(let () (define (flonum->string x) (or (foreign-call "ikrt_flonum_to_string" x) (error 'flonum->string "~s is not a flonum" x))) (define (string->flonum x) (cond [(string? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_string_to_flonum" x)] [else (error 'string->flonum "~s is not a string" x)])) (primitive-set! 'flonum? (lambda (x) (flonum? x))) (primitive-set! 'flonum->string flonum->string) (primitive-set! 'string->flonum string->flonum) ) (let () (define bignum? ; FIXME: temporary definition. Compiler should be made aware ; of numeric representation once it's stable enough. (lambda (x) (foreign-call "ikrt_isbignum" x))) (define (fixnum->flonum x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fixnum_to_flonum" x)) (define (bignum->flonum x) (foreign-call "ikrt_bignum_to_flonum" x)) (define ($fl+ x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_plus" x y)) (define ($fl- x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_minus" x y)) (define ($fl* x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_times" x y)) (define binary+ (lambda (x y) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxfxplus" x y)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnplus" x y)] [(flonum? y) ($fl+ (fixnum->flonum x) y)] [else (error '+ "~s is not a number" y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnplus" y x)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_bnbnplus" x y)] [(flonum? y) ($fl+ (bignum->flonum x) y)] [else (error '+ "~s is not a number" y)])] [(flonum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) ($fl+ x (fixnum->flonum y))] [(bignum? y) ($fl+ x (bignum->flonum y))] [(flonum? y) ($fl+ x y)] [else (error '+ "~s is not a number" y)])] [else (error '+ "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define binary-logand (lambda (x y) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (#%$fxlogand x y)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnlogand" x y)] [else (error 'logand "~s is not a number" y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnlogand" y x)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_bnbnlogand" x y)] [else (error 'logand "~s is not a number" y)])] [else (error 'logand "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define binary- (lambda (x y) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxfxminus" x y)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnminus" x y)] [(flonum? y) ($fl- (fixnum->flonum x) y)] [else (error '- "~s is not a number" y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_bnfxminus" x y)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_bnbnminus" x y)] [(flonum? y) ($fl- (bignum->flonum x) y)] [else (error '- "~s is not a number" y)])] [(flonum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) ($fl- x (fixnum->flonum y))] [(bignum? y) ($fl- x (bignum->flonum y))] [(flonum? y) ($fl- x y)] [else (error '- "~s is not a number" y)])] [else (error '- "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define binary* (lambda (x y) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxfxmult" x y)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnmult" x y)] [(flonum? y) ($fl* (fixnum->flonum x) y)] [else (error '* "~s is not a number" y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnmult" y x)] [(bignum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_bnbnmult" x y)] [(flonum? y) ($fl* (bignum->flonum x) y)] [else (error '* "~s is not a number" y)])] [(flonum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) ($fl* x (fixnum->flonum y))] [(bignum? y) ($fl* x (bignum->flonum y))] [(flonum? y) ($fl* x y)] [else (error '* "~s is not a number" y)])] [else (error '* "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define + (case-lambda [(x y) (binary+ x y)] [(x y z) (binary+ (binary+ x y) z)] [(a) (cond [(fixnum? a) a] [(bignum? a) a] [else (error '+ "~s is not a number" a)])] [() 0] [(a b c d . e*) (let f ([ac (binary+ (binary+ (binary+ a b) c) d)] [e* e*]) (cond [(null? e*) ac] [else (f (binary+ ac (car e*)) (cdr e*))]))])) (define logand (case-lambda [(x y) (binary-logand x y)] [(x y z) (binary-logand (binary-logand x y) z)] [(a) (cond [(fixnum? a) a] [(bignum? a) a] [else (error 'logand "~s is not a number" a)])] [() -1] [(a b c d . e*) (let f ([ac (binary-logand (binary-logand (binary-logand a b) c) d)] [e* e*]) (cond [(null? e*) ac] [else (f (binary-logand ac (car e*)) (cdr e*))]))])) (define - (case-lambda [(x y) (binary- x y)] [(x y z) (binary- (binary- x y) z)] [(a) (binary- 0 a)] [(a b c d . e*) (let f ([ac (binary- (binary- (binary- a b) c) d)] [e* e*]) (cond [(null? e*) ac] [else (f (binary- ac (car e*)) (cdr e*))]))])) (define * (case-lambda [(x y) (binary* x y)] [(x y z) (binary* (binary* x y) z)] [(a) (cond [(fixnum? a) a] [(bignum? a) a] [else (error '* "~s is not a number" a)])] [() 1] [(a b c d . e*) (let f ([ac (binary* (binary* (binary* a b) c) d)] [e* e*]) (cond [(null? e*) ac] [else (f (binary* ac (car e*)) (cdr e*))]))])) (define binary/ (lambda (x y) (cond [(flonum? x) (cond [(flonum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_div" x y)] [(fixnum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_div" x (fixnum->flonum y))] [else (error '/ "unspported ~s ~s" x y)])] [(fixnum? x) (cond [(flonum? y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_div" (fixnum->flonum x) y)] [(fixnum? y) (let ([q (fxquotient x y)] [r (fxremainder x y)]) (if (fxzero? r) q (error '/ "no ratnum for ~s/~s" x y)))] [else (error '/ "unsupported ~s ~s" x y)])] [else (error '/ "unsupported ~s ~s" x y)]))) (define / (case-lambda [(x y) (binary/ x y)] [(x) (cond [(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_invert" x)] [else (error '/ "unspported argument ~s" x)])] [(x y z . rest) (let f ([a (binary/ x y)] [b z] [ls rest]) (cond [(null? rest) (binary/ a b)] [else (f (binary/ a b) (car ls) (cdr ls))]))])) (define expt (lambda (n m) (cond [(#%$fxzero? m) 1] [(#%$fxzero? (#%$fxlogand m 1)) (expt (binary* n n) (#%$fxsra m 1))] [else (binary* n (expt (binary* n n) (#%$fxsra m 1)))]))) (define max (case-lambda [(x y) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (if ($fx> x y) x y)] [(bignum? y) (if (positive-bignum? y) y x)] [else (error 'max "~s is not a number" y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (if (positive-bignum? x) x y)] [(bignum? y) (if (bnbn> x y) x y)] [else (error 'max "~s is not a number" y)])] [else (error 'max "~s is not a number" x)])] [(x y z . rest) (let f ([a (max x y)] [b z] [ls rest]) (cond [(null? ls) (max a b)] [else (f (max a b) (car ls) (cdr ls))]))] [(x) (if (number? x) x (error 'max "~s is not a number" x))])) (define min (case-lambda [(x y) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (if ($fx> x y) y x)] [(bignum? y) (if (positive-bignum? y) x y)] [else (error 'min "~s is not a number" y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (if (positive-bignum? x) y x)] [(bignum? y) (if (bnbn> x y) y x)] [else (error 'min "~s is not a number" y)])] [else (error 'min "~s is not a number" x)])] [(x y z . rest) (let f ([a (min x y)] [b z] [ls rest]) (cond [(null? ls) (min a b)] [else (f (min a b) (car ls) (cdr ls))]))] [(x) (if (number? x) x (error 'min "~s is not a number" x))])) (define number? (lambda (x) (or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x) (flonum? x)))) (define complex? (lambda (x) (number? x))) (define real? (lambda (x) (number? x))) (define rational? (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) #t] [(bignum? x) #t] [(flonum? x) #f] [else (error 'rational? "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define integer? (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) #t] [(bignum? x) #t] [(flonum? x) (error 'integer "dunno for ~s" x)] [else #f]))) (define exact? (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) #t] [(bignum? x) #t] [(flonum? x) #f] [else (error 'exact? "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define exact->inexact (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (fixnum->flonum x)] [(bignum? x) (bignum->flonum x)] [else (error 'exact->inexact "~s is not an exact number" x)]))) (define inexact? (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) #f] [(bignum? x) #f] [(flonum? x) #t] [else (error 'inexact? "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define positive-bignum? (lambda (x) (foreign-call "ikrt_positive_bn" x))) (define even-bignum? (lambda (x) (foreign-call "ikrt_even_bn" x))) (define ($fxeven? x) ($fxzero? ($fxlogand x 1))) (define (even? x) (cond [(fixnum? x) ($fxeven? x)] [(bignum? x) (even-bignum? x)] [else (error 'even? "~s is not an integer" x)])) (define (odd? x) (not (cond [(fixnum? x) ($fxeven? x)] [(bignum? x) (even-bignum? x)] [else (error 'odd? "~s is not an integer" x)]))) (define number->string (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (fixnum->string x)] [(bignum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_bntostring" x)] [(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_flonum_to_string" x)] [else (error 'number->string "~s is not a number" x)]))) (define modulo (lambda (n m) (cond [(fixnum? n) (cond [(fixnum? m) ($fxmodulo n m)] [else (error 'modulo "unsupported ~s" m)])] [else (error 'modulo "unsupported ~s" n)]))) (define-syntax mk< (syntax-rules () [(_ name fxfx< fxbn< bnfx< bnbn< fxfl< flfx< bnfl< flbn< flfl<) (let () (define err (lambda (x) (error 'name "~s is not a number" x))) (define fxloopt (lambda (x y ls) (cond [(fixnum? y) (if (null? ls) (fxfx< x y) (if (fxfx< x y) (fxloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [(bignum? y) (if (null? ls) (fxbn< x y) (if (fxbn< x y) (bnloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [(flonum? y) (if (null? ls) (fxfl< x y) (if (fxfl< x y) (flloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [else (err y)]))) (define bnloopt (lambda (x y ls) (cond [(fixnum? y) (if (null? ls) (bnfx< x y) (if (bnfx< x y) (fxloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [(bignum? y) (if (null? ls) (bnbn< x y) (if (bnbn< x y) (bnloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [(flonum? y) (if (null? ls) (bnfl< x y) (if (bnfl< x y) (flloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [else (err y)]))) (define flloopt (lambda (x y ls) (cond [(fixnum? y) (if (null? ls) (flfx< x y) (if (flfx< x y) (fxloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [(bignum? y) (if (null? ls) (flbn< x y) (if (flbn< x y) (bnloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [(flonum? y) (if (null? ls) (flfl< x y) (if (flfl< x y) (flloopt y (car ls) (cdr ls)) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls))))] [else (err y)]))) (define loopf (lambda (x ls) (cond [(number? x) (or (null? ls) (loopf (car ls) (cdr ls)))] [else (err x)]))) (case-lambda [(x y) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (fxfx< x y)] [(bignum? y) (fxbn< x y)] [(flonum? y) (fxfl< x y)] [else (err y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (bnfx< x y)] [(bignum? y) (bnbn< x y)] [(flonum? y) (bnfl< x y)] [else (err y)])] [(flonum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (flfx< x y)] [(bignum? y) (flbn< x y)] [(flonum? y) (flfl< x y)] [else (err y)])] [else (err x)])] [(x y z) (cond [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (fxfx< x y) (fxfx< y z))] [(bignum? z) (and (fxfx< x y) (fxbn< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (fxfx< x y) (fxfl< y z))] [else (err z)])] [(bignum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) #f] [(bignum? z) (and (fxbn< x y) (bnbn< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (fxbn< x y) (bnfl< y