(library (tests bignums) (export test-bignums test-bignum-conversion) (import (ikarus) (tests framework)) (define (test-bignum-conversion) (define (test x) (define (test1 x prefix radix) (let ([s (string-append prefix (number->string x radix))]) (assert (equal? x (read (open-input-string s)))))) (test1 x "#x" 16) (test1 x "#o" 8) (test1 x "#b" 2)) (test #b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) (test #b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111) (test 39487932748923498234) (test #b-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) (test #b-1111111111111111111111111111111111111111) (test -39487932748923498234)) (define-tests test-bignums ; first, some simple quotients [(lambda (x) (= x 101)) (quotient 348972 3434)] [(lambda (x) (= x -101)) (quotient -348972 3434)] [(lambda (x) (= x -101)) (quotient 348972 -3434)] [(lambda (x) (= x 101)) (quotient -348972 -3434)] ; then bump first argument to a small bignum: [(lambda (x) (= x 2255760)) (quotient 536870912 238)] [(lambda (x) (= x -2255760)) (quotient -536870912 238)] [(lambda (x) (= x -2255760)) (quotient 536870912 -238)] [(lambda (x) (= x 2255760)) (quotient -536870912 -238)] ; then bump first argument to a big bignum: [(lambda (x) (= x 1652556267336712615)) (quotient 536870912238479837489374 324873)] [(lambda (x) (= x -1652556267336712615)) (quotient -536870912238479837489374 324873)] [(lambda (x) (= x -1652556267336712615)) (quotient 536870912238479837489374 -324873)] [(lambda (x) (= x 1652556267336712615)) (quotient -536870912238479837489374 -324873)] ; then make both arguments bignums, but result fixnum: [(lambda (x) (= x 165)) (quotient 536870912238479837489374 3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x -165)) (quotient -536870912238479837489374 3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x -165)) (quotient 536870912238479837489374 -3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x 165)) (quotient -536870912238479837489374 -3248732398479823749283)] ; then both arguments and result are all bignums: [(lambda (x) (= x 1652555047284588078)) (quotient 5368709122384798374893743894798327498234 3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x -1652555047284588078)) (quotient -5368709122384798374893743894798327498234 3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x -1652555047284588078)) (quotient 5368709122384798374893743894798327498234 -3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x 1652555047284588078)) (quotient -5368709122384798374893743894798327498234 -3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x 23)) (remainder 23 349839489348)] [(lambda (x) (= x -23)) (remainder -23 349839489348)] [(lambda (x) (= x 23)) (remainder 23 -349839489348)] [(lambda (x) (= x -23)) (remainder -23 -349839489348)] ;;; Next, modulo ; first, some simple arguments [(lambda (x) (= x 2138)) (modulo 348972 3434)] [(lambda (x) (= x 1296)) (modulo -348972 3434)] [(lambda (x) (= x -1296)) (modulo 348972 -3434)] [(lambda (x) (= x -2138)) (modulo -348972 -3434)] ; then bignum second argument: can be done with +/- [(lambda (x) (= x 349839489325)) (modulo -23 349839489348)] [(lambda (x) (= x -23)) (modulo -23 -349839489348)] [(lambda (x) (= x 23)) (modulo 23 349839489348)] [(lambda (x) (= x -349839489325)) (modulo 23 -349839489348)] ; then bump first argument to a small bignum: [(lambda (x) (= x 32)) (remainder 536870912 238)] [(lambda (x) (= x -32)) (remainder -536870912 238)] [(lambda (x) (= x 32)) (remainder 536870912 -238)] [(lambda (x) (= x -32)) (remainder -536870912 -238)] [(lambda (x) (= x 32)) (modulo 536870912 238)] [(lambda (x) (= x 206)) (modulo -536870912 238)] [(lambda (x) (= x -206)) (modulo 536870912 -238)] [(lambda (x) (= x -32)) (modulo -536870912 -238)] ; then bump first argument to a big bignum: [(lambda (x) (= x 116479)) (modulo 536870912238479837489374 324873)] [(lambda (x) (= x 208394)) (modulo -536870912238479837489374 324873)] [(lambda (x) (= x -208394)) (modulo 536870912238479837489374 -324873)] [(lambda (x) (= x -116479)) (modulo -536870912238479837489374 -324873)] ; then make both arguments bignums [(lambda (x) (= x 830066489308918857679)) (modulo 536870912238479837489374 3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x -2418665909170904891604)) (modulo 536870912238479837489374 -3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x 2418665909170904891604)) (modulo -536870912238479837489374 3248732398479823749283)] [(lambda (x) (= x -830066489308918857679)) (modulo -536870912238479837489374 -3248732398479823749283)] ))