;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme. ;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . (library (ikarus reader) (export read read-initial read-token comment-handler) (import (ikarus system $chars) (ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $pairs) (ikarus system $bytevectors) (only (ikarus unicode-data) unicode-printable-char?) (except (ikarus) read read-token comment-handler)) (define delimiter? (lambda (c) (or (char-whitespace? c) (memq c '(#\( #\) #\[ #\] #\{ #\} #\' #\` #\, #\"))))) (define digit? (lambda (c) (and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9)))) (define char->num (lambda (c) (fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0)))) (define initial? (lambda (c) (cond [($char<= c ($fixnum->char 127)) (or (letter? c) (special-initial? c))] [else (unicode-printable-char? c)]))) (define letter? (lambda (c) (or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z)) (and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z))))) (define af? (lambda (c) (or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\f)) (and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\F))))) (define af->num (lambda (c) (if (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\f)) (fx+ 10 (fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\a))) (fx+ 10 (fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\A)))))) (define special-initial? (lambda (c) (memq c '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~)))) (define subsequent? (lambda (c) (or (initial? c) (digit? c) (special-subsequent? c)))) (define special-subsequent? (lambda (c) (memq c '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@)))) (define tokenize-identifier (lambda (ls p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) ls] [(subsequent? c) (tokenize-identifier (cons c ls) p)] [(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) ls] [(char=? c #\\) (tokenize-backslash ls p)] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize "invalid identifier syntax" (list->string (reverse (cons c ls))))])))) (define tokenize-string (lambda (ls p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "end-of-file while inside a string")] [($char= #\" c) ls] [($char= #\\ c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [($char= #\" c) (tokenize-string (cons #\" ls) p)] [($char= #\\ c) (tokenize-string (cons #\\ ls) p)] [($char= #\n c) (tokenize-string (cons #\newline ls) p)] [($char= #\r c) (tokenize-string (cons #\return ls) p)] [($char= #\t c) (tokenize-string (cons #\tab ls) p)] [($char= #\x c) ;;; unicode escape \xXXX; (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof inside string")] [(hex c) => (lambda (n) (let f ([n n]) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? n) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof inside string")] [(hex c) => (lambda (v) (f (+ (* n 16) v)))] [($char= c #\;) (tokenize-string (cons (integer->char n) ls) p)] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid char in escape sequence" c)]))))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid char in escape sequence" c)]))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid string escape" c)]))] [else (tokenize-string (cons c ls) p)])))) (define skip-comment (lambda (p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (unless (eof-object? c) (let ([i ($char->fixnum c)]) (unless (or (fx= i 10) (fx= i 13)) (skip-comment p))))))) (define tokenize-dot (lambda (p) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) 'dot] [(delimiter? c) 'dot] [($char= c #\.) ; this is second dot (read-char p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax .. near end of file")] [($char= c #\.) ; this is the third (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) '(datum . ...)] [(delimiter? c) '(datum . ...)] