BUG: Email Will Clinger regarding: Larceny v0.93 "Deviated Prevert" (Nov 10 2006 04:27:45, precise:BSD Unix:unified) > (exact->inexact #xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) 9.223372036854776e18 > #xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 18446744073709551615 ====================================================================== * FIX: Error in generate-code: BUG: unhandles single rv. Not applicable anymore: * In libcompile.ss: If you move the (initialize-system) call to the very bottom of the library, the system crashes on startup. Fixed: * Investigate what happens when an interrupt occurs during a write. > (define (f) (write (gensym)) (newline) (f)) > (f) ... #{g17660 |adxhQB29QdSYPKBS|} #{g17661 |ZaFfTMGRz!c17&zm|} #{g17662 |>yF!AMbaIL$dTG>B|}#{g17662 |>yF!AMbaIL$dTG>B|}Error: interrupted. > Two displays occurred at the end.