Removed all version names from files

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2006-11-23 20:37:04 -05:00
parent 10268dfc43
commit f6a95c07d2
39 changed files with 30 additions and 20082 deletions

.bzrignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
all: ikarus.boot
ikarus.boot: *.ss
echo '(load "")' | ../runtime/ikarus ikarus.boot
cp ikarus.boot ikarus.boot.back
echo '(load "")' | time ../runtime/ikarus ikarus.boot
rm -f *.fasl

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
;;; 8.1: * using chez-style io ports
;;; 6.9: * creating a *system* environment
;;; 6.8: * creating a core-primitive form in the expander
;;; 6.2: * side-effects now modify the dirty-vector
;;; * added bwp-object?
;;; * added pointer-value
;;; * added tcbuckets
;;; 6.1: * added case-lambda, dropped lambda
;;; 6.0: * basic compiler
(define macros
'(|#primitive| lambda case-lambda set! quote begin define if letrec
foreign-call $apply
quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing
define-syntax identifier-syntax let-syntax letrec-syntax
fluid-let-syntax alias meta eval-when with-implicit with-syntax
syntax-case syntax-rules module $module import $import import-only
syntax quasisyntax unsyntax unsyntax-splicing datum
let let* let-values cond case define-record or and when unless do
include parameterize trace untrace trace-lambda))
(define public-primitives
'(null? pair? char? fixnum? symbol? gensym? string? vector? list?
boolean? procedure?
eof-object eof-object? bwp-object?
fx= fx< fx<= fx> fx>= fxzero?
fx+ fx- fx* fxadd1 fxsub1 fxquotient fxremainder fxmodulo
fxsll fxsra fxlognot fxlogor fxlogand fxlogxor
integer->char char->integer
char=? char<? char<=? char>? char>=?
cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr!
caar cadr cdar cddr
caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
list list* make-list length list-ref
make-vector vector-ref vector-set! vector-length vector
vector->list list->vector
make-string string-ref string-set! string-length string list->string
string-append substring
string=? string<? string<=? string>? string>=?
remprop putprop getprop property-list
map for-each andmap ormap
memq memv assq
eq? equal?
string->symbol symbol->string oblist
top-level-value set-top-level-value! top-level-bound?
gensym gensym-count gensym-prefix print-gensym
call-with-values values
make-parameter dynamic-wind
display write fasl-write printf format print-error
read-token read
error exit call/cc
eval current-eval interpret compile compile-file new-cafe load
expand sc-expand current-expand expand-mode
environment? interaction-environment
identifier? free-identifier=? bound-identifier=? literal-identifier=?
datum->syntax-object syntax-object->datum syntax-error
record? record-set! record-ref record-length
record-type-descriptor make-record-type
record-printer record-name record-field-accessor
record-field-mutator record-predicate record-constructor
record-type-name record-type-symbol record-type-field-names
hash-table? make-hash-table get-hash-table put-hash-table!
port? input-port? output-port?
make-input-port make-output-port make-input/output-port
port-input-buffer port-input-index port-input-size
port-output-buffer port-output-index port-output-size
set-port-input-index! set-port-input-size!
set-port-output-index! set-port-output-size!
port-name input-port-name output-port-name
write-char read-char unread-char peek-char
reset-input-port! flush-output-port
close-input-port close-output-port
console-input-port current-input-port
standard-output-port standard-error-port
console-output-port current-output-port
open-output-file open-input-file
open-output-string get-output-string
with-output-to-file call-with-output-file
with-input-from-file call-with-input-file
(define system-primitives
'(immediate? $unbound-object? $forward-ptr?
primitive-ref primitive-set!
$fx= $fx< $fx<= $fx> $fx>= $fxzero?
$fx+ $fx- $fx* $fxadd1 $fxsub1 $fxquotient $fxremainder $fxmodulo
$fxsll $fxsra $fxlognot $fxlogor $fxlogand $fxlogxor
$fixnum->char $char->fixnum
$char= $char< $char<= $char> $char>=
$car $cdr $set-car! $set-cdr!
$make-vector $vector-ref $vector-set! $vector-length
$make-string $string-ref $string-set! $string-length $string
$symbol-string $symbol-unique-string $symbol-value
$set-symbol-string! $set-symbol-unique-string! $set-symbol-value!
$make-symbol $set-symbol-plist! $symbol-plist
$record? $record/rtd? $record-set! $record-ref $record-rtd
$make-record $record
$code? $code-reloc-vector $code-freevars $code-size $code-ref $code-set!
$code->closure list*->code*
make-code code? set-code-reloc-vector! code-reloc-vector code-freevars
code-size code-ref code-set!
$frame->continuation $fp-at-base $current-frame $seal-frame-and-call
$make-call-with-values-procedure $make-values-procedure
do-overflow collect
$make-tcbucket $tcbucket-next $tcbucket-key $tcbucket-val
$set-tcbucket-next! $set-tcbucket-val! $set-tcbucket-tconc!
call/cf trace-symbol! untrace-symbol! make-traced-procedure
vector-memq vector-memv
;;; must open-code
$make-input-port $make-output-port $make-input/output-port
$port-input-buffer $port-input-index $port-input-size
$port-output-buffer $port-output-index $port-output-size
$set-port-input-index! $set-port-input-size!
$set-port-output-index! $set-port-output-size!
;;; better open-code
$write-char $read-char $peek-char $unread-char
;;; never open-code
$reset-input-port! $close-input-port
$close-output-port $flush-output-port
*standard-output-port* *standard-error-port* *current-output-port*
*standard-input-port* *current-input-port*
(define (whack-system-env setenv?)
(define add-prim
(lambda (x)
(let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))])
(putprop x '|#system| g)
(putprop g '*sc-expander* (cons 'core-primitive x)))))
(define add-macro
(lambda (x)
(let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))]
[e (getprop x '*sc-expander*)])
(when e
(putprop x '|#system| g)
(putprop g '*sc-expander* e)))))
(define (foo)
(define-syntax compile-time-date-string
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,(date-string))))
(define-syntax public-primitives
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,public-primitives)))
(define-syntax system-primitives
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,system-primitives)))
(define-syntax macros
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,macros))))))
(set! system-env ($make-environment '|#system| #t))
(for-each add-macro macros)
(for-each add-prim public-primitives)
(for-each add-prim system-primitives)
(if setenv?
(parameterize ([interaction-environment system-env])
(when (eq? "" "")
(load "")
(set! primitive-ref top-level-value)
(set! primitive-set! set-top-level-value!)
(set! chez-expand sc-expand)
(set! chez-current-expand current-expand)
(printf "loading psyntax.pp ...\n")
(load "psyntax-7.1.pp")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(whack-system-env #f)
(printf "loading ...\n")
(load "")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(whack-system-env #t)
(printf "ok\n")
(load "") ; defines make-code etc.
(load "") ; uses make-code, etc.
(load "") ; uses code? etc.
(load "") ; uses fasl-write
(whack-system-env #t)
(define scheme-library-files
'(["" #t "libhandlers.fasl"]
["" #t "libcontrol.fasl"]
["" #t "libcollect.fasl"]
["" #t "librecord.fasl"]
["" #t "libcxr.fasl"]
["" #t "libcore.fasl"]
["" #t "libchezio.fasl"]
["" #t "libwriter.fasl"]
["" #t "libtokenizer.fasl"]
["" #t ""]
["" #t "libintelasm.fasl"]
["" #t "libfasl.fasl"]
["" #t "libcompile.fasl"]
["" #t "psyntax.fasl"]
["" #t "libinterpret.fasl"]
["" #t "libcafe.fasl"]
["" #t "libtrace.fasl"]
["" #t "libposix.fasl"]
["" #t "libhash.fasl"]
["" #t "libtoplevel.fasl"]
(define (compile-library ifile ofile)
(parameterize ([assembler-output #f]
[expand-mode 'bootstrap]
[interaction-environment system-env])
(printf "compiling ~a ...\n" ifile)
(compile-file ifile ofile 'replace)))
(lambda (x)
(when (cadr x)
(compile-library (car x) (caddr x))))
(define (join s ls)
[(null? ls) ""]
(let ([str (open-output-string)])
(let f ([a (car ls)] [d (cdr ls)])
[(null? d)
(display a str)
(get-output-string str)]
(display a str)
(display s str)
(f (car d) (cdr d))])))]))
(format "cat ~a > ikarus.fasl"
(join " " (map caddr scheme-library-files))))

