**************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Jan 20 16:26:37 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-80-30.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing boyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 9174986 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 604 ms (User: 589 ms; System: 15 ms) Elapsed GC time: 81 ms (CPU: 82 in 35 collections.) Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2857 ms (User: 2848 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 166 ms (CPU: 169 in 460 collections.) Testing cpstak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 318239878 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1478 ms (User: 1472 ms; System: 6 ms) Elapsed GC time: 436 ms (CPU: 438 in 1214 collections.) Testing ctak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 265286660 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4772 ms (User: 4756 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 378 ms (CPU: 374 in 1012 collections.) Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1891 ms (User: 1882 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 306 ms (CPU: 301 in 931 collections.) Testing deriv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055778 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1473 ms (User: 1463 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 336 ms (CPU: 333 in 931 collections.) Testing destruc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 43253750 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1042 ms (User: 1034 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 69 ms (CPU: 62 in 165 collections.) Testing diviter under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 200015872 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1158 ms (User: 1151 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 270 ms (CPU: 272 in 763 collections.) Testing divrec under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 200537100 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1516 ms (User: 1414 ms; System: 101 ms) Elapsed GC time: 289 ms (CPU: 287 in 765 collections.) Testing puzzle under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 8126378 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1948 ms (User: 1804 ms; System: 143 ms) Elapsed GC time: 12 ms (CPU: 13 in 31 collections.) Testing takl under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 908 ms (User: 907 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing triangl under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 262144 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2102 ms (User: 2101 ms; System: 2 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1 ms (CPU: 1 in 1 collections.) Testing fft under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 217579520 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1650 ms (User: 1621 ms; System: 29 ms) Elapsed GC time: 470 ms (CPU: 533 in 830 collections.) Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1788 ms (User: 1786 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing fibfp under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 358610902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 3190 ms (User: 3145 ms; System: 39 ms) Elapsed GC time: 500 ms (CPU: 493 in 1368 collections.) Testing mbrot under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 551809449 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2241 ms (User: 2223 ms; System: 14 ms) Elapsed GC time: 756 ms (CPU: 770 in 2105 collections.) Testing pnpoly under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 72351712 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1450 ms (User: 1448 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 102 ms (CPU: 101 in 276 collections.) Testing sum under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 553 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing sumfp under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 400031744 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1805 ms (User: 1798 ms; System: 6 ms) Elapsed GC time: 548 ms (CPU: 544 in 1526 collections.) Testing tak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1201 ms (User: 1201 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing ack under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 84 ms (User: 84 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing array1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 39870054 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 511 ms (User: 434 ms; System: 76 ms) Elapsed GC time: 47 ms (CPU: 45 in 100 collections.) Testing cat under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 496 ms (User: 372 ms; System: 124 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing string under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 7834358 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 425 ms (User: 397 ms; System: 23 ms) Elapsed GC time: 40 ms (CPU: 39 in 30 collections.) Testing sum1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 6553374 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 3490 ms (User: 2055 ms; System: 1421 ms) Elapsed GC time: 8 ms (CPU: 10 in 25 collections.) Testing sumloop under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 804 ms (User: 803 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing tail under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19136354 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 700 ms (User: 573 ms; System: 127 ms) Elapsed GC time: 45 ms (CPU: 41 in 73 collections.) Testing wc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 293 ms (User: 248 ms; System: 44 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) Testing conform under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 22544148 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1442 ms (User: 1433 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 76 ms (CPU: 74 in 86 collections.) Testing dynamic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 14942078 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 773 ms (User: 712 ms; System: 62 ms) Elapsed GC time: 188 ms (CPU: 188 in 57 collections.) Testing earley under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 123206268 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2021 ms (User: 1933 ms; System: 89 ms) Elapsed GC time: 573 ms (CPU: 575 in 470 collections.) Testing fibc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 192411392 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4121 ms (User: 4114 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 275 ms (CPU: 276 in 734 collections.) Testing graphs under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 157021446 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1647 ms (User: 1625 ms; System: 21 ms) Elapsed GC time: 262 ms (CPU: 271 in 599 collections.) Testing lattice under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19398398 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1678 ms (User: 1674 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 27 ms (CPU: 26 in 74 collections.) Testing matrix under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 87555006 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1860 ms (User: 1849 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 130 ms (CPU: 136 in 334 collections.) Testing maze under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 36170288 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 5846 ms (User: 5801 ms; System: 31 ms) Elapsed GC time: 85 ms (CPU: 79 in 138 collections.) Testing mazefun under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 47447672 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1294 ms (User: 1285 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 71 ms (CPU: 71 in 181 collections.) Testing nqueens under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 71302772 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1612 ms (User: 1587 ms; System: 13 ms) Elapsed GC time: 112 ms (CPU: 101 in 272 collections.) Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4312 ms (User: 3766 ms; System: 528 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2457 ms (CPU: 2460 in 768 collections.) Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1268 ms (User: 1255 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 57 ms (CPU: 65 in 131 collections.) Testing primes under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 92273280 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 7656 ms (User: 7573 ms; System: 39 ms) Elapsed GC time: 134 ms (CPU: 130 in 352 collections.) Testing ray under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 218093224 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 23522 ms (User: 13167 ms; System: 9989 ms) Elapsed GC time: 290 ms (CPU: 291 in 832 collections.) Testing scheme under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 29621860 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1202 ms (User: 1192 ms; System: 5 ms) Elapsed GC time: 46 ms (CPU: 43 in 113 collections.) Testing simplex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 126088192 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 42660 ms (User: 22959 ms; System: 19546 ms) Elapsed GC time: 175 ms (CPU: 171 in 481 collections.) Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2096 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 775 ms) Elapsed GC time: 12 ms (CPU: 14 in 16 collections.) Testing perm9 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 27000532 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1550 ms (User: 1335 ms; System: 213 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1010 ms (CPU: 1022 in 103 collections.) Testing nboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 50855620 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1687 ms (User: 1603 ms; System: 81 ms) Elapsed GC time: 433 ms (CPU: 426 in 194 collections.) Testing sboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 16514958 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1324 ms (User: 1310 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 43 ms (CPU: 43 in 63 collections.) Testing gcbench under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > The garbage collector should touch about 32 megabytes of heap storage. The use of more or less memory will skew the results. Garbage Collector Test Stretching memory with a binary tree of depth 18 Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes GCBench: Main Creating a long-lived binary tree of depth 16 Creating a long-lived array of 524284 inexact reals Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Creating 33824 trees of depth 4 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8256 trees of depth 6 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 2052 trees of depth 8 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 512 trees of depth 10 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 128 trees of depth 12 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 32 trees of depth 14 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8 trees of depth 16 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Words allocated: 94867544 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1844 ms (User: 1587 ms; System: 253 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1137 ms (CPU: 1124 in 360 collections.) Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6582 ms (User: 6506 ms; System: 70 ms) Elapsed GC time: 289 ms (CPU: 281 in 385 collections.) Testing gcold under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > 25 megabytes 0 work units per step. promotion ratio is 1:10 pointer mutation rate is 10 10000 steps Allocating 76 trees. (24902160 bytes) (1245108 nodes) Initialization complete... Words allocated: 2754230651 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 24878 ms (User: 20763 ms; System: 4107 ms) Elapsed GC time: 13446 ms (CPU: 13424 in 10508 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:00:40 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtest under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... cat: ../../src/symtest.scm: No such file or directory Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:00:51 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... cat: ../../src/symtesting.scm: No such file or directory Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:01:45 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2020 ms (User: 1907 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:02:12 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... cat: ../../src/symtesting.scm: No such file or directory Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:03:58 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... cat: ../../src/symtesting.scm: No such file or directory Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:04:15 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... cat: ../../src/symtesting.scm: No such file or directory Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:11:19 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:27:31 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 608 ms (User: 583 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:31:09 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 604 ms (User: 582 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:31:40 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 643 ms (User: 619 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 02:32:09 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 589 ms (User: 558 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Feb 10 11:48:02 EST 2007 under Darwin ppp-70-231-126-3.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing symtesting under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 558 ms (User: 557 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 10:45:49 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1802 ms (User: 1800 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 11:12:28 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4280 ms (User: 3750 ms; System: 529 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2443 ms (CPU: 2444 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 18:30:18 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1255 ms (User: 1248 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 55 ms (CPU: 60 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 18:43:05 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1256 ms (User: 1249 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 60 ms (CPU: 65 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 18:44:20 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4278 ms (User: 3750 ms; System: 528 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2445 ms (CPU: 2437 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 18:46:28 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing compiler under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > WARNING from macro expander: Redefining bound? **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 18:47:54 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1843 ms (User: 532 ms; System: 777 ms) Elapsed GC time: 15 ms (CPU: 8 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 18:49:52 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing scheme under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 29621860 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1193 ms (User: 1190 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 46 ms (CPU: 45 in 113 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 18:50:38 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing earley under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 123206268 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2023 ms (User: 1932 ms; System: 91 ms) Elapsed GC time: 580 ms (CPU: 582 in 470 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 22:59:25 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1905 ms (User: 1893 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 333 ms (CPU: 332 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:00:51 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing puzzle under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 8126378 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1953 ms (User: 1807 ms; System: 144 ms) Elapsed GC time: 17 ms (CPU: 10 in 31 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:02:15 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6587 ms (User: 6512 ms; System: 74 ms) Elapsed GC time: 295 ms (CPU: 295 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:30:51 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6584 ms (User: 6509 ms; System: 72 ms) Elapsed GC time: 296 ms (CPU: 287 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:32:41 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6590 ms (User: 6512 ms; System: 75 ms) Elapsed GC time: 284 ms (CPU: 288 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:35:01 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1843 ms (User: 528 ms; System: 722 ms) Elapsed GC time: 8 ms (CPU: 10 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:36:23 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6583 ms (User: 6510 ms; System: 72 ms) Elapsed GC time: 272 ms (CPU: 285 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:45:18 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing destruc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 43253750 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1038 ms (User: 1034 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 65 ms (CPU: 62 in 165 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:55:44 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing cat under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 497 ms (User: 372 ms; System: 124 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:56:52 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 6553374 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 3484 ms (User: 2059 ms; System: 1423 ms) Elapsed GC time: 10 ms (CPU: 11 in 25 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:57:00 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 6553374 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 3484 ms (User: 2061 ms; System: 1422 ms) Elapsed GC time: 10 ms (CPU: 9 in 25 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:57:41 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing quicksort under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:57:58 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing graphs under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 157021446 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1649 ms (User: 1626 ms; System: 22 ms) Elapsed GC time: 275 ms (CPU: 270 in 599 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 19 23:59:57 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 16514958 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1319 ms (User: 1310 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 