#!/usr/bin/env ikarus --r6rs-script ;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme. ;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; vim:syntax=scheme (import (ikarus compiler) (match) (except (ikarus) assembler-output)) (define (compile1 x) (printf "Compiling:\n") (pretty-print x) (let ([p (open-file-output-port "test64.fasl" (file-options no-fail))]) (parameterize ([assembler-output #t]) (compile-core-expr-to-port x p)) (close-output-port p))) (define (compile-and-run x) (compile1 x) (let ([rs (system "../src/ikarus -b test64.fasl > test64.out")]) (unless (= rs 0) (error 'run1 "died")) (with-input-from-file "test64.out" (lambda () (get-string-all (current-input-port)))))) (define (compile-test-and-run expr expected) (let ([val (compile-and-run expr)]) (unless (equal? val expected) (error 'compile-test-and-run "failed:got:expected" val expected)))) (define (test-all) (for-each (lambda (x) (compile-test-and-run (car x) (cadr x))) all-tests)) (define all-tests '([(quote 42) "42\n"] [(quote #f) "#f\n"] [(quote ()) "()\n"])) (define (self-evaluating? x) (or (number? x) (char? x) (boolean? x) (null? x) (string? x))) (define prims-alist '([$fxadd1 $fxadd1] [$fxsub1 $fxsub1] [$fixnum->char $fixnum->char] [$char->fixnum $char->fixnum] [fixnum? fixnum?] [$fxzero? $fxzero?] [null? null?] [boolean? boolean?] [char? char?] [not not] [$fxlognot $fxlognot] [fx+ $fx+] [fx- $fx-] [fx* $fx*] [fxlogor $fxlogor] [fxlogand $fxlogand] [fxlognot $fxlognot] [fx= $fx=] [fx< $fx<] [fx<= $fx<=] [fx> $fx>] [fx>= $fx>=] )) (define (fixup x) (define (Expr x env) (match x [,n (guard (self-evaluating? n)) `(quote ,n)] [,var (guard (symbol? var)) (cond [(assq var env) => cdr] [else (error 'fixup "unbound var" var)])] [(,rator ,[rand*] ...) (guard (assq rator env)) `(,(Expr rator env) ,rand* ...)] [(,prim ,[args] ...) (guard (assq prim prims-alist)) `((primitive ,(cadr (assq prim prims-alist))) ,args ...)] [(if ,[e0] ,[e1] ,[e2]) `(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2)] [(let ([,lhs* ,[rhs*]] ...) ,body) (let ([nlhs* (map gensym lhs*)]) (let ([env (append (map cons lhs* nlhs*) env)]) `((case-lambda [,nlhs* ,(Expr body env)]) ,rhs* ...)))] [,_ (error 'fixup "invalid expression" _)])) (Expr x '())) (define-syntax add-tests-with-string-output (lambda (x) (syntax-case x (=>) [(_ name [test => string] ...) #'(set! all-tests (append all-tests (list (list (fixup 'test) string) ...)))]))) ;(include "tests/tests-1.1-req.scm") ;(include "tests/tests-1.2-req.scm") ;(include "tests/tests-1.3-req.scm") ;(include "tests/tests-1.4-req.scm") ;(include "tests/tests-1.5-req.scm") (include "tests/tests-1.6-req.scm") (test-all) (printf "Passed ~s tests\n" (length all-tests)) (printf "Happy Happy Joy Joy\n")