
959 lines
32 KiB

;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(library (ikarus intel-assembler)
(export assemble-sources code-entry-adjustment)
(rnrs bytevectors)
(except (ikarus code-objects) procedure-annotation)
(ikarus system $pairs))
(define fold
(lambda (f init ls)
[(null? ls) init]
(f (car ls) (fold f init (cdr ls)))])))
(define convert-instructions
(lambda (ls)
(fold convert-instruction '() ls)))
(define register-mapping
;;; reg cls idx REX.R
'([%eax 32 0 #f]
[%ecx 32 1 #f]
[%edx 32 2 #f]
[%ebx 32 3 #f]
[%esp 32 4 #f]
[%ebp 32 5 #f]
[%esi 32 6 #f]
[%edi 32 7 #f]
[%r8 32 0 #t]
[%r9 32 1 #t]
[%r10 32 2 #t]
[%r11 32 3 #t]
[%r12 32 4 #t]
[%r13 32 5 #t]
[%r14 32 6 #t]
[%r15 32 7 #t]
[%al 8 0 #f]
[%cl 8 1 #f]
[%dl 8 2 #f]
[%bl 8 3 #f]
[%ah 8 4 #f]
[%ch 8 5 #f]
[%dh 8 6 #f]
[%bh 8 7 #f]
[/0 0 0 #f]
[/1 0 1 #f]
[/2 0 2 #f]
[/3 0 3 #f]
[/4 0 4 #f]
[/5 0 5 #f]
[/6 0 6 #f]
[/7 0 7 #f]
[xmm0 xmm 0 #f]
[xmm1 xmm 1 #f]
[xmm2 xmm 2 #f]
[xmm3 xmm 3 #f]
[xmm4 xmm 4 #f]
[xmm5 xmm 5 #f]
[xmm6 xmm 6 #f]
[xmm7 xmm 7 #f]
(define register-index
(lambda (x)
[(assq x register-mapping) => caddr]
[else (die 'register-index "not a register" x)])))
(define reg32?
(lambda (x)
[(assq x register-mapping) =>
(lambda (x) (eqv? (cadr x) 32))]
[else #f])))
(define reg8?
(lambda (x)
[(assq x register-mapping) =>
(lambda (x) (eqv? (cadr x) 8))]
[else #f])))
(define xmmreg?
(lambda (x)
[(assq x register-mapping) =>
(lambda (x) (eqv? (cadr x) 'xmm))]
[else #f])))
(define reg?
(lambda (x)
(assq x register-mapping)))
(define reg-requires-REX?
(lambda (x)
[(assq x register-mapping) => cadddr]
[else (error 'reg-required-REX? "not a reg" x)])))
(define-syntax with-args
(syntax-rules (lambda)
[(_ x (lambda (a0 a1) b b* ...))
(let ([t x])
(if (pair? t)
(let ([t ($cdr t)])
(if (pair? t)
(let ([a0 ($car t)] [t ($cdr t)])
(if (pair? t)
(let ([a1 ($car t)])
(if (null? ($cdr t))
(let () b b* ...)
(die 'with-args "too many args")))
(die 'with-args "too few args")))
(die 'with-args "too few args")))
(die 'with-args "too few args")))]))
(define-syntax byte
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) (fxlogand x 255)]))
(define word
(lambda (x)
(cons 'word x)))
(define reloc-word
(lambda (x)
(cons 'reloc-word x)))
(define reloc-word+
(lambda (x d)
(cons* 'reloc-word+ x d)))
(define byte?
(lambda (x)
(and (fixnum? x)
(fx<= x 127)
(fx<= -128 x))))
(define mem?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x)
(eq? (car x) 'disp))))
(define small-disp?