View File

@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
;;; 8.1: * using chez-style io ports
;;; 6.9: * creating a *system* environment
;;; 6.8: * creating a core-primitive form in the expander
;;; 6.2: * side-effects now modify the dirty-vector
;;; * added bwp-object?
;;; * added pointer-value
;;; * added tcbuckets
;;; 6.1: * added case-lambda, dropped lambda
;;; 6.0: * basic compiler
(define macros
'(|#primitive| lambda case-lambda set! quote begin define if letrec
foreign-call $apply
quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing
define-syntax identifier-syntax let-syntax letrec-syntax
fluid-let-syntax alias meta eval-when with-implicit with-syntax
syntax-case syntax-rules module $module import $import import-only
syntax quasisyntax unsyntax unsyntax-splicing datum
let let* let-values cond case define-record or and when unless do
include parameterize trace untrace trace-lambda))
(define public-primitives
'(null? pair? char? fixnum? symbol? gensym? string? vector? list?
boolean? procedure?
eof-object eof-object? bwp-object?
fx= fx< fx<= fx> fx>= fxzero?
fx+ fx- fx* fxadd1 fxsub1 fxquotient fxremainder fxmodulo
fxsll fxsra fxlognot fxlogor fxlogand fxlogxor
integer->char char->integer
char=? char<? char<=? char>? char>=?
cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr!
caar cadr cdar cddr
caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
list list* make-list length list-ref
make-vector vector-ref vector-set! vector-length vector
vector->list list->vector
make-string string-ref string-set! string-length string list->string
string-append substring
string=? string<? string<=? string>? string>=?
remprop putprop getprop property-list
map for-each andmap ormap
memq memv assq
eq? equal?
string->symbol symbol->string oblist
top-level-value set-top-level-value! top-level-bound?
gensym gensym-count gensym-prefix print-gensym
call-with-values values
make-parameter dynamic-wind
display write print-graph fasl-write printf format print-error
read-token read
error exit call/cc
eval current-eval interpret compile compile-file new-cafe load
expand sc-expand current-expand expand-mode
environment? interaction-environment
identifier? free-identifier=? bound-identifier=? literal-identifier=?
datum->syntax-object syntax-object->datum syntax-error
record? record-set! record-ref record-length
record-type-descriptor make-record-type
record-printer record-name record-field-accessor
record-field-mutator record-predicate record-constructor
record-type-name record-type-symbol record-type-field-names
hash-table? make-hash-table get-hash-table put-hash-table!
port? input-port? output-port?
make-input-port make-output-port make-input/output-port
port-input-buffer port-input-index port-input-size
port-output-buffer port-output-index port-output-size
set-port-input-index! set-port-input-size!
set-port-output-index! set-port-output-size!
port-name input-port-name output-port-name
write-char read-char unread-char peek-char
reset-input-port! flush-output-port
close-input-port close-output-port
console-input-port current-input-port
standard-output-port standard-error-port
console-output-port current-output-port
open-output-file open-input-file
open-output-string get-output-string
with-output-to-file call-with-output-file
with-input-from-file call-with-input-file
(define system-primitives
'(immediate? $unbound-object? $forward-ptr?
primitive-ref primitive-set!
$fx= $fx< $fx<= $fx> $fx>= $fxzero?
$fx+ $fx- $fx* $fxadd1 $fxsub1 $fxquotient $fxremainder $fxmodulo
$fxsll $fxsra $fxlognot $fxlogor $fxlogand $fxlogxor
$fixnum->char $char->fixnum
$char= $char< $char<= $char> $char>=
$car $cdr $set-car! $set-cdr!
$make-vector $vector-ref $vector-set! $vector-length
$make-string $string-ref $string-set! $string-length $string
$symbol-string $symbol-unique-string $symbol-value
$set-symbol-string! $set-symbol-unique-string! $set-symbol-value!
$make-symbol $set-symbol-plist! $symbol-plist
$record? $record/rtd? $record-set! $record-ref $record-rtd
$make-record $record
$code? $code-reloc-vector $code-freevars $code-size $code-ref $code-set!
$code->closure list*->code*
make-code code? set-code-reloc-vector! code-reloc-vector code-freevars
code-size code-ref code-set!
$frame->continuation $fp-at-base $current-frame $seal-frame-and-call
$make-call-with-values-procedure $make-values-procedure
do-overflow collect
$make-tcbucket $tcbucket-next $tcbucket-key $tcbucket-val
$set-tcbucket-next! $set-tcbucket-val! $set-tcbucket-tconc!
call/cf trace-symbol! untrace-symbol! make-traced-procedure
vector-memq vector-memv
;;; must open-code
$make-input-port $make-output-port $make-input/output-port
$port-input-buffer $port-input-index $port-input-size
$port-output-buffer $port-output-index $port-output-size
$set-port-input-index! $set-port-input-size!
$set-port-output-index! $set-port-output-size!
;;; better open-code
$write-char $read-char $peek-char $unread-char
;;; never open-code
$reset-input-port! $close-input-port
$close-output-port $flush-output-port
*standard-output-port* *standard-error-port* *current-output-port*
*standard-input-port* *current-input-port*
(define (whack-system-env setenv?)
(define add-prim
(lambda (x)
(let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))])
(putprop x '|#system| g)
(putprop g '*sc-expander* (cons 'core-primitive x)))))
(define add-macro
(lambda (x)
(let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))]
[e (getprop x '*sc-expander*)])
(when e
(putprop x '|#system| g)
(putprop g '*sc-expander* e)))))
(define (foo)
(define-syntax compile-time-date-string
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,(date-string))))
(define-syntax public-primitives
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,public-primitives)))
(define-syntax system-primitives
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,system-primitives)))
(define-syntax macros
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,macros))))))
(set! system-env ($make-environment '|#system| #t))
(for-each add-macro macros)
(for-each add-prim public-primitives)
(for-each add-prim system-primitives)
(if setenv?
(parameterize ([interaction-environment system-env])
(when (eq? "" "")
(load "")
(set! primitive-ref top-level-value)
(set! primitive-set! set-top-level-value!)
(set! chez-expand sc-expand)
(set! chez-current-expand current-expand)
(printf "loading psyntax.pp ...\n")
(load "psyntax-7.1.pp")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(whack-system-env #f)
(printf "loading ...\n")
(load "")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(whack-system-env #t)
(printf "ok\n")
(load "") ; defines make-code etc.
(load "") ; uses make-code, etc.
(load "") ; uses code? etc.
(load "") ; uses fasl-write
(whack-system-env #t)
(define scheme-library-files
'(["" #t "libhandlers.fasl"]
["" #t "libcontrol.fasl"]
["" #t "libcollect.fasl"]
["" #t "librecord.fasl"]
["" #t "libcxr.fasl"]
["" #t "libcore.fasl"]
["" #t "libchezio.fasl"]
["" #t "libhash.fasl"]
["" #t "libwriter.fasl"]
["" #t "libtokenizer.fasl"]
["" #t ""]
["" #t "libintelasm.fasl"]
["" #t "libfasl.fasl"]
["" #t "libcompile.fasl"]
["" #t "psyntax.fasl"]
["" #t "libinterpret.fasl"]
["" #t "libcafe.fasl"]
["" #t "libtrace.fasl"]
["" #t "libposix.fasl"]
["" #t "libtoplevel.fasl"]
(define (compile-library ifile ofile)
(parameterize ([assembler-output #f]
[expand-mode 'bootstrap]
[interaction-environment system-env])
(printf "compiling ~a ...\n" ifile)
(compile-file ifile ofile 'replace)))
(lambda (x)
(when (cadr x)
(compile-library (car x) (caddr x))))
(define (join s ls)
[(null? ls) ""]
(let ([str (open-output-string)])
(let f ([a (car ls)] [d (cdr ls)])
[(null? d)
(display a str)
(get-output-string str)]
(display a str)
(display s str)
(f (car d) (cdr d))])))]))
(format "cat ~a > ikarus.fasl"
(join " " (map caddr scheme-library-files))))

