(let () (define (pretty-width) 70) (define-record cbox (length boxes)) (define-record lbox (length boxes)) (define-record sbox (length string)) (define-record pbox (length ls last)) (define-record mbox (length str val)) (define-record vbox (length ls)) (define (box-length x) (cond [(string? x) (string-length x)] [(cbox? x) (cbox-length x)] [(lbox? x) (lbox-length x)] [(sbox? x) (sbox-length x)] [(pbox? x) (pbox-length x)] [(mbox? x) (mbox-length x)] [(vbox? x) (vbox-length x)] [else (error 'boxify "invalid box ~s" x)])) (define (boxify x) (define (conc . a*) (let ([n (let f ([a* a*] [len 0]) (cond [(null? a*) len] [else (f (cdr a*) (fx+ len (box-length (car a*))))]))]) (make-cbox n a*))) (define (boxify-list ls) (define (boxify-list-generic ls) (let ([ls (map boxify ls)]) (let ([n (let f ([ls ls] [n 1]) (cond [(null? ls) n] [else (f (cdr ls) (fx+ (box-length (car ls)) (fxadd1 n)))]))]) (make-lbox n ls)))) (define (boxify-reader-macro x) (define (macro-string x) (cdr (getprop x '*pretty-format*))) (let ([str (macro-string (car x))] [v (boxify (cadr x))]) (make-mbox (fx+ (string-length str) (box-length v)) str v))) (define (reader-macro? x) (and (pair? x) (let ([a (car x)] [d (cdr x)]) (and (symbol? a) (pair? d) (null? (cdr d)) (let ([p (getprop a '*pretty-format*)]) (and p (eq? (car p) 'reader-macro))))))) (cond [(reader-macro? ls) (boxify-reader-macro ls)] [else (boxify-list-generic ls)])) (define (boxify-string x) (define (count s i j n) (cond [(fx= i j) n] [else (let ([c (string-ref s i)]) (let ([int (char->integer c)]) (cond [(assv int string-esc-table) => (lambda (t) (count s (fxadd1 i) j (fx+ (fx+ n 1) (string-length (cdr t)))))] [(and (fx<= 32 int) (fx<= int 127)) (count s (fxadd1 i) j (fxadd1 n))] [else (count s (fxadd1 i) j (fx+ n 3))])))])) (let ([n (string-length x)]) (let ([m (count x 0 n 0)]) (if (fx= n m) (conc "\"" x "\"") (make-sbox (fx+ m 2) x))))) (define (boxify-pair x) (let-values ([(ls last) (let f ([x x]) (cond [(pair? x) (let ([a (boxify (car x))]) (let-values ([(ls last) (f (cdr x))]) (values (cons a ls) last)))] [else (values '() (boxify x))]))]) (let ([n (let f ([ls ls] [n 4]) (cond [(null? ls) n] [else (f (cdr ls) (fx+ (fxadd1 n) (box-length (car ls))))]))]) (make-pbox (fx+ n (box-length last)) ls last)))) (define (boxify-vector x) (let ([ls (map boxify (vector->list x))]) (let ([n (let f ([ls ls] [n 0]) (cond [(null? ls) n] [else (f (cdr ls) (fx+ n (box-length (car ls))))]))]) (make-vbox (fx+ (fx+ n 2) (vector-length x)) ls)))) (cond [(string? x) (boxify-string x)] [(null? x) "()"] [(vector? x) (boxify-vector x)] [(list? x) (boxify-list x)] [(pair? x) (boxify-pair x)] [else (format "~s" x)])) (define string-esc-table '((7 . "a") (8 . "b") (9 . "t") (10 . "n") (11 . "v") (12 . "f") (13 . "r") (34 . "\"") (92 . "\\"))) (define (hexify n) (cond [(fx< n 10) (integer->char (fx+ n (char->integer #\0)))] [else (integer->char (fx+ (fx- n 10) (char->integer #\A)))])) (define (output x p) (define (output-sbox x p col) (display #\" p) (let ([str (sbox-string x)]) (let f ([i 0] [n (string-length str)] [str str] [p p] [col col]) (cond [(fx= i n) (display #\" p) (fx+ col 2)] [else (let ([c (string-ref str i)]) (let ([int (char->integer c)]) (cond [(assv int string-esc-table) => (lambda (t) (display #\\ p) (display (cdr t) p) (f (fxadd1 i) n str p (fx+ col (fxadd1 (string-length (cdr t))))))] [(and (fx<= 32 int) (fx<= int 127)) (display c p) (f (fxadd1 i) n str p (fxadd1 col))] [else (display #\\ p) (display (hexify (fxquotient int 16)) p) (display (hexify (fxremainder int 16)) p) (f (fxadd1 i) n str p (fx+ col 3))])))])))) (define (output-cbox x p col) (let g ([ls (cbox-boxes x)] [p p] [col col]) (cond [(null? ls) col] [else (g (cdr ls) p (f (car ls) p col))]))) (define (tab col p) (newline p) (let f ([col col] [p p]) (unless (fxzero? col) (display #\space p) (f (fxsub1 col) p)))) (define (output-lbox x p col) (define (lbox-one-line x p col ls) (display "(" p) (let g ([ls (cdr ls)] [p p] [col (f (car ls) p (fx+ col 1))]) (cond [(null? ls) (display ")" p) (fx+ col 1)] [else (display " " p) (g (cdr ls) p (f (car ls) p (fxadd1 col)))]))) (define (lbox-multi-line x p col ls) (display "(" p) (let ([col (fx+ col 1)]) (f (car ls) p col) (let g ([ls (cdr ls)] [p p] [col col]) (cond [(null? ls) (display ")" p) col] [else (tab col p) (f (car ls) p col) (g (cdr ls) p col)])))) (define (lbox-multi-fill x p col ls) (display "(" p) (let g ([ls (cdr ls)] [p p] [start-col (fx+ col 2)] [where #f] [col (f (car ls) p (fx+ col 1))]) (cond [(null? ls) (display ")" p) (fx+ col 1)] [where (case where [(end) (tab start-col p) (g ls p start-col 'start start-col)] [(start) (g (cdr ls) p start-col (if (fx>= (fx+ start-col (box-length (car ls))) (pretty-width)) 'end #f) (f (car ls) p start-col))])] [(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col 1) (box-length (car ls))) (pretty-width)) ; fits in the rest of the current line (display " " p) (g (cdr ls) p start-col #f (f (car ls) p (fx+ col 1)))] [else (g ls p start-col 'end col)] #;[else ; too big, give it a new line (tab start-col p) (f (car ls) p start-col) (g (cdr ls) p start-col 'end start-col)]))) (let ([ls (lbox-boxes x)]) (cond [(null? ls) (display "()" p) (fx+ col 2)] [(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col 2) (lbox-length x)) (pretty-width)) (lbox-one-line x p col ls)] [else (lbox-multi-fill x p col ls)]))) (define (output-pbox x p col) (define (pbox-one-line x p col) (display "(" p) (let g ([ls (pbox-ls x)] [p p] [col (fx+ col 1)] [last (pbox-last x)]) (cond [(null? ls) (display ". " p) (let ([col (f last p (fx+ col 2))]) (display ")" p) (fx+ col 1))] [else (let ([col (f (car ls) p col)]) (display " " p) (g (cdr ls) p (fx+ col 1) last))]))) (define (pbox-multi-fill x p col) (display "(" p) (let g ([ls (cdr (pbox-ls x))] [p p] [start-col (fx+ col 1)] [col (f (car (pbox-ls x)) p (fx+ col 1))] [last (pbox-last x)]) (cond [(null? ls) (let ([n (box-length last)]) (let ([col (cond [(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col n) 4) (pretty-width)) (display " . " p) (fx+ col 3)] [else (tab start-col p) (display ". " p) (fx+ start-col 2)])]) (let ([col (f last p col)]) (display ")" p) (fx+ col 1))))] [(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col 1) (box-length (car ls))) (pretty-width)) (display " " p) (g (cdr ls) p start-col (f (car ls) p (fx+ col 1)) last)] [else (tab start-col p) (g (cdr ls) p start-col (f (car ls) p start-col) last)]))) (cond [(fx<= (fx+ col (pbox-length x)) (pretty-width)) (pbox-one-line x p col)] [else (pbox-multi-fill