44 ms (CPU: 44 in 63 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 00:02:04 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing mazefun under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 47447672 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1294 ms (User: 1286 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 71 ms (CPU: 76 in 181 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 00:02:36 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing conform under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 22544148 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1443 ms (User: 1432 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 71 ms (CPU: 72 in 86 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 00:38:39 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1789 ms (User: 1784 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 01:22:13 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1789 ms (User: 1785 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 01:22:31 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1785 ms (User: 1784 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 01:33:52 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1263 ms (User: 1255 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 56 ms (CPU: 58 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 01:37:20 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... cat: ../../src/parse.scm: No such file or directory Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 01:37:50 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1839 ms (User: 524 ms; System: 717 ms) Elapsed GC time: 10 ms (CPU: 12 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 01:38:31 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6594 ms (User: 6513 ms; System: 74 ms) Elapsed GC time: 266 ms (CPU: 282 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 11:47:49 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6594 ms (User: 6514 ms; System: 75 ms) Elapsed GC time: 286 ms (CPU: 285 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 11:48:34 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dynamic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 14942078 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 775 ms (User: 711 ms; System: 62 ms) Elapsed GC time: 191 ms (CPU: 189 in 57 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 11:53:32 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-150-42.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dynamic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 14942078 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 787 ms (User: 717 ms; System: 64 ms) Elapsed GC time: 196 ms (CPU: 200 in 57 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 19:51:10 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2036 ms (User: 534 ms; System: 755 ms) Elapsed GC time: 11 ms (CPU: 10 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 19:52:07 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 16514958 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1319 ms (User: 1310 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 44 ms (CPU: 43 in 63 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 19:52:41 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2859 ms (User: 2849 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 170 ms (CPU: 170 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 19:54:30 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2861 ms (User: 2850 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 172 ms (CPU: 171 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 19:55:36 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2861 ms (User: 2851 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 171 ms (CPU: 167 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:12:23 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1267 ms (User: 1259 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 60 ms (CPU: 58 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:12:36 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6586 ms (User: 6510 ms; System: 75 ms) Elapsed GC time: 295 ms (CPU: 279 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:13:27 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1791 ms (User: 528 ms; System: 729 ms) Elapsed GC time: 11 ms (CPU: 11 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:14:18 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1899 ms (User: 1886 ms; System: 13 ms) Elapsed GC time: 348 ms (CPU: 276 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:16:20 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing ntakl under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:17:10 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 553 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:25:53 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1202 ms (User: 1200 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 20:26:20 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1200 ms (User: 1199 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 22:34:39 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1204 ms (User: 1201 ms; System: 2 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 22:35:23 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2861 ms (User: 2850 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 165 ms (CPU: 172 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 22:38:21 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing graphs under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 157021446 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1651 ms (User: 1627 ms; System: 23 ms) Elapsed GC time: 261 ms (CPU: 270 in 599 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 22:39:35 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing earley under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 123206268 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2026 ms (User: 1933 ms; System: 92 ms) Elapsed GC time: 572 ms (CPU: 578 in 470 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 22:43:19 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1202 ms (User: 1200 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 22:53:13 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing earley under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 123206268 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2026 ms (User: 1933 ms; System: 91 ms) Elapsed GC time: 571 ms (CPU: 574 in 470 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:18:25 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1903 ms (User: 1889 ms; System: 13 ms) Elapsed GC time: 307 ms (CPU: 326 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:19:01 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing cat under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 502 ms (User: 372 ms; System: 128 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:19:39 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumloop under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 805 ms (User: 803 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:21:24 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumloop under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 806 ms (User: 804 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:22:58 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nqueens under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 71302772 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1596 ms (User: 1584 ms; System: 12 ms) Elapsed GC time: 101 ms (CPU: 100 in 272 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:24:51 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nqueens under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 71302772 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1596 ms (User: 1584 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 98 ms (CPU: 97 in 272 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:25:30 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing destruc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 43253750 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1037 ms (User: 1034 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 66 ms (CPU: 59 in 165 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:28:08 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing lattice under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19398398 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1682 ms (User: 1677 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 23 ms (CPU: 30 in 74 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:30:27 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pnpoly under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 72351712 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1456 ms (User: 1451 ms; System: 5 ms) Elapsed GC time: 99 ms (CPU: 99 in 276 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:33:14 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing perm9 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 27000532 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1551 ms (User: 1332 ms; System: 218 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1017 ms (CPU: 1011 in 103 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:34:21 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing triangl under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 262144 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2105 ms (User: 2103 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1 ms (CPU: 0 in 1 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:42:05 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumfp under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 400031744 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1812 ms (User: 1804 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 547 ms (CPU: 547 in 1526 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:43:10 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 6553374 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 3494 ms (User: 2062 ms; System: 1432 ms) Elapsed GC time: 9 ms (CPU: 10 in 25 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:44:15 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 6553374 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 3489 ms (User: 2065 ms; System: 1424 ms) Elapsed GC time: 10 ms (CPU: 10 in 25 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:46:44 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing boyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 9174986 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 606 ms (User: 590 ms; System: 16 ms) Elapsed GC time: 85 ms (CPU: 83 in 35 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:48:20 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2863 ms (User: 2852 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 168 ms (CPU: 170 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:48:46 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing cpstak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 318239878 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1481 ms (User: 1472 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 431 ms (CPU: 435 in 1214 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:49:20 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing ctak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 265286660 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4783 ms (User: 4768 ms; System: 12 ms) Elapsed GC time: 380 ms (CPU: 382 in 1012 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:50:37 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1897 ms (User: 1883 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 333 ms (CPU: 335 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:51:11 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing diviter under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 200015872 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1162 ms (User: 1154 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 281 ms (CPU: 278 in 763 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:54:42 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing divrec under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 200537100 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1521 ms (User: 1417 ms; System: 103 ms) Elapsed GC time: 273 ms (CPU: 285 in 765 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:55:06 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing puzzle under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 8126378 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1953 ms (User: 1807 ms; System: 144 ms) Elapsed GC time: 4 ms (CPU: 4 in 31 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:55:48 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 554 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:56:28 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1203 ms (User: 1201 ms; System: 2 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:57:09 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing ack under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 85 ms (User: 84 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:57:38 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing cat under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 505 ms (User: 372 ms; System: 131 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:58:02 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing string under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 7834358 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 420 ms (User: 399 ms; System: 21 ms) Elapsed GC time: 39 ms (CPU: 37 in 30 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Tue Feb 20 23:59:53 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tail under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19136354 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 709 ms (User: 574 ms; System: 134 ms) Elapsed GC time: 46 ms (CPU: 47 in 73 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:01:07 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing conform under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 22544148 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1456 ms (User: 1436 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 76 ms (CPU: 67 in 86 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:01:57 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing lattice under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19398398 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1696 ms (User: 1680 ms; System: 5 ms) Elapsed GC time: 27 ms (CPU: 29 in 74 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:02:23 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nqueens under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 71302772 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1596 ms (User: 1584 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 98 ms (CPU: 98 in 272 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:02:46 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4294 ms (User: 3759 ms; System: 531 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2441 ms (CPU: 2447 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:04:13 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1269 ms (User: 1259 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 51 ms (CPU: 51 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:04:57 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcbench under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > The garbage collector should touch about 32 megabytes of heap storage. The use of more or less memory will skew the results. Garbage Collector Test Stretching memory with a binary tree of depth 18 Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes GCBench: Main Creating a long-lived binary tree of depth 16 Creating a long-lived array of 524284 inexact reals Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Creating 33824 trees of depth 4 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8256 trees of depth 6 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 2052 trees of depth 8 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 512 trees of depth 10 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 128 trees of depth 12 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 32 trees of depth 14 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8 trees of depth 16 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Words allocated: 94867544 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1856 ms (User: 1589 ms; System: 256 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1133 ms (CPU: 1148 in 360 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:05:25 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcold under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > 25 megabytes 0 work units per step. promotion ratio is 1:10 pointer mutation rate is 10 10000 steps Allocating 76 trees. (24902160 bytes) (1245108 nodes) Initialization complete... Words allocated: 2754230651 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 24959 ms (User: 20812 ms; System: 4119 ms) Elapsed GC time: 13552 ms (CPU: 13504 in 10508 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 00:09:12 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-198-33.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing takl under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 909 ms (User: 907 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 02:14:33 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-82.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing string under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 7834358 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 421 ms (User: 399 ms; System: 21 ms) Elapsed GC time: 39 ms (CPU: 37 in 30 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Wed Feb 21 02:22:07 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-82.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing string under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 7834358 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 420 ms (User: 399 ms; System: 21 ms) Elapsed GC time: 36 ms (CPU: 37 in 30 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Thu Feb 22 22:55:29 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1801 ms (User: 1800 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Thu Feb 22 23:24:03 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1798 ms (User: 1798 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:12:56 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1778 ms (User: 1777 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:27:25 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1792 ms (User: 1787 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:28:15 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1255 ms (User: 1248 ms; System: 6 ms) Elapsed GC time: 59 ms (CPU: 56 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:30:10 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1255 ms (User: 1248 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 65 ms (CPU: 63 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:30:30 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6575 ms (User: 6506 ms; System: 69 ms) Elapsed GC time: 293 ms (CPU: 282 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:31:10 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing conform under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 22544148 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1451 ms (User: 1435 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 78 ms (CPU: 71 in 86 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:31:41 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2874 ms (User: 2853 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 168 ms (CPU: 171 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:32:02 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1983 ms (User: 541 ms; System: 828 ms) Elapsed GC time: 7 ms (CPU: 11 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:32:56 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1901 ms (User: 1890 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 379 ms (CPU: 332 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:33:16 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4300 ms (User: 3756 ms; System: 543 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2469 ms (CPU: 2470 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 00:35:05 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-84-55.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing takl under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 907 ms (User: 907 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 12:15:53 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-179-70.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4296 ms (User: 3755 ms; System: 540 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2471 ms (CPU: 2477 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 12:17:01 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-179-70.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nqueens under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 71302772 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1594 ms (User: 1583 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 97 ms (CPU: 90 in 272 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 13:00:00 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-179-70.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 50855620 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1685 ms (User: 1602 ms; System: 82 ms) Elapsed GC time: 432 ms (CPU: 420 in 194 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 13:00:24 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-179-70.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 16514958 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1318 ms (User: 1309 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 44 ms (CPU: 41 in 63 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Feb 23 13:02:27 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-179-70.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcbench under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > The garbage collector should touch about 32 megabytes of heap storage. The use of more or less memory will skew the results. Garbage Collector Test Stretching memory with a binary tree of depth 18 Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes GCBench: Main Creating a long-lived binary tree of depth 16 Creating a long-lived array of 524284 inexact reals Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Creating 33824 trees of depth 4 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8256 trees of depth 6 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 2052 trees of depth 8 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 512 trees of depth 10 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 128 trees of depth 12 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 32 trees of depth 14 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8 trees of depth 16 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Words allocated: 94867544 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1846 ms (User: 1589 ms; System: 254 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1145 ms (CPU: 1161 in 360 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:21:22 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1778 ms (User: 1777 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:23:46 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1255 ms (User: 1249 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 58 ms (CPU: 58 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:24:12 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4260 ms (User: 3750 ms; System: 509 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2433 ms (CPU: 2432 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:24:38 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4265 ms (User: 3750 ms; System: 514 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2428 ms (CPU: 2423 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:37:49 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1881 ms (User: 546 ms; System: 751 ms) Elapsed GC time: 10 ms (CPU: 11 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:38:10 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6573 ms (User: 6503 ms; System: 69 ms) Elapsed GC time: 284 ms (CPU: 285 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:39:27 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing lattice under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19398398 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1678 ms (User: 1675 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 35 ms (CPU: 33 in 74 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:40:30 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing destruc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 43253750 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1037 ms (User: 1034 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 65 ms (CPU: 61 in 165 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:51:24 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing destruc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 43253750 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1038 ms (User: 1034 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 62 ms (CPU: 60 in 165 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:56:32 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing destruc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 43253750 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1036 ms (User: 1033 ms; System: 3 ms) Elapsed GC time: 65 ms (CPU: 62 in 165 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:56:58 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1899 ms (User: 1888 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 284 ms (CPU: 328 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:57:13 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1887 ms (User: 1877 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 327 ms (CPU: 323 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:57:37 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 6553374 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 3512 ms (User: 2062 ms; System: 1440 ms) Elapsed GC time: 6 ms (CPU: 12 in 25 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:58:03 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumfp under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 400031744 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1804 ms (User: 1798 ms; System: 6 ms) Elapsed GC time: 544 ms (CPU: 534 in 1526 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:59:25 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumloop under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 804 ms (User: 803 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:59:28 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumloop under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 804 ms (User: 803 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 20:59:32 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumloop under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 804 ms (User: 803 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 21:00:43 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcbench under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > The garbage collector should touch about 32 megabytes of heap storage. The use of more or less memory will skew the results. Garbage Collector Test Stretching memory with a binary tree of depth 18 Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes GCBench: Main Creating a long-lived binary tree of depth 16 Creating a long-lived array of 524284 inexact reals Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Creating 33824 trees of depth 4 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8256 trees of depth 6 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 2052 trees of depth 8 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 512 trees of depth 10 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 128 trees of depth 12 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 32 trees of depth 14 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8 trees of depth 16 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Words allocated: 94867544 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1823 ms (User: 1585 ms; System: 235 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1139 ms (CPU: 1131 in 360 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 21:02:33 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing puzzle under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 8126378 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1947 ms (User: 1804 ms; System: 143 ms) Elapsed GC time: 14 ms (CPU: 12 in 31 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 21:05:18 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing puzzle under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 8126378 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1947 ms (User: 1804 ms; System: 142 ms) Elapsed GC time: 9 ms (CPU: 8 in 31 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 21:46:47 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcbench under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > The garbage collector should touch about 32 megabytes of heap storage. The use of more or less memory will skew the results. Garbage Collector Test Stretching memory with a binary tree of depth 18 Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes GCBench: Main Creating a long-lived binary tree of depth 16 Creating a long-lived array of 524284 inexact reals Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Creating 33824 trees of depth 4 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8256 trees of depth 6 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 2052 trees of depth 8 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 512 trees of depth 10 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 128 trees of depth 12 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 32 trees of depth 14 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8 trees of depth 16 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Words allocated: 94867544 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1828 ms (User: 1586 ms; System: 240 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1144 ms (CPU: 1126 in 360 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 21:54:45 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing string under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 7834358 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 417 ms (User: 396 ms; System: 20 ms) Elapsed GC time: 39 ms (CPU: 36 in 30 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Feb 25 21:56:36 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing conform under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 22544148 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1440 ms (User: 1432 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 71 ms (CPU: 68 in 86 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 26 02:21:02 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-237.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nqueens under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 71302772 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1594 ms (User: 1583 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 95 ms (CPU: 102 in 272 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 26 02:21:57 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-237.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing wc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 340 ms (User: 257 ms; System: 48 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 26 02:25:19 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-237.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tail under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19136354 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 701 ms (User: 573 ms; System: 129 ms) Elapsed GC time: 44 ms (CPU: 41 in 73 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 26 02:38:45 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-237.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing deriv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055778 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1473 ms (User: 1463 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 340 ms (CPU: 338 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 26 02:45:13 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-237.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing cpstak under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 318239878 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1478 ms (User: 1472 ms; System: 6 ms) Elapsed GC time: 431 ms (CPU: 438 in 1214 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 26 14:55:46 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-237.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1930 ms (User: 558 ms; System: 751 ms) Elapsed GC time: 11 ms (CPU: 12 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Feb 26 15:11:40 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-237.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2856 ms (User: 2848 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 173 ms (CPU: 170 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Thu Mar 1 00:32:38 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-194-110.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6579 ms (User: 6509 ms; System: 70 ms) Elapsed GC time: 282 ms (CPU: 298 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 16:04:02 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6584 ms (User: 6511 ms; System: 72 ms) Elapsed GC time: 302 ms (CPU: 297 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 16:04:14 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6584 ms (User: 6510 ms; System: 72 ms) Elapsed GC time: 276 ms (CPU: 280 in 385 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 16:06:58 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcbench under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > The garbage collector should touch about 32 megabytes of heap storage. The use of more or less memory will skew the results. Garbage Collector Test Stretching memory with a binary tree of depth 18 Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes GCBench: Main Creating a long-lived binary tree of depth 16 Creating a long-lived array of 524284 inexact reals Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Creating 33824 trees of depth 4 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8256 trees of depth 6 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 2052 trees of depth 8 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 512 trees of depth 10 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 128 trees of depth 12 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 32 trees of depth 14 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8 trees of depth 16 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Words allocated: 94867544 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1856 ms (User: 1589 ms; System: 256 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1161 ms (CPU: 1135 in 360 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 16:31:57 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcold under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > 25 megabytes 0 work units per step. promotion ratio is 1:10 pointer mutation rate is 10 10000 steps Allocating 76 trees. (24902160 bytes) (1245108 nodes) Initialization complete... Words allocated: 2754230651 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 24989 ms (User: 20824 ms; System: 4156 ms) Elapsed GC time: 13472 ms (CPU: 13464 in 10508 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:16:38 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcold under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > 25 megabytes 0 work units per step. promotion ratio is 1:10 pointer mutation rate is 10 10000 steps Allocating 76 trees. (24902160 bytes) (1245108 nodes) Initialization complete... Words allocated: 2754230651 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 24942 ms (User: 20798 ms; System: 4135 ms) Elapsed GC time: 13398 ms (CPU: 13451 in 10508 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:29:54 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4303 ms (User: 3761 ms; System: 540 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2469 ms (CPU: 2470 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:30:13 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1261 ms (User: 1254 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 56 ms (CPU: 58 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:31:22 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dynamic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 14942078 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 776 ms (User: 713 ms; System: 63 ms) Elapsed GC time: 194 ms (CPU: 189 in 57 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:32:05 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 16514958 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1319 ms (User: 1309 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 38 ms (CPU: 44 in 63 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:32:22 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nboyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 50855620 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1691 ms (User: 1604 ms; System: 86 ms) Elapsed GC time: 431 ms (CPU: 432 in 194 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:33:40 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing matrix under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 87555006 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1862 ms (User: 1851 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 136 ms (CPU: 127 in 334 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:34:24 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing maze under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 36170288 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 5834 ms (User: 5799 ms; System: 32 ms) Elapsed GC time: 86 ms (CPU: 82 in 138 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:34:49 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2860 ms (User: 2850 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 170 ms (CPU: 171 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:35:23 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing earley under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 123206268 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2030 ms (User: 1934 ms; System: 94 ms) Elapsed GC time: 574 ms (CPU: 574 in 470 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:35:47 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1263 ms (User: 1255 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 60 ms (CPU: 55 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:36:08 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing graphs under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 157021446 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1648 ms (User: 1626 ms; System: 22 ms) Elapsed GC time: 266 ms (CPU: 269 in 599 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:36:31 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing boyer under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 9174986 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 604 ms (User: 589 ms; System: 15 ms) Elapsed GC time: 82 ms (CPU: 84 in 35 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:41:03 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing conform under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 22544148 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1444 ms (User: 1432 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 66 ms (CPU: 64 in 86 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:41:30 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing lattice under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19398398 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1682 ms (User: 1678 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 33 ms (CPU: 31 in 74 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:41:51 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing mazefun under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 47447672 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1295 ms (User: 1286 ms; System: 9 ms) Elapsed GC time: 69 ms (CPU: 79 in 181 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:42:12 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing browse under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 120585534 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2861 ms (User: 2850 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 173 ms (CPU: 172 in 460 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:42:34 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing gcbench under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > The garbage collector should touch about 32 megabytes of heap storage. The use of more or less memory will skew the results. Garbage Collector Test Stretching memory with a binary tree of depth 18 Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes GCBench: Main Creating a long-lived binary tree of depth 16 Creating a long-lived array of 524284 inexact reals Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Creating 33824 trees of depth 4 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8256 trees of depth 6 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 2052 trees of depth 8 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 512 trees of depth 10 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 128 trees of depth 12 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 32 trees of depth 14 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Creating 8 trees of depth 16 GCBench: Top down construction GCBench: Bottom up construction Total memory available= ???????? bytes Free memory= ???????? bytes Words allocated: 94867544 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1854 ms (User: 1588 ms; System: 257 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1134 ms (CPU: 1144 in 360 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:43:49 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing simplex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:44:30 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing simplex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:45:19 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing paraffins under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 201324942 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4302 ms (User: 3759 ms; System: 541 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2462 ms (CPU: 2452 in 768 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 18:46:48 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pi under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:20:37 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pi under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:28:20 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing trav2 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1249 ms (User: 1247 ms; System: 2 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:28:36 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing trav1 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 12320426 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1248 ms (User: 1208 ms; System: 39 ms) Elapsed GC time: 192 ms (CPU: 189 in 47 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:30:03 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing puzzle under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 8126378 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1953 ms (User: 1808 ms; System: 146 ms) Elapsed GC time: 2 ms (CPU: 5 in 31 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:30:55 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing perm9 under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 27000532 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1550 ms (User: 1332 ms; System: 216 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1016 ms (CPU: 1011 in 103 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:41:37 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing dderiv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055776 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1905 ms (User: 1894 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 250 ms (CPU: 332 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:42:09 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fft under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 217579520 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1653 ms (User: 1622 ms; System: 29 ms) Elapsed GC time: 298 ms (CPU: 503 in 830 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:42:54 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing destruc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 43253750 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1038 ms (User: 1034 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 60 ms (CPU: 62 in 165 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:43:47 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing triangl under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 262144 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2105 ms (User: 2102 ms; System: 2 ms) Elapsed GC time: 1 ms (CPU: 1 in 1 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:51:10 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing mbrot under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 551809449 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2237 ms (User: 2221 ms; System: 15 ms) Elapsed GC time: 756 ms (CPU: 762 in 2105 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:53:11 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pnpoly under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 72351712 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1454 ms (User: 1449 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 92 ms (CPU: 99 in 276 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:54:57 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pnpoly under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 72351712 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1454 ms (User: 1450 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 98 ms (CPU: 91 in 276 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:55:06 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pnpoly under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 72351712 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1457 ms (User: 1450 ms; System: 5 ms) Elapsed GC time: 100 ms (CPU: 93 in 276 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 19:55:36 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pnpoly under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 72351712 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1455 