View File

@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
;;; 9.1: * starting with libnumerics
;;; 9.0: * graph marks for both reader and writer
;;; * circularity detection during read
;;; 8.1: * using chez-style io ports
;;; 6.9: * creating a *system* environment
;;; 6.8: * creating a core-primitive form in the expander
;;; 6.2: * side-effects now modify the dirty-vector
;;; * added bwp-object?
;;; * added pointer-value
;;; * added tcbuckets
;;; 6.1: * added case-lambda, dropped lambda
;;; 6.0: * basic compiler
(define macros
'(|#primitive| lambda case-lambda set! quote begin define if letrec
foreign-call $apply
quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing
define-syntax identifier-syntax let-syntax letrec-syntax
fluid-let-syntax alias meta eval-when with-implicit with-syntax
syntax-case syntax-rules module $module import $import import-only
syntax quasisyntax unsyntax unsyntax-splicing datum
let let* let-values cond case define-record or and when unless do
include parameterize trace untrace trace-lambda))
(define public-primitives
'(null? pair? char? fixnum? symbol? gensym? string? vector? list?
boolean? procedure?
eof-object eof-object? bwp-object?
fx= fx< fx<= fx> fx>= fxzero?
fx+ fx- fx* fxadd1 fxsub1 fxquotient fxremainder fxmodulo
fxsll fxsra fxlognot fxlogor fxlogand fxlogxor
integer->char char->integer
char=? char<? char<=? char>? char>=?
cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr!
caar cadr cdar cddr
caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
list list* make-list length list-ref
make-vector vector-ref vector-set! vector-length vector
vector->list list->vector
make-string string-ref string-set! string-length string list->string
string-append substring
string=? string<? string<=? string>? string>=?
remprop putprop getprop property-list
map for-each andmap ormap
memq memv assq
eq? equal?
string->symbol symbol->string oblist
top-level-value set-top-level-value! top-level-bound?
gensym gensym-count gensym-prefix print-gensym
call-with-values values
make-parameter dynamic-wind
display write print-graph fasl-write printf format print-error
read-token read
error exit call/cc
eval current-eval interpret compile compile-file new-cafe load
expand sc-expand current-expand expand-mode
environment? interaction-environment
identifier? free-identifier=? bound-identifier=? literal-identifier=?
datum->syntax-object syntax-object->datum syntax-error
record? record-set! record-ref record-length
record-type-descriptor make-record-type
record-printer record-name record-field-accessor
record-field-mutator record-predicate record-constructor
record-type-name record-type-symbol record-type-field-names
hash-table? make-hash-table get-hash-table put-hash-table!
port? input-port? output-port?
make-input-port make-output-port make-input/output-port
port-input-buffer port-input-index port-input-size
port-output-buffer port-output-index port-output-size
set-port-input-index! set-port-input-size!
set-port-output-index! set-port-output-size!
port-name input-port-name output-port-name
write-char read-char unread-char peek-char
reset-input-port! flush-output-port
close-input-port close-output-port
console-input-port current-input-port
standard-output-port standard-error-port
console-output-port current-output-port
open-output-file open-input-file
open-output-string get-output-string
with-output-to-file call-with-output-file
with-input-from-file call-with-input-file
+ - add1 sub1 * expt number? positive? negative? zero? number->string
= < > <= >=
(define system-primitives
'(immediate? $unbound-object? $forward-ptr?
primitive-ref primitive-set!
$fx= $fx< $fx<= $fx> $fx>= $fxzero?
$fx+ $fx- $fx* $fxadd1 $fxsub1 $fxquotient $fxremainder $fxmodulo
$fxsll $fxsra $fxlognot $fxlogor $fxlogand $fxlogxor
$fixnum->char $char->fixnum
$char= $char< $char<= $char> $char>=
$car $cdr $set-car! $set-cdr!
$make-vector $vector-ref $vector-set! $vector-length
$make-string $string-ref $string-set! $string-length $string
$symbol-string $symbol-unique-string $symbol-value
$set-symbol-string! $set-symbol-unique-string! $set-symbol-value!
$make-symbol $set-symbol-plist! $symbol-plist
$record? $record/rtd? $record-set! $record-ref $record-rtd
$make-record $record
$code? $code-reloc-vector $code-freevars $code-size $code-ref $code-set!
$code->closure list*->code*
make-code code? set-code-reloc-vector! code-reloc-vector code-freevars
code-size code-ref code-set!
$frame->continuation $fp-at-base $current-frame $seal-frame-and-call
$make-call-with-values-procedure $make-values-procedure
do-overflow collect
$make-tcbucket $tcbucket-next $tcbucket-key $tcbucket-val
$set-tcbucket-next! $set-tcbucket-val! $set-tcbucket-tconc!
call/cf trace-symbol! untrace-symbol! make-traced-procedure
vector-memq vector-memv
;;; must open-code
$make-input-port $make-output-port $make-input/output-port
$port-input-buffer $port-input-index $port-input-size
$port-output-buffer $port-output-index $port-output-size
$set-port-input-index! $set-port-input-size!
$set-port-output-index! $set-port-output-size!
;;; better open-code
$write-char $read-char $peek-char $unread-char
;;; never open-code
$reset-input-port! $close-input-port
$close-output-port $flush-output-port
*standard-output-port* *standard-error-port* *current-output-port*
*standard-input-port* *current-input-port*
(define (whack-system-env setenv?)
(define add-prim
(lambda (x)
(let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))])
(putprop x '|#system| g)
(putprop g '*sc-expander* (cons 'core-primitive x)))))
(define add-macro
(lambda (x)
(let ([g (gensym (symbol->string x))]
[e (getprop x '*sc-expander*)])
(when e
(putprop x '|#system| g)
(putprop g '*sc-expander* e)))))
(define (foo)
(define-syntax compile-time-date-string
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,(date-string))))
(define-syntax public-primitives
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,public-primitives)))
(define-syntax system-primitives
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,system-primitives)))
(define-syntax macros
(lambda (x)
#'(quote ,macros))))))
(set! system-env ($make-environment '|#system| #t))
(for-each add-macro macros)
(for-each add-prim public-primitives)
(for-each add-prim system-primitives)
(if setenv?
(parameterize ([interaction-environment system-env])
(when (eq? "" "")
(load "")
(set! primitive-ref top-level-value)
(set! primitive-set! set-top-level-value!)
(set! chez-expand sc-expand)
(set! chez-current-expand current-expand)
(printf "loading psyntax.pp ...\n")
(load "psyntax-7.1.pp")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(whack-system-env #f)
(printf "loading ...\n")
(load "")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(whack-system-env #t)
(printf "ok\n")
(load "") ; defines make-code etc.
(load "") ; uses make-code, etc.
(load "") ; uses code? etc.
(load "") ; uses fasl-write
(whack-system-env #t)
(define scheme-library-files
'(["" #t "libhandlers.fasl"]
["" #t "libcontrol.fasl"]
["" #t "libcollect.fasl"]
["" #t "librecord.fasl"]
["" #t "libcxr.fasl"]
["" #t "libnumerics.fasl"]
["" #t "libcore.fasl"]
["" #t "libchezio.fasl"]
["" #t "libhash.fasl"]
["" #t "libwriter.fasl"]
["" #t "libtokenizer.fasl"]
["" #t ""]
["" #t "libintelasm.fasl"]
["" #t "libfasl.fasl"]
["" #t "libcompile.fasl"]
["" #t "psyntax.fasl"]
["" #t "libinterpret.fasl"]
["" #t "libcafe.fasl"]
["" #t "libtrace.fasl"]
["" #t "libposix.fasl"]
["" #t "libtoplevel.fasl"]
(define (compile-library ifile ofile)
(parameterize ([assembler-output #f]
[expand-mode 'bootstrap]
[interaction-environment system-env])
(printf "compiling ~a ...\n" ifile)
(compile-file ifile ofile 'replace)))
(lambda (x)
(when (cadr x)
(compile-library (car x) (caddr x))))
(define (join s ls)
[(null? ls) ""]
(let ([str (open-output-string)])
(let f ([a (car ls)] [d (cdr ls)])
[(null? d)
(display a str)
(get-output-string str)]
(display a str)
(display s str)
(f (car d) (cdr d))])))]))
(format "cat ~a > ikarus.fasl"
(join " " (map caddr scheme-library-files))))

Binary file not shown.

src/ikarus.boot.back Normal file

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
(let ([hash-rtd (make-record-type '"hash-table" '(hash-vec count tc))])
;;; accessors
(define get-vec (record-field-accessor hash-rtd 0))
(define set-vec! (record-field-mutator hash-rtd 0))
(define get-count (record-field-accessor hash-rtd 1))
(define set-count! (record-field-mutator hash-rtd 1))
(define get-tc (record-field-accessor hash-rtd 2))
;;; implementation
;;; directly from Dybvig's paper
(define tc-pop
(lambda (tc)
(let ([x ($car tc)])
(if (eq? x ($cdr tc))
(let ([v ($car x)])
($set-car! tc ($cdr x))
($set-car! x #f)
($set-cdr! x #f)
(define inthash
(lambda (key)
;static int inthash(int key) { /* from Bob Jenkin's */
; key += ~(key << 15);
; key ^= (key >> 10);
; key += (key << 3);
; key ^= (key >> 6);
; key += ~(key << 11);
; key ^= (key >> 16);
; return key;
(let* ([key ($fx+ key ($fxlognot ($fxsll key 15)))]
[key ($fxlogxor key ($fxsra key 10))]
[key ($fx+ key ($fxsll key 3))]
[key ($fxlogxor key ($fxsra key 6))]
[key ($fx+ key ($fxlognot ($fxsll key 11)))]
[key ($fxlogxor key ($fxsra key 16))])
;;; assq-like lookup
(define direct-lookup
(lambda (x b)
(if (fixnum? b)
(if (eq? x ($tcbucket-key b))
(direct-lookup x ($tcbucket-next b))))))
(define rehash-lookup
(lambda (h tc x)
[(tc-pop tc) =>
(lambda (b)
(re-add! h b)
(if (eq? x ($tcbucket-key b))
(rehash-lookup h tc x)))]
[else #f])))
(define get-bucket-index
(lambda (b)
(let ([next ($tcbucket-next b)])
(if (fixnum? next)
(get-bucket-index next)))))
(define replace!
(lambda (lb x y)
(let ([n ($tcbucket-next lb)])
[(eq? n x)
($set-tcbucket-next! lb y)
(replace! n x y)]))))
(define re-add!
(lambda (h b)
(let ([vec (get-vec h)]
[next ($tcbucket-next b)])
;;; first remove it from its old place
(let ([idx
(if (fixnum? next)
(get-bucket-index next))])
(let ([fst ($vector-ref vec idx)])
[(eq? fst b)
($vector-set! vec idx next)]
(replace! fst b next)])))
;;; reset the tcbucket-tconc FIRST
($set-tcbucket-tconc! b (get-tc h))
;;; then add it to the new place
(let ([k ($tcbucket-key b)])
(let ([ih (inthash (pointer-value k))])
(let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))])
(let ([n ($vector-ref vec idx)])
($set-tcbucket-next! b n)
($vector-set! vec idx b)
(define get-hash
(lambda (h x v)
(let ([pv (pointer-value x)]
[vec (get-vec h)])
(let ([ih (inthash pv)])
(let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))])
(let ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)])
[(or (direct-lookup x b) (rehash-lookup h (get-tc h) x))
(lambda (b)
($tcbucket-val b))]
[else v])))))))
(define put-hash!
(lambda (h x v)
(let ([pv (pointer-value x)]
[vec (get-vec h)])
(let ([ih (inthash pv)])
(let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))])
(let ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)])
[(or (direct-lookup x b) (rehash-lookup h (get-tc h) x))
(lambda (b)
($set-tcbucket-val! b v)
(let ([bucket
($make-tcbucket (get-tc h) x v ($vector-ref vec idx))])
(if ($fx= (pointer-value x) pv)
($vector-set! vec idx bucket)
(let* ([ih (inthash (pointer-value x))]
($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))])
($set-tcbucket-next! bucket ($vector-ref vec idx))
($vector-set! vec idx bucket))))
(let ([ct (get-count h)])
(set-count! h ($fxadd1 ct))
(when ($fx> ct ($vector-length vec))
(enlarge-table h)))])))))))
(define insert-b
(lambda (b vec mask)
(let* ([x ($tcbucket-key b)]
[pv (pointer-value x)]
[ih (inthash pv)]
[idx ($fxlogand ih mask)]
[next ($tcbucket-next b)])
($set-tcbucket-next! b ($vector-ref vec idx))
($vector-set! vec idx b)
(unless (fixnum? next)
(insert-b next vec mask)))))
(define move-all
(lambda (vec1 i n vec2 mask)
(unless ($fx= i n)
(let ([b ($vector-ref vec1 i)])
(unless (fixnum? b)
(insert-b b vec2 mask))
(move-all vec1 ($fxadd1 i) n vec2 mask)))))
(define enlarge-table
(lambda (h)
(let* ([vec1 (get-vec h)]
[n1 ($vector-length vec1)]
[n2 ($fxsll n1 1)]
[vec2 (make-base-vec n2)])
(move-all vec1 0 n1 vec2 ($fx- n2 1))
(set-vec! h vec2))))
(define init-vec
(lambda (v i n)
(if ($fx= i n)
($vector-set! v i i)
(init-vec v ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define make-base-vec
(lambda (n)
(init-vec (make-vector n) 0 n)))
;;; public interface
(primitive-set! 'hash-table? (record-predicate hash-rtd))
(primitive-set! 'make-hash-table
(let ([make (record-constructor hash-rtd)])
(lambda ()
(let ([x (cons #f #f)])
(let ([tc (cons x x)])
(make (make-base-vec 32) 0 tc))))))
(primitive-set! 'get-hash-table
(lambda (h x v)
(if (hash-table? h)
(get-hash h x v)
(error 'get-hash-table "~s is not a hash table" h))))
(primitive-set! 'put-hash-table!
(lambda (h x v)
(if (hash-table? h)
(put-hash! h x v)
(error 'put-hash-table! "~s is not a hash table" h)))))

