;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme. ;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008 Abdulaziz Ghuloum ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . (library (ikarus hash-tables) (export make-eq-hashtable make-eqv-hashtable make-hashtable hashtable-ref hashtable-set! hashtable? hashtable-size hashtable-delete! hashtable-contains? hashtable-update! hashtable-keys hashtable-mutable? hashtable-clear! hashtable-entries hashtable-copy hashtable-equivalence-function hashtable-hash-function string-hash string-ci-hash symbol-hash) (import (ikarus system $pairs) (ikarus system $vectors) (ikarus system $tcbuckets) (ikarus system $fx) (except (ikarus) make-eq-hashtable make-eqv-hashtable make-hashtable hashtable-ref hashtable-set! hashtable? hashtable-size hashtable-delete! hashtable-contains? hashtable-update! hashtable-keys hashtable-mutable? hashtable-clear! hashtable-entries hashtable-copy hashtable-equivalence-function hashtable-hash-function string-hash string-ci-hash symbol-hash)) (define-struct hasht (vec count tc mutable? hashf equivf)) ;;; directly from Dybvig's paper (define tc-pop (lambda (tc) (let ([x ($car tc)]) (if (eq? x ($cdr tc)) #f (let ([v ($car x)]) ($set-car! tc ($cdr x)) ($set-car! x #f) ($set-cdr! x #f) v))))) ;;; assq-like lookup (define direct-lookup (lambda (x b) (if (fixnum? b) #f (if (eq? x ($tcbucket-key b)) b (direct-lookup x ($tcbucket-next b)))))) (define rehash-lookup (lambda (h tc x) (cond [(tc-pop tc) => (lambda (b) (if (eq? ($tcbucket-next b) #f) (rehash-lookup h tc x) (begin (re-add! h b) (if (eq? x ($tcbucket-key b)) b (rehash-lookup h tc x)))))] [else #f]))) (define get-bucket-index (lambda (b) (let ([next ($tcbucket-next b)]) (if (fixnum? next) next (get-bucket-index next))))) (define replace! (lambda (lb x y) (let ([n ($tcbucket-next lb)]) (cond [(eq? n x) ($set-tcbucket-next! lb y) (void)] [else (replace! n x y)])))) (define re-add! (lambda (h b) (let ([vec (hasht-vec h)] [next ($tcbucket-next b)]) ;;; first remove it from its old place (let ([idx (if (fixnum? next) next (get-bucket-index next))]) (let ([fst ($vector-ref vec idx)]) (cond [(eq? fst b) ($vector-set! vec idx next)] [else (replace! fst b next)]))) ;;; reset the tcbucket-tconc FIRST ($set-tcbucket-tconc! b (hasht-tc h)) ;;; then add it to the new place (let ([k ($tcbucket-key b)]) (let ([ih (pointer-value k)]) (let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))]) (let ([n ($vector-ref vec idx)]) ($set-tcbucket-next! b n) ($vector-set! vec idx b) (void)))))))) (define (get-bucket h x) (define (get-hashed h x ih) (let ([equiv? (hasht-equivf h)] [vec (hasht-vec h)]) (let ([idx (bitwise-and ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))]) (let f ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)]) (cond [(fixnum? b) #f] [(equiv? x ($tcbucket-key b)) b] [else (f ($tcbucket-next b))]))))) (cond [(hasht-hashf h) => (lambda (hashf) (get-hashed h x (hashf x)))] [(and (eq? eqv? (hasht-equivf h)) (number? x)) (get-hashed h x (number-hash x))] [else (let ([pv (pointer-value x)] [vec (hasht-vec h)]) (let ([ih pv]) (let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))]) (let ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)]) (or (direct-lookup x b) (rehash-lookup h (hasht-tc h) x))))))])) (define (get-hash h x v) (cond [(get-bucket h x) => (lambda (b) ($tcbucket-val b))] [else v])) (define (in-hash? h x) (and (get-bucket h x) #t)) (define (del-hash h x) (define unlink! (lambda (h b) (let ([vec (hasht-vec h)] [next ($tcbucket-next b)]) ;;; first remove it from its old place (let ([idx (if (fixnum? next) next (get-bucket-index next))]) (let ([fst ($vector-ref vec idx)]) (cond [(eq? fst b) ($vector-set! vec idx next)] [else (replace! fst b next)]))) ;;; set next to be #f, denoting, not in table ($set-tcbucket-next! b #f)))) (cond [(get-bucket h x) => (lambda (b) (unlink! h b) ;;; don't forget the count. (set-hasht-count! h (- (hasht-count h) 1)))])) (define put-hash! (lambda (h x v) (define (put-hashed h x v ih) (let ([equiv? (hasht-equivf h)] [vec (hasht-vec h)]) (let ([idx (bitwise-and ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))]) (let f ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)]) (cond [(fixnum? b) ($vector-set! vec idx (vector x v ($vector-ref vec idx))) (let ([ct (hasht-count h)]) (set-hasht-count! h ($fxadd1 ct)) (when ($fx> ct ($vector-length vec)) (enlarge-table h)))] [(equiv? x ($tcbucket-key b)) ($set-tcbucket-val! b v)] [else (f ($tcbucket-next b))]))))) (cond [(hasht-hashf h) => (lambda (hashf) (put-hashed h x v (hashf x)))] [(and (eq? eqv? (hasht-equivf h)) (number? x)) (put-hashed h x v (number-hash x))] [else (let ([pv (pointer-value x)] [vec (hasht-vec h)]) (let ([ih pv]) (let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))]) (let ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)]) (cond [(or (direct-lookup x b) (rehash-lookup h (hasht-tc h) x)) => (lambda (b) ($set-tcbucket-val! b v) (void))] [else (let ([bucket ($make-tcbucket (hasht-tc h) x v ($vector-ref vec idx))]) (if ($fx= (pointer-value x) pv) ($vector-set! vec idx bucket) (let* ([ih (pointer-value x)] [idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))]) ($set-tcbucket-next! bucket ($vector-ref vec idx)) ($vector-set! vec idx bucket)))) (let ([ct (hasht-count h)]) (set-hasht-count! h ($fxadd1 ct)) (when ($fx> ct ($vector-length vec)) (enlarge-table h)))])))))]))) (define (update-hash! h x proc default) (cond [(get-bucket h x) => (lambda (b) ($set-tcbucket-val! b (proc ($tcbucket-val b))))] [else (put-hash! h x (proc default))])) (define enlarge-table (lambda (h) (define (enlarge-hashtable h hashf) (define insert-b (lambda (b vec mask) (let* ([x ($tcbucket-key b)] [ih (hashf x)] [idx (bitwise-and ih mask)] [next ($tcbucket-next b)]) ($set-tcbucket-next! b ($vector-ref vec idx)) ($vector-set! vec idx b) (unless (fixnum? next) (insert-b next vec mask))))) (define move-all (lambda (vec1 i n vec2 mask) (unless ($fx= i n) (let ([b ($vector-ref vec1 i)]) (unless (fixnum? b) (insert-b b vec2 mask)) (move-all vec1 ($fxadd1 i) n vec2 mask))))) (let* ([vec1 (hasht-vec h)] [n1 ($vector-length vec1)] [n2 ($fxsll n1 1)] [vec2 (make-base-vec n2)]) (move-all vec1 0 n1 vec2 ($fx- n2 1)) (set-hasht-vec! h vec2))) (cond [(hasht-hashf h) => (lambda (hashf) (enlarge-hashtable h hashf))] [(eq? eq? (hasht-equivf h)) (enlarge-hashtable