1019 lines
30 KiB
1019 lines
30 KiB
(library (ikarus core)
(import (scheme))
(primitive-set! 'eof-object
(lambda () (eof-object)))
(primitive-set! 'void
(lambda () (void)))
(primitive-set! 'integer->char
(lambda (n)
(unless (fixnum? n)
(error 'integer->char "~s is not a fixnum" n))
(unless (and ($fx>= n 0)
($fx<= n 255))
(error 'integer->char "~s is out of range[0..255]" n))
($fixnum->char n)))
(primitive-set! 'char->integer
(lambda (x)
(unless (char? x)
(error 'char->integer "~s is not a character" x))
($char->fixnum x)))
(primitive-set! 'gensym?
(lambda (x)
(and (symbol? x)
(let ([s ($symbol-unique-string x)])
(and s #t)))))
(primitive-set! 'top-level-value
(lambda (x)
(unless (symbol? x)
(error 'top-level-value "~s is not a symbol" x))
(let ([v ($symbol-value x)])
(when ($unbound-object? v)
(error 'top-level-value "unbound variable ~s" x))
(primitive-set! 'top-level-bound?
(lambda (x)
(unless (symbol? x)
(error 'top-level-bound? "~s is not a symbol" x))
(not ($unbound-object? ($symbol-value x)))))
(primitive-set! 'set-top-level-value!
(lambda (x v)
(unless (symbol? x)
(error 'set-top-level-value! "~s is not a symbol" x))
($set-symbol-value! x v)))
(primitive-set! 'primitive-set!
(lambda (x v)
(unless (symbol? x)
(error 'primitive-set! "~s is not a symbol" x))
(primitive-set! x v)
(set-top-level-value! x v)))
(primitive-set! 'memq
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? ($car h) x)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? ($car h) x)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls x)
(error 'memq "circular list ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memq "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memq "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race ls ls ls x))))
(primitive-set! 'memv
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (eqv? ($car h) x)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eqv? ($car h) x)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls x)
(error 'memv "circular list ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memv "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memv "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race ls ls ls x))))
(primitive-set! 'member
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (equal? ($car h) x)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (equal? ($car h) x)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls x)
(error 'member "circular list ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'member "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'member "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race ls ls ls x))))
(primitive-set! 'length
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls ($fx+ n 2))
(error 'length "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
($fx+ n 1)
(error 'length "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'length "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (ls)
(race ls ls ls 0))))
(primitive-set! 'list-ref
(lambda (list index)
(define f
(lambda (ls i)
[($fxzero? i)
(if (pair? ls)
($car ls)
(error 'list-ref "index ~s is out of range for ~s" index list))]
[(pair? ls)
(f ($cdr ls) ($fxsub1 i))]
[(null? ls)
(error 'list-rec "index ~s is out of range for ~s" index list)]
[else (error 'list-ref "~s is not a list" list)])))
(unless (and (fixnum? index) ($fx>= index 0))
(error 'list-ref "~s is not a valid index" index))
(f list index)))
(primitive-set! 'assq
(letrec ([race
(lambda (x h t ls)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([a ($car h)] [h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eq? ($car a) x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a ($car h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eq? ($car a) x)
(race x ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls))
(error 'assq "malformed alist ~s"
(error 'assq "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assq "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(error 'assq "malformed alist ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assq "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race x ls ls ls))))
(primitive-set! 'assv
(letrec ([race
(lambda (x h t ls)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([a ($car h)] [h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eqv? ($car a) x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a ($car h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eqv? ($car a) x)
(race x ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls))
(error 'assv "malformed alist ~s"
(error 'assv "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assv "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(error 'assv "malformed alist ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assv "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race x ls ls ls))))
(primitive-set! 'assoc
(letrec ([race
(lambda (x h t ls)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([a ($car h)] [h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (equal? ($car a) x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a ($car h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (equal? ($car a) x)
(race x ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls))
(error 'assoc "malformed alist ~s"
(error 'assoc "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assoc "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(error 'assoc "malformed alist ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assoc "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race x ls ls ls))))
(primitive-set! 'string->symbol
(lambda (x)
(unless (string? x)
(error 'string->symbol "~s is not a string" x))
(foreign-call "ikrt_string_to_symbol" x)))
(primitive-set! 'gensym
[() ($make-symbol #f)]
(if (string? s)
($make-symbol s)
(if (symbol? s)
($make-symbol ($symbol-string s))
(error 'gensym "~s is neither a string nor a symbol" s)))]))
(primitive-set! 'putprop
(lambda (x k v)
(unless (symbol? x) (error 'putprop "~s is not a symbol" x))
(unless (symbol? k) (error 'putprop "~s is not a symbol" k))
(let ([p ($symbol-plist x)])
[(assq k p) => (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x v))]
($set-symbol-plist! x (cons (cons k v) p))]))))
(primitive-set! 'getprop
(lambda (x k)
(unless (symbol? x) (error 'getprop "~s is not a symbol" x))
(unless (symbol? k) (error 'getprop "~s is not a symbol" k))
(let ([p ($symbol-plist x)])
[(assq k p) => cdr]
[else #f]))))
(primitive-set! 'remprop
(lambda (x k)
(unless (symbol? x) (error 'remprop "~s is not a symbol" x))
(unless (symbol? k) (error 'remprop "~s is not a symbol" k))
(let ([p ($symbol-plist x)])
(unless (null? p)
(let ([a ($car p)])
[(eq? ($car a) k) ($set-symbol-plist! x ($cdr p))]
(let f ([q p] [p ($cdr p)])
(unless (null? p)
(let ([a ($car p)])
[(eq? ($car a) k)
($set-cdr! q ($cdr p))]
(f p ($cdr p))]))))]))))))
(primitive-set! 'property-list
(lambda (x)
(unless (symbol? x)
(error 'property-list "~s is not a symbol" x))
(letrec ([f
(lambda (ls ac)
[(null? ls) ac]
(let ([a ($car ls)])
(f ($cdr ls)
(cons ($car a) (cons ($cdr a) ac))))]))])
(f ($symbol-plist x) '()))))
(let ()
(define vector-loop
(lambda (x y i n)
(or ($fx= i n)
(and (equal? ($vector-ref x i) ($vector-ref y i))
(vector-loop x y ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define string-loop
(lambda (x y i n)
(or ($fx= i n)
(and ($char= ($string-ref x i) ($string-ref y i))
(string-loop x y ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define equal?
(lambda (x y)
[(eq? x y) #t]
[(pair? x)
(and (pair? y)
(equal? ($car x) ($car y))
(equal? ($cdr x) ($cdr y)))]
[(vector? x)
(and (vector? y)
(let ([n ($vector-length x)])
(and ($fx= n ($vector-length y))
(vector-loop x y 0 n))))]
[(string? x)
(and (string? y)
(let ([n ($string-length x)])
(and ($fx= n ($string-length y))
(string-loop x y 0 n))))]
[(number? x) (and (number? y) (= x y))]
[else #f])))
(primitive-set! 'equal? equal?))
(primitive-set! 'apply
(let ()
(define (err f ls)
(if (procedure? f)
(error 'apply "not a list")
(error 'apply "~s is not a procedure" f)))
(define (fixandgo f a0 a1 ls p d)
[(null? ($cdr d))
(let ([last ($car d)])
($set-cdr! p last)
(if (and (procedure? f) (list? last))
($$apply f a0 a1 ls)
(err f last)))]
[else (fixandgo f a0 a1 ls d ($cdr d))]))
(define apply
[(f ls)
(if (and (procedure? f) (list? ls))
($$apply f ls)
(err f ls))]
[(f a0 ls)
(if (and (procedure? f) (list? ls))
($$apply f a0 ls)
(err f ls))]
[(f a0 a1 ls)
(if (and (procedure? f) (list? ls))
($$apply f a0 a1 ls)
(err f ls))]
[(f a0 a1 . ls)
(fixandgo f a0 a1 ls ls ($cdr ls))]))
(let ()
(define who 'map)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define map1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(cons (f a)
(map1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(cons (f a) '())
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define map2
(lambda (f a1 a2 d1 d2 n)
[(pair? d1)
[(pair? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered")
(cons (f a1 a2)
(map2 f
($car d1) ($car d2)
($cdr d1) ($cdr d2)
($fxsub1 n))))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[(null? d1)
[(null? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(cons (f a1 a2) '())
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define cars
(lambda (ls*)
[(null? ls*) '()]
(let ([a (car ls*)])
[(pair? a)
(cons (car a) (cars (cdr ls*)))]
(error 'map "length mismatch")]))])))
(define cdrs
(lambda (ls*)
[(null? ls*) '()]
(let ([a (car ls*)])
[(pair? a)
(cons (cdr a) (cdrs (cdr ls*)))]
(error 'map "length mismatch")]))])))
(define mapm
(lambda (f ls ls* n)
[(null? ls)
(if (andmap null? ls*)
(if (fxzero? n)
(error 'map "lists were mutated during operation"))
(error 'map "length mismatch"))]
[(fxzero? n)
(error 'map "lists were mutated during operation")]
(apply f (car ls) (cars ls*))
(mapm f (cdr ls) (cdrs ls*) (fxsub1 n)))])))
(primitive-set! 'map
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(map1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) '()]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[(f ls ls2)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(if (pair? ls2)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(map2 f ($car ls) ($car ls2) d ($cdr ls2) (len d d 0)))
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[(null? ls)
(if (null? ls2)
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[else (error who "not a list")])]
[(f ls . ls*)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([n (len ls ls 0)])
(mapm f ls ls* n))]
[(null? ls)
(if (andmap null? ls*)
(error who "length mismatch"))])])))
(let ()
(define who 'for-each)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define for-each1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(f a)
(for-each1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define for-each2
(lambda (f a1 a2 d1 d2 n)
[(pair? d1)
[(pair? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered")
(f a1 a2)
(for-each2 f
($car d1) ($car d2)
($cdr d1) ($cdr d2)
($fxsub1 n))))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[(null? d1)
[(null? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a1 a2)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(primitive-set! 'for-each
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(for-each1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) (void)]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[(f ls ls2)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(if (pair? ls2)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(for-each2 f
($car ls) ($car ls2) d ($cdr ls2) (len d d 0)))
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[(null? ls)
(if (null? ls2)
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[else (error who "not a list")])]
[_ (error who "vararg not supported yet")])))
(let ()
(define who 'andmap)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define andmap1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(and (f a)
(andmap1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define andmap2
(lambda (f a1 a2 d1 d2 n)
[(pair? d1)
[(pair? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered")
(f a1 a2)
(andmap2 f
($car d1) ($car d2)
($cdr d1) ($cdr d2)
($fxsub1 n))))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[(null? d1)
[(null? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a1 a2)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(primitive-set! 'andmap
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(andmap1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) #t]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[(f ls ls2)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(if (pair? ls2)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(andmap2 f
($car ls) ($car ls2) d ($cdr ls2) (len d d 0)))
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[(null? ls)
(if (null? ls2)
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[else (error who "not a list")])]
[(f . ls*) (error who "vararg not supported yet in ~s"
(length ls*))])))
(let ()
(define who 'ormap)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define ormap1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(or (f a)
(ormap1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(primitive-set! 'ormap
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(ormap1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) #f]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[_ (error who "vararg not supported yet")])))
(let ()
(define reverse
(lambda (h t ls ac)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)] [a1 ($car h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a2 ($car h)])
(reverse ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls (cons a2 (cons a1 ac))))
(error 'append "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(cons a1 ac)
(error 'append "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'append "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(define revcons
(lambda (ls ac)
[(null? ls) ac]
(revcons ($cdr ls) (cons ($car ls) ac))])))
(define append
(lambda (ls ls*)
[(null? ls*) ls]
(revcons (reverse ls ls ls '())
(append ($car ls*) ($cdr ls*)))])))
(primitive-set! 'append
[() '()]
[(ls) ls]
[(ls . ls*)
(append ls ls*)])))
(primitive-set! 'list->vector
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls ($fx+ n 2))
(error 'list->vector "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
($fx+ n 1)
(error 'list->vector "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'list->vector "~s is not a proper list" ls))))]
(lambda (v i ls)
[(null? ls) v]
(let ([c ($car ls)])
($vector-set! v i c)
(fill v ($fxadd1 i) (cdr ls)))]))])
(lambda (ls)
(let ([n (race ls ls ls 0)])
(let ([v (make-vector n)])
(fill v 0 ls))))))
(let ()
(define f
(lambda (v i ls)
[($fx< i 0) ls]
(f v ($fxsub1 i) (cons ($vector-ref v i) ls))])))
(primitive-set! 'vector->list
(lambda (v)
(if (vector? v)
(let ([n ($vector-length v)])
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f v ($fxsub1 n) '())))
(error 'vector->list "~s is not a vector" v)))))
(let ()
(define f
(lambda (n fill ls)
[($fxzero? n) ls]
(f ($fxsub1 n) fill (cons fill ls))])))
(primitive-set! 'make-list
(if (and (fixnum? n) ($fx>= n 0))
(f n (void) '())
(error 'make-list "~s is not a valid length" n))]
[(n fill)
(if (and (fixnum? n) ($fx>= n 0))
(f n fill '())
(error 'make-list "~s is not a valid length" n))])))
(primitive-set! 'list (lambda x x))
(primitive-set! 'gensym->unique-string
(lambda (x)
(unless (symbol? x)
(error 'gensym->unique-string "~s is not a gensym" x))
(let ([us ($symbol-unique-string x)])
[(string? us) us]
[(not us)
(error 'gensym->unique-string "~s is not a gensym" x)]
(let f ([x x])
(let ([id (uuid)])
($set-symbol-unique-string! x id)
[(foreign-call "ikrt_intern_gensym" x) id]
[else (f x)])))]))))
(primitive-set! 'gensym-prefix
(lambda (x)
(unless (string? x)
(error 'gensym-prefix "~s is not a string" x))
(primitive-set! 'gensym-count
(lambda (x)
(unless (and (fixnum? x) ($fx>= x 0))
(error 'gensym-count "~s is not a valid count" x))
(primitive-set! 'print-gensym
(lambda (x)
(unless (or (boolean? x) (eq? x 'pretty))
(error 'print-gensym "~s is not in #t|#f|pretty" x))
(primitive-set! 'bwp-object?
(lambda (x)
(bwp-object? x)))
(primitive-set! 'weak-cons
(lambda (a d)
(foreign-call "ikrt_weak_cons" a d)))
(primitive-set! 'weak-pair?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_is_weak_pair" x))))
(primitive-set! 'pointer-value
(lambda (x)
(pointer-value x)))
(primitive-set! 'date-string
(lambda ()
(let ([s (make-string 10)])
(foreign-call "ikrt_strftime" s "%F")
(primitive-set! 'list*
(lambda (fst . rest)
(let f ([fst fst] [rest rest])
[(null? rest) fst]
(cons fst (f ($car rest) ($cdr rest)))]))))
(primitive-set! 'command-line-arguments
(make-parameter ($arg-list)
(lambda (x)
(if (and (list? x) (andmap string? x))
(error 'command-list "invalid command-line-arguments ~s\n" x)))))
(let ()
(define f
(lambda (n i j)
[($fxzero? n)
(values (make-string i) j)]
(let ([q ($fxquotient n 10)])
(lambda () (f q ($fxadd1 i) j))
(lambda (str j)
(let ([r ($fx- n ($fx* q 10))])
(string-set! str j
($fixnum->char ($fx+ r ($char->fixnum #\0))))
(values str ($fxadd1 j))))))])))
(primitive-set! 'fixnum->string
(lambda (x)
(unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fixnum->string "~s is not a fixnum" x))
[($fxzero? x) "0"]
[($fx> x 0)
(lambda () (f x 0 0))
(lambda (str j) str))]
[($fx= x -536870912) "-536870912"]
(lambda () (f ($fx- 0 x) 1 1))
(lambda (str j)
($string-set! str 0 #\-)
(primitive-set! 'symbol->string
(lambda (x)
(unless (symbol? x)
(error 'symbol->string "~s is not a symbol" x))
(let ([str ($symbol-string x)])
(or str
(let ([ct (gensym-count)])
(let ([str (string-append (gensym-prefix) (fixnum->string ct))])
($set-symbol-string! x str)
(gensym-count ($fxadd1 ct))
(primitive-set! 'string->number
(lambda (x)
(define (convert-data str len pos? idx ac)
[($fx= idx len) (if pos? ac (- 0 ac))]
(let ([c ($string-ref str idx)])
[(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))
(convert-data str len pos? ($fxadd1 idx)
(+ (* ac 10)
($fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0))))]
[else #f]))]))
(define (convert-data-init str len pos? idx c)
[($char= c #\0)
(if ($fx= idx len)
(convert-data-init str len pos?
($fxadd1 idx)
($string-ref str idx)))]
[(and ($char<= #\1 c) ($char<= c #\9))
(convert-data str len pos? idx
($fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0)))]
[else #f]))
(define (convert-num str len pos?)
[($fx> len 1)
(convert-data-init str len pos? 2 ($string-ref str 1))]
[else #f]))
(define (convert-sign str len)
[($fx> len 0)
(let ([c ($string-ref str 0)])
(case c
[(#\+) (convert-num str len #t)]
[(#\-) (convert-num str len #f)]
(convert-data-init str len #t 1 c)]))]
[else #f]))
[(string? x)
(convert-sign x ($string-length x))]
[else (error 'string->number "~s is not a string" x)])))