View File

@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
(let ()
(define char-whitespace?
(lambda (c)
(or ($char= #\space c)
(memq ($char->fixnum c) '(9 10 11 12 13)))))
(define delimiter?
(lambda (c)
(or (char-whitespace? c)
(memq c '(#\( #\) #\[ #\] #\' #\` #\, #\")))))
(define digit?
(lambda (c)
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
(define char->num
(lambda (c)
(fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0))))
(define initial?
(lambda (c)
(or (letter? c) (special-initial? c))))
(define letter?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z)))))
(define af?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\f))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\F)))))
(define af->num
(lambda (c)
(if (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\f))
(fx+ 10 (fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\a)))
(fx+ 10 (fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\A))))))
(define special-initial?
(lambda (c)
(memq c '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~))))
(define subsequent?
(lambda (c)
(or (initial? c) (digit? c) (special-subsequent? c))))
(define special-subsequent?
(lambda (c)
(memq c '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@))))
(define tokenize-number
(lambda (n p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) n]
[(digit? c)
(tokenize-number (fx+ (fx* n 10) (char->num c)) p)]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid number syntax: ~a~a" n c)]))))
(define tokenize-hex
(lambda (n p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) n]
[(digit? c)
(tokenize-hex (fx+ (fx* n 16) (char->num c)) p)]
[(af? c)
(tokenize-hex (fx+ (fx* n 16) (af->num c)) p)]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid hex number sequence: ~a~a" n c)]))))
(define tokenize-hex-init
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid #x near end of file")]
[(digit? c)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-hex (char->num c) p))]
[(af? c)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-hex (af->num c) p))]
[($char= c #\-)
(cons 'datum (fx- 0 (tokenize-hex 0 p)))]
[($char= c #\+)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-hex 0 p))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid number syntax: #x~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-identifier
(lambda (ls p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) ls]
[(subsequent? c)
(tokenize-identifier (cons c ls) p)]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid identifier syntax: ~a"
(list->string (reverse (cons c ls))))]))))
(define tokenize-string
(lambda (ls p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "end-of-file while inside a string")]
[($char= #\" c) ls]
[($char= #\\ c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[($char= #\" c) (tokenize-string (cons #\" ls) p)]
[($char= #\\ c) (tokenize-string (cons #\\ ls) p)]
[($char= #\n c) (tokenize-string (cons #\newline ls) p)]
[($char= #\t c) (tokenize-string (cons #\tab ls) p)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid string escape \\~a" c)]))]
(tokenize-string (cons c ls) p)]))))
(define skip-comment
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(unless (eof-object? c)
(let ([i ($char->fixnum c)])
(unless (or (fx= i 10) (fx= i 13))
(skip-comment p)))))))
(define tokenize-plus
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . +)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . +)]
[(digit? c)
(read-char p)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-number (char->num c) p))]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid sequence +~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-minus
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . -)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . -)]
[(digit? c)
(read-char p)
(cons 'datum (fx- 0 (tokenize-number (char->num c) p)))]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid sequence -~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-dot
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) 'dot]
[(delimiter? c) 'dot]
[($char= c #\.) ; this is second dot
(read-char p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax .. near end of file")]
[($char= c #\.) ; this is the third
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . ...)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . ...)]
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ...~a" c)]))]
(unread-char c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ..~a" c)]))]
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax .~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-char*
(lambda (i str p d)
[(fx= i (string-length str))
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) d]
[(delimiter? c) d]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid character after #\\~a" str)]))]
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof in the middle of #\\~a" str)]
[($char= c (string-ref str i))
(tokenize-char* (fxadd1 i) str p d)]
(error 'tokenize
"invalid char ~a while scanning #\\~a" c str)]))])))
(define tokenize-char-seq
(lambda (p str d)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (cons 'datum (string-ref str 0))]
[(delimiter? c) (cons 'datum (string-ref str 0))]
[($char= (string-ref str 1) c)
(read-char p)
(tokenize-char* 2 str p d)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #\\~a~a"
(string-ref str 0) c)]))))
(define tokenize-char
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid #\\ near end of file")]
[($char= #\s c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "space" '(datum . #\space))]
[($char= #\n c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "newline" '(datum . #\newline))]
[($char= #\t c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "tab" '(datum . #\tab))]
[($char= #\r c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "return" '(datum . #\return))]
(let ([n (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? n) (cons 'datum c)]
[(delimiter? n) (cons 'datum c)]
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #\\~a~a" c n)]))]))))
(define multiline-error
(lambda ()
(error 'tokenize
"end of file encountered while inside a #|-style comment")))
(define multiline-comment
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)]
[($char= #\| c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)]
[($char= #\# c) (void)]
[else (multiline-comment p)]))]
[($char= #\# c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)]
[($char= #\| c)
(multiline-comment p)
(multiline-comment p)]
(multiline-comment p)]))]
[else (multiline-comment p)]))))
(define read-binary
(lambda (ac chars p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) ac]
[($char= #\0 c) (read-binary (fxsll ac 1) (cons c chars) p)]
[($char= #\1 c) (read-binary (fx+ (fxsll ac 1) 1) (cons c chars) p)]
[(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) ac]
(unread-char c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #b~a"
(list->string (reverse (cons c chars))))]))))
(define tokenize-hash
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid # near end of file")]
[($char= c #\t)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . #t)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . #t)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #t")]))]
[($char= c #\f)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . #f)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . #f)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #f")]))]
[($char= #\\ c) (tokenize-char p)]
[($char= #\( c) 'vparen]
[($char= #\x c) (tokenize-hex-init p)]
[($char= #\' c) '(macro . syntax)]
[($char= #\; c) 'hash-semi]
[($char= #\% c) '(macro . |#primitive|)]
[($char= #\| c) (multiline-comment p) (tokenize p)]
[($char= #\b c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof while reading #b")]
[($char= #\- c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof while reading #b-")]
[($char= #\0 c)
(cons 'datum
(fx- 0 (read-binary 0 '(#\0 #\-) p)))]
[($char= #\1 c)
(cons 'datum
(fx- 0 (read-binary 1 '(#\1 #\-) p)))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid binary syntax #b-~a" c)]))]
[($char= #\0 c)
(cons 'datum (read-binary 0 '(#\0) p))]
[($char= #\1 c)
(cons 'datum (read-binary 1 '(#\1) p))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #b~a" c)]
[($char= #\! c)
(let ([e (read-char p)])
(when (eof-object? e)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof near #!"))
(unless ($char= #\e e)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!~a" e))
(let ([o (read-char p)])
(when (eof-object? o)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof near #!e"))
(unless ($char= #\o o)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!e~a" o))
(let ([f (read-char p)])
(when (eof-object? f)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!eo"))
(unless ($char= #\f f)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!eo~a" f))
(cons 'datum (eof-object)))))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-bar
(lambda (p ac)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "unexpected eof while reading symbol")]
[($char= #\\ c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "unexpected eof while reading symbol")]
[else (tokenize-bar p (cons c ac))]))]
[($char= #\| c) ac]
[else (tokenize-bar p (cons c ac))]))))
(define tokenize
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (eof-object)]
[(char-whitespace? c) (tokenize p)]
[($char= #\( c) 'lparen]
[($char= #\) c) 'rparen]
[($char= #\[ c) 'lbrack]
[($char= #\] c) 'rbrack]
[($char= #\' c) '(macro . quote)]
[($char= #\` c) '(macro . quasiquote)]
[($char= #\, c)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(macro . unquote)]
[($char= c #\@)
(read-char p)
'(macro . unquote-splicing)]
[else '(macro . unquote)]))]
[($char= #\# c) (tokenize-hash p)]
[(digit? c)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-number (char->num c) p))]
[(initial? c)
(let ([ls (reverse (tokenize-identifier (cons c '()) p))])
(cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))]
[($char= #\" c)
(let ([ls (tokenize-string '() p)])
(cons 'datum (list->string (reverse ls))))]
[($char= #\; c)
(skip-comment p)
(tokenize p)]
[($char= #\+ c)
(tokenize-plus p)]
[($char= #\- c)
(tokenize-minus p)]
[($char= #\. c)
(tokenize-dot p)]
[($char= #\| c)
(let ([ls (reverse (tokenize-bar p '()))])
(cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ~a" c)]))))
;;;--------------------------------------------------------------* READ *---
(define read-list-rest
(lambda (p end mis)
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eof-object? t)
(error 'read "end of file encountered while reading list")]
[(eq? t end) '()]
[(eq? t mis)
(error 'read "paren mismatch")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(let ([d (read p)])
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eq? t end) d]
[(eq? t mis)
(error 'read "paren mismatch")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(error 'read "cannot have two dots in a list")]
(error 'read "expecting ~a, got ~a" end t)])))]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(read p)
(read-list-rest p end mis)]
(let ([a (parse-token p t)])
(let ([d (read-list-rest p end mis)])
(cons a d)))]))))
(define read-list-init
(lambda (p end mis)
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eof-object? t)
(error 'read "end of file encountered while reading list")]
[(eq? t end) '()]
[(eq? t mis)
(error 'read "paren mismatch")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(error 'read "invalid dot while reading list")]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(read p)
(read-list-init p end mis)]
(let ([a (parse-token p t)])
(cons a (read-list-rest p end mis)))]))))
(define vector-put!
(lambda (v i ls)
[(null? ls) v]
(vector-set! v i (car ls))
(vector-put! v (fxsub1 i) (cdr ls))])))
(define read-vector
(lambda (p count ls)
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eof-object? t)
(error 'read "end of file encountered while reading a vector")]
[(eq? t 'rparen)
(let ([v (make-vector count)])
(vector-put! v (fxsub1 count) ls))]
[(eq? t 'rbrack)
(error 'read "unexpected ] while reading a vector")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(error 'read "unexpected . while reading a vector")]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(read p)
(read-vector p count ls)]
(let ([a (parse-token p t)])
(read-vector p (fxadd1 count) (cons a ls)))]))))
(define parse-token
(lambda (p t)
[(eof-object? t) (eof-object)]
[(eq? t 'lparen) (read-list-init p 'rparen 'rbrack)]
[(eq? t 'lbrack) (read-list-init p 'rbrack 'rparen)]
[(eq? t 'vparen) (read-vector p 0 '())]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(read p) ; ignored expression
(read p)]
[(pair? t)
[(eq? (car t) 'datum) (cdr t)]
[(eq? (car t) 'macro)
(cons (cdr t) (cons (read p) '()))]
[else (error 'read "invalid token! ~s" t)])]
(error 'read "unexpected ~s found" t)])))
(define read
(lambda (p) (parse-token p (read-token p))))
;;;--------------------------------------------------------------* INIT *---
(primitive-set! 'read-token
[() (tokenize (current-input-port))]
(if (input-port? p)
(tokenize p)
(error 'read-token "~s is not an input port" p))]))
(primitive-set! 'read
[() (read (current-input-port))]
(if (input-port? p)
(read p)
(error 'read "~s is not an input port" p))]))
(let ()
(define read-and-eval
(lambda (p)
(let ([x (read p)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(eval x)
(read-and-eval p)))))
(primitive-set! 'load
(lambda (x)
(unless (string? x)
(error 'load "~s is not a string" x))
(let ([p (open-input-file x)])
(read-and-eval p)
(close-input-port p)))))

