;;; 6.2: * added a printer for bwp-objects ;;; WRITER provides display and write. (let () (define char-table ; first nonprintable chars '#("nul" "soh" "stx" "etx" "eot" "enq" "ack" "bel" "bs" "tab" "newline" "vt" "ff" "return" "so" "si" "dle" "dc1" "dc2" "dc3" "dc4" "nak" "syn" "etb" "can" "em" "sub" "esc" "fs" "gs" "rs" "us" "space")) (define write-character (lambda (x p m) (if m (let ([i ($char->fixnum x)]) (write-char #\# p) (cond [(fx< i (vector-length char-table)) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char* (vector-ref char-table i) p)] [(fx< i 127) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char x p)] [(fx= i 127) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char* "del" p)] [else (write-char #\+ p) (write-fixnum i p)])) (write-char x p)))) (define write-list (lambda (x p m h i) (cond [(and (pair? x) (or (not (get-hash-table h x #f)) (fxzero? (get-hash-table h x 0)))) (write-char #\space p) (write-list (cdr x) p m h (writer (car x) p m h i))] [(null? x) i] [else (write-char #\space p) (write-char #\. p) (write-char #\space p) (writer x p m h i)]))) (define write-vector (lambda (x p m h i) (write-char #\# p) (write-char #\( p) (let ([n (vector-length x)]) (let ([i (cond [(fx> n 0) (let f ([idx 1] [i (writer (vector-ref x 0) p m h i)]) (cond [(fx= idx n) i] [else (write-char #\space p) (f (fxadd1 idx) (writer (vector-ref x idx) p m h i))]))] [else i])]) (write-char #\) p) i)))) (define write-record (lambda (x p m h i) (write-char #\# p) (write-char #\[ p) (let ([i (writer (record-name x) p m h i)]) (let ([n (record-length x)]) (let f ([idx 0] [i i]) (cond [(fx= idx n) (write-char #\] p) i] [else (write-char #\space p) (f (fxadd1 idx) (writer (record-ref x idx) p m h i))])))))) (define initial? (lambda (c) (or (letter? c) (special-initial? c)))) (define letter? (lambda (c) (or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z)) (and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z))))) (define digit? (lambda (c) (and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9)))) (define special-initial? (lambda (x) (memq x '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~)))) (define subsequent? (lambda (x) (or (initial? x) (digit? x) (special-subsequent? x)))) (define special-subsequent? (lambda (x) (memq x '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@)))) (define subsequent*? (lambda (str i n) (or ($fx= i n) (and (subsequent? ($string-ref str i)) (subsequent*? str ($fxadd1 i) n))))) (define valid-symbol-string? (lambda (str) (or (let ([n ($string-length str)]) (and ($fx>= n 1) (initial? ($string-ref str 0)) (subsequent*? str 1 n))) (string=? str "+") (string=? str "-") (string=? str "...")))) (define write-symbol-esc-loop (lambda (x i n p) (unless ($fx= i n) (let ([c ($string-ref x i)]) (when (memq c '(#\\ #\|)) (write-char #\\ p)) (write-char c p)) (write-symbol-esc-loop x ($fxadd1 i) n p)))) (define write-symbol-esc (lambda (x p) (write-char #\| p) (write-symbol-esc-loop x 0 ($string-length x) p) (write-char #\| p))) (define write-symbol (lambda (x p m) (let ([str (symbol->string x)]) (if m (if (valid-symbol-string? str) (write-char* str p) (write-symbol-esc str p)) (write-char* str p))))) (define write-gensym (lambda (x p m h i) (cond [(and m (print-gensym)) (let ([str (symbol->string x)]) (write-char #\# p) (write-char #\{ p) (if (valid-symbol-string? str) (write-char* str p) (write-symbol-esc str p)) (write-char #\space p) (write-symbol-esc (gensym->unique-string x) p) (write-char #\} p)) i] [else (write-symbol x p m) i]))) (define