(lambda (x)
(and (mem? x)
(byte? (cadr x)))))
(define CODE
(lambda (n ac)
(cons (byte n) ac)))
(define CODE+r
(lambda (n r ac)
(cons (byte (fxlogor n (register-index r))) ac)))
(define ModRM
(lambda (mod reg r/m ac)
(cons (byte (fxlogor
(register-index r/m)
(fxsll (register-index reg) 3)
(fxsll mod 6))))
(if (and (not (fx= mod 3)) (eq? r/m '%esp))
(cons (byte #x24) ac)
(define IMM32
(lambda (n ac)
[(int? n)
(if (fixnum? n)
(byte n)
(byte (fxsra n 8))
(byte (fxsra n 16))
(byte (fxsra n 24))
(let* ([lo (remainder n 256)]
[hi (quotient (if (< n 0) (- n 255) n) 256)])
(byte lo)
(byte hi)
(byte (fxsra hi 8))
(byte (fxsra hi 16))
[(obj? n)
(let ([v (cadr n)])
(if (immediate? v)
(cons (word v) ac)
(cons (reloc-word v) ac)))]
[(obj+? n)
(let ([v (cadr n)] [d (caddr n)])
(cons (reloc-word+ v d) ac))]
[(label-address? n)
(cons (cons 'label-addr (label-name n)) ac)]
[(foreign? n)
(cons (cons 'foreign-label (label-name n)) ac)]
[(label? n)
(cons (cons 'relative (label-name n)) ac)]
[else (die 'IMM32 "invalid" n)])))
(define IMM8
(lambda (n ac)
[(int? n)
(cons* (byte n) ac)]
[else (die 'IMM8 "invalid" n)])))
(define imm?
(lambda (x)
(or (int? x)
(obj? x)
(obj+? x)
(label-address? x)
(foreign? x)
(label? x))))
(define foreign?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'foreign-label))))
(define imm8?
(lambda (x)
(and (int? x) (byte? x))))
(define label?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'label))))
(define label-address?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'label-address))))
(define label-name
(lambda (x) (cadr x)))
(define int? integer?)
(define obj?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'obj))))
(define obj+?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'obj+))))
(define CODErri
(lambda (c d s i ac)
[(imm8? i)
(CODE c (ModRM 1 d s (IMM8 i ac)))]
[(imm? i)
(CODE c (ModRM 2 d s (IMM32 i ac)))]
[else (die 'CODErri "invalid i" i)])))
(define CODErr
(lambda (c r1 r2 ac)
(CODE c (ModRM 3 r1 r2 ac))))
(define RegReg
(lambda (r1 r2 r3 ac)
[(eq? r3 '%esp) (die 'assembler "BUG: invalid src %esp")]
[(eq? r1 '%ebp) (die 'assembler "BUG: invalid src %ebp")]
(byte (fxlogor 4 (fxsll (register-index r1) 3)))
(byte (fxlogor (register-index r2)
(fxsll (register-index r3) 3)))
(define IMM32*2
(lambda (i1 i2 ac)
[(and (int? i1) (obj? i2))
(let ([d i1] [v (cadr i2)])
(cons (reloc-word+ v d) ac))]
[(and (int? i2) (obj? i1)) (IMM32*2 i2 i1 ac)]
[else (die 'assemble "invalid IMM32*2" i1 i2)])))
(define (SIB s i b ac)
(cons (byte
(register-index b)
(fxsll (register-index i) 3)
(fxsll s 6))))
(define *cogen* (gensym "*cogen*"))
(define-syntax add-instruction
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (name instr ac args ...) b b* ...)
(putprop 'name *cogen*
(cons (length '(args ...))
(lambda (instr ac args ...) b b* ...)))]))
(define-syntax add-instructions
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ instr ac [(name* arg** ...) b* b** ...] ...)
(add-instruction (name* instr ac arg** ...) b* b** ...) ...)]))