View File

@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
(let ()
(define char-whitespace?
(lambda (c)
(or ($char= #\space c)
(memq ($char->fixnum c) '(9 10 11 12 13)))))
(define delimiter?
(lambda (c)
(or (char-whitespace? c)
(memq c '(#\( #\) #\[ #\] #\' #\` #\, #\")))))
(define digit?
(lambda (c)
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
(define char->num
(lambda (c)
(fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0))))
(define initial?
(lambda (c)
(or (letter? c) (special-initial? c))))
(define letter?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z)))))
(define af?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\f))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\F)))))
(define af->num
(lambda (c)
(if (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\f))
(fx+ 10 (fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\a)))
(fx+ 10 (fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\A))))))
(define special-initial?
(lambda (c)
(memq c '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~))))
(define subsequent?
(lambda (c)
(or (initial? c) (digit? c) (special-subsequent? c))))
(define special-subsequent?
(lambda (c)
(memq c '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@))))
(define tokenize-number
(lambda (n p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) n]
[(digit? c)
(tokenize-number (fx+ (fx* n 10) (char->num c)) p)]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid number syntax: ~a~a" n c)]))))
(define tokenize-hex
(lambda (n p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) n]
[(digit? c)
(tokenize-hex (fx+ (fx* n 16) (char->num c)) p)]
[(af? c)
(tokenize-hex (fx+ (fx* n 16) (af->num c)) p)]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid hex number sequence: ~a~a" n c)]))))
(define tokenize-hex-init
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid #x near end of file")]
[(digit? c)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-hex (char->num c) p))]
[(af? c)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-hex (af->num c) p))]
[($char= c #\-)
(cons 'datum (fx- 0 (tokenize-hex 0 p)))]
[($char= c #\+)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-hex 0 p))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid number syntax: #x~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-identifier
(lambda (ls p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) ls]
[(subsequent? c)
(tokenize-identifier (cons c ls) p)]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid identifier syntax: ~a"
(list->string (reverse (cons c ls))))]))))
(define tokenize-string
(lambda (ls p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "end-of-file while inside a string")]
[($char= #\" c) ls]
[($char= #\\ c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[($char= #\" c) (tokenize-string (cons #\" ls) p)]
[($char= #\\ c) (tokenize-string (cons #\\ ls) p)]
[($char= #\n c) (tokenize-string (cons #\newline ls) p)]
[($char= #\t c) (tokenize-string (cons #\tab ls) p)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid string escape \\~a" c)]))]
(tokenize-string (cons c ls) p)]))))
(define skip-comment
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(unless (eof-object? c)
(let ([i ($char->fixnum c)])
(unless (or (fx= i 10) (fx= i 13))
(skip-comment p)))))))
(define tokenize-plus
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . +)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . +)]
[(digit? c)
(read-char p)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-number (char->num c) p))]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid sequence +~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-minus
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . -)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . -)]
[(digit? c)
(read-char p)
(cons 'datum (fx- 0 (tokenize-number (char->num c) p)))]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid sequence -~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-dot
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) 'dot]
[(delimiter? c) 'dot]
[($char= c #\.) ; this is second dot
(read-char p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax .. near end of file")]
[($char= c #\.) ; this is the third
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . ...)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . ...)]
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ...~a" c)]))]
(unread-char c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ..~a" c)]))]
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax .~a" c)]))))
(define tokenize-char*
(lambda (i str p d)
[(fx= i (string-length str))
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) d]
[(delimiter? c) d]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid character after #\\~a" str)]))]
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof in the middle of #\\~a" str)]
[($char= c (string-ref str i))
(tokenize-char* (fxadd1 i) str p d)]
(error 'tokenize
"invalid char ~a while scanning #\\~a" c str)]))])))
(define tokenize-char-seq
(lambda (p str d)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (cons 'datum (string-ref str 0))]
[(delimiter? c) (cons 'datum (string-ref str 0))]
[($char= (string-ref str 1) c)
(read-char p)
(tokenize-char* 2 str p d)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #\\~a~a"
(string-ref str 0) c)]))))
(define tokenize-char
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid #\\ near end of file")]
[($char= #\s c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "space" '(datum . #\space))]
[($char= #\n c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "newline" '(datum . #\newline))]
[($char= #\t c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "tab" '(datum . #\tab))]
[($char= #\r c)
(tokenize-char-seq p "return" '(datum . #\return))]
(let ([n (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? n) (cons 'datum c)]
[(delimiter? n) (cons 'datum c)]
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #\\~a~a" c n)]))]))))
(define multiline-error
(lambda ()
(error 'tokenize
"end of file encountered while inside a #|-style comment")))
(define multiline-comment
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)]
[($char= #\| c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)]
[($char= #\# c) (void)]
[else (multiline-comment p)]))]
[($char= #\# c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (multiline-error)]
[($char= #\| c)
(multiline-comment p)
(multiline-comment p)]
(multiline-comment p)]))]
[else (multiline-comment p)]))))
(define read-binary
(lambda (ac chars p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) ac]
[($char= #\0 c) (read-binary (fxsll ac 1) (cons c chars) p)]
[($char= #\1 c) (read-binary (fx+ (fxsll ac 1) 1) (cons c chars) p)]
[(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) ac]
(unread-char c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #b~a"
(list->string (reverse (cons c chars))))]))))
(define tokenize-hash
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (error 'tokenize "invalid # near end of file")]
[($char= c #\t)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . #t)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . #t)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #t")]))]
[($char= c #\f)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . #f)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . #f)]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #f")]))]
[($char= #\\ c) (tokenize-char p)]
[($char= #\( c) 'vparen]
[($char= #\x c) (tokenize-hex-init p)]
[($char= #\' c) '(macro . syntax)]
[($char= #\; c) 'hash-semi]
[($char= #\% c) '(macro . |#primitive|)]
[($char= #\| c) (multiline-comment p) (tokenize p)]
[($char= #\b c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof while reading #b")]
[($char= #\- c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof while reading #b-")]
[($char= #\0 c)
(cons 'datum
(fx- 0 (read-binary 0 '(#\0 #\-) p)))]
[($char= #\1 c)
