2036 lines
72 KiB
2036 lines
72 KiB
;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(library (io-spec)
port? input-port? output-port? textual-port? binary-port?
open-file-input-port open-input-file
call-with-input-file with-input-from-file
standard-input-port current-input-port
open-string-input-port with-input-from-string
transcoded-port port-transcoder
close-port port-closed? close-input-port close-output-port
get-char lookahead-char read-char peek-char
get-string-n get-string-n! get-string-all get-line
get-u8 lookahead-u8
get-bytevector-n get-bytevector-n!
get-bytevector-some get-bytevector-all
;port-has-port-position? port-position
;port-has-set-port-position!? set-port-position!
put-u8 put-bytevector
put-char write-char
open-string-output-port with-output-to-string
open-output-string get-output-string
standard-output-port standard-error-port
current-output-port current-error-port
open-file-output-port open-output-file
call-with-output-file with-output-to-file
port-mode set-port-mode!
tcp-connect tcp-connect-nonblocking
(ikarus system $io)
(except (ikarus)
port? input-port? output-port? textual-port? binary-port?
open-file-input-port open-input-file
call-with-input-file with-input-from-file
standard-input-port current-input-port
open-string-input-port with-input-from-string
transcoded-port port-transcoder
close-port port-closed? close-input-port close-output-port
get-char lookahead-char read-char peek-char
get-string-n get-string-n! get-string-all get-line
get-u8 lookahead-u8
get-bytevector-n get-bytevector-n!
get-bytevector-some get-bytevector-all
;port-has-port-position? port-position
;port-has-set-port-position!? set-port-position!
put-u8 put-bytevector
put-char write-char
open-string-output-port with-output-to-string
open-output-string get-output-string
standard-output-port standard-error-port
current-output-port current-error-port
open-file-output-port open-output-file
call-with-output-file with-output-to-file
port-mode set-port-mode!
tcp-connect tcp-connect-nonblocking))
(module UNSAFE
(fx< fx<= fx> fx>= fx= fx+ fx-
fxior fxand fxsra fxsll
integer->char char->integer
string-ref string-set! string-length
bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set!)
(rename (ikarus system $strings)
($string-length string-length)
($string-ref string-ref)
($string-set! string-set!))
(rename (ikarus system $chars)
($char->fixnum char->integer)
($fixnum->char integer->char))
(rename (ikarus system $bytevectors)
($bytevector-set! bytevector-u8-set!)
($bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-ref))
(rename (ikarus system $fx)
($fxsra fxsra)
($fxsll fxsll)
($fxlogor fxior)
($fxlogand fxand)
($fx+ fx+)
($fx- fx-)
($fx< fx<)
($fx> fx>)
($fx>= fx>=)
($fx<= fx<=)
($fx= fx=))))
(define (port? x)
(import (only (ikarus) port?))
(port? x))
(define-syntax define-rrr
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name)
(define (name . args)
(apply die 'name "not implemented" args))]))
(define-syntax u8?
(let ()
(import (ikarus system $fx))
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x)
($fxzero? ($fxlogand x -256))])))
;(define (u8? x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx>= x 0) (fx< x 256)))
(define (textual-port? x)
(fx= (fxand ($port-tag x) textual-port-tag) textual-port-tag))
(define (binary-port? x)
(fx= (fxand ($port-tag x) binary-port-tag) binary-port-tag))
(define (output-port? x)
(fx= (fxand ($port-tag x) output-port-tag) output-port-tag))
(define (input-port? x)
(fx= (fxand ($port-tag x) input-port-tag) input-port-tag))
;;; everything above this line will turn into primitive
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------
(define input-port-tag #b00000000000001)
(define output-port-tag #b00000000000010)
(define textual-port-tag #b00000000000100)
(define binary-port-tag #b00000000001000)
(define fast-char-text-tag #b00000000010000)
(define fast-u7-text-tag #b00000000100000)
(define fast-u8-text-tag #b00000001100000)
(define r6rs-mode-tag #b01000000000000)
(define closed-port-tag #b10000000000000)
(define port-type-mask #b00000000001111)
(define binary-input-port-bits #b00000000001001)
(define binary-output-port-bits #b00000000001010)
(define textual-input-port-bits #b00000000000101)
(define textual-output-port-bits #b00000000000110)
(define fast-get-byte-tag #b00000000001001)
(define fast-get-char-tag #b00000000010101)
(define fast-get-utf8-tag #b00000000100101)
(define fast-get-latin-tag #b00000001100101)
(define fast-put-byte-tag #b00000000001010)
(define fast-put-char-tag #b00000000010110)
(define fast-put-utf8-tag #b00000000100110)
(define fast-put-latin-tag #b00000001100110)
(define fast-attrs-mask #xFFF)
(define-syntax $port-fast-attrs
(lambda (x)
(import (ikarus system $fx))
($fxlogand ($port-tag x) fast-attrs-mask))))
(define (input-port-name p)
(if (input-port? p)
($port-id p)
(die 'input-port-name "not an input port" p)))
(define (output-port-name p)
(if (output-port? p)
($port-id p)
(die 'output-port-name "not an output port" p)))
(define (port-id p)
(if (port? p)
($port-id p)
(die 'port-id "not a port" p)))
(define (input-port-byte-position p)
(if (input-port? p)
(let ([pos ($port-position p)])
(and pos (fx+ pos (fx+ ($port-index p) 1))))
(error 'input-port-byte-position "not an input port" p)))
(define guarded-port
(let ([G (make-guardian)])
(define (clean-up)
[(G) =>
(lambda (p)
(close-port p)
(lambda (p)
(when (fixnum? ($port-cookie p))
(G p))
(define ($make-custom-binary-port attrs init-size id
read! write! get-position set-position! close buffer-size)
(let ([bv (make-bytevector buffer-size)])
($make-port attrs 0 init-size bv #f id read! write! get-position
set-position! close #f)))
(define ($make-custom-textual-port attrs init-size id
read! write! get-position set-position! close buffer-size)
(let ([bv (make-string buffer-size)])
($make-port attrs 0 init-size bv #t id read! write! get-position
set-position! close #f)))
(define (make-custom-binary-input-port id
read! get-position set-position! close)
;;; FIXME: get-position and set-position! are ignored for now
(define who 'make-custom-binary-input-port)
(unless (string? id)
(die who "id is not a string" id))
(unless (procedure? read!)
(die who "read! is not a procedure" read!))
(unless (or (procedure? close) (not close))
(die who "close should be either a procedure or #f" close))
id read! #f get-position
set-position! close 256))
(define (make-custom-binary-output-port id
write! get-position set-position! close)
;;; FIXME: get-position and set-position! are ignored for now
(define who 'make-custom-binary-output-port)
(unless (string? id)
(die who "id is not a string" id))
(unless (procedure? write!)