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax" (string-append "..." (string c)))]))] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax" (string-append ".." (string c)))]))] [else (cons 'datum (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p '(#\.) #f))])))) (define tokenize-char* (lambda (i str p d) (cond [(fx= i (string-length str)) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) d] [(delimiter? c) d] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid character after sequence" (string-append (string c) str))]))] [else (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof in the middle of expected sequence" str)] [($char= c (string-ref str i)) (tokenize-char* (fxadd1 i) str p d)] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid char while scanning string" c str)]))]))) (define tokenize-char-seq (lambda (p str d) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (cons 'datum (string-ref str 0))] [(delimiter? c) (cons 'datum (string-ref str 0))] [($char= (string-ref str 1) c) (read-char p) (tokenize-char* 2 str p d)] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax" (string-ref str 0) c)])))) (define tokenize-char (lambda (p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid #\\ near end of file")] [(eqv? #\n c) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (read-char p) '(datum . #\n)] [(eqv? #\u c) (read-char p) (tokenize-char-seq p "ul" '(datum . #\x0))] [(eqv? #\e c) (read-char p) (tokenize-char-seq p "ewline" '(datum . #\xA))] [(delimiter? c) '(datum . #\n)] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax" (string #\# #\\ #\n c))]))] [(eqv? #\a c) (tokenize-char-seq p "alarm" '(datum . #\x7))] [(eqv? #\b c) (tokenize-char-seq p "backspace" '(datum . #\x8))] [(eqv? #\t c) (tokenize-char-seq p "tab" '(datum . #\x9))] [(eqv? #\l c) (tokenize-char-seq p "linefeed" '(datum . #\xA))] [(eqv? #\v c) (tokenize-char-seq p "vtab" '(datum . #\xB))] [(eqv? #\p c) (tokenize-char-seq p "page" '(datum . #\xC))] [(eqv? #\r c) (tokenize-char-seq p "return" '(datum . #\xD))] [(eqv? #\e c) (tokenize-char-seq p "esc" '(datum . #\x1B))] [(eqv? #\s c) (tokenize-char-seq p "space" '(datum . #\x20))] [(eqv? #\d c) (tokenize-char-seq p "delete" '(datum . #\x7F))] [(eqv? #\x c) (let ([n (peek-char p)]) (cond [(or (eof-object? n) (delimiter? n)) '(datum . #\x)] [(hex n) => (lambda (v) (read-char p) (let f ([v v]) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (cons 'datum (integer->char v))] [(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) (cons 'datum (integer->char v))] [(hex c) => (lambda (v0) (f (+ (* v 16) v0)))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid character sequence")]))))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid character sequence" (string-append "#\\" (string n)))]))] [else (let ([n (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? n) (cons 'datum c)] [(delimiter? n) (cons 'datum c)] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax" (string-append "#\\" (string c n)))]))])))) (define (hex x) (cond [(and ($char<= #\0 x) ($char<= x #\9)) ($fx- ($char->fixnum x) ($char->fixnum #\0))] [(and ($char<= #\a x) ($char<= x #\z)) ($fx- ($char->fixnum x) ($fx- ($char->fixnum #\a) 10))] [(and ($char<= #\A x) ($char<= x #\Z)) ($fx- ($char->fixnum x) ($fx- ($char->fixnum #\A) 10))] [else #f])) (define multiline-error (lambda () (error 'tokenize "end of file encountered while inside a #|-style comment"))) (define apprev (lambda (str i ac) (cond [(fx= i (string-length str)) ac] [else (apprev str (fx+ i 1) (cons (string-ref str i) ac))]))) (define multiline-comment (lambda (p) (define f (lambda (p ac) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)] [($char= #\| c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)] [($char= #\# c) ac] [else (f p (cons c ac))]))] [($char= #\# c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)] [($char= #\| c) (let ([v (multiline-comment p)]) (if (string? v) (f p (apprev v 0 ac)) (f p ac)))] [else (f p (cons c (cons #\# ac)))]))] [else (f p (cons c ac))])))) (let ([ac (f p '())]) ((comment-handler) (list->string (reverse ac)))))) (define tokenize-hash (lambda (p) (tokenize-hash/c (read-char p) p))) (define (skip-whitespace p caller) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof inside" caller)] [(char-whitespace? c) (skip-whitespace p caller)] [else c]))) (define tokenize-hash/c (lambda (c p) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid # near end of file")] [(memq c '(#\t #\T)) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) '(datum . #t)] [(delimiter? c) '(datum . #t)] [else (error 'tokenize (format "invalid syntax near #~a" c))]))] [(memq c '(#\f #\F)) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) '(datum . #f)] [(delimiter? c) '(datum . #f)] [else (error 'tokenize (format "invalid syntax near #~a" c))]))] [($char= #\\ c) (tokenize-char p)] [($char= #\( c) 'vparen] [($char= #\' c) '(macro . syntax)] [($char= #\` c) '(macro . quasisyntax)] [($char= #\, c) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eqv? c #\@) (read-char p) '(macro . unsyntax-splicing)] [else '(macro . unsyntax)]))] [($char= #\; c) 'hash-semi] [($char= #\% c) '(macro . |#primitive|)] [($char= #\| c) (multiline-comment p) (tokenize p)] [($char= #\! c) (let ([e (read-char p)]) (when (eof-object? e) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof near #!")) (case e [(#\e) (read-char* p '(#\e) "of" "eof sequence" #f #f) (cons 'datum (eof-object))] [(#\r) (read-char* p '(#\r) "6rs" "#!r6rs comment" #f #f) (set-port-mode! p 'r6rs-mode) (tokenize p)] [(#\i) (read-char* p '(#\i) "karus" "#!ikarus comment" #f #f) (set-port-mode! p 'ikarus-mode) (tokenize p)] [else (error 'tokenize (format "invalid syntax near #!~a" e))]))] [(digit? c) (when (eq? (port-mode p) 'r6rs-mode) (error 'tokenize "graph syntax is invalid in #!r6rs mode" (format "#~a" c))) (tokenize-hashnum p (char->num c))] [($char= #\: c) (when (eq? (port-mode p) 'r6rs-mode) (error 'tokenize "gensym syntax is invalid in #!r6rs mode" (format "#~a" c))) (let* ([c (skip-whitespace p "gensym")] [id0 (cond [(initial? c) (list->string (reverse (tokenize-identifier (cons c '()) p)))] [($char= #\| c) (list->string (reverse (tokenize-bar p '())))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid char inside gensym" c)])]) (cons 'datum (gensym id0)))] [($char= #\{ c) (when (eq? (port-mode p) 'r6rs-mode) (error 'tokenize "gensym syntax is invalid in #!r6rs mode" (format "#~a" c))) (let* ([c (skip-whitespace p "gensym")] [id0 (cond [(initial? c) (list->string (reverse (tokenize-identifier (cons c '()) p)))] [($char= #\| c) (list->string (reverse (tokenize-bar p '())))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid char inside gensym" c)])] [c (skip-whitespace p "gensym")]) (cond [($char= #\} c) ;(cons 'datum (gensym id0))] (cons 'datum (foreign-call "ikrt_strings_to_gensym" #f id0))] [else (let ([id1 (cond [(initial? c) (list->string (reverse (tokenize-identifier (cons c '()) p)))] [($char= #\| c) (list->string (reverse (tokenize-bar p '())))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid char inside gensym" c)])]) (let ([c (skip-whitespace p "gensym")]) (cond [($char= #\} c) (cons 'datum (foreign-call "ikrt_strings_to_gensym" id0 id1))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid char inside gensym" c)])))]))] [($char= #\v c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [($char= #\u c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [($char= c #\8) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [($char= c #\() 'vu8] [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof object after #vu8")] [else (error 'tokenize (format "invalid sequence #vu8~a" c))]))] [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof object after #vu")] [else (error 'tokenize (format "invalid sequence #vu~a" c))]))] [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof object after #v")] [else (error 'tokenize (format "invalid sequence #v~a" c))]))] [(memq c '(#\e #\E)) (cons 'datum (tokenize-exactness-mark p (list c #\#) 'e))] [(memq c '(#\i #\I)) (cons 'datum (tokenize-exactness-mark p (list c #\#) 'i))] [(memq c '(#\b #\B)) (cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 2))] [(memq c '(#\x #\X)) (cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 16))] [(memq c '(#\o #\O)) (cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 8))] [(memq c '(#\d #\D)) (cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 10))] [($char= #\@ c) (when (eq? (port-mode p) 'r6rs-mode) (error 'tokenize "fasl syntax is invalid in #!r6rs mode" (format "#~a" c))) (error 'read "FIXME: fasl read disabled") '(cons 'datum ($fasl-read p))] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize (format "invalid syntax #~a" c))]))) (define (tokenize-exactness-mark p ls exact?) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? 10 d))] [(char=? c #\.) (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact?)] [(char=? c #\-) (- (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? 10))] [(char=? c #\+) (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? 10)] [(char=? c #\#) (let ([c1 (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c1) (num-error "eof object" (cons c ls))] [(memv c1 '(#\b #\B)) (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons* c1 c ls) exact? 2)] [(memv c1 '(#\x #\X)) (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons* c1 c ls) exact? 