
416 lines
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(library (ikarus records procedural)
make-record-type-descriptor record-type-descriptor?
make-record-constructor-descriptor record-accessor
record-mutator record-constructor record-predicate record?
record-rtd record-type-name record-type-parent record-type-uid
record-type-generative? record-type-sealed? record-type-opaque?
record-type-field-names record-field-mutable?)
(except (ikarus)
record-constructor record-predicate record? record-type-name
record-type-parent record-type-descriptor?
record-type-field-names record-field-mutable?)
(ikarus system $structs))
(define-struct rtd
(name size old-fields printer-proc symbol parent sealed? opaque? uid fields))
(define rtd-alist '())
(define (intern-rtd! uid rtd)
(set! rtd-alist (cons (cons uid rtd) rtd-alist)))
(define (lookup-rtd uid)
[(assq uid rtd-alist) => cdr]
[else #f]))
(define (record-type-descriptor? x) (rtd? x))
(define (record? x)
(and ($struct? x)
(let ([rtd ($struct-rtd x)])
(and (rtd? rtd)
(not (rtd-opaque? rtd))))))
(define (record-rtd x)
(define (err x)
(error 'record-rtd "~s is not a record" x))
(if ($struct? x)
(let ([rtd ($struct-rtd x)])
(if (rtd? rtd)
(if (not (rtd-opaque? rtd))
(err x))
(err x)))
(err x)))
(define (record-type-name x)
(if (rtd? x)
(rtd-name x)
(error 'record-type-name "~s is not an rtd" x)))
(define (record-type-parent x)
(if (rtd? x)
(rtd-parent x)
(error 'record-type-parent "~s is not an rtd" x)))
(define (record-type-uid x)
(if (rtd? x)
(rtd-uid x)
(error 'record-type-uid "~s is not an rtd" x)))
(define (record-type-sealed? x)
(if (rtd? x)
(rtd-sealed? x)
(error 'record-type-sealed? "~s is not an rtd" x)))
(define (record-type-opaque? x)
(if (rtd? x)
(rtd-opaque? x)
(error 'record-type-opaque? "~s is not an rtd" x)))
(define (record-type-generative? x)
(if (rtd? x)
(not (rtd-sealed? x))
(error 'record-type-generative? "~s is not an rtd" x)))
(define (record-type-field-names x)
(if (rtd? x)
(let ([v (rtd-fields x)])
(let ([n (vector-length v)])
(let f ([x (make-vector n)] [v v] [n n] [i 0])
(if (= i n)
(vector-set! x i (cdr (vector-ref v i)))
(f x v n (fxadd1 i)))))))
(error 'record-type-field-names "~s is not an rtd" x)))
(module (make-record-type-descriptor)
(define who 'make-record-type-descriptor)
(define (make-rtd-aux name parent uid sealed? opaque?
parent-size fields)
(make-rtd name (+ parent-size (vector-length fields))
#f #f #f parent sealed? opaque? uid fields))
(define (convert-fields sv)
(unless (vector? sv)
(error who "invalid fields argument ~s" sv))
(let ([n2 (vector-length sv)])
(let ([v (make-vector n2)])
(let f ([i 0])
(unless (= i n2)
(let ([x (vector-ref sv i)])
(if (pair? x)
(let ([m/u (car x)] [x (cdr x)])
(if (pair? x)
(let ([name (car x)])
(unless (and (null? (cdr x)) (symbol? name))
(error who "invalid fields argument ~s" sv))
(vector-set! v i
(cons (case m/u
[(mutable) #t]
[(immutable) #f]
(error who "invalid fields argument ~s" sv)])
(error who "invalid fields argument ~s" sv)))
(error who "invalid fields argument ~s" sv)))
(f (add1 i))))
(define generate-rtd
(lambda (name parent uid sealed? opaque? fields)
[(rtd? parent)
(when (rtd-sealed? parent)
(error who "cannot extend sealed parent ~s" parent))
(make-rtd-aux name parent uid sealed?
