
699 lines
24 KiB

;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(library (ikarus pretty-print)
(export pretty-print)
(rnrs hashtables)
(except (ikarus) pretty-print))
(define (map1ltr f ls)
;;; ltr so that gensym counts get assigned properly
[(null? ls) '()]
(let ([a (f (car ls))])
(cons a (map1ltr f (cdr ls))))]))
(define (pretty-width) 80)
(define (pretty-indent) 1)
(define-struct cbox (length boxes))
(define-struct pbox (length ls last))
(define-struct mbox (length str val))
(define-struct vbox (length ls))
(define-struct fbox (length box* sep*))
(define (box-length x)
[(string? x) (string-length x)]
[(cbox? x) (cbox-length x)]
[(pbox? x) (pbox-length x)]
[(mbox? x) (mbox-length x)]
[(vbox? x) (vbox-length x)]
[(fbox? x) (fbox-length x)]
[else (error 'boxify "invalid box" x)]))
(define (boxify x)
(define (conc . a*)
(let ([n
(let f ([a* a*] [len 0])
[(null? a*) len]
(f (cdr a*) (fx+ len (box-length (car a*))))]))])
(make-cbox n a*)))
(define (boxify-list ls alt-fmt*)
(define (sum-box* ls)
[(null? (cdr ls))
(fx+ (box-length (car ls)) 2)]
(fx+ (box-length (car ls))
(fxadd1 (sum-box* (cdr ls))))]))
(define (gensep*-default ls)
[(null? (cdr ls)) '()]
(cons (pretty-indent) (gensep*-default (cdr ls)))]))
(define (tab-value x)
[(eq? x 'tab) (pretty-indent)]
[(fixnum? x) x]
[else #f]))
(define (select-alt alt-fmt* ls)
(define (good-match? fmt ls)
[(not (pair? fmt)) #t]
[(eq? (car fmt) 'read-macro)
(and (list? ls) (fx= (length ls) 2))]
(let ([a (car fmt)] [fmt (cdr fmt)])
[(or (eq? a 'tab) (fixnum? a))
(good-match? fmt ls)]
[(and (pair? fmt) (eq? (car fmt) '...))
(and (list? ls)
(andmap (lambda (x) (good-match? a x)) ls))]
[(pair? ls)
(and (good-match? a (car ls))
(good-match? fmt (cdr ls)))]
[else #f]))]))
(ormap (lambda (fmt) (and (good-match? fmt ls) fmt))
(define (applicable-formats a alt-fmt*)
[(and (symbol? a) (getprop a *pretty-format*)) =>
(lambda (fmt)
[(and (pair? fmt) (eq? (car fmt) 'alt))
(append alt-fmt* (cdr fmt))]
(append alt-fmt* (list fmt))]))]
[(null? alt-fmt*) #f]
[else alt-fmt*]))
(define (return sep* box*)
(let ([n (sum-box* box*)])
(make-fbox n box* sep*)))
(let ([a (car ls)])
[(applicable-formats a alt-fmt*) =>
(lambda (fmt*)
(let ([fmt (select-alt fmt* ls)])
(module (fmt-dots? skip-fmt fmt-tab sub-fmt)
(define (parse-fmt x)
(define (parse-dots tab fmt x)
[(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) '...))
