(primitive-set! 'error (lambda args (foreign-call "ik_error" args))) (primitive-set! '$apply-nonprocedure-error-handler (lambda (x) (error 'apply "~s is not a procedure" x))) (primitive-set! '$incorrect-args-error-handler (lambda (p n) (error 'apply "incorrect number of argument (~s) to ~s" n p))) (primitive-set! '$multiple-values-error (lambda args (error 'apply "incorrect number of values ~s returned to single value context" args))) (primitive-set! '$debug (lambda (x) (foreign-call "ik_error" (cons "DEBUG" x)))) (primitive-set! '$underflow-misaligned-error (lambda () (foreign-call "ik_error" "misaligned"))) (primitive-set! 'top-level-value-error (lambda (x) (cond [(symbol? x) (if (top-level-bound? x) (error 'top-level-value "BUG in ~s" x) (error 'top-level-value "~s is unbound" x))] [else (error 'top-level-value "~s is not a symbol" x)]))) (primitive-set! 'car-error (lambda (x) (error 'car "~s is not a pair" x))) (primitive-set! 'cdr-error (lambda (x) (error 'cdr "~s is not a pair" x))) (primitive-set! 'fxadd1-error (lambda (x) (if (fixnum? x) (error 'fxadd1 "overflow") (error 'fxadd1 "~s is not a fixnum" x)))) (primitive-set! 'fxsub1-error (lambda (x) (if (fixnum? x) (error 'fxsub1 "underflow") (error 'fxsub1 "~s is not a fixnum" x)))) (primitive-set! 'cadr-error (lambda (x) (error 'cadr "invalid list structure in ~s" x))) (primitive-set! 'fx+-error (lambda (x) (if (fixnum? x) (error 'fx+ "overflow") (error 'fx+ "~s is not a fixnum" x))))