16)] [(memv c1 '(#\o #\O)) (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons* c1 c ls) exact? 8)] [(memv c1 '(#\d #\D)) (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons* c1 c ls) exact? 10)] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons* c1 c ls))]))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-radix-mark p ls radix) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c radix) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) #f radix d))] [(char=? c #\.) (unless (= radix 10) (num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls))) (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) #f)] [(char=? c #\-) (- (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) #f radix))] [(char=? c #\+) (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) #f radix)] [(char=? c #\#) (let ([c1 (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c1) (num-error "eof object" (cons c ls))] [(memv c1 '(#\e #\E)) (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons c1 (cons c ls)) 'e radix)] [(memv c1 '(#\i #\I)) (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons c1 (cons c ls)) 'i radix)] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons* c1 c ls))]))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p ls exact? radix) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c radix) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? radix d))] [(char=? c #\.) (unless (= radix 10) (num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls))) (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact?)] [(char=? c #\-) (- (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? radix))] [(char=? c #\+) (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? radix)] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-integer p ls exact? radix ac) (define (tokenize-denom-start p ls exact? radix num) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c radix) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-denom p (cons c ls) exact? radix num d))] [(char=? c #\-) (tokenize-denom-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? radix (- num))] [(char=? c #\+) (tokenize-denom-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? radix num)] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-denom-no-digits p ls exact? radix num) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c radix) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-denom p (cons c ls) exact? radix num d))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-denom p ls exact? radix num ac) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (if (= ac 0) (num-error "zero denominator" ls) (convert/exact exact? (/ num ac)))] [(radix-digit c radix) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-denom p (cons c ls) exact? radix num (+ (* radix ac) d)))] [(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) (if (= ac 0) (num-error "zero denominator" ls) (convert/exact exact? (/ num ac)))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (convert/exact exact? ac)] [(radix-digit c radix) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? radix (+ (* ac radix) d)))] [(char=? c #\.) (unless (= radix 10) (num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls))) (tokenize-decimal p (cons c ls) exact? ac 0)] [(char=? c #\/) (tokenize-denom-start p (cons #\/ ls) exact? radix ac)] [(memv c '(#\e #\E)) ; exponent (unless (= radix 10) (num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls))) (let ([ex (tokenize-exponent-start p (cons c ls))]) (convert/exact (or exact? 'i) (* ac (expt radix ex))))] [(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) (convert/exact exact? ac)] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-exponent-start p ls) (define (tokenize-exponent-no-digits p ls) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-exponent p (cons c ls) d))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-exponent p ls ac) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) ac] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-exponent p (cons c ls) (+ (* ac 10) d)))] [(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) ac] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-exponent p (cons c ls) d))] [(char=? c #\-) (- (tokenize-exponent-no-digits p (cons c ls)))] [(char=? c #\+) (tokenize-exponent-no-digits p (cons c ls))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-decimal p ls exact? ac exp) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (let ([ac (* ac (expt 10 exp))]) (convert/exact (or exact? 