
104 lines
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(new-cafe [eval])
The procedure new-cafe starts a new read-eval-print loop inside
the current cafe (if one exists). It prompts the user for an
expression, evaluates it, prints the result back, and repeats the
process. If new-cafe is called with an argument, eval, then that
argument must be a procedure that takes a single argument. The
eval procedure will be used to evaluate the expressions.
Every time a new cafe is started, the prompt is changed to reflect
the depth of the current cafe (i.e. how many eof objects is takes
to exit the outermost cafe).
Input and output performed by the cafe can be changed by the
console-input-port and console-output-port parameters.
If an error occurs during reading, evaluating, or printing an
expression, then the error is printed to the error-port and the
operations of the cafe resume as normal.|#
Be specific about what the error-port is |#
(library (ikarus cafe)
(export new-cafe)
(only (rnrs) with-exception-handler)
(only (ikarus exceptions) print-condition)
(only (psyntax expander) eval-top-level)
(except (ikarus) new-cafe))
(define eval-depth 0)
(define display-prompt
(lambda (i)
(if (fx= i eval-depth)
(display " " (console-output-port))
(display ">" (console-output-port))
(display-prompt (fx+ i 1))))))
(define my-read
(lambda (k)
(parameterize ([interrupt-handler
(lambda ()
(flush-output-port (console-output-port))
(reset-input-port! (console-input-port))
(newline (console-output-port))
(read (console-input-port)))))
(define wait
(lambda (eval-proc escape-k)
(lambda (k)
(lambda (con)
(reset-input-port! (console-input-port))
(flush-output-port (console-output-port))
(print-condition con)
(k (void)))
(lambda ()
(display-prompt 0)
(let ([x (my-read k)])
[(eof-object? x)
(newline (console-output-port))
(escape-k (void))]
(lambda () (eval-proc x))
(lambda v*
(unless (andmap (lambda (v) (eq? v (void))) v*)
(lambda (v)
(pretty-print v (console-output-port)))
(wait eval-proc escape-k)))
(define do-new-cafe
(lambda (eval-proc)
(lambda () (set! eval-depth (fxadd1 eval-depth)))
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(wait eval-proc k))))
(lambda () (set! eval-depth (fxsub1 eval-depth))))))
(define default-cafe-eval
(lambda (x)
(eval-top-level x)))
(define new-cafe
[() (do-new-cafe default-cafe-eval)]
(unless (procedure? p)
(error 'new-cafe "~s is not a procedure" p))
(do-new-cafe p)]))