(cons 'datum
(fx- 0 (read-binary 1 '(#\1 #\-) p)))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid binary syntax #b-~a" c)]))]
[($char= #\0 c)
(cons 'datum (read-binary 0 '(#\0) p))]
[($char= #\1 c)
(cons 'datum (read-binary 1 '(#\1) p))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #b~a" c)]
[($char= #\! c)
(let ([e (read-char p)])
(when (eof-object? e)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof near #!"))
(unless ($char= #\e e)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!~a" e))
(let ([o (read-char p)])
(when (eof-object? o)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof near #!e"))
(unless ($char= #\o o)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!e~a" o))
(let ([f (read-char p)])
(when (eof-object? f)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!eo"))
(unless ($char= #\f f)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax near #!eo~a" f))
(cons 'datum (eof-object)))))]
[(digit? c)
(tokenize-hashnum p (char->num c))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #~a" c)]))))
(define (tokenize-hashnum p n)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof inside #n mark/ref")]
[($char= #\= c) (cons 'mark n)]
[($char= #\# c) (cons 'ref n)]
[(digit? c)
(tokenize-hashnum p (fx+ (fx* n 10) (char->num c)))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid char ~a while inside a #n mark/ref" c)])))
(define tokenize-bar
(lambda (p ac)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "unexpected eof while reading symbol")]
[($char= #\\ c)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "unexpected eof while reading symbol")]
[else (tokenize-bar p (cons c ac))]))]
[($char= #\| c) ac]
[else (tokenize-bar p (cons c ac))]))))
(define tokenize
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (eof-object)]
[(char-whitespace? c) (tokenize p)]
[($char= #\( c) 'lparen]
[($char= #\) c) 'rparen]
[($char= #\[ c) 'lbrack]
[($char= #\] c) 'rbrack]
[($char= #\' c) '(macro . quote)]
[($char= #\` c) '(macro . quasiquote)]
[($char= #\, c)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '(macro . unquote)]
[($char= c #\@)
(read-char p)
'(macro . unquote-splicing)]
[else '(macro . unquote)]))]
[($char= #\# c) (tokenize-hash p)]
[(digit? c)
(cons 'datum (tokenize-number (char->num c) p))]
[(initial? c)
(let ([ls (reverse (tokenize-identifier (cons c '()) p))])
(cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))]
[($char= #\" c)
(let ([ls (tokenize-string '() p)])
(cons 'datum (list->string (reverse ls))))]
[($char= #\; c)
(skip-comment p)
(tokenize p)]
[($char= #\+ c)
(tokenize-plus p)]
[($char= #\- c)
(tokenize-minus p)]
[($char= #\. c)
(tokenize-dot p)]
[($char= #\| c)
(let ([ls (reverse (tokenize-bar p '()))])
(cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ~a" c)]))))
;;;--------------------------------------------------------------* READ *---
(define read-list-rest
(lambda (p locs k end mis)
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eof-object? t)
(error 'read "end of file encountered while reading list")]
[(eq? t end) (values '() locs k)]
[(eq? t mis)
(error 'read "paren mismatch")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(let-values ([(d locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eq? t end) (values d locs k)]
[(eq? t mis)
(error 'read "paren mismatch")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(error 'read "cannot have two dots in a list")]
(error 'read "expecting ~a, got ~a" end t)])))]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(read-list-rest p locs k end mis))]
(let-values ([(a locs k) (parse-token p locs k t)])
(let-values ([(d locs k) (read-list-rest p locs k end mis)])
(let ([x (cons a d)])
(values x locs
(if (or (loc? a) (loc? d))
(extend-k-pair x k)
(define read-list-init
(lambda (p locs k end mis)
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eof-object? t)
(error 'read "end of file encountered while reading list")]
[(eq? t end) (values '() locs k)]
[(eq? t mis)
(error 'read "paren mismatch")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(error 'read "invalid dot while reading list")]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(read-list-init p locs k end mis))]
(let-values ([(a locs k) (parse-token p locs k t)])
(let-values ([(d locs k) (read-list-rest p locs k end mis)])
(let ([x (cons a d)])
(values x locs
(if (or (loc? a) (loc? d))
(extend-k-pair x k)
(define extend-k-pair
(lambda (x k)
(lambda ()
(let ([a (car x)])
(when (loc? a)
(set-car! x (loc-value a))))
(let ([d (cdr x)])
(when (loc? d)
(set-cdr! x (loc-value d))))
(define vector-put
(lambda (v k i ls)
[(null? ls) k]
(let ([a (car ls)])
(vector-set! v i a)
(vector-put v
(if (loc? a)
(lambda ()
(vector-set! v i (loc-value (vector-ref v i)))
(fxsub1 i) (cdr ls)))])))
(define read-vector
(lambda (p locs k count ls)
(let ([t (read-token p)])
[(eof-object? t)
(error 'read "end of file encountered while reading a vector")]
[(eq? t 'rparen)
(let ([v (make-vector count)])
(let ([k (vector-put v k (fxsub1 count) ls)])
(values v locs k)))]
[(eq? t 'rbrack)
(error 'read "unexpected ] while reading a vector")]
[(eq? t 'dot)
(error 'read "unexpected . while reading a vector")]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(read-vector p locs k count ls))]
(let-values ([(a locs k) (parse-token p locs k t)])
(read-vector p locs k (fxadd1 count) (cons a ls)))]))))
(define-record loc (value set?))
(define parse-token
(lambda (p locs k t)
[(eof-object? t) (values (eof-object) locs k)]
[(eq? t 'lparen) (read-list-init p locs k 'rparen 'rbrack)]
[(eq? t 'lbrack) (read-list-init p locs k 'rbrack 'rparen)]
[(eq? t 'vparen) (read-vector p locs k 0 '())]
[(eq? t 'hash-semi)
(let-values ([(ignored locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(read-expr p locs k))]
[(pair? t)
[(eq? (car t) 'datum) (values (cdr t) locs k)]
[(eq? (car t) 'macro)
(let-values ([(expr locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(let ([x (list expr)])
(values (cons (cdr t) x) locs
(if (loc? expr)
(lambda ()
(set-car! x (loc-value expr))
[(eq? (car t) 'mark)
(let ([n (cdr t)])
(let-values ([(expr locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
[(assq n locs) =>
(lambda (x)
(let ([loc (cdr x)])
(when (loc-set? loc)
(error 'read "duplicate mark ~s" n))
(set-loc-value! loc expr)
(set-loc-set?! loc #t)
(values expr locs k)))]
(let ([loc (make-loc expr #t)])
(let ([locs (cons (cons n loc) locs)])
(values expr locs k)))])))]
[(eq? (car t) 'ref)
(let ([n (cdr t)])
[(assq n locs) =>
(lambda (x)
(values (cdr x) locs k))]
(let ([loc (make-loc #f #f)])
(let ([locs (cons (cons n loc) locs)])
(values loc locs k)))]))]
[else (error 'read "invalid token! ~s" t)])]
(error 'read "unexpected ~s found" t)])))
(define read-expr
(lambda (p locs k)
(parse-token p locs k (read-token p))))
(define reduce-loc!
(lambda (x)
(let ([loc (cdr x)])
(unless (loc-set? loc)
(error 'read "referenced mark ~s not set" (car x)))
(when (loc? (loc-value loc))
(let f ([h loc] [t loc])
(if (loc? h)
(let ([h1 (loc-value h)])
(if (loc? h1)
(when (eq? h1 t)
(error 'read "circular marks"))
(let ([v (f (loc-value h1) (loc-value t))])
(set-loc-value! h1 v)
(set-loc-value! h v)
(set-loc-value! h h1)
(define read
(lambda (p)
(let-values ([(expr locs k) (read-expr p '() void)])
[(null? locs) expr]
(for-each reduce-loc! locs)
(if (loc? expr)
(loc-value expr)
;;;--------------------------------------------------------------* INIT *---
(primitive-set! 'read-token
[() (tokenize (current-input-port))]
(if (input-port? p)
(tokenize p)
(error 'read-token "~s is not an input port" p))]))
(primitive-set! 'read
[() (read (current-input-port))]
(if (input-port? p)
(read p)
(error 'read "~s is not an input port" p))]))
(let ()
(define read-and-eval
(lambda (p)
(let ([x (read p)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(eval x)
(read-and-eval p)))))
(primitive-set! 'load
(lambda (x)
(unless (string? x)
(error 'load "~s is not a string" x))
(let ([p (open-input-file x)])
(read-and-eval p)
(close-input-port p)))))

