;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme. ;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . (library (ikarus fasl write) (export fasl-write) (import (rnrs hashtables) (ikarus system $codes) (ikarus system $pairs) (ikarus system $structs) (ikarus system $io) (ikarus system $bytevectors) (ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $chars) (ikarus system $strings) (ikarus system $flonums) (ikarus system $bignums) (except (ikarus code-objects) procedure-annotation) (except (ikarus) fasl-write)) (define write-fixnum (lambda (x p) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'write-fixnum "not a fixnum" x)) (write-byte (fxsll (fxlogand x #x3F) 2) p) (write-byte (fxlogand (fxsra x 6) #xFF) p) (write-byte (fxlogand (fxsra x 14) #xFF) p) (write-byte (fxlogand (fxsra x 22) #xFF) p))) (define write-int (lambda (x p) (unless (fixnum? x) (error 'write-int "not a fixnum" x)) (write-byte (fxlogand x #xFF) p) (write-byte (fxlogand (fxsra x 8) #xFF) p) (write-byte (fxlogand (fxsra x 16) #xFF) p) (write-byte (fxlogand (fxsra x 24) #xFF) p))) (define fasl-write-immediate (lambda (x p) (cond [(null? x) (write-char #\N p)] [(fixnum? x) (write-char #\I p) (write-fixnum x p)] [(char? x) (let ([n ($char->fixnum x)]) (if ($fx<= n 255) (begin (write-char #\c p) (write-byte n p)) (begin (write-char #\C p) (write-int n p))))] ; (write-char #\C p) ; (write-char x p)] [(boolean? x) (write-char (if x #\T #\F) p)] [(eof-object? x) (write-char #\E p)] [(eq? x (void)) (write-char #\U p)] [else (error 'fasl-write "not a fasl-writable immediate" x)]))) (define (ascii-string? s) (let f ([s s] [i 0] [n (string-length s)]) (or ($fx= i n) (and ($char<= ($string-ref s i) ($fixnum->char 127)) (f s ($fxadd1 i) n))))) (define (count-unshared-cdrs x h n) (cond [(and (pair? x) (eq? (hashtable-ref h x #f) 0)) (count-unshared-cdrs ($cdr x) h ($fxadd1 n))] [else n])) (define (write-pairs x p h m n) (cond [($fx= n 0) (fasl-write-object x p h m)] [else (write-pairs (cdr x) p h (fasl-write-object (car x) p h m) ($fxsub1 n))])) (define do-write (lambda (x p h m) (cond [(pair? x) (let ([d ($cdr x)]) (let ([n (count-unshared-cdrs d h 0)]) (cond [($fx= n 0) (write-char #\P p) (fasl-write-object d p h (fasl-write-object (car x) p h m))] [else (cond [($fx<= n 255) (write-char #\l p) (write-byte n p)] [else (write-char #\L p) (write-int n p)]) (write-pairs d p h (fasl-write-object (car x) p h m) n)])))] [(vector? x) (write-char #\V p) (write-int (vector-length x) p) (let f ([x x] [i 0] [n (vector-length x)] [m m]) (cond [(fx= i n) m] [else (f x (fxadd1 i) n (fasl-write-object (vector-ref x i) p h m))]))] [(string? x) (cond [(ascii-string? x) (write-char #\s p) (write-int (string-length x) p) (let f ([x x] [i 0] [n (string-length x)]) (unless (fx= i n) (write-char (string-ref x i) p) (f x (fxadd1 i) n)))] [else (write-char #\S p) (write-int (string-length x) p) (let f ([x x] [i 0] [n (string-length x)]) (unless (= i n) (write-int (char->integer (string-ref x i)) p) (f x (fxadd1 i) n)))]) m] [(gensym? x) (write-char #\G p) (fasl-write-object (gensym->unique-string x) p h (fasl-write-object (symbol->string x) p h m))] [(symbol? x) (write-char #\M p) (fasl-write-object (symbol->string x) p h m)] [(code? x) (write-char #\x p) (write-int (code-size x) p) (write-fixnum (code-freevars x) p) (let ([m (fasl-write-object ($code-annotation x) p h m)]) (let f ([i 0] [n (code-size x)]) (unless (fx= i n) (write-byte (code-ref x i) p) (f (fxadd1 i) n))) (fasl-write-object (code-reloc-vector x) p h m))] [(struct? x) (let ([rtd (struct-type-descriptor x)]) (cond [(eq? rtd (base-rtd)) ;;; rtd record (write-char #\R p) (let ([names (struct-type-field-names x)] [m (fasl-write-object (struct-type-symbol x) p h (fasl-write-object (struct-type-name x) p h m))]) (write-int (length names) p) (let f ([names names] [m m]) (cond [(null? names) m] [else (f (cdr names) (fasl-write-object (car names) p h