;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008  Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

(library (ikarus.symbols)
  (export gensym gensym? gensym->unique-string gensym-prefix
          gensym-count print-gensym string->symbol symbol->string
          getprop putprop remprop property-list
          top-level-value top-level-bound? set-top-level-value!
          symbol-value symbol-bound? set-symbol-value!
          reset-symbol-proc! system-value system-value-gensym)
    (ikarus system $symbols)
    (ikarus system $pairs)
    (ikarus system $fx)
    (except (ikarus) gensym gensym? gensym->unique-string
      gensym-prefix gensym-count print-gensym system-value
      string->symbol symbol->string
      getprop putprop remprop property-list
      top-level-value top-level-bound? set-top-level-value!
      symbol-value symbol-bound? set-symbol-value! reset-symbol-proc!))

  (define gensym
      [() ($make-symbol #f)]
       (if (string? s)
           ($make-symbol s)
           (if (symbol? s)
               ($make-symbol ($symbol-string s))
               (die 'gensym "neither a string nor a symbol" s)))]))

  (define gensym?
    (lambda (x)
      (and (symbol? x) 
           (let ([s ($symbol-unique-string x)])
             (and s #t)))))

  (define top-level-value
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'top-level-value "not a symbol" x))
      (let ([v ($symbol-value x)])
        (when ($unbound-object? v)
              (make-who-condition 'eval)
              (make-message-condition "unbound variable")
                (list (string->symbol (symbol->string x)))))))

  (define top-level-bound?
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'top-level-bound? "not a symbol" x))
      (not ($unbound-object? ($symbol-value x)))))

  (define set-top-level-value!
    (lambda (x v)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'set-top-level-value! "not a symbol" x))
      ($set-symbol-value! x v)))

  (define symbol-value
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'symbol-value "not a symbol" x))
      (let ([v ($symbol-value x)])
        (when ($unbound-object? v)
          (die 'symbol-value "unbound" x))

  (define symbol-bound?
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'symbol-bound? "not a symbol" x))
      (not ($unbound-object? ($symbol-value x)))))

  (define set-symbol-value!
    (lambda (x v)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'set-symbol-value! "not a symbol" x))
      ($set-symbol-value! x v)
      ($set-symbol-proc! x 
        (if (procedure? v) v 
            (lambda args
              (die 'apply "not a procedure" 
                     ($symbol-value x)))))))
  (define reset-symbol-proc!
    (lambda (x) 
      (let ([v ($symbol-value x)])
        ($set-symbol-proc! x
          (if (procedure? v)
              (lambda args
                (die 'apply "not a procedure" 
                  (top-level-value x))))))))

  (define string->symbol
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (string? x) 
        (die 'string->symbol "not a string" x))
      (foreign-call "ikrt_string_to_symbol" x)))
  (define symbol->string
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'symbol->string "not a symbol" x))
      (let ([str ($symbol-string x)])
        (or str
            (let ([ct (gensym-count)])
              ;;; FIXME: what if gensym-count is a bignum?
              (let ([str (string-append (gensym-prefix) (fixnum->string ct))])
                ($set-symbol-string! x str)
                (gensym-count ($fxadd1 ct))

  (define putprop
    (lambda (x k v)
      (unless (symbol? x) (die 'putprop "not a symbol" x))
      (unless (symbol? k) (die 'putprop "not a symbol" k))
      (let ([p ($symbol-plist x)])
          [(assq k p) => (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x v))]
           ($set-symbol-plist! x (cons (cons k v) p))]))))

  (define getprop
    (lambda (x k)
      (unless (symbol? x) (die 'getprop "not a symbol" x))
      (unless (symbol? k) (die 'getprop "not a symbol" k))
      (let ([p ($symbol-plist x)])
          [(assq k p) => cdr]
          [else #f]))))

  (define remprop
    (lambda (x k)
      (unless (symbol? x) (die 'remprop "not a symbol" x))
      (unless (symbol? k) (die 'remprop "not a symbol" k))
      (let ([p ($symbol-plist x)])
        (unless (null? p)
          (let ([a ($car p)])
              [(eq? ($car a) k) ($set-symbol-plist! x ($cdr p))]
               (let f ([q p] [p ($cdr p)])
                 (unless (null? p)
                   (let ([a ($car p)])
                       [(eq? ($car a) k)
                        ($set-cdr! q ($cdr p))]
                        (f p ($cdr p))]))))]))))))

  (define property-list
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'property-list "not a symbol" x))
      (letrec ([f 
                (lambda (ls ac)
                    [(null? ls) ac]
                     (let ([a ($car ls)])
                       (f ($cdr ls) 
                          (cons ($car a) (cons ($cdr a) ac))))]))])
        (f ($symbol-plist x) '()))))

  (define gensym->unique-string
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (symbol? x)
        (die 'gensym->unique-string "not a gensym" x))
      (let ([us ($symbol-unique-string x)])
          [(string? us) us]
          [(not us)
           (die 'gensym->unique-string "not a gensym" x)]
           (let f ([x x])
             (let ([id (uuid)])
               ($set-symbol-unique-string! x id)
                 [(foreign-call "ikrt_intern_gensym" x) id]
                 [else (f x)])))]))))
  (define gensym-prefix
      (lambda (x)
        (unless (string? x)
          (die 'gensym-prefix "not a string" x))
  (define gensym-count
      (lambda (x)
        (unless (and (fixnum? x) ($fx>= x 0))
          (die 'gensym-count "not a valid count" x))
  (define print-gensym
      (lambda (x)
        (unless (or (boolean? x) (eq? x 'pretty))
          (die 'print-gensym "not in #t|#f|pretty" x))

  (define system-value-gensym (gensym))

  (define (system-value x)
    (unless (symbol? x)
      (die 'system-value "not a symbol" x))
      [(getprop x system-value-gensym) =>
       (lambda (g)
         (let ([v ($symbol-value g)])
           (when ($unbound-object? v)
             (die 'system-value "not a system symbol" x))
      [else (die 'system-value "not a system symbol" x)]))
