;;; ;;; assuming the existence of a code manager, this file defines an assember ;;; that takes lists of assembly code and produces a list of code objects ;;; ;;; add ;;; and ;;; cmp ;;; call ;;; cltd ;;; idiv ;;; imull ;;; ja ;;; jae ;;; jb ;;; jbe ;;; je ;;; jg ;;; jge ;;; jl ;;; jle ;;; jne ;;; jmp ;;; movb ;;; movl ;;; negl ;;; notl ;;; orl ;;; popl ;;; pushl ;;; ret ;;; sall ;;; sarl ;;; shrl ;;; sete ;;; setg (let () (define-syntax car (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (let ([t x]) (if (pair? t) (#%car t) (error '(car x) "~s is not a pair" t)))])) (define fold (lambda (f init ls) (cond [(null? ls) init] [else (f (car ls) (fold f init (cdr ls)))]))) (define convert-instructions (lambda (ls) (fold convert-instruction '() ls))) (define register-mapping '([%eax 32 0] [%ecx 32 1] [%edx 32 2] [%ebx 32 3] [%esp 32 4] [%ebp 32 5] [%esi 32 6] [%edi 32 7] [%al 8 0] [%cl 8 1] [%dl 8 2] [%bl 8 3] [%ah 8 4] [%ch 8 5] [%dh 8 6] [%bh 8 7] [/0 0 0] [/1 0 1] [/2 0 2] [/3 0 3] [/4 0 4] [/5 0 5] [/6 0 6] [/7 0 7] )) (define register-index (lambda (x) (cond [(assq x register-mapping) => caddr] [else (error 'register-index "not a register ~s" x)]))) (define reg32? (lambda (x) (cond [(assq x register-mapping) => (lambda (x) (fx= (cadr x) 32))] [else #f]))) (define reg8? (lambda (x) (cond [(assq x register-mapping) => (lambda (x) (fx= (cadr x) 8))] [else #f]))) (define reg? (lambda (x) (assq x register-mapping))) ;(define with-args ; (lambda (ls f) ; (apply f (cdr ls)))) (define-syntax with-args (syntax-rules (lambda) [(_ x (lambda (a0 a1) b b* ...)) (let ([t x]) (if (pair? t) (let ([t ($cdr t)]) (if (pair? t) (let ([a0 ($car t)] [t ($cdr t)]) (if (pair? t) (let ([a1 ($car t)]) (if (null? ($cdr t)) (let () b b* ...) (error 'with-args "too many args"))) (error 'with-args "too few args"))) (error 'with-args "too few args"))) (error 'with-args "too few args")))])) ;(define byte ; (lambda (x) ; (cons 'byte (fxlogand x 255)))) (define-syntax byte (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (fxlogand x 255)])) (define word (lambda (x) (cons 'word x))) (define reloc-word (lambda (x) (cons 'reloc-word x))) (define reloc-word+ (lambda (x d) (list* 'reloc-word+ x d))) (define byte? (lambda (x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx<= x 127) (fx<= -128 x)))) (define mem? (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) ;(fx= (length x) 3) (eq? (car x) 'disp) ;(or (imm? (cadr x)) ; (reg? (cadr x))) ;(or (imm? (caddr x)) ; (reg? (caddr x))) ))) (define small-disp? (lambda (x) (and (mem? x) (byte? (cadr x))))) (define CODE (lambda (n ac) (cons (byte n) ac))) (define CODE+r (lambda (n r ac) (cons (byte (fxlogor n (register-index r))) ac))) (define ModRM (lambda (mod reg r/m ac) (cons (byte (fxlogor (register-index r/m) (fxlogor (fxsll (register-index reg) 3) (fxsll mod 6)))) (if (and (not (fx= mod 3)) (eq? r/m '%esp)) (cons (byte #x24) ac) ac)))) (define (int-val x) (cond [(fixnum? x) x] [(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'int)) (cadr x)] [else (error 'int-val "not a fixnum ~s" x)])) (define IMM32 (lambda (n ac) (cond [(int? n) (let ([n (int-val n)]) (list* (byte n) (byte (fxsra n 8)) (byte (fxsra n 16)) (byte (fxsra n 24)) ac))] [(obj? n) (let ([v (cadr n)]) (if (immediate? v) (cons (word v) ac) (cons (reloc-word v) ac)))] [(obj+? n) (let ([v (cadr n)] [d (caddr n)]) (cons (reloc-word+ v d) ac))] [(label-address? n) (cons (cons 'label-addr (label-name n)) ac)] [(foreign? n) (cons (cons 'foreign-label (label-name n)) ac)] [else (error 'IMM32 "invalid ~s" n)]))) (define IMM8 (lambda (n ac) (cond [(int? n) (let ([n (int-val n)]) (list* (byte n) ac))] [else (error 'IMM8 "invalid ~s" n)]))) (define imm? (lambda (x) (or (int? x) (obj? x) (obj+? x) (label-address? x) (foreign? x)))) (define foreign? (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'foreign-label)))) (define imm8? (lambda (x) (and (int? x) (byte? (int-val x))))) (define label? (lambda (x) (cond [(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'label)) (let ([d (cdr x)]) (unless (and (null? (cdr d)) (symbol? (car d))) (error 'assemble "invalid label ~s" x))) #t] [else #f]))) (define label-address? (lambda (x) (cond [(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'label-address)) (let ([d (cdr x)]) (unless (and (null? (cdr d)) (or (symbol? (car d)) (string? (car d)))) (error 'assemble "invalid label-address ~s" x))) #t] [else #f]))) (define label-name (lambda (x) (cadr x))) (define int? (lambda (x) (or (fixnum? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'int))))) (define obj? (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'obj)))) (define obj+? (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'obj+)))) (define CODErri (lambda (c d s i ac) (cond [(imm8? i) (CODE c (ModRM 1 d s (IMM8 i ac)))] [(imm? i) (CODE c (ModRM 2 d s (IMM32 i ac)))] [else (error 'CODErri "invalid i=~s" i)]))) (define CODErr (lambda (c d s ac) (CODE c (ModRM 3 d s ac)))) (define CODEri (lambda (c d i ac) (CODE+r c d (IMM32 i ac)))) (define RegReg (lambda (r1 r2 r3 ac) (cond [(eq? r3 '%esp) (error 'assembler "BUG: invalid src %esp")] [(eq? r1 '%ebp) (error 'assembler "BUG: invalid src %ebp")] [else (list* (byte (fxlogor 4 (fxsll (register-index r1) 3))) (byte (fxlogor (register-index r2) (fxsll (register-index r3) 3))) ac)]))) ;;(define CODErd ;; (lambda (c r1 disp ac) ;; (with-args disp ;; (lambda (i/r r2) ;; (if (reg? i/r) ;; (CODE c (RegReg r1 i/r r2 ac)) ;; (CODErri c r1 r2 i/r ac)))))) (define IMM32*2 (lambda (i1 i2 ac) (cond [(and (int? i1) (obj? i2)) (let ([d (int-val i1)] [v (cadr i2)]) (cons (reloc-word+ v d) ac))] [else (error 'assemble "IMM32*2 ~s ~s" i1 i2)]))) (define CODErd (lambda (c r1 disp ac) (with-args disp (lambda (a1 a2) (cond [(and (reg? a1) (reg? a2)) (CODE c (RegReg r1 a1 a2 ac))] [(and (imm? a1) (reg? a2)) (CODErri c r1 a2 a1 ac)] [(and (imm? a1) (imm? a2)) (CODE c (ModRM 0 r1 '/5 (IMM32*2 a1 a2 ac)))] [else (error 'CODErd "unhandled ~s" disp)]))))) ;;; (define CODEdi ;;; (lambda (c disp n ac) ;;; (with-args disp ;;; (lambda (i r) ;;; (CODErri c '/0 r i (IMM32 n ac)))))) (define CODEdi (lambda (c disp n ac) (with-args disp (lambda (a1 a2) (cond [(and (reg? a1) (reg? a2)) (error 'CODEdi "unsupported1")] [(and (imm? a1) (reg? a2)) (CODErri c '/0 a2 a1 (IMM32 n ac))] [(and (imm? a1) (imm? a2)) (error 'CODEdi "unsupported2")] [else (error 'CODEdi "unhandled ~s" disp)]))))) (define CODEdi8 (lambda (c disp n ac) (with-args disp (lambda (i r) (CODErri c '/0 r i (IMM8 n ac)))))) (define *cogen* (gensym "*cogen*")) (define-syntax add-instruction (syntax-rules () [(_ (name instr ac args ...) b b* ...) (putprop 'name *cogen* (cons (length '(args ...)) (lambda (instr ac args ...) b b* ...)))])) (define-syntax add-instructions (syntax-rules () [(_ instr ac [(name* arg** ...) b* b** ...] ...) (begin (add-instruction (name* instr ac arg** ...) b* b** ...) ...)])) (define (convert-instruction a ac) (cond [(getprop (car a) *cogen*) => (lambda (p) (let ([n (car p)] [proc (cdr p)] [args (cdr a)]) (cond [(fx= n 2) (if (fx= (length args) 2) (proc a ac (car args) (cadr args)) (error 'convert-instruction "incorrect args in ~s" a))] [(fx= n 1) (if (fx= (length args) 1) (proc a ac (car args)) (error 'convert-instruction "incorrect args in ~s" a))] [(fx= n 0) (if (fx= (length args) 0) (proc a ac) (error 'convert-instruction "incorrect args in ~s" a))] [else (if (fx= (length args) n) (apply proc a ac args) (error 'convert-instruction "incorrect args in ~s" a))])))] [else (error 'convert-instruction "unknown instruction in ~s" a)])) ;;; instr/null is for 1-byte instructions that take no arguments ;(define (instr/null code ac) ; (cons code ac)) ;(define (instr/ir arg1 arg2 ac ircode) ; (CODE+r ircode arg2 (IMM32 arg1 ac))) ; ;(define (instr/im arg1 arg2 ac imcode) ; (error 