m))])))] [else ;;; non-rtd record (write-char #\{ p) (write-int (length (struct-type-field-names rtd)) p) (let f ([names (struct-type-field-names rtd)] [m (fasl-write-object rtd p h m)]) (cond [(null? names) m] [else (f (cdr names) (fasl-write-object ((struct-field-accessor rtd (car names)) x) p h m))]))]))] [(procedure? x) (write-char #\Q p) (fasl-write-object ($closure-code x) p h m)] [(bytevector? x) (write-char #\v p) (let ([n ($bytevector-length x)]) (write-int n p) (write-bytevector x 0 n p)) m] [(flonum? x) (write-char #\f p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 7) p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 6) p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 5) p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 4) p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 3) p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 2) p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 1) p) (write-byte ($flonum-u8-ref x 0) p) m] [(ratnum? x) (write-char #\r p) (fasl-write-object (numerator x) p h (fasl-write-object (denominator x) p h m))] [(bignum? x) (write-char #\b p) (let ([sz ($bignum-size x)]) (write-int (if ($bignum-positive? x) sz (- sz)) p) (let f ([i 0]) (unless (fx= i sz) (write-byte ($bignum-byte-ref x i) p) (f (fxadd1 i))))) m] [else (error 'fasl-write "not fasl-writable" x)]))) (define (write-bytevector x i j p) (unless ($fx= i j) ($write-byte ($bytevector-u8-ref x i) p) (write-bytevector x ($fxadd1 i) j p))) (define fasl-write-object (lambda (x p h m) (cond [(immediate? x) (fasl-write-immediate x p) m] [(hashtable-ref h x #f) => (lambda (mark) (unless (fixnum? mark) (error 'fasl-write "BUG: invalid mark" mark)) (cond [(fx= mark 0) ; singly referenced (do-write x p h m)] [(fx> mark 0) ; marked but not written (hashtable-set! h x (fx- 0 m)) (write-char #\> p) (write-int m p) (do-write x p h (fxadd1 m))] [else (write-char #\< p) (write-int (fx- 0 mark) p) m]))] [else (error 'fasl-write "BUG: not in hash table" x)]))) (define make-graph (lambda (x h) (unless (immediate? x) (cond [(hashtable-ref h x #f) => (lambda (i) (hashtable-set! h x (fxadd1 i)))] [else (hashtable-set! h x 0) (cond [(pair? x) (make-graph (car x) h) (make-graph (cdr x) h)] [(vector? x) (let f ([x x] [i 0] [n (vector-length x)]) (unless (fx= i n) (make-graph (vector-ref x i) h) (f x (fxadd1 i) n)))] [(symbol? x) (make-graph (symbol->string x) h) (when (gensym? x) (make-graph (gensym->unique-string x) h))] [(string? x) (void)] [(code? x) (make-graph ($code-annotation x) h) (make-graph (code-reloc-vector x) h)] [(struct? x) (when (eq? x (base-rtd)) (error 'fasl-write "base-rtd is not writable")) (let ([rtd (struct-type-descriptor x)]) (cond [(eq? rtd (base-rtd)) ;;; this is an rtd (make-graph (struct-type-name x) h) (make-graph (struct-type-symbol x) h) (for-each (lambda (x) (make-graph x h)) (struct-type-field-names x))] [else ;;; this is a record (make-graph rtd h) (for-each (lambda (name) (make-graph ((struct-field-accessor rtd name) x) h)) (struct-type-field-names rtd))]))] [(procedure? x) (let ([code ($closure-code x)]) (unless (fxzero? (code-freevars code)) (error 'fasl-write "Cannot write a non-thunk procedure; the one given has free vars" (code-freevars code))) (make-graph code h))] [(bytevector? x) (void)] [(flonum? x) (void)] [(bignum? x) (void)] [(ratnum? x) (make-graph (numerator x) h) (make-graph (denominator x) h)] [else (error 'fasl-write "not fasl-writable" x)])])))) (define fasl-write-to-port (lambda (x port) (let ([h (make-eq-hashtable)]) (make-graph x h) (write-char #\# port) (write-char #\@ port) (write-char #\I port) (write-char #\K port) (write-char #\0 port) (write-char #\1 port) (fasl-write-object x port h 1) (void)))) (define fasl-write (case-lambda [(x) (fasl-write-to-port x (current-output-port))] [(x port) (unless (output-port? port) (error 'fasl-write "not an output port" port)) (fasl-write-to-port x port)])))