(die who "write! is not a procedure" write!))
(unless (or (procedure? close) (not close))
(die who "close should be either a procedure or #f" close))
id #f write! get-position
set-position! close 256))
(define (make-custom-textual-input-port id
read! get-position set-position! close)
;;; FIXME: get-position and set-position! are ignored for now
(define who 'make-custom-textual-input-port)
(unless (string? id)
(die who "id is not a string" id))
(unless (procedure? read!)
(die who "read! is not a procedure" read!))
(unless (or (procedure? close) (not close))
(die who "close should be either a procedure or #f" close))
(fxior textual-input-port-bits fast-char-text-tag)
id read! #f get-position
set-position! close 256))
(define (make-custom-textual-output-port id
write! get-position set-position! close)
;;; FIXME: get-position and set-position! are ignored for now
(define who 'make-custom-textual-output-port)
(unless (string? id)
(die who "id is not a string" id))
(unless (procedure? write!)
(die who "write! is not a procedure" write!))
(unless (or (procedure? close) (not close))
(die who "close should be either a procedure or #f" close))
(fxior textual-output-port-bits fast-char-text-tag)
id #f write! get-position
set-position! close 256))
(define (input-transcoder-attrs x)
[(not x) ;;; binary input port
[(and (eq? 'latin-1-codec (transcoder-codec x))
(eq? 'none (transcoder-eol-style x)))
(fxior textual-input-port-bits fast-u8-text-tag)]
;;; attrs for utf-8-codec are set as part of the
;;; bom-reading dance when the first char is read.
[else textual-input-port-bits]))
(define (output-transcoder-attrs x)
[(not x) ;;; binary input port
[(and (eq? 'latin-1-codec (transcoder-codec x))
(eq? 'none (transcoder-eol-style x)))
(fxior textual-output-port-bits fast-u8-text-tag)]
[(and (eq? 'utf-8-codec (transcoder-codec x))
(eq? 'none (transcoder-eol-style x)))
(fxior textual-output-port-bits fast-u7-text-tag)]
[else textual-output-port-bits]))
(define open-bytevector-input-port
[(bv) (open-bytevector-input-port bv #f)]
[(bv maybe-transcoder)
(unless (bytevector? bv)
(die 'open-bytevector-input-port
"not a bytevector" bv))
(when (and maybe-transcoder
(not (transcoder? maybe-transcoder)))
(die 'open-bytevector-input-port
"not a transcoder" maybe-transcoder))
(input-transcoder-attrs maybe-transcoder)
0 (bytevector-length bv) bv
(lambda (bv i c) 0) ;;; read!
#f ;;; write!
#f ;;; FIXME: get-position
#f ;;; FIXME: set-position!
#f ;;; close
(define open-bytevector-output-port
[() (open-bytevector-output-port #f)]
(define who 'open-bytevector-output-port)
(unless (or (not transcoder) (transcoder? transcoder))
(die who "invalid transcoder value" transcoder))
(let ([buf* '()] [buffer-size 256])
(let ([p
(output-transcoder-attrs transcoder)
0 buffer-size (make-bytevector buffer-size)
(lambda (bv i c)
(unless (= c 0)
(let ([x (make-bytevector c)])
(bytevector-copy! bv i x 0 c)
(set! buf* (cons x buf*))))
#f ;;; FIXME: get-position
#f ;;; FIXME: set-position!
(lambda ()
(define (append-bv-buf* ls)
(let f ([ls ls] [i 0])
[(null? ls)
(values (make-bytevector i) 0)]
(let* ([a (car ls)]
[n (bytevector-length a)])
(let-values ([(bv i) (f (cdr ls) (fx+ i n))])
(bytevector-copy! a 0 bv i n)
(values bv (fx+ i n))))])))
(unless ($port-closed? p)
(flush-output-port p))
(let-values ([(bv len) (append-bv-buf* buf*)])
(set! buf* '())
(define call-with-bytevector-output-port
[(proc) (call-with-bytevector-output-port proc #f)]
[(proc transcoder)
(define who 'call-with-bytevector-output-port)
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die who "not a procedure" proc))
(unless (or (not transcoder) (transcoder? transcoder))
(die who "invalid transcoder argument" transcoder))
(let-values ([(p extract)
(open-bytevector-output-port transcoder)])
(proc p)
(define (call-with-string-output-port proc)
(define who 'call-with-string-output-port)
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die who "not a procedure" proc))
(let-values ([(p extract) (open-string-output-port)])
(proc p)
(define (with-output-to-string proc)
(define who 'with-output-to-string)
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die who "not a procedure" proc))
(let-values ([(p extract) (open-string-output-port)])
(parameterize ([*the-output-port* p])
(define-struct output-string-cookie (strings))
(define (open-output-string)
(define who 'open-output-string)
(let ([cookie (make-output-string-cookie '())]
[buffer-size 256])
(fxior textual-output-port-bits fast-char-text-tag)
0 buffer-size (make-string buffer-size)
#t ;;; transcoder
(lambda (str i c)
(unless (= c 0)
(let ([x (make-string c)])
(string-copy! str i x 0 c)
(set-output-string-cookie-strings! cookie
(cons x (output-string-cookie-strings cookie)))))
#f ;;; FIXME: get-position
#f ;;; FIXME: set-position!
(define (open-string-output-port)
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(lambda ()
(let ([str (get-output-string p)])
(set-output-string-cookie-strings! ($port-cookie p) '())
(define (get-output-string-cookie-data cookie)
(define (append-str-buf* ls)
(let f ([ls ls] [i 0])
[(null? ls)
(values (make-string i) 0)]
(let* ([a (car ls)]
[n (string-length a)])
(let-values ([(bv i) (f (cdr ls) (fx+ i n))])
(string-copy! a 0 bv i n)
(values bv (fx+ i n))))])))
(let ([buf* (output-string-cookie-strings cookie)])
(let-values ([(bv len) (append-str-buf* buf*)])
(define (get-output-string p)
(if (port? p)
(let ([cookie ($port-cookie p)])
[(output-string-cookie? cookie)
(unless ($port-closed? p)
(flush-output-port p))
(get-output-string-cookie-data cookie)]
(die 'get-output-string "not an output-string port" p)]))
(die 'get-output-string "not a port" p)))
(define (open-string-input-port str)
(unless (string? str)
(die 'open-string-input-port str))
(fxior textual-input-port-bits fast-char-text-tag)
0 (string-length str) str
#t ;;; transcoder
(lambda (str i c) 0) ;;; read!