(or opaque? (rtd-opaque? parent))
(rtd-size parent)
(convert-fields fields))]
[(eqv? parent #f)
(make-rtd-aux name parent uid sealed? opaque? 0
(convert-fields fields))]
[else (error who "~s is not a valid parent" parent)])))
(define (same-fields-as-rtd? fields rtd)
(let* ([fv (rtd-fields rtd)]
[n (vector-length fv)])
(and (vector? fields)
(= (vector-length fields) n)
(let f ([i 0])
(or (= i n)
(let ([a (vector-ref fields i)]
[b (vector-ref fv i)])
(pair? a)
(case (car a)
[(mutable) (eqv? (car b) #t)]
[(immutable) (eqv? (car b) #f)]
[else #f])
(let ([a (cdr a)])
(and (pair? a)
(null? (cdr a))
(eq? (car a) (cdr b))))
(f (+ i 1)))))))))
(define make-nongenerative-rtd
(lambda (name parent uid sealed? opaque? fields)
[(lookup-rtd uid) =>
(lambda (rtd)
(and (eqv? name (rtd-name rtd))
(eqv? parent (rtd-parent rtd))
(eqv? sealed? (rtd-sealed? rtd))
(eqv? opaque? (rtd-opaque? rtd))
(same-fields-as-rtd? fields rtd))
(error who "invalid arguments"))
(let ([rtd (generate-rtd name parent uid sealed? opaque? fields)])
(intern-rtd! uid rtd)
(define make-record-type-descriptor
(lambda (name parent uid sealed? opaque? fields)
(unless (symbol? name)
(error who "~s is not a valid record type name" name))
(unless (boolean? sealed?)
(error who "~s is not a valid sealed? argument" sealed?))
(unless (boolean? opaque?)
(error who "~s is not a valid opaque? argument" opaque?))
[(symbol? uid)
(make-nongenerative-rtd name parent uid sealed? opaque? fields)]
[(eqv? uid #f)
(generate-rtd name parent uid sealed? opaque? fields)]
[else (error who "~s is not a valid uid" uid)]))))
(define-struct rcd (rtd prcd proc))
(define (is-parent-of? prtd rtd)
(let ([p (rtd-parent rtd)])
[(eq? p prtd) #t]
[(not p) #f]
[else (is-parent-of? prtd p)])))
(define make-record-constructor-descriptor
(lambda (rtd prcd protocol)
(define who 'make-record-constructor-descriptor)
(unless (rtd? rtd)
(error who "~s is not a record type descriptor" rtd))
(unless (or (not protocol) (procedure? protocol))
(error who "invalid protocol ~s" protocol))
(let ([prtd (rtd-parent rtd)])
[(not prcd)
(make-rcd rtd #f protocol)]
[(rcd? prcd)
(unless (is-parent-of? (rcd-rtd prcd) rtd)
(error who "descriptor ~s does not apply to ~s"
prcd rtd))
(make-rcd rtd prcd protocol)]
(error who "~s is not a valid record constructor descriptor" prcd)]))))
(define (iota i n)
(if (= i n)
(cons i (iota (+ i 1) n))))
(define (sym n)
(string->symbol (format "v~s" n)))
(define general-base-constructor
(lambda (n)
(lambda (rtd)
(lambda args
(unless (= (length args) n)
(error 'record-constructor
"incorrect number of arguments to constructor"))
(let f ([r ($make-struct rtd n)] [i 0] [args args])
[(null? args) r]
($struct-set! r i (car args))
(f r (add1 i) (cdr args))]))))))
(define base-constructors
'#(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(define (base-constructor-maker n)
[(< n (vector-length base-constructors))
(or (vector-ref base-constructors n)
(let ([vars (map sym (iota 0 n))])
(let ([proc
(eval `(lambda (rtd)
(lambda ,vars
($struct rtd . ,vars)))
'(ikarus system $structs)))])
(vector-set! base-constructors n proc)
[else (general-base-constructor n)]))
(define extended-constructors
'#(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(define general-extended-constructor
(lambda (n m)
(lambda (record-constructor)
(lambda args-n
(unless (= (length args-n) n)
(error 'record-constructor "incorrect arguments"))
(lambda args-m
(unless (= (length args-m) m)
(error 'record-constructor "incorrect arguments"))
(apply record-constructor (append args-n args-m)))))))
(define (extended-constructor-maker n m)
[(< n (vector-length extended-constructors))
