
(define output-port?
(lambda (x)
(and (vector? x)
(fx= (vector-length x) 9)
(eq? (vector-ref x 0) output-port-id))))
(define output-port-name
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 1)))
(define output-port-fd
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 2)))
(define set-output-port-fd!
(lambda (p x) (vector-set! p 2 x)))
(define output-port-open?
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 3)))
(define set-output-port-open?!
(lambda (p b) (vector-set! p 3 b)))
(define output-port-buffer
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 4)))
(define set-output-port-buffer!
(lambda (p b) (vector-set! p 4 b)))
(define output-port-size
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 5)))
(define output-port-index
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 6)))
(define output-port-flush-proc
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 7)))
(define output-port-close-proc
(lambda (p) (vector-ref p 8)))
(define set-output-port-index!
(lambda (p i) (vector-set! p 6 i)))
(define fd->port
(lambda (fd filename)
(vector output-port-id ; id
(make-string 4096)
(define open-output-string
(lambda ()
(vector output-port-id
(make-string 4096)
(lambda (port) (void)))))
(define get-output-string
(lambda (p)
(define fill
(lambda (dst src di si sj)
[(fx= si sj) dst]
(string-set! dst di (string-ref src si))
(fill dst src (fxadd1 di) (fxadd1 si) sj)])))
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'get-output-string "~s is not an output port" p))
(let ([ls (output-port-fd p)])
(unless (list? ls)
(error 'get-output-string "~s is not an output port" p))
(let f ([ls (reverse ls)] [n 0])
[(null? ls)
(let ([idx (output-port-index p)]
[buf (output-port-buffer p)])
(let ([str (make-string (fx+ n idx))])
(fill str buf n 0 idx)))]
(let ([buf (car ls)])
(let ([idx (string-length buf)])
(let ([str (f (cdr ls) (fx+ n idx))])
(fill str buf n 0 idx))))])))))
(define open-output-file
(lambda (name mode)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'open-output-file "~s is not a valid file name" name))
(let ([mode
[(assq mode '([error 0] [append 1] [replace 2] [truncate 3]))
=> cadr]
(error 'open-output-file "~s is not a valid mode" mode)])])
(let ([fh (foreign-call "ik_open_file" name mode)])
(fd->port fh name)))))
(define write-char
(lambda (c port)
(unless (char? c)
(error 'write-char "not a char: ~s" c))
(unless (output-port-open? port)
(error 'write-char "port ~s closed" port))
(let ([idx (output-port-index port)] [size (output-port-size port)])
(if (fx< idx size)
(string-set! (output-port-buffer port) idx c)
(set-output-port-index! port (fxadd1 idx))
(when ($char= c #\newline)
(flush-output-port port)))
(flush-output-port port)
(write-char c port))))))
(define fd-flush-proc
(lambda (port)
(let ([idx (output-port-index port)])
(when (fx> idx 0)
(foreign-call "ik_write"
(output-port-fd port)
(output-port-buffer port))))
(set-output-port-index! port 0)))
(define str-flush-proc
(lambda (port)
(let ([idx (output-port-index port)])
(when (fx> idx 0)
(let ([str (output-port-buffer port)])
(when (fx= idx (string-length str))
(set-output-port-fd! port
(cons str (output-port-fd port)))
(set-output-port-buffer! port
(make-string (string-length str)))
(set-output-port-index! port 0)))))))
(define fd-close-proc
(lambda (port)
(let ([idx (output-port-index port)])
(when (fx> idx 0)
(foreign-call "ik_write"
(output-port-fd port)
(output-port-buffer port))))
(foreign-call "ik_close" (output-port-fd port))))
(define flush-output-port
(lambda (port)
(unless (output-port-open? port)
(error 'flush-output-port "port ~s closed" port))
((output-port-flush-proc port) port)))
(define close-output-port
(lambda (port)
(when (output-port-open? port)
((output-port-close-proc port) port)
(set-output-port-open?! port #f))))
;;; init section
(primitive-set! 'close-output-port
[() (close-output-port (current-output-port))]
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'close-output-port "~s is not an output port" p))
(close-output-port p)]))
(primitive-set! 'output-port? output-port?)