(values tab fmt #t (cdr x))]
(values tab fmt #f x)]))
(define (parse-tab tab x)
[(pair? x)
(parse-dots tab (car x) (cdr x))]
[else (values tab #f #f #f)]))
[(pair? x)
(let ([a0 (car x)])
[(eq? a0 'tab)
(parse-tab (pretty-indent) (cdr x))]
[(fixnum? a0)
(parse-tab a0 (cdr x))]
[else (parse-tab #f x)]))]
[else (values (pretty-indent) #f #f #f)]))
(define (fmt-dots? x)
(let-values ([(tab subfmt dots fmt) (parse-fmt x)])
(define (fmt-tab x)
(let-values ([(tab subfmt dots fmt) (parse-fmt x)])
(define (sub-fmt x)
(let-values ([(tab subfmt dots fmt) (parse-fmt x)])
(define (skip-fmt x)
(let-values ([(tab subfmt dots fmt) (parse-fmt x)])
;(import M)
(define (boxify/fmt fmt x)
[(and (pair? fmt) (pair? x) (list? x))
(boxify-list x
(if (eq? (car fmt) 'alt)
(cdr fmt)
(list fmt)))]
[else (boxify x)]))
(define (read-macro? x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'read-macro)))
[(read-macro? fmt)
(conc (cdr fmt) (boxify (cadr ls)))]
[(fmt-dots? fmt)
(return (fmt-tab fmt)
(map1ltr (lambda (x) (boxify/fmt (sub-fmt fmt) x))
(let-values ([(sep* ls)
(let f ([fmt (skip-fmt fmt)] [ls (cdr ls)])
[(null? ls)
(values '() '())]
[(fmt-dots? fmt)
(values (fmt-tab fmt)
(map1ltr (lambda (x)
(boxify/fmt (sub-fmt fmt) x))
(let-values ([(f^ l^)
(f (skip-fmt fmt) (cdr ls))])
(values (cons (fmt-tab fmt) f^)
(cons (boxify/fmt
(sub-fmt fmt)
(car ls))
(return sep* (cons (boxify/fmt (sub-fmt fmt) a) ls)))])))]
(return (gensep*-default ls) (map1ltr boxify ls))])))
(define (boxify-pair x)
(let-values ([(ls last)
(let f ([x x])
[(pair? x)
(let ([a (boxify (car x))])
(let-values ([(ls last) (f (cdr x))])
(values (cons a ls) last)))]
(values '() (boxify x))]))])
(let ([n
(let f ([ls ls] [n 4])
[(null? ls) n]
(f (cdr ls)
(fx+ (fxadd1 n) (box-length (car ls))))]))])
(make-pbox (fx+ n (box-length last)) ls last))))
(define (boxify-vector x)
(let ([ls (map1ltr boxify (vector->list x))])
(let ([n
(let f ([ls ls] [n 0])
[(null? ls) n]
(f (cdr ls) (fx+ n (box-length (car ls))))]))])
(make-vbox (fx+ (fx+ n 2) (vector-length x)) ls))))
[(null? x) "()"]
[(vector? x) (boxify-vector x)]
[(list? x) (boxify-list x '())]
[(pair? x) (boxify-pair x)]
[(setbox? x)
(let ([i (format "#~a=" (setbox-idx x))]
[b (boxify (setbox-data x))])
(make-cbox (+ (string-length i) (box-length b))
(list i b)))]
[(refbox? x) (format "#~a#" (refbox-idx x))]
[else (format "~s" x)]))
(define string-esc-table
'((7 . "a")
(8 . "b")
(9 . "t")
(10 . "n")
(11 . "v")
(12 . "f")
(13 . "r")
(34 . "\"")
(92 . "\\")))
(define (hexify n)
[(fx< n 10) (integer->char (fx+ n (char->integer #\0)))]
[else (integer->char (fx+ (fx- n 10) (char->integer #\A)))]))
(define (output x p)
(define (output-cbox x p col)
(let g ([ls (cbox-boxes x)] [p p] [col col])
[(null? ls) col]
(g (cdr ls) p
(f (car ls) p col))])))
(define (tab col p)
(newline p)
(let f ([col col] [p p])
(unless (fxzero? col)
(display #\space p)
(f (fxsub1 col) p))))
(define (output-pbox x p col)
(define (pbox-one-line x p col)
(display "(" p)
(let g ([ls (pbox-ls x)]
[p p]
[col (fx+ col 1)]
[last (pbox-last x)])
[(null? ls)
(display ". " p)
(let ([col (f last p (fx+ col 2))])
(display ")" p)
(fx+ col 1))]
(let ([col (f (car ls) p col)])
(display " " p)
(g (cdr ls) p (fx+ col 1) last))])))
(define (pbox-multi-fill x p col)
(display "(" p)
(let g ([ls (cdr (pbox-ls x))]
[p p]
[start-col (fx+ col 1)]
[col (f (car (pbox-ls x)) p (fx+ col 1))]
[last (pbox-last x)])
[(null? ls)
(let ([n (box-length last)])
(let ([col
[(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col n) 4) (pretty-width))