h (lambda (x) (pointer-value x)))] [else (enlarge-hashtable h (lambda (x) (if (number? x) (number-hash x) (pointer-value x))))]))) (define init-vec (lambda (v i n) (if ($fx= i n) v (begin ($vector-set! v i i) (init-vec v ($fxadd1 i) n))))) (define make-base-vec (lambda (n) (init-vec (make-vector n) 0 n))) (define (clear-hash! h) (let ([v (hasht-vec h)]) (init-vec v 0 (vector-length v))) (unless (hasht-hashf h) (set-hasht-tc! h (let ([x (cons #f #f)]) (cons x x)))) (set-hasht-count! h 0)) (define (get-keys h) (let ([v (hasht-vec h)] [n (hasht-count h)]) (let ([kv (make-vector n)]) (let f ([i ($fxsub1 n)] [j ($fxsub1 (vector-length v))] [kv kv] [v v]) (cond [($fx= i -1) kv] [else (let ([b ($vector-ref v j)]) (if (fixnum? b) (f i ($fxsub1 j) kv v) (f (let f ([i i] [b b] [kv kv]) ($vector-set! kv i ($tcbucket-key b)) (let ([b ($tcbucket-next b)] [i ($fxsub1 i)]) (cond [(fixnum? b) i] [else (f i b kv)]))) ($fxsub1 j) kv v)))]))))) (define (get-entries h) (let ([v (hasht-vec h)] [n (hasht-count h)]) (let ([kv (make-vector n)] [vv (make-vector n)]) (let f ([i ($fxsub1 n)] [j ($fxsub1 (vector-length v))] [kv kv] [vv vv] [v v]) (cond [($fx= i -1) (values kv vv)] [else (let ([b ($vector-ref v j)]) (if (fixnum? b) (f i ($fxsub1 j) kv vv v) (f (let f ([i i] [b b] [kv kv] [vv vv]) ($vector-set! kv i ($tcbucket-key b)) ($vector-set! vv i ($tcbucket-val b)) (let ([b ($tcbucket-next b)] [i ($fxsub1 i)]) (cond [(fixnum? b) i] [else (f i b kv vv)]))) ($fxsub1 j) kv vv v)))]))))) (define (hasht-copy h mutable?) (define (dup-hasht h mutable? n) (let* ([hashf (hasht-hashf h)] [tc (and (not hashf) (let ([x (cons #f #f)]) (cons x x)))]) (make-hasht (make-base-vec n) 0 tc mutable? hashf (hasht-equivf h)))) (let ([v (hasht-vec h)] [n (hasht-count h)]) (let ([r (dup-hasht h mutable? (vector-length v))]) (let f ([i ($fxsub1 n)] [j ($fxsub1 (vector-length v))] [r r] [v v]) (cond [($fx= i -1) r] [else (let ([b ($vector-ref v j)]) (if (fixnum? b) (f i ($fxsub1 j) r v) (f (let f ([i i] [b b] [r r]) (put-hash! r ($tcbucket-key b) ($tcbucket-val b)) (let ([b ($tcbucket-next b)] [i ($fxsub1 i)]) (cond [(fixnum? b) i] [else (f i b r)]))) ($fxsub1 j) r v)))]))))) ;;; public interface (define (hashtable? x) (hasht? x)) (define make-eq-hashtable (case-lambda [() (let ([x (cons #f #f)]) (let ([tc (cons x x)]) (make-hasht (make-base-vec 32) 0 tc #t #f eq?)))] [(k) (if (and (or (fixnum? k) (bignum? k)) (>= k 0)) (make-eq-hashtable) (die 'make-eq-hashtable "invalid initial capacity" k))])) (define make-eqv-hashtable (case-lambda [() (let ([x (cons #f #f)]) (let ([tc (cons x x)]) (make-hasht (make-base-vec 32) 0 tc #t #f eqv?)))] [(k) (if (and (or (fixnum? k) (bignum? k)) (>= k 0)) (make-eqv-hashtable) (die 'make-eqv-hashtable "invalid initial capacity" k))])) (define make-hashtable (case-lambda [(hashf equivf) (make-hashtable hashf equivf 0)] [(hashf equivf k) (define who 'make-hashtable) (define (wrap f) (cond [(or (eq? f symbol-hash) (eq? f string-hash) (eq? f string-ci-hash)) f] [else (lambda (k) (let ([i (f k)]) (if (and (or (fixnum? i) (bignum? i)) (>= i 0)) i (die #f "invalid return value from hash function" i))))])) (unless (procedure? hashf) (die who "hash function