(library (flush me top-level-and-module-init) (export) (import (scheme)) ;;; this junk should all go away soon ;;; this file is one big hack that initializes the whole system. (define (macros) '(|#primitive| lambda case-lambda set! quote begin define if letrec foreign-call ;$apply quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing define-syntax identifier-syntax let-syntax letrec-syntax fluid-let-syntax alias meta eval-when with-implicit with-syntax type-descriptor syntax-case syntax-rules module $module import $import import-only syntax quasisyntax unsyntax unsyntax-splicing datum let let* let-values cond case define-record or and when unless do include parameterize trace untrace trace-lambda trace-define rec library time)) (define (public-primitives) '( null? pair? char? fixnum? bignum? symbol? gensym? string? vector? list? boolean? procedure? not eof-object eof-object? bwp-object? void fx= fx< fx<= fx> fx>= fxzero? fx+ fx- fx* fxadd1 fxsub1 fxquotient fxremainder fxmodulo fxsll fxsra fxlognot fxlogor fxlogand fxlogxor integer->char char->integer char=? char? char>=? cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr! caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr list list* make-list length list-ref append make-vector vector-ref vector-set! vector-length vector vector->list list->vector make-string string-ref string-set! string-length string string->list list->string uuid string-append substring string=? string? string>=? remprop putprop getprop property-list $$apply apply map for-each andmap ormap memq memv assq assv assoc eq? eqv? equal? reverse string->symbol symbol->string top-level-value set-top-level-value! top-level-bound? gensym gensym-count gensym-prefix print-gensym gensym->unique-string call-with-values values make-parameter dynamic-wind display write print-graph fasl-write printf fprintf format print-error read-token read comment-handler error warning exit call/cc error-handler eval current-eval compile alt-compile compile-file alt-compile-file new-cafe load system expand sc-expand current-expand expand-mode environment? interaction-environment identifier? free-identifier=? bound-identifier=? literal-identifier=? datum->syntax-object syntax-object->datum syntax-error syntax->list generate-temporaries record? record-set! record-ref record-length record-type-descriptor make-record-type record-printer record-name record-field-accessor record-field-mutator record-predicate record-constructor record-type-name record-type-symbol record-type-field-names hash-table? make-hash-table get-hash-table put-hash-table! assembler-output $make-environment command-line-arguments port? input-port? output-port? make-input-port make-output-port make-input/output-port port-handler port-input-buffer port-input-index port-input-size port-output-buffer port-output-index port-output-size set-port-input-index! set-port-input-size! set-port-output-index! set-port-output-size! port-name input-port-name output-port-name write-char read-char unread-char peek-char newline reset-input-port! flush-output-port close-input-port close-output-port console-input-port current-input-port standard-output-port standard-error-port console-output-port current-output-port open-output-file open-input-file open-output-string with-output-to-string get-output-string with-output-to-file call-with-output-file open-input-string with-input-from-file call-with-input-file date-string file-exists? delete-file + - add1 sub1 * / expt quotient+remainder quotient remainder modulo number? positive? negative? zero? number->string logand = < > <= >= last-pair make-guardian weak-cons collect interrupt-handler time-it posix-fork fork waitpid env environ pretty-print even? odd? member char-whitespace? char-alphabetic? char-downcase max min complex? real? rational? exact? inexact? integer? string->number exact->inexact flonum? flonum->string string->flonum sin cos atan sqrt )) (define (system-primitives) '( $primitive-call/cc $closure-code immediate? $unbound-object? $forward-ptr? pointer-value primitive-ref primitive-set! $fx= $fx< $fx<= $fx> $fx>= $fxzero? $fx+ $fx- $fx* $fxadd1 $fxsub1 $fxquotient $fxremainder $fxmodulo $fxsll $fxsra $fxlognot $fxlogor $fxlogand $fxlogxor $fixnum->char $char->fixnum $char= $char< $char<= $char> $char>= $car $cdr $set-car! $set-cdr! $make-vector $vector-ref $vector-set! $vector-length $make-string $string-ref $string-set! $string-length $string $symbol-string $symbol-unique-string $symbol-value $set-symbol-string! $set-symbol-unique-string! $set-symbol-value! $set-symbol-function! $make-symbol $set-symbol-plist! $symbol-plist $sc-put-cte $record? $record/rtd? $record-set! $record-ref $record-rtd $make-record $record $base-rtd $code? $code-reloc-vector $code-freevars $code-size $code-ref $code-set! $code->closure list*->code* make-code code? set-code-reloc-vector! code-reloc-vector code-freevars code-size code-ref code-set! $frame->continuation $fp-at-base $current-frame $arg-list $seal-frame-and-call $make-call-with-values-procedure $make-values-procedure do-overflow $make-tcbucket $tcbucket-next $tcbucket-key $tcbucket-val $set-tcbucket-next! $set-tcbucket-val! $set-tcbucket-tconc! call/cf trace-symbol! untrace-symbol! make-traced-procedure fixnum->string $interrupted? $unset-interrupted! $do-event $fasl-read ;;; TODO: must open-code $make-port/input $make-port/output $make-port/both $make-input-port $make-output-port $make-input/output-port $port-handler $port-input-buffer $port-input-index $port-input-size $port-output-buffer $port-output-index $port-output-size $set-port-input-index! $set-port-input-size! $set-port-output-index! $set-port-output-size! ;;; better open-code $write-char $read-char $peek-char $unread-char ;;; never open-code $reset-input-port! $close-input-port $close-output-port $flush-output-port *standard-output-port* *standard-error-port* *current-output-port* *standard-input-port* *current-input-port* ;;; compile-core-expr-to-port compiler-giveup-tally )) ;;; first, it defines all public primitives to their primref values. ;;; (cross your fingers they're all defined in code) (for-each (lambda (x) ($set-symbol-value! x (primitive-ref x))) (public-primitives)) ;;; second, it hacks a |#system| module by defining all system and ;;; public primitives to be (core-primitive . name) syntaxes. (let () (define add-prim (lambda (x) (let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))]) (putprop x '|#system| g) (putprop g '*sc-expander* (cons 'core-primitive x))))) (for-each add-prim (public-primitives)) (for-each add-prim (system-primitives))) ;;; third, all macros that are defined in the compiler |#system| are ;;; added to the top-level, and those defined in the top-level are ;;; added to the |#system|. (for-each (lambda (x) (cond [(getprop x '*sc-expander*) => (lambda (p) (let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))]) (putprop x '|#system| g) (putprop g '*sc-expander* p)))] [(getprop x '|#system|) => (lambda (g) (let ([p (getprop g '*sc-expander*)]) (putprop x '*sc-expander* p)))] [else (error #f "~s is not a macro" x)])) (macros)) ;;; Now we hack the read #system and scheme modules by forging ;;; interfaces and putting property lists. (let ([gsys (gensym "#system")] [gsch (gensym "*scheme*")]) (define (make-stx x) (vector 'syntax-object x (list '(top) (vector 'ribcage (vector x) (vector '(top)) (vector (getprop x '|#system|)))))) (define (make-module stx* name) (cons '$module (vector 'interface '(top) (list->vector stx*) name))) (putprop '|#system| '|#system| gsys) (putprop 'scheme '|#system| gsch) (putprop 'scheme '*scheme* gsch) (let* ([schls (append '(scheme) (public-primitives) (macros))] [sysls (append '(|#system|) (system-primitives) schls)]) (let ([sysmod (make-module (map make-stx sysls) '|#system|)] [schmod (make-module (map make-stx schls) '*scheme*)]) (for-each (lambda (x) (putprop x '*scheme* (getprop x '|#system|))) schls) (putprop gsch '*sc-expander* schmod) (putprop gsys '*sc-expander* sysmod) (putprop '|#system| '*sc-expander* sysmod) (putprop 'scheme '*sc-expander* schmod)))) ) ;;; Finally, we're ready to evaluate the files and enter the cafe. (library (ikarus interaction) (export) (import (scheme)) (let-values ([(files script args) (let f ([args (command-line-arguments)]) (cond [(null? args) (values '() #f '())] [(string=? (car args) "--") (values '() #f (cdr args))] [(string=? (car args) "--script") (let ([d (cdr args)]) (cond [(null? d) (error #f "--script requires a script name")] [else (values '() (car d) (cdr d))]))] [else (let-values ([(f* script a*) (f (cdr args))]) (values (cons (car args) f*) script a*))]))]) (current-eval compile) (cond [script ; no greeting, no cafe (command-line-arguments (cons script args)) (for-each load files) (load script) (exit 0)] [else (printf "Ikarus Scheme (Build ~a)\n" "NO TIME STRING") ;(printf "Ikarus Scheme (Build ~a)\n" (compile-time-date-string)) (display "Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum\n\n") (command-line-arguments args) (for-each load files) (new-cafe) (exit 0)])))