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Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-08-28 21:36:34 -04:00
parent d68e4283b9
commit f83af98967
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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
(library (ikarus unicode-data)
(export unicode-printable-char?
char-downcase char-upcase char-titlecase char-foldcase
char-ci=? char-ci<? char-ci<=? char-ci>? char-ci>=?
(ikarus system $fx)
(ikarus system $vectors)
(ikarus system $chars)
(ikarus system $pairs)
(ikarus system $strings)
(ikarus system $io)
(except (ikarus) char-downcase char-upcase char-titlecase char-foldcase
char-ci=? char-ci<? char-ci<=? char-ci>? char-ci>=?
(include "unicode/")
(include "unicode/")
(define (binary-search n v)
(let ([k ($fx- ($vector-length v) 1)])
(let f ([i 0] [k k] [n n] [v v])
[($fx= i k) i]
(let ([j ($fxsra ($fx+ i ($fx+ k 1)) 1)])
[($fx<= ($vector-ref v j) n) (f j k n v)]
[else (f i ($fx- j 1) n v)]))]))))
(define (binary-search-on? n v)
($fx= ($fxlogand (binary-search n v) 1) 1))
(define (unicode-printable-char? c)
($char->fixnum c)
(define (convert-char x adjustment-vec)
(let ([n ($char->fixnum x)])
(let ([idx (binary-search n charcase-search-vector)])
(let ([adj ($vector-ref adjustment-vec idx)])
($fx+ adj n)))))
(define (char-downcase x)
(if (char? x)
(convert-char x char-downcase-adjustment-vector))
(error 'char-downcase "~s is not a character" x)))
(define (char-upcase x)
(if (char? x)
(convert-char x char-upcase-adjustment-vector))
(error 'char-downcase "~s is not a character" x)))
(define (char-titlecase x)
(if (char? x)
(convert-char x char-titlecase-adjustment-vector))
(error 'char-downcase "~s is not a character" x)))
(define (char-foldcase x)
(if (char? x)
($fixnum->char ($fold x))
(error 'char-downcase "~s is not a character" x)))
(define ($fold x)
(convert-char x char-foldcase-adjustment-vector))
(define char-ci=?
[(x y)
(if (char? x)
(or (eq? x y)
(if (char? y)
($fx= ($fold x) ($fold y))
(error 'char-ci=? "~s is not a char" y)))
(error 'char-ci=? "~s is not a char" x))]
(or (char? x) (error 'char-ci=? "~s is not a char" x))]
[ls (error 'char-ci=? "not supported ~s" ls)]))
(define char-ci<?
[(x y)
(if (char? x)
(or (eq? x y)
(if (char? y)
($fx< ($fold x) ($fold y))
(error 'char-ci<? "~s is not a char" y)))
(error 'char-ci<? "~s is not a char" x))]
(or (char? x) (error 'char-ci<? "~s is not a char" x))]
[ls (error 'char-ci<? "not supported ~s" ls)]))
(define char-ci<=?
[(x y)
(if (char? x)
(or (eq? x y)
(if (char? y)
($fx<= ($fold x) ($fold y))
(error 'char-ci<=? "~s is not a char" y)))
(error 'char-ci<=? "~s is not a char" x))]
(or (char? x) (error 'char-ci<=? "~s is not a char" x))]
[ls (error 'char-ci<=? "not supported ~s" ls)]))
(define char-ci>?
[(x y)
(if (char? x)
(or (eq? x y)
(if (char? y)
($fx> ($fold x) ($fold y))
(error 'char-ci>? "~s is not a char" y)))
(error 'char-ci>? "~s is not a char" x))]
(or (char? x) (error 'char-ci>? "~s is not a char" x))]
[ls (error 'char-ci>? "not supported ~s" ls)]))
(define char-ci>=?
[(x y)
(if (char? x)
(or (eq? x y)
(if (char? y)
($fx>= ($fold x) ($fold y))
(error 'char-ci>=? "~s is not a char" y)))
(error 'char-ci>=? "~s is not a char" x))]
(or (char? x) (error 'char-ci>=? "~s is not a char" x))]
[ls (error 'char-ci>=? "not supported ~s" ls)]))
(define ($string-foldcase str)
(let f ([str str] [i 0] [n (string-length str)] [p (open-output-string)])
[($fx= i n) (get-output-string p)]
(let* ([n ($char->fixnum ($string-ref str i))])
(let ([n/ls
(vector-ref string-foldcase-adjustment-vector
(binary-search n charcase-search-vector))])
(if (fixnum? n/ls)
($write-char ($fixnum->char ($fx+ n n/ls)) p)
(let f ([ls n/ls])
($write-char ($car ls) p)
(let ([ls ($cdr ls)])
(if (pair? ls)
(f ls)
($write-char ls p)))))))
(f str ($fxadd1 i) n p)])))
(define (string-foldcase str)
(if (string? str)
($string-foldcase str)
(error 'string-foldcase "~s is not a string" str)))
(define (string-ci=? s1 s2)
(if (string? s1)
(if (string? s2)
(string=? ($string-foldcase s1) ($string-foldcase s2))
(error 'string-ci=? "~s is not a string" s2))
(error 'string-ci=? "~s is not a string" s1)))