This directory contains the Gambit Scheme benchmarks.  It includes
some of the Gabriel benchmarks, the Kernighan and Van Wyk benchmarks,
some C benchmarks and other benchmarks.

The "bench" script can be used to run a set of benchmarks or a single
benchmark.  Documentation for this script is available by executing
"bench" with no argument.

As a simple example, executing

  ./bench gambit "fib tak"

will run the benchmarks "fib" and "tak" using the Gambit-C
compiler.  The results are sent to standard output and to
"results.Gambit-C-r5rs".  A summary of the results is obtained
by executing

  ./summarize results.Gambit-C-r5rs

The "bench" script assumes that the Gambit Scheme system and other
Scheme implementations have been installed cleanly and are available
in the "PATH".

The "table" script is convenient for executing the benchmarks on a set
of Scheme implementations and generating an HTML table of the results.
You have to modify the top of the script to specify which
implementations of Scheme and which benchmarks are to be used.
Then, simply execute