(display " . " p)
(fx+ col 3)]
(tab start-col p)
(display ". " p)
(fx+ start-col 2)])])
(let ([col (f last p col)])
(display ")" p)
(fx+ col 1))))]
[(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col 1) (box-length (car ls)))
(display " " p)
(g (cdr ls) p start-col
(f (car ls) p (fx+ col 1))
(tab start-col p)
(g (cdr ls) p start-col
(f (car ls) p start-col)
[(fx<= (fx+ col (pbox-length x)) (pretty-width))
(pbox-one-line x p col)]
(pbox-multi-fill x p col)]))
(define (output-mbox x p col)
(display (mbox-str x) p)
(f (mbox-val x) p (fx+ col (string-length (mbox-str x)))))
(define (output-vbox x p col)
(let ([ls (vbox-ls x)])
[(null? ls)
(display "#()" p)
(fx+ col 3)]
(display "#(" p)
(let g ([ls (cdr ls)] [p p]
[col (f (car ls) p (fx+ col 2))]
[start (fx+ col 2)])
[(null? ls)
(display ")" p)
(fx+ col 1)]
[(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col 1) (box-length (car ls))) (pretty-width))
(display " " p)
(g (cdr ls) p
(f (car ls) p (fx+ col 1))
(tab start p)
(g (cdr ls) p
(f (car ls) p start)
(define (output-fbox x p col)
(define (output-rest-cont box* sep* p col left)
[(null? box*) col]
[(pair? sep*)
(let* ([box (car box*)]
[sep (car sep*)]
[w (box-length box)])
[(fx<= (fx+ (fxadd1 w) col) (pretty-width))
(display " " p)
(output-rest-cont (cdr box*) (cdr sep*) p
(f box p (fxadd1 col)) left)]
[(not sep)
(display " " p)
(output-rest-multi (cdr box*) (cdr sep*) p
(f box p (fxadd1 col)) left)]
(let ([col (fx+ left sep)])
(tab col p)
[(fx<= (fx+ w col) (pretty-width))
(output-rest-cont (cdr box*) (cdr sep*) p
(f box p col) left)]
(output-rest-multi (cdr box*) (cdr sep*) p
(f box p col) left)]))]))]
(output-last-cont box* sep* p col left)]))
(define (output-last-cont box* sep p col left)
(define (sum ls)
[(null? ls) 0]
[else (fx+ (box-length (car ls))
(fxadd1 (sum (cdr ls))))]))
[(not sep)
(output-rest-cont box* '(#f . #f) p col left)]
[(fx<= (fx+ (sum box*) col) (pretty-width))
(let g ([box* box*] [p p] [col col])
[(null? box*) col]
(display " " p)
(g (cdr box*) p (f (car box*) p (fxadd1 col)))]))]
(let g ([box* box*] [p p] [left (fx+ left sep)] [col col])
[(null? box*) col]
(tab left p)
(g (cdr box*) p left
(f (car box*) p left))]))]))
(define (output-last-multi box* sep p col left)
(define (sum ls)
[(null? ls) 0]
[else (fx+ (box-length (car ls))
(fxadd1 (sum (cdr ls))))]))
[(not sep)
(output-rest-multi box* '(#f . #f) p col left)]
(let g ([box* box*] [p p] [left (fx+ left sep)] [col col])
[(null? box*) col]
(tab left p)
(g (cdr box*) p left
(f (car box*) p left))]))]))
(define (output-rest-multi box* sep* p col left)
[(null? box*) col]
[(pair? sep*)
(let* ([box (car box*)]
[sep (car sep*)]
[w (box-length box)])
[(not sep)
(display " " p)
(output-rest-multi (cdr box*) (cdr sep*) p
(f box p (fxadd1 col)) left)]
(let ([col (fx+ left sep)])
(tab col p)
[(fx<= (fx+ w col) (pretty-width))
(output-rest-cont (cdr box*) (cdr sep*) p
(f box p col) left)]
(output-rest-multi (cdr box*) (cdr sep*) p
(f box p col) left)]))]))]
[else (output-last-multi box* sep* p col left)]))
(define (output-box-init box box* sep* p left)
(let ([w (box-length box)])
[(fx<= (fx+ w left) (pretty-width))
(let ([col (f box p left)])
(output-rest-cont box* sep* p col left))]
(let ([col (f box p left)])
(output-rest-multi box* sep* p col left))])))
(display "(" p)
(let ([col (fx+ col 1)]
[box* (fbox-box* x)]
[sep* (fbox-sep* x)])
(let ([col (output-box-init (car box*) (cdr box*) sep* p col)])
(display ")" p)
(fx+ col 1))))
