;;; match.ss ;;; This program was originally designed and implemented by Dan ;;; Friedman. It was redesigned and implemented by Erik Hilsdale; ;;; some improvements were suggested by Steve Ganz. Additional ;;; modifications were made by Kent Dybvig. ;; (Jan 2008) ;; Aziz added match/lexical-context trace-match/lexical-context ;; (Nov 2007) ;; Aziz Ghuloum added it to ikarus. ;; (Apr 2007) ;; Aziz Ghuloum ported it to r6rs. ;; (13 March 2002) ;; rkd added following change by Friedman and Ganz to the main source ;; code thread and fixed a couple of minor problems. ;; (9 March 2002) ;; Dan Friedman and Steve Ganz added the ability to use identical pattern ;; variables. The patterns represented by the variables are compared ;; using the value of the parameter match-equality-test, which defaults ;; to equal?. ;; ;; > (match '(1 2 1 2 1) ;; ((,a ,b ,a ,b ,a) (guard (number? a) (number? b)) (+ a b))) ;; 3 ;; ;; ;; > (match '((1 2 3) 5 (1 2 3)) ;; (((,a ...) ,b (,a ...)) `(,a ... ,b))) ;; (1 2 3 5) ;; ;; ;; > (parameterize ((match-equality-test (lambda (x y) (equal? x (reverse y))))) ;; (match '((1 2 3) (3 2 1)) ;; ((,a ,a) 'yes) ;; (,oops 'no))) ;; yes ;; (10 Jan 2002) ;; eh fixed bug that caused (match '((1 2 3 4)) (((,a ... ,d) . ,x) a)) to ;; blow up. The bug was caused by a bug in the sexp-dispatch procedure ;; where a base value empty list was passed to an accumulator from inside ;; the recursion, instead of passing the old value of the accumulator. ;; (14 Jan 2001) ;; rkd added syntax checks to unquote pattern parsing to weed out invalid ;; patterns like ,#(a) and ,((vector-ref d 1)). ;; (14 Jan 2001) ;; rkd added ,(Cata -> Id* ...) to allow specification of recursion ;; function. ,(Id* ...) recurs to match; ,(Cata -> Id* ...) recurs ;; to Cata. ;; (14 Jan 2001) ;; rkd tightened up checks for ellipses and nested quasiquote; was comparing ;; symbolic names, which, as had been noted in the source, is a possible ;; hygiene bug. Replaced error call in guard-body with syntax-error to ;; allow error to include source line/character information. ;; (13 Jan 2001) ;; rkd fixed match patterns of the form (stuff* ,(x) ... stuff+), which ;; had been recurring on subforms of each item rather than on the items ;; themselves. ;; Previous changelog listings at end of file. ;;; ============================================================ ;; Exp ::= (match Exp Clause) ;; || (trace-match Exp Clause) ;; || (match+ (Id*) Exp Clause*) ;; || (trace-match+ (Id*) Exp Clause*) ;; || OtherSchemeExp ;; Clause ::= (Pat Exp+) || (Pat (guard Exp*) Exp+) ;; Pat ::= (Pat ... . Pat) ;; || (Pat . Pat) ;; || () ;; || #(Pat* Pat ... Pat*) ;; || #(Pat*) ;; || ,Id ;; || ,(Id*) ;; || ,(Cata -> Id*) ;; || Id ;; Cata ::= Exp ;; YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO REFER TO CATA VARS IN GUARDS. (reasonable!) (library (match) (export match trace-match match/lexical-context trace-match/lexical-context match-equality-test guard ... quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) (import (ikarus)) (define-syntax rec (syntax-rules () [(_ name val) (letrec ([name val]) name)])) (define match-equality-test (make-parameter equal? (lambda (x) (unless (procedure? x) (error 'match-equality-test "not a procedure" x)) x))) (define-syntax match+ (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((ctxt (ThreadedId ...) Exp Clause ...) #'(let f ((ThreadedId ThreadedId) ... (x