'i) ac))] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-decimal p (cons c ls) exact? (+ (* ac 10) d) (- exp 1)))] [(memv c '(#\e #\E)) (let ([ex (tokenize-exponent-start p (cons c ls))]) (let ([ac (* ac (expt 10 (+ exp ex)))]) (convert/exact (or exact? 'i) ac)))] [(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) (let ([ac (* ac (expt 10 exp))]) (convert/exact (or exact? 'i) ac))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p ls exact?) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-decimal p (cons c ls) exact? d -1))] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (convert/exact exact? n) (if (eq? exact? 'i) (exact->inexact n) n)) (define (radix-digit c radix) (case radix [(10) (cond [(char<=? #\0 c #\9) (fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))] [else #f])] [(16) (cond [(char<=? #\0 c #\9) (fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))] [(char<=? #\a c #\f) (fx- (char->integer c) (fx- (char->integer #\a) 10))] [(char<=? #\A c #\F) (fx- (char->integer c) (fx- (char->integer #\A) 10))] [else #f])] [(8) (cond [(char<=? #\0 c #\7) (fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))] [else #f])] [(2) (case c [(#\0) 0] [(#\1) 1] [else #f])] [else (error 'radix-digit "invalid radix" radix)])) (define (read-char* p ls str who ci? delimited?) (let f ([i 0] [ls ls]) (cond [(fx= i (string-length str)) (when delimited? (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (when (and (not (eof-object? c)) (not (delimiter? c))) (error 'tokenize (format "invalid ~a: ~s" who (list->string (reverse (cons c ls))))))))] [else (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [else (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize (format "invalid eof inside ~a" who))] [(or (and (not ci?) (char=? c (string-ref str i))) (and ci? (char=? (char-downcase c) (string-ref str i)))) (f (add1 i) (cons c ls))] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize (format "invalid ~a: ~s" who (list->string (reverse (cons c ls)))))])]))]))) (define (tokenize-integer/nan/inf-no-digits p ls) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "invalid eof" ls)] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) #f 10 d))] [(char=? c #\.) (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) #f)] [(memv c '(#\i #\I)) (read-char* p (cons #\i ls) "nf.0" "number sequence" #t #t) +inf.0] [(memv c '(#\n #\N)) (read-char* p (cons #\i ls) "an.0" "number sequence" #t #t) +nan.0] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (tokenize-integer-no-digits p ls exact? radix?) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (num-error "invalid eof" ls)] [(radix-digit c (or radix? 10)) => (lambda (d) (tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? (or radix? 10) d))] [(char=? c #\.) (when (and radix? (not (= radix? 10))) (num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls))) (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact?)] [else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))]))) (define (num-error str ls) (error 'read "invalid numeric sequence" (list->string (reverse ls)))) (define (tokenize-hashnum p n) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof inside #n mark/ref")] [($char= #\= c) (cons 'mark n)] [($char= #\# c) (cons 'ref n)] [(digit? c) (tokenize-hashnum p (fx+ (fx* n 10) (char->num c)))] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize "invalid char while inside a #n mark/ref" c)]))) (define tokenize-bar (lambda (p ac) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "unexpected eof while reading symbol")] [($char= #\\ c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "unexpected eof while reading symbol")] [else (tokenize-bar p (cons c ac))]))] [($char= #\| c) ac] [else (tokenize-bar p (cons c ac))])))) (define (tokenize-backslash main-ac p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof after symbol escape")] [($char= #\x c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof after \\x")] [(hex c) => (lambda (v) (let f ([v v] [ac `(,c #\x #\\)]) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize (format "invalid eof after ~a" (list->string (reverse ac))))] [($char= #\; c) (tokenize-identifier (cons (integer->char v) main-ac) p)] [(hex c) => (lambda (v0) (f (+ (* v 16) v0) (cons c ac)))] [else (error 'tokenize "invalid sequence" (list->string (cons c (reverse ac))))]))))] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize (format "invalid sequence \\x~a" c))]))] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize (format "invalid sequence \\~a" c))]))) (define tokenize/c (lambda (c p) (cond [(eof-object? c) (eof-object)] [(char-whitespace? c) (tokenize p)] [($char= #\( c) 'lparen] [($char= #\) c) 'rparen] [($char= #\[ c) 'lbrack] [($char= #\] c) 'rbrack] [($char= #\' c) '(macro . quote)] [($char= #\` c) '(macro . quasiquote)] [($char= #\, c) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) '(macro . unquote)] [($char= c #\@) (read-char p) '(macro . unquote-splicing)] [else '(macro . unquote)]))] [($char= #\# c) (tokenize-hash p)] [(radix-digit c 10) => (lambda (d) (cons 'datum (tokenize-integer p (list c) #f 10 d)))] [(initial? c) (let ([ls (reverse (tokenize-identifier (cons c '()) p))]) (cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))] [($char= #\" c) (let ([ls (tokenize-string '() p)]) (cons 'datum (list->string (reverse ls))))] [($char= #\; c) (skip-comment p) (tokenize p)] [(memq c '(#\+)) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) '(datum . +)] [(delimiter? c) '(datum . +)] [else (cons 'datum (tokenize-integer/nan/inf-no-digits p '(#\+)))]))] [(memq c '(#\-)) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) '(datum . -)] [(delimiter? c) '(datum . -)] [($char= c #\>) (read-char p) (let ([ls (tokenize-identifier '() p)]) (let ([str (list->string (cons* #\- #\> (reverse ls)))]) (cons 'datum (string->symbol str))))] [else (cons 'datum (- (tokenize-integer/nan/inf-no-digits p '(#\-))))]))] [($char= #\. c) (tokenize-dot p)] [($char= #\| c) (when (eq? (port-mode p) 'r6rs-mode) (error 'tokenize "|symbol| syntax is invalid in #!r6rs mode")) (let ([ls (reverse (tokenize-bar p '()))]) (cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))] [($char= #\\ c) (cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string (reverse (tokenize-backslash '() p)))))] [else (unread-char c p) (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax" c)]))) (define tokenize (lambda (p) (tokenize/c (read-char p) p))) (define tokenize-initial (lambda (p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) c] [($char= #\# c) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid eof after #")] [($char= #\! c) (skip-comment p) (tokenize p)] [else (tokenize-hash/c c p)]))] [else (tokenize/c c p)])))) (define read-list-rest (lambda (p locs k end mis) (let ([t (tokenize p)]) (cond [(eof-object? t) (error 'read "end of file encountered while reading list")] [(eq? t end) (values '() locs k)] [(eq? t mis) (error 'read "paren mismatch")] [(eq? t 'dot) (let-values ([(d locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (let ([t (tokenize p)]) (cond [(eq? t end) (values d locs k)] [(eq? t mis) (error 'read "paren mismatch")] [(eq? t 'dot) (error 'read "cannot have two dots in a list")] [else (error 'read (format "expecting ~a, got ~a" end t))])))] [(eq? t 'hash-semi) (let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (read-list-rest p locs k end mis))] [else (let-values ([(a locs k) (parse-token p locs k t)]) (let-values ([(d locs k) (read-list-rest p locs k end mis)]) (let ([x (cons a d)]) (values x locs (if (or (loc? a) (loc? d)) (extend-k-pair x k) k)))))])))) (define read-list-init (lambda (p locs k end mis) (let ([t (tokenize p)]) (cond [(eof-object? t) (error 'read "end of file encountered while reading list")] [(eq? t end) (values '() locs k)] [(eq? t mis) (error 'read "paren mismatch")] [(eq? t 'dot) (error 'read "invalid dot while reading list")] [(eq? t 'hash-semi) (let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (read-list-init p locs k end mis))] [else (let-values ([(a locs k) (parse-token p locs k t)]) (let-values ([(d locs k) (read-list-rest p locs k end mis)]) (let ([x (cons a d)]) (values x locs (if (or (loc? a) (loc? d)) (extend-k-pair x k) k)))))])))) (define extend-k-pair (lambda (x k) (lambda () (let ([a (car x)]) (when (loc? a) (set-car! x (loc-value a)))) (let ([d (cdr x)]) (when (loc? d) (set-cdr! x (loc-value d)))) (k)))) (define vector-put (lambda (v k i ls) (cond [(null? ls) k] [else (let ([a (car ls)]) (vector-set! v i a) (vector-put v (if (loc? a) (lambda () (vector-set! v i (loc-value (vector-ref v i))) (k)) k) (fxsub1 i) (cdr ls)))]))) (define bytevector-put (lambda (v k i ls) (cond [(null? ls) k] [else (let ([a (car ls)]) (cond [(fixnum? a) (unless (and (fx<= 0 a) (fx<= a 255)) (error 'read (format "invalid value ~s in a bytevector" a))) ($bytevector-set! v i a) (bytevector-put v k ($fxsub1 i) ($cdr ls))] [else (error 'read "invalid value inside a bytevector" a)]))]))) (define read-vector (lambda (p locs k count ls) (let ([t (tokenize p)]) (cond [(eof-object? t) (error 'read "end of file encountered while reading a vector")] [(eq? t 'rparen) (let ([v (make-vector count)]) (let ([k (vector-put v k (fxsub1 count) ls)]) (values v locs k)))] [(eq? t 'rbrack) (error 'read "unexpected ] while reading a vector")] [(eq? t 'dot) (error 'read "unexpected . while reading a vector")] [(eq? t 'hash-semi) (let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (read-vector p locs k count ls))] [else (let-values ([(a locs k) (parse-token p locs k t)]) (read-vector p locs k (fxadd1 count) (cons a ls)))])))) (define read-bytevector (lambda (p locs k count ls) (let ([t (tokenize p)]) (cond [(eof-object? t) (error 'read "end of file encountered while reading a bytevector")] [(eq? t 'rparen) (let ([v ($make-bytevector count)]) (let ([k (bytevector-put v k (fxsub1 count) ls)]) (values v locs k)))] [(eq? t 'rbrack) (error 'read "unexpected ] while reading a bytevector")] [(eq? t 'dot) (error 'read "unexpected . while reading a bytevector")] [(eq? t 'hash-semi) (let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (read-bytevector p locs k count ls))] [else (let-values ([(a locs k) (parse-token p locs k t)]) (read-bytevector p locs k (fxadd1 count) (cons a ls)))])))) (define-struct loc (value set?)) (define parse-token (lambda (p locs k t) (cond [(eof-object? t) (values (eof-object) locs k)] [(eq? t 'lparen) (read-list-init p locs k 'rparen 'rbrack)] [(eq? t 'lbrack) (read-list-init p locs k 'rbrack 'rparen)] [(eq? t 'vparen) (read-vector p locs k 0 '())] [(eq? t 'hash-semi) (let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (read-expr p locs k))] [(eq? t 'vu8) (read-bytevector p locs k 0 '())] [(pair? t) (cond [(eq? (car t) 'datum) (values (cdr t) locs k)] [(eq? (car t) 'macro) (let-values ([(expr locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (let ([x (list expr)]) (values (cons (cdr t) x) locs (if (loc? expr) (lambda () (set-car! x (loc-value expr)) (k)) k))))] [(eq? (car t) 'mark) (let ([n (cdr t)]) (let-values ([(expr locs k) (read-expr p locs k)]) (cond [(assq n locs) => (lambda (x) (let ([loc (cdr x)]) (when (loc-set? loc) (error 'read "duplicate mark" n)) (set-loc-value! loc expr) (set-loc-set?! loc #t) (values expr locs k)))] [else (let ([loc (make-loc expr #t)]) (let ([locs (cons (cons n loc) locs)]) (values expr locs k)))])))] [(eq? (car t) 'ref) (let ([n (cdr t)]) (cond [(assq n locs) => (lambda (x) (values (cdr x) locs k))] [else (let ([loc (make-loc #f #f)]) (let ([locs (cons (cons n loc) locs)]) (values loc locs k)))]))] [else (error 'read "invalid token" t)])] [else (error 'read (format "unexpected ~s found" t))]))) (define read-expr (lambda (p locs k) (parse-token p locs k (tokenize p)))) (define read-expr-initial (lambda (p locs k) (parse-token p locs k (tokenize-initial p)))) (define reduce-loc! (lambda (x) (let ([loc (cdr x)]) (unless (loc-set? loc) (error 'read "referenced mark is not set" (car x))) (when (loc? (loc-value loc)) (let f ([h loc] [t loc]) (if (loc? h) (let ([h1 (loc-value h)]) (if (loc? h1) (begin (when (eq? h1 t) (error 'read "circular marks")) (let ([v (f (loc-value h1) (loc-value t))]) (set-loc-value! h1 v) (set-loc-value! h v) v)) (begin (set-loc-value! h h1) h1))) h)))))) (define my-read (lambda (p) (let-values ([(expr locs k) (read-expr p '() void)]) (cond [(null? locs) expr] [else (for-each reduce-loc! locs) (k) (if (loc? expr) (loc-value expr) expr)])))) (define read-initial (lambda (p) (let-values ([(expr locs k) (read-expr-initial p '() void)]) (cond [(null? locs) expr] [else (for-each reduce-loc! locs) (k) (if (loc? expr) (loc-value expr) expr)])))) (define read-token (case-lambda [() (tokenize (current-input-port))] [(p) (if (input-port? p) (tokenize p) (error 'read-token "not an input port" p))])) (define read (case-lambda [() (my-read (current-input-port))] [(p) (if (input-port? p) (my-read p) (error 'read "not an input port" p))])) (define comment-handler (make-parameter (lambda (x) (void)) (lambda (x) (unless (procedure? x) (error 'comment-handler "not a procedure" x)) x))) )