x p col)])) (define (output-mbox x p col) (display (mbox-str x) p) (f (mbox-val x) p (fx+ col (string-length (mbox-str x))))) (define (output-vbox x p col) (let ([ls (vbox-ls x)]) (cond [(null? ls) (display "#()" p) (fx+ col 3)] [else (display "#(" p) (let g ([ls (cdr ls)] [p p] [col (f (car ls) p (fx+ col 2))] [start (fx+ col 2)]) (cond [(null? ls) (display ")" p) (fx+ col 1)] [(fx<= (fx+ (fx+ col 1) (box-length (car ls))) (pretty-width)) (display " " p) (g (cdr ls) p (f (car ls) p (fx+ col 1)) start)] [else (tab start p) (g (cdr ls) p (f (car ls) p start) start)]))]))) (define (f x p col) (cond [(string? x) (display x p) (fx+ col (string-length x))] [(cbox? x) (output-cbox x p col)] [(lbox? x) (output-lbox x p col)] [(sbox? x) (output-sbox x p col)] [(pbox? x) (output-pbox x p col)] [(mbox? x) (output-mbox x p col)] [(vbox? x) (output-vbox x p col)] [else (error 'pretty-print-output "invalid ~s" x)])) (f x p 0) (newline p)) ;;; (define (pretty x p) (let ([x (boxify x)]) (output x p))) ;;; (define (set-fmt! name fmt) (putprop name '*pretty-format* fmt)) (primitive-set! 'pretty-print (case-lambda [(x) (pretty x (current-output-port))] [(x p) (if (output-port? p) (pretty x p) (error 'pretty-print "~s is not an output port" p))])) (set-fmt! 'quote '(reader-macro . "'")) (set-fmt! 'unquote '(reader-macro . ",")) (set-fmt! 'unquote-splicing '(reader-macro . ",@")) (set-fmt! 'quasiquote '(reader-macro . "`")) (set-fmt! 'syntax '(reader-macro . "#'")) (set-fmt! '|#primitive| '(reader-macro . "#%")) (set-fmt! 'define '(_ name tab e tab e ...)) ) #!eof (define (test x) (pretty-print x) (printf "====================================\n")) (test 12) (test #t) (test #f) (test (if #f #f)) (test '()) (test "string") (test "\n") (test "\r") (test (string (integer->char 0))) (test (string (integer->char 240))) (test 'hello) (test '(foo bar)) (test ' (define pp (case-lambda [(x) (pretty x (current-output-port))] [(x p) (if (output-port? p) (pretty x p) (error 'pretty-print "~s is not an output port" p))]))) (test '(384 7384 83947 893478 9137489 3894789 134789314 79817238 97314897 318947138974 981374 89137489 1374897 13498713 894713894 137894 89137489 1374 891348314 12 17 9000000 . 17)) (test '(',,@#''(quote (syntax unquote-splicing . 2) 2))) (test '#(1 2 3)) (test '#(384 7384 83947 893478 9137489 3894789 134789314 79817238 97314897 318947138974 981374 89137489 1374897 13498713 894713894 137894 89137489)) (define (test-file x) (printf "testing file ~s ...\n" x) (with-input-from-file x (lambda () (let f ([i 0]) (let ([x (read)] [fname (format "tmp.~a.pp" i)]) (unless (eof-object? x) (let ([y (begin (call-with-output-file fname (lambda (p) (pretty-print x p)) 'replace) (with-input-from-file fname read))]) (if (equal? x y) (f (fxadd1 i)) (error 'test-file "mismatch ~s ~s" x y))))))))) (for-each test-file '("fact.ss" "libhash.ss" "foo.ss" "libintelasm.ss" "libassembler.ss" "libnumerics.ss" "libcafe.ss" "libposix.ss" "libchezio.ss" "librecord.ss" "libcollect.ss" "libtimers.ss" "libcompile.ss" "libtokenizer.ss" "libcontrol.ss" "libtoplevel.ss" "libcore.ss" "libtrace.ss" "libcxr.ss" "libwriter.ss" "libengines.ss" "libfasl.ss" "libguardians.ss" "libpp.ss" "self-exporting-module.ss" "libhandlers.ss" "set-operations.ss" "psyntax-7.1.ss" ))