(define (convert-instruction a ac)
[(getprop (car a) *cogen*) =>
(lambda (p)
(let ([n (car p)] [proc (cdr p)] [args (cdr a)])
[(fx= n 2)
(if (fx= (length args) 2)
(proc a ac (car args) (cadr args))
(die 'convert-instruction "incorrect args" a))]
[(fx= n 1)
(if (fx= (length args) 1)
(proc a ac (car args))
(die 'convert-instruction "incorrect args" a))]
[(fx= n 0)
(if (fx= (length args) 0)
(proc a ac)
(die 'convert-instruction "incorrect args" a))]
(if (fx= (length args) n)
(apply proc a ac args)
(die 'convert-instruction "incorrect args" a))])))]
[else (die 'convert-instruction "unknown instruction" a)]))
(define (RM /d dst ac)
[(mem? dst)
(with-args dst
(lambda (a0 a1)
[(and (imm8? a0) (reg32? a1))
(ModRM 1 /d a1 (IMM8 a0 ac))]
[(and (imm? a0) (reg32? a1))
(ModRM 2 /d a1 (IMM32 a0 ac))]
[(and (imm8? a1) (reg32? a0))
(ModRM 1 /d a0 (IMM8 a1 ac))]
[(and (imm? a1) (reg32? a0))
(ModRM 2 /d a0 (IMM32 a1 ac))]
[(and (reg32? a0) (reg32? a1))
(RegReg /d a0 a1 ac)]
[(and (imm? a0) (imm? a1))
(ModRM 0 /d '/5 (IMM32*2 a0 a1 ac))]
[else (die 'RM "unhandled" a0 a1)])))]
[(reg? dst) (ModRM 3 /d dst ac)]
[else (die 'RM "unhandled" dst)]))
(module ()
(define who 'assembler)
(define (REX.R bits ac)
(cons (fxlogor #b01000000 bits) ac))
(define (REX+r r ac)
[(reg-requires-REX? r) (REX.R #b001 ac)]
[else ac]))
(define (REX+RM r rm ac)
(define (C n ac)
(printf "CASE ~s\n" n)
(let f ([ac ac] [i 30])
(unless (or (null? ac) (= i 0))
(if (number? (car ac))
(printf " #x~x" (car ac))
(printf " ~s" (car ac)))
(f (cdr ac) (- i 1))))
[(mem? rm)
(if (reg-requires-REX? r)
(with-args rm
(lambda (a0 a1)
[(and (imm? a0) (reg32? a1))
(if (reg-requires-REX? a1)
(C 0 (REX.R #b101 ac))
(C 1 (REX.R #b100 ac)))]
[(and (imm? a1) (reg32? a0))
(if (reg-requires-REX? a0)
(C 2 (REX.R #b101 ac))
(C 3 (REX.R #b100 ac)))]
[(and (reg32? a0) (reg32? a1))
(if (or (reg-requires-REX? a0) (reg-requires-REX? a1))
(error 'REX+RM "unhandled4" a0 a1)
(error 'REX+RM "unhandleda" a1))]
[(and (imm? a0) (imm? a1))
(error 'REX+RM "unhandledb" a1)]
[else (die 'REX+RM "unhandled" a0 a1)])))
(with-args rm
(lambda (a0 a1)
[(and (imm? a0) (reg32? a1))
(if (reg-requires-REX? a1)
(C 4 (REX.R #b001 ac))
[(and (imm? a1) (reg32? a0))
(if (reg-requires-REX? a0)
(C 5 (REX.R #b001 ac))
[(and (reg32? a0) (reg32? a1))
(if (reg-requires-REX? a0)
(if (reg-requires-REX? a1)
(error 'REX+RM "unhandled x1" a0 a1)
(C 6 (REX.R #b010 ac)))
(if (reg-requires-REX? a1)
(error 'REX+RM "unhandled x3" a0 a1)
[(and (imm? a0) (imm? a1)) ac]
[else (die 'REX+RM "unhandled" a0 a1)]))))]
[(reg? rm)
(if (reg-requires-REX? r)
(if (reg-requires-REX? rm)
(C 7 (REX.R #b101 ac))
(C 8 (REX.R #b100 ac)))
(if (reg-requires-REX? rm)
(C 9 (REX.R #b001 ac))
[else (die 'REX+RM "unhandled" rm)]))
(define (CR c r ac)
(REX+r r (CODE+r c r ac)))
(define (CR* c r rm ac)
(REX+RM r rm (CODE c (RM r rm ac))))
(define (CCR* c0 c1 r rm ac)
(REX+RM r rm (CODE c0 (CODE c1 (RM r rm ac)))))
(define (CCR c0 c1 r ac)
(REX+r r (CODE c0 (CODE+r c1 r ac))))
(define (CCCR* c0 c1 c2 r rm ac)
(REX+RM r rm (CODE c0 (CODE c1 (CODE c2 (RM r rm ac))))))
(define (CCI32 c0 c1 i32 ac)
(CODE c0 (CODE c1 (IMM32 i32 ac))))
(add-instructions instr ac
[(ret) (CODE #xC3 ac)]
[(cltd) (CODE #x99 ac)]
[(movl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR #xB8 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xC7 '/0 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x89 src dst ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x89 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x8B dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(movb src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xC6 '/0 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (reg8? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x88 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg8? dst)) (CR* #x8A dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(addl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/0 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x05 (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/0 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x01 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x03 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/0 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x01 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(subl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x2D (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/5 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x29 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x2B dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/5 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x29 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(sall src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xD1 '/4 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xC1 '/4 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xC1 '/4 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xD3 '/4 dst ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xD3 '/4 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(shrl src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xD1 '/5 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xC1 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xD3 '/5 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xC1 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xD3 '/5 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(sarl src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xD1 '/7 