Exp)) (match-help ctxt f x (ThreadedId ...) Clause ...)))))) (define-syntax match/lexical-context (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ ctxt Exp Clause ...) #'(let f ((x Exp)) (match-help ctxt f x () Clause ...)))))) (define-syntax match (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((ctxt Exp Clause ...) #'(match/lexical-context ctxt Exp Clause ...))))) (define-syntax trace-match+ (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((ctxt (ThreadedId ...) Name Exp Clause ...) #'(letrec ((f (trace-lambda Name (ThreadedId ... x) (match-help ctxt f x (ThreadedId ...) Clause ...)))) (f ThreadedId ... Exp)))))) (define-syntax trace-match/lexical-context (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ ctxt Name Exp Clause ...) #'(letrec ((f (trace-lambda Name (x) (match-help ctxt f x () Clause ...)))) (f Exp)))))) (define-syntax trace-match (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((ctxt Name Exp Clause ...) #'(trace-match/lexical-context ctxt Name Exp Clause ...))))) ;;; ------------------------------ (define-syntax let-values** (syntax-rules () ((_ () B0 B ...) (begin B0 B ...)) ((_ ((Formals Exp) Rest ...) B0 B ...) (let-values** (Rest ...) (call-with-values (lambda () Exp) (lambda Formals B0 B ...)))))) (define-syntax match-help (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds) #'(error 'match "Unmatched datum" Obj)) ((_ Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds (Pat B0 B ...) Rest ...) #'(convert-pat Pat (match-help1 Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds (B0 B ...) Rest ...)))))) (define-syntax match-help1 (lambda (x) (syntax-case x (guard) ((_ PatLit Vars () Cdecls Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds ((guard) B0 B ...) Rest ...) #'(let ((ls/false (sexp-dispatch Obj PatLit))) (if ls/false (apply (lambda Vars (clause-body Cata Cdecls ThreadedIds (extend-backquote Template B0 B ...))) ls/false) (match-help Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds Rest ...)))) ((_ PatLit Vars (PG ...) Cdecls Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds ((guard G ...) B0 B ...) Rest ...) #'(let ((ls/false (sexp-dispatch Obj PatLit))) (if (and ls/false (apply (lambda Vars (guard-body Cdecls (extend-backquote Template (and PG ... G ...)))) ls/false)) (apply (lambda Vars (clause-body Cata Cdecls ThreadedIds (extend-backquote Template B0 B ...))) ls/false) (match-help Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds Rest ...)))) ((_ PatLit Vars (PG ...) Cdecls Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds (B0 B ...) Rest ...) #'(match-help1 PatLit Vars (PG ...) Cdecls Template Cata Obj ThreadedIds ((guard) B0 B ...) Rest ...))))) (define-syntax clause-body (lambda (x) (define build-mapper (lambda (vars depth cata tIds) (if (zero? depth) cata (with-syntax ((rest (build-mapper vars (- depth 1) cata tIds)) (vars vars) (tIds tIds)) #'(mapper rest vars tIds))))) (syntax-case x () ((_ Cata ((CVar CDepth CMyCata CFormal ...) ...) (ThreadedId ...) B) (with-syntax (((Mapper ...) (map (lambda (mycata formals depth) (build-mapper formals (syntax->datum depth) (syntax-case mycata () (#f #'Cata) (exp #'exp)) #'(ThreadedId ...))) #'(CMyCata ...) #'((CFormal ...) ...) #'(CDepth ...)))) #'(let-values** (((ThreadedId ... CFormal ...) (Mapper ThreadedId ... CVar)) ...) B)))))) (define-syntax guard-body (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ ((Cvar Cdepth MyCata Cformal ...) ...) B) (with-syntax (((CF ...) (apply append #'((Cformal ...) ...)))) #'(let-syntax ((CF (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () (Name (syntax-error #'Name "guard cannot refer to return-value variable"))))) ...) B)))))) (define-syntax convert-pat ;; returns sexp-pat x vars x guards x cdecls (let () (define ellipsis? (lambda (x) (and (identifier? x) (free-identifier=? x #'(... ...))))) (define Var? (lambda (x) (syntax-case x (->) (-> #f) (id (identifier? #'id))))) (define fVar (lambda (var vars guards) (let loop ((ls vars)) (if (null? ls) (values (cons var vars) guards) (if (bound-identifier=? var (car ls)) (with-syntax (((tmp) (generate-temporaries (list var))) (var (car ls))) (values (cons #'tmp vars) (cons #'((match-equality-test) tmp var) guards))) (loop (cdr ls))))))) (define (f syn vars guards cdecls depth) (define (andmap f ls) (cond ((null? ls) #f) ((null? (cdr ls)) (f (car ls))) (else (and (f (car ls)) (andmap f (cdr ls)))))) (syntax-case syn (unquote) ((unquote . stuff) ; separate for better error detection (syntax-case syn (unquote ->) ((unquote (MyCata -> Var ...)) (andmap Var? #'(Var ...)) (with-syntax (((Temp) (generate-temporaries '(x))) (Depth depth)) (values #'any (cons #'Temp vars) guards (cons #'(Temp Depth MyCata Var ...) cdecls)))) ((unquote (Var ...)) (andmap Var? #'(Var ...)) (with-syntax (((Temp) (generate-temporaries '(x))) (Depth depth)) (values #'any (cons #'Temp vars) guards (cons #'(Temp Depth #f Var ...) cdecls)))) ((unquote Var) (Var? #'Var) (let-values* (((vars guards) (fVar #'Var vars guards))) (values #'any vars guards cdecls))))) (((unquote . stuff) Dots) (ellipsis? #'Dots) (syntax-case syn (unquote ->) (((unquote (MyCata -> Var ...)) Dots) (andmap Var? #'(Var ...)) (with-syntax (((Temp) (generate-temporaries '(x))) (Depth+1 (add1 depth))) (values #'each-any (cons #'Temp vars) guards (cons #'(Temp Depth+1 MyCata Var ...) cdecls)))) (((unquote (Var ...)) Dots) (andmap Var? #'(Var ...)) (with-syntax (((Temp) (generate-temporaries '(x))) (Depth+1 (add1 depth))) (values #'each-any (cons #'Temp vars) guards (cons #'(Temp Depth+1 #f Var ...) cdecls)))) (((unquote Var) Dots) (Var? #'Var) (let-values* (((vars guards) (fVar #'Var vars guards))) (values #'each-any vars guards cdecls))) ((expr Dots) (syntax-error #'expr "match-pattern unquote syntax")))) ((Pat Dots) (ellipsis? #'Dots) (let-values* (((Dpat Dvars Dguards Dcdecls) (f #'Pat vars guards cdecls (add1 depth)))) (with-syntax ((Size (- (length Dvars) (length vars))) (Dpat Dpat)) (values #'#(each Dpat Size) Dvars Dguards Dcdecls)))) ((Pat Dots . Rest) (ellipsis? #'Dots) (let-values* (((Rpat Rvars Rguards Rcdecls) (f #'Rest vars guards cdecls depth)) ((Dpat Dvars Dguards Dcdecls) (f #'(Pat (... ...)) Rvars Rguards Rcdecls depth))) (with-syntax ((Size (- (length Dvars) (length Rvars))) ((RevRestTl . RevRest) (reverseX Rpat '())) (Dpat Dpat)) (values #'#(tail-each Dpat Size RevRest RevRestTl) Dvars Dguards Dcdecls)))) ((X . Y) (let-values* (((Ypat Yvars Yguards Ycdecls) (f #'Y vars guards cdecls depth)) ((Xpat Xvars Xguards Xcdecls) (f #'X Yvars Yguards Ycdecls depth))) (with-syntax ((Xpat Xpat) (Ypat Ypat)) (values #'(Xpat . Ypat) Xvars Xguards Xcdecls)))) (() (values #'() vars guards cdecls)) (#(X ...) (let-values* (((Pat Vars Eqvars Cdecls) (f #'(X ...) vars guards cdecls depth))) (with-syntax ((Pat Pat)) (values #'#(vector