#f ;;; write!
#f ;;; FIXME: get-position
#f ;;; FIXME: set-position!
#f ;;; close
(define (transcoded-port p transcoder)
(define who 'transcoded-port)
(unless (transcoder? transcoder)
(die who "not a transcoder" transcoder))
(unless (port? p) (die who "not a port" p))
(when ($port-transcoder p) (die who "not a binary port" p))
(when ($port-closed? p) (die who "cannot transcode closed port" p))
(let ([read! ($port-read! p)]
[write! ($port-write! p)])
($mark-port-closed! p)
[read! (input-transcoder-attrs transcoder)]
[write! (output-transcoder-attrs transcoder)]
(die 'transcoded-port
"port is neither input nor output!")])
($port-index p)
($port-size p)
($port-buffer p)
($port-id p)
($port-get-position p)
($port-set-position! p)
($port-close p)
($port-cookie p)))))
(define (reset-input-port! p)
(if (input-port? p)
($set-port-index! p ($port-size p))
(die 'reset-input-port! "not an input port" p)))
(define (port-transcoder p)
(if (port? p)
(let ([tr ($port-transcoder p)])
(and (transcoder? tr) tr))
(die 'port-transcoder "not a port" p)))
(define ($port-closed? p)
(import UNSAFE)
(not (fx= (fxand ($port-attrs p) closed-port-tag) 0)))
(define (port-closed? p)
(if (port? p)
($port-closed? p)
(error 'port-closed? "not a port" p)))
(define ($mark-port-closed! p)
($set-port-attrs! p
(fxior closed-port-tag
(fxand ($port-attrs p) port-type-mask))))
(define (port-mode p)
(if (port? p)
(if (fxzero? (fxand ($port-attrs p) r6rs-mode-tag))
(die 'port-mode "not a port" p)))
(define (set-port-mode! p mode)
(if (port? p)
(case mode
($set-port-attrs! p
(fxior ($port-attrs p) r6rs-mode-tag))]
($set-port-attrs! p
(fxand ($port-attrs p) (fxnot r6rs-mode-tag)))]
[else (die 'set-port-mode! "invalid mode" mode)])
(die 'set-port-mode! "not a port" p)))
(define flush-output-port
[() (flush-output-port (*the-output-port*))]
(import UNSAFE)
(unless (output-port? p)
(die 'flush-output-port "not an output port" p))
(when ($port-closed? p)
(die 'flush-output-port "port is closed" p))
(let ([idx ($port-index p)]
[buf ($port-buffer p)])
(unless (fx= idx 0)
(let ([bytes (($port-write! p) buf 0 idx)])
(unless (and (fixnum? bytes) (fx>= bytes 0) (fx<= bytes idx))
(die 'flush-output-port
"write! returned an invalid value"
[(fx= bytes idx)
($set-port-index! p 0)]
[(fx= bytes 0)
(die 'flush-output-port "could not write bytes to sink")]
(bytevector-copy! buf bytes buf 0 (fx- idx bytes))
($set-port-index! p (fx- idx bytes))
(flush-output-port p)]))))]))
(define ($close-port p)
[($port-closed? p) (void)]
(when ($port-write! p)
(flush-output-port p))
($mark-port-closed! p)
(let ([close ($port-close p)])
(when (procedure? close)
(define (close-port p)
(unless (port? p)
(die 'close-port "not a port" p))
($close-port p))
(define (close-input-port p)
(unless (input-port? p)
(die 'close-input-port "not an input port" p))
($close-port p))
(define (close-output-port p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(die 'close-output-port "not an output port" p))
($close-port p))
;(define-rrr port-has-port-position?)
;(define-rrr port-position)
;(define-rrr port-has-set-port-position!?)
;(define-rrr set-port-position!)
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------
(module (read-char get-char lookahead-char)
(import UNSAFE)
(define (refill-bv-buffer p who)
(when ($port-closed? p) (die who "port is closed" p))
(let ([bv ($port-buffer p)] [i ($port-index p)] [j ($port-size p)])
(let ([c0 (fx- j i)])
(unless (fx= c0 0) (bytevector-copy! bv i bv 0 c0))
(let ([pos ($port-position p)])
(when pos
($set-port-position! p (fx+ pos i))))
(let* ([max (fx- (bytevector-length bv) c0)]
[c1 (($port-read! p) bv c0 max)])
(unless (fixnum? c1)
(die who "invalid return value from read! procedure" c1))
[(fx>= j 0)
(unless (fx<= j max)
(die who "read! returned a value out of range" j))
($set-port-index! p c0)
($set-port-size! p (fx+ c1 c0))
(die who "read! returned a value out of range" c1)])))))
(define (get-char-latin-mode p who inc)
(let ([n (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= n 0) (eof-object)]
(let ([idx ($port-index p)])
($set-port-index! p (fx+ idx inc))
(integer->char (bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) idx)))])))
(define (get-char-utf8-mode p who)
(define (do-error p who)
(case (transcoder-error-handling-mode ($port-transcoder p))
[(ignore) (get-char p)]
[(replace) #\xFFFD]
(raise (make-i/o-decoding-error p))]
[else (die who "cannot happen")]))
(let ([i ($port-index p)]
[j ($port-size p)]
[buf ($port-buffer p)])
[(fx= i j) ;;; exhausted
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0) (eof-object)]
[else (get-char p)]))]
(let ([b0 (bytevector-u8-ref buf i)])
[(fx= (fxsra b0 5) #b110) ;;; two-byte-encoding
(let ([i (fx+ i 1)])
[(fx< i j)
(let ([b1 (bytevector-u8-ref buf i)])
[(fx= (fxsra b1 6) #b10)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(fxior (fxand b1 #b111111)
(fxsll (fxand b0 #b11111) 6)))]
($set-port-index! p i)
(do-error p who)]))]
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ ($port-index p) 1))
(do-error p who)]
[else (get-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]))]
[(fx= (fxsra b0 4) #b1110) ;;; three-byte-encoding
[(fx< (fx+ i 2) j)
(let ([b1 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 1))]
[b2 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 2))])
[(fx= (fxsra (fxlogor b1 b2) 6) #b10)
(let ([n (fxlogor
(fxsll (fxand b0 #b1111) 12)
(fxsll (fxand b1 #b111111) 6)
(fxand b2 #b111111))])
[(and (fx<= #xD800 n) (fx<= n #xDFFF))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(do-error p who)]
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 3))
(integer->char n)]))]
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(do-error p who)]))]
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ ($port-index p) 1))
(do-error p who)]
