
869 lines
26 KiB

;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008 Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(library (ikarus writer)
(export write display format printf fprintf print-error print-unicode print-graph
(rnrs hashtables)
(ikarus system $chars)
(ikarus system $strings)
(ikarus system $vectors)
(ikarus system $fx)
(ikarus system $pairs)
(ikarus system $symbols)
(ikarus system $bytevectors)
(ikarus system $transcoders)
(only (ikarus.pretty-formats) get-fmt)
(only (ikarus unicode-data) unicode-printable-char?)
(except (ikarus)
write display format printf fprintf print-error print-unicode print-graph
(define print-unicode
(make-parameter #t))
(define char-table ; first nonprintable chars
'#("nul" "x1" "x2" "x3" "x4" "x5" "x6" "alarm"
"backspace" "tab" "linefeed" "vtab" "page" "return" "xE" "xF"
"x10" "x11" "x12" "x13" "x14" "x15" "x16" "x17"
"x18" "x19" "x1A" "esc" "x1C" "x1D" "x1E" "x1F"
(define write-positive-hex-fx
(lambda (n p)
(unless ($fx= n 0)
(write-positive-hex-fx ($fxsra n 4) p)
(let ([n ($fxlogand n #xF)])
[($fx<= n 9)
(write-char ($fixnum->char
($fx+ ($char->fixnum #\0) n))
(write-char ($fixnum->char
($fx+ ($char->fixnum #\A) ($fx- n 10)))
(define write-character
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(let ([i ($char->fixnum x)])
(write-char #\# p)
[(fx< i (vector-length char-table))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* (vector-ref char-table i) p)]
[(fx< i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char x p)]
[(fx= i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* "delete" p)]
[(and (print-unicode) (unicode-printable-char? x))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char x p)]
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char #\x p)
(write-positive-hex-fx i p)]))
(write-char x p))))
(define write-list
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(and (pair? x)
(or (not (hashtable-ref h x #f))
(fxzero? (hashtable-ref h x 0))))
(write-char #\space p)
(write-list (cdr x) p m h
(writer (car x) p m h i))]
[(null? x) i]
(write-char #\space p)
(write-char #\. p)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer x p m h i)])))
(define write-vector
(lambda (x p m h i)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\( p)
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(let ([i
[(fx> n 0)
(let f ([idx 1] [i (writer (vector-ref x 0) p m h i)])
[(fx= idx n)
(write-char #\space p)
(f (fxadd1 idx)
(writer (vector-ref x idx) p m h i))]))]
[else i])])
(write-char #\) p)
(define write-bytevector
(lambda (x p m h i)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\v p)
(write-char #\u p)
(write-char #\8 p)
(write-char #\( p)
(let ([n ($bytevector-length x)])
(when (fx> n 0)
(write-fixnum ($bytevector-u8-ref x 0) p)
(let f ([idx 1] [n n] [x x] [p p])
(unless ($fx= idx n)
(write-char #\space p)
(write-fixnum ($bytevector-u8-ref x idx) p)
(f (fxadd1 idx) n x p)))))
(write-char #\) p)
(define write-struct
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(let ([rtd (struct-type-descriptor x)])
(and (record-type-descriptor? rtd)
(record-type-opaque? rtd)))
(write-char* "#<unknown>" p)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\[ p)
(let ([i (writer (struct-name x) p m h i)])
(let ([n (struct-length x)])
(let f ([idx 0] [i i])
[(fx= idx n)
(write-char #\] p)
(write-char #\space p)
(f (fxadd1 idx)
(writer (struct-ref x idx) p m h
(define initial?
(lambda (c)
(or (letter? c) (special-initial? c))))
(define letter?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z)))))
(define digit?
(lambda (c)
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
(define special-initial?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~))))
(define subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(or (initial? x)
(digit? x)
(special-subsequent? x))))
(define special-subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@))))
(define subsequent*?
(lambda (str i n)
(or ($fx= i n)
(and (subsequent? ($string-ref str i))
(subsequent*? str ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define peculiar-symbol-string?
(lambda (str)
(let ([n (string-length str)])
[(fx= n 1)
(memq (string-ref str 0) '(#\+ #\-))]
[(fx>= n 2)
(or (and (char=? (string-ref str 0) #\-)
(char=? (string-ref str 1) #\>)
(subsequent*? str 2 n))
(string=? str "..."))]
[else #f]))))
(define valid-symbol-string?
(lambda (str)
(define normal-symbol-string?
