;;; Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum and Kent Dybvig ;;; ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ;;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ;;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ;;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ;;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;;; ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ;;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;; ;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ;;; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ;;; THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ;;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER ;;; DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (library (psyntax library-manager) (export imported-label->binding library-subst installed-libraries visit-library library-name library-version library-exists? find-library-by-name install-library library-spec invoke-library current-library-expander uninstall-library current-library-collection library-path library-extensions serialize-all current-precompiled-library-loader) (import (rnrs) (psyntax compat) (rnrs r5rs)) (define (make-collection) (let ((set '())) (define (set-cons x ls) (cond ((memq x ls) ls) (else (cons x ls)))) (case-lambda (() set) ((x) (set! set (set-cons x set))) ((x del?) (if del? (set! set (remq x set)) (set! set (set-cons x set))))))) (define current-library-collection ;;; this works now because make-collection is a lambda ;;; binding and this turns into a complex binding as far ;;; as letrec is concerned. It will be more ok once we do ;;; letrec*. (make-parameter (make-collection) (lambda (x) (unless (procedure? x) (assertion-violation 'current-library-collection "not a procedure" x)) x))) (define-record library (id name version imp* vis* inv* subst env visit-state invoke-state visit-code invoke-code visible? source-file-name) (lambda (x p wr) (unless (library? x) (assertion-violation 'record-type-printer "not a library")) (display (format "#" (if (null? (library-version x)) (library-name x) (append (library-name x) (list (library-version x))))) p))) (define (find-dependencies ls) (cond ((null? ls) '()) (else (assertion-violation 'find-dependencies "cannot handle deps yet")))) (define (find-library-by pred) (let f ((ls ((current-library-collection)))) (cond ((null? ls) #f) ((pred (car ls)) (car ls)) (else (f (cdr ls)))))) (define library-path (make-parameter '(".") (lambda (x) (if (and (list? x) (for-all string? x)) (map (lambda (x) x) x) (assertion-violation 'library-path "not a list of strings" x))))) (define library-extensions (make-parameter '(".sls" ".ss" ".scm") (lambda (x) (if (and (list? x) (for-all string? x)) (map (lambda (x) x) x) (assertion-violation 'library-extensions "not a list of strings" x))))) (define (library-name->file-name ls) (let-values (((p extract) (open-string-output-port))) (define (display-hex n) (cond ((<= 0 n 9) (display n p)) (else (write-char (integer->char (+ (char->integer #\a) (- n 10))) p)))) (define (main*? x) (and (>= (string-length x) 4) (string=? (substring x 0 4) "main") (for-all (lambda (x) (char=? x #\_)) (string->list (substring x 4 (string-length x)))))) (let f ((x (car ls)) (ls (cdr ls)) (fst #t)) (write-char #\/ p) (let ([name (symbol->string x)]) (for-each (lambda (n) (let ([c (integer->char n)]) (cond ((or (char<=? #\a c #\z) (char<=? #\A c #\Z) (char<=? #\0 c #\9) (memv c '(#\. #\- #\+ #\_))) (write-char c p)) (else (write-char #\% p) (display-hex (quotient n 16)) (display-hex (remainder n 16)))))) (bytevector->u8-list (string->utf8 name))) (if (null? ls) (when (and (not fst) (main*? name)) (write-char #\_ p)) (f (car ls) (cdr ls) #f)))) (extract))) (define file-locator (make-parameter (lambda (x) (let ((str (library-name->file-name x))) (let f ((ls (library-path)) (exts (library-extensions)) (failed-list '())) (cond ((null? ls) (file-locator-resolution-error x (reverse failed-list))) ((null? exts) (f (cdr ls) (library-extensions) failed-list)) (else (let ((name (string-append (car ls) str (car exts)))) (if (file-exists? name) name (f ls (cdr exts) (cons name failed-list))))))))) (lambda (f) (if (procedure? f) f (assertion-violation 'file-locator "not a procedure" f))))) (define (serialize-all serialize compile) (define (library-desc x) (list (library-id x) (library-name x))) (for-each (lambda (x) (when (library-source-file-name x) (serialize (library-source-file-name x) (list (library-id x) (library-name x) (library-version x) (map library-desc (library-imp* x)) (map library-desc (library-vis* x)) (map library-desc (library-inv* x)) (library-subst x) (library-env x) (compile (library-visit-code x)) (compile (library-invoke-code x)) (library-visible? x))))) ((current-library-collection)))) (define current-precompiled-library-loader (make-parameter (lambda (filename sk) #f))) (define (try-load-from-file filename) ((current-precompiled-library-loader) filename (case-lambda ((id name ver imp* vis* inv* exp-subst exp-env visit-proc invoke-proc visible?) ;;; make sure all dependencies are met ;;; if all is ok, install the library ;;; otherwise, return #f so that the ;;; library gets recompiled. (let f ((deps (append imp* vis* inv*))) (cond ((null? deps) (install-library id name ver imp* vis* inv* exp-subst exp-env visit-proc invoke-proc #f #f visible? #f) #t) (else (let ((d (car deps))) (let ((label (car d)) (dname (cadr d))) (let ((l (find-library-by-name dname))) (cond ((and (library? l) (eq? label (library-id l))) (f (cdr deps))) (else (library-version-mismatch-warning name dname filename) #f))))))))) (others #f)))) (define library-loader (make-parameter (lambda (x) (let ((file-name ((file-locator) x))) (cond ((not file-name) (assertion-violation #f "cannot file library" x)) ((try-load-from-file file-name)) (else ((current-library-expander) (read-library-source-file file-name) file-name (lambda (name) (unless (equal? name x) (assertion-violation 'import (let-values (((p e) (open-string-output-port))) (display "expected to find library " p) (write x p) (display " in file " p) (display file-name p) (display ", found " p) (write name p) (display " instead" p) (e)))))))))) (lambda (f) (if (procedure? f) f (assertion-violation 'library-locator "not a procedure" f))))) (define current-library-expander (make-parameter (lambda (x) (assertion-violation 'library-expander "not initialized")) (lambda (f) (if (procedure? f) f (assertion-violation 'library-expander "not a procedure" f))))) (define external-pending-libraries (make-parameter '())) (define (find-external-library name) (when (member name (external-pending-libraries)) (assertion-violation #f "circular attempt to import library was detected" name)) (parameterize ((external-pending-libraries (cons name (external-pending-libraries)))) ((library-loader) name) (or (find-library-by (lambda (x) (equal? (library-name x) name))) (assertion-violation #f "handling external library did not yield the correct library" name)))) (define (find-library-by-name name) (or (find-library-by (lambda (x) (equal? (library-name x) name))) (find-external-library name))) (define uninstall-library (case-lambda [(name err?) (define who 'uninstall-library) ;;; FIXME: check that no other import is in progress ;;; FIXME: need to unintern labels and locations of ;;; library bindings (let ([lib (find-library-by (lambda (x) (equal? (library-name x) name)))]) (when (and err? (not lib)) (assertion-violation who "library not installed" name)) ((current-library-collection) lib #t))] [(name) (uninstall-library name #t)])) (define (library-exists? name) (and (find-library-by (lambda (x) (equal? (library-name x) name))) #t)) (define (find-library-by-spec/die spec) (let ((id (car spec))) (or (find-library-by (lambda (x) (eq? id (library-id x)))) (assertion-violation #f "cannot find library with required spec" spec)))) (define (install-library-record lib) (let ((exp-env (library-env lib))) (for-each (lambda (x) (let ((label (car x)) (binding (cdr x))) (let ((binding (case (car binding) ((global) (cons 'global (cons lib (cdr binding)))) ((global-macro) (cons 'global-macro (cons lib (cdr binding)))) ((global-macro!) (cons 'global-macro! (cons lib (cdr binding)))) (else binding)))) (set-label-binding! label binding)))) exp-env)) ((current-library-collection) lib)) (define install-library (case-lambda ((id name ver imp* vis* inv* exp-subst exp-env visit-proc invoke-proc visit-code invoke-code visible? source-file-name) (let ((imp-lib* (map find-library-by-spec/die imp*)) (vis-lib* (map find-library-by-spec/die vis*)) (inv-lib* (map find-library-by-spec/die inv*))) (unless (and (symbol? id) (list? name) (list? ver)) (assertion-violation 'install-library "invalid spec with id/name/ver" id name ver)) (when (library-exists? name) (assertion-violation 'install-library "library is already installed" name)) (let ((lib (make-library id name ver imp-lib* vis-lib* inv-lib* exp-subst exp-env visit-proc invoke-proc visit-code invoke-code visible? source-file-name))) (install-library-record lib)))))) (define (imported-label->binding lab) (label-binding lab)) (define (invoke-library lib) (let ((invoke (library-invoke-state lib))) (when (procedure? invoke) (set-library-invoke-state! lib (lambda () (assertion-violation 'invoke "circularity detected" lib))) (for-each invoke-library (library-inv* lib)) (set-library-invoke-state! lib (lambda () (assertion-violation 'invoke "first invoke did not return" lib))) (invoke) (set-library-invoke-state! lib #t)))) (define (visit-library lib) (let ((visit (library-visit-state lib))) (when (procedure? visit) (set-library-visit-state! lib (lambda () (assertion-violation 'visit "circularity detected" lib))) (for-each invoke-library (library-vis* lib)) (set-library-visit-state! lib (lambda () (assertion-violation 'invoke "first visit did not return" lib))) (visit) (set-library-visit-state! lib #t)))) (define (invoke-library-by-spec spec) (invoke-library (find-library-by-spec/die spec))) (define installed-libraries (case-lambda ((all?) (let f ((ls ((current-library-collection)))) (cond ((null? ls) '()) ((or all? (library-visible? (car ls))) (cons (car ls) (f (cdr ls)))) (else (f (cdr ls)))))) (() (installed-libraries #f)))) (define library-spec (lambda (x) (unless (library? x) (assertion-violation 'library-spec "not a library" x)) (list (library-id x) (library-name x) (library-version x)))) )