(primitive-set! 'open-output-file
[(filename) (open-output-file filename 'error)]
[(filename mode) (open-output-file filename mode)]))
(primitive-set! 'write-char
[(c) (write-char c (current-output-port))]
[(c p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'write-char "~s is not an output port" p))
(write-char c p)]))
(primitive-set! 'flush-output-port
[() (flush-output-port (current-output-port))]
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'flush-output-port "~s is not an output port" p))
(flush-output-port p)]))
(primitive-set! 'standard-output-port
(let ([p (fd->port 1 '*stdout*)])
(lambda () p)))
(primitive-set! 'standard-error-port
(let ([p (fd->port 2 '*stderr*)])
(lambda () p)))
(primitive-set! 'current-output-port
(make-parameter (standard-output-port)
(lambda (p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'current-output-port "not a port ~s" p))
(primitive-set! 'console-output-port
(make-parameter (standard-output-port)
(lambda (p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'console-output-port "not a port ~s" p))
(primitive-set! 'newline
[() (write-char #\newline (current-output-port))]
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'newline "~s is not an output port" p))
(write-char #\newline p)]))
(primitive-set! 'open-output-string open-output-string)
(primitive-set! 'get-output-string get-output-string)
(primitive-set! 'output-port-name
(lambda (x)
(if (output-port? x)
(output-port-name x)
(error 'output-port-name "~s is not an output port" x)))))
(let ()
;;; input ports are similar to output ports, with the exception of
;;; the ungetchar buffer
;;; Fields:
;;; 0. id
;;; 1. file-name
;;; 2. file-descriptor
;;; 3. open?
;;; 4. buffer
;;; 5. buffer-size
;;; 6. index
;;; 7. unget
(define input-port-id (gensym "input-port"))
(define input-port?
(lambda (x)
(and (vector? x)
(fx= (vector-length x) 8)
(eq? (vector-ref x 0) input-port-id))))
(define input-port-name
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x 1)))
(define input-port-fd
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x 2)))
(define input-port-open?
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x 3)))
(define input-port-buffer
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x 4)))
(define input-port-size
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x 5)))
(define set-input-port-size!
(lambda (x i)
(vector-set! x 5 i)))
(define input-port-index
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x 6)))
(define set-input-port-index!
(lambda (x i)
(vector-set! x 6 i)))
(define set-input-port-returned-char!
(lambda (x i)
(vector-set! x 7 i)))
(define input-port-returned-char
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x 7)))
(define fd->port
(lambda (fd filename)
(vector input-port-id
(make-string 4096)
(define open-input-file
(lambda (filename)
(unless (string? filename)
(error 'open-input-file "not a string: ~s" filename))
(let ([fd (foreign-call "ik_open_file" filename 4)])
(fd->port fd filename))))
(define close-input-port
(lambda port
(let ([port
(if (null? port)
(if (null? ($cdr port))
(let ([p ($car port)])
(if (input-port? p)
(error 'close-input-port "not an input port: ~s" p)))
(error 'close-input-port "too many arguments")))])
(foreign-call "ik_close" (input-port-fd port))
(define read-char
(lambda (port)
(unless (input-port-open? port)
(error 'read-char "port closed"))
[(input-port-returned-char port) =>
(lambda (c)
(set-input-port-returned-char! port #f)
(let ([idx (input-port-index port)]
[size (input-port-size port)]
[buf (input-port-buffer port)])
(if ($fx< idx size)
(let ([c ($string-ref buf idx)])
(set-input-port-index! port ($fxadd1 idx))
(let ([bytes
(foreign-call "ik_read"
(input-port-fd port)
($string-length buf))])
(set-input-port-size! port bytes)
(if ($fxzero? bytes)
(set-input-port-index! port 0)
(let ([c ($string-ref buf 0)])
(set-input-port-index! port 1)
(define peek-char
(lambda (port)
(unless (input-port-open? port)
(error 'peek-char "port closed"))
[(input-port-returned-char port) =>
(lambda (c) c)]
(let ([idx (input-port-index port)]
[size (input-port-size port)]
[buf (input-port-buffer port)])
(if (fx< idx size)
(string-ref buf idx)
(let ([bytes
(foreign-call "ik_read"
(input-port-fd port)
($string-length buf))])
(set-input-port-size! port bytes)
(set-input-port-index! port 0)
(if (fxzero? bytes)
(string-ref buf 0)))))])))
(define reset-input-port!