'instr/im "not implemented")) ; ;(define (instr/rr arg1 arg2 ac rrcode) ; (CODErr rrcode arg1 arg2 ac)) ; ;(define (instr/rm arg1 arg2 ac rmcode) ; (CODErd rmcode arg1 arg2 ac)) (define (instr/2 arg1 arg2 ac ircode imcode rrcode rmcode mrcode) (cond [(imm? arg1) (cond [(reg? arg2) (CODEri ircode arg2 arg1 ac)] [(mem? arg2) (CODEdi imcode arg2 arg1 ac)] [else (error 'instr/2 "invalid args ~s ~s" arg1 arg2)])] [(reg? arg1) (cond [(reg? arg2) (CODErr rrcode arg1 arg2 ac)] [(mem? arg2) (CODErd rmcode arg1 arg2 ac)] [else (error 'instr/2 "invalid args ~s ~s" arg1 arg2)])] [(mem? arg1) (cond [(reg? arg2) (CODErd mrcode arg2 arg1 ac)] [else (error 'instr/2 "invalid args ~s ~s" arg1 arg2)])] [else (error 'instr/2 "invalid args ~s ~s" arg1 arg2)])) (module () (define who 'assembler) (define (conditional-set c dst ac) (cond [(reg8? dst) (CODE #x0F (CODE c (ModRM 3 '/0 dst ac)))] [else (error who "invalid condition-set to ~s" dst)])) (define (conditional-jump c dst ac) (cond [(imm? dst) (CODE #x0F (CODE c (IMM32 dst ac)))] [(label? dst) (CODE #x0F (CODE c (cons (cons 'relative (label-name dst)) ac)))] [else (error who "invalid conditional jump target ~s" dst)])) (add-instructions instr ac [(ret) (CODE #xC3 ac)] [(cltd) (CODE #x99 ac)] [(movl src dst) (instr/2 src dst ac #xB8 #xC7 #x89 #x89 #x8B)] [(movb src dst) (cond [(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CODEdi8 #xC6 dst src ac)] [(and (reg8? src) (mem? dst)) (CODErd #x88 src dst ac)] [(and (mem? src) (reg8? dst)) (CODErd #x8A dst src ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(addl src dst) (cond [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/0 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x05 (IMM32 src ac))] [(and (imm? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/0 dst (IMM32 src ac)))] [(and (reg? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x01 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))] [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODErd #x03 dst src ac)] [(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CODEdi #x81 dst src ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(subl src dst) (cond [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x2D (IMM32 src ac))] [(and (imm? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst (IMM32 src ac)))] [(and (reg? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x29 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))] [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODErd #x2B dst src ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(sall src dst) (cond [(and (equal? '(int 1) src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xD1 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst ac))] [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xC1 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst ac))] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(shrl src dst) (cond [(and (equal? '(int 1) src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xD1 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst ac))] [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xC1 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst ac))] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(sarl src dst) (cond [(and (equal? '(int 1) src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xD1 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst ac))] [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xC1 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg? dst)) (CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst ac))] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(andl src dst) (cond [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x25 (IMM32 src ac))] [(and (imm? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst (IMM32 src ac)))] [(and (reg? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x21 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))] [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODErd #x23 dst src ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(orl src dst) (cond [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/1 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x0D (IMM32 src ac))] [(and (imm? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/1 dst (IMM32 src ac)))] [(and (reg? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x09 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))] [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODErd #x0B dst src ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(xorl src dst) (cond [(and (reg? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x31 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))] [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODErd #x33 dst src ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(leal src dst) (cond [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODErd #x8D dst src ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(cmpl src dst) (cond [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CODE #x3D (IMM32 src ac))] [(and (imm? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst (IMM32 src ac)))] [(and (reg? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x39 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))] [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODErd #x3B dst src ac)] [(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CODErd #x83 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac))] [(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CODErd #x81 '/7 dst (IMM32 src ac))] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(imull src dst) (cond [(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x6B (ModRM 3 dst dst (IMM8 src ac)))] [(and (imm? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x69 (ModRM 3 dst dst (IMM32 src ac)))] [(and (reg? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x0F (CODE #xAF (ModRM 3 dst src ac)))] [(and (mem? src) (reg? dst)) (CODE #x0F (CODErd #xAF dst src ac))] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(idivl dst) (cond [(reg? dst) (CODErr #xF7 '/7 dst ac)] [(mem? dst) (CODErd #xF7 '/7 dst ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(pushl dst) (cond [(imm8? dst) (CODE #x6A (IMM8 dst ac))] [(imm? dst) (CODE #x68 (IMM32 dst ac))] [(reg? dst) (CODE+r #x50 dst ac)] [(mem? dst) (CODErd #xFF '/6 dst ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(popl dst) (cond [(reg? dst) (CODE+r #x58 dst ac)] [(mem? dst) (CODErd #x8F '/0 dst ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(notl dst) (cond [(reg? dst) (CODE #xF7 (ModRM 3 '/2 dst ac))] [(mem? dst) (CODErd #xF7 '/7 dst ac)] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(negl dst) (cond [(reg? dst) (CODE #xF7 (ModRM 3 '/3 dst ac))] [else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])] [(jmp dst) (cond [(label? dst) (CODE #xE9 (cons (cons 'relative (label-name dst)) ac))] [(imm? dst) (CODE #xE9 (IMM32 dst ac))] [(mem? dst) (CODErd #xFF '/4 dst ac)] [else (error who "invalid jmp target ~s" dst)])] [(call dst) (cond [(imm? dst) (CODE #xE8 (IMM32 dst ac))] [(label? dst) (CODE #xE8 (cons (cons 'relative (label-name dst)) ac))] [(mem? dst) (CODErd #xFF '/2 dst ac)] [(reg? dst) (CODE #xFF (ModRM 3 '/2 dst ac))] [else (error who "invalid jmp target ~s" dst)])] [(seta dst) (conditional-set #x97 dst ac)] [(setae dst) (conditional-set #x93 dst ac)] [(setb dst) (conditional-set #x92 dst ac)] [(setbe dst) (conditional-set #x96 dst ac)] [(setg dst) (conditional-set #x9F dst ac)] [(setge dst) (conditional-set #x9D dst ac)] [(setl dst) (conditional-set #x9C dst ac)] [(setle dst) (conditional-set #x9E dst ac)] [(sete dst) (conditional-set #x94 dst ac)] [(setna dst) (conditional-set #x96 dst ac)] [(setnae dst) (conditional-set #x92 dst ac)] [(setnb dst) (conditional-set #x93 dst ac)] [(setnbe dst) (conditional-set #x97 dst ac)] [(setng dst) (conditional-set #x9E dst ac)] [(setnge dst) (conditional-set #x9C dst ac)] [(setnl dst) (conditional-set #x9D dst ac)] [(setnle dst) (conditional-set #x9F dst ac)] [(setne dst) (conditional-set #x95 dst ac)] [(ja dst) (conditional-jump #x87 dst ac)] [(jae dst) (conditional-jump #x83 dst ac)] [(jb dst) (conditional-jump #x82 dst ac)] [(jbe dst) (conditional-jump #x86 dst ac)] [(jg dst) (conditional-jump #x8F dst ac)] [(jge dst) (conditional-jump #x8D dst ac)] [(jl dst) (conditional-jump #x8C dst ac)] [(jle dst) (conditional-jump #x8E dst ac)] [(je dst) (conditional-jump #x84 dst ac)] [(jna dst) (conditional-jump #x86 dst ac)] [(jnae dst) (conditional-jump #x82 dst ac)] [(jnb dst) (conditional-jump #x83 dst ac)] [(jnbe dst) (conditional-jump #x87 dst ac)] [(jng dst) (conditional-jump #x8E dst ac)] [(jnge dst) (conditional-jump #x8C dst ac)] [(jnl dst) (conditional-jump #x8D dst ac)] [(jnle dst) (conditional-jump #x8F dst ac)] [(jne dst) (conditional-jump #x85 dst ac)] [(jo dst) (conditional-jump #x80 dst ac)] [(byte x) (unless (byte? x) (error who "~s is not a byte" x)) (cons (byte x) ac)] [(byte-vector x) (append (map (lambda (x) (byte x)) (vector->list x)) ac)] [(int a) (IMM32 instr ac)] [(label L) (unless (symbol? L) (error who "label ~s is not a symbol" L)) (cons (cons 'label L) ac)] [(label-address L) (unless (symbol? L) (error who "label-address ~s is not a symbol" L)) (cons (cons 'label-addr L) ac)] [(current-frame-offset) (cons '(current-frame-offset) ac)] [(nop) ac] )) (define compute-code-size (lambda (ls) (fold (lambda (x ac) (if (fixnum? x) (fx+ ac 1) (case (car x) [(byte) (fx+ ac 1)] [(word reloc-word reloc-word+ label-addr foreign-label relative local-relative current-frame-offset) (fx+ ac 4)] [(label) ac] [else (error 'compute-code-size "unknown instr ~s" x)]))) 0 ls))) (define set-label-loc! (lambda (x loc) (when (getprop x '*label-loc*) (error 'compile "label ~s is already defined" x)) (putprop x '*label-loc* loc))) (define label-loc (lambda (x) (or (getprop x '*label-loc*) (error 'compile "undefined label ~s" x)))) (define unset-label-loc! (lambda (x) (remprop x '*label-loc*))) (define set-code-word! (lambda (code idx x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 0) (fxsll (fxlogand x #x3F) 2)) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 1) (fxlogand (fxsra x 6) #xFF)) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 2) (fxlogand (fxsra x 14) #xFF)) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 3) (fxlogand (fxsra x 22) #xFF))] [else (error 'set-code-word! "unhandled ~s" x)]))) (define (optimize-local-jumps ls) (define locals '()) (define g (gensym)) (for-each (lambda (x) (when (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'label)) (putprop (cdr x) g 'local) (set! locals (cons (cdr x) locals)))) ls) (for-each (lambda (x) (when (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'relative) (eq? (getprop (cdr x) g) 'local)) (set-car! x 'local-relative))) ls) (for-each (lambda (x) (remprop x g)) locals) ls) (define whack-instructions (lambda (x ls) (define f (lambda (ls idx reloc) (cond [(null? ls) reloc] [else (let ([a (car ls)]) (if (fixnum? a) (begin (code-set! x idx a) (f (cdr ls) (fxadd1 idx) reloc)) (case (car a) [(byte) (code-set! x idx (cdr a)) (f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 1) reloc)] [(reloc-word reloc-word+) (f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) (cons (cons idx a) reloc))] [(local-relative relative label-addr foreign-label) (f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) (cons (cons idx a) reloc))] [(word) (let ([v (cdr a)]) (set-code-word! x idx v) (f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) reloc))] [(current-frame-offset) (set-code-word! x idx idx) (f (cdr ls) (fx+ idx 4) reloc)] [(label) (set-label-loc! (cdr a) (list x idx)) (f (cdr ls) idx reloc)] [else (error 'whack-instructions "unknown instr ~s" a)])))]))) (f ls 0 '()))) (define wordsize 4) (define compute-reloc-size (lambda (ls) (fold (lambda (x ac) (if (fixnum? x) ac (case (car x) [(reloc-word foreign-label) (fx+ ac 2)] [(relative reloc-word+ label-addr) (fx+ ac 3)] [(word byte label current-frame-offset local-relative) ac] [else (error 'compute-reloc-size "unknown instr ~s" x)]))) 0 ls))) (define whack-reloc (lambda (thunk?