Pat) Vars Eqvars Cdecls)))) (Thing (values #'#(atom Thing) vars guards cdecls)))) (define reverseX (lambda (ls acc) (if (pair? ls) (reverseX (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) acc)) (cons ls acc)))) (define-syntax let-values* (syntax-rules () ((_ () B0 B ...) (begin B0 B ...)) ((_ (((Formal ...) Exp) Decl ...) B0 B ...) (call-with-values (lambda () Exp) (lambda (Formal ...) (let-values* (Decl ...) B0 B ...)))))) (define-syntax let-synvalues* (syntax-rules () ((_ () B0 B ...) (begin B0 B ...)) ((_ (((Formal ...) Exp) Decl ...) B0 B ...) (call-with-values (lambda () Exp) (lambda (Formal ...) (with-syntax ((Formal Formal) ...) (let-synvalues* (Decl ...) B0 B ...))))))) (lambda (syn) (syntax-case syn () ((_ syn (kh . kt)) (let-synvalues* (((Pat Vars Guards Cdecls) (f #'syn '() '() '() 0))) #'(kh 'Pat Vars Guards Cdecls . kt))))))) (define-syntax mapper (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ F (RetId ...) (ThreadId ...)) (with-syntax (((t ...) (generate-temporaries #'(RetId ...))) ((ts ...) (generate-temporaries #'(RetId ...))) ((null ...) (map (lambda (x) #''()) #'(RetId ...)))) #'(let ((fun F)) (rec g (lambda (ThreadId ... ls) (if (null? ls) (values ThreadId ... null ...) (call-with-values (lambda () (g ThreadId ... (cdr ls))) (lambda (ThreadId ... ts ...) (call-with-values (lambda () (fun ThreadId ... (car ls))) (lambda (ThreadId ... t ...) (values ThreadId ... (cons t ts) ...)))))))))))))) ;;; ------------------------------ (define-syntax my-backquote (lambda (x) (define ellipsis? (lambda (x) (and (identifier? x) (free-identifier=? x #'(... ...))))) (define-syntax with-values (syntax-rules () ((_ P C) (call-with-values (lambda () P) C)))) (define-syntax syntax-lambda (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ (Pat ...) Body0 Body ...) (with-syntax (((X ...) (generate-temporaries #'(Pat ...)))) #'(lambda (X ...) (with-syntax ((Pat X) ...) Body0 Body ...))))))) (define-syntax with-temp (syntax-rules () ((_ V Body0 Body ...) (with-syntax (((V) (generate-temporaries '(x)))) Body0 Body ...)))) (define-syntax with-temps (syntax-rules () ((_ (V ...) (Exp ...) Body0 Body ...) (with-syntax (((V ...) (generate-temporaries #'(Exp ...)))) Body0 Body ...)))) (define destruct (lambda (Orig x depth) (syntax-case x (quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) ;; inner quasiquote ((quasiquote Exp) (with-values (destruct Orig #'Exp (add1 depth)) (syntax-lambda (Builder Vars Exps) (if (null? #'Vars) (values #''(quasiquote Exp) '() '()) (values #'(list 'quasiquote Builder) #'Vars #'Exps))))) ;; unquote ((unquote Exp) (zero? depth) (with-temp X (values #'X (list #'X) (list #'Exp)))) ((unquote Exp) (with-values (destruct Orig #'Exp (sub1 depth)) (syntax-lambda (Builder Vars Exps) (if (null? #'Vars) (values #''(unquote Exp) '() '()) (values #'(list 'unquote Builder) #'Vars #'Exps))))) ;; splicing (((unquote-splicing Exp)) (zero? depth) (with-temp X (values #'X (list #'X) (list #'Exp)))) (((unquote-splicing Exp ...)) (zero? depth) (with-temps (X ...) (Exp ...) (values #'(append X ...) #'(X ...) #'(Exp ...)))) (((unquote-splicing Exp ...) . Rest) (zero? depth) (with-values (destruct Orig #'Rest depth) (syntax-lambda (Builder Vars Exps) (with-temps (X ...) (Exp ...) (if (null? #'Vars) (values #'(append X ... 