[else (get-char-utf8-mode p who)]))])]
[(fx= (fxsra b0 3) #b11110) ;;; four-byte-encoding
[(fx< (fx+ i 3) j)
(let ([b1 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 1))]
[b2 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 2))]
[b3 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 3))])
[(fx= (fxsra (fxlogor b1 b2 b3) 6) #b10)
(let ([n (fxlogor
(fxsll (fxand b0 #b111) 18)
(fxsll (fxand b1 #b111111) 12)
(fxsll (fxand b2 #b111111) 6)
(fxand b3 #b111111))])
[(and (fx<= #x10000 n) (fx<= n #x10FFFF))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 4))
(integer->char n)]
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(do-error p who)]))]
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(do-error p who)]))]
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ ($port-index p) 1))
(do-error p who)]
[else (get-char-utf8-mode p who)]))])]
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(do-error p who)]))])))
(define (lookahead-char-utf8-mode p who)
(define (do-error p who)
(case (transcoder-error-handling-mode ($port-transcoder p))
[(ignore) (get-char p)]
[(replace) #\xFFFD]
(raise (make-i/o-decoding-error p))]
[else (die who "cannot happen")]))
(let ([i ($port-index p)]
[j ($port-size p)]
[buf ($port-buffer p)])
[(fx= i j) ;;; exhausted
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0) (eof-object)]
[else (lookahead-char p)]))]
(let ([b0 (bytevector-u8-ref buf i)])
[(fx= (fxsra b0 5) #b110) ;;; two-byte-encoding
(let ([i (fx+ i 1)])
[(fx< i j)
(let ([b1 (bytevector-u8-ref buf i)])
[(fx= (fxsra b1 6) #b10)
(fxior (fxand b1 #b111111)
(fxsll (fxand b0 #b11111) 6)))]
(do-error p who)]))]
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0) (do-error p who)]
[else (lookahead-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]))]
[(fx= (fxsra b0 4) #b1110) ;;; three-byte-encoding
[(fx< (fx+ i 2) j)
(let ([b1 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 1))]
[b2 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 2))])
[(fx= (fxsra (fxlogor b1 b2) 6) #b10)
(let ([n (fxlogor
(fxsll (fxand b0 #b1111) 12)
(fxsll (fxand b1 #b111111) 6)
(fxand b2 #b111111))])
[(and (fx<= #xD800 n) (fx<= n #xDFFF))
(do-error p who)]
[else (integer->char n)]))]
[else (do-error p who)]))]
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0) (do-error p who)]
[else (lookahead-char-utf8-mode p who)]))])]
[(fx= (fxsra b0 3) #b11110) ;;; four-byte-encoding
[(fx< (fx+ i 3) j)
(let ([b1 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 1))]
[b2 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 2))]
[b3 (bytevector-u8-ref buf (fx+ i 3))])
[(fx= (fxsra (fxlogor b1 b2 b3) 6) #b10)
(let ([n (fxlogor
(fxsll (fxand b0 #b111) 18)
(fxsll (fxand b1 #b111111) 12)
(fxsll (fxand b2 #b111111) 6)
(fxand b3 #b111111))])
[(and (fx<= #x10000 n) (fx<= n #x10FFFF))
(integer->char n)]
(do-error p who)]))]
(do-error p who)]))]
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
[(fx= bytes 0)
(do-error p who)]
[else (lookahead-char-utf8-mode p who)]))])]
[else (do-error p who)]))])))
(define (advance-bom p who bom-seq)
;;; return eof if port is eof,
;;; #t if a bom is present, updating the port index to
;;; point just past the bom.
;;; #f otherwise.
[(fx< ($port-index p) ($port-size p))
(let f ([i 0] [ls bom-seq])
[(null? ls)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ ($port-index p) i))
(let ([idx (fx+ i ($port-index p))])
[(fx< idx ($port-size p))
(if (fx=? (car ls)
(bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) idx))
(f (fx+ i 1) (cdr ls))
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
(if (fx= bytes 0)
(f i ls)))]))]))]
(let ([bytes (refill-bv-buffer p who)])
(if (fx= bytes 0)
(advance-bom p who bom-seq)))]))
(define (speedup-input-port p who)
;;; returns #t if port is eof, #f otherwise
(unless (input-port? p)
(die who "not an input port" p))
(let ([tr ($port-transcoder p)])
(unless tr
(die who "not a textual port" p))
(case (transcoder-codec tr)
($set-port-attrs! p
(fxior textual-input-port-bits fast-u7-text-tag))
(eof-object? (advance-bom p who '(#xEF #xBB #xBF)))]
(die 'slow-get-char
"BUG: codec not handled"
(transcoder-codec tr))])))
(define (lookahead-char-char-mode p who)
(let ([str ($port-buffer p)]
[read! ($port-read! p)])
(let ([n (read! str 0 (string-length str))])
(unless (fixnum? n)
(die who "invalid return value from read!" n))
(unless (<= 0 n (string-length str))
(die who "return value from read! is out of range" n))
($set-port-index! p 0)
($set-port-size! p n)
[(fx= n 0)
(string-ref str 0)]))))
(define (lookahead-char p)
(define who 'lookahead-char)
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-get-utf8-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
(let ([b (bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i)])
[(fx< b 128) (integer->char b)]
[else (lookahead-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]
(lookahead-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]
[(eq? m fast-get-char-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
(string-ref ($port-buffer p) i)]
(lookahead-char-char-mode p who)]))]
[(eq? m fast-get-latin-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
(bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i))]
(get-char-latin-mode p who 0)]))]
(if (speedup-input-port p who)
(lookahead-char p))])))
(define (get-char-char-mode p who)
(let ([str ($port-buffer p)]
[read! ($port-read! p)])
(let ([n (read! str 0 (string-length str))])
(unless (fixnum? n)
(die who "invalid return value from read!" n))
(unless (<= 0 n (string-length str))
(die who "return value from read! is out of range" n))
($set-port-size! p n)
[(fx= n 0)
($set-port-index! p 0)
($set-port-index! p 1)
(string-ref str 0)]))))
(define read-char
(define who 'read-char)