z))] [else (err z)])] [(flonum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (fxfx< x z) (fxfl< x y) (flfx< y z))] [(bignum? z) (and (fxbn< x z) (fxfl< x y) (flbn< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (flfl< y z) (fxfl< x y))] [else (err z)])] [else (err y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (fxfx< y z) (bnfx< x y))] [(bignum? z) (and (bnfx< x y) (bnfx< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (bnfx< x y) (fxfl< y z))] [else (err z)])] [(bignum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (bnfx< y z) (bnbn< x y))] [(bignum? z) (and (bnbn< x y) (bnbn< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (bnfl< y z) (bnbn< x y))] [else (err z)])] [(flonum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (flfx< y z) (bnfl< x y))] [(bignum? z) (and (bnfl< x y) (flbn< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (flfl< y z) (bnfl< x y))] [else (err z)])] [else (err y)])] [(flonum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (fxfx< y z) (flfx< x y))] [(bignum? z) (and (flfx< x y) (fxbn< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (flfx< x y) (fxfl< y z))] [else (err z)])] [(bignum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (bnfx< y z) (flbn< x y))] [(bignum? z) (and (bnbn< y z) (flbn< x y))] [(flonum? z) (and (flbn< x y) (bnfl< y z))] [else (err z)])] [(flonum? y) (cond [(fixnum? z) (and (flfx< y z) (flfl< x y))] [(bignum? z) (and (flfl< x y) (flbn< y z))] [(flonum? z) (and (flfl< x y) (flfl< y z))] [else (err z)])] [else (err y)])] [else (err x)])] [(x) (if (number? x) #t (err x))] [(x y . ls) (cond [(fixnum? x) (fxloopt x y ls)] [(bignum? x) (bnloopt x y ls)] [(flonum? x) (flloopt x y ls)] [else (err x)])]))])) (define-syntax false (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) #f])) (define-syntax bnbncmp (syntax-rules () [(_ x y cmp) (cmp (foreign-call "ikrt_bnbncomp" x y) 0)])) (define-syntax bnbn= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (bnbncmp x y #%$fx=)])) (define-syntax bnbn< (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (bnbncmp x y #%$fx<)])) (define-syntax bnbn> (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (bnbncmp x y #%$fx>)])) (define-syntax bnbn<= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (bnbncmp x y #%$fx<=)])) (define-syntax bnbn>= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (bnbncmp x y #%$fx>=)])) (define-syntax fxbn< (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (positive-bignum? y)])) (define-syntax bnfx< (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (not (positive-bignum? x))])) (define-syntax fxbn> (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (not (positive-bignum? y))])) (define-syntax bnfx> (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (positive-bignum? x)])) (define-syntax flcmp (syntax-rules () [(_ flfl? flfx? fxfl? flbn? bnfl? fl?) (begin (define-syntax flfl? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (fl? x y)])) (define-syntax flfx? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (fl? x (fixnum->flonum y))])) (define-syntax flbn? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (fl? x (bignum->flonum y))])) (define-syntax fxfl? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (fl? (fixnum->flonum x) y)])) (define-syntax bnfl? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (fl? (bignum->flonum x) y)])))])) (define-syntax $fl= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_equal" x y)])) (define-syntax $fl< (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_less" x y)])) (define-syntax $fl<= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_less_or_equal" x y)])) (define-syntax $fl> (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_less" y x)])) (define-syntax $fl>= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_less_or_equal" y x)])) (flcmp flfl= flfx= fxfl= flbn= bnfl= $fl=) (flcmp flfl< flfx< fxfl< flbn< bnfl< $fl<) (flcmp flfl> flfx> fxfl> flbn> bnfl> $fl>) (flcmp flfl<= flfx<= fxfl<= flbn<= bnfl<= $fl<=) (flcmp flfl>= flfx>= fxfl>= flbn>= bnfl>= $fl>=) (primitive-set! '+ +) (primitive-set! '- -) (primitive-set! '* *) (primitive-set! '/ /) (primitive-set! '= (mk< = #%$fx= false false bnbn= fxfl= flfx= bnfl= flbn= flfl=)) (primitive-set! '< (mk< < #%$fx< fxbn< bnfx< bnbn< fxfl< flfx< bnfl< flbn< flfl<)) (primitive-set! '> (mk< > #%$fx> fxbn> bnfx> bnbn> fxfl> flfx> bnfl> flbn> flfl>)) (primitive-set! '<= (mk< <= #%$fx<= fxbn< bnfx< bnbn<= fxfl<= flfx<= bnfl<= flbn<= flfl<=)) (primitive-set! '>= (mk< >= #%$fx>= fxbn> bnfx> bnbn>= fxfl>= flfx>= bnfl>= flbn>= flfl>=)) (primitive-set! 'logand logand) (primitive-set! 'number? number?) (primitive-set! 'number->string number->string) (primitive-set! 'add1 (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxfxplus" x 1)] [(bignum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnplus" 1 x)] [else (error 'add1 "~s is not a number" x)]))) (primitive-set! 'sub1 (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxfxplus" x -1)] [(bignum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnplus" -1 x)] [else (error 'sub1 "~s is not a number" x)]))) (primitive-set! 'zero? (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (eq? x 0)] [(bignum? x) #f] [(flonum? x) (= x (exact->inexact 0))] [else (error 'zero? "tag=~s / ~s is not a number" (#%$fxlogand 255 (#%$fxsll x 2)) (#%$fxlogand x -1) )]))) (primitive-set! 'expt (lambda (n m) (unless (number? n) (error 'expt "~s is not a numebr" n)) (cond [(fixnum? m) (if (#%$fx>= m 0) (expt n m) (error 'expt "power should be positive, got ~s" m))] [(bignum? m) (cond [(eq? n 0) 0] [(eq? n 1) 1] [(eq? n -1) (if (positive-bignum? m) (if (even-bignum? m) 1 -1) (error 'expt "power should be positive, got ~s" m))] [else (if (positive-bignum? m) (error 'expt "(expt ~s ~s) is too big to compute" n m) (error 'expt "power should be positive, got ~s" m))])] [else (error 'expt "~s is not a number" m)]))) (primitive-set! 'quotient (lambda (x y) (let-values ([(q r) (quotient+remainder x y)]) q))) (primitive-set! 'remainder (lambda (x y) (let-values ([(q r) (quotient+remainder x y)]) r))) (primitive-set! 'quotient+remainder (lambda (x y) (cond [(eq? y 0) (error 'quotient+remainder "second argument must be non-zero")] [(fixnum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (values (fxquotient x y) (fxremainder x y))] [(bignum? y) (values 0 x)] [else (error 'quotient+remainder "~s is not a number" y)])] [(bignum? x) (cond [(fixnum? y) (let ([p (foreign-call "ikrt_bnfxdivrem" x y)]) (values (car p) (cdr p)))] [(bignum? y) (let ([p (foreign-call "ikrt_bnbndivrem" x y)]) (values (car p) (cdr p)))] [else (error 'quotient+remainder "~s is not a number" y)])] [else (error 'quotient+remainder "~s is not a number" x)]))) (primitive-set! 'positive? (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (#%$fx> x 0)] [(bignum? x) (positive-bignum? x)] [else (error 'positive? "~s is not a number" x)]))) (primitive-set! 'negative? (lambda (x) (cond [(fixnum? x) (#%$fx< x 0)] [(bignum? x) (not (positive-bignum? x))] [else (error 'negative? "~s is not a number" x)]))) (primitive-set! 'sin (lambda (x) (cond [(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_sin" x)] [(fixnum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fx_sin" x)] [else (error 'sin "unsupported ~s" x)]))) (primitive-set! 'even? even?) (primitive-set! 'odd? odd?) (primitive-set! 'max max) (primitive-set! 'min min) (primitive-set! 'complex? complex?) (primitive-set! 'real? real?) (primitive-set! 'rational? rational?) (primitive-set! 'exact? exact?) (primitive-set! 'inexact? inexact?) (primitive-set! 'integer? integer?) (primitive-set! 'exact->inexact exact->inexact) (primitive-set! 'modulo modulo) (primitive-set! 'bignum? bignum?) )