'Rest) #'(X ...) #'(Exp ...)) (values #'(append X ... Builder) #'(X ... . Vars) #'(Exp ... . Exps))))))) ((unquote-splicing Exp ...) (with-values (destruct Orig #'(Exp ...) (sub1 depth)) (syntax-lambda (Builder Vars Exps) (if (null? #'Vars) (values #''(unquote-splicing Exp ...) '() '()) (values #'(cons 'unquote-splicing Builder) #'Vars #'Exps))))) ;; dots (((unquote Exp) Dots) (and (zero? depth) (ellipsis? #'Dots)) (with-temp X (values #'X (list #'X) (list #'Exp)))) (((unquote Exp) Dots . Rest) (and (zero? depth) (ellipsis? #'Dots)) (with-values (destruct Orig #'Rest depth) (syntax-lambda (RestBuilder RestVars RestExps) (with-syntax ((TailExp (if (null? #'RestVars) #''Rest #'RestBuilder))) (with-temp X (values #'(append X TailExp) (cons #'X #'RestVars) (cons #'Exp #'RestExps))))))) ((Exp Dots . Rest) (and (zero? depth) (ellipsis? #'Dots)) (with-values (destruct Orig #'Exp depth) (syntax-lambda (ExpBuilder (ExpVar ...) (ExpExp ...)) (if (null? #'(ExpVar ...)) (syntax-error Orig "Bad ellipsis") (with-values (destruct Orig #'Rest depth) (syntax-lambda (RestBuilder RestVars RestExps) (with-syntax ((TailExp (if (null? #'RestVars) #''Rest #'RestBuilder)) (Orig Orig)) (values #'(let f ((ExpVar ExpVar) ...) (if (and (pair? ExpVar) ...) (cons (let ((ExpVar (car ExpVar)) ...) ExpBuilder) (f (cdr ExpVar) ...)) (if (and (null? ExpVar) ...) TailExp (error 'unquote "Mismatched lists" Orig)))) (append #'(ExpVar ...) #'RestVars) (append #'(ExpExp ...) #'RestExps))))))))) ;; Vectors (#(X ...) (with-values (destruct Orig #'(X ...) depth) (syntax-lambda (LsBuilder LsVars LsExps) (values #'(list->vector LsBuilder) #'LsVars #'LsExps)))) ;; random stuff ((Hd . Tl) (with-values (destruct Orig #'Hd depth) (syntax-lambda (HdBuilder HdVars HdExps) (with-values (destruct Orig #'Tl depth) (syntax-lambda (TlBuilder TlVars TlExps) (with-syntax ((Hd (if (null? #'HdVars) #''Hd #'HdBuilder)) (Tl (if (null? #'TlVars) #''Tl #'TlBuilder))) (values #'(cons Hd Tl) (append #'HdVars #'TlVars) (append #'HdExps #'TlExps)))))))) (OtherThing (values #''OtherThing '() '()))))) ;; macro begins (syntax-case x () ((_ Datum) (with-values (destruct #'(quasiquote Datum) #'Datum 0) (syntax-lambda (Builder (Var ...) (Exp ...)) (if (null? #'(Var ...)) #''Datum #'(let ((Var Exp) ...) Builder)))))))) (define-syntax extend-backquote (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ Template Exp ...) (with-syntax ((quasiquote (datum->syntax #'Template 'quasiquote))) #'(let-syntax ((quasiquote (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ Foo) #'(my-backquote Foo)))))) Exp ...)))))) ;;; ------------------------------ (define-syntax with-values (syntax-rules () ((_ P C) (call-with-values (lambda () P) C)))) (define-syntax letcc (syntax-rules () ((_ V B0 B ...) (call/cc (lambda (V) B0 B ...))))) (define classify-list (lambda (ls) (cond ((null? ls) 'proper) ((not (pair? ls)) 'improper) (else (let f ((tortoise ls) (hare (cdr ls))) (cond ((eq? tortoise hare) 'infinite) ((null? hare) 'proper) ((not (pair? hare)) 'improper) (else (let ((hare (cdr hare))) (cond ((null? hare) 'proper) ((not (pair? hare)) 'improper) (else (f (cdr ls) (cdr hare)))))))))))) (define ilist-copy-flat (lambda (ils) (let f ((tortoise ils) (hare (cdr ils))) (if (eq? tortoise hare) (list (car tortoise)) (cons (car tortoise) (f (cdr tortoise) (cddr hare))))))) (define sexp-dispatch (lambda (obj pat);; #f or list of vars (letcc escape (let ((fail (lambda () (escape #f)))) (let f ((pat pat) (obj obj) (vals '())) (cond ((eq? pat 'any) (cons