(define (f x p col)
[(string? x)
(display x p)
(fx+ col (string-length x))]
[(cbox? x) (output-cbox x p col)]
[(pbox? x) (output-pbox x p col)]
[(mbox? x) (output-mbox x p col)]
[(vbox? x) (output-vbox x p col)]
[(fbox? x) (output-fbox x p col)]
[else (error 'pretty-print-output "invalid" x)]))
(f x p 0)
(newline p))
(define (hasher x h)
(define (vec-graph x i j)
(unless (fx= i j)
(graph (vector-ref x i))
(vec-graph x (fxadd1 i) j h)))
(define (vec-dynamic x i j)
(unless (fx= i j)
(dynamic (vector-ref x i))
(vec-dynamic x (fxadd1 i) j)))
(define rv #f)
(define (graph x)
[(pair? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(set! rv #t)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(graph (car x))
(graph (cdr x))])]
[(vector? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(set! rv #t)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(vec-graph x 0 (vector-length x))])]
[(gensym? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(set! rv #t)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))])]))
(define (dynamic x)
[(pair? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(set! rv #t)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(dynamic (car x))
(dynamic (cdr x))
(when (and (hashtable-ref h x #f)
(fxzero? (hashtable-ref h x #f)))
(hashtable-set! h x #f))])]
[(vector? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(set! rv #t)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(vec-dynamic x 0 (vector-length x))
(when (and (hashtable-ref h x #f)
(fxzero? (hashtable-ref h x #f)))
(hashtable-set! h x #f))])]))
(if (print-graph)
(graph x)
(dynamic x))
(define-struct setbox (idx data))
(define-struct refbox (idx))
(define (rewrite-shared x h)
(define counter 0)
(let f ([x x])
[(pair? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
[(setbox? n)
(make-refbox (setbox-idx n))]
[(and (fixnum? n) (fx> n 0))
(let ([box (make-setbox counter #f)])
(set! counter (add1 counter))
(hashtable-set! h x box)
(let* ([a (f (car x))]
[d (f (cdr x))])
(set-setbox-data! box (cons a d))
(let* ([a (f (car x))]
[d (f (cdr x))])
(if (and (eq? a (car x))
(eq? d (cdr x)))
(cons a d)))]))]
(let* ([a (f (car x))]
[d (f (cdr x))])
(if (and (eq? a (car x))
(eq? d (cdr x)))
(cons a d)))])]
[(vector? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
[(setbox? n)
(make-refbox (setbox-idx n))]
[(and (fixnum? n) (fx> n 0))
(let ([box (make-setbox counter #f)])
(set! counter (add1 counter))
(hashtable-set! h x box)
(set-setbox-data! box
(map1ltr f (vector->list x))))
(list->vector (map1ltr f (vector->list x)))]))]
(list->vector (map1ltr f (vector->list x)))])]
[else x])))
(define (unshare x)
(let ([h (make-eq-hashtable)])
(if (hasher x h)
(rewrite-shared x h)
(define (pretty x p)
(output (boxify (unshare x)) p))
(define *pretty-format* '*pretty-format*)
(define (set-fmt! name fmt)
(putprop name *pretty-format* fmt))
(define pretty-print
[(x) (pretty x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(if (output-port? p)
(pretty x p)
(error 'pretty-print "not an output port" p))]))
(set-fmt! 'quote '(read-macro . "'"))
(set-fmt! 'unquote '(read-macro . ","))
(set-fmt! 'unquote-splicing '(read-macro . ",@"))
(set-fmt! 'quasiquote '(read-macro . "`"))
(set-fmt! 'syntax '(read-macro . "#'"))
(set-fmt! 'quasisyntax '(read-macro . "#`"))
(set-fmt! 'unsyntax '(read-macro . "#,"))
(set-fmt! 'unsyntax-splicing '(read-macro . "#,@"))
(set-fmt! '|#primitive| '(read-macro . "#%"))
(set-fmt! 'let '(alt
(_ (0 [e 0 e] ...) tab e ...)
