;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme. ;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. (library (ikarus fixnums) (export fxzero? fxadd1 fxsub1 fxlognot fx+ fx- fx* fxquotient fx+/carry fx*/carry fx-/carry fxremainder fxmodulo fxlogor fxlogand fxlogxor fxsll fxsra fx= fx< fx<= fx> fx>= fx=? fx<? fx<=? fx>? fx>=? fxior fxand fxxor fxnot fxif fxpositive? fxnegative? fxeven? fxodd? fixnum->string fxarithmetic-shift-left fxarithmetic-shift-right fxarithmetic-shift fxmin fxmax error@fx+) (import (ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $chars) (ikarus system $pairs) (ikarus system $strings) (prefix (only (ikarus) fx+) sys:) (except (ikarus) fxzero? fxadd1 fxsub1 fxlognot fx+ fx- fx* fxquotient fxremainder fxmodulo fxlogor fxlogand fxlogxor fxsll fxsra fx= fx< fx<= fx> fx>= fx=? fx<? fx<=? fx>? fx>=? fxior fxand fxxor fxnot fxif fxpositive? fxnegative? fxeven? fxodd? fxarithmetic-shift-left fxarithmetic-shift-right fxarithmetic-shift fx+/carry fx*/carry fx-/carry fxmin fxmax fixnum->string)) (define fxzero? (lambda (x) (cond [(eq? x 0) #t] [(fixnum? x) #f] [else (error 'fxzero? "not a fixnum" x)]))) (define fxadd1 (lambda (n) (if (fixnum? n) ($fxadd1 n) (error 'fxadd1 "not a fixnum" n)))) (define fxsub1 (lambda (n) (if (fixnum? n) ($fxsub1 n) (error 'fxsub1 "not a fixnum" n)))) (define fxlognot (lambda (x) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxlognot "not a fixnum" x)) ($fxlognot x))) (define fxnot (lambda (x) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxnot "not a fixnum" x)) ($fxlognot x))) (define error@fx+ (lambda (x y) (if (fixnum? x) (if (fixnum? y) (error 'fx+ "overflow when adding numbers" x y) (error 'fx+ "not a fixnum" y)) (error 'fx+ "not a fixnum" x)))) (define fx+ (lambda (x y) (sys:fx+ x y))) (define fx- (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fx- "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fx- "not a fixnum" y)) ($fx- x y))) (define fx* (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fx* "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fx* "not a fixnum" y)) ($fx* x y))) (define false-loop (lambda (who ls) (if (pair? ls) (if (fixnum? ($car ls)) (false-loop who ($cdr ls)) (error who "not a fixnum" ($car ls))) #f))) (define-syntax fxcmp (syntax-rules () [(_ who $op) (case-lambda [(x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'who "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'who "not a fixnum" y)) ($op x y)] [(x y . ls) (if (fixnum? x) (if (fixnum? y) (if ($op x y) (let f ([x y] [ls ls]) (if (pair? ls) (let ([y ($car ls)] [ls ($cdr ls)]) (if (fixnum? y) (if ($op x y) (f y ls) (false-loop 'who ls)) (error 'who "not a fixnum" y))) #t)) (false-loop 'who ls)) (error 'who "not a fixnum" y)) (error 'who "not a fixnum" x))] [(x) (if (fixnum? x) #t (error 'who "not a fixnum" x))])])) (define fx= (fxcmp fx= $fx=)) (define fx< (fxcmp fx< $fx<)) (define fx<= (fxcmp fx<= $fx<=)) (define fx> (fxcmp fx> $fx>)) (define fx>= (fxcmp fx>= $fx>=)) (define fx=? (fxcmp fx=? $fx=)) (define fx<? (fxcmp fx<? $fx<)) (define fx<=? (fxcmp fx<=? $fx<=)) (define fx>? (fxcmp fx>? $fx>)) (define fx>=? (fxcmp fx>=? $fx>=)) (define fxquotient (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxquotient "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxquotient "not a fixnum" y)) (when ($fxzero? y) (error 'fxquotient "zero dividend" y)) ($fxquotient x y))) (define fxremainder (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxremainder "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxremainder "not a fixnum" y)) (when ($fxzero? y) (error 'fxremainder "zero dividend" y)) (let ([q ($fxquotient x y)]) ($fx- x ($fx* q y))))) (define fxmodulo (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxmodulo "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxmodulo "not a fixnum" y)) (when ($fxzero? y) (error 'fxmodulo "zero dividend" y)) ($fxmodulo x y))) (define-syntax fxbitop (syntax-rules () [(_ who $op identity) (case-lambda [(x y) (if (fixnum? x) (if (fixnum? y) ($op x y) (error 'who "not a fixnum" y)) (error 'who "not a fixnum" x))] [(x y . ls) (if (fixnum? x) (if (fixnum? y) (let f ([a ($op x y)] [ls ls]) (cond [(pair? ls) (let ([b ($car ls)]) (if (fixnum? b) (f ($op a b) ($cdr ls)) (error 'who "not a fixnum" b)))] [else a])) (error 'who "not a fixnum" y)) (error 'who "not a fixnum" x))] [(x) (if (fixnum? x) x (error 'who "not a fixnum" x))] [() identity])])) (define fxlogor (fxbitop fxlogor $fxlogor 0)) (define fxlogand (fxbitop fxlogand $fxlogand -1)) (define fxlogxor (fxbitop fxlogxor $fxlogxor 0)) (define fxior (fxbitop fxior $fxlogor 0)) (define fxand (fxbitop fxand $fxlogand -1)) (define fxxor (fxbitop fxxor $fxlogxor 0)) (define (fxif x y z) (if (fixnum? x) (if (fixnum? y) (if (fixnum? z) ($fxlogor ($fxlogand x y) ($fxlogand ($fxlognot x) z)) (error 'fxif "not a fixnum" z)) (error 'fxif "not a fixnum" y)) (error 'fxif "not a fixnum" x))) (define fxsra (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxsra "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxsra "not a fixnum" y)) (unless ($fx>= y 0) (error 'fxsra "negative shift not allowed" y)) ($fxsra x y))) (define fxarithmetic-shift-right (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift-right "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift-right "not a fixnum" y)) (unless ($fx>= y 0) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift-right "negative shift not allowed" y)) ($fxsra x y))) (define fxsll (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxsll "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxsll "not a fixnum" y)) (unless ($fx>= y 0) (error 'fxsll "negative shift not allowed" y)) ($fxsll x y))) (define fxarithmetic-shift-left (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift-left "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift-left "not a fixnum" y)) (unless ($fx>= y 0) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift-left "negative shift not allowed" y)) ($fxsll x y))) (define fxarithmetic-shift (lambda (x y) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift "not a fixnum" x)) (unless (fixnum? y) (error 'fxarithmetic-shift "not a fixnum" y)) (if ($fx>= y 0) ($fxsll x y) (if ($fx< x -100) ;;; arbitrary number < (fixnum-width) ($fxsra x 32) ($fxsra x ($fx- 0 y)))))) (define (fxpositive? x) (if (fixnum? x) ($fx> x 0) (error 'fxpositive? "not a fixnum" x))) (define (fxnegative? x) (if (fixnum? x) ($fx< x 0) (error 'fxnegative? "not a fixnum" x))) (define (fxeven? x) (if (fixnum? x) ($fxzero? ($fxlogand x 1)) (error 'fxeven? "not a fixnum" x))) (define (fxodd? x) (if (fixnum? x) (not ($fxzero? ($fxlogand x 1))) (error 'fxodd? "not a fixnum" x))) (define fxmin (case-lambda [(x y) (if (fixnum? x) (if (fixnum? y) (if ($fx< x y) x y) (error 'fxmin "not a fixnum" y)) (error 'fxmin "not a fixnum" x))] [(x y z . ls) (fxmin (fxmin x y) (if (fixnum? z) (let f ([z z] [ls ls]) (if (null? ls) z (let ([a ($car ls)]) (if (fixnum? a) (if ($fx< a z) (f a ($cdr ls)) (f z ($cdr ls))) (error 'fxmin "not a fixnum" a))))) (error 'fxmin "not a fixnum" z)))] [(x) (if (fixnum? x) x (error 'fxmin "not a fixnum" x))])) (define fxmax (case-lambda [(x y) (if (fixnum? x) (if (fixnum? y) (if ($fx> x y) x y) (error 'fxmax "not a fixnum" y)) (error 'fxmax "not a fixnum" x))] [(x y z . ls) (fxmax (fxmax x y) (if (fixnum? z) (let f ([z z] [ls ls]) (if (null? ls) z (let ([a ($car ls)]) (if (fixnum? a) (if ($fx> a z) (f a ($cdr ls)) (f z ($cdr ls))) (error 'fxmax "not a fixnum" a))))) (error 'fxmax "not a fixnum" z)))] [(x) (if (fixnum? x) x (error 'fxmax "not a fixnum" x))])) (define (fx*/carry fx1 fx2 fx3) (let ([s0 ($fx+ ($fx* fx1 fx2) fx3)]) (values s0 (sra (+ (* fx1 fx2) (- fx3 s0)) (fixnum-width))))) (define (fx+/carry fx1 fx2 fx3) (let ([s0 ($fx+ ($fx+ fx1 fx2) fx3)]) (values s0 (sra (+ (+ fx1 fx2) (- fx3 s0)) (fixnum-width))))) (define (fx-/carry fx1 fx2 fx3) (let ([s0 ($fx- ($fx- fx1 fx2) fx3)]) (values s0 (sra (- (- fx1 fx2) (+ s0 fx3)) (fixnum-width))))) (module (fixnum->string) (define f (lambda (n i j) (cond [($fxzero? n) (values (make-string i) j)] [else (let ([q ($fxquotient n 10)]) (call-with-values (lambda () (f q ($fxadd1 i) j)) (lambda (str j) (let ([r ($fx- n ($fx* q 10))]) (string-set! str j ($fixnum->char ($fx+ r ($char->fixnum #\0)))) (values str ($fxadd1 j))))))]))) (define fixnum->string (lambda (x) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fixnum->string "not a fixnum" x)) (cond [($fxzero? x) "0"] [($fx> x 0) (call-with-values (lambda () (f x 0 0)) (lambda (str j) str))] ;;; FIXME: DON'T HARDCODE CONSTANTS [($fx= x -536870912) "-536870912"] [else (call-with-values (lambda () (f ($fx- 0 x) 1 1)) (lambda (str j) ($string-set! str 0 #\-) str))])))) )