#!/usr/bin/env ikarus -b ikarus.boot --r6rs-script (import (ikarus system $bootstrap) (ikarus)) (define scheme-library-files ;;; Listed in the order in which they're loaded. ;;; ;;; Loading of the boot file may segfault if a library is ;;; loaded before its dependencies are loaded first. ;;; ;;; reason is that the base libraries are not a hierarchy of ;;; dependencies but rather an eco system in which every ;;; part depends on the other. ;;; ;;; For example, the printer may call error if it finds ;;; an error (e.g. "not an output port"), while the error ;;; procedure may call the printer to display the message. ;;; This works fine as long as error does not itself cause ;;; an error (which may lead to the infamous Error: Error: ;;; Error: Error: Error: Error: Error: Error: Error: ...). ;;; '("ikarus.singular-objects.ss" "ikarus.handlers.ss" "ikarus.multiple-values.ss" "ikarus.control.ss" "ikarus.collect.ss" "ikarus.apply.ss" "ikarus.predicates.ss" "ikarus.pairs.ss" "ikarus.lists.ss" "ikarus.fixnums.ss" "ikarus.chars.ss" "ikarus.records.ss" "ikarus.strings.ss" "ikarus.date-string.ss" "ikarus.symbols.ss" "ikarus.vectors.ss" "ikarus.numerics.ss" "ikarus.guardians.ss" "ikarus.command-line.ss" "ikarus.io-ports.ss" "ikarus.io-primitives.unsafe.ss" "ikarus.io-primitives.ss" "ikarus.io.input-files.ss" "ikarus.io.output-files.ss" "ikarus.io.output-strings.ss" "ikarus.hash-tables.ss" "ikarus.writer.ss" "ikarus.reader.ss" "ikarus.code-objects.ss" "ikarus.intel-assembler.ss" "ikarus.trace.ss" "ikarus.fasl.ss" "ikarus.compiler.ss" "ikarus.library-manager.ss" "ikarus.syntax.ss" "ikarus.load.ss" "ikarus.pretty-print.ss" "ikarus.cafe.ss" "ikarus.posix.ss" "ikarus.timer.ss" "ikarus.main.ss")) (define ikarus-system-macros '([define (define)] [define-syntax (define-syntax)] [module (module)] [begin (begin)] [set! (set!)] [foreign-call (core-macro . foreign-call)] [quote (core-macro . quote)] [syntax-case (core-macro . syntax-case)] [syntax (core-macro . syntax)] [lambda (core-macro . lambda)] [case-lambda (core-macro . case-lambda)] [type-descriptor (core-macro . type-descriptor)] [letrec (core-macro . letrec)] [letrec* (core-macro . letrec*)] [if (core-macro . if)] [when (core-macro . when)] [unless (core-macro . unless)] [parameterize (core-macro . parameterize)] [case (core-macro . case)] [let-values (core-macro . let-values)] [define-record (macro . define-record)] [include (macro . include)] [syntax-rules (macro . syntax-rules)] [quasiquote (macro . quasiquote)] [with-syntax (macro . with-syntax)] [let (macro . let)] [let* (macro . let*)] [cond (macro . cond)] [and (macro . and)] [or (macro . or)])) (define library-legend '([i (ikarus) #t] [r (r6rs) #t] [cm (chez modules) #t] [$all (ikarus system $all) #f] [$pairs (ikarus system $pairs) #f] [$lists (ikarus system $lists) #f] [$chars (ikarus system $chars) #f] [$strings (ikarus system $strings) #f] [$vectors (ikarus system $vectors) #f] [$fx (ikarus system $fx) #f] [$symbols (ikarus system $symbols) #f] [$records (ikarus system $records) #f] [$ports (ikarus system $ports) #f] [$codes (ikarus system $codes) #f] [$tcbuckets (ikarus system $tcbuckets) #f] [$io (ikarus system $io) #f] [$arg-list (ikarus system $arg-list) #f] [$stack (ikarus system $stack) #f] [$interrupts (ikarus system $interrupts) #f] [$boot (ikarus system $bootstrap) #f] )) (define ikarus-macros-map '([define i r] [define-syntax i r] [module i cm] [begin i r] [set! i r] [foreign-call i r] [quote i r] [syntax-case i r] [syntax i r] [lambda i r] [case-lambda i r] [type-descriptor i ] [letrec i r] [letrec* i r] [if i r] [when i r] [unless i r] [parameterize i ] [case i r] [let-values i