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xC1 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xC1 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #xD3 '/7 dst ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst)) (CR* #xD3 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(andl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/4 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/4 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x25 (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/4 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x21 src dst ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x21 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x23 dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(orl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/1 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x09 src dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/1 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x0D (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/1 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x09 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x0B dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(xorl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/6 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/6 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x35 (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x31 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x33 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x31 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(leal src dst)
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x8D dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(cmpl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x3D (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/7 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x39 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x3B dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x83 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CR* #x81 '/8 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(imull src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x6B dst dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CR* #x69 dst dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CCR* #x0F #xAF dst src ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CCR* #x0F #xAF dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(idivl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CR* #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CR* #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(pushl dst)
[(imm8? dst) (CODE #x6A (IMM8 dst ac))]
[(imm? dst) (CODE #x68 (IMM32 dst ac))]
[(reg32? dst) (CR #x50 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CR* #xFF '/6 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(popl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CR #x58 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CR* #x8F '/0 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(notl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CR* #xF7 '/2 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CR* #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(bswap dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CCR #x0F #xC8 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(negl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CR* #xF7 '/3 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(jmp dst)
[(imm? dst) (CODE #xE9 (IMM32 dst ac))]
[(mem? dst) (CR* #xFF '/4 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid jmp target" dst)])]
[(call dst)
[(imm? dst) (CODE #xE8 (IMM32 dst ac))]
[(mem? dst) (CR* #xFF '/2 dst ac)]
[(reg32? dst) (CR* #xFF '/2 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid jmp target" dst)])]
[(movsd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x10 dst src ac)]
[(and (xmmreg? src) (mem? dst)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x11 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(cvtsi2sd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (reg32? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x2A src dst ac)]
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x2A dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(cvtsd2ss src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (xmmreg? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x5A src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(cvtss2sd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (xmmreg? src)) (CCCR* #xF3 #x0F #x5A src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(movss src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #xF3 #x0F #x10 dst src ac)]
[(and (xmmreg? src) (mem? dst)) (CCCR* #xF3 #x0F #x11 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(addsd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x58 dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(subsd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x5C dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(mulsd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x59 dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(divsd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #xF2 #x0F #x5E dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(ucomisd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src)) (CCCR* #x66 #x0F #x2E dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(ja dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x87 dst ac)]