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-get-utf8-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
(let ([b (bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i)])
[(fx< b 128)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(integer->char b)]
[else (get-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]
(get-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]
[(eq? m fast-get-char-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(string-ref ($port-buffer p) i)]
[else (get-char-char-mode p who)]))]
[(eq? m fast-get-latin-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i))]
(get-char-latin-mode p who 1)]))]
(if (speedup-input-port p who)
(get-char p))]))]
[() (read-char (current-input-port))]))
(define (get-char p)
(define who 'get-char)
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-get-utf8-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
(let ([b (bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i)])
[(fx< b 128)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(integer->char b)]
[else (get-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]
(get-char-utf8-mode p who)]))]
[(eq? m fast-get-char-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(string-ref ($port-buffer p) i)]
[else (get-char-char-mode p who)]))]
[(eq? m fast-get-latin-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i))]
(get-char-latin-mode p who 1)]))]
(if (speedup-input-port p who)
(get-char p))]))))
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------
(define (assert-binary-input-port p who)
(unless (port? p) (die who "not a port" p))
(when ($port-closed? p) (die who "port is closed" p))
(when ($port-transcoder p) (die who "port is not binary" p))
(unless ($port-read! p)
(die who "port is not an input port" p)))
(module (get-u8 lookahead-u8)
(import UNSAFE)
(define (get-u8-byte-mode p who start)
(when ($port-closed? p) (die who "port is closed" p))
(let* ([bv ($port-buffer p)]
[n (bytevector-length bv)])
(let ([j (($port-read! p) bv 0 n)])
(unless (fixnum? j)
(die who "invalid return value from read! procedure" j))
[(fx> j 0)
(unless (fx<= j n)
(die who "read! returned a value out of range" j))
($set-port-index! p start)
($set-port-size! p j)
(bytevector-u8-ref bv 0)]
[(fx= j 0) (eof-object)]
(die who "read! returned a value out of range" j)]))))
(define (slow-get-u8 p who start)
(assert-binary-input-port p who)
($set-port-attrs! p fast-get-byte-tag)
(get-u8-byte-mode p who start))
(define (get-u8 p)
(define who 'get-u8)
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-get-byte-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i)]
[else (get-u8-byte-mode p who 1)]))]
[else (slow-get-u8 p who 1)])))
(define (lookahead-u8 p)
(define who 'lookahead-u8)
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-get-byte-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
(bytevector-u8-ref ($port-buffer p) i)]
[else (get-u8-byte-mode p who 0)]))]
[else (slow-get-u8 p who 0)]))))
(define (port-eof? p)
(import UNSAFE)
(define who 'port-eof?)
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(not (eq? m 0))
(if (fx< ($port-index p) ($port-size p))
(if ($port-transcoder p)
(eof-object? (lookahead-char p))
(eof-object? (lookahead-u8 p))))]
[(input-port? p)
(when ($port-closed? p)
(die 'port-eof? "port is closed" p))
(if (textual-port? p)
(eof-object? (lookahead-char p))
(eof-object? (lookahead-u8 p)))]
[else (die 'port-eof? "not an input port" p)])))
(define EAGAIN-error-code -22) ;;; from ikarus-io.c
(define io-errors-vec
'#(#| 0 |# "unknown error"
#| 1 |# "bad file name"
#| 2 |# "operation interrupted"
#| 3 |# "not a directory"
#| 4 |# "file name too long"
#| 5 |# "missing entities"
#| 6 |# "insufficient access privileges"
#| 7 |# "circular path"
#| 8 |# "file is a directory"
#| 9 |# "file system is read-only"
#| 10 |# "maximum open files reached"
#| 11 |# "maximum open files reached"
#| 12 |# "ENXIO"
#| 13 |# "operation not supported"
#| 14 |# "not enough space on device"
#| 15 |# "quota exceeded"
#| 16 |# "io error"
#| 17 |# "device is busy"
#| 18 |# "access fault"
#| 19 |# "file already exists"
#| 20 |# "invalid file name"
#| 21 |# "non-blocking operation would block"))
(define (io-error who id err)
(let ([err (fxnot err)])
(let ([msg
[(fx< err (vector-length io-errors-vec))
(vector-ref io-errors-vec err)]
[else "unknown error"])])
(make-who-condition who)
(case err
[(6 9 18) (make-i/o-file-protection-error)]
[(19) (make-i/o-file-already-exists-error id)]
[else (condition)])
(make-message-condition msg)
(make-i/o-filename-error id))))))
;(define block-size 4096)
;(define block-size (* 4 4096))
(define input-block-size (* 4 4096))
(define output-block-size (* 4 4096))
(define input-file-buffer-size (+ input-block-size 128))
(define output-file-buffer-size output-block-size)
(define (fh->input-port fd id size transcoder close)
(letrec ([port
(input-transcoder-attrs transcoder)
0 0 (make-bytevector size)
(letrec ([refill
(lambda (bv idx cnt)
(import UNSAFE)
(let ([bytes
(foreign-call "ikrt_read_fd" fd bv idx
(if (fx< input-block-size cnt)
[(fx>= bytes 0) bytes]
[(fx= bytes EAGAIN-error-code)
(make-i/o-would-block-condition port))
(refill bv idx cnt)]
[else (io-error 'read id bytes)])))])
#f ;;; write!
#f ;;; get-position
#f ;;; set-position!
[(procedure? close) close]
[(eqv? close #t) (file-close-proc id fd)]
[else #f])
(guarded-port port)))
(define (fh->output-port fd id size transcoder close)
(letrec ([port
(output-transcoder-attrs transcoder)
0 size (make-bytevector size)
(letrec ([refill
(lambda (bv idx cnt)
(import UNSAFE)
(let ([bytes
(foreign-call "ikrt_write_fd" fd bv idx
(if (fx< output-block-size cnt)
[(fx>= bytes 0) bytes]
[(fx= bytes EAGAIN-error-code)
(make-i/o-would-block-condition port))
(refill bv idx cnt)]
[else (io-error 'write id bytes)])))])
#f ;;; get-position
#f ;;; set-position!