(_ x (0 [e 0 e] ...) tab e ...)))
(set-fmt! 'letrec '(_ (0 [e 0 e] ...) tab e ...))
(set-fmt! 'let-syntax '(_ (0 [e 0 e] ...) tab e ...))
(set-fmt! 'letrec-syntax '(_ (0 [e 0 e] ...) tab e ...))
(set-fmt! 'let* '(_ (0 [e 0 e] ...) tab e ...))
(set-fmt! 'let-values '(_ (0 [e 0 e] ...) tab e tab e* ...))
(set-fmt! 'cond '(_ tab [0 e ...] ...))
(set-fmt! 'define '(_ name tab e tab e ...))
(set-fmt! 'case-lambda
'(_ tab [0 e ...] ...))
(set-fmt! 'struct-case
'(_ e tab [e 0 e ...] ...))
(set-fmt! 'if '(_ test 3 e ...))
(set-fmt! 'and '(and test 4 e ...))
(set-fmt! 'or '(or test 3 e ...))
(set-fmt! 'begin '(_ tab e ...))
(set-fmt! 'lambda '(_ fmls tab e tab e* ...))
(set-fmt! 'case '(_ e tab [e 0 e] ...))
(set-fmt! 'syntax-rules '(_ kwd* tab [e 0 e] ...))
(set-fmt! 'syntax-case '(_ expr kwd*
tab (e 0 e 0 e ...) ...))
(set-fmt! 'module '(alt (_ (fill ...) tab e ...)
(_ name (fill ...) tab e ...)))
(define (test x)
(pretty-print x)
(printf "====================================\n"))
(test 12)
(test #t)
(test #f)
(test (if #f #f))
(test '())
(test "string")
(test "\n")
(test "\r")
(test (string (integer->char 0)))
(test (string (integer->char 240)))
(test 'hello)
(test '(foo bar))
(test '
(define pp
[(x) (pretty x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(if (output-port? p)
(pretty x p)
(error 'pretty-print "not an output port" p))])))
(test '(384 7384 83947 893478 9137489 3894789 134789314 79817238
97314897 318947138974 981374 89137489 1374897 13498713
894713894 137894 89137489 1374 891348314 12 17 9000000 . 17))
(test '(',,@#''(quote (syntax unquote-splicing . 2) 2)))
(test '#(1 2 3))
(test '#(384 7384 83947 893478 9137489 3894789 134789314 79817238
97314897 318947138974 981374 89137489 1374897 13498713
894713894 137894 89137489))
(define (test-file x)
(printf "testing file ~s ...\n" x)
(with-input-from-file x
(lambda ()
(let f ([i 0])
(let ([x (read)] [fname (format "tmp.~a.pp" i)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(let ([y
(call-with-output-file fname
(lambda (p)
(pretty-print x p))
(with-input-from-file fname read))])
(if (equal? x y)
(f (fxadd1 i))
(error 'test-file "mismatch" x y)))))))))