(library (ikarus io output-files) (export standard-output-port standard-error-port console-output-port current-output-port open-output-file with-output-to-file call-with-output-file) (import (ikarus system $ports) (ikarus system $io) (ikarus system $strings) (ikarus system $chars) (ikarus system $bytevectors) (ikarus system $fx) (rnrs bytevectors) (except (ikarus) standard-output-port standard-error-port console-output-port current-output-port *standard-output-port* *standard-error-port* *current-output-port* open-output-file with-output-to-file call-with-output-file)) (define-syntax message-case (syntax-rules (else) [(_ msg args [(msg-name msg-arg* ...) b b* ...] ... [else else1 else2 ...]) (let ([tmsg msg] [targs args]) (define-syntax match-and-bind (syntax-rules () [(__ y () body) (if (null? y) body (error 'message-case "unmatched" (cons tmsg targs)))] [(__ y (a a* (... ...)) body) (if (pair? y) (let ([a (car y)] [d (cdr y)]) (match-and-bind d (a* (... ...)) body)) (error 'message-case "unmatched" (cons tmsg targs)))])) (case tmsg [(msg-name) (match-and-bind targs (msg-arg* ...) (begin b b* ...))] ... [else else1 else2 ...]))])) (define guardian (make-guardian)) (define close-ports (lambda () (cond [(guardian) => (lambda (p) (close-output-port p) (close-ports))]))) (define do-write-buffer (lambda (fd port-name buff idx caller) (let ([bytes (foreign-call "ikrt_write_file" fd buff idx)]) (if (fixnum? bytes) bytes (error caller "cannot write to file" port-name bytes))))) (define make-output-file-handler (lambda (fd port-name) (define open? #t) (define output-file-handler (lambda (msg . args) (message-case msg args [(write-byte b p) (if (and (fixnum? b) ($fx<= 0 b) ($fx<= b 255)) (if (output-port? p) (let ([idx ($port-index p)]) (if ($fx< idx ($port-size p)) (begin ($bytevector-set! ($port-buffer p) idx b) ($set-port-index! p ($fxadd1 idx))) (if open? (let ([bytes (do-write-buffer fd port-name ($port-buffer p) idx 'write-char)]) ($set-port-index! p 0) ($write-byte b p)) (error 'write-byte "port is closed" p)))) (error 'write-byte "not an output-port" p)) (error 'write-byte "not a byte" b))] [(write-char c p) (if (char? c) (if (output-port? p) (let ([b ($char->fixnum c)]) (if ($fx<= b 255) ($write-byte b p) (error 'write-char "BUG: multibyte write of not implemented" c))) (error 'write-char "not an output-port" p)) (error 'write-char "not a character" c))] [(flush-output-port p) (if (output-port? p) (if open? (let ([bytes (do-write-buffer fd port-name ($port-buffer p) ($port-index p) 'flush-output-port)]) ($set-port-index! p 0)) (error 'flush-output-port "port is closed" p)) (error 'flush-output-port "not an output-port" p))] [(close-port p) (when open? (flush-output-port p) ($set-port-size! p 0) (set! open? #f) (unless (foreign-call "ikrt_close_file" fd) (error 'close-output-port "cannot close" port-name)))] [(port-name p) port-name] [else (error 'output-file-handler "unhandled message" (cons msg args))]))) output-file-handler)) (define (option-id x) (case x [(error) 0] [(replace) 1] [(truncate) 2] [(append) 3] [else (error 'open-output-file "not a valid mode" x)])) (define $open-output-file (lambda (filename options) (close-ports) (let ([fd/error (foreign-call "ikrt_open_output_file" (string->utf8 filename) (option-id options))]) (if (fixnum? fd/error) (let ([port (make-output-port (make-output-file-handler fd/error filename) ($make-bytevector 4096))]) (guardian port) port) (error 'open-output-file "cannot open file" filename fd/error))))) (define *standard-output-port* #f) (define *standard-error-port* #f) (define *current-output-port* #f) (define standard-output-port (lambda () *standard-output-port*)) (define standard-error-port (lambda () *standard-error-port*)) (define console-output-port (lambda () *standard-output-port*)) (define current-output-port (case-lambda [() *current-output-port*] [(p) (if (output-port? p) (set! *current-output-port* p) (error 'current-output-port "not an output port" p))])) (define open-output-file (case-lambda [(filename) (if (string? filename) ($open-output-file filename 'error) (error 'open-output-file "not a string" filename))] [(filename options) (if (string? filename) ($open-output-file filename options) (error 'open-output-file "not a string" filename))])) (define with-output-to-file (lambda (name proc . args) (unless (string? name) (error 'with-output-to-file "not a string" name)) (unless (procedure? proc) (error 'with-output-to-file "not a procedure" proc)) (let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)] [shot #f]) (call-with-values (lambda () (parameterize ([current-output-port p]) (proc))) (case-lambda [(v) (close-output-port p) v] [v* (close-output-port p) (apply values v*)]))))) (define call-with-output-file (lambda (name proc . args) (unless (string? name) (error 'call-with-output-file "not a string" name)) (unless (procedure? proc) (error 'call-with-output-file "not a procedure" proc)) (let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)]) (call-with-values (lambda () (proc p)) (case-lambda [(v) (close-output-port p) v] [v* (close-output-port p) (apply values v*)]))))) (set! *standard-output-port* (make-output-port (make-output-file-handler 1 '*stdout*) ($make-bytevector 4096))) (set! *current-output-port* *standard-output-port*) (set! *standard-error-port* (make-output-port (make-output-file-handler 2 '*stderr*) ($make-bytevector 4096))) )