[(procedure? close) close]
[(eqv? close #t) (file-close-proc id fd)]
[else #f])
(guarded-port port)))
(define (file-close-proc id fd)
(lambda ()
[(foreign-call "ikrt_close_fd" fd) =>
(lambda (err)
(io-error 'close id err))])))
(define (open-input-file-handle filename who)
(let ([fh (foreign-call "ikrt_open_input_fd"
(string->utf8 filename))])
[(fx< fh 0) (io-error who filename fh)]
[else fh])))
(define (open-output-file-handle filename file-options who)
(let ([opt (case file-options
[(fo:default) 0]
[(fo:no-create) 1]
[(fo:no-fail) 2]
[(fo:no-fail/no-create) 3]
[(fo:no-truncate) 4]
[(fo:no-truncate/no-create) 5]
[(fo:no-truncate/no-fail) 6]
[(fo:no-truncate/no-fail/no-create) 7]
[else (die who "invalid file option" file-options)])])
(let ([fh (foreign-call "ikrt_open_output_fd"
(string->utf8 filename)
[(fx< fh 0) (io-error who filename fh)]
[else fh]))))
(define open-file-input-port
(open-file-input-port filename (file-options) 'block #f)]
[(filename file-options)
(open-file-input-port filename file-options 'block #f)]
[(filename file-options buffer-mode)
(open-file-input-port filename file-options buffer-mode #f)]
[(filename file-options buffer-mode transcoder)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'open-file-input-port "invalid filename" filename))
(unless (or (not transcoder) (transcoder? transcoder))
(die 'open-file-input-port "invalid transcoder" transcoder))
; FIXME: file-options ignored
; FIXME: buffer-mode ignored
(open-input-file-handle filename 'open-file-input-port)
(define open-file-output-port
(open-file-output-port filename (file-options) 'block #f)]
[(filename file-options)
(open-file-output-port filename file-options 'block #f)]
[(filename file-options buffer-mode)
(open-file-output-port filename file-options buffer-mode #f)]
[(filename file-options buffer-mode transcoder)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'open-file-output-port "invalid filename" filename))
; FIXME: file-options ignored
; FIXME: buffer-mode ignored
(unless (or (not transcoder) (transcoder? transcoder))
(die 'open-file-output-port "invalid transcoder" transcoder))
(open-output-file-handle filename file-options
(define (open-output-file filename)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'open-output-file "invalid filename" filename))
(open-output-file-handle filename (file-options)
(define (open-input-file filename)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'open-input-file "invalid filename" filename))
(open-input-file-handle filename 'open-input-file)
(define (with-output-to-file filename proc)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'with-output-to-file "invalid filename" filename))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die 'with-output-to-file "not a procedure" proc))
(open-output-file-handle filename (file-options)
(lambda (p)
(parameterize ([*the-output-port* p])
(define (call-with-output-file filename proc)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'call-with-output-file "invalid filename" filename))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die 'call-with-output-file "not a procedure" proc))
(open-output-file-handle filename (file-options)
(define (call-with-input-file filename proc)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'call-with-input-file "invalid filename" filename))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die 'call-with-input-file "not a procedure" proc))
(open-input-file-handle filename 'call-with-input-file)
(define (with-input-from-file filename proc)
(unless (string? filename)
(die 'with-input-from-file "invalid filename" filename))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die 'with-input-from-file "not a procedure" proc))
(open-input-file-handle filename 'with-input-from-file)
(lambda (p)
(parameterize ([*the-input-port* p])
(define (with-input-from-string string proc)
(unless (string? string)
(die 'with-input-from-string "not a string" string))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(die 'with-input-from-string "not a procedure" proc))
(parameterize ([*the-input-port*
(open-string-input-port string)])
(define (standard-input-port)
(fh->input-port 0 '*stdin1* 256 #f #f))
(define (standard-output-port)
(fh->output-port 1 '*stdout1* 256 #f #f))
(define (standard-error-port)
(fh->output-port 2 '*stderr1* 256 #f #f))
(define *the-input-port*
(fh->input-port 0 '*stdin2* input-file-buffer-size #f #f)
(define *the-output-port*
(fh->output-port 1 '*stdout2* output-file-buffer-size #f #f)
(define *the-error-port*
(fh->output-port 2 '*stderr2* output-file-buffer-size #f #f)
(define console-output-port
(let ([p (*the-output-port*)])
(lambda () p)))
(define console-error-port
(let ([p (*the-error-port*)])
(lambda () p)))
(define console-input-port
(let ([p (*the-input-port*)])
(lambda () p)))
(define (current-input-port) (*the-input-port*))
(define (current-output-port) (*the-output-port*))
(define (current-error-port) (*the-error-port*))
(define (call-with-port p proc)
(if (port? p)
(if (procedure? proc)
(lambda () (proc p))
(lambda () (close-port p)))
(die 'call-with-port "not a procedure" proc))
(die 'call-with-port "not a port" p)))
(define peek-char
[() (lookahead-char (*the-input-port*))]
(if (input-port? p)
(if (textual-port? p)
(lookahead-char p)
(die 'peek-char "not a textual port" p))
(die 'peek-char "not an input-port" p))]))
(define (get-bytevector-n p n)
(import (ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $bytevectors))
(define (subbytevector s n)
(let ([p ($make-bytevector n)])
(let f ([s s] [n n] [p p])
(let ([n ($fx- n 1)])
($bytevector-set! p n ($bytevector-u8-ref s n))
(if ($fx= n 0)
(f s n p))))))
(unless (input-port? p)
(die 'get-bytevector-n "not an input port" p))
(unless (binary-port? p)
(die 'get-bytevector-n "not a binary port" p))
(unless (fixnum? n)
(die 'get-bytevector-n "count is not a fixnum" n))
[($fx> n 0)
(let ([s ($make-bytevector n)])
(let f ([p p] [n n] [s s] [i 0])
(let ([x (get-u8 p)])
[(eof-object? x)
(if ($fx= i 0)
(subbytevector s i))]
($bytevector-set! s i x)
(let ([i ($fxadd1 i)])
(if ($fx= i n)
(f p n s i)))]))))]
[($fx= n 0) '#vu8()]
[else (die 'get-bytevector-n "count is negative" n)]))
(define (get-bytevector-n! p s i c)
(import (ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $bytevectors))
(unless (input-port? p)
(die 'get-bytevector-n! "not an input port" p))
(unless (binary-port? p)
(die 'get-bytevector-n! "not a binary port" p))
(unless (bytevector? s)
(die 'get-bytevector-n! "not a bytevector" s))
(let ([len ($bytevector-length s)])
(unless (fixnum? i)
(die 'get-bytevector-n! "starting index is not a fixnum" i))
(when (or ($fx< i 0) ($fx> i len))
(die 'get-bytevector-n!
(format "starting index is out of range 0..~a" len)
(unless (fixnum? c)
(die 'get-bytevector-n! "count is not a fixnum" c))
[($fx> c 0)
(let ([j (+ i c)])
(when (> j len)
(die 'get-bytevector-n!