is not a procedure" hashf)) (unless (procedure? equivf) (die who "equivalence function is not a procedure" equivf)) (if (and (or (fixnum? k) (bignum? k)) (>= k 0)) (make-hasht (make-base-vec 32) 0 #f #t (wrap hashf) equivf) (die who "invalid initial capacity" k))])) (define hashtable-ref (lambda (h x v) (if (hasht? h) (get-hash h x v) (die 'hashtable-ref "not a hash table" h)))) (define hashtable-contains? (lambda (h x) (if (hasht? h) (in-hash? h x) (die 'hashtable-contains? "not a hash table" h)))) (define hashtable-set! (lambda (h x v) (if (hasht? h) (if (hasht-mutable? h) (put-hash! h x v) (die 'hashtable-set! "hashtable is immutable" h)) (die 'hashtable-set! "not a hash table" h)))) (define hashtable-update! (lambda (h x proc default) (if (hasht? h) (if (hasht-mutable? h) (if (procedure? proc) (update-hash! h x proc default) (die 'hashtable-update! "not a procedure" proc)) (die 'hashtable-update! "hashtable is immutable" h)) (die 'hashtable-update! "not a hash table" h)))) (define hashtable-size (lambda (h) (if (hasht? h) (hasht-count h) (die 'hashtable-size "not a hash table" h)))) (define hashtable-delete! (lambda (h x) ;;; FIXME: should shrink table if number of keys drops below ;;; (sqrt (vector-length (hasht-vec h))) (if (hasht? h) (if (hasht-mutable? h) (del-hash h x) (die 'hashtable-delete! "hash table is immutable" h)) (die 'hashtable-delete! "not a hash table" h)))) (define (hashtable-entries h) (if (hasht? h) (get-entries h) (die 'hashtable-entries "not a hash table" h))) (define (hashtable-keys h) (if (hasht? h) (get-keys h) (die 'hashtable-keys "not a hash table" h))) (define (hashtable-mutable? h) (if (hasht? h) (hasht-mutable? h) (die 'hashtable-mutable? "not a hash table" h))) (define (hashtable-clear! h) (if (hasht? h) (if (hasht-mutable? h) (clear-hash! h) (die 'hashtable-clear! "hash table is immutable" h)) (die 'hashtable-clear! "not a hash table" h))) (define hashtable-copy (case-lambda [(h) (if (hasht? h) (if (hasht-mutable? h) (hasht-copy h #f) h) (die 'hashtable-copy "not a hash table" h))] [(h mutable?) (if (hasht? h) (if (or mutable? (hasht-mutable? h)) (hasht-copy h (and mutable? #t)) h) (die 'hashtable-copy "not a hash table" h))])) (define (hashtable-equivalence-function h) (if (hasht? h) (hasht-equivf h) (die 'hashtable-equivalence-function "not a hash table" h))) (define (hashtable-hash-function h) (if (hasht? h) (hasht-hashf h) (die 'hashtable-hash-function "not a hash table" h))) (define (string-hash s) (if (string? s) (foreign-call "ikrt_string_hash" s) (die 'string-hash "not a string" s))) (define (string-ci-hash s) (if (string? s) (foreign-call "ikrt_string_hash" (string-foldcase s)) (die 'string-ci-hash "not a string" s))) (define (symbol-hash s) (if (symbol? s) (foreign-call "ikrt_string_hash" (symbol->string s)) (die 'symbol-hash "not a symbol" s))) (define (number-hash x) (cond [(fixnum? x) x] [(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_flonum_hash" x)] [(bignum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_bignum_hash" x)] [(ratnum? x) (fxxor (number-hash (numerator x)) (number-hash (denominator x)))] [else (fxxor (number-hash (real-part x)) (number-hash (imag-part x)))])) )