(let ([v (let ([v (vector-ref extended-constructors n)])
(or v
(let ([v (make-vector (+ n 1) #f)])
(vector-set! extended-constructors n v)
(or (vector-ref v m)
(let* ([vars-0m (map sym (iota 0 m))]
[vars-mn (map sym (iota m n))]
`(lambda (record-constructor)
(lambda ,vars-0m
(lambda ,vars-mn
(record-constructor ,@vars-0m ,@vars-mn))))
(environment '(ikarus)))])
(vector-set! v m proc)
[else (general-extended-constructor n m)]))
(define (record-constructor rcd)
(define who 'record-constructor)
(unless (rcd? rcd)
(error who "~s is not a record constructor descriptor" rcd))
(let ([rtd (rcd-rtd rcd)]
[prcd (rcd-prcd rcd)])
(let ([c*
(let ([n (rtd-size rtd)])
(let f ([c0 ((base-constructor-maker n) rtd)]
[prcd prcd]
[n n])
[(not prcd) c0]
(let ([r (rcd-rtd prcd)])
(let ([m (rtd-size r)])
(f ((extended-constructor-maker n m) c0)
(rcd-prcd prcd)
(let f ([rcd rcd])
[(not rcd) c*]
(let ([c* (f (rcd-prcd rcd))])
(let ([proc (rcd-proc rcd)])
(if proc (proc c*) c*)))])))))
(define (record-accessor rtd k)
(define who 'record-accessor)
(unless (rtd? rtd)
(error who "~s is not an rtd" rtd))
(unless (and (fixnum? k) (fx>= k 0))
(error who "~s is not a valid index" k))
(let ([sz (rtd-size rtd)]
[p (rtd-parent rtd)])
(let ([i (if p (+ k (rtd-size p)) k)])
(unless (fx< i sz)
(error who "~s is not a valid index" k))
(lambda (x)
[($struct/rtd? x rtd) ($struct-ref x i)]
[($struct? x)
(let ([xrtd ($struct-rtd x)])
(unless (rtd? xrtd)
(error who "~s is not of type ~s" x rtd))
(let f ([prtd (rtd-parent xrtd)] [rtd rtd] [x x] [i i])
[(eq? prtd rtd) ($struct-ref x i)]
[(not prtd)
(error who "~s is not of type ~s" x rtd)]
[else (f (rtd-parent prtd) rtd x i)])))]
[else (error who "~s is not of type ~s" x rtd)])))))
(define (record-mutator rtd k)
(define who 'record-mutator)
(unless (rtd? rtd)
(error who "~s is not an rtd" rtd))
(unless (and (fixnum? k) (fx>= k 0))
(error who "~s is not a valid index" k))
(let ([sz (rtd-size rtd)]
[p (rtd-parent rtd)])
(let ([i (if p (+ k (rtd-size p)) k)])
(unless (fx< i sz)
(error who "~s is not a valid index" k))
(unless (car (vector-ref (rtd-fields rtd) k))
(error who "field ~s of ~s is not mutable" k rtd))
(lambda (x v)
[($struct/rtd? x rtd) ($struct-set! x i v)]
[($struct? x)
(let ([xrtd ($struct-rtd x)])
(unless (rtd? xrtd)
(error who "~s is not of type ~s" x rtd))
(let f ([prtd (rtd-parent xrtd)] [rtd rtd] [x x] [i i] [v v])
[(eq? prtd rtd) ($struct-set! x i v)]
[(not prtd)
(error who "~s is not of type ~s" x rtd)]
[else (f (rtd-parent prtd) rtd x i v)])))]
[else (error who "~s is not of type ~s" x rtd)])))))
(define (record-predicate rtd)
(define who 'record-predicate)
(unless (rtd? rtd)
(error who "~s is not an rtd" rtd))
(let ([sz (rtd-size rtd)]
[p (rtd-parent rtd)])
(lambda (x)
[($struct/rtd? x rtd) #t]
[($struct x)
(let ([xrtd ($struct-rtd x)])
(and (rtd? xrtd)
(let f ([prtd (rtd-parent xrtd)] [rtd rtd])
[(eq? prtd rtd) #t]
[(not prtd) #f]
[else (f (rtd-parent prtd) rtd)]))))]
[else #f]))))
(define (record-field-mutable? rtd k)
(define who 'record-field-mutable?)
(unless (rtd? rtd)
(error who "~s is not an rtd" rtd))
(unless (and (fixnum? k) (fx>= k 0))
(error who "~s is not a valid index" k))
(let ([sz (rtd-size rtd)]
[p (rtd-parent rtd)])
(let ([i (if p (+ k (rtd-size p)) k)])
(unless (fx< i sz)
(error who "~s is not a valid index" k))
(car (vector-ref (rtd-fields rtd) k)))))
(set-rtd-printer! (type-descriptor rtd)
(lambda (x p)
(display (format "#<record-type-descriptor ~s>" (rtd-name x)) p)))
(set-rtd-printer! (type-descriptor rcd)
(lambda (x p)
(display (format "#<record-constructor-descriptor ~s>"
(rtd-name (rcd-rtd x))) p)))