(format "count is out of range 0..~a" (- len i))
(let ([x (get-u8 p)])
[(eof-object? x) x]
($bytevector-set! s i x)
(let f ([p p] [s s] [start i] [i 1] [c c])
(let ([x (get-u8 p)])
[(eof-object? x) i]
($bytevector-set! s ($fx+ start i) x)
(let ([i ($fxadd1 i)])
(if ($fx= i c)
(f p s start i c)))])))])))]
[($fx= c 0) 0]
[else (die 'get-bytevector-n! "count is negative" c)])))
(define-rrr get-bytevector-some)
(define (get-bytevector-all p)
(define (get-it p)
(let f ([p p] [n 0] [ac '()])
(let ([x (get-u8 p)])
[(eof-object? x)
(if (null? ac)
(make-it n ac))]
[else (f p (+ n 1) (cons x ac))]))))
(define (make-it n revls)
(let f ([s (make-bytevector n)] [i (- n 1)] [ls revls])
[(pair? ls)
(bytevector-u8-set! s i (car ls))
(f s (- i 1) (cdr ls))]
[else s])))
(if (input-port? p)
(if (binary-port? p)
(get-it p)
(die 'get-bytevector-all "not a binary port" p))
(die 'get-bytevector-all "not an input port" p)))
(define (get-string-n p n)
(import (ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $strings))
(unless (input-port? p)
(die 'get-string-n "not an input port" p))
(unless (textual-port? p)
(die 'get-string-n "not a textual port" p))
(unless (fixnum? n)
(die 'get-string-n "count is not a fixnum" n))
[($fx> n 0)
(let ([s ($make-string n)])
(let f ([p p] [n n] [s s] [i 0])
(let ([x (get-char p)])
[(eof-object? x)
(if ($fx= i 0)
(substring s 0 i))]
($string-set! s i x)
(let ([i ($fxadd1 i)])
(if ($fx= i n)
(f p n s i)))]))))]
[($fx= n 0) ""]
[else (die 'get-string-n "count is negative" n)]))
(define (get-string-n! p s i c)
(import (ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $strings))
(unless (input-port? p)
(die 'get-string-n! "not an input port" p))
(unless (textual-port? p)
(die 'get-string-n! "not a textual port" p))
(unless (string? s)
(die 'get-string-n! "not a string" s))
(let ([len ($string-length s)])
(unless (fixnum? i)
(die 'get-string-n! "starting index is not a fixnum" i))
(when (or ($fx< i 0) ($fx> i len))
(die 'get-string-n!
(format "starting index is out of range 0..~a" len)
(unless (fixnum? c)
(die 'get-string-n! "count is not a fixnum" c))
[($fx> c 0)
(let ([j (+ i c)])
(when (> j len)
(die 'get-string-n!
(format "count is out of range 0..~a" (- len i))
(let ([x (get-char p)])
[(eof-object? x) x]
($string-set! s i x)
(let f ([p p] [s s] [start i] [i 1] [c c])
(let ([x (get-char p)])
[(eof-object? x) i]
($string-set! s ($fx+ start i) x)
(let ([i ($fxadd1 i)])
(if ($fx= i c)
(f p s start i c)))])))])))]
[($fx= c 0) 0]
[else (die 'get-string-n! "count is negative" c)])))
(define (get-line p)
(import UNSAFE)
(define (get-it p)
(let f ([p p] [n 0] [ac '()])
(let ([x (get-char p)])
[(eqv? x #\newline)
(make-it n ac)]
[(eof-object? x)
(if (null? ac) x (make-it n ac))]
[else (f p (fx+ n 1) (cons x ac))]))))
(define (make-it n revls)
(let f ([s (make-string n)] [i (fx- n 1)] [ls revls])
[(pair? ls)
(string-set! s i (car ls))
(f s (fx- i 1) (cdr ls))]
[else s])))
(if (input-port? p)
(if (textual-port? p)
(get-it p)
(die 'get-line "not a textual port" p))
(die 'get-line "not an input port" p)))
(define (get-string-all p)
(define (get-it p)
(let f ([p p] [n 0] [ac '()])
(let ([x (get-char p)])
[(eof-object? x)
(if (null? ac)
(make-it n ac))]
[else (f p (+ n 1) (cons x ac))]))))
(define (make-it n revls)
(let f ([s (make-string n)] [i (- n 1)] [ls revls])
[(pair? ls)
(string-set! s i (car ls))
(f s (- i 1) (cdr ls))]
[else s])))
(if (input-port? p)
(if (textual-port? p)
(get-it p)
(die 'get-string-all "not a textual port" p))
(die 'get-string-all "not an input port" p)))
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------
(module (put-char write-char put-string)
(import UNSAFE)
(define (put-char-utf8-mode p b who)
[(fx< b 128)
(flush-output-port p)
(let ([i ($port-index p)] [j ($port-size p)])
[(fx< i j)
(bytevector-u8-set! ($port-buffer p) i b)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))]
(die who "insufficient space on port" p)]))]
[(fx<= b #x7FF)
(let ([i ($port-index p)]
[j ($port-size p)]
[buf ($port-buffer p)])
[(fx< (fx+ i 1) j)
(bytevector-u8-set! buf i
(fxior #b11000000 (fxsra b 6)))
(bytevector-u8-set! buf (fx+ i 1)
(fxior #b10000000 (fxand b #b111111)))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 2))]
(flush-output-port p)
(put-char-utf8-mode p b who)]))]
[(fx<= b #xFFFF)
(let ([i ($port-index p)]
[j ($port-size p)]
[buf ($port-buffer p)])
[(fx< (fx+ i 2) j)
(bytevector-u8-set! buf i
(fxior #b11100000 (fxsra b 12)))
(bytevector-u8-set! buf (fx+ i 1)
(fxior #b10000000 (fxand (fxsra b 6) #b111111)))
(bytevector-u8-set! buf (fx+ i 2)
(fxior #b10000000 (fxand b #b111111)))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 3))]
(flush-output-port p)
(put-char-utf8-mode p b who)]))]
(let ([i ($port-index p)]
[j ($port-size p)]
[buf ($port-buffer p)])
[(fx< (fx+ i 3) j)
(bytevector-u8-set! buf i
(fxior #b11110000 (fxsra b 18)))
(bytevector-u8-set! buf (fx+ i 1)
(fxior #b10000000 (fxand (fxsra b 12) #b111111)))
(bytevector-u8-set! buf (fx+ i 2)
(fxior #b10000000 (fxand (fxsra b 6) #b111111)))
(bytevector-u8-set! buf (fx+ i 3)
(fxior #b10000000 (fxand b #b111111)))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 4))]
(flush-output-port p)
(put-char-utf8-mode p b who)]))]))
(define (put-char-latin-mode p b who)
[(fx< b 256)
(flush-output-port p)
(let ([i ($port-index p)] [j ($port-size p)])
[(fx< i j)
(bytevector-u8-set! ($port-buffer p) i b)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))]
(die who "insufficient space in port" p)]))]
(case (transcoder-error-handling-mode (port-transcoder p))
[(ignore) (void)]
[(replace) (put-char p #\?)]
