/* * Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme. * Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008 Abdulaziz Ghuloum * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ikarus-data.h" #include #include static void print(FILE* fh, ikptr x); void ik_fprint(FILE* fh, ikptr x){ print(fh, x); } void ik_print(ikptr x){ print(stdout, x); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } char* char_string[128] = { "#\\nul","#\\soh","#\\stx","#\\etx","#\\eot","#\\enq","#\\ack","#\\bel", "#\\bs", "#\\tab","#\\newline", "#\\vt", "#\\ff", "#\\return", "#\\so", "#\\si", "#\\dle","#\\dc1","#\\dc2","#\\dc3","#\\dc4","#\\nak","#\\syn","#\\etb", "#\\can","#\\em", "#\\sub","#\\esc","#\\fs", "#\\gs", "#\\rs", "#\\us", "#\\space","#\\!","#\\\"","#\\#","#\\$","#\\%","#\\&","#\\'", "#\\(","#\\)","#\\*","#\\+","#\\,","#\\-","#\\.","#\\/", "#\\0","#\\1","#\\2","#\\3","#\\4","#\\5","#\\6","#\\7", "#\\8","#\\9","#\\:","#\\;","#\\<","#\\=","#\\>","#\\?", "#\\@","#\\A","#\\B","#\\C","#\\D","#\\E","#\\F","#\\G", "#\\H","#\\I","#\\J","#\\K","#\\L","#\\M","#\\N","#\\O", "#\\P","#\\Q","#\\R","#\\S","#\\T","#\\U","#\\V","#\\W", "#\\X","#\\Y","#\\Z","#\\[","#\\\\","#\\]","#\\^","#\\_", "#\\`","#\\a","#\\b","#\\c","#\\d","#\\e","#\\f","#\\g", "#\\h","#\\i","#\\j","#\\k","#\\l","#\\m","#\\n","#\\o", "#\\p","#\\q","#\\r","#\\s","#\\t","#\\u","#\\v","#\\w", "#\\x","#\\y","#\\z","#\\{","#\\|","#\\}","#\\~","#\\del"}; static void print(FILE* fh, ikptr x){ if(is_fixnum(x)){ fprintf(fh, "%ld", unfix(x)); } else if(x == false_object){ fprintf(fh, "#f"); } else if(x == true_object){ fprintf(fh, "#t"); } else if(x == null_object){ fprintf(fh, "()"); } else if(is_char(x)){ unsigned long int i = ((long int)x) >> char_shift; if(i < 128){ fprintf(fh, "%s", char_string[i]); } else { fprintf(fh, "#\\x%lx", i); } } #if 0 else if(tagof(x) == symbol_tag){ ikptr str = ref(x, off_symbol_string); fprintf(fh, "%s", str+off_string_data); } #endif else if(tagof(x) == vector_tag){ ikptr len = ref(x, off_vector_length); if(len == 0){ fprintf(fh, "#()"); } else { fprintf(fh, "#("); ikptr data = x + off_vector_data; print(fh, ref(data, 0)); ikptr i = (ikptr)wordsize; while(i"); } else if(is_pair(x)){ fprintf(fh, "("); print(fh, ref(x, off_car)); ikptr d = ref(x, off_cdr); fprintf(stderr, "d=0x%016lx\n", (long int)d); while(1){ if(is_pair(d)){ fprintf(fh, " "); print(fh, ref(d, off_car)); d = ref(d, off_cdr); } else if(d == null_object){ fprintf(fh, ")"); return; } else { fprintf(fh, " . "); print(fh, d); fprintf(fh, ")"); return; } } } else if(tagof(x) == string_tag){ ikptr fxlen = ref(x, off_string_length); int len = unfix(fxlen); fprintf(stderr, "bug: printer busted!\n"); exit(-1); char* data = 0; //string_data(x); fprintf(fh, "\""); int i; for(i=0; i"); } }