r] [define-record i r] [include i r] [syntax-rules i r] [quasiquote i r] [with-syntax i r] [let i r] [let* i r] [cond i r] [and i r] [or i r])) (define ikarus-procedures-map '([void i] [not i r] [boolean? i r] [null? i r] [procedure? i r] [eof-object? i r] [eof-object i] [eq? i r] [eqv? i r] [equal? i r] [cons i r] [pair? i r] [car i r] [cdr i r] [set-car! i] [set-cdr! i] [caar i r] [cdar i r] [cadr i r] [cddr i r] [caaar i r] [cdaar i r] [cadar i r] [cddar i r] [caadr i r] [cdadr i r] [caddr i r] [cdddr i r] [caaaar i r] [cdaaar i r] [cadaar i r] [cddaar i r] [caadar i r] [cdadar i r] [caddar i r] [cdddar i r] [caaadr i r] [cdaadr i r] [cadadr i r] [cddadr i r] [caaddr i r] [cdaddr i r] [cadddr i r] [cddddr i r] [list i r] [list-ref i r] [make-list i r] [list* i] [list? i r] [append i r] [last-pair i r] [reverse i r] [length i r] [assq i r] [assv i r] [assoc i r] [memq i r] [memv i r] [member i r] [bwp-object? i] [weak-cons i] [weak-pair? i] [char? i r] [char=? i r] [char? i r] [char<=? i r] [char>=? i r] [integer->char i r] [char->integer i r] [char-whitespace? i r] [string? i r] [string i r] [make-string i r] [string-ref i r] [string-set! i r] [string-length i r] [string=? i r] [substring i r] [string-append i r] [string->list i r] [list->string i r] [uuid i] [date-string i] [vector i r] [make-vector i r] [vector-ref i r] [vector-set! i r] [vector? i r] [vector-length i r] [list->vector i r] [vector->list i r] [for-each i r] [map i r] [andmap i] [ormap i] [fixnum? i] [fx< i] [fx<= i] [fx> i] [fx>= i] [fx= i] [fx- i] [fx+ i] [fx* i] [fxzero? i] [fxadd1 i] [fxsub1 i] [fxquotient i] [fxremainder i] [fxmodulo i] [fxsll i] [fxsra i] [fxlogand i] [fxlogxor i] [fxlogor i] [fxlognot i] [fixnum->string i] [string->flonum i] [- i r] [= i r] [< i r] [> i r] [<= i r] [>= i r] [* i r] [+ i r] [add1 i] [sub1 i] [number? i r] [bignum? i] [integer? i] [flonum? i] [quotient i r] [remainder i r] [quotient+remainder i r] [number->string i r] [string->number i r] [flonum->string i] [symbol? i r] [gensym? i] [gensym i] [getprop i] [putprop i] [remprop i] [property-list i] [string->symbol i r] [symbol->string i r] [gensym->unique-string i] [symbol-bound? i] [symbol-value i] [set-symbol-value! i] [make-guardian i] [make-input-port i] [make-output-port i] [make-input/output-port i] [port-output-index i] [port-output-size i] [port-output-buffer i] [set-port-output-index! i] [set-port-output-size! i] [port-input-buffer i] [port-input-index i] [port-input-size i] [set-port-input-index! i] [set-port-input-size! i] [output-port? i r] [input-port? i r] [port? i r] [port-name i] [input-port-name i] [output-port-name i] [open-input-file i r] [with-input-from-file i r] [with-output-to-file i r] [open-output-file i r] [open-output-string i] [get-output-string i] [close-input-port i r] [close-output-port i r] [console-input-port i] [console-output-port i] [current-input-port i] [current-output-port i] [standard-input-port i] [standard-output-port i] [standard-error-port i] [flush-output-port i] [reset-input-port! i] [display i r] [write i r] [write-char i] [read i r] [read-char i r] [read-token i] [peek-char i] [unread-char i] [newline i r] [printf i] [format i] [pretty-print i] [comment-handler i] [print-gensym i] [gensym-count i] [gensym-prefix i] [make-hash-table i] [hash-table? i] [get-hash-table i] [put-hash-table! i] [make-parameter i] [apply i r] [values i r] [call-with-values i r] [call/cc i r] [call/cf i] [dynamic-wind i r] [error i] [print-error i] [error-handler i] [interrupt-handler i] [exit i] [load i] [assembler-output i] [new-cafe i] [time-it i] [command-line-arguments i] [record? i] [make-record-type