View File

@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
;;; 6.2: * added a printer for bwp-objects
;;; WRITER provides display and write.
(let ()
(define char-table ; first nonprintable chars
'#("nul" "soh" "stx" "etx" "eot" "enq" "ack" "bel" "bs" "tab" "newline"
"vt" "ff" "return" "so" "si" "dle" "dc1" "dc2" "dc3" "dc4" "nak"
"syn" "etb" "can" "em" "sub" "esc" "fs" "gs" "rs" "us" "space"))
(define write-character
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(let ([i ($char->fixnum x)])
(write-char #\# p)
[(fx< i (vector-length char-table))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* (vector-ref char-table i) p)]
[(fx< i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char x p)]
[(fx= i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* "del" p)]
(write-char #\+ p)
(write-fixnum i p)]))
(write-char x p))))
(define write-list
(lambda (x p m)
[(pair? x)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer (car x) p m)
(write-list (cdr x) p m)]
[(not (null? x))
(write-char #\space p)
(write-char #\. p)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer x p m)])))
(define write-vector
(lambda (x p m)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\( p)
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(when (fx> n 0)
(writer (vector-ref x 0) p m)
(letrec ([f
(lambda (i)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer (vector-ref x i) p m)
(f (fxadd1 i))))])
(f 1))))
(write-char #\) p)))
(define write-record
(lambda (x p m)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\[ p)
(writer (record-name x) p m)
(let ([n (record-length x)])
(letrec ([f
(lambda (i)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer (record-ref x i) p m)
(f (fxadd1 i))))])
(f 0)))
(write-char #\] p)))
(define initial?
(lambda (c)
(or (letter? c) (special-initial? c))))
(define letter?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z)))))
(define digit?
(lambda (c)
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
(define special-initial?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~))))
(define subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(or (initial? x)
(digit? x)
(special-subsequent? x))))
(define special-subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@))))
(define subsequent*?
(lambda (str i n)
(or ($fx= i n)
(and (subsequent? ($string-ref str i))
(subsequent*? str ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define valid-symbol-string?
(lambda (str)
(or (let ([n ($string-length str)])
(and ($fx>= n 1)
(initial? ($string-ref str 0))
(subsequent*? str 1 n)))
(string=? str "+")
(string=? str "-")
(string=? str "..."))))
(define write-symbol-esc-loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless ($fx= i n)
(let ([c ($string-ref x i)])
(when (memq c '(#\\ #\|))
(write-char #\\ p))
(write-char c p))
(write-symbol-esc-loop x ($fxadd1 i) n p))))
(define write-symbol-esc
(lambda (x p)
(write-char #\| p)
(write-symbol-esc-loop x 0 ($string-length x) p)
(write-char #\| p)))
(define write-symbol
(lambda (x p m)
(let ([str (symbol->string x)])
(if m
(if (valid-symbol-string? str)
(write-char* str p)
(write-symbol-esc str p))
(write-char* str p)))))
(define write-gensym
(lambda (x p m)
[(and m (print-gensym))
(let ([str (symbol->string x)])
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\{ p)
(if (valid-symbol-string? str)
(write-char* str p)
(write-symbol-esc str p))
(write-char #\space p)
(write-symbol-esc (gensym->unique-string x) p)
(write-char #\} p))]
[else (write-symbol x p m)])))
(define write-string-escape
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(or ($char= #\" c) ($char= #\\ c))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char c p)]
[($char= #\tab c)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char #\t p)]
(write-char c p)]))
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(write-char #\" p)
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)
(write-char #\" p)))
(define write-string
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(write-string-escape x p)
(write-char* x p))))
(define write-fixnum
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x p)
(unless (fxzero? x)
(loop (fxquotient x 10) p)
($fx+ (fxremainder x 10)
($char->fixnum #\0)))
[(fxzero? x) (write-char #\0 p)]
[(fx< x 0)
(write-char #\- p)
(if (fx= x -536870912)
(write-char* "536870912" p)
(loop (fx- 0 x) p))]
[else (loop x p)])))
(define write-char*
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char (string-ref x i) p)
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)))
(define macro
(lambda (x)
(define macro-forms
'([quote . "'"]
[quasiquote . "`"]
[unquote . ","]
[unquote-splicing . ",@"]
[syntax . "#'"]
[|#primitive| . "#%"]))
(and (pair? x)
(let ([d ($cdr x)])
(and (pair? d)
(null? ($cdr d))))
(assq ($car x) macro-forms))))
(define writer
(lambda (x p m)
[(macro x) =>
(lambda (y)
(write-char* (cdr y) p)
(writer (cadr x) p m))]
[(pair? x)
(write-char #\( p)
(writer (car x) p m)
(write-list (cdr x) p m)
(write-char #\) p)]
[(symbol? x)
(if (gensym? x)
(write-gensym x p m)
(write-symbol x p m))]
[(fixnum? x)
(write-fixnum x p)]
[(string? x)
(write-string x p m)]
[(boolean? x)
(write-char* (if x "#t" "#f") p)]
[(char? x)
(write-character x p m)]
[(procedure? x)
(write-char* "#<procedure>" p)]
[(output-port? x)
(write-char* "#<output-port " p)
(writer (output-port-name x) p #t)
(write-char #\> p)]
[(input-port? x)
(write-char* "#<input-port " p)
(writer (input-port-name x) p #t)
(write-char #\> p)]
[(vector? x)
(write-vector x p m)]
[(null? x)
(write-char #\( p)
(write-char #\) p)]
[(eq? x (void))
(write-char* "#<void>" p)]
[(eof-object? x)
(write-char* "#!eof" p)]
[(bwp-object? x)
(write-char* "#!bwp" p)]
[(record? x)
(let ([printer (record-printer x)])
(if (procedure? printer)
(printer x p)
(write-record x p m)))]
;[(code? x)
; (write-char* "#<code>" p)]
[(hash-table? x)
(write-char* "#<hash-table>" p)]
[($unbound-object? x)
(write-char* "#<unbound-object>" p)]
[($forward-ptr? x)
(write-char* "#<forward-ptr>" p)]
(write-char* "#<unknown>" p)])))
(define (write x p)
(writer x p #t)
(flush-output-port p))
(define (display x p)
(writer x p #f)
(flush-output-port p))
(define formatter
(lambda (who p fmt args)
(let f ([i 0] [args args])
(unless (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[($char= c #\~)
(let ([i (fxadd1 i)])
(when (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(error who "invalid ~~ at end of format string ~s" fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[($char= c #\~)
(write-char #\~ p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]
[($char= c #\a)
(when (null? args)
(error who "insufficient arguments"))
(display (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
[($char= c #\s)
(when (null? args)
(error who "insufficient arguments"))
(write (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
(error who "invalid sequence ~~~a" c)])))]
(write-char c p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]))))))
(define fprintf
(lambda (port fmt . args)
(unless (output-port? port)
(error 'fprintf "~s is not an output port" port))
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'fprintf "~s is not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'fprintf port fmt args)))
(define printf
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'printf "~s is not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'printf (current-output-port) fmt args)))
(define format
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'format "~s is not a string" fmt))
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(formatter 'format p fmt args)
(get-output-string p))))
(define print-error
(lambda (who fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'print-error "~s is not a string" fmt))
(let ([p (standard-error-port)])
(if who
(fprintf p "Error in ~a: " who)
(fprintf p "Error: "))
(formatter 'print-error p fmt args)
(write-char #\. p)
(newline p))))
(primitive-set! 'format format)
(primitive-set! 'printf printf)
(primitive-set! 'fprintf fprintf)
(primitive-set! 'write
[(x) (write x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'write "~s is not an output port" p))
(write x p)]))
(primitive-set! 'display
[(x) (display x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'display "~s is not an output port" p))
(display x p)]))
(primitive-set! 'print-error print-error)
(primitive-set! 'current-error-handler
(lambda args
(apply print-error args)
(display "exiting\n" (console-output-port))
(flush-output-port (console-output-port))
(exit -100))
(lambda (x)
(if (procedure? x)
(error 'current-error-handler "~s is not a procedure" x)))))
(primitive-set! 'error
(lambda args
(apply (current-error-handler) args))))