(raise (make-i/o-encoding-error p))]
[else (die who "BUG: invalid die handling mode" p)])]))
(define (put-char-char-mode p c who)
(flush-output-port p)
(let ([i ($port-index p)] [j ($port-size p)])
[(fx< i j)
(string-set! ($port-buffer p) i c)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))]
(die who "insufficient space in port" p)])))
(define write-char
[(c p) (do-put-char p c 'write-char)]
[(c) (do-put-char (*the-output-port*) c 'write-char)]))
(define (put-char p c)
(do-put-char p c 'put-char))
(define (put-string p str)
(unless (string? str) (die 'put-string "not a string" str))
(unless (output-port? p)
(die 'put-string "not an output port" p))
(unless (textual-port? p)
(die 'put-string "not a textual port" p))
(let f ([i 0] [n (string-length str)])
(unless (fx= i n)
(do-put-char p (string-ref str i) 'put-string)
(f (fx+ i 1) n))))
(define (do-put-char p c who)
(unless (char? c) (die who "not a char" c))
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-put-utf8-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
(let ([b (char->integer c)])
[(and (fx< i ($port-size p)) (fx< b 128))
(bytevector-u8-set! ($port-buffer p) i b)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))]
(put-char-utf8-mode p b who)])))]
[(eq? m fast-put-char-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(string-set! ($port-buffer p) i c)]
(put-char-char-mode p c who)]))]
[(eq? m fast-put-latin-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
(let ([b (char->integer c)])
[(and (fx< i ($port-size p)) (fx< b 256))
(bytevector-u8-set! ($port-buffer p) i b)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))]
(put-char-latin-mode p b who)])))]
(if (output-port? p)
(if (textual-port? p)
(die who "port is closed" p)
(die who "not a textual port" p))
(die who "not an output port" p))]))))
(define newline
(put-char (*the-output-port*) #\newline)
(flush-output-port (*the-output-port*))]
(unless (output-port? p)
(die 'newline "not an output port" p))
(unless (textual-port? p)
(die 'newline "not a textual port" p))
(when ($port-closed? p)
(die 'newline "port is closed" p))
(put-char p #\newline)
(flush-output-port p)]))
(module (put-u8 put-bytevector)
(import UNSAFE)
(define (put-u8-byte-mode p b who)
(let ([write! ($port-write! p)])
(let ([i ($port-index p)]
[buf ($port-buffer p)])
(let ([bytes (write! buf 0 i)])
(when (or (not (fixnum? bytes))
(fx< bytes 0)
(fx> bytes i))
(die who "write! returned an invalid value" bytes))
[(fx= bytes i)
(bytevector-u8-set! buf 0 b)
($set-port-index! p 1)]
[(fx= bytes 0)
(die who "could not write bytes to sink")]
(let ([i (fx- i bytes)])
(bytevector-copy! buf bytes buf 0 i)
(bytevector-u8-set! buf i b)
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1)))])))))
(define (put-u8 p b)
(define who 'put-u8)
(unless (u8? b) (die who "not a u8" b))
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-put-byte-tag)
(let ([i ($port-index p)])
[(fx< i ($port-size p))
($set-port-index! p (fx+ i 1))
(bytevector-u8-set! ($port-buffer p) i b)]
(put-u8-byte-mode p b who)]))]
(if (output-port? p)
(die who "not a binary port" p)
(die who "not an output port" p))])))
(define ($put-bytevector p bv i c)
(define who 'put-bytevector)
(define (copy! src dst si di c)
(when (fx> c 0)
(bytevector-u8-set! dst di (bytevector-u8-ref src si))
(copy! src dst (fx+ si 1) (fx+ di 1) (fx- c 1))))
(let ([m ($port-fast-attrs p)])
[(eq? m fast-put-byte-tag)
(let ([idx ($port-index p)])
(let ([room (fx- ($port-size p) idx)])
[(fx>= room c)
;; hurray
($set-port-index! p (fx+ idx c))
(copy! bv ($port-buffer p) i idx c)]
($set-port-index! p (fx+ idx room))
(copy! bv ($port-buffer p) i idx room)
(flush-output-port p)
($put-bytevector p bv (fx+ i room) (fx- c room))])))]
(if (output-port? p)
(die who "not a binary port" p)
(die who "not an output port" p))])))
(define put-bytevector
[(p bv)
(if (bytevector? bv)
($put-bytevector p bv 0 (bytevector-length bv))
(die 'put-bytevector "not a bytevector" bv))]
[(p bv i)
(if (bytevector? bv)
(if (fixnum? i)
(let ([n (bytevector-length bv)])
(if (and (fx< i n) (fx>= i 0))
($put-bytevector p bv i (fx- n i))
(die 'put-bytevector "index out of range" i)))
(die 'put-bytevector "invalid index" i))
(die 'put-bytevector "not a bytevector" bv))]
[(p bv i c)
(if (bytevector? bv)
(if (fixnum? i)
(let ([n (bytevector-length bv)])
(if (and (fx< i n) (fx>= i 0))
(if (fixnum? c)
(if (and (fx>= c 0) (fx>= (fx- n c) i))
($put-bytevector p bv i c)
(die 'put-bytevector "count out of range" c))
(die 'put-bytevector "invalid count" c))
(die 'put-bytevector "index out of range" i)))
(die 'put-bytevector "invalid index" i))
(die 'put-bytevector "not a bytevector" bv))]))
;;; module
(define (process cmd . args)
(define who 'process)
(unless (string? cmd)
(die who "command is not a string" cmd))
(unless (andmap string? args)
(die who "all arguments must be strings"))
(let ([r (foreign-call "ikrt_process"
(make-vector 4)
(string->utf8 cmd)
(map string->utf8 (cons cmd args)))])
(if (fixnum? r)
(io-error who cmd r)
(vector-ref r 0) ; pid
(fh->output-port (vector-ref r 1)
cmd output-file-buffer-size #f #t)
(fh->input-port (vector-ref r 2)
cmd input-file-buffer-size #f #t)
(fh->input-port (vector-ref r 3)
cmd input-file-buffer-size #f #t)))))
(define (socket->ports socket who id)
(if (< socket 0)
(io-error 'tcp-connect id socket)
(let ([close
(let ([closed-once? #f])
(lambda ()
(if closed-once?
((file-close-proc id socket))
(set! closed-once? #t))))])
(fh->output-port socket
id output-file-buffer-size #f close)
(fh->input-port socket
id input-file-buffer-size #f close)))))
(define (tcp-connect host srvc)
(foreign-call "ikrt_tcp_connect"
(string->utf8 host) (string->utf8 srvc))
(string-append host ":" srvc)))
(define (tcp-connect-nonblocking host srvc)
(foreign-call "ikrt_tcp_connect_nonblocking"
(string->utf8 host) (string->utf8 srvc))
(string-append host ":" srvc)))