i] [record-type-descriptor i] [record-type-field-names i] [record-type-symbol i] [record-type-name i] [set-rtd-printer! i] [record-name i] [record-constructor i] [record-predicate i] [record-length i] [record-printer i] [record-ref i] [record-field-accessor i] [record-field-mutator i] [identifier? i r] [syntax-error i r] [generate-temporaries i r] [free-identifier=? i r] [code? i] [immediate? i] [pointer-value i] [installed-libraries i] [compile-core-expr-to-port $boot] [current-primitive-locations $boot] [boot-library-expand $boot] [$car $pairs] [$cdr $pairs] [$set-car! $pairs] [$set-cdr! $pairs] [$memq $lists] [$memv $lists] [$char? $chars] [$char= $chars] [$char< $chars] [$char> $chars] [$char<= $chars] [$char>= $chars] [$char->fixnum $chars] [$fixnum->char $chars] [$make-string $strings] [$string-ref $strings] [$string-set! $strings] [$string-length $strings] [$make-vector $vectors] [$vector-length $vectors] [$vector-ref $vectors] [$vector-set! $vectors] [$fxzero? $fx] [$fxadd1 $fx] [$fxsub1 $fx] [$fx>= $fx] [$fx<= $fx] [$fx> $fx] [$fx< $fx] [$fx= $fx] [$fxsll $fx] [$fxsra $fx] [$fxquotient $fx] [$fxmodulo $fx] [$fxlogxor $fx] [$fxlogor $fx] [$fxlognot $fx] [$fxlogand $fx] [$fx+ $fx] [$fx* $fx] [$fx- $fx] [$make-symbol $symbols] [$symbol-unique-string $symbols] [$symbol-value $symbols] [$symbol-string $symbols] [$symbol-plist $symbols] [$set-symbol-value! $symbols] [$set-symbol-string! $symbols] [$set-symbol-unique-string! $symbols] [$set-symbol-plist! $symbols] [$unbound-object? $symbols] [base-rtd $records] [$record-set! $records] [$record-ref $records] [$record-rtd $records] [$record $records] [$make-record $records] [$record? $records] [$record/rtd? $records] [$make-port/input $ports] [$make-port/output $ports] [$make-port/both $ports] [$port-handler $ports] [$port-input-buffer $ports] [$port-input-index $ports] [$port-input-size $ports] [$port-output-buffer $ports] [$port-output-index $ports] [$port-output-size $ports] [$set-port-input-index! $ports] [$set-port-input-size! $ports] [$set-port-output-index! $ports] [$set-port-output-size! $ports] [$closure-code $codes] [$code->closure $codes] [$code-reloc-vector $codes] [$code-freevars $codes] [$code-size $codes] [$code-ref $codes] [$code-set! $codes] [$make-tcbucket $tcbuckets] [$tcbucket-key $tcbuckets] [$tcbucket-val $tcbuckets] [$tcbucket-next $tcbuckets] [$set-tcbucket-val! $tcbuckets] [$set-tcbucket-next! $tcbuckets] [$set-tcbucket-tconc! $tcbuckets] [$flush-output-port $io] [$reset-input-port! $io] [$close-input-port $io] [$close-output-port $io] [$write-char $io] [$read-char $io] [$peek-char $io] [$unread-char $io] [$arg-list $arg-list] [$$apply $stack] [$fp-at-base $stack] [$primitive-call/cc $stack] [$frame->continuation $stack] [$current-frame $stack] [$seal-frame-and-call $stack] [$make-call-with-values-procedure $stack] [$make-values-procedure $stack] [$interrupted? $interrupts] [$unset-interrupted! $interrupts] ;;; the following must be defined but they don't have ;;; to reside in any library since they're here so that ;;; the compiler can target them. They're not usable ;;; by the end user. [$apply-nonprocedure-error-handler ] [$incorrect-args-error-handler ] [$multiple-values-error ] [$debug ] [$underflow-misaligned-error ] [top-level-value-error ] [car-error ] [cdr-error ] [fxadd1-error ] [fxsub1-error ] [cadr-error ] [fx+-type-error ] [fx+-types-error ] [fx+-overflow-error ] [$do-event ] [do-overflow ] [do-overflow-words ] [do-vararg-overflow ] [collect ] [do-stack-overflow ] [syntax-dispatch ] )) (define (verify-map) (define (f x) (for-each (lambda (x) (unless (assq x library-legend) (error 'verify "~s