obj vals)) ((eq? pat 'each-any) ;; handle infinities (case (classify-list obj) ((proper infinite) (cons obj vals)) ((improper) (fail)))) ((pair? pat) (if (pair? obj) (f (car pat) (car obj) (f (cdr pat) (cdr obj) vals)) (fail))) ((vector? pat) (case (vector-ref pat 0) ((atom) (let ((a (vector-ref pat 1))) (if (eqv? obj a) vals (fail)))) ((vector) (if (vector? obj) (let ((vec-pat (vector-ref pat 1))) (f vec-pat (vector->list obj) vals)) (fail))) ((each) ;; if infinite, copy the list as flat, then do the matching, ;; then do some set-cdrs. (let ((each-pat (vector-ref pat 1)) (each-size (vector-ref pat 2))) (case (classify-list obj) ((improper) (fail)) ((infinite) (let ((each-vals (f pat (ilist-copy-flat obj) '()))) (for-each (lambda (x) (set-cdr! (last-pair x) x)) each-vals) (append each-vals vals))) ((proper) (append (let g ((obj obj)) (if (null? obj) (make-list each-size '()) (let ((hd-vals (f each-pat (car obj) '())) (tl-vals (g (cdr obj)))) (map cons hd-vals tl-vals)))) vals))))) ((tail-each) (let ((each-pat (vector-ref pat 1)) (each-size (vector-ref pat 2)) (revtail-pat (vector-ref pat 3)) (revtail-tail-pat (vector-ref pat 4))) (when (eq? (classify-list obj) 'infinite) (fail)) (with-values (let g ((obj obj)) ;; in-tail?, vals, revtail-left/ls (cond ((pair? obj) (with-values (g (cdr obj)) (lambda (in-tail? vals tail-left/ls) (if in-tail? (if (null? tail-left/ls) (values #f vals (list (car obj))) (values #t (f (car tail-left/ls) (car obj) vals) (cdr tail-left/ls))) (values #f vals (cons (car obj) tail-left/ls)))))) (else (values #t (f revtail-tail-pat obj vals) revtail-pat)))) (lambda (in-tail? vals tail-left/ls) (if in-tail? (if (null? tail-left/ls) (append (make-list each-size '()) vals) (fail)) (f each-pat tail-left/ls vals)))))))) (else (if (eqv? obj pat) vals (fail))))))))) ) ;;; examples of passing along threaded information. ;;; Try (collect-symbols '(if (x y 'a 'c zz) 'b 'c)) ;;; Note that it commonizes the reference to c. ;; (define-syntax with-values ;; (syntax-rules () ;; ((_ P C) (call-with-values (lambda () P) C)))) ;; (define collect-symbols ;; (lambda (exp) ;; (with-values (collect-symbols-help exp) ;; (lambda (symbol-decls exp) ;; (match symbol-decls ;; (((,symbol-name . ,symbol-var) ...) ;; `(let ((,symbol-var (quote ,symbol-name)) ...) ,exp))))))) ;; (define collect-symbols-help ;; (lambda (exp) ;; (let ((symbol-env '())) ;; (match+ (symbol-env) exp ;; (,x ;; (guard (symbol? x)) ;; (values symbol-env x)) ;; ((quote ,x) ;; (guard (symbol? x)) ;; (let ((pair/false (assq x symbol-env))) ;; (if pair/false ;; (values symbol-env (cdr pair/false)) ;; (let ((v (gensym))) ;; (values (cons (cons x v) symbol-env) ;; v))))) ;; ((quote ,x) ;; (values symbol-env `(quote ,x))) ;; ((if ,(t) ,(c) ,(a)) ;; (values symbol-env `(if ,t ,c ,a))) ;; ((,(op) ,(arg) ...) ;; (values symbol-env `(,op ,arg ...))))))) ;; ;; ;;; the grammar for this one is just if-exprs and everything else ;; ;; (define collect-leaves ;; (lambda (exp acc) ;; (match+ (acc) exp ;; ((if ,() ,() ,()) ;; acc) ;; ((,() ,() ...) ;; acc) ;; (,x ;; (cons x acc))))) ;; ;; ;; here's something that takes apart quoted stuff. ;; ;; (define destruct ;; (lambda (datum) ;; (match datum ;; (() `'()) ;; ((,(X) . ,(Y))`(cons ,X ,Y)) ;; (#(,(X) ...) `(vector ,X ...)) ;; (,thing ;; (guard (symbol? thing)) ;; `',thing) ;; (,thing ;; thing)))) ;; ;; ;; examples using explicit Catas ;; ;; (define sumsquares ;; (lambda (ls) ;; (define square ;; (lambda (x) ;; (* x x))) ;; (match ls ;; ((,(a*) ...) (apply + a*)) ;; (,(square -> n) n)))) ;; ;; (define sumsquares ;; (lambda (ls) ;; (define square ;; (lambda (x) ;; (* x x))) ;; (let ((acc 0)) ;; (match+ (acc) ls ;; ((,() ...) acc) ;; (,((lambda (acc x) (+ acc (square x))) ->) acc))))) ;; ;; ;;; The following uses explicit Catas to parse programs in the ;; ;;; simple language defined by the grammar below ;; ;; ;;; <Prog> -> (program <Stmt>* <Expr>) ;; ;;; <Stmt> -> (if <Expr> <Stmt> <Stmt>) ;; ;;; | (set! <var> <Expr>) ;; ;;; <Expr> -> <var> ;; ;;; | <integer> ;; ;;; | (if <Expr> <Expr> <Expr>) ;; ;;; | (<Expr> <Expr*>) ;; ;; (define parse ;; (lambda (x) ;; (define Prog ;; (lambda (x) ;; (match x ;; ((program ,(Stmt -> s*) ... ,(Expr -> e)) ;; `(begin ,s* ... ,e)) ;; (,other (error 'parse "invalid program" other))))) ;; (define Stmt ;; (lambda (x) ;; (match x ;; ((if ,(Expr -> e) ,(Stmt -> s1) ,(Stmt -> s2)) ;; `(if ,e ,s1 ,s2)) ;; ((set! ,v ,(Expr -> e)) ;; (guard (symbol? v)) ;; `(set! ,v ,e)) ;; (,other (error 'parse "invalid statement" other))))) ;; (define Expr ;; (lambda (x) ;; (match x ;; (,v (guard (symbol? v)) v) ;; (,n (guard (integer? n)) n) ;; ((if ,(e1) ,(e2) ,(e3)) ;; `(if ,e1 ,e2 ,e3)) ;; ((,(rator) ,(rand*) ...) `(,rator ,rand* ...)) ;; (,other (error 'parse "invalid expression" other))))) ;; (Prog x))) ;;; (parse '(program (set! x 3) (+ x 4)))) => (begin (set! x 3) (+ x 4)) ;; CHANGELOG (most recent changes are logged at the top of this file) ;; (29 Feb 2000) ;; Fixed a case sensitivity bug. ;; (24 Feb 2000) ;; Matcher now handles vector patterns. Quasiquote also handles ;; vector patterns, but does NOT do the csv6.2 optimization of ;; `#(a 1 ,(+ 3 4) x y) ==> (vector 'a 1 (+ 3 4) 'x 'y). ;; Also fixed bug in (P ... . P) matching code. ;; (23 Feb 2000) ;; KSM fixed bug in unquote-splicing inside quasiquote. ;; (10 Feb 2000) ;; New forms match+ and trace-match+ thread arguments right-to-left. ;; The pattern (P ... . P) now works the way you might expect. ;; Infinite lists are now properly matched (and not matched). ;; Removed the @ pattern. ;; Internal: No longer converting into syntax-case. ;; (6 Feb 2000) ;; Added expansion-time error message for referring to cata variable ;; in a guard. ;; (4 Feb 2000) ;; Fixed backquote so it can handle nested backquote (oops). ;; Double-backquoted elipses are neutralized just as double-backquoted ;; unquotes are. So: ;; `(a ,'(1 2 3) ... b) =eval=> (a 1 2 3 b) ;; ``(a ,'(1 2 3) ... b) =eval=> `(a ,'(1 2 3) ... b) ;; ``(a ,(,(1 2 3) ...) b) =eval=> `(a ,(1 2 3) b) ;; Added support for ;; `((unquote-splicing x y z) b) =expand==> (append x y z (list 'b)) ;; (1 Feb 2000) ;; Fixed a bug involving forgetting to quote stuff in the revised backquote. ;; Recognized unquote-splicing and signalled errors in the appropriate places. ;; Added support for deep elipses in backquote. ;; Rewrote backquote so it does the rebuilding directly instead of ;; expanding into Chez's backquote. ;; (31 Jan 2000) ;; Kent Dybvig fixed template bug. ;; (31 Jan 2000) ;; Added the trace-match form, and made guards contain ;; an explicit and expression: ;; (guard E ...) ==> (guard (and E ...)) ;; (26 Jan 2000) ;; Inside the clauses of match expressions, the following ;; transformation is performed inside backquote expressions: ;; ,v ... ==> ,@v ;; (,v ,w) ... ==> ,@(map list v w) ;; etc.