(lambda (p)
(unless (input-port? p)
(error 'reset-input-port! "~s is not an input port" p))
(set-input-port-index! p 0)
(set-input-port-size! p 0)
(set-input-port-returned-char! p #f)))
(define unread-char
(lambda (c port)
(unless (char? c)
(error 'unread-char "not a character ~s" c))
(unless (input-port-open? port)
(error 'unread-char "port closed"))
(when (input-port-returned-char port)
(error 'unread-char "cannot unread twice"))
(set-input-port-returned-char! port c)))
(primitive-set! 'open-input-file open-input-file)
(primitive-set! 'close-input-port
[() (close-input-port (current-input-port))]
(unless (input-port? p)
(error 'close-input-port "~s is not an input port" p))
(close-input-port p)]))
(primitive-set! 'input-port? input-port?)
(primitive-set! 'read-char
[() (read-char (current-input-port))]
(unless (input-port? p)
(error 'read-char "~s is not an input port" p))
(read-char p)]))
(primitive-set! 'peek-char
[() (peek-char (current-input-port))]
(unless (input-port? p)
(error 'peek-char "~s is not an input port" p))
(peek-char p)]))
(primitive-set! 'unread-char
[(c) (unread-char c (current-input-port))]
[(c p)
(unless (input-port? p)
(error 'unread-char "~s is not an input port" p))
(unread-char c p)]))
(primitive-set! 'standard-input-port
(let ([p (fd->port 0 '*stdin*)])
(lambda () p)))
(primitive-set! 'current-input-port
(make-parameter (standard-input-port)
(lambda (x)
(unless (input-port? x)
(error 'current-input-port "not an input port ~s" x))
(primitive-set! 'console-input-port
(make-parameter (standard-input-port)
(lambda (x)
(unless (input-port? x)
(error 'console-input-port "not an input port ~s" x))
(primitive-set! 'input-port-name
(lambda (x)
(if (input-port? x)
(input-port-name x)
(error 'input-port-name "~s is not an input port" x))))
(primitive-set! 'reset-input-port! reset-input-port!))
(primitive-set! 'with-output-to-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'with-output-to-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'with-output-to-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)]
[shot #f])
(parameterize ([current-output-port p])
(lambda ()
(when shot
(error 'with-output-to-file
"cannot reenter")))
(lambda ()
(close-output-port p)
(set! shot #t)))))))
(primitive-set! 'call-with-output-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'call-with-output-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'call-with-output-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)]
[shot #f])
(lambda ()
(when shot
(error 'call-with-output-file "cannot reenter")))
(lambda () (proc p))
(lambda ()
(close-output-port p)
(set! shot #t))))))
(primitive-set! 'with-input-from-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'with-input-from-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'with-input-from-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-input-file name args)]
[shot #f])
(parameterize ([current-input-port p])
(lambda ()
(when shot
(error 'with-input-from-file
"cannot reenter")))
(lambda ()
(close-input-port p)
(set! shot #t)))))))
(primitive-set! 'call-with-input-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'call-with-input-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'call-with-input-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-input-file name args)]
[shot #f])
(lambda ()
(when shot
(error 'call-with-input-file "cannot reenter")))
(lambda () (proc p))
(lambda ()
(close-input-port p)
(set! shot #t))))))