View File

@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
;;; 6.2: * added a printer for bwp-objects
;;; WRITER provides display and write.
(let ()
(define char-table ; first nonprintable chars
'#("nul" "soh" "stx" "etx" "eot" "enq" "ack" "bel" "bs" "tab" "newline"
"vt" "ff" "return" "so" "si" "dle" "dc1" "dc2" "dc3" "dc4" "nak"
"syn" "etb" "can" "em" "sub" "esc" "fs" "gs" "rs" "us" "space"))
(define write-character
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(let ([i ($char->fixnum x)])
(write-char #\# p)
[(fx< i (vector-length char-table))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* (vector-ref char-table i) p)]
[(fx< i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char x p)]
[(fx= i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* "del" p)]
(write-char #\+ p)
(write-fixnum i p)]))
(write-char x p))))
(define write-list
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(and (pair? x)
(or (not (get-hash-table h x #f))
(fxzero? (get-hash-table h x 0))))
(write-char #\space p)
(write-list (cdr x) p m h
(writer (car x) p m h i))]
[(null? x) i]
(write-char #\space p)
(write-char #\. p)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer x p m h i)])))
(define write-vector
(lambda (x p m h i)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\( p)
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(let ([i
[(fx> n 0)
(let f ([idx 1] [i (writer (vector-ref x 0) p m h i)])
[(fx= idx n)
(write-char #\space p)
(f (fxadd1 idx)
(writer (vector-ref x idx) p m h i))]))]
[else i])])
(write-char #\) p)
(define write-record
(lambda (x p m h i)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\[ p)
(let ([i (writer (record-name x) p m h i)])
(let ([n (record-length x)])
(let f ([idx 0] [i i])
[(fx= idx n)
(write-char #\] p)
(write-char #\space p)
(f (fxadd1 idx)
(writer (record-ref x idx) p m h i))]))))))
(define initial?
(lambda (c)
(or (letter? c) (special-initial? c))))
(define letter?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z)))))
(define digit?
(lambda (c)
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
(define special-initial?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~))))
(define subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(or (initial? x)
(digit? x)
(special-subsequent? x))))
(define special-subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@))))
(define subsequent*?
(lambda (str i n)
(or ($fx= i n)
(and (subsequent? ($string-ref str i))
(subsequent*? str ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define valid-symbol-string?
(lambda (str)
(or (let ([n ($string-length str)])
(and ($fx>= n 1)
(initial? ($string-ref str 0))
(subsequent*? str 1 n)))
(string=? str "+")
(string=? str "-")
(string=? str "..."))))
(define write-symbol-esc-loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless ($fx= i n)
(let ([c ($string-ref x i)])
(when (memq c '(#\\ #\|))
(write-char #\\ p))
(write-char c p))
(write-symbol-esc-loop x ($fxadd1 i) n p))))
(define write-symbol-esc
(lambda (x p)
(write-char #\| p)
(write-symbol-esc-loop x 0 ($string-length x) p)
(write-char #\| p)))
(define write-symbol
(lambda (x p m)
(let ([str (symbol->string x)])
(if m
(if (valid-symbol-string? str)
(write-char* str p)
(write-symbol-esc str p))
(write-char* str p)))))
(define write-gensym
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(and m (print-gensym))
(let ([str (symbol->string x)])
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\{ p)
(if (valid-symbol-string? str)
(write-char* str p)
(write-symbol-esc str p))
(write-char #\space p)
(write-symbol-esc (gensym->unique-string x) p)
(write-char #\} p))
(write-symbol x p m)
(define write-string-escape
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(or ($char= #\" c) ($char= #\\ c))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char c p)]
[($char= #\tab c)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char #\t p)]
(write-char c p)]))
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(write-char #\" p)
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)
(write-char #\" p)))
(define write-string
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(write-string-escape x p)
(write-char* x p))))
(define write-fixnum
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x p)
(unless (fxzero? x)
(loop (fxquotient x 10) p)
($fx+ (fxremainder x 10)
($char->fixnum #\0)))
[(fxzero? x) (write-char #\0 p)]
[(fx< x 0)
(write-char #\- p)
(if (fx= x -536870912)
(write-char* "536870912" p)
(loop (fx- 0 x) p))]
[else (loop x p)])))
(define write-char*
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char (string-ref x i) p)
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)))
(define macro
(lambda (x)
(define macro-forms
'([quote . "'"]
[quasiquote . "`"]
[unquote . ","]
[unquote-splicing . ",@"]
[syntax . "#'"]
[|#primitive| . "#%"]))
(and (pair? x)
(let ([d ($cdr x)])
(and (pair? d)
(null? ($cdr d))))
(assq ($car x) macro-forms))))
(define write-pair
(lambda (x p m h i)
(write-char #\( p)
(let ([i (writer (car x) p m h i)])
(let ([i (write-list (cdr x) p m h i)])
(write-char #\) p)
(define write-ref
(lambda (n p)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-fixnum (fx- -1 n) p)
(write-char #\# p)))
(define write-mark
(lambda (n p)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-fixnum (fx- -1 n) p)
(write-char #\= p)))
(define write-shareable
(lambda (x p m h i k)
[(get-hash-table h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
[(fx< n 0)
(write-ref n p)
[(fx= n 0)
(k x p m h i)]
(let ([i (fx- i 1)])
(put-hash-table! h x i)
(write-mark i p)
(k x p m h i))]))]
[else (k x p m h i)])))
(define writer
(lambda (x p m h i)
[(pair? x)
(write-shareable x p m h i write-pair)]
[(symbol? x)
(if (gensym? x)
(write-gensym x p m h i)
(begin (write-symbol x p m) i))]
[(fixnum? x)
(write-fixnum x p)
[(string? x)
(write-string x p m)
[(boolean? x)
(write-char* (if x "#t" "#f") p)
[(char? x)
(write-character x p m)
[(procedure? x)
(write-char* "#<procedure>" p)
[(output-port? x)
(write-char* "#<output-port " p)
(let ([i (writer (output-port-name x) p #t h i)])
(write-char #\> p)
[(input-port? x)
(write-char* "#<input-port " p)
(let ([i (writer (input-port-name x) p #t h i)])
(write-char #\> p)
[(vector? x)
(write-shareable x p m h i write-vector)]
[(null? x)
(write-char #\( p)
(write-char #\) p)
[(eq? x (void))
(write-char* "#<void>" p)
[(eof-object? x)
(write-char* "#!eof" p)
[(bwp-object? x)
(write-char* "#!bwp" p)
[(record? x)
(let ([printer (record-printer x)])
(if (procedure? printer)
(begin (printer x p) i)
(write-shareable x p m h i write-record)))]
;[(code? x)
; (write-char* "#<code>" p)]
[(hash-table? x)
(write-char* "#<hash-table>" p)
[($unbound-object? x)
(write-char* "#<unbound-object>" p)
[($forward-ptr? x)
(write-char* "#<forward-ptr>" p)
(write-char* "#<unknown>" p)
(define print-graph (make-parameter #f))
(define (hasher x h)
(define (vec-graph x i j h)
(unless (fx= i j)
(graph (vector-ref x i) h)
(vec-graph x (fxadd1 i) j h)))
(define (vec-dynamic x i j h)
(unless (fx= i j)
(dynamic (vector-ref x i) h)
(vec-dynamic x (fxadd1 i) j h)))
(define (graph x h)
[(pair? x)
[(get-hash-table h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(put-hash-table! h x 0)
(graph (car x) h)
(graph (cdr x) h)])]
[(vector? x)
[(get-hash-table h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(put-hash-table! h x 0)
(vec-graph x 0 (vector-length x) h)])]
[(gensym? x)
[(get-hash-table h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))])]))
(define (dynamic x h)
[(pair? x)
[(get-hash-table h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(put-hash-table! h x 0)
(dynamic (car x) h)
(dynamic (cdr x) h)
(when (and (get-hash-table h x #f)
(fxzero? (get-hash-table h x #f)))
(put-hash-table! h x #f))])]
[(vector? x)
[(get-hash-table h x #f) =>
(lambda (n)
(put-hash-table! h x (fxadd1 n)))]
(put-hash-table! h x 0)
(vec-dynamic x 0 (vector-length x) h)
(when (and (get-hash-table h x #f)
(fxzero? (get-hash-table h x #f)))
(put-hash-table! h x #f))])]))
(if (print-graph)
(graph x h)
(dynamic x h)))
(define (write x p)
(let ([h (make-hash-table)])
(hasher x h)
(writer x p #t h 0))
(flush-output-port p))
(define (display x p)
(let ([h (make-hash-table)])
(hasher x h)
(writer x p #f h 0))
(flush-output-port p))
(define formatter
(lambda (who p fmt args)
(let f ([i 0] [args args])
(unless (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[($char= c #\~)
(let ([i (fxadd1 i)])
(when (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(error who "invalid ~~ at end of format string ~s" fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[($char= c #\~)
(write-char #\~ p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]
[($char= c #\a)
(when (null? args)
(error who "insufficient arguments"))
(display (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
[($char= c #\s)
(when (null? args)
(error who "insufficient arguments"))
(write (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
(error who "invalid sequence ~~~a" c)])))]
(write-char c p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]))))))
(define fprintf
(lambda (port fmt . args)
(unless (output-port? port)
(error 'fprintf "~s is not an output port" port))
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'fprintf "~s is not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'fprintf port fmt args)))
(define printf
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'printf "~s is not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'printf (current-output-port) fmt args)))
(define format
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'format "~s is not a string" fmt))
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(formatter 'format p fmt args)
(get-output-string p))))
(define print-error
(lambda (who fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'print-error "~s is not a string" fmt))
(let ([p (standard-error-port)])
(if who
(fprintf p "Error in ~a: " who)
(fprintf p "Error: "))
(formatter 'print-error p fmt args)
(write-char #\. p)
(newline p))))
(primitive-set! 'format format)
(primitive-set! 'printf printf)
(primitive-set! 'fprintf fprintf)
(primitive-set! 'print-graph print-graph)
(primitive-set! 'write
[(x) (write x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'write "~s is not an output port" p))
(write x p)]))
(primitive-set! 'display
[(x) (display x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'display "~s is not an output port" p))
(display x p)]))
(primitive-set! 'print-error print-error)
(primitive-set! 'current-error-handler
(lambda args
(apply print-error args)
(display "exiting\n" (console-output-port))
(flush-output-port (console-output-port))
(exit -100))
(lambda (x)
(if (procedure? x)
(error 'current-error-handler "~s is not a procedure" x)))))
(primitive-set! 'error
(lambda args
(apply (current-error-handler) args))))

View File

@ -241,27 +241,27 @@
(whack-system-env #t)
(define scheme-library-files
'(["" #t "libhandlers.fasl"]
["" #t "libcontrol.fasl"]
["" #t "libcollect.fasl"]
["" #t "librecord.fasl"]
["" #t "libcxr.fasl"]
["" #t "libnumerics.fasl"]
["" #t "libcore.fasl"]
["" #t "libchezio.fasl"]
["" #t "libhash.fasl"]
["" #t "libwriter.fasl"]
["" #t "libtokenizer.fasl"]
["" #t "libassembler.fasl"]
["" #t "libintelasm.fasl"]
["" #t "libfasl.fasl"]
["" #t "libcompile.fasl"]
["" #t "psyntax.fasl"]
["" #t "libinterpret.fasl"]
["" #t "libcafe.fasl"]
["" #t "libtrace.fasl"]
["" #t "libposix.fasl"]
["" #t "libtoplevel.fasl"]
'(["" #t "libhandlers.fasl"]
["" #t "libcontrol.fasl"]
["" #t "libcollect.fasl"]
["" #t "librecord.fasl"]
["" #t "libcxr.fasl"]
["" #t "libnumerics.fasl"]
["" #t "libcore.fasl"]
["" #t "libchezio.fasl"]
["" #t "libhash.fasl"]
["" #t "libwriter.fasl"]
["" #t "libtokenizer.fasl"]
["" #t "libassembler.fasl"]
["" #t "libintelasm.fasl"]
["" #t "libfasl.fasl"]
["" #t "libcompile.fasl"]
["" #t "psyntax.fasl"]
["" #t "libinterpret.fasl"]
["" #t "libcafe.fasl"]
["" #t "libtrace.fasl"]
["" #t "libposix.fasl"]
["" #t "libtoplevel.fasl"]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff