;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme. ;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. (library (ikarus codecs) (export latin-1-codec utf-8-codec utf-16-codec native-eol-style make-transcoder native-transcoder buffer-mode? file-options-spec transcoder-codec transcoder-eol-style transcoder-error-handling-mode) (import (except (ikarus) latin-1-codec utf-8-codec utf-16-codec native-eol-style make-transcoder native-transcoder buffer-mode? file-options-spec transcoder-codec transcoder-eol-style transcoder-error-handling-mode) (ikarus system $transcoders)) (define (latin-1-codec) 'latin-1-codec) (define (utf-8-codec) 'utf-8-codec) (define (utf-16-codec) 'utf-16-codec) (define (native-eol-style) 'none) (define error-handling-mode-alist '([ignore . #b01] [raise . #b10] [replace . #b11])) (define error-handling-mode-mask #b11) (define eol-style-alist '([none . #b00000] [lf . #b00100] [cr . #b01000] [crlf . #b01100] [nel . #b10000] [crnel . #b10100] [ls . #b11000])) (define eol-style-mask #b11100) (define codec-alist '([latin-1-codec . #b0100000] [utf-8-codec . #b1000000] [utf-16-codec . #b1100000])) (define codec-mask #b11100000) (define (rev-lookup n ls) (cond [(null? ls) #f] [(= (cdar ls) n) (caar ls)] [else (rev-lookup n (cdr ls))])) (define (codec->fixnum x who) (cond [(assq x codec-alist) => cdr] [else (die who "not a valid coded" x)])) (define (eol-style->fixnum x who) (cond [(assq x eol-style-alist) => cdr] [else (die who "not a valid eol-style" x)])) (define (error-handling-mode->fixnum x who) (cond [(assq x error-handling-mode-alist) => cdr] [else (die who "not a valid error-handling mode" x)])) (define make-transcoder (case-lambda [(codec eol-style handling-mode) ($data->transcoder (fxior (error-handling-mode->fixnum handling-mode 'make-transcoder) (eol-style->fixnum eol-style 'make-transcoder) (codec->fixnum codec 'make-transcoder)))] [(codec eol-style) (make-transcoder codec eol-style 'replace)] [(codec) (make-transcoder codec 'none 'replace)])) (define (native-transcoder) (make-transcoder 'utf-8-codec 'none 'replace)) (define (transcoder-codec x) (define who 'transcoder-codec) (if (transcoder? x) (let ([tag (fxlogand ($transcoder->data x) codec-mask)]) (or (rev-lookup tag codec-alist) (die who "transcoder has no codec" x))) (die who "not a transcoder" x))) (define (transcoder-eol-style x) (define who 'transcoder-eol-style) (if (transcoder? x) (let ([tag (fxlogand ($transcoder->data x) eol-style-mask)]) (or (rev-lookup tag eol-style-alist) (die who "transcoder has no eol-style" x))) (die who "not a transcoder" x))) (define (transcoder-error-handling-mode x) (define who 'transcoder-error-handling-mode) (if (transcoder? x) (let ([tag (fxlogand ($transcoder->data x) error-handling-mode-mask)]) (or (rev-lookup tag error-handling-mode-alist) (die who "transcoder has no error-handling mode" x))) (die who "not a transcoder" x))) (define (buffer-mode? x) (and (memq x '(none line block)) #t)) (define file-options-vec '#(fo:default fo:no-create fo:no-fail fo:no-fail/no-create fo:no-truncate fo:no-truncate/no-create fo:no-truncate/no-fail fo:no-truncate/no-fail/no-create)) (define file-options-alist '([no-create . #b001] [no-fail . #b010] [no-truncate . #b100])) (define (file-options-spec ls) (unless (list? ls) (die 'file-options-spec "not a list" ls)) (let f ([ls ls] [n 0]) (cond [(null? ls) (vector-ref file-options-vec n)] [(assq (car ls) file-options-alist) => (lambda (a) (f (cdr ls) (fxlogor (cdr a) n)))] [else #f]))) )