write-string-escape (lambda (x p) (define loop (lambda (x i n p) (unless (fx= i n) (let ([c (string-ref x i)]) (cond [(or ($char= #\" c) ($char= #\\ c)) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char c p)] [($char= #\tab c) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\t p)] [else (write-char c p)])) (loop x (fxadd1 i) n p)))) (write-char #\" p) (loop x 0 (string-length x) p) (write-char #\" p))) (define write-string (lambda (x p m) (if m (write-string-escape x p) (write-char* x p)))) (define write-fixnum (lambda (x p) (define loop (lambda (x p) (unless (fxzero? x) (loop (fxquotient x 10) p) (write-char ($fixnum->char ($fx+ (fxremainder x 10) ($char->fixnum #\0))) p)))) (cond [(fxzero? x) (write-char #\0 p)] [(fx< x 0) (write-char #\- p) (if (fx= x -536870912) (write-char* "536870912" p) (loop (fx- 0 x) p))] [else (loop x p)]))) (define write-char* (lambda (x p) (define loop (lambda (x i n p) (unless (fx= i n) (write-char (string-ref x i) p) (loop x (fxadd1 i) n p)))) (loop x 0 (string-length x) p))) (define macro (lambda (x) (define macro-forms '([quote . "'"] [quasiquote . "`"] [unquote . ","] [unquote-splicing . ",@"] [syntax . "#'"] [|#primitive| . "#%"])) (and (pair? x) (let ([d ($cdr x)]) (and (pair? d) (null? ($cdr d)))) (assq ($car x) macro-forms)))) (define write-pair (lambda (x p m h i) (write-char #\( p) (let ([i (writer (car x) p m h i)]) (let ([i (write-list (cdr x) p m h i)]) (write-char #\) p) i)))) (define write-ref (lambda (n p) (write-char #\# p) (write-fixnum (fx- -1 n) p) (write-char #\# p))) (define write-mark (lambda (n p) (write-char #\# p) (write-fixnum (fx- -1 n) p) (write-char #\= p))) (define write-shareable (lambda (x p m h i k) (cond [(get-hash-table h x #f) => (lambda (n) (cond [(fx< n 0) (write-ref n p) i] [(fx= n 0) (k x p m h i)] [else (let ([i (fx- i 1)]) (put-hash-table! h x i) (write-mark i p) (k x p m h i))]))] [else (k x p m h i)]))) (define writer (lambda (x p m h i) (cond [(pair? x) (write-shareable x p m h i write-pair)] [(symbol? x) (if (gensym? x) (write-gensym x p m h i) (begin (write-symbol x p m) i))] [(fixnum? x) (write-fixnum x p) i] [(string? x) (write-string x p m) i] [(boolean? x) (write-char* (if x "#t" "#f") p) i] [(char? x) (write-character x p m) i] [(procedure? x) (write-char* "#" p) i] [(output-port? x) (write-char* "# p) i)] [(input-port? x) (write-char* "# p) i)] [(vector? x) (write-shareable x p m h i write-vector)] [(null? x) (write-char #\( p) (write-char #\) p) i] [(eq? x (void)) (write-char* "#" p) i] [(eof-object? x) (write-char* "#!eof" p) i] [(bwp-object? x) (write-char* "#!bwp" p) i] [(record? x) (let ([printer (record-printer x)]) (if (procedure? printer) (begin (printer x p) i) (write-shareable x p m h i write-record)))] ;[(code? x) ; (write-char* "#" p)] [(hash-table? x) (write-char* "#" p) i] [($unbound-object? x) (write-char* "#" p) i] [($forward-ptr? x) (write-char* "#" p) i] [(number? x) (write-char* (number->string x) p) i] [else (write-char* "#" p) i]))) (define print-graph (make-parameter #f)) (define (hasher x h) (define (vec-graph x i j h) (unless (fx= i j) (graph (vector-ref x i) h) (vec-graph x (fxadd1 i) j h))) (define (vec-dynamic x i j h) (unless (fx= i j) (dynamic (vector-ref x i) h) (vec-dynamic x (fxadd1 i) j h))) (define (graph x h) (cond [(pair? x) (cond [(get-hash-table h x #f) => (lambda (n) (put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))] [else (put-hash-table! h x 0) (graph (car x) h) (graph (cdr x) h)])] [(vector? x) (cond [(get-hash-table h x #f) => (lambda (n) (put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))] [else (put-hash-table! h x 0) (vec-graph x 0 (vector-length x) h)])] [(gensym? x) (cond [(get-hash-table h x #f) => (lambda (n) (put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))])])) (define (dynamic x h) (cond [(pair? x) (cond [(get-hash-table h x #f) => (lambda (n) (put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))] [else (put-hash-table! h x 0) (dynamic (car x) h) (dynamic (cdr x) h) (when (and (get-hash-table h x #f) (fxzero? (get-hash-table h x #f))) (put-hash-table! h x #f))])] [(vector? x) (cond [(get-hash-table h x #f) => (lambda (n) (put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))] [else (put-hash-table! h x 0) (vec-dynamic x 0 (vector-length x) h) (when (and (get-hash-table h x #f) (fxzero? (get-hash-table h x #f))) (put-hash-table! h x #f))])])) (if (print-graph) (graph x h) (dynamic x h))) (define (write x p) (let ([h (make-hash-table)]) (hasher x h) (writer x p #t h 0)) (flush-output-port p)) ;;; (define (display x p) (let ([h (make-hash-table)]) (hasher x h) (writer x p #f h 0)) (flush-output-port p)) ;;; (define formatter (lambda (who p fmt args) (let f ([i 0] [args args]) (unless (fx= i (string-length fmt)) (let ([c (string-ref fmt i)]) (cond [($char= c #\~) (let ([i (fxadd1 i)]) (when (fx= i (string-length fmt)) (error who "invalid ~~ at end of format string ~s" fmt)) (let ([c (string-ref fmt i)]) (cond [($char= c #\~) (write-char #\~ p) (f (fxadd1 i) args)] [($char= c #\a) (when (null? args) (error who "insufficient arguments")) (display (car args) p) (f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))] [($char= c #\s) (when (null? args) (error who "insufficient arguments")) (write (car args) p) (f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))] [else (error who "invalid sequence ~~~a" c)])))] [else (write-char c p) (f (fxadd1 i) args)])))) (flush-output-port p))) (define fprintf (lambda (port fmt . args) (unless (output-port? port) (error 'fprintf "~s is not an output port" port)) (unless (string? fmt) (error 'fprintf "~s is not a string" fmt)) (formatter 'fprintf port fmt args))) (define printf (lambda (fmt . args) (unless (string? fmt) (error 'printf "~s is not a string" fmt)) (formatter 'printf (current-output-port) fmt args))) (define format (lambda (fmt . args) (unless (string? fmt) (error 'format "~s is not a string" fmt)) (let ([p (open-output-string)]) (formatter 'format p fmt args) (get-output-string p)))) (define print-error (lambda (who fmt . args) (unless (string? fmt) (error 'print-error "~s is not a string" fmt)) (let ([p (standard-error-port)]) (if who (fprintf p "Error in ~a: " who) (fprintf p "Error: ")) (formatter 'print-error p fmt args) (write-char #\. p) (newline p)))) ;;; (primitive-set! 'format format) (primitive-set! 'printf printf) (primitive-set! 'fprintf fprintf) (primitive-set! 'print-graph print-graph) (primitive-set! 'write (case-lambda [(x) (write x (current-output-port))] [(x p) (unless (output-port? p) (error 'write "~s is not an output port" p)) (write x p)])) (primitive-set! 'display (case-lambda [(x) (display x (current-output-port))] [(x p) (unless (output-port? p) (error 'display "~s is not an output port" p)) (display x p)])) (primitive-set! 'print-error print-error) (primitive-set! 'error-handler (make-parameter (lambda args (apply print-error args) (flush-output-port (console-output-port)) (exit -1)) (lambda (x) (if (procedure? x) x (error 'error-handler "~s is not a procedure" x))))) (primitive-set! 'error (lambda args (apply (error-handler) args))))