[(jae dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x83 dst ac)]
[(jb dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x82 dst ac)]
[(jbe dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x86 dst ac)]
[(jg dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8F dst ac)]
[(jge dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8D dst ac)]
[(jl dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8C dst ac)]
[(jle dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8E dst ac)]
[(je dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x84 dst ac)]
[(jna dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x86 dst ac)]
[(jnae dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x82 dst ac)]
[(jnb dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x83 dst ac)]
[(jnbe dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x87 dst ac)]
[(jng dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8E dst ac)]
[(jnge dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8C dst ac)]
[(jnl dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8D dst ac)]
[(jnle dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8F dst ac)]
[(jne dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x85 dst ac)]
[(jo dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x80 dst ac)]
[(jp dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8A dst ac)]
[(jnp dst) (CCI32 #x0F #x8B dst ac)]
[(byte x)
(unless (byte? x) (die who "not a byte" x))
(cons (byte x) ac)]
[(byte-vector x) (append (map (lambda (x) (byte x)) (vector->list x)) ac)]
[(int a) (IMM32 a ac)]
[(label L)
(unless (symbol? L) (die who "label is not a symbol" L))
(cons (cons 'label L) ac)]
[(label-address L)
(unless (symbol? L) (die who "label-address is not a symbol" L))
(cons (cons 'label-addr L) ac)]
(cons '(current-frame-offset) ac)]
[(nop) ac]
(define compute-code-size
(lambda (ls)
(fold (lambda (x ac)
(if (fixnum? x)
(fx+ ac 1)
(case (car x)
[(byte) (fx+ ac 1)]
[(word reloc-word reloc-word+ label-addr foreign-label
relative local-relative current-frame-offset)
(fx+ ac 4)]
[(label) ac]
[else (die 'compute-code-size "unknown instr" x)])))
(define set-label-loc!
(lambda (x loc)
(when (getprop x '*label-loc*)
(die 'compile "label is already defined" x))
(putprop x '*label-loc* loc)))
(define label-loc
(lambda (x)
(or (getprop x '*label-loc*)
(die 'compile "undefined label" x))))
(define unset-label-loc!
(lambda (x)
(remprop x '*label-loc*)))
(define set-code-word!
(lambda (code idx x)
[(fixnum? x)
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 0) (fxsll (fxlogand x #x3F) 2))
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 1) (fxlogand (fxsra x 6) #xFF))
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 2) (fxlogand (fxsra x 14) #xFF))
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 3) (fxlogand (fxsra x 22) #xFF))]
[else (die 'set-code-word! "unhandled" x)])))
(define (optimize-local-jumps ls)
(define locals '())
(define g (gensym))
(lambda (x)
(when (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'label))
(putprop (cdr x) g 'local)
(set! locals (cons (cdr x) locals))))
(lambda (x)
(when (and (pair? x)
(eq? (car x) 'relative)
(eq? (getprop (cdr x) g) 'local))
(set-car! x 'local-relative)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (remprop x g)) locals)
(define whack-instructions
(lambda (x ls)
(define f
(lambda (ls idx reloc)
[(null? ls) reloc]
(let ([a (car ls)])
(if (fixnum? a)
(code-set! x idx a)
(f (cdr ls) (fxadd1 idx) reloc))
(case (car a)
(code-set! x idx (cdr a))
(f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 1) reloc)]
[(reloc-word reloc-word+)
(f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) (cons (cons idx a) reloc))]
[(local-relative relative label-addr foreign-label)
(f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) (cons (cons idx a) reloc))]
(let ([v (cdr a)])
(set-code-word! x idx v)
(f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) reloc))]
(set-code-word! x idx idx)
(f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) reloc)]
(set-label-loc! (cdr a) (list x idx))
(f (cdr ls) idx reloc)]
(die 'whack-instructions "unknown instr" a)])))])))
(f ls 0 '())))
(define wordsize 4)
(define compute-reloc-size
(lambda (ls)
(fold (lambda (x ac)
(if (fixnum? x)
(case (car x)
[(reloc-word foreign-label) (fx+ ac 2)]
[(relative reloc-word+ label-addr) (fx+ ac 3)]
[(word byte label current-frame-offset local-relative) ac]
[else (die 'compute-reloc-size "unknown instr" x)])))
(define foreign-string->bytevector
(let ([mem '()])
(lambda (x)
(let f ([ls mem])
[(null? ls)
(let ([bv (string->utf8 x)])
(set! mem (cons (cons x bv) mem))
[(string=? x (caar ls)) (cdar ls)]
[else (f (cdr ls))])))))
(define code-entry-adjustment
(let ([v #f])
[() (or v (die 'code-entry-adjustment "uninitialized"))]
[(x) (set! v x)])))
(define whack-reloc
(lambda (thunk?-label code vec)
(define reloc-idx 0)
(lambda (r)
(let ([idx (car r)] [type (cadr r)]
(let ([v (cddr r)])
[(thunk?-label v) =>
(lambda (label)
(let ([p (label-loc label)])
[(fx= (length p) 2)
(let ([code (car p)] [idx (cadr p)])
(unless (fx= idx 0)
(die 'whack-reloc
"cannot create a thunk pointing"
(let ([thunk (code->thunk code)])
(set-cdr! (cdr p) (list thunk))
[else (caddr p)])))]
[else v]))])
(case type
(vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxsll idx 2))
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) v)
(set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 2))]
;;; FIXME: converted strings should be memoized.