is not in the libraries list" x))) (cdr x))) (for-each f ikarus-procedures-map) (for-each f ikarus-macros-map)) (define (make-collection) (let ([set '()]) (case-lambda [() set] [(x) (set! set (cons x set))]))) (define (make-system-data subst env) (define who 'make-system-data) (let ([export-subst (make-collection)] [export-env (make-collection)] [export-primlocs (make-collection)]) (for-each (lambda (x) (let ([name (car x)] [binding (cadr x)]) (let ([label (gensym)]) (export-subst (cons name label)) (export-env (cons label binding))))) ikarus-system-macros) (for-each (lambda (x) (cond [(assq x (export-subst)) (error who "ambiguous export of ~s" x)] [(assq x subst) => (lambda (p) (let ([label (cdr p)]) (cond [(assq label env) => (lambda (p) (let ([binding (cdr p)]) (case (car binding) [(global) (export-subst (cons x label)) (export-env (cons label (cons 'core-prim x))) (export-primlocs (cons x (cdr binding)))] [else (error #f "invalid binding ~s for ~s" p x)])))] [else (error #f "cannot find binding for ~s" x)])))] [else ;;; core primitive with no backing definition (let ([label (gensym)]) (export-subst (cons x label)) (export-env (cons label (cons 'core-prim x))))])) (map car ikarus-procedures-map)) (values (export-subst) (export-env) (export-primlocs)))) (define (get-export-subset key subst) (let f ([ls subst]) (cond [(null? ls) '()] [else (let ([x (car ls)]) (let ([name (car x)]) (cond [(or (assq name ikarus-procedures-map) (assq name ikarus-macros-map)) => (lambda (q) (cond [(memq key (cdr q)) (cons x (f (cdr ls)))] [else (f (cdr ls))]))] [else ;;; not going to any library? (f (cdr ls))])))]))) (define (build-system-library export-subst export-env primlocs) (define (build-library legend-entry) (let ([key (car legend-entry)] [name (cadr legend-entry)] [visible? (caddr legend-entry)]) (let ([id (gensym)] [name name] [version '()] [import-libs '()] [visit-libs '()] [invoke-libs '()]) (let-values ([(subst env) (if (equal? name '(ikarus system $all)) (values export-subst export-env) (values (get-export-subset key export-subst) '()))]) `(install-library ',id ',name ',version ',import-libs ',visit-libs ',invoke-libs ',subst ',env void void ',visible?))))) (let ([code `(library (ikarus primlocs) (export) ;;; must be empty (import (only (ikarus library-manager) install-library) (only (ikarus compiler) current-primitive-locations) (ikarus)) (current-primitive-locations (lambda (x) (cond [(assq x ',primlocs) => cdr] [else #f]))) ,@(map build-library library-legend))]) (let-values ([(code empty-subst empty-env) (boot-library-expand code)]) code))) (define (expand-all files) (let ([code* '()] [subst '()] [env '()]) (for-each (lambda (file) ;(printf "expanding ~s\n" file) (load file (lambda (x) (let-values ([(code export-subst export-env) (boot-library-expand x)]) (set! code* (cons code code*)) (set! subst (append export-subst subst)) (set! env (append export-env env)))))) files) (let-values ([(export-subst export-env export-locs) (make-system-data subst env)]) (let ([code (build-system-library export-subst export-env export-locs)]) (values (reverse (list* (car code*) code (cdr code*))) export-locs))))) (verify-map) (time-it "the entire bootstrap process" (lambda () (let-values ([(core* locs) (time-it "macro expansion" (lambda () (expand-all scheme-library-files)))]) (parameterize ([current-primitive-locations (lambda (x) (cond [(assq x locs) => cdr] [else (error 'bootstrap "no location for ~s" x)]))]) (let ([p (open-output-file "ikarus.boot" 'replace)]) (for-each (lambda (x) (compile-core-expr-to-port x p)) core*) (close-output-port p)))))) (printf "Happy Happy Joy Joy\n") ;;; vim:syntax=scheme