-label code vec) (define reloc-idx 0) (lambda (r) (let ([idx (car r)] [type (cadr r)] [v (let ([v (cddr r)]) (cond [(thunk?-label v) => (lambda (label) (let ([p (label-loc label)]) (cond [(fx= (length p) 2) (let ([code (car p)] [idx (cadr p)]) (unless (fx= idx 0) (error 'whack-reloc "cannot create a thunk pointing at ~s" idx)) (let ([thunk ($code->closure code)]) (set-cdr! (cdr p) (list thunk)) thunk))] [else (caddr p)])))] [else v]))]) (case type [(reloc-word) (vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxsll idx 2)) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) v) (set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 2))] [(foreign-label) (vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 1 (fxsll idx 2))) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) v) (set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 2))] [(reloc-word+) (let ([obj (car v)] [disp (cdr v)]) (vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 2 (fxsll idx 2))) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) disp) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 2) obj) (set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 3)))] [(label-addr) (let ([loc (label-loc v)]) (let ([obj (car loc)] [disp (cadr loc)]) (vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 2 (fxsll idx 2))) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) (fx+ disp 11)) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 2) obj))) (set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 3))] [(local-relative) (let ([loc (label-loc v)]) (let ([obj (car loc)] [disp (cadr loc)]) (unless (eq? obj code) (error 'whack-reloc "local-relative differ")) (let ([rel (fx- disp (fx+ idx 4))]) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 0) (fxlogand rel #xFF)) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 1) (fxlogand (fxsra rel 8) #xFF)) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 2) (fxlogand (fxsra rel 16) #xFF)) (code-set! code (fx+ idx 3) (fxlogand (fxsra rel 24) #xFF)))))] [(relative) (let ([loc (label-loc v)]) (let ([obj (car loc)] [disp (cadr loc)]) (vector-set! vec reloc-idx (fxlogor 3 (fxsll idx 2))) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 1) (fx+ disp 11)) (vector-set! vec (fx+ reloc-idx 2) obj))) (set! reloc-idx (fx+ reloc-idx 3))] [else (error 'whack-reloc "invalid reloc type ~s" type)])) ))) ;;; (define list->code ;;; (lambda (ls) ;;; (let ([ls (convert-instructions ls)]) ;;; (let ([n (compute-code-size ls)] ;;; [m (compute-reloc-size ls)]) ;;; (let ([x (make-code n m 1)]) ;;; (let ([reloc* (whack-instructions x ls)]) ;;; (for-each (whack-reloc x) reloc*)) ;;; (make-code-executable! x) ;;; x))))) (define list*->code* (lambda (thunk?-label ls*) (let ([closure-size* (map (lambda (x) (car x)) ls*)] [ls* (map cdr ls*)]) (let* ([ls* (map convert-instructions ls*)] [ls* (map optimize-local-jumps ls*)]) (let ([n* (map compute-code-size ls*)] [m* (map compute-reloc-size ls*)]) (let ([code* (map make-code n* closure-size*)] [relv* (map make-vector m*)]) (let ([reloc** (map whack-instructions code* ls*)]) (for-each (lambda (foo reloc*) (for-each (whack-reloc thunk?-label (car foo) (cdr foo)) reloc*)) (map cons code* relv*) reloc**) (for-each set-code-reloc-vector! code* relv*) code*))))))) ;(define list->code ; (lambda (ls) ; (car (list*->code* (list ls))))) (primitive-set! 'list*->code* list*->code*) )