(lambda (str)
(let ([n ($string-length str)])
(and ($fx>= n 1)
(initial? ($string-ref str 0))
(subsequent*? str 1 n)))))
(or (normal-symbol-string? str)
(peculiar-symbol-string? str))))
(define write-symbol-bar-esc-loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless ($fx= i n)
(let* ([c ($string-ref x i)]
[b ($char->fixnum c)])
[($fx< b 32)
[($fx< b 7)
(write-inline-hex b p)]
[($fx< b 14)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char (string-ref "abtnvfr" ($fx- b 7)) p)]
(write-inline-hex b p)])]
[(memq c '(#\\ #\|))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char c p)]
[($fx< b 127)
(write-char c p)]
(write-inline-hex b p)]))
(write-symbol-bar-esc-loop x ($fxadd1 i) n p))))
(define write-symbol-bar-esc
(lambda (x p)
(write-char #\| p)
(write-symbol-bar-esc-loop x 0 ($string-length x) p)
(write-char #\| p)))
(define-syntax ascii-map
(lambda (x)
;;; r6rs prohibits bytevectors from being "datum"s
;;; oh well.
(syntax-case x ()
[(stx str) (string? (syntax->datum #'str))
(let ([s (syntax->datum #'str)]
[bv (make-bytevector 16 0)])
(lambda (c)
(let ([b (char->integer c)])
(let ([i (fxlogand b 7)]
[j (fxsra b 3)])
(bytevector-u8-set! bv j
(fxlogor (bytevector-u8-ref bv j)
(fxsll 1 i))))))
(string->list s))
(with-syntax ([bv (datum->syntax #'stx bv)])
#'(quote bv)))])))
(define subsequents-map
(define initials-map
(define (in-map? byte map)
(let ([i ($fxlogand byte 7)]
[j ($fxsra byte 3)])
(fx< j ($bytevector-length map))
(let ([mask ($fxsll 1 i)])
(not ($fxzero?
($fxlogand mask
($bytevector-u8-ref map j))))))))
(define (write-subsequent* str i j p)
(unless ($fx= i j)
(let* ([c ($string-ref str i)]
[b ($char->fixnum c)])
[(in-map? b subsequents-map)
(write-char c p)]
[($fx< b 128)
(write-inline-hex b p)]
[(unicode-printable-char? c)
(write-char c p)]
(write-inline-hex b p)]))
(write-subsequent* str ($fxadd1 i) j p)))
(define write-symbol-hex-esc
(lambda (str p)
(let ([n ($string-length str)])
[($fx= n 0)
(write-char #\| p)
(write-char #\| p)]
(let* ([c0 ($string-ref str 0)]
[b0 ($char->fixnum c0)])
[(in-map? b0 initials-map)
(write-char c0 p)]
[($fx< b0 128) (write-inline-hex b0 p)]
[(unicode-printable-char? c0) (write-char c0 p)]
[else (write-inline-hex b0 p)])
(write-subsequent* str 1 n p))]))))
(define (write-peculiar str p)
(let ([n ($string-length str)])
[($fx= n 1)
(write-char ($string-ref str 0) p)]
[(and ($fx>= n 2)
($char= ($string-ref str 0) #\-)
($char= ($string-ref str 1) #\>))
(write-char #\- p)
(write-char #\> p)
(write-subsequent* str 2 n p)]
[(string=? str "...")
(write-char #\. p)
(write-char #\. p)
(write-char #\. p)]
[else (die 'write-peculiear "BUG")])))
(define write-symbol
(lambda (x p m)
(write-symbol-string (symbol->string x) p m)))
(define write-symbol-string
(lambda (str p m)
(if m
(if (peculiar-symbol-string? str)
(write-peculiar str p)
(write-symbol-hex-esc str p))
(write-char* str p))))
(define write-gensym
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(and m (print-gensym)) =>
(lambda (gensym-how)
(case gensym-how
(let ([str (symbol->string x)])
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\: p)
(write-symbol-string str p m))]
(let ([str (symbol->string x)]
[ustr (gensym->unique-string x)])
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\{ p)
(write-symbol-string str p m)
(write-char #\space p)
(write-symbol-bar-esc ustr p)
(write-char #\} p))])
(write-symbol x p m)
(define write-inline-hex
(lambda (b p)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char #\x p)
(if ($fxzero? b)
(write-char #\0 p)
(write-positive-hex-fx b p))
(write-char #\; p)))
(define write-string-escape
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(let* ([c (string-ref x i)]
[b ($char->fixnum c)])
[($fx< b 32)
[($fx< b 7)
(write-inline-hex b p)]
[($fx< b 14)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char (string-ref "abtnvfr" ($fx- b 7)) p)]
(write-inline-hex b p)])]
[(or ($char= #\" c) ($char= #\\ c))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char c p)]
[($fx< b 127)
(write-char c p)]
[(unicode-printable-char? c)
(write-char c p)]
[else (write-inline-hex b p)]))
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(write-char #\" p)
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)
(write-char #\" p)))
(define write-string
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(write-string-escape x p)
(write-char* x p))))
(define write-fixnum
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x p)
(unless (fxzero? x)
(loop (fxquotient x 10) p)
