
184 lines
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// PERM9 - Memory system benchmark using Zaks's permutation generator.
class Pair {
// A Java compiler ought to generate inline code for these.
public static Pair cons (int n, Pair y) { return new Pair(n, y); }
public static int car (Pair x) { return x.hd; }
public static Pair cdr (Pair x) { return x.tl; }
// If it doesn't, then we'll inline them by hand.
// That's why the following are public.
// (But Sun's Java 1.2 does the inlining ok.)
public Pair (int n, Pair y) { hd = n; tl = y; }
public int hd;
public Pair tl;
public static int length (Pair x) {
int n = 0;
while (x != null) {
n = n + 1;
x = Pair.cdr (x);
return n;
class Perm {
// A Java compiler ought to generate inline code for these.
public static Perm cons (Pair p, Perm y) { return new Perm(p, y); }
public static Pair car (Perm x) { return x.hd; }
public static Perm cdr (Perm x) { return x.tl; }
public Perm (Pair n, Perm y) { hd = n; tl = y; }
public Pair hd;
public Perm tl;
class perm9 {
* permutations
private static Perm perms; /* local to these functions */
private static Pair x; /* local to these functions */
static Pair revloop( Pair x, int n, Pair y )
while (n-- != 0) {
y = Pair.cons ( Pair.car(x), y );
x = Pair.cdr(x);
return y;
static Pair tail( Pair l, int n )
while (n-- > 0) {
l = Pair.cdr(l);
return l;
static void F( int n )
x = revloop( x, n, tail( x, n ) );
perms = Perm.cons ( x, perms );
static void P( int n )
if (n > 1) {
for ( int j = n-1; j != 0; --j ) {
P( n-1 );
F( n );
P( n-1 );
static Perm permutations( Pair the_x )
x = the_x;
perms = Perm.cons ( the_x, null );
P( Pair.length( the_x ) );
return perms;
* sumperms
static long sumperms( Perm x ) {
Pair y;
long sum = 0;
for (; x != null; x = Perm.cdr(x))
for (y = Perm.car(x); y != null; y = Pair.cdr(y))
sum = sum + Pair.car(y);
return sum;
* factorial
static long factorial( int n ) {
int f = 1;
while (n > 0) {
f = n * f;
n = n - 1;
return f;
public static void main( String args[] )
int n = 9;
Perm m, m2;
long sum;
int k;
/* Create the list [1, 2, ..., n]. */
Pair one_to_n = null;
int nn = n;
while (nn > 0) {
one_to_n = Pair.cons( nn--, one_to_n );
m = permutations( one_to_n );
//printperms( m );
for ( k = 5; k > 0; --k ) {
m2 = permutations( one_to_n );
m = m2;
sum = sumperms( m );
if (sum != (n * (n + 1) * factorial (n)) / 2)
System.out.println ("*** wrong result ***");
* Miscellaneous.
/* Prints a list for debugging. */
static void printints ( Pair l ) {
System.out.print( "(" );
while (l != null) {
System.out.print( Pair.car(l) );
l = Pair.cdr(l);
if (l != null) System.out.print( " " );
System.out.println( ")" );
static void printperms( Perm perms ) {
while (perms != null) {
printints( Perm.car(perms) );
perms = Perm.cdr(perms);
System.out.println( "" );
/* eof */