;;; wait for equal? hash tables.
(let ([name
(if (string? v)
(foreign-string->bytevector v)
(die 'whack-reloc "not a string" v))])
(vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 1 (fxsll idx 2)))
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) name)
(set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 2)))]
(let ([obj (car v)] [disp (cdr v)])
(vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 2 (fxsll idx 2)))
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) disp)
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 2) obj)
(set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 3)))]
(let ([loc (label-loc v)])
(let ([obj (car loc)] [disp (cadr loc)])
(vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 2 (fxsll idx 2)))
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1)
(fx+ disp (code-entry-adjustment)))
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 2) obj)))
(set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 3))]
(let ([loc (label-loc v)])
(let ([obj (car loc)] [disp (cadr loc)])
(unless (eq? obj code)
(die 'whack-reloc "local-relative differ"))
(let ([rel (fx- disp (fx+ idx 4))])
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 0) (fxlogand rel #xFF))
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 1) (fxlogand (fxsra rel 8) #xFF))
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 2) (fxlogand (fxsra rel 16) #xFF))
(code-set! code (fx+ idx 3) (fxlogand (fxsra rel 24) #xFF)))))]
(let ([loc (label-loc v)])
(let ([obj (car loc)] [disp (cadr loc)])
(unless (and (code? obj) (fixnum? disp))
(die 'whack-reloc "invalid relative jump obj/disp" obj disp))
(vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 3 (fxsll idx 2)))
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1)
(fx+ disp (code-entry-adjustment)))
(vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 2) obj)))
(set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 3))]
[else (die 'whack-reloc "invalid reloc type" type)]))
;;; (define list->code
;;; (lambda (ls)
;;; (let ([ls (convert-instructions ls)])
;;; (let ([n (compute-code-size ls)]
;;; [m (compute-reloc-size ls)])
;;; (let ([x (make-code n m 1)])
;;; (let ([reloc* (whack-instructions x ls)])
;;; (for-each (whack-reloc x) reloc*))
;;; (make-code-executable! x)
;;; x)))))
(define assemble-sources
(lambda (thunk?-label ls*)
(define (code-list ls)
(if (let ([a (cadr ls)])
(and (pair? a) (eq? (car a) 'name)))
(cddr ls)
(cdr ls)))
(define (code-name ls)
(let ([a (cadr ls)])
(if (and (pair? a) (eq? (car a) 'name))
(cadr a)
(let ([closure-size* (map car ls*)]
[code-name* (map code-name ls*)]
[ls* (map code-list ls*)])
(let* ([ls* (map convert-instructions ls*)]
[ls* (map optimize-local-jumps ls*)])
(let ([n* (map compute-code-size ls*)]
[m* (map compute-reloc-size ls*)])
(let ([code* (map make-code n* closure-size*)]
[relv* (map make-vector m*)])
(let ([reloc** (map whack-instructions code* ls*)])
(lambda (foo reloc*)
(for-each (whack-reloc thunk?-label (car foo) (cdr foo)) reloc*))
(map cons code* relv*) reloc**)
(for-each set-code-reloc-vector! code* relv*)
(for-each (lambda (code name)
(when name
(set-code-annotation! code name)))
code* code-name*)