($fx+ (fxremainder x 10)
($char->fixnum #\0)))
[(fxzero? x) (write-char #\0 p)]
[(fx< x 0)
(write-char #\- p)
(if (fx= x -536870912)
(write-char* "536870912" p)
(loop (fx- 0 x) p))]
[else (loop x p)])))
(define write-char*
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char (string-ref x i) p)
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)))
(define macro
(lambda (x h)
(pair? x)
(let ([a ($car x)])
(symbol? a)
(let ([d ($cdr x)])
(and (pair? d)
(null? ($cdr d))
(not (hashtable-ref h x #f))))
(let ([p (get-fmt a)])
(and (pair? p)
(eq? (car p) 'read-macro)
(string? (cdr p)))
(define write-pair
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(macro x h) =>
(lambda (a)
(display (cdr a) p)
(writer (cadr x) p m h i))]
(write-char #\( p)
(let ([i (writer (car x) p m h i)])
(let ([i (write-list (cdr x) p m h i)])
(write-char #\) p)
(define write-ref
(lambda (n p)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-fixnum (fx- -1 n) p)
(write-char #\# p)))
(define write-mark
(lambda (n p)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-fixnum (fx- -1 n) p)
(write-char #\= p)))
(define write-shareable
(lambda (x p m h i k)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
[(fx< n 0)
(write-ref n p)
[(fx= n 0)
(k x p m h i)]
(let ([i (fx- i 1)])
(hashtable-set! h x i)
(write-mark i p)
(k x p m h i))]))]
[else (k x p m h i)])))
(define writer
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(pair? x)
(write-shareable x p m h i write-pair)]
[(symbol? x)
(if (gensym? x)
(write-gensym x p m h i)
(begin (write-symbol x p m) i))]
[(fixnum? x)
(write-fixnum x p)
[(string? x)
(write-string x p m)
[(boolean? x)
(write-char* (if x "#t" "#f") p)
[(char? x)
(write-character x p m)
[(procedure? x)
[(let ([name (procedure-annotation x)])
(and (symbol? name) name)) =>
(lambda (name)
(write-char* "#<procedure " p)
(write-char* (symbol->string name) p)
(write-char* ">" p))]
[else (write-char* "#<procedure>" p)])
[(output-port? x)
(write-char* "#<output-port " p)
(write-char* (if (binary-port? x) "(binary) " "(textual) ") p)
(let ([i (writer (port-id x) p #t h i)])
(write-char #\> p)
[(input-port? x)
(write-char* "#<input-port " p)
(write-char* (if (binary-port? x) "(binary) " "(textual) ") p)
(let ([i (writer (port-id x) p #t h i)])
(write-char #\> p)
[(vector? x)
(write-shareable x p m h i write-vector)]
[(bytevector? x)
(write-shareable x p m h i write-bytevector)]
[(null? x)
(write-char #\( p)
(write-char #\) p)
[(eq? x (void))
(write-char* "#<void>" p)
[(eof-object? x)
(write-char* "#!eof" p)
[(bwp-object? x)
(write-char* "#!bwp" p)
[(hashtable? x)
(write-char* "#<hashtable>" p)
;[(record? x)
; (write-shareable x p m h i write-struct)]
[(struct? x)
(let ([printer (struct-printer x)])
(if (procedure? printer)
(begin (printer x p) i)
(write-shareable x p m h i write-struct)))]
[(code? x)
(write-char* "#<code>" p)]
[($unbound-object? x)
(write-char* "#<unbound-object>" p)
;;; [($forward-ptr? x) FIXME reinstate
;;; (write-char* "#<forward-ptr>" p)
;;; i]
[(number? x)
(write-char* (number->string x) p)
[(transcoder? x)
(write-char* "#<transcoder " p)
(let ([n ($transcoder->data x)])
(write-char* (number->string n) p))
(write-char* ">" p)]
(write-char* "#<unknown>" p)
(define print-graph (make-parameter #f))
(define (hasher x h)
(define (vec-graph x i j h)
(unless (fx= i j)
(graph (vector-ref x i) h)
(vec-graph x (fxadd1 i) j h)))
(define (vec-dynamic x i j h)
(unless (fx= i j)
(dynamic (vector-ref x i) h)
(vec-dynamic x (fxadd1 i) j h)))
(define (graph x h)
[(pair? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(graph (car x) h)
(graph (cdr x) h)])]
[(vector? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(vec-graph x 0 (vector-length x) h)])]
[(gensym? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))])]
[(struct? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(let ([rtd (struct-type-descriptor x)])
(and (record-type-descriptor? rtd)
(record-type-opaque? rtd))
(graph (struct-name x) h)
(let ([n (struct-length x)])
(let f ([idx 0])
(unless (fx= idx n)
(graph (struct-ref x idx) h)
(f (fxadd1 idx)))))))])]
(define (dynamic x h)
[(pair? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(dynamic (car x) h)
(dynamic (cdr x) h)
(when (and (hashtable-ref h x #f)
(fxzero? (hashtable-ref h x #f)))
(hashtable-set! h x #f))])]
[(vector? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(vec-dynamic x 0 (vector-length x) h)
(when (and (hashtable-ref h x #f)
(fxzero? (hashtable-ref h x #f)))
(hashtable-set! h x #f))])]
