;;; this file is one big hack that initializes the whole system. ;;; first, it defines all public primitives to their primref values. ;;; (cross your fingers they're all defined in code) (for-each (lambda (x) ($set-symbol-value! x (primitive-ref x))) (public-primitives)) ;;; second, it hacks a |#system| module by defining all system and ;;; public primitives to be (core-primitive . name) syntaxes. (let () (define add-prim (lambda (x) (let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))]) (putprop x '|#system| g) (putprop g '*sc-expander* (cons 'core-primitive x))))) (for-each add-prim (public-primitives)) (for-each add-prim (system-primitives))) ;;; third, all macros that are defined in the compiler |#system| are ;;; added to the top-level, and those defined in the top-level are ;;; added to the |#system|. (for-each (lambda (x) (cond [(getprop x '*sc-expander*) => (lambda (p) (let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))]) (putprop x '|#system| g) (putprop g '*sc-expander* p)))] [(getprop x '|#system|) => (lambda (g) (let ([p (getprop g '*sc-expander*)]) (putprop x '*sc-expander* p)))] [else (error #f "~s is not a macro" x)])) (macros)) ;;; Now we hack the read #system and scheme modules by forging ;;; interfaces and putting property lists. (let ([gsys (gensym "#system")] [gsch (gensym "*scheme*")]) (define (make-stx x) (vector 'syntax-object x (list '(top) (vector 'ribcage (vector x) (vector '(top)) (vector (getprop x '|#system|)))))) (define (make-module stx* name) `($module . #(interface (top) ,(list->vector stx*) ,name))) (putprop '|#system| '|#system| gsys) (putprop 'scheme '|#system| gsch) (putprop 'scheme '*scheme* gsch) (let* ([schls (append '(scheme) (public-primitives) (macros))] [sysls (append '(|#system|) (system-primitives) schls)]) (let ([sysmod (make-module (map make-stx sysls) '|#system|)] [schmod (make-module (map make-stx schls) '*scheme*)]) (for-each (lambda (x) (putprop x '*scheme* (getprop x '|#system|))) schls) (putprop gsch '*sc-expander* schmod) (putprop gsys '*sc-expander* sysmod) (putprop '|#system| '*sc-expander* sysmod) (putprop 'scheme '*sc-expander* schmod)))) ;;; Finally, we're ready to evaluate the files and enter the cafe. (library (ikarus interaction) (export) (import (scheme)) (let-values ([(files script args) (let f ([args (command-line-arguments)]) (cond [(null? args) (values '() #f '())] [(string=? (car args) "--") (values '() #f (cdr args))] [(string=? (car args) "--script") (let ([d (cdr args)]) (cond [(null? d) (error #f "--script requires a script name")] [else (values '() (car d) (cdr d))]))] [else (let-values ([(f* script a*) (f (cdr args))]) (values (cons (car args) f*) script a*))]))]) (current-eval compile) (cond [script ; no greeting, no cafe (command-line-arguments (cons script args)) (for-each load files) (load script) (exit 0)] [else (printf "Ikarus Scheme (Build ~a)\n" "NO TIME STRING") ;(printf "Ikarus Scheme (Build ~a)\n" (compile-time-date-string)) (display "Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum\n\n") (command-line-arguments args) (for-each load files) (new-cafe) (exit 0)])))