ms (User: 1450 ms; System: 4 ms) Elapsed GC time: 99 ms (CPU: 95 in 276 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:02:20 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing deriv under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 244055778 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1477 ms (User: 1465 ms; System: 10 ms) Elapsed GC time: 339 ms (CPU: 339 in 931 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:02:39 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing wc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 294 ms (User: 249 ms; System: 44 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:03:06 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nqueens under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 71302772 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1596 ms (User: 1584 ms; System: 11 ms) Elapsed GC time: 94 ms (CPU: 100 in 272 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:04:14 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing primes under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 92273280 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 7601 ms (User: 7567 ms; System: 31 ms) Elapsed GC time: 126 ms (CPU: 123 in 352 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:06:12 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing primes under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 92273280 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 7601 ms (User: 7568 ms; System: 31 ms) Elapsed GC time: 125 ms (CPU: 128 in 352 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:13:24 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1781 ms (User: 1779 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:13:33 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing ack under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 85 ms (User: 84 ms; System: 0 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:14:22 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing ack under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 836 ms (User: 834 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:15:25 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 554 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:15:53 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 554 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:17:30 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing tail under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 19136354 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 706 ms (User: 575 ms; System: 130 ms) Elapsed GC time: 43 ms (CPU: 45 in 73 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 20:29:38 EST 2007 under Darwin Vesuvius.local 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 554 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 1 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 23:18:18 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-149-116.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1834 ms (User: 521 ms; System: 728 ms) Elapsed GC time: 11 ms (CPU: 10 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 23:18:39 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-149-116.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing slatex under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 4194150 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 2042 ms (User: 534 ms; System: 749 ms) Elapsed GC time: 8 ms (CPU: 12 in 16 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 23:19:41 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-149-116.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing wc under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 293 ms (User: 248 ms; System: 45 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 23:21:27 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-149-116.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing fib under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1786 ms (User: 1783 ms; System: 2 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 23:21:47 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-149-116.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sum under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 555 ms (User: 553 ms; System: 2 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 3 23:32:17 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-251-149-116.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing cat under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 500 ms (User: 373 ms; System: 126 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Mar 4 13:36:56 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-254-37-107.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumfp under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 400031744 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1812 ms (User: 1804 ms; System: 8 ms) Elapsed GC time: 549 ms (CPU: 542 in 1526 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Mar 4 13:37:23 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-68-254-37-107.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing sumfp under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 400031744 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1812 ms (User: 1804 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 540 ms (CPU: 542 in 1526 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sun Mar 4 23:21:03 EST 2007 under Darwin 10-231-85-69.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing cat under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 0 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 504 ms (User: 373 ms; System: 128 ms) Elapsed GC time: 0 ms (CPU: 0 in 0 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 01:33:34 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-131.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing graphs under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 157021446 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1653 ms (User: 1628 ms; System: 24 ms) Elapsed GC time: 269 ms (CPU: 272 in 599 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 01:42:11 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-131.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing compiler under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > WARNING from macro expander: Redefining bound? > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > bench DIED! **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 02:15:14 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-131.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing compiler under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 02:25:03 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-131.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nucleic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 151779492 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4645 ms (User: 3144 ms; System: 1474 ms) Elapsed GC time: 255 ms (CPU: 253 in 579 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 02:56:59 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-131.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nucleic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 151779492 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4588 ms (User: 3124 ms; System: 1461 ms) Elapsed GC time: 253 ms (CPU: 238 in 579 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 02:58:00 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-131.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nucleic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 02:58:57 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-75-19-178-131.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nucleic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 151779492 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4589 ms (User: 3125 ms; System: 1463 ms) Elapsed GC time: 236 ms (CPU: 256 in 579 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Mon Mar 5 03:17:17 EST 2007 under Darwin iub-vpn-199-79.noc.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing pi under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Mar 9 13:58:55 EST 2007 under Darwin dhcp-cs-244-155.cs.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing peval under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 34340444 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 1262 ms (User: 1254 ms; System: 7 ms) Elapsed GC time: 55 ms (CPU: 61 in 131 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Fri Mar 9 14:03:45 EST 2007 under Darwin dhcp-cs-244-155.cs.indiana.edu 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing nucleic under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 151779492 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 4582 ms (User: 3117 ms; System: 1461 ms) Elapsed GC time: 255 ms (CPU: 259 in 579 collections.) **************************** Benchmarking Larceny-r6rs on Sat Mar 10 01:01:29 EST 2007 under Darwin adsl-70-239-90-255.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net 8.8.3 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 21:57:10 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386 Testing parsing under Larceny-r6rs Compiling... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > > Running... Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > Words allocated: 100923902 Words reclaimed: 0 Elapsed time...: 6575 ms (User: 6505 ms; System: 70 ms) Elapsed GC time: 276 ms (CPU: 293 in 385 collections.)