[(struct? x)
[(hashtable-ref h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(hashtable-set! h x 0)
(let ([rtd (struct-type-descriptor x)])
(and (record-type-descriptor? rtd)
(record-type-opaque? rtd))
(dynamic (struct-name x) h)
(let ([n (struct-length x)])
(let f ([idx 0])
(unless (fx= idx n)
(dynamic (struct-ref x idx) h)
(f (fxadd1 idx)))))))
(when (and (hashtable-ref h x #f)
(fxzero? (hashtable-ref h x #f)))
(hashtable-set! h x #f))])]
;;; FIXME: recursive records/structs
(if (print-graph)
(graph x h)
(dynamic x h)))
(define (write-to-port x p)
(let ([h (make-eq-hashtable)])
(hasher x h)
(writer x p #t h 0))
(flush-output-port p))
(define (display-to-port x p)
(let ([h (make-eq-hashtable)])
(hasher x h)
(writer x p #f h 0))
(flush-output-port p))
(define formatter
(lambda (who p fmt args)
;;; first check
(let f ([i 0] [args args])
[(fx= i (string-length fmt))
(unless (null? args)
(die who
"extra arguments given for format string \x2036;~a\x2033;"
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[(eqv? c #\~)
(let ([i (fxadd1 i)])
(when (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(die who "invalid ~ at end of format string" fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[(memv c '(#\~ #\%)) (f (fxadd1 i) args)]
[(memv c '(#\a #\s))
(when (null? args)
(die who "insufficient arguments"))
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
[(memv c '(#\b #\o #\x #\d))
(when (null? args)
(die who "insufficient arguments"))
(let ([a (car args)])
[(or (fixnum? a) (bignum? a) (ratnum? a))
[(flonum? a)
(unless (eqv? c #\d)
(die who
(format "flonums cannot be printed with ~~~a" c)))]
(die who "not a number" a)]))
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
(die who "invalid sequence character after ~" c)])))]
[else (f (fxadd1 i) args)]))]))
;;; then format
(let f ([i 0] [args args])
(unless (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[(eqv? c #\~)
(let ([i (fxadd1 i)])
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[(eqv? c #\~)
(write-char #\~ p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]
[(eqv? c #\%)
(write-char #\newline p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]
[(eqv? c #\a)
(display-to-port (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
[(eqv? c #\s)
(write-to-port (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
[(assv c '([#\b . 2] [#\o . 8] [#\x . 16] [#\d . 10]))
(lambda (x)
(let ([a (car args)])
[(or (fixnum? a) (bignum? a) (ratnum? a))
(display-to-port (number->string a (cdr x)) p)]
[(flonum? a)
(display-to-port (number->string a) p)]
(die who "BUG: not a number" a)]))
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args)))]
[else (die who "BUG" c)])))]
(write-char c p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]))))
;;; then flush
(flush-output-port p)))
(define fprintf
(lambda (p fmt . args)
(assert-open-textual-output-port p 'fprintf)
(unless (string? fmt)
(die 'fprintf "not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'fprintf p fmt args)))
(define display-error
(lambda (errname who fmt args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(die 'print-error "not a string" fmt))
(let ([p (standard-error-port)])
(if who
(fprintf p "~a in ~a: " errname who)
(fprintf p "~a: " errname))
(formatter 'print-error p fmt args)
(write-char #\. p)
(newline p))))
(define format
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(die 'format "not a string" fmt))
(let-values ([(p e) (open-string-output-port)])
(formatter 'format p fmt args)
(define printf
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(die 'printf "not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'printf (current-output-port) fmt args)))
(define write
[(x) (write-to-port x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(assert-open-textual-output-port p 'write)
(write-to-port x p)]))
(define (put-datum p x)
(assert-open-textual-output-port p 'put-datum)
(write-to-port x p))
(define display
[(x) (display-to-port x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(assert-open-textual-output-port p 'display)
(display-to-port x p)]))
(define print-error
(lambda (who fmt . args)
(display-error "Error" who fmt args)))
(define warning
(lambda (who fmt . args)
(display-error "Warning" who fmt args)))
(define (assert-open-textual-output-port p who)
(unless (output-port? p)
(die who "not an output port" p))
(unless (textual-port? p)
